New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...

HUGE KLECTR1C COMPANIE& KANrrACTTrUC of KVERT DKVICE Rr- QU1RED ror. XHB APWJCATION or TR1CAL POWKR.COMB1NA- TION OF AMatRlCAN AND BNO-IBH CAPITAI* ti e growth ln lhe ti.o of olectrlclty i. on* of j th* r na| Icuoua featuree of thr ac*». Not a day ras«,s wlthout the record of eome extenelve | pt*oji . for the iranemJeeloii ef power or the j i.-,..,; , -. oi eome IttaUllatlon In whlch thej earrenl wft't ln place of eteam Bleetrlclty ta CA-dai e i- ten! factor In ni!!'*. mlnee, factorlee ai .. ' gii klnde throughou! the country. II roducti nte etrael ralftraya has practl- eail; revolul mlaed tbe modee of trauielt. .iectric companlee of New-York maau- fgctun "" devl ¦. requlred for the appltca- t| - |hu powei Thle dty ls. ln fact. the haadquartere fo:- all of the great clecirlcal enter- prleea of the < mntrjr Indeed, 11 may be said lhal terprlee of Importance is undertaken n ,, (hri ugh New-T rrh flnanelere, and whlta BOm ' the gn ai electrlcul companiea may have |g .,-,,... theli promlnenl exeeutlvee _ | the greal t ehare of t1-.:- tlme in this dty. I a larga ameuni *i Bngllah eapltal has of ata j,,-. heen Inveated ln electrlenl enterprlsee. of oa« '.: I ::.A aiv>ii'.er in Ibe L?nlted Ptatefl, and- th* ' >re znere 4'- ho rcn:,- ovi r uaually make thelr hg>«dc,uartcia .-.-. Naw-Toi_ seldoin g.dng any further While ihelr englneara may or sent to Pth-: Itlcg i make lnve-tlrations nn.l reporta, t4,,, gpitnllsta And their ocjh Intereete sen-ed w- .... ,. ¦,.-. for the fransecflon <>f the flnam .' end of theh- bueinoaa. Th.- nr-neral uae of electrlcliy for Ught Ing and hoiis'-hold pur- ¦ ia« i-gjird foi renewed aetlvlty on the ngrl ' the n anufa. lurere ol electrlcel suppl'es. r . ..--.- may b* inssed among the m. m flourlel Ins and prosperoue In the country. Y^. r--. tlng, from the dynamo to ... eni lamp, are lamp and motor, ., thee. rompanlea. und mnnv novel , ,,. have beea mtrodn.ed to ; fi¦:'. " ' ''.''". v ,- r- of -h.- bualneaa ta the con- 6tT., .. v hboardg and meaaurlng In- Btruments. li .tera. volt-metere. etc <5U . .,.,i n-irlng euppltee are also mnru- <A , ... ,j v ig " and raWes for nerian. ¦*j nean *-r.u aubmarlne use. ln ihe mar.ufa rect atatloaary motore . n ] rf< 'tl ¦-. has heen reached, J an (hi are to he found ln J .Ul, ,] ' nee, nnd, in faci, ap- . | ¦..¦ klnd of machlnery to wl .-.-. Irlvei an e adapted. j , n to all cal'.s. no mat- lar ho4V 1 -1' gencratliig. trana- ml., rming nvertlag or ut'iiring | JjECTBIC B0T0R8. r>i ,..., :N-.-r- H fOR COKYWlTlXa THI ROT tTEL into wor.K. T... .-, tratlon of power in one or a few ,;iI |, induetrial e8tabllBha»a«U haa i , factor ln dr-ving the emftll shop anri .. mechanlc oul of th»ir lndeper.- 6mi . become only so many cogs in the gear I modern mass productlon. The as nearly reached the iimlt of ;- rte^'.'.in and -isefulness, and a , apable Of .avlng mor« lnto smaller nnlta, ta . Ti ta eondltlon was predlcted gj by th ae who gave thought to (be aubject, and fhe reaull hns been that some hundn i flrma and coraoratlona are tty- TRAVEL V|fK .. riON OF THJ5 PEBSONA1.I.T-CON- p* 120 TOUMBT PVST'.'.M EXmMPLl- F1ED IN A TOUR TO C \T.irORN!A. T b ls the aee r.f travel. IiUtor>' is re.plete .jc{th ta of i ar, terary epocba and rellg- loufl ..,-q*: bul um werld new enjoya its first pre*- ngc of unlvertal traveL For rr.any cen- turiea In the early hlatory of man tlie ox and the horae. th.-* donkey nnd the ram-1. by land; I m loin. the bark and the ahlp, by water, wer< .'.. only meane of uar.s- I .. s_1111 »i 8 llved and died 4vlth!n a [.- ra of a f « 8 [uare tnllen. Thus lhe laland of Gre Bi laln. little larger than ihe New-] ngland Btatea, produced and maintalned f,,r ]-.- a number of dlfferent lan- y l man lllf renl dlalecta Rut when -... rj tbe v. «id wlth his self- , ,i new > rr. waa uehen i In; enter- p, m .,. given ;i new Impetua and develop- ¦,., ,r ,.. li a of travel bad thelr blrth whleh hav- reached theit- full apld, omf ind luxurlous *. a-- irans] ortatlor ti lay ita hlgheet form In ... ien1 Pe nally-Conducted Tourtal Sya- . whlch all the .are-. and per- ; ina .. elllng ;:re ellnolnated r>y im »1 apecinl tralna on ni.ecial t < ::.-: tl arlgt A^fclltS. f'hapO- roi : Ba| rage aJ latera, wh aee ihat proper _*r im I are eecured on t'uo tralns, ihat ... ciunfort le afforded, tbat all bnggagu trai fera are promptly and propcrly aiada, and i. are r-d of every care and anxlet: aiona <-.:e made In advance i g, mmodatlona; carrlages are en- gae 1 : meel 'be tralna on p.rrival at the sta- -,. .. ,!:i ee are erranged for; all ihe ob- leeta of li lei >8i nrf i olnted out, and ample time * ,. . Inspe tlon. No va:-; ne la lost in I. ng the po nts of jnt-i -t and vtall them al Inopportune ho-.ire. Kv detail ¦'' tbe irtp ta looked after. thus i,.R. ... -,,, to enjoy tbemeelvee ta l _adj .. r--. wlthout eocorl are the eape* ol th Chaper. n; bealdea be ni ready ti em m many iraye, she xtanda to them ;,. i whleh i entl inal ly requlrea r. m ita advantagea to tae pleaaure- tr.iv- tbla flnal evolutlon of a per- I f ,-< louriai aygtem The Jo; of travelling. of Biga leelng, of vlaltlni farnou or remote re- gloi inalloyed Theri are r.<> dlatractlng fear of mlsslng traln fonnectlons; no long and ttrernme lay-overa; no ,-hang»". ,.f cars at un- tlmely boura; no huetle and buetl. after meala; one'i ti :' hlm, and atopa ar.d walta f.jr h',:n wblle be vlalta nolnta ,.f Intereat; !,.'.a bai -¦. r a1 hl. hand, and whnthcr croee- II .... na>]:.. fai awa from any i ) tatloi !-.. ..-¦¦' .. ;:,. may be, Irav- ell hc i: ay eai im-a'.8 n; ; .; ar >un .-.. '. riee un-i r'--.ire as r*gu- :. n hom. r travelling haa undoubtedly t- l and :s begl ,-x- (::,'1 '.> : \ i. I'. ..., ....;,.., Conducted Toure of the l'cnnsylvanln i:. Iroad to Cullfomla. H'»'- on roaeed the areciican contl- -.-..¦'-¦.-. whai ful land w< have; what a varlety of val na and mo inta ...s whai dlffer- . hai dlv. mllleg ol llfe A t'-'., ral educatlon, e Itl all home im- foi Pulln an Iroln -4 hich 11,. i ....;.. ruail .'.-.::.;:... Wlll UB6 OH Ita Ci N¦¦*¦ Voi h Pebruary '.'<¦' the Pullman I'alace Cai . n at the World'a Falr Ch n ai Atianta and n ial From iu Ita dinlng cai tg lUXUI -' ro -.- m and Its '. > >lda, aa from bta ,the i thi ra rxi nndli ,,: the tuwerlng moui ti na .. ,.,:<¦ n a before him. Ti. -i raln that haa ever croaaed thi . travel in It o er tbe entlre rou i nd etui i-ini*. and through < n t . nly at a fev of rhe m. s; ti i lhe flral tour *>er table fi ature; l». pro- m. mi '.s regardleea nf ,uc cr .. Iltloi f the tela ir ta aeri aa New-Ji Fhilnd Iphla; th.ougl the rlch farm la- Y.i . Ihi pictureaque jui over thi llog hei leg and an ind th. , ¦¦ Hon Bho, .' r- and oi I hrough the . r rielde to Plttaburg. From Pll rjcro.a Oblo to Clnclnnatl, and oi K>---' .. k r, d tbe Blue Oraaa Hec, n Thi al atop made al Mammoth Cave, where an op port mtty la glven to explore thla nrr-ai sub'e,- nn'..! rg em, Ith its girwaom.- rh.iuher» and pa ..:¦../ gnd sileiit r:\-er Soiithtvatd thence thr. .ri ".: i-.-*-. and Alabama where tbe coi ing to aupply lha dernand, nnd are aetlvely cn- gaged in bulldlng gns nn.l oll enginea l^llowlng the partlal ¦ueceaa of tenolr in Pafls in 1880, «nu the further advance tn 1807 of Otto and Langen ln Cologne. came the ln- rention of th* Otto "Bllent" englne In 1876, wnoai icthod of actlon haa been ea , ..... ti, a;:. o> all eubaequenl t ia an l oll bulld ra. Bluee th- explratlon of th.