New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-28 [p 8].iDt^LDDBTTS)-AKJEID.IPCDDRTT^ai^ TM09RAMMB of...

iDt^LDDBTTS) -AKJEID .IPCDDRTT^ai^ TM09RAMMB of 8P0RTB TO-DAY.' RACING. Rrooklyn Jockey Club. Graves- er.d, '_M."> p m _<mm/tm GOLF Women'a handioap. Apawamis, Oaklan.l and Falrfleld County go f «'«».. BHOOTINO. F.stlval. Zettler Rine Club, Atnhrusiefs I'nrk. .lers.v Clty. BABEBALfe Braoklyn agalnst Raltimore, Waahlngton Parb, Brooblyn. POOTBAIX Gettyshurg against T ni\er- sitv of Pcnneyivanla. Philadeiphla.. TROTT1NQ Trottlrtg WaatCbeatat Oeejnty Horae Show Aaaoclathm. THK RAC15TRACK. .fAHEB TiMr.T.r.P <^FF at rrooki.yn. IMi-F BATJ A BAP PTAHT ciNTT MORE aa lelon of Jamaa Oalway that he win aall hta hol II "on it Morrls Park In October has .] wlth roptooa applause by the multi- U,.f Mr Oalway'a loysl frlends Mr Oalway l turfman of the old aehael-txrnrtly, Bberal. , ,. klnd-hearted, induigent. unBuapkrloufl aad unproteatlng. The thror-gs that admlre hlm have be.'.-vi for veara thal he was out of place amon* 'the achemera nnd plottera who have been aaatch- ing and clutchlng al every d llar whlch can be .rabbed on tne turf in the But. Mr. Oalway eomea down from th" noblest and loftlest era of the Amerlean turf. the era of the early daya ol Jereme Part and Monmouth Park. the ajarteua era of D P Wlthere, of the eider Belmont, of a^anard W ,,,. of MHton Sanford and Wtlllam B Tra- v, ; -,, . w.-re the greal daya Of the Amerlean turf Sir.ce then tbe sport In the F.mplre State hns been often degraded and deflled by deceivers and Suder. It ls tlme Mr Mr. Oalway 10 from auchraclng a. he may hoM to ba a>gan.ra4ajrbaa hVretlree he wlll retlre with eoatpaaure and dbp S, a-.iI with thareaaaet and aataaaa af aB wba *rZ il'iLv sale wlll he held a, Morrls plrk neat month, and Imaarator arlll ba soid a ith S^reT Any one who paya more than M eente Jor InTperator Wlll make .p hta mlndI a that ) patd tt eents too BBUCh. and wlll have_ a Sae,Ji fndTvtdual Taaa Kippur of bta own. htt S^aonal nnd fee-slmple day of atonement. PA .trong wlnd waa blosrtng, but it waa ani agree- nfternoon at the Brooklyn traeb. Un- luck: v, Maher tumbled from the baefe of i eptatn Xgabee ln tbe Bret raee. Capt.ln Slgsbee was sup- LeVtad ln the bettlng. almost as well as the IZ\ r and" favorlte., Mcl.aughlln'. Hve.y Jiv u,dv Undsey. who waa rhMoa by Clawann. {one of Maaar-a baaed were brokan. and ha Sadlv burt. He may be rtdtag ngaln le-day. Bjt \9*a\V&bSV7!oW fi -ffl wTt^^PP &f¥* o nt w.. laaTtangled wlth horaes ln frOBt af hlm and ne goi * *&ggett has loat so many racea thla venr on fJim^baaa changja ajpjared «\tf*Sj&£ be'asealhmt tl ¦«: H a mwj ¦'.; th he feV':."--^ ^'£fepea*onflrm Snd P: ^"".Y^iv'cut "rtUt ShSapTaril. «n. and a ia s.wcessfi.i. witn iir. MCond. of imperatoi .".'\ .,,.,..a,,fff.ring of atewarda. ffihean^ted by thWatartef augbt to aall out ^ro-uly * co/e can rjanfortk waa tba Bfth i-sronii. » « . , w. wns entered to ne aoin V.r V. "Jamea Ad^ma aanuWTbiga. tba aaaand hor/Tfan r>an\orth up to fcett, He waa bid ln for t . wo Id .bPni?Var?id«e ioekev on many horaea ]:j-; ^n,9^^p---^-A^o: LXidere-Endymten of TrMnera, wlll pmbabts: put ''luVV'J nn imperntor agaln If he geta a ehance to aoUbefSre the Oalway cloalng-aajl sale ls held. F1RST RArE-For fa-yeaf oMa «hlrh hav. not won I, Me »aio aaaaai »t>eeiai weiahta. Fiv. rartoaaa ^M^^^^;e^.T1nVre',^aw^l ^ i-m A.'H.*i:.H tferrl. s K f. Pre.-lja^^ . i t t itay^Saat m.:::::::o?5Sr.B >"' 8 i r.^ne',U^?«VpTV.::.. <rorWey,0 16 I B j w-,»r .::.\-.\,IBo 20-1 s ! |3en Th a1»^ 107 jrcaur. !«.».. mtaal0 IB- 4-1 Tap-am BUrabee, 110... .^.. .(Maher) . 2-1 .-* :a214. Wer, rleverly bv two lengtha; a fealf lBBgrl be'ween aeeer.1 nn^ 'hlrrt. BJfdboNTJ BACB) fer maM*r '^ree-year-e'.da; 1000 add»l. *P«.r.'»l welah'a. c>n# ml>. .\v MaywaH P-'a fc e. Hla Maies'v. bv Btelllahneae H**^,, u^ ^ P R *. T. HHCBCaek'B eh a Frcntlrrs- aua. 112 .(O'l^arylJ a A Umite'a ^w e. Rrsaa. Iir. .Spenrer) R Bard) .' lli .iJ.*wm'a Krnm.n ra 112. «purna> 0 Ptasuil. 11J .(i ! a ¦tutier i\y .(Tareoe S!e"". ii2....fn.wwm)i ia i Tlm» 1.4.^ Won eaeUf Vv 'wrt laaataai s head between aerona am thl-vl THIHK ItACbV PaiaaBH han1l^«r. fer three-year-oldn. n.aee »d^»i. ei« furient» "V»\ !: teiniraa-a ch. r. Benfloran. by 9ir M.-'."'. nran, 124 n>.tfaaiestl a--i »-1 Baarnhn i Oe.'. S . fcevJeae. nr^, T., .2 8. Q H.Mie.V. rh f. Bt OBgat^flf Blaa srlnre-. 9f».irvc-nncOO » -1 8-4 Ke vTrl.m^ lt».<aim'°0, li ?" f ¦ i-hi ..BurnaiO 3- 1 1-1 K«.nllelle li*....,Sp.^er)0 » 1 V-| »r,,, ..v.v;.v::.v.:. .o.^: lt g Wer. ia a arree br . lenath; a aaad between aer-.nd aad thIM jeotTRTri BACB Bhe all ages; |ano »idea, apariai aeiehts Cne an1 ene-aiateer.-h mllea. j \v. Beh rraaoa'aea. c. Uleber Kar!. k] i--. I.iley Wo 4r.iff. 3 > re )14 ..Rurei.. 1 J p Snuth-a ch t. Prancaa Be-k'-. 2. j7 .(O Conaor) J |T peve;i ea. e. Hanlball. S, 114... fTaral) 3 Coprei Teaay, 2. «>" 'far. M)... (pawaoa) n Tlme I |H\ araa aaalb » ''n«,h *n,, * h,lf ,wo 1.n»th, r*t*"»i aaaaa I aad 'hird FIFTH RAI F. SelllTg: Iftoo «rt«efl. Bta f.irlonga. PJraauey . 'a * . traafeetb, bf nuke «**" " ¦^'^.^..iiaaifii M 2 ! aaaaaa Aaaaaa*a kev b. TOww. A HatTataatt a U I B 1 ,,. . fDuplll j B.l 1.1 Baatleaal. 3. lfH.(iromnor 0 1J -1 B- Mom«nlum. B, If* .rgp.neeri 0 5-1 2 K«m .-i ,". ".' ..TurneriO 15.-1 ,V 1 Kaaa l i«. inoggetno ia- » i pramW.Afia.T1^,::i5H'«'"-A .-' ft 5 Won e»«iH bv two lenath*; e «e«nt lene'h between eer ond and thlrd. B1XTH R.vCK Hurdle bandlmp BJBJ «dded. Two mllen, over hurd'.e*. Mr. fhatnbiefa ch. g. Moelem. br Sur»- fct -On.imi, 4 yra 189 m (Vetteh) 1 7.A 1-J V. U Oliv»r'a b. ( Oovern-vr Hudd, B. U| ..HoaanlJ 18 -* g .' F 6 n-ard'e b. a Wldower. S. lBO.PenntB !V 1 7 ¦" Ben Bder. .">. 153.tOwenet O 8-1 7 I gv R lerleh, 6. 133 icar. 184<.(Henryl 0 18.1 8 1 llermann the 3. 13f> .fBarrvl « 20 1 5 I Jt'tler 4 '32.(Anderemi a 12 1 B I Tlme a:nO^. Bfoa eleverty bjr two lenptha; ten lenatia between aec¬ ond and thlrd. ..a- ORAVKBKND KNTRIF.S. The entrles for to-day ere aa follnwa: Pllli!T RAf'K Pae malden two year olde: eolta to carry 11J pounda; niltea and aeldlnag, 112 peunda. Flv< furlongs. Seme .%! Name. Wl f)r Vauahsn .119 Al Reevea .I1J pur» .11!> Tvren .US ImitHtlen .tlBi Kxlt .112 jj»nar- .116 rnmpoaer .lli Aatit<>:» .11J OnlMl .ItJ V.- rark*r .UB l*d> Exlle .lli Cam.-p.iitan .113 Heemenlca .111 Aiiea N"l*e .112 Rork D»T« .115 KACK -For anarea of all agea. weighta te N U3 aaaaaa; pen*1'1**- °n* mtie. Bue.a .113'Martna; rkar.aUla .112 Lambent .111 ap<» Iteel .'....112| THinn BA« H«adteap: far twa-yaai Ma IM »TVl a hnlf furlengs. ,0; KSB?r.:::::::f|S!^»::E;g *3S£ -::;:;;;¦¦!.'; ¦.¦-.¦'¦¦. ' ;>.... .t t-cv ioa POITBTN BACB Haadteap, far all aaea °" ¦*. " eiahth rrll" ita .,- 1S2 Handball . ,j .V1- . .124 Sir WBlter . ,'/; . 115 8lr Oawaln Bai ala . ,B# ....... .).¦ rge Keene ... "* '.>»r fikth RACE Poe Ihre* yaar-oMa whk* ^ " "' Wr2 woV aTthM m^.n.; aelBa. Ma f-Maga ^ Ot*nojn. .|JJj t':;:,,-..K .. i* }«* ixrnrl . ,,, l" ? I'awajr . ,. . « Tf" ''"""' . o,, waateful ,2 EfflEST . ".. Rarai . , "^;...,,, r.."..- '-'. >;.*:,;.-,rr.;. ml'es. nvet ae\er tl f| W Vnnlervrer-er, h Marahal. * Voltlge. Bard^ To^^.:V'.b.'a:'Bno*doW, Wi . 1M ii I n ',:'' .,,',', itvPreano Boaa W I. Ollvefa b a Oovern » Budd, P nv m MrChSnbiar.b r m ¦ ".' 4,44 ji'me. W.ColV. t.r-n.--l-.!v"i.tV, bj Darebl" ^ Havtlenne. Bjrre .... -j MjM .,.;n:e. j j pwyera br. s BI id. &J mr u.. ita C* \" Wadawarth'a 'ah.' a'.' Iraniaa by "" h»M" |tD Ir»n«. 4 yia . -? THOROUQHBRED BIMOM MAOUB Klt-t-KD l^lngton. Ky.. Bepl K (Spectal) Whltotahla .table last nlaht. on tha fartn of hla ownera. Appte- gnte ann McMeekln, m Ihla county. Ilmon Magua. fh. v. ..!.. bnpo«ed thoroughbred atalllon, wa M- CYCLINO. PRKSIPENT POTTRR ON THE PROFBS- HJIONAL RIDBR8. HOW LEAOUE Of AMERICAM WHBEl MBM 0P- P1C1AU BBOABTJ THB BEW MOVEMEHT- BAD PLACE8 IN BARTEBM PABKW w isaar B. Pattor, the praaMenl nf the Uague ef Anerlean Wheelmea, had anany callera yeaterday. nnd moat of them had aoBBethlng lo aay aboul tba r.voit of the profeaalonal rldera al Trenton and their refuaal to rfda longer under the eontrol o the Latague of American vVheelmen Mr. Potter ai nrst aeemed dlalnrllned lo dlecuaa Ihe n ai all, bul when preaaed foi an oplnlon. ¦¦ replled .I really don'i ihink lhal whal haa been d< of any eotiaeajaariea arhatever I aaa amre thal do not look at Iba aaatter aertoualj i adml I have glaneed over Ihe llal of ri im pul and aa fnr aa i know non< of Ihe men are mem- i. of the Lengue excepl one. and he .