New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-11-23. · Jackson MOSS The poem for study was A D.ath in the...

^L? . X 1 IvV. "NO HALL OF FAME FOR US," SAY WOMEN Ida Tarbell Thinks the Idea of a Separate Hall of Fame for Women Ridiculous, and Men Artists, Too, Scout Brander Matthews' Idea. Thank you, It Brsndei Mattheire the .«omen don't want t-> !,<. "lmmortsle." they wouldn't be so unkind se lo go Hall of Käme all bj them-! si lv« ¦ erltl "-:t letting -: men In FEMININE MAGNANIMITY. ii the --amo amount Of talent and t same training." said MUs Janet B«*ud« an undoubtedly works Of art SS women " kled v it h A u made this reply t, i; an lei Matlh< i u estion th it won organise to form a Hsll of e of their own. The process of I.e. the aOCietV «,f A can lmm< I»r Matthew«« that it oro lid for them not to seel* id« Th« led Mies Bcuddi i- bul sh< conquered her emotion finally and i!ta«i<- the l, mure oh- ation shout the talents of men * !. d l'or women to ereel a Hsll of Fsme '.\n particular glorj at tl i:t WOUM be ridiculous and 111 timed LET BYGONES BE BYGONES. w'h*. Hie dark ne ahown no interest «>r ent-oui -. woman in her arti- ,i mt bear him ill will nos lias discovered thai woman can die- i^h herself other than in working nal omfort? Thi i won i re er s j no reason for sntsi n the toward the msli sex, and 1 should certslnlj nol si women ei e< ting e h,«ii of forming Ii oni which wen at." The Bve women who were named bj i Matthi we a^ « llglble foi the lmmoi tali ai e Ida M. Ta eeearch; : ret man, fiction; Mai ¦¦ land Edith Whsi ton, at) paintini MISS TARBELL DEMURS. .Miss Tail e|| all int« rest in the Hall of rame. Von know it teems perfectly ridicu¬ lous to me,M ehe snnounoed, when the tei sought her opinion STICK TO YOUR JOB. Th" only thins for women to do is tick to their lobs." she said, "if I they do good Work they will >,-, re,ng-j on. This is too busy a world for1 people to ko about proclaiming their a. Movements or demanding II p-topl« their talents ONE HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW 1 do .... tint; tablets and rtatt >plc wiio are living, I « irs from now, and wlshei onor our mi moi j that s ¡il be "But doi't you tbink some aromen who es mon of the Hall Of Farm-'."' 1 .. bell "Thi*« ed s< « ral women just as than some of th« II of Feme. Harri, t Bi Btowe, exampl Maria Mitchell and D B, Anthem) " Ian ; this delightful magnanimity**" SUSAN B. ANTHONY. "Not at all." said th«- leader of the "antis." "I admire Miss Anthony foi flghtlng al-'illtv. It isn't the makee s woman great h is the wa stta - and Busan h' tl k' d hers With Th. dig. r ind Intelligence which marks a üieal r son." \, m York artists and men of letter- BCretrl wi'h the women that B separat.« PHILANTHF The Minerva Club, Mrs Ifsry Btokei dent, will hold its luncheon snd social meeting, to-morrow A bust- meeting erlll tie celled to order at 12 r, < lock, and luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock Mrs Edwarde Jonkrne is «-hair- rii.,11 of th,- luncheon committee. The ¦oclal meeting at .". tfcloek «u be in charge «'f the day's « hairman, Mrs Jere¬ miah Psngburn. Mrs Frank Cronlse will on "Current Events," and a paper Will be read by Mrs Katherine .\ Mar- t.n The un« st «if honor is to t.e John S. rosh) Prej rations are snder way by the chairman of reception, Mrs. Frank i: Hadly, for the banque! and ball to be at the Weldorf-Astoris on Dsosm h. r S. in honor at the Hub's president. Ijcleetlc will hold its second meeting or the season 00 Wednesday, November 2H- Tins meeting was postponed from Novem¬ ber 14. The New York Browning Society, Miss Florence Wier Gibson, president, held Its November meeting last Wednesday at the Wsldorf-Astoris. The programma was r the chairmanship of Miss Klizabeth Jackson MOSS The poem for study was A D.ath in the Desert" An address wa*- mad.- by the Bev, Dr Lynn Harold Hough, «if Baltimore, and the members ©f the Moiety taking part In the dis¬ cussion which followed were M mes. N. Archibald Shaw, AU«Be Lsksy, MlnSTVS C Wtfch, Kdwln Markham, Kdwm H Fieming, Kran« es « "hi t.r and Miss IsSbs] McDo-aga^l An informal social hour fol¬ lowed the programme. Mrs. John H .-..-inchfleld, Mrs. Kdward McC. Bigg* MlS. (»rlando N. Dana and Mrs. George M. Robinson were the hospitality com¬ mittee OfM hundred and seventy-five members were prsSSSl at the luncheon of the Mount Holyoke Alumna» Association beM at the Hole', Kt Denis last Haturday. Mrs. W H Ollpstlle presi'bd at the busi¬ ness meeting Which BSPcoded the lunch¬ eon The chief interest OSBtrsd SrOUDd the report of the committee appointed t" rsise funds for the new Student Alumna Building Mrs. J. D Walt-.n, chairman of this committee, reporte«! that the gen¬ eral association now ha« on hand funds to the amount of $121,000, The building will cost 11.30,000, which leave» $9,000 to be raik«d in the next few weeks. Work is Hall of l-'nnie for women would he fidlctl« loua "Il ¡s amaxlng that an) one should um« t" cue the arts s sex,' said Qutzon Borgli m. the Bculptor. "For any od: of men to bar women from distinc¬ tion because of me» would be m foolish us for any body of women writers to bar oui Dr. Brsnder Matth« ws Th. re i.» no ¦¡in. ..i feminine ait in la »rt, Whethei its creator he man or woman" Roberl W rhaftibers refused to dlscuai ibjecl s. i loualy, ENTER THE SENSE OF HUMOR. "Thit 11 of thing does m-t interest me," he said "You see, i have s sens of humor. There never wai enj ibl In mj mind I haI wo* who sr« an ti.»' equals of men who are clever." William M chose th« paii 1er, seid thai worn« and letters ought lo be or th» sam» footing as m. n "ii. art," he nid, "women er« quit» equal to men ««--.lia Been end i.vli» .tt rank with the« st of petal Open Letter to Mrs. Pankhurst T«. t of the W oman s Forum \\",.< » t».." or llf» s m id. hands "i' tho «-reu, whi-i» consists ol two main factions The flrel fection is the captain, mate« sailors, etc., whose ei and work art »on the bridge, deck and near ihe must». The i.nd faction iti of the chief engineer, hi.» as- it- ente, firemen, oilers, stokers, etc The* men's duties and work arc below the deck, and nowhere lee. If these two Í tions of the crea t. nd to th«-ir own duties and work, if each in«lividual will si k to his post, undoubtedly there will be n -. \ eg» Bui suppose the chief en* ommandi tta men und« i him to do Bomethlng, and thej Instead march upon tta bridge and tell the captain thai in«- . as »good as he end the othei perl of the crew, and thai they therefore win not sta> below, bul Insist upon tek- d n navigating the Bhlp! If it chancea to he fine weather and no danger arises there msy not be an\ serious ©on* eequencea The changing of places may and trivial mishaps, and soin. amusement msy sriss to j--»- unlearned men «!<> awkwardly the w.rk of tue men] who re 1*\ know But, on the other hand, suppoe» your *»np runs int.- «grave peril, I like the Titanic or the Voltumo, and al the fini siun <>f danger tta crea talo« would refuee to k-ep tta engine runtang land Inelst «>n being on de h and atare tii«- first with the other perl of th« crea in ttlng im«» tta boats. Tin- amus¬ ing perl «>f the show i- ever, if tta tain would Bhool some of the rebels «lown j ou would epprove ol Tel ere on« of Ihe rebele; «on even eaeume th« leadership. *ih»* whit« t.-i" hfis run into p<ti¡. Th« ahite women refuee lo ir mothers and -re .,! their children »and the homes Tie whit» ra**e Is losing its ground, an«i the yelloa la »gaining rapMI] In strength. BU] women of England cot th.-it ir.-m« hlae n-.w. ami made it esslei for the stngl» women to «-am theli lleing wo ild it nol «Jusl thai n ta arder for the mat tied men to eilst? Vtfoul I man« ¦¦ his,!;«!« to cet marri.