New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...

-Atnuecinctue. AMERICAN THEATRE .--Ti,~ l't-dlcsl iis.ighicr. BROADWAT I 'HEAl 'RE-B-Panjaiidiuia. iMMi a-Aflonls. 1*01.1 Ml'is THEATRE 0- Tannie! Op. DALT'S Till VTKK *-.- Kellar. ¦ll Kl. I ll KA I 111-.-'.' -i E*.-Tlie Lill 1 L'ft Behind .Me. ., .ii AVi.Ncr. th kat r e-s i> -Tha Isla ai Can* ;«c '¦.. ¦. cVRUEN Hie; TKE I Rabin ll sd. bavr OPERA ROI'SE- 8.i.*» Cavlilerla P.nstlrian and ¦naana. ,.i.MANX'S, THEATRE OM H.trinnnn. ii... i -s malison sgi are 'iii!:atrI/-* 30-a tyin IS v liiimtnuu. i'l.-JEK A. RIAL'S--: .31' -rV-Vst-d'-M.le. M M'lx'N HQ! 'ARE UA BOEN.9 ;50.Vaudcv:ile. I'AEM Ell's KE vii'l-> 1*. :'.'-' 1'»!.. i IHTOtTTna j BnssJBill 1ITH STREET THE, A IKE 2 ¦<- A baft nf Trm e. Jn&cv to ^VCiicrnocmtTiie. F-.ig-. El. I'm-. Cd. A mi: semen li n a lln-aruc-Uoa o 2-a Ai.iii.une-,,,. iha jd ;: I.- -. Notices ii Beaid .ma Beena .'. ;t e<**i ¦""' I'swal .*> a - .if - ...mes ., , Marriage* I Realks. c. '..-ie.-. Nelli. - li 1 M -ec Hill.'lins ... .> I ouiitr. itos-d !. Mlaceflanetins .....10 J-tl un.1 Notices li l N « Pabllratlons... rs I-J J.i- -s lasing .-, 4 ill -:caii..|s - .,.11 ii.,, s,,, Mtu.ti.4i. |»n.|...-a:s . N ! vc..ea i 7-8|iteal I-tau-. H i'i Euroiieau Holds ll 4! Rn il road- . tl S-5 Enwiiclal . ...H l-"M"":i: N tle-.-s .l-i ll..,1-1 I el ..* en -n-its .14 0 lor hade . 5 ."> Bnnunet Resorta. u ia Hetti ll Slited .'¦ .> .-seill.ll.el IU-s'1 ..G'S 9 Help Want si !i ci 1 cae her-. M ll H.r*i» 0 Carriages. ¦'. I; Tl. leerf. !. « H.,.|. ri s| Wolli WBaied . .'. ¦ lino incooXo turo. Kele s Ni...i.n... SniRTa, period la every detail. Oxford and /.ejenyr E'lntn-, »i w, 02 00, #2 it). bVJ eRiaadany. T7uiil7NE lEirila TO MAIL fcl B."si.KIill1U»7 ~ .Vngla i ye ar. 0 ans. S m»». 1 n.e. enjey. Isjl'v. T drivs s wee'.. alu isl lilli t>2 oil ll 00. Dall'. mUiout bunda!.. 6 Ot) A 00 J 00 00 I CIA h.ii'i.c. Tribune -JIM 1 VO 50 Ge's. .Vee slr lr.bmie. 1 Ol' . Sets. kead-Weekli lille ne. 2 oo . tem 'lr.i-i i- Monthly . 2 00 .Mata. lc-.«... |,i |uid Ly Tlie jul.'ii'.- rsc|'t ss lictelii'iftor tu,' *~. CT! ". POSTAOE -Tho 1st! rqcires lhat s 1 cent nos-ag* .-taisn !,* nlh\eU tu every reM al the Duly. **'jfid«T. ss aaail-Weahly Irlbvae, n-.s.ied foi laval Jell verj in Ne! V. erk cltv. 'Ihis |rr-lnefr mast ne paid bv sub- serihat. Rinasas ere better served by buyinu Uieir r baas flem a iiew«'j«slc-r. ePORI iv i-e -, \.,i ,., an f»r.',(i, eonnfrias rex. e-it Carada Mexleis), I rents s copi- nn Ihe sunday Tribune; 2 rents a ceipv on Dalle. S-ili. Weelilv mid We»ici.v. TUM bamaga c aai be jalil bv »ub-crlb.-r. En. .penn Rmi'h. for iidvertls.-nifnt* only, 'iti'.l R.-eent. st W Eoe d t, rn-lnn." Kl M;t:.\N. s -Remit br r-sfril Older. F-pr's* ciriar. C'-ecic. iltur', nt RanMrred Latter, cncie cr l*.'<ta! N Oo lt 1-ciit In Jil unrcvls-erea lc't-T, will be at tito niiii'r*. ris!. A- Oe HM'.ITM OFTTCFB, 1~~ Fas' One-hnadred- ai d-'i"ntv.fifth.>;. 243 Wsst Oi' n'v- fft .«t .""O We.t tm .funded Bid-foitynfth-st., tip to I n. M., nt rccnlar anVa rates. te rtrnnklvn ut <V| Coull st. "IV-. De K»!b-»v». 1,200 Redfoi dave.. un tr. S p. m.. sf r. sclnr 'eflie-c rates. In.. I.-, Outee f... sdrertlseneiits. 201 W. OEI IC * OF Ttl!' TKlll'NE -Malu ofl-e nf Th" .i-i!,-.,.. i-,| RaMnuet.. New-Talk. Main uptown cni.-e 1 .PIS Bmsdwsr, Address all correspondence sac*i ..Tho Tribal. N-w-Ynrk. ZVr tt)!J)orkIIi-*ilB Eriixtne. FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, ik.i.i. FOURTEEN PAGES. THE SEWS THIS MORNING. FnriiariE-TIre Urittiniua .ind Ven.Mt,' -WM badly damaged by collision just U'fon* fin* r;i¦-. oil liiiw-r; ru-- V.ilUyri" ITM titn-l"'! np with Ihwn and iw.-iicy MlRBtM tlie < '.illulia WOB fin' ra>e. t!n> Vicicina otOOAti "ii tun-* uUnwrini". 'I lu* II...1--*- of < oiiiuiouft pMMd tin* thir I elaoM of -oetii-n 1 of ibo lloni" Bale 1'ill, debate on .winch clause, bul bee* egotaf "i> c-i'i1" Mnjr SO. wmsss Sir t liarl-s cSmmU and Sir Hieliar.l Web¬ ster wofjjjB iddltfd llie l-w-livln- Sen court; tits** lorim-r pic>|>o**-(| tin- cstulilihlnin'iit of a eltNW MOP t,,-.i rri'sidi'iit ( I'.rnot'.s condition ¦boam n<« iuipr.ivcnieut; h.* will t-pT-c | vaialion, ou liis lili.v>ici-,,ii'B Bdviee . Ucimefc'ie..('. .Vi ll-Wurt li api»liel to til." court for ii nii'ii'lamus ColBfelliBf tho c-oioikt to allow bi!:i to npp.-.ii I'.v .."UiiK'l at the ni'iui-st intn tbe "au*-* of the Fotda Theatre dimeter; the inc|i:.rt trna eoattaaed. ¦..-" Several BBedlcal ex- p"its tilled i'.v the proaecutlon tevtllted in tin- of L://ie Uordea at Kew-UedforU. a.V13:..:i_; iii.' a|ip"iutiueiits Bade liv tin* I'l'i-sidi-nt faatefday arcre tims.- of Holm.** Conrad, of Vii.iiu:.. lo l«* Airhrlant Attiruev-iJen'-rnl, anl HBontegtoa R. l--«ii«', af Ne~»J*«-a-~*, ta .". e .n- rnl af >li« !l'c-lil. r -s < iimiiu'in-'tri-nt exerctaes mm li. l'l at Johna Ilopkina, PriBoaton, Cornell and Other ins'ltutio'is. -r-~~i " Chris'' Evana, tha tram robber, ama eaytared. I ity and Mihiir'iin..Tba pr.-aidont, ts-" Ma iv ad 1 p.rvii'.rr-t.ll."! bf tho IttIui .Savinus Institu- tioa leepomtlla for a hliortaKe of ^;o,ooo iu tin- hanh'a tunda oni-Ts triad to Bummoi C. V. lluntic-jton for baihtfBf u bay window m.-r ii.i .-irect lim- in clcianco of an iujuii tiou. Marvette V Cooper left the Appralaer'a Store* aol f. r--t i.r:i. : a Winn-rs at llorrla .Park.Adelbert, M;ii\ Muni", Kiiml.'t, Pleknloker, Dolly colt und Uaaunie. Xew-Yark defeated 1-ouiaville at haaebal: eBiaahlya was bc*jit»*ii by Ciadaaati =.: 1 .; |e- r-'ii,,-, wera kiih'l and many iujun-d in a Ire al N's. lu and i .* Moattoa~~Tjrat. : ..s'ocks dull .'in I heavy tlirouuhont flu* clay, and, saxe ;i linal rally, the downward movement wrw roatiaaed without iui'-rrupticni. .Money ruled at C-.7 pei . 'iii. imt coiir-nltr iiir- new buaiaraa wus daae nt .* p-r e-ut. lie Weather..Foreeaat forta-daT! t'cn.-i;*.iiy fair: casi-ily winds. Teni|ieratai~i'~~~aterdajr; Uigheat, t;-!; lowfet, bi', average, .>«. The Niow prOffiRM whirh is lieinx mada ''i'll thc ll uno liul" US] is cfitctively shuwn hy tlie f-.-: lint it BM lah n I full fm;nihill !> ilis- jh-e" nf | sinRle t-laiisp.Um third clauso of eSaotioa 1. which w-,is limlly pasaad yost ci day. The Elan -f th" < i|i|i"siii >n is to tiro out Mr. tilu'l-* >n -s lupportara, if possible, bj propoaiag aniendiiieiit.s with.ut limit .ind ililiatin* th oin Ht the iiliiuist Un^ih. Thc OOBtcet fc»i- llcuiici Rule huls fair to resolve itself into a riB-pl* contcst of pbyalcal oi:diir.iiuc. In a fiii'iiuial jmint of view the Coliimliian Kvpo-'iti.ii seems lo he j-eMin:.' on its feet. The att'-iidrince is now MtiafaotorU]! lai'.'e and the toaaaMJ is nu l'Mi*"! in i n ndiiiun of c-nl- lapsc. .'oiiio of thc t-iili-ciiids have niadj lu Rim to i educ- tiiiir fan .>, and theta is reasoa to hope that the iii'»\cino'it in this direction will baeOMM eftMral. Inevitahly tlio Fair «il! Miffor trow, thc linancial flfiprtmton that is pio- dneing ao many unfi»iiin-ate rosiilfs, hut the ne-'etsiry of attracting people t.i Chicafo is lie- eoniiiiR jiencially weofrii**!, and thc effects are aliwuly uppnicnt. It may he said once more that all who OOM ?o cuii-bt to ^'o t<t thc .Fair. - m Ciioncl .\inswiirth absentoil himself yester¬ day the vYmWaftoa bqoeet and there wtan no reperfition of thc HMatkMHd secnes of Monday. Thc Cofcttei, however, has ap-plicd to the Siijncinic (.'-utrt af the District for a uiandamus authoi-izin-* him to attend the in¬ quest in pataon and l.y (smiusel, and in doin*; si has made a st-atenieiit in which he denies all rospon-sihiliiv fv.r tho aecidout and claims that, in his judgment, the hinlding was safe. This c-ta;ciiK>::t cannot 1k> accepted a-s satisf«(>foi"v, |g view c>f the general feeling ol the ocro-paa-fi oT the t>ld theatre that it was a death-trap momentarily liable to fill. Itu ivmdition was, in fact, rr<'*ori«'iis. BoRM one must he rc- ~p nsihle fr ita uv tinder ?he dieaaaatairM. i.iire were anni:' ijiih; BtattRHRU made .v-ra-eiday before Kecoi-der .Smyth when Aa niction fur a new trial for Dr. Hiiohanan, enn- vlc-ted of poi*oning his wife, was beard. The principal ground fur tha motion wag the al- leged in-capacity of a Juror, "..ho was accused cf having epUepqi aa insane delusion*. Tbe testimony offered in support o! thi- contention included the affidavits nf live physicians who had ie vcr s,en thc* Juror in question. Ind who beib red from the ace lunts of thew thal he had pans;, or epilepsy, or bulb, li i- moat re- gre-table thal reputable physicians allon thorn¬ s'Ives tn h.. used in such n way. District- Attorney Nioolla denunciation of then un¬ justified, and the Recorder ahould nol hesitate to exist aside ih-ii evidence bi onawtby of consideration. Mote adequate firo-escapei and cooler benda Mould in all probability hav.- prevented Ihe slid l"ss t,f life ;it an lia-l -il- fire yes! -lill.!. The building in which ii occurred could hardly have lieen m ire poorl" constructed for tbe uso lo w-3 i -h i; w,;s put. There ":i". cf cciiiso. the dumb-wait I- sh,tfi which carried the Hames ::i a moment fi-.¦ in the bottom I i the top, and R'bea thc in";i and women al tvorh within per- reived their danger a wild iv>h for the flre- os(-i|)Os f llotved. At hast uno of the ladder* tvaa n.>! in"i oily -adjusted, and in thc confusion canny sprang to the ground, several with fatal results. Nn new lesson i- taughl by this oe- ourrence. Hut i; is disheartening t . ict|e,t that in hun t.f oilier buildings similar cwudi- licns oxis'. and that a panic of the .same kind mav ckt-.ii- any hour. DEMot RA TIC NON-PARTISANSHIP. Day aft< day Dcm ulalie Journal and others repreaeating the part' now in powei ;t;e ap¬ pealing to Republicans foi help. "Cease yow criticism," they say: "do nol hinder bunine** rec ivery by showing the shortcomings of th sc Cebarged with reaponsibiiity; bm hi In to restore confidence.'' Al the same time these Dem-o- crsta and others aro attributing all misfortunes ti tlio Sherman act, uniu-ily pretending lhal the Republican party alone is rcaponsihl* foi thar measure, and 'hus continually maligning ide patty who e a-aistance 'hoy hi .- in thc name ci' non-partisan*hip. The performance is de¬ liriously impudent, but nol on lhal aecounl id ire Uk*], t' succeed. Men who beseech help to get them out af a hole may at leasl step throwing mud at the se whose aid they as!,-. Por fifwen years the Dcm eratic party ha¬ lo n rut:ng for free oiintge ofailver, and with a sinai! minciiiv of Republicans has forced upon the >. -.miitiy all tho legislalii n by which th" permanence of gold r ilemptinn has lu >n endangered. Ia iKiiu thc House |~a*»scd a ral measure, but Ihe Dem rats ot thal ImmI.v op- posed it, and the Doma-is of the Renate with ;i handful of silver Sen:'! is defeated it and poased a free coinage bill instead, - > lhat friends cf Bound mono- were compelled lo ch.s. between f.. coinag.' and ruin on th¬ one hand and the ^herman compi misc on I he other. Sow the Dem r its who hive foughi fifteen yeaw for fi*ee coinace pretend lh n partial concessi in t i their di mandi is the cause of all tbcti woes. The .Silver Pureba*-? a i ivenl just as far as Republican* Ih ugh! ii safe to <-o. Nearly ever* Democrat in Congre** voted against it. on Hie ground thal ll did nut t hr anough. But wkh a l**rcsidonl and Secrehry who were both pledged and heartily deter- mini il tn carry mil its spirit, no disaster re¬ sulted from the a¦¦' until il b cam known lhal a fi-- o silver '.'mn',¦..-- and .i President of the nine party hird !»":i chosen. Then .gold be¬ gan to go alu ad, for there was no longer con¬ fidence thal the parit* of '.'iel and silver would ho mainiai'.'ei in the fae.f a free C inage ma- joriiy in (' mgr ss. and in spM . of :i ta liff policy calculated ta prostrate home indttstiics and t.i increase imp »rta. Republicans have an absolute righi to ro'l attention ti these trutha, when it is falsely ;isser-!e.| every day io their iojnr* that thc inly cause "f trouble is a lan foi which tlu* ai ine ai., responsible. The nil ration .f thal un- truth is n >; the nay I enlisl their aid. They will do their best, by voices and v'-tcs in Con- gre**, tn help any honesl effort to place thc finances on a safe baai*. Bul they arc nut rall d up en i a--i t Mr. Cleveland in casting iip:>n them thc responsibility for misfortunes which his own election as the candidate <>l a free silver party and his own inrapac-it* OT hesitation oi anxiety foi compromise with evil have brought up in Iho < Hintry. Domocratic non-partisanship is an ancient but not venerable fraud. Nt once in thirty yean has ihe'ratie patty gained tho *l.!ghte.