News First, Ed. 2, April 2015

#2 April


EF Chicago's student-led newspaper is out with its second edition! Read all about Second City Theater, the Chicago Bulls, great Italian food in Chicago, upcoming activities, and much more!

Transcript of News First, Ed. 2, April 2015

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Key Points 3

The Second City Theater 4

Logan Square - Second Try Without Regrets.. 6

Chicago’s Best Italian Food 8

Should I Buy a Bulls Ticket? 10

How to Survive 12

Where Can I Put You? 14

Accidental Love 16

Extras 18


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Shopping Second City

Restaurants United Center

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The Second City TheaterThe Second City TheaterThe Second City TheaterThe Second City Theater By Glendy Mejias

A s I said in my last ar0cle,

there is lot of entertain-

ment in Chicago. So for all

of you who enjoy what this city has

to offer I have a very good op0on

for you: The Second City Theater.

First of all, here’s a li6le history

about this theater: Why is it called

“Second City”? Well, very likely it’s

related to the nickname of Chicago,

“The Second City”. This theater has

been in the spotlight since it

opened its doors in December 1959

on North Wells Street. It soon be-

came one of the favorites spot for

locals and foreigners. It is the most

influen0al and prolific comedy thea-

ter in the world and aAer 50 years

of fun, The Second City Theater has

con0nued to be popular.

We’ve talked enough of history,

now we can start with the fun part!

Go to Second City Theater! You

won’t regret it. It should be a man-

datory stop for tourists. Let me tell

you why.

1 You don’t need to be over-

dressed. Forget fancy dress-

es, high heels, suits and 0es.

This isn’t one of those serious thea-

ters that you usually go to with your

parents. Instead it’s a place to go

with your friends and have fun.

Wear clothes that make you feel

comfortable because you have to

be prepared to laugh a lot un0l your

face muscles hurt. So, 0ght clothes

wouldn’t be a great idea!

2 The theater itself. When

you enter you can feel a

nice atmosphere. There is a cozy cabaret- theater style and the tables are set very close to the stage. The lights are faint, dominat-ed by purple colors, nice music reaches your ears; bringing you back to the 1950s. In addi0on, you can have some drinks and delicious food while you’re enjoying the show. The service is very good and it won’t break the bank.


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3 The Show. You will have a really fun 0me. Second

City Theater is known for it’s top-notch improvisa0onal and performing comedy. Laughs are guaranteed. It is a very inter-ac0ve show, and the audience is asked to par0cipate. What does this mean? Well, that you and your friends might be actually on the stage performing! How? The crew selects random people from the crowd to par0cipate in the play. The improvisa0on begins when the actors ask for your per-sonal info. For example: Where are you from? What do you do for a living? What’s your name? What are your hobbies? etc. And with all of this informa0on they create their act. Awesome!

4 Whether you have dreams of stardom and you want to become a

famous actor or just have a unique experience performing, you should think of taking either signing up for the program or just taking a class at Second City’s

Training Center. They offer im-provisa0onal ac0ng classes, workshops, and stand-up come-dy and wri0ng comedy scenes with the best tutors. This pro-gram now collaborates with Chi-cago’s Columbia College, making comedy a li6le more serious. You can register online, just go there

or call. An interes0ng fact is that this theater has been a star0ng point for comedians, award winning actors and others in the show business such as Tina Fey, Mike Meyers, Steve Carrel, Halle Berry. The list is long, most of the actors who belong to Saturday Night Life TV show, were former train-ing center students. How cool is that, right?! That’s why EF, always looking

for ways to make your stay a

fantas&c one, will offer an ac&vi-

ty for visi&ng the Second City on

April 27th


There are a variety of shows so probably it will be hard to choose only one. Every 0me I see a show it seems funnier than the one I saw before or maybe it is just my English which is geGng be6er! Be prepared to laugh a lot, train your ear to listen to good come-dy in English and improve your speaking skills. Learning has nev-er been so much fun. I can’t wait to hear about your own experi-ence at Second City Theater. Send an email to the EF News First and let me know what you think!


Second City Theater

Address: 1616 N Wells St,


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By Margit Flaa Logan Square

Second Try Without Regrets..


A couple of days went by, we changed from winter to summer and the sun started to warm. It was good to be outdoors, actually a new experience in my case, since I arrived Chicago in January. And with the sun in my face, I de-cided to give Logan Square a sec-ond try.