- noi In (ood atandlng. ln auapendtaR Ihi ro< "PI «« lhat Chairman Motl of thi Raelna Board did al it he ronaldered hla duty In thi matter aee lhal the nrst thlng lhal ihej did waa to eome oul Bunday racing. That tbowa prett! ronrlualvelj the way lha wlnd la blowlng. Now, don'l a»b m< any further about the matter, for I »m nol tareateu oeraonally, and I Ihlnk t1 il II > '" .. dtgi II) ol an of lh< I. n ¦¦ ol »mei to d.acuaa Ihe matter serlously. a areat deal more Intereat. ...¦..¦¦ St aood-roa l nlank ihey ar< goli g to the Baratoaa Conventloi There an neni I^ague of American Wheelmen> membera ln "he deieaatlon at Baratoga, and it wlll b li Ing ia aee whal ihey wlll do Tbe OUtlaWed rlders l'ft Treii|..n yeatei Phlladalphla, whera they hopa that attaln wlll be bo arranged tha! thay wlll be abla lo Hde to-aaor- row. Thev are btlll Brm however. in aaylna thev wlll not rlde If the Baaet Is OOndUCted un.ier Laagua of American Wheelmea aasplcaa. Thi membera of the new eycle rarlng aawiclailoi that they are rerelvlng congratulatory lelei from all over tha country applaudlng II ln Ihroarlna dowa th" Raunllei Ip ihi League of American Whealaaen. An effe? waa recelved from st Laouta pramtalng them a guan.s lo rld< tt,Pr,,i baaMaa Mr puraea Tha Ueaa ¦. of American Wheelmen offlelala look upon tha movemenl ai i ,orl of rejuvenatlon of Ihe old L'aah Pi >. whleh rame to llfe ln IW3 an xi lr< .'.. a rather unaa'lafaetory aeaauti. Tha nn\ ei outlaw rldera aai lhat tertaln membera ol Ihe >n tlonal TroitinK Aaaoclatlon atand r< id) to Bld ine rl'lers and thnt thev wlll offer auod puraea for cycle racea on m.inv of ihe trolllnn n k, aeaaon That myater.oua eornl tlon has eome to Hfa every yeal for several sont- bul it ls generally spruna durlna Ibe cold apail when iive ey. iiiik toplfHi :.f Bearce Preal- dentinl honors reel heavlly upoi th< brow of "Eddle" Bald, He falled to »el a plu-e In tha Bve- miie rhampionship ai Trentorj yeaterday. Cyellata in Brooklyn nre oomplalnlng aboul the pnor eondltlon of Eaatern Parkway, partleularlj In the netahborhod of Noetrand. Balph and I'tlca aves, There are holen and igb pla ¦¦ ln plenty, and at the rnllro:i(i croaalngi repaira are badly needed, Tha promlaed Impi >vementa ai Ihe tuii- road croaatnga on Ihe cycle path, n< n foney lal¬ and have not appeared Men were Bi worb .>n one of the croaalnKB, and aaltl lhal thej were to re- nalr them all Th-\ were atopped by Ihe | be i iaa Ihey did not have a permlt. The rlalm ls mnde that Httle Bttentlotl ls pald to the ordinanre requlrlni |hta Bl nlgh. In lha uppi f part of the eity a protnlnent wheelman la lha authorlty for tiie atatemeni lhal ahove One-hun- dr< d-and tenth st noi ona ln flve vehlc.ei ean ei VlKht at nlicht. ? RACINfJ AT THE IMTERBTATK FAllt. Tienten. N .! Bepl II M the Interatata Falr Qrounda to-day the Hve-mlle profeaalonal raee, whi"h i.egan yeaterday, wss aron by Anhur Qard- Iner; Malor" Taylor, aacondi f A McFartand, thlrd: H. H Kreeman. fourth: \V K V.f k«-r. flftb Tlrne 11 1^ I-.'. thlrd-mlle Net senond, J. f H'i \l\' I.AVIONK AND ERMfl TO MEF.T AT roNF.V IBLAMD T-i SIOHT .¦Kl<1'. Lavtgna, of Baglnaw, Mleb and Fmnk Kme, of Huffnto, wlll ihmi to-nlahi before the Orenter New-Vork Athlftl" Club ln a Iwenty-flva round eonteat for the IlKhtweiaht ehamplorishlp. jnmen j. Cofhall wlll be one .,f Lavlgna'B Boconda, arhUe "Kid" MeCoy wlll bwfe aflei Erne ln addl tlon there wlll be a twaltre round eontest between "Marty*' MeCue, of this eity. and "Bllly" Needham, of It. PaaJ, Minn Thn tn»n wlll box al 12>; pounda. I>nvl(ine anl 1'rne wer.- to have niet before the Hnwthorne Alhle-le Cliil., of Huffalo, bul Ihe |io- llep authoritlea refnseri to allow ihe eonteat. rOOTBALL 0AME8 TO-DAY. Two of the large eollagaa, namaly ihe Oalvaratti of Pannaylvanla -ind <'orneii, wtn pi«y praetu., aamea of football nn the|r resppetive eamimsei this afternoon. The Bennaylvanla te;tm haa showr Wonderfully good fnrm f..r simh nn early perlo, of the season. and the fornell players. whn h.ivi been nt work fllllnir up lha gapa In their llne an<! develaptag strong defenatva play, euaht niso t< have llttle dlfTI'iilty ln hnndllna; the HamlltOf (olle^e eleven. YaU-. Ilnrvard and PrlncetOT huve no aamea BChadulad for to-day The fnllowln* are the eontesta thnt nre BChednledl Baailbaitaa va Alumnl lenin. nt Swnrthmnre. i^hiah va Bataera, nt ne-hi-hem 1'ennaylvanU va <1ett\al.ur(t, at PMIndetphla. (¦¦ornall vs llnmll! r. nt Itha.-n FIOF.nxs race TWO BVKDBBD Mll.l.s. Moatelatr, 8ept. 27 (Bpaeian.--.Tha Oranga Dhttrle of the Natlonal Federatlnn of American Homlni Plgeion Fanelers heid its thlrd rn'f of the yotmg hird serlea. from WaahltiRton lo Mantclalr yaatar day. The dtstnnee was iwo hundreil tnlle.a. Th. blrds were liherated by H. M Dlcklnaon, wh< telegraphed: "Illrds liherat.-.l lei;, itandard; Wtat southenst; wenth.-r fair " The hlr.U m .. «"" apeed for the day. onmlng through a rairstorm. Th< race reaulted aa follows: A\ rrace e| . |.« 0»n»r. Dtataaea. r.:nute R L Jaeoboa. ic,*., », 1 laaa Willtnm Holda . Igf.OI l,OB>.« w Pukea . . IMJ.M 1".VJn Jimea Wllda . Hall 0«2 B The average dlplomaa for MB, IH ni.d 200 rnlh were won by Raymond L. Jacobui, of Montclalr asead. 1.0B0.88. BA8EBALL. KPJW-TORK BBATEN BT THK QUAKBRB. ,,.. vr. mkn arartrr »o blbw arram tmr firbt nnrtNO, ANi> THF. pmi^DtTUTnAhra pip as TMF.v PLBABKD. LEAOUE QAMEfl rEBTEBDAT. BoT&i 11; Waahhurtoa, j-^, fc&»Tfr 4 THK BSOOBDB. .. L t.- ., t .. I- Inl« Won Lo*t F P BeSon".*«'.« ^n,i'Vr,,. ...*. M 5U1 a r. M 4- M4 ttabtira g .- a Clnelnnatl M '..'. ','.'; ''"*y"' . 2 m 8*1 ad .... TJ » BM Breekiyn *.. ,:, s hlrago .T7 IB ¦¦¦¦.. Waahlaaton » ¦'- ¦- v-... v,.rk .72 .v» jaa|Bi bmriaBB ""' -'" After tbe tame to day there wlll be no mor- eon- teala m thla dlBtrhrt rhts weeb. and. ludaing by the attendance al tbe aamee, nobod) wlll be dleap- polnted overmueh. The game at tb Pal Qrounda yeaterday waa betwaen Ihe Bew rort and Phlla- leama, Bnd Ihe rleltara won rather aaaiiy. New v.,rk ahowed a dlapoaltlon to ptay ball mr an Innlng. and then want to aleap After thi. eae- o.d mnlna the Quaher Clty men Played ball »H nround ,he jocal wreeentatlvea andHtaall^; £ aa they pleaaed M'*,uu', V. ",,.k arenl tn hls re- Xi core v.u. ..nnK rnif.*r>Ri.rntA. nt, r 11- r1 B e nn r ... i' » - , . r 1 " B 1 ^^.^:iBt^Saa^-»/Ji||j5 "«e i# I i n l o 2 l»et»hanty, if ¦. - ¦ ' 1 , Bevm r rf.lf 4 1 " - ' ... i 2 1 B 5 I ,:;;; Ev.:! i 1 1 i J v.V... ;; > « . ;; ¦' i 1 ? f a KWeTo 7 o . . .. " ?;;;{0jjj S Kteby3 4 1 1 b 1 0 ¦: ., . is 7 r. Touta ... «" '*i: « * .peiahanty htt i.y batted N I. ,. oaaaaiaoa.1 Ne« > .'!< .. . 1 1 1 o e 0 1 n i.i maa Wea 1 i | ' v .'- "¦-' ";", ."^-V1.; ..,,...., timn rirei beae n ba la i ¦'"'¦¦ '.s'"','"..;; li) Meekln, 1. bi carrlck, 2; by l> ra M Farland, 2 WTd pll h Meekln. ly-ft on Nea V .:. 10 Pl I Tlme 2 M t inaarea ,||) ...¦ Hont, tlie bai ¦. ¦"" a BALTIMOBE, 11; aVABHIBQTOS, 2. Baltlraare, Bept. fl By wlnnlng to-day a <«me tba Oflolei tled wlth the Benatora on ihe .,,.. pitrber Wnean waa aild and waa hli bnrd ¦l tlmee, whlle hla aupport waa not of the_ beat In ihe abaence of a regular aaalalai < atcher Rohinaon of Balttmore, alded ITrapIre Bnyoar ai« tendance, IM Bcore: ii n I Baltimere . . . . f . j I 1 B-11 M J . l <> 0 .. I. l Hattei - llagbea ar.l Clarka Dlaeea aad a BOSTON, I: BBOOKLTM, 1 Boaton, Bept, fl. Tha home leam won to hy bunehlng hlta m tbe flral Im tw,. oa reai onell two runa Ttie Broohlyna acored theli ¦. nn an error nf li ..,... aarlt ihe I ora a iui even iti "'¦ H Il R 1 Reatnn . 2 0 eo i o oo ¦ , n .... 1 . i a o I ,..,.. .... .. ,.. r. -r-- k. -. - '¦>. ii ''¦-, a CHICAOO, PITTBB1 RQ, * ,-. ro. Bepl Roaebi »T»1 n .> ¦' neaa and two hlta tl. r.,,i-' irg'a nt them on to i g ln a r in ln ,i,.. ... ifi. r two n ita mnoi ri i v .'a long hli Into 1! lt IV fhleea .. . J " " " J ¦ * i '. 1 ..... ,. w .. and K\ ' n . and Bebnver ? LOtMBVILLE. Bl ;."'-ih < pti ;...>:«, Bepl ti The Hr..w::« even eutdld Ihemaetvea lo-day, Ijoulavllle wlnnlng wllh erej* ;.-... gi and Tu ker were reaponatble f,.r the one Blded ¦ ora Itti The 1 " i, ii r la . i oo i e i « a i io ;.i i . i .. i »a Batterlea Tayloe ». i Boadea Maaee ... k""if» riN'-lNNWT!. '. ri.EVEI.AND I Clnclnnatl, ;-'. ' '-' marh for tha Reda lo daj Damman, ¦"¦ the othei hand, »..« ". thro igl Attei ii ¦. I.Bn The ii ii t I 0 1 1 8 0 S 1 8 -J M I ., | a o i .. <> n 8 -. io 4 Damman "**' EKQLI8B CBICEETER8 17 BALTIMOBE. WILL f't.AY A MATCR 0B THK CATObT8VILLe onoi '. c: to na» Baltlmore, Bept fl (Bpeelal) P V BTarner an<l )¦, teaam of Rnatlleh erteli»t»r« Birlver] here la] and '.. morrow thej « II bagln a gama agalnat tha All Baltlmore Cluh on the grnunda "f the ratona viiie Country flub, nt ratnnavllle Qreat ttona have been mnde f..r ihe mntr-b and It la ea- pe.