«t advnn'age by pretending non i irti'an- ~hip which ii has u .r instantly nv <l i tbs itt- most for partisan j»ain. Nert nnce, R*hen it «;i> protending to merri non-partisan itipinoit, ha- it faih-d to gel all the support il mid bj the werna jn:\i-a:i miaieiiro^entationi and the baacst partisan frauds. Nol once baa ii acquired a little power without using it to reward Demo- cratic partisanship, and to intrench itself bo- hiiid such partisan apiwrtionmcnts and latvi ;i> a*ero expected i > enable it i despise ihe non- partisan assistance it had used. li yeata h has seemed as if no ni ni of common sen'O ¦' :'l 1 aj.ii n he deceived by such professions. Yet the siinf party is agaiu beseeching Republicans to int aside partisanship, even while for partisan ends they are maligned bj every utterance of those who beg their aid. CUBAN REEORM PROJEl TS. Tho Spanish Government*! project fur sub- Btltoting ono general council for the provincial councils ia Cuba is a movement in the righi (Ii; crt ion. Ii mav be only a superficial inform but it is received itt tin* island with marked favor as a liga of political progress. The pro¬ vincial councils as they an ROW conducted are harmless debating nubs which do not serve any p-ractical purpose. Without having any control whatever over financial expenditure* or admiaistrative act-, they offer ¦ basis for tho Spanish eontentioh thal Cuba is not with¬ out a semblance of linne rule. Tbe proponed ¦upioma council will be a real legislative body, if tho Colonial Minister's promises are fulfilled. lt will have .authority over the Cuban budget and will be empowered to enact measure* of administrative reform. Probably the Colonial Oflice will retain thc power of initirting legis¬ lation, and thereby trill greatly reetrid the functions of the council, lt will not be the autonomous Pailiamoni fur nrbic-h native- Cubans havo be.-n continuously clamoring far ¦any years. It will be another bit of official mechanism to be operated by the Captain- (Jem ral at Havana with the Colonial Office behind him. *~till, while more or lesa of I sham, it will narie a derided advance In tho direclion of mpoorible homo rule. Ii is nut remarkable that Ihe merchants, plant ts and manufacturers in Cuba are already aproning their approval of the GovernmrtB proposals. While they have been heavily :.*i\ed ilecad" after decade, tiny have had noth¬ ing whatever to do with th" levying uf ih" .budget or tho regulation of expendkniea. Any proposition which brings thi budget nnder iho control of a legislative council in Havana is of iii-cc-sr-it,". a reform on home rule lines. The .iis|*i!c',ios from Cuba indioat* that the project has been well received by the infIi:.-nti:* in¬ dus: rial class's, and thad if carried ht i effect it will lead t-i a marked hnprovemenl of the relations of tho island to tho mother country. Probably something Les behind thia promise ol au approach to home role. A yea* ORO the leaders of the Autonomist party R"crc risil i by iho ag ntl ol a European banking syndical um! consul! d with rcfei n to the farming out f the Cuban revenues, ll '..'* ,1"'" In¬ timated ilia' if the leaders would m difj their policy ' f abstaining from elect! ui-- and would support a bam iii programme by which tho revenue* would pass under (he control of this political-banking syndical .. an autonomous legislature might be created. I' not iim i b- Bblo thal Ihe project for political reform and udministiative reorganisation ma] be a screen f..i s .nie s|.,.(je-, o| bondholders' intrigue. The chiel burdens in Cuba arc colonial red tapa an I a foteign-b ira civil service. The native population, which knotts the island and what rn asm s nf r lief are needed, is power- le-s. Tho Captain-General winds and unwinds the 0 >ii.s and s|i,.i> of the Colonial Office. The civil service, recruited mainly from ad- rentnrei* and needj politsfi-aas iu the penin¬ sula, is notoriously incumpetcn! and oorrupt. Bverj branch ol tbe revenue and taa service i- conducted by ftirrignei-s, who aro indifferent io tho welfare of the inland and intent only upon making fur;uni"- which will lie large enough t" be divided between th'in-elve- and the political patrons responsible tor Iheir ap¬ pointment. Tho n Imlnistrativc B-stem "f Cuba is inoiii-v;ib!;. bad. Ii is beyond the power .it' any c iptaiu-i'<. neral to reform its man- abuse.-. Like Pilate, be can onlj go through the idle form ol Bashing bi* band-* in public and allowing Ihe system to break ilma final!' ii ride! iis own weight. CROWNER'S QUEST LAW, The prosecution in the Borden trial has not itrengthened its. tue by Ihe introdncti m of ex¬ pert testimony. The vagaries of Dr. Delan. the Coroner, cannot lie dignified by that method of i la-ssifi aiioii. 11. set .ns i> be an in".- I*c:ienccd, -.peculative person, incapahla ol original suggesticn and ovcrxcal :i- in con- liuiiiii!,' pdlce conjectures, iii- demonstration of ihe method l»~ tvhich tie* fatal blows were adminiai rod bj a left-handed assassin va- pu rel j byp.Rhetical and wh»I!y nnsciontifio. Un Cn-,' uti Dipl to identify thc claw-head hatchet ii- ie in inl 'r's I ul na* .1 il it failure, anice the hah- found on il wen from a cow and tho rod -1 "i cither rust m paint. Then Ihe police gave liim a second cue, and he again fried his band with the handldc-ss la. .».-!. the sh pa. ami stockings norn bj iii" |"i- mei un the dnj cf ihe Bepir Ier and .il " n nhil skirt, ll" 0 Bticceeded in foi ming p >- live thc iv* re-p cl ing -t:iiiis found on iii1 these articles. With a ningle except ion, ;i pinhead bl.I -|. >' "ii tlc skirt, all his eui He it.'on* were c -11' I;. 1 by Prob..¦- r IV md, nf Harvard I .liege, li nas the sorriest exhibit ion ol 'Crown t's t|U"-'" lau tvhii h has bc 11 made dm ii \ W !i.i il bm. profe si- Wool ^^ ;is practically a ivitn «* for iii- d fi nee. alth nigh .I"! bj ihe S;ai -. Ile I found nu ii 11 '.- of i" n**i '"ci 1:1 thc itomacba of the moid u-d I', rtkn- <i in ii.* s.iiiE.les r milk. Tl. cv ¦:¦ 11 20- of bio -1 ¦il hiv of ho ha ¦':..! . and a\ - not even ibo handle] » hatchet which iva- a~'iuu i t< li 1 tu . cf iii wounds. The .. n lil on be sh ea and st ., king*. I ii wis - ibo inhc id -sj. t on the ukin 1 lth *h be na - cc nsf iain <1 lo cono'ii'le lhal thc a .sa**! 11 mn h.lW I-" ll I.' .'" "I n I bl ll. Tiles mill el s .[ .,-, .;', ,',,.' cu lha handled .. bal hil u 1- nil lhal rem * of the p Iii " ail I <" il i"'s '. pip ri I -'::n >nj" when I'-nie s Wi "I n >. I bis Aa for the hatchet-h id it ii tho broken hand lo, oom*. .1 ng nhii h ic and < ..:.r ha'. I" "i disputing in theil neal t ¦. mtia- di ng . ia I 'I «. 1 .! . e nj 11, tho lh \ .1 il ¦-.,.¦¦ e:i I. e. lilt - |t h !: 1 liol li ;.' \ :' ti I-- ibo a-- - n'* 1.. 1. Poiisililj Ihe 'i.ii'.* - in s \,-. Imi -1 fai is ,: bai i: li: - iii ide 1 io* expel I lils III i!.'-- ;,s ,-. !',,. n,\ -!- iv e-f ih,s | -mi:»: k- nl !.. eau -. Ibe pi isonei's chance - ol ai ,- are c ma nlyr bi igbtening. The difficulty- of a ci i':'.ii j fo t ic iu 1 in 11 lei .is t'.e ivork '1 BC 'iii a! d ii s.. js n t mimic in ,. | . thia the difficultj of explaining bi«u Lizzie Bm len could have killed bel stepmothci and lalo r ar,.I have removed all trac 1 "I bl tl from pi lot I: ins an the iu-' nmeni . <>l death, line |.i i:he ul ip j! n tin: sk ut and a fe w Kl aim of c arae '.'.-: on 1 bat. hot lu ad ! The* and nu more, a though lhere wa- an incredibly short int rval foi ;!i sci ind murder, and Ihe |. i. n were irt-sacking cverj roc-ni in the house for evidenc of guilt ball an hour after Mi. Bordon'* death, lt is easj lo understand why Ihe Coroner and thc polk*e wen- anxious to thaw iii., aitapectcd murderer into a trap al the inquest, and i> ind. her to convict her¬ self and ii disclose bei motive. With their hatchets and broken handles, iheir bolts and lool -- and th it one nee bl 'I -tam, they ni ra hard press -I l*i evidoBce m aupport of their . nih the ii v. nu: 1 n mi;i 1 non.i. VISNRB. Il is nol pot-itivclj known who wrote thc "Junia**- letters, nor who nas "the Mun iu tho lr 11 M i-k," nor " who strock Kill-. I'at- teiv 11." Thc in -t 1h.1t can be said with pre¬ cision is (hal .several pel-sons ai" known not to luive written tho "Juntas'' letters, several in r who wi- c-mt mpoiaric- with "tha Man in thc Iron "da-k" could imi have boen ihat in.\ si. eons person, ii- thej were rii large and walking about wiih countenances wide open ;it the time, and still others have brea able lo provo a satisfactory alibi al the time Mi. Pat! i-oii was cuu-usm-i]. And now here's another groal i|ii.-ii..n that seems bl. -ly t., be (" historic and nevei Ui receive any <ie- oisive answer. N'obodj who was there bas yet ik] iiii.vbi'ily what did a. tua ll \ bapp?P Bl the Victoria Hotel dinner thiriug the laal Pi si.iential campaign oren Mr. Ctovc'and wal down with ih" ti:j-.-'. eminent -1 itesmen, Cn ker, Murphy and -sheehan, anl clinched the greal transaction which harmonized, 1 dilled, unified and fortified ihe New-York -.tai Democracy. A.s in 'ipr oilier famous canes, Ibero aro kits and lets of f Iks wim can tell with greal ibu nev and interesting detail whal did aol happen on thal occasion, bm nobodj who wa- there, neither Cleveland nor Croker nor Murphj nor Sheehan, luis over told ivhai did happen, li is, and bids fair io continue to be, one ot lh" insoluble mysteries of tbe present century, II -si. guests and waiters are mum. ><>. very likely, ' th champagne. Thc nu. iiioii is of sinh abiding interest and tho iii-st.iy about ii j-. .So pi -found il.a. revela¬ tions aboul whal might have happened, even tebougfa it did 11. t happen, are sm-" '.> be pop. ping "nt ai intervals for the reaminder of Ihe 11 ntni*. and tu be read willi avidity by iii" general public. The hi" 1 ountiihulien t, ti,., iitoi-atui" of the subject appears in "The New- Voik Herald*'of Tuesday, lt i- given aa "Mr. Cleveland's own story'1 pt "repeated bj an in- t:iint iii' nd of th- Preatdent," and is acron- panied by ihe tetement thal "it 1- tbe hist Ume it kai been mule public in its deta U." The -Lfisi ,,t thc story ia thai a; the conclusion f the dinner Mr. Sheehan op-nod tho business by telling Mr. Cleveland that tbe gentlemen pta** nero leader, wi the IJem eratic organ- iaation in the *tate, and thal they wanted plcdg* that thej ivould be recognuedlas suet, |D the .wont of his election, rn which Mr. Cleveland oBtvmed, "apeakiag sonly ami with painful diatincintas" as he "whacked Ihe table" with his ti-i " « ¦.' ¦¦..¦ - l!lt,, -*-e White House pledged I you in to any ene ei.. i nill wfce n ecrel promises, I'll bo damned if I ¦rilL" Which sounds lifelike al least, lpn Mi. -Meehans asking then, cyn¬ ically, what ho did pivpose to do, the -t ¦!. i, um] |lt. root i bl* I el and delivered him- .-..If a- follows: l mt. mi '¦' ii'i'i-'-s- a letter tb* paWIe In vrhlcb 1 BttBU wltlSlrBW truro Hw .¦'!.'<. I ""I write thal -,.,,,,. ], ton i -i"T la-nlgW mi'' Riv* H i" Hi* a.s- '.(Hl.,,(,| |.r.... l latona lo -\|.iiin my miii.ii ,a .,,., ., ,,.,,.- ulm ccu lin v.- -i!ii c. nw ben. I Mill i.ll 1.1, mien ot Hi" country thal I cannot *lv anv teeni pi-»i.r.-s. ami lhal satan I ao rou mil ii.i! Rapport H"" l>'»i'" r.i'l' Uii..''. wlil'li ui'.iris iii,. loot ol in .*¦.¦.'¦' "f Stew-Yort uinl .i.["iu. I alli ( iii.' roten thal l 'I" not v..oi' i" siauii In tbs troy ,,r a I.i's uni' vi iniy. Tiwi la srhal I .shan cl... .lle-ll. ge-liE'SU'ri. you 'Ul plc* '"" .'' 'rm " lu''' i.i su't jen. itn.i ifli'i- a proper m.a snrJ the ran iii late ol ic party i aili *. for Ulm. 1; ii not reported thal the andii nee broke in*,... cheeta o> thal anybody went far a-s Us toy "Iii! Hi:'* but Mr. Sheehan is described as hoing " breathless," and when Mr. Cleveland oontintird, "I" my opinion public indignation will snow you and youi organization ont of siisht before thc end ol ¦ week," Mr. Croker " j, atp .! io Ins ft -t" and said, " Thu must st.-i|».-" II" agreed with Mr. Clevebind that be might nol make any pledges, and that i: was nol right i" ask r * them. When ii is i-ecaSed thal Iho pur| wc tot which Mr. Cleveland rame all Ibe nay li in Bnaaard's Hay to ui el ih 'se c h,.i e siiiiits mund the festive buid "as to adjust matters and lilia-: them inl i oor ii.i tipp rt of the tic kel : that tin - choice .spirits are ri titi tl to be men ol >.;.'