-'I'.' I »Supposa some *A«.m»n wer- to «I- feated at the polla; would th<y then »»hit and riot. and. If punished, start a Ike? »Suppoe« England cot Inte by rule of the women, aould they g..? Th'-y «certainly could not stay home, I they «-lairn to he Ihe ...| ;al of The) would her« to take up arms and ficht the for But suppos« th. -. cot taaten; would the) then go windoe IOPIC ANC I Boon to hosts in th» new Skinner Bull*l- Ing, the ¿¡ft oT William and Joseph Bklnner, of Holyoke, Mass. Th« after- dinner speaker at yeeterday's lunctaon was the Hr-\ Nrh»m,«h I'oynton, of Brooklyn, The New York County Woman Suf- fraga Aseoclstlon, with it-- many leeguej* snd cl ibs, win bold b Thanksgiving mass meetlni* at the Hotel AstOT on Tueaday, November ÍS, at 1 p m Among tta will be Mrs Harr) Heatings« p-***eldent New fork County Aeeoctatlon; lira Maty Ellen »Lesee, Miss Annie B, Peck, th.- mountain climber; John B. Croeby, Mrs Talbert- Perkins, I.yman Beectar Btowe, Miss Winoae Mariin. Francis Adams, Charles GoldSk r. Miss Amy Wren. Mr Urban, Miss Kdith Relf- f.-it and Mrs .Nellie IV Van SllnKtrland The Juntar I»eaKiie of the Society of the Free Industrial hool for Crippled Chil¬ dren Is busy with preparations for its Christmas bazaar, to be h*ld at the Wal¬ dorf-Astoria on the afternoon ami even- in*- of Deeember 2 and ?.. Among th« chairmen of the tables are Mrs. Arthur Billot Pish, Mr.»- rrank N L-ewla Mts Oeorge Brand, lira F'rank Keith Taylor, Mrs Frederick Andrews Hace«, Ml* .lames Madison Hattrrton. Mrs Hugh K.-id Learford, Mra Krank Jefferson Blodgett, Mis Edward Davis .Iones. Mrs. Casper William Dean. Mrs V. Kl wood . ge, Mrs Mary Fltts, Miss Helen Rues MaetQubin, MlM Florence Ouernsey and Mrs. Albert Canfield Hate The Unity Child Welfare Association, of Mrooklyn. discussed ohlldnn'.» reading at a meetlns; held on Wednesday afternoon at the Unity Parish Mouse. No. 9 Irvine, Place Miss Clare W, Hunt, puperln- tendent <»f the children's department of the Brooklyn »Public l-ihrary, Bpota on "What the Brooklyn Public Library is Doinii t.» i'.iltlvate in dur Children a Taeta for Qead L*ltaratui*e.'' Franklin Mettawa, calel scout librarian, Boy Bcouta of America, *-p«»k» on "Character Culture by Means <>f Hooks Boya i.ik« Best Mlea Acnes Cowin«. children's librarian. 1'iatt Ldbrary, spoke .,n "Clnl- dtrea'B Christmas Hooks The Beet of th».* old ard the N«B The second regular meeting of the Wo-nan's Advanc* «Club, of Heimln. ; Woman's Forum MISS IDA TARBELL. il ne and gtSTVf, to cet even With ... - An o* ervei '.s d tu ht .. » would If they claim th«--- are equs lo they ehould take their m, dan,, like th men. But you take the »par! of th« spo led child, that screams and kicks wiun it cannot get what It erant (Indeed i id behavior for am one who espires to mie a country!). Ai d should ihi n take the part of the fond, fooll Who ¡:ati(iles the child With gloVtBS On and give* her what it WOUld ; n> |] the nun of Eng] ind i powei wir een thi msttei Englend Is that msny men emigrate oi t.ik. t" th. ses, leaving too mai me As it v. ith even thii thsl la too plentiful, so it Is i worn« n; they p> down in men w ho got won en sail) nsl spoiled so the I est i lire i to leave I im men who cannot i:et en) at sil it would indeed >e far better for every one if you would, of giving WOI en ¦ bad sxsmple bj lows tan ihi-. ad> ise them to do their duty as mothers, housekeepers snd tell those who esnnol get husbands In England to go to wh.-re men would receive them m th open am s GEORGE W MOHR Jersey City. -a The Mistress, Not Maid to Blame To the Editor of th« Trll n< Woman's Foi urn. Ai ¦ ho isekeep-1 foi twenl and one-half years and pasi ml ¦..¦ tw, ive eu« ceselv« g In fall I) satisfactory don esi «¦«"¦ three and thlrt« en of my friends' bars ei peí lenes, snd from general obs« on tin« si:,)., t i lalm that In all dial cultles relating to th« I ier« \antitis the mistress Is st I There an- mlsti eseee snd mistress« the well ordered boms, simple .. «rise, presided over by the capsl trass, the situation reeolvei its..,r into business proposition oi mutusl benefit to mistress ai.,i rice mistreat i . s :.ant. Not a perfect condition, but one, like nil i.mnbii itloni. win h requli. mu¬ tual dovetailing of Ideas and "Urays" t.. make the domestic rule s smooth, re( one a little knowledge, we ere told, is a i PATRIOT * l/ong isiaiifj. '.¦ eld at the homo Mis.«« Abhie Thompson, on Cent) «m the afternoon of Noveral. 13 tfte the usual routine business papei work were read bj Miss m m Woolle and Mrs. Rl« hard Mott Mrs Tlmoth) Martin O'ConnOI snd Mrs Oetberlne «Schutts «rill give s pivot and evchre on Friday, November '-'«. at 2 i'. m ut the Alhema' i«--Hoffman. Broad¬ way and Mth street, foi ths Philanthrop« departmenl of the Chicago Women's Club of New- fork City, supporting the Es Bide Mom«- and Dsj Nursery; president, Mrs Wait, i h Oshsgsn. Th« are Mrs. Walter II Oshsgsn, The Colonial rlub was «ntett.-uiu'd .«.- cently at the home of Mis. Burthum Harding, No. M West !*ist street. Among the members fir« .sent Were Mrs Charles (!. MarKay. Mrs. B B Williams, Mr^ George Rawson, Mrs J l\ Taylor. Mrs ICmma Kip Edwards an«l MlH Maud W'- nan. Mr« Raneon will be st,- on Do« cembsr L Over one thousand invitation« have been sent out for a rsesption to be | by the hoard of manager« of the Little Mothers' AM Association on Monday. December i. from :: to ,r>. st Ksppy Day House, No is*« s«- "ii.i svenoe, for the bazaar chairmen and their committee a tine musicii programme win !.«. given, under the direction of Miss Rubv Reese and Mrs. ''amllle Mlrnhaum. Those who will assist are Sijrnor Kerrl, Hoheit «Irani, Miss AlhOSd, Manolita I'',tus. J Dudley Wilkinson, Miss Helena Msrohneudt, Cyril Laub, Mr«. «'. K Anbot and Mrs Camille Hlrnba ¡m Mrs Q. H. StronK. chairman of the reception rommltte.-. wltl be gSStStSd by Mis. J. H Johnston, Mrs Charlee B. WUIoox, Mrs n c. Oreaaelle, Mrs. Albert «iallatin Weed. Mrs K. Tuttie. miss «hariotte Tike and other memb«rn of tiie board of managers Mrs. William !¦:. Wilkinson will have charge at the tea room. Cambridge*Club met at the home of Mrs. Frederick I.. Jenkins. No l::.: Bain- bridge street, -in Monday, the nth. Tws paper« were prrsente.1 on the genersl topic for the year «if "onsei \ atlon. '>ne, by Mrs. Jenkins, on 'The Conserva- tlon of Human Energy and Strength." I:- hul I IHtlr power n BT« o, end the little power generating from mall mind of the >.» It) mistress, ep- m Inf« lor It» station. Is tta on fei perplexlt lee rounding this i. «¦¦« fei llj 111. The petty ml mands ski led servio ..t »borer's pay. Bh« engagea an Ignorant, untrained young woman, know« her limited rapacity, tacause she .-an Ite Id -«i-- r a: .1 do the eork. t'en you blame a maid for wishing to j earn mor«- money, when Bh« becomra more « til- lent? Do« sn'l . tn .. Her ap- p was "f mul » to I and mt '. ". ¦. mlstreoe I to th» »nly 1 --m a nd 1VI her nllll gi iteful tiefacton Th« 11 t ii- . ti aes w ho r .¦-. .'.- social ... ... .:¦.,- irh) the servi»-*» la .. IU| B*rV*Mon ..nd it the trees who th.- Ineoi . ant Ii road land would estei tl charity ton her the! ondt« elf In yotu Barraní - stet« hi«-' ember of a fsm- of thai . I ta I linees d If et let rf.irm . ¦. 1 ol sr for- i ser ¡ .. ever try friend rorkï .,.1 -M1- man» and i- insllng ? M imán natui «ni-- at p-ck l.,.tt»im In all t:.« ni n u which -.i- I ...«., « n to reach Its van Ing levels. So, 1 repeat, keei si bom«. r,>r a ntltls it will iting tta -, ills. Th«- raee wll self-» ontrol, its exatl» - will oftentimes wellnlgh banki .. d bul peis«-- v.-K- n ¡s "up t-. you, for you have the ibett "lights de¬ spite ..- fecetl Be fall to tta servant in Um houe« it will ÍC WORK I desling with the extensive efforts »and estlgal --n- non Im made in this direction. Tta 1. paper, by Mrs. hartes 1. Adama wai 00 "Laws for the Prote» lion <-f Work« m." ITh« Headers met on Tueeday, Novem« i-t 1* el tta bom«- «-f the pre ident. Mis Eva Phlppe, No. HI Went 123d ati mt .