New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...

:> 7cr>. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY.WOTEMBEB 14, 1889.-TEN PAGES, PRICE TIIREE CENTS. v0L\u\ . k°*i BABE PICKING8 HERB. QIT.EK MKTIIODS OF THE DOCKMASTERS. DXE WITH *W0 BANK ACCOCNTC AXP WO MEMPHY .IMktm WITBOUT sionaTIRKS. Commissioners Holnhnn and liarker. of tho Buwwn of A-'ouiits anatatad by OctpowtiW Conn- ¦Pl Clark. tOOh up \estorday the taagfcd Uuaad of the Doek Doimrtinent invcstiiration where they lffl it QB M imhiv. TlM exau.inatn.n revealed morc li.u- apnartunltJea for wbbiag *. r,,v- »Bd exhibited eumulative erklew.I "l!"':;'1 ****** B1..1 lamifflHt and Imm bmIbmi ii""1""^ David W. Bogart, do.kmast.r of DtojHrt No. 2, in ar.sw.-r » Mr. O"** oneshons, said that hc had hcld tkk pkM Nf two years and thathe Bot H ttawh the of the iate ex-Somitor Low PHoi '-1 }li-s aapatataaMi Mr B"-;,r' )m(1 boen" janit-r c.f Ffct A. HH pa.v « the samo M the othcr akwM flodOMStoM. W.800 a year. His retunis U the DoM DetnvttMtU showed hc had unTWimifl ''i.t H87 daring tho paat nacal year. Mr. Clark ubaUMtll that the city would be ;»st H.liS »»cttor off DJ diaptttiBf with this doebmaster altogether. Mr. Boajatl WM anothor witness with a had niomorv, and Mr. Clark had great. diiiiniity in prevaillng apon him to reeaB eitl.or facta Of flgUTU relatinp to doek mattors. Altor niucl. Queationing hc udmitted that be had Oolleeted aboat S"'r" ¦ .voar from the Baltimore and Ohio ltaiimad Company 1 t tho usc of por. tions of old pfcfl No. 10 and 21, yet his roturn, whteh Mr. Clark produoed, ehowad that hc had turnod in to tl.e Doek Board $?:t 90 lrom this source. Tho wftBCM sworo that ho kopt. no bank ac- count, bnl altor skilfnl handlin- 0H tho patl <>f tho Cctpotation (dunsol. bc aaid that there WUC t,vo bank acoounta kept in Port Jorvis in his Vlfcs nan.o. llis memory. howcvor. WM M de- ficient that he wai nnahlo to say evcn approxi- piawdy how muoh monr.y ho pot in or drovv out. With extreme rcluotance be uduntted thut he nji^ln ha\ depoalted njon.y coiloctod i.y him a-s wkarfafc ebargaa. Hc. rl aduiittoil that ho had a momoranduui-book vith him, i.iit deelincd t<. pvodaec it. Mr. Clark Imitted on tho Commtaaloiien' oompellbig the arit» no*s to produce tl.e boak lor axamioatioo. He l:;.a:i.V Umk it out of his porkct undor RtTOHI protost, hut ICfOSCd to l.-t it go out of his haml.-. Undor tl.e Corporatlon Cottn*el'a argant domands Ibc,..iH-i- pol pamemkoa al Um book, and Bftor taklag a nmaorandaia of Itt daaoription, Bumbor of pagca, oic, soal-d it op in ¦ big onvel.-po and locked it np la onc <>t tbe Bareaa safcs. Mr. Bogart waa directed ta briag botb bia bank booka to-day, wben tbe doposits wili be eotapared witb the contenN of the BKBomndnni-book. Tbe vitnoss wm U»d m his proteata, deelaring that the Conualaaionera bad no rigbl to Inquire Into rirate baslnaaa, bol Mr. Clark refetred t the number of niutilaU'd OOCOUnWDOOkl wbiob had bOOB prodaoad at this exaainatioo and defended his OctKin as lawful aud propCf. Charles 11. td irtagh, R dealet ta buildlng ma- tenals at Uivingtoa -'.. -."'I th..i be waatheleeaee of the north half of l'ior 68, at .