New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...

Smnarmrnta. ttATtOSiL' ACADKMY OF l>BMON " 80 .- <. * to l.i ib p ir. --l, BxhlbHtan al Pornaiw \i;i '.>'-1 TH-ATBR I Klag-(tbar. itCADI mv OF JM'BIC I Tbe ftg-rMag Pw»«ea AMERICAN lXSTITI'TK I ... 10 a m. -Chryaaathe_M*«a Sh<>w AMKRH'AN THKATHK 8 tM BAt/bt tA Ot. PtVAl * i-.uor TH-ATKI g:U Th* Niaht Oer* HIMA1.WAV TlllW'll.' B.*ae Hla BB- BAW*9 CABM-OIB hai.i. BflB neaBal. CAB1NO 8 18 The WlaanrJ of the Nll*. COl t vr.i s THKATHK 8:18 ln a nia Clty DAI 1 8 TH-ATRI 8 IB Baaael an.l Oreti E1*K\ Mt'gKP. KMiittr TH-ATRB 8:18 Cbi Mnogber, Br. F1KT1I AVKM'i: TIIKVTKK I --_-*-*. OAMUCK THEATHR 8 M Merry Coaataaa ORAXI' OPERA HOWHE 8 Ear Ealr VWgtahl HAlti.iiM OPBRA HOtrga 8:18 Tbe WMow Joaaa HERAM) WJT'ARE THKATHK 8:10 The Heart Ot Mary land. HOVT'S THEATRg ***8 -Th* Qay t'nrlaianji. tRVINO PLACE THEATRE 8:18 Earel Waacea KOBTER >*.- BIAL'g *> v ui.le. illo. LTCEUM THEATRE ! 8 Tbi Prlaoner of Bearta HADIBON BQCARE OARDEN Hora* Bl iw, METROPOUTAM OPERA HOl BE *> Leel .... Pai.MKK'S THEATRE *> Th* gfcofj Olrl PROCTOR8 ri.KAsrni: PALACE 12 to 15 Vaudavllla ETAN- aRI) THEATRE g*-B li gTAR THEATRE 8 30 Tbe T*ai Ona BTKI.YU Al H M.I. I 18 BCI ll Ti .\ v I aSTon s 1 | Va I. i III* Jti.fv. to 'Auncrti-rmcnta. Pac* .- Pag* <- '-¦' a- <; n-i.' Wanted.ia . a " .'. ii .': ¦; A i nan- H me* a Cnrrlagi i. .18 1 .u i laaii ....... a r-a _\ B S Uegal n .* '1 .' '.'...¦".'.' ,.' ; 18 4 Ml*> ilan* .J.' i Bualneaa N «'. Mlacellai .'" . _ Oounto Board '.< 8 l>ean Stramrra. 4 a l'an.-ina- Bchoolt. (. :: Patent* l.iMl-ni N.-ti.-e*.. .14 ;. IMMlc Notlcea.14 0 pom**tlc sir...-.-.. na Kalliroa .'- - ¦ w.-.m.-i .18 0-8 Real Kalat* . " ..* iklna 18 _-, - 1 ¦'-. '_ _\ Kui..|.em Advta. '.' :> Si.ihI Notlcea. 1 '_. Kliiari.-ial.14 4 gtfamboat* .>* Flnam il Elecl lt 8 T«_ch*ra . 8 a 14 :. Work Wunied.18 Por Bale II 1 Unoinc.c Xoiuce. Roll Top Deaka and CNHee Purnttur*, Oreat V.irlet> <,f St>!e and I'rlo*. t c B-X-JBW. Kl. 111 Kult.m -at N T. _, TRIBUNE TER-UI TO MAIL. BrB-CRIBERB. Blngl* l i aai i'. moa B >a bi 7 daya a areek ...ll".'-' $.'¦'«' 12 50 »1 00 ..... i ... .ti..-ut Bunda)- Htm mi 2 "> w 9 cia in* . »O0 BO ... 5ot* Trlbune . 1 <." .¦«¦ I ..kiy Trlbune. 200 .Beta Trlbune M ntlib - <MI .23 ri» _g_ prepaid bj Tha Trlboae tmttmt a* baeetaafiaf .' ' po*4TA(,E Th* !.i*a requirea that a 1-e*nt pi*taf« .tan * Bun_ay ¦--..-. alled for Ipeal Mlvery ln N-.u -, lk (-itj Thla ....atMBv muat b.- i>alil by rub- bettei aarved by buy.nK th*ir Trll mi fi , FOltFlON 1 .-":">''.K To nll f.-r.-lgn eountrlea lexeept ,'..'. .-. 4 r*nt« h copy on Tha Bunday Dally, Beml-W*ekl) ai 6 .'¦¦¦¦ fhU at b* pald by aub rtber. R1 MIT: VN .. I'ostal order, Exprf. Order. L Dr»fi ,, R^alitered U-tier. Caak or l'"»ial Kota, ' *-«; ln an nnregtater letter, wlll ba ut tba OFKK--.S "of'thE TRIBVNE. Maln ttbet ot Tha Trtb- un« IM N'aaaau-at., New-York Maln pfllce. 1 242 Br Iw Addreaa all rreaj eiaapil ¦.The Trll ir N*w V rk._ *t he HMtl.I'M OPF1CEB, 1§0 Eaal On*-hun.!re.l-anrl- * .-. 243 W --. One-hundred-and iwenty-flfth- ., ... adred-and forty-flftli * np U) I ..'',;r;:.' ¦&_»*¦4s,!^r ... r 8 uth ld-at., tt.' w .< t. " -.'aementa onlv. TV K>*t gtre^t K. .'.. U ii-1 -': ElH BRANCH OPPIOEft ir.7 aik-ava eonwr laih-el 1 i;.'', IM-av*., l*iu-e*n "r.tli an.l .r.'n Bta. j .___!, -. .eei TOth and T7th at* 1 ,,-..i, ;'..- ii Olat-at i:,.i al 17" al rn.-r Bd BVB FOUNDED BY HORACE GTtEELEY. TUB8DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1885. POURTEEM PAGES. TIIE \i:ws THls BORXIXO. FORE1GN Tbe Ambaaaadora of the Powera ln .- matantln iple Inalat on knowlng what meaa- Porti arlll take to reetore order. ----- Xubar Pacha, Premler I Egypt, realgned; Mua- Tehmj Pacha was appolnted In hla plaoe. Japan and Chlna have atgned a treaty providlng for the eVacuatlon of the Llau-Tong penlnaula on paymenl of an addltlona! Indemnity ,,f 30,000,000 taels Brltlah troopa arere or¬ dered to Afrlca i ijoln the eapedltlon agalnai the Klng :" Aahantee. * aevere gala dld greal damage 1 ahlpplng on the EngllBh roagta. ,i -.; h Chaanberlaln apoke In London on the c- ilonlal polley of England, DO-fEOTIC.The bark WllUaaa Halea was gunk in colllalon arlth Ihe gteamer Nlagara. of the Wnr.1 Llne. ofl! Cape Henlopen; tlve of the . r. w wero drowned. *= = "Bat" Bhea, tho mtir- derer ol Robert Roaa, tha electlon aratohar, in Troy, araa reaeateaced to ba j"it to death at Dannemora Piiaon in Chrlatmaa week. The Benate c-ummltt.-.- appolnted to Inveatlgate munidpal affalra In Phlladelpbia held its flrat The Bupreane Courl o< th.- L'nited Btatea reconvened after a receee of aeveral v.-i'ks. _i The Btate prlntlng contract was tr-.'.r!sf'-rr."l l-y John K. Milhollaml to t»K- Wyn- koop, Hallenback, Craarford Company, of this city. CTTY AND BUBTJRBAN The Horae Bhow was opened under the most favorable auaptoee. r_r___: a ape ng of th.- New-Tork Ta rht rinb ¦a i- .iliej for next Monday to conalder the state- eni of . h irgew made by Dunraven against th<* :.-... aynd ite -\ wltneaa before the Commlaal nera S ounta teatlBed that Thomaa Byi nea. ex-Chi..' of Pollce, w;is a partner wlth him ln B e-amtillng-ri.iiise ln Broadway, when a >*ai>- tain in the ilfteenth Preclnct; he netifled that be had i .i¦ a m ney to ex-Inanecl * McLaughlln, ex-Fire Comi 10I01 r Bcannell and to Dunlap, a v. ird trian Of eg-InapC t r WiillamB.-_- A num- ber of cah-drlvera went ..n strikp. embarraaalng ^.-v.-r.-ii of the larR.-st liotels for a tlme. A 1-,-ivr. r-taurant man, John Krauer, was f..unu munlcreil in hl* pla'c of business. tock market waa atrong. THE WKATHKH- Foreiast fnr to-day: Falr, eontlnued c -id northerly wlnda Tlu* erature yeaterday: Hlgheat, V) detTcea; lowi at, ¦¦,;; arerafe, 17%. Thera wer.* myaterlo-a Intervlewa ln \\':i-ii iiikfton faaterdaj la whieh _c_atora Iliil nnd Mnrjiliy, Sccri'iiirv Lamoal .'in.l Attniney-Cen- t-ral ilaxmOfl tutik jurt. aml the rvporl .inii'Kly spreatl that _M Bllbjed CtMHri-CTed WBM tliP till- log of iln* viif.'iiity nn tlu* Supreme Courl behcb. ri-eviient ciev.'iaiui has, ii is underatood, made np his mind to seml no n iiniiiatinn to Iha B-B- ate iinle*>s ggoond lhal ll wlll be conflnned. It ls ivrtuin iha; the v;niint place ooghl rn be fllled, and thnt Ntvv Y.nk niiirlit lo be repre* s.-nti'd in Iha court. I*he dlaagraeiaenl betweea tha rresident nnd Ibe Nftt Y.'ilv Sen.iii.r-. wbea tha prcviou>. racaacy octorred becaaae a publlc Min.ial. \\)ty n..t ra_M b Bag of bro .. dow and come to au uinlt-altlo aetttemeat? Agaln action oa tbe pl.-i/.a qneatlon «.i-i p"st- p .ii.-ii hy the BrMfe Traatcea yeaterday, owlng to the abaaaca af btayor Ktroag aad Coatroller, this tlme unill next Moiitlay, wbea n s[mh*Ih1 uicftlng will Ix- hcl.l. Tbe tlelay Is not to ba rc.retted, uin.-.* lt Mora Unie fur the oppositlon to tbe Mirnmler <if tbe pln/.i ti «l«.rl:il'e itseif alld lllilke 1111 Imprt'SKlnll on tlu* Bridge t.niciais. Tba rallroad wblcb wants to turn tbe plazn into a oaiataad ir^ ii".v baslni? Hs daim oa tba ground that it i* aa aaach n pahUe coacera us th*- Brtdge rallroad, nnd n*wrti!ig that it would. if lt eould. »»uy back the land whlcb n on.c sold to th<- Brtdge. Rrgo, it is .-Illiti'tl tt) lllf* fiee use of the plilZ.1. A*. Wl'll nlgbl lt 8et up a ehilm to any or all of Ihe city's l»ark- A'-tion of real Impertaaca waa lakea by tlu* DvH-k C'.iuiiii.-sioii.Ts ycsicidny, Uist in appoiut- lng i Board pf Consalrlng F.ncin.ors to paaa uprn ptaaa Por Improvlng Ihe wetarfroat, riu, aecond, in di'iermining to ered i eombtaed pler .-imi tlroproof wnrchoiiso of a ni»dfl type. tO racflltate tbe loadlng and onloadlng ot TeeaeJa )in,i the bandllng of frdght. Il la propcued to conetrud ihis pler and warehouae al Weal Eleventh-et, in nn cx|i.-iim.ii:;il way. nt I Coat ,,f 1700,000, with tho inicntion of mikinc it the firsl of n sorioa If the plnn ni«'.'ta expedatkaia Tho conaulting englneera ndeded are (Jeuerul ThoaMM L Onney, of Waabiofrton; Oeorga B. Morriaoa, pwaldoal ol fbo American Boddy of I'lvil Englneera nn.I Williani 11. BuiT, of ilils Clty. AH .ir.' ni.'ii ..f btgfa r.-piite nnd h.'ive had o..ntr..i .>f latportaat worka Tbe ('oinniissi.inei's <>f Aoooutits nre dlsplay lng ahaoal as nvcfl skill aml g-ergy as John W. <."fl' Bbowed last v.-:ir in dragglag oui leatl- nmny damaglng to m.-n in ..fiieinl placea durlng the long perlod "f Tammany aacendancy in tbe clty. V.'st.Tiiay tbey bad brfore them as a wlt- n,.Ss <. Bchaeffer, n gambler, arboae evidence dlrectly Impllcated pi Buperintendent Byrnea srbneffer swore thal arhen Byrnea was captaln nf ihe Plfteentfa Prednd be regulariy dlvlded wltli hlm ili«' proflta of his gambllng bouae <>n Broadway. Tbe money was pald to Hyin.-s in iierson aome«i or in ;1n aml Byrnea came for II "aa regulariy as tbe findlord." The Hnsupported word of a man ..f Bcbaeffer'a reputatlon eanol be Becepted, and apparently corroboratlon of his Btatementa wlll be .litli.-nlt t.i obtaln. Ii happi ns thal Byrnea w.-nt t<. Eu- rope nnexpectedly n few weeka ngo, an.l bo h<- is nol al band lodeny ihe chargea ogainal blm. THE "XEVER8 1/.T' 1/1 V. Wbal reflnemenl of eruelty, to propoaa ihat Grover Cleveland ahould be faatened upon tba Democratle party for a fourth oomlnatlon! An.l vct ihe supgcation breaka oui In a good many Jonrnalfl and Intervlewa aa if there ;i wi.le- apread conaplracy to foree Democratle oplnlon Into iluil direction before anybody elae could rally any followlng. The Btory alwaya runa the aanie wav: "Prealdenl Cleveland doea not wanl it. bul he ln- beeome abaolutely neceasary t<> ..the Democrallc party, abaolutely neeeaaary to .tbe eountry." One man prorea lo liis own satlafaetlon Ibal no Democral ean !»<¦ rteded Prealdenl if Cleveland cannot, The obvloua an- awer, thal n.. I>«-.eral ean l>.' eleeted, be aeema to overlook. Anoiber deebirea Ibal tbere Ib n !>,.,.-i-ai. excepl Mr. Cleveland, In whom the bualneaa Interesta of tbe eountry ean repoae confldence. Bnl II la i matter of profound aatia f:i.-ti..n to tbe bualneaa InlerealB of Ibe eountry Uiat they wlll nol be ealled upon to repoae con- fldence In any man lomlnated or elected by Democratle votes. Even al thla hour. when it woidd aeem Ihat . Ili:m ,,,- comraon-Bense mnal realhw Ibal mone tary agltatlon In eveiy form is auperlatlvely nndealrable, PreBident Clcveland'a Becretary of the TreaBury, aceordlng to offldal accounta from Waahlngton, la preparlng another report »,|v" eating the abolltlon of greenbacka and the BUb- Btltntlon of State bank nolea. Of eourae tbe Prealdent eonld Btop tUa performanee by a word if be wlahed. Unleaa be la laeklng In per ceptlon of faeta he "lUst **ow thal renewed agltatlon on that Bubjecl ean only Increaae un certalnty ond apprebenalon, whlcb tbe itate of thlngfl abroad makeB loo greal already. Nelther the Prealdenl nor tbe Becretary can poaalbly believe tb«1 a BepubMcan Congreau will vote for Buch a plan. If ll were poaaible al any oiber tlme ii would nol be poaaible thla yearj flrat, be- rauM of the financial dUturbaneea In Europe, whieh woukl render a grave change bere exeeptlona_y dangeroua; an.l, aecond, be¬ cauae "f tbe approach of a Prealdentlal eleetlon, in wblch tbe ItepubUean party will aaauredly nol take its monetary pollcy from tbe handa of a Democratle Prealdent But to Btart agltatlon ai a lim.- wii.-n it must Increaae tmbarraaainent and cannot poaalbly do any good is an uct of Buch foiiy that tbe eountry would nol expect ii from any other Democrat Yet the eountry does expeci that act from the Prealdent Men know bla obetlnacy, bla contempt for publlc oplnlon, hla fix'"i Idea that all Democratle defeata bave been eauaed by Congreaa and not by blm. lt would be just like him, many reaaon, to Bd forth once more bla notlon of a financial Bettle- mem In tbe eonvlctlon thal nothing elae could snve his party or tbe eountry. That it would be untim.'ly, nobody expecta blm to conalder. Not-lng ever could be more nntlmely than peralatenca In tne effort to change the tariff after the proetratlon of 1898, bet that was Mr. ci.veian.i's way Tbe men who thlnk hlm wis.