Newsletter 2012 Q1



Happy New Year 2012

Transcript of Newsletter 2012 Q1




Dear valued customers,Until at least the middle of the next decade, global growth is likely to slow to approximately 3 percent per year on average – a rate somewhat below the average of the last two decades. A recovery in advanced economies will be more than offset by a gradual slowdown in emerging ones as they mature, with the net result that global growth will slow. The greatest challenge for the global economy in this slow growth environment is to raise productivity without losing job opportunities for the millions who are looking for reasonably paid jobs to support their living standards.

The evolution of internet and mobile communication has change the way of a business application works, from when it was centralized and owned by a company to support their operation to just put it in the cloud and use it when necessarily.

The company that couldn’t adaptive to some changes in the global market condition and couldn’t take benefit from the technology evolution will certainly fall into a deep black hole. To raise the optimum productivity while maintaining efficiencies and improve cost savings, the company needs such kind of tools that will help them take the right and fast decisions.After success with IFS Application 7, IFS is now preparing to launch to market in mid 2012 the next generation of IFS Application version 8. A lot of innovation, improvement and enrichment have been made into IFS Application 8, including Consolidating Innovation, Advancing Core Processes, Business Intelligent, New and Updated Technology, and Reinforcing User Experience, that will make IFS Application 8 the most powerful tools needed by any companies who want to keep growing throughout economic turbulence in the years to come.

With IFS Applications 8 you will stay agile and ready for change and evolution without disrupting the company operations. Face a better world with IFS.Happy and prosperous New Year 2012.


EVENT 2011

PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia (IFSSI) was hosting the first ever IFS Futsal & Badminton Tournament on December 17th, 2011 at Grand Futsal Kuningan, Jakarta. The tournament was an exciting milestone for IFSSI where 15 Futsal teams and 26 Badminton Teams from IFSSI Customers around Indonesia were competing to be the first IFS Futsal & Badminton Tournament Champions.Attended by 14 of IFSSI Customer: PT. Soho Gobal Health, PT. Parit Padang Global, PT. Softex Indonesia, PT. Astra Agro Lestari, PT. Bukit Muria Jaya, PT. Inter Aneka Lestari Kimia, PT. Indoaluminium, PT. Sumi Rubber Indonesia, Dana Pensiun Perkebunan, PT. Mensa Bina Sukses, PT. Cahaya Sakti Furintraco (Olympic), PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia, PT. Truba Alam Manunggal, and PT. Sinar Sosro. Organized by committee from PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia, itself, this first tournament was successfully held.The purpose-held IFSSI Futsal & Badminton Tournament was to strengthen relationship between IFSSI and its customers/ clients and to create a community of IFS into a strong base for business development of IFSSI.The event opened by speech and “Kick-Off” from Mr. Elan Syuherlan President Director of PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia. After that, the Technical Meeting of each tournament took a place in each field: Futsal Field (for Technical Meeting of Futsal Team) and Badminton Field (for Technical Meeting of Badminton Team) was held. All the teams seemed very focused listening the explanation of the committee about the Futsal & Badminton Tournament regulations. Well, right at 09.30 WIB, the tournament started. Both the teams were playing and the supporters of the team seemed really had spirit to be the winner. The supporter cheered loudly and happily. They hoped that they can be a winner of the tournament. On this tournament, the IFSSI Management & the committee had prepared a spectacular prizes, as follows: For Futsal Tournament, the 1st winner would get 6 millions rupiahs, the 2nd winner was 4 millions rupiahs, and the 3rd winner would get 2 millions rupiahs. Meanwhile, for Badminton Tournament, the 1st winner would get 4 millions rupiahs, the 2nd winner was 3 millions rupiahs, and the 3rd winner to 4th winner would get 1 million rupiahs.




EVENT 2011

Passion for the game is driving force in all team, even above skills. All the Person-in-charge (PIC) of the teams confessed that when they registered their team, they were confident that their team would get the trophy for IFSSI Futsal & Badminton Tournament 2011. In a brief explanation via telephone, one of the PIC of the team explained they don’t believe that the other teams could successfully conquer his team well.Futsal-a shortened version of football-has gained popularity in recent times so does the Badminton games. Committees of the tournament are exuberant by the response from the customers. Both management of IFSSI and the committee of the tournament thought that the sport has caught on like wildfire among the customers. Apparently, sports and sporting activity is being taken seriously and being considered to the sedentary lifestyle. Those things motivate them to held this sport tournament.

