NEWS H ERALD. WHOLE NUT3MBER 1,769 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 1887. PRICE FIVE CEN'IS WILL CEASE TO was sentenced by JudgeKunbe this morn- TH lected Indianapolis as he place for the ES along the shore, and in the bayous and la Eing to w ai athnext annual meeting in 188. An increase A' METROPOLIS goons. ' la or. Doll was convicted of fraud in the in membership was reported and the work IThe market for Pensacola fish extends purchase of horses for the city. of the Association found to be in a flour- from New YorK to Chicago and Denver - -- fishing condition. TE CITY F PENSACOLA---ITS HISTORY. The flsh family holds a leading place in SOCIALISTS ABROAD DECIDE TO CATER A PANIC IN TAMPA. HOW THE YOUTH WAS BRUTALLY TE CIY OF PEN COLA---ITS ISRY the ighty mass of life on the globe, being TO THE GERMANS. Several Cases of Dengue taken for Ye- ABUSED AT WILIAMS. ALDERMAN WATSON'S POSITION. INDUSTRIES AND INTERESTS. the principal food of more people than any Several Cs Ies o Denue akenfor el-othe'tr of nature's products. All around in low Fever-Two Deaths. YHe Explains His Reasons for His Ac- the sea :ife's simplest children live and They Find That it Does Not Pay to Send Special to the NEws-HERALD. The Fearfuil Trials he Was Subjected to tion in Certain Matters. Florida in General-The Forts and the move and build and die. From the micro Representatives to the Sobranje and TAMPA, FLA., October 5.-Great excite- Which Upset His Mind-The Case May JACKSONVILLE, October 5. ' Navy Yard at Pensacola-Shipping and sopice beginnings of life, mere slime Parliament-Result of the Meeting at ment has prevailed here to-day over the re- Put a Stop to College Hazing-An In- To te Editor of the NwsHt a : Lumber-The Fish Indstry-Scenes at seks, to whi belong the octiluc, or St. Gall-What Will the Radicals Sayp port of several supposed cases of yellow investigation Being Made. In this morning's issue of your paper the the Wharves-Distant Fish Markets. p.osphoescent animal which on a dark ---- fever. Some fifty or more of the citizens ---- .- _ -report of Council proceedings does me - of sinery ight t, up to shime porpoise, which a j c h o wl lof silvery light, rp to The porpoise, vhici. vBy Cable to the NEws-1iERALD. of Tampa became panic-stricken and left. PITTSFIELD, MASS., October 3.-The dis- an injustice which I hope you will do me The following letter is going ihe rounds gracefully plays around your boat, the LONDON, October 5.-The action of the Dr. King Wylly, of Sanford, came hither graceful circumstance attending the haz- the favor toorrrt by publishing the of the Northwestern press: inot be computed. And alongife in the beach we secret convention of Socialists at St. Gall at the request of President Ingraham, and ing of young George Choate by the Wil- owing expnation my action: Pensacola is the extreme western part find shells of every conceivable shape, and in condemning the temporizing policy of after a careful diagnosis wired Dr. Cald- liams College Sophomores, and its very managers as reported is notl as it c ee unlike theg rilobites and similar creaturns not the Socialist deputies in Germany, presents well as follows: serious results, were read here to-day and originally presented but was amended tcondeed by geologts to be he newest that swarmed irl the seas of the twiligi i striking analogy to the recent repudia- '"A panic prevailsin Tampa find many much comment as caused. Sympathy read as published, and all the discussion part of the United States. Upon number- ages of the world. tionby English inersof theirbers cases of fever with but two deaths. I con- for the young man was expressedby every- occurred on the amendments. I, after less snowy columns, built by the tireless __ tion by English miners of heir numbers cases of fever wvaly tryig togetthectizens the eight cot'al insect he floating drift-wood and ST. AUGUSTINE. of parliament. Minority representations sider it dengue, and required stronger body. It is held that the Sophomores who of free admission on to the grounds pro-floating drift-wood and ST. AUGSTINE. in legislative bodies have in both cases proofs of danger before establishing a hazed him are all but criminally posed to be filled by the cityandreclaimed, sea-weed found lodgment, until a huge More about the Liquor Dealers' Demor. been proven useless for securing any amel- quarantine. Our city physicians ioncur responsible for the shattered mental not occupied by the Exposition build platform was established, over which the strati on-A Questien o Color. ings, voted forl the petition as it rains and rivers of' thle tertiary period S-eia Qorspn ee o of ColoH~r.: ioration of the material condition of the in the opinion that it is dengue fever." condition which followed upon the now stands amended with the except tiornwashed the sand and mud of the mon-the N EWS-HETALP working people. THE GOV-RNOR'SPPOINTENTS. outrageous pranks. The affair is with- of the third clause, which abolishes Oak washed h sand - ST. AUGUSTINE, October 5.-The dis The opinion generally expressed at St. Special to the NEws-HPeD. out a parallel in the history of the col- street,- and gae as my reason for oppos- tains of Georgia and Alabama, and made patch sent by the NjEWS-HERALD) corres ing this clause the fact that it. would close Florida what it is, alandof lakes,swamps, pondent fiont this city last night concern Gall seemed to be that the money hereto- TALLAHASSEE, FLA., October 5.-The ege. The Sophomores found youngChoate nLaura street at H ogai creek and prevent subterranean rivers and springs of water ing the parade of the ".wet" element has fore spent in election campaigns, and for Governor has this day made the following an easy prey, and they seem to have played ingress into Springfield byconnecting withsutra an i a is similar purposes, might better be applied pp tmets s delegas to the South- their pranks upon him without mercy. Oak street at the new bridge proposed to which ebb and flow with the tides. Flor- elicited much comment, and although het t et i appa p nhe built over Hogan creek at the head of ida has more water surface than any other generally approved, has brought forth hereafter to extending a propaganda era States Forestry Congress, which will ihe peculiar manner in which they excited Laura street, and because, in my opinion, State in the Union, Minnesota takig p among the people. "Hitherto," as one of be held at Huntsville, Ala., October 26, in his mind the religious fervor is undoubt- 1 it wouldbe an act of cbad imlth tothe many en i e, Su protests from nearly all of the white liquor th ,eeates expressed it, "we have been'scnplcinti -et h Suh delrw ieankycoe nvt the delegates expressed it, "we have been 1887, to-wit : Prof. John P. Patterson, of edly without a precedent in college hazing, citizens who had subscribed for the exten- d place in th. - dealers, who disclaim any connection wih too eager for a chowpoc r ai n . ,f Tallaa- This was subsequent t o the physical tor son of Laura street to the Sub-Tropical era point of Florida, a region some five the affair whch ws conducted b colored grounds and into Sprinfield, and its con- thousand miles in extent, known as the men entirely. mere politics. The movement must he see: Prof. A. H1. Curtiss, of Jacksonville; ments to which they subjected him, and grons ak tre an t s ew ho ad mabit mad m re ed caton l.netio b O k tret nec il ionA S elbev rgadsis niha itble an 111ith1" ) ftilefiten ettioshew odar made more educational. In~t order to at- Mr. A. C. Croome, of Brooksville; Mr. A. was practiced night after night for the Road, now in prosss of construction. everg es, is uni able and almost Two of the fifteen petitions grunted'are t o ColOred saloon-keepers who furnished.. tract a wider constituency, we must make . uel, of berry Grove. best part of a week. Some of' the Sopho- Second-I am quoted as opposing the impenetrable. to colored Saloon keers who fu shed urDval street bridge into East Jacksonvile It is a tangle, of sem-tropical vegeta- oclained, i of the beer used os te we must begin by curtailing." As delegates to the National Farmers' mores more brilliant than the others sug- eus "1 though te Canil tkson ill It is a tangle of seide-ropialvegeta- t s ine ht eer ed p ecaue " thughttheCou-il oo avih Ioccasion. The -white dealers were asked becuse"I h~ulittheCoucil oolavshtion anti has so far defied exploaion by to contribute but refused, and tried to pe-. This enigmatical utterance was ex- Congress, to be held at Chicago, Ill.,No- gested that the gang should haze the boy in the expenditure of money," when my i a s soi e on b t t e btre dn plained presumay by a mere matter of vember 1 to 5, 1887: Captain A. R. Godwin. on the "religious racket," as they called tason t t ht o is and was so stated that it was be- tehrewest Florida The dispatch, however , is correct as far fact statement, obtained from the delegate it haria.n s It wo agIohe u i nl ee rodeisp after the existence of the conference be- of Mariana; Mr. Jo S. Winthrop, of par that be had a predisposition to rlig- new city was organized, and give those has the honor of being the oldest in settle- as it goes aid the general opinion is that came known. This delegate declared to a Tallahassee; Mr. John V. Brown, of Su- lons fervor, and this the precious young ho will, in a short time, succeed us as meant by the whites. Jean Rebault, with the emonstration as lost the wet inter a reporter of a London paper that a plat- wannee Shoals; Clel John M. Martin ruffians took advantage Of to such a de-- councilmen a voice in the appropriation of a company of French Muguenots, landed est many votes. As the NEWS-HERi , tL form will soon be issued which it is hoped agree that, through exhortations concern- funds for the public improvements, es- . iver in a1662, and at correspondent understands his position, it will attract the conservative class of Ger- of Ocala. i g eternal damnation and the like, they pecially as a large portion of such funds pted the first settleent in any part i hs duty to gie the news as it actually man"people, who, while sympathizing with A TEST LIQUOR LICENSE CASE. brought him to a most distressful state of will have to be pal by those who at pres- of othmerica, now ted S tates. The tern- occurs and the dispatch was sent in wih the general aims of the socialists, utterly Special to the Niws-4pitALD. mind and finally to insanity. Then, ~too ent have no representation in the present tory of the Unted State. The colony, out comment andt in strict accordance refs e t oe co ruse th hrudiat e I ei d t oL thINE Fs- iR Ocobe 5.-Th late, his family was sent for, and the sad Cou nci1, however, did not remain, IDA it was fol- with the facts. as they refuse to repudiate their TALLAHASSEE, FLi, October 5.-The late, his ofamil-ay hat te physiis Third-Because I do ot believe the pres- lowed by another French company, only A new concrete veneer store is being violent intentions. Th delegate admitted applications W. P. Slusser & Co., dealers consider s e t Council has ttr c e legal right to pass to be massacred by Menendez, a Spanish erected by the St. Augustine Imp r ove that such a course Will alienate many good in liquor tc., for a writ of mandamus to THE PITIFUL SHAME OF IT. ordinances, or vote money by re-olution or captain, who in 1665 founded St. Augus- met-Company on Bridge street. It wil! workersin the irreconcilable section of .... otherwise, exceptsuch as may le actDaily tine, now the oldest city in the country, be 30x60 feet, and will be oc the party, but he believed it would compel the tax colector to issue license So convinced was the pooryouth that his necessary to icrry out existing ordinances. Florida was discovered by Ponce de Leon cu led by George Meyers and Company. eventually strengthen the movement, without having complied with the law tormentors were telling him t truth and y. B. WATSON. on Easter Sunday, the Spanish Pascua r. . Linsey, formerly of Pittston, Every German," he said, "is a'born the etiti a inajorit of the talkin to him with only the best inten- ._..____Florida, or Feast of Flowers in 1512; hence Pennsylvania, has removed to this city, socialist. The idea of family is stronger requiring p o a y tions that he went around the village with the name. It was in that year that de where he has opened an office on St. George among us than amon an other ple rgisred voters, heard by Judge an expression of absolute sUffering on his S A D R. Leon tramped over the country in sarch street at the residence of Col. W. G. Ponce. and we naturally transfer peothis D.S. Walker is s n ning. It wasably face. He wentup to several persons whom A Mistake Which Proved of Value to of the fountain of youth. A large spring, Dr. Lindsley comes well recommended, and idea to the state. We conceive argued by John E. 13ard, Esq., for the he had never seen before and asked them - Three Young Hunters some fifty miles east of this city, which is already obtaining a good practice. government administered on fa y I, i a pitiful-voice why he shouldao to hell, ,Three boys from Jacksonville James ebbs and flows with the gulf tide, bears Mr Henry K. Shirley, a bright eight .l~ :1 i . m': se"i-appi :nt ::d. . G.oopr Attre an hh aoebd dil .eH b d s thh eodr tyd goples-but the firsteie o thi i Attorney and why somebody didn't d6 so*- Tre 's fro ,aks'' J e his name. From what is now Tamp a year-old deaf mute, arrived here yesterday confidence and amity. The mistake is to General, for the Collector. The applica- thing to save him. 