* Otto maater patenti, thr- developmenl ha- been rapl.i In England .lir' Contln* Europe. Vll th* ¦¦ ''¦'¦'.' ',:'A pom" buatl*;. motor*. Tbe fu< I ls 1 um. d ln the cyl Inder, thui eavlng oll loaaea from radlatlon In fumace, r and plpe ¦¦>¦¦ and ul lltln ,!;,. hi at dlrectlj aa produced in the woi cyllnder by expan Th* ei ilne dlffera* f,..:, the gaa ei n ' hange Ita ,,,,.. .;. atate *¦. lhal of gai oi vapor befor* combuatlon, Bul the gaa engine hns to do thla In a produc. r or r tort ol aome mn.i I- f.eed al ¦'¦" JlatJtncc from the engine lUelf .,;. la th. :.'.'i- bu j- i i" th-**'1 !-" **. nn.! both the ¦. tj P* of englne have n ai iratin.s W ;,:¦ tl pr difflo 11 « '". >¦*.""- lems to the mechanieal ei Notwlth- ttandlna the> are galnlng ground In tbe fl. n im upied 1>> iteam. .-,; |, e lucated ln thcrmodynan 1>V ]>;. ... ... ii ahlp -.. Ith men ke Kcuner ami Bchroeter, mad. tb thern nnmi. qu «tl in the Btudy f hla llfi. ai llfteen yeara devoted all hla apare tlme and the aavlni reaultlng from a frugal llfe to the practl .¦; aolutlon of the problem of the trani fer of heat Into work. Commenclng »*lth a full knowledge of thermodynaml* requlrementa, hla experimenta a guld**d by a clear knowledge and a atrong consclencc, whlch would not al- |o*e hlm i be carrl .! a** ....- by pnrt lal au Hla dlscuaalon of the probleins puhlisbed ui d-r the title of the "Thcory and eonatructlon nf a Ratlonal Heal Motor." and tranalated by Bryan Donkin li Ene h In IMKI. is famlllar to '::.. tuden - nf th* modynatnlca lt waa br .ii-. hl t the atten ' Bua, . the Augsburg Machlne Worka, and ol '¦'¦¦ Krupp of 1 ng engli -nnl these men ivere wllllna to ipend near* ly 5.*,i i. 11.1, levelop thla ratlonal h< al ii otor of Di. practl ral worklng machlne. The) plaeed Mr Dle-»i at the head of a well-a* le. ted forc* ... glneera uave hlm a ae ti .> ol one of i>, ebopa I \ h to bulld, ¦.¦¦ and expei meni thla m. tor. The flrel 12- horae-power motor waa graduall) brought to a high itai.tri. lenc>. and th* experl* .j;.-,;. .: ln fl 20-horae-powei lor, a; ¦¦ haa Incc b< com* the Kaaha of O... falthl R th* mechanl...' eni ,.' Europe. \\ Itli thli lor : llluatratc an*l prnve ea, Mr, Mi a. !. In A; ri; IM>" read a al t pnp* >r a eelecl Ir* le of Ruropean nn ra !t M inli h ai them 1 Aui iurg ;" aho* and tpat the motor Iti th. Ir pre . ce. s ceaeful waa thia flrel publlc esposltlon thal a large Bngliah flrm at once ioughl the rlghta foi Greal Biitaln. 1. . a pr* ccaa for on- the heat enerjj of fucl Into worl enribod of he eteam-. metii :-. Tl ; ' nd ameil of gas or oll. the .-¦ r ..; the drl| plng ol oll from l: ezbaui ; etroleum nglnca, do not exlat ln th* Dlesi In exlatlng i- irlc railwa: pini ta 'ho ablllty ?o aat e a lararo li atmeni in 'o; p< r for llghtl travell* I, long-dlatanc* aul rbai to run t uslna the maln englne wlll alro op< n a fl* Id f. r the >.¦-. I motor In deep inhi.'s. frequently al fi ... oal aupply, !n ] un] ai I '¦.> age an.i ln '.¦..:. » pla -' ¦' where water la ecarce, the Dleuel motor wlll be valu- able. European experta aay that the Dleael englne wll] li the iree of tlme gra lually atipplanl ?be eteam ntrlne. Ita bull lera wlll, of ro mak. vaat ami unt of va perien* .* ni . ntlflc tlon r* pr. I li rm bj tho beat atean ei r Jaj. Xhe orli r >le«i patenta, Tlm! i Dl. the A rg M ichli W nnd Fi le li Krujt] , dct*i Ing tl beal cont-tructlve talent. the beat workman- ¦hlp and tbe beal manufaeturlng facllltlea to b aV "ti "1- rapld and complete development or th1- new ni"t' r -?- ELECTRIC LIGBT IND I'OWER. Mr.t.toVf* OP 1NVEJTED CAPITAL IK AN INMSTKV IVH1CH HAI HAD \ R** MAP.K W.I.K DBVELOPMKNT Electrlc lighl ani power companlea ar* dee* tined .11 ih. futur* ln play ¦ moel nflu* ntlal :. tht cltlea ofthe wh le world In New- y..rk f*lty th. i. Ii ne company al the pre* nl time "ni. -'< eapltal r*8.000.ll00 ami bond laauea ,,f $tS.r-00.000, making an Inveatmem >.!' $14,500.- ihmi Thla concern has witneaaed greal proa- ,., rlty. and In aomi of thi late y* ai bai earned ¦> ,.. - ni over th* fl perceni or the Inveatment. Bdlaon'a greal dlacovery was nol only .' boon , .,,. ),,;,,.;;, race, bul ll opened up an Induatry whlch haa developed Into one of the moet fnr- reachlng and Importanl In Ihe Unlted Btatea. Th* r- hardly a Itj or town of any alae In the I ii haa an electrlc Itghtlng plant. The ,|:m im "Jumboa" wlll noi aoon ba ror- ;,.I;. .. and the P arl et. atation, whleh waa i( ln .-, .,.,.,:.-.. ,. i-j waa the beglnnlng ,,, a .. -., epoch .ii the hlatorj of modern elec- ... ith --x ateam dy- ,.,i, 0f 12Tj on power. In the flral month eig it) llve bou were lllumlnated. hav- |ni ,, hed wlth wlrea for more than three thouaand lampa. "' -v ,;' " "as ,.: a.det.l ol tba flral lllumlnatlng com. ,, |, ,:,s aald -. the old r*ear -»t. ata- wai n unlveralty from jhW>*» b nto all landa the gradui.I -*-*MM_?J ,..,, .., .... Theflr t ayatem fniployedIwM th." and ll covered four mllea ,,. r. ¦! .- antl nlne illci ol maln**. The .,,.,, :; aervcl eatended from \Vall to Sprut*. and Ferry ata.. and front r-Ht. '" the Ka.l Ulvcr. II took a peiiod ., ai,oU- ns- j ara lo den.onatrate that the naa lomincr* lally a auc eae, and then J. ,,, m,.,--... Inm inv Intereated ln the Ll,mpany. The planta al Tn ¦. " »nd Thlr- iv-nlntl " ¦¦'',1 an underground ,*vst, m wa« und* rtak* n Bla atatlona nou eup- ;:, um nl, ih< man. Btatlon belng al i.;,;,.,. -. pi mpany haa 8 re* ord of noi ¦ ih.rei *' - '" :! **»¦ B^¦, , tl_ .; ,|... -.xp-.ptlon -i" three houra during the dlsaatrou* flre al the Pearl at ata ;,,,.. v.i ;. h made ntceawiry the reconatructlon ,.) .).,. i>u Irilnp, 'ui renl are i- <l . ihe poin- ,,;,:,-, ii,:.. niorc than two hundred mllea of aub- i., i quli ¦¦ in ihe operation about and flftj mll* of ondu* tora for , ma a. The Kdlaon Company ab- | ii, ... other poinpanlee, whlch had alto- g.-ther 27.KMM Inpandeecenl llghti and 20.000 are Theae brlng the grand total far above anl :,; ||| andle-power lam] a, ... p-iiritrliiga bilna the aggregate Income io api>i iximately 8_.fBHl.tUki groaa it haa taken aeventeen yeara to develop ibe ayatem foi Itghtlng New I'ork by electrlclty fro.ii ti. Battery far above One-hundred-and- flfth-al a ned only at fur- Inc-andeveenl llghtlng, motor aupply waa hegtin ln lvv*'> and are llghtlng In IHhB. The .;,,,: matlon fi >n i Ich New -York r-- Itx eleetrl. Illumlnal lon haa a total en- pa< Ity of '_.*;.*-'.¦. hoi i power. New-York ... in ihe Introductlon of vertlcal ihe marlne i . i- foi drh ing electrlc an. Ilrat nglne of thla kiml ..f the preaenl alzes ever bulll ln the l'nlted Btatea ,nati ii. ted lu re Tho central Btatlon ir-i .1 wlth large multlp ilar gcneratoi re.tly p. upk-.l to the vertlcal r ¦. ipound enginea. rl ii y «as the fln clty In the L'nlted Btatea to adopt tl t>*| ma. hln< The undergrouml lyatcm In uae In New Tork tur the acpomm f ol. trl. onductora ... || :.-..; M i '..iii ln fronl of : n eaeh blook J In* tl al th* Btre* I rornera Into a rrlb or network, while the cur- ipplied bj feedera runnlng from tha nrea of aupply waa eecured. The thi ayatem was .-arrici through all tbe uptnwn atreeta m.d ala,, lnto houeea Motera f< r aaeanur- Inc on the coneumer'a premtoen the rurrenl tup plled for hle us.