IFS Solutions Indonesia Futsal & Badminton Tournament had already generated widespread interest among players and supporting company, such as: PT. Rohto Laboratories Indonesia that gave away product sampling of Oxy and PT. Soho Global Health that gave away small parcels for the committee.This event was not only filled full with tournament. There is a sweet intermezzo in the beginning, mid, and in the end of the event, called doorprize. When the MC notified that she would give away the doorprizes, the participant of the tournament shouted for the joy. On this tournament, the committee had prepared 3 pieces of Nexian Mobile Phone, 3 pieces of Blackberry Bluetooth, 3 pieces of Nokia Headset, 2 pieces of Canon Printer, 2 pieces of Swiss Army Watch, and 1 piece of Samsung Galaxy Y Mobile Phone. All of the participant certainly hoped that they are the one who got the doorprize.The tournament took orderly. In the final of Futsal Tournament, PT. Mensa Bina Sukses met with PT. Parit Padang Global. Meanwhile, in the final of Badminton Tournament PT. Bukit Muria Jaya met with PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia. They were included teams that brought a large band of supporters and when they entered the round final, it was certain that the supporter would make the final to be very festive.


EVENT 2011

And finally, the tournament was finished. The 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd winner of IFSSI Futsal Tournament 2011 were PT. Mensa Bina Sukses, PT. Parit Padang Global, and PT. Sumi Rubber Indonesia. Meanwhile, The 1st and the 3rd-4th winner of IFSSI Badminton Tournament 2011 was PT. Bukit Muria Jaya. The 2nd and the 3rd-4th winner of IFSSI Badminton Tournament 2011 was achieved by PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia.

They looked very proud and happy when they could be the winners of IFS Futsal & Badminton Tournament 2011. They admitted that they happy with the prize given. Almost all the participant said that they were satisfied with tournament in overall, included the Food and Beverage provided, attitude of the committee, and the doorprizes.

For the future, the Management of PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia, the committee of the tournament, and the participants of the tournament really hope that this tournament could become a regular event held every year. For this successful tournament, the Management do not forget to express gratitude for customer and all parties that had done efforts to make this tournament run well.

To get information about our next community gathering, please join our Facebook Group now: IFS User Indonesia! Facebook Group: IFS User Indonesia is one of media for sharing and exchanging any kind of information about IFS between IFS User Indonesia, IFS Customer, and IFS Employee and IFS Former Employee. We welcome you at IFS User Indonesia Facebook Group.



One of Indonesia’s foremost corporations with a scope of business interests that spans such profit centers as infrastructure, Bakrie Metal Industries, announced signing of Letter of Intent (LOI) with PT. Haluan Nusantara. The signing of LOI took place in Bakrie Metal Industries Factory, Pondok Ungu, Bekasi, on 23 December 2011. This signing announcement was related to contracts for ERP installation chartering of Bakrie Metal Industries Business Project.

The LOI signed by Mr. Adwin Abdurachman, Director of PT. Bakrie Metal Industries and Mr. Thomas Dwi Susmantoro, President Director of of PT. Haluan Nusantara. The LOI written that PT. Bakrie Metal Industries will use Xpresso Modules, included: Finance Module, Logistic Module, and Manufacture or Production Module.

The agreement between Bakrie Metal Industries and PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia will initially offer the implementation and the ERP development system at PT. Bakrie Metal Industries. Both BMI and IFSSI will go into Software License, Xpresso Application Implementation, and Annual Maintenance Support (AMS).Besides signing LOI, the frame work also discussed. The time phase processing of the implementation is for a fixed period of one year. It was scheduled to be divided into 2 phases, started in the January 2012 to December 2012. The 1st phase will be on January 2012 to June 2012 to implement Finance and Logistic Modules. Meanwhile, the 2nd phase will be on July 2012 to December 2012 to implement Manufacture or Production Module.