In the days that had past, I had wondered why people recom-mended this Neighborhood, and the curiosity made me do some research. I also met some people that lived there, and was able to know more about this place. I started to understand Logan Square had gone through some big changes. Years ago this Neigh-borhood hosted mostly Mexican residents, and at that 0me it was

an affordable place to rent an apartment. The affordable prices also appealed to young people, who started to move in, which in turn a6racted restaurants, bars and stores. With these changes the prices started to rise, and for some it become hard to handle the increasing prices. People moved out, others moved in. Lo-gan Square started to change character, and have at this mo-ment become a very a6rac0ve neighborhood.

T he first 0me I visited Logan Square it was freezing cold. The sky was blue, but the wind felt like knives cuGng through my coat. When I went of the train I had to 0ghten the jacket around me to be able to

stand up straight. I was at Logan to explore, and like all Norwegians before me, I couldn’t let the weather condi0ons affect my adventure. So I turned around and started to walk. Uhh.. - in the wrong direc0on, I got to know later. I walked and I walked, and all the visual signs that are created a city began to fade out. Was this the Logan Square I was going to write about? No, was my answer. I decided to go back, go downtown and get safe ground under my feet again.

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As I sat on the Blue line, the second 0me around heading for Logan Square. I had new knowledge and a 0cket to the film “The Birdman” at The Logan Theater in my pocket - as you can now see, this 0me I was well prepared. When the train stopped I went in the direc0on of the cinema, which is located only few blocks north east from the Logan Square sta0on. This Theater opened for the first 0me in 1915, and it has been able to keep the atmosphere from that 0me. The marble walls are renovated, and the decora0ve relief panels are a part of the original interior.

When I was there, it was midday, and the sun was shining - in other words, I was the only one that wanted to spend the day indoors. It felt a bit strange to have all that space to myself, but If you once get the opportunity, I strongly recom-mend a visit to this cinema. It’s a good atmosphere, and you can sink down in a comfortable chair, watching a movie, while you enjoy a glass of red wine.

A couple of hours later I was out on the streets again. Luckily for me the sun was s0ll shining. I decided to walk down Milwaukee Avenue, which is the vein of Logan Square. Everything on your “to do” list is along this street, and if you are arriving by train you can decide if

you want to get of at Logan Square or California. All the things you want to explore are between those sta0ons. Here you can find good restaurants and bars, everything in between; the exclusive, expensive ones. To something more easy, food to go, but I will leave it up to our dear Alvaro to comment on the food. All I want to add in this ma6er, is that the burger I had at Parts & Labor was great. I picked a combo, which included a beer and French Fries. Perfect! I was re-charged, pleased and ready to con-0nue my mission.

I walked down Milwaukee Avenue and looked for things to write about. I saw a record store, the bookshops and the secondhand places. I tried the coffee in the shops. Tasted the local beers at the bars. Yes, some of the bars are brewing their own beers, and I strongly recommended to put a couple of extra dollars into good tas0ng beer. While I was drinking my beer, I tried to soak in the at-mosphere, and what this area has to offer, and in one way Logan Square can remind a bit of Wicker Park, for those who have been there. But I don’t find Logan Square so crowded, neither that wan0ng. In my opinion Logan Square felt like a good place to be, not only because you want to be seen.

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Chicago’s Best Italian FoodChicago’s Best Italian FoodChicago’s Best Italian FoodChicago’s Best Italian Food

By Álvaro Parriego



If you are studying in EF, you should check out Vapiano. This charming restaurant, located one block from EF, is a cheap and healthy place where you can enjoy tasty Italian dishes and quick service. The prices are really affordable and it could be a great choice if you have a break before your aAernoon classes.

You can choose between a pizza, pasta and a healthy salad. I recom-mend the Tropical Pizza, with ham and pineapple. It is my favorite be-cause it combines different flavors and the fresh pineapple adds a nice sweet shot. If you prefer a pasta dish, my favorite is the Fusilli al Pes-to, a pasta dish with pesto sauce (made with basil, pine nuts and ol-ive oil). It is a good op0on if you want to avoid the typical tomato sauce. With a décor based on wood and natural materials, the furniture,

the huge windows, and the high ceilings makes for a nice and com-fortable environment.

Finally, if you want to order a des-sert, you might choose between panaco6a, chocolate mousse, 0ra-misu or strawberry cake. All of them are delicious and you can choose their size. They could be served in a li6le glass, which is perfect if you don´t want to eat a lot or, maybe, taste more than one. My favorite dessert is the Chocolate Mousse. In a nut shell, the food is healthy and it comes fast.