'Soo after he legan -Maxey, James Garthowl and F. Holland Bay, on the Western coast of Florida, from Marianna, Florida, accompanied by hint at and even wink at violence. By re- tion was refused; and the case will go up tp worry about his stnies, and wentabou 'ent hunting on Monday afternoon. They Herando de Soto began in 1539 his long and his father, who will leave him at the Deaf jecting it we shall take advantage of the the Supreme Court. _ _tiown telling people that he had be n had not bagged any gaimn and were turn- wearisome march which resulted two and Dumb Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Park naturally socialistic bent of the German rc wn tel, imgia, i5s last g eir steps homewad disgusted at years later in his discovery of the Missis- Terrell, who have charge of the institute, character, we Wibl increase ourmstrength - o ta a si sippi river. areex ing to have an increased numb the ballot-box ad gain political power by Special to the NEws-HERAID. hallucination was that everybody in the the day's sport, when at a point in the Pensacola is 200 ears old. In its infan- of pupils this season. a peaceful revolution dn based on the race de- PENSAcOiA, FLA., Octor 5 D college held him in abhorrence, doing woods not far from Three Mile Branch cY it sti-ggled under thle name of Santa The article which appeared in the re lfor brotherhood."a, , Octer 5.-W. D. everything possible to make things un- tedor ht h 'Ma ria de Galva, but in lateryears thepres- -The arle Which appear-din tile,, The radical section is yet to be heard Chipley, who has been a prominent mem- pleasant for him,and hewalked thestreets eyiscoer wa tey too to ent Indian one supplanted the baptismal ord opez woho has lived tating that "Clif from and lively times are expected when her of the municipal Board of Commiss- Wking all whom Le met wihy it was so. young cow grazing in the marsh hollows, one. Its location upon a magnificent land- l e as ie d n gustine the ult of th fe be With such a mental strain it is not sur- Just for the fun of the thing Maxey and locked harbor has always given it promi- all hs hfe,' was insane and on his way to thknoe r of the conference comes loners ever since its organiztion three pringtainsomniaresulted-,-adthatit Garthow raised theirpeipes aid fired at nence. There is much of historical inter- Chlattahboochee must be a great surprie . ... __years ago, was to-day elected President of was followed by acute melancholia. For her simultaeousl, not intending to in- est everywhere about the city. The build- to the afor sati yNoungman who was sea AT THE NATION'S CAPITAL. that boardand ex-officio mayor. He has nights and nights the boy had notan hour's jure her, but mrerety with the intention of ing of forts must have been a leading in- t ay by td health NEWS-EALD h correspond- been chairman of the police, hewer,.fire sleep, yet he was constan ink his classes, frightening her. The animal leaped into dustry among the early settlers, to judge ent hin gos d healthders. and with a level head an ws ptrentyl rational enough t he air anti t.ten started to run, Nit fell from ihe number of run fte old ones"- oul e rs . oava nah adhasrben moerunofhonh s The President's Luxuriant Special-- gas, and water committees ever since the hile there tp a e rethiona kgenh ate aoi nd th dtisotru.but om he nubrhf ruineof theold byohe who lives in Savannah and has been oe Other W ashington N e w s, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~an w lt . ut -whe n~ he w as taken after going a short distance,. T he Th ci y as n t m e b n h ld y th or e s in ne f r e r . is he p s n ' h Other Washington News. organization of the boartl. away on Monday of last week the sad re- boys hastened to the spot and French, Spaniards, and English. In 1814 or less insane for years. is the person fho Special Correspondence of the NEWs-HERALD. . sult was too obvious. His mind did not to their utter amazement dis- General Jackson drove the English away, is meant in the aiicle, full mention of WASHINGTON, D. C., October 3, 1887. TWO ITALIANS DROWNED. run to self-injury or violence to others, covered that they hbad shot a young deer. and five years later in obedience to mani- Which was made in yesterday's NEws Perhaps I could not better begin this Special to the NEWs-HERALD. He was depressed, <apparently in th The aniul was not dead, but a blow or feet destiny Spain formally ceded its Flori- ERALD. letter than by giving brief description ST. AUGUSTINE, PLA., 'October 5.-A depts of des ir. One of his society men two on the head put an end to its suffer- da territory to the United States. Two Alively fight occurred last night at the te ean by givingt a description of bcomnied h orth Adams to take gs and tn the young hunters began de- forts, Pickens and Barancas guard the en- fire engine house between a dozen or so the ellegantly appointed and equipped containing two men and the train for :, bridge, and it is report- 1in it it get their game home. it trance to Pensacola harbor. Picked ison scored belligerents, several of whom were ed that Gr.- hoatf's -aions ataea !yfor carrying and hey feared Santa Rosa island, and is one of the fo brought bet e Mayor ad fined this train that is bearing the Presidential party woman, Italians, capsized in the bay oppo- ed that Mr. Choate's actions at wa neavy for carrying a h f Sat Raf s ore the Mayor and fined this on their great Western and Southern tour,- site the city about 7:30 o'clock to-night, the railroad statioi were of- the toeave itwhereit lay lest it should be that the Confederates failed to capture morning. ' Too much free beer was the about which so much has been sid and The woman and one man iweree drowned. most peculiar nature-so much so thit captured by some one before they could re- during the war. cause of the affair. written. The train consists of three Pull- The thirdit appears a telegram was sent back o turn for it with a team. - Barrancas is on the mnai land, and il A grand ball will be given to-mnorow written. The train consist of three Pull The third party reached shore with some Williamstown, asking for the assistance A "cracker" living not far away had most under its guns is the navy yard, the night at the old fort by the members of man cars, counected( in sucli a way that difficulty. of two more "Alpha Delts" onthe jeouiney. heard the report of the guns and soon ap- onlyoineon the gulf. There are two forts the Hook and Ladder Company. SSince his return to his father's beautiful peared on the scene. . R offered to relieve called Barrancas, one built by the Span one can walk from one end to the other ONLY A FRIENDLY VISIT. summer home he has been in bed most of then of their game by giving them $3.50 iards one hundred aid fifty years ago of without o apenig door or being expoWsed WNothin i the time, suffering from nervous shock, for it. The offer was accepted and the boys brick brought from Spain, whle the ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT GONE. to the weather or other discomfort, and Crpi Says here as n igif- .and a New York specialist has been called returned home triumphant. modern ene towers aoove it armed with Mrs. Beatrice Rogero Passes Away - at the coaches are richly and fashionably fur- cant in His Interview With Bismarck: t-oi amine into his condition.- Whether_ --...- . guns able to send solid shot whirling with latka Quite udden By Cable to the Nws-HxRALD. he will rhetrn or not depends upon his re- - A MIDNIGHT BLAZE. accdracy to ships nine nu - te.y in the .c Ra en e nishedandupholstered-among the arti- BELIN, October 5.-The Fr)anikfucitc covery. If he does he will come back as a blu waters of the guif. The - military e Rogero, another one of les being a beautiful bed- Zeiig to-day publishes n interview partial student. An Alarm fr m the Wrong Box Causes a post here usually contains a couple of com- Jaot ksoivi esteemed res room, centre-table, inlaid writing with o Sigor daC publishesin wh ch thervieian Other Freshmen at Williams have been Slight Delay. paies under r the command of a Col l. ants i i tm s desk, sofas, rocking cb b SignrCrpiinwchazed heretofore. One youth Was taken + Just about 12 o'clock last night an alarh -The navy yard, idle for years, is one of as o 30l drsk, sofas, rocking chairs baar haved it t Princ Bimmark he tv ve a ro Stairs r premier attributed his journey to Fried- a field at midnight, partially stripped and of fire was sounded from box 3 at the the most extensive anl valuable properti s umera' }L cars 5 t e bir chiairi wi~l s:ver Lt k~mr_ rs wit thrat qj( p duk r c-r il rsruhl on a visit to Prince Bismarck to hela over a river with threats of a o oLthe Government, an which the vast on th ab >re ope h in_ to say nothing of a bathroom and smok- a desire to see the German Chancellor ing; afterwards his head was shampooed corner - 1tu: oave sreets, hut s t s-illion dollars has been spewt. turns aho ~e ing compartment, and to cap the climax, Their conversation, ihe said, did not refer withmAger ae. But he drew this upon it was discovered that the fire was in a Twenty narihes guard- wide-sprAtli . Ut o ded WN y an oem o te cars are heated b stea fro te to any special political objects. The Ro- hime by publicly betting 5 that the dwelling on the north side of Forsyth grand, ietinel-li ight an sit o R PaR ra o ad t th car e a biseam fh e the an question did not exist for ItalIans Soloniores would not distirb him . . street, seond door from Liberty. along shell walks muid mela t hv pi l Paiatha on 'nesa.ty ctoqas 1 o -D npetoI "m .h l ilk ililIeal l ies UP,~ n locomnot've and sintoars theVatikn was The Facultyaretaking activmeasures T rigof the wron 0 somewhat of sol shot and greAt gunsrack e upin may tru Ihullyl aT tae ursI wieecrcItaly's position towards the Vatipntkifcie Tlre-Tiuging ofotie ofix sht-d gm aki- 1)i l h4,jtjL f nml lights from tie same source. Washington al Itaian internal matter with which to thoroughly invest i gate the case, interfered with the depart nent in getting long frowning rows. Enough aucham'am i broken earn Le ace ate ut~ 1 ber h g hv e d i s o vrm t h a s a m ee s o ur t .W, h1 o has certainly never before seen such a Italy allowed no interference from any and they have discovered that there are to work on the fire, so that whe a ,in sight to hold fast, 1n sny se aiL-f t~e - -deP etie a ty id quarter. two or three other ceses where Feshmen stream was go tten on the entire roof of war ships of the American navvy, aninthen Mrs. gero yaS. he cbe splendidly oufit train. Geo. Pull Sign9r Crispi said he caled Bismarck's have been bazed, i e wl took into- the house was enveloped in flaun s have enough left to supply the merchant Joe Ro~ ewho m atk man gave his personal attention to the attention to the senseless newspaper on- -New York World. The house was a one and one half story i vessels of Ibe country. Near he 'navy timely ) at lte 4 %~e t details, and the outlay is said to repre- jecture n Ohis subject, and Prince Bis- - ** - -- frame building owned by Mr. J. A. yard is the UnitedStates Mariae hospital friend it '"ity oAei 4e senta capital stock of 200,00, and it is marck was much amused. Tmhe German ON THE VERGE OF DEATH. Baree, but was unoccupied, the last, ten- and National cemetery, with a thousand of May. Ih; t m t et oe set apt~ tok f$20 1 ad.I i hh~tor id there could be tie qestion t ,:. u having vacated tie preissti Mhobou, k rvs g O 'cel sS svn I hea, })~ mo9. further stated that the President Will h matters'betwee himslfa Wreckers Tryme to Throw a Train 1Dw week ago. It wa, rented again, however sta tion, while opposite are tle ruins of fast been sml a V t et a t a l ex p e n se o f $ 10 ,00 fo r th e trip , )e I ,O " .. . . .. . . .... I . .. D o w a-n e at an expense of $10,000 for the trip. Signor Crispi declared that Italy only Embankment. and the new tenants were to movie in this Fort Mcae a ndthe tallest lIjht-house in slender tI ch iun mod An important act of the President be- desired the maintenance of the European Specalteothe NWS-HisAB. r ouning,. the South,withanueyetha piees through snapped aNhe bs b e o fore leaving, was the appointment of Sec- equilibrium, hence had joined te Austro- STi LO i , Octoer -Adlaboli at- Mr. Barbee had an insuraice of 81,W0 or wevy nih-sof da-kness. than ours she has l~ te rotary Bayard and Messrs. W . AgPui- Io Grman ahfiance. Italy, ke ad Europ e t t was made yasterdy to wec'ku pas- $1,200 on the building, but as humost the The wharves of Pensacoland the streets other short es a , he nam, of Mae, and Jas. B. ngell, of ad reason to fe r lsylas alvan e to entire roof was burned this wtll hardiv rear te baue made of ballast brought Mrs. Ho<ro lHoben eae Michigan, to act as Commissioners in the Constantinople, and cannot permit the singer train on the lli uis and St Louis replace it, as it s likely be will miot a from allof the continents. The pile of city for a al4 doW o adjust-ment of the questionof~he asheries Mediterranean~to beqme Russian lake. Railroad, about a mie from Beleville, lowed to repair it onLy by erecting a rock lying hare is granite from Rio Jan- come here v 4 . ' o A trouble with our northern neig hl,ors. All . Ills. A special trail fi lad wish excursia- veneered building, for t issismated within em, over there the dirt is from England. Augustine m ~ ' ony oathec gentleman have odo s fii eut 1 ib AN EX-SENATORIDRPS DEAD. Ist fremonS - Louis was pr i - the ie. laos e to be- the ork of it a rock a rael - e sco' es lof thes gtrainf e n ha eo s icien t - pThe .. ... ,.. . t . fire s sp osed to b e r f Ch ia, Egypt an A ustrali. he vanity has resided l pn 21e. trust to warrantthe belief tha if a satis- Washburn, of Greenfield, Expires on veilk at . rate oftwenty mi-les an hur anincendiary. oh shipping is puzzling and ovel to one two weeks ie rai factory settlement of the internationalcon- the Platform at a Mission .eeting. when the train rushed into an onis.wtch unacquainted with seafaring life. There watching tl issolu on. 14gto dl3 Y'sstand troversy is possible, the country may con- Speial to the NEws-HERALD. nearly a ile loUg, ra&id l1d gOle half i e EGHWAY [OBERY. are sips and hrks, brigs an schooners aains h eie ti laa '- .