* 4vcre invented by Edlaon. Pre- vlouely then- had heen n" commerclal method avallable for the p'urpoee. Tbe ehange to electrlc motor power from the table nn the etr#*el railway llnea of N' ... fork Clty has been of apeclal elgnlflcance durlng the laat year, \ thorough teat of all tnotoi ayetema having .n made, ll wae found thn' e'eetrlclty ylelded the moal aatlafactory aervlce, Thi ..'.-. tti.- llghtlns rompanlea hav, glreadi entered lnto competltlon 44.111 the ga* rompanlea general bualneaa, Ratea have been made low to H,-e what aupporl tne publlc would glve electrli llghtlng. The fleld la conatantl) wldenlng and developlng, and the end is nol yet. ? 1X81 I ITED WIBE M I V( I \< Tl Itl The inaulated wlre Induetry in« i.een almoal parl and parcel of the electrtcal developmeni ol tbe age it -,.,.!* Introduced Into Amerlca aboul thlrty years ago, the prlnclpal Inaulating ma terinia uaed belng Indla-rubber compi und up 111 conductora for hlgh-claas work, auch aa tele graph, telephnne, electrlc Ught nnd :..!- ihe trenemlaalon of power. lt ii Impoaa 1., pi'.e an accurate Idea of th.* annual pn dui l the factorlea 01 the Inci ea in th>- ar.ita: and labor employed I' la only neceaaary to polni lo the tremendoue atrldea made by Ihe general electrlc Induatry In lhe laal twent) yegrn. Durlng th;* tlme the numbci oi planta engaged in th< manufacture of Inaulal d wire has gr-,\4n ln numhers from two 10 abotll twenty-flve Theae are moatly ln the Bi a large portion of the bualneaa tranaacted done in New-York, although the factorlea ai lo, ati d at t ther polnta it |g nol know n that ibere are any planta of Importance beyond th« M1- ataalppl Itlvi r The matertala us- .1 ln lhe proi ;-- of Inau.1 vary wlth ihe purpoae for ivhlcli the wln is to l.- used Thla appllea to aerlal wlrea, cablea f«»r telepl. and telegraph, electrlc Ught, p. and aignal companiea, underground 4-. iif-t. and aubmaiine cablea li is underatood thai the manufactun ..f aubmarlne cabli In the great lengtha requlred bj the telegraph hav noi y**i .,..,.., perfected ln ihla country, and the auppl; mea from lhe workehopa of Europe, where ai, experience of forty yeara enablea them to r-'-n oul 8 aatlafactory article. lt is aaid. further- more, thai lhe Amertcana lack experience ln the ua of guttu-percna compound, and alao faclli* tlea f.-r conatructlng cablea In quantltlea whl n would anewer the purpoae. in vleu of thi* fan that in all the big cltlea "f the IXnlted Btatea there la a lendencj t.qulre all overhe*ad wlrea t<, be pla.,*.! under ground thi manufactun of underground Insulated wlre and cable hae been 1 atly Btlmulated, ? GA8 AXD ELECTRIC FIXTURBF. Th,- opportunlty whlch is afforded in thta clty f,,r the aelectlon of gaa an,'. electrlc flxturea ta Indtcated by the faci thal eomethlng like one hundred flrma are engaged In eupplylng thi de- mand. While many of ihe concerne do ;i amall buetneae 01 devote themaelvee to apeclal llnea, there are ,.th-ia u hlch aupply a >: ncrai :ine from which everythlng hi ihe way of flxturea may be aelected, fn llne flxturea, dealgned eapeclally for handeome realdencee, h tela and lalneaa houeea, New-York eaally takes the lead. Per- nons 44 ho formerly found ll neceaaary to go abroad for thelr flxturea now fln-l it poaalble to buy Jual aa artiatl. gooda ln thla Ity, and buyera frcm all over the country t<> "ew- Vork for eatlmatea .>n the flxturea they requlre. Heveral of the loeal flrma make a apecialty of reproduclng ihe cbandeliera and candeKbra whlch are found in forelgn palacea, and ex- tremely One reproductkmi of Uula XV. Loug wi. hoc. ann otber celebrated canoi " them to offei many Indu. oblalnabl. elaewhei '". '' "';' ..' ,r'. empl v- aboul four hundred men ln ta.»^ry- and an addltlonal f* r ".££¦£_£ dratigbtamen and dealgnera .' .- , . " h- ... iv».i contracta amountlnn to >-- " »....', - nttlnga f. ngle hou***-. nnd th bh amounl of the bua r-i SSTaa at- Vn aasoclatlon of th* argei b-al* * ¦»¦¦_¦ temptcd Bome \ ara ago th. projecl wi ', ,d ar.d < ...,..... ¦,....,.,. nowo, at- rndeperd*ntl>- The reaull I. ¦ IW omp*l- .,, 1; 0| loualy advantag. oua to Ih. ron u .¦- UODEB\ I '!. TRH KLKl \TOB8. ii . DIPOR1 KSV BPKKI* '-1; INCIDRK1 W tl a rH '.'!' of mon ii di: ua -,-;...,. .. n itura f Oi ater Nen .©rk hli 11 iu gn. .¦' -*" Mi ,,Jr" ,,,.,. than the av Ifl m< Ing elevatora ln all high l.ulldlnra -i,.i ih -. ir* < '¦'¦'.">r of elevatora uaed in the lea of tha ., ,i World il ai oi ... to ompara v .-, the perfect are, m hlnei and Byatema uPh M are In mmon ua. In thla and - arj Import ml ctv f th I nlon ln ila regard It mu. i. ...,.,. ,i thal even the >unti u na wh.e to mal lalt to the metr Ila n aelvea taken up Ith an ¦¦¦¦¦-. ¦« and acnsatlon of on* f th v* per- (,. nd ular * r ,. -:. ip r haa hi '."<¦' '**- .... ., an ong th* m the .' *. -upl. rh* ;" :¦':","M of ... ftrlclty I 'I*" .*!' u'*n'' haa ...i.i- tpld ttld* ln the laat ... and t i< maj >rlt- ol illden and .. .* k th Ind rf pow* r. Il haa reached a poinl of p- rfe* tlon on i works Ilke a charm. I_ ,, .. er part of tl Ihi ¦' f Manhattan there an rea of'mai tructurea Th* y are th. h .-¦ - i'1" ' end huil l-r's g< ni'i- an tlll N Itj world wi i.ii ate tli New-Y* rl In thi p li ular. B !... ana of th. .. the .,,. the toti rl. an m ide to lirlng .i n th flooi it n ti blg etruct- doaen dlffereni \i :. --. -. .ii make ii" twelfth floor, while high* r !. i (ban thoae i- ni t ni. ommon to nnd urea Ith n tor» Som. are .top ... I-. ¦¦ the lenl thera are the accomm* lal u hlch run up :. elghl or nlne al rl* -. A N'ew-iork coneern has had the contract for put- i,t.;. iii om. of th* largeat and nosi p tant planta In eei vlce. In f Itfl ntra* i ll l,ul t ten pa n '. tora for the l i.uii llng In the orld . re io run uj. .,"... ighi N m Ith an average rl of _0 ¦' et. Healdctt theae th* ¦. ratora .hi. h ran to the tower. for »al two ald* alh rid two dumbwaitei -. ine N Y* rk h u 11, the larx ¦. an. mt>al coatl* evei pi |ecl hai nlneteen elevatora li foui bulldlnga thla New- York houae ii.i- bupi than aeventy- plghl maehlnea, comprlalns seven different | Kl The lateai atyle nf electi f itor is so ictetl hai th* a Is pro\ Id* I \<. ith an autnmatlc puah bul ton I. th* door belng aul tnntlca , ex* < ;,: ... ',. i. a car I Mn« A pu ili-luitton flo. r w lll, vhen th ire all Bed, automatlcally rall tl." car to a particular floor, hut when movlng to any other flooi the call la Inoperatlve. Bhculd n door I.pen car can- atarted. Ad lltlonal rol provlded wlthin the av. bul an operator ia nol neceaaai The Nen -York repi fleld of induatry lead all comj ;tnd th. hualneas haa grown to Im J \ i I \l HE HAN bS( >MJ- 1 MAN LlBRARY-OBSEJtV.-VTIOX C.\RS ON ITS CALIFORNIA TOURS Sl'f) BY THF PF.XXSYF.VANIA KAlI.RoAD F.LECTRTCAL U ICBIXEBT, i.NM Mr.r.ABi.v ni .." r.XTi RfRiae OWIOXW) to aiTl'I.V r"': BfAXY brtkt.wi r.EQL'ineo :¦. Tiii- sr.w f' ' ¦'¦ The ¦. idi < I whlch hae been created »j ?!*.. gen< ral uee r " ' .' '¦r* r**" l-ro,igh» Inti exi.rer.ce inrumerahie pe- ent»r- ea deatgned to luppl: thi manj artlclea re qulred ln etaetrl. work and <. rauaed th* d* reiopmenl oflnduetrlea atreadj extatlng t<- - othei fleld ha* a greater amounl of apltal beei Inveeted. and ln no othr»i have fhe returna baei m<..* gratlfylng 01 eerte n The aide raage of indiisri-.. into r tlu ventoi pnd tlu englneer i-.a- Introdueed elef-ftrlcal ap- p lancea ,' 4* ould Im i l ra'* \,.