-Mant^.n-t., and vt parta <>f Pleta of and 57, at Broome«t, Eaai Knor. He had aeoand laaBW of this propertj irom tbe Doek Boaid for tbtot yc;irs fron Muy 1. Johu A. McOirthy, suii of the man wbo had aotod ns i)(K.kniaster Bendetgraat'a aaabrtant, h.«i man- ajad tho bidding in of tho leaaea. Altogetbac tho rcutals amountod to aboat H.804 a year, und the piors DCtted him. be tbought, aboal as aiaeb in.ce, bal h's n-.stiuiony waa vagaa <>n this poina M ¦( artAv oaUaatad the wbad abargoa, nut no ar- nngcment b*d !'<>*.» B»ado m to how the prolits w»ic to be dividwl He nii^ht allow McOarthy 25 pex cent wben they eame \>j aettle ap at the end td the year. bal thol wai yet ta aheyance. *k. Murtagh wai questloned about aome Jetaey Clty property whleh be and MeCartby had bonght, whiehwaaaakl lobewortli 110,000. Tbewltneas aald that in paiebaaina it monejf received for wbatfaga adgbt bave !».¦« n uaed. 11- alao aaid that ho and othei penona bad freqnentljr oolleeted wborfaaje tor Doekmaates ftndetgra*t wben the dockniaster ooald not attend to bia dutica ta per- lon. isueh Bfthoda weia commou uu the dvei ftoab John A. M'( artliV. KgC 1 w at \ -tlu>o. r.-i.Tj-.'i to bf tbe Jast wil waa, \\..^ aezt oalled. He aaid that be and Mr. Uortagb ware tatereated ta a reoJ aatatr dtal. ta wbkb be had taveated aboat 16,000 oey oolleeted for wbarfafea As m tbe diviaJo ol the prohta fr< ta (he Broome and Q itreel piera no poaitive agreonent had beea auale. He and Murtagh would s.ttle up their ioinl aflaira " ta the apring.*1 Nicholaa Martin and W. Carraher. Murtagna aaretiea on the Leaac bond, were aw. rn aucceaaively, and eacb t*titiliitl that he bad no pcraonal knowl- edge of Mr. Murtagh. Both had gone upon the bood snnplv as a ravor to Charlee Mc< larthy, father to John A. They regarded the atgning of tbe bond ouly as a matter of form. Charhs 11. tVndergraat, doekmaater <d Inatriot No 5, ta whleh the piera Noa 55, 56 and 5V. Baat Rlver, aro utuated, waa next examined. 'le u a white>haired man ol ovn rixty yeara, and lhi's jit So '.; Ea»t Seventy-thlrd-et. H>- was vigoN ousiy lntcrrogated by tl.e Corporatlon Counael, and Dtade aome damasing admi^alons. Aaked if he had n.»t ollowed .)<>hn A. McCarthy to collect wharfage rents, be anawered affirmatiycly, out pleaded Imorance of the Department rulea on tho Babloet The rufea are prlntedjuid furniabed to all employea of the Doek Board. MeCartby also koi>t the dockmastor'a aeeounta, made the entries In his offlcial booka, and aetcd tis his aadstam generally. Thp ritnesa eonfe aed abo thal he knew that MeCarthv was intereatpd In tbe Broome and Stanton at piera. But Mr. Pendergraat luaiated that lio bad verlfled McCarthy'a aecounts by his (,wn memoranda, and knew t!i .t they were correot. "The oity lias r.ot loBt a d'dlar on my distnot pinop 1 hare beeo doekmaater," urged Mr. Pondor- prast .. How <lo y<>u linnw!" Mr. Clark retnrnod. eon- teaaptuously. " How do yon know that McCar¬ thy baa turned ovor all tia- wkarfage that ho co'- leetpd?" , The dookmasKT nnin t know. of rnursp, ni;d whon relieved lrom tho .witnoss-siar;(l (,,. made greftt '';'v,,' ,u depart." Goarerneur KHnble, tb<» Bray-balivd aeergfary nf the Dreb Board. waa reealled. !!.. mti that he had nover wrftten ii[i the Tninutos of t!i(< Board ainea hN appotatment Ho had drawii ;, s.n ol tlio rosolutions oecaalonally, but rarely. i> had drawn a reaolutloB that aaM one Tbomaa OBrien. !,-s.s..f Pler 55, Eaal Birer, had m>- t>»,;<-<l nefore the Board, hul bc had no peraoaal kirwledge of the faet. His reeolleetJen wis in- ^»*!itt. Mr Clark abuwed Mr. Keeable a ]..»