This LOI signing event was attended by both parties. From PT. Bakrie Metal Industries represented by Mr. Adwin Abdurachman (Director), Mr. M. Nasrul (GM Finance), Mr. Idon Paguno (Finance Manager), Mr. Ario Sasongko (IT Manager), Mr. Andi Sarif (PPC), Mr. Sudarsono (Production), and Mr. Eryan Wardhana (IT Staff). Whereas, from PT. Haluan Nusantara represented by Mr. Thomas Susmantoro (President Director) and Mr. Handi Sapta Mukti (Marketing and Business Development Director of PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia). The event run conducive and relaxes. Both parties expected that the project could be finished on schedule.



EVENT 2011

PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia (IFSSI), the global enterprise applications company, hosted a half-day seminar to discuss the Pharmaceuticals Industries the power and versatility of IFS Applications, even to make a greater flexibility and competitive advantage for your business. The seminar held at Piscator Restaurant-Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan, South Jakarta, on 19 October 2011. IFS Solutions for Pharmaceuticals Industry: Getting your process integrity & information visibility was being a theme in this seminar.

This seminar designed for Pharmaceutical Industries. PT. Merapi Utama Pharma and PT. Sanbe Farma were cordially invited to be participant. Mr. Eko Winarso and Mr. Roby Wong, presales & channel relations of IFS Solutions Indonesia, were being speakers in this seminar. The seminar included an overview of IFS Applications product which specifically designed for the Pharmaceutical Industry. They explained that IFS application is really able to support the construction of integrity and visibility of information in the production process. Critical Issues faced by Pharmaceutical Industry was also discussed. At the end of the discussion, the speakers welcomed comprehensive question and answer about this topic from the participant.

Both two-speakers presented an overview of IFS Applications that had been successfully implemented throughout Indonesia and global region. They explained about the newest IFS Applications: IFS Applications 7.5. In this explaination, IFS Solution components also being discussed: Business Performance, Accounting Rules, Business Reporting, Eco-Footprint Management, Document Management, Quality Management, Case Management, and Business Modeler. The participants were seriously and enthusiastic in listening the discussion of IFS Applications. It was marked by number of questions asked by the participants.

At the end of the seminar, the participants uttered that the topic presentation about IFS Applications was clear and was able to be understanding. They also said that Technology and Innovation that can be easy implemented were being the most important criteria of their company to do purchase. As a thanksgiving sign, the committee of this seminar gave souvenir of T-Shirt, Nexian Mobile Phone, and etc. They hoped that IFS Solutions Indonesia could give them details of IFS Manufacturing Applications since they were really curious about it.



We are from the editor, want to apologize for the mistyped that we made in our Newsletter Q2-2011, in IFS-Solutions Indonesia-Showa HR Project Kickoff Meeting article. In the article, written the name of HR Project Manager of PT. Showa Indonesia is Mr. Ferry Lintang. It should be Mr. Franky Lintong. Thank you.


I’m Sorry


EVENT 2011


CSD EVENTPT. IFS Solutions Indonesia (IFSSI) was successfully hosted Customer Support Department Event on 10 November 2011, at PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia, Graha MIK 9th Floor, Kuningan, South Jakarta.Featured speakers include Mr. Roby Wong, Pre Sales Manager of IFS Solutions Indonesia; Mr. Thomas Dwi Susmantoro, Director of Consulting and Support; Mr. Wawan Darmawan, Customer Support Manager; Mr. Royan Atmoko, Support Senior Consultant. The two-part seminar included the discussion about the detail of IFS Applications 7.5 and how to find out support for the business. In the first session, Mr. Roby Wong and Mr. Thomas Dwi Susmantoro explained about the IFS Application 7.5. Meanwhile, in the 2nd session, Mr. Wawan Darmawan and Mr. Royan Atmoko explained more about Tips and Tricks that really useful for the participants in organizing the business. PT. Bukit Muria Jaya (BMJ) and Ateja, loyal customers of IFSSI, came to be participated in this event.The participants really satisfied in joining this event. They looked very enthusiastic in the discussion session. They told that the presentation of the speaker was clearly explained and understandable. y After joining this event, the participants said that they really would like to upgrade their current IFS Applications and to implement IFS Applications 7.5 soon. For the future, they would like to see detail demo of this IFS Application 7.5.At the lunch session, the committee invited them to have lunch together at the Platters Restaurant in Setiabudi Building, Jakarta. They admitted that it was very please event showed that IFSSI really care to keep a good relation with customer. At the end of this full day event, the committee did not forget to give IFSSI Jacket as a souvenir for the participant. The participants really hoped that this gathering could be held regularly or even in a workshop.

