Newcastle & Central NSW 20...

Newcastle & Central NSW Division Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us. Ephesians 3:20 (The Voice) Greater Things! DHQ Newsletter: Issue 6 12 March 2014 GREATER ENCOURAGEMENT 2 Thessalonians 1:3-6 3 We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. 4 Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. 5 All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. 6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you. Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul; everyone needs it and they perform better when they get it. Paul understood this fact, so in this letter he tells his friends how much he boasts about them all over Asia. Good healthy leaders liberally hand out encouragement. It costs little to affirm others, yet pays great dividends. In this text, Paul capitalises on the power of encouragement and teaches us a few things along the way. Encouragement should be ….. 1. Personal (v3) He told them personally how much he believed in them. 2. Pointed (v4) He told them specifically what he appreciated about them. 3. Public (v4) He told all his other churches how much he thought of the Thessalonians. 4. Purposeful (vv5,6) He had a goal he was aiming for in their lives their motivation and vindication. Encouragement creates an environment for God to do His “Greater Things” in us and The Salvation Army. As we journey together in ministry, may you know each day God’s love and blessings abundant. Gavin &Wendy Watts Divisional Leaders Inside this issue: Message 1 _______________________ News 2 _______________________ More News 3 _______________________ Personnel 4 _______________________ Prayer Page 5 _______________________ Events 6 OUR 7 MISSION PRIORITIES We will do whatever it takes to see: 1. A territory marked by prayer and holiness 2. Every place involved in evangelism 3. Corps healthy and multiplying 4. Our people equipped and empowered to serve the world 5. Passionate about bringing children to Jesus 6. Youth trained and sent out to frontline mission 7. Significant increase of new soldiers and officers.

Transcript of Newcastle & Central NSW 20...

Page 1: Newcastle & Central NSW 20 Family Store Manager’s Forum 21-23 Spiritual Retreat Lochinvar 22 Div. Pulse Youth

Newcastle & Central NSW Division

Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring

things, immeasurable things, things greater than we

ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in

us. Ephesians 3:20 (The Voice)

Greater Things!

DHQ Newsletter: Issue 6 12 March 2014


2 Thessalonians 1:3-6

3 We ought always to thank God for

you, brothers and sisters, and rightly

so, because your faith is growing

more and more, and the love all of

you have for one another is

increasing. 4

Therefore, among

God’s churches we boast about your

perseverance and faith in all the

persecutions and trials you are


5 All this is evidence that God’s

judgment is right, and as a result you

will be counted worthy of the

kingdom of God, for which you are

suffering. 6

God is just: He will pay

back trouble to those who trouble


Encouragement is the oxygen of

the soul; everyone needs it and

they perform better when they get

it. Paul understood this fact, so in

this letter he tells his friends how

much he boasts about them all

over Asia.

Good healthy

leaders liberally

hand out


It costs little to

affirm others,

yet pays great


In this text, Paul capitalises on

the power of encouragement

and teaches us a few things

along the way.

Encouragement should be …..

1. Personal (v3)

He told them personally how much

he believed in them.

2. Pointed (v4)

He told them specifically what he

appreciated about them.

3. Public (v4)

He told all his other churches how

much he thought of the


4. Purposeful (vv5,6)

He had a goal he was aiming for in

their lives – their motivation and


Encouragement creates an

environment for God to do His

“Greater Things” in us and The

Salvation Army.

As we journey together in

ministry, may you know each day

God’s love and blessings


Gavin &Wendy Watts

Divisional Leaders

Inside this issue:

Message 1


News 2


More News 3


Personnel 4


Prayer Page 5


Events 6


We will do whatever it takes to see: 1. A territory marked by prayer and holiness 2. Every place involved in evangelism 3. Corps healthy and multiplying 4. Our people equipped and empowered to serve the world 5. Passionate about bringing children to Jesus 6. Youth trained and sent out to frontline mission 7. Significant increase of new soldiers and officers.

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Picture this… 49 (33 on Friday

night; 49 on Saturday) Youth

leaders in the one room, sitting

crammed around a small candlelit

dinner table, overlooking the

beach (at Glenrock Scout Camp).

Music plays in the background.

There is the loud chatter of youth

leaders in conversation. The

enticing smell of nachos, permeate

the air. I notice the smiles on

faces, the connection they have

with each other and stop for a

moment in time and think,

“Surely, this is a GREAT thing”.

We have Youth Leadership teams

that are expanding, youth

ministries that are seeing growth

and bringing the love of Jesus to

youth, some youth ministries that

are moving from once a month or

fortnightly to a WEEKLY


Beautiful worship rang out both

Friday night and Saturday as the

chorus of voices sung to our

creator. An incredible spirit of

unity was felt. Many youth

leaders met each other for the first

time, others reconnected.

