Newsletter 35 4th november 2014

Newcomb Secondary College Newsletter FROM THE PRINCIPAL T FROM THE PRINCIPAL T FROM THE PRINCIPAL TEAM EAM EAM TUESDAY 4th November 2014 ISSUE: 35 Coming Events Wednesday, 5th November VCE Exams. Thursday, 6th November VCE Exams. Hands on Learning: Surfing. Friday, 7th November On 2 Wheels Ride Out P3-lunch VCE Exams Monday, 10th November Year 10 Reach Workshop 1 st Session 9.00am to 10.30am 2nd Session 11.00am to 12.30pm VCE Exams Year 11 Exams Tuesday, 11th November College Assembly Remembrance Day Hand On Learning—Surfing VCE Exams Year 11 Exams Wednesday, 12th November Hands On Learning—Surfing Music Concert 7.30pm in the Hall VCE Exams Year 11 Exams SCHOOL LEADERS 2015 Congratulations to our new school leaders for the coming year: Mitchell A and Amanda C are the School Captains and Toby F and Bailee J are the Vice Captains. These young people have gone through a process which involved giving a speech to their peers, voting by both students and staff and an interview. On Monday of next week our 2015 school leaders will attend the Halogen Leadership Conference and on Tuesday conduct their first official function of organising and conducting the Remembrance Ceremony for the College. NEW COLLEGE UNIFORM With the introduction of the new College uniform in 2013 there was a two year period of grace, during which time students could wear new, old or combination of uniform items. We are now approaching the end of that two year transition period and it is timely to remind all families that students are expected to be wearing the new College uniform for the beginning of the 2015 school year. Most of our students are wearing correct College uniform with pride and look terrific – we thank parents for supporting our uniform policy. Teachers and the Student Support teams provide constant reminders of our expectation that all students will be in full and correct College uniform. Students are required to get a uniform pass when they do not have correct items of uniform and parents will be contacted when students are persistently out of uniform. If your child does not have an item of uniform, please provide a signed note of explanation - this will enable them to get a uniform pass for the day. Uniform can be purchased from Beleza store located at 107 Ryrie Street – it is open from 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal Mrs Colette Brennan, Assistant Principal Mrs Liz McNamara, Assistant Principal College Council: Student Leaders: Student Leaders: President: Vidas Kymantas Daniel Blair Alexandria Potter Vice President: Yvette Ramsay Luke Warren Madeline Walker Exec. Officer: Phil Honeywell 81-85 Bellarine Highway Newcomb VIC 3219 Phone: 03 5248 1400 Fax: 03 5248 3523 Email: [email protected] Website: SMS student absences: 0434 728 159



Transcript of Newsletter 35 4th november 2014

Page 1: Newsletter 35 4th november 2014

Newcomb Secondary College Newsletter


Coming Events

Wednesday, 5th November

VCE Exams.

Thursday, 6th November

VCE Exams.

Hands on Learning: Surfing.

Friday, 7th November

On 2 Wheels Ride Out P3-lunch

VCE Exams

Monday, 10th November

Year 10 Reach Workshop

1st Session 9.00am to 10.30am

2nd Session 11.00am to 12.30pm

VCE Exams

Year 11 Exams

Tuesday, 11th November

College Assembly

Remembrance Day

Hand On Learning—Surfing

VCE Exams

Year 11 Exams

Wednesday, 12th November

Hands On Learning—Surfing

Music Concert 7.30pm in the Hall

VCE Exams

Year 11 Exams


Congratulations to our new school leaders for the coming year: Mitchell A and

Amanda C are the School Captains and Toby F and Bailee J are the Vice Captains.

These young people have gone through a process which involved giving a speech to

their peers, voting by both students and staff and an interview. On Monday of next

week our 2015 school leaders will attend the Halogen Leadership Conference and

on Tuesday conduct their first official function of organising and conducting the

Remembrance Ceremony for the College.


With the introduction of the new College uniform in 2013 there was a two year

period of grace, during which time students could wear new, old or combination of

uniform items. We are now approaching the end of that two year transition period

and it is timely to remind all families that students are expected to be wearing the

new College uniform for the beginning of the 2015 school year.