* i.f the "jor at Thirtv-sixth ai.. T*«t Hiver. to Pophaaj A- Co.« made Aarfl-jr. 1887, whleh, althonjrh it borc the Com- ¦MbWtb' rignnturea li "I never been rigned by >^i' VN.. Seerptary Ketnble gaatd npon the 1^^" hgiience for a few momenta and tben aaid rnai thy W,.I(. ., f,.w moTe ,,f t)l(. kind or lPH,^«',n fil,. i,i th<' Doek T)oi«rtmonr. bnt hr J'M'nown v,rX. Wl..,. ;,|i pight becauae there must ll,',u' "*BKiinp prevlona agreement betwwa tbe t V\ B1)C ,l"" ,v'v repreaentatlvea Holdera ?»« 1 ntl!^? w,"r" ""' wtpwted to livo np to IlrvX *".vw»y. Mr. Kemble calmly oh. nKtH^AS^? *<. .'" " m- 10,1nr- kJl *£.&& Felluus sai.j yesterdav that ho g^eoanS ^^ ». Commissionera of Uarsaw. V V. Nv. 13 aJ|tetau^.Tfct Sayerrtoon of Uyomhijr (oiimv m.v ,. ' , . ' ... "% faand resolutloni raqaeal IM *-n.lor-,| .<, Van,,,^ A^mMv. okwt ,h, ramoralol tVcoantrt i,..,,.. InaoM at M»tc »>vlums. TIjN ¦»,i|V i. ,l. . ...,,, ,. lipchwortli. lonK pn-Mv l^u,Ji »¦"»". of W ilHwn K <"Wlt>k. who for y.«i» ,/;'. '^ btato B-aM » 6t*te rar<» for tbe toaaao. *"**» »nrj WattM for hSL '""", "V v- S " * awattag of the V^^h^mFi'&i* h* «,of r. ¦^ <w juu» . *oi*4»ua Utur atruggla. THE KA1SER HOMEWARL BOUM). FRANCIS JOSKPH AND WILLIA.M TO MEET AT INNSBKL'CK. HONOR9 PAIP THE GERMAX MON'ARCH IN THK CITY OK THI DOG1bV-*D 6ULTAN GRATI- FIEK EMPRESS AIGUSTA VX0TOB1A. Rnme, Nov. l3.-Emperor Wllllam lefl Monza at 11 o'cloclt to-nlghi. Th" hnntlnc .XftdJUuu In hls honor was UlUUMlfl The l.mporor, beforo itarttag, dlned wlth tho royal fatnlly. Ha will Mfota th* Knipross at Vcmna. Tho ElUJtMa loft Yenlce at 11 o\-lui k. after VpnMt>f betMlf as touched by the many kM manlfestations In ber honor. Vienna, Nov. 13. ¦-F.mperor Fiawls .Toseph, wlth the Geraian Ambas'-ador. has startcd for Innsbnirk to mof't Bmperor wllllam. Tlic '. Ateadpoat/ ra> ferrlng t> the fierman Empemr'- \lslt. cays that thf pulilic of the tWO countiLs will hall wltk liveiv paaaaOM a me^ting that will cement the peacoful allianre. Venlee, Nov. 13..Emperor Wllllam wa« e?con>1 thlMtgfe. the Gracd t'anal yesterday by a prorr- |M ol pondoias. Be reoefved a perfeel ovatton from tha peopk that llned the bank*. The rllmax wa> rrarhod at the Kialto. where tho entlre stawllng IffjM was blark Wltk rhecilng orowds. The whole lorJgta of the palaee w*i draped wltk lapeetrlei aad lagi. OonStaatkMpto, Nov. 18..Kmperor Wllllam kM con- farred Um deeoiatlon of the Oidar of the Red Btgrr imi sald i'a< ha, Turkish Mlnleter of Fovetfja ./Jtaire. The Buitan kM leenad au Irade Muietlontng t' e erectton of a obagtel a1 Bethlebem for the us»> of Ptotestant pilgrinis. lt h aonounced that this eon resalon by the Bultaa affordl efaatlll giatlflcatiun to Ui's Kmpiwi of Oeiimny. TO ASSIST STANLEY AND EMIN. CAPTA1.V WISNMAX.V ORHKRED TO SF.XT) A CARA- VA.s 10 THE REUXV OK THK EXFGOWK-. Borllti, Nov. 13. -The Ktnin Paeha Retfc f Commtt- tee w 111 kMttliet laptaln Wtennann to dtapatck wltk all BOMfble .peed a raravan to fJw rulicf of Heary kL btauley and his party. TBOUBLBB OK THF, IHAMM UOHTBBMW. London. ttOW. Bnwwy has WrtttM I Wt« to the MMter LtgbtetBMi'i AjMoelMtoa, In whlefc he says that the men's dcinand tliat <m<- Joli eonsUtote a nlplit's wi.rk. Wltk a iniiilmuin BmjrBOTJt «»f f"'ir ihOllDft, li MCMMfve for Ught job-, In tin> docks. ]lo Kuptrcsts that a itflM laimrh Ih- kepl at M0k dock lu rcadiness lordoek-WWk oti tlj" rtver, a:id that a Mttle M *L\f.