we willSUPPORT

IFS announced that it had signed an agreement with the owners of LATINIFS Tecnologia da Informação S.A. (“LatinIFS”) to purchase 100 percent of the shares of the company. The acquisition will further strengthen IFS’s market position in the high-growth Latin American market and in IFS’s focused sectors like Oil & Gas, Utilities, and Engineering & Construction.LatinIFS, headquartered in Barueri, São Paulo was established 2004 and is an IFS Applications distributor and implementation partner in Latin America.More than 120 companies with focused sectors in Oil & Gas, Utilities, and Engineering & Construction, in Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Ecuador) have selected IFS Applications as their business software system.Brazil is the 7th largest global economy and is currently undertaking significant investment in IFS’s focused areas like oil & gas and construction & engineering. With projected strong growth in software sales in Latin America, estimated up 17 percent in 2012, IFS will strengthen its execution capabilities in this very attractive region to the benefit of all our existing and new customers” Alastair Sorbie, IFS CEO said.IFS expect that there will be a positive earnings impact from the acquisition already in 2011.




After success with IFS Application 7, IFS is now preparing to launch the next generation of IFS application version 8. The beta version is released for early adopters in mid 2011 and now being prepared by the R&D team to be launched to market in mid 2012. A lot of innovation, improvement and enrichment has been made into IFS Application 8, those are include in the following categories:

Consolidating Innovation, where the innovation include in: Virtual map, Rough cut

capacity planning (RCCP) and simulation, Document management extention, Project Base Solution 3.0, Trade management 2.0, Inventory Planning & Replenishment, Media Library, IFS Enterprise Explorer, Heavy Maintenance Extention, e-invoice adapter, Business Analytics 3.0, Advance Planning Board, and Eco Footprint Management.

Advancing core processes, some core processes has been

advanced especially in the area of Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Service & Asset management, and Project Base.

New and Update technology, we do adopt new technology for the best user experience especially in

the middle tier and client tier. In the middle tier we are now using Jboss, web sphere, or Oracle Weblogic. By then we provide some flexibilities in the users/client site (front end) to whether use Windows base, web based, or Rich Internet Application which is more fancy and user friendly.

Reinforcing User experience, we reinforce user experience through IFS Application 8

by providing user with Task Focused, Extensible, Adaptable, Efficient, intuitive, and attractive user interface.

Business Intelligence, the Business Intelligent functionalities are

now available in IFS Application 8. However IFS gives user the flexibility to adopt their own Business Intelligent tools. Our solution for the Business Intelligent functionalities are : IFS BI Built-in (available in IFS Appl) and BI by choice, using the 3rd party BI preferred by the clients.

If you are currently run IFS older version, What else are you waiting for…., get prepare to upgrade it to IFS Application 8…! And stay tune for the launching.


Solutions for Agile Business



Mr. Alastair Sorbie, President and CEO of IFS World Operations, gave his views on IFS’ targeting, vision, and mission today. Today, IFS has 3.000 staff which 800 of them are located in the Asia Pacific region. It means that IFS Asia Pacific has showed the fastest growing economic region – contrasts with the flat markets of North America and European Union.

The economic market in China has changed. Now, they are looking to ERP to provide efficiencies and cost savings. In fact, IFS Australia has a strong growth in natural resources sector since they mainly due to business with China. IFS established office in Western Australia and have signed the first contracts. The first customers signed up on NEC’s cloud-based offering of IFS Applications.

For the year 2012, Mr. Sorbie will make IFS focused on its business to the Asia Pacific region. Nearly all of IFS’ global customers have plans in the Asia Pacific region. IFS Applications has expanded to overseas in Asia Pacific based companies. Mr. Sorbie thought that the global market has changed. In order to safeguard IFS long-term success and the future of IFS, while enhancing social acceptance for IFS operations, especially in Asia Pacific region, IFS must commit itself to a vision of sustainbility. IFS is striving to achieve top position in international competition, especially in Asia Pacific region. The strategy is therefore based on the following fundamental values.

IFS will follow the customers that are following global trends. Customers will be considered as global investment drivers. Mr. Sorbie hopes that IFS’ component architecture and worldwide support can reduce implementation time, reduce TCO and improve ROI. With the open-technology platform which owned by IFS application, customer will get benefit continuously from new IT developments, innovations, and flexibility. A distinct characteristic owned by IFS Application is its agility. With the agile development, IFS Application will enable frequent deliverables, quick and continuously feedback from customers during each project, constant re-evaluation of priorities and high quality deliverables.