- he sixth rar th« scaly .»f ILL < l.l It. **~KWfl slioi I BBACU I HI. (»I I 1. 01 I lit. 1.1)1 I OK (II I III Wlll|t\', III 1-MilMI V I. M.« VOMI TICIHINI. «IN ««It KMOICI". III! BSDA1 01 I II BIH, < (H'V MOULD, »tl i«nit**l, BI MBIT'IBM (ll \ltl \ \M) ON ON», HM tu i Till. nnOCI «in m. Bhakespoare'a plays Mrs William L. N'oint iras In charge »>f the meeting and "Anton) snd Cl«*opatra" is th« pta) iin.i.-r on ltd« stlon. The Btoomlngdale >-. \ Nursery will give a denclng lournameal Descontar U at the Hb./... There win ne d«Hnonstra* lions b) ma ¦. dan« is and piiz<- coo* t< its, in n i>i h omlnenl psoph ¦ 111 compete There wUI siso Im Bpecial In- lerpretatlv« dancing, whieh will ba fol¬ lowed i-«. ¦ supper and general dan,inc. In Which all tta »«u.-sts will take part A certain sumtai of couples aill !>«¦ desi«- natad beforehand to ink«- part in tta prize contesta In the one«etep, Tango sad Heel tatlon Wait/., but any guest deslrlni to enter Will be admit!.-.1 Names of those deelring t«> enter the iims must bo sub« min..1 befor« December I to Mrs. crit- tenden Pei No W Wont «-"ti» street Fancy eoatume will be obligatory, and the raqt-lretnenta of th.- t-onunlttce must j i.e met in »every detail it is i»«>|.«-d that .i- .1- poeolbla of not Included in the spec Is I programme will ais.» wear fancy ooetume, snd so sdd t«> the general effort Tta entert ilnmenl ,s linder the |..tiona«_.. of well-known women, mam Of 9 Ii' m ar.- 1 11.. -, BBSQCleted with the wotk of the ,la> nurseries The patroli- >-.»».s ere Mrs Arthur Dodge, Mrs. Hen**) vniard, Mrs Begone Prayer, Mrs. will- lam Norman »luthrle, Mrs. Mem y RogtKB >. Iger, Mrs »i.ori*«- A L-egg, Mi- Charles H. S'iuler. Mrs. James Marvey Robinson. «Mrs. Thomas Diamond and Mrs. I'uul Klmor More. Tickets may be _Ä___P* ^o\\wm\W MISS JANET SCUDDER. r*. k ti Paul I"id).'e ruer thn* '.iwnmrt Chasm of rebel¬ lion , ,ian < is« ln< on the superior, which between woman and wotnai not aslet N. O. M. Ellisbeth, N J. .-¦ The Mistress Expects Too Much To the Editor of the Tribune Womsn's '. un in ma the servent is to blame, b it |,. 11.-i as m the mor.- funde mente the mistress is the culprit. t would i ome Under tl on, but I only want to bring up "i," ii ..'! that is the «.i .. ,.; the youni women who marries. fi ealtl man nol «»,!«. to gi% «. her the I cond .'..,¦ cook ¦ nd kit' t.« n maid, ul a ho, « hen one maid, or < I erj t., !.,. done n the same finished manner, with ss much dispatch and with aa « ss the case hi hi father s .nt. Thl but s,, ma aspect the Impossible f oi it..ii«;s thai th-*. problem ''. ¦ disease, If you like ervantll Isee up snd mands s i cure' One «o«"i maid cannot much less an In 'xpei'etc ed maid give < th« eice of «'iKht. seven, six, Uve four, three or even two maids Remember that! New fork MATHIl.l'A P \> 8< »N. A FAMOUS ASTRONOMER. The Marquis« d l'hatelel was among th,« distinguish«?*«-] mere of the . Ighteenth tury IS BEING obtained I om Mi t'alentlne Schuyler, Ko. ..i West ''"¦ street, ind at the Hotel Plsss < m November M, st I o'clock, the Womsn Suffrage Part} will gHe a recep¬ tion at the home of Di Agnee s. Cloud, 44!. W'est .'til street, to meet Mrs. Joseph W. Cuehrosn, the n.-w!\ appointed leader of the 7th Assembly District Mis« Melon i- Whlton is giving i «cries of talks on "Pun, l-'.i' t. and l'i timi In the Current Magssines" si the Women'» University Club on alternate Wednesday mornings «me talk was given lastl Wednesday, an«i the others will occur on December I .n.d it. Jsnusry ' and n, and February I and IS The Ohio Cluh wlli meet on Mondavi afternoon at th.« Waldorf-Astoria. The Friendly Tourists Club <»f Rrook- lyn held Ils regular meeting on Wodnss- day, November 11 si the home of mi-s| II L Williams. No. 7K0 OrsStM avenue, j "Literature" ami "Education In China"! were discussed by Mr«. F, 1 »e l.\!. Smith. ami Mts Wains read ¦ paper on "Cus- toma and Peetlvsls " The rsguisr monthly mesllng of the Na¬ tional California Club Will be held Tues¬ day November at. The buelaeas meeting win be rolled at z o'clock, and the aodal hour will begin at I'M, The programme win be in charge of Miss Adelaide sted- man. In order to ,-arry on its good work in maintaining classes to teach patriotism tO the Immigrant, the National Society «.f PatrlOtk Women of America will hold a benefit card game Tuesday, the ISth. at the Hotel McAlpln. The card playing will b'Kin promptly at 2 ««'clock, under the «halrman-iiip of Mrs. Harvey Tyson White. The adioiiriied meeting of the Post l'.-ir- Hsmsnl will be bsM Friday, November -* The business meeting Is scheduled for 11 a in. and the legulai' programme of th«' «lav Will itegln at 11 .:io. when guests ,,f members will be admitted. Mr-. Thomas W. Bendel, bslrmsa of current events, will present for discussion the resolution: "Resolved. That 111 a week is the lowest wan a <t-e_a- .* -.»-"w w- IS MOTHERHOOD A BAR TO PROFESSION Lady Gertrude Forbes-Robertson Is Convinced That Motherhood Does Not Need All the Time and Strength a Woman Has. The opinions expressed in the following interviews are presented to the Woman's Forum readers for consideration. Some will agree, others will just as heartily dis¬ agree. The Forum will be glad to publish letters on the subject in¬ volved, provided they reach the of¬ fice of the Editor of the Woman's Forum. New-York Tribune, not later than Thursday noon. Lad) Corhes-Hoi ertgou cortru'ie i-:i- liotn csnnol underetsnd why th«* Bostrd of Education '»f New York <"lty should consider motherhood a bar to efficient eer« Vice In th<« prhoi'ls. .lust before i:"tng to | rehearsal Isst Thuradsy, In her parlor at th- Hotel ClsrtdgS, She took a <r;art.r Df an hour to tell The Tribune why "If a woman were going to have n <*hll«1 »»very year," she paid, "at COUrM She would ha\-> no tlnif or Strength to spare for any "th<*r work. That is wlint this st.ind of th.' Hoard of Rducatlon p**SCtl- calij consigns her to The rest of your lifp win h.» spornt in maternal duties,' it says In effect 'Tou sre of no further una to th" schools' But Bremen do not and should not have lar.--« famtliee now, u d if a womsn «ho bas spent years in train- I' .' to be g tearlxT has th«« <le:-ire, when her baby o: bsMee «re crown enough ¡. eft »I'll some one besides herself for a '.ut of ths "lav, to earn her living In Hi,, schools, or th'- r.r.d to «1«, s". «Thy should any o)ip s.'ek to prevent herí I do feel thSt a child needs Its moth«r ( when it i- 'lit!.-, bul not nil women who have children sre good mothers, snd eometlmee it is better for the child I in other haii'ls a fait of the «lay. Am! children, even little children, should ha e th.' compsnlonshlp of other children. Haven'l you sees how a child that Is grave and silent when it is with elder people sill o;.ii on- when it Is with com« panlone of.Its own BUM? For that r".is.>ii i think a very young child is often better for being a part of the fUj with "thus under expert rare, In a BOhOOl or klnder- garten, ami I am a bc!i"v-*r in the new method -th« Mongevsori method which doei not Intcrfcr-» with the natural de« elopment of the child. QUESTION OF DUTY. "Po it do»»9 not «eem to that being a mother ncd tak<* all there "- of a woman, or that when a womm bas a rhibi the Bosrd of Educa¬ tion has anything to do «rlth that, is th" teacher «-fflcient? Is she doing h««r duty by her CiSSSee? Thoso are th«« uu««s- rlons f,r th«- boar«! to decide And If sho is not. then the board CSS dismiss her on those grounds. Hut to say to her, 'He- you ere, ¦ mother, yon are an In¬ efficient teacher.' most unfair. "A teseher is sllowsd leave of absence for pur posee of study; why not i««av<*i of " for th." purpose of bearing a rhlld? Why, motherhood is an CdUOStion; _n' t" broaden a teacher and make h-r wiser How it eould make h'»r less .it 'o tesch other children I csnnol see Thre* children Lady «yerbes Robertson and her husbsnd lesve in Bnglsnd when the) at" making a tour ilk.