News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and...

News in brief… A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended holiday. As I sat at Thursday’s breakfast duty, it was lovely to watch the different components of the school all together. The mixing that naturally occurs between the pupils of differing ages is wonderful to see, and whether it is the kitchen or wrap-around staff cajoling a boy with a frown on his face, or the children chatting casually over a piece of toast, it is a great representation of the community we exist within. Senior staff are working especially hard at the moment in providing the additional support for pupils gearing up for GCSEs. It is this level of dedication and care that makes the difference. Miss Jenkins and I spoke with a pupil in the week and asked if there was anything more staff could do. The reply was simple: “My teachers are doing everything I could wish for...the rest is down to me.” As I spend time in our Nursery, Prep and Senior Schools, it is that constant care and attention from staff that always fills me with pride. My conversations with Heads at schools throughout the Midlands and beyond often end in a game of “comparisons”, and whilst I may not win the competition of how many children do you have in your school, I am always the victor about staff quality. Reading the early responses from many of your survey answers, it is evident that this is a commonly held viewpoint, for which my thanks. Please keep the responses coming, since they are invaluable in our continuing to develop. Wishing you and your family a great weekend... Thank you White Watch! As part of their learning about 'People who Help Us' Nursery had a special visit from a group of firefighters from Walsall's White Watch. The children experienced what it was like to sit inside the fire engine and tried on a helmet. They also looked around the engine and learned about the important equipment that fire fighters use. The most exciting part was when the children sprayed water from the hose across the playground! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the morning and we would all like to thank White Watch for a truly wonderful learning experience. Issue 126 - Date: 17/1/2020 Head’s commendations: Jasmine - Y1 Aleena - Y2 Tayo - Y3 Harry - Y4 Karum – Y5 Om – Y6

Transcript of News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and...

Page 1: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

News in brief…

A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in

to the routines of school life after the extended holiday. As I sat

at Thursday’s breakfast duty, it was lovely to watch the different

components of the school all together. The mixing that naturally

occurs between the pupils of differing ages is wonderful to see,

and whether it is the kitchen or wrap-around staff cajoling a boy

with a frown on his face, or the children chatting casually over

a piece of toast, it is a great representation of the community

we exist within. Senior staff are working especially hard at the moment in

providing the additional support for pupils gearing up for

GCSEs. It is this level of dedication and care that makes the difference. Miss Jenkins

and I spoke with a pupil in the week and asked if there was anything more staff could

do. The reply was simple: “My teachers are doing everything I could wish for...the rest is

down to me.”

As I spend time in our Nursery, Prep and Senior Schools, it is that constant care and

attention from staff that always fills me with pride. My conversations with Heads at

schools throughout the Midlands and beyond often end in a game of “comparisons”,

and whilst I may not win the competition of how many children do you have in your

school, I am always the victor about staff quality. Reading the early responses from

many of your survey answers, it is evident that this is a commonly held viewpoint, for

which my thanks. Please keep the responses coming, since they are invaluable in our

continuing to develop.

Wishing you and your family a great weekend...

Thank you White Watch! As part of their learning about 'People who Help Us' Nursery had a

special visit from a group of firefighters from Walsall's White


The children experienced what it

was like to sit inside the fire engine

and tried on a helmet. They also

looked around the engine and

learned about the important

equipment that fire fighters use.

The most exciting part was when the children sprayed

water from the hose across the playground!

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the morning and we would all like to thank White Watch

for a truly wonderful learning experience.

Issue 126 - Date: 17/1/2020

Head’s commendations:

Jasmine - Y1

Aleena - Y2

Tayo - Y3

Harry - Y4

Karum – Y5

Om – Y6

Page 2: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

Our Prep School Hockey Heroes!

We are so pleased that our after school clubs are

encouraging our pupils to try new sports and we’re

delighted that Prep pupils Avaran (Y4), Tamika (Y3),

Tianna-Rose (Y1), Karanveer (Y4) and Zakir (Y6), have

enjoyed playing hockey so

much that they have now become members of

Wednesbury Hockey Club.

As well as taking part in weekly training sessions, the

pupils represented the Club at the Telford Hockey

Festival last weekend. All pupils played really well!

