Newsletter 374

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  • 7/30/2019 Newsletter 374



    The Citizen Newsletter

    The Conserv at ive Vo ice o f Henry Coun t y

    In This Issue:

    Page Feature

    1 Ben Franklins Warning

    2 Obama Wins 2nd Term2 $6 Billion Later 3 Henry PD Asks Your Help4 Amendment 1 Wins Approval4-5 Henry County Elections6 Your Voices7 The Citizens View7 Henry Community Coalition8 Boehner Puts Tax Hikes on Table

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    Issue # 374 November 8, 2012

    Wit h Your Help, the Henry Count yPolice Departm ent W ants to Recreat

    the Past

    See Page 2

    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S WARNINGthas soon as people learn they can vote themselvmoney from the treasury, it will signal the end our republic.

    This warning resonates again and again as wewatch our freedoms dissipate under the currenadministration and its ruthless treatment of ourethical framework, and our laws. People oftenwonder, sometime piously, how it is that tyrannoccurs.

    We like to think the populations victimized weresomehow less savvy, more gullible, or asleep atthe wheel. We think ourselves better somehow

    and that it could never happen here. Everygeneration that has fallen to tyranny has believthe same comforting fable. They only learn thathey, too, were susceptible to tyranny when it itoo late.

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    Barack Obama wins election for second term as president

    President Barack Obama handily defeated Gov. Mitt Romney and won himself a second term on Tuesdayafter a bitter and historically expensive race that was primarily fought in just a handful of battlegroundstates. Obama beat Romney after nabbing almost every one of the 12 crucial battleground states.ackObama wins election for second term as president

    In a sweeping victory speech early Wednesday morning, Obama thanked every American who voted, an

    vowed to work with leaders from both parties to tackle the country's challenges.

    "Our economy is recovering, a decade of war is ending, a long campaign is now over," he told a crowd ocheering supporters in Chicago. "And whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I havelearned from you and you have made me a better president." Obama added he has "never been morehopeful about America. ... We're not as divided as our politics suggest. We remain more than a collectioof blue states and red states."

    Romney conceded in Boston in a speech around 1 a.m. ET. "Like so many of you, Paul [Ryan] and I havleft everything on the field. We have given our all to this campaign," Romney said. "I so wish that I hadbeen able to fulfill your hopes to lead your country in another direction. But the nation chose another

    leader." Romney congratulated the president and his campaign on their victory.

    $6 billi on later, Americans voted for t he st atus quo.

    Republicans will keep the House. Democrats will keep the Senate. Obama will keep the White House.

    The Obama campaign ran a very good campaign. The Republicans did not. There was no fraud. There w

    no stealing the election. There was just a really good ground game from Barack Obama.

    There will be a lot of blame to go around, but, if Republicans are honest, theyll have to concede that theRomney campaign ran a bad campaign and only almost won because the President had a bad debate.Romney could not even win his home state, his second home state, or his vacation home state.

    Whether you can bring yourself to say it or not, like it or not, Barack Obama, today, is your President.

    As for you conservatives who are convinced today that suddenly we are a socialist nation, sober up andpay attention: the next two years are going to be some of the most impactful and fun years in the

    conservative movement. Republicans who, overnight, were screaming about the country headed towardsocialism are, if we are honest, not yet deprogrammed from defending Mitt Romney. The Romneycampaign, truth be told, has been pathetic at defining a real, right-of-center alternative to Barack Obam

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    With Your Help, the Henry Count y Police Departm entWant s to Recreate th e Past

    The current Henry County Police Department was formed in 1991 as a response toexplosive population growth that only recently abated with the economic downshiftthe past few years. Although growth has slowed, interest in the origins of policing i

    the county have increased to such a level that the police department has decided toset out on a journey of self-discovery. With the help of citizens, the Henry County Police Department wato recreate the past.