-.od lhal tbe homa leam v>ni i"- able io n in hla ahowlng ;i»m':'-- Ihe ".. k !'. gll Tb. leam bns been aelected prlalng J. B. Parey, w B Bl. ad A. Mclane and la f..n<.wa- j Qlenn, .ir aptaln) it B Cnlea, t k Mai llnekrodt, K w Malllncbrodt, P Pattereon i B H'.'l^<«. H Rrttne, W Halgh i Leverlng, C Roh m^..n C Mlller, .v Peni man ''. C'htpman aml Oldham ^____^____»_^__- TAPNT iMOBJTA BABE8 I RBCOBti, Kewport, Bepl -" (Bpe ball W QouM Hr-.k..<v¦¦< achoonar rachl Amorlta lo-daj mada a r.-...r.| rai from New Maven to Bewpnn Tbe dletance li fOMy tWO IMUtlcal mtlee, ,ind th<- 'Ime W8H thre, houra and ten mlnute* Tbe Amorlta earrled i einnie reef mninsiii:. ringle reel '¦... HI, foraatayaal and |lb. <>n Point Jndlth the aklpper *.i« oblla* tn lower the foreaa'l Many coaaiere e-"re undei bnre poles. At Hmei 'be amorlta developed .< ,..¦ of fourteen and a half knoi- QENERAL 8PORTING SOTEB, Ttie Morria Ifelghti Flald Huh aill operi Ihe eei aon arlth " croaa countrj run on nexi Bunday Tb .. ir. wlll be from ihe Jerome Hotel, One hundred and-seventi aeventh al ><n'i Jerome ave Amateur are Invlted to tabe part lMn« wiu be held <.! Bunday ifternoona throughout the aeaaon Tbe t'nk'iown ROd an.i <»nn ri'ib w!ll hold llvo.hlM ahoot to day Bl !>exter I'ark, T.'.tik laland The Slnaae i',nn I'lub'a llve-blrd sweepsiakes shoo wlh ba held to-day al the oi.,i, grounda, Blngai N. J. V. lf. /. QYMNABTIC EXBIBITION. Tbe annual gymnaatlc exhii.ition by Kvmr..«iiir lender* nnd membcra of tbe Tming Mefl'fl Inslltllt wna held laat nlabf In the InatltUte hnll, nt 22 Bowerj The ronaleted ol exhlbltlon on ihe inr v.inii. horae nt-d parallel bara Thei were fenclng, f"!l fenelng and u-.lebt iifting *rii large r..w.i wbi.-h »¦«« preaenl heartlly applaude the performnncea THF. REV. DR. OLIFFORD BONORRD. I'nder the auspbea of the Bapttal Mltilsterr Ponference of fjrenter New Ymk receptlon wa glven at naon yeaterdaj In Calvary Baptlal Churcl In Weal Plfty aeventh at foi the Rev Di Johi nifford, prefid.-nt ..f the Natlonal Councll of Pre Rvangeiical Churchea in England aml P/alaa an paator of tbe IVeatbourne iv.rk Baptlal ''bnr.-h, London, Dr. <'iiff..rd eanne to thla country nearl; four week« na... bna'nlti... flll.-d tbe pulplt ln Boaton church, Tbe receptlon was w.n attandM The Bav, Dr, B. K. Creaaey, preaMenl <<f the Bag ti-t MlnlataiW Conference af Haa v.irk. peealded and the whm formallj Introduced by Ihe itev Dr. Mors.v Tba addreaa r,f weleome araa dellvera i.v iha K.v iir R B MarArthur. I>r I'llfford, nfier thanklni thoae |ire«cnt for th weleome he bnd recelved, ln apeaklng ..f Ihe Analc Amerlean alllance aald thal there w;.s no hlgher .. bri/hter omen f«.r th»- dawn of the twentleth <'..n tury thnn the uprlMng of the <b-vlre >r botb COUB trlea to mael ln friendiy alllance, Prom end t the iher of iiN country there waa iwibiiik, ao pr* domlnanl ee Ihe le^ire for COnaOlldatlon, nn fnr n poaalble, botwaea ihe tw.. eountrtea, Reaolutlona to the efferl that. Ir.n/m'ich aa Oo hnd rnnde aueh an nllUn.'e aa that aooken of In th c«.nerien.-e« of rr.«-n. dlplamatle relattona !». en pl'..,-.-.) ti, effeet ,1 unlon between thla .ountiv ,,n Fnelfltid, arere carrlad tinHiiImoualy. Dr. Cllffor a&lla for home to-duy. BROOKLYN. The Marwyn Glove. The Result of Our Desire to Have the Best in the World. On Oct. ist we will place on sale this new glove. ln it will be found the nertection of friove making. A glove which will interest you because of its appenrance and tit; which will . serve you well because ol its quality and excellence II is made especially for us by Messrs. Tre^ ££& Co, Chaumont, France, who are recognized every- vhere as the most experi Glove Manufacturers m the worid Nothinc better ean be made than the Marwyn. lt contams cverv esSl feature of a perfect glove. shapeliness, fit, material and wearing qualities._ Pa ^Itman A .o. In their Dressmaking and Ladics' Tailoring Dcpartment on Third Floor, are now fully prcparcd to reccivc orders for Gowns for Autumn and Early Winter wear, and are showing an unusual collection of Scasonable Fabrics and the most advanced fashions. Eightcenth Street, Nineteenth Street and Sixth Avenue. Dicncira O'NeiLTs Sixth Ave., 20th io 21st St. BICYCLES i iNTINUBD SALE OI; O'NEILL BICYCLES AI $19.98. \|> gOlla rr nll purelinara ri eep 11 n(t 1.1- r,,lr, nn,l ...»!"« mn.l.lne. fre.. K. nn» ri.ll- 1*4*4 alnllon wllliln l<»> inlUa «f >'" . orl.. H. O'NEILL &. CO. // 1/.' \ / /,' l< f.Vfl. |...r.:i.\s gTAKM irNFlXlgHFiri AT LOlTIaV vtt.i.r. KI.ATAW x » wivnkr iupi tl The Daugtaa Ihe - ant of Ihe da .* »»« graaleat ¦¦''.'¦ """IB" ''.. '' -, ihe laal iwo haata ln a ..... morrow Tbe i....,s.. rnn mni 1 bah ¦.'.¦ ngwrt btakkj ». hy BI Mngl . I } v . . -' I1H ..... > Huri TROTTixn i:i«n.a*R HiiaBRi-ang rwrtxiaHnn " " :? *t ii a 11 11 I I .s * i :. « l M I' r BI I I. I. v g:ien h a <u \ | » I n io || .; ; io « nll io II 11 10 I I !'¦¦'' ¦."" a B . 1. g ll."rvi . ? .,;, V 4 l. II 10dl Mli: Ha ' - ;:,:,«< |:Yl i-iii, l:IR%4 DOI OUAB RTAKKR TR«»1 riNH I M ClaAl '" *.¦ ».-, nai nfli laha li i a N. .aa t a .; "' 1 [ .,,,. i. ,m !. a. ii, 'ii iaa*ai . I J ' J M ... i- ¦¦.!.¦ .n ni iKanndarai I" I - ¦.. ivan lloeklii B B W 1 .1 H !. a I ,',"¦ " . ? ? ! ! M . .i' ^ t . ln. il- h m iK*atine' . * * 5 dJ Sir riiMlM. b. h iAla»i . J ! 1 I , ,, ,n, i, ,., I * B I Tim* .- in .-¦ na. i naia. ? m% TROTTIWq AT THE INTKRSTATF FATR Trenton N r >. tl (Speelat) Thi» waa ,-hii gren'a Daj al ih* Interetate Falr and lha ¦.i ,!. »n« ftbOUt twn'v tlir.iis.inr1 The voiiriRsters everran lha grounda and enjoyed tha <1ay im- Tha horeeraetag waa Intereetlng Tha aam mai ea Tiiri r -i KAH "i.i.s Pirggg Igga W Arlin b in Raamai s ii. ii. - ..; .,,i~ ni l'rln e Otlo, h a iiairka. b r* (Turnerl . Oia a Ivilo- I' I . !"l Hir, i«.mitru. Tim* 1 23li, I MH, 2 ?i\\ 1 1 1 « '.. I 2 A 4 .1 * .1 4 « f> .«. I\ H PAClHfl 1:17 ClaABR PfltSK latt jaaaia b m iDoaahoel. 8 111 l.ntia Joe, a a (Rhrerel . 14 4 2 Bfai v k m iBun .ui.i . 2 2 iv I! a rr. Illuri iui.1 . i *naa, <"h ni .-mr hl 4 Haliln fl Atiiia I iin.l "'harlaa w»ra llafanrad Tim- 1:114 I i!»S. 2 :»'4. 2 BlH i'BKll'IINfl 1 I" Pl^agg ftajftgl $.,<10 Tar««i II.. rtl, in iTlierr) . 1 1 M»ur»an. h m iTnmarl . 2 fl Harlnr. I. B lApp.ebrl . 4 2 Mnl.l Tli rn bf in lOlhaAnl . I 3 Bam Bla«l b k i*«- . -1 1 ii.-mh I.. ni iBimmnnai . 7 4 \j%>\\ Str(lrai(,,r. b, rn .llaamari. fl 7 lianlna. h ni. itlvnni. I U Mamle n r>. m ,.|i»er.. . (I *. Tlma L' S91», '.* 2\\. 2 21*4. RARNVjajg HORgRg AT HAl.TlMORF. Rnltlmere. gapt, 17 The fall trmtine; me«>ttn« at Proapael r«rk la day Inltlatad a new irn'-k in th* vlelnlty ef Baltlmore, The trnek wns In flrst elnss s h;i j><- .in.1 lha raelng far the ,-iver^ne. Th<> reaulta: M»»i»a b ( Nomtnaa w.>n in i> a :N"mln*a w.,n in ¦2<\ 2 m W'.lmn Bo} Pai ttiar i2 .I:1 laaai ainiiKin haata Tlma .1. H..^«l» M, tlili.1 Trottlna nn.i paeina (2 10 laaai .1 ii Hrid'a a a o M f w-.n In airiain haata Tlma .. in j |SH, 1.1814 .1 m i> aaannJ. Mlanon ihir.i. T> iiilna (I »" rtaaal H-mli»lniar llr thara' b. r TIr T'ih araa In nr«l,hi h»nia Tlma 22fl. 2 2fl ?«' 1/rl Harfor aacopd, Jima Ulr.l thlr.l. 2.11, TIIM PACBRi AT novFR. Dovar, N n iapl 17. Th- npenina; iay of the fall hnrn.^s nieellim nl «Jr.-iult?» Ht«t»« I'urk wa« fatrly well attehdad. In tlie 2:11 pne^ Jn,k Hnwou uneovared tha arlnner In RVIavonle, bul lt requtred sia henta to aatlla tha eontaat, ona nt arhleh waa ,, rleiid hent wlth Malenn Tuiplex. The 2:17 paee wn<> a wnrmlv eooteeted aveal. Tha. reaulta: 1'arlriB i2:ll claaa. poraa fVal.- Prlavonlc. rr g iI'aw- anv win; llrl^ni I>upl»i m (Iiannr»«ll. aacnnd. Rajt ilma 2 ili, Parlng 12:17 claai. puraa BflOOi Marrllt Wllkaa, b. a (Ha\ar. «.,n S: var Mukri. ir t iDernaratli rtcond UuU lllrl. ro m. iBIthar). thlrd. liaat llma U.I3W. R0RBER8 l.oor WDIAJiA BANK. i:rn.l>lN<; DBMOLI8HBTJ with DYNAM1TE-' CA8HIER BERIOUBLT WOUHDBD rtnelnnatl, iept. 2:. A dlapatch to fh0 "Thnea- W':ir" from rranhfort, Ind., Baya; The 1...1.1. il and one of '". moal auceeeeful bank robbertea lhal aver .. ,.rr..i ln ihla Boetloa of tha itate wne perpe- .it Klora, 0 amall towa lau mllaa nr.rh of Hy ,u .: o'clock Ihla narnlng The banh i*, wlth tVllltam Lnnnuni acting as .-.isiiier. A. iho baur naraad ha waa awakened nolaa of a turi ra km, whl -h ri the windoa In hla r- 1.1. n ¦.. Rfty j irda frora th.. lianl.. < »n ifoinB lo the imnk he found th.- en- ulldlna .:. mollahi \* ha atarted Inalde ha !,,.,! upon hj aome unknown party with a ahotaun, Iho ch irga inkinir effc. I ln his face and blowlng ..'it on* pye The n"i-.