. Bc in |i ilitic and n.; asl|- s. ac' -I. and thal th":* went awa~ iv, onlj salis- ged Imt euthiisiastic for the ricket; winn it is rememlicrcd, ' «». thal il nan intoned itel* given OUl that .iii ain'c able ariORgOlllint bad ll 'I'll anil th il on til" stn tigth ..I it t i- ker ¦ad Mui phy and Sheeh in and all th ir fol- loning did whoop ii up'1 I": Cleveland tu tho tad oi the campaign, il -..ill be wen ihal this story is shout as ac-cuiate an ace uni ol what rn dd ie ' have happen d a- an* that has yel a|.|i" ired. This highlj iiiteiciliiig nat rat ii .¦¦ mi - fi mi "a.i iutimate frien I f the I'r iid< :r." Th wiirl 1 ii'"' await*! with rmi< »it* a rie*h .c. nh.: did !;.'. hapji it fiom an int'mut nt Mr. I i.'i> Mr. Murphy nt Mr. sh '.' an. A s. |i ii.: ntiuj iv m a;: intimate fi. md "t ii bc .un s . ALI ABO Mill FOR SI i 1.1 V. \ b isl of p ". ".-.ho might |< ijts li . c|xti .- aird happy if lk< j stay d al linnie have acipiired Ike habit id making an i|ue-: 1 il iii :i" and di version. Th Ul .:.> iii it: ,1-. :itil iii ihodic il l-l \ .. ali ll do.'lin,n- .1 ivhi will fli ¦. and many nii.|i: '.,'.'. bate lied e li v. lint c-t'.i nf t'.u li-- tating ami impr .viJent *o 'till laking id. mm «ii ii a ct'M in di" h"..<l lak s.ii.-" I. :isf..;i. a id and thc i i ne til i. it. Nut ni li*ta:idin* the s'ip-*i olia which . and of bi< h u - ui ly t'euliui" tu «ay that mir a I\.«: tiling oli'm is 1 bio iu<> 'f. a large nttinboi .'. \m lie u: ii/ ,\- ai |n 'ju- iii d iii fa ii ol " alu -i I." M< »i of them ni ty .. fi-edi sh, but iu.i-.'iii;. ii a- they ure li -t i:i a in «l : be i mt un 'I th". is ||u ll' ..i WU* ; mc -i. We that Ihi j arc ;o to at i fore wc -. : |> ii r'n -in in po- - :i of celt lill la ts aUmI a pariit ulai --. I ,. but ¦. li'' ly I" .'.i mad kn >w n to The sj.e.t nhich wc refer irs the 'lyre' un \'.i!" ol -: ube". Ti Im i< ifc tl* Frank ..ur renders, wc mu.*- co»l -- al the mis lhal tc had n '.ei iii i* il n.e. ii oImhiI Ihis irthly I'aradise until i brief bul conclusive '.I I" s || ;,, },..,[ ||N ||,|- mg*, ;,.. ||,., |H N"- i.' I hire .1 unc nt had be ii drawn np in thc ord nary langinge ol tiiculars and guid b uks v "di ii have pi "d'!. au unusual iniprc --. u II j * ii the ni . ingeuuu is mind, li is cutt n in Ktiglish, b.:: nol the son ir us (hough * me- what urtiliuial Kugl -li of Macaulay and John L. Sullivan, noi the bland and tra us jki rent I h.' -h of Addis .a and liavi I .\. W< IK n »r yel thc d Iii al an I bin l»r< Knidish of Haw¬ thorne and Poindexter Dunn, lt is not In thc style "I any ti ol the gn mast tn of cur noble mother t-inguo, bul it bas i style ol .:- own which allures thc intellect, take* po* ss.j,ui ..r the heart and leaves no shadow ol a doubt thai ii is adecj tate and sincere. Kroui this remarkable treatise we hain f-or Iho RH time ni sn. h a manner ;e t be wh Hy iiee-.e- .( bj the Iruth ronc-erning iii" West lyn.han u'i.i'i'i--, that "their cxtcu»ion is nu arrived by tho Montblane." and thal the panorama io whk'h th.^ c inti lix . ¦. is ..| great ini|n . i m to all visitor--.' Hui the sublime as|..-i, and revelations of Naiure are no recomiicuso t.e: Bhattercd health. Happily there is aa poison iu iho atmosphere e.f ih,. Vale of Stubey, I n " mn ny of well-reputed Medicine'' praise the elimata withoul r tcrve and Dr. Kriedtieh (.ianut'-r has st.a d as indi*|>en*ahly." The scenery and Ihe climate are obviously beyond critioiam, bot inquisitive travell'-r* will certainly and properlj ask whal Ihe hotels arc like. Wo can satisfy them, lu the iii-i place due- attention has been paid lo outward appear- ano .. Over the entrance of a pnrticulai hotel which Ibero is no need ..f designating further is plat I ;i " Mem uialplalc a Cy int. in ro- memher of the pn -eui~a ol hi.. I. ll the Crown iniii.-Oftswid nv, Art'hiduchesa Stephanie with hor Wcap n.*' In l.e urning proximity, an alle¬ gorical Hguro r'olleis a l-otiqiiel ul Alpine Bowers tu the said Mommorialplat-e." Within, siilliie it to ..i\. there is all modern comfort, including M80 line bd-. I'.lti metres long, LOS metres I.nee." while without "ali differ¬ ent gymnastical I't-ii-i's" orv provided. In a word, nothing is lack inn "which renders a to j"Ulll oil Ihis tine ,|, ,t i.| |1, eull, ,- em i'uiai.i..." Surely, a- ihis remarkable docti iiieni predicts, *'surely Ihe VWi irs ,f the Vii I... will iu ie.i-i- ;,, ih,-:.. every tb inn Munging tu kitchen and rellar and lodging is taken special cate of' and "the missing of this [<- the i-inse ()f (he iusiiflie iently visit of vaiion, beautiful |ii:ue.." We urge no mau tu aban lui the land >.r iii. birth for .in. purpose whatsoever, bul to those who ate resolved lo onms il.cean in search of health and happiness wc commend without hesitation or .misgiving Ihe Vale of >tuliey. - OnlV si\tV-thlee I.. Il-llic lifss pOStmaStetS were ¦Pl."..'! .v.-tentav ; an.i yel ile- luarkH is t1'"..i".| with i.n, .dies lei tint tired f"eliii'','' and Brother Maxwell ruuld umloubtetll-* make mtiafaet-nry srnuia*ementa ir ¦ iliscounl tm larae "|e|.-| Captain ."Bab" fimk bavini arrived at New- 'r'1"'.u a ^!ll^' o', diasatiafactlnn with the Vale i-re-iv, the pr..liabilities ni" thal the New- Haven 'IHI-Ul.ll XC'lll HIV.- (J HOO.I U<'I'llHilt .f td,-m. oolves whea tko umo comes. Not, as suipicioua (tenons may Uaa-giMb because Mr. cook is iiisin- c-c-ennoaa, bat beeaaaa he ncissesses an extraordinary fa.iili.', for devetapiag lae latent eapadttm nf his pupil-*, and ls srtlllag to undertake the ta-!< \vh»n lu* thinhs it necessary to clo bo. Hie lion. UeorgB W. Ikiltkerhoff, former n.cni- lier ef the State Assembly, lied (reek, N. V.. -liri!"-1 I" TTw Tribune to say that he iias lui hen "caught under bi-, own law" Si all. hs (¦han.* .'! in u pre**, (input ch. recently from Wol¬ cott, N. v. Mr. eQrinkerbofl dealrs that he has been (-hooting pickerel ni his iiuiie under the c(iii(l"iiiiia!icin "f ile- I.iw in any manlier whut- e\i"i. H.- Ino. never shot u tish in his life, and never lie* n arrested cr linoel, iiiiii claims that lu* luis nut MUght any tish iu any inatiii'T contrary to tin- letter nf ih" law. Th.* Tribune takes i«leisure in millng attention tn -Mr. BrinkerbolTs denial, .md hopes both lawful tihh mav come plentifully ta hue hook and that his law MMof imi'- l> ¦ a tenor tu those who violate its pm- viaions. A reduction Of railroad rates to the fall has iiev.un. We hope it will become aaivenab an'l thai the transportation rumpaaieab as w.-li ;is Ila* public, will h.* happy iu cons.* loe'ico. Tlie president of Colombia Collage not being a minister, it ls, of course, neeesaarj to secure s ciel'.',', man to preach the annual baccalaureate sermon. This Towt ll." college was fortunate gnough to obtain for this duty a celebrated min¬ ister ..i ti.v Church oi England, thc* Bight Kev. I':. Alfred Darry, Chaplain in ordinary to 'ueeii V'ut.ii ia nml (anon ol Windsor, who i.s nu Wi nv a briel visit in ihis country. Ile has held manv distinguished posts before obtaining hi-* present, and appears to have the Columbia nt mients with in ii .-li acceptableness. lt looks very much iis if Mr. Starla's sagacity and Itrwneas woniel ultimately secure to the city the advantages which some of Mr. Sturm's coU - have i..s-:i Killin* to gaerifioa. e* - ,.. Broddway Haili.m Company has foHUIed ii- |,t(,iiiis.> j-, r-.riiiil to tlie crliani"t"r anil i- -ttlpn-ent of ith ,0:1,1 wiitvi 1 lie iide ihoald lia introduced, /lin- new cable pars, vrhieh will ¦.a di-iil:"" horse cars entirely, are hand-Mine rn. 1 roomy; they inn Mnnitlly .md rapidly: nut at blain thej ;iie well lighted by tlc ase ot the caa t-.\ -ii-.n which is -mployed cm all Brst-claas railways. Hie company 1- acting wi-cly in mak¬ ing sine that its grip-men understand their dun .* il. ,1 e.-',;!', liefiHC dispensing willi 11oI.*"* alto L'th'-r. En ll it. ii" .ris\ tn-lv E. run a ct bl.. . if il,... j ctowded I' way int clo no dam.i-r". 'Ihe running of cam ni this thoroughfare, eontrary to populare.-.peetation, tended i" facilitate the (ea. et tmille oi tb" sii.e.t :tii.| ,s,i proved aa advaa- 1a_ E. Ibe public. ll I" 'ks BS lt that ildvitlll'l,;" would I"- li:< le-asC'l by tin* use ol' tho cable. Ibe c.i-a i. i.n-"! - a,,|. .i- t.< have made up their minds !,, inn tbe gantlet >.i tlc laws against cruelty i. animals. We hope that their Balah lin,- will be jual Ina le tie* doors ol a stroll,' .niel wi! i uarded jail. .«. . l's i'i. -I'l'nr llsrrison is strongly urged t" eie- li\i>r tin- oration ai Philadelphia on rt:.* Fourth .,1 July, lc" greeting which I.e received at the '.'.. .**', s ian en Monday is mi Indication of the cordlali'y with wMcli h." will bo v. ol coined in E.ul t.|. Ipi ei u he accepts tl." Invitation to speak ml lirmoiiiit l'arlc. Mr. Harrison's addresses while l ,. idem _.i .. bim i wide reputation ms ¦ torci- Ile, Incisive aril ch>--iioiit speaker, and ie i\.s in publio >.-. iL1 lee certain to cuaunaaii u ..fe il! U l'll"ll'.' PERSONAL. hr. c. tx. Mogumber, a disiin***i-he-l eMtlts pin Irian ol Bli ."h, iinii i, bai been ta Hil- country attending iii.« Wortd,~i Medical Qongraas la Chicago, uie... nc i.;ul a j,.ij'-. "ii tl,.- jiia.ri.c of nieliilne uni. h.- nm ii -ic !. in niiic!. lin paf whal miuic 11 -1 I. I- .1 e.l\\ J.H.. lol- leis Visit l-l .Vlll'Tlc ll, .,, m.. win ii- in .-I..- ra pe ii.'... 11 cd rr mi soi Hi- inn mg m. lill-i iii Ills 'evil trnili-, Thia . lil lil BO wi . [..I vii. ii... i'ir:i||i.. nf lil-. pn>I.--s|..||, Imt Il¬ .l li-r-i, Li. iel el -lc. |i III ldc mom itoua* HUH ,i, ¦: iii- i t.i. i- i.i.n'-s. uod an) ona who w- ;..',, bini sofiaHy will -utter tte bsbm peaatty. Joan D. Rockefeller ls lo rlalt Chicago Beat month I tO ll j.-e' Ul!' ' till li--'. I'I.I*.. 1 -UV. Willi ll III* fe.Hil I'-.l a... t;iii\ endowed. lt wns boped linn Mr. I.. ¦:..:. in r v.eeii'i ma kn bis \i-it ahlle the university mis -lill Iii .-..¦-lon, Lui l.« will be I"" 1..I.'. as Hie i, iii ii..- i.-.iii is ..ti .ian.- .ti. Mr. i; ¦. i."i*li'i- mil bc in. i.iii|i.ti.l'-d l.\ Jiis i.iiniiv. and win occupy !¦!. ;;!..,ut . III..lilli Ile Ilell-c ot I'lVslUcllt ll.lip.!, ui.. win i absent :ii i iwutauqua, A ii'timi'l.- t ii.i i.n r. r ef llCTt BrtStOB, Mil""., ts \n. ii it, ,i blind !.'t-r tarrier, .sixty -cv. -n years .ii, abuse icc Igbl mus lost (ort) ita years sfo. He s a long renie-, wt ii h be, tarlee B ii.iv. m.ii r.e..-!. mik. :t mistake la tha delivery c.; Ile ll.ill., ee |,:, |. ;:l|e. in MllllllRT. bUl tbe nov ireeil.l. s linn somewhat In winter. Mr. -ceil's Knowlistgi ..: tine iiclgliborbiHid is said to bu per- i.i i, nnd bu ba never boen Known lu {.¦' i"<t. Ario Dales, tic li"-r..ii novelist, i,u, bcou elected pnite -.-cr ul i i-ii ii btera!ure ta Uta Mssaadrasstts iti-tnur. ot Tecbnoiogy. Mr. Batea |a n. i only i miter ol boohs bul un experti-nced jeiuinill.t ns well, I...% ii.- been Kdnor ol " rim Uoaton Courter" 6* -i".i uti years. Mound sully, who win . tay lh* part of Hamlet frith iii" company "f Ihe Goaf-die Fraaralae, ut tha Drury la.h.- Theater*, in London, aecorilag io a Rsitslaa tin-null ;il paper, baa eeafeeaed tu ¦ friend that hs ls swallblg wiiu nervous apprehension U. In,w tie- Lund n audience will receive bU Impersonation of tho part, lin: KngUsh |ieople, be say*, have seen -,, man) Hamlet* lhal lu*| win naturally Biahe tom- i. ni-, en-, per Hapa not to ld- advantage. Mr. liladstone baa Bind* a I"'.nt to thc in-w i :.i.-. iiisiitnt" nf niiy veiiiiti.-s of books, lacMtag a complete edition <>! Slr Walter Scott's ivm-Us. ctn the iii-si jellie ol mi.- volume the donor ha* antttea: No local library obouM bc wltboal b set al Dcott'i novels in iiiii, Bccordtagly i preaeat this s.-t ta ths Hui ni .lin Institute, W. K. (.. M.iv -J.',, l.-.';i." In i.tarii.!' smltb'a life' of lite, prime Minister, Mr. (Med¬ icine iii- arltteu: --'iiiis work w:,s not wrltien liv iiutbi.rtly, Lui i believe li Im- a fall- reputation, i present ll lo iii" I ii --I li ul.- because ll mav he COO Mulim io ih* members of tint body to hav* al band eas) tm nu nt id. i'. ii.ii |c Inls ot detail t-om-ernlng in oi.i and attached nditblmr. W. v.. c. May *u, isoa.-* THE TALK OF THE D IT. if it iras Ih* custom for mem ta wear tin Ir hats lint... wini a magnlOceai revenge they eoald n--i ..n woul,ii b) we.iiin« iii.- bioad lirlmmpd straw lui lio\> o tini< li ni VOegUe Mlle:, I be J go tn the tlicitve. In nc- iiiiiiiniii of i"7i>. wiieT i.iii uii.t roang were celebrating ll'" Nalt«m il c lii'-nn'ril, ti venerable min later In Sew Jerm-y relebrated ins gftleih anntvermary ¦a- pastor ol sint/ie. churcb. The bou*e ol worshlo w:i> pla bum td) ii'c.lined, aad over lh* pulpit lu dural ic'tieis ..