- and truatworthy evldently Imaglna that if all tbe unlverae geta In the way of one of Mr. Cleve- lan.l's notkmi lt ls simply wlcked misut-havior <.n tbe part of all tho nnivcrs.-. The Btate bank aebema was brought oui a yenr ago with mu.-h flouriah of trumpeta aa tbe one method of preventlng Democratle dlaruptlon <>n the money queatlon, it was i falbire, Tho sllv.-r peopie n foaed to rct;ar.l it as in any Benaa n compromiae or conceaalon to them Tbe hard- money Democrati aaw that it would rabetltute forty-foiir of paper, all bad, for one klnd Indlaputabbjr good. Btlll Mr. Cleveland peralat- ed, as he alwaya peralata. Becauae of bla adber- ence toa plan of aettlemenl wblch be could not p»>» elther party in elther bouae lo adopt be preaently f..un.i himaelf begglng Internatlonal b.'inker* to take care <>f the United Statea Treaa- urv ns recelvera No other Executlva haa erer mn.le auch a m.-ss of it ln financial mattera, nnd yet there are peraona capabie of beUevteg that Orover Cleveland is tbe one an.l only man whom ihe bualneaa Intereata of the eountry will tnist! They ar<' so siraiiL'.-ly <-<.n<titutoal that his one fftwd deed, realatanee lo freeaflref eolnage, makea them utterly Mlnd to nll his lilun.lers ».f method an.l his errora of l.iiief. it is nol im- probable that tbe eountry may bave another practlcal Uluatratlon of tbe expenalveneaa <>f Mr. Cleveland as ¦ raxury before tbe year enda if l.e manaaea lo _»l ap enough monetary aajlta tion lo causc real appr benalon ln Deeember, ni.-n maj agaln be remlnded that tbere can be no Bteady progresa toward Improvemenl so long as any branch of the Government remalna in Democratle handa THF UORBE SHOW. Tbe Horae Bhow la aure to l.e a great aucceaa, a< lt deaervea i" be. All the aeata were s..l.l laal week, a large proportlon of them no doubl to apecolatora, \\)\<t nre nol tba most admirable element <>f the populatlon as i rnle. but who s.-l.loin make Berloua miatakea in the managa- m«-nt of their heariily execrated bnalneaa Tbere is every reaaon to Buppoee thal tbey have made no mlatake In the preaenl Inatance. The show has grown more popular yeor by year, tims re- fuiinu niiiiK-raiiiv confldenl predlctloaa that when it had eeaaed to ba ¦ aovelty it wonld qui.-kly cease to inspir.- publlc int.-i'.-st. Tossihly ii may i»- wii«i In bebalf of tba iliser.niit.-.i pfopbeta that they eonld not foreaee with what aagadty nn.I skill the eaterprlae wonld be c.n (lucteil, nii.l 11 is a f.i.t that remarkable a.lmlnis tratlv.' tnl.-nt, as well as soiin.l Judgment nnd a llberal sj.irit, hns b.-en tinlformly sli.iwn by the mauagera. aflaata attentlon t.» detall has k.-j.t tha- roeord Btagnlarly dear <«f ¦eddenta «nd mis- foi-tiin.-s of every kln.l. nn.I thera hns nev.-r been ao mu.-h ns rha BBjggeatton of ¦ acandal ln the depnrtni.-nt of tboUgh ns a mat¬ ter of eourae Jndgea hav.- nol been infnllibi.-. it is not BnrprWag Ibal the 11<.?--*. Bhow has b.-.-n Bucceaaful in bo fi.r aa eompetent manage nieni could eontribnte t.» mbcc. | Considerable astonialnueui haa been oprotHd, however. from year 10 year thal tha tatrlBBlc attractloaa of tha ahow abuaid be giaal enough to draw ever Inereaslng thrOBgl 0* apectatora to .1 pl.i.-f when* niost of them are inevlliililv anbjected lo rartoBi dtocoB-torta, nnd from whlch they emerga without havinu geen macfa of that whlch tin* programme daacrlbao, In ¦oaae of its aapecta tbe Hor*.* Bhow is aaqaea tioii.iiiiy rather abaard. \vii.*n from the aam total of atteBdaace thai proportloa has l.n gnbtracted whieh e-preaaea aa iBteJUgaBl in tereal ln. <>r even :i llvly curlosity coacerBlBg, boraea in general and tlu* horan ob exhlbltlon in particuinr. y far ihe greater part, ns we attp poae, rcinnlns to be accoBBtedjfor. Aml it must be gdmowladged thal the nmsi probable boJb- tlun is DOt entircly satlsfactory. A survey nf the endleaa ptuuaalon arhlch pnsses betweea tlu* nrcna nnd the bosea, with eyea eteadfaatly dl¬ rected toward the. latter, is Buppoaed to explatfl Ihe phenomonon: hut thnt exptaBBttoa seems to involve gaother myaterjr. if the qaeatloa, went you out for t.> see? coultl hc hoiicstly an many no doabt woald aay that ther went to aea tin* prodalaaed leadera <>f fnahlou jmil their cioTh<*s. whlle otbera wobM hare to confeal tlmt tliey went to be Been «*ven more than to see. itut however pralaeworthy for its mndor this latter ¦cknowledgmenl mlghl i>'-. it woald reveal a btrge .aaare of aelMecep tlon: f.'r it woiiltl c.iinp.'l th..nelusiun thal thoueanda <>f pcrsmis ..f at leaal ordlnary Intplli- genre, who bave a aiore or lc»s i.tceal dealre i,i "do the* enrret tliin«" BOdally, ImagtBe that ii is Ibe corred thlag t" Irndge aroond tlu- Mad- lion Bquare dar.len wlth their aerka aH nt aa nnbccomlng nnd paiarhl BBgle, nerer kaowlng whether the rlag is .apled ;it any partlcnktr momenl by Bhetbtnd ponlea or coarhlBg atalllon?. Bnl probaWy it Is just ns wil nol t.. Inqulre t.i.k.-Iv into all ih.' eanoea nf :i raal attend gnce nt tbe Horae Bbow, bIbcc snnn* nf them an* aol sii.-esilve of altogi ther agreeable rellec tlona. It is better lo conglder it eomprebeBBlve iv as a greal aad gUtteriag apectacle, comblBing varloua elements nf legltliBate iBlereat, teBdlBg i. prom-.te n usefnl objed aad azhlbltlBg ad- talenta fnr organJaatlon an.l control. OtTE I 8 1 JfBW COMMITTEB. Ti,.. ,-iitiiii..i RepabllcaBa t.f this county will i-ieet a new County Commlttee next moBtb. lt will l'ilt'.ilv l.e tlen'ietl bjr tlll.V otie falllilia f Wlth Ihe facta of Ihe exlatiag gltaatloa tbai tbe feel Ing of dlaantlafactloa wlth tbe preaenl com .,lttee is s.i Intenae and bo general oa lo make a change in it gbaoluteljf certaln if only ¦ full vote is brougbl ont. Whether or aol lhal ran l.. effected i** the only queatlon. Tbe pereona noa in control, nnd wbo lmve made ancli a meaa of it alnce they rmdertook Ibe nanagement, are bopetnl "f belBg contlBUed in poaaeaaloB. And they do nol healtate to dladuec with franknesa Ihe ground -'f Ihelr hopefnlneaa, whlcb is lhal tbe greal ni;iss ..f earoUed Repubttcaaa do nol tak.- siiili.-ieiit intcrest in Ihe welfare "f tbe party to attend tbe prlnaarlea. They are in poll- tica themaelvea ;is a profeaaloB, and, their living belng in large m.Msur.* dependeBl upon It, Ibey eive it tlielr whole attention ¦'¦'<¦> daya in Ibe year. Whlle th.y make thla ihelr I'"-'"'- tbe*. ',,,.,. do leaa open in ihelr aneera :u tbe "amaieur polhidana," as tliey call Ihem, wbo conllne their poMtlcal actlrltleg lo a few montha pre ccdlng tbe elettlona and delnde themaelvea wltb tbe notlon tbai they can make their Influence f,.it without attendlng the prlmartea. Tlnt th- preaent commlttee baa been a fallure nnd almnst a dlagrace la aotorioua. Mr. I.nuter- bach ihe chalrman, Inangarated bla aduilBhttra- tion'or rather gntldpated Ua laanguratioB bo ioob as sui'.'-ss waa aaanred hy dlacbarglag a vi.ii.t.t fa.ii.mnl Bpeecb, for wblcb Ibere waa neither excaae nor provocatkm, BBd wblcb only servctl to ilis< bla Bbaotate nnfltncaa f.-r tbe poat hc had been called hy tbe perBlelomi actlv- tty of the Belf-aeeklag and the Indifference of .;,, ,..,..,. elaaa of RepabllcaBa l.eapy. ' ..."" Ihat ,llllt. forward be kepi hUBaelf almoal cob- Unuoualy la erldeBce aa a t-ctlonal mlacblef maker and dhrtarber of Ihe party peace. Hla toague aever wearled of wagging; Ua Uarah, digcordanl danglng araa coBBtaBt. He waa tbe ,-M,-.tive offlcerof Ibe Republlcan organlaatlon of this county, having beea tadttcted tato offlce after th.- party bad acbleved under "ther leader- gblp a trinmph ovei its Tammany oppoaent, whieh iu imm.-diate resnits and far reachlng con- gequeacea might almoai be called ualque la ihe bietory of polltlca, Bul from thal tlme to thla he baa bad nothlng bat nbtme and de__nrtatlon for his predeceaaor In ottca and the munlelpal gdmlntatraUoo whieh n RepoWlcaa victory ,,,,,,.,1 in poarer. For one word of dlonpprovol Of Tammany men an.l Tammany methoda be has emptied hlmself of columna of rondetuaa tlon of the party wboa.mmlaalon be beld and the munlelpal offlciala npon whom ibe v.-tins maaaea "f th.* party bad beatowed i.r COUlidenee ill.d l'epi'S'"l tl,C gTBVeal reBpOBBiblll. ties There have been in ihe hlatory ot munle¬ lpal polltlca herctofor.' factloaal leadera who ___r_ provoked cenaure by dlTartlng t'» factlonal advaatage tbe ragBlta of politlcal aucceaa; it re nvtined fnr Mr. Laaterbach to uae tl.gecutive poaltlon to whlch he wa. aaalgned, nol f-r tbe advantai;.* of his factim.. hut for the dlaruption Bnd defeat of his party. Inatead «.f counaelllng barmoay la th-- party, ne has i.n a peratetoni dtorarber nf its peaca by groaa and unpro voked attacka upon the character and motlvoa of Its most emliient and truated leadel.; g«»lng io f,.r in this directloa aa to laane in I'is ofllclal capadty aa gbnalve clrcular charglBg well- knowa Republlcana of nBlmpeachable lategriiy wiih fai-''1.1, treacbery and decelt. And ev.n when tbla uit-riy Irratlonal and un- piofllable factlonallam had wroogbi its loglcal reault ln BBcb a complete wlibdrawal of coofl dem-e from the commlttee tbai it waa lefi Bnan- dally itranded Ib tbe mMal of Ihe late cain palga, Mr. LaBterbacb coBtlBued lo bteme the Republlcana who had rcfuaed to trual hlm *lt_ their coatrlbutloBB, whlle wltb an egotiam and self-sufhVlen.-y that Beenaed alBMMl grotcuque be gttribUted the l.'.al de.feat tn the r.'flisal ..f the party to foQow his advlce aad nomlaate n atralghl tickel. No boneal RepabHcaa can re view Mr. Laulerbach'a admlnbrtratlon its prral dent of the County Commlttaa, or even. wlthonl golng int" tbe detalla "f bla career, c.pare the reaulta of his managem.^nt ln ihls coUBty wlth thoae obtalned throBgbout the Btate wlthonl be comlng tbai a change in the commlttee i> unperatlve if the RepubMcaaa nf tliis county an* to ailileve gfjythlBg liereaftiT, or cvell li\e ai peace \\itli aach other. Wlthonl .an execntlve body whlcb commaada th.- confldence <.f tin* party to such an extenl lhal lt <-nn rnls.- money enough to aieel the ordlnary aeceaaary expenaa. of ii cnrnpiiii-'n there ls llttle bope ..f aaything llke success hcreafter; BO bope whatever. excepl hy BOBM fuslon nr other :uTBBgemefll whlch will iii effecl ¦Bperaade the Republlcan Commlttee. As already said, tlu- peraoBB now in c.ntrol nf the inaciiinery nf the CoBBty Commlttee bope to boM their power, n-.t becaaae they for obo rnomeiit lielicve that they tin- coBfldeBCe of tba party, hut becaaae they reaaon from paal exp.-rience that tli.* mass nf eBroUad Hepuh- lieans do not take sullhieni latareal ln tha wel fare of tlu* party lo COBM OBt an.l attend the prlmarlea, Bat isn't lt poaalble to aarakea aafl (i.-iii -iteraal in this matter t.. briag ool a full atteadaace at aeal BMBtb. prlmarleai lan'i redemptloa from the corrapl nua nf ThanBaay ln local afTiiirs worth whOal That iii-]ii-mi* upon mi. bariag a aoUd, unlted, har BMlBloua Itepllhlieail nl.'.llli/.illinfl il) this i'.i||||ly. Aml for that tba tirst eaaeniial is a Couotj «' .m mltteg whkb baa ihe coB-deBca of ihe party; ., commlttee whlch will not derota its enorgios t.> fomentlng factkmal strlfe, nnd whlch tho partj will bo wiDlag to trust with more thnn mh.'. nl a time. COLD COBFORT FOR THF BBBBIYBM. Il is neeessary, If one voiild dlsousa tho (Jer man rote cast in last Tu.'s.lay's eleetlon in a aplrit of falrneae, to recognlaa tba fad lhal onr Oerman American dttoeoa entertaln Just ns <ie- dded vlews ..n Ihe general issu.-s of the day as ,|,, thoae of nativo birlh. The arroiran.'