- <»f lh< p«plo il ¦) ibi the toa n ind a large eroa rolb-rted II waa aoon learned lhal ... |f 11,. blown t" plei ea wlth dyna* niiip ple< ra of II havlng I.n t irrli .1 ... . betweei |H - ind «. ,'.,.1 |pr ¦¦. irn r Iv wlll dle. The rn made iheli pbi i|n upon handear, whlch they l"ft nt gednlla Bvi m.lea nertli ef h-re The « . country \-> aroused, nnd . rej wlll hardly ..- ir*" riora, Bapl. V A dlapatch racelved here lata thla afternoon from famden Btatea that two nf a warmora'Bank tobbei ive been captured wlth the largar par. ol l at< rn mr j. Xcro j.'nbiuiiticm fPHE MACMUaLAN COMFANY'i nkw BOOKB, TBE LOYE8 OF TBE l \OV ARABELL L By MOT.T.Y BLLIOT BBAWBLL, Atithnr nf "The Sprlsrhflv Romanen Bf Marsae." .The Hlatory of lha i.adv Batty italr.H ate with llluatratlona bj OBOROB OIBBS. CHO\\ N BVO PUOTH, II M Fllll of Splemli'l rhllires.pieness. If Is a Mirrlng rOflRMfa with rarhl Rb- aorblng movamanl The period ia that ,,f the Intter part of the pijthfpenth c«n- tury a linie near MiOUgh 10 be in tOUCtl with the modern world, but full of a .spien.iM pleturaaquanaaa. TBE 8BAPE OF FBAB iv/* OTBER OftOBT 8T0RIE8. By laltfl ELLA F PBATTIE, Auihor of "A afountaln Woman," "Wlth s.-rip m.i itaff." "Plpplna nnd Cheeaa," etc. '^i/^tii. laato, t^ i-kvts A Dtflflactly Saw Thing is thla DOOll of rpmarknhlp "Bpook" (ifnripa. In whleh ther* la a Clirloualy and akllfiilly wplr.l ir'nim.-nt of everyday materla! FOVR-FOOTED AMER1CAX8 1\7) TBEIR KIX. P> IfABBL OBOOOD WRIOHT 1 Fditp.i bj nr>Tii fhan'K M CHAPMAN. raowy, «vo fieventy iwa otiginal lltuatra' ritl< i" II M NKT lions hy BRNBBT BBTOH THOMPiON An infrrratlng. odd itorj underltea lha relgllon In aoma thirtv rhapters "f »ha Hfa hlsforles of nortif eeventy-ftv or more of American mnm tnnls, nof nnlv tha four-fOOted. hut thi arlnghanded ba. kin nml the footleui whnip of American watara The artnt« n:imn guarantaea The porfivtlnn Of pleturoa. Unlform with and a Cootfaanlofl Voinma to OITIZBN BIRD. IIV IfABBL OfaQOOD WRIOHT and BLLfOTT COUEi rr/vrif. Over one hundred r«rt. ivo llluatratlona by li *) Nr.T T.ons AOASSIZ PUBRTBS. A wall known CtitrC wrlies* "We nre ertaln lhat no hotfpr honl than thla haa BVar l>»en urltipn upoi ornltholoay for iIip yniinn render." THK MACMII.I.AN COMPANT, fWI PlfTH AVK Ni:\\ VHHK ^iitnmn fifoona. >ClDL1DQCS0o«3(L9{JC OOUDD HT I njItllBR RBRNABDavtLat, lat. 85 mllaa from Nf* Yi.rk ,in P., R. R. vla Ilarclay or Chrlatophar al. farrv. Altltuila 80 faat OKO. W. TUTTLR Manajsr. AND KK1I1T COTTAOKH Ul'IIN Altl >*H'!M.B. M. J Clnaaa Nev. Ial J5 mllaa from Naw Yi.rk ,in !">., I.. a W aJKI'TBMRKR RATBf AT MAPl.FWOOD KOTBa K5 SVhlla Mta N II. AINBUB a tVCBBTBB. Mfri CoinitiQ Uoard. \FH\V PSBRONR nn ba a.rommo.latan wlth j-oo Board; mila nn,| ii.if fr ni ,!»[.. i. horae nml .nrriria* Kor paril, il.ira addraaa Mra I.. II KYKEB ll.x "4 | aua ».I. N. .1 JJIN'II.IO UkXTLKMAN or party wlahlng plaaaant »uhp Iv? room, a:. aMant tatil*. lor mii ..n.l wintar. AiHrta noi r,2. Crariard, N. j. \VTA'NT':" A b< kr.lrr; only iwi In famlly, ahert rlla Tf tanca from N«a fork. IVNRHINC, llox 30. Trlbun Offlca. QUnnscmcniB. AMBRICAB. JthPaVe0 A TS.S BCAOBNT OP MIJBIC, i«ta g*. AJrvtagPi Ai aumaaa »r f n(t N v HERALO ""- ^.e.gPOBTI»a Lll-K."- Bala. To-day aad Bat. t_ B»e.. 8:18. niJAintt'AV TBBATRB. <or. 4l« ^ BROAIavl t\ a BVeca 8:18 Mat sit FKANCIS WILSON and Company. THK I.ITTI.K TORPOHAL. BUOl'. ||Ev.. S:13. Maia To 'tav A .-at. Yif ui-qh HIJOI' -.? AI-'' .K TIMK I IOI . SAM IIKII > \It II. I III. >l \ltv*t ls BijOl ? OP Ml< IIIOA5I, ni.iot laelttdlaa AUCE ATBBBTOH A a great Ca K\ I'lt OACIaJil I ln;b I"* "'<' Bat. Bat «A\ CAolNU ! YA1KKK ItOOliLK DAKfjVl BPlfiC'L Herepllon (e» (ien. ".Ine \\ heelep. m:i't'.' ' < :ti», .a p. M. rt' DALYS I'ltin Addrearea Iv Oen». Wheeler and Shartee. M'I't" <'.m J N Phlllp. Hatar i. Byrae, ete. 5m ' rj|> Muateal 8 Dramatle I'r-eramme. v'r.'w. neneit 8otdlerr, BelkHV Pr^ierove am'b. BJPBAWAV f;ini. Men!e«. Mu«l-al fnm»<ty »ver prr,A.jee4 at thu thes're: "Tbe Slv Clgaretie." 2 ,.n-~r..j nightly. ¦Tha Katloa'a Duat." 3 enrores ni»htly. "The Man from Cooka." i -n COraa "BoMkera ir. the Perfc." S enroree. "The il y Oaeaeed Ri«ht." a e-r-irei. 'THF UOBLINB." Paricv 1uet and rlanre. Burprle* of the evenlna! "HibI. P.cietv." 4 en^..iH» nightly. Every F.\g «' * i'» Batleeea To day * Bahirda* m 1 Et antntr TIIF.ATRF.. Breadwai and *. ih it. MPIRE Bvenlnga. 8:*l Uattnee, 1:11 CHARLE8 ntOllMAN.BaaagBJ SPECIAL NOTICE. Th» managemenl annoBoeea, ln order m av M B»eeaa> t->r« -:'~\T? HNK MONT1I IN ADVANCE JOHN DREWS OREATEST TRIUMPH. ANOTHER EJIPIRE SUCCESS. Mit HARLE8 FBOBMAB PBBBBBTB MR.JOHNDREW THE LIARS, Hv Reari Ar'tvir lOBBB "A POBaTIVE BfjoCBBB." THIITNK "DON'T TAI.K TO BE "I' THK BCROOL F1» RCANDAL' \NV MORE. HERE'B BOMETHINO MORB M"li itN AND BETTER." ALAN DALE "PERFORMANCE 18 \ FREDIT TO MR FFinhV MAVB THEATRE AND TO THE iMEUICAN BTAOK" riM.:.- "PRETTY AT POINT8 A HARMIXO A»D AI/vaTB A VKItV fLEVERLT MADE fOMEDT." HERAIA MIT It IS MAItK IN THK BL'LLBBTR EAIRLT ASD BQI'ARELT." BCN. .aPRIOHTLlEeT, MERRIEBT. BRKEZIEBT I.INES yov COFLD uisil TO IIEAR. EVERTBOOt LAt'OUH.' lOL'RNAL, FIRST riATINBE SATLRDAY, Wednesday A\atinees Begin Oct. 5. 4-« TM*S uoiii.D IB u \x. ¦DMR 1 All tb* Wat lleeoea lltSRK. rrjNEMATpORAPH KahlWta Hear| 5th 'ir. ni-^he«trH| fonrerta Af. II 1 Bra AVB. TMBSATMR, B*wai aad 9Bra aA i: i «. l.-in, s.t Me- 0 80 ELEVENTJI WEEK IN NgW.TpRE._ CHARLES C03HLAN - THE ROYAL BOX -,,-rn patRg CT 10 aOt'VENIRB HOYT'S j^f:; A DAY ANQ A N1GHT, ,"ii ,\i," ...... in<t »th av« M .- T j»> * 8Bt OPKr" j.iMKa-KIDUKB-W.lBtoB ,,,,; aB. ln lte;..ri..ire .f j^.andarl I'N « ., .... j., Theetre r ?.- % ir. Maia Tt>-day * Bat 2 18. uv.'k the FRExen haid. cvtiV* mi.I.i: ASXA HELD iPPfara Ib Bew at* talt, t,\IKA. ; ,,.u wardi ba ai na Ma,a08, bbt UiM aaaj NEXT WhEK M .*"« ' .. BOTaU. TOPBT tirvt. IHVI\Ti IM.AI l; THKATHK. JMS. THK LILIPI Tl *N"* ln T .AT THK UOLDKB HOBBaCBHOB. A. 2 KRITH'9 I *»>TIM Ot «» PBRPOBMAJCJ. UKITH-B. SV : n 1 M Ul HL'NOAKIAN B iTH BANa ...p.A TAXNER .-; LOftB M.-.^.-tN jne Pl>«n. H.'ifla. Hl"*r,iph ir.i a Oreat Bilt. KMWERBOCKER. x\?Alt£u% aat. ** Jfo I10PPKRT7^' CHARLATAN KOSTER & BIAL'S. "EFBi* A fTINVBB IB OOTIIAM -180 PBOPLE Ar. i goretgn Vaadevllla st*r». rVCBIM THKATHK. - 4ih A e e. 2Vt At 1.89. i w i i vi THKATRK. . D Frohmai. Mgr. M:iY TIIKATIIK. - B. H. aoTHERV \t,.,.er. iirHai * .-.'. Aalhoaj H-r»a riii: apyplsTrBKB op i.ady irmla. MAUIBOB *«l»t. TIIKAI'KK. S4IB Bt.. aaar B way. ¦SSff i BRicE ok pimjim MURRAY mA.T\%?,T?i. VTATt»»NAL EXHIBITION 1" "¦«-nr!i» Fl"*era. ^N' Ai-ADEHV "- OEAION, 811-el a :..i 2S^. B7«h mi:." il F.». * atltuta ie \ v te li i' M. Amateur, Pi reeateaal, s- HHIn. 'i i Me.l.u for 14 .r-«a PA«T«»ll'«i n»MlMOl«. PBBPORMABCM) II :¦.'. r ii v M ¦-. na -¦¦ ¦-'¦ 8fi .enta. ALICE sMv>v. smau TWIK BIBTBBBi <»\ »l T. .1 tlK'1 Thenlre. a !. ind « ni<; BHOWB EVERY DAt 3 4sn 8. Nevelty'a L'rnwnlng «rt |V|. ;.¦« i«ri> Vlvi '. I ,. ir-e WALLACK'S, "SfcC Th. ALt- F a smith i THS NJELSEN "»! FURTUNE TELLER, the (Tuvf. Brooklvn Jockey Club Races. l-li-lil BtaaaeL ."..» « int«. Tlie IvIiil'« HlillMaii> Hnr.lle llniifll<-np. apeeial iralna rla C N » Hrae» iraa4a«aiBB frem B4TH BT., E B,. N » '.."¦' .'. '-. ', ;, »iMa» Can anaeheO Beaa WMielaaliai N \t»." * " M 00 I2:«0. 1 "" i 8", 1 i'. -'"" 1:8*. i »" l M Laave BROOKLTN HRIPilE na Bth-ava Blenteaaaaj r r ant .'. i B R. a*eri io aalaatea '. ¦ 18 bbbb tcciiirco M. i'tlcchncio. i"»qMn-: aiVf"oVTmi mi \i ri: itk \pin<V* 1 rea Leetorea reamwrtni 0 - *jr 88tB I y"!£f-. Kcr panievlara «i.p:> POWLER * WELLB CO n Fa.i ;!«. «¦ N V_ (rtteUert' tioicl pocitct ^nibf. ThT.^Tle: "app»ar» MoadBta \Ve.1n-5U'» IBd ,';*''ir1*r*' H0TEL8 OF TtSi f ©WA POf» h.-ek'e- M nnv Ta! BaaerH BB BBBB helow, rn!l ,>r albees ie»n.1 e-ati'l-. D0®ft(ia ITaaa-BlPiJ U3ku°(I>©m CBod.. | 63 Flfih Ave Kea Vork. | U.i Keaent to "¦!..» I2l!» Rua aa Hlvoll. I'aria. LXiaDTTLEtL [PODOlaKETT (SHOODIE. IA. iv maana AmTican E. P Baraaeaa °P 'n^V> ALUANT, N Y H""1 Kearaore. A i »;»S . ATLANTIC t'lTY. N. J Pt .h.irie». ap. all PM.^-"^ |li:i«.\ AHI.SVII.I.K. N J Mll'i-I Itili A|.l ¦"*.* ^ . l lUintfr Rcoorio. HADDON HALL R«m-.lna eBOB tht>.iKheiit the year DellalitfiH fall an-1 wirter .tlvralona. 0OLP UMBB. OOLP UBBJ . | LBBM * UPPmCOT*^ TOOS D0^lL©^(Dav3o MiM-iutn >k. DUTCBaaB CO.. N. Y. The be«.mfu| ,lrive». l.'.eal bteyela r-arla nn^ rnarmnie i acrrier\ make il la a per(e-t autumn i-»ert. I arreri rulalne. R.v.ims alnala an.i en aulte. Muai.-, «eir iaaap> eleetrlr llaht. »pen flre* anrt uteam heat Wlll remam ..pen untll lat« In OeloBar, Baaefeed fr-nn Ur.tnl en.r*. . D«P«l la ebout 2 houia. Teleprmne Mlllbr.^li 12 U. tt. UoUliUTtiuS'. J*- *-aa»