->. nu i. iii.iiniiii' toiit th,, meaning of lbs c.lei,tin..h. I. iu.- crowd iiiUiik' Ihe lions.- .f wor hip was tieri, Hu- pastor's grandson. The little fellow ieieii|-leil a lion! seat beside Ins ur', ami -pim most nf tin- linn, daring Hi. service in studying ihe decorations. At ile- .lose he said lo lils nulli - whui iiiiiies grandpa such ii piKir e-j-ellcr -Why. ls lief was tb* response. "Yea; just rend tis s]..e|iink* bach ol the pulpit." "Whal ls wrens lu lhal, bertiet*" c.irc'i v..ii -c.*' Ile Kpells .See- M) . "-111 .-ll Ililli * -sc Il|| C ,. I: e ll ll I a |. J v\ . Words ..ul of three are wroUg." M. Miholiis. \ grlistad old iiiaii wim registered ut a OtasJanatl ii.ii.i n.lier day liini Mppiii-ciiMv rc.ui tao Btettefs of restaoranl pstortloa st lh* a'orM'a fair, ..ihe i.ii-.ti. nays thal while h.- was reglste>rh~a tha hoaiy porter took bis vb.1I e and was ahoal ta itara u away III Ihe i he. lifo. Here, there." called ont the »traaf*r, "gb-e lhal bael to sw. My grab ta in that.-* And so ll was, fm- lininln ,.||,ii,,t Hie fail tImt the oi<i man bad started ..ut for tin- R'orM'i Kulr arith two wec-i.s' ¦-grab'* in ids vniise. ne inut fl whale hiiin. lu., w hole beef toagBM, .iilv.s, ira.liers, n ]»r ol lintier nnd viii! nml siiniiry other artlclea fruin il tarni In Teiineasoe. lYofesaor Wiggins believes thal telegraph wins nins.- ili-otilh, thal lite iilni,.sp!..rc minmi nicoll, moisture unless lt ts rharfed w it ii plectrlrtty, sad Hut capon ni ..i.laie spharoM Hke Um carib lbs dee ni ii) witt iii.vitiii.h rou 'it nt the ii nestor. In Hil- WS) he explains tte frc,|!i,ncy of rains at Hie equator, "it, iiimcv.-r," ne naya, ..tncre bs etorstsd ipots mi s sphere, pleetrldty will eolleet ea thesa. s|i.ini:i iheae .|mis or contlaentfl !>.. eoaasoM bf Wires ll iiilKhl iicciitiiiilnie oa c.nli allcriialcly. Thia hus bappiaid Isla year, bbs] a.ric, i,u» sn tim cliMlilt enrrgy .inti ti,Wye hun lost, lt; io tftut our continent ls flooiied sad Kuropa ls bwuod ap with drouth." Ills conclusion /rom all thia la thai electric wires should bs burled. ^^ .. If ym don't go out of here in a minute i«n ¦"¦niel vim:" exclaimed Hie wrathful woman of tti» house la Ihe persistent pedler. "Thnt wst*r on th» ¦tove won't be hot for Jinlt Hn hour ret," nni^eroA Ihe merchant. ".So you lind helter let me sell rna sae of these patent niitoniatte tea-hett-lea that heats water lu tala than IVS minutes over u slow flje«" If von hm! lind one of lhem I should have born scalded Bad on my wsy lo sop *,>mcthiii-* m taa tte.- Imlrecl wciimiii who ls .iitemptlng to keep house next door.".(Iiiillniiapolls Journal. The pbll.'iiitl.rn'.tc pinpi-* of Iloslon rejoli"- with eg. r**dlag joy beeaaas iii* ms of Btsstria csrs hm r». Havai the poor horses; but tiny continue to dock their' tulls nil the sumo. \ H.- lu tba tiearl ls no arbiter ll.nn lt tn tbs horse trade. Hie -iiicsi way lo make ti t.ri.l m-in mal ls to tal Ililli Hie Hlllll ;,lentil himself. When you shake hiinrls w 11 li ii new ec-iveti don't clo ll willi th* lips of your liii-el-s. I lure me tn.-n who have a fleed n rod loii^ wi* ilo liiis|ti*»s with ti short yardstick. lt ls (loiiiitiui if one niiiI, |. . bundi rd gQBS ta church praylag Mn preaching that will lilt Mas. Tin. reason s.m,. |...,|,|o \twx\ i.oi worse flinn thef do their neighbors |, became they think lt ls infer. Miro some people tire power t' move mount-tins, uinl lin*c -.Kin they tcniilcl min Ibe tanas ef their tu tshbors. The lunn wio looks ;,i his «-|f, fls tlMMth 'he moon were nlout io turn io Mool whenever shs sskg him tor n ronnie of lollara not iik-.iv ;*. i.e< hub v.-iy flc;t|iieiit In pnysr ni bia fHinlly alirir..tttain'a Hern. A nunilier of ¦agltafc Jour Hists linve been knighted, r-nil n number ure on the ttir|l7 epics! lin, tor example. When the Isle Mr. .Infiir nh. tlie well-hii'iwn dealer In »Ucl ri ii 1 mu. -. lost lils -aei-oiiil wife, n fri.i I only A upeii lilm io rXJWeea his sympathy, nu! spoke in the btgbest terms ot Ihe topaned. .inmracb mournfully assented, ohaervlag: "Yea, she wu, an ox.client woman. rnfonunately, however, she dil nut take ve'iv idn<ilv to the animals. .hm imagine, -u,. wouldn't even allow 'he sashes to sleep in ber b-d In Hie Winter time I".{TSgHche linn Ni inn. Well, (lils ls a lopsy turvy aire. Her" an** icms Halters sdoptlng n i-Ms not lo seceft tips: Where b:is Ibe duster genie' It ls atm Wiim tn xn% West, it ititi Booran on longer lines of travel, ita miuilfesi mi.l senstMe convenience endears lt n. miiid*... aced men. lim on a short Nae like thal betweea ihis div mid \i-iv York tue duster bes dlsajipe-irid as completely aa Issi winter's snow flt He.. Tie rtotbbtd More* keep them on the bock shelve.. Few are t-eoid. The Mc wholesale tt'-iilrr- Cn not s,.|| ., do»en win-re Ihey oner disposed nf bairn, lu n few thor! van ihis c mvenleni garment bas been r.-i.-unt-vi to h-b roimtry districts bimi the provinces. Vet in our climate, wish mir bot, cirv sumiaera, our shaadSBt dust nu-! lunn railroad Journey*. Hi" iiu-ier saghl to have become I permanent article of rlothlng for all ir:i\eii-M-.. (Pbladdphia l*ress. taner Ilantana'- ransndsr to tn*, pin-* hst iwi-M ccenis io luive stirr-csi Chtassn lo i's deaths. Toe .iciiune worshlppera of tae WeutejTv. iloocfc bal .tia s.riemsly asking H..-ins..ives if rtvillSattaB ls g dream, AND III I.IIK.W I.OI.DK.R. ".ii t (uii'.-:" in- crlsd, wnii lover's icu, *. Dear Katie, amy I plant i Kis- upon lh? lintel thal pre seed The hand <>f the Inf min I" «. Ye-. (,,. a-Be** sn,. Mushed ai i l~.".si her Lead. nut vi.:i mus! understand, 1 ul i pi-.-s,« ,| ,IIV ii,,.,- .... ttkt, "To thc Infanta's hand." -I ii igo Trlbane. in .i Vermont cenaetery then i- a lotsbstaas bonn lui: tba ictlowlng tascrlfflloB! "Sacral ia tile memory er three twtna." When Charles Dudley Wnrner wns .iin |.-dltor of "Th* 11 uri iceni (Conn.I Ire---." leek In t:n> "dltJBB. ur.lng 'lc- palrli.H-m of Hie Mate by Hi ccorocs :,¦;¦. ll "ll" Ol Ul* typesetters Clime Ile fro" 'tie SK. pnstn* :..,.m. and planting himself before the editor. s.ii.i: w. 11. Mi. Warner. I've detia*d ta .nh-i 3 lb* \i:i\." Wi'ii mingled sensations eef pride soi nsponslbllltv, )lr. Wnrner replied eBCOUraiatflr, that be was .-ind t>> see thai Hm sun felt Ibe rall «f duly, "llb, lt isii'l th;.!.* -sri|r| the truthful rom- ls,s|t,,r. "l.ut I'd rather lie shot than irv la tot nor nor* of your ropy.'* And nobody enjoys t.-iiitii» tua story m. re tii.-ui the brilliant author e.f -M. Mimmer In a cnrci.-n.- tlroy 'Hine,. MR. SEIDL'S CONCERTS. Viii,ther or noi th* eipartBBiB* which wa* made at Ibe Mnrllsi'ii Sipiiuv Usidea Inst -sunday night, whra nie forces <>f Mr. Mil's Metropolitan Orrhee- tm nml the military lu nd of the .-seventh r.e*lment Joined, was worth tie traaUe tnt rapanea which Ihe union entsOei i> I f dloa which lin- probably Billiptsi ths mind of Hie management considerably since. Tbs laaBtsal risalts were certainly not ea* rtmra|lny. tot the audience, tiefore and slnre wera pille as numerous ns thal of Sunday. Musically, ex» ...vt when ths banda wats united, for some of tha sonorous ctf.s-is in which Mr. tr-eldl dellghta, the elle t was ¦-, i.. Iv prot.leiiiatlc. Mr. r..-lil l't -pro- pasaaaso, bhaaaaj i-omi-llcd to "Tuilfy all tastes, aro yet iilwuvs i!l|-iil!!.*l tnicl artl-lle. The music ot oor tm-* banda i- salstoai wtthhi either satafssy, and ii wu, plain ta be s'"ii from the rcc-pilon of Hie muslo played l.y tbe mSltary baai, that ths taste of tba piil.ll. wns ili-siiu.ily BhOVe thu level of Its list. Mr. -eldl. of neier.s", tonk advuntnRe of the reln- forc'e.m.nt of lils brass nnd woodwind choirs to per¬ form mom of iii.- paaaoai sraass of Wfagaer, d.oo-tng the ilnitV." of the Beooad set and thr<-e eaeerpta the ihint mt i.f "Lohengrin." The effect wns pen- erully lapsing, t-hoa-gh in toni passa-~H Uta strim?- tote wns attsrly aversrhetefsad, and saee «.r twice snd work was mada of the bkTtMOMfeOf Uta failure of the nillltnry tnissystosa correctly to maK* Hie tiniisposltlons willin Hielr instruments innde ne .--,. sury. c»n M.uidny and lnsi ni-his the Met rep. illina i>rei)e"s'r;i WU Un lt IO Its "ld status, ta ih" obvious relief «'f tbs many who pr>-Ier mflst*al i !T"cts to rraahlng noises, lnfortanatriy there ims beea sonia distressful singing M all Ibe eenceris ol 1st". A bow romposfilon !>y Meier Herbert has appeared on Mr. BeMrs programmes. Il ta a piece <>f de. si-rlpllve litu-le. willi ti Wits Written IO ric.-oriipanv BM of ni.-- si-.-nes In the spectacle planned hy Steele Mackaye fer the Spectatoriuni. which m.ide shlpwreek before it wns launched recently ta Chicago. Da~m and gaarisa ta cn- Alhaaibra are sappoara to ba Ka pteturesque contents, and the Baste ls myMe ns well hf. |.lenslnc. !f ls thematic in style. Its suhj»ct having verv snproprlately an Oriental color, and the oreheatratlon ls masterir, itut li ls afier all pnn- orama music, which oaght not ta bs dissodatosl from the ptatan for which it waa wrtttaa. acron .t.YD accvi faixtbbs nowx tue oat. Th* Kdwlii Forrest l.odce, Actors' Order of Friend¬ ship, had lis Bteoai Bttttag on Monday ot toa Cns heron HoaMote-ad, ItsssiHli. Hstea Island. The ladas was inn mpiinbd by the Am.rican lOSlStf of Sc. nie I'aliiti rs. I!ic party lind h siicclal stenm- !.. iii. whtoh blt New-York (Olly tn ti.e morning anl did not pet bark mull asaity inidulght. lue whole of that long tliee Wis lliuBBghly enjoyed. Om- ef ll.e most iin]ioit .ut Incidents al Hie day was n gnme of bh-ssaall beiaosa ths seton sad lha scene paintera, nlilch was vron l.y tl" Inner bf a scree of :t:> to ^'.', Some of ths people' preeeal v.ere Louis Aldrich, Mr. nml Mrs, Kilwiu Kaowlea, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Merry, Mr. mid Mrs. Lester liirmey, Henry simon, llraaeh O'Utlen, vim em Ksasasy, Alexander I Ls i'i. Harry Hawk. ll.-rl«-rt Mlllwtanl, PalmAr Colllus, W. T. Doyle, -nasffh W. shnnnon. I.ewla Mitchell. Oed Kbigstoae, Mt. l>. iapabsss. Miss lH.ra lioldwalle, MarU 1 ric , Willliim F. clifton. C. J. Wllllain,, llinrles Mt. Kiim, Dr. ThOSBOB HrennuU, Willer Frasier, Trunk WT. Monroe. Dr. COMB Mc- Dougall, Walter .lortaii. Milton X.ibles. Onida Mar¬ ilin.*. Harry ItBIWOod, Annie llavn.s. Kdi'h Jcslan. Kriicilck ll.ickiis. Jonis A Fri', Mr. and Mrs. George A H.mne >!is. Iliirrocke. I ri,nh M. Kendrick', Mrs. l,.-.-,. Kent.iii-ton. Ji.aepb A. Wilks, ll. II. HrennaU, JiKU'phtae cill'i's. It'i'.'iick Merry. C. H. pit... I'r.mlc Dodge, liicliaisl Mnrsioii. John Harry, Frank RaH-r, II C. Held, John Hough, L. W. Siiv.y. Havld W»tl. Wlllliiiu Vllllniii -1'." ^'.!lll*. Louis \..ui.|; Ted s. iiiei. otto Armbraater, Pmok I'lai-ter, «liarlss Wiliso'.. .Mired il-hc-r, Jes-,. i'1-..Kh<ron, fhailcs Yuung and Wi.U.-i- li. Wcdall. _ PMBM I'NCK FOB ALL. From The lt. ladds Republic. Colonel Henry Watterson 1> arguing In favor nf pat¬ tin,- tbe las i«"'ii aa sugar, we fear tba «'oion*i greatl) pr*f*rs ia.\.sl sagar lo au Inc re'ii.o of the tax on Louisville whtshey. Um H will not do. once oa the free Hat, always on lbs free list. DI'.I'K.NI>F.NT OX lIEirnLIt'AV AID. From The I'lilliulelphla liiipiln-r. If the Barrener ls pal SB a linn basis lt will bo dona willi Republican aid. li ian be done prob- uieiv rn say nine ii ihe Iii stol at win call congress In s,..lou. Hut lu- will imi do that. Ile ts wnl'lng in lbs hope ihal be ian dr.iitooii hi- own party toto linc, so us not io give the i:.i'-.ihllran party the i ililli. 'Ihe Kepublliiiii pm tv can stand this bet-tor Hiiiii thc .N; eau. MAU TIIK ISSIE t'LEAR. From The Booton .louniai. lo make thc Issue clear, tho ohio Democrats ought to iniliiliiiiif linnie 11 ti iii lo run ae,'iiln,l liiivernor MO- Muley. Mr. Hurd ls ns uncoBiprumlntng a Vero t unler ns Major McKinley ls a Hruleeilonlat. A ooBtm between would lie a roadral of principle, without aay evasion iu- ecpilvotallon, li would clo the country ¦"nod. m - KAEOHl A PASTY TO StTT 1UMBELP. I nun The Albany Jnurnal. Thc PrssMent BSldeatty ls nm satlsiied -with <hs present condition of the Defltocrscy. Hs intend* jo brinn abmii a thorough reorganllSttaB on lines of hil own, and when this has h«>en acicimpllshed he ev- Fast! to lind himself aud hl» fHends everT"fhara tu cceutrol. iu intends to bulla up a m-ciitn* whtoh con be raiisd upoa to carry out bis alibis Ul avery !¦*¦*. uoataTi