Most of our students are wearing correct College uniform with pride and look

terrific – we thank parents for supporting our uniform policy. Teachers and the

Student Support teams provide constant reminders of our expectation that all

students will be in full and correct College uniform. Students are required to get a

uniform pass when they do not have correct items of uniform and parents will be

contacted when students are persistently out of uniform. If your child does not have

an item of uniform, please provide a signed note of explanation - this will enable

them to get a uniform pass for the day.

Uniform can be purchased from Beleza store located at 107 Ryrie

Street – it is open from 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal

Mrs Colette Brennan, Assistant Principal

Mrs Liz McNamara, Assistant Principal

College Council: Student Leaders: Student Leaders: President: Vidas Kymantas Daniel Blair Alexandria Potter

Vice President: Yvette Ramsay Luke Warren Madeline Walker

Exec. Officer: Phil Honeywell

81-85 Bellarine Highway Newcomb VIC 3219 Phone: 03 5248 1400 Fax: 03 5248 3523

Email: [email protected] Website: SMS student absences: 0434 728 159

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Whilst the rest of the school celebrated Geelong Cup Day Holiday

two of our Year 11 students were being interviewed by and

presenting speeches to the Portarlington Lions Club. Monica G and

Jacob R were both interviewed about their experiences, interests

and thoughts on pertinent issues by a panel of judges representing

the Lions Club in the afternoon.

They then had to return that evening with their families to present

speeches to an audience of Lions Club members.

For his 5 minute prepared speech Jacob spoke passionately about

the importance of school music programs and how Newcomb

Secondary College’s music program has helped his recovery from

his back injury earlier this year. Monica spoke about anxiety and

fear and how we should not let them rule our lives. Her 5 minute

prepared speech concluded with the tagline “2 minutes of

discomfort is better than a

lifetime of regret”.

Monica and Jacob also had to deliver 2 impromptu speeches. On the topics

“What is the greatest issue facing Australian youth today?” and “Is Australia

fulfilling its international obligations regarding asylum seekers?” Impromptu

speeches are extremely challenging and both students performed admirably

with no more than a few hasty seconds to collect their thoughts.

The evening concluded with Jacob R winning the overall Youth of the Year

for the club and continuing onto the next round, the regional Youth of the

Year. Monica received the best speaker award and many pats on the back

from Lions Club members who were moved by her speech.

Both students showed enormous confidence and initiative in participating in

this event and are to be commended.

Jeremy Sinclair


The end of year examination process is now in full swing and students should be commended for

how they are tackling this potentially challenging time. All have presented positively, on time and

with the required materials for each assessment.

For most subject areas, the final examinations contribute between 30 and 50 percent of the

student’s overall class score. It is therefore essential that students do give themselves maximum

opportunity to succeed here, and this may entail making short-term sacrifices to casual work

commitments outside of school and the minimizing of social distractions (and yes, that does include


Even though most of the hard work has been done to date, with the coursework having been steadily completed

across the school year, students are still able to intelligently and pragmatically prepare for these assessments.

Students are encouraged to continue revising their class notes (alone or with peers), attempt additional practice

exams from the VCAA site and reading through the Assessment Reports, and most importantly, should still be seeking

the advice and support of their teachers through the remainder of the examination period.

More information about the exam conditions and schedule can be found on the VCAA website:

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any point in time for clarification around these matters.

James Murphy

Leader for Senior Years

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Last week 35 students along with Mrs Stabryla, Mr Crowther and Mrs Bourke

attended a three day music camp at Aireys Inlet. The camp was a great success

with all the students making excellent progress in further developing their

performance skills on their musical instrument.

The overall performance standard of the Year 7/8 combined band improved

immensely. The weather was kind to us and enabled us to go on one bush

walk and have fun outside on the ropes course, huge flying swing and treasure


Party night saw some fantastic dancers and a variety of fancy pyjamas. Sincere

thanks to Julie Killey who did all of the food organisation, cooking and buying

and to TinaTerrill and Linda Polwarth for their assistance.

Congratulations to all the students who participated in this camp for your

excellent co-operation.

Cheryl Stabryla


Date: Wednesday 10th December

Venue: Capri Receptions

55-57 Seperation Street, North Geelong

Tickets are now available for purchase

$55.00 each. Limit of 3 guests to join the

graduating student.

Tickets close Wednesday, 3rd December.