- oi |y doea ¦¦..*: feed Ihe mechaa lam for the manufai p* ment* ,-f trade, |>ul ll hai entercd Into th* i,,.ii ehold, «s well D f irntahea Ught hui heai well, ar, rterei appllcatlon to cooklrg and houeeh. i-l -..-.' not to be far dtatani \, m ls on" of the poaalbllltleg lhe futur*. Ti"' zenera! UM f H 6lU« a rnea*,- f li »ing dallY d* monstrated. and lla ap| etavatora .. provlng popular, Th.e manufactui hlner*. :n Xe«-.Tork ls a raet Indui ai mai ftrme whlch make i, an bualne The ontta. foi lighlli nk-ne repreeeni e ¦-)-' bui ill for tre> m*ndoue ectlvlty on tl peri eup- pjy rh" rnachiner k. In th* mol ir Une. t;-... .*..¦¦, - irnle anythtng from a .¦- .<:.'.. to ihat nf T'*> horee.pov ft «. dope in the llne of m< prlntlng pi and th*r* la ln OperaI n hl. h permlta th- . ety-aig th' uaand **-pa«'c pai Tork flrma do bueli -, ¦¦¦¦'. and ha\ e agenia ln I. '. Pa Bl irg Tokohama and man .->¦,- 1 afaff \l I in\ \ ', n '.'.'/<'. i \'f I ln the prx dui f ir-n ' rd* nance, tne : bii'ineaa m thla cltj i -r- atrated durlng the , i ernmeni ntra< ta l jectilea, powder ai R ¦¦ h sd and fulfllkd ln a mani -ir<*- rially In can - Ing t i-ard t! - - ful termlnatlon * * tn i Th« ordnam e indual aa ncii\-e one |n Iteelf, but !i has buay many other :.'.., , 11 . upon to aupply :¦' atrui tlon of the m< dei n n ii where four hundn ployed night are: ¦:., hun* dred range-flnder." foi Oovernm* ae has ne. eaeltated the cloxing of ta chlne ahopa foi ' at an aggi egate eoat to the I >-¦*¦ " aame fa, t< .--. oi . ilred th-* purchaae ' Itti "«"> poui d kcleea powder from a locai ronrern engaged manufacture, Tbla partlcular flrm has on hand Government contracta for S2,5«Bi,W8i ¦¦ .-... t gui - and ammitnU n, and, aa l num- 1. .,f otil.-l-J ¦'. ia, .: .,: ¦-.'¦- the Oovernment, aome Idea of the extent ' the Induatry may i.- gathered ¦¦¦¦ For tii.*dere now .,n hand for (iovernment work the flrm refei red to abovi 8 toial of aomethlng like ten mllllon poundg ' powder, ai a coal of 8] ., pound The .-..ntra.-t wlll requic- ii--- thounand tena ot ate** to he use,' in proje, tili .- an gui Ahout thlrty of thi prlnclpal flrms of . - nnxntrv ar>- rcpreaented in New-Vork, and fur- ntah everythlng ln the ime of ahol and she;: powU-r. projectllee, dynai l and car- tridgC of every des. rlptl. n. ton growe, etopplng for e few houra at Iferat- goinery, at one llnv capita the Bouthern lera md Mobil -, h >n D< ey . araed f Fari agut tlu art« of n are. New Orleana i-t th-- next gr.-.n goal en louti lu ihts .: si, it; ln the lai cl 01 IB ai. 1 mol -.--.-. three daya affoi -. ... opportunlty to ivttneea the I ia M II Oraa t_arni\ al. Weatward from New-Orleana, acroaa thi ;-. ure lanul of Texa , Sai t nlo, th routi .-,:- Kl Paa th< U Indlan-Am. Ican cii> un f the llio Urunde, h'rom El t*a- to i. m .\:.u- .- the moat Inten i-tlng sectlona of .., paat through. Arrong tho flral na \a'i-,i by uv- cealous mlaa -, a.n, n la .-.till .1 u lld and d, solate reg th old chapel rulna and tl i a and lowera antedatlng hlatory .. ei'en ;-.> lhe oyoti a Ktlll hr. .-:.- Itei t thi lii'iian atlll pltchea hia t»*nt. Prom th :.. uhalra >,i lhe obaerva lon i-ai tnli a-:,J i. giou, ¦-. Ith Ita cactl an lis alkaif, .md Its mlrage, appt-ara full ol lntt*r, i But, >,\- r i..,- au. t, t the great t .... through the foothllla oi the flerraa, thi i iegi atlun and the balni) B tthern Californla coma liki a w I, -ti*e dream. N- i almer helghta, no 11< t.- r \ alli :-..i^ [tal: r Andalut l thai fhe- > whlch bleaa thla land of aun m d .¦in-. wher« ae iveda the orang an.i th. Ag and gr,-,j-" m merry together. From 1. .- .\ tripg 4-i!i h madi to Ban Dleg and ¦' ronndo Reach, when people hathi thr ughout thi : ea- to rtlverald. K Handa to Paaad^na. \louni Lowi and Manta EbirUaia k-:;is ln i!,:« rrown of creatloi After apending nin* ln i Eden the party wlll proceed northward to that gi- apoi of thi earth Monten-y Locatlng .I-* grand ll":-1 Moni -P- ni a:r:i.i the tn pl al gard i. .......,)Ma coaat. Proceedlng thence to Ban Frencieco, 4:a Ban Joa*>, Mi Hamilton and M< lio t'ark. four daj i 4vlll b*> apem In th< vtaltlng, among other nolnu tereet, 'he famoue Chlneee quarter >r 'Thlnatown," wher*> everythlng la a dupllcation of Cani oi Hong Ki ng On Mar h 7 th. epe lal traln e taave Oai !<i:*-l l'i. :. for N. 44 ^.'rI<. homeward bound ha Ing anent ninete?n daye ¦¦ th Paclfl C To Bacram nto the i m . men-o Valley am.d rllllani p i| plea ;,¦¦ nai ia. iv rabblta Ar Bacramento the aaceni *' anow-crowned Bierraa » ftna tne n iwera dtaai pear and the ravag the "F may etlll be aeen in th Then the train phinev.- lnto th- greal aheda which for for; miie'a »vrr the rallr a track. On acroaa thi pla tea u :' iCevada ai l.'tah, where Indlans, aand ai d .-.iu all that la to be .*. -n. the train aweepa * the northern end of Oreai **a Lake with Ita terraced hilla and bi i.-.-e* >*,!. ¦:¦> and pauaea ai the M rn Cai ta »ft apectlng thla enterprielng clty of a t'' ns ligioti.. gect, the route nuea t. atlng gcologlcal c ctlon Preclpli ua and rumbling roek». dry an p ind of man> hu< -. llm the i indre-la of i Aa the caflon of the Orand R r la approa the ecenery gmwa mdV* impoatng nnt;i the 4v,-i':* ..:' roek leav« harelj, room for the rl*>-er ai rallroad, At i; remlnd one of the Infernal regl whei worm dteth n-- and the iir>- nol quen Beyond la eome of ih- grandcat acenery oa Ameri. in tntlni ni Tl ng rllffa and the old lava beda, th.- rual ng . n ta and ,«k4-- piercing peaka and the Contlnental Dl' ," atantly ellcli the . >. pping a momenl at Leadvllle, :iic famoue Colorade mlnin^ camp, tii leacenl mtlnuea Into th« marvelloue caflon nf th. %rkai A rtd< through thta clefi In ihe mountali - le i ".nlqti« experience, The roar »f the ir. plunges down th- grade between walle of adamantlm roek curvlng '!'^- a aerpent, le awful The cllmax reached u the Royal ilorge, Here the roek rularly foi half a mile above the rh r '.- rt T. the li fl a the mlghty flssure known aa th- "Royal .;.rge" h.merglng from ihla gn it cai i rllmnee ia soon cauarhl of Plkc'a i'-..:- fai off to ie north¬ ward. Thta fam. ua landm irk o tlnuea ln sight untll th.- train h.ilfs at Colorado Bprlnge, over whi.h ii .-t.i.,.lH like a rowled aentlnel Beven milea from Colorado Hprlngs is thi "Oarden th.* i;. da," m here N'ature I herai If ln mans rurl >ua i.-. k fn ika a geventy-flve-mlle run from Colorado Bpringa brlnaja the van. to Denver th*> puehlng, hrlght an.i cultured clty of tha plain. Bp llng on* day here the part) e/tll cnntlnue rei tlu rolllna prali g of Colorado an.i Kehraaka and through th,- r.< h farm landa lowa and Morthern ii"- t..,i«- i.. Chleago, where another da) *I11 he apanl and a carrlage drlvi . ik Leavlng Chleago i .--..! run wlll be made i Indlaaa and Onlo Plttaburg where thi golng route wlll i»» retrac*ed to \. a 4'-iU Thta tour to Californla 44 Sat v rk and Phlladelphla on Februarj fl 1600 an -¦. a period of thlrty-flyi daye nlneteen nf whlch >-4 ill be anenl In Callfoi Tourlata wlll ., palatla apeclal Pullman traln, th* .. n <;ai-- st»clal." ovei the entli it la the onlj tour t . Call ornla thal hae evei 1.ri lald oul on thta plan, and offera an excep t-.-vnal opportunlty to acqualni one'a -elf ertl the greal objecta of onr con cent an.i at the *am. tlme lo a'itneea tbe marvelloue edldeni of tha Peraonallj Conducted Tourtat System la o* moal perfect foraa,