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) iw.-iicy MlRBtM tlie < '.illulia WOB fin' ra>e. t!n> Vicicina

-Atnuecinctue.AMERICAN THEATRE .--Ti,~ l't-dlcsl iis.ighicr.BROADWAT I'HEAl'RE-B-Panjaiidiuia.iMMi a-Aflonls.

1*01.1 Ml'is THEATRE 0- Tannie! Op.DALT'S Till VTKK *-.- Kellar.¦ll Kl. I ll KA I 111-.-'.'-i E*.-Tlie Lill 1 L'ft Behind

.Me.., .ii AVi.Ncr. th kat r e-s i> -Tha Isla ai Can*;«c '¦..

¦. cVRUEN Hie; TKE I Rabin ll sd.bavr OPERA ROI'SE- 8.i.*» Cavlilerla P.nstlrian and

¦naana.,.i.MANX'S, THEATRE OM H.trinnnn.ii... i -s malison sgi are 'iii!:atrI/-* 30-a tyin

IS v liiimtnuu.i'l.-JEK A. RIAL'S--: .31' -rV-Vst-d'-M.le.M M'lx'N HQ! 'ARE UABOEN.9 ;50.Vaudcv:ile.I'AEM Ell's KE vii'l-> 1*. :'.'-'

1'»!.. i IHTOtTTna j BnssJBill1ITH STREET THE, A IKE 2 ¦<- A baft nf Trm e.

Jn&cv to ^VCiicrnocmtTiie.F-.ig-. El. I'm-. Cd.

A mi:semen li n a lln-aruc-Uoa o 2-aAi.iii.une-,,,. iha jd ;: I.- -. Notices ii

Beaid .ma Beena .'. ;t e<**i ¦""' I'swal .*> a- .if - ...mes ., , Marriage* I Realks. c.

'..-ie.-. Nelli. - li 1 M -ec Hill.'lins ... .>I

ouiitr. itos-d !. Mlaceflanetins .....10 J-tlun.1 Notices li l N « Pabllratlons... rs I-JJ.i- -s lasing .-, 4 ill -:caii..|s - .,.11

ii.,, s,,, Mtu.ti.4i. |»n.|...-a:s . N !

vc..ea i 7-8|iteal I-tau-. H i'i

Euroiieau Holds ll 4! Rn il road- . tl S-5Enwiiclal . ...H l-"M"":i: N tle-.-s

.l-i ll..,1-1 I el ..* en -n-its .14 0lor hade . 5 ."> Bnnunet Resorta. u iaHetti ll Slited .'¦ .> .-seill.ll.el IU-s'1 ..G'S 9Help Want si !i ci 1 cae her-. M llH.r*i» 0 Carriages. ¦'. I; Tl. leerf. !. «

H.,.|. ri s| Wolli WBaied . .'. ¦

lino incooXo turo.

Kele s Ni...i.n... SniRTa, period la every detail.Oxford and /.ejenyr E'lntn-, »i w, 02 00, #2 it). bVJeRiaadany.

T7uiil7NE lEirila TO MAIL fcl B."si.KIill1U»7 ~.Vngla

i ye ar. 0 ans. S m»». 1 n.e. enjey.Isjl'v. T drivs s wee'.. alu isl lilli t>2 oil ll 00.Dall'. mUiout bunda!.. 6 Ot) A 00 J 00 00 I CIAh.ii'i.c. Tribune -JIM 1 VO 50 Ge's..Veeslr lr.bmie. 1 Ol' . Sets.kead-Weekli lille ne. 2 oo . tem'lr.i-i i- Monthly . 2 00 .Mata.

lc-.«... |,i |uid Ly Tlie jul.'ii'.- rsc|'t ss lictelii'iftortu,' *~.CT! ". POSTAOE -Tho 1st! rqcires lhat s 1 cent nos-ag*

.-taisn !,* nlh\eU tu every reM al the Duly. **'jfid« aaail-Weahly Irlbvae, n-.s.ied foi laval Jellverj inNe! V. erk cltv. 'Ihis |rr-lnefr mast ne paid bv sub-serihat. Rinasas ere better served by buyinu Uieir

r baas flem a iiew«'j«slc-r.ePORI iv i-e -, \.,i ,., an f»r.',(i, eonnfrias rex. e-it

Carada Mexleis), I rents s copi- nn Ihe sundayTribune; 2 rents a ceipv on Dalle. S-ili. Weelilv midWe»ici.v. TUM bamaga c aai be jalil bv »ub-crlb.-r.En. .penn Rmi'h. for iidvertls.-nifnt* only, 'iti'.l R.-eent.

st W Eoe d t, rn-lnn."Kl M;t:.\N. s -Remit br r-sfril Older. F-pr's* ciriar.

C'-ecic. iltur', nt RanMrred Latter, cncie cr l*.'<ta!N Oo lt 1-ciit In Jil unrcvls-erea lc't-T, will be at titoniiii'r*. ris!.A- Oe HM'.ITM OFTTCFB, 1~~ Fas' One-hnadred-

ai d-'i"ntv.fifth.>;. 243 Wsst Oi' n'v-fft .«t .""O We.t tm .funded Bid-foitynfth-st., tipto I n. M., nt rccnlar anVa rates.

te rtrnnklvn ut <V| Coull st. "IV-. De K»!b-»v». 1,200Redfoi dave.. un tr. S p. m.. sf r. sclnr 'eflie-c rates.

In.. I.-, Outee f... sdrertlseneiits. 201 W.OEI IC * OF Ttl!' TKlll'NE -Malu ofl-e nf Th"

.i-i!,-.,.. i-,| RaMnuet.. New-Talk. Main uptowncni.-e 1 .PIS Bmsdwsr, Address all correspondencesac*i ..Tho Tribal. N-w-Ynrk.


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, ik.i.i.


FnriiariE-TIre Urittiniua .ind Ven.Mt,' -WM

badly damaged by collision just U'fon* fin* r;i¦-.

oil liiiw-r; ru-- V.ilUyri" ITM titn-l"'! np with Ihwnand iw.-iicy MlRBtM tlie < '.illulia WOB fin'ra>e. t!n> Vicicina otOOAti "ii tun-* uUnwrini".'I lu* II...1--*- of < oiiiuiouft pMMd tin* thir I elaoMof -oetii-n 1 of ibo lloni" Bale 1'ill, debate on

.winch clause, bul bee* egotaf "i> c-i'i1" Mnjr SO.

wmsss Sir t liarl-s cSmmU and Sir Hieliar.l Web¬

ster wofjjjB iddltfd llie l-w-livln- Sen court; tits**lorim-r pic>|>o**-(| tin- cstulilihlnin'iit of a eltNW MOP

t,,-.i rri'sidi'iit ( I'.rnot'.s condition ¦boam n<«

iuipr.ivcnieut; h.* will t-pT-c | vaialion, ou liis

lili.v>ici-,,ii'B Bdviee .

Ucimefc'ie..('. .Vi ll-Wurt li api»liel to til."

court for ii nii'ii'lamus ColBfelliBf tho c-oioikt toallow bi!:i to npp.-.ii I'.v .."UiiK'l at the ni'iui-stintn tbe "au*-* of the Fotda Theatre dimeter; theinc|i:.rt trna eoattaaed. ¦..-" Several BBedlcal ex-

p"its tilled i'.v the proaecutlon tevtllted in tin- of L://ie Uordea at Kew-UedforU.a.V13:..:i_; iii.' a|ip"iutiueiits Bade liv tin* I'l'i-sidi-ntfaatefday arcre tims.- of Holm.** Conrad, ofVii.iiu:.. lo l«* Airhrlant Attiruev-iJen'-rnl, anl

HBontegtoa R. l--«ii«', af Ne~»J*«-a-~*, ta .". e .n-

rnl af >li« !l'c-lil. r -s < iimiiu'in-'tri-nt exerctaesmm li. l'l at Johna Ilopkina, PriBoaton, Cornelland Other ins'ltutio'is. -r-~~i " Chris'' Evana, thatram robber, ama eaytared.

I ity and Mihiir'iin..Tba pr.-aidont, ts-"Ma iv

ad 1 p.rvii'.rr-t.ll."! bf tho IttIui .Savinus Institu-tioa leepomtlla for a hliortaKe of ^;o,ooo iu tin-

hanh'a tunda oni-Ts triad to Bummoi C.V. lluntic-jton for baihtfBf u bay window m.-r

ii.i .-irect lim- in clcianco of an iujuii tiou.Marvette V Cooper left the Appralaer'a Store* aolf. r--t i.r:i. : a Winn-rs at llorrla .Park.Adelbert,M;ii\ Muni", Kiiml.'t, Pleknloker, Dolly colt undUaaunie. Xew-Yark defeated 1-ouiaville at

haaebal: eBiaahlya was bc*jit»*ii by Ciadaaati =.:1 .; |e- r-'ii,,-, wera kiih'l and many iujun-d in a

Ire al N's. lu and i .* Moattoa~~Tjrat. :

..s'ocks dull .'in I heavy tlirouuhont flu* clay, and,saxe ;i linal rally, the downward movement wrwroatiaaed without iui'-rrupticni. .Money ruled at

C-.7 pei . 'iii. imt coiir-nltr iiir- new buaiaraa wus

daae nt .* p-r e-ut.lie Weather..Foreeaat forta-daT! t'cn.-i;*.iiy

fair: casi-ily winds. Teni|ieratai~i'~~~aterdajr;Uigheat, t;-!; lowfet, bi', average, .>«.

The Niow prOffiRM whirh is lieinx mada ''i'llthc ll uno liul" US] is cfitctively shuwn hy tlief-.-: lint it BM lah n I full fm;nihill !> ilis-jh-e" nf | sinRle t-laiisp.Um third clauso ofeSaotioa 1. which w-,is limlly pasaad yost ci day.The Elan -f th" < i|i|i"siii >n is to tiro out Mr.tilu'l-* >n -s lupportara, if possible, bj propoaiaganiendiiieiit.s with.ut limit .ind ililiatin* th oinHt the iiliiuist Un^ih. Thc OOBtcet fc»i- llcuiiciRule huls fair to resolve itself into a riB-pl*contcst of pbyalcal oi:diir.iiuc.

In a fiii'iiuial jmint of view the ColiimliianKvpo-'iti.ii seems lo he j-eMin:.' on its feet.The att'-iidrince is now MtiafaotorU]! lai'.'e andthe toaaaMJ is nu l'Mi*"! in i n ndiiiun of c-nl-lapsc. .'oiiio of thc t-iili-ciiids have niadjlu Rim to i educ- tiiiir fan .>, and theta is reasoato hope that the iii'»\cino'it in this directionwill baeOMM eftMral. Inevitahly tlio Fair «il!Miffor trow, thc linancial flfiprtmton that is pio-dneing ao many unfi»iiin-ate rosiilfs, hut thene-'etsiry of attracting people t.i Chicafo is lie-eoniiiiR jiencially weofrii**!, and thc effectsare aliwuly uppnicnt. It may he said once

more that all who OOM ?o cuii-bt to ^'o t<t thc.Fair.

- m

Ciioncl .\inswiirth absentoil himself yester¬day the vYmWaftoa bqoeet and therewtan no reperfition of thc HMatkMHd secnes ofMonday. Thc Cofcttei, however, has ap-plicdto the Siijncinic (.'-utrt af the District for a

uiandamus authoi-izin-* him to attend the in¬quest in pataon and l.y (smiusel, and in doin*; si

has made a st-atenieiit in which he denies allrospon-sihiliiv fv.r tho aecidout and claims that,in his judgment, the hinlding was safe. Thisc-ta;ciiK>::t cannot 1k> accepted a-s satisf«(>foi"v, |gview c>f the general feeling ol the ocro-paa-fioT the t>ld theatre that it was a death-trapmomentarily liable to fill. Itu ivmdition was,in fact, rr<'*ori«'iis. BoRM one must he rc-

~p nsihle fr ita uv tinder ?he dieaaaatairM.

i.iire were anni:' ijiih; BtattRHRU made.v-ra-eiday before Kecoi-der .Smyth when Aaniction fur a new trial for Dr. Hiiohanan, enn-vlc-ted of poi*oning his wife, was beard. Theprincipal ground fur tha motion wag the al-

leged in-capacity of a Juror, "..ho was accusedcf having epUepqi aa insane delusion*. Tbetestimony offered in support o! thi- contentionincluded the affidavits nf live physicians whohad ie vcr s,en thc* Juror in question. Ind who

beib red from the ace lunts of thew thal he hadpans;, or epilepsy, or bulb, li i- moat re-

gre-table thal reputable physicians allon thorn¬s'Ives tn h.. used in such n way. District-Attorney Nioolla denunciation of then un¬

justified, and the Recorder ahould nol hesitateto exist aside ih-ii evidence bi onawtby ofconsideration.Mote adequate firo-escapei and cooler benda

Mould in all probability hav.- prevented Iheslid l"ss t,f life ;it an lia-l -il- fire yes! -lill.!.The building in which ii occurred could hardlyhave lieen m ire poorl" constructed for tbe uso

lo w-3 i -h i; w,;s put. There ":i". cf cciiiso. thedumb-wait I- sh,tfi which carried the Hames ::i

a moment fi-.¦ in the bottom I i the top, andR'bea thc in";i and women al tvorh within per-reived their danger a wild iv>h for the flre-os(-i|)Os f llotved. At hast uno of the ladder*tvaa n.>! in"i oily -adjusted, and in thc confusioncanny sprang to the ground, several with fatalresults. Nn new lesson i- taughl by this oe-

ourrence. Hut i; is disheartening t . ict|e,t thatin hun t.f oilier buildings similar cwudi-licns oxis'. and that a panic of the .same kindmav ckt-.ii- any hour.

DEMot RA TIC NON-PARTISANSHIP.Day aft< ;¦ day Dcm ulalie Journal and others

repreaeating the part' now in powei ;t;e ap¬pealing to Republicans foi help. "Cease yowcriticism," they say: "do nol hinder bunine**rec ivery by showing the shortcomings of th sc

Cebarged with reaponsibiiity; bm hi In to restoreconfidence.'' Al the same time these Dem-o-crsta and others aro attributing all misfortunesti tlio Sherman act, uniu-ily pretending lhalthe Republican party alone is rcaponsihl* foithar measure, and 'hus continually maligningide patty who e a-aistance 'hoy hi .- in thc name

ci' non-partisan*hip. The performance is de¬liriously impudent, but nol on lhal aecounlid ire Uk*], t' succeed. Men who beseech helpto get them out af a hole may at leasl stepthrowing mud at the se whose aid they as!,-.

Por fifwen years the Dcm eratic party ha¬lo n rut:ng for free oiintge ofailver, and witha sinai! minciiiv of Republicans has forcedupon the >. -.miitiy all tho legislalii n by whichth" permanence of gold r ilemptinn has lu >n

endangered. Ia iKiiu thc House |~a*»scd a ralmeasure, but Ihe Dem rats ot thal ImmI.v op-posed it, and the Doma-is of the Renate with;i handful of silver Sen:'! is defeated it andpoased a free coinage bill instead, - > lhatfriends cf Bound mono- were compelled loch.s. between f.. coinag.' and ruin on th¬

one hand and the ^herman compi misc on Iheother. Sow the Dem r its who hive foughififteen yeaw for fi*ee coinace pretend lh n

partial concessi in t i their di mandi is the cause

of all tbcti woes. The .Silver Pureba*-? a i ivenljust as far as Republican* Ih ugh! ii safe to<-o. Nearly ever* Democrat in Congre** votedagainst it. on Hie ground thal ll did nut t hranough. But wkh a l**rcsidonl and Secrehrywho were both pledged and heartily deter-mini il tn carry mil its spirit, no disaster re¬

sulted from the a¦¦' until il b cam known lhala fi-- o silver '.'mn',¦..-- and .i President of thenine party hird !»":i chosen. Then .gold be¬gan to go alu ad, for there was no longer con¬

fidence thal the parit* of '.'iel and silver wouldho mainiai'.'ei in the fae.f a free C inage ma-

joriiy in (' mgr ss. and in spM . of :i ta liff policycalculated ta prostrate home indttstiics and t.i

increase imp »rta.Republicans have an absolute righi to ro'l

attention ti these trutha, when it is falsely;isser-!e.| every day io their iojnr* that thc inlycause "f trouble is a lan foi which tlu* ai ine

ai., responsible. The nil ration .f thal un-

truth is n >; the nay I enlisl their aid. Theywill do their best, by voices and v'-tcs in Con-gre**, tn help any honesl effort to place thcfinances on a safe baai*. Bul they arc nutrall d up en i a--i t Mr. Cleveland in castingiip:>n them thc responsibility for misfortuneswhich his own election as the candidate <>l a

free silver party and his own inrapac-it* OT

hesitation oi anxiety foi compromise with evilhave brought up in Iho < Hintry.