« the present .,!>. "it is th" ion^«-si sbeence from them we have had. the longest toui we hsve made," she said yeetor-Ssy. "Mostly we hav.» t.-ii in London, and then we «"an have them with us They sre u>. school IMW, and that good for them. It Is good for children t<> be with other ehll« dren, though there sre many people m Rnglsnd who don't tend th-ir children, but have tutors for them at home, i don't think that a good plan." Hiss ids Tar:..'ii won t t.ikf s definite i-îaii'i on the teacher-mother question. "I DONE IN paid." fror.i the point of view of errl- ; clenc) At th«*-meeting of the Mow York Th«»a- tre Club TtMSdsy, November It, the' guests of honor wer«« Richard A I'lrdy. Miss Grace hiikins, Mrs Ann«- Crawfdrd Plesner, MiesChryetal Heme, M:ss i»oro- thy Donnelly, Miss Ksthsrlne Lee, Lynn Harding and Mr and Mrs. Kduin Arden. Mrs Bsrs W, Poeter was chairman of the day, ami the sddrese of welcome wse delivered by Mrs iU'\\» ,1.« Rivers. In a progrsmme of song-, and readings given Miss Ausplts, soprano. Rlchsrd Purdy, Miss I*.is Fox. Mrs Le Me and Miss Orscs Fllkins took part. Tin- club «abinlar is as follows: On Thursday, November 30, the New Voik Th.atro Club will ntt.«nd the matinee per¬ formance of Arnold Hennett's play. "Th.« Great Adventure." TnmertsT. December 2. regular members' meeting; discussion, 'The r;rrat Adventure"; ehslrmsn of dis¬ cussion, MrR. Charles RoSSnfeid. - I The annual meeting of the BrooklynI Branch of the Needlework QulM of Aiiiit-| les "ill take piac.« Friday sfternoon, No-i «/ember M, at I o'clock, at th«*. Hotel St. «.'.¦urge. Clark street. Brooklyn. Then- will be addresses by prominent epeskersj music and an exhibition of the garments .»hi«, b ar.' to be s. nt to tii» charitable organizations and hospital** of Brooklyn. Tea will be served at 4 p. m On Friday evening, November M, th« Light Horse Harry !>».. Society, ChildrenI of tha American Revolution, will give SI dan«e at the Hotel Plaza for th«« bSBSflt of the Philanthropic Fun.l. The floor committee will conslat of Miguel K ,b> Agüero. Jr.. Homer, n-.. Ad.llson Bothernel. Kenneth Fisk. Willour ¡anvil. Charlea m. Les, .i. Prya Nounnsn, jr.! Osorga J. «'arr. Mrs. William R. St.'Wart. Mrs. Homer l>ee. Mrs MOMR Bartich. Mrs. J. F. Nounnan. Mrs. W. y fitch, Mis. Herbert de I>owerby Brown. Mrs. Living« Mon Howe Schuyler and Mrs. Moore Falr- ChlldS The guest» of honor will b.- Mis William Cumming Mor) and Mrs. Thomaa J. Vivian The Washington Height« Chapter. Daughter of th« American Revolution! Mr«. Samuel J. Kramer, recent, will kIv- Its annual card party in aid of Its 8«»tt:«s- -"-«i work at the WSJdorf-Aatorl» on don't think I have looked Into it suffi. ci«*»itl\," sh» said "BUI it docfl B808I to m«- that it's an Individual lestlon, to be decided so oidlnc to Individual ->.¦ dit ions and If the Hoard of Education has made a hard and fast rule against mother- teachers it has ma.;. ¦ ssietake. ..of «¦¦ the board ma; feel that it is a bad thine, for th« school »o have a teacher's rm of Ben le« Cl up into Bectioi a. Intern . ,-.- duties, if they fee! thai mo »i- an Interruption Injurious to th« claaaw of the teacher who t-. other. [ s»-e a reason for their action, Bul don't MO how they run make It til in« dividual conditions count 'r>' much.** Miss Tsrl rnnathy with the people who plead fo the mothsr* teacher'a light to keep m In her ion on »he _i-. und .- every woman oughl to le allowed to profeeeion 01 trad«, aomel .- to k»ep her In touch with the world? "The question of th.- tea» r s RtOBM to teach Is the whole qui » «.ai<j "Th.- children of th'- m si«l.-ration. Hut peraonaU) I -ant gee wl.-. a woman with I home end child should feel 1 of it1 he... .... -a_¡ hasn't a career '«.eep in touch with the world. Why, leJd Mi«» Ts. bell, "i «ion» see I bo help kecpinK in touch with the a MISS BLAKE HAS DEFINITE REA3 lliffl Katherine D H Ski Publl« 9 ed thai n ».<. peri» n-e of teachers .... p\ Interfere with efficient efl I ha'-e had teachers In my a ehtt> dren »«f school age." she -i i had a clerk In my office e ho yesrs old could n- rer that thai baby binden -i !.. la her m a good clerk Wh), th« o i keep the teacher-mother up to th« mark. .«'he wants :.. earn I. and thi little i"--: le in ti-.e mark DOM ¦:'¦"¦ that B teacher with B B . ¦. for a eating? Bhe'd have pandemonium In live minutes if sh« <i;d "When b teacher sp* tot i year for pui-poeea of study, or on account of «l<*kness. or to I-ear a witho'Jt pay. The schools save mom cause, while Bh« *---ts H,3M or $'.-¦*.¦ a year. her substitut- getfl ; If the boerd la trilling to bsv« tascher who is Btud- to sa\e OH a te,- ***_*» blld The board ergu i that fre¬ quent « teachers do M let the chaagee ta made at the beginning of the term, then they «*an «lo no "It Is really the policy of tho I Education," added Miss Btaka, "te Se* courag« rten teachers They .¦.'Hiniy «m frpm the best p.ti-t « In fty-eeven principal« than In Ml in i'«*»i then sen nearly thirty !. ¦ men IMS. It looks like the «** a movement t.. crush women out of the best p WHY WOMENT WANT TO VOTE. He aus« they sr huí i respood to tl s moving spirit of Ui t.tne and s***nerstion. Because they, irltta ill dsi m h i\.* taen drawn Into Sawing toward deraocra tee, like tl-..- men li/.ed .ountry in the last have heard the call I aetf-governn catlSB they w «sh to r< . ntnrtif o\> ry reel auec they are I Belf-governm« nt. H- t :s.- the) w -sh . them- -j.!v.-s Wr- CLUBLAND Saturday, December .. .it **'r" Pairneld Mortlmore cl n - *** tertainment « ommlttee, ¦« ll *'*¦. M:s. Writ-lit B. Ha'* ol the bridge rooms; Mrs. w Bird <'£* o( tta euchre rooms; lira H. Crou .'¦'. TOP tie, Mm. Silas BOOtwii -.. I Holies, Mrs Loren M Burdlck M i. Her- vey l>. < 'ronk, Mrs. Th I R* n lee Bnninger, lira .'« i«.« k, Mi.». .... r B 9*M9 L'aroUnePatteraon. M leOra eB IValfcar, Miss Gertrude Upe en Wade. Tlcketfl ma- B th* chairman at her reeldentte, No ^'<'- I22d street The n. w AssemMy, II ** fourni.-i. mol at tta Plan irsdey« November to, ai l p. m., wl was givtm before an audit nee < and tu« sis The regular meeting of K .*¦*.**. Chapter, D. a i: , wa at the home of M«s Simon Bai Vl *"¦ IVeet "»th Btreet A short b lag wa» followed by a so- la At ¦ meeting of tta Csllfornl Tuesday lira. Vivian, the program st I si by Intr» du« il ,ilê »Club Ctairman ol Californie history. "*. a. a. Fish.-r. who gar« the origin of tta Bear Flag, and a recital of tta ir« ¦,rln' cipal .«vents ->f htatory whl» h th« itat« h aeemingly sow Risking for Itself P^oll«*"** m», this. Mrs Alke Moore McComas C**- B ten-niiinitc talk on -*\ri'.ti. AlBOng oth.i topics t'litched U| th« Loa An,.!, s Aqueduct, tta Sew York Aqueduct, tta Parcele «Post msrrlm women as teachers and BUffTSga The afternoon -dosed erlth a welcome the foiiiiwing caltferale gueets: «¦* Del Vallo and Mi»s Del Valla- iMO An" »getes, Mrs. i..»ms c. Kan..:'. tacram-*** Mis. William W'al-rf». .Ir Mbnterey, Mi*1** Minima TSSSSIIH. Misa H A. Webmhtx lira C. -i. Kalghla, Mrs w. L llurpbfi Mis. Homer BOUOtay, Mr.« Auna H. WW" «¦»>x. all «»1 lea Kran.-is.o Mrs. V. I Rl5* ley, Mrs. C. I.ulan.i. Oaklaii'l. and 9*M Ruth M Reeves, >»f Redlsnda A»"1111* many others presi nt wer« M mea Thorns* MclUvatne. »* .1. Wimple. Jam-- F B«CSS H. U H.-wett. H B. Martin. EUH H°w" land, «'baríes P, »iiay, Oeorg« f't'*'l«l"'rt*' W. C, Bennett, John V. »mith. Ori*«ta Evans, E. C Spooner, and ilra. Minerva C. WeJoh of Denver.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-11-23. · Jackson MOSS The poem for study was A D.ath in the...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-11-23. · Jackson MOSS The poem for study was A D.ath in the Desert" An address wa*-mad.-by the Bev, Dr Lynn Harold Hough, «if Baltimore, and