<d yMdlBf lll/enil j>ayia>-ni Ux I of Mnail j<.+»». Uo MaphMttM the naoawltj ol im- piortng the whole UghtecMja ijitoni on the Thmm by au Mt of J'arllainent. limltlng the work to ¦ 16m body, ke Mjt) i> n"t in kMMony wltk the ptcmbI uiilveisal pnnclple of frce eoapetltton. The MtOelMtOSL, in lrplyinp \>< thll lef'er. Myi four ihilllnM N eqnally objectlonable for »borl rtver iobe; that ttoun-tufi ve alrrady employed In the docks, and that Lord Bnusey hM fmlled to tttan ' .. oncroui buidcns to whlek the award blmh. tho ? D1SASTKR OAVOED BY A 1'AM BBXAKING. Atton, oiit.. Kot. l.'s.- i"ariy ti.i- moftni the duo at Mi-cieilin'.s iouriBg inUl, atrfHit a mOe we«1 «-f ke»i bnike. anl the water iwopl dowB towafd thii town, carr.Mli/ KWay s:\ bOMMM aii.l fOUT bftdgM, WUBCk tog half a doua nllhi ai»l Mveral dweOlnca aud dolng c. Maodi of dollut1 wortk of other dttuge. boMootMiold eonpMBMned ttarritmm urrtodawmy, and both Hani-. aud hii wlfo were drownod, Manj oth« PMktaBta knd m*»w moapm, batng awakened by the laahlag of the water througk theb booeei. The ('ana)laii Tacifle RaOway'l bffctga OTM thi ru «rreeked, but varniuf was gfven in tlnie t<. prevent Um Iom of any teatna The daaiaM done by th© wirckii.^ and oanrlng away of iii;Us aad aani* m placod at abuut 8!iO,iK»o. -.-. aTSOBO COLOMZATION IN MKXICO. Oty of Haxloa, Nov. ti.-EUis, the Texas negro, who prOfMM to colonizo Amerieau noRroes In htexleo, ls sllll fn this clry stiivinK to MOMI* ¦ eOMJMllOn '">'>' the Goveitiuient In the lnterest of the proposod colony. lt !«. Mlltlhld that. Goueral l»achlco, MlnjUcr of Publlc Worka, is givatiy taterMted In Bllte'i phuit aad li heartlly in t'avor of grantlng tho OOaMMian. Oth« memben of the (Jovernnioiu are alsi. Mtd to favnr it, »o thara Mttmi to bo lttie doubl thal the ood will be givi.n and the colony esiabli>hcd. The tehene, bowever. will moet »nn stiong oppoalttou on the part of the Mexlcan people, and pegro coloni*u are noi Hkely to rneelve an encouraglng welcome. rne f..-i nc U geueraJ ihal lo the Indlac peon asa Mi *¦)> has a- large an aVomeul oi a difteitut noa a* it cau tiud rooui for. THF. ABBX8T8 OF B0CLANGI8XB. Paris, Nov. v.i..The penoM aineted for taklng part in the altempud Boolangltt danoaatratfon ln tho Plaee <ie la Ooneoide yeatevday nnmbend 168. All t'nt biAty of the prlaonen ««e afterwanl <ii rharged. Anong IhoM baU was the Anaicblst Ooi (du'ne hundwl and flfty protMti l.ave been ktdged agalnBt memben t>l the Ckamber of Depntlcs roccntly ehx-ted. lt ls probable that moal of the protMti »lil be overruMd. . , , , , , Xhe BUb-oommlttM of the Klnth Buieau, lnciudin« iinve memben of the Klght, recommend thal the election of M. Jatrrin be decumd Invalld. ? HI.I/.KJ) ON THK OOLOMBIAM COA9T. Kew-Orieana, Nov. 13..The ttaamabJp Btroma, from Carthageoa via l'ott limon, urlwd ynterdaj reporta th-u the j:r;ti>h aeboonef I'eari, of Nova sri.tia, Captala Muipby, wm aeUad by the olomblan ¦teanwr i.a Popa for IxaidJng <in ^an BIm ooMt, and taken to Cartbagena Thli is tho lirst tetsnn evax made on the OOMl unclvr an <»M a<t of lifty ycars' stt inaklng the COMt of Oduiuhla'le lo all f r V(.is enga^ed :n tradlng. Thls will afferl a la number of ichoonen belonglng to New-York, Baltlmoic, etx:., tradmg along the eoiat MOROCro RKADY TO OIVK BATkaTACTIOir. Parls, Nov. 13..A dJepalch to the "Flgaro" fmm Rome sa.