Domocratic non-partisanship is an ancientbut not venerable fraud. Nt once in thirtyyean has ihe'ratie patty gained tho*l.!ghte.«t advnn'age by pretending non i irti'an-~hip which ii has u .r instantly nv <l i tbs itt-most for partisan j»ain. Nert nnce, R*hen it «;i>

protending to merri non-partisan itipinoit, ha- it

faih-d to gel all the support il mid bj thewerna jn:\i-a:i miaieiiro^entationi and the baacstpartisan frauds. Nol once baa ii acquired a

little power without using it to reward Demo-cratic partisanship, and to intrench itself bo-hiiid such partisan apiwrtionmcnts and latvi ;i>

a*ero expected i > enable it i despise ihe non-

partisan assistance it had used. li yeata hhas seemed as if no ni ni of common sen'O ¦' :'l 1aj.ii n he deceived by such professions. Yet thesiinf party is agaiu beseeching Republicans toint aside partisanship, even while for partisanends they are maligned bj every utterance ofthose who beg their aid.

CUBAN REEORM PROJEl TS.Tho Spanish Government*! project fur sub-

Btltoting ono general council for the provincialcouncils ia Cuba is a movement in the righi(Ii; crt ion. Ii mav be only a superficial informbut it is received itt tin* island with markedfavor as a liga of political progress. The pro¬vincial councils as they an ROW conducted are

harmless debating nubs which do not serveany p-ractical purpose. Without having anycontrol whatever over financial expenditure*or admiaistrative act-, they offer ¦ basis fortho Spanish eontentioh thal Cuba is not with¬out a semblance of linne rule. Tbe proponed¦upioma council will be a real legislative body,if tho Colonial Minister's promises are will have .authority over the Cuban budgetand will be empowered to enact measure* ofadministrative reform. Probably the ColonialOflice will retain thc power of initirting legis¬lation, and thereby trill greatly reetrid thefunctions of the council, lt will not be theautonomous Pailiamoni fur nrbic-h native-Cubans havo be.-n continuously clamoring far¦any years. It will be another bit of officialmechanism to be operated by the Captain-(Jem ral at Havana with the Colonial Officebehind him. *~till, while more or lesa of Isham, it will narie a derided advance In thodireclion of mpoorible homo rule.

Ii is nut remarkable that Ihe merchants,plant ts and manufacturers in Cuba are alreadyaproning their approval of the GovernmrtBproposals. While they have been heavily:.*i\ed ilecad" after decade, tiny have had noth¬ing whatever to do with th" levying uf ih".budget or tho regulation of expendkniea. Anyproposition which brings thi budget nnder ihocontrol of a legislative council in Havana is ofiii-cc-sr-it,". a reform on home rule lines. The.iis|*i!c',ios from Cuba indioat* that the projecthas been well received by the infIi:.-nti:* in¬

dus: rial class's, and thad if carried ht i effectit will lead t-i a marked hnprovemenl of therelations of tho island to tho mother country.Probably something Les behind thia promise

ol au approach to home role. A yea* ORO the

leaders of the Autonomist party R"crc risil iby iho ag ntl ol a European banking syndicalum! consul! d with rcfei n to the farmingout f the Cuban revenues, ll '..'* ,1"'" In¬timated ilia' if the leaders would m difj theirpolicy ' f abstaining from elect! ui-- and wouldsupport a bam iii programme by which thorevenue* would pass under (he control of thispolitical-banking syndical .. an autonomous

legislature might be created. I' i» not iim i b-

Bblo thal Ihe project for political reform andudministiative reorganisation ma] be a screen

f..i s .nie s|.,.(je-, o| bondholders' intrigue.The chiel burdens in Cuba arc colonial red

tapa an I a foteign-b ira civil service. Thenative population, which knotts the island andwhat rn asm s nf r lief are needed, is power-le-s. Tho Captain-General winds and unwindsthe 0 >ii.s and s|i,.i> of the Colonial Office.The civil service, recruited mainly from ad-rentnrei* and needj politsfi-aas iu the penin¬sula, is notoriously incumpetcn! and oorrupt.Bverj branch ol tbe revenue and taa servicei- conducted by ftirrignei-s, who aro indifferentio tho welfare of the inland and intent onlyupon making fur;uni"- which will lie largeenough t" be divided between th'in-elve- andthe political patrons responsible tor Iheir ap¬pointment. Tho n Imlnistrativc B-stem "f Cubais inoiii-v;ib!;. bad. Ii is beyond the' any c iptaiu-i'<. neral to reform its man-

abuse.-. Like Pilate, be can onlj go throughthe idle form ol Bashing bi* band-* in publicand allowing Ihe system to break ilma final!'ii ride! iis own weight.

CROWNER'S QUEST LAW,The prosecution in the Borden trial has not

itrengthened its. tue by Ihe introdncti m of ex¬

pert testimony. The vagaries of Dr. Delan.the Coroner, cannot lie dignified by that methodof i la-ssifi aiioii. 11. set .ns i> be an in".-

I*c:ienccd, -.peculative person, incapahla oloriginal suggesticn and ovcrxcal :i- in con-

liuiiiii!,' pdlce conjectures, iii- demonstrationof ihe method l»~ tvhich tie* fatal blows were

adminiai rod bj a left-handed assassin va-

purelj byp.Rhetical and wh»I!y nnsciontifio. UnCn-,' uti Dipl to identify thc claw-head hatchetii- ie in inl 'r's I ul na* .1 il it failure, anice

the hah- found on il wen from a cow and thorod -1 "i cither rust m paint. Then Ihe policegave liim a second cue, and he again fried hisband with the handldc-ss la. .».-!. the sh pa.

ami stockings norn bj iii" |"i- mei un the dnjcf ihe Bepir Ier and .il " n nhil skirt, ll" 0

Bticceeded in foi ming p >- live thc iv* re-p cl

ing -t:iiiis found on iii1 these articles. With a

ningle except ion, ;i pinhead bl.I -|. >' "ii tlcskirt, all his eui He it.'on* were c -11' I;. 1

by Prob..¦- r IV md, nf Harvard I .liege, linas the sorriest exhibit ion ol 'Crown t'st|U"-'" lau tvhii h has bc 11 made dm ii \W !i.i il bm.

profe si- Wool ^^ ;is practically a ivitn «* foriii- d fi nee. alth nigh .I"! bj ihe S;ai -. Ile Ifound nu ii 11 '.- of i" n**i '"ci 1:1 thcitomacba of the moid u-d I', rtkn- <i in ii.*s.iiiE.les r milk. Tl. cv ¦:¦ 11 20- of bio -1¦il hiv of ho ha ¦':..! . and a\ - not even ibohandle] » hatchet which iva- a~'iuu i t< li1 tu . cf iii wounds. The .. n lil on

be sh ea and st ., king*. I ii *¦ wis -

ibo inhc id -sj. t on the ukin 1 lth *h be na -

cc nsf iain <1 lo cono'ii'le lhal thc a .sa**! 11 mnh.lW I-" ll I.' .'" "I n I bl ll. Tilesmill el s .[ .,-, .;', ,',,.'

cu lha handled .. bal hil u 1- nil lhal rem *

of the p Iii " ail I <" il i"'s '. pip ri I -'::n >nj"when I'-nie s Wi "I n >. I bisAa for the hatchet-h id it ii tho broken hand lo,oom*. .1 ng nhii h ic and < ..:.r

ha'. I" "i disputing in theil neal t ¦. mtia-di ng. ia I 'I «. 1 .! .

e nj 11, tho lh \ .1 il ¦-.,.¦¦ e:i I. e. lilt - |th !: 1 liol li ;.' \ :' ti I-- ibo a-- - n'*

1.. 1. Poiisililj Ihe 'i.ii'.*

- in s \,-. Imi -1 fai is ,: baii: li: - iii ide1 io* expel I

lils III i!.'-- ;,s ,-. !',,. n,\ -!- iv e-f ih,s | -mi:»: k-nl !.. eau -. Ibe pi isonei's chance - ol ai ,-

are c ma nlyr bi igbtening. The difficulty- ofaci i':'.ii j fo t ic iu 1 in 11 lei .is t'.e ivork'1 BC 'iii a! d ii s.. js n t mimic in ,. | .

thia the difficultj of explaining bi«u LizzieBm len could have killed bel stepmothci andlalo r ar,.I have removed all trac 1 "I bl tlfrom pi lot I: ins an the iu-' nmeni . <>l death,line |.i i:he ul ip j! n tin: sk ut and a fe w Klaimof c arae '.'.-: on 1 bat. hot lu ad ! The* and

nu more, a though lhere wa- an incrediblyshort int rval foi ;!i sci ind murder, and Ihe|. i. n were irt-sacking cverj roc-ni in the housefor evidenc of guilt ball an hour after Mi.Bordon'* death, lt is easj lo understand whyIhe Coroner and thc polk*e wen- anxious tothaw iii., aitapectcd murderer into a trap althe inquest, and i> ind. her to convict her¬self and ii disclose bei motive. With theirhatchets and broken handles, iheir bolts andlool -- and th it one nee bl 'I -tam, they ni ra

hard press -I l*i evidoBce m aupport of their. nih the ii v.

nu: 1 n mi;i 1 non.i. VISNRB.Il is nol pot-itivclj known who wrote thc

"Junia**- letters, nor who nas "the Mun iutho lr 11 M i-k," nor " who strock Kill-. I'at-teiv 11." Thc in -t 1h.1t can be said with pre¬cision is (hal .several pel-sons ai" known notto luive written tho "Juntas'' letters, severalin r who wi- c-mt mpoiaric- with "thaMan in thc Iron "da-k" could imi have boenihat in.\ si. eons person, ii- thej were rii largeand walking about wiih countenances wideopen ;it the time, and still others have breaable lo provo a satisfactory alibi al the timeMi. Pat! i-oii was cuu-usm-i]. And now here'sanother groal i|ii.-ii..n that seems bl. -ly t., be(" historic and nevei Ui receive any <ie-oisive answer. N'obodj who was there bas yet

ik] iiii.vbi'ily what did a. tua ll \ bapp?P Bl Victoria Hotel dinner thiriug the laalPi si.iential campaign oren Mr. Ctovc'and waldown with ih" ti:j-.-'. eminent -1 itesmen, Cn ker,Murphy and -sheehan, anl clinched the grealtransaction which harmonized, 1 dilled, unifiedand fortified ihe New-York -.tai Democracy.A.s in 'ipr oilier famous canes, Ibero aro kitsand lets of f Iks wim can tell with greal ibu nev

and interesting detail whal did aol happen onthal occasion, bm nobodj who wa- there,neither Cleveland nor Croker nor Murphj norSheehan, luis over told ivhai did happen, liis, and bids fair io continue to be, one ot lh"insoluble mysteries of tbe present century,II -si. guests and waiters are mum. ><>. verylikely, ' th champagne.Thc nu. iiioii is of sinh abiding interest and

tho iii-st.iy about ii j-. .So pi -found il.a. revela¬tions aboul whal might have happened, eventebougfa it did 11. t happen, are sm-" '.> be "nt ai intervals for the reaminder of Ihe11 ntni*. and tu be read willi avidity by iii"general public. The hi" 1 ountiihulien t, ti,.,iitoi-atui" of the subject appears in "The New-Voik Herald*'of Tuesday, lt i- given aa "Mr.Cleveland's own story'1 pt "repeated bj an in-t:iint iii' nd of th- Preatdent," and is acron-panied by ihe tetement thal "it 1- tbe histUme it kai been mule public in its deta U."The -Lfisi ,,t thc story ia thai a; the conclusion

f the dinner Mr. Sheehan op-nod tho businessby telling Mr. Cleveland that tbe gentlemen

pta** nero leader, wi the IJem eratic organ-iaation in the *tate, and thal they wanted

plcdg* that thej ivould be recognuedlas suet,

|D the .wont of his election, rn which Mr.Cleveland oBtvmed, "apeakiag sonly ami

with painful diatincintas" as he "whacked Ihetable" with his ti-i " « ¦.' ¦¦..¦ - l!lt,, -*-e

White House pledged I you in to any ene

ei.. i nill wfce n ecrel promises, I'll bodamned if I ¦rilL" Which sounds lifelike al

least, lpn Mi. -Meehans asking then, cyn¬

ically, what ho did pivpose to do, the -t ¦!.

i, um] |lt. root i bl* I el and delivered him-.-..If a- follows:

l mt. mi '¦' ii'i'i-'-s- a letter t» tb* paWIe In vrhlcb1 BttBU wltlSlrBW truro Hw .¦'!.'<. I ""I write thal-,.,,,,. ], ton i -i"T la-nlgW mi'' Riv* H i" Hi* a.s-

'.(Hl.,,(,| |.r.... l latona lo -\|.iiin my miii.ii ,a

.,,., ., ,,.,,.- ulm ccu lin v.- -i!ii c. nw ben. I

Mill i.ll 1.1, mien ot Hi" country thal I cannot *lv

anv teeni pi-»i.r.-s. ami lhal satan I ao rou milii.i! Rapport H"" l>'»i'" r.i'l' Uii..''. wlil'li ui'.iris iii,.

loot ol in .*¦.¦.'¦' "f Stew-Yort uinl .i.["iu. I alli

( iii.' roten thal l 'I" not v..oi' i" siauii In tbs

troy ,,r a I.i's uni' vi iniy. Tiwi la srhal I .shan

cl... .lle-ll. ge-liE'SU'ri. you 'Ul plc* '"" .'' 'rm " lu'''

i.i su't jen. itn.i ifli'i- a proper m.a snrJ the ran

iii late ol ic party i aili *. for Ulm.

1; ii not reported thal the andii nee broke in*,...

cheeta o> thal anybody went i» far a-s Us toy"Iii! Hi:'* but Mr. Sheehan is described as

hoing " breathless," and when Mr. Clevelandoontintird, "I" my opinion public indignationwill snow you and youi organization ont of

siisht before thc end ol ¦ week," Mr. Croker" j, atp .! io Ins ft -t" and said, " Thu must

st.-i|».-" II" agreed with Mr. Clevebind that bemight nol make any pledges, and that i:

was nol right i" ask r * them.When ii is i-ecaSed thal Iho pur| wc tot

which Mr. Cleveland rame all Ibe nay li in

Bnaaard's Hay to ui el ih 'se c h,.i e siiiiits mundthe festive buid "as to adjust matters andlilia-: them inl i oor ii.i tipp rt of the tic kel :

that tin - choice .spirits are ri titi tl to bemen ol >.;.'. Bc in |i ilitic and n.; asl|-s. ac' -I. and thal th":* went awa~ iv, onlj salis-ged Imt euthiisiastic for the ricket; winn it is

rememlicrcd, ' «». thal il nan intoned itel* givenOUl that .iii ain'c able ariORgOlllint bad ll 'I'll anil th il on til" stn tigth ..I it t i- ker

¦ad Mui phy and Sheeh in and all th ir fol-loning did *¦ whoop ii up'1 I": Cleveland tu thotad oi the campaign, il -..ill be wen ihal thisstory is shout as ac-cuiate an ace uni ol whatrn dd ie ' have happen d a- an* that has yela|.|i" ired.

This highlj iiiteiciliiig nat rat ii .¦¦ mi - fi mi

"a.i iutimate frien I f the I'r iid< :r." Thwiirl 1 ii'"' await*! with rmi< »it* a rie* .c. nh.: did !;.'. hapji it fiom an int' nt Mr. I i.'i> Mr. Murphy nt '.' an. A s. |i ii.: ntiuj iv m a;: intimatefi. md "t ii bc .un s


ALI ABO Mill FOR SI i 1.1 V.