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-28 [p 8].iDt^LDDBTTS)-AKJEID.IPCDDRTT^ai^ TM09RAMMB of...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-28 [p 8].iDt^LDDBTTS)-AKJEID.IPCDDRTT^ai^ TM09RAMMB of 8P0RTB TO-DAY.' RACING. Rrooklyn Jockey Club. Graves-er.d, '_M."> p m_


RACING. Rrooklyn Jockey Club. Graves-er.d, '_M."> p m_<mm/tmGOLF Women'a handioap. Apawamis,

Oaklan.l and Falrfleld County go f «'«»..BHOOTINO. F.stlval. Zettler Rine Club,

Atnhrusiefs I'nrk. .lers.v Clty.BABEBALfe Braoklyn agalnst Raltimore,

Waahlngton Parb, Brooblyn.POOTBAIX Gettyshurg against T ni\er-

sitv of Pcnneyivanla. Philadeiphla..TROTT1NQ Trottlrtg WaatCbeatat

Oeejnty Horae Show Aaaoclathm.

THK RAC15TRACK..fAHEB TiMr.T.r.P <^FF at rrooki.yn.


aa lelon of Jamaa Oalway that he win aallhta hol II "on it Morrls Park In October has

.] wlth roptooa applause by the multi-

U,.f Mr Oalway'a loysl frlends Mr Oalwayl turfman of the old aehael-txrnrtly, Bberal.

, ,. klnd-hearted, induigent. unBuapkrloufl aadunproteatlng. The thror-gs that admlre hlm have

be.'.-vi for veara thal he was out of place amon*

'the achemera nnd plottera who have been aaatch-ing and clutchlng al every d llar whlch can be

.rabbed on tne turf in the But. Mr. Oalwayeomea down from th" noblest and loftlest era of

the Amerlean turf. the era of the early daya ol

Jereme Part and Monmouth Park. the ajarteua era

of D P Wlthere, of the eider Belmont, of a^anardW ,,,. of MHton Sanford and Wtlllam B Tra-

v, ; -,, . w.-re the greal daya Of the Amerlean

turf Sir.ce then tbe sport In the F.mplre State hns

been often degraded and deflled by deceivers and

Suder. It ls tlme Mr Mr. Oalway 10 from

auchraclng a. he may hoM to ba a>gan.ra4ajrbaahVretlree he wlll retlre with eoatpaaure and dbp

S, a-.iI with thareaaaet and aataaaa af aB wba

*rZ il'iLv sale wlll he held a, Morrls

plrk neat month, and Imaarator arlll ba soid a ith

S^reT Any one who paya more than M eente

Jor InTperator Wlll make .p hta mlndI a

that ) patd tt eents too BBUCh. and wlll have_ a

Sae,Ji fndTvtdual Taaa Kippur of bta own. htt

S^aonal nnd fee-slmple day of atonement.PA .trong wlnd waa blosrtng, but it waa ani agree- nfternoon at the Brooklyn traeb. Un-

luck: v, Maher tumbled from the baefe of i eptatnXgabee ln tbe Bret raee. Capt.ln Slgsbee was sup-

LeVtad ln the bettlng. almost as well as the

IZ\ r and" favorlte., Mcl.aughlln'. Hve.y

Jiv u,dv Undsey. who waa rhMoa by Clawann.

{one of Maaar-a baaed were brokan. and ha

Sadlv burt. He may be rtdtag ngaln le-day. Bjt\9*a\V&bSV7!oWfi -ffl wTt^^PP&f¥* o nt w..

laaTtangled wlth horaes ln frOBt af hlm and ne goi *

*&ggett has loat so many racea thla venr on

fJim^baaa changja ajpjared «\tf*Sj&£be'asealhmt tl ¦«: H a mwj ¦'.; th he

feV':."--^^'£fepea*onflrmSnd P: ^"".Y^iv'cut "rtUt ShSapTaril.

«n. and a ia s.wcessfi.i. witn iir. MCond.

of imperatoi .".'\ .,,.,..a,,fff.ring of atewarda.

ffihean^ted by thWatartef augbt to aall out

^ro-uly * co/e can rjanfortk waa tba Bfthi-sronii. » «

. , w. wns entered to ne aoin

V.rV. "Jamea Ad^ma aanuWTbiga. tba aaaandhor/Tfan r>an\orth up to fcett, He waa bid ln for

t . wo Id .bPni?Var?id«e ioekev on many horaea

]:j-; ^n,9^^p---^-A^o:LXidere-Endymten of TrMnera, wlll pmbabts: put''luVV'J nn imperntor agaln If he geta a ehance to

aoUbefSre the Oalway cloalng-aajl sale ls held.

F1RST RArE-For fa-yeaf oMa «hlrh hav. not won

I, Me »aio aaaaai »t>eeiai weiahta. Fiv. rartoaaa

^M^^^^;e^.T1nVre',^aw^l ^ i-m

A.'H.*i:.H tferrl. s K f. Pre.-lja^^ . i t t

itay^Saat m.:::::::o?5Sr.B >"' 8 ir.^ne',U^?«VpTV.::.. <rorWey,0 16 I B jw-,»r .::.\-.\,IBo 20-1 s !|3en Th a1»^ 107 jrcaur. !«.».. mtaal0 IB- 4-1Tap-am BUrabee, 110... .^.. .(Maher) . 2-1 .-* :a214.

Wer, rleverly bv two lengtha; a fealf lBBgrl be'ween

aeeer.1 nn^ 'hlrrt.

BJfdboNTJ BACB) fer maM*r '^ree-year-e'.da; 1000 add»l.

*P«.r.'»l welah'a. c>n# ml>..\v MaywaH P-'a fc e. Hla Maies'v. bvBtelllahneae H**^,, u^ ^

P R *. T. HHCBCaek'B eh a Frcntlrrs-aua. 112 .(O'l^arylJ

a A Umite'a ^w e. Rrsaa. Iir. .Spenrer) RBard) .' lli .iJ.*wm'aKrnm.n ra 112. «purna> 0Ptasuil. 11J .(i ! a¦tutier i\y .(TareoeS!e"". ii2....fn.wwm)i ia i

Tlm» 1.4.^Won eaeUf Vv 'wrt laaataai s head between aerona am

thl-vlTHIHK ItACbV PaiaaBH han1l^«r. fer three-year-oldn.

n.aee »d^»i. ei« furient»"V»\ !: teiniraa-a ch. r. Benfloran. by 9ir

M.-'."'. nran, 124 n>.tfaaiestl a--i »-1

Baarnhn i Oe.'. S . fcevJeae. nr^, T., .28. Q H.Mie.V. rh f. Bt OBgat^flfBlaa srlnre-. 9f».irvc-nncOO » -1 8-4Ke vTrl.m^ lt».<aim'°0, li ?" ¦ i-hi ..BurnaiO 3- 1 1-1K«.nllelle li*....,Sp.^er)0 » 1 V-|

»r,,, ..v.v;.v::.v.:. .o.^: lt gWer. ia a arree br . lenath; a aaad between aer-.nd aad


jeotTRTri BACB Bhe all ages; |ano »idea, apariaiaeiehts Cne an1 ene-aiateer.-h mllea.

j \v. Beh rraaoa'aea. c. Uleber Kar!.k] i--. I.iley Wo 4r.iff. 3 > re

)14 .» ..Rurei.. 1J p Snuth-a ch t. Prancaa Be-k'-. 2.

j7 .(O Conaor) Jj» |T peve;i ea. e. Hanlball. S, 114...

fTaral) 3Coprei Teaay, 2. «>" 'far. M)... (pawaoa) n

Tlme I |H\araa aaalb a» » ''n«,h *n,, * h,lf ,wo 1.n»th, r*t*"»i

aaaaa I aad 'hird

FIFTH RAI F. SelllTg: Iftoo «rt«efl. Bta f.irlonga.PJraauey . '¦ 'a * . traafeetb, bf nuke

«**" " ¦^'^.^..iiaaifii M 2 !aaaaaa Aaaaaa*a kev b. TOww. A HatTataatt a U I B 1

,,. . fDuplll j B.l 1.1

Baatleaal. 3. lfH.(iromnor 0 1J -1 B-Mom«nlum. B, If* .rgp.neeri 0 5-1 2K«m .-i ,". ".' ..TurneriO 15.-1 ,V 1Kaaa l i«. inoggetno ia- » i

pramW.Afia.T1^,::i5H'«'"-A .-' ft 5

Won e»«iH bv two lenath*; e «e«nt lene'h between eer

ond and thlrd.B1XTH R.vCK Hurdle bandlmp BJBJ «dded. Two mllen,

over hurd'.e*.Mr. fhatnbiefa ch. g. Moelem. br Sur»-fct -On.imi, 4 yra 189 m (Vetteh) 1 7.A 1-J

V. U Oliv»r'a b. ( Oovern-vr Hudd, B.U| ..HoaanlJ 18 -* g .'

F 6 n-ard'e b. a Wldower. S. lBO.PenntB !V 1 7 ¦"Ben Bder. .">. 153.tOwenet O 8-1 7 Igv R lerleh, 6. 133 icar. 184<.(Henryl 0 18.1 8 1llermann the 3. 13f> .fBarrvl « 20 1 5 IJt'tler 4 '32.(Anderemi a 12 1 B I

Tlme a:nO^.Bfoa eleverty bjr two lenptha; ten lenatia between aec¬

ond and thlrd...a-


The entrles for to-day ere aa follnwa:Pllli!T RAf'K Pae malden two year olde: eolta to carry

11J pounda; niltea and aeldlnag, 112 peunda. Flv<

furlongs.Seme .%! Name. Wl

f)r Vauahsn .119 Al Reevea .I1Jpur» .11!> Tvren .US

ImitHtlen .tlBi Kxlt.112jj»nar- .116 rnmpoaer .lliAatit<>:» .11J OnlMl .ItJV.- rark*r .UB l*d> Exlle .lliCam.-p.iitan .113 Heemenlca .111Aiiea N"l*e .112 Rork D»T«.115 KACK -For anarea of all agea. weighta te NU3 aaaaaa; pen*1'1**- °n* mtie.

Bue.a .113'Martna;rkar.aUla .112 Lambent .111ap<» Iteel .'....112|

THinn BA« H«adteap: far twa-yaai Ma IM »TVl

a hnlf furlengs. ,0;

KSB?r.:::::::f|S!^»::E;g*3S£ -::;:;;;¦¦!.'; ¦.¦-.¦'¦¦. '

;>.... .t t-cv ioa

POITBTN BACB Haadteap, far all aaea °" ¦*. "

eiahth rrll" ita.,- 1S2 Handball .,j.V1- .

.124 Sir WBlter . ,'/;. 115 8lr OawalnBai ala .

,B# ........).¦ rge Keene ... "* '.>»r

fikth RACE Poe Ihre* yaar-oMa whk* ^ .» " "'

Wr2 woV aTthM m^.n.; aelBa. Ma f-Maga^

Ot*nojn. .|JJj t':;:,,-..K .. i* }«*ixrnrl . ,,,l"

? I'awajr .,.