Essentially, IFS mainly strive to close to the customer. Through close cooperation with the customers, IFS offers differentiating industry solutions. IFS will always continuously listen and respond to the customer complaints or opinions than dominate and dictate.

Mr. Alastair Sorbie serves as Chief Executive Officer and President of Industrial & Financial Systems (IFS) AB since March 10, 2006. Born in Hertfordshire, UK in 1953 and have his Bsc (Hons) from University of London. Began his career at IFS as Head of EMEA Division at Industrial & Financial Systems IFS AB back in 1997.



Holmen, a leading Swedish forest industry group and Europe’s fifth largest manufacturer of printing paper, with production capacity of 1.750.000 tons per year, has selected IFS Applications across Holmen’s production units to consolidate and to streamline operations.The Holmen group consists of five business areas specializing in printing paper, paperboard and sawn timber product manufacturing in addition to forestry and energy production. “The asset-intensive paper and forest industry represents a long-term strategic focus for us and we have many prominent customers within this segment. By implementing IFS Applications throughout its international operations, Holmen will benefit from our first-hand experience via a proven industry solution,” said Glenn Arnesen, CEO, IFS Scandinavia.




Rachmat OS. Halawa was born on April, 8th, 1972 in Sambulu, South Nias, North Sumatera. From a very early age, he loved Science subjects, especially Mathematics and Physics subject during his study in school.He lived in Sambulu, South Nias which at that time, there was not any electrical facility yet in his living place. The society was a society that upheld a high social value but they did not support to take high school. Despite the society environment and the absence of electrical facility, it did not break his spirit to go to school up to high level. He moved to Medan when he finished his study in the Junior High School. He had a view that school in the city must be having complete facilities. In each stage of school, he had different ambitions. In the elementary school, he wanted to be a Pilot, then in the Junior high school he wanted to be a Doctor, then in the Senior High school he wanted to be an astronaut. Pak Rachmat showed a high performance scores at school since the elementary to senior high school.

After finishing his study in the Senior High school, he had a strong determination to continue his study in an Agricultural, Electrical, or Civil Engineering Faculty. But, upon his parents recommendation, he decided to move to Jakarta to take study in a state diploma school, while he was taking UMPTN (a state university entrance test), as it would have a better career opportunities according to them. And then although he was accepted in a state-owned university, he didn’t take the opportunity because it was too far from home and it was not in Java - and his parent did not allow him to go too. Finally, he decided to take study at Gunadarma University in 1991 - majoring in Information System (though he admitted that he would rather to have studied in Agricultural, Electrical, or Civil Engineering Faculty). Since he did not like his study in this university, his first year GPA was really bad. In 1992, he went to his hometown and shared about its problem to his parents and his parents motivated him to consistently continuing his study with a strong spirit or to just stop it. After that he decided to continue study with high spirit and graduated on February 1996 with a very good GPA.


I hope that one day Information system and Technology

will become a competitive advantageand business enabler for the company




In 2003, he joined PT. Showa Manufacturing Indonesia, as IT Department Deputy Head. When he joined Showa, he was surprised that the company owned hundreds of computers, but the computer only been used for spreadsheet and other simple works, lack of policies, frameworks, standards, IT Business rules and application integration. Many of the business transactions were processed manually. At that time, Management of PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing was separating Information Technology (at that time it was named Electronic data Processing / EDP) from Finance Accounting Division. Pak Rachmat then changed the function to Information Technology and divided it into three sub-functions, they are: Software Development, Technical Support and IT Operation.

He really loves challenges. One of his priority program was introducing ERP systems to PT Showa Indonesia and then he proposed to the management to implement it. He was challenged to promote and educate the management and the key users about ERP, the concept, the definition, the methodology, the constraints, the challenge and the cost-benefits of it for the company. It was not an easy task to sell the ideas at the time.In April 2007, after long selection process and evaluation of tier 1 and tier 2 of ERP Softwares, PT. Showa Manufacturing Indonesia finally decided to use IFS ERP Applications. They chose IFS Applications because they found out that IFS Applications was user-friendly, flexible, had complete modules and a reasonable Total Cost of ownership (TCO). After a while Showa Manufacturing Indonesia was successfully implement IFS ERP in their Finance & Accounting, Logistic, Sales, and Production/Manufacturing functions. Now everyone in those departments and especially people who is involved in manufacturing process in Showa feels happy because IFS Applications can help their daily works and really integrate the whole processes. All the process within and inter department is done by ERP Systems. He hopes that one day all of the systems can be centralized in a one place.

