New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1920-12-12 [p 6].€¦ · ARCTIC MOTOR ROBE MANUFACTURING CO. 23...

Icio, UNUSUAL <*t?7ß/or° .o, 01 ¿fc< ¦síKV DON'T SMOKE PAINT Pipe« of finest Imported Briar Root No Paint No Varnish Pores open to absorb moist- are. No break¬ ing in. We Make Them Each Pipe Perfect and GUARAN¬ TEED * MAIL ORDERS FILLED. PIPES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. BARCLAY PIPE SHOP 41 BARCLAY ST. Corner of Church AUTO LAP ROBES Don't Overlook This Opportunity Buy Direct From Manufacturer Save at Least 50% On Present Store Pri-oes Wool Cloth ! Mohair and SOk Robes Plush Robe» 3 ^smmm ARCTIC MOTOR ROBE MANUFACTURING CO. 23 WEST 36TH STREET Bet. 5th & 6th Ave*., N. Y. City lake Elevator to 8rd Floor ELECTRIC Sewing Machine An idea) Christmas gift at the pre-war price of $39 Due to an advantageous purchase, we are offering a limited number of these machines of a standard make, retailing elsewhere at $60. Ten-year guar¬ antee by manufacturer. On display al all showrooms of The New York Edison Co. 10 Irrln» Placa 101 R. Sflfh Ht. 124 W. «2d St. 20 .Norfolk «St, 10 E. 125th St. 424 i.ros**lway 882 E. lttth St. or ai our «am Broadway store J. F. DELAIIANT Electric Sales Corp. 2490 Broadway ^ Every Christmas Morning- Mrs. Cummings re¬ ceives a check for $500.00. Just a matter of forethought on the part of her late hus¬ band. He arranged the details with me. You can make the same arrangement for any amount from $100.00 up! 'Phono now, Main 3352. EA.MORRISON 44 COURT STREET Brooklyn Telephone 3352 Main For Sate by Dealers Everywhere THE MOORE PEN CO. FRED S. LATREM RE Wholesale Retail 1S-1» MAiDEN LANE, N. Y. C NEW YORK HEADQUARTERS for «lertrlt-ai Xmae Tree .uirtt« Plain and fancy bultm of f»ny description Other FU-r-trt, V....«,!,.. . -, LIONEL MINIATURE RAILWAYS RJL3TA11.KU AT lHIUI.i,>A3t. 1*KICKS DUNKS- FORCED TO SELL OUT WarJrofct Traatu man $35; a«w «$22.50 NeserfcTi Wrfr.aei " $35 " $26 50 lndeitrvct» " " $45 " $33 50 Hartmaa " " $60 " $45 00 Cowkide Bags it Cue«.$6.50 Up Mnnj Mhfi bargain» on ftttné mmh »nd baca yo« wlLI sata ta to 40%. S. RAINESS 222 WEST 52-J Su, car. «Tway. Satab 39 yaara. Mayorkas Bros. importen tf fins Oriental Hugs Antiques, Bric-a-brac Egyptian Glasses and alt kinds at Smltr-nA- oritAi, Very IXeaaonaSle Holiday Suggestions «¦«-. M »S l«** Ar». H'.* Yw» Cwnt »ins Strwt Phra» la» Od I- ¦tablt.slleS 1192 A r"KW HVtA IAI..H Storioo ot 8atter> X;na» Tra« ou Àta. totnplii* with r;,:M ioTor+4 bulb» reu,',/ to t* Ho»a» '¦urr»nt or ban« lar*. 1* Ul|> I '«« «1 m I color» aold r«c 17* d'" $1 20 Hpemt. Lanterns I* «nd «Tlo»«» c»»> tassa '.".¦» ««/o», riíuj»» ci 7C t>»> '\-tlrl, #»..«» Hyerlul $2.50 «Hasaa m,,i».** Hal!« cl"» «7.«» Transformer» $.'< on 1 p Otb*r a^eui» T,,i, Nun Sin lo Mention. CORUBIA ELECTRIC HOUSE i*» 1*7 H\j H'l ItKb't _.*}««.& Ltoalnaio» maa îd Av*n«, .M «*».¦ mai Mit. lts+m J6v. ü GOOD CHRISTMAS CIGARS at «al; e»< h. Ion« 1311m tVsO and each. Hoir» of 69 C0SI0 HAVANA CIGARS at Sc, 6c & 7c each nia-b el*aa clear» at atmnt half rrjiilur prim. Outlet foi ho twe- torle». We rait »rll i liar» cheuprr thnn an; turn a* ¡n I 8 to-day. WALTER M. SMITH 17 WfU «*a4 Ht.. Maw Verb OJtj. TaJt* alavat« «lb Ha««. Handwoven Novelties Moderately Priced Bags Pur*«» Table Runner» Luncheon Set» of Lino-a Luncheon Seta of Raffia Girdles Tea Tray« Cuahions Sandwich Tray» Saahea Baskets The Lighthouse Salesroom 111 East 59th Street (Established 1906) The New York Association for The Blind. Only Eleven ] Shopping Days Before Christmas This Page Will Help Solve Many of Your Perplexing Gift Problems. Here Will Be Found Suggestions for Gifts for All the Members of the Family ST. ANDREW'S One-Cent Coffee Stands SOCIETY