Vapiano’s: 44 S Wabash Ave, Chica-

go, IL

I talian Cuisine is one of the most famous kinds of food in the world. It is mainly composed of pasta and pizza dishes and is famous because of its simple and popular ingredients. Plus, it is very easy to prepare!

These are the main reasons why it is one of the most interna0onal cuisines, and one of my favorites. There are many Italian restaurants wherever you go. But, where can you find the best and most authen0c Italian food in Chi-cago? Let’s find it out!

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Located on Grand Street (Red Line), Eataly is one of the best places to taste delicious Italian food in Chicago. It is a huge mar-ket where you can find a lot of products, which includes pasta, cheese, crispy bread, Italian wine, fresh meat and fish or nat-ural and colorful vegetables, all of them of the best quality. This amazing market also contains more than 20 restaurants and bars, with modern and luminous décor that makes the environ-ment special and brings you to Europe´s markets. The restau-rants offer main dishes, appe0z-ers, desserts or sandwiches), so you can select your favorite.

You can find a restaurant which specializes in meat and another one in which the principal ingre-dient is fresh tuna, swordfish or

salmon roasted and served with vegetables as a side. There are also some restaurant-bars where tables are tall and you can have some typical appe0zers (like ol-ives or cheese) while you taste a delicious glass of Italian wine.

Nevertheless, the Pasta and Pizza corner was the restaurant that I chose when I went. And it was simply incredible! First, they offer you some crispy bread slic-es with olive oil, just as an appe-0zer. The Pomodoro Pasta-dish was a simple but delicious selec-0on. Just a natural tomato sauce and al dente spagheG made for the perfect dish, although you can also try more elaborate pasta dishes. All of them are cooked with the best ingredients (like seafood or meat) and sauces. If you prefer, you can select the meat Lasagna, the table next to

I think that Eataly is the best Italian restaurant that I checked out in Chicago. There are in-credible Italian food restaurants where the food taste delicious and the dishes are afford-able. I hope you can visit all of them with your friends and enjoy these meals. I´ll be back next month with more delicious recommen-da0ons. Ciao!

Eataly: 43 E Ohio St, Chicago, IL


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Should I Buy a Bulls Ticket?Should I Buy a Bulls Ticket?Should I Buy a Bulls Ticket?Should I Buy a Bulls Ticket? By Anselme Pascal Darien

E verybody has already heard about Michael Jordan. He was by himself a good rea-

son to see a Bulls game, but maybe you don’t know he re0red. What can give you a reason to see a Bulls game? Guess what: you can’t an-swer that ques0on if you’ve never gone to a bulls game. You have no idea about you’re missing. A Bulls game is not only basketball, it is a “show”. You will get into the United Center and find food, food and more food. All over the place, you will find pizza, French fries, Chicago hot dogs and any kind of drinks. Furthermore, if you find the first floor too crowded, don’t be afraid. You have restaurants on every floor, from the first floor to the third one. You will have a “hot” meal during the show. Before get into the stage, a pleasant music will come to your ears to tell you that the entertain-ment is near. You just need to find your seat with your hot dog in your hands and wait for it .

Watching a bulls game is not only a ques0on of sport, it‘s a lot more than that. Let’s be honest every-body in the house is not here be-cause of the love of basketball. You don’t really like basketball but you

like having fun? Fine! You will hear the na0onal anthem at the begin-ning of the game. Then you will un-derstand why an American can be proud of his na0on. There is always special guest who comes to fire up the stage, it could be really surpris-ing. You’ll enjoy the atmosphere, the mascot with his crew, they’ll come to animate the crowd by dis-tribu0ng bulls t-shirts, dancing and shaking their “booty”. You will feel the excitement growing in the audi-ence when that moment comes. Moreover you will appreciate the touch of beauty with the cheerlead-ers preforming a dynamic dance. But don’t be jealous ladies. You‘ll have an en0re game to look the beau0ful Joachim Noah swea0ng with his seven foot tall body.


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Maybe you s0ll have a problem. You might like it yet but you don’t

love it. So let’s talk about the emo-0onal part. You will have the feeling of being more in a party than a sport even. For that reason, even if the bulls have lost, you can have a good 0me. But it is nevertheless important to feel the excitement of a winning team, the crowd gets crazy and every shot and every op-portunity is important. You feel on edge and you are part of that victo-ry. You have tension in the air and every shots scored is a feeling of relief. I will be honest it is not like

that every day, so when you get bored, just wait for the big wave in the crowd, it is really fun ,you ‘re going to have an awesome 0me!