•":+th HIGHWAY-O " EH- 1 nia smisnd hcr ' rks b"igs and.. scones agans "ho p + a' ni al t e .a a-a fident[ly expect such a remu t at their of- e , the switch fa te the engisser . -t , - ayo nh prolon %hlieta hands-a colmun atiosa devoutly to he SPRINGFIELD, MASS., October 5.-Ex- le Iofthewchbefrebengine Hard Toddhmmitted Jai4 Dfmlt them veritable tr1pesf oa the se, n oi ig.<>>. g v a nd ttha ,tab' wished. Governor Win. B. Washburn of Green- A quarter of a mile fnrther -e switoh- of $500 Bail, hither and thither, anywhere in search of which had be en 11estbe aU At the last CaWinet meetings e financial field, dropped dead at 100'clock this morn- rails ad -been so mlsted as to plungte he last Feidaya young man by the name of business. Vessels are distinguished by since her son' c a ede situation was exhaustively dusessd, with :~ : the purposetoprovide against a possible n on t pt at CitHall tr a stee ankum ne A it- Ossione OLira:accorepai a bi brother, t e ig cay o Th chn ae recurrence of the recent stringny in the Aeia or onlao ~o'~eo h eq~txe otyhrt aet owy usao alnta oduto 5 ~a commrcil wrldand de ddiferncetrusion I ocnpan cidn.which is-about twenty ailes southwest of to build more ships to come for more hum- Mrs. Rogerolt tag 11t 1 x commercial world, and a decided difference aisos oenwmnadcide.e e-cr of opinion was developed regaining the Washburn was seatedon the platform at Augus¢t Franz and Joe abr., nw in the 'the city. When near what is known as her. Shi ments however are made to all one son, who as care atopurc fhe bs a no hereasr the meeting of the Board of Missions and county jail under .indictment or -taking Fire-Mlepond about noon, a "urly negro parts o t.e worl Nearly every wharf has contemplating th-. i , a to purchase bonds not reqied forth during the reading of the Amnnual Survey spikes frem a ail on the same road ear appioachedOss who waswalking, and ate wellto surplywshops wthdr esh h er daughter siningfund-the resutbemg to it was by Dr. Smith, he suddenly fell forward this spot, have confessed their guilt,-and pesentin .a pistol, ,desnded of mh is ate. Tecews of wanderers of.the C. F. Pons al ex 0 -. determined to refer the matter to the de- into the lap of the gentleman next him claim that it was the result of a drunken money. Having lust sold some sheepand sea are poorly paid, the common sailor married daughlar cision of the Attorney General, in case and xired in e hi ius wtht l brawl. cattle he had $49.50 on his person which he getting from six to ten dollars a month, old, reside in this there should apparently arise th~eneces- an expknawnunu on av-, _.... reluctantly gave np, when h.esegro order- with the hardest kind of fare. Americans now her ons s sity of such action o the part of the n body ws carried to an ani-room DOWN WITH ALL ON BO . ed hi to take to his heels or he would kill won't work for that money nor live such Gainesville. ,esve.nh 1 j to It appears hat the monetaryealtrm was and Dr. Post summoned, but it was too Special to te Nws-HW Ay. m The n.u - anrnort t igrt hetie a 's le rCtla i A .. rica e rem ia ds oi more a matter of imagination that reality' late. DWhTaOIr, M ca., October .-- Aspecis lo and caused a warrant to issue for his ar- ships from the ocean. this morning fro generally speaking, for the very simple a me f reG o en Wanit his wf, the News ftrm Duluth says: Private e- est,'which was done, and the bldacoun- The South is still a region of forests mculate C e resnta h olm fcrec ame froma Greeim ld thi morning.. at 9 T .. •L. .. .odd with... : autt oce t u w iason that the volume of currency o'clock. He went direct to the city lill, ports received -here say that the propeler .drel, who says his name is Hardy pTodd, w ith immense districts of pine, edar, cy- was a life-long mert et Do the c. wa increased $75,00000a thebusies while his wif h to the women's meet- Vamderbilt wcnt down with all on beard ,was tendap ie was .e Justice st unouch Tlothe nerl ine o os edto attendst fudf a a -grd interests o the country are in a healthy ig at the Firs hurch, and there received while trying to weather Keween Point Belisario on the charge of robbery from the leading one of Pen acola, the Out-put eh . pcated ,condition. the news of her husband's death- dur n yesterday ' s gale. The reports are the peon. F. W Pope, Eo<, appeared of the saw-mills running into the hun- SENAT It is calculated at the Treaurythat the - u *** --- 11uluth as the propeller fort defeneathe O" J I .Sum r, reds of millions of feet annually.- The. SEI'ATOR P 0cou-' -i government hassaved in interest by the KILLED HIMSELF IN COURT. Badger State rounded the point and made P .,epresented the Stau. m of-andlingofstuffatone of these mills ha s A Trip to0San~o 4,o repayment of bonds under the circular of A Man Sentenced t e Years Draws Marquettesafelyabout the same time. T he evidence asall on tone side and re- been reduced toasPerfect SyStem. 1 Manatee fro r as mnt tehadsmesu f 3,0000sulted in Todd's bein committed to the It is a sight to see a log yanked out of MaaeIrr -not to mention the probably immense a Knife and Severs His Windpipe. MOREHEAD AGAIN IN DANGER. county jail en default of $500 bond to await the water, rolled into position before the Senat6r asco, witt of fr financial losses it prevented individluals Special to the NEws-HERALD. Special to the NEWS-HERALD. trial before the Criminal Court of iHe&rd. saw the slabs dropped off on a slide where will leave here at 9 o i, i: this wc from suffering. CHATTANOOGA, TENN., October 5.-A LEXINGTON, KY., October 5.-News has .... an endless conveyer carries them to aburn- on a trip through tuth Floride The Naval Bod hs concluded to con-' sickening tragedy nwas enacted in the been received from Morehead that Logan IN ITS WAR PAINT. ncr c whiceM ouv i to will go bypecial train, tender struct a Norfolkthe 6,00itonpbatle-shipeircuitaourt ofdrispcity thisamo authorized by the act of Congress, at a Circuit Court of this city this mrning. adherents are coming into town armed Duval Division Sons of Temperance is furnace under the boiler; while the lumber Jacksorville, Tajnpa & Key 11 cost of $2,376,000, which is $125,000 less than Sam Branch, (colored) was on trial for and expecting a fight with the Tolliver beginning to put -ol the war paint for her itself Is seized, measured and piled away, way. time appropriation provides. It will take stealing a watch from Pat Maloney and party, who are said to be plotting to burn work for the coming winter. To-night and all in the twinkling ofuan eye. Theslars I bwill ea en about eighteen months to finish the work at the time named the jury came into the the town. newzeal will be infused into hen good ^2d defetive ieces bunedtup her every 11 - alatka, ile.aDe and, 5 on this great monster of the deep. _ ... new nelwlie nue no irgo onth togat the stuff out of the way to Monit Dora, Tavares and back to C The organization of department clerks court and announced a verdict of guilty NOONEY IS ISANE. works by the installation of the newly would make a comfortable fortune -for a fford, whre the party will remain ove -' into State Associations, of which there are of grand larceny, fixing the penalty of five Special to theNEWS-HERALD. elected officers, and many features of in- Northern city wood dealer. Lumber. vis-' ighf. On Fid y they will visit Orlando, several, has been the occasion of one of the years in the penitentiary. ranch NEw YoRK, October 5.-Thomas I terest will be introduced, calling together itors anid fish, in about this order, furnish Kissinh OFCity, Bartow, Plant City, O rla most sensational episodes of the present Then followed a horrible scene. Branch as- . all the live members of the order through- a living for the people assindn and ta, here they ill Administration. These organizations nr- jumped to his feet and with a knife in his Nooney, the "crank" who some time ago out the city. Judge A.n R. Meek, who The fishing industry ranks next tolumr akeland and Tiampa, where they will take of the present political as well as right hand, drew it across his throat three tried to burn the steamship Queen, has has spent the last two months in Atlanta bering in the number of people who find say over ni ht. social character-the real object being to times, cutting his wind- pipe entirely off been adjuged insane. and other parts of GIeorgia, will tell what employment. an Saurda they will isit Manatee protect the members in their otlcial posi- and severinghis right jugular vein. He * he knows of local option in that State. A The whole gulf coast of Florida is apn ac s on Sudyaud reunin i tions. On being invited to address the died in half an hour. KILLED BY A TRAIN. live meeting is anticipated. ranged over by the fishing smacks of Pen trip is without political o other special Illinois Democratic Association, Civil So great was the excitement which fol- Special to the NEWS-HERALD. ... _ .. _ . sacola. These smacks are froni twenty to significance p Service Commissioner Oberly not only de- towed that the court was compelled to ad- MILTON, PA., October 5.-Doctor M. C. AN INCIPIENT BLAZE. seventy tons measurement, schooner coined to accept the compliment , but wrote Jotraubornp.. naamof A TA" -''OIEYIOE a long letter informing them that the ex- Branch claimed to be innocent of the Davis was struck by a train and instantly Yesterday about 2 p. in. en alarm of rigged-which means that there are no A STRAY SOCIETY NOTE. istence of their Association is a violation charge. He leaves a wife and has chil- ile while diving over a railroad cross- fire was sounded from box 35 co-- yars forro-e o the masts--wih The following from the lirsir of the Civil Service Act, and admonishing dren. _nerf Pine and State streets. dle, which admits of the circulation of sea Courier will be read with interest as it the members that for such infraction they --.. .. PULSH~ ___--WPA:ES The department responded promptly water. The crews consist of fromn five to concerns a tiny little Jacksomville miiss are liable to the penalties of the law. ANOTHER MILLION AND A HALF. PUBLISHERS O NEWSPAPERS and fouid that the fire had origiated on fifteen men, who fish with hand lines, the at present summering among the Berk .... Special to the NEWS-HEHALD. Special to the NEWS-HERALu. the roof of the hose No. 15 East Union hooks weighted withseveral pounds ofilead, shire hills at Great Barringtom Mass.: SENTENCED TO TWO YEARS. WAslNiGTOn, D. C., October, 5.-The NEw YoRK, October 5.-The Executive street occupied by G. A. O'Neil, colored. often going to a depth of three hundred Miss Helen Pitman. of Jacksonville, Fla,, SpecialtotheEws-HERAL. Treasury Departmen o-day purchased Committee of t he American Newspaper and owned by a colored person named feet, down among the coral reefs where entertained a dozen of her eaynates Spectaen.Thtolathe NEWhS-HEkidRALD.e eTreasuryandDepartment to-dayoydabirpurchased American Newspaperteber 6,' fterH"1 CINCINNATI, October 5.-Charles Doll, $1,500,000 of bonds, making $11,800,000 Publishers' Association, met at its New MQueen. The flames, which had kindled the re snapper ai group feed upon at a birthday rieceptio holdet r s. H. A. ex-member of the Board of Public Works, in all. York office yesterday and to-day and se- extinguished with very slight damage. so nte. Smaller fish are caught by sees Bo wIicpt o ver o fter-