. «

Tf" ''"""' .

o,, waateful ,2EfflEST. ".. Rarai .,

"^;...,,, r.."..- '-'. >;.*:,;.-,rr.;.ml'es. nvet ae\er tl

f| W Vnnlervrer-er, h Marahal. * Voltlge. Bard^To^^.:V'.b.'a:'Bno*doW, Wi .

1Mii "¦ I n ',:'' .,,',', itvPreano Boaa

W I. Ollvefa b a Oovern » Budd, P nv m

MrChSnbiar.b r m ¦".' 4,44

ji'me. W.ColV. t.r-n.--l-.!v"i.tV, bj Darebl" ^Havtlenne. Bjrre .... -j MjM .,.;n:e.

j j pwyera br. s BI id. &J mr u..ita

C* \" Wadawarth'a 'ah.' a'.' Iraniaa by "" h»M"|tD

Ir»n«. 4 yia .-?


l^lngton. Ky.. Bepl K (Spectal) Whltotahla.table last nlaht. on tha fartn of hla ownera. Appte-gnte ann McMeekln, m Ihla county. Ilmon Magua.fh. v. ..!.. bnpo«ed thoroughbred atalllon, wa







isaar B. Pattor, the praaMenl nf the Uague ef

Anerlean Wheelmea, had anany callera yeaterday.nnd moat of them had aoBBethlng lo aay aboul tbar.voit of the profeaalonal rldera al Trenton and

their refuaal to rfda longer under the eontrol o

the Latague of American vVheelmen Mr. Potter

ai nrst aeemed dlalnrllned lo dlecuaa Ihe n

ai all, bul when preaaed foi an oplnlon. ¦¦ replled.I really don'i ihink lhal whal haa been d<of any eotiaeajaariea arhatever I aaa amre thal

do not look at Iba aaatter aertoualj i admlI have glaneed over Ihe llal of ri im puland aa fnr aa i know non< of Ihe men are mem-

i. of the Lengue excepl one. and he .- noi In

(ood atandlng. ln auapendtaR Ihi ro< "PI ««

lhat Chairman Motl of thi Raelna Board did al it

he ronaldered hla duty In thi matter aee lhalthe nrst thlng lhal ihej did waa to eome oul '¦

Bunday racing. That tbowa prett! ronrlualveljthe way lha wlnd la blowlng. Now, don'l a»b m<

any further about the matter, for I »m nol

tareateu oeraonally, and I Ihlnk t1 il II > '".. dtgi II) ol an of lh< I. n ¦¦ ol » to d.acuaa Ihe matter serlously.a areat deal more Intereat. ...¦..¦¦St aood-roa l nlank ihey ar< goli g tothe Baratoaa Conventloi There anneni I^ague of American Wheelmen> membera ln"he deieaatlon at Baratoga, and it wlll b liIng ia aee whal ihey wlll do

Tbe OUtlaWed rlders l'ft Treii|..n yeateiPhlladalphla, whera they hopa that attaln wlll bebo arranged tha! thay wlll be abla lo Hde to-aaor-row. Thev are btlll Brm however. in aaylnathev wlll not rlde If the Baaet Is OOndUCted un.ier

Laagua of American Wheelmea aasplcaa. Thimembera of the new eycle rarlng aawiclailoithat they are rerelvlng congratulatory leleifrom all over tha country applaudlng IIln Ihroarlna dowa th" Raunllei Ip ihi League ofAmerican Whealaaen. An effe? waa recelved fromst Laouta pramtalng them a guan.s lo rld<tt,Pr,,i baaMaa Mr puraea Tha Ueaa ¦. of AmericanWheelmen offlelala look upon tha movemenl ai i

,orl of rejuvenatlon of Ihe old L'aah Pi >.

whleh rame to llfe ln IW3 an xi lr< .'.. a

rather unaa'lafaetory aeaauti. Tha nn\ ei

outlaw rldera aai lhat tertaln membera ol Ihe >ntlonal TroitinK Aaaoclatlon atand r< id) to Bld inerl'lers and thnt thev wlll offer auod puraea forcycle racea on m.inv of ihe trolllnn n k,

aeaaon That myater.oua eornltlon has eome to Hfa every yeal for severalsont- bul it ls generally spruna durlna Ibe coldapail when iive ey. iiiik toplfHi :.f Bearce Preal-dentinl honors reel heavlly upoi th< brow of"Eddle" Bald, He falled to »el a plu-e In tha Bve-miie rhampionship ai Trentorj yeaterday.

Cyellata in Brooklyn nre oomplalnlng aboul the

pnor eondltlon of Eaatern Parkway, partleularlj Inthe netahborhod of Noetrand. Balph and I'tlcaaves, There are holen and igb pla ¦¦ ln plenty,and at the rnllro:i(i croaalngi repaira are badlyneeded, Tha promlaed Impi >vementa ai Ihe tuii-road croaatnga on Ihe cycle path, n< n foney lal¬and have not appeared Men were Bi worb .>n oneof the croaalnKB, and aaltl lhal thej were to re-nalr them all Th-\ were atopped by Ihe |be i iaa Ihey did not have a permlt.

The rlalm ls mnde that Httle Bttentlotl ls pald to

the ordinanre requlrlni |hta Bl nlgh. In lha uppi fpart of the eity a protnlnent wheelman la lhaauthorlty for tiie atatemeni lhal ahove One-hun-dr< d-and tenth st noi ona ln flve vehlc.ei ean eiVlKht at nlicht.



Tienten. N .! Bepl II M the Interatata FalrQrounda to-day the Hve-mlle profeaalonal raee,whi"h i.egan yeaterday, wss aron by Anhur Qard-Iner; Malor" Taylor, aacondi f A McFartand,thlrd: H. H Kreeman. fourth: \V K V.f k«-r. flftbTlrne 11 1^ I-.'.thlrd-mlle Net

senond, J. f

H'i \l\'


.¦Kl<1'. Lavtgna, of Baglnaw, Mleb and FmnkKme, of Huffnto, wlll ihmi to-nlahi before theOrenter New-Vork Athlftl" Club ln a Iwenty-flvaround eonteat for the IlKhtweiaht ehamplorishlp.jnmen j. Cofhall wlll be one .,f Lavlgna'B Boconda,arhUe "Kid" MeCoy wlll bwfe aflei Erne ln addltlon there wlll be a twaltre round eontest between"Marty*' MeCue, of this eity. and "Bllly" Needham,of It. PaaJ, Minn Thn tn»n wlll box al 12>; pounda.I>nvl(ine anl 1'rne wer.- to have niet before theHnwthorne Alhle-le Cliil., of Huffalo, bul Ihe |io-llep authoritlea refnseri to allow ihe eonteat.

rOOTBALL 0AME8 TO-DAY.Two of the large eollagaa, namaly ihe Oalvaratti

of Pannaylvanla -ind <'orneii, wtn pi«y praetu.,aamea of football nn the|r resppetive eamimseithis afternoon. The Bennaylvanla te;tm haa showrWonderfully good fnrm f..r simh nn early perlo,of the season. and the fornell players. whn h.ivibeen nt work fllllnir up lha gapa In their llne an<!develaptag strong defenatva play, euaht niso t<have llttle dlfTI'iilty ln hnndllna; the HamlltOf(olle^e eleven. YaU-. Ilnrvard and PrlncetOThuve no aamea BChadulad for to-day The fnllowln*are the eontesta thnt nre BChednledl

Baailbaitaa va Alumnl lenin. nt Swnrthmnre.i^hiah va Bataera, nt ne-hi-hem1'ennaylvanU va <1ett\al.ur(t, at PMIndetphla.(¦¦ornall vs llnmll! r. nt Itha.-n

FIOF.nxs race TWO BVKDBBD Mll.l.s.Moatelatr, 8ept. 27 (Bpaeian.--.Tha Oranga Dhttrle

of the Natlonal Federatlnn of American HomlniPlgeion Fanelers heid its thlrd rn'f of the yotmghird serlea. from WaahltiRton lo Mantclalr yaatarday. The dtstnnee was iwo hundreil tnlle.a. Th.blrds were liherated by H. M Dlcklnaon, wh<telegraphed: "Illrds liherat.-.l lei;, itandard; Wtatsouthenst; wenth.-r fair " The hlr.U m .. «""apeed for the day. onmlng through a rairstorm. Th<race reaulted aa follows:

A\ rracee| . |.«

0»n»r. Dtataaea. r.:nuteR L Jaeoboa. ic,*., », 1 laaaWilltnm Holda . Igf.OI l,OB>.«w Pukea . . IMJ.M 1".VJnJimea Wllda . Hall0«2BThe average dlplomaa for MB, IH ni.d 200 rnlh

were won by Raymond L. Jacobui, of Montclalrasead. 1.0B0.88.


,,.. vr. mkn arartrr »o blbw arram tmr firbt

nnrtNO, ANi> THF. pmi^DtTUTnAhrapip as TMF.v PLBABKD.


BoT&i 11; Waahhurtoa, j-^, fc&»Tfr 4

THK BSOOBDB... L t.- ., t .. I- ,¦ Inl« Won Lo*t F P

BeSon".*«'.« ^n,i'Vr,,. ...*. M 5U1a r. M 4- M4 ttabtira g .- a

Clnelnnatl M '..'. ','.'; ''"*y"' . 2 m 8*1ad .... TJ » BM Breekiyn *.. ,:, s

hlrago .T7 IB ¦¦¦¦.. Waahlaaton » ¦'- ¦-

v-... v,.rk .72 .v» jaa|Bi bmriaBB ""' -'"

After tbe tame to day there wlll be no mor- eon-

teala m thla dlBtrhrt rhts weeb. and. ludaing bythe attendance al tbe aamee, nobod) wlll be dleap-

polnted overmueh. The game at tb Pal Qrounda

yeaterday waa betwaen Ihe Bew rort and Phlla-

leama, Bnd Ihe rleltara won rather aaaiiy.

New v.,rk ahowed a dlapoaltlon to ptay ball mr

an Innlng. and then want to aleap After thi. eae-

o.d mnlna the Quaher Clty men Played ball »Hnround ,he jocal wreeentatlvea andHtaall^; £aa they pleaaed M'*,uu', V. ",,.k arenl tn hls re-

Xi ,¦ corev.u. ..nnK rnif.*r>Ri.rntA.

nt, r 11- r1 B e

nn r ... i' » -

, .r 1 " B 1^^.^:iBt^Saa^-»/Ji||j5"«e i# I i n l o 2 l»et»hanty, if ¦. - ¦ ' 1 ,Bevm r rf.lf 4 1 " - '... i 2 1 B 5 I

,:;;; Ev.:! i 1 1 i J v.V... ;; > « . ;;¦' i 1 ? f a KWeTo 7 o . . . . "

?;;;{0jjj S Kteby3 4 1 1 b 1 0

¦: ., . is 7 r. Touta ... «" '*i: « *

.peiahanty htt i.y batted N I.,. oaaaaiaoa.1Ne« > .'!< .. . 1 1 1 o e 0 1 n

i.imaa Wea 1 i | '

v .'- "¦-' ";", ."^-V1.;..,,...., timn rirei beae n ba la

i ¦'"'¦¦ '.s'"','"..;;li) Meekln, 1. bi carrlck, 2; by l> ra

M Farland, 2 WTd pll h Meekln. ly-ft on

Nea V .:. 10 Pl I Tlme 2 M t inaarea,||) ...¦ Hont, tlie bai ¦. ¦""


Baltlraare, Bept. fl By wlnnlng to-day a <«me tba

Oflolei tled wlth the Benatora on ihe .¦

.,,.. pitrber Wnean waa aild and waa hli bnrd

¦l tlmee, whlle hla aupport waa not of the_ beatIn ihe abaence of a regular aaalalai < atcherRohinaon of Balttmore, alded ITrapIre Bnyoar ai«tendance, IM Bcore:

ii n IBaltimere. . . . f . j I 1 B-11 M J. l <> 0 .. I. l

Hattei - llagbea ar.l Clarka Dlaeea aada


Boaton, Bept, fl. Tha home leam won to

hy bunehlng hlta m tbe flral Imtw,.oa reai onelltwo runa Ttie Broohlyna acored theli ¦.

nn an error nf li ..,...

aarlt ihe I ora a iui even iti "'¦

HIl R 1

Reatnn . 2 0 e o i o o o ¦, n .... 1 . i a o

I ,..,.. .... .. ,.. r. -r-- k. -. - '¦>. ii ''¦-,


,-. ro. Bepl Roaebi »T»1 n .>


neaa and two hlta tl. r.,,i-' irg'ant them on to i g ln a r in ln

,i,.. ... ifi. r two n ita mnoi ri iv .'a long hli Into

1! lt IV

fhleea .. . J " " " J ¦ *i '. 1

..... ,. w .. and K\ ' n . and Bebnver?

