News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was...

*** *** News & Events George Washington Chapter Chartered June 5, 1924 Pennsylvania Society ~ Sons of the American Revolution Vol. 92, No. 4 Washington, Pennsylvania July / August 2015 AUGUST CHAPTER PICNIC Saturday, August 15, 2015 Arrival & Greetings @ 3:30 PM Meal @ 4:30 PM Cross Creek park Off Route 50 near Rea, PA DAR / SAR Members and guests are welcome. Bring your children and grandchildren! Directions: From Washington take your best route to PA Route 18 until it intersects with Route 50. Turn left onto Route 50 West and go approximately 4 miles. Take a left onto Country Park Road. The picnic area is about a mile down the road. Facilities: Cross Creek has electricity, water, and restrooms. Adjacent to the picnic area is a playground. There is also a boat launch over the hill in the case you’d like to bring your boat (if you have one, of course!) Menu: Hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, cookies, and drinks Price: $11.00 per person Reservations MUST arrive by Monday, August 10, 2015 Make checks to: George Washington Chapter-SAR Send to: Larry Ridgway – Treasurer Box 355 - 113 Railroad Street Stockdale, PA. 15483-0355 Phone: (724) 938-2197 Minutes ~ Saturday, June 20, 2015 Call to Order: President Larry L. Ridgway called the meeting to order at Meadowcroft Museum of Rural Life in Avella, PA. at 12:05PM. After welcoming Compatriots and guests President Ridgway led all in reciting the Pledge of 11.5 Attendance: Twenty-nine (29) people, guests (15) Compatriots (14): Benjamin, Samuel & Will Bashioum; Kevin Burne; Nancy Kagarise; George E. Livingston; Sandy Mansmann; Michael D. C. Merryman; Ronald E. Miller; Eugene G. Painter; E. Ward Reighard; Linda & Larry L. Ridgway; Rev. Dr. Nathaniel C. Roe; Mike Roman; Marie & Edward W. Schreiber; Ruth & Jack C. Schreiber; Senator John Berry Stout; James & Sue Struck; Janet & Ernest L. Sutton, MD; Gary W. Timmons; Gavin M. Timmons; Richard L . White; Cindy & Kurt Winter. Following lunch all joined in singing “Happy Birthday” to Gene Painter who recently celebrated his 100 th birthday and all had a piece of birthday cake. Committee Reports: Medals & Awards – PASSAR Past President Ernest Sutton, MD. presented Gene Painter with a certificate from PASSAR recognizing his 100 th birthday. The Chapter also presented Gene with a 30 year membership pin and certificate. Ron Miller was presented with a Marshall E. Lignian certificate for his first, first line sponsorship of a new Compatriot. The Chapter was also presented with a streamer as a participant of the annual state Chapter Activities Contest.

Transcript of News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was...

Page 1: News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved

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News & Events

George Washington Chapter

Chartered June 5, 1924

Pennsylvania Society ~ Sons of the American Revolution Vol. 92, No. 4 Washington, Pennsylvania July / August 2015


Saturday, August 15, 2015 Arrival & Greetings @ 3:30 PM

Meal @ 4:30 PM Cross Creek park

Off Route 50 near Rea, PA

DAR / SAR Members and guests are welcome. Bring your children and grandchildren!

Directions: From Washington take your best route to PA Route 18 until it intersects with Route 50. Turn left onto Route 50 West and go approximately 4 miles. Take a left onto Country Park Road. The picnic area is about a mile down the road. Facilities: Cross Creek has electricity, water, and restrooms. Adjacent to the picnic area is a playground. There is also a boat launch over the hill in the case you’d like to bring your boat (if you have one, of course!) Menu: Hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, cookies, and drinks Price: $11.00 per person

Reservations MUST arrive by Monday, August 10, 2015

Make checks to: George Washington Chapter-SAR Send to: Larry Ridgway – Treasurer

Box 355 - 113 Railroad Street Stockdale, PA. 15483-0355 Phone: (724) 938-2197

Minutes ~ Saturday, June 20, 2015 Call to Order: President Larry L. Ridgway called the meeting to order at Meadowcroft Museum of Rural Life in Avella, PA. at 12:05PM. After welcoming Compatriots and guests President Ridgway led all in reciting the Pledge of 11.5

Attendance: Twenty-nine (29) people, guests (15) Compatriots (14): Benjamin, Samuel & Will Bashioum; Kevin Burne; Nancy Kagarise; George E. Livingston; Sandy Mansmann; Michael D. C. Merryman; Ronald E. Miller; Eugene G. Painter; E. Ward Reighard; Linda & Larry L. Ridgway; Rev. Dr. Nathaniel C. Roe; Mike Roman; Marie & Edward W. Schreiber; Ruth & Jack C. Schreiber; Senator John Berry Stout; James & Sue Struck; Janet & Ernest L. Sutton, MD; Gary W. Timmons; Gavin M. Timmons; Richard L . White; Cindy & Kurt Winter. Following lunch all joined in singing “Happy Birthday” to Gene Painter who recently celebrated his 100th birthday and all had a piece of birthday cake.

Committee Reports: Medals & Awards – PASSAR Past President Ernest Sutton, MD. presented Gene Painter with a certificate from PASSAR recognizing his 100th birthday. The Chapter also presented Gene with a 30 year membership pin and certificate. Ron Miller was presented with a Marshall E. Lignian certificate for his first, first line sponsorship of a new Compatriot. The Chapter was also presented with a streamer as a participant of the annual state Chapter Activities Contest.