WILL CEASE TO was sentenced by JudgeKunbe this morn- TH lected Indianapolis as he place for the ES along the shore, and in the bayous and la Eing to w ai athnext annual meeting in 188. An increase A' METROPOLIS goons. ' la or. Doll was convicted of fraud in the in membership was reported and the work IThe market for Pensacola fish extends purchase of horses for the city. of the Association found to be in a flour- from New YorK to Chicago and Denver - -- fishing condition. TE CITY F PENSACOLA---ITS HISTORY. The flsh family holds a leading place in

SOCIALISTS ABROAD DECIDE TO CATER A PANIC IN TAMPA. HOW THE YOUTH WAS BRUTALLY TE CIY OF PEN COLA---ITS ISRY the ighty mass of life on the globe, being TO THE GERMANS. Several Cases of Dengue taken for Ye- ABUSED AT WILIAMS. ALDERMAN WATSON'S POSITION. INDUSTRIES AND INTERESTS. the principal food of more people than any Several Cs Ies o Denue akenfor el-othe'tr of nature's products. All around in

low Fever-Two Deaths. YHe Explains His Reasons for His Ac- the sea :ife's simplest children live and They Find That it Does Not Pay to Send Special to the NEws-HERALD. The Fearfuil Trials he Was Subjected to tion in Certain Matters. Florida in General-The Forts and the move and build and die. From the micro