Lemons, warheads and shots of

vinegar provided some laughter

with the acknowledgement that

sometimes leading youth is not

only sweet but also can be sour!

Adam (key leader from Northlakes

Youth) brought some great

teaching on Friday night. He spoke

about us each needing to be

ministering in the area God has

gifted us to do. The amazing

growth in both the Northlakes

Youth Leadership Team and

Youth Ministry in the last 12

months has been incredibly

inspiring. Northlakes Corps now

has a team of 22 youth leaders and

weekly have over 75 kids

attending from the community.

On Saturday Lucas brought some

teaching on being God’s “Love

Deliverers” – God’s Plan A. This

was followed by a time of leaders

being led through a series of

thought provoking questions

reviewing their youth ministry and

discussing challenges along with

what could be improved.

Steve Woods from Edify made the

big trip up from Sydney on Friday

to be a special guest and brought a

session on youth leadership. His

passion, excitement and youthful

spirit didn’t go unnoticed! Steve is

a dynamic, seasoned and energetic

youth leader at just 3 years shy of

6 decades!

Over 13 Corps/Centres in the

Division were represented in the

leaders at Unight Overnight 2014.

Overall there is no doubt in my

mind that Unight Overnight is an

incredibly worthwhile time in

which youth leaders are united,

encouraged and spurred on to keep

on reaching youth with the love of


It is imperative we keep

encouraging and praying for the

youth leaders in this Division as

they week-in and week-out do the

TOUGH task of investing in the

lives of emerging adults! This can

be a very emotionally and

physically draining task, but one

that is SO important considering

the statistics on the ages most

people make a decision to follow


Burn out is a very real thing in

youth ministry! Keep praying!

Keep encouraging! Keep

practically supporting them as a

wider church family – they are a

GREAT bunch! - Envoy Angela Cairns




Chloe Lauder 6th


Corey Pethybridge 26th


Elijah Cairns 29th


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Lieutenant Andrew Jones

(fourth from left in photo)

appointed to Wellington Corps, was

installed by Majors Trevor and

Maree Strong (Rural Chaplains).

Majors Jeff and Sue Winterburn

were installed at DHQ as Divisional

Secretary/2IC (Jeff) and Divisional

Mission and Resource Officer –

Corps (Sue) by Major Gavin Watts

(DC). Envoy Angela Cairns (DYS)

is holding the flag.

Lieutenants Matt and Katie

Ryan appointed to Dooralong, were

also installed by Major Gavin

Watts (DC).


Wilks and Steve G threw a

housewarming party recently and

Community Services Manager,

Howard Mole attended - with a

housewarming gift in hand. In fact,

all guests brought interesting and

useful gifts that will go to needy

homes and grateful people in our


KOFM radio station organised the

party to welcome Tanya and Steve

to their new Breakfast program,

but it was also a special event for

The Salvation Army.

Each guest was asked to bring a

‘housewarming gift’ to donate to

community welfare programs.

Howard was amazed by the

number of practical and generous

gifts that guests brought with

them. Gifts included towels,

kitchenware, assorted food, toys,

toiletries and clothes. Howard said

that any gifts that can’t be used in

Welfare can be given to SASS for

people going into houses.

“We are very appreciative of

KOFM for running this event and

for helping support the needy and

marginalised in our community,”

Howard said. – Emma Lalic


On Thursday 6th March 2014, six

employees and one volunteer were

recognised for their faithful service to

The Salvation Army.

A lovely morning tea was prepared by

the HR team and around 30 people

were in attendance to help them


Major Gavin Watts presented

certificates to the following people:

- Grant Hume from Dooralong

5yrs service

- Stewart Curran from OASIS Hunter

5yrs service

- Susan Petterson from DHQ 5yrs


- Christine Martin from DHQ 5yrs


- Jasmine Weaver from DHQ – 5yrs


- Bob Evans – Volunteer Hospital

Chaplain – official retirement after

24yrs service

- Gina Holland from DHQ – 35yrs


L to R: Grant Hume (Dooralong), Major

Wendy Watts (Divisional Leader),

Stewart Curran (OASIS Hunter), Susan

Petterson (DHQ), Bob Evans (Hospital

Chaplain), Gina Holland (DHQ),

Christine Martin (DHQ), Jasmine Weaver

(DHQ) and Major Gavin Watts

(Divisional Commander).

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Saturday 8th March saw 60 men

gather at Westlakes Corps for a

Divisional Men’s Breakfast.

A fantastic hot breakfast was

supplied and cooked by the men of

Westlakes Corps.

A good time was had with jokes

told by various men from different

corps and from a short video

showing Christian comedian Tim


Worship was led by Captain Adam

Couchman, along with Captain

Scott Allen and Major Gavin

Watts. This was a great time being

drawn into God’s presence.