.' with whlch nelf-appolnted leadere speak ns f..r "das Deutacfathum," Iherefor*), cotnpela any one who dealrea to dlacuaa the nationallty «.f Tues.iay's v,iii. I.. dlatlngnlah Bharply betweea tiie Qt» mana as a whole aud the Oermana whose boat- neaa Intereata or Btuptdtty, or prejodlce, or batred of decenl order has put them into i dam which mlghl be ealled rhe Beerttf". lt is a humtllatkw for Ibe InteDlgenl dei .ent among the Oermana Iboae who believe in physieal. In- tellectnal moral arrl polltical deanHneaa that they Bbould s.. often be lumped with those <.f Ihelr countrymen i.y blrth wh.. are alwaya raady -,, sacriflce everythlng makea for the good nf the communlty t" thdr god, Qambrinna. Th. re are tena <>f ihonaandB ..f Oermana in New York Clty wh.. would lik<- to aee a rdaxatlon <>f ih.- lawa and eustoroa whlch bdong to tha- American Bunday, yd do nol beUeve for a mo¬ ment thal the sun of peraonal llberty riaea in a I,,., i-lian.'l and Beta iu a b.-.-r b.-lly. In a eoun- iiv where Her.' is a rigldlty in the enforcement of Irwa deaigned ».. preaerre publlc ..r.ler an.l ,b-, iiiiini. .hi'-ily tbe lawa regntatlng the sale <>f Intoxleatlng drinka which makea Mr. relt'a efforta seem fardenlly Impotenl in com- pariron, they learned t.> take a dlfferent rlew ,,f th.- weekly day "f real ihan has beretofore prevailed ln thla eountry. They would like t., aee it devoted more t.» mental and bodlly ro.-p-a tion; i" pteaaurea wblch an- in themadvea inm. cenl an.l wblch do not Infrlnge upon the rigbta ,,f othera s.. long aa they are kepl 'tnder proper regulatlon Tbey have wltneaaed a change in that direction in tbe gradual but ateady exten- rloa ,,f opportunltleB for Innoeent dlverakm; nnd they hav Been all thi- accompllahed arltbout a conflld bdween Ihe native and fordgn-born dementa in our populatlon. can anybody recall a tlme when tbe leadere .,f the German party wblch abrieked for "per- Bonal llberty" in Ibe recenl canvaaa got up a deeent, orderiy agltatlon in favor ..f wldenlng tl.>.;...riiiniti'-s ,.f tlu- peopie for moral, Intd- lectiuil anl aeathetlc eulture? Remembering tbelr manner of eonductlng .an argument, doea anj on.' believe thal it would be poaaible foi* them io .-any on su.h an agltatlon? Have they ever dlaplaycil any anxlety t.. aecure anythlng for ihelr compatriota .-x<-. pt tbe privttego "t* ilrinklm mncb lieer at all tlmea? They talk volul.l) aboul ti..- n.l of malntalnlng Oerman llberty (wbatevi-r ibal may be), Oerman cua- tnins and Ihe Oerman language In thla Ameri¬ can land of their adoptlon; an.l many of them talk, both from the platform and in the newa- paper preaa, in a manner that is a dlagrace to il!,. tierman tongne. Hav.- they ever done any thlng to preaerve Ihe Oerman language of whieh th.-v are .>.> fond, for polltical purpoeea, from the woful degeneratlon Into whlcb it baa fallen, and whi-h blda falr t.» make ..f th.- apoken Oerman ,,f the Eaal Blda a patola like the "Yi.l.lish" ..f th.- I'ollsh quarter .-r- "Pennaylranla Duteh"? Tbey hav.- not. Tb'' queatlon with them has alwaya l.n. and will alwaya be, a I.r quea tion. Tammany nei'infl t.> nnderatand it as su.-h. and, if our aclntlllanl contemporary, "The New V..'k Sun." apeaka elther by Inaplratlon or au- thority, tb-- vi.-toiy which the beeritea belped f.. wili on tbe "peraonal llberty" issue is golng be for them a barren Ideality. Tammany is now itolng t" BBBume a lofty attltude as the pre- icrver ..f tb.- exlating exdae and Bunday lawa. fauimnny "dld not ntlpulate and agree t<> yi.-id il:.- iMTsonal llberty.' Sun lay openlng. free- l.,.|- ndriM'atea," says .Tlu- Sun." which sp.-aks contcmptuotuly of tb.- "Oerman reform radtcala, .who ar.- Iiefore all for free lieer, and pl.-nty .-,,(¦ ir " iVorse Ihan ihat. it arguea thal by the v. r\ fa. t of thdr anppori of Tammany Hall the tJermana relleved tb.' Bepnbllcana from all ohllcationa t.. aecure more lilieral Bundaj lawa. H.i-.-s gratitude! "Der Molir bal aelne Behul digkdl gethan; der Mohr kann irehenr XEW YORK -I \D THE CAX I/.-'.'. (9,(100,000 whi.-h tiie peoplo have just V..I..I f..r tbe enlargemenl ot the canala -.f ihe Btate, if property Bpent, is Hkdy to be "f con- aiderable bem-fll t.» tb.- boatmeu aml Indlrectly 1,, tbo clty of Xew York Thal th.- canala ahould i.. improred and made to contribnte more large- \y to ib.- proaperity ..t the B»ato and dty than they bave d. iu recenl yeara tbere ran be no rloubt. I: bas lieen queetloned whether a amall enlargement, wblch arlll nol bring New ITork and tb.- w.-st into dii'.'.'t r.-latioiis wlthout truna Kbipmcnt but ..nly enaUe siiu-iitly larger looda I,, i,.. carried ln boata of the preaent pattern, will n..t i..- done at an expenaa in.imenanrate wlth tbe beneflt. The taxpoyera however, have declded to in. ur tiie burden, an.l Btgnlfled thoir wlUingneaB to Intruat the enlargement t.» the Siqierintendenl of rubii.- Worka with su.-h pr.>- tection agatnal waate as is glven by the reqnire- in. nt thal everythlna be done und.-r contracta wlth tbe lowenl bldders fordlfferenl .lass.-s and ¦ectlons of tb-' work. Wi- are noi t.. bave .. ahlp canal, nor even a 14-foot walerway such as Chlcago nopea i" make ine <>f as an outlel to Xew-Orieana l><" we are promlaeil a eanal ao deepened as t.. in creaae tbo carryluR eapaelty of tbe present boata about -."' i"i' cent, wlth bttb- "i' no Increaae >-f -., ;.,,. ,,-j-i,.-. Tbe liuiit ..f draughl ln the I.;,,,. Canal i- uow tl feet. It and tbe Oowego Cannl wlll !"¦ deepeneil t.. 9 t'.-.-t wbererer prac tlcable witboul removlng .'\isiiiii; itruct- ni-,.,. an.l in all eaaea made to glre a dear draughl of s f«*t. Thla will allow tlu- boata fullv 1.". Inebea deeper Immereion, an.l enable ih. iu t" carry 300 tona of (relghl lnstead of 240 tona. it Ib planned bv lengtbenlng the locka io make poaaible boata carrylng over '{-">.' tona. improved locka will als.. conalderabry In¬ creaae the apeed with whi.-h trafflc can be bandled, and tbe deeper water will make rapid movement by Bteam or electridty ...-.. nomical, beeause of tbo reduetlon >.f tho frl.' tion. Canal men calculate ihat theae changea will make poaaible a reduetlon of eent a busbel on wheal chargea from Buffalo to New Vork fr. tho norraal rate. Thal may bo aald to b.- about .".'... centa p.-r bnaheL ln the ten yeara followlng tbo aboltttoa of eanal teOa it avernged l.'l centa, but in IS02 il was :t.4 centa ¦nd, lliongh up to 1.0 eents in 1893, fall laal ¦rear t.> .". 1". centa, an.l at one tlme thla your to 1.75 centa ai the last named flgure there is certalnly no profll to th.- boatmeu Hut per> bapa - or -'j centa will aufflce t.> Bupporl them. w b.-ib.-r they ean contlnue l>.n« to eompote wlth tho raflroada al that rate is poaalbly open t,. doubt. Tho rallrooda at tlmea have come down t.» ". centa and in competltion with the canala under the presenl condltkana bave atead- ih Increaaed Ihelr bndneaa. More tbnn half of the graln that came to Now-Y-.rk in iv.i.'i arrlved i.\ raii. aml th.- percetttagc ..f New-Tork'B ex porl trade in graln baa Bhrunk eonalderably in twenty yeara owlng t.. tha competltion «>f llnea to other ei'i.-s with ow comMaed rallrond and eanal s.-rvl.-e I'mm bandllng OVCT .".''> por eoiit of th..mbined wheal and con axporta we hava come to handle only Bboul SO per cent. The tounnge "f tho Rrie Canal is leaa than half whal ii w.i^ iu INNo, when lolla were atlll charged, aud lasl il was tlu- Binallosi in Ihirly _Vfl venrs. Not all of thla falllng off ran he nt- trlbuted to fntiltH in the eanal. The develop- ment of the eountry has naturally opaned up new llnea of trnffle, nnd left our clty less ex cluslvely ln possesslon of our forelgn trade. Yet without doubt the boatBMB lmve heen at a dlaadvantage In not belng nhle to make ratea low In compnrlson with their slowness, nnd, If they can trnnsport cargoes more ra|)!dly and nt a rigu.'o whlch will enahle ihem to hold their own against rallronds comlng to this port. tlo-y ean eertalnly compete wlth llnes to other aea- hoard points. Thnt would brliitf toward New- York nll thegntla that was not gTOWB in llmlted sectlons so favor.ahly situnted in relatioii to other setiiiorts that under no circumstances would lt come here. It Is to he that the boat- nien's calculntioiis are correct, and that the |9,000,000 will he found to have contrihut.*d iiinterlHlly to N'ew-York's prosperlty. THE C01TOO ETATE. PRO AXD COX. We were irlad to glve gpace on Sunday to the BdglBB .Mlnistcr's enrnest defence of his sover- elcn nnd of ihe adminislratlon of the Con-.") Free Btate. it ls alwaya aatlafhctory to hear the other slde, .*speclally If that he the more side, as it certainly ls in thla caae. The KlBg »f the Belgiiins is happy in having s-i loyal a repwaeatatlve aml so eloquent a cham- pion as Mr. Le Ohalt. Whether or not we en¬ tlrely Bgree with the latter, we ar.- fully p»*r guaded "f his BlBcerfty, nnd aotblag wouW pl.-ise us niiiiv than to he ei|iinlly COBVlBCed of the correctness of hln view of thi* COBgO situa- tion, and of the falsity <>f tiie other repres.-ii'a tlona wblcb have come to hand so Bumeronaly, and whieh ln* bo rlgoroualy deBO-Bcea. S.i far as KlBg LaopoM himseif is concerned wi- are at .»n.* wlth Mr. Le Ohalt. We have the hlgheat regard for his nohiiity of purpoae ln foundlng tba Congo State. and for liis cner.y. pemeverance nnd seif Mcrlfice in endeavoriim to make it successful. We hnve paaaed no crit- Idam upon him. agva to say what we helteve Is patent to the world, that he is BudlBg the State too heavy a bordefl for blm to carry. and ls deairoua of turnlng It over to soim* .me elae prcferably, of cours.*, to his <-wn Klagdom. wiint wc hava said about th.* lo.-al admlBlatra- tlon of the Coflgo State. and espedally aboal tin- coadnet ef bobm ladlvldaal offlcera, is ex- ceedlBgly unpleasant. hut we hnve the stroiij; ,.st reasnns for beilerlBg it to he true. Theae dark reporta bave aol come from aome one prejudlced aource, hut from maay credlble and dlaintereated Boarcea. American, Britlsh, Freneh and Ceiniin. We have no doubt there :ire good men in iii" genrlce of the state, who ire loyaHy nnd bumanely atrlvlng tn fulfll their aoverelgn. plana. Hut we nf- afraid there are nthers, and many, who are ruthleaaly awking arfflab galn t<> put lt pbtlaly, mere adveatarera, trylBg to get all they caa out of the state whlle they have a chaace. At preaent the overwhelmlBg wetght of teatl mofly is to that effect, ::s w* atated in th.- artlde to whlcb Mr. I.e Ohalt took exceptloB. We shall watcfa eagerly for testlmony of equal welght on the other and far dlaproof nf the ngly chargea now extant. When these come to hand we shall take pleasiire In Kiving them the arldeat poaeihle publldty. The n^t result nf multlfarlous explanatloaa or the impiilar verdlct at the i-.llw last week is that ihe Democratlc party has heen found utit and ki'-kell OUt. _ _ <;.,,,ri cyellng days are not yet endeJ for th" \ear, im! liy a good deal. Lord Dunraven ls not so a.*ute ns we sup- poaed, ur BO would have dlscnvered that our Weather Bureau aent apeclal puffk of wlnd doarn th.* Hav in small pac':ages fnr the use of the Defender whlle his boat was compelled to go along "ri empty alr. Canada ls g'incr ln for horseless wegona, bul boreea are good enough f".' ua thla week. Th" Unlted Btatea Bupreme Court convened yeaterday with an empty s»-at anl no N'.-w-York man on the bench. Both troublea can be eaally remedled, and slmuld he at on. e. -«.-. The German Bmperor ls aald t.> iie offerlng Oreal Brltain the chnice ..f jninhiK his Trlple \__t___H.r of t" Ing boycotted by al Europe. K ire rentember -right, Napoleoo Bonaparte trled that sunie name a century ago, wlth results more dlaaatroua tn hlmself than tn any one else. II.iii tn the h.irrao, whlch in triumph now i rancea! __ The Valkyrle is a g.1 boat, BBd she deeerved ;t better fate than to he forever Identlfled with l_ .r.i Dunraven. The new BallOl law is speclflo ln DVOVlding that ih.- only marka whieh caa he made oa th.- balloi are plaln croaaea wlth a hiack iead penelL Bome votera thought tt smart to mak.- double <r..ssfs or other fantastt.* devtcee, Baltota s.. mark.-.i are invalid, and the eOBTta must so decide, for there ls nmhln.,' in the law about the expres- sh.n of the voter'a latentton b.tng anfllelent to valldate his ballot. Th.- atmpte cross an.l the black pencli are deetgned t" prevenl th.- mark- tng .