New York University KnittingFactory Partially supported by: DARPA/Rome Laboratory, NSF, Intel,...

New York University KnittingFactory NYU Partially supported by: DARPA/Rome Laboratory, NSF, Intel, Microsoft An Infrastructure for Network Computing with Java Applets Arash Baratloo, Mehmet Karaul, Holger Karl, and Zvi M. Kedem Department of Computer Science Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University
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Transcript of New York University KnittingFactory Partially supported by: DARPA/Rome Laboratory, NSF, Intel,...

New York University KnittingFactory


Partially supported by: DARPA/Rome Laboratory, NSF, Intel, Microsoft

An Infrastructure for

Network Computing with Java Applets

Arash Baratloo, Mehmet Karaul, Holger Karl, and Zvi M. Kedem

Department of Computer ScienceCourant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

New York University

New York University KnittingFactory


Java programming language + Java-capable Web browsers are a great “one-two punch,” but…

The challenge is to fully utilize this potential given the limitations imposed by browsers.

In the context of Web-based parallel programming environments and collaborative applications, identify a set of problems, and ...

Provide a set of unified solutions

New York University KnittingFactory


Typical Web-basedCollaborative session

Composed of A single Java applications process Multiple partner applets

Applets down-loaded from the application host Applets communicate only with the application host This is the context of our work Examples are TANGO, JavaParty, Java Collaborator Toolset, etc



HTTP server

code &communication

code &communication

code &communication

code &communication

Browser& Applet

Browser& Applet

Browser& Applet

Browser& Applet

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUCharlotte (PDCS’96) in a Nutshell

Parallel programming model and system that provides Predictable virtual machine

to the programmer Realizes the virtual

machine on the unpredictable Web

End-user starts the execution of the manager process

Volunteers join the computation by a click of a mouse

Worker (applets) code and data is downloaded

One-click computing! Other examples are Javelin,

Bayanihan, etc.

code & data


code & data



code & data

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUIssues to Address

In the context of Web-based collaborative and parallel applications, …

How do end-users find a service? E.g., how do volunteers find computations? E.g., how do users find multi-player games?

Are users free to execute the application on any host? Not all accessible machines run HTTP servers

How do collaborative applets communicate with each other? Centralized forwarding agent? Untrusted native code?

New York University KnittingFactory


Goals and Motivations Architecture Directory Service Class Server Direct Inter-applet communication Security Issues Summary

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUKnittingFactory Architecture

Infrastructure (middle-ware) to support both High-level systems, e.g,

parallel programming, collaborative environments, etc.

Web-based applications

Integrated services for Directory service Class server Inter-applet communication

Java Virtual Machine

Knitting Factory






New York University KnittingFactory


Goals and Motivations Architecture Directory Service Class Server Direct Inter-applet communication Security Issues Summary

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUKnittingFactory Directory Service

For highly dynamic (sometimes short lived) services that frequently register and unregister.

Considerations… Distributed -- a necessity for the Web Directory-server processes should not do all the work (unlike

LDAP) -- scalability Caching servers (and replication) require invalidation -- costly Must support Web browsers -- simple language

Goal: Move most the computation and the search away form directory-server process and onto the Web browser.

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUDirectory Service Comprises of...

Existing HTTP servers act as directory-server processes

A single HTML file contains all the necessary information Other servers, e.g.,

<name,URL> Registered services, e.g.,

<name,URL> Program code, i.e., Java

Script CGI scripts to

register/unregister services

Forms a directed graph

directory server

directory server

HTTP server

cgi <host,url><host,url>


...----------java scriptprogram


directory server

New York University KnittingFactory

NYURegistration & Successful lookup

Register/Unregister Service provider sends an HTML Post message <name,URL> Directory server executes one of the CGI scripts Results in adding/removing an entry in the HTML file

Successful lookup Client requests the HTML file containing data + Java Script code The program searches the file it came from for the appropriate


New York University KnittingFactory

NYUUnsuccessful lookup

The program picks the next server (referral) to visit, assembles a new URL, and redirects the Web-browser

Browser loads a new HTML file which wipes out the program state!

The newly loaded Java script program starts executing and…

Reads the state information passed as a URL tag (#)!

Search is performed by the clients!

Implemented BFS

W eb browser


Java Scriptprogram



<ds nam e,url><ds nam e,url>

---------<nam e,url><nam e,url>

New York University KnittingFactory


Goals and Motivations Architecture Directory Service Class Server Direct Inter-applet communication Security Issues Summary

New York University KnittingFactory


Java application process requires an HTTP server running on the same host, but… Users might not have access to hosts running HTTP servers HTTP servers machines will become overloaded when hosting

many applications HTTP servers are too “heavy-weight” for a simple…

Coupling class servers with an application can...

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUKnittingFactory Class Server

Embedded Java class (applet code) server to… … flexibly execute the application program on any host … provide a convenient gateway for browsers to

communicate with applications That simple!

java application

Class Server




application specific

java class

New York University KnittingFactory


Goals and Motivations Architecture Directory Service Class Server Direct Inter-applet communication Security Issues Summary

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUInter-Applet communication

Browsers enforce the “host-of-origin” policy as a security measure: an applet is not allowed to: Listen for network connections Initiate a connection to any host other than the one it came from

Typical solutions Use a centralized forwarding agent to route messages (e.g,

Javelin, Java Collaborator Toolset) Use untrusted code as in plug-ins and native code (e.g, TANGO,


But forwarding agent can become... A bottle-neck and a single point of failure

And with native code… Unsafe, not portable and heterogeneous anymore

New York University KnittingFactory


Inter-Applet communication (continue)

Signed applets (JDK1.1) and fine-grain access control (JDK1.2) is too rigid for every-day users Developers have to obtain a certificate and a digital ID from

Certifying Authority (CA) Users/administrators have to decide who to trust and how much

Wouldn’t it be nice to have direct applet-to-applet communication?

KnittingFactory Applets Can! Implemented using Java RMI, JDK1.1.3 and tested with appletviewer and HotJava 1.1

Security issues will be discussed later

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUKnittingFactory Applet

In a nutshell Each applet passes a

Remote Reference of itself to the session manager

Manager propagates the reference to other session members

After that point, applets can communicate directly

Applets form a collaborative session simply by inheriting KF_Applet

Simplifies collaborative applications development





Remote Referece


Remote Reference

New York University KnittingFactory


Goals and Motivations Architecture Directory Service Class Server Direct Inter-applet communication Security Issues Summary

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUSecurity Issues

It is apparent that KnittingFactory Applets violate the host-of-origin policy, and…

It might be used to break Java security guarantees Many thanks to Java’98 PC, referees, and many others for

bringing this to our attention

The benefits of direct inter-applet communication is obvious, and…

Just as a forwarding agent can forward messages,

It might be possible to forward trust (references) in a safe and efficient manner.

New York University KnittingFactory


Goals and Motivations Architecture Directory Service Class Server Direct Inter-applet communication Security Issues Summary

New York University KnittingFactory

NYUSummary of services...

Distributed directory service Designed for services that frequently register/unregister Designed for Web browsers to act as clients Search is performed by the browsers As much as possible, does not introduce new processes/daemons

Class Server Simple, but execution flexibility Convenient gateway to the application

Inter-applet communication Simplifies collaborative application development Removes single point of failure Does not require native code

Open question: can we guarantee safety while maintaining flexibility of inter-applet communication?