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...






ti e growth ln lhe ti.o of olectrlclty i. on* of jth* r na| Icuoua featuree of thr ac*». Not a dayras«,s wlthout the record of eome extenelve |pt*oji . for the iranemJeeloii ef power or the ji.-,..,; , -. oi eome IttaUllatlon In whlch thejearrenl i« wft't ln place of eteam Bleetrlclty ta

CA-dai e i- ten! factor In ni!!'*. mlnee, factorleeai .. ' gii klnde throughou! the country.II roducti nte etrael ralftraya has practl-eail; revolul mlaed tbe modee of trauielt.

.iectric companlee of New-York maau-

fgctun "" devl ¦. requlred for the appltca-t| - |hu powei Thle dty ls. ln fact. the

haadquartere fo:- all of the great clecirlcal enter-

prleea of the < mntrjr Indeed, 11 may be said

lhal terprlee of Importance is undertaken

n ,, (hri ugh New-T rrh flnanelere, and whlta

BOm ' the gn ai electrlcul companiea may have

|g .,-,,... theli promlnenl exeeutlvee_ | the greal t ehare of t1-.:- tlme in this

dty. Ia larga ameuni *i Bngllah eapltal has of ata

j,,-. heen Inveated ln electrlenl enterprlsee. of

oa« '.: I ::.A aiv>ii'.er in Ibe L?nlted Ptatefl, and-

th* ' >re znere 4'- ho rcn:,- ovi r uaually make thelr

hg>«dc,uartcia .-.-. Naw-Toi_ seldoin g.dng any

further While ihelr englneara may or sent to

Pth-: Itlcg i make lnve-tlrations nn.l reporta,t4,,, gpitnllsta And their ocjh Intereete sen-edw- .... ,. ¦,.-. for the fransecflon <>f the

flnam .' end of theh- bueinoaa. Th.- nr-neral uaeof electrlcliy for Ught Ing and hoiis'-hold pur-¦ ia« i-gjird foi renewed aetlvlty on the

ngrl ' the n anufa. lurere ol electrlcel suppl'es.r . ..--.- may b* inssed among the

m. m flourlel Ins and prosperoue In the country.Y^. r--. tlng, from the dynamoto ... eni lamp, are lamp and motor,., thee. rompanlea. und mnnv novel

, ,,. have beea mtrodn.edto ; fi¦:'. " ' ''.''".

v ,- r- of -h.- bualneaa ta the con-6tT., .. v :¦ hboardg and meaaurlng In-Btruments. li .tera. volt-metere. etc<5U . .,.,i n-irlng euppltee are also mnru-

<A , ... ,j v ig " and raWes for nerian.¦*j nean *-r.u aubmarlne use.

ln ihe mar.ufa rect atatloaary motore .

n ] rf< 'tl ¦-. has heen reached, Jan (hi are to he found ln J.Ul, ,] ' nee, nnd, in faci, ap-

. | ¦..¦ klnd of machlnery to

wl .-.-. Irlvei an e adapted.j , n to all cal'.s. no mat-

lar ho4V 1 -1' gencratliig. trana-

ml., rming nvertlag or ut'iiring


r>i ,..., :N-.-r- H fOR COKYWlTlXa THI

ROT tTEL into wor.K.

T... .-, tratlon of power in one or a few,;iI |, induetrial e8tabllBha»a«U haa i

, factor ln dr-ving the emftll shop

anri .. mechanlc oul of th»ir lndeper.-

6mi . become only so many cogs in

the gear I modern mass productlon. Theas nearly reached the iimlt of

;- rte^'.'.in and -isefulness, and a

, apable Of .avlng mor«

lnto smaller nnlta, ta. Ti ta eondltlon was predlcted

gj by th ae who gave thought to

(be aubject, and fhe reaull hns been that some

hundn i flrma and coraoratlona are tty-



T b ls the aee r.f travel. IiUtor>' is re.plete.jc{th ta of i ar, terary epocba and rellg-loufl ..,-q*: bul um werld new enjoya its first

pre*- ngc of unlvertal traveL For rr.any cen-

turiea In the early hlatory of man tlie ox and

the horae. th.-* donkey nnd the ram-1. by land;

I m loin. the bark and the

ahlp, by water, wer< .'.. only meane of uar.s-

I .. s_1111 »i 8 llved and died 4vlth!n a

[.- ra of a f « 8 [uare tnllen. Thus

lhe laland of Gre Bi laln. little larger than ihe

New-] ngland Btatea, produced and maintalnedf,,r]-.- a number of dlfferent lan-y l man lllf renl dlalecta Rut when

-... rj tbe v. «id wlth his self-

, ,i new > rr. waa uehen i In; enter-

p, m .,. given ;i new Impetua and develop-¦,., ,r ,.. li a of travel

bad thelr blrth whleh hav- reached theit- fullapld, omf ind luxurlous

*. a-- irans] ortatlor ti layita hlgheet form In

... ien1 Pe nally-Conducted Tourtal Sya-. whlch all the .are-. and per-

; ina .. elllng ;:re ellnolnatedr>y im »1 apecinl tralna on ni.ecialt < ::.-: tl arlgt A^fclltS. f'hapO-roi : Ba| rage aJ latera, wh aee ihat proper_*r im I are eecured on t'uo tralns, ihat... ciunfort le afforded, tbat all bnggagutrai fera are promptly and propcrly aiada, and

i. are r-d of every care andanxlet: aiona <-.:e made In advance

i g, mmodatlona; carrlages are en-

gae 1 : meel 'be tralna on p.rrival at the sta-

-,. .. ,!:i ee are erranged for; all ihe ob-

leeta of li lei >8i nrf i olnted out, and ample time* ,. .¦ . Inspe tlon. No

va:-; ne la lost in I. ng the po nts ofjnt-i -t and vtall them al Inopportune ho-.ire.Kv detail ¦'' tbe irtp ta looked after. thusi,.R. ... -,,, to enjoy tbemeelvee tal_adj .. r--. wlthout eocorl are the eape*

ol th Chaper. n; bealdea be ni readyti em m many iraye, she xtanda to them;,. i whleh i entl inal ly requlrea

r. m ita advantagea to tae pleaaure-tr.iv- tbla flnal evolutlon of a per- If ,-< louriai aygtem The Jo; of travelling. ofBiga leelng, of vlaltlni farnou or remote re-gloi inalloyed Theri are r.<> dlatractlngfear of mlsslng traln fonnectlons; no long andttrernme lay-overa; no ,-hang»". ,.f cars at un-tlmely boura; no huetle and buetl. after meala;one'i ti :' hlm, and atopa ar.d waltaf.jr h',:n wblle be vlalta nolnta ,.f Intereat; !,.'.abai -¦. r a1 hl. hand, and whnthcr croee-

II .... na>]:.. fai awa from any i) tatloi !-.. ..-¦¦' .. ;:,. may be, Irav-ell hc i: ay eai im-a'.8n; ; .; ar >un .-.. '. riee un-i r'--.ire as r*gu-:. n hom.

r travelling haa undoubtedlyt- l and :s begl ,-x-(::,'1 '.> : \ i. I'. ..., ....;,.., Conducted Toure ofthe l'cnnsylvanln i:. Iroad to Cullfomla.

H'»'- on roaeed the areciican contl--.-..¦ '-¦.-.

whai ful land w< have; what a varletyof val na and mo inta ...s whai dlffer-

.hai dlv. mllleg ol llfe At'-'., ral educatlon,

e Itl all home im-foi Pulln an Iroln -4 hich

11,. i ....;.. ruail .'.-.::.;:... Wlll UB6 OHIta Ci N¦¦*¦ Voi h Pebruary'.'<¦' the Pullman I'alace

Cai . n at the World'aFalr Ch n ai Atianta and n ial

From iu Ita dinlng cai tglUXUI -' ro -.- m and Its

'. > >lda, aa from bta,the i thi

ra r» rxi nndli ,,: the tuwerlngmoui ti na .. ,.,:<¦ n a before him.Ti. -i raln that haa ever croaaed thi

. travel in It o er tbeentlre rou i nd etui i-ini*. and through< n t . nly at a fev of rhem. s; ti i lhe flral tour *>er

table fi ature; l». pro-m. mi '.s regardleea nf ,uccr .. Iltloi f the tela

ir ta aeri aa New-JiFhilnd Iphla; th.ougl the rlch farm la-Y.i . Ihi pictureaquejui over thi llog hei leg and an ind th., ¦¦ Hon Bho, .' r- and oi I hroughthe . r rielde to Plttaburg. FromPll rjcro.a Oblo to Clnclnnatl, and oiK>---' .. k r, d tbe Blue Oraaa Hec, n Thi alatop i» made al Mammoth Cave, where an opport mtty la glven to explore thla nrr-ai sub'e,-nn'..! rg em, Ith its girwaom.- rh.iuher» andpa ..:¦../ gnd sileiit r:\-er Soiithtvatd thencethr. .ri ".: i-.-*-. and Alabama where tbe coi

ing to aupply lha dernand, nnd are aetlvely cn-

gaged in bulldlng gns nn.l oll engineal^llowlng the partlal ¦ueceaa of tenolr in

Pafls in 1880, «nu the further advance tn 1807of Otto and Langen ln Cologne. came the ln-

rention of th* Otto "Bllent" englne In 1876,wnoai icthod of actlon haa been

ea , ..... ti, a;:. o> all eubaequenl t ia an l oll bulld ra. Bluee th- explratlon of th.*

Otto maater patenti, thr- developmenl ha- been

rapl.i In England '¦ .lir' Contln*Europe. Vll th* ¦¦ ''¦'¦'.' ',:'A pom"

buatl*;. motor*. Tbe fu< I ls 1 um. d ln the cylInder, thui eavlng oll loaaea from radlatlon Infumace, r and plpe .¦ ¦¦>¦¦ and ul lltln,!;,. hi at dlrectlj aa produced in the woi

cyllnder by expan Th* ei ilne dlffera*f,..:, the gaa ei n ' hange Ita,,,,.. .;. atate *¦. lhal of gai oi

vapor befor* combuatlon, Bul the gaa enginehns to do thla In a produc. r or r tort ol aome

mn.i I- f.eed al ¦'¦" JlatJtncc from the enginelUelf .,;. la th. :.'.'i- bu j- i i" th-**'1 !-" **.

nn.! both the ¦. tj P* of englne have n aiiratin.s W ;,:¦ tl pr difflo 11 « '". >¦*.""-lems to the mechanieal ei Notwlth-ttandlna .¦ the> are galnlng ground Intbe fl. n im upied 1>> iteam.