\s that an Italian cruiser and two lorpedi boata havo be<n dfapatched to TanckH to demand aathtfaetton from tbc- Moorfak avthorfthM for tb<- bnr plary coinniittet) by Moors at Uie ol1i(M> of tho t karga d'Afalrea. if the daaaand hi nai granted, the '. Flgaro" aaya, Tangter wiu be bombarded lo.morrow. ltonje, Nov. 13..The Parli "Flgaro" dtapateb wtth referonee lo itaiv's ^.¦latio^l^ ¦wlth Mororeo l- n n offlelally deelared t<> be nntnie. ai Moroeea li raadj to glva aatlafaetloa for tho ontngo on tho Italfaa Chaige d^Alfaln's at XaafhW. MR. OHAMBBBbAIM TO THK MAKTKR BAKBB& Ulrininghatn, Nov. IS. laMfh Chamberlaln pr«'- ¦klai lo-jiipht at tha banquel of the Baatet bakra I nliailiightm In a ineeeh, be expnaaad tha battef thal the eountry liwi falrty atattad tpoi a pariod of greal trade prospertty, and be boped tllfi . ihroughoui the eountry woold be generoua and alloa thelr worknien to shar>' tha karVMl ?. AN AMKUK'AN' IOB0KB IN CANADA. Toronto. l)nt, Ni.v. 13.- Aadtaw C Druram, of Kansas ( lty. WM today reinatid -d niitll to MMtOW bv a pollce mapistrate on the charge of forgcr.v aad ecfl besswmenl to ihe axtajat of 158.000. iKs bmIo. Major Drumm, arrtvad from KaaaM Ciqr. ii- i-- nephew's vlctim. TO WA1T AND WATCB THE OOVEHHIIEHT. 1'aris, Nov. 13..a plenary maettai af the mem ban of the Chambw of DeyvtlM betongmg w ti <. party of tlie Rlghl was held today. They deelded to malntatn an oxpaefaal attftude, whlek will ba n| nlaaaal by the x*iii<-y (>f aha Govarnaaaat. N<>T PLEAPED WTTH AIK HDFKE JOHN. Ftagaa, Nov. tj. Th« loaraal " liikemlaf aiinounres that Eniiiemr Fmnrlg Joaafk has d»<-id"d to omit il. aaaa of Archduke John from the n-'.\t gaaealagy. -.- i:N(.A(;K.MKNT Of MK. OLASBTOnn ^llN'. Loatdott, bTot, 18. Hr. QltOMMJO'a son. Henry Nfviih-, li angagad to Maad aTanrbjl, datlghte^ af Btuan Rendel; Llt'eral of Failiain.-nt f<»r kfMUtfBaai Q t-hlre. ^ THK ¦OYPTIAJI OOTTOX ObtOP CaJro, Nov. ).;. tt i- Ttfnattd that tha Bgypttao oottoti crop will yi"ld o\ei 9,000,000 balrs IZMf TO PASS TEMOVQM TMM WMW caxjjs Chattanooga, Tfiiu., Nov. 13.- TheN li muak H citemrnt hrre over the announcinent that u,» Kieam boat a. c. Oaaua, a IMaafaatjia] Rtrat rraft, i,as aakaad ihrougli the Mitfccle Khoals Panals, and will an hr a' ihe wharf in Uiis city to-aaorrow Bjoratag, Thla Ihe tirst v essel WbiBk ii"s DMMd tlooiigh th. canals, MW nea'1> c.mip'e'ftd. T: a aJ tho cana.s, lu aratVMM akatnaitloM m thj 'lcn ne*t>ae Klver »t Musde Bhoalu, wa* agfaV by Uie (iovemmeat ia l*7ii, aud nearly ti.OOit.OOO ha* tbaa far teaa esaemb 01 tba work Tlw opaaj I ol tbe eanab, whleh win formally tabe pUca ia ¦ faw waeka, arfll glve waler banaportatton ."¦ montha In tbe yaai from Challaaaoga to the hukm- ataetppl BJver. GLJSS MAjrUFJCTUMEU COMBIMTMO* AS ASSOCIATION ov thosk tM fJHIO AN1) INDIANA POBJtXD. nafday, Obto, Wor. 18 (Speeiaii.