-f haiiots for IdenlIflcatton. C-ggeahall doean'l Uke "io Serate party di* rieton nf Republlcana Democrata and Oogges- hall. aml waatB to gel back into the ,-amp where commlttee placea are dlatrlbuted. -_9* . The tateat Dernocratb esptanatlon of the huge Republlcan mai nity in this State ls that Presi- dent Cleveland'fl recommendatlon hoodooed the Democratlc tlcket Thare may he something in this idea, and there ls certainly no reasmi why it ahould not he cherlahed by any I>**n o.-rat to whom it iiffords conaolatlon. --*¦- For day Of :-'"»1 American weather we are thankful. There are no Anglomanlaca here when lt eonies to fogs. ? Thev ai" heglnning to talk ln Hronklyn of cx- teniling Mr. Backtufa term to foUT years. lf the rlng doean'l g»'t eimugh nf him in two it will be Burprletng. It must be Bcknowledged that there la not so much Intereal in football bereabouta as ther. baa been ln years paat, wh.-n the Yale-Harvard game at Springtleld was r,.| ,,nly a gr. at eon- teet in Itseif, hut the hest hasls nf calculatlOB ns tO tho Thanksglving l>ay game ln this elty. Oeneral Humldtty h;is man ied hi* fbggy boata away at Iaat For this r.-ll.-f. nm h thanks. May it be long befOI they return: . ? . w don't know that anybody else has ever taken su.-h pains as Lord Dunraven to expose th.- defecta la hla dalm to the respect and gond wiii nf honorable men. ' Tho Bridge Trustc. dld a S'lislhle thlng yes¬ terday in reducing the rate ot toll for hlcycles t.i ona cent, and dQCldlBg to print tlck.ts in sueh Bbapa that a nunili.-r can ba BOBghl at i.nce and the nec-sslty of dlaaaOBBtlBg at each . nd to pnr. hase th.- Baoaaaary ti.-ket obvtated. It has long baaa an atmurdlty that WheelBII II were rei>ulre.l to pay thr.-ents fnr crosstng the iiridge more than ts ehargod for ri.iing over la tlu- iirs when a hundreil or a thnuaand blcycl.a eause aa inflnlteslmal BBBOUBl nf damage to th<- iniidwayn There Ih no valld nasmi why whaelmea aml their wbeeta aboahl not go over free. and lt te exp.-ctcd that the L-gis|atui«* wlll b* askorl to fliithorlze this at tho cnmlna s-*s1«r Meantlmo wh.-elrrien of both Htles wlll rejolce ' tho nonraOBlon whlch has Just t.'-on mado. PERROXAL J. h M. rurry wlll dellver an gdlroaa th'* -v-nlnf ba-foraj th«> OeograaMeaJ aad Blatorlaal lasMty of Rlchmond College. "lt Is not taaiataT known," says "The Minne- apolle, "that I' llo.irK.-t waa for aom* tlmo a resld-nt of Soiith I'akota. BefeCfl the 'bot- r.m fell out of horses' ho »aa o m< mb-r of a i-'ren.-h hor^ ranch oomia-tny, operatlna on I.ami Jorinny Creek, ln the Black HllU. and aava ha con- ,-.-rri MH peraonal attentlon for some tim-. Mavor IMvIs, of Kansas Clty. havlng BtgBSetal to pay the t.ix on hls house f.r Lisr year. dla- overeal to hls Hiirprls'- the othor da> that the prop- a-rly ha.l Just be-n BaU 10 BatNBTf tne a .alm. I.or.l Aberdeen Ih BOM to b<- making money of his frult an.l hop farm In Hritish Columbla. Walter T. raagaa. af Atlanta, (ri bas Inv-nted a prooeos for daoortleetlag Baaaia aata, which ta on .¦xhibltlon at tha- ExpeelUoa. "Th- work <>f Mr. Korbes." says "Tha- ,\a -u,ra COOStltttUon." 'ifl nt tb- moment displsyed In th.- R rjral K< v. Oar l<ns. at tbj Ha-.rlem Exposltion in HoOaad, and B-W Ir Auatrla. Mr. Korbes Ih now In Kngland. and ev.-ry flbre pro- .MWfl known to Ihat peopla- has l.e-n pltr.-.l aaalnK hlm Nevertheless, hla proceas. bdna <"'. cb<*P?- an-i most effe.-th..- ever fnvente.1, or hkelr W >.>¦ IV v.-nt.. I, hasstood th>- tMt Hls flbre has Into ib- flnesl jrarna ever aeen. and haa been woven Irrtoclotha tual ar* as beautlful aa thoae tha to our of Indla. W" have before ua .<- enmpl s of whal can be done wlth th- ramle tlbre pr* i.v M,-. Porbes .. napkln ai _[««__>¦ a* ?_*,.£_ ',"' phable as a |.i.I .aatln. THU SfcOWfl what BU bfl done wlth ramle as 'he r-sult of the I 88188 proceaa." At the runerel of Bagaae fleld the Ri v. Dr. Brtatol aald: "lotna day, aot la Ood^acre, where angela alng thetr Weep, oh, BBeep.' a moauaent shall m.irk th- resting place of our gentflfl BOOt; aM let it i.a- bullt. as araa PaaM DeaWa bi i^r.ion, by the lovll.K. tmtefttl .¦ontr.i..itl"l.s of the ChUdraa of th«- land Already thlK *'.«*. siiot. h»s tak-s ahape. A c .mmlttee of Chlcago newepnper rn m the matter In hand. a..«l the monument to 5* bv th.- contrlbutions of chiidren will ba plaaad la l.ln.-oln I'.irk. i'hl.-a_<>. Says "The KhllaJ-lphia Times": " Fluhtlntf Bob' Bvana Oa*taJa Robley i>. Rvaaa oa tha naval raa> ist.-r Is Just now a famlllar flgure ln Phlladelphla H., haa i.:, .is-ign-d to the .-omm.iiid of the Lat- tsB-ahlp Iiillana. whl«-h ls l>ing a.r <r»mps' >.h!p. yard, and avary day from l a. a*. to I p rr hs apenda at that (real eatahllahaBenl auparlni nlshlng t..u.-h<-s on the fonnldaMe «i marlne srarfart nrhoae decka h- arlll tread aa mas- t.-r. Hls la a stnklim perwonallty. H.s wh... breathefl for.-. but be is not arhai worn-n wou .-.ill a handflOtne man. Hrs riiinta-nanr-- Ifl ll- ....ii rii.rcaslon of ¦ publlc dlnner. Nelson Mllea, now chief In command of incl Buii Bol.len aftei th-- handrome appearsac. ol ollb-ers had b.-a-n ln a..nia- way .-oinm-nt-l .-1 la th- courae of a sp.h: "Th- iwo ufHest mui In the fnlte.i BUtefl Bervlce ar'\,'!\, tw'' F"Xl coui-geoufl men, Captaln Wllllam \\ .ll.i ¦.-. of tr.; Ai-iiiv, .and Captaln Hobl.-y I> Es ins, ol th- <>svy', Wallaoe waa known an .mrades i gi> W'allace. He was killed w II- bravels ,'"!'lr-8.,*i: the famoua Sloua indlan llgbl al Wounded K THF. T\LK OF THF DAt. Tha Mllwaukee Ethleal So lety .- .irranjting to hav- a conventlon of W llllwaahae, but ta Bomewhai at a Bad a hall large a-nough to accommodate ir. n.r Voluntan \. "Vou Blan thla deed of yo'rr own fre.- wlll, do o..." artwd i"- noiar> publlc. , , . ,v- ..what do you u- in by thaH deaaaadad the larg-. tlorid-f.i. . l woman. >-. .I mean thi re ha l* en » eompulatoa oa the part of your husband, haa ihere?" "Hlm?" flhe ejaculated. lurnlng to .o..k at th- meek Uttle man altting behind her. I'dlH" to "'' hlm try to compulse me!" <<'hi.^ai?o Tribune. A Tesaa paper aaya that in ana of tha earlleat trlala .. colored jury m Teaaa, -he tw-eive ga-nfl.-men wer- told by the Judflje to "r-ire «nl flnd tha rerdlct." Th-y weal Into the jury-roorr.. whanca the openlng an-l ahutttna of doora sni oth-r sounda of unuaaal comrootlon wara peaaently he.ird. 41 laal the |urj nama back Into rourt, rhen .h .r-nian announced: "Wa hab looked e\'t>- whar, Judse, for -lat irerdlcl in 8m drawera nd be¬ hind de tloahs, bul II aln'l oowhar la dal bfaaaad room." Kxertlon RXprlnd. "I bad 'he beal klnd Bf chan.e," remarked Mr- CMstnal Dawaon, as he he.-t om hls cup for a littla mora coffee, to i "And'you nnblv r---:sf-1 ti.e temptattonf «a'1 th<- lady, as sh- cui another flllce ol P - ..Yes'fn 1 d'.d. I don't Know rhough. .-o-.rir.-o-- l Mr l.awson. "whuther I would er not. ef ll <'¦ been on- of thi m m If-prop lera " l-ana Journai. In her laal addreaa M sa Francea E, ariHard calla for the n-w man. "We need." ahe say* "a BOW ln th- editor'a bbb, who wll nol <l;p ^P beer slons wlth h!« .nk; a new m.-ir. In the pnlpil who wlll reeognlae the r'.ght nn.; the aore ne-d af th- Church to thr completes) partlclpatlon by wom¬ en In all its exerdsea ind Ita uneele; we n-e i a new man ln the Isboi vxlll not, as th* ultlmatum of his atudlea e Ood out of the unl- verae; we need a nes mai ln rha- medlcal pro- who wlll . ohollca nor pr., t>e rtviaectlon; we need a man at the bar ho arlll striv.- lo mak.- peace lnstead of pockel feea; wa need a new man In th. :""e and CaWnat who r-;i!!> l.-ll. v-s in rh. ". n '.>m.landments ar.l aupreaaely Beeka tha welfare >.f tha peopie." A fopplsh young man. arlth a football erop of halr walktna along .'h-stnut-s;. the -vrtar eveninir. when a Ilttle urchln isk. i hlm tne "T-n mlnutea t.-. P," aald .ha- mashei "well. aa i riu- boy. "nt * o'.-.ork get your ha.r ut, ana_rs took to his heela and ran down Tenth-ai masher r.u. aftar hlm, an i In turnlna th. came In contaci with a pollceman, nearly knocktng hlm down. "What'a up~' aaked the pollceman. Th- masher, very mu.-h oui of breath. sa.d: *°u ¦ea thal young brat down tne mreet. He asked me the tlme; I told hlm t.-r. mlnutea to 9, anl he na!d: 'At 8 o'clock u-t your li ilr out "Well." remarked the pollceman. whar are you ruiming for? You'v.- elghl mlnutea yet. -fpmia- delphla Record. S.une unt'warl cir.-umstanoa-s hav mark-d the football aeaaon. bnl tha Bamea thna far hava beea nncouunonly cloaa «nd czeltlnc. in som- rontes-a neither plde has acored, and in many others rlci ry has b-en won by th- aarroweM poaaible margl A conaptcuona developaaen haa been tha s-rer-ifrri of what wera foraserly, in an ..rhinii- .ay. mmor -ollearee, Ya'.e. Prlnceton aad Harvard ai ln B elass to th-nis-lv-s, BOOM suthorlt|a-a r-pirl tha I'niv-rslty of P.-nnsylvania eleven tti Bt! now In tralning; Brown I as just tlel Yale ln a tti mendous )>.T8Ue, Prlnceton acored agalnat C rneB only in tha- i;isi mlnuta of ti.. ir taaaa aa Mai ittaa Fleld, and th- I'nlveralty of MtcMgaa hatd Harvard down to a single tonchdoara ln Carribrl-lg-. The non-collearlate elevena have alao peovad un.-omm »n y I'.w.rfui, tha Creocent, Orange, Koston an-1 .'hiosgo Athletlc oliibs havlng teams whkh are worrlu f-ea of the bent 'varaRy representatlvea. Llterary Plttaburg. The Sew-Torker Ii r'-.-ally aeema as r yoar town would ba a llterary atra The Plttaburger lt alw..\s has l.e-n The S'ew-T>>Aer How <!<. you make that out? Th- Plttaburaer Well, becauae even >ur smoka has alwaya i..-. a laaued ln votnaaea I'.r- < Bulletln. athletlc records, to be e mpleta, must now in- eiiide the b-st perforaaancea ma i- i>y woman. F**> hapa tha faata accompUabed at v*aaaar*fl flrst tieKl day nuy BerVB -is tha- Openlng Instalment of thla new roii «.f honor. Apparently it win ba long befora the Hgvrea s.-t hy tha- bbm are doaaty appraaeha4 a compartaon of tbo tmies mai.- by ma ITaaaar studeata arlth of tha- New-Yovh Athietio t'lub men In the Inta-rnational gaaaaa in .eptenaber niay be ,.f mrar.-st of eonree, tba condrtlonfl «er<> %a«tiy to the advantage of tha n.-n Thatr t>-am was not eonflned to srudents of any a>ne .-..llege. or, Inleel, to .-..llege m.-n at all. but eontalnad the tlower of th- i. ita-si t-s tbe 8/aaaaf recorda «.-ra malo in th- mn Vaaaar aroa tha IBlHrard insh iu ij'4 aacoada Wefer*s tim- oa Manhattaa i'i-ii waa ;a 14 y COWda Miss Lealle H.«k.-r. in lha> pinning broad lu.-iip. claared li feel .'. Inchea. Btooa, the ipry Ilttle Harvard man, .111 ¦ feel «; haehea, Mlaa M. B. .1..hns n dld the lao-yard hurdle la Bj% aee* ..11 is. Chaaa In UM aacoada, probably over hlgher hurd'ea. Mlaa Broaraetl set tha mark ln the high Jwaap ..t 1 f-. t. Iweenej had fona haa just 2 feet 6 6-8 inches better. Tba young a aaaa arera Jivtded sktrts. Auatrla propoaea to .i.-.u w ih peralatent -irunka'ds t>> treatlng them -is aaentally Incapable, ind detain- lng them ln apeclal resreata f.>r n i.-rm of two yeara They nia> g.. ln a»f th.-ir ..wn locord or ou compulslon, but leave al arlll rntil thelr term baa aap red, eacepi In certala caaee >n proba* tion. Peraona may be eeni t.. tb.e ret real <-:tn»-r by th«- order of * maglatrate or ..:-. the petltlM of the parenta or chiidren, <u ..f th. or \ife or truatee, or >.; tbe h..-t of asylum i.v which ti.e drunkard may be letalne.1 Inebrlatea mai further i-a- aeaigned lo retreata bi tb* actton of the pubii.- proaecutor, 01 by the Mayor of the town or vlllaga- 111 which th* drunk ud ia- sM.-s li. all caaea tha Inebrlata mual t.a- legally trled und convlctad, tha courl bataa bound to hear wltneaaes, th«- drunkard n ms-lf. as well as the Aoctora, more eapeclaily experta on mental dis-as.-s The la-riti ..! da-tei-.l un wlll b- generally for iwo yeara, but tl..- paii-nt ma> h.- r.i. is.t ..-- laava aftar aaa N>-ar. boi wlil i>. eonflned again in caaa he ralapaaa mta hla foraaar bad habits..t,\»w» Vork Medlcal Ueoord.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...