Executive Office, 31 Weit 8th Street Since 1887 these coffee stands have been located throughout the city to feed the hungry and needy (ir¬ respective of creed or na¬ tionality). It caters through¬ out the year to the most de¬ jected of God's creatures, and also to many respectable poor families who through misfortune have become ob¬ jects of charity. YOUR DONATION Beautiful Catalog in FREE Send today 1*9 handioma. color» ed catalog. Then buy froaa four Dealer. Manufacturée mrté Guaranteed P> The Lionel Corporation All Aboard! Let Your Boy Learn The Wonders Of Electric Traction! Get him * real electric tram, built just tike the real thing. Runa at little cost from bat¬ teries or house ^-^ s.u ». »n t», s««,.». Good ÄA ^'t^T,^ . *r K ,, aportin« Go<kU an« for year* of V^ /-"-»vHardwarastor»». Colors Now York City ORIENTAL HOLIDAY GIFTS AT GREAT SAVINGS. SPECIAL SALE CHINESE CANDY BOX Chinese Box. Three compartments; enamelled with Chinese figure» and characters. 4 in. wide, 5 in. high. Complete.$3.00 KWONG YÜYN& CO., Inc., Importers of Chinese sad Japaneis Embroideries. Kimonos. China. 6cc. Now in Our New Enlarged Salesrooms. 253 Fifth Ave., aJU'SSS *. Formerly at tal Sth Are. 20% Off Manufacturers' Prices An excellent opportunity to buy Christmas gifts thai combine decora¬ tive effect with soHd comfort. Chairs, sofas, tables, baskets, flower stands, bird cages, etc. Buy of us, the makers, and benefit by lowest prices. RWERVIEW CHAIR (pictured)- Stained: seat cushion in rep or cheery cretonne, $15. Delivery nom or later. Catalog M1NNET & CO. Lexington Ave..40th-41st St«. Visit the Shop of Helen SpeerCo. Inc. A wonderful display of chil¬ dren's high-grade toys and newly designed children's fur¬ niture may be seen at the quaintest toy shop in all Amer¬ ica. You are cordially invited to come and see them. Nurser¬ ies decorated and furnished in a manner to produce the proper psychological effect, a room to love, a room to remember. HELEN SPEER CO., inc. American Made Toy» 16 W. 57th St.. near 5th Av. An Ideal til ft for Roy or Girl. THIS realistic beat made of besl quality heave? plush is 14 in. high. 20 «in. loot. Strong steel frama makes It practically m Irtiructiblt Will carry weighi of 200 lb. man. No mechanism to get out of order. Wheels well mnde to insure easy riding.extra heavy leather collar. 1 o introduce our splrn«hd lina of toys.we offer this wonderful life¬ like bear from now until Christmas at this special price of $5.00. Tip Top Toy Company JOS. Q KAEMI'F-ER Prop.. 225 Fourth At« Outfit of Oil Color* Outfit of Water Colora Sat of Drawing Instruments Easel Drawing Tabld. Pictures, Framed & Unframed Photo Frames Camera* Eversharp Pencils, $1.00 up to $50.00 Fountain Pens, $2.50 and up The Palette Art Co. 327 Fifth Are.. New York ELECTRIC TOY f © The Wonderful Walking Ape imported from Spain, dressed in fine evening clothes. with scarlet coat and black pants. He is 28 inches tall, and is a nice toy for any girl or buy.tu take walking. Price is $15.00 "Miss Manhattan," our pretty walking Doll, remain« the most popular gift tor girls, who love to take this playmate walking Sur is ¿8" tail, has wig long curls and is prcttilv dressed, for. $13.50 In beautiful silk dresa i».$25.00 Come to see the most wonderful collec¬ tion of Toys, G;imes, Plaything« and Gifts.selected from the leading manu¬ facturers of America and Europe. We Sell Lionel Electric Traia* MANHATTAN DOLL CO., Inc., 741 5th Ave. SPECIAL GIFT FOR XMAS Columbia Grafonola All aixea and all price» Time payments at low a* $5 dawn. Latest record» shipped everywhere by mail, Send fer etu Ire« monthly catalog. M. R. GRAFONOLA SHOP 398 3d A»e., aear 28th St. .