    Not to be confused with the Henry County Sheriff, who has done an excellent job of researching anddocumenting the history of that elected office in Henry County (CLI CK HERE), the Henry County PoliceDepartment is looking for help in preparing a timeline of its history prior to 1991. Early badges and patchfrom retired officers and families have surfaced that hint at an existence in the 1960s and prior to mid-century. Artifacts and anecdotal evidence suggest that the county police department may have existed insome embodiment as early as the 1940s or before. However, information is sparse and research throughthe countys own documents is limited to 1991 and later.

    The Henry County Police Department is requesting the assistance of local residents, many of whom havelived here for a lifetime, who have personal ties to, or relics from, a bygone era that could find a showcain this endeavor. Photographs, agency public information releases, print newspaper articles, names, dateand photos of the chiefs of Police, badges, patches, uniforms, training certificates, commendations and tlike, earned by early department members are all being sought by the Department. The goal is toformulate a timeline of official police enforcement in Henry County, outside of the Sheriff and municipalagencies.

    In addition to tangible records, the Department seeks personal or civic stories prior to 1991 involving an

    command staff, patrolmen, detectives, and other personnel, precincts, incidents, cases, trials, promotionliaisons, meetings, and contracts, and any activities of the many who served our county by wearing theuniform of the Henry County Police Department under that name, or any other. Coupled with the artifactof the era(s), these oral histories can help illustrate a compelling cross-section of the historical and sociafabric of Henry County through the guise of the Henry County Police Department.

    If you are able to assist the Department in this project and/or would like more information, please contaeither Major Mark Amerman at [email protected] or (770) 288-8277 or Researcher KimberlyMonast at [email protected] or (770) 288-8133. Please DO NOT send unsolicited tangiblematerials without contacting us so that we may protect and be accountable stewards of your property.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Charter Schools Amendment Glides to Victory

    Georgias Constitutional Amendment 1 passed by a comfortable margin Tuesday. It will re-establish a stacommission that can approve and fund charter schools over the objections of local school boards.

    The amendment passed even in some parts of

    Georgia where it was not expected to do well.

    Supporters, by contrast, argued that the measurewould expand the opportunities for school choice fthe states students and their families. And that wathe perspective that seemed to prevail for themajority of voters around the state, including

    Atlantas Chase Jackson.

    "I voted yes, because Im the product of a charter school, and I think theyre a great opportunity for mokids," Jackson says. "I think its all about the kids, either way it goes."

    The pro-amendment campaign focused its efforts on metro Atlanta, but the amendment exceeded itssupporters expectations outside of the city as well, including in Bibb, Richmond and Chatham Counties.The charter school lobby heavily outspent the amendments opponents, and the amendments passagewas also likely aided by ballot language that opponents argued was written to encourage yes votes.

    The Citizens View: In our experience there is a difference between "teachers" and educators. Still, thosecharged with educating our children are not, and never were the problem. It is the system of monopoly tiedintrinsically to the flow of federal and state dollars that dictate policy, curriculum and outcomes. Givenopportunity for competition and parental choices, the whole of Education will benefit.


    Henry County voters chose Tommy Smith as the new CommissionChairman for 2013 Tuesday. Smith, a former mayor of Hampton, defeateChairman Elizabeth B.J.Mathis in the Republican primary. Smith ran for

    office on a platform that highlighted a commitment to public-safety workein Henry County.

    BO MOSS (R) 9339 59.17%JAMES C. MAYS (D) 6421 40.68%

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    BRIAN PRESTON (I) R 9762 53.90%J. ANDERSON-WOODS (D 8338 46.04%

    Republican businessman Wil l iam J. Bo Moss defeated attorney James C. Mays, a Democrat, trepresent Commission District I. Moss got 9,339 votes, or 59.17 percent, while Mays received 6,4or 40.68 percent.

    GOP District II Commissioner Brian Preston, an accountant, defeated Democrat businesswomanJackie Anderson-Woods to retain his seat on the BOC. Preston received 9,762 votes, or 53.9percent, and Anderson-Woods got 8,338, or 46.04 percent.