\ b isl of p ". ".-.ho might |< ijts li .

c|xti .- aird happy if lk< j stay d allinnie have acipiired Ike habit id making an i|ue-: 1 il iii :i" and di version. ThUl .:.> iii it: ,1-. :itil iii ihodic il l-l \ .. ali lldo.'lin,n- .1 ivhi will fli ¦. and manynii.|i: '.,'.'. bate lied e li v. lint c-t'.inf t'.u li-- tating ami impr .viJent *o 'tilllaking id. mm «ii ii a ct'Min di" h"..<l lak s.ii.-"I. :isf..;i. a id and thc i i ne

til .¦ i.

it. Nut ni li*ta:idin* the s'ip-*i!¦ olia which .

and of bi< h u - ui ly t'euliui" tu «ay that mir

a I\.«: tiling oli'm is 1 bio iu<> 'f.a large nttinboi .'. \m lie u: ii/ ,\- ai |n 'ju-iii d iii fa ii ol " alu -i I." M< »i of them ni ty

.. fi-edi sh, but iu.i-.'iii;. ii a- they ure li -t i:i a

in «l : be i mt un 'I th". is ||u ll' ..i WU*; mc -i. We .¦ that Ihi j arc

;o to at i fore wc

-. : |> ii r'n -in in po- - :i of celt lillla ts aUm I a pariit ulai --. I ,.

but ¦. li'' ly I" .'.i mad kn >w n toThe sj.e.t nhich wc refer irs the 'lyre' un

\'.i!" ol -: ube". Ti Im i< ifc tl* Frank..ur renders, wc mu.*- co»l -- al the mis lhaltc had n '.ei iii i* il n.e. ii oImhiI Ihis irthlyI'aradise until i brief bul conclusive'.I I" s || .¦ ;,, },..,[ ||N ||,|- mg*, ;,.. ||,., |HN"- i.' I hire .1 unc nt had be ii drawn np in thcord nary langinge ol tiiculars and guid b uksv "di ii have pi "d'!. au unusual iniprc --. uII j * ii the ni . ingeuuu is mind, li is cutt n

in Ktiglish, b.:: nol the son ir us (hough * me-what urtiliuial Kugl -li of Macaulay and JohnL. Sullivan, noi the bland and trausjki rentI h.' -h of Addis .a and liavi I .\. W< IK n »r

yel thc d Iii al an I bin l»r< Knidish of Haw¬thorne and Poindexter Dunn, lt is not In thcstyle "I any ti ol the gn mast tn of cur

noble mother t-inguo, bul it bas i style ol .:-

own which allures thc intellect, take* po*ss.j,ui ..r the heart and leaves no shadow ola doubt thai ii is adecj tate and sincere. Krouithis remarkable treatise we hain f-or Iho RHtime ni sn. h a manner ;e t be wh Hy iiee-.e- .(bj the Iruth ronc-erning iii" West lyn.hanu'i.i'i'i--, that "their cxtcu»ion is nu arrivedby tho Montblane." and thal the panoramaio whk'h th.^ c inti lix .

¦. is ..| great ini|n. i mto all visitor--.' Hui the sublime as|..-i, andrevelations of Naiure are no recomiicuso t.e:Bhattercd health. Happily there is aa poisoniu iho atmosphere e.f ih,. Vale of Stubey, I n" mn ny of well-reputed Medicine'' praise theelimata withoul r tcrve and Dr. Kriedtieh(.ianut'-r has st.a d as indi*|>en*ahly."The scenery and Ihe climate are obviously

beyond critioiam, bot inquisitive travell'-r* willcertainly and properlj ask whal Ihe hotels arclike. Wo can satisfy them, lu the iii-i placedue- attention has been paid lo outward appear-ano .. Over the entrance of a pnrticulai hotelwhich Ibero is no need ..f designating furtheris plat .¦ I ;i

" Mem uialplalc a Cy int. in ro-memher of the pn -eui~a ol hi.. I. ll the Crowniniii.-Oftswid nv, Art'hiduchesa Stephanie withhor Wcap n.*' In l.e urning proximity, an alle¬gorical Hguro r'olleis a l-otiqiiel ul AlpineBowers tu the said Mommorialplat-e." Within,siilliie it to ..i\. there is all modern comfort,including M80 line bd-. I'.lti metres long,LOS metres I.nee." while without "ali differ¬ent gymnastical I't-ii-i's" orv provided. In aword, nothing is lack inn "which renders a to

j"Ulll oil Ihis tine ,|, ,t i.| |1, eull, ,- em

i'uiai.i..." Surely, a- ihis remarkable doctiiiieni predicts, *'surely Ihe VWi irs ,f the ViiI... will iu ie.i-i- ;,, ih,-:.. every tb inn Mungingtu kitchen and rellar and lodging is takenspecial cate of' and "the missing of this [<-the i-inse ()f (he iusiiflie iently visit of vaiion,beautiful |ii:ue.."We urge no mau tu aban lui the land >.r iii.

birth for .in. purpose whatsoever, bul to thosewho ate resolved lo onms il.cean in searchof health and happiness wc commend withouthesitation or .misgiving Ihe Vale of >tuliey.-

OnlV si\tV-thlee I.. Il-llic lifss pOStmaStetS were

¦Pl."..'! .v.-tentav ; an.i yel ile- luarkH is

t1'"..i".| with i.n, .dies lei .¦ tint tired f"eliii'',''and Brother Maxwell ruuld umloubtetll-* makemtiafaet-nry srnuia*ementa ir ¦ iliscounl tm larae"|e|.-|

Captain ."Bab" fimk bavini arrived at New-'r'1"'.u a ^!ll^' o', diasatiafactlnn with theVale i-re-iv, the pr..liabilities ni" thal the New-Haven 'IHI-Ul.ll XC'lll HIV.- (J HOO.I U<'I'llHilt .f td,-m.oolves whea tko umo comes. Not, as suipicioua

(tenons may Uaa-giMb because Mr. cook is iiisin-

c-c-ennoaa, bat beeaaaa he ncissesses an extraordinaryfa.iili.', for devetapiag lae latent eapadttmnf his pupil-*, and ls srtlllag to undertake the

ta-!< \vh»n lu* thinhs it necessary to clo bo.

Hie lion. UeorgB W. Ikiltkerhoff, former n.cni-

lier ef the State Assembly, lied (reek, N. V..

-liri!"-1 I" TTw Tribune to say that he iias lui

hen "caught under bi-, own law" Si all. hs

(¦han.* .'! in u pre**, (input ch. recently from Wol¬cott, N. v. Mr. eQrinkerbofl dealrs that he hasbeen (-hooting pickerel ni his iiuiie under the

c(iii(l"iiiiia!icin "f ile- I.iw in any manlier whut-

e\i"i. H.- Ino. never shot u tish in his life, andnever lie* n arrested cr linoel, iiiiii claims that lu*

luis nut MUght any tish iu any inatiii'T contrary

to tin- letter nf ih" law. Th.* Tribune takes

i«leisure in millng attention tn -Mr. BrinkerbolTsdenial, .md hopes both lawful tihh mav come

plentifully ta hue hook and that his law MMofimi'- l> ¦ a tenor tu those who violate its pm-viaions.

A reduction Of railroad rates to the fall has

iiev.un. We hope it will become aaivenab an'l

thai the transportation rumpaaieab as w.-li ;is

Ila* public, will h.* happy iu cons.* loe'ico.

Tlie president of Colombia Collage not beinga minister, it ls, of course, neeesaarj to secure s

ciel'.',', man to preach the annual baccalaureatesermon. This Towt ll." college was fortunate

gnough to obtain for this duty a celebrated min¬

ister ..i ti.v Church oi England, thc* Bight Kev.I':. Alfred Darry, Chaplain in ordinary to 'ueeii

V'ut.ii ia nml (anon ol Windsor, who i.s nu Winva briel visit in ihis country. Ile has held manv

distinguished posts before obtaining hi-*, and appears to have the Columbiantmients with in ii .-li acceptableness.

lt looks very much iis if Mr. Starla's sagacityand Itrwneas woniel ultimately secure to the citythe advantages which some of Mr. Sturm's coU

- have i..s-:i Killin* to gaerifioa.e* -

,.. Broddway Haili.m Company has foHUIedii- |,t(,iiiis.> j-, r-.riiiil to tlie crliani"t"r anili- -ttlpn-ent of ith ,0:1,1 wiitvi 1 lie iide ihoald liaintroduced, /lin- new cable pars, vrhieh will ¦.a

di-iil:"" horse cars entirely, are hand-Mine rn. 1

roomy; they inn Mnnitlly .md rapidly: nut at

blain thej ;iie well lighted by tlc ase ot the

caa t-.\ -ii-.n which is -mployed cm all Brst-claasrailways. Hie company 1- acting wi-cly in mak¬ing sine that its grip-men understand their dun .*

il. ,1 e.-',;!', liefiHC dispensing willi 11oI.*"* alto

L'th'-r. En ll it. ii" .ris\ tn-lv E. run a ct bl.. . if

il,... j ctowded I' way int clo no dam.i-r".

'Ihe running of cam ni this thoroughfare, eontraryto populare.-.peetation, tended i" facilitate the ( tmille oi tb" sii.e.t :tii.| ,s,i proved aa advaa-1a_ E. Ibe public. ll I" 'ks BS lt that ildvitlll'l,;"would I"- li:< le-asC'l by tin* use ol' tho cable.

Ibe c.i-a i. i.n-"! - a,,|. .i- t.< have made up their

minds !,, inn tbe gantlet >.i tlc laws againstcruelty i. animals. We hope that their Balahlin,- will be jual Ina le tie* doors ol a stroll,'

.niel wi! i uarded jail..«. .

l's i'i. -I'l'nr llsrrison is strongly urged t" eie-

li\i>r tin- oration ai Philadelphia on rt:.* Fourth.,1 July, lc" greeting which I.e received at the'.'.. .**', s ian en Monday is mi Indication of the

cordlali'y with wMcli h." will bo v. ol coined in

E.ul t.|. Ipi ei u he accepts tl." Invitation to speakml lirmoiiiit l'arlc. Mr. Harrison's addresses while

l ,. idem _.i .. bim i wide reputation ms ¦ torci-Ile, Incisive aril ch>--iioiit speaker, and

ie i\.s in publio >.-. iL1 lee certain to cuaunaaii u

..fe il! U l'll"ll'.' '¦


hr. c. tx. Mogumber, a disiin***i-he-l eMtltspin Irian ol Bli ."h, iinii i, bai been ta Hil- countryattending iii.« Wortd,~i Medical Qongraas la Chicago,uie... nc i.;ul a j,.ij'-. "ii tl,.- jiia.ri.c of nieliilne

uni. h.- nm ii -ic !. in niiic!. lin paf whal miuic

11 -1 I. I- .1 e.l\\ J.H.. lol- leis Visit l-l .Vlll'Tlc ll,

.,, m.. win ii- in .-I..- ra pe ii.'... 11 cd rr mi soi Hi- inn mgm. lill-i iii Ills 'evil trnili-, Thia . lil lil BO wi.

[..I vii. ii... i'ir:i||i.. nf lil-. pn>I.--s|..||, Imt Il¬

.l li-r-i, Li. iel el -lc. |i III ldc mom itoua* HUH

,i, ¦: iii- i t.i. i- i.i.n'-s. uod an) ona who w-

;..',, bini sofiaHy will -utter tte bsbm peaatty.Joan D. Rockefeller ls lo rlalt Chicago Beat month

I tO ll j.-e' Ul!' ' till li--'. I'I.I*.. 1 -UV. Willi ll III* fe.Hil I'-.l

a... t;iii\ endowed. lt wns boped linn Mr.I.. ¦:..:. in r v.eeii'i makn bis \i-it ahlle the universitymis -lill Iii .-..¦-lon, Lui l.« will be I"" 1..I.'. as Hie

i, iii ii..- i.-.iii is ..ti .ian.- .ti. Mr. i; ¦. i."i*li'i-

mil bc in. i.iii|i.ti.l'-d l.\ Jiis i.iiniiv. and win occupy!¦!. ;;!..,ut . III..lilli Ile Ilell-c ot I'lVslUcllt ll.lip.!,ui.. win i absent :ii i iwutauqua,

A ii'timi'l.- t ii.i i.n r. r ef llCTt BrtStOB, Mil""., ts

\n. ii it, ,i blind !.'t-r tarrier, .sixty -cv. -n years.ii, abuse icc Igbl mus lost (ort) ita years sfo.He s a long renie-, wt ii h be, tarlee B

ii.iv. m.ii r.e..-!. mik. :t mistake la tha delivery c.;

Ile ll.ill., e e |,:, |. ;:l|e. in MllllllRT. bUl tbenov ireeil.l. s linn somewhat In winter. Mr. -ceil's

Knowlistgi ..: tine iiclgliborbiHid is said to bu per-i.i i, nnd bu ba never boen Known lu {.¦' i"<t.

Ario Dales, tic li"-r..ii novelist, i,u, bcou electedpnite -.-cr ul i i-ii ii btera!ure ta Uta Mssaadrassttsiti-tnur. ot Tecbnoiogy. Mr. Batea |a n. i only i

miter ol boohs bul un experti-nced jeiuinill.t ns well,I...% ii.- been Kdnor ol " rim Uoaton Courter" 6*-i".i uti years.

Mound sully, who win . tay lh* part of Hamlet frithiii" company "f Ihe Goaf-die Fraaralae, ut tha Drury

la.h.- Theater*, in London, aecorilag io a Rsitslaatin-null ;il paper, baa eeafeeaed tu ¦ friend that hs ls

swallblg wiiu nervous apprehension U. In,w tie-Lund n audience will receive bU Impersonation of thopart, lin: KngUsh |ieople, be say*, have seen -,,

man) Hamlet* lhal lu*| win naturally Biahe tom-, en-, perHapa not to ld- advantage.Mr. liladstone baa Bind* a I"'.nt to thc in-w

i :.i.-. iiisiitnt" nf niiy veiiiiti.-s of books, lacMtaga complete edition <>! Slr Walter Scott's ivm-Us. ctn

the iii-si jellie ol mi.- volume the donor ha* antttea:No local library obouM bc wltboal b set al Dcott'i

novels in iiiii, Bccordtagly i preaeat this s.-t ta thsHui ni .lin Institute, W. K. (.. M.iv -J.',, l.-.';i." Ini.tarii.!' smltb'a life' of lite, prime Minister, Mr. (Med¬icine iii- arltteu: --'iiiis work w:,s not wrltien liv

iiutbi.rtly, Lui i believe li Im- a fall- reputation, i

present ll lo iii" I ii --I li ul.- because ll mav he COOMulim io ih* members of tint body to hav* al bandeas) tm nu nt id. i'. ii.ii |c Inls ot detail t-om-ernlngin oi.i and attached nditblmr. W. v.. c. May *u,isoa.-*


if it iras Ih* custom for mem ta wear tin Ir hatslint... wini a magnlOceai revenge they eoald n--i ..n

woul,ii b) we.iiin« iii.- bioad lirlmmpd straw luilio\> o tini< li ni VOegUe Mlle:, IbeJ go tn the tlicitve.

In nc- iiiiiiiniii of i"7i>. wiieT i.iii uii.t roang were

celebrating ll'" Nalt«m il c lii'-nn'ril, ti venerable minlater In Sew Jerm-y relebrated ins gftleih anntvermary¦a- pastor ol sint/ie. churcb. The bou*e ol worshlow:i> plabumtd) ii'c.lined, aad over lh* pulpit ludural ic'tieis ..->. nu i. iii.iiniiii' toiit th,, meaning oflbs c.lei,tin..h. I. iu.- crowd iiiUiik' Ihe lions.- .fwor hip was tieri, Hu- pastor's grandson. The littlefellow ieieii|-leil a lion! seat beside Ins ur',ami -pim most nf tin- linn, daring Hi. servicein studying ihe decorations. At ile- .lose he saidlo lils nulli - whui iiiiiies grandpa such ii piKire-j-ellcr -Why. ls lief was tb* response. "Yea;just rend tis s]..e|iink* bach ol the pulpit." "Whal lswrens lu lhal, bertiet*" c.irc'i v..ii -c.*' Ile Kpells.See- M) . "-111 .-ll Ililli *

-sc Il|| C ,. I: e ll ll I a |. J v\ .