If you want to feel the passion and the excitement of a Bulls’ game, you can definitely get your 0cket.

I will be honest it is not like that every day, so when you get bored, just wait for the big wave in the crowd, it is really fun, you ‘re going to have an awesome 0me!.

If you want to feel the passion and the excitement of a Bulls’ game, you can definitely get your 0cket.


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How to SurviveHow to SurviveHow to SurviveHow to Survive By Ali Ojaymi


H ow to survive? AAer knowing about culture shock, all of its phases,

and reac0ons, now it’s the 0me to know how to se6le down in the States and how to improve your English. This ar0cle will focus on some 0ps that will help students to engage themselves in the cul-ture more and to strengthen their English skills. First of all, students should under-stand that improving their English is a life0me process. They have to be pa0ent because improving Eng-lish skills is an inevitable process not something easy that you might achieve within a few months. I’m not saying that in order to make you feel frustrated, but to push you to your maximum and to per-suade you to give it your best shot. Therefore, students need to have a program to follow and should not only depend on the school to learn English. They have to read, listen, think, and speak in English all the 0me inside and outside the school and the most important thing is not to limit themselves to certain topics like topics in their majors only, but they have to read and listen to everything.

In addi0on, students need to use English in all of their daily life ac-0vi0es not only in certain places and one of the most important situa0ons that students should focus on is to use English with their friends. It’s important to avoid spending all of their 0me with people from their country because this is going to destroy their language and won’t help them in improving it. I’m not say-ing that you have to ignore your friends from your country com-pletely, but you have to have some kind of balancing between spend-ing some 0me with them just for fun and being focused on how to improve your English. Moreover, when you meet up with friends from your country, try to speak in English with them. In that way you would be killing two birds with one stone; you would be spending 0me with your friends and helping each other in learning English as well. Furthermore, one of the most im-portant things that students should consider doing is having allies, in other words, having American friends. This is not only beneficial in helping students to se6le down but will also help them to improve their English.

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Having American friends will help students geGng familiar with the American culture and the city they live in faster than they might have thought. However, the ques0on is what to do to have American friends? Well, students should put in their mind that Americans in general are friendly – at least people living in Chicago- and from that point students should approach by following some simple steps. Steps could vary from simple gree0ngs or asking about inter-ests and end by invi0ng people to do something together like watching a football game. Stu-dents just need to be aware of what is and is not appropriate in American culture before doing so. Inappropriate ac0ons might be like the way of gree0ng or asking some taboo ques0ons. For example, students must be aware that the way of gree0ng in the States might be completely different from their own culture and what is considered as an acceptable behavior in their country might not be the same in the States like kisses or hugs be-tween men in gree0ngs. Finally, never be afraid of making mistakes. Without making mis-takes you will never learn. Try to communicate with people around you and express your

ideas in English even if you know that is not the correct way to say it. The purpose of doing so is not only to learn from your mistakes but also to familiarize yourself with speaking in English. Moreo-ver, students need to be humble and ask for more knowledge. No ma6er how good they are in Eng-lish they have to keep going and always remember that there is s0ll at least twice of what you have learned you don’t know yet. In a nut shell, improving English skills is a life0me process; it doesn’t happen overnight. It is something determined by stu-dents themselves and their be-havior in the first place not by students’ school. It is important for students to have some steps and procedures to follow and they should not hold back an effort on reaching the level of English they are looking for. They need to work on themselves and being able to see themselves evolving in learning English. In this ar0cle I gave some 0ps that students might like or not, but it would definitely be beneficial somehow. In general, students need to have some plans to work on improving their English skills, reaching their goals in learning English, and staying humble and asking for more.

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Where Can I Put You?!Where Can I Put You?!Where Can I Put You?!Where Can I Put You?! By Elina Sobur

D o you ever won-

der why clothes

are so im-portant in our lives? If you say “Yes”, then we are on the same page, because what we wear

on our bodies has meaning. To put it simply, we use clothes as a “social skin”. Clothes are a means of ex-pressing our individuality (whether we are formal or serious, whether we are cheeky or a bit “too much”).