-A USEFUL PRESENT- MOVING pIcTUrToPERATOR IN A I'llKATKB COMPLETE COURSE, $2t DAY AND EVENING CLASSES OUR OPERATOR: IN GREAT DEMAND MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS' SCHOOL 644 8TH AVL & 42ND ST. Phon« Ili/aui 1.318 .USEFUL XMAS GIFTS . AT BARGAIN PRICES Bicycle».Ice Skate*.Glove« 8ICTCLES ICE SKATES C0MLrNLFE Hack«, Fljum IUcír». auiouiublle and Tulle Skill 0AVI0N PEE8LEM Perrl«"» Bl<7<*l» JSri.S». Fair» Vfurtprilf« «nd Biplanes. A!) ',m fíort and OlrU a jr. Uusranui«. from S2.50 up. (Un* *mi S3,i.« outBta from 110.00 up. «^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kins Aisotiment RsOullt MatarnyclM. ail MaXe» Bold on Ruj r. run Hiured I- Elm Blcyols Tires »ni Supplies. tiOTH.Wi KI'OKIIM. l.v>ul»h CO, 11 Warren St. n»«ar W. ü'way. N V. C. CHARMING Yule-tide remem¬ brances.brimful with the season's choicest goodies and re¬ flecting the good taste of the giver. A veritable Pandora's Bos of temptin'g tidbit», including all kinds of nuts: in the shell, shelled and salted ; candied fruits, assorted stuffed figs and dates, raisins, fanny preserves and a host of dainty delicacies.tasteful and tempting. A wide variety of thesa Xmas Baskets.on sale at our five store». $3 to $10 Charles & Cash »c £mry food nut that qwtat retepban« CWtlaJMlt *Xt» iMiffXTüWN sroHKHi m m/m« et Bali Block West Hudson Terminai lu l.IPBRTY STitKKf Seconil Door from Church St m.'DSON TKKMINAL O ON COITUS B Opposite Penn aid Erie Ticket OOloes t PTIUVN M'Oit KM ¦'!!* »IAH Hl>.\ 4VK Two Doors Below #ind Street 2&2» BKOAUWAY Bol 9«ib & 96th Sta Nothing makes a more suitable gift for gradua¬ tion. Prices range trorn fifty cents to fifty dollars .a splendid assortment at $2.00 liMia -.mJ ^^^^^ TÑC' _ "Reltgtoas Good* »f Quality" 10 East 50th St. iOpjjoalt« the Caibwlran The Finest Xmas Present FOR YOUNG LADIES EMLE JAPANESE silk HANDKERCHIEFS $2.00 In of 1 Doui Assorted Colon (HE-UU3LAR VAl.l K S4.2A IT.H BOX D1HIBCT FKOM IMPUHTBRlJ 240 BROADWAY (komm 16), or 2169 Soteatlk Av« UNIQUE GIFTS ! Exceptional Value»! I III DKllK'ifir Ml' ART and HANDCRA^ Italian'schools Hanillf^rohlef» KnliiH «!wn«i«ri »(...I I...« I-H Pin« Table Mnena H»ril!nliiii <7,r¡,i.ia I«*Hno» IU|i Cuütilon Topa I.I(iK<*rlB Lunch >s«ta Ari Pnnela KIIUi ««?era -Kallvf guiitiima ii BmbroliUrt-ij * Pnlnled f'n«_ The Lace and Embroidery Shop "- iBdualrl« Iftuamlolil liaiianel Miuiimjci Av«.. at Aim, gi. Ijs «ftO FURS Manufactuiers' Samples Seal Coats and Wraps. Neck Pieces of Various Styles. To Close Out at Lowest Price» While They Last "Reliable" MME. ROSE, Room 439-A 30 Church St. ¡HiifUon Tarnilnal Building) MOKIN^ POCKET PERFUMIZER Imported French Sovelty lor Ladles' Hand Bags Vlade of onr pleca ot giasa Baally (iUe<3 with one'» favorll« parfume Mau. in f-ai«. Artistically d-acorated Uurtiblo. A convenience and a delight Make nnvet and altraetlve favor«. Al beat department. novel!> and drug atore», or $I.G0 each, $10.00 per dozen poatpaid dire, Iron. US. NEW YOItli IKKM (H EXPOBT BLBJUl 105 HuiIwji» Hi Sola diatributora of M«>kln'a Atomlurs an« Jaap> Perfumea. î'*ria LIGHTING FIXTURES FIXTURES FOR HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS. WIRED COM¬ PLETE, WITH GLASSWARE FOR $3925. We carry a fal On» «f Floor, Takle tad Boa- do u- Lamps, ah« heatiag appliances. Lager Electric Shop Il F I'VI'll HT. Nert to Edison. Open Bvgs Oirihtuia^ Books for Children A »election of book» choson from an intímate Unowled|(e of what children like offered for your tnapection. *'Trsin»d attendant» will aa»i»t the di». criminating buyer in the choice of book» for young poo* THE LAND OF STORY BOOKS 42 West Slot Strret Vase».I«K of>0.00 Bowls.I ?-> to 12.50 Coiufjorts .3.50 to 15.00 Suga« & Cream».4.00 to 10 00 Nappies.1.50 to 5.50 Jugs .1.