Smnarmrnta.ttATtOSiL' ACADKMY OF l>BMON " 80 .- <. * to

l.i ib p ir. --l, BxhlbHtan al Pornaiw\i;i '.>'-1 TH-ATBR I Klag-(tbar.itCADI mv OF JM'BIC I Tbe ftg-rMag Pw»«eaAMERICAN lXSTITI'TK I ... 10 a m. -Chryaaathe_M*«a

Sh<>wAMKRH'AN THKATHK 8 tM BAt/bt tA Ot. PtVAl *

i-.uor TH-ATKI g:U Th* Niaht Oer*HIMA1.WAV TlllW'll.' B.*ae Hla BB- BAW*9CABM-OIB hai.i. BflB neaBal.CAB1NO 8 18 The WlaanrJ of the Nll*.

COl t vr.i s THKATHK 8:18 ln a nia CltyDAI 1 8 TH-ATRI 8 IB Baaael an.l OretiE1*K\ Mt'gKP.KMiittr TH-ATRB 8:18 Cbi Mnogber, Br.F1KT1I AVKM'i: TIIKVTKK I --_-*-*.

OAMUCK THEATHR 8 M Merry CoaataaaORAXI' OPERA HOWHE 8 Ear Ealr VWgtahlHAlti.iiM OPBRA HOtrga 8:18 Tbe WMow Joaaa

HERAM) WJT'ARE THKATHK 8:10 The Heart Ot Maryland.

HOVT'S THEATRg ***8 -Th* Qay t'nrlaianji.

tRVINO PLACE THEATRE 8:18 Earel WaaceaKOBTER >*.- BIAL'g *> v ui.le. illo.LTCEUM THEATRE ! 8 Tbi Prlaoner of BeartaHADIBON BQCARE OARDEN Hora* Bl iw,


Pai.MKK'S THEATRE *> Th* gfcofj OlrlPROCTOR8 ri.KAsrni: PALACE 12 to 15 VaudavlllaETAN- aRI) THEATRE g*-B li

gTAR THEATRE 8 30 Tbe T*ai OnaBTKI.YU Al H M.I. I 18 BCI llTi .\ v I aSTon s 1 | Va I. i III*

Jti.fv. to 'Auncrti-rmcnta.Pac* .- Pag* <- '-¦'

a- <; n-i.' Wanted.ia .

a " .'. ii .': ¦;A i nan- H me* a Cnrrlagi i. .18 1

.u i laaii ....... a r-a_\ B S Uegal n '¦ .* '1 .'

'.'...¦".'.' ,.' ;18 4 Ml*> ilan* u« .J.' i

Bualneaa N «'. Mlacellai .'" ._

Oounto Board '.< 8 l>ean Stramrra. 4 a

l'an.-ina- Bchoolt. (. :: Patent* .«

l.iMl-ni N.-ti.-e*.. .14 ;. IMMlc Notlcea.14 0pom**tlc sir...-.-.. na Kalliroa .'- - ¦

w.-.m.-i .18 0-8 Real Kalat* . " ..*iklna 18 _-, - 1 ¦'-. '_ _\

Kui..|.em Advta. '.' :> Si.ihI Notlcea. 1 '_.Kliiari.-ial.14 4 gtfamboat* .>*Flnam il Elecl lt 8 T«_ch*ra . 8 a

14 :. Work Wunied.18 .¦ '¦

Por Bale II 1

Unoinc.c Xoiuce.Roll Top Deaka and CNHee Purnttur*,Oreat V.irlet> <,f St>!e and I'rlo*.t c B-X-JBW.Kl. 111 Kult.m -at N T. _,


l i aai i'. moa B >a bi7 daya a areek ...ll".'-' $.'¦'«' 12 50 »1 00 .....

i ... .ti..-ut Bunda)- Htm mi 2 "> w 9 ciain* . »O0 BO ... 5ot*

Trlbune . 1 <." .¦«¦I ..kiy Trlbune. 200 .BetaTrlbune M ntlib - <MI .23 ri»

_g_ prepaid bj Tha Trlboae tmttmt a* baeetaafiaf.' '

po*4TA(,E Th* !.i*a requirea that a 1-e*nt pi*taf«.tan * *¦ Bun_ay

¦--..-. alled for Ipeal Mlvery lnN-.u -, lk (-itj Thla ....atMBv muat b.- i>alil by rub-

bettei aarved by buy.nK th*irTrll mi fi ,

FOltFlON 1 .-":">''.K To nll f.-r.-lgn eountrlea lexeept,'..'. .-. 4 r*nt« h copy on Tha Bunday

Dally, Beml-W*ekl) ai 6.'¦¦¦¦ fhU at b* pald by aub rtber.

R1 MIT: VN .. I'ostal order, Exprf. Order.L Dr»fi ,, R^alitered U-tier. Caak or l'"»ial

Kota, ' *-«; ln an nnregtater letter, wlll ba ut tba

OFKK--.S "of'thE TRIBVNE. Maln ttbet ot Tha Trtb-un« IM N'aaaau-at., New-York Maln pfllce.1 242 Br Iw .¦ Addreaa all rreaj eiaapil¦.The Trll ir N*w V rk._

*t he HMtl.I'M OPF1CEB, 1§0 Eaal On*-hun.!re.l-anrl-* .-. 243 W --. One-hundred-and iwenty-flfth-., ... adred-and forty-flftli * np U) I

..'',;r;:.' ¦&_»*¦4s,!^r... r 8 uth ld-at., tt.' w .<


-.'aementa onlv. TV K>*t

gtre^t K. .'.. U ii-1 -': ElHBRANCH OPPIOEft

ir.7 aik-ava eonwr laih-el1 i;.'', IM-av*., l*iu-e*n "r.tli an.l .r.'n Bta.j .___!, -. .eei TOth and T7th at*1 ,,-..i, ;'..- ii Olat-at

i:,.i al 17" al rn.-r Bd BVB




FORE1GN Tbe Ambaaaadora of the Poweraln .- matantln iple Inalat on knowlng what meaa-

Porti arlll take to reetore order. -----

Xubar Pacha, Premler I Egypt, realgned; Mua-Tehmj Pacha was appolnted In hla plaoe.Japan and Chlna have atgned a treaty

providlng for the eVacuatlon of the Llau-Tongpenlnaula on paymenl of an addltlona! Indemnity,,f 30,000,000 taels Brltlah troopa arere or¬

dered to Afrlca i ijoln the eapedltlon agalnai the

Klng :" Aahantee. * aevere gala dld grealdamage 1 ahlpplng on the EngllBh roagta.,i -.; h Chaanberlaln apoke In London on thec- ilonlal polley of England,DO-fEOTIC.The bark WllUaaa Halea was

gunk in colllalon arlth Ihe gteamer Nlagara. ofthe Wnr.1 Llne. ofl! Cape Henlopen; tlve of the. r. w wero drowned. *= = "Bat" Bhea, tho mtir-

derer ol Robert Roaa, tha electlon aratohar, in

Troy, araa reaeateaced to ba j"it to death at

Dannemora Piiaon in Chrlatmaa week.The Benate c-ummltt.-.- appolnted to Inveatlgatemunidpal affalra In Phlladelpbia held its flrat

The Bupreane Courl o< th.- L'nitedBtatea reconvened after a receee of aeveralv.-i'ks. _i The Btate prlntlng contract was

tr-.'.r!sf'-rr."l l-y John K. Milhollaml to t»K- Wyn-koop, Hallenback, Craarford Company, of thiscity.CTTY AND BUBTJRBAN The Horae Bhow was

opened under the most favorable auaptoee. r_r___:

a ape ng of th.- New-Tork Ta rht rinb¦a i- .iliej for next Monday to conalder the state-

eni of . h irgew made by Dunraven against th<*:.-... aynd ite -\ wltneaa before theCommlaal nera S ounta teatlBed that ThomaaByi nea. ex-Chi..' of Pollce, w;is a partner wlth himln B e-amtillng-ri.iiise ln Broadway, when a >*ai>-tain in the ilfteenth Preclnct; he netifled thatbe had i .i¦ a m ney to ex-Inanecl * McLaughlln,ex-Fire Comi 10I01 r Bcannell and to Dunlap, av. ird trian Of eg-InapC t r WiillamB.-_- A num-

ber of cah-drlvera went ..n strikp. embarraaalng^.-v.-r.-ii of the larR.-st liotels for a tlme. A

1-,-ivr. r-taurant man, John Krauer, was

f..unu munlcreil in hl* pla'c of business.tock market waa atrong.

THE WKATHKH- Foreiast fnr to-day: Falr,eontlnued c -id northerly wlnda Tlu*

erature yeaterday: Hlgheat, V) detTcea;lowi at, ¦¦,;; arerafe, 17%.

Thera wer.* myaterlo-a Intervlewa ln \\':i-ii

iiikfton faaterdaj la whieh _c_atora Iliil nndMnrjiliy, Sccri'iiirv Lamoal .'in.l Attniney-Cen-t-ral ilaxmOfl tutik jurt. aml the rvporl .inii'Klyspreatl that _M Bllbjed CtMHri-CTed WBM tliP till-log of iln* viif.'iiity nn tlu* Supreme Courl behcb.ri-eviient ciev.'iaiui has, ii is underatood, madenp his mind to seml no n iiniiiatinn to Iha B-B-ate iinle*>s ggoond lhal ll wlll be conflnned.It ls ivrtuin iha; the v;niint place ooghl rn befllled, and thnt Ntvv Y.nk niiirlit lo be repre*s.-nti'd in Iha court. I*he dlaagraeiaenl betweeatha rresident nnd Ibe Nftt Y.'ilv Sen.iii.r-. wbeatha prcviou>. racaacy octorred becaaae a publlcMin.ial. \\)ty n..t ra_M b Bag of bro .. dow andcome to au uinlt-altlo aetttemeat?

Agaln action oa tbe pl.-i/.a qneatlon «.i-i p"st-p .ii.-ii hy the BrMfe Traatcea yeaterday, owlngto the abaaaca af btayor Ktroag aad, this tlme unill next Moiitlay, wbea n

s[mh*Ih1 uicftlng will Ix- hcl.l. Tbe tlelay Is not

to ba rc.retted, uin.-.* lt Mora Unie fur

the oppositlon to tbe Mirnmler <if tbe pln/.i ti«l«.rl:il'e itseif alld lllilke 1111 Imprt'SKlnll on tlu*

Bridge t.niciais. Tba rallroad wblcb wants toturn tbe plazn into a oaiataad ir^ ii".v baslni? Hsdaim oa tba ground that it i* aa aaach n pahUecoacera us th*- Brtdge rallroad, nnd n*wrti!igthat it would. if lt eould. »»uy back the landwhlcb n on.c sold to th<- Brtdge. Rrgo, it is

.-Illiti'tl tt) lllf* fiee use of the plilZ.1. A*. Wl'll

nlgbl lt 8et up a ehilm to any or all of Ihe city'sl»ark-

A'-tion of real Impertaaca waa lakea by tlu*DvH-k C'.iuiiii.-sioii.Ts ycsicidny, Uist in appoiut-

lng i Board pf Consalrlng F.ncin.ors to paaauprn ptaaa Por Improvlng Ihe wetarfroat, riu,

aecond, in di'iermining to ered i eombtaed pler.-imi tlroproof wnrchoiiso of a ni»dfl type. tO

racflltate tbe loadlng and onloadlng ot TeeaeJa)in,i the bandllng of frdght. Il la propcued to

conetrud ihis pler and warehouae al WealEleventh-et, in nn cx|i.-iim.ii:;il way. nt I Coat,,f 1700,000, with tho inicntion of mikinc it thefirsl of n sorioa If the plnn ni«'.'ta expedatkaiaTho conaulting englneera ndeded are (JeuerulThoaMM L Onney, of Waabiofrton; Oeorga B.Morriaoa, pwaldoal ol fbo American Boddy ofI'lvil Englneera nn.I Williani 11. BuiT, of ilils

Clty. AH .ir.' ni.'ii ..f btgfa r.-piite nnd h.'ive hado..ntr..i .>f latportaat worka

Tbe ('oinniissi.inei's <>f Aoooutits nre dlsplaylng ahaoal as nvcfl skill aml g-ergy as JohnW. <."fl' Bbowed last v.-:ir in dragglag oui leatl-nmny damaglng to m.-n in ..fiieinl placea durlngthe long perlod "f Tammany aacendancy in tbeclty. V.'st.Tiiay tbey bad brfore them as a wlt-n,.Ss <. Bchaeffer, n gambler, arboae evidencedlrectly Impllcated pi Buperintendent Byrneasrbneffer swore thal arhen Byrnea was captalnnf ihe Plfteentfa Prednd be regulariy dlvldedwltli hlm ili«' proflta of his gambllng bouae <>n

Broadway. Tbe money was pald to Hyin.-s in

iierson aome«i or in ;1n aml Byrneacame for II "aa regulariy as tbe findlord." TheHnsupported word of a man ..f Bcbaeffer'areputatlon eanol be Becepted, and apparentlycorroboratlon of his Btatementa wlll be .litli.-nltt.i obtaln. Ii happi ns thal Byrnea w.-nt t<. Eu-rope nnexpectedly n few weeka ngo, an.l bo h<-is nol al band lodeny ihe chargea ogainal blm.

THE "XEVER8 1/.T' 1/1 V.