Okay, I think that is enough about “why clothes are so important”. There is another more important issue that I want to discuss. I guess you brought many clothes from your country with you, and you’ve also shopped here without thinking

about your return. So in your ward-robe there might be a lot of clothes, but this is not a problem anymore.

You’re probably wondering, “What other problems could there be?”. Here’s the answer: your return suit-case! But don’t panic. I have a great idea for your extra clothes. So there are two op0ons that you can do with this. The first one, and the eas-iest op0on, is to get rid of them. The second, and I think the clever-est one, is to “sell, trade or donate them”! Chicago is one of the most suitable ci0es for this type of evolu-0on, so if you like the second idea, then con0nue to read. And remem-ber to bring a valid government-issued ID with you!


Crossroads Trading Co.

They offer spring, and new or used designer clothes, like your midi skirt, boyfriend jeans, shirt dresses, strappy sandals, flat sandals, denim shirts, colorful chinos, cardigans, totes, sneakers, slides etc.

Address 1: Lincoln Park 2711 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL Phone: (773) 296-1000 Direc&ons: CTA Brown or Purple Line – Diversey Address 2: Wicker Park 1519 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL Phone: (773) 227-5300 Direc&ons: CTA Blue Line – Damen Open Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm Sunday 11am-7pm

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Plato’s Closet

They buy gently used, brand name, teen and young twen0es, some-thing casual clothing and accesso-ries. Guess what, it’s not just for spring. They accept all seasons all the 0me! Like your oversized tops, ankle boots, plaVorms, sneakers, jeans, belts, sweatshirts, graphic tees, hoodies, jackets, detailed dresses etc. Address: 2817 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL Phone: (773) 549-2070 Direc&ons: CTA Brown or Purple Line – Diversey Open Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm Sunday 11am-6pm

Knee Deep Vintage

They buy on Saturdays and Sun-days. And they are looking for spring/summer vintage clothes, like bags, shoes, jewelry, belts, jeans, dresses, tops, tunics, skirts, shorts, jumpsuits, rompers etc. Address: Pilsen 1425 West 18th St. Chicago, IL Phone: (312) 850-2510 Direc&ons: CTA Pink Line – 18th St. Open Hours: Monday-Thursday 12am-8pm Friday-Saturday 11am-9pm; Sunday 12am-6pm

Mr. and Mrs. Digz

You can consign your gently used or new designer clothes and acces-sories. I must strongly emphasize that they only buy women clothes. Address: 5668 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL Phone: (773) 447-8527 Direc&ons: CTA Red Line – Bryn Mawr Open Hours: Monday-Saturday 11am-7pm; Sunday 10am-5pm

Buffalo Exchange

They’re now buying spring clothes, like your tees, tanks, shirts, shorts, denim, skirts, dresses, wedges, flats, and accessories (hats, bags, belts). And also they accept fantas-0c vintage items. Address: Wicker Park 1478 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL Phone: (773) 227-9558 Direc&ons: CTA Blue Line – Damen Open Hours: Monday-Sunday 11am-8pm

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O n rainy night a young man named Erin was driving his car on his

home way. He was so 0red be-cause he had a hard day at his work. He was a very wise man, professional, polite, and came from a good family. When he was passing by the cemetery, he saw a young beau0ful woman who named Leia. She was walk-ing on the dark street. She wore a red dress which was wet and she was shivering. She felt the car turn around and decided to make it stop.

Erin, who was a gentleman and very sensi0ve, stopped and let her get into his car. Back in the car, she asked him to come over

to the house since she had been surprised that night and it was raining. She didn´t know how to get back home. That night, Erin fell in love with Leia and felt like she belonged to him. He decided to take her back home. When Erin said good bye, he asked if they could see each oth-er again. She said yes, but only at night because during the day, she was busy. Erin agreed with-out ques0on because he was also a busy man. Time was pass-ing, Erin picked Leia up in the same place and same hour, they spent 0me together for a while, and finally, he took her back home. He waited un0l she got into her house and walked away. He was happy because he had found the ideal girl he had been wai0ng for. One night he decided to propose to Leia. She only lis-tened to him. She started to cry and said that she loved him so much. He gave her a special en-gagement ring called Claddagh ring. She asked him to please take her back home. He thought that she was surprised by the proposal, so he took her back without objec0on. The next day, Leia didn´t come to the date, but

Accidental Love

By Sol Andino


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But no... she appeared neither this day nor the next. Erin hadn´t heard from her, so one morning before going to work, he decided to go Leia´s house to see what had happened. He knocked on the door, and a lady who was s0ll in mourning come out. He was deter-mined to present himself as Leia´s boyfriend and asked if he could see her. When the lady started to listen to him, she started crying inconsolably.