LOtMBVILLE. Bl ;."'-ih <

pti ;...>:«, Bepl ti The Hr..w::« even eutdldIhemaetvea lo-day, Ijoulavllle wlnnlng wllh erej*

;.-... gi and Tu ker were reaponatblef,.r the one Blded ¦ ora Itti .¦The

1 "i, ii r

la . i o o i e i « a i io ;.i i. i .. i »a

Batterlea Tayloe ». i Boadea Maaee ... k""if»

riN'-lNNWT!. '. ri.EVEI.AND I

Clnclnnatl, ;-'. ' '-' marh for thaReda lo daj Damman, ¦"¦ the othei hand, »..«". thro igl Attei ii ¦. I.Bn The

ii ii tI 0 1 1 8 0 S 1 8 -J M I., | a o i .. <> n 8 -. io 4

Damman "**'


WILL f't.AY A MATCR 0B THK CATObT8VILLeonoi '. c: to na»

Baltlmore, Bept fl (Bpeelal) P V BTarner an<l)¦, teaam of Rnatlleh erteli»t»r« Birlver] here la]and '.. morrow thej « II bagln a gama agalnat thaAll Baltlmore Cluh on the grnunda "f the ratonaviiie Country flub, nt ratnnavllle Qreatttona have been mnde f..r ihe mntr-b and It la ea-

pe.-.od lhal tbe homa leam v>ni i"- able io n

in hla ahowlng ;i»m':'-- Ihe ".. k !'. gllTb. leam bns been aelectedprlalng J. B. Parey, w B Bl. ad A. Mclaneand la h» f..n<.wa-

j Qlenn, .ir aptaln) it B Cnlea, t k Maillnekrodt, K w Malllncbrodt, P Pattereon i BH'.'l^<«. H Rrttne, W Halgh i Leverlng, C Rohm^..n C Mlller, .v Peni man ''. C'htpman amlOldham


TAPNT iMOBJTA BABE8 I RBCOBti,Kewport, Bepl -" (Bpe ball W QouM Hr-.k..<v¦¦<

achoonar rachl Amorlta lo-daj mada a r.-...r.| raifrom New Maven to Bewpnn Tbe dletance lifOMy tWO IMUtlcal mtlee, ,ind th<- 'Ime W8H thre,

houra and ten mlnute* Tbe Amorlta earrled ieinnie reef mninsiii:. ringle reel '¦... HI, foraatayaaland |lb. <>n Point Jndlth the aklpper *.i« oblla*tn lower the foreaa'l Many coaaiere e-"re undeibnre poles. At Hmei 'be amorlta developed .< ,..¦

of fourteen and a half knoi-

QENERAL 8PORTING SOTEB,Ttie Morria Ifelghti Flald Huh aill operi Ihe eei

aon arlth " croaa countrj run on nexi Bunday Tb.. ir. wlll be from ihe Jerome Hotel, One hundredand-seventi aeventh al ><n'i Jerome ave Amateurare Invlted to tabe part lMn« wiu be held <.!

Bunday ifternoona throughout the aeaaon

Tbe t'nk'iown ROd an.i <»nn ri'ib w!ll holdllvo.hlM ahoot to day Bl !>exter I'ark, T.'.tik lalandThe Slnaae i',nn I'lub'a llve-blrd sweepsiakes shoo

wlh ba held to-day al the oi.,i, grounda, BlngaiN. J.

V. lf. /. QYMNABTIC EXBIBITION.Tbe annual gymnaatlc exhii.ition by Kvmr..«iiir

lender* nnd membcra of tbe Tming Mefl'fl Inslltlltwna held laat nlabf In the InatltUte hnll, nt N» 22

Bowerj The ronaleted ol exhlbltlonon ihe inr v.inii. horae nt-d parallel bara Theiwere fenclng, f"!l fenelng and u-.lebt iifting *riilarge r..w.i wbi.-h »¦«« preaenl heartlly applaudethe performnncea

THF. REV. DR. OLIFFORD BONORRD.I'nder the auspbea of the Bapttal Mltilsterr

Ponference of fjrenter New Ymk receptlon wa

glven at naon yeaterdaj In Calvary Baptlal ChurclIn Weal Plfty aeventh at foi the Rev Di Johinifford, prefid.-nt ..f the Natlonal Councll of PreRvangeiical Churchea in England aml P/alaa anpaator of tbe IVeatbourne iv.rk Baptlal ''bnr.-h,London, Dr. <'iiff..rd eanne to thla country nearl;four week« na... bna'nlti... flll.-d tbe pulplt lnBoaton church, Tbe receptlon was w.n attandMThe Bav, Dr, B. K. Creaaey, preaMenl <<f the Bagti-t MlnlataiW Conference af Haa v.irk. peealdedand the whm formallj Introduced by Ihe itevDr. Mors.v Tba addreaa r,f weleome araa dellverai.v iha K.v iir R B MarArthur.

I>r I'llfford, nfier thanklni thoae |ire«cnt for thweleome he bnd recelved, ln apeaklng ..f Ihe AnalcAmerlean alllance aald thal there w;.s no hlgher ..

bri/hter omen f«.r th»- dawn of the twentleth <'..ntury thnn the uprlMng of the <b-vlre >r botb COUBtrlea to mael ln friendiy alllance, Prom end tthe iher of iiN country there waa iwibiiik, ao pr*domlnanl ee Ihe le^ire for COnaOlldatlon, nn fnr npoaalble, botwaea ihe tw.. eountrtea,Reaolutlona to the efferl that. Ir.n/m'ich aa Oo

hnd rnnde aueh an nllUn.'e aa that aooken of In thc«.nerien.-e« of rr.«-n. dlplamatle relattona !». enpl'..,-.-.) ti, effeet ,1 unlon between thla .ountiv ,,nFnelfltid, arere carrlad tinHiiImoualy. Dr. Cllffora&lla for home to-duy.


The Marwyn Glove.The Result of OurDesire to Have

the Bestin the World.

On Oct. ist we will place on salethis new glove. ln it will be foundthe nertection of friove making. Aglove which will interest you becauseof its appenrance and tit; which will

. serve you well because ol its qualityand excellence II is made especially for us by Messrs. Tre^££& Co, Chaumont, France, who are recognized every-vhere as the most experi Glove Manufacturers m the woridNothinc better ean be made than the Marwyn. lt contamscverv esSl feature of a perfect glove. shapeliness, fit,material and wearing qualities._

Pa ^Itman A .o.

In their Dressmaking and Ladics' TailoringDcpartment on Third Floor, are now fullyprcparcd to reccivc orders for Gowns forAutumn and Early Winter wear, and are

showing an unusual collection of ScasonableFabrics and the most advanced fashions.

Eightcenth Street, Nineteenth Street and Sixth Avenue.


O'NeiLTsSixth Ave., 20th io 21st St.




$19.98.\|> gOlla rr nll purelinara ri eep 11 n(t 1.1-

r,,lr, nn,l ...»!"« mn.l.lne. fre.. K. nn» ri.ll-

1*4*4 alnllon wllliln l<»> inlUa «f >'" . orl..

H. O'NEILL &. CO.// 1/.' \ / /,' l< f.Vfl.

|...r.:i.\s gTAKM irNFlXlgHFiri AT LOlTIaVvtt.i.r. KI.ATAW x » wivnkr

iupi tl The Daugtaa Ihe- ant of Ihe da .* »»« graaleat

¦¦''.'¦ """IB" ''.. ''

-, ihe laal iwo haata ln a..... morrow Tbe

i....,s.. rnn mni 1 bah ¦.'.¦ ngwrt btakkj».

hy BI Mngl . I }v .¦ .

. -' I1H



TROTTixn i:i«n.a*R HiiaBRi-ang rwrtxiaHnn" " :? *t ii a

11 11 I I.s * i :. «l

M I' r



g:ien h a<u

\ | » In io || .; ;io « nll ioII 11 10 I I

!'¦¦''¦."" a B . 1.g ll."rvi . ? .,;, V4 l. II 10dlMli: Ha

' - ;:,:,«< |:Yl i-iii, l:IR%4DOI OUAB RTAKKR TR«»1 riNH I M ClaAl '" *.¦

».-, nai nfli laha lii a N. .aa t a .; "' 1 [.,,,. i. ,m !. a. ii,

.¦ 'ii iaa*ai . I J ' JM ... i- ¦¦.!.¦ .n ni iKanndarai I" I -

¦.. ivan lloeklii B B W 1.1 H !. a I ,',"¦ " . ? ? ! !

M . .i' ^ t .ln. il- h m iK*atine' . * * 5 dJSir riiMlM. b. h iAla»i . J ! 1 I, ,, ,n, i, ,., I * B I

Tim* .- in .-¦ na. i naia. ? m%


Trenton N r >. tl (Speelat) Thi» waa ,-hiigren'a Daj al ih* Interetate Falr and lha ¦.i,!. »n« ftbOUt twn'v tlir.iis.inr1 The voiiriRsterseverran lha grounda and enjoyed tha <1ay horeeraetag waa Intereetlng Tha aam

mai ea

Tiiri r -i KAH "i.i.s Pirggg IggaW Arlin b in Raamai

s ii. ii. - ..; .,,i~ nil'rln e Otlo, h a

iiairka. b r* (Turnerl .

Oia a Ivilo- I' I .

!"l Hir, i«.mitru.Tim* 1 23li, I MH, 2 ?i\\

1 1 1« '.. I2 A 4.1 * .14 « f>.«. I\ H

PAClHfl 1:17 ClaABR PfltSK lattjaaaia b m iDoaahoel. 8 111l.ntia Joe, a a (Rhrerel . 14 4 2Bfai v k m iBun .ui.i . 2 2iv I! a rr. Illuri iui.1 . i

*naa, <"h ni .-mr hl 4Haliln fl Atiiia I iin.l "'harlaa w»ra llafanrad

Tim- 1:114 I i!»S. 2 :»'4. 2 BlHi'BKll'IINfl 1 I" Pl^agg ftajftgl $.,<10

Tar««i II.. rtl, in iTlierr) . 1 1M»ur»an. h m iTnmarl . 2 flHarlnr. I. B lApp.ebrl . 4 2Mnl.l Tli rn bf in lOlhaAnl . I 3Bam Bla«l b k .¦ i*«- . -11ii.-mh I.. ni iBimmnnai . 7 4\j%>\\ Str(lrai(,,r. b, rn .llaamari. fl 7lianlna. h ni. itlvnni. I UMamle n r>. m ,.|i»er.. . (I *.

Tlma L' S91», '.* 2\\. 2 21*4.

RARNVjajg HORgRg AT HAl.TlMORF.Rnltlmere. gapt, 17 The fall trmtine; me«>ttn« at

Proapael r«rk la day Inltlatad a new irn'-k in th*vlelnlty ef Baltlmore, The trnek wns In flrst elnsss h;i j><- .in.1 lha raelng far the ,-iver^ne. Th<>reaulta:

M»»i»a b ( Nomtnaa w.>n ini> a :N"mln*a w.,n in¦2<\ 2 m W'.lmn Bo}

Pai ttiar i2 .I:1 laaaiainiiKin haata Tlma

.1. H..^«l» M, tlili.1Trottlna nn.i paeina (2 10 laaai .1 ii Hrid'a a a o

M f w-.n In airiain haata Tlma .. in j |SH, 1.1814.1 m i> aaannJ. Mlanon ihir.i.

T> iiilna (I »" rtaaal H-mli»lniar llr thara' b. r TIrT'ih araa In nr«l,hi h»nia Tlma 22fl. 2 2fl ?«'1/rl Harfor aacopd, Jima Ulr.l thlr.l.


TIIM PACBRi AT novFR.Dovar, N n iapl 17. Th- npenina; iay of the

fall hnrn.^s nieellim nl «Jr.-iult?» Ht«t»« I'urk wa«

fatrly well attehdad. In tlie 2:11 pne^ Jn,k Hnwouuneovared tha arlnner In RVIavonle, bul lt requtredsia henta to aatlla tha eontaat, ona nt arhleh waa ,,

rleiid hent wlth Malenn Tuiplex. The 2:17 paee wn<>a wnrmlv eooteeted aveal. Tha. reaulta:

1'arlriB i2:ll claaa. poraa fVal.- Prlavonlc. rr g iI'aw-anv win; llrl^ni I>upl»i m (Iiannr»«ll. aacnnd. Rajtilma 2 ili,

Parlng 12:17 claai. puraa BflOOi Marrllt Wllkaa, b. a(Ha\ar. «.,n S: var Mukri. ir t iDernaratli rtcondUuU lllrl. ro m. iBIthar). thlrd. liaat llma U.I3W.



rtnelnnatl, iept. 2:. A dlapatch to fh0 "Thnea-W':ir" from rranhfort, Ind., Baya; The 1...1.1. il andone of '". moal auceeeeful bank robbertea lhal aver.. ,.rr..i ln ihla Boetloa of tha itate wne perpe-

.it Klora, 0 amall towa lau mllaa nr.rh of

Hy ,u .: o'clock Ihla narnlng The banh i*, wlth tVllltam Lnnnuni actingas .-.isiiier. A. iho baur naraad ha waa awakened

nolaa of a turi ra km, whl -hri the windoa In hla r- 1.1. n ¦.. Rfty j irda frora

th.. lianl.. < »n ifoinB lo the imnk he found th.- en-

ulldlna .:. mollahi \* ha atarted Inalde ha!,,.,! upon hj aome unknown party with a

ahotaun, Iho ch irga inkinir effc. I ln his face andblowlng ..'it on* pyeThe n"i-.- <»f lh< p«plo il ¦) ibi the toa n inda large eroa rolb-rted II waa aoon learned lhal

... |f 11,. blown t" plei ea wlth dyna*niiip ple< ra of II havlng I.n t irrli .1

... . betweei |H - ind«.