Representatives to the Sobranje and TAMPA, FLA., October 5.-Great excite- Which Upset His Mind-The Case May JACKSONVILLE, October 5. ' Navy Yard at Pensacola-Shipping and sopice beginnings of life, mere slime Parliament-Result of the Meeting at ment has prevailed here to-day over the re- Put a Stop to College Hazing-An In- To te Editor of the NwsHt a : Lumber-The Fish Indstry-Scenes at seks, to whi belong the octiluc, or St. Gall-What Will the Radicals Sayp port of several supposed cases of yellow investigation Being Made. In this morning's issue of your paper the the Wharves-Distant Fish Markets. p.osphoescent animal which on a dark

---- fever. Some fifty or more of the citizens ---- .- _ -report of Council proceedings does me - of sinery ight t, up to shime porpoise, which a j c h o wl lof silvery light, rp to The porpoise, vhici. vBy Cable to the NEws-1iERALD. of Tampa became panic-stricken and left. PITTSFIELD, MASS., October 3.-The dis- an injustice which I hope you will do me The following letter is going ihe rounds gracefully plays around your boat, the LONDON, October 5.-The action of the Dr. King Wylly, of Sanford, came hither graceful circumstance attending the haz- the favor toorrrt by publishing the of the Northwestern press: inot be computed. And alongife in the beach we

secret convention of Socialists at St. Gall at the request of President Ingraham, and ing of young George Choate by the Wil- owing expnation my action: Pensacola is the extreme western part find shells of every conceivable shape, and in condemning the temporizing policy of after a careful diagnosis wired Dr. Cald- liams College Sophomores, and its very managers as reported is notl as it c ee unlike theg rilobites and similar creaturns not the Socialist deputies in Germany, presents well as follows: serious results, were read here to-day and originally presented but was amended tcondeed by geologts to be he newest that swarmed irl the seas of the twiligi i striking analogy to the recent repudia- '"A panic prevailsin Tampa find many much comment as caused. Sympathy read as published, and all the discussion part of the United States. Upon number- ages of the world.

tionby English inersof theirbers cases of fever with but two deaths. I con- for the young man was expressedby every- occurred on the amendments. I, after less snowy columns, built by the tireless __ tion by English miners of heir numbers cases of fever wvaly tryig togetthectizens the eight cot'al insect he floating drift-wood and ST. AUGUSTINE. of parliament. Minority representations sider it dengue, and required stronger body. It is held that the Sophomores who of free admission on to the grounds pro-floating drift-wood and ST. AUGSTINE. in legislative bodies have in both cases proofs of danger before establishing a hazed him are all but criminally posed to be filled by the cityandreclaimed, sea-weed found lodgment, until a huge More about the Liquor Dealers' Demor.been proven useless for securing any amel- quarantine. Our city physicians ioncur responsible for the shattered mental not occupied by the Exposition build platform was established, over which the strati on-A Questien o Color.

ings, voted forl the petition as it rains and rivers of' thle tertiary period S-eia Qorspn ee o of ColoH~r.: ioration of the material condition of the in the opinion that it is dengue fever." condition which followed upon the now stands amended with the except tiornwashed the sand and mud of the mon-the N EWS-HETALP working people. THE GOV-RNOR'SPPOINTENTS. outrageous pranks. The affair is with- of the third clause, which abolishes Oak washed h sand - ST. AUGUSTINE, October 5.-The dis

The opinion generally expressed at St. Special to the NEws-HPeD. out a parallel in the history of the col- street,- and gae as my reason for oppos- tains of Georgia and Alabama, and made patch sent by the NjEWS-HERALD) corresing this clause the fact that it. would close Florida what it is, alandof lakes,swamps, pondent fiont this city last night concernGall seemed to be that the money hereto- TALLAHASSEE, FLA., October 5.-The ege. The Sophomores found youngChoate nLaura street at H ogai creek and prevent subterranean rivers and springs of water ing the parade of the ".wet" element has

fore spent in election campaigns, and for Governor has this day made the following an easy prey, and they seem to have played ingress into Springfield byconnecting withsutra an i a is similar purposes, might better be applied pp tmets s delegas to the South- their pranks upon him without mercy. Oak street at the new bridge proposed to which ebb and flow with the tides. Flor- elicited much comment, and although

het t et i appa p nhe built over Hogan creek at the head of ida has more water surface than any other generally approved, has brought forth hereafter to extending a propaganda era States Forestry Congress, which will ihe peculiar manner in which they excited Laura street, and because, in my opinion, State in the Union, Minnesota takig p among the people. "Hitherto," as one of be held at Huntsville, Ala., October 26, in his mind the religious fervor is undoubt- 1 it wouldbe an act of cbad imlth tothe many en i e, Su protests from nearly all of the white liquor th ,eeates expressed it, "we have been'scnplcinti -et h Suh delrw ieankycoe nvt the delegates expressed it, "we have been 1887, to-wit : Prof. John P. Patterson, of edly without a precedent in college hazing, citizens who had subscribed for the exten- d place in th. - dealers, who disclaim any connection wih too eager for a chowpoc r ai n . ,f Tallaa- This was subsequent t o the physical tor son of Laura street to the Sub-Tropical era point of Florida, a region some five the affair whch ws conducted b colored

grounds and into Sprinfield, and its con- thousand miles in extent, known as the men entirely. mere politics. The movement must he see: Prof. A. H1. Curtiss, of Jacksonville; ments to which they subjected him, and grons ak tre an t s ew ho ad mabit mad m re ed caton l.netio b O k tret nec il ionA S elbev rgadsis niha itble an 111ith1" ) ftilefiten ettioshew odar made more educational. In~t order to at- Mr. A. C. Croome, of Brooksville; Mr. A. was practiced night after night for the Road, now in prosss of construction. everg es, is uni able and almost Two of the fifteen petitions grunted'are t o ColOred saloon-keepers who furnished.. tract a wider constituency, we must make . uel, of berry Grove. best part of a week. Some of' the Sopho- Second-I am quoted as opposing the impenetrable. to colored Saloon keers who fu shed

urDval street bridge into East Jacksonvile It is a tangle, of sem-tropical vegeta- oclained, i of the beer used os te we must begin by curtailing." As delegates to the National Farmers' mores more brilliant than the others sug- eus "1 though te Canil tkson ill It is a tangle of seide-ropialvegeta- t s ine ht eer ed p ecaue " thughttheCou-il oo avih Ioccasion. The -white dealers were asked becuse"I h~ulittheCoucil oolavshtion anti has so far defied exploaion by to contribute but refused, and tried to pe-.

This enigmatical utterance was ex- Congress, to be held at Chicago, Ill.,No- gested that the gang should haze the boy in the expenditure of money," when my i a s soi e on b t t e btre dn plained presumay by a mere matter of vember 1 to 5, 1887: Captain A. R. Godwin. on the "religious racket," as they called tason t t ht o is and was so stated that it was be- tehrewest Florida The dispatch, however , is correct as far fact statement, obtained from the delegate it haria.n s It wo agIohe u i nl ee rodeisp after the existence of the conference be- of Mariana; Mr. Jo S. Winthrop, of par that be had a predisposition to rlig- new city was organized, and give those has the honor of being the oldest in settle- as it goes aid the general opinion is that came known. This delegate declared to a Tallahassee; Mr. John V. Brown, of Su- lons fervor, and this the precious young ho will, in a short time, succeed us as meant by the whites. Jean Rebault, with the emonstration as lost the wet intera reporter of a London paper that a plat- wannee Shoals; Clel John M. Martin ruffians took advantage Of to such a de-- councilmen a voice in the appropriation of a company of French Muguenots, landed est many votes. As the NEWS-HERi , tL form will soon be issued which it is hoped agree that, through exhortations concern- funds for the public improvements, es- . iver in a1662, and at correspondent understands his position, it will attract the conservative class of Ger- of Ocala. i g eternal damnation and the like, they pecially as a large portion of such funds pted the first settleent in any part i hs duty to gie the news as it actually man"people, who, while sympathizing with A TEST LIQUOR LICENSE CASE. brought him to a most distressful state of will have to be pal by those who at pres- of othmerica, now ted S tates. The tern- occurs and the dispatch was sent in wihthe general aims of the socialists, utterly Special to the Niws-4pitALD. mind and finally to insanity. Then, ~too ent have no representation in the present tory of the Unted State. The colony, out comment andt in strict accordance refs e t oe co ruse th hrudiat e I ei d t oL thINE Fs- iR Ocobe 5.-Th late, his family was sent for, and the sad Cou nci1, however, did not remain, IDA it was fol- with the facts. as they refuse to repudiate their TALLAHASSEE, FLi, October 5.-The late, his ofamil-ay hat te physiis Third-Because I do ot believe the pres- lowed by another French company, only A new concrete veneer store is being violent intentions. Th delegate admitted applications W. P. Slusser & Co., dealers consider s e t Council has ttr c e legal right to pass to be massacred by Menendez, a Spanish erected by the St. Augustine Imp r ovethat such a course Will alienate many good in liquor tc., for a writ of mandamus to THE PITIFUL SHAME OF IT. ordinances, or vote money by re-olution or captain, who in 1665 founded St. Augus- met-Company on Bridge street. It wil!