Wbal reflnemenl of eruelty, to propoaa ihatGrover Cleveland ahould be faatened upon tbaDemocratle party for a fourth oomlnatlon! An.lvct ihe supgcation breaka oui In a good manyJonrnalfl and Intervlewa aa if there ;i wi.le-

apread conaplracy to foree Democratle oplnlonInto iluil direction before anybody elae couldrally any followlng. The Btory alwaya runa theaanie wav: "Prealdenl Cleveland doea not wanl

it. bul he ln- beeome abaolutely neceasary t<>

..the Democrallc party, abaolutely neeeaaary to

.tbe eountry." One man prorea lo liis own

satlafaetlon Ibal no Democral ean !»<¦ rtededPrealdenl if Cleveland cannot, The obvloua an-

awer, thal n.. I>«-.eral ean l>.' eleeted, be aeema

to overlook. Anoiber deebirea Ibal tbere Ib n

!>,.,.-i-ai. excepl Mr. Cleveland, In whom thebualneaa Interesta of tbe eountry ean repoaeconfldence. Bnl II la i matter of profound aatiaf:i.-ti..n to tbe bualneaa InlerealB of Ibe eountryUiat they wlll nol be ealled upon to repoae con-

fldence In any man lomlnated or elected byDemocratle votes.Even al thla hour. when it woidd aeem Ihat

. Ili:m ,,,- comraon-Bense mnal realhw Ibal mone

tary agltatlon In eveiy form is auperlatlvelynndealrable, PreBident Clcveland'a Becretary of

the TreaBury, aceordlng to offldal accounta from

Waahlngton, la preparlng another report »,|v"

eating the abolltlon of greenbacka and the BUb-Btltntlon of State bank nolea. Of eourae tbePrealdent eonld Btop tUa performanee by a

word if be wlahed. Unleaa be la laeklng In perceptlon of faeta he "lUst **ow thal renewedagltatlon on that Bubjecl ean only Increaae un

certalnty ond apprebenalon, whlcb tbe itate ofthlngfl abroad makeB loo greal already. Nelther

the Prealdenl nor tbe Becretary can poaalblybelieve tb«1 a BepubMcan Congreau will vote

for Buch a plan. If ll were poaaible al any oibertlme ii would nol be poaaible thla yearj flrat, be-

rauM of the financial dUturbaneea In

Europe, whieh woukl render a grave changebere exeeptlona_y dangeroua; an.l, aecond, be¬

cauae "f tbe approach of a Prealdentlal eleetlon,in wblch tbe ItepubUean party will aaauredlynol take its monetary pollcy from tbe handa ofa Democratle Prealdent But to Btart agltatlonai a lim.- wii.-n it must Increaae tmbarraaainentand cannot poaalbly do any good is an uct of

Buch foiiy that tbe eountry would nol expect ii

from any other Democrat Yet the eountry does

expeci that act from the Prealdent Men know

bla obetlnacy, bla contempt for publlc oplnlon,hla fix'"i Idea that all Democratle defeata bavebeen eauaed by Congreaa and not by blm. lt

would be just like him, many reaaon, to Bdforth once more bla notlon of a financial Bettle-mem In tbe eonvlctlon thal nothing elae couldsnve his party or tbe eountry. That it wouldbe untim.'ly, nobody expecta blm to conalder.Not-lng ever could be more nntlmely than

peralatenca In tne effort to change the tariffafter the proetratlon of 1898, bet that was's way Tbe men who thlnk hlm wis.-

and truatworthy evldently Imaglna that if alltbe unlverae geta In the way of one of Mr. Cleve-lan.l's notkmi lt ls simply wlcked misut-havior<.n tbe part of all tho nnivcrs.-.The Btate bank aebema was brought oui a

yenr ago with mu.-h flouriah of trumpeta aa tbeone method of preventlng Democratle dlaruptlon<>n the money queatlon, it was i falbire, Thosllv.-r peopie n foaed to rct;ar.l it as in any Benaa

n compromiae or conceaalon to them Tbe hard-money Democrati aaw that it would rabetltuteforty-foiir of paper, all bad, for one klndIndlaputabbjr good. Btlll Mr. Cleveland peralat-ed, as he alwaya peralata. Becauae of bla adber-ence toa plan of aettlemenl wblch be could notp»>» elther party in elther bouae lo adopt bepreaently f..un.i himaelf begglng Internatlonalb.'inker* to take care <>f the United Statea Treaa-urv ns recelvera No other Executlva haa erer

mn.le auch a m.-ss of it ln financial mattera, nnd

yet there are peraona capabie of beUevteg thatOrover Cleveland is tbe one an.l only man whomihe bualneaa Intereata of the eountry will tnist!They ar<' so siraiiL'.-ly <-<.n<titutoal that his one

fftwd deed, realatanee lo freeaflref eolnage,makea them utterly Mlnd to nll his lilun.lers ».f

method an.l his errora of l.iiief. it is nol im-

probable that tbe eountry may bave anotherpractlcal Uluatratlon of tbe expenalveneaa <>fMr. Cleveland as ¦ raxury before tbe year endaif l.e manaaea lo _»l ap enough monetary aajltation lo causc real appr benalon ln Deeember,ni.-n maj agaln be remlnded that tbere can beno Bteady progresa toward Improvemenl so longas any branch of the Government remalna inDemocratle handa


Tbe Horae Bhow la aure to l.e a great aucceaa,a< lt deaervea i" be. All the aeata were s..l.llaal week, a large proportlon of them no doublto apecolatora, \\)\<t nre nol tba most admirableelement <>f the populatlon as i rnle. but whos.-l.loin make Berloua miatakea in the managa-m«-nt of their heariily execrated bnalneaa Tbereis every reaaon to Buppoee thal tbey have madeno mlatake In the preaenl Inatance. The showhas grown more popular yeor by year, tims re-

fuiinu niiiiK-raiiiv confldenl predlctloaa thatwhen it had eeaaed to ba ¦ aovelty it wonldqui.-kly cease to inspir.- publlc int.-i'.-st. Tossihlyii may i»- wii«i In bebalf of tba iliser.niit.-.i

pfopbeta that they eonld not foreaee with whataagadty nn.I skill the eaterprlae wonld be c.n

(lucteil, nii.l 11 is a f.i.t that remarkable a.lmlnistratlv.' tnl.-nt, as well as soiin.l Judgment nnd a

llberal sj.irit, hns b.-en tinlformly sli.iwn by the

mauagera. aflaata attentlon t.» detall has k.-j.ttha- roeord Btagnlarly dear <«f ¦eddenta «nd mis-foi-tiin.-s of every kln.l. nn.I thera hns nev.-r

been ao mu.-h ns rha BBjggeatton of ¦ acandalln the depnrtni.-nt of tboUgh ns a mat¬ter of eourae Jndgea hav.- nol been is not BnrprWag Ibal the 11<.?--*. Bhow hasb.-.-n Bucceaaful in bo fi.r aa eompetent managenieni could eontribnte t.» mbcc.

| Considerable astonialnueui haa been oprotHd,

however. from year 10 year thal tha tatrlBBlcattractloaa of tha ahow abuaid be giaal enoughto draw ever Inereaslng thrOBgl 0* apectatorato .1 pl.i.-f when* niost of them are inevlliililv

anbjected lo rartoBi dtocoB-torta, nnd fromwhlch they emerga without havinu geen macfaof that whlch tin* programme daacrlbao, In

¦oaae of its aapecta tbe Hor*.* Bhow is aaqaeatioii.iiiiy rather abaard. \vii.*n from the aam

total of atteBdaace thai proportloa has l.n

gnbtracted whieh e-preaaea aa iBteJUgaBl in

tereal ln. <>r even :i llvly curlosity coacerBlBg,boraea in general and tlu* horan ob exhlbltlon in

particuinr. y far ihe greater part, ns we attppoae, rcinnlns to be accoBBtedjfor. Aml it must

be gdmowladged thal the nmsi probable boJb-tlun is DOt entircly satlsfactory. A survey nf the

endleaa ptuuaalon arhlch pnsses betweea tlu*

nrcna nnd the bosea, with eyea eteadfaatly dl¬rected toward the. latter, is Buppoaed to explatflIhe phenomonon: hut thnt exptaBBttoa seems to

involve gaother myaterjr. if the qaeatloa,

went you out for t.> see? coultl hc hoiicstly an many no doabt woald aay that therwent to aea tin* prodalaaed leadera <>f fnahloujmil their cioTh<*s. whlle otbera wobM hare toconfeal tlmt tliey went to be Been «*ven more

than to see. itut however pralaeworthy for its

mndor this latter ¦cknowledgmenl mlghl i>' woald reveal a btrge .aaare of aelMeceptlon: f.'r it woiiltl c.iinp.'l th..nelusiun thalthoueanda <>f pcrsmis ..f at leaal ordlnary Intplli-genre, who bave a aiore or lc»s i.tceal dealrei,i "do the* enrret tliin«" BOdally, ImagtBe that

ii is Ibe corred thlag t" Irndge aroond tlu- Mad-lion Bquare dar.len wlth their aerka aH nt aa

nnbccomlng nnd paiarhl BBgle, nerer kaowlngwhether the rlag is .apled ;it any partlcnktrmomenl by Bhetbtnd ponlea or coarhlBg atalllon?.Bnl probaWy it Is just ns wil nol t.. Inqulre

t.i.k.-Iv into all ih.' eanoea nf :i raal attend

gnce nt tbe Horae Bbow, bIbcc snnn* nf them

an* aol sii.-esilve of altogi ther agreeable rellectlona. It is better lo conglder it eomprebeBBlveiv as a greal aad gUtteriag apectacle, comblBingvarloua elements nf legltliBate iBlereat, teBdlBgi. prom-.te n usefnl objed aad azhlbltlBg talenta fnr organJaatlon an.l control.

OtTE I 8 1 JfBW COMMITTEB.Ti,.. ,-iitiiii..i RepabllcaBa t.f this county will

i-ieet a new County Commlttee next moBtb. lt

will l'ilt'.ilv l.e tlen'ietl bjr tlll.V otie falllilia f WlthIhe facta of Ihe exlatiag gltaatloa tbai tbe feelIng of dlaantlafactloa wlth tbe preaenl com

.,lttee is s.i Intenae and bo general oa lo make

a change in it gbaoluteljf certaln if only ¦ full

vote is brougbl ont. Whether or aol lhal ran

l.. effected i** the only queatlon. Tbe pereonanoa in control, nnd wbo lmve made ancli a meaa

of it alnce they rmdertook Ibe nanagement, are

bopetnl "f belBg contlBUed in poaaeaaloB. And

they do nol healtate to dladuec with franknesaIhe ground -'f Ihelr hopefnlneaa, whlcb is lhal

tbe greal ni;iss ..f earoUed Repubttcaaa do nol

tak.- siiili.-ieiit intcrest in Ihe welfare "f tbe

party to attend tbe prlnaarlea. They are in poll-tica themaelvea ;is a profeaaloB, and, their livingbelng in large m.Msur.* dependeBl upon It, Ibeyeive it tlielr whole attention ¦'¦'<¦> daya in Ibe

year. Whlle th.y make thla ihelr I'"-'"'- tbe*.',,,.,. do leaa open in ihelr aneera :u tbe "amaieur

polhidana," as tliey call Ihem, wbo conllne

their poMtlcal actlrltleg lo a few montha preccdlng tbe elettlona and delnde themaelvea wltb

tbe notlon tbai they can make their Influence

f,.it without attendlng the prlmartea.Tlnt th- preaent commlttee baa been a fallure

nnd almnst a dlagrace la aotorioua. Mr. I.nuter-

bach ihe chalrman, Inangarated bla aduilBhttra-tion'or rather gntldpated Ua laanguratioB bo

ioob as sui'.'-ss waa aaanred hy dlacbarglag a

vi.ii.t.t fa.ii.mnl Bpeecb, for wblcb Ibere waa

neither excaae nor provocatkm, BBd wblcb onlyservctl to ilis< bla Bbaotate nnfltncaa f.-r tbe

poat hc had been called hy tbe perBlelomi actlv-

tty of the Belf-aeeklag and the Indifference of

.;,, ,..,..,. elaaa of RepabllcaBa l.eapy. ' ...""

Ihat ,llllt. forward be kepi hUBaelf almoal cob-

Unuoualy la erldeBce aa a t-ctlonal mlacblefmaker and dhrtarber of Ihe party peace. Hla

toague aever wearled of wagging; Ua Uarah,digcordanl danglng araa coBBtaBt. He waa tbe,-M,-.tive offlcerof Ibe Republlcan organlaatlonof this county, having beea tadttcted tato offlce

after th.- party bad acbleved under "ther leader-gblp a trinmph ovei its Tammany oppoaent,whieh iu imm.-diate resnits and far reachlng con-

gequeacea might almoai be called ualque la ihe

bietory of polltlca, Bul from thal tlme to thla

he baa bad nothlng bat nbtme and de__nrtatlon

for his predeceaaor In ottca and the munlelpalgdmlntatraUoo whieh n RepoWlcaa victory,,,,,,.,1 in poarer. For one word of dlonpprovolOf Tammany men an.l Tammany methoda be

has emptied hlmself of columna of rondetuaa

tlon of the party wboa.mmlaalon be beldand the munlelpal offlciala npon whom ibe

v.-tins maaaea "f th.* party bad beatowed i.r

COUlidenee ill.d l'epi'S'"l tl,C gTBVeal reBpOBBiblll.ties There have been in ihe hlatory ot munle¬

lpal polltlca herctofor.' factloaal leadera who

___r_ provoked cenaure by dlTartlng t'» factlonaladvaatage tbe ragBlta of politlcal aucceaa; it re

nvtined fnr Mr. Laaterbach to uae tl.gecutivepoaltlon to whlch he wa. aaalgned, nol f-r tbeadvantai;.* of his factim.. hut for the dlaruptionBnd defeat of his party. Inatead «.f counaelllngbarmoay la th-- party, ne has i.n a peratetonidtorarber nf its peaca by groaa and unpro

voked attacka upon the character and motlvoaof Its most emliient and truated leadel.; g«»lngio f,.r in this directloa aa to laane in I'is ofllclal

capadty aa gbnalve clrcular charglBg well-

knowa Republlcana of nBlmpeachable lategriiywiih fai-''1.1, treacbery and decelt.And ev.n when tbla uit-riy Irratlonal and un-

piofllable factlonallam had wroogbi its loglcalreault ln BBcb a complete wlibdrawal of coofl

dem-e from the commlttee tbai it waa lefi Bnan-

dally itranded Ib tbe mMal of Ihe late cain

palga, Mr. LaBterbacb coBtlBued lo bteme the

Republlcana who had rcfuaed to trual hlm *lt_their coatrlbutloBB, whlle wltb an egotiam and

self-sufhVlen.-y that Beenaed alBMMl grotcuque be

gttribUted the l.'.al de.feat tn the r.'flisal ..f the

party to foQow his advlce aad nomlaate n

atralghl tickel. No boneal RepabHcaa can re

view Mr. Laulerbach'a admlnbrtratlon its prraldent of the County Commlttaa, or even. wlthonl

golng int" tbe detalla "f bla career, c.pare thereaulta of his managem.^nt ln ihls coUBty wlth

thoae obtalned throBgbout the Btate wlthonl be

comlng tbai a change in the commltteei> unperatlve if the RepubMcaaa nf tliis countyan* to ailileve gfjythlBg liereaftiT, or cvell li\e

ai peace \\itli aach other. Wlthonl .an execntlvebody whlcb commaada th.- confldence <.f tin*

party to such an extenl lhal lt <-nn rnls.- moneyenough to aieel the ordlnary aeceaaary expenaa.of ii cnrnpiiii-'n there ls llttle bope ..f aaythingllke success hcreafter; BO bope whatever. exceplhy BOBM fuslon nr other :uTBBgemefll whlch williii effecl ¦Bperaade the Republlcan Commlttee.As already said, tlu- peraoBB now in c.ntrol nfthe inaciiinery nf the CoBBty Commlttee bopeto boM their power, n-.t becaaae they for obornomeiit lielicve that they tin- coBfldeBCeof tba party, hut becaaae they reaaon from paalexp.-rience that tli.* mass nf eBroUad Hepuh-lieans do not take sullhieni latareal ln tha welfare of tlu* party lo COBM OBt an.l attend the

prlmarlea, Bat isn't lt poaalble to aarakea aafl(i.-iii -iteraal in this matter t.. briag ool a fullatteadaace at aeal BMBtb. prlmarleai lan'iredemptloa from the corrapl nua nf ThanBaayln local afTiiirs worth whOal That ie.leiiipti.iniii-]ii-mi* upon mi. bariag a aoUd, unlted, harBMlBloua Itepllhlieail nl.'.llli/.illinfl il) this i'.i||||ly.Aml for that tba tirst eaaeniial is a Couotj «' .m

mltteg whkb baa ihe coB-deBca of ihe party;

., commlttee whlch will not derota its enorgiost.> fomentlng factkmal strlfe, nnd whlch tho

partj will bo wiDlag to trust with more thnn

mh.'. nl a time.