The lady was Leia´s mother and then breathlessly told him that her daughter had passed away one year ago. He was totally baffled, and started to yell that was not

true. The reason mom decided to take him to Leia´s room. The big surprise was when they opened the bedroom door. On the bed, they found the red dress that she wore the day that Erin met her. It was s0ll wet and over it a note said ¨don´t forget me¨. Leia´s mother told him that her daughter died at age 25, in a car accident and she had never fallen in love with any-one. Erin was in shock, he went back to the cemetery and saw his

beloved’s grave. On the ground, he found the ring. He was in mourning for a long 0me, then he decided to stand up and keep go-ing but he never forgets his be-loved Leia…


“That night, Erin fell in love with Leia and felt like

she belonged to him.”

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Winter is coming… to an end!

Now that be6er weather is coming to Chicago, it means there are some exci0ng ac0vi0es coming to EF and Chicago!

With the warmer temperatures returning, the Chicago River is again able to show off its beau0ful views! The river tours show off the stun-ning architecture that can be found along its banks from a unique per-spec0ve you can’t find anywhere else. I really enjoy the tour by the Chicago Architecture Founda0on and it is considered to be the best river tour in the city! You can learn about the various architecture in Chicago and appreciate the histori-cal significance of the buildings you walk past every day!

Are there any gaming/comic/entertainment enthusiasts out there? C2E2 has you covered! Short for Chicago Comic and Entertain-ment Expo, C2E2 is the largest

event in Chicago for anime, TV se-ries, movies, books, video games, and more! This year features differ-ent actors, authors, and ar0sts from popular TV series like Arrow, Agent Carter, and Orphan Black; movies like Lord of the Ring, and Clerks; and comic icons like Stan Lee! You can also find booths with collec0ble memorabilia, demon-stra0ons of new games, and take in the buzz and excitement at this conven0on. Step out of Chicago and into a world of entertainment at C2E2!

One of the biggest events happen-ing this month is EF Chicago’s own Interna0onal Day! With of 40 differ-ent countries in our school, this is a day where we all celebrate the cul-tures and countries represented and share our pride! Get together with classmates from your country and plan the most epic representa-0on of your culture. Try new food, listen to music, learn different dances, and experience the world in EF! Make it the best you can as the representa0ons will be judged and 0tles will awarded to the best rooms!

These events are a sample of what

is happening in April and a sign of

what is to come. For more infor-

ma0on about Chicago events and

ac0vi0es, come to the Ac0vi0es



April Activity HighlightsApril Activity HighlightsApril Activity HighlightsApril Activity Highlights

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Glendy Mejias

Margit Flaa

Álvaro Parriego

Ali Ojaymi

Elina Sobur

Anselme Pascal Darien

Sol Andino

Publishing Team

Margit Flaa

Paula Juan

Álvaro Parriego

Glendy Mejias

Copy Editor

Oscar Gonzalez-Diaz


Mia Manansala

Elliot Root

Josh Shin

Michael Rose


Miranda Mueller

Answers to Entertainment Sec&on

Meet Your Newspaper Team!

Want to join newspaper?

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Sudoku (easy)

ACROSS 1. Everybody looks for it on St. Patrick’s day. 2. A short period of 0me spent doing something 3. Synonym of wealthy 6. To treat with indulgence 9. Slang that means to ruin; make a mess 11. Synonym of abandoned

DOWN 1. A structure that reaches across a river, road, etc. 4. Feeling of superiority 5. An error in ac0on or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, etc. 7. To throw away or discard (garbage, etc.) 8. Unusual in appearance, style, or charac-ter

Crossword Puzzle by Roberto Lara Gonzales

Find the answers on page 19

Entertainment sectionEntertainment sectionEntertainment sectionEntertainment section

Upcoming ActivitiesUpcoming ActivitiesUpcoming ActivitiesUpcoming Activities 27 Second City

Come and see some of the funniest comedy in

Chicago! Bring your Ventra Card.

7:00 PM $15

22 Interna&onal


Celebrate culture here

at EF Chicago!

3:05—4:45 PM

10 Lincoln Park


Bring your Ventra Card 1:45 PM FREE



Bring your Ventra Card,

we will also use a Metra train

11:00 AM FREE