workersin the irreconcilable section of .... otherwise, exceptsuch as may le actDaily tine, now the oldest city in the country, be 30x60 feet, and will be octhe party, but he believed it would compel the tax colector to issue license So convinced was the pooryouth that his necessary to icrry out existing ordinances. Florida was discovered by Ponce de Leon cu led by George Meyers and Company. eventually strengthen the movement, without having complied with the law tormentors were telling him t truth and y. B. WATSON. on Easter Sunday, the Spanish Pascua r. . Linsey, formerly of Pittston,

Every German," he said, "is a'born the etiti a inajorit of the talkin to him with only the best inten- ._..____Florida, or Feast of Flowers in 1512; hence Pennsylvania, has removed to this city, socialist. The idea of family is stronger requiring p o a y tions that he went around the village with the name. It was in that year that de where he has opened an office on St. George among us than amon an other ple rgisred voters, heard by Judge an expression of absolute sUffering on his S A D R. Leon tramped over the country in sarch street at the residence of Col. W. G. Ponce. and we naturally transfer peothis D.S. Walker is s n ning. It wasably face. He wentup to several persons whom A Mistake Which Proved of Value to of the fountain of youth. A large spring, Dr. Lindsley comes well recommended, and idea to the state. We conceive argued by John E. 13ard, Esq., for the he had never seen before and asked them - Three Young Hunters some fifty miles east of this city, which is already obtaining a good practice.

government administered on fa y I, i a pitiful-voice why he shouldao to hell, ,Three boys from Jacksonville James ebbs and flows with the gulf tide, bears Mr Henry K. Shirley, a bright eight.l~ :1 i . m': se"i-appi :nt ::d. . G.oopr Attre an hh aoebd dil .eH b d s thh eodr tyd goples-but the firsteie o thi i Attorney and why somebody didn't d6 so*- Tre 's fro ,aks'' J e his name. From what is now Tamp a year-old deaf mute, arrived here yesterday

confidence and amity. The mistake is to General, for the Collector. The applica- thing to save him. 'Soo after he legan -Maxey, James Garthowl and F. Holland Bay, on the Western coast of Florida, from Marianna, Florida, accompanied by hint at and even wink at violence. By re- tion was refused; and the case will go up tp worry about his stnies, and wentabou 'ent hunting on Monday afternoon. They Herando de Soto began in 1539 his long and his father, who will leave him at the Deaf jecting it we shall take advantage of the the Supreme Court. _ _tiown telling people that he had be n had not bagged any gaimn and were turn- wearisome march which resulted two and Dumb Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Park naturally socialistic bent of the German rc wn tel, imgia, i5s last g eir steps homewad disgusted at years later in his discovery of the Missis- Terrell, who have charge of the institute, character, we Wibl increase ourmstrength - o ta a si sippi river. areex ing to have an increased numb the ballot-box ad gain political power by Special to the NEws-HERAID. hallucination was that everybody in the the day's sport, when at a point in the Pensacola is 200 ears old. In its infan- of pupils this season. a peaceful revolution dn based on the race de- PENSAcOiA, FLA., Octor 5 D college held him in abhorrence, doing woods not far from Three Mile Branch cY it sti-ggled under thle name of Santa The article which appeared in the re lfor brotherhood."a, , Octer 5.-W. D. everything possible to make things un- tedor ht h 'Ma ria de Galva, but in lateryears thepres- -The arle Which appear-din tile,,

The radical section is yet to be heard Chipley, who has been a prominent mem- pleasant for him,and hewalked thestreets eyiscoer wa tey too to ent Indian one supplanted the baptismal ord opez woho has lived tating that "Cliffrom and lively times are expected when her of the municipal Board of Commiss- Wking all whom Le met wihy it was so. young cow grazing in the marsh hollows, one. Its location upon a magnificent land- l e as ie d n gustine

the ult of th fe be With such a mental strain it is not sur- Just for the fun of the thing Maxey and locked harbor has always given it promi- all hs hfe,' was insane and on his way to thknoe r of the conference comes loners ever since its organiztion three pringtainsomniaresulted-,-adthatit Garthow raised theirpeipes aid fired at nence. There is much of historical inter- Chlattahboochee must be a great surprie

. ... __years ago, was to-day elected President of was followed by acute melancholia. For her simultaeousl, not intending to in- est everywhere about the city. The build- to the afor sati yNoungman who was sea AT THE NATION'S CAPITAL. that boardand ex-officio mayor. He has nights and nights the boy had notan hour's jure her, but mrerety with the intention of ing of forts must have been a leading in- t ay by td health NEWS-EALD h correspond-

been chairman of the police, hewer,.fire sleep, yet he was constan ink his classes, frightening her. The animal leaped into dustry among the early settlers, to judge ent hin gos d healthders. and with a level head an ws ptrentyl rational enough t he air anti t.ten started to run, Nit fell from ihe number of run fte old ones"- oul e rs . oava nah adhasrben moerunofhonh s The President's Luxuriant Special-- gas, and water committees ever since the hile there tp a e rethiona kgenh ate aoi nd th dtisotru.but om he nubrhf ruineof theold byohe who lives in Savannah and has been oe

Other W ashington N e w s, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~an w lt . ut -whe n~ he w as taken after going a short distance,. T he Th ci y as n t m e b n h ld y th or e s in ne f r e r . is he p s n ' h Other Washington News. organization of the boartl. away on Monday of last week the sad re- boys hastened to the spot and French, Spaniards, and English. In 1814 or less insane for years. is the person fho

Special Correspondence of the NEWs-HERALD. . sult was too obvious. His mind did not to their utter amazement dis- General Jackson drove the English away, is meant in the aiicle, full mention of WASHINGTON, D. C., October 3, 1887. TWO ITALIANS DROWNED. run to self-injury or violence to others, covered that they hbad shot a young deer. and five years later in obedience to mani- Which was made in yesterday's NEws

Perhaps I could not better begin this Special to the NEWs-HERALD. He was depressed, <apparently in th The aniul was not dead, but a blow or feet destiny Spain formally ceded its Flori- ERALD. letter than by giving brief description ST. AUGUSTINE, PLA., 'October 5.-A depts of des ir. One of his society men two on the head put an end to its suffer- da territory to the United States. Two Alively fight occurred last night at the

te ean by givingt a description of bcomnied h orth Adams to take gs and tn the young hunters began de- forts, Pickens and Barancas guard the en- fire engine house between a dozen or so the ellegantly appointed and equipped containing two men and the train for :, bridge, and it is report- 1in it it get their game home. it trance to Pensacola harbor. Picked ison scored belligerents, several of whom were ed that Gr.- hoatf's -aions ataea !yfor carrying and hey feared Santa Rosa island, and is one of the fo brought bet e Mayor ad fined this train that is bearing the Presidential party woman, Italians, capsized in the bay oppo- ed that Mr. Choate's actions at wa neavy for carrying a h f Sat Raf s ore the Mayor and fined this on their great Western and Southern tour,- site the city about 7:30 o'clock to-night, the railroad statioi were of- the toeave itwhereit lay lest it should be that the Confederates failed to capture morning. ' Too much free beer was the about which so much has been sid and The woman and one man iweree drowned. most peculiar nature-so much so thit captured by some one before they could re- during the war. cause of the affair.

written. The train consists of three Pull- The thirdit appears a telegram was sent back o turn for it with a team. - Barrancas is on the mnai land, and il A grand ball will be given to-mnorow written. The train consist of three Pull The third party reached shore with some Williamstown, asking for the assistance A "cracker" living not far away had most under its guns is the navy yard, the night at the old fort by the members of

man cars, counected( in sucli a way that difficulty. of two more "Alpha Delts" onthe jeouiney. heard the report of the guns and soon ap- onlyoineon the gulf. There are two forts the Hook and Ladder Company. SSince his return to his father's beautiful peared on the scene. .R offered to relieve called Barrancas, one built by the Spanone can walk from one end to the other ONLY A FRIENDLY VISIT. summer home he has been in bed most of then of their game by giving them $3.50 iards one hundred aid fifty years ago of without o apenig door or being expoWsed WNothin i the time, suffering from nervous shock, for it. The offer was accepted and the boys brick brought from Spain, whle the ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT GONE.