.-,; |, e lucated ln thcrmodynan1>V ]>;. ... ... ii ahlp -.. Ith men keKcuner ami Bchroeter, mad. tb thernnnmi. qu «tl in the Btudy f hla llfi. aillfteen yeara devoted all hla apare tlme and theaavlni reaultlng from a frugal llfe to thepractl .¦; aolutlon of the problem of the tranifer of heat Into work. Commenclng »*lth a fullknowledge of thermodynaml* requlrementa, hlaexperimenta a guld**d by a clear knowledgeand a atrong consclencc, whlch would not al-|o*e hlm i be carrl .! a** ....- by pnrt lal au

Hla dlscuaalon of the probleins puhlisbed uid-r the title of the "Thcory and eonatructlonnf a Ratlonal Heal Motor." and tranalated byBryan Donkin li Ene h In IMKI. is famlllarto '::.. tuden - nf th* modynatnlca lt waabr .ii-. hl t the atten ' Bua, .

the Augsburg Machlne Worka, and ol '¦'¦¦Krupp of 1 ng engli-nnl these men ivere wllllna to ipend near*ly 5.*,i i. 11.1, levelop thla ratlonal h< alii otor of Di. practlral worklng machlne. The) plaeed Mr Dle-»iat the head of a well-a* le. ted forc* ...

glneera uave hlm a ae ti .> ol one of i>,ebopa I \ h to bulld, ¦.¦¦ andexpei meni thla m. tor. The flrel 12-horae-power motor waa graduall) brought to a

high itai.tri. lenc>. and th* experl*.j;.-,;. .: ln fl 20-horae-poweilor, a; ¦¦ haa Incc b< com* the Kaahaof O... falthl R th* mechanl...' eni,.' Europe. \\ Itli thli lor : llluatratc an*lprnve ea, Mr, Mi a. !. In A; ri; IM>"read a al t pnp* >r a eelecl Ir* le ofRuropean nn ra !t M inli h aithem 1 Aui iurg ;" aho* and tpat the motorIti th. Ir pre . ce. s ceaeful waa thia flrelpubllc esposltlon thal a large Bngliah flrm atonce ioughl the rlghta foi Greal Biitaln.

1. . a pr* ccaa for on-the heat enerjj of fucl Into worl

enribod of he eteam-.metii :-. Tl .¦ ;

' nd ameil of gasor oll. the .-¦ r ..; the drl| plng ol oll from l:ezbaui ; etroleum nglnca, donot exlat ln th* Dlesi

In exlatlng i- irlc railwa: pini ta 'ho ablllty?o aat e a lararo li atmeni in 'o; p< r for llghtltravell* I, long-dlatanc* aul rbaito run t uslna the maln englnewlll alro op< n a fl* Id f. r the >.¦-. I motor In deepinhi.'s. frequently al fi ... oalaupply, !n ] un] ai I '¦.> agean.i ln '.¦..:. » pla .¦ -' ¦' wherewater la ecarce, the Dleuel motor wlll be valu-able.European experta aay that the Dleael englne

wll] li the iree of tlme gra lually atipplanl?be eteam ntrlne. Ita bull lera wlll, of ro

mak. vaat ami unt of va

perien* .* ni . ntlflctlon r* pr. I li rm bj tho beatatean ei

r Jaj.Xhe orli r >le«i patenta,

Tlm! i Dl. the A rg M ichli Wnnd Fi le li Krujt] , dct*i Ing tl

beal cont-tructlve talent. the beat workman-¦hlp and tbe beal manufaeturlng facllltlea to

b aV "ti "1- rapld and complete development or

th1- new ni"t' r-?-




Electrlc lighl ani power companlea ar* dee*

tined .11 ih. futur* ln play ¦ moel nflu* ntlal:. tht cltlea ofthe wh le world In New-

y..rk f*lty th. i. Ii ne company al the pre* nl

time "ni. -'< eapltal r*8.000.ll00 ami bond laauea

,,f $tS.r-00.000, making an Inveatmem >.!' $14,500.-ihmi Thla concern has witneaaed greal proa-,., rlty. and In aomi of thi late y* ai bai earned¦> ,.. - ni over th* fl perceni or the Inveatment.

Bdlaon'a greal dlacovery was nol only .' boon

, .,,. ),,;,,.;;, race, bul ll opened up an Induatrywhlch haa developed Into one of the moet fnr-

reachlng and Importanl In Ihe Unlted Btatea.Th* r- hardly a Itj or town of any alae In the

I ii haa an electrlc Itghtlng plant.The ,|:m im "Jumboa" wlll noi aoon ba ror-

;,.I;. .. and the P arl et. atation, whleh waa

i( ln .-, .,.,.,:.-.. ,. i-j waa the beglnnlng,,, a .. -., epoch .ii the hlatorj of modern elec-

... ith --x ateam dy-,.,i, 0f 12Tj on power. In the flral

month eig it) llve bou were lllumlnated. hav-

|ni ,, hed wlth wlrea for more than

three thouaand lampa. "' -v ,;' " "as

,.: a.det.l ol tba flral lllumlnatlng com.

,, |, ,:,s aald -. the old r*ear -»t. ata-

wai n unlveralty from jhW>*»b nto all landa the gradui.I -*-*MM_?J

,..,, .., .... Theflr t ayatem fniployedIwMth." and ll covered four mllea,,. r. ¦! .- antl nlne illci ol maln**. The

.,,.,, :; aervcl eatended from\Vall to Sprut*. and Ferry ata.. and front

r-Ht. '" the Ka.l Ulvcr. II took a peiiod., ai,oU- ns- j ara lo den.onatrate that the

naa lomincr* lally a auc eae, and then J.,,, m,.,--... Inm inv Intereated ln the

Ll,mpany. The planta al Tn ¦. " »nd Thlr-iv-nlntl " ¦¦'',1 an underground,*vst, m wa« und* rtak* n Bla atatlona nou eup-

;:, um nl, ih< man. Btatlon belng ali.;,;,.,. -. pi mpany haa 8 re* ord of noi

¦ ih.rei *' - '" :! **»¦ B^¦,, tl_ .; ,|... -.xp-.ptlon -i" three houra

during the dlsaatrou* flre al the Pearl at ata;,,,.. v.i ;. h made ntceawiry the reconatructlon,.) .).,. i>u Irilnp, 'ui renl are i- <l . ihe poin-

,,;,:,-, ii,:.. niorc than two hundred mllea of aub-i., i quli ¦¦ in ihe operation about

and flftj mll* of ondu* tora for, ma a. The Kdlaon Company ab-

| ii, ... other poinpanlee, whlch had alto-g.-ther 27.KMM Inpandeecenl llghti and 20.000 are

Theae brlng the grand total far above anl:,; ||| andle-power lam] a,

... p-iiritrliiga bilna the aggregate Incomeio api>i iximately 8_.fBHl.tUki groaa

it haa taken aeventeen yeara to develop ibeayatem foi Itghtlng New I'ork by electrlcltyfro.ii ti. Battery far above One-hundred-and-

flfth-ala ned only at fur-

Inc-andeveenl llghtlng, motor aupply waa

hegtin ln lvv*'> and are llghtlng In IHhB. The.;,,,: matlon fi >n i Ich New -York r--

Itx eleetrl. Illumlnal lon haa a total en-pa< Ity of '_.*;.*-'.¦. hoi i power. New-York

... in ihe Introductlon of vertlcalihe marlne i . i- foi drh ing electrlcan. Ilrat nglne of thla kiml ..f

the preaenl alzes ever bulll ln the l'nlted Btatea,nati ii. ted lu re Tho central Btatlon ir-i.1 wlth large multlp ilar gcneratoi

re.tly p. upk-.l to the vertlcal r ¦. ipound enginea.rl ii y «as the fln clty In the L'nlted

Btatea to adopt tl t>*| ma. hln<The undergrouml lyatcm In uae In New Tork

tur the acpomm f ol. trl. onductora... || :.-..; M i '..iii ln fronl of

: n eaeh blook J In* tl al th* Btre* Irornera Into a rrlb or network, while the cur-

ipplied bj feedera runnlng from tha

nrea of aupply waa eecured. The thiayatem was .-arrici through all tbe uptnwnatreeta m.d ala,, lnto houeea Motera f< r aaeanur-Inc on the coneumer'a premtoen the rurrenl tupplled for hle us.* 4vcre invented by Edlaon. Pre-vlouely then- had heen n" commerclal methodavallable for the p'urpoee.Tbe ehange to electrlc motor power from the

table nn the etr#*el railway llnea of N' ... forkClty has been of apeclal elgnlflcance durlng thelaat year, \ thorough teat of all tnotoi ayetemahaving .n made, ll wae found thn' e'eetrlcltyylelded the moal aatlafactory aervlce, Thi ..'.-.tti.- llghtlns rompanlea hav, glreadi enteredlnto competltlon 44.111 the ga* rompanleageneral bualneaa, Ratea have been made low toH,-e what aupporl tne publlc would glve electrlillghtlng. The fleld la conatantl) wldenlng anddeveloplng, and the end is nol yet.