Page 2: News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved

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Secretary Report: The minutes from the April 18, 2015 chapter were approved. Old Business: None New Business: Ron Miller asked for volunteers to help man a SAR information table on Saturday July 11, 2015 any time from 10am – 5pm as part of the Whiskey Rebellion celebration that will be held in Washington, PA.

Program: Sandy Mansmann spoke on the objectives of the Washington County History and Landmarks Foundation. Good of the Order: A death resolution was read for William Earl Tinkey who passed away on June 8, 2015. Adjournment: President Ridgway closed the meeting with the reciting of the SAR Recessional

and the Benediction was given by Rev. Dr. Nathaniel C. Roe. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30PM. In Memory: The Chapter is saddened at the loss by death of our fellow Compatriot William Earl Tinkey who died on Monday, June 8, 2015. Compatriot Tinkey was a graduate of Chartiers-Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved to hunt and fish. Surviving are his wife, Sylvia “Peggy” Mounts Tinkey, a son, Bill and daughter Wendy Sue O’Kain as well as three grandchildren. The thoughts and prayers of the Chapter go out to the family. 2015 National Congress Report: The 125th Annual National Congress of the Sons of the American Revolution was held in Louisville, KY from June 27 thru July 1, 2015. 289 Compatriots were registered and this number does not include spouses and other guests. Items of note: As of December 31, 2014 PASSAR membership was 1,587 and the Worldwide membership as of June 25, 2015 is 32,623. The Saturday evening reception was held in the new National Headquarters located on museum row just across the street from the Louisville Slugger factory on Main Street. At the Sunday Memorial service, 614 Compatriots were listed as completing their earthly journey. Typically, 6 or so prominent Compatriots are singled out for their achievements to their communities or their work with the SAR. The first name they mentioned was Marshall E. Lignian formerly of our chapter. Our George Washington Chapter was presented a “Partners in Patriotism” certificate for their continuing work on the Wreaths Across America program and was one of only four chapters in Pennsylvania to receive this recognition. The Chapter also received a flag streamer for reaching the goal set out by the PG for submitting patriot bios for at least 20% of their member base. The George Washington Chapter achieved 40%. Thirteen chapters as well as the Pennsylvania Society received these streamers. So far Pennsylvania Compatriots have submitted 456 bios or 28.7%. The National Headquarters has completed its move and now has a new address: 809W Main Street, Louisville, KY. 40202.

Page 3: News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved

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SAR merchandise sales thru April 2015 were $214,530 which is an increase 1.7%. The newly installed PG is the Hon. Thomas E. Lawrence of Texas. Finally, a dues increase of $5.00 was narrowly approved in a close and rather heated debate. The 2016 Congress will be held in Boston.

Fort Laurens Memorial Ceremony Saturday, July 25, 2015

L-R Ron Bruce, Merle Tomlinson, Gary Timmons & Ron Miller

Gene Painter's family birthday party Four generations, including his great grandson who is a GW junior member

George Washington Chapter Crossword Puzzle - Answers from May / June 2015 ACROSS: 2.) The Art of ____ Power 5.) Adams Education Harvard 6.) 1st Executed Spy Hale 7.) Give Me a Fast Ship 10.) Philadelphia Captor Howe 12.) Continental Navy Captain Barry 14.) Ferry Farm River Rappahannock 15.) Washington Wine Madeira 16.) Lost Leg Delegate Morris 17.) Martha’s 1st Husband Daniel 18.) Adams Epithet Rotundity 19.) Chasseurs Sharpshooters DOWN: 1.) Light ______ Infantry 3.) English Soil Raid Whitehaven 4.) Stationed Troops Garrison 8.) Oath Giver Livingston 9.) Gentleman _____ Farmer 11.) Irregular Fighting Skirmish 13.) Army Subdivision Brigade 14.) John Paul Jones Ship Ranger

Page 4: News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved

President’s Cor ner

Welcome Compatriots! This past month saw the Whiskey Rebellion in Washington, PA. I would like to thank all the members for their participation during the day. Some came early and some came mid-day. A good time was had by all. Join us on August 15th at Cross Creek County Park, pavilion #1 to celebrate our annual picnic. Knights Essay Contest The below is part of a letter received from the Pennsylvania SAR: Rather than appoint I am asking for a volunteer to serve as the Chapter Chairman for the Knights Essay Contest. I am kindly asking that you, if you have not already done so, would appoint a local chapter compatriot to serve as your Knights Essay Chapter Chairman/Liaison and to forward that name to me at your earliest convenience. The time commitment will be minimal and I am asking that this person become the liaison between the school and/or districts and your chapter. This Chairman will select a couple of his compatriots to review local contestant submissions for consideration and forward to me the three top submissions with their ranking. Those submissions will be forward to me by the close of business on December 31, 2015 (Electronic submissions are most desired). I offer my assistance this committee in any way possible. A small panel of PASSAR compatriots will serve as judges to review all submissions and make our recommendation to the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution by the close of business on April 1, 2016 (anticipated date). “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual….Continue steadfast, and with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” Provincial Congress of Massachusetts

Your humble and obedient servant, Larry Ridgway

Page 5: News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved

Revolutionary War Infographic

Courtesy of:

Page 6: News & Events · 7/8/2015  · Houston High School and attended Penn State University. He was employed as a master carpenter. He enjoyed researching his family genealogy and loved

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George Washington Chapter Sons of the American Revolution c/o Scott M. Helfrich, D.Ed. 267 California Road, Suite 613 Brownsville, PA 15417-9373