-The wladua gjaaa BMaufaetaran of Oblo aad ladtaaa aa* w aw enj to-aay to hwai aa aeaoclaHon for thetr motual The eafl for tbe i.tteg eoataaaplated °»*^aj"to8 aa aaaodlatlon or trasl to eaabraew ait the hctartee. waa potated aut thal Iba Plttaborg taetorlee were BtaetteaOy aattod aad thal aadar Iba aaaae of m Blted Olaaa Ooapaay a larga awabae of ia.-iori.sin Pennaylranla, Ba tam Oblo and iwiiana had loi bruel f,,r tbe eoaduet of thetr baataeea. II a laaded that the Inerttable nnlt wouM be the of the other faetnrlos btto one or laa ether «» oombtaattone, or <-\s* to tum a ooaabtaattaa « "*" own. Tba optaloa of Ibaaa praaaat waa (hai » wtaeet eouno waa Ia la*Bn co-nperation fronTtl tcrles of the natnral gaa br|t. aa they all OBjoyao practieaiiv the aaaae adTaaugaa. Thta piaa adepted aad tba anaaliaHoa waa fonaei BBdar the nam* of the Oblo and dona Wtodow-otaaa Aasoefattoa. Tnomae llart. of MnnriP. ind.. waa eleeted PW"*. aad M. O. Babar, of rtndlay, eecretary aad treaauw it waa reaofeed by tbe new aoaoelaaon » ^ opaeala with Iba Plttabarg aaaaelatlon In aaMt^aaaaaj ,i,e prfcea adopted by tbat organJaaJfaa M M meotlag. a propotltlon to |ola a eomblaatlon ofaa ,,,. |HMa raetorle. In tho tfaltod Btatea to aod a»ul oui.forelga (npurtatbnniwaa ccpted, althougb tho mauor waa ool aM.iiu Srted/aiKl wtTl eomaap eaata at the next m of tbe eeaoclation, whk* wfll be held laibia ,,,.., |Ml wodneaday In paaaaibar. Thi "."> ^ ...,* U* pool aoheme waa nol embraced at ti he tnabllltj to onlto all the roncwni In » -,,t:;^:'!'S;llJ;;0;,Siu.;:rt::¦;,:.u:-^i^>o^i-'> ovoreome. f. Chleago.KoT. 13 ffpaelal).^rba TJnItedGlaaa Ooav r,anv, of Byraenao, B. v.. ba. aforbod *&?** rtbar glaaa maairfaetartng ""-"JJ^fS Ihe eoontry, and reetorday tbe matn ofBeea of w new eombtnatloa were removed to Chlcago, aad u.,.,, m the mammoCh Audltorwm BalMlBg. ..,.,, ,;..,-, ,,,. ,, a truat." ald IrYeoldeal T. i>. Catlta, tM. morning. "XI !."'< a truat *e ;,,,,,! thal by asaoelatlng together we can oalw , ,.,v..t deal ebeaper. We are worbtoi! lor tbe ipoopto, iU;,i eaa gtre tbeca ebaapoe glaaa, aad are aatag * W. are lOlBgtomafce gla » cheap that the forelga produet win be BbtU oat. The tarfat halpa us ¦ that TALKINQ fOB 8KJ2TEATELMB LAEM, IIT-.AKINC BXrOU THE CaVAX. lioAIU) nv TBM ITMI fsl. WAI EB sl I'l'l.V PBOn T. Aih.i.v. \-.v. ia (gpeelaD. Tbe elty ol at eagaged in a atoaggle for Ita wator aappty ihat is attraettng wldi attanlkm. The of importaaee to that elty k Btaneatelea Labe, alxtaea mllea fraai Pyraoai "' .. t tbora tbat elty. i\.<- baba bt orar . Tbrougb Ita oatlet It b one of tiie fw*i ¦ i. nofeorer, luppttaa wator of Ita atoal baportaat dlvlalona, aamety the i \j\,\. In eonaeqaenre ol tbbt, Buffalo, tbe bead of Erle i ai::.l. I. oppoaed to Bj .- nlao, wl. memberi n eaneatly faww oi the ] aaal, have oontdbated Ibelr oapo- tttloo ta tas projeet. Tii.i-'v ;.ii theae oppoatng tatenaai aaal befoi naal Board Ia Iba AaaembJy parlor. Tbe bal U l.itnif paaaod aa ^'t granttoi peratlaatae t«> tbe Board to aatboriae Pyiaoaaa ta aaba tbe Bkaaeatolei ¦. aaatae for Ua aapply. Bal tbH peeaalaatoa aaa aat yal boea giaiiloil Bytaeaaa waa layeeatatad by a bt| dilrgatlnn hoadml by Magor Kiik, gaaatoe BaaaMcba, n-Jndga Qooaga V, Ooaaaaaeb; Aaaaaablyana-eleel Bowart «;. Wblaa, WUBaai A. Ueach, Cotteetor of int«Mnai Jiovenue; Cbaitea gtooa aad Beary J. Mnwry. Tbora eaaaa ftaat BaffaJa ta appoaa la aafUeaabal Boaaga i i.iii. a. ]vre>Ment of tba Caaal UaJaa, as. ( oagreaaaMW DaoJel n. Loebwood a::ii Qaaaral reter i. Doyto, ¦¦ Boart heaid argumeata all day ln op- po^tion to glvlna 8yr»cu»e the rtgtt ta tabe ¦j he i aaa d ado bj 01 Judge George P. Comstock, if Syraciuse. s;i -i ln oppo.