FOR US," SAY WOMENIda Tarbell Thinks the Idea of a Separate Hall ofFame for Women Ridiculous, and Men Artists,

Too, Scout Brander Matthews' Idea.

Thank you, It Brsndei Mattheire the.«omen don't want t-> !,<. "lmmortsle."

they wouldn't be so unkind se lo goHall of Käme all bj them-!

si lv« ¦ erltl "-:t letting -: men In

FEMININE MAGNANIMITY.ii the --amo amount Of talent and

t same training." said MUs Janet B«*ud«an undoubtedly

works Of art SS women"

kled v it h

A u made this replyt, i; an lei Matlh< i u estion th it

won organise to form a Hsll ofe of their own. The process of I.e.

the aOCietV «,f Acan lmm<I»r Matthew«« that it oro lid

for them not to seel* id«

Th« led Mies Bcuddii- bul sh< conquered her emotion finallyand i!ta«i<- the l, mure oh-

ation shout the talents of men* !. d

l'or women to ereel a Hsll of Fsme'.\n particular glorj at tl

i:t WOUM be ridiculous and111 timedLET BYGONES BE BYGONES.w'h*. Hie dark ne

ahown no interest «>r ent-oui -.

woman in her arti-,i mt bear him ill will nos

lias discovered thai woman can die-i^h herself other than in working

nal omfort? Thii won i re er sj no reason for sntsi n the

toward the msli sex, and1 should certslnlj nol siwomen ei e< ting e h,«ii offorming Ii oni whichwen at."The Bve women who were named bj

iMatthi we a^ « llglble foi thelmmoi tali ai e Ida M. Ta eeearch;

: ret man, fiction; Mai¦¦ land '¦ Edith Whsi ton,


.Miss Tail e|| all int« rest in

the Hall of rame.Von know it teems perfectly ridicu¬

lous to me,M ehe snnounoed, when thetei sought her opinionSTICK TO YOUR JOB.

Th" only thins for women to do istick to their lobs." she said, "if I

they do good Work they will >,-, re,ng-jon. This is too busy a world for1

people to ko about proclaiming theira. Movements or demanding IIp-topl« their talentsONE HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW

1 do.... tint; tabletsand rtatt >plc wiio are living,

I « irs from now,and wlshei

onor our mi moi j that s ¡il be

"But doi't you tbink some aromen whoes mon of

the Hall Of Farm-'."'1 .. bell "Thi*«

ed s< « ral women just as

than some of th«II of Feme. Harri, t Bi

Btowe, !¦ exampl Maria Mitchell andD B, Anthem) "

Ian ; this delightful magnanimity**"SUSAN B. ANTHONY.

"Not at all." said th«- leader of the"antis." "I admire Miss Anthony foiflghtlng al-'illtv. It isn't themakee s woman great h is the wastta - and Busanh' tl k' d hers With Th. dig.r ind Intelligence which marks a üieal

r son."\, m York artists and men of letter-

BCretrl wi'h the women that B separat.«

PHILANTHFThe Minerva Club, Mrs Ifsry Btokei

dent, will hold its luncheonsnd social meeting, to-morrow A bust-

meeting erlll tie celled to order at 12r, < lock, and luncheon will be served at 1

o'clock Mrs Edwarde Jonkrne is «-hair-rii.,11 of th,- luncheon committee. The¦oclal meeting at .". tfcloek «u be in

charge «'f the day's « hairman, Mrs Jere¬miah Psngburn. Mrs Frank Cronlse will

on "Current Events," and a paperWill be read by Mrs Katherine .\ Mar-t.n The un« st «if honor is to t.e John S.

rosh) Prej rations are snder way bythe chairman of reception, Mrs. Franki: Hadly, for the banque! and ball to be

at the Weldorf-Astoris on Dsosmh. r S. in honor at the Hub's president.

Ijcleetlc will hold its second meeting or

the season 00 Wednesday, November 2H-Tins meeting was postponed from Novem¬ber 14.

The New York Browning Society, MissFlorence Wier Gibson, president, held Its

November meeting last Wednesday at the

Wsldorf-Astoris. The programma was

r the chairmanship of Miss KlizabethJackson MOSS The poem for study was

A D.ath in the Desert" An addresswa*- mad.- by the Bev, Dr Lynn HaroldHough, «if Baltimore, and the members©f the Moiety taking part In the dis¬cussion which followed were M mes. N.Archibald Shaw, AU«Be Lsksy, MlnSTVSC Wtfch, Kdwln Markham, Kdwm H

Fieming, Kran« es « "hi t.r and Miss IsSbs]McDo-aga^l An informal social hour fol¬lowed the programme. Mrs. John H.-..-inchfleld, Mrs. Kdward McC. Bigg*MlS. (»rlando N. Dana and Mrs. GeorgeM. Robinson were the hospitality com¬


OfM hundred and seventy-five memberswere prsSSSl at the luncheon of the

Mount Holyoke Alumna» Association beMat the Hole', Kt Denis last Haturday.Mrs. W H Ollpstlle presi'bd at the busi¬

ness meeting Which BSPcoded the lunch¬eon The chief interest OSBtrsd SrOUDdthe report of the committee appointed t"

rsise funds for the new Student AlumnaBuilding Mrs. J. D Walt-.n, chairmanof this committee, reporte«! that the gen¬eral association now ha« on hand fundsto the amount of $121,000, The buildingwill cost 11.30,000, which leave» $9,000 to beraik«d in the next few weeks. Work is

Hall of l-'nnie for women would he fidlctl«loua

"Il ¡s amaxlng that an) one shouldum« t" cue the arts s sex,' said

Qutzon Borgli m. the Bculptor. "For anyod: of men to bar women from distinc¬

tion because of me» would be m foolish us

for any body of women writers to bar ouiDr. Brsnder Matth« ws Th. re i.» no

¦¡in. ..i feminine ait in la »rt,

Whethei its creator he man or woman"Roberl W rhaftibers refused to dlscuai

ibjecl s. i loualy,ENTER THE SENSE OF HUMOR."Thit B» 11 of thing does m-t interest

me," he said "You see, i have s sensof humor. There never wai enj d» iblIn mj mind Iha I wo* who sr«

an ti.»' equals of men who are clever."William M chose th« paii 1er, seid thai

worn« and letters ought lo beor th» sam» footing as m. n

"ii. art," he nid, "women er« quit»equal to men ««--.lia Been end i.vli»

.tt rank with the« st

of petal

Open Letter toMrs. Pankhurst

T«. t of the W oman s Forum\\",.< » t».." or llf» s

m id. hands "i' tho «-reu, whi-i» consistsol two main factions The flrel fection is

the captain, mate« sailors, etc., whoseei and work art »on the bridge, deck

and near ihe must». The i.nd factioniti of the chief engineer, hi.» as- it-

ente, firemen, oilers, stokers, etc The*men's duties and work arc below the

deck, and nowhere lee. If these two Ítions of the crea t. nd to th«-ir own dutiesand work, if each in«lividual will si k

to his post, undoubtedly there will be n-. \ eg» Bui suppose the chief en*

ommandi tta men und« i him todo Bomethlng, and thej Instead march

upon tta bridge and tell the captain thaiin«- . as »good as he end the otheiperl of the crew, and thai they thereforewin not sta> below, bul Insist upon tek-

d n navigating the Bhlp! If it

chancea to he fine weather and no dangerarises there msy not be an\ serious ©on*

eequencea The changing of places mayand trivial mishaps, and soin.

amusement msy sriss to j--»- unlearnedmen «!<> awkwardly the w.rk of tue men]who re 1*\ know But, on the other hand,suppoe» your *»np runs int.- «grave peril, Ilike the Titanic or the Voltumo, and althe fini siun <>f danger tta crea talo«would refuee to k-ep tta engine runtangland Inelst «>n being on de h and ataretii«- first with the other perl of th«crea in f» ttlng im«» tta boats. Tin- amus¬ing perl «>f the show i- ever, if ttatain would Bhool some of the rebels «lown

j ou would epprove ol Telere on« of Ihe rebele; «on even eaeumeth« leadership.

*ih»* whit« t.-i" hfis run into p<ti¡. Th«ahite women refuee lo ir mothers and

-re .,! their children »and the homesTie whit» ra**e Is losing its ground, an«ithe yelloa la »gaining rapMI] In strength.BU] women of England cot

th.-it ir.-m« hlae n-.w. ami made it essleifor the stngl» women to «-am theli lleingwo ild it nol -¦ «Jusl thai n ta arderfor the mat tied men to eilst? Vtfoul

I man« ¦¦ his,!;«!« to cet marri.-'I'.'