COLD COBFORT FOR THF BBBBIYBM.Il is neeessary, If one voiild dlsousa tho (Jer

man rote cast in last Tu.'s.lay's eleetlon in a

aplrit of falrneae, to recognlaa tba fad lhal onr

Oerman American dttoeoa entertaln Just ns <ie-

dded vlews ..n Ihe general issu.-s of the day as

,|,, thoae of nativo birlh. The arroiran.'.' with

whlch nelf-appolnted leadere speak ns f..r "das

Deutacfathum," Iherefor*), cotnpela any one who

dealrea to dlacuaa the nationallty «.f Tues.iay'sv,iii. I.. dlatlngnlah Bharply betweea tiie Qt»mana as a whole aud the Oermana whose boat-neaa Intereata or Btuptdtty, or prejodlce, or

batred of decenl order has put them into i damwhich mlghl be ealled rhe Beerttf". lt is a

humtllatkw for Ibe InteDlgenl dei .ent amongthe Oermana Iboae who believe in physieal. In-

tellectnal moral arrl polltical deanHneaa that

they Bbould s.. often be lumped with those <.f

Ihelr countrymen i.y blrth wh.. are alwaya raady-,, sacriflce everythlng makea for the goodnf the communlty t" thdr god, Qambrinna.Th. re are tena <>f ihonaandB ..f Oermana in New

York Clty wh.. would lik<- to aee a rdaxatlon <>f

ih.- lawa and eustoroa whlch bdong to tha-

American Bunday, yd do nol beUeve for a mo¬

ment thal the sun of peraonal llberty riaea in a

I,,., i-lian.'l and Beta iu a b.-.-r b.-lly. In a eoun-

iiv where Her.' is a rigldlty in the enforcementof Irwa deaigned ».. preaerre publlc ..r.ler an.l,b-, iiiiini. .hi'-ily tbe lawa regntatlng the sale <>f

Intoxleatlng drinka which makea Mr.'a efforta seem fardenlly Impotenl in com-

pariron, they learned t.> take a dlfferent rlew,,f th.- weekly day "f real ihan has beretoforeprevailed ln thla eountry. They would like t.,

aee it devoted more t.» mental and bodlly ro.-p-a

tion; i" pteaaurea wblch an- in themadvea inm.

cenl an.l wblch do not Infrlnge upon the rigbta,,f othera s.. long aa they are kepl 'tnder properregulatlon Tbey have wltneaaed a change in

that direction in tbe gradual but ateady exten-rloa ,,f opportunltleB for Innoeent dlverakm; nnd

they hav Been all thi- accompllahed arltbout a

conflld bdween Ihe native and fordgn-borndementa in our populatlon.can anybody recall a tlme when tbe leadere

.,f the German party wblch abrieked for "per-Bonal llberty" in Ibe recenl canvaaa got up a

deeent, orderiy agltatlon in favor ..f wldenlngtl.>.;...riiiniti'-s ,.f tlu- peopie for moral, Intd-lectiuil anl aeathetlc eulture? Rememberingtbelr manner of eonductlng .an argument, doeaanj on.' believe thal it would be poaaible foi*them io .-any on su.h an agltatlon? Have theyever dlaplaycil any anxlety t.. aecure anythlngfor ihelr compatriota .-x<-. pt tbe privttego "t*

ilrinklm mncb lieer at all tlmea? They talk

volul.l) aboul ti..- n.l of malntalnlng Oermanllberty (wbatevi-r ibal may be), Oerman cua-

tnins and Ihe Oerman language In thla Ameri¬can land of their adoptlon; an.l many of themtalk, both from the platform and in the newa-

paper preaa, in a manner that is a dlagrace toil!,. tierman tongne. Hav.- they ever done any

thlng to preaerve Ihe Oerman language of whiehth.-v are .>.> fond, for polltical purpoeea, from thewoful degeneratlon Into whlcb it baa fallen, and

whi-h blda falr t.» make ..f th.- apoken Oerman,,f the Eaal Blda a patola like the "Yi.l.lish" ..f

th.- I'ollsh quarter .-r- "Pennaylranla Duteh"?Tbey hav.- not. Tb'' queatlon with them has

alwaya l.n. and will alwaya be, a I.r queation. Tammany nei'infl t.> nnderatand it as su.-h.

and, if our aclntlllanl contemporary, "The NewV..'k Sun." apeaka elther by Inaplratlon or au-

thority, tb-- vi.-toiy which the beeritea belpedf.. wili on tbe "peraonal llberty" issue is golng

be for them a barren Ideality. Tammany is

now itolng t" BBBume a lofty attltude as the pre-icrver ..f tb.- exlating exdae and Bunday lawa.fauimnny "dld not ntlpulate and agree t<> il:.- iMTsonal llberty.' Sun lay openlng. free-l.,.|- ndriM'atea," says .Tlu- Sun." which sp.-aks

contcmptuotuly of tb.- "Oerman reform radtcala,.who ar.- Iiefore all for free lieer, and pl.-nty.-,,(¦ ir " iVorse Ihan ihat. it arguea thal by thev. r\ fa. t of thdr anppori of Tammany Hallthe tJermana relleved tb.' Bepnbllcana from all

ohllcationa t.. aecure more lilieral Bundaj lawa.H.i-.-s gratitude! "Der Molir bal aelne Behuldigkdl gethan; der Mohr kann irehenr


(9,(100,000 whi.-h tiie peoplo have justV..I..I f..r tbe enlargemenl ot the canala -.f iheBtate, if property Bpent, is Hkdy to be "f con-

aiderable bem-fll t.» tb.- boatmeu aml Indlrectly1,, tbo clty of Xew York Thal th.- canala ahouldi.. improred and made to contribnte more large-\y to ib.- proaperity ..t the B»ato and dty than

they bave d. iu recenl yeara tbere ran be no

rloubt. I: bas lieen queetloned whether a amallenlargement, wblch arlll nol bring New ITorkand tb.- w.-st into dii'.'.'t r.-latioiis wlthout truna

Kbipmcnt but ..nly enaUe siiu-iitly larger loodaI,, i,.. carried ln boata of the preaent pattern,will n..t i..- done at an expenaa in.imenanratewlth tbe beneflt. The taxpoyera however, havedeclded to in. ur tiie burden, an.l Btgnlfled thoirwlUingneaB to Intruat the enlargement t.» theSiqierintendenl of rubii.- Worka with su.-h pr.>-tection agatnal waate as is glven by the reqnire-in. nt thal everythlna be done und.-r contractawlth tbe lowenl bldders fordlfferenl .lass.-s and

¦ectlons of tb-' work.Wi- are noi t.. bave .. ahlp canal, nor even a

14-foot walerway such as Chlcago nopea i"

make ine <>f as an outlel to Xew-Orieana l><"

we are promlaeil a eanal ao deepened as t.. in

creaae tbo carryluR eapaelty of tbe present boataabout -."' i"i' cent, wlth bttb- "i' no Increaae >-f

-., ;.,,. ,,-j-i,.-. Tbe liuiit ..f draughl ln theI.;,,,. Canal i- uow tl feet. It and tbe OowegoCannl wlll !"¦ deepeneil t.. 9 t'.-.-t wbererer practlcable witboul removlng .'\isiiiii; itruct-ni-,.,. an.l in all eaaea made to glre a deardraughl of s f«*t. Thla will allow tlu- boatafullv 1.". Inebea deeper Immereion, an.l enableih. iu t" carry 300 tona of (relghl lnstead of240 tona. it Ib planned bv lengtbenlng the

locka io make poaaible boata carrylng over '{-">.'

tona. improved locka will als.. conalderabry In¬creaae the apeed with whi.-h trafflc can be

bandled, and tbe deeper water will make rapidmovement by Bteam or electridty ...-..

nomical, beeause of tbo reduetlon >.f tho frl.'

tion. Canal men calculate ihat theae changeawill make poaaible a reduetlon of eent a

busbel on wheal chargea from Buffalo to New

Vork fr. tho norraal rate. Thal may bo aaldto b.- about .".'... centa p.-r bnaheL ln the tenyeara followlng tbo aboltttoa of eanal teOa it

avernged l.'l centa, but in IS02 il was :t.4 centa¦nd, lliongh up to 1.0 eents in 1893, fall laal¦rear t.> .". 1". centa, an.l at one tlme thla your to

1.75 centa ai the last named flgure there is

certalnly no profll to th.- boatmeu Hut per>bapa - or -'j centa will aufflce t.> Bupporl them.w b.-ib.-r they ean contlnue l>.n« to eompote

wlth tho raflroada al that rate is poaalbly opent,. doubt. Tho rallrooda at tlmea have comedown t.» ". centa and in competltion with thecanala under the presenl condltkana bave atead-ih Increaaed Ihelr bndneaa. More tbnn half ofthe graln that came to Now-Y-.rk in iv.i.'i arrlvedi.\ raii. aml th.- percetttagc ..f New-Tork'B ex

porl trade in graln baa Bhrunk eonalderably intwenty yeara owlng t.. tha competltion «>f llneato other ei'i.-s with ow comMaed rallrond andeanal s.-rvl.-e I'mm bandllng OVCT .".''> por eoiit

of th..mbined wheal and con axporta we havacome to handle only Bboul SO per cent. Thetounnge "f tho Rrie Canal is leaa than half whalii w.i^ iu INNo, when lolla were atlll charged,aud lasl il was tlu- Binallosi in Ihirly _Vfl

venrs. Not all of thla falllng off ran he nt-

trlbuted to fntiltH in the eanal. The develop-ment of the eountry has naturally opaned up

new llnea of trnffle, nnd left our clty less ex

cluslvely ln possesslon of our forelgn trade.Yet without doubt the boatBMB lmve heen at a

dlaadvantage In not belng nhle to make ratealow In compnrlson with their slowness, nnd, If

they can trnnsport cargoes more ra|)!dly and nt

a rigu.'o whlch will enahle ihem to hold theirown against rallronds comlng to this port. tlo-yean eertalnly compete wlth llnes to other aea-hoard points. Thnt would brliitf toward New-

York nll thegntla that was not gTOWB in llmltedsectlons so favor.ahly situnted in relatioii to other

setiiiorts that under no circumstances wouldlt come here. It Is to he that the boat-nien's calculntioiis are correct, and that the

|9,000,000 will he found to have contrihut.*diiinterlHlly to N'ew-York's prosperlty.


We were irlad to glve gpace on Sunday to the

BdglBB .Mlnistcr's enrnest defence of his sover-

elcn nnd of ihe adminislratlon of the Con-.")

Free Btate. it ls alwaya aatlafhctory to hearthe other slde, .*speclally If that he the more side, as it certainly ls in thla caae.

The KlBg »f the Belgiiins is happy in havings-i loyal a repwaeatatlve aml so eloquent a cham-

pion as Mr. Le Ohalt. Whether or not we en¬

tlrely Bgree with the latter, we ar.- fully p»*rguaded "f his BlBcerfty, nnd aotblag wouWpl.-ise us niiiiv than to he ei|iinlly COBVlBCed ofthe correctness of hln view of thi* COBgO situa-

tion, and of the falsity <>f tiie other repres.-ii'atlona wblcb have come to hand so Bumeronaly,and whieh ln* bo rlgoroualy deBO-Bcea.

S.i far as KlBg LaopoM himseif is concernedwi- are at .»n.* wlth Mr. Le Ohalt. We have the

hlgheat regard for his nohiiity of purpoae ln

foundlng tba Congo State. and for liis cner.y.

pemeverance nnd seif Mcrlfice in endeavoriimto make it successful. We hnve paaaed no crit-

Idam upon him. agva to say what we helteve Is

patent to the world, that he is BudlBg the State

too heavy a bordefl for blm to carry. and ls

deairoua of turnlng It over to soim* .me elae

prcferably, of cours.*, to his <-wn Klagdom.wiint wc hava said about th.* lo.-al admlBlatra-tlon of the Coflgo State. and espedally aboaltin- coadnet ef bobm ladlvldaal offlcera, is ex-

ceedlBgly unpleasant. hut we hnve the stroiij;

,.st reasnns for beilerlBg it to he true. Theaedark reporta bave aol come from aome one

prejudlced aource, hut from maay credlble and

dlaintereated Boarcea. American, Britlsh, Frenehand Ceiniin. We have no doubt there :ire goodmen in iii" genrlce of the state, who ire loyaHynnd bumanely atrlvlng tn fulfll their aoverelgn.plana. Hut we nf- afraid there are nthers, and

many, who are ruthleaaly awking arfflab galnt<> put lt pbtlaly, mere adveatarera, trylBg to

get all they caa out of the state whlle they have

a chaace.At preaent the overwhelmlBg wetght of teatl

mofly is to that effect, ::s w* atated in th.- artldeto whlcb Mr. I.e Ohalt took exceptloB. We shallwatcfa eagerly for testlmony of equal welght on

the other and far dlaproof nf the nglychargea now extant. When these come to handwe shall take pleasiire In Kiving them the arldeatpoaeihle publldty.

The n^t result nf multlfarlous explanatloaa or

the impiilar verdlct at the i-.llw last week is that

ihe Democratlc party has heen found utit andki'-kell OUt.__

<;.,,,ri cyellng days are not yet endeJ for th"

\ear, im! liy a good deal.

Lord Dunraven ls not so a.*ute ns we sup-

poaed, ur BO would have dlscnvered that our

Weather Bureau aent apeclal puffk of wlnd doarnth.* Hav in small pac':ages fnr the use of the

Defender whlle his boat was compelled to go

along "ri empty alr.

Canada ls g'incr ln for horseless wegona, bulboreea are good enough f".' ua thla week.

Th" Unlted Btatea Bupreme Court convenedyeaterday with an empty s»-at anl no N'.-w-York

man on the bench. Both troublea can be eaallyremedled, and slmuld he at on. e.


The German Bmperor ls aald t.> iie offerlngOreal Brltain the chnice ..f jninhiK his Trlple\__t___H.r of t" Ing boycotted by al Europe.K ire rentember -right, Napoleoo Bonapartetrled that sunie name a century ago, wlth resultsmore dlaaatroua tn hlmself than tn any one else.

II.iii tn the h.irrao, whlch in triumph now

i rancea!__

The Valkyrle is a g.1 boat, BBd she deeerved;t better fate than to he forever Identlfled with

l_ .r.i Dunraven.

The new BallOl law is speclflo ln DVOVlding that

ih.- only marka whieh caa he made oa th.- balloiare plaln croaaea wlth a hiack iead penelL Bomevotera thought tt smart to mak.- double <r..ssfs

or other fantastt.* devtcee, Baltota s.. mark.-.i

are invalid, and the eOBTta must so decide, for

there ls nmhln.,' in the law about the expres-

sh.n of the voter'a latentton b.tng anfllelent to

valldate his ballot. Th.- atmpte cross an.l theblack pencli are deetgned t" prevenl th.- mark-tng .-f haiiots for IdenlIflcatton.

C-ggeahall doean'l Uke "io Serate party di*rieton nf Republlcana Democrata and Oogges-hall. aml waatB to gel back into the ,-amp wherecommlttee placea are dlatrlbuted.

-_9* .