?1X81 I ITED WIBE M I V( I \< Tl Itl

The inaulated wlre Induetry in« i.een almoalparl and parcel of the electrtcal developmeni oltbe age it -,.,.!* Introduced Into Amerlca aboulthlrty years ago, the prlnclpal Inaulating materinia uaed belng Indla-rubber compi und up 111conductora for hlgh-claas work, auch aa telegraph, telephnne, electrlc Ught nnd :..!-

ihe trenemlaalon of power. lt ii Impoaa1., pi'.e an accurate Idea of th.* annualpn dui l the factorlea 01 the Inci eain th>- ar.ita: and labor employed I' laonly neceaaary to polni lo the tremendoue atrldeamade by Ihe general electrlc Induatry In lhe laaltwent) yegrn. Durlng th;* tlme the numbci oiplanta engaged in th< manufacture of Inaulal dwire has gr-,\4n ln numhers from two 10 abotlltwenty-flve Theae are moatly ln the Bia large portion of the bualneaa tranaacteddone in New-York, although the factorlea ailo, ati d at t ther polnta it |g nol know n thatibere are any planta of Importance beyond th«M1- ataalppl Itlvi r

The matertala us- .1 ln lhe proi ;-- of Inau.1vary wlth ihe purpoae for ivhlcli the wln is tol.- used Thla appllea to aerlal wlrea, cablea f«»rtelepl. and telegraph, electrlc Ught, p.and aignal companiea, underground 4-. iif-t. andaubmaiine cablea li is underatood thai themanufactun ..f aubmarlne cabli In the greatlengtha requlred bj the telegraph hav noi y**i.,..,.., perfected ln ihla country, and the auppl;mea from lhe workehopa of Europe, where ai,

experience of forty yeara enablea them to r-'-noul 8 aatlafactory article. lt is aaid. further-more, thai lhe Amertcana lack experience ln theua of guttu-percna compound, and alao faclli*tlea f.-r conatructlng cablea In quantltlea whl nwould anewer the purpoae. in vleu of thi* fanthat in all the big cltlea "f the IXnlted Btateathere la a lendencj t.qulre all overhe*ad wlreat<, be pla.,*.! under ground thi manufactun ofunderground Insulated wlre and cable hae been1 atly Btlmulated,


GA8 AXD ELECTRIC FIXTURBF.Th,- opportunlty whlch is afforded in thta clty

f,,r the aelectlon of gaa an,'. electrlc flxturea taIndtcated by the faci thal eomethlng like one

hundred flrma are engaged In eupplylng thi de-mand. While many of ihe concerne do ;i amallbuetneae 01 devote themaelvee to apeclal llnea,there are ,.th-ia u hlch aupply a >: ncrai :ine fromwhich everythlng hi ihe way of flxturea may beaelected, fn llne flxturea, dealgned eapeclallyfor handeome realdencee, h tela and lalneaahoueea, New-York eaally takes the lead. Per-nons 44 ho formerly found ll neceaaary to goabroad for thelr flxturea now fln-l it poaalbleto buy Jual aa artiatl. gooda ln thla Ity, andbuyera frcm all over the country t<> "ew-Vork for eatlmatea .>n the flxturea they requlre.Heveral of the loeal flrma make a apecialty of

reproduclng ihe cbandeliera and candeKbrawhlch are found in forelgn palacea, and ex-

tremely One reproductkmi of Uula XV. Lougwi. hoc. ann otber celebrated canoi "

them to offei many Indu. i.iloblalnabl. elaewhei '". '' "';' ..' ,r'.empl v- aboul four hundred men ln ta.»^ry-and an addltlonal f*

r ".££¦£_£dratigbtamen and dealgnera .'.- , .


... iv».i contracta amountlnn to >-- " »....', -

nttlnga f. -¦ ngle hou***-. nnd th bh

amounl of the bua r-i SSTaa at-Vn aasoclatlon of th* argei b-al* * ¦»¦¦_¦

temptcd Bome \ ara ago th. projecl wi

', ,d ar.d < ...,..... ¦,....,.,. nowo, at-

rndeperd*ntl>- The reaull I. ¦ IW omp*l-.,, 1; 0| loualy advantag. oua to Ih. ron u .¦-


ii. DIPOR1 KSV BPKKI* '-1;

INCIDRK1 W tl a rH '.'!' of mon

ii di: ua

-,-;...,. .. n itura f Oi ater Nen .©rk

hli 11 iu gn. .¦' -*" Mi ,,Jr"

,,,.,. than the av Ifl m< Ing elevatora ln all

high l.ulldlnra -i,.i ih -. ir* < '¦'¦'.">r

of elevatora uaed in the lea of tha

., ,i World il ai oi ... to omparav .-, the perfect are, m hlnei and ByatemauPh M are In mmon ua. In thla and - arj

Import ml ctv f th I nlon ln ila regard It

mu. i. ...,.,. ,i thal even the >unti u na

wh.e to mal lalt to the metr Ila

n aelvea taken up Ith an ¦¦¦¦¦-. ¦«

and acnsatlon of on* f th v* per-

(,. nd ular *

r ,. -:. ip r haa hi '."<¦' '**-

.... ., an ong th* m the .¦ .' *.

-upl. rh* ;" :¦':","M of

... ftrlclty I 'I*" .*!' u'*n''

haa ...i.i- tpld ttld* ln the laat

... and t i< maj >rlt- ol illden and.. .* k th Ind rf pow* r. Il haa reached

a poinl of p- rfe* tlon on i works Ilke a charm.

I_ ,, .. er part of tl Ihi ¦' f Manhattanthere an rea of'mai tructurea

Th* y are th. h .-¦ - i'1" '

end huil l-r's g< ni'i- an tlll N Itjworld wi i.ii ate tli New-Y* rl In thi p li

ular. B !... ana of th. .. the.,,. the toti rl. an m ide to lirlng .i

n th flooi itn ti blg etruct-doaen dlffereni\i :. --. -. .ii make ii"

twelfth floor, while

high* r !. i (ban thoaei- ni t ni. ommon to nndurea Ith ntor» Som. are

.top ... I-. ¦¦ the lenlthera are the accomm* lal u hlch

run up :. elghl or nlne al rl* -. AN'ew-iork coneern has had the contract for put-i,t.;. iii om. of th* largeat and nosi p tantplanta In eei vlce. In n» f Itfl ntra* i lll,ul t ten pa n '. tora for the li.uii llng In the orld . re io run uj.

.,"... ighi N m Ith an average rl -¦ of_0 ¦' et. Healdctt theae th* ¦. ratora.hi. h ran to the tower.for »al two ald* alh rid twodumbwaitei -. ine N Y* rk h u 11, thelarx ¦. an. mt>al coatl* evei pi |ecl hainlneteen elevatora li foui bulldlnga thla New-York houae ii.i- bupi than aeventy-plghl maehlnea, comprlalns seven different

| KlThe lateai atyle nf electi f itor is so

ictetl hai th* a Is pro\ Id* I \<. ithan autnmatlc puah bul ton I. th* doorbelng aul tnntlca , ex*< ;,: ... ',. i. a car I Mn« A pu ili-luitton

flo. r w lll, vhen th ire all Bed,automatlcally rall tl." car to a particular floor,hut when movlng to any other flooi the call laInoperatlve. Bhculd n door I.pen car can-

atarted. Ad lltlonal rol provldedwlthin the av. bul an operator ia nol neceaaaiThe Nen -York repi fleld of

induatry lead all comj ;tnd th. hualneashaa grown to Im




i.NM Mr.r.ABi.v ni .." r.XTi RfRiae OWIOXW) to

aiTl'I.V r"': BfAXY brtkt.wi r.EQL'ineo:¦. Tiii- sr.w f' ' ¦'¦

The ¦. idi < I whlch hae been created »j ?!*..

gen< ral uee r " ' .' '¦r* r**"

l-ro,igh» Inti exi.rer.ce inrumerahie pe- ent»r-

ea deatgned to luppl: thi manj artlclea re

qulred ln etaetrl. work and <. rauaed th* d*

reiopmenl oflnduetrlea atreadj extatlng t<- -

othei fleld ha* a greater amounl of apltal beeiInveeted. and ln no othr»i have fhe returna baeim<..* gratlfylng 01 eerte n The aide raage ofindiisri-.. into -¦ r tlu ventoipnd tlu englneer i-.a- Introdueed elef-ftrlcal ap-p lancea ,' 4* ould Im i l ra'*

\,.- oi |y doea ¦¦..*: feed Ihe mechaalam for the manufai p*ment* ,-f trade, |>ul ll hai entercd Into th*i,,.ii ehold, «s well D f irntahea Ughthui heai a« well, ar, rterei appllcatlonto cooklrg and houeeh. i-l -..-.'not to be far dtatani \, m ls on"of the poaalbllltleg lhe futur*.