Words ..ul of three are wroUg." M. Miholiis.

\ grlistad old iiiaii wim registered ut a OtasJanatlii.ii.i n.lier day liini Mppiii-ciiMv rc.ui tao Btettefsof restaoranl pstortloa st lh* a'orM'a fair, ..ihe

i.ii-.ti. nays thal while h.- was reglste>rh~a tha hoaiyporter took bis vb.1I e and was ahoal ta itara u away

III Ihe i he. lifo. Here, there." called ont the

»traaf*r, "gb-e lhal bael to sw. My grab ta in that.-*And so ll was, fm- lininln ,.||,ii,,t Hie fail tImt theoi<i man bad started ..ut for tin- R'orM'i Kulr arithtwo wec-i.s' ¦-grab'* in ids vniise. ne inut fl whalehiiin. lu., w hole beef toagBM, .iilv.s, ira.liers, n ]»rol lintier nnd viii! nml siiniiry other artlclea fruinil tarni In Teiineasoe.

lYofesaor Wiggins believes thal telegraph winsnins.- ili-otilh, thal lite iilni,.sp!..rc minmi nicoll,moisture unless lt ts rharfed w it ii plectrlrtty, sadHut capon ni ..i.laie spharoM Hke Um carib lbs deeni ii) witt iii.vitiii.h rou 'it nt the iinestor. InHil- WS) he explains tte frc,|!i,ncy of rains at Hie

equator, "it, iiimcv.-r," ne naya, ..tncre bs etorstsdipots mi s sphere, pleetrldty will eolleet ea thesa.s|i.ini:i iheae .|mis or contlaentfl !>.. eoaasoM bfWires ll iiilKhl iicciitiiiilnie oa c.nli allcriialcly.Thia hus bappiaid Isla year, bbs] a.ric, i,u» sntim cliMlilt enrrgy .inti ti,Wye hun lost, lt; io tftut

our continent ls flooiied sad Kuropa ls bwuod ap

with drouth." Ills conclusion /rom all thia la thaielectric wires should bs burled. ^^

.. If ym don't go out of here in a minute i«n¦"¦niel vim:" exclaimed Hie wrathful woman of tti»house la Ihe persistent pedler. "Thnt wst*r on th»¦tove won't be hot for Jinlt Hn hour ret," nni^eroAIhe merchant. ".So you lind helter let me sell rnasae of these patent niitoniatte tea-hett-lea that heatswater lu tala than IVS minutes over u slow flje«"If von hm! lind one of lhem I should have bornscalded Bad on my wsy lo sop *,>mcthiii-* m taa tte.-Imlrecl wciimiii who ls .iitemptlng to keep house nextdoor.".(Iiiillniiapolls Journal.

The pbll.'iiitl.rn'.tc pinpi-* of Iloslon rejoli"- with eg.r**dlag joy beeaaas iii* ms of Btsstria csrs hm r».Havai the poor horses; but tiny continue to dock' tulls nil the sumo.

\ H.- lu tba tiearl ls no arbiter ll.nn lt l« tn tbshorse trade.

Hie -iiicsi way lo make ti t.ri.l m-in mal ls to talIlilli Hie Hlllll ;,lentil himself.

When you shake hiinrls w 11 li ii new ec-iveti don'tclo ll willi th* lips of your liii-el-s.

I lure me tn.-n who have a fleed n rod loii^ wi*ilo liiis|ti*»s with ti short yardstick.

lt ls (loiiiitiui if one niiiI, |. . bundi rd gQBS tachurch praylag Mn preaching that will lilt Mas.

Tin. reason s.m,. |...,|,|o \twx\ i.oi worse flinn thefdo their neighbors |, became they think lt ls infer.

Miro some people tire power t' move mount-tins,uinl lin*c -.Kin they tcniilcl min Ibe tanas ef theirtu tshbors.

The lunn wio looks ;,i his «-|f, fls tlMMth 'hemoon were nlout io turn io Mool whenever shs sskghim tor n ronnie of lollara i» not iik-.iv ;*. i.e< hubv.-iy flc;t|iieiit In pnysr ni bia fHinlly alirir..tttain'aHern.

A nunilier of ¦agltafc Jour Hists linve been knighted,r-nil n number ure on the ttir|l7 epics! lin,tor example.When the Isle Mr. .Infiir nh. tlie well-hii'iwn dealer

In »Ucl ri ii 1 mu. -. lost lils -aei-oiiil wife, n fri.i I onlyAupeii lilm io rXJWeea his sympathy, nu! spoke in thebtgbest terms ot Ihe topaned. .inmracb mournfullyassented, ohaervlag: "Yea, she wu, an ox.clientwoman. rnfonunately, however, she dil nut takeve'iv idn<ilv to the animals. .hm imagine, -u,.wouldn't even allow 'he sashes to sleep in ber b-dIn Hie Winter time I".{TSgHche linn Ni inn.

Well, (lils ls a lopsy turvy aire. Her" an** icmsHalters sdoptlng n i-Ms not lo seceft tips:

Where b:is Ibe duster genie' It ls atm Wiim tn xn%West, it ititi Booran on longer lines of travel, itamiuilfesi mi.l senstMe convenience endears lt n. miiid*...aced men. lim on a short Nae like thal betweeaihis div mid \i-iv York tue duster bes dlsajipe-irid as

completely aa Issi winter's snow flt He.. Tie rtotbbtdMore* keep them on the bock shelve.. Few are t-eoid.The Mc wholesale tt'-iilrr- Cn not s,.|| ., do»en win-reIhey oner disposed nf bairn, lu n few thor! vanihis c mvenleni garment bas been r.-i.-unt-vi to h-broimtry districts bimi the provinces. Vet in ourclimate, wish mir bot, cirv sumiaera, our shaadSBtdust nu-! lunn railroad Journey*. Hi" iiu-ier saghl tohave become I permanent article of rlothlng for allir:i\eii-M-.. (Pbladdphia l*ress.

taner Ilantana'- ransndsr to tn*, pin-* hst iwi-Mccenis io luive stirr-csi Chtassn lo i's deaths. Toe.iciiune worshlppera of tae WeutejTv. iloocfc bal .tia

s.riemsly asking H..-ins..ives if rtvillSattaB ls g dream,AND III I.IIK.W I.OI.DK.R.

".ii t (uii'.-:" in- crlsd, wnii lover's icu,*. Dear Katie, amy I plant i

Kis- upon lh? lintel thal preseedThe hand <>f the Infmin I"

«. Ye-. (,,. a-Be** sn,. Mushed ai i l~.".si her Lead.nut vi.:i mus! understand,

1 ul i pi-.-s,« ,| ,IIV ii,,.,- .... ttkt,"To thc Infanta's hand."

-I ii igo .i Vermont cenaetery then i- a lotsbstaas bonn

lui: tba ictlowlng tascrlfflloB! "Sacral ia tile memoryer three twtna."

When Charles Dudley Wnrner wns .iin |.-dltor of"Th* 11 uri iceni (Conn.I Ire---." leek In t:n> "dltJBB.ur.lng 'lc- palrli.H-m of Hie Mate by Hi ccorocs:,¦;¦. ll "ll" Ol Ul* typesetters Clime Ile fro" 'tie SK.

pnstn* :..,.m. and planting himself before the editor.s.ii.i: w. 11. Mi. Warner. I've detia*d ta .nh-i 3lb* \i:i\." Wi'ii mingled sensations eef pride soinsponslbllltv, )lr. Wnrner replied eBCOUraiatflr, thatbe was .-ind t>> see thai Hm sun felt Ibe rall «fduly, "llb, lt isii'l th;.!.* -sri|r| the truthful rom-

ls,s|t,,r. "l.ut I'd rather lie shot than irv la tot nornor* of your ropy.'* And nobody enjoys t.-iiitii» tuastory m. re tii.-ui the brilliant author e.f -M. MimmerIn a cnrci.-n.- tlroy 'Hine,.


Viii,ther or noi th* eipartBBiB* which wa* madeat Ibe Mnrllsi'ii Sipiiuv Usidea Inst -sunday night,whra nie forces <>f Mr. Mil's Metropolitan Orrhee-

tm nml the military lund of the .-seventh r.e* Joined, was worth tie traaUe tnt rapanea which

Ihe union entsOei i> I fdloa which lin- probablyBilliptsi ths mind of Hie management considerablysince. Tbs laaBtsal risalts were certainly not ea*

rtmra|lny. tot the audience, tiefore and slnre wera

pille as numerous ns thal of Sunday. Musically, ex»

...vt when ths banda wats united, for some oftha sonorous ctf.s-is in which Mr. tr-eldl dellghta,the elle t was ¦-, i.. Iv prot.leiiiatlc. Mr. r..-lil l't -pro-

pasaaaso, bhaaaaj i-omi-llcd to "Tuilfy all tastes, aro

yet iilwuvs i!l|-iil!!.*l tnicl artl-lle. The music ot oor

tm-* banda i- salstoai wtthhi either satafssy, and iiwu, plain ta be s'"ii from the rcc-pilon of Hie muslo

played l.y tbe mSltary baai, that ths taste of tba

piil.ll. wns ili-siiu.ily BhOVe thu level of Its list.

Mr. -eldl. of neier.s", tonk advuntnRe of the reln-

forc'e.m.nt of lils brass nnd woodwind choirs to per¬form mom of iii.- paaaoai sraass of Wfagaer, d.oo-tngthe ilnitV." of the Beooad set and thr<-e eaeerpta

the ihint mt i.f "Lohengrin." The effect wns pen-

erully lapsing, t-hoa-gh in toni passa-~H Uta strim?-

tote wns attsrly aversrhetefsad, and saee «.r twice

snd work was mada of the bkTtMOMfeOf Uta failure

of the nillltnry tnissystosa correctly to maK* Hie

tiniisposltlons willin Hielr instruments innde ne .--,.

sury. c»n M.uidny and lnsi ni-his the Met rep. illina

i>rei)e"s'r;i WU Un lt IO Its "ld status, ta ih" obviousrelief «'f tbs many who pr>-Ier mflst*al i !T"cts to

rraahlng noises, lnfortanatriy there ims beea sonia

distressful singing M all Ibe eenceris ol 1st".A bow romposfilon !>y Meier Herbert has appeared

on Mr. BeMrs programmes. Il ta a piece <>f de.

si-rlpllve litu-le. willi ti Wits Written IO ric.-oriipanv BMof ni.-- si-.-nes In the spectacle planned hy SteeleMackaye fer the Spectatoriuni. which m.ide shlpwreekbefore it wns launched recently ta Chicago. Da~mand gaarisa ta cn- Alhaaibra are sappoara to ba Kapteturesque contents, and the Baste ls myMe ns

well hf. |.lenslnc. !f ls thematic in style. Its suhj»cthaving verv snproprlately an Oriental color, and the

oreheatratlon ls masterir, itut li ls afier all pnn-orama music, which oaght not ta bs dissodatosl fromthe ptatan for which it waa wrtttaa.

acron .t.YD accvi faixtbbs nowx tue oat.Th* Kdwlii Forrest l.odce, Actors' Order of Friend¬

ship, had lis Bteoai Bttttag on Monday ot toa

Cns heron HoaMote-ad, ItsssiHli. Hstea Island. The

ladas was inn mpiinbd by the Am.rican lOSlStf of

Sc. nie I'aliiti rs. I!ic party lind h siicclal stenm-

!.. iii. whtoh blt New-York (Olly tn ti.e morning anldid not pet bark mull asaity inidulght. lue wholeof that long tliee Wis lliuBBghly enjoyed. Om- ef

ll.e most iin]ioit .ut Incidents al Hie day was n gnmeof bh-ssaall beiaosa ths seton sad lha scene paintera,nlilch was vron l.y tl" Inner bf a scree of :t:> to

^'.', Some of ths people' preeeal v.ere Louis Aldrich,Mr. nml Mrs, Kilwiu Kaowlea, Mr. and Mrs. HarleyMerry, Mr. mid Mrs. Lester liirmey, Henry simon,llraaeh O'Utlen, vim em Ksasasy, AlexanderI Ls i'i. Harry Hawk. ll.-rl«-rt Mlllwtanl, PalmAr

Colllus, W. T. Doyle, -nasffh W. shnnnon. I.ewla

Mitchell. Oed Kbigstoae, Mt. l>. iapabsss. Miss lH.ra

lioldwalle, MarU 1 ric , Willliim F. clifton. C. J.

Wllllain,, llinrles Mt. Kiim, Dr. ThOSBOB HrennuU,Willer Frasier, Trunk WT. Monroe. Dr. COMB Mc-Dougall, Walter .lortaii. Milton X.ibles. Onida Mar¬ilin.*. Harry ItBIWOod, Annie llavn.s. Kdi'h Jcslan.Kriicilck ll.ickiis. Jonis A Fri', Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeA H.mne >!is. Iliirrocke. I ri,nh M. Kendrick', Mrs.l,.-.-,. Kent.iii-ton. Ji.aepb A. Wilks, ll. II. HrennaU,JiKU'phtae cill'i's. It'i'.'iick Merry. C. H. pit... I'r.mlc

Dodge, liicliaisl Mnrsioii. John Harry, Frank RaH-r,II C. Held, John Hough, L. W. Siiv.y. Havld W»tl.Wlllliiiu Vllllniii -1'." ^'.!lll*. Louis \..ui.|; Teds. iiiei. otto Armbraater, Pmok I'lai-ter, «liarlssWiliso'.. .Mired il-hc-r, Jes-,. i'1-..Kh<ron, fhailcs Yuungand Wi.U.-i- li. Wcdall.


PMBM I'NCK FOB ALL.From The lt. ladds Republic.

Colonel Henry Watterson 1> arguing In favor nf pat¬tin,- tbe las i«"'ii aa sugar, we fear tba «'oion*igreatl) pr*f*rs ia.\.sl sagar lo au Inc re'ii.o of the taxon Louisville whtshey. Um H will not do. once oathe free Hat, always on lbs free list.

DI'.I'K.NI>F.NT OX lIEirnLIt'AV AID.From The I'lilliulelphla liiipiln-r.

If the Barrener ls pal SB a linn basis lt will bodona willi Republican aid. li ian be done prob-uieiv rn say nine ii ihe Iii stol at win call congressIn s,..lou. Hut lu- will imi do that. Ile ts wnl'lngin lbs hope ihal be ian dr.iitooii hi- own party totolinc, so us not io give the i:.i'-.ihllran party thei ililli. 'Ihe Kepublliiiii pm tv can stand this bet-torHiiiii thc .N; eau.

MAU TIIK ISSIE t'LEAR.From The Booton .louniai.

lo make thc Issue clear, tho ohio Democrats oughtto iniliiliiiiif linnie 11 ti iii lo run ae,'iiln,l liiivernor MO-Muley. Mr. Hurd ls ns uncoBiprumlntng a Verot unler ns Major McKinley ls a Hruleeilonlat. A ooBtmbetween would lie a roadral of principle, withoutaay evasion iu- ecpilvotallon, li would clo the country¦"nod.

m -

KAEOHl A PASTY TO StTT 1UMBELP.I nun The Albany Jnurnal.Thc PrssMent BSldeatty ls nm satlsiied -with <hs

present condition of the Defltocrscy. Hs intend* jobrinn abmii a thorough reorganllSttaB on lines of hilown, and when this has h«>en acicimpllshed he ev-

Fast! to lind himself aud hl» fHends everT"fhara tucceutrol. iu intends to bulla up a m-ciitn* whtoh conbe raiisd upoa to carry out bis alibis Ul avery !¦*¦*.uoataTi