The tateat Dernocratb esptanatlon of the hugeRepubllcan mai nity in this State ls that Presi-

dent Cleveland'fl recommendatlon hoodooed theDemocratlc tlcket Thare may he something in

this idea, and there ls certainly no reasmi whyit ahould not he cherlahed by any I>**n o.-rat to

whom it iiffords conaolatlon.--*¦-

For i» day Of :-'"»1 American weather we are

thankful. There are no Anglomanlaca here when

lt eonies to fogs.?

Thev ai" heglnning to talk ln Hronklyn of cx-

teniling Mr. Backtufa term to foUT years. lf therlng doean'l g»'t eimugh nf him in two it will beBurprletng.

It must be Bcknowledged that there la not so

much Intereal in football bereabouta as ther. baabeen ln years paat, wh.-n the Yale-Harvard

game at Springtleld was r,.| ,,nly a gr. at eon-

teet in Itseif, hut the hest hasls nf calculatlOBns tO tho Thanksglving l>ay game ln this elty.

Oeneral Humldtty h;is man ied hi* fbggy boataaway at Iaat For this r.-ll.-f. nm h thanks. Mayit be long befOI they return:

. ? .

w ,¦ don't know that anybody else has evertaken su.-h pains as Lord Dunraven to exposeth.- defecta la hla dalm to the respect and gondwiii nf honorable men.

' Tho Bridge Trustc. dld a S'lislhle thlng yes¬

terday in reducing the rate ot toll for hlcyclest.i ona cent, and dQCldlBg to print tlck.ts in

sueh Bbapa that a nunili.-r can ba BOBghl at

i.nce and the nec-sslty of dlaaaOBBtlBg at each. nd to pnr. hase th.- Baoaaaary ti.-ket obvtated.It has long baaa an atmurdlty that WheelBII II

were rei>ulre.l to pay thr.-ents fnr crosstng the

iiridge more than ts ehargod for ri.iing over latlu- iirs when a hundreil or a thnuaand blcycl.aeause aa inflnlteslmal BBBOUBl nf damage to

th<- iniidwayn There Ih no valld nasmi whywhaelmea aml their wbeeta aboahl not go over

free. and lt te exp.-ctcd that the L-gis|atui«* wlll

b* askorl to fliithorlze this at tho cnmlna s-*s1«r

Meantlmo wh.-elrrien of both Htles wlll rejolce '

tho nonraOBlon whlch has Just t.'-on mado.


J. h M. rurry wlll dellver an gdlroaa th'* -v-nlnfba-foraj th«> OeograaMeaJ aad Blatorlaal lasMty of

Rlchmond College."lt Is not taaiataT known," says "The Minne-

apolle, "that I' llo.irK.-t waa for aom*

tlmo a resld-nt of Soiith I'akota. BefeCfl the 'bot-

r.m fell out of horses' ho »aa o m< mb-r of a

i-'ren.-h hor^ ranch oomia-tny, operatlna on I.ami

Jorinny Creek, ln the Black HllU. and aava ha con-

,-.-rri MH peraonal attentlon for some tim-.

Mavor IMvIs, of Kansas Clty. havlng BtgBSetal to

pay the t.ix on hls house f.r Lisr year. dla-

overeal to hls Hiirprls'- the othor da> that the prop-a-rly ha.l Just be-n BaU 10 BatNBTf tne a .alm.

I.or.l Aberdeen Ih BOM to b<- making money of

his frult an.l hop farm In Hritish Columbla.

Walter T. raagaa. af Atlanta, (ri bas Inv-nted a

prooeos for daoortleetlag Baaaia aata, which ta on

.¦xhibltlon at tha- ExpeelUoa. "Th- work <>f Mr.Korbes." says "Tha- ,\a -u,ra COOStltttUon." 'ifl nt tb-

moment displsyed In th.- R rjral K< v. Oar l<ns. at tbj

Ha-.rlem Exposltion in HoOaad, and B-W Ir Auatrla.

Mr. Korbes Ih now In Kngland. and ev.-ry flbre pro-.MWfl known to Ihat peopla- has l.e-n pltr.-.l aaalnKhlm Nevertheless, hla proceas. bdna <"'. cb<*P?-an-i most effe.-th..- ever fnvente.1, or hkelr W >.>¦ IVv.-nt.. I, hasstood th>- tMt Hls flbre hasInto ib- flnesl jrarna ever aeen. and haa been woven

Irrtoclotha tual ar* as beautlful aa thoae thato our of Indla. W" have before ua .<- enmpl s

of whal can be done wlth th- ramle tlbre pr*i.v M,-. Porbes .. napkln ai _[««__>¦ a* ?_*,.£_ ',"'phable as a |.i.I .aatln. THU SfcOWfl what BU bfldone wlth ramle as 'he r-sult of the I 88188proceaa."At the runerel of Bagaae fleld the Ri v. Dr.

Brtatol aald: "lotna day, aot la Ood^acre, where

angela alng thetr Weep, oh, BBeep.' a moauaentshall m.irk th- resting place of our gentflfl BOOt; aMlet it i.a- bullt. as araa PaaM DeaWa bi i^r.ion,by the lovll.K. tmtefttl .¦ontr.i..itl"l.s of the ChUdraaof th«- land Already thlK *'.«*. siiot. h»s tak-sahape. A c .mmlttee of Chlcago newepnper rn m

the matter In hand. a..«l the monument to 5* bu.ltbv th.- contrlbutions of chiidren will ba plaaad lal.ln.-oln I'.irk. i'hl.-a_<>.

Says "The KhllaJ-lphia Times": " Fluhtlntf Bob'Bvana Oa*taJa Robley i>. Rvaaa oa tha naval raa>ist.-r Is Just now a famlllar flgure ln PhlladelphlaH., haa i.:, .is-ign-d to the .-omm.iiid of the Lat-

tsB-ahlp Iiillana. whl«-h ls l>ing a.r <r»mps' >.h!p.yard, and avary day from l a. a*. to I p rr hs

apenda at that (real eatahllahaBenl auparlninlshlng t..u.-h<-s on the fonnldaMe «i

marlne srarfart nrhoae decka h- arlll tread aa mas-t.-r. Hls la a stnklim perwonallty. H.s wh...breathefl for.-. but be is not arhai worn-n wou

.-.ill a handflOtne man. Hrs riiinta-nanr-- Ifl ll-....ii rii.rcaslon of ¦ publlc dlnner.

Nelson Mllea, now chief In command of incl BuiiBol.len aftei th-- handrome appearsac. olollb-ers had b.-a-n ln a..nia- way .-oinm-nt-l .-1

la th- courae of a sp.h: "Th- iwo ufHest mui

In the fnlte.i BUtefl Bervlce ar'\,'!\, tw'' F"Xlcoui-geoufl men, Captaln Wllllam \\ .ll.i ¦.-. of tr.;

Ai-iiiv, .and Captaln Hobl.-y I> Es ins, ol th- <>svy',Wallaoe waa known an .mrades t« i gi>W'allace. He was killed w II- bravels ,'"!'lr-8.,*i:the famoua Sloua indlan llgbl al Wounded K


Tha Mllwaukee Ethleal So lety .- .irranjting to

hav- a conventlon of W llllwaahae,but ta Bomewhai at a Bad a hall largea-nough to accommodate ir.

n.r Voluntan \. "Vou Blan thla deed of yo'rrown fre.- wlll, do o..." artwd i"- noiar>publlc. , , . ,v-..what do you u- in by thaH deaaaadad the

larg-. tlorid-f.i.. l woman.>-..I mean thi re ha l* en » eompulatoa oa the part

of your husband, haa ihere?""Hlm?" flhe ejaculated. lurnlng to .o..k at th-

meek Uttle man altting behind her. I'dlH" to "''hlm try to compulse me!" <<'hi.^ai?o Tribune.

A Tesaa paper aaya that in ana of tha earlleattrlala .. colored jury m Teaaa, -he tw-eive

ga-nfl.-men wer- told by the Judflje to "r-ire «nl

flnd tha rerdlct." Th-y weal Into the jury-roorr..whanca the openlng an-l ahutttna of doora snioth-r sounda of unuaaal comrootlon wara peaaentlyhe.ird. 41 laal the |urj nama back Into rourt, rhen.h .r-nian announced: "Wa hab looked e\'t>-

whar, Judse, for -lat irerdlcl in 8m drawera nd be¬hind de tloahs, bul II aln'l oowhar la dal bfaaaadroom."

Kxertlon RXprlnd. "I bad 'he beal klnd Bfchan.e," remarked Mr- CMstnal Dawaon, as he he.-tom hls cup for a littla mora coffee, to i

"And'you nnblv r---:sf-1 ti.e temptattonf «a'1th<- lady, as sh- cui another flllce ol P -

..Yes'fn 1 d'.d. I don't Know rhough. .-o-.rir.-o-- lMr l.awson. "whuther I would er not. ef ll <'¦

been on- of thi m m If-prop lera " l-anaJournai.In her laal addreaa M sa Francea E, ariHard calla

for the n-w man. "We need." ahe say* "a BOW ln th- editor'a bbb, who wll nol <l;p ^Pbeer slons wlth h!« .nk; a new m.-ir. In the pnlpilwho wlll reeognlae the r'.ght nn.; the aore ne-d afth- Church to thr completes) partlclpatlon by wom¬

en In all its exerdsea ind Ita uneele; we n-e i a

new man ln the Isboi vxlll not, as th*ultlmatum of his atudlea e Ood out of the unl-verae; we need a nes mai ln rha- medlcal pro-

who wlll . ohollca nor pr.,t>e rtviaectlon; we need a man at the bar ho arlllstriv.- lo mak.- peace lnstead of pockel feea; wa

need a new man In th. :""e and CaWnatwho r-;i!!> l.-ll. v-s in rh. ". n '.>m.landments ar.l

aupreaaely Beeka tha welfare >.f tha peopie."A fopplsh young man. arlth a football erop of

halr walktna along .'h-stnut-s;. the -vrtar

eveninir. when a Ilttle urchln isk. i hlm tne"T-n mlnutea t.-. P," aald .ha- mashei "well. aa iriu- boy. "nt * o'.-.ork get your ha.r ut, ana_rstook to his heela and ran down Tenth-aimasher r.u. aftar hlm, an i In turnlna th.came In contaci with a pollceman, nearly knocktnghlm down. "What'a up~' aaked the pollceman.Th- masher, very mu.-h oui of breath. sa.d: *°u¦ea thal young brat down tne mreet. Heasked me the tlme; I told hlm t.-r. mlnutea to 9,anl he na!d: 'At 8 o'clock u-t your li ilr out"Well." remarked the pollceman. whar are youruiming for? You'v.- elghl mlnutea yet. -fpmia-delphla Record.S.une unt'warl cir.-umstanoa-s hav mark-d the

football aeaaon. bnl tha Bamea thna far hava beeanncouunonly cloaa «nd czeltlnc. in som- rontes-a

neither plde has acored, and in many others rlci ryhas b-en won by th- aarroweM poaaible marglA conaptcuona developaaen haa been tha s-rer-ifrriof what wera foraserly, in an ..rhinii- .ay. mmor

-ollearee, Ya'.e. Prlnceton aad Harvard ailn B elass to th-nis-lv-s, BOOM suthorlt|a-a r-pirltha I'niv-rslty of P.-nnsylvania eleven tti Bt!now In tralning; Brown I as just tlel Yale ln a ttimendous )>.T8Ue, Prlnceton acored agalnat C rneBonly in tha- i;isi mlnuta of ti.. ir taaaa aa Mai ittaaFleld, and th- I'nlveralty of MtcMgaa hatd Harvarddown to a single tonchdoara ln Carribrl-lg-. Thenon-collearlate elevena have alao peovad un.-omm »n yI'.w.rfui, tha Creocent, Orange, Koston an-1 .'hiosgoAthletlc oliibs havlng teams whkh are worrlu f-ea

of the bent 'varaRy representatlvea.Llterary Plttaburg. The Sew-Torker Ii r'-.-ally

aeema as r yoar town would ba a llterary atraThe Plttaburger lt alw..\s has l.e-nThe S'ew-T>>Aer How <!<. you make that out?Th- Plttaburaer Well, becauae even >ur smoka

has alwaya i..-. a laaued ln votnaaea I'.r- <Bulletln.athletlc records, to be e mpleta, must now in-

eiiide the b-st perforaaancea ma i- i>y woman. F**>hapa tha faata accompUabed at v*aaaar*fl flrst tieKlday nuy BerVB -is tha- Openlng Instalment of thlanew roii «.f honor. Apparently it win ba long beforathe Hgvrea s.-t hy tha- bbm are doaaty appraaeha4a compartaon of tbo tmies mai.- by ma ITaaaarstudeata arlth of tha- New-Yovh Athietio t'lubmen In the Inta-rnational gaaaaa in .eptenaber niaybe ,.f mrar.-st of eonree, tba condrtlonfl «er<> %a«tiyto the advantage of tha n.-n Thatr t>-am was noteonflned to srudents of any a>ne .-..llege. or, Inleel,to .-..llege m.-n at all. but eontalnad the tlower ofth- i. ita-si t-s tbe 8/aaaaf recorda «.-ra maloin th- mn Vaaaar aroa tha IBlHrard insh iuij'4 aacoada Wefer*s tim- oa Manhattaa i'i-ii waa;a 14 y COWda Miss Lealle H.«k.-r. in lha> pinningbroad lu.-iip. claared li feel .'. Inchea. Btooa, the

ipry Ilttle Harvard man, .111 ¦ feel «; haehea, MlaaM. B. .1..hns n dld the lao-yard hurdle la Bj% aee*..11 is. Chaaa In UM aacoada, probably over hlgherhurd'ea. Mlaa Broaraetl set tha mark ln the highJwaap ..t 1 f-. t. Iweenej had fona haa just 2 feet6 6-8 inches better. Tba young a aaaa arera Jivtdedsktrts.

Auatrla propoaea to .i.-.u w ih peralatent -irunka'dst>> treatlng them -is aaentally Incapable, ind detain-lng them ln apeclal resreata f.>r n i.-rm of twoyeara They nia> g.. ln a»f th.-ir ..wn locord or ou

compulslon, but leave al arlll rntil thelrterm baa aap red, eacepi In certala caaee >n proba*tion. Peraona may be eeni t.. tb.e retreal <-:tn»-r byth«- order of * maglatrate or ..:-. the petltlM of theparenta or chiidren, <u ..f th. or \ife ortruatee, or >.; tbe h..-t of >« asylum i.vwhich ti.e drunkard may be letalne.1 Inebrlateamai further i-a- aeaigned lo retreata bi tb* acttonof the pubii.- proaecutor, 01 by the Mayor of thetown or vlllaga- 111 which th* drunk ud ia-sM.-s li. all caaea tha Inebrlata mual t.a- legallytrled und convlctad, tha courl bataa bound to hearwltneaaes, th«- drunkard n ms-lf. as wellas the Aoctora, more eapeclaily experta on mentaldis-as.-s The la-riti ..! da-tei-.l un wlll b- generallyfor iwo yeara, but tl..- paii-nt ma> h.- r.i. is.t ..--

laava aftar aaa N>-ar. boi wlil i>. eonflned again incaaa he ralapaaa mta hla foraaar bad habits..t,\»w»Vork Medlcal Ueoord.