I shared some of my journey and

the way that God speaks to me and

to others. I also shared with the

men a cutting object lesson (using

a lawn mower).

Participation was encouraged as

the men shared what spiritual

message they received from

looking at the lawn mower.

It was a great morning. I would

sincerely like to thank everyone

who played a part to make this

morning a great success. - Major Colin Robinson

Appointment Extension

We are delighted to announce that

General André Cox has extended the

appointment of Commissioners

James and Jan Condon as Territorial

Leaders of the Australia Eastern

Territory until 31 May 2016,

extending their former retirement date

by eighteen months.

Please continue to keep

Commissioners James and Jan

Condon in your prayers during these


Promoted to Glory Your prayer support for Virginia Zih

(Finance Department, THQ) would be

appreciated following the passing of

her father, Mr Yuk Ming Cheung on

Monday, 10th February, 2014,

following a long battle with illness.

Virginia’s dad was aged 82 years.

We offer our love and sympathy to

Virginia and her family and pray that

God’s strength and comfort will

surround them during these days.

Health Update Major Mrs Violet Harley is currently

in Westmead Hospital having suffered

another stroke. Thankfully it is not a

major stroke this time, but your

prayers would be welcome for Violet

and her family. The medical staff at

Westmead Hospital already named

Violet as their "Little Miracle" after

her previous amazing recovery. She

delights the staff with her happy

disposition and sense of humour.

Retirement You are warmly invited to the

Retirement Celebration of Major

Heather Rose (Chaplaincy Services,

Sydney East and Illawarra Division)

at The Salvation Army Dulwich Hill

Youth Hall (54 Dulwich Street,

Dulwich Hill) on Saturday, April 12th

at 2.00pm. Major Margaret Watters

will be presenting Heather’s

Retirement Certificate and Heather

welcomes you to share High Tea with

her on this special occasion. RSVP:

[email protected]

by April 5th.

Woman of the Year Awards

Thanks to everyone who voted for

Bee Orscini. Bee was one of four

finalists, but in the end did not receive

the most votes to win - the winner

was chosen by public vote.

We are proud of Bee and what she has

accomplished and wish her well for

the future.

The citation in the official booklet

said, "Bee is recognised for her

commitment to raising awareness of

youth homelessness and helping

support and encourage young

people" - and Bee has certainly done

that and we offer sincere appreciation

to her.

Captain Louanne Mitchell, corps

officer at Manly, was nominated as

the local Woman of the Year at Manly

by The Hon. Mike Baird -

recognising her community work and

compassion in helping the most

vulnerable and disadvantaged.

We honour both of these women and

thank them for representing the Army

and its Mission so well.

- Commissioner Jan Condon

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20 Family Store Manager’s


21-23 Spiritual Retreat Lochinvar

22 Div. Pulse Youth Church

30 Self-Denial Altar Service

30 International Day of Prayer

for Children


01-02 Divisional Business Mission


04-06 Delve Weekend

06 Daylight Saving ends 3am

09 RSA Launch Sydney

10 Divisional Doorways

Manager’s Forum

11 NSW School Term 1


18 Good Friday

19 Easter Saturday

20 Easter Sunday

21 Easter Monday Holiday

25 Anzac Day

ANYA Girls Camp til 27th

28 NSW School Term 2


30 Central Coast RSA Launch


March 16-22, 2014

“Look to the LORD and His

strength: seek His face always.”

1 Chronicles 16:11

- Central West Aged Care

Services – Dianne Cameron,

Steven Barnard, Envoy

Rosemary Richardson and Team

- Cessnock Corps – Lieutenant

Darryn Lloyd

- Chaplains to Statutory

Authorities – Majors Lyndsay

and Dawn Smith

- Chatswood Corps – Captains

Clayton and Leanne Spence, Lt.

Winnie Ng, Carol Ennis and


- Chifley Mission – Lieutenants

Philip and Rachael Farthing

- Coffs Harbour Corps – Majors

Julia and Steve Metcher


- Territorial Policy &

Mission Council Retreat


– 4th

April – Territorial

Caravan Mission Team


- Pray about the situation of the

missing aircraft from Malaysian

Airlines. Pray for the families as they

try to cope with the reality of loved

ones lost forever.

- Praise the Lord that baby Dawsyn

Gillies is OK. It was found that the

dear little boy was bitten by a spider.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for

they will be called sons of God.”

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March Retreat

applications close

Monday 10th March

Calling all Corps and

Centre personnel! Do you

like to walk? Join us for a

united walk and help

fundraise for the only

Salvation Army Safe House

in Australia.

Time: 11am Registrations

12pm Start

Place: Meet at Speers Point

Park and walk to Warners

Bay Foreshore and back

Sign up to Safe House

Everyday Hero page and get

a head start on fundraising




Pre-Register online –

Watch out for more details

to come!