to the weather or other discomfort, and Crpi Says here as n igif- .and a New York specialist has been called returned home triumphant. modern ene towers aoove it armed with Mrs. Beatrice Rogero Passes Away - at the coaches are richly and fashionably fur- cant in His Interview With Bismarck: t-oi amine into his condition.- Whether_ --...- . guns able to send solid shot whirling with latka Quite udden By Cable to the Nws-HxRALD. he will rhetrn or not depends upon his re- - A MIDNIGHT BLAZE. accdracy to ships nine nu - te.y in the .c Ra en e

nishedandupholstered-among the arti- BELIN, October 5.-The Fr)anikfucitc covery. If he does he will come back as a blu waters of the guif. The - military e Rogero, another one of les being a beautiful bed- Zeiig to-day publishes n interview partial student. An Alarm fr m the Wrong Box Causes a post here usually contains a couple of com- Jaot ksoivi esteemed resroom, centre-table, inlaid writing with o Sigor daC publishesin wh ch thervieian Other Freshmen at Williams have been Slight Delay. paies under r the command of a Col l. ants i i tm s

desk, sofas, rocking cb b SignrCrpiinwchazed heretofore. One youth Was taken + Just about 12 o'clock last night an alarh -The navy yard, idle for years, is one of as o 30l drsk, sofas, rocking chairs baar haved it t Princ Bimmark he tv ve a ro Stairs r premier attributed his journey to Fried- a field at midnight, partially stripped and of fire was sounded from box 3 at the the most extensive anl valuable properti s umera' }L cars 5t e bir chiairi wi~l s:ver Lt k~mr_ rs wit thrat qj(p duk r c-r il rsruhl on a visit to Prince Bismarck to hela over a river with threats of a o oLthe Government, an which the vast on th ab >re ope h in_ to say nothing of a bathroom and smok- a desire to see the German Chancellor ing; afterwards his head was shampooed corner - 1tu: oave sreets, hut s t s-illion dollars has been spewt. turns aho ~e

ing compartment, and to cap the climax, Their conversation, ihe said, did not refer withmAger ae. But he drew this upon it was discovered that the fire was in a Twenty narihes guard- wide-sprAtli . Ut o ded WN y an oem o te cars are heated b stea fro te to any special political objects. The Ro- hime by publicly betting 5 that the dwelling on the north side of Forsyth grand, ietinel-li ight an sit o R PaR ra o ad t th car e a biseam fh e the an question did not exist for ItalIans Soloniores would not distirb him . . street, seond door from Liberty. along shell walks muid mela t hv pi l Paiatha on 'nesa.ty ctoqas

1o -D npetoI "m .h l ilk ililIeal l ies UP,~ n locomnot've and sintoars theVatikn was The Facultyaretaking activmeasures T rigof the wron 0 somewhat of sol shot and greAt gunsrack e upin may tru Ihullyl aT tae ursI wieecrcItaly's position towards the Vatipntkifcie Tlre-Tiuging ofotie ofix sht-d gm aki- 1)i l h4,jtjL f nml

lights from tie same source. Washington al Itaian internal matter with which to thoroughly invest igate the case, interfered with the depart nent in getting long frowning rows. Enough aucham'am i broken earn Le ace ate ut~ 1 ber h g hv e d i s o vrm t h a s a m ee s o ur t .W, h1 o has certainly never before seen such a Italy allowed no interference from any and they have discovered that there are to work on the fire, so that whe a ,in sight to hold fast, 1n sny se aiL-f t~e - -deP etie a ty

id quarter. two or three other ceses where Feshmen stream was go tten on the entire roof of war ships of the American navvy, aninthen Mrs. gero yaS. he cbe splendidly oufit train. Geo. Pull Sign9r Crispi said he caled Bismarck's have been bazed, i e wl took into- the house was enveloped in flaun s have enough left to supply the merchant Joe Ro~ ewho m atk man gave his personal attention to the attention to the senseless newspaper on- -New York World. The house was a one and one half story i vessels of Ibe country. Near he 'navy timely ) at lte 4 %~e t details, and the outlay is said to repre- jecture n Ohis subject, and Prince Bis- - ** - -- frame building owned by Mr. J. A. yard is the UnitedStates Mariae hospital friend it '"ity oAei 4e senta capital stock of 200,00, and it is marck was much amused. Tmhe German ON THE VERGE OF DEATH. Baree, but was unoccupied, the last, ten- and National cemetery, with a thousand of May. Ih; t m t et oe

set apt~ tok f$20 1 ad.I i hh~tor id there could be tie qestion t ,:. u having vacated tie preissti Mhobou, k rvs g O 'cel sS svn I hea, })~ mo9. further stated that the President Will h matters'betwee himslfa Wreckers Tryme to Throw a Train 1Dw week ago. It wa, rented again, however sta tion, while opposite are tle ruins of fast been sml a V t et a t a l ex p e n se o f $ 10 ,00 fo r th e trip , )e I ,O " .. . . .. . . .... I . .. D o w a-n e

at an expense of $10,000 for the trip. Signor Crispi declared that Italy only Embankment. and the new tenants were to movie in this Fort Mcae a ndthe tallest lIjht-house in slender tI ch iun mod An important act of the President be- desired the maintenance of the European Specalteothe NWS-HisAB. r ouning,. the South,withanueyetha piees through snapped aNhe bs b e o fore leaving, was the appointment of Sec- equilibrium, hence had joined te Austro- STi LO i , Octoer -Adlaboli at- Mr. Barbee had an insuraice of 81,W0 or wevy nih-sof da-kness. than ours she has l~ te rotary Bayard and Messrs. W .AgPui- Io Grman ahfiance. Italy, ke ad Europ e t t was made yasterdy to wec'ku pas- $1,200 on the building, but as humost the The wharves of Pensacoland the streets other short es a , he nam, of Mae, and Jas. B. ngell, of ad reason to fe r lsylas alvan e to entire roof was burned this wtll hardiv rear te baue made of ballast brought Mrs. Ho<ro lHoben eae Michigan, to act as Commissioners in the Constantinople, and cannot permit the singer train on the lli uis and St Louis replace it, as it s likely be will miot a from allof the continents. The pile of city for a al4 doW o adjust-ment of the questionof~he asheries Mediterranean~to beqme Russian lake. Railroad, about a mie from Beleville, lowed to repair it onLy by erecting a rock lying hare is granite from Rio Jan- come here v 4 . ' o A trouble with our northern neig hl,ors. All . Ills. A special trail fi lad wish excursia- veneered building, for t issismated within em, over there the dirt is from England. Augustine m ~ ' ony oathec gentleman have odo s fii eut 1ib AN EX-SENATORIDRPS DEAD. Ist fremonS - Louis was pr i - the ie. laos e to be- the ork of it a rock a rael -e sco' es lof thes gtrainf e n ha eo s icien t -pThe .. ... ,.. . t . fire s sp osed to b e r f Ch ia, Egypt an A ustrali. he vanity has resided l pn 21e. trust to warrantthe belief tha if a satis- Washburn, of Greenfield, Expires on veilk at . rate oftwenty mi-les an hur anincendiary. oh shipping is puzzling and ovel to one two weeks ie rai factory settlement of the internationalcon- the Platform at a Mission .eeting. when the train rushed into an onis.wtch unacquainted with seafaring life. There watching tl issolu on. 14gto dl3 Y'sstand troversy is possible, the country may con- Speial to the NEws-HERALD. nearly a ile loUg, ra&id l1d gOle half i e EGHWAY [OBERY. are sips and hrks, brigs an schooners aains h eie ti laa '- .•":+th HIGHWAY-O " EH- 1 nia smisnd hcr ' rks b"igs and.. scones agans "ho p + a' ni al t e .a a-a fident[ly expect such a remu t at their of- e , the switch fa te the engisser . -t , - ayo nh prolon %hlieta hands-a colmun atiosa devoutly to he SPRINGFIELD, MASS., October 5.-Ex- le Iofthewchbefrebengine Hard Toddhmmitted Jai4 Dfmlt them veritable tr1pesf oa the se, n oi ig.<>>. g v a nd ttha ,tab' wished. Governor Win. B. Washburn of Green- A quarter of a mile fnrther -e switoh- of $500 Bail, hither and thither, anywhere in search of which had be en 11estbe aU At the last CaWinet meetings e financial field, dropped dead at 100'clock this morn- rails ad -been so mlsted as to plungte he last Feidaya young man by the name of business. Vessels are distinguished by since her son' c a ede situation was exhaustively dusessd, with :~ : the purposetoprovide against a possible n on t pt at CitHall tr a stee ankum ne A it- Ossione OLira:accorepai a bi brother, t e ig cay o Th chn ae recurrence of the recent stringny in the Aeia or onlao ~o'~eo h eq~txe otyhrt aet owy usao alnta oduto 5 ~a