Highlights included: Avaran scoring 7 goals in one

match, the Under 8’s winning all 3 matches in their

group and Zakir putting in a sterling performance in

goal, only conceding 2 goals throughout the whole tournament. Well done, all, keep

up the good work!

#Hydesvillefamily discounts available at Kutchenhaus

If a new kitchen is on your 2020 wish list, then look no further that Kutchenhaus in

Walsall. Not only do they offer high-quality products and customer service, but you

can also enjoy an exclusive discount, thanks to our #Hydesvillefamily business

partnership programme.

As a Hydesville family, you will receive a £500 reduction on any full kitchen purchase,

which is offered alongside any promotional offers available at the time of purchase.

To redeem this fabulous offer, simply quote Hydesville500.

Find out more about Kutchenhaus by visiting them at Unit 8 - 9, Hampstead Business

Park, Day Street, Walsall, WS2 8EJ, United Kingdom or see their website: You can find out more about the #Hydesvillefamily business partnership on our


Nursery’s turn to share a stoy…

It was the turn of Nursery to open their doors to parents and carers

for a reading cafe this week.

After a short presentation giving tips of how to support their child

to read at home, family members were able to join in with a story

time phonics session, having the pleasure of experiencing 'Wiffy

Wilson the Wolf who wouldn't wash' with Mrs Smith and Mrs Jones

and 'Hairy MacLairy from

Donaldson's Dairy' with Mrs

Willis and Mrs Ward.

There was also the

opportunity to enjoy sharing

a book with their child.

Thank you to all parents and grandparents who

came along to support their children.

Year 9’s trip to the Super Saddlers!

Nursery Star of the Week: Kartar – awarded for

always trying hard and

being an enthusiastic


Performer of the Week: Amrit (Y7) – awarded for

composing a well-

structured medieval

melody and performing

it with a rhythmic

awareness alongside a













Page 3: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

Pupils in Year 9 enjoyed a trip to Walsall Football Club

this week as part of our community cohesion project. The

group explored potential job opportunities within the

wider world of football including marketing, catering and

physio, had a tour of the grounds and took part in a

session on how to make a good impression and make

people feel welcome.

A trip to a football club is

never complete without a game, and pupils enjoyed

getting some fresh air and putting their football skills into

play. Balvin even got talent spotted!

We were very impressed with how our pupils conducted

themselves, and were delighted that staff and council

representatives at the Club commented on how polite

and engaged Hydesville pupils were throughout the day.

Well done Year 9!

No stopping at any time! Parking arrangements at Hydesville continue to pose a

challenge. Mr Colley - our new member of staff who is

responsible for parking - thanks you for your support

since his arrival, and we hope you’ve experienced an

improvement as a result of his efforts.

In conjunction with Walsall Council and West Midlands

Police we would like to bring your attention to the

following: there is to be no stopping whatsoever on a red

route, at any time.

We thank you for your co-operation.

Prep School Awards and Achievements

Well done to the Prep School children who took

part in Miss Crump’s reading challenge over the

Christmas Holidays. The following children

received certificates of participation: Om, Chaaya,

Karina, Aahil, Karam, Tianna-Rose, Jasmine,

Tamika, Shaan, Mayna, Avnie-Mae, Hashmeet,

Gavish, Adam, Simar and Rishi.

An extra congratulations goes to Adam in Y4 and Jasmine in Y1 who the

winners of the challenge. They were selected as winners for reading in

the most unusual places!

Reception children were awarded the following this week:

Page 4: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

Guneet - 25 house points

Dhiyan - Stanley Award 2 & 3

Jayden - little kickers, mighty kickers football award

Umar - Stage 2 swimming

Arjun – Star of the Week

Prep children have also been making great waves this

week….we awarded the following swimming awards and


Year 3

Year 2 Adil – Stanley 4

Simran – Stage 2 Laila – 25m

Rianah - 600m Avneet – 200m

Yusuf – Stage 3

Year 4

Mayna – 25m

Adam – 100m

Well done to Year 1 pupils, Karina for achievements in

gymnastics, Gia for successes in karate and Rishi for

super progress in Taokwando!