If extra tickets are required please see

Mr Sinclair ASAP.

CASUAL DRESS DAY On Thursday, 23rd October the SRC and School

Captains, along with great support from our school

community, held a casual dress day for the causes of

State Schools Relief Fund and the Cassels Family

Support Fund.

Alexandra, one of our School Captains suggested the

Cassel Family was a very worthy cause along with

members of SRC.

The Cassel family was affected by fire destroying their

family home in Newcomb and the tragic loss of their

son Dimi. We extend our condolences to their family.

If you would like to donate to the Cassel Family

Support Fund you can go to the local Bendigo Bank

branch for more details.

The State School Relief Fund is a support group for

state school students – many Newcomb Secondary

College students have benefited from their generous

contributions to student uniforms, books, equipment

and accounts.

Thank you to all who contributed with over $150

going towards both funds. Funds were not as high as

hoped, but was still an amazing effort by all involved.

Thanks to all the students and staff who donated.

Mr Kellett

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Group Excursion Date Cost

Permission Slips &

Payment Due Back

School Leaders

National Young Leaders Day—Melbourne Exhibition Centre

Monday 10th November Nil Friday 7th Nov

Year 7-11 Launch of “Our Town’s Ice Fight”

The Pier Geelong Waterfront Friday 14th November Nil Monday 10th Nov

Year 9 Year 9 Deakin University Camp Monday, 17th November to

18th November No cost

Various Hands on Learning, Surfing Thursday, 6th November

Year 7-12 Bike Tour 2014 – Tour de Otways

TRAINING DATES Sunday 19th October

Sunday 2nd November

Sunday 16th November

Thursday 27th November

Year 7-12 Bike Tour 214 – Tour de Otways Monday 1st December –

Friday 5th December $220 CLOSED

Year 12 Graduation Ceremony & Optional Dinner Wednesday 10th December $55 Wednesday 3rd Dec


Students who don’t attend an excursion are expected to attend school as normal. Parents are asked to not keep students at home.


When: Monday 17th – Tuesday, 18th November

Time: Leave NSC at 8.45am Monday – return to NSC at around 4.30pm Tuesday

Where: Deakin University, Burwood Campus, Melbourne

Cost: NO cost to the students, all meals provided

What: Main focus is to make a short film in your group. Other activities include

games, workshops, tour of university campus, talk about possible careers after school.

All parents are invited to share in the celebrations on the second day. If you are interested in

coming down to see the university and see what camp has entailed, please contact me at the school in the next

week. Deakin University will provide transport if needed.

Lunch on both days is provided free of charge and dinner on Monday night (pizza) is included. There is no need for

students to bring any money. Students must bring a sleeping bag and pillow and a towel. A list will be handed out

closer to the camp.

A meeting for all students will be held in the coming weeks to sort groups and sleeping arrangements. Please contact

me at the school if you have any questions.

Ms Vinnicombe (Year 9 and 10 Leader)

HEAD LICE We have had a number of Head Lice cases


Please make sure you check hair regularly and if

so treat hair thoroughly before

returning to school.

FAMILY ACCOUNTS Thank you to all the families who have paid

their family account up to date.

There are a small number of families still with outstanding

essential charges that are now overdue. Prompt payment would

be much appreciated.

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Monday 20th October, group 71 travelled to Melbourne to view a puppet play from London at the Victorian Arts


At 8am we all assembled at South Geelong Station to travel to Southern Cross station where we then caught a

connecting train to Flinders Street Station. From there we took the short walk along St Kilda Road to the Art Gallery

to see the British puppet show.

No Punch & Judy - just Keppler and Tomasina – a tragic love story to the stars and back entitled “Something Very

Far Away” (a show that has won theatre awards). The students saw how you put together an animated movie – with

4 cameras, musician/sound technician, video editor and 4 puppeteers. Plus the script, sets and puppets to make the

movie. This is something they may use in their performance for the Prep/Grades 1 + 2 students Christmas show later

this year.

Lunch came early as the show was shorter than expectected so we headed towards Federation Square. Along the

way the students were fortunate to see some Street Art in Hoisery Lane then onto Melbourne Information Centre in

Federation Square (“Fed. Square”) and the Australian Art Gallery (where VCE work is displayed for 3 months a year).

Most of these places are FREE and well worth a trip to see in the holidays.