^ to 10.00 Watc. Set».7.50to 30.00 Novelty Suggestions Decorated Candy Jar.... I 95 to I8.7r> Wallace Nutting Picture» 1.00 to 10.00 Chin» Tea Set».5.00 to 35.00 Poitey Piei«e». 75c to 22.50 Cut Ci«»» Lamp».1330 to 250.00 Lacxjucred I ray». I .dû to 6.00 Coid Dcxuiaied Glen IB freal vajicty.i Jim 75JX LIBERTY Cryatai 6 Gin SHOPPE 7 East 38th St., N. Y. \ear ñh iutnue LAMPS Of all the gifts at Vantme's there is none with so universal an appeal as the lamp. and nowhere will you hnd so varied a selec¬ tion as at Vantme's. À Suitable Something for Every Woman. Dainty and Saadou Caps Under»ilk» Breakfast C*at» Cor »et» etqulsltt N»|iije«s Tea Combs Hosiery Veil, Hasdaiasin Beaáoir AccesseHes at ¦aricM aader tbos» as-aaily focad due where TWINING.2447 Broadway \\r\ HiX^mmW^BsmWW y////////'//////S/////////////////////////t////S/?//////M This page will next appear on Wednesday, December 15 th NOTHING is more acceptable tkaa jenuint fie ** tiMi« Umkraiias, Waiklni »Veta. Oae» Umbrsllat Foldln» Umbrtllaa. I»»raw(» Wonderful Assortment, Quality Unexcelled. 178 Fulton Street B«twMn Bret«*»» «nit Churtsi ttreal «Bra*«*--Hudson rsrmlnal, Futtoa ttnwt Intraaaa SILK HOSIERY Ever the acceptable gift with the "Fair Sex." $3.00 buys member¬ ship in the French Hosiery Club and entitles the member to ichale- sale price privileyee.saving $1.00 to $7.00 par pair. Plain arid fancy, fall-fashioned silk hosiery.all color». The Hav¬ ing 071 two pairs alont excerds membership fee. Call or writel FRENCH HOSIERY CLUB 1323 B-'way. u.i .¡Mi) St.) Tel. Watktna 3i'48. D°wNt T°wN TOYLAND Prop in at lunch time or on your way home. See every toy that ii» shown in any New York store Or telephone us and we will do your .shopping. A few of the interesting toys.with prices. t>ais\ lump All Rlflr »4 95 Dal-jv Water I'l» loi ^^^^^^^ Ereiior Sat. *2.00 ICIoi-ti-lr Trxui Set .ft;.!H) Yher.icraît S«*i 91.119 Omplsn ato. h Lionel & lve- Traln» lie Skate» and Bhuea $9.43. Pr. Kuilak«. coin- pletf Une 10C> I^ls.'ouiU Uani«», Chens rheokera. Poker Hiixe» Dominóes ItouUU» Wheels elu át«»rr. B3nirlnea 91.39 to $«H!\0<I Ten Pin Sets .9» Wlrelei» Seta, 97.i\o Movlni Pliture Machines Blei «rlc $K.98 Ball Hearlrig Va locipedes. »It.»6 S> udder Ka- »n.4« Three Floors Full of Toys boon tor the Kg all-jrear round t'oyiauj .,(!> SCHULTZ TOYLAND 122 Nassau St. 7>i Beekman siiî Schultz Novelty & Spurting Goods Co. Specially Priced! $10.00 I Carved wood Lamp In Polychrome finish with silk shade ¡n rose or gold and heavy fringe. THIRD KLOOH Entirety Devoted f Lampa UNIQUE PRESENTE Rare B!a< k Porcelain Va.e 16 in $».. fare "Jersey" Glass Historic 8-rttle. S4.0" ->panish Lustre Hawlled Va»e $1¿' Rate Decorated B.un« Con« 8x5 ¡n $8 5* Drange Colored {em Sel. ¿3 piece» $1S.W n.8. Door knockers $1^0 to Í6.W Rattan Baskets. Novel «hapes $1 50 to $. Blur Hawthorn Ginget Jar» $3 5P to $1' '^are Clot»onne Handled Teapot .* R^onre Buddha. 500 yrm old. I I tnclie» $2f Teak wood Boi & Cover, inlaid ¡2 in ióM I acque- Boxe. & Trav» $1.25 'o $6¿l Six Gold Lustre Demi Tasse Cup» & Samen «^_ Ivory & Amber Ggarel Holders, $1 75 to $Í.St Corean Bras» Book-Ends, Turtle Foras.$?¿*> \¿ff& V/Te Ida a l oXrnuf G i/i J L. = 7 C03 Si ME in and e e what every woman loves Christmas. for Pulntj rollara and Cuff», and Novell» H r h r t m Iti unique holiday boxea. W3CST «JTTH BTtUEKr NK\V tOUK Elder Gift & Curio Shop 21 W. 35tk Street. N. T. Cits C & D. STUDIO ffsrabfiAhetf t?>» Devoted to the ART of D»nclu! 2700 BROADWAY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL A 15 Week «Conrs« in Aas Two Gast* $25.00 Or Any One Class, $13.50 classe:» Social Dancing Interpretative Panel»! '>.¦ > ms Claaali Taohnte Thi.t OjtTer affective vHtn présentât*» < a<L Uli ta JlUlBOru lf< l-l'i ... i'hrOÍSS*