We are delighted to report on our fantastic footballers –

Armaan in Y2 for doing so well in his weekly soccer course

and Tianna-Rose in Y1 for taking part in a football


Miss Kingston left us some special certificates (and Housepoint

rewards) for Viren in Y4 and Avaani in Y2 for taking part in

#HydevilleCrafternoon back in November. Great effort, children!

Page 5: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

Congratulations to Shaan in Y3 for being awarded a Blue Peter

music badge, in recognition for his passion for playing the piano.

And finally, well done Avaran in Y4 for impressing Mr

Burnham so much with his improvements in hand writing

that he has been awarded a pen license!


Nursery sound of

the week

Here is this week’s phonic link for learning at home:

This week’s letters


Each week we will share with you a list of the letters we have

sent out.

They are all available to view on the school website here:

This week’s letters are:


Nursery learning journey

Nursery Show & Tell


Y4 Intervention Programme

Y4 Seesaw Online Learning Journal

Y4 Intervention Programme

Pupil Voice presents Movie Night


Y8 & Y9 AS Tracking Launch 2020

Y8 Parents’ Evening

Senior Drama Club

Nursery reminders

Nursery PE will now take place every Monday from 27th Jan and

Forest School will be every Friday. Please can children

remember to bring their PE kit and waterproofs.

Young Voices

The Young Voices concert is on Monday 20th January at Genting

Arena. Pupils involved will be out of school in the afternoon and

must be picked up from the Genting Arena at 9:15pm. They

must bring a packed tea and a drinks bottle.

Annual parent


Our annual parent survey opened this week so we’d like to

encourage those of you who haven’t completed it to do so if

you are able. Thank you to those parents and carers who have

already given us your feedback. It is really important to us.

Page 6: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

Year 11 ‘Spotlight on Careers’

Congratulations to the following Prep School classes who

achieved 100% attendance this week: RD, 2S, 3CW, 4C, 4B, 6B

Congratulations to the following Senior School Form who

achieved the highest attendance (98%) this week: Form 6

Pupil Voice

presents Movie


Letters have been sent out to pupils in Reception – Y6 about

our Movie Night on Friday 24th January.

The films will be Toy Story 4 and Spiderman into the Spider-


There will be an ice-lolly and a drink supplied and pupils may

bring additional snacks/drinks. They may also bring a cushion

to sit on.

Pick up will be at 6pm from the Lower Prep gate.

Parents are asked for a £1 donation.

Page 7: News in A note from the Headmaster brief…...A note from the Headmaster This has been a busy and exciting week, with everyone fully in to the routines of school life after the extended

Dates & After-School Clubs coming up week commencing 20th January:

Thursday 23rd

January’s themed

lunch menu is….

Monday Eye tests: Reception (morning)

‘Trust Me’ Loudmouth workshop: Y8 & Y9 (9.00 –

10.55 am)

Young Voices, Genting Arena: Upper Prep School

(leave school at 12.30 pm, concert starts at 7.00


Trip to Poetry Live, Symphony Hall, Birmingham:

Y11 (all day)

After School Clubs:

Art: Y5 & Y6 (3.45 – 4.45 pm)

Chess: Upper Prep & Seniors (4.00-5.00 pm)

Art Club: Seniors excluding KS4 (3.45 – 4.45 pm)

Tuesday After School Clubs:

Drama: Upper Prep (3.45 – 4.45 pm)

MAT Problem Solving Club: Y5 & Y6 selected pupils

only (3.45 – 4.30 pm)

GCSE Art Club (3.45 – 5.00 pm)

Wednesday Parents’ Evening: Y8 (4.00 – 6.00 pm)

Thursday Outlook Expeditions Evening, Borneo expedition in

2021: 6.00 – 7.00 pm, Y10

Themed lunch: Chinese New Year

After School Clubs:

11Plus Tuition sessions: Y4 & Y5 (5.30 – 6.30 pm)

Musical Theatre: Upper Prep (4.00 - 4.30 pm)

Friday ‘Safe and Sound’ Loudmouth workshop: Y9-Y11

(2.00 – 3.45 pm)

Movie Night: Prep School

After School Clubs:

Karate: Prep School (3.50 – 4.50 pm)