Aligned to the business growth of PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing, now, Information System & Technology is divided into System development, Information Technology Infrastructure, and IT Operation and Maintenance, covering all aspects related to Information system, communication and its technology. As an IT Department Head in Showa, He wants his function can support the company in increasing company efficiency, become competitive advantages and business enabler.He thinks that IFS has a very good application. He hopes that in the future IFS can build its users community and developers community and to do a more aggressive marketing campaign so that IFS Applications may give a higher pride to the IFS Application experts and users.

During studying in the university, he was also working at Indonesian Rheumatic Center until resigned in 1997. He was involved in the management of General Affair (GA), Human Resources (HR) and Electronic data Processing. In 1998, he started working at PT Astra Honda Motor as a System Analyst. During his work at PT Astra Honda Motor, he was involved in several projects such as budgeting application, approval workflow, etc. After working more than 2 years, he moved and continued working in PT Sistim Anugrah Persada for 1,5 years as a Senior Technical Consultant especially as an Oracle database administrator and also as a Project Manager for several project. After that he moved again and this time he joined PT Tirafis Informatika, at Surabaya in 2001 as Senior technical Manager. He was involved in setup new company and also in building, developing and implementing applications, especially HR Software and Logistic Software. He also took the role as consultant in IT strategy and IT Sizing.




IFS announced that it had signed a frame agreement with Ericsson-Sweden for delivery of IFS Applications licenses, maintenance, and services of Ericsson’s field-service operations. The contract has a value of SKr 8.6 million.With IFS Applications™, companies can support and improve business processes by collaborating more closely with customers, suppliers, and subcontractors.IFS Applications includes functionality for resource scheduling and optimization, call and case management including SLA, project management, mobile solutions for field workforce, installed-base management, spare-part management, depot repair, and document management, all integrated with financials, procurement, manufacturing, and HR. Existing IFS customers in the service industry include Hertel, Debut Services, Niscayah, Sky, MITIE, SchultessMaschinen AG, John Deere, Dalkia, Anticimex, Eltel Networks, Infratek, Gilbarco Autotank, and Tomra.

IFS signs contract with project-based maritime manufacturerIFS announced that a Norwegian manufacturer within the maritime industry has chosen to implement a project-based solution from IFS, included software licenses and services and had a total value of NKr 11.5 million.The company has opted for IFS technology to optimize efficiency and minimize risk in its project-based manufacturing operations. The implementation will commence in November 2011 and is expected to be complete in August 2012.IFS’s PBS offering includes functionality for project management, contract management, risk management, budgeting and forecasting, engineering and material management, and asset data management—all integrated with financials and human resources.IFS customers in project-based market include Grenland Group, Babcock Engineering Services, Heerema Fabrication Group, TLT Babcock, Damen Shipyards, Horizon, Contiga, STX, Ultra Electronics, Austal, Archer, Doppelmayr, Smit, and FEV.


IFS announces that GSH Group, a leading provider of technology-driven facilities and energy management solutions, has selected IFS’s workforce scheduling and optimization tool—IFS 360 Scheduling—to streamline service operations and improve delivery to its more than 600 or the long term, IFS will focuscustomers. The contract has a value of over £1 million and implementation will begin immediately.IFS 360 Scheduling’s Dynamic Scheduling Engine will help GSH Group to realize its strategy of streamlined processes, real-time operational control, and delivery excellence to its customers.“IFS has a proven track record and consultants who have world-class industry competence. Their unique ‘always optimizing’ approach to scheduling precisely complements our continuous improvement approach to serving and delighting our customers,” said Chris Riley, Operations Director at GSH.


IFS Solutions Indonesia, PTGraha MIK 9th floor

Taman Perkantoran KuninganJl. Setia Budi Selatan Kav. 16-17

Jakarta Selatan 12920 IndonesiaPhone +62-21 5794 1406

Fax +62-21 5794[email protected]