I »Supposa some *A«.m»n wer- to b« «I-

feated at the polla; would th<y then »»hit

and riot. and. If punished, start a

Ike? »Suppoe« England cot Inteby rule of the women, aould they

g..? Th'-y «certainly could not stay home,Ithey «-lairn to he Ihe ...| ;al of

The) would her« to take up armsand ficht the for But suppos« th. -. cottaaten; would the) then go windoe

IOPIC ANCI Boon to hosts in th» new Skinner Bull*l-Ing, the ¿¡ft oT William and JosephBklnner, of Holyoke, Mass. Th« after-dinner speaker at yeeterday's lunctaonwas the Hr-\ Nrh»m,«h I'oynton, ofBrooklyn,The New York County Woman Suf-

fraga Aseoclstlon, with it-- many leeguej*snd cl ibs, win bold b Thanksgiving mass

meetlni* at the Hotel AstOT on Tueaday,November ÍS, at 1 p m Among tta

will be Mrs Harr) Heatings«p-***eldent New fork County Aeeoctatlon;lira Maty Ellen »Lesee, Miss Annie B,Peck, th.- mountain climber; John B.Croeby, Mrs Talbert- Perkins, I.ymanBeectar Btowe, Miss Winoae Mariin.Francis Adams, Charles GoldSk r. MissAmy Wren. Mr Urban, Miss Kdith Relf-f.-it and Mrs .Nellie IV Van SllnKtrland

The Juntar I»eaKiie of the Society of theFree Industrial S« hool for Crippled Chil¬dren Is busy with preparations for itsChristmas bazaar, to be h*ld at the Wal¬dorf-Astoria on the afternoon ami even-

in*- of Deeember 2 and ?.. Among th«chairmen of the tables are Mrs. ArthurBillot Pish, Mr.»- rrank N L-ewla MtsOeorge Brand, lira F'rank Keith Taylor,Mrs Frederick Andrews Hace«, Ml*.lames Madison Hattrrton. Mrs HughK.-id Learford, Mra Krank JeffersonBlodgett, Mis Edward Davis .Iones. Mrs.

Casper William Dean. Mrs V. Kl wood. ge, Mrs Mary Fltts, Miss Helen

Rues MaetQubin, MlM Florence Ouernseyand Mrs. Albert Canfield Hate

The Unity Child Welfare Association, ofMrooklyn. discussed ohlldnn'.» reading ata meetlns; held on Wednesday afternoonat the Unity Parish Mouse. No. 9 Irvine,Place Miss Clare W, Hunt, puperln-tendent <»f the children's department ofthe Brooklyn »Public l-ihrary, Bpota on"What the Brooklyn Public Library isDoinii t.» i'.iltlvate in dur Children a

Taeta for Qead L*ltaratui*e.'' FranklinMettawa, calel scout librarian, BoyBcouta of America, *-p«»k» on "CharacterCulture by Means <>f Hooks Boya i.ik«Best Mlea Acnes Cowin«. children'slibrarian. 1'iatt Ldbrary, spoke .,n "Clnl-

dtrea'B Christmas Hooks The Beet of th».*

old ard the N«B

The second regular meeting of theWo-nan's Advanc* «Club, of Heimln.

; Woman's Forum


il ne and gtSTVf, to cet even With...

- An o* ervei '.s I« d tu ht I« ..

» wouldIf they claim th«--- are equs lo

they ehould take their m, dan,, like th

men. But you take the »par! of th«spo led child, that screams and kickswiun it cannot get what It erant (Indeedi id behavior for am one who espires tomie a country!). Ai d should ihi m« n

take the part of the fond, foollWho ¡:ati(iles the child With gloVtBS On

and give* her what it WOUld; n> |] the nun of Eng] ind i poweiwir een thi msttei

Englend Is that msny men emigrate oi

t.ik. t" th. ses, leaving too mai

me As it v. ith even thiithsl la too plentiful, so it Is i

worn« n; they p> down in menw ho got won en sail) nslspoiled so the I est i lire i to leave Iim men who cannot i:et en) at sil

it would indeed >e far better for everyone if you would, of giving WOI

en ¦ bad sxsmple bj lowstan ihi-. ad> ise them

to do their duty as mothers,housekeepers snd tell those who esnnolget husbands In England to go to I«

wh.-re men would receive them m th openam s GEORGE W MOHRJersey City.-a

The Mistress, NotMaid to Blame

To the Editor of th« Trll n< Woman'sFoi urn.

Ai ¦ ho isekeep-1 foi twenl andone-half years and pasi ml ¦..¦

tw, ive eu« ceselv« g In fall I)satisfactory don esi «¦«"¦

three and thlrt« enof my friends' bars ei

peí lenes, snd from general obs«on tin« si:,)., t i lalm that In all dialcultles relating to th« I ier«

\antitis the mistress Is st IThere an- mlsti eseee snd mistress«

the well ordered boms, simple ..«rise, presided over by the capsltrass, the situation reeolvei its..,r into .«

business proposition oi mutusl benefit tomistress ai.,i rice mistreat i . s :.ant.

Not a perfect condition, but one, like nili.mnbii itloni. win h requli. mu¬

tual dovetailing of Ideas and "Urays" t..

make the domestic rule s smooth, re(one a little knowledge, we ere told, is a

i PATRIOT* l/ong isiaiifj. '.¦ eld at the homoMis.«« Abhie Thompson, on Cent)«m the afternoon of Noveral. 13 tftethe usual routine business papeiwork were read bj Miss m m Woolleand Mrs. Rl« hard Mott

Mrs Tlmoth) Martin O'ConnOI snd MrsOetberlne «Schutts «rill give s pivotand evchre on Friday, November '-'«. at

2 i'. m ut the Alhema' i«--Hoffman. Broad¬way and Mth street, foi ths Philanthrop«departmenl of the Chicago Women's Clubof New- fork City, supporting the EsBide Mom«- and Dsj Nursery; president,Mrs Wait, i h Oshsgsn. Th« h«are Mrs. Walter II Oshsgsn,

The Colonial rlub was «ntett.-uiu'd .«.-

cently at the home of Mis. BurthumHarding, No. M West !*ist street. Amongthe members fir« .sent Were Mrs Charles(!. MarKay. Mrs. B B Williams, Mr^George Rawson, Mrs J l\ Taylor. MrsICmma Kip Edwards an«l MlH Maud W'-nan. Mr« Raneon will be st,- on Do«cembsr L

Over one thousand invitation« havebeen sent out for a rsesption to be |by the hoard of manager« of the LittleMothers' AM Association on Monday.December i. from :: to ,r>. st Ksppy DayHouse, No is*« s«- "ii.i svenoe, for thebazaar chairmen and their committeea tine musicii programme win !.«. given,under the direction of Miss Rubv Reeseand Mrs. ''amllle Mlrnhaum. Those whowill assist are Sijrnor Kerrl, Hoheit «Irani,Miss AlhOSd, Manolita I'',tus. J DudleyWilkinson, Miss Helena Msrohneudt,Cyril Laub, Mr«. «'. K Anbot and MrsCamille Hlrnba ¡m Mrs Q. H. StronK.chairman of the reception rommltte.-. wltlbe gSStStSd by Mis. J. H Johnston, MrsCharlee B. WUIoox, Mrs n c. Oreaaelle,Mrs. Albert «iallatin Weed. Mrs Tuttie. miss «hariotte Tike and othermemb«rn of tiie board of managers Mrs.William !¦:. Wilkinson will have charge atthe tea room.

Cambridge*Club met at the home ofMrs. Frederick I.. Jenkins. No l::.: Bain-bridge street, -in Monday, the nth. Twspaper« were prrsente.1 on the genersltopic for the year «if "« "onsei \ atlon.'>ne, by Mrs. Jenkins, on 'The Conserva-tlon of Human Energy and Strength."

I:- hul I IHtlr power t« n BT«

o, end the little power generating from

mall mind of the >.» It) mistress, ep-m Inf« lor It» station. Is ttaon fei perplexlt lee

rounding this i. «¦¦« fei llj 111.The petty ml mands ski led

servio ..t »borer's pay. Bh« engagea an

Ignorant, untrained young woman, know«her limited rapacity, tacause she .-an

Ite h» Id b» -«i-- r a: .1 do the eork.t'en you blame a maid for wishing to j

earn mor«- money, when Bh« becomramore « til- lent? Do« sn'l . tn

.. Her ap-p was "f mul » to I

and mt '. ". ¦. mlstreoeI to th» »nly 1 --m a


her nllll gi itefultiefacton

Th« 11 t ii- . ti aes w hor .¦-. .'.- social

... ... .:¦.,-

irh) the servi»-*» la.. IU| B*rV*Mon

..ndit i« the trees who

th.- Ineoi .

ant Ii road landwould estei tl charity tonher the!


elf In yotu Barraní - stet«hi«-'

ember of a fsm-of thai


I ta I linees d

Ifet let rf.irm. ¦.1 ol sr for- i

ser ¡.. ever try

friend rorkï.,.1 -M1-

man» and i- insllng ? M imán

natui «ni-- at p-ck l.,.tt»im In allt:.« ni n u which -.i- I

...«., « n to reach Its van Ing levels. So, 1

repeat, keei si bom«. r,>r a

ntltls it williting tta

-, ills.

Th«- raee wll self-» ontrol, its

exatl» - will oftentimeswellnlgh banki .. d bul peis«--v.-K- n ¡s "up t-. you, for you have the

ibett "lights de¬spite -¦ ..- fecetl Be fallto tta servant in Um houe« it will

ÍC WORKI desling with the extensive efforts »and

estlgal --n- non b» Im made in thisdirection. Tta 1. paper, by Mrs.

i« hartes 1. Adama wai 00 "Laws for the

Prote» lion <-f Work«m."

ITh« Headers met on Tueeday, Novem«i-t 1* el tta bom«- «-f the pre ident. MisEva Phlppe, No. HI Went 123d ati

mt .- he sixth rar th« scaly .»f

ILL < l.l It. **~KWfl slioi I I» BBACUI HI. (»I I 1» 1. 01 I lit. 1.1)1 I OK (III III Wlll|t\', III 1-MilMI V I. M.«VOMI TICIHINI. «IN ««It KMOICI".III! BSDA1 01 I \» II BIH, < (H'V

MOULD, »tl i«nit**l, BI MBIT'IBM(ll \ltl \ \M) ON ON», HM tu

i Till. nnOCI «in m.