commrcil wrldand de ddiferncetrusion I ocnpan cidn.which is-about twenty ailes southwest of to build more ships to come for more hum- Mrs. Rogerolt tag 11t 1 x commercial world, and a decided difference aisos oenwmnadcide.e e-cr of opinion was developed regaining the Washburn was seatedon the platform at Augus¢t Franz and Joe abr., nw in the 'the city. When near what is known as her. Shi ments however are made to all one son, who as care atopurc fhe bs a no hereasr the meeting of the Board of Missions and county jail under .indictment or -taking Fire-Mlepond about noon, a "urly negro parts o t.e worl Nearly every wharf has contemplating th-. i , a to purchase bonds not reqied forth during the reading of the Amnnual Survey spikes frem a ail on the same road ear appioachedOss who waswalking, and ate wellto surplywshops wthdr esh h er daughter siningfund-the resutbemg to it was by Dr. Smith, he suddenly fell forward this spot, have confessed their guilt,-and pesentin .a pistol, ,desnded of mh is ate. Tecews of wanderers of.the C. F. Pons al ex0 -. determined to refer the matter to the de- into the lap of the gentleman next him claim that it was the result of a drunken money. Having lust sold some sheepand sea are poorly paid, the common sailor married daughlar cision of the Attorney General, in case and xired in e hi ius wtht l brawl. cattle he had $49.50 on his person which he getting from six to ten dollars a month, old, reside in this there should apparently arise th~eneces- an expknawnunu on av-, _.... reluctantly gave np, when h.esegro order- with the hardest kind of fare. Americans now her ons s sity of such action o the part of the n body ws carried to an ani-room DOWN WITH ALL ON BO . ed hi to take to his heels or he would kill won't work for that money nor live such Gainesville. ,esve.nh 1 j to It appears hat the monetaryealtrm was and Dr. Post summoned, but it was too Special to te Nws-HW Ay. m The n.u - anrnort t igrt hetie a 's le rCtla i A .. rica e rem ia ds t£ oi more a matter of imagination that reality' late. DWhTaOIr, M ca., October .-- Aspecis lo and caused a warrant to issue for his ar- ships from the ocean. this morning fro generally speaking, for the very simple a me f reG o en Wanit his wf, the News ftrm Duluth says: Private e- est,'which was done, and the bldacoun- The South is still a region of forests mculate C e resnta h olm fcrec ame froma Greeim ld thi morning.. at 9 T .. •L. .. .odd with... : autt oce t u w iason that the volume of currency o'clock. He went direct to the city lill, ports received -here say that the propeler .drel, who says his name is Hardy pTodd, w ith immense districts of pine, edar, cy- was a life-long mert et Do the c. wa increased $75,00000a thebusies while his wif h to the women's meet- Vamderbilt wcnt down with all on beard ,was tendap ie was .e Justice st unouch Tlothe nerl ine o os edto attendst fudf a a -grd interests o the country are in a healthy ig at the Firs hurch, and there received while trying to weather Keween Point Belisario on the charge of robbery from the leading one of Pen acola, the Out-put eh . pcated ,condition. the news of her husband's death- dur n yesterday ' s gale. The reports are the peon. F. W Pope, Eo<, appeared of the saw-mills running into the hun- SENAT It is calculated at the Treaurythat the - u *** --- 11uluth as the propeller fort defeneathe O" J I .Sum r, reds of millions of feet annually.- The. SEI'ATOR P 0cou-' -i government hassaved in interest by the KILLED HIMSELF IN COURT. Badger State rounded the point and made P .,epresented the Stau. m of-andlingofstuffatone of these mills has A Trip to0San~o 4,o repayment of bonds under the circular of A Man Sentenced t e Years Draws Marquettesafelyabout the same time. T he evidence asall on tone side and re- been reduced toasPerfect SyStem. 1 Manatee fro r

as mnt tehadsmesu f 3,0000sulted in Todd's bein committed to the It is a sight to see a log yanked out of MaaeIrr -not to mention the probably immense a Knife and Severs His Windpipe. MOREHEAD AGAIN IN DANGER. county jail en default of $500 bond to await the water, rolled into position before the Senat6r asco, witt of fr financial losses it prevented individluals Special to the NEws-HERALD. Special to the NEWS-HERALD. trial before the Criminal Court of iHe&rd. saw the slabs dropped off on a slide where will leave here at 9 o i, i: this wc from suffering. CHATTANOOGA, TENN., October 5.-A LEXINGTON, KY., October 5.-News has .... an endless conveyer carries them to aburn- on a trip through tuth Floride The Naval Bod hs concluded to con-' sickening tragedy nwas enacted in the been received from Morehead that Logan IN ITS WAR PAINT. ncr c whiceM ouv i to will go bypecial train, tender struct a Norfolkthe 6,00itonpbatle-shipeircuitaourt ofdrispcity thisamo

authorized by the act of Congress, at a Circuit Court of this city this mrning. adherents are coming into town armed Duval Division Sons of Temperance is furnace under the boiler; while the lumber Jacksorville, Tajnpa & Key 11 cost of $2,376,000, which is $125,000 less than Sam Branch, (colored) was on trial for and expecting a fight with the Tolliver beginning to put -ol the war paint for her itself Is seized, measured and piled away, way. time appropriation provides. It will take stealing a watch from Pat Maloney and party, who are said to be plotting to burn work for the coming winter. To-night and all in the twinkling ofuan eye. Theslars I bwill ea en about eighteen months to finish the work at the time named the jury came into the the town. newzeal will be infused into hen good ^2d defetive ieces bunedtup her every 11 - alatka, ile.aDe and, 5 on this great monster of the deep. _ ... new nelwlie nue no irgo onth togat the stuff out of the way to Monit Dora, Tavares and back to C The organization of department clerks court and announced a verdict of guilty NOONEY IS ISANE. works by the installation of the newly would make a comfortable fortune -for a fford, whre the party will remain ove -' into State Associations, of which there are of grand larceny, fixing the penalty of five Special to theNEWS-HERALD. elected officers, and many features of in- Northern city wood dealer. Lumber. vis-' ighf. On Fid y they will visit Orlando,

several, has been the occasion of one of the years in the penitentiary. ranch NEw YoRK, October 5.-Thomas I terest will be introduced, calling together itors anid fish, in about this order, furnish Kissinh OFCity, Bartow, Plant City, O rla most sensational episodes of the present Then followed a horrible scene. Branch as- . all the live members of the order through- a living for the people assindn and ta, here they ill Administration. These organizations nr- jumped to his feet and with a knife in his Nooney, the "crank" who some time ago out the city. Judge A.n R. Meek, who The fishing industry ranks next tolumr akeland and Tiampa, where they will take of the present political as well as right hand, drew it across his throat three tried to burn the steamship Queen, has has spent the last two months in Atlanta bering in the number of people who find say over ni ht. social character-the real object being to times, cutting his wind- pipe entirely off been adjuged insane. and other parts of GIeorgia, will tell what employment. an Saurda they will isit Manatee protect the members in their otlcial posi- and severinghis right jugular vein. He * he knows of local option in that State. A The whole gulf coast of Florida is apn ac s on Sudyaud reunin i tions. On being invited to address the died in half an hour. KILLED BY A TRAIN. live meeting is anticipated. ranged over by the fishing smacks of Pen trip is without political o other special Illinois Democratic Association, Civil So great was the excitement which fol- Special to the NEWS-HERALD. ... _ .._ . sacola. These smacks are froni twenty to significance p Service Commissioner Oberly not only de- towed that the court was compelled to ad- MILTON, PA., October 5.-Doctor M. C. AN INCIPIENT BLAZE. seventy tons measurement, schooner coined to accept the compliment , but wrote Jotraubornp.. naamof A TA" -''OIEYIOE a long letter informing them that the ex- Branch claimed to be innocent of the Davis was struck by a train and instantly Yesterday about 2 p. in. en alarm of rigged-which means that there are no A STRAY SOCIETY NOTE. istence of their Association is a violation charge. He leaves a wife and has chil- ile while diving over a railroad cross- fire was sounded from box 35 co-- yars forro-e o the masts--wih The following from the lirsirof the Civil Service Act, and admonishing dren. _nerf Pine and State streets. dle, which admits of the circulation of sea Courier will be read with interest as it the members that for such infraction they --.. .. PULSH~ ___--WPA:ES The department responded promptly water. The crews consist of fromn five to concerns a tiny little Jacksomville miiss are liable to the penalties of the law. ANOTHER MILLION AND A HALF. PUBLISHERS O NEWSPAPERS and fouid that the fire had origiated on fifteen men, who fish with hand lines, the at present summering among the Berk.... Special to the NEWS-HEHALD. Special to the NEWS-HERALu. the roof of the hose No. 15 East Union hooks weighted withseveral pounds ofilead, shire hills at Great Barringtom Mass.:

SENTENCED TO TWO YEARS. WAslNiGTOn, D. C., October, 5.-The NEw YoRK, October 5.-The Executive street occupied by G. A. O'Neil, colored. often going to a depth of three hundred Miss Helen Pitman. of Jacksonville, Fla,, SpecialtotheEws-HERAL. Treasury Departmen o-day purchased Committee of t he American Newspaper and owned by a colored person named feet, down among the coral reefs where entertained a dozen of her eaynates Spectaen.Thtolathe NEWhS-HEkidRALD.e eTreasuryandDepartment to-dayoydabirpurchased American Newspaperteber 6,' fterH"1CINCINNATI, October 5.-Charles Doll, $1,500,000 of bonds, making $11,800,000 Publishers' Association, met at its New MQueen. The flames, which had kindled the re snapper ai group feed upon at a birthday rieceptio holdet r s. H. A.

ex-member of the Board of Public Works, in all. York office yesterday and to-day and se- extinguished with very slight damage. so nte. Smaller fish are caught by sees Bo wIicpt o ver o fter-