Ti"' zenera! UM f H 6lU«a« a rnea*,- f li »ing dallY d*monstrated. and lla ap| etavatora ..

provlng popular,Th.e manufactui hlner*. :n

Xe«-.Tork ls a raet Indui ai maiftrme whlch make i,

an bualneThe ontta. t« foi lighlli

nk-ne repreeeni e ¦-)-' bui ill for tre>m*ndoue ectlvlty on tl peri eup-pjy rh" rnachiner k. In th*mol ir Une. t;-... .*..¦¦, -irnleanythtng from a .¦- .<:.'..

to ihat nf T'*> horee.pov ft «.dope in the llne of m< prlntlng piand th*r* la ln OperaIn hl. h permlta th- . ety-aigth' uaand **-pa«'c paiTork flrma do bueli -, ¦¦¦¦'. andha\ e agenia ln I. '. Pa Bl irgTokohama and man .->¦,-

1 afaff \l I in\ \ ', n '.'.'/<'. i \'f I

ln the prx dui f ir-n ' rd*nance, tne :

bii'ineaa m thla cltj i -r-

atrated durlng the , iernmeni ntra< ta ljectilea, powder ai R ¦¦ h sdand fulfllkd ln a mani -ir<*-

rially In can - Ing t i-ard t! --

ful termlnatlon * * tn i

Th« ordnam e indual aancii\-e one |n Iteelf, but !i hasbuay many other :.'.., , 11 .

upon to aupply :¦'

atrui tlon of the m< dei n n ii

where four hundnployed night are: ¦:., hun*dred range-flnder." foi Oovernm* ae hasne. eaeltated the cloxing of tachlne ahopa foi ' at anaggi egate eoat to the I >-¦*¦ "

aame fa, t< .--. oi . ilredth-* purchaae ' Itti "«"> poui d kcleeapowder from a locai ronrern engagedmanufacture, Tbla partlcular flrm has on handGovernment contracta for S2,5«Bi,W8i ¦¦ .-... tgui - and ammitnU n, and, aa l num-1. .,f otil.-l-J ¦'. ia, .: .,: ¦-.'¦-the Oovernment, aome Idea of the extent ' theInduatry may i.- gathered ¦¦¦¦

For tii.*dere now .,n hand for (iovernmentwork the flrm refei red to abovi 8toial of aomethlng like ten mllllon poundg '

powder, ai a coal of 8] ., pound The.-..ntra.-t wlll requic- ii--- thounand tena ot ate**to he use,' in proje, tili .- an guiAhout thlrty of thi prlnclpal flrms of . -

nnxntrv ar>- rcpreaented in New-Vork, and fur-ntah everythlng ln the ime of ahol and she;:powU-r. projectllee, dynai l and car-

tridgC of every des. rlptl. n.

ton growe, etopplng for e few houra at Iferat-goinery, at one llnv capita the Bouthern

lera md Mobil -, h >n D< ey . araedf Fari agut tlu art« of n are. New

Orleana i-t th-- next gr.-.n goal en louti lu ihts.: si, it; ln the lai cl 01 IB ai. 1

mol -.--.-. three daya affoi -. ...

opportunlty to ivttneea the I ia M II Oraat_arni\ al.Weatward from New-Orleana, acroaa thi ;-.

ure lanul of Texa , Sai tnlo, th routi .-,:- Kl Paa th< U

Indlan-Am. Ican cii> un f the llioUrunde, h'rom El t*a- to i. m .\:.u- .-

the moat Inten i-tlng sectlona of ..,

paat through. Arrong tho flral na\a'i-,i by uv- cealous mlaa -, a.n, nla .-.till .1 u lld and d, solate reg thold chapel rulna and tl i a andlowera antedatlng hlatory .. ei'en ;-.>

lhe oyoti a Ktlll hr. .-:.- Itei t thilii'iian atlll pltchea hia t»*nt. Prom th

:.. uhalra >,i lhe obaerva lon i-ai tnli a-:,J i.

giou, ¦-. Ith Ita cactl an lis alkaif,.md Its mlrage, appt-ara full ol lntt*r, i But,>,\- r i..,- au. t, t the great t ....

through the foothllla oi the flerraa, thi iiegi atlun and the balni) B tthernCalifornla coma liki a w I, -ti*e dream. N-i almer helghta, no 11< t.- r \ alli:-..i^ [tal: r Andalut l thai fhe- >

whlch bleaa thla land of aun m d .¦in-. wher«ae iveda the orang an.i th. Ag and gr,-,j-"

m merry together. From 1. .- .\

tripg 4-i!i h madi to Ban Dleg and ¦' ronndoReach, when people hathi thr ughout thi : ea-to rtlverald. K Handa to Paaad^na. \louniLowi and Manta EbirUaia k-:;is ln i!,:« rrown ofcreatloiAfter apending nin* ln i Eden

the party wlll proceed northward to that gi-apoi of thi earth Monten-y Locatlng <¦ .I-*grand ll":-1 P¦ Moni -P- nia:r:i.i the tn pl al gard i. .......,)Macoaat.Proceedlng thence to Ban Frencieco, 4:a Ban

Joa*>, Mi Hamilton and M< lio t'ark. four daj i4vlll b*> apem In th<vtaltlng, among other nolnu tereet, 'hefamoue Chlneee quarter >r 'Thlnatown," wher*>everythlng la a dupllcation of Cani oi HongKi ngOn Mar h 7 th. epe lal traln e taave Oai

!<i:*-l l'i. :. for N. 44 ^.'rI<. homeward bound haIng anent ninete?n daye ¦¦ th Paclfl CTo Bacram nto the i m .

men-o Valley am.d rllllani p i| plea ;,¦¦ naiia. iv rabblta Ar Bacramento the aaceni *'

anow-crowned Bierraa » ftna tne n iwera dtaaipear and the ravag the "Fmay etlll be aeen in thThen the train phinev.- lnto th- grealaheda which for for; miie'a »vrr the rallr a

track. On acroaa thi pla teau :' iCevada ail.'tah, where Indlans, aand ai d .-.iuall that la to be .*. -n. the train aweepa *

the northern end of Oreai **a Lake with Itaterraced hilla and bi i.-.-e* >*,!. ¦:¦>

and pauaea ai the M rn Cai ta »ftapectlng thla enterprielng clty of a t'' nsligioti.. gect, the route nueat. atlng gcologlcal c ctlon Preclpli uaand rumbling roek». dry an p ind ofman> hu< -. llm the i indre-la of iAa the caflon of the Orand R r la approathe ecenery gmwa mdV* impoatng nnt;i the 4v,-i':*..:' roek leav« harelj, room for the rl*>-er airallroad, At i;remlnd one of the Infernal regl wheiworm dteth n-- and the iir>- |« nol quenBeyond la eome of ih- grandcat acenery oaAmeri. in tntlni ni Tl ng rllffa and theold lava beda, th.- rual ng . n ta and ,«k4--piercing peaka and the Contlnental Dl' ,"

atantly ellcli the . >. ppinga momenl at Leadvllle, :iic famoue Colorademlnin^ camp, tii leacenl mtlnuea Into th«marvelloue caflon nf th. %rkai A rtd<through thta clefi In ihe mountali - le i ".nlqti«experience, The roar »f the ir. plungesdown th- grade between walleof adamantlm roek curvlng '!'^- a aerpent, leawful The cllmax reached u the Royalilorge, Here the roek rularly foihalf a mile above the rh r '.- rt T. the li fl athe mlghty flssure known aa th- "Royal .;.rge"h.merglng from ihla gn it cai i rllmnee ia

soon cauarhl of Plkc'a i'-..:- fai off to ie north¬ward. Thta fam. ua landm irk o tlnuea ln sightuntll th.- train h.ilfs at Colorado Bprlnge, overwhi.h ii .-t.i.,.lH like a rowled aentlnel Bevenmilea from Colorado Hprlngs is thi "Oardenth.* i;. da," m here N'ature I herai Ifln mans rurl >ua i.-. k fn ikaa geventy-flve-mlle run from Colorado Bpringa

brlnaja the van. to Denver th*> puehlng, hrlghtan.i cultured clty of tha plain. Bp llng on*day here the part) e/tll cnntlnue rei tlu rolllnaprali g of Colorado an.i Kehraaka and throughth,- r.< h farm landa lowa and Morthern ii"-t..,i«- i.. Chleago, where another da) *I11 heapanl and a carrlage drlvi . ik .¦

Leavlng Chleago i .--..! run wlll be madei Indlaaa and Onlo Plttaburg wherethi golng route wlll i»» retrac*ed to \. a 4'-iUThta tour to Californla 44 Sat v rk

and Phlladelphla on Februarj fl 1600 an-¦. a period of thlrty-flyi daye nlneteen nf

whlch >-4 ill be anenl In Callfoi Tourlata wlll., palatla apeclal Pullman traln, th*

.. n <;ai-- st»clal." ovei the entliit la the onlj tour t . Call ornla thal hae evei1.ri lald oul on thta plan, and offera an except-.-vnal opportunlty to acqualni one'a -elf ertlthe greal objecta of onr con cent an.i at the*am. tlme lo a'itneea tbe marvelloue edldeniof tha Peraonallj Conducted Tourtat System lao* moal perfect foraa,