Bhakespoare'a plays Mrs William L.N'oint iras In charge »>f the meeting and"Anton) snd Cl«*opatra" is th« pta)iin.i.-r on ltd« stlon.

The Btoomlngdale >-. \ Nursery will

give a denclng lournameal Descontar Uat the Hb./... There win ne d«Hnonstra*lions b) ma ¦. dan« is and piiz<- coo*t< its, in n i>i h omlnenl psoph ¦ 111compete There wUI siso Im Bpecial In-lerpretatlv« dancing, whieh will ba fol¬lowed i-«. ¦ supper and general dan,inc.In Which all tta »«u.-sts will take part A

certain sumtai of couples aill !>«¦ desi«-natad beforehand to ink«- part in tta prizecontesta In the one«etep, Tango sad Heeltatlon Wait/., but any guest deslrlni toenter Will be admit!.-.1 Names of those

deelring t«> enter the iims must bo sub«min..1 befor« December I to Mrs. crit-tenden Pei No W Wont «-"ti» streetFancy eoatume will be obligatory, andthe raqt-lretnenta of th.- t-onunlttce must ji.e met in »every detail it is i»«>|.«-d that

.i- .1- poeolbla of not Includedin the spec Is I programme will ais.» wear

fancy ooetume, snd so sdd t«> the generaleffort Tta entert ilnmenl ,s linder the|..tiona«_.. of well-known women, mam

Of 9 Ii' m ar.- 1 11.. -, BBSQCleted with thewotk of the ,la> nurseries The patroli->-.»».s ere Mrs Arthur Dodge, Mrs. Hen**)vniard, Mrs Begone Prayer, Mrs. will-lam Norman »luthrle, Mrs. Mem y RogtKB>. Iger, Mrs »i.ori*«- A L-egg, Mi-Charles H. S'iuler. Mrs. James MarveyRobinson. «Mrs. Thomas Diamond andMrs. I'uul Klmor More. Tickets may be


r*. k ti Paul

I"id).'e ruer thn* '.iwnmrt Chasm of rebel¬lion , ,ian < is« ln<

on the superior, which between womanand wotnai not aslet N. O. M.Ellisbeth, N J.


The MistressExpects Too Much

To the Editor of the Tribune Womsn's'. un

in ma the servent is to blame,b it |,. 11.-i as m the mor.- funde mente

the mistress is the culprit.t would i ome

Under tl on, but I only want to

bring up "i," ii ..'! that is the«.i .. ,.; the youni women who marries.

fiealtl man nol«»,!«. to gi% «. her the I cond

.'..,¦ cook¦ nd kit' t.« n maid, ul a ho, « hen

one maid, or < I erjt., !.,. done n the same finished

manner, with ss much dispatch and withaa « ss the case

hi hi father s .nt.

Thl but s,, ma

aspect the Impossible f oi it..ii«;s thaith-*. problem ''. ¦ disease, If youlike ervantll Isee up snd d« mands s

icure'One «o«"i maid cannot much less an

In 'xpei'etc ed maid give < th« -¦ eiceof «'iKht. seven, six, Uve four, three or

even two maids Remember that!New fork MATHIl.l'A P \> 8< »N.

A FAMOUS ASTRONOMER.The Marquis« d l'hatelel was among

th,« distinguish«?*«-] mere of the. Ighteenth tury

IS BEINGobtained I om Mi t'alentlne Schuyler,Ko. ..i West ''"¦ street, ind at the HotelPlsss

< m November M, st I o'clock, theWomsn Suffrage Part} will gHe a recep¬tion at the home of Di Agnee s. Cloud,44!. W'est .'til street, to meet Mrs. JosephW. Cuehrosn, the n.-w!\ appointed leaderof the 7th Assembly District

Mis« Melon i- Whlton is giving i «cries

of talks on "Pun, l-'.i' t. and l'i timi Inthe Current Magssines" si the Women'»University Club on alternate Wednesdaymornings «me talk was given lastlWednesday, an«i the others will occur on

December I .n.d it. Jsnusry ' and n, andFebruary I and IS

The Ohio Cluh wlli meet on Mondaviafternoon at th.« Waldorf-Astoria.

The Friendly Tourists Club <»f Rrook-lyn held Ils regular meeting on Wodnss-day, November 11 si the home of mi-s|II L Williams. No. 7K0 OrsStM avenue, j"Literature" ami "Education In China"!were discussed by Mr«. F, 1 »e l.\!. Smith.ami Mts Wains read ¦ paper on "Cus-toma and Peetlvsls "

The rsguisr monthly mesllng of the Na¬tional California Club Will be held Tues¬day November at. The buelaeas meetingwin be rolled at z o'clock, and the aodalhour will begin at I'M, The programmewin be in charge of Miss Adelaide sted-man.

In order to ,-arry on its good work inmaintaining classes to teach patriotismtO the Immigrant, the National Society«.f PatrlOtk Women of America will holda benefit card game Tuesday, the ISth. atthe Hotel McAlpln. The card playing willb'Kin promptly at 2 ««'clock, under the«halrman-iiip of Mrs. Harvey TysonWhite.

The adioiiriied meeting of the Post l'.-ir-Hsmsnl will be bsM Friday, November-* The business meeting Is scheduledfor 11 a in. and the legulai' programmeof th«' «lav Will itegln at 11 .:io. whenguests ,,f members will be admitted. Mr-.Thomas W. Bendel, bslrmsa of currentevents, will present for discussion theresolution: "Resolved. That 111 a weekis the lowest wan a <t-e_a- .* -.»-"w w-


Lady Gertrude Forbes-Robertson Is ConvincedThat Motherhood Does Not Need All the

Time and Strength a Woman Has.

The opinions expressed in the

following interviews are presentedto the Woman's Forum readers forconsideration. Some will agree,others will just as heartily dis¬agree. The Forum will be glad to

publish letters on the subject in¬volved, provided they reach the of¬fice of the Editor of the Woman'sForum. New-York Tribune, not

later than Thursday noon.

Lad) Corhes-Hoi ertgou cortru'ie i-:i-liotn csnnol underetsnd why th«* Bostrdof Education '»f New York <"lty shouldconsider motherhood a bar to efficient eer«Vice In th<« prhoi'ls. .lust before i:"tng to |rehearsal Isst Thuradsy, In her parlor at

th- Hotel ClsrtdgS, She took a <r;art.r Dfan hour to tell The Tribune why"If a woman were going to have n <*hll«1

»»very year," she paid, "at COUrM Shewould ha\-> no tlnif or Strength to sparefor any "th<*r work. That is wlint this

st.ind of th.' Hoard of Rducatlon p**SCtl-calij consigns her to The rest of yourlifp win h.» spornt in maternal duties,' it

says In effect 'Tou sre of no further unato th" schools' But Bremen do not and

should not have lar.--« famtliee now, u dif a womsn «ho bas spent years in train-

I' .' to be g tearlxT has th«« <le:-ire, when

her baby o: bsMee «re crown enough *°

¡. eft »I'll some one besides herself fora '.ut of ths "lav, to earn her living In

Hi,, schools, or th'- r.r.d to «1«, s". «Thyshould any o)ip s.'ek to prevent herí

I do feel thSt a child needs Its moth«r (

when it i- 'lit!.-, bul not nil women whohave children sre good mothers, sndeometlmee it is better for the child Iin other haii'ls a fait of the «lay. Am!

children, even little children, should ha e

th.' compsnlonshlp of other children.Haven'l you sees how a child that Is

grave and silent when it is with elderpeople sill o;.ii on- when it Is with com«

panlone of.Its own BUM? For that r".is.>ii

i think a very young child is often betterfor being a part of the fUj with "thus

under expert rare, In a BOhOOl or klnder-

garten, ami I am a bc!i"v-*r in the new

method -th« Mongevsori method whichdoei not Intcrfcr-» with the natural de«

elopment of the child.