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1920-12-12 [p 6].€¦ · ARCTIC MOTOR ROBE MANUFACTURING CO. 23...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1920-12-12 [p 6].€¦ · ARCTIC MOTOR ROBE MANUFACTURING CO. 23 WEST 36TH STREET Bet. 5th &6th Ave*., N. Y. City lake Elevator to 8rd Floor ELECTRIC

Icio, UNUSUAL <*t?7ß/or°.o, 01 ¿fc<


DON'T SMOKE PAINTPipe« of finestImported BriarRoot

No PaintNo Varnish

Pores open toabsorb moist-are. No break¬ing in.

WeMake Them

Each PipePerfectand





This Opportunity

Buy Direct FromManufacturer

Save at Least 50%On Present Store Pri-oes

Wool Cloth ! Mohair and SOkRobes Plush Robe»



23 WEST 36TH STREETBet. 5th & 6th Ave*., N. Y. City

lake Elevator to 8rd Floor


Sewing MachineAn idea) Christmas gift

at the pre-warprice of

$39Due to an advantageouspurchase, we are offeringa limited number of thesemachines of a standardmake, retailing elsewhereat $60. Ten-year guar¬antee by manufacturer.

On display al all showrooms of

TheNewYorkEdison Co.10 Irrln» Placa 101 R. Sflfh Ht.124 W. «2d St. 20 .Norfolk «St,10 E. 125th St. 424 i.ros**lway

882 E. lttth St.

or ai our «am Broadway store

J. F. DELAIIANTElectric Sales Corp.

2490 Broadway

^Every ChristmasMorning-

Mrs. Cummings re¬ceives a check for$500.00. Just a matterof forethought on thepart of her late hus¬band.He arranged the

details with me.

You can make thesame arrangement forany amount from$100.00 up! 'Phononow, Main 3352.


BrooklynTelephone 3352 Main

For Sate byDealers Everywhere


Wholesale Retail1S-1» MAiDEN LANE, N. Y. C

NEW YORK HEADQUARTERSfor «lertrlt-ai Xmae Tree .uirtt« Plainand fancy bultm of f»ny descriptionOther FU-r-trt, .« V....«,!,.. . -,



WarJrofct Traatu man $35; a«w «$22.50NeserfcTi Wrfr.aei " $35 " $26 50lndeitrvct» " " $45 " $33 50Hartmaa " " $60 " $45 00Cowkide Bags it Cue«.$6.50 UpMnnj Mhfi bargain» on ftttné mmh»nd baca yo« wlLI sata ta to 40%.

S. RAINESS222 WEST 52-J Su, car. «Tway.

Satab 39 yaara.

Mayorkas Bros.importen tf fins

Oriental HugsAntiques, Bric-a-bracEgyptian Glassesand alt kinds at Smltr-nA-oritAi, Very IXeaaonaSleHoliday Suggestions«¦«-. M »S l«** Ar». H'.* Yw»Cwnt »ins Strwt Phra» I»la» OdI- ¦tablt.slleS 1192

A r"KW HVtA IAI..HStorioo ot 8atter> X;na» Tra« ouÀta. totnplii* with r;,:MioTor+4 bulb» reu,',/ tot* Ho»a» '¦urr»nt or ban«

lar*.1*Ul|> I '«« «1 m Icolor» aold r«c17* d'" $1 20

Hpemt. LanternsI* «nd «Tlo»«» c»»> tassa

'.".¦» ««/o», riíuj»» ci 7Ct>»> '\-tlrl, #»..«»

Hyerlul $2.50«Hasaa m,,i».** Hal!« cl"» «7.«»Transformer» $.'< on 1 pOtb*r a^eui» T,,i, Nun Sin >¦ lo Mention.

CORUBIA ELECTRIC HOUSEi*» 1*7 H\j H'l ItKb't_.*}««.& Ltoalnaio» maa îd Av*n«,.M «*».¦mai Mit. lts+m J6v.


GOOD CHRISTMAS CIGARSat «al; V« e»< h. Ion« 1311m tVsOand 4« each. Hoir» of 69

C0SI0 HAVANA CIGARSat Sc, 6c & 7c each

nia-b el*aa clear» at atmnt halfrrjiilur prim. Outlet foi ho twe-torle». We rait »rll i liar» cheuprrthnn an; turn a* ¡n I 8 to-day.WALTER M. SMITH17 WfU «*a4 Ht.. Maw Verb OJtj.