-J- ilon from CJeorpe Unton aod Danlel .v. Loebwood, ol Buffalo; from t.rgo II. Harrow., rcpntenting prop- prtj ownor. "'i Kkaneateleti Lahe; a .¦¦ |{ann<*j nf >l nar, ol .': N*o« Toi i. K^rhange. All th« »pe. rt thal If the of the labe wa. eul od from Brie aaal thal cai U rulght be eliaed. The Uoard to morrow wtTJ lur^n to tbe of benator Itendrtck. and ottcra, of Ryracuae, who favor the pn.Ject. .^-*- AXOTHJ.K TA3UL0V8 BSTATE 7.Y "KXQUiTD. Ot Loois, Niiv. ia (Speclal B pi.ntattvea of tho Haba famlly, who clalm to aa Bngllah oatate In ebancery, ralued al *: »,( 0,000, leave bere for Lon don d al weeh prepared to prore thelr Identlt] and aecura tbe eatata, In 1840 llerman Voa Bake dled raddanly ln Blrmlngbam, England, learlng ao lm- menee oatate and ao wOL The propertji eo (hictiy in ahlpptng uitereata, Mr. Van Bake i natlve of Bolland, wbere bo bad an beir ln a nepbsw. Tbe Court of Chaneery dlacovered that the nepb m wa. dea I, and tbat two loni ¦ l emlgratod to Am r. ». \.n:":; at. .-rnf.t-s WOM ni.i !.¦ tO Bnd the .io:iB ln Amerlea, bal thoj faltod untU a year ago, Beora a RoekweU, a London nnn of aoUeltora, auceeedlng ln Bndtng tba brotb?ra bero. They prarad to bt belra, bnl Beera d'ed ln this rountry before be bad an opportuolty to r port In Rngtaod. Tho two Von llakes wbo cane froai BoUand to m Louli av ay, bul thej l< fi foui tona, wl o ive btfge famillei aud who are now tbe betra. Tho»! foung men pushed the.r rlalmi vlgorousty aad reeentl] re- m\ <t ;i < abio dlapati i. a>l;liit; thom to report ai'onco Ia 1a>iii|oii. n/f.vKs srui: wkjiows JtOBMWD uiu. Bbtnlngham, Ala., !for. i:;..a dlapateb ta "Tba \.' hterald" from BulUgaat, the naareat tab>giaali offlce tu Veenoa, Ihe eoantyaeat of hatnar County, l of a bold robbety early Ium aighi Two beavfty amed nen rode up ta the bouae of Mr. Baauaera, a meichant at Veraon, and aabed bua tu go to bl. atora and tat them bave toaie barlal Batarlal for a. peraoa wbo had ]ual dtad out ia tba ooaatry. Mr. guaunen ua them into the itota, atraek a lirfit. aad tunad M a-k what parttoalar artteiea tba bmw alabad Bo waa aurpHaed io Bad bhaaalf taoktai dowa tbe rebj oi -i hdg rerohner. Ia abedlonea to btatn be opeaed bia aafe and gava tbe robbaca §400, all be bad, Btddmg btn |ood olght, tboy rada away. A party ol rltlzen. foUowed them aoveral asitaa ln pur- uhI ttii m- <1 baok. he robliera are nuppost^i u, be Kube Burrow. and hi- parttier liurroa > home l- onl* aevon > from Vernon, and parenta llva tbera. PPICIDB tO BK AFB POTaTBTT. eago, \ov. ia fopeeial)..At a lat« hotir last . polloeaaaa waa attraetad to a bouaa oa Bbaf nafctava by ta orle ol ahflaraa, Be aaterad aad !"""'1 ;i Bttle | ii. flre \-.