"Po it do»»9 not «eem to m» that

being a mother ncd tak<* all there"- of a woman, or that when a

womm bas a rhibi the Bosrd of Educa¬tion has anything to do «rlth that, is

th" teacher «-fflcient? Is she doing h««r

duty by her CiSSSee? Thoso are th«« uu««s-rlons f,r th«- boar«! to decide And If sho

is not. then the board CSS dismiss her on

those grounds. Hut to say to her, 'He-

you ere, ¦ mother, yon are an In¬

efficient teacher.' 1» most unfair."A teseher is sllowsd leave of absence

for purposee of study; why not i««av<*i of" for th." purpose of bearing a

rhlld? Why, motherhood is an CdUOStion;_n' t" broaden a teacher and make

h-r wiser How it eould make h'»r 'o tesch other children I csnnol see

Thre* children Lady «yerbes Robertsonand her husbsnd lesve in Bnglsnd whenthe) at" making a tour ilk.« the present.,!>. "it is th" ion^«-si sbeence from themwe have had. the longest toui we hsvemade," she said yeetor-Ssy. "Mostly we

hav.» a« t.-ii in London, and then we «"an

have them with us They sre u>. schoolIMW, and that i« good for them. It Is

good for children t<> be with other ehll«dren, though there sre many people m

Rnglsnd who don't tend th-ir children,but have tutors for them at home, i don'tthink that a good plan."Hiss ids Tar:..'ii won t t.ikf s definite

i-îaii'i on the teacher-mother question. "I

DONE INpaid." fror.i the point of view of errl- ;clenc)At th«*-meeting of the Mow York Th«»a-

tre Club TtMSdsy, November It, the'guests of honor wer«« Richard A I'lrdy.Miss Grace hiikins, Mrs Ann«- CrawfdrdPlesner, MiesChryetal Heme, M:ss i»oro-thy Donnelly, Miss Ksthsrlne Lee, LynnHarding and Mr and Mrs. Kduin Arden.Mrs Bsrs W, Poeter was chairman ofthe day, ami the sddrese of welcomewse delivered by Mrs iU'\\» ,1.« Rivers.In a progrsmme of song-, and readingsgiven Miss Ausplts, soprano. RlchsrdPurdy, Miss I*.is Fox. Mrs Le Meand Miss Orscs Fllkins took part.Tin- club «abinlar is as follows: On

Thursday, November 30, the New VoikTh.atro Club will ntt.«nd the matinee per¬formance of Arnold Hennett's play. "Th.«Great Adventure." TnmertsT. December 2.regular members' meeting; discussion,'The r;rrat Adventure"; ehslrmsn of dis¬cussion, MrR. Charles RoSSnfeid.

- IThe annual meeting of the BrooklynI

Branch of the Needlework QulM of Aiiiit-|les "ill take piac.« Friday sfternoon, No-i«/ember M, at I o'clock, at th«*. Hotel St.«.'.¦urge. Clark street. Brooklyn. Then-will be addresses by prominent epeskersjmusic and an exhibition of the garments.»hi«, b ar.' to be s. nt to tii» charitableorganizations and hospital** of Brooklyn.Tea will be served at 4 p. m

On Friday evening, November M, th«Light Horse Harry !>».. Society, ChildrenIof tha American Revolution, will give SIdan«e at the Hotel Plaza for th«« bSBSfltof the Philanthropic Fun.l. The floorcommittee will conslat of Miguel K ,b>Agüero. Jr.. Homer, n -.. Ad.llsonBothernel. Kenneth Fisk. Willour ¡anvil.Charlea m. Les, .i. Prya Nounnsn, jr.!Osorga J. «'arr. Mrs. William R. St.'Wart.Mrs. Homer l>ee. Mrs MOMR Bartich. Mrs.J. F. Nounnan. Mrs. W. y fitch, Mis.Herbert de I>owerby Brown. Mrs. Living«Mon Howe Schuyler and Mrs. Moore Falr-ChlldS The guest» of honor will b.- MisWilliam Cumming Mor) and Mrs.Thomaa J. Vivian

The Washington Height« Chapter.Daughter of th« American Revolution!Mr«. Samuel J. Kramer, recent, will kIv-Its annual card party in aid of Its 8«»tt:«s--"-«i work at the WSJdorf-Aatorl» on

don't think I have looked Into it«*»itl\," sh» said "BUI it docfl B808I tom«- that it's an Individual e¡ lestlon, to bedecided so oidlnc to Individual ->.¦ dit ionsand If the Hoard of Education has madea hard and fast rule against mother-teachers it has ma.;. ¦ ssietake.

..of «¦¦ the board ma; feel that itis a bad thine, for th« school »o have ateacher's t« rm of Ben le« Clup into Bectioi a. Intern . ,-.-

duties, if they fee! thai mo »i-an Interruption Injurious to th« claaawof the teacher who t-. other. [s»-e a reason for their action, Bul don'tMO how they run make It til in«dividual conditions count 'r>' much.**Miss Tsrl rnnathy

with the people who plead fo the mothsr*teacher'a light to keep m In her

ion on »he _i-. und .- everywoman oughl to le allowed toprofeeeion 01 trad«, aomel .- to k»epher In touch with the world?"The question of th.- tea» h» r s RtOBM to

teach Is the whole qui » «.ai<j"Th.- children of th'- msi«l.-ration. Hut peraonaU) I -ant geewl.-. a woman with I home end childshould feel 1 of it1 he... .... -a_¡hasn't a career '«.eep intouch with the world. Why, leJd Mi«»Ts. bell, "i «ion» see I bo helpkecpinK in touch with the a


lliffl Katherine D H SkiPubll« 9 ed thai n ».<.

peri» n-e of teachers .... p\Interfere with efficient efl I ha'-ehad teachers In my a h« ehtt>dren »«f school age." she -i i hada clerk In my office e hoyesrs old could n- rer that thaibaby binden -i !.. la her m

a good clerk Wh), th« m» o ikeep the teacher-mother up to th« mark..«'he wants :.. earn I. and thilittle i"--: le in h»ti-.e mark DOM ¦:'¦"¦ that Bteacher with B B

.¦. for a

eating? Bhe'd have pandemonium Inlive minutes if sh« <i;d"When b teacher sp*

tot i year for pui-poeea of study,or on account of «l<*kness. or to I-ear a

witho'Jtpay. The schools save mom

cause, while Bh« *---ts H,3M or $'.-¦*.¦ a year.her substitut- getfl ; If theboerd la trilling to bsv«tascher who is to sa\e OH a te,- ***_*»

blld The board ergu i that fre¬quent « teachers do Mlet the chaagee ta made at the beginningof the term, then they «*an «lo no

"It Is really the policy of tho I

Education," added Miss Btaka, "te Se*courag« w» rten teachers They .¦.'Hiniy

«m frpm the best p.ti-t « In

fty-eevenprincipal« than In Ml in i'«*»i then sennearly thirty !. ¦ menIMS. It looks like the «** a

movement t.. crush women t«out of the best p

WHY WOMENT WANT TO VOTE.He aus« they sr huí i

respood to tl s moving spirit of Ui t.tne

and s***nerstion.Because they, irltta ill dsi m

h i\.* taen drawn IntoSawing toward deraocra .¦

tee, like tl-..- menli/.ed .ountry in the lasthave heard the call Iaetf-governnH« catlSB they w «sh to r<

. ntnrtif o\> ry reelB» auec they are I

Belf-governm« nt.H- t :s.- the) w -sh . them-

-j.!v.-s Wr-

CLUBLANDSaturday, December .. .it **'r"Pairneld Mortlmore cl n - ***tertainment « ommlttee, ¦« ll *'*¦.

M:s. Writ-lit B. Ha'* ol thebridge rooms; Mrs. w Bird <'£* o(tta euchre rooms; lira H. Crou .'¦'. TOPtie, Mm. Silas BOOtwii -.. IHolies, Mrs Loren M Burdlck M i. Her-vey l>. < 'ronk, Mrs. Th I R*

i« n lee Bnninger, lira .'«i«.« k, Mi.». .... r B9*M9L'aroUnePatteraon. M leOra eB IValfcar,Miss Gertrude Upe enWade. Tlcketfl ma- B th*chairman at her reeldentte, No ^'<'-I22d street

The n. w AssemMy, II **fourni.-i. mol at tta Plan irsdey«November to, ai l p. m., wlwas givtm before an audit nee <

and tu« sis

The regular meeting of K .*¦*.**.

Chapter, D. a i: , waat the home of M«s Simon Bai Vl *"¦

IVeet "»th Btreet A short blag wa» followed by a so- la

At ¦ meeting of tta CsllfornlTuesday lira. Vivian,the program st I si by Intr» du« il ,ilê»Club Ctairman ol Californie history. "*.a. a. Fish.-r. who gar« the origin of ttaBear Flag, and a recital of tta ir« ¦,rln'cipal .«vents ->f htatory whl» h th« itat« h

aeemingly sow Risking for Itself P^oll«*"**m», this. Mrs Alke Moore McComas C**-B ten-niiinitc talk on -*\ri'.ti.

AlBOng oth.i topics t'litched U|th« Loa An,.!, s Aqueduct, tta Sew YorkAqueduct, tta Parcele «Post msrrlmwomen as teachers and BUffTSgaThe afternoon -dosed erlth a welcome

t» the foiiiiwing caltferale gueets: «¦*Del Vallo and Mi»s Del Valla- iMO An"

»getes, Mrs. i..»ms c. Kan..:'. tacram-***Mis. William W'al-rf». .Ir Mbnterey, Mi*1**Minima TSSSSIIH. Misa H A. Webmhtxlira C. -i. Kalghla, Mrs w. L llurpbfiMis. Homer BOUOtay, Mr.« Auna H. WW"«¦»>x. all «»1 lea Kran.-is.o Mrs. V. I Rl5*

ley, Mrs. C. I.ulan.i. Oaklaii'l. and 9*MRuth M Reeves, >»f Redlsnda A»"1111*many others presi nt wer« Mmea Thorns*MclUvatne. »* .1. Wimple. Jam-- F B«CSSH. U H.-wett. H B. Martin. EUH H°w"land, «'baríes P, »iiay, Oeorg« f't'*'l«l"'rt*'W. C, Bennett, John V. »mith. Ori*«taEvans, E. C Spooner, and ilra. MinervaC. WeJoh of Denver.