,'.,.1 |pr ¦¦. irn r .¦ Iv wlll dle. The rnmade iheli pbi i|n upon handear, whlch they l"ftnt gednlla Bvi m.lea nertli ef h-re The « .

country \-> aroused, nnd . rej wlll hardly ..- ir*"

riora, Bapl. V A dlapatch racelved here latathla afternoon from famden Btatea that two nf

a warmora'Bank tobbei ive been captured wlththe largar par. ol l at< rn mr j.

Xcro j.'nbiuiiticm


nkw BOOKB,


By MOT.T.Y BLLIOT BBAWBLL,Atithnr nf "The Sprlsrhflv Romanen Bf Marsae.".The Hlatory of lha i.adv Batty italr.H atewith llluatratlona bj OBOROB OIBBS.


Fllll of Splemli'l rhllires.pieness.If Is a Mirrlng rOflRMfa with rarhl Rb-

aorblng movamanl The period ia that,,f the Intter part of the pijthfpenth c«n-

tury a linie near MiOUgh 10 be in tOUCtlwith the modern world, but full of a

.spien.iM pleturaaquanaaa.



Auihor of "A afountaln Woman," "Wlth s.-ripm.i itaff." "Plpplna nnd Cheeaa," etc.

'^i/^tii. laato, t^ i-kvts

A Dtflflactly Saw Thingis thla DOOll of rpmarknhlp "Bpook"(ifnripa. In whleh ther* la a Clirloualy andakllfiilly wplr.l ir'nim.-nt of everydaymaterla!



1 Fditp.i bjnr>Tii fhan'K M CHAPMAN.

raowy, «vo fieventy iwa otiginal lltuatra'ritl< i" II M NKT lions hy

BRNBBT BBTOH THOMPiONAn infrrratlng. odd itorj

underltea lha relgllon In aoma thirtv

rhapters "f »ha Hfa hlsforles of nortif

eeventy-ftv or more of American mnm

tnnls, nof nnlv tha four-fOOted. hut thiarlnghanded ba. kin nml the footleuiwhnip of American watara The artnt«n:imn guarantaea

The porfivtlnn Of pleturoa.Unlform with

and a Cootfaanlofl Voinma to



rr/vrif. Over one hundredr«rt. ivo llluatratlona byli *) Nr.T T.ons AOASSIZ PUBRTBS.A wall known CtitrC wrlies*

"We nre ertaln lhat no hotfpr honlthan thla haa BVar l>»en urltipn upoiornltholoay for iIip yniinn render."


^iitnmn fifoona.

>ClDL1DQCS0o«3(L9{JC OOUDDHT I njItllBR RBRNABDavtLat,lat. 85 mllaa from Nf* Yi.rk ,in P.,

R. R. vla Ilarclay or Chrlatophar al. farrv. Altltuila 80faat OKO. W. TUTTLR Manajsr.

AND KK1I1T COTTAOKH Ul'IIN Altl >*H'!M.B. M. JClnaaa Nev. Ial J5 mllaa from Naw Yi.rk ,in !">., I.. a W


CoinitiQ Uoard.\FH\V PSBRONR nn ba a.rommo.latan wlth j-ooBoard; mila nn,| ii.if fr ni ,!»[.. i. horae nml .nrriria*Kor paril, il.ira addraaa Mra I.. II KYKEB ll.x "4 | aua».I. N. .1

JJIN'II.IO UkXTLKMAN or party wlahlng plaaaant »uhpIv? room, a:. aMant tatil*. lor mii ..n.l wintar. AiHrtanoi r,2. Crariard, N. j.

\VTA'NT':" A b< kr.lrr; only iwi In famlly, ahert rllaTf tanca from N«a fork. IVNRHINC, llox 30. TrlbunOfflca.

QUnnscmcniB.AMBRICAB. JthPaVe0 A TS.S

BCAOBNT OP MIJBIC, i«ta g*. AJrvtagPiAi aumaaa »rf n(t N v HERALO ""-

^.e.gPOBTI»a Lll-K."-Bala. To-day aad Bat. t_ B»e.. 8:18.

niJAintt'AV TBBATRB. <or. 4l« ^BROAIavl t\ a BVeca 8:18 Mat sitFKANCIS WILSON and Company.


BUOl'. ||Ev.. S:13. Maia To 'tav A .-at. Yif ui-qhHIJOI' -.? AI-'' .K TIMK

I IOI . SAM IIKII > \It II. I III. >l \ltv*t lsBijOl? OP Ml< IIIOA5I,

ni.iot laelttdlaa AUCE ATBBBTOH A a great CaK\ I'lt OACIaJil I ln;b I"* "'<' Bat. Bat«A\ CAolNU ! YA1KKK ItOOliLK DAKfjVlBPlfiC'L Herepllon (e» (ien. ".Ine \\ heelep.m:i't'.' '


:ti»,.a p. M. rt'


I'ltin Addrearea Iv Oen». Wheeler and Shartee.M'I't" <'.m J N Phlllp. Hatar i. Byrae, ete.5m '

rj|> Muateal 8 Dramatle I'r-eramme.v'r.'w. neneit 8otdlerr, BelkHV Pr^ierove am'b.

BJPBAWAVf;ini.Men!e«. Mu«l-al fnm»<ty »ver prr,A.jee4at thu thes're:"Tbe Slv Clgaretie." 2 ,.n-~r..j nightly.¦Tha Katloa'a Duat." 3 enrores ni»htly."The Man from Cooka." i -n COraa"BoMkera ir. the Perfc." S enroree."The il y Oaeaeed Ri«ht." a e-r-irei.'THF UOBLINB." Paricv 1uet andrlanre. Burprle* of the evenlna!"HibI. P.cietv." 4 en^..iH» nightly.

Every F.\g «' * i'» Batleeea To day * Bahirda* m 1

Et antntr TIIF.ATRF.. Breadwai and *. ih it.MPIRE Bvenlnga. 8:*l Uattnee, 1:11CHARLE8 ntOllMAN.BaaagBJ

SPECIAL NOTICE.Th» managemenl annoBoeea, ln order m av M B»eeaa>












FIRST riATINBE SATLRDAY,Wednesday A\atinees Begin Oct. 5.

4-« TM*S uoiii.D IB u \x.¦DMR 1 All tb* Wat lleeoealltSRK. rrjNEMATpORAPH KahlWta Hear|


ni-^he«trH| fonrerta Af. II 1 Bra

AVB. TMBSATMR, B*wai aad 9Bra aAi: i «. l.-in, s.t Me- 0 80


-,,-rn patRg CT 10 aOt'VENIRB

HOYT'Sj^f:; A DAY ANQ A N1GHT,,"ii ,\i," ...... in<t »th av« M .- T j»> * 8BtOPKr" j.iMKa-KIDUKB-W.lBtoB,,,,; aB. ln lte;..ri..ire .f j^.andarl I'N «

., .... j., Theetre r ?.- % ir. Maia Tt>-day * Bat 2 18.

uv.'k the FRExen haid.cvtiV* mi.I.i: ASXA HELD iPPfara Ib Bew at* talt,t,\IKA. ; ,,.u wardi ba ai na Ma,a08, bbt UiM aaaj

NEXT WhEK M .*"« ' .. BOTaU. TOPBT tirvt.



...p.A TAXNER .-; LOftB M.-.^.-tNjne Pl>«n. H.'ifla. Hl"*r,iph ir.i a Oreat Bilt.

KMWERBOCKER. x\?Alt£u% aat. **


A fTINVBB IB OOTIIAM -180 PBOPLEAr. i goretgn Vaadevllla st*r».

rVCBIM THKATHK. - 4ih A e e. 2Vt At 1.89.i w i i vi THKATRK. . D Frohmai. Mgr.M:iY TIIKATIIK. - B. H. aoTHERV

\t,.,.er. iirHai * .-.'. Aalhoaj H-r»ariii: apyplsTrBKB op i.ady irmla.

MAUIBOB *«l»t. TIIKAI'KK. S4IB Bt.. aaar B way.

¦SSff i BRicE ok pimjimMURRAY mA.T\%?,T?i.VTATt»»NAL EXHIBITION 1" "¦«-nr!i» Fl"*era.^N' Ai-ADEHV "- OEAION, 811-el a :..i 2S^.

B7«h mi:." il F.». * atltutaie \ v te li i' M. Amateur, Pi reeateaal,

s- HHIn. 'i i Me.l.u for 14 .r-«a

PA«T«»ll'«i n»MlMOl«. PBBPORMABCM)II :¦.'. r ii v M ¦-. na -¦¦ ¦-'¦ 8fi .enta.

ALICE sMv>v. smau TWIK BIBTBBBi<»\ »l T. .1 tlK'1 Thenlre.

a !. ind« ni<; BHOWB EVERY DAt 3 4sn 8.

Nevelty'a L'rnwnlng !¦«rt |V|. ;.¦« i«ri> Vlvi '. I ,. ir-e

WALLACK'S, "SfcCTh. ALt- F a smith i THS


Brooklvn Jockey Club Races.l-li-lil BtaaaeL ."..» « int«.

Tlie IvIiil'« HlillMaii> Hnr.lle llniifll<-np.apeeial iralna rla C N » Hrae» iraa4a«aiBB

frem B4TH BT., E B,. N » '.."¦' .'. '-. ', ;, »iMa»Can anaeheO Beaa WMielaaliai N \t»." * "

M 00 I2:«0. 1 "" i 8", 1 i'. -'"" 1:8*. i »" l M

Laave BROOKLTN HRIPilE na Bth-ava Blenteaaaajr r ant .'. i B R. a*eri io aalaatea '. ¦ 18 bbbb

tcciiirco M. i'tlcchncio.

i"»qMn-: aiVf"oVTmi mi \i ri: itk \pin<V*1 rea Leetorea reamwrtni 0 - *jr 88tB I y"!£f-.

Kcr panievlara «i.p:> POWLER * WELLB CO n Fa.i

;!«. «¦ N V_

(rtteUert' tioicl pocitct ^nibf.ThT.^Tle: "app»ar» MoadBta \Ve.1n-5U'» IBd ,';*''ir1*r*'

H0TEL8 OF TtSi f©WAPOf» h.-ek'e- M nnv Ta! BaaerH BB BBBB

helow, rn!l ,>r albees ie»n.1 e-ati'l-.

D0®ft(ia ITaaa-BlPiJ U3ku°(I>©m CBod..| 63 Flfih Ave Kea Vork.| U.i Keaent to I» "¦!..»I2l!» Rua aa Hlvoll. I'aria.

LXiaDTTLEtL [PODOlaKETT (SHOODIE.IA. iv maana AmTican E. P Baraaeaa °P 'n^V>ALUANT, N Y H""1 Kearaore. A i »;»S .ATLANTIC t'lTY. N. J Pt .h.irie». ap. all PM.^-"^|li:i«.\ AHI.SVII.I.K. N J Mll'i-I Itili A|.l ¦"*.* ^

. l lUintfr Rcoorio.

HADDON HALLR«m-.lna eBOB tht>.iKheiit the year

DellalitfiH fall an-1 wirter .tlvralona.0OLP UMBB.


| LBBM * UPPmCOT*^TOOS D0^lL©^(Dav3o

MiM-iutn >k. DUTCBaaB CO.. N. Y.The be«.mfu| ,lrive». l.'.eal bteyela r-arla nn^ rnarmnie

i acrrier\ make il la a per(e-t autumn i-»ert. I arreri

rulalne. R.v.ims alnala an.i en aulte. Muai.-, «eir iaaap>eleetrlr llaht. »pen flre* anrt uteam heat Wlll remam

..pen untll lat« In OeloBar, Baaefeed fr-nn Ur.tnl en.r*.

. D«P«l la ebout 2 houia. Teleprmne Mlllbr.^li 12U. tt. UoUliUTtiuS'. J*- *-aa»