TaJt* alavat« t» «lb Ha««.

Handwoven NoveltiesModerately PricedBags Pur*«»

Table Runner»Luncheon Set» of Lino-aLuncheon Seta of Raffia

Girdles Tea Tray«Cuahions Sandwich Tray»Saahea Baskets

The Lighthouse Salesroom111 East 59th Street(Established 1906)

The New York Association forThe Blind.

Only Eleven ]Shopping DaysBefore Christmas

This Page Will Help Solve Many of YourPerplexing Gift Problems. HereWill Be Found Suggestions for Giftsfor All the Members of the Family

ST. ANDREW'SOne-Cent CoffeeStands

SOCIETYExecutive Office,

31 Weit 8th StreetSince 1887 these coffeestands have been locatedthroughout the city to feedthe hungry and needy (ir¬respective of creed or na¬

tionality). It caters through¬out the year to the most de¬jected of God's creatures,and also to many respectablepoor families who throughmisfortune have become ob¬jects of charity.YOUR DONATION

BeautifulCatalog inFREESend today 1*9

handioma. color»ed catalog. Thenbuy froaa fourDealer.Manufacturée mrté

Guaranteed P>

The LionelCorporation

All Aboard!Let Your Boy Learn

The WondersOf Electric Traction!Get him * real electric tram, built just tikethe real thing. Runa at little cost from bat¬teries or house ^-^ o« s.u ». »n t», s««,.» Good ÄA ^'t^T,^.*r K ,, aportin« Go<kU an«for year* of V^ /-"-»vHardwarastor»».


Now York City


CHINESE CANDY BOXChinese Box. Three compartments; enamelledwith Chinese figure» and characters. 4 in. wide,5 in. high. Complete.$3.00KWONG YÜYN& CO., Inc.,

Importers of Chinese sad JapaneisEmbroideries. Kimonos. China. 6cc.

Now in Our New Enlarged Salesrooms.253 Fifth Ave., aJU'SSS *.

Formerly at tal Sth Are.

20% OffManufacturers' PricesAn excellent opportunity to buy

Christmas gifts thai combine decora¬tive effect with soHd comfort. Chairs,sofas, tables, baskets, flower stands,bird cages, etc. Buy of us, the makers,and benefit by lowest prices.RWERVIEW CHAIR (pictured)-

Stained: seat cushion in rep or cheerycretonne, $15.

Delivery nom or later. CatalogM1NNET & CO.

Lexington Ave..40th-41st St«.

Visit the Shop ofHelenSpeerCo.

Inc.A wonderful display of chil¬

dren's high-grade toys andnewly designed children's fur¬niture may be seen at thequaintest toy shop in all Amer¬ica. You are cordially invitedto come and see them. Nurser¬ies decorated and furnished ina manner to produce the properpsychological effect, a room tolove, a room to remember.

HELEN SPEER CO., inc.American Made Toy»

16 W. 57th St.. near 5th Av.

An Ideal til ft for Roy or Girl.

THIS realistic beat made of beslquality heave? plush is 14 in.

high. 20 «in. loot. Strong steel framamakes It practically m IrtiructibltWill carry weighi of 200 lb. man.No mechanism to get out of order.Wheels well mnde to insure easyriding.extra heavy leather collar.

1 o introduce our splrn«hd lina oftoys.we offer this wonderful life¬like bear from now until Christmasat this special price of $5.00.Tip Top Toy CompanyJOS. Q KAEMI'F-ER Prop..

225 Fourth At«

Outfit of Oil Color*Outfit of Water Colora

Sat of Drawing InstrumentsEasel

Drawing Tabld.Pictures, Framed & Unframed

Photo FramesCamera*

Eversharp Pencils,$1.00 up to $50.00

Fountain Pens, $2.50 and upThe Palette Art Co.

327 Fifth Are.. New York


The Wonderful Walking Apeimported from Spain, dressed in fine evening clothes.with scarlet coat and black pants. He is 28 inches tall, and

is a nice toy for any girl or buy.tu takewalking. Price is $15.00

"Miss Manhattan,"our pretty walking Doll, remain« themost popular gift tor girls, who love totake this playmate walking Sur is ¿8"tail, has wig oí long curls and is prcttilvdressed, for. $13.50In beautiful silk dresa i».$25.00

Come to see the most wonderful collec¬tion of Toys, G;imes, Plaything« andGifts.selected from the leading manu¬facturers of America and Europe.

We Sell Lionel Electric Traia*

MANHATTAN DOLL CO., Inc.,741 5th Ave.


Columbia GrafonolaAll aixea and all price»Time payments at low a*

$5 dawn. Latest record»shipped everywhere by mail, Send fer etuIre« monthly catalog.