Whilst walking around “Fed. Square”, we went to ACMI (the Australian Centre for the Moving Image) and dabbled in

the many and varied activities to do with computer games, “The Matrix” cube, cinema, animation and television for


We made it back via a tram to Southern Cross station to board the Waurn Ponds train at 2.40pm. Students also had

the opportunity to shop at Southern Cross (the old DFO).

Thanks to the parents for their prompt picking up and dropping off of the students. Big thank you to those that

helped supervise on the day - Mrs Hoddinott, Mrs George and Mrs Jones and thanks to the really well behaved

students of 71. Drama.

Mr Kellett, Drama Teacher.


Please note the final week’s of school are summarised as follows:

Last day of classes (not last day of term): Friday, 7th November

All students are expected to be at school and in class until the last day of classes.

Lockers MUST be cleaned out by this date.

Year 11 Exams: Monday, 10th November up to and including Friday, 14th November.

There will be no Year 11 classes for this week.

Orientation Week: Monday, 17th November to Friday, 21st November.

Full school uniform must be worn while attending school during Exams and Orientation Week.


Students will have lessons over the week for each of their subjects chosen for next year. At this time, organisational

matters and requirements for the following year will be discussed.

More importantly students will commence 2015 subject work. This is to ensure that our Year 12 students

are given the best possible opportunity to excel in 2015.

This work will not be repeated at the start of next year so it is critical that all students attend and

make the most out of this week.

Students will be given a copy of their program for the day. Any students who are absent can collect

their copy from Mr Wight or Ms Smith.

James Murphy

Senior Years Co-ordinator.

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Educational studies have shown that students benefit greatly from having access

to their own computer device that they can use in classes at school when

needed as well as taking the device home to continue study and homework

tasks. Computers are not intended to replace a pen and paper but rather be

used as tool to give more opportunities to complete school work in different

ways. While it is hoped that all students will eventually have their own computer

we understand that this may not be possible for all families so we encourage you

to contact the school if you want more information.

We would like all students to be able to access their own computer device to

ensure they are able to take advantage of the many learning opportunities open to them in today's digital world. To keep

up with the latest technology and the best prices for our families we have negotiated a special package price for new

student computers.

We are happy to announce that three devices are now available for sale via our online JB Education portal.

Entry Level Laptop:

Lenovo 11e - this is a rugged student friendly model with a solid state memory and a slim design with great new


Everyday Student Model:

Lenovo 11e Yoga - a touch screen model with a flip screen that becomes a tablet-like device.

High Performance:

Lenovo 10" Tablet - Great portability and fast processor speed in a highly portable tablet.

All of these devices will come with the eduStar software image which includes over 48 educational software titles.

These models are being made available specially through JB education and will not be available in shops.

The specially priced packages include a 3 year Warranty, a carry bag and have extra options available to suit your


Different payment options are also available.

How to Get Started

1. Click on the BYOD Solutions picture above or got to

2. Enter our school Code NEWSC2015

3. Follow each step, completing information as you go.

4. After your order is placed you will receive a confirmation and the device will be delivered to the school to be set up.

If you are having problems please feel free to contact Mr Stephen Bath at the school .

Other Options for Providing a Computer for Your Students

There are three options open to our students in 2015 –

1. Purchase a new Lenovo device through our JB Education Portal. Once fully paid for there is no more to pay and

you own the device outright. All computers come with the eduStar software package of over 48 titles

including Microsoft Office and virus protection, a three year warranty and bag.

2. Bring your own device. (BYOD) If you already have a notebook/netbook computer or tablet that is not more

than three years old you can bring it in to check that it will be suitable to use at school. After discussion with our IT

support staff it may be possible to network the computer to access school drives and Internet. Some software may also

be available for student use depending on the device.

3. Use school supplied notebooks in classroom trolleys or desktop computers in classrooms. These computers will

be limited to classroom use and will not be available to take home. School supplied computers may not be available in

classrooms your student is in and may not be available if booked by another class.


Wednesday 5th


Thursday 6th


Friday 7th


Monday 10th


Tuesday 11th



Wednesday 12th


Thursday 13th


Friday 14th


Monday 17th


Tuesday 18th



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Molly Stephens

Sales Agent




PHONE 03 5248 1400