-u- obt, and ¦ tbraa :¦. thetr mothec, They ware tabun to tbe morgua aad ihown tbe body of ¦ hund-omo womaa, tblrtj Bve jrean obt, who bad ooaamlttad aah Ae b] o the rlver. Tboy at oaoa ktentlaed ber motbor, Mr». Roaa Baaa. Mj Haa hustiand ha. h"-:i bllnil for the Uul tbree yean, and «». l.m-tv keni to ihe poorbouae. The famlly ware ln deatltnte [¦iirunistaiu©», :in,\ dMpoadeocy N auppu*wt to ha\o Doea tbe auaa of thn v.anan'b aet BgOiPTira WMOM A WCMMIMQ tOBOOL. LouUvMe, Ky., iroT, 13, Tba Keotaeky CM ago, at .\orti. MkbUetowa, Ky.. wai '-i bj Ore early tbla moralag. Tba papfla i ln thelr Dlghtetattiea. Tbe Mbool /.ad ra led and a Bna bulMlag of Bfty rooau "'' '"' L. |;, 00; uuurance, gT, ,oo, in tba tkojai and Korth Aaterfeu Iiuairaaoa Company. -?- ''.'' him; PSOhl t PIBTOI tBOt. 1 r, ,i ....... ta. Ofaaat Vwt OaMaa Wardall, a boaaa palatar, uaat algbt, fcytag '" tba ddewalh aaar LeUad'a Ooaaa Botat, wtsb ¦ ''' t-bOle :;: U.e Ejght BtdO of bbj bOOd. Waid'H di d beforedayllgbt A aarolaaf wu faaad aaae alav jle uovee w*i kaowa ta baaa bad a platal of aay knat IIm uii, aad aoa ihe ai Aaban Pwrk Uiinied wa. a boavy drlnker. Tbe plaee where Ijo wa* fawad if ibon dlataaaa fraaa ihe »pot wbem Bebaei BaaUMaa wa* murderwl noartf twa yean* Bfa 0JTB OI W. ;. BOOfPI «"«/. Ht:.i:> OLOBBD. Bbaaaakta, Paaa, Bor, in. Tbi Bktbor] k.-i aaaa, wbhsb is owaad by 8T. '.. Beata, aaa aaaaaaad d oporattooi ind Batialy. h ta aaaaaaaf the lllrjiorv Bwaaoy BUaa wiil al»o ahut dowa. Tbe eanse i- u.e dulne*. oi U.e cbal uad» io U»o \Ve»t. i'ivo Lundrod ui*u at* out of w^rk. PREPARED FOR PERJURY. THE PBOgECUllOH IN THE CRONIN C.LSE EXI'ECT A ffiOT aMOIfG WITNESSES. AN BITOBX TO DI.SCLOSE THK HISTORT OF THK CLAN.NA.GAKL DEFEATED-TESTIMONY FOR TIIE STATE IMlAlTK'AM.Y ENDED. IBT IBlMaUni 1U m TklBCSE.] CbJeago, Nov. 13..The proaeeation In tho Cronin tri;ii reated ita eaa Ihla afternoon. nnd on Satarday the rrfdetKB of the defance arifl begln. Tli;it l',u )<,.. (iSuilivun and OoafbJiB will endeaTor to eaeape the gallowi by proring an aUM is well known, liut tho whola tnachiniM-y of the St.ite Itanda rendy to robut any manufaetiired t«ti- nuny. In ipaakiBg of the ca*o out of court, Judjrc EongpnerU-»r BaJd: "Obji eaaa is made, nnd wo nat it. wlth the cnnvietion that no amount of porjtiry or intimida- fh n ean defeat the ends of juftfaa nnd prevent tha thrce rmn. Cougklin, O'Sullivan and Burke, from hnn^ing.-1 ' "How abont Bcgfl nnd Kunz?" " We do not cxi>eet, neithar h ive \ve ever rx- pected, to haag Knni. Ha bad gniliy knowiedge of many thlage, waa aa aoeeaaety aad o tool, to a acrtaia extent, '""' on leneral prlneiplea ahanld hare at leaal ton yeara, Begga'a oaae. is a peonliai one. iie is Indlcted as a moabet of this eoneplracy and I will admit that evidence thoj far aj M him has not bcen OOBeloatTC. It is. however, for the jury to mnke tip the verdict." The latt Witaeai la the Cronin trial yeater- day afternooa waa axfoBeeman Brown. Ha is uLso aa e\memher of the Clnn-na-Gael. He v. is aeked whether or not ha utefeiiod ehargea -' Dr. CroBia lo 1885, tha Statc Attorney explalntng that he propoeed to ahow by tha witneni thal this waa a taot; that " Dan" Conghhn waa ¦ nembCff of tha trial committeo, and thiit Dr. Cronin waa expelled from tiie orgnnization. Tho lofdcal oonaequenoe or tho kdmlaaton of this lestt. uioiiy wm a oomplete Inveatlgatioo of tho Cfauv aa-Gael, ,-it. laaat) so far a.s it ooold bo made to ¦how eaaaa ior anlmoaity againal