M. R. GRAFONOLA SHOP398 3d A»e., aear 28th St.






644 8TH AVL & 42ND ST.Phon« Ili/aui 1.318


Bicycle».Ice Skate*.Glove«8ICTCLES

ICE SKATES C0MLrNLFEHack«, Fljum IUcír».auiouiublle and Tulle Skill

0AVI0NPEE8LEMPerrl«"» Bl<7<*l» JSri.S».Fair» Vfurtprilf« «nd

Biplanes.A!) ',m fíort and

OlrU a jr. Uusranui«.

from S2.50 up.(Un* *mi S3,i.« outBta

from 110.00 up. «^^^^^^^^^^^^Kins Aisotiment RsOullt MatarnyclM.ail MaXe» Bold on Ruj r. run Hiured I- ElmBlcyols Tires »ni Supplies.

tiOTH.Wi KI'OKIIM. l.v>ul»h CO,11 Warren St. n»«ar W. ü'way. N V. C.

CHARMING Yule-tide remem¬brances.brimful with the

season's choicest goodies and re¬

flecting the good taste of the giver.A veritable Pandora's Bos oftemptin'g tidbit», including allkinds of nuts: in the shell, shelledand salted ; candied fruits,assorted stuffed figs and dates,raisins, fanny preserves and ahost of dainty delicacies.tastefuland tempting.A wide variety of thesa XmasBaskets.on sale at our five store».

$3 to $10Charles & Cash »c

£mry food nut that qwtatretepban« CWtlaJMlt *Xt»

iMiffXTüWN sroHKHi m m/m« etBali Block West Hudson Terminailu l.IPBRTY STitKKf

Seconil Door from Church Stm.'DSON TKKMINAL OONCOITUSBOpposite Penn aid Erie Ticket OOloest PTIUVN M'Oit KM ¦'!!* »IAH Hl>.\ 4VKTwo Doors Below #ind Street2&2» BKOAUWAY Bol 9«ib & 96th Sta

Nothing makes a moresuitable gift for gradua¬tion. Prices range trornfifty cents to fifty dollars.a splendid assortmentat $2.00

liMia -.mJ

^^^^^TÑC'_"Reltgtoas Good* »f Quality"

10 East 50th St.iOpjjoalt« the Caibwlran



In of 1 Doui Assorted Colon(HE-UU3LAR VAl.l K S4.2A IT.H BOX


(komm 16), or 2169 Soteatlk Av«

UNIQUE GIFTS !Exceptional Value»!

I III DKllK'ifir Ml'ART and HANDCRA^Italian'schools

Hanillf^rohlef»KnliiH «!wn«i«ri»(...I I...« I-H

Pin« Table MnenaH»ril!nliiii <7,r¡,i.ia

I«*Hno» IU|iCuütilon TopaI.I(iK<*rlBLunch >s«taAri Pnnela


-Kallvf guiitiima iiBmbroliUrt-ij * Pnlnled f'n«_The Lace and Embroidery Shop"- iBdualrl« Iftuamlolil liaiianelMiuiimjci Av«.. at Aim, gi.


FURSManufactuiers' SamplesSeal Coats and Wraps.Neck Pieces of Various

Styles.To Close Out at LowestPrice» While They Last"Reliable" MME. ROSE,Room 439-A 30 Church St.¡HiifUon Tarnilnal Building)


PERFUMIZERImported French

Sovelty lor Ladles'Hand BagsVlade of onr pleca ot

giasa Baally (iUe<3 withone'» favorll« parfumeMau. in f-ai«. Artistically d-acoratedUurtiblo. A convenience and a delightMake nnvet and altraetlve favor«. Albeat department. novel!> and drug atore»,or $I.G0 each, $10.00 per dozen poatpaiddire, Iron. US.

NEW YOItli IKKM(H EXPOBT BLBJUl105 HuiIwji» HiSola diatributora of M«>kln'a Atomlurs an«

Jaap> Perfumea. î'*ria

LIGHTINGFIXTURESFIXTURES FOR HOUSE OF6 ROOMS. WIRED COM¬PLETE, WITH GLASSWAREFOR $3925.We carry a fal On» «fFloor, Takle tad Boa-do u- Lamps, ah« heatiagappliances.Lager Electric Shop

Il F I'VI'll HT.Nert to Edison. Open Bvgs

Oirihtuia^ Booksfor Children

A »election of book» chosonfrom an intímate Unowled|(eof what children like i» offeredfor your tnapection. *'Trsin»dattendant» will aa»i»t the di».criminating buyer in thechoice of book» for young poo*


Vase».I«K of>0.00Bowls.I ?-> to 12.50Coiufjorts .3.50 to 15.00Suga« & Cream».4.00 to 10 00Nappies.1.50 to 5.50Jugs .1.^ to 10.00Watc. Set».7.50to 30.00

Novelty SuggestionsDecorated Candy Jar.... I 95 to I8.7r>Wallace Nutting Picture» 1.00 to 10.00Chin» Tea Set».5.00 to 35.00Poitey Piei«e». 75c to 22.50Cut Ci«»» Lamp».1330 to 250.00Lacxjucred I ray». I .dû to 6.00Coid Dcxuiaied Glen IB

freal vajicty.iJim 75JX

LIBERTY Cryatai6 Gin SHOPPE7 East 38th St., N. Y.