    In District III, Republican Gary Barham , former public works director for the City of McDonoughwas unopposed in his general election bid. He will be sworn in to serve on the commission inJanuary with Smith, Moss and Preston.

    Br ian St r ick l and: STATE HOUSE 1 1 1

    McDonough Char t e r

    Re fe rendu m Fa i l sMcDONOUGH An attempt to rewrite the charter that outlines the foof city government in McDonough failed Tuesday, while Sandra Vincenwon a special election for the District 2 seat on city council.

    Voters were asked whether they wanted to amend the city charter to transfer the existing administrativepowers and duties of the mayor to the city administrator and provide for the powers and duties of the ciadministrator.

    BRIAN STRICKLAND (R) 13054 52.99%

    BILL BLACKMON (D) 11570 46.97%

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    Your VoicesOn social media


    You got to love political pundits that talk about the mandate this election just put on Washington.Let's see 100% of the house members just got re-elected. And for all who insist on our being ademocracy, 60% said government should be smaller and 65% said we should not raise taxes. As

    long as Obama pays attention to the "mandate" I'm Good with the election results.


    That's the way it goes. I voted for a man I didn't want to vote for to cancel out a vote for a man Ididn't want to win....what good did that do? I feel I let myself down when I had the opportunity tcast a vote of protest against them both....I'm just venting.


    A very sad day for America. I am sure those who love Socialism are rejoicing.


    Its unfortunate that the state of Georgia doesn't exist in a vacuum. Because GEORGIANS had agreat night, educational choice and freedom won, Romney/Ryan won, Hunter Hill won in the mosimportant state senate district in the house, and we have a GOP legislature that now has the toolsto put Georgia at the top of the list as the best place in the USA for companies to found/expandtheir businesses.


    For the first time in my adult life ... I'm scared for my child's future. I suddenly wished that I neve

    studied history economics and political science for all those years.

    I thought NEWT GINGRICH was our best choice and I'll admit that Romney wasn't my first choicebut, what I witnessed here tonight was that it didn't matter if we had nominated the Pope he wouhave lost to the Chicago political machine that allows a President to hug our enemies and snub ouallies.


    Tonight we mourn; tomorrow we fight. That's what we do. We are Americans. Our country hassurvived far worse crises and we will survive Obama. In the words of Captain Lloyd Williams, USM

    - "Retreat, hell we just got here!

  • 7/30/2019 Newsletter 374



    Ten Commandments Judge Roy Moore Restored

    to Chief Justice of Alabama Supreme Court

    Roy Moore, also known as the Ten Commandments judge, edged out hisDemocratic opponent Tuesday to win back his seat as Chief Justice of the

    Alabama Supreme Court.

    Moore won by a vote of 52 to 48 percent, garnering just under 100,000 more

    votes than Democrat opponent Bob Vance.

    The Cit izen s View

    We are Americans. We will survive because that is what we do. Political parties and the cults of personaare not America. America is the still the last, best hope in a world of chaos. Our founding principles - thegreat experiment in Liberty and Freedom will end only when we resign to its demise.

    We have not survived The New Deal because we are still paying for FDR's legacy. Call it Stimulus orWelfare or whatever, the intrusion of government into our private lives and private industry is socialism.

    The 47% and their sympathizers figured it out. Not only the poor among us, but all classes have learnedthey can vote themselves a share of the public treasury. We have an ample supply of politicians who alsknow the perks, profits and benefits of pandering to that segment of our society. Yes, we have a Republ- if only we will resolve to keep it.

    They say all politics is local..... We are the same people we were one day ago, one week ago. HenryCounty is our home and we will survive this national election.

    Mike Lustri said,Henry County has some very good and wise people. In the end, it is about doing whatright. We got it all together; and together we got it all! We'll get 'er done!!!

    The meaning in our political lives stopped being about Democrat or Republican a long time ago. Focusmust be held on quality of life and principles. We must never forget we are Americans with differing ideaabout which roads to travel, but we are all going to the same destination.... a country where liberty andfreedom are more than rhetoric.