\ear ñh iutnue

LAMPSOf all the gifts atVantme's there is nonewith so universal an

appeal as the lamp.and nowhere will youhnd so varied a selec¬tion as at Vantme's.

À Suitable Somethingfor Every Woman.

Dainty andSaadou CapsUnder»ilk»Breakfast C*at»Cor»et»

etqulslttN»|iije«sTea CombsHosieryVeil,

Hasdaiasin Beaáoir AccesseHes at¦aricM aader tbos» as-aaily

focad due where

TWINING.2447 Broadway\\r\ HiX^mmW^BsmWW


This page willnext appear onWednesday,

December 15th

NOTHING is more acceptable tkaa jenuint

fie ** tiMi« Umkraiias, Waiklni »Veta. Oae»Umbrsllat Foldln» Umbrtllaa. I»»raw(»

Wonderful Assortment, Quality Unexcelled.178 Fulton Street

B«twMn Bret«*»» «nit Churtsi ttreal«Bra*«*--Hudson rsrmlnal, Futtoa ttnwt Intraaaa

SILK HOSIERYEver the acceptable gift with the"Fair Sex." $3.00 buys member¬ship in the French Hosiery Cluband entitles the member to ichale-sale price privileyee.saving $1.00to $7.00 par pair.Plain arid fancy, fall-fashionedsilk hosiery.all color». The Hav¬ing 071 two pairs alont excerdsmembership fee. Call or writelFRENCH HOSIERY CLUB

1323 B-'way. u.i .¡Mi) St.)Tel. Watktna 3i'48.


Prop in at lunch time or onyour way home. See everytoy that ii» shown in any NewYork store Or telephone usand we will do your .shopping.A few of the interestingtoys.with prices.

t>ais\ lump AllRlflr »4 95

Dal-jv Water I'l»loi

^^^^^^^Ereiior Sat. *2.00ICIoi-ti-lr TrxuiSet .ft;.!H)

Yher.icraît S«*i91.119

Omplsn ato. hLionel & lve-Traln»lie Skate» andBhuea $9.43. Pr.Kuilak«. coin-

pletf Une 10C>I^ls.'ouiU

Uani«», Chensrheokera. PokerHiixe» DominóesItouUU» Wheelseluát«»rr. B3nirlnea

91.39 to $«H!\0<ITen Pin Sets .9»Wlrelei» Seta,

97.i\oMovlni PlitureMachines Blei«rlc $K.98

Ball Hearlrig Valocipedes.

»It.»6S> udder Ka- »n.4«

Three Floors Full of Toysboon tor the Kg all-jrear round t'oyiauj .,(!>


122 Nassau St. 7>i Beekman siiîSchultz Novelty & Spurting Goods Co.

Specially Priced!

$10.00 ICarved wood Lamp InPolychrome finish withsilk shade ¡n rose or

gold and heavy fringe.THIRD KLOOH

Entirety Devoted fLampa

UNIQUE PRESENTERare B!a< k Porcelain Va.e 16 in $»..fare "Jersey" Glass Historic 8-rttle. S4.0"->panish Lustre Hawlled Va»e $1¿'Rate Decorated B.un« Con« 8x5 ¡n $8 5*Drange Colored {em Sel. ¿3 piece» $1S.Wn.8. Door knockers $1^0 to Í6.WRattan Baskets. Novel «hapes $1 50 to $.Blur Hawthorn Ginget Jar» $3 5P to $1''^are Clot»onne Handled Teapot .*

R^onre Buddha. 500 yrm old. I I tnclie» $2fTeakwood Boi & Cover, inlaid ¡2 in ióMI acque- Boxe. & Trav» $1.25 'o $6¿lSix Gold Lustre Demi Tasse Cup» &Samen «^_

Ivory & Amber Ggarel Holders,$1 75 to $Í.St

Corean Bras» Book-Ends, Turtle Foras.$?¿*>

\¿ff&V/Te IdaaloXrnuf Gi/i J


= 7

C03SiME in ande e what

every womanlovesChristmas.


Pulntj rollara andCuff», and Novell»H r h r t m Iti uniqueholiday boxea.


ElderGift &

Curio Shop21 W. 35tk Street. N. T. Cits

C & D. STUDIOffsrabfiAhetf t?>»

Devoted to the ART of D»nclu!2700 BROADWAY

CHRISTMAS SPECIALA 15 Week «Conrs« in Aas Two Gast*

$25.00Or Any One Class, $13.50

classe:»Social Dancing Interpretative Panel»!'>.¦ > ms Claaali Taohnte

Thi.t OjtTer affective vHtn présentât*» <a<L Uli ta JlUlBOru lf< l-l'i ... i'hrOÍSS*