    Henry Communit y Coalit ion, I nc. To preserve, protect and promote a

    diverse and sustainable community by participating in governmental processes,communication with our elected officials, and supporting open government.

    You are invited to our next meeting on Monday, November 12. Meetingstart s at 6: 30pm at Fairview Element ary School, 458 Fairview Road,St ockbridge, GA. Phone: 770-474 -8265

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    Roger's BBQ in Hogansville, Georgia

    "A Southern Tr adition Since 1945"What's On The Menu for Thanksgiving?

    Holiday Or ders: Let us cook your Thanksgiving and Chr ist mas meal f or you! You j ust enj oy your



    Deadlines coming soon t o order your Thanksgiving smoked t urkey and hams, plus dressing, st ew,

    veget ables, casseroles and dessert

    What's New?Home cooked Casseroles & Desser t s

    Roger ' s BBQ in Hogansvil le is now providing a large var iet y of casser oles t hat our wonder f ul cooks

    have creat ed f or you.

    Wi t h all of our busy lives, we do not always have t ime t o cook f or our f amily or f r iends, special

    occasions, chur ch, f unerals, r eunions, et c. But we want t o t ake somet hing special t o t hese f olks. So

    we have made some special casseroles and desser t s f or you.

    Our casseroles are Poppy Seed Chicken, Creamy Veget able, Squash, Broccoli, Green Bean,

    Potat o, Creamy Corn, Sweet Potat o, Macaroni and Cheese, plus we have desser t s t oo. Desser

    are Banana Pudding cooked t o or der , Peach Cobbler , Cr eam Cheese Brownies, and Lemon Bars

    Casser oles and dessert s ar e f r ozen, r eady f or you t o t haw and bake except f or Homemade Banana


    Check out our order form. CASSEROLE ORDERFORM. We can prepare larger orders for parties or corporateevents. Just give us a call.

    What's Happening?

    Standing Rock Red Barn Auction on November 24, 2012!Preview at 4:00 pm EST, auction at 6:00 pm EST

    Mr. and Mrs. James Kent Arnold of LaGrange, GA are offering select family estate antiques for collectorsbuyers this holiday season! JW Smith, Auctioneer at auction ZIP.COM, ID#31566Click on this link for detailsHTTP://WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM/LISTINGS/1590353.HTML
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    The day after Obam a's spend , spend , spend , and t ax, tax, tax,pol i cies gar nered hi m a second ter m in the W hi te Hou se,H ouse Speaker J ohn Boehn er (R-OH ) offer ed th e pr esid ent a

    w ay to save th e econom y wh ich i nclu ded RAISING TAXES "underthe r i ght condit ion s."

    With all due respect to Speaker Boehner, when in the hell are the rightconditions to raise taxes?

    Our economy is not simply on its last leg but its last knee. We are down, and headed toward down and ou

    if the president continues along the path he's been on for four years. How in the world can taking evenmore money out of the America peoples' paychecks help this situation?

    Any additional increase in taxes will make the already high gas prices, the looming end of the Bush tax cuand the $2600 more a year middle class families arepaying for healthcare under Obama unbearable.

    Tax hikes could truly spell the end of middle classupward mobility.

    For those of you who've come of political age underObama, the phrase "middle class upward mobility"speaks to the fluid nature of capitalism, and the way family that is middle class today might save and invewisely or open a business, and rise from the middleclass to the upper class tomorrow.

    Such mobility has been largely absent under Obama,and it could be lost for a number of future generation

    if the Republicans in the House try to play nice and give Obama everything for which he asks.

    If Congress wants to do something for the people, cut spending and cut taxes. As the government's take aobligations shrink, the people's purses will grow and money will flow through our economy again.
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    The Ci t i zen New s le t t e r is provided by To Unsubscr ib e: send email to HC CitizenHenry Citizens for Responsible Government Write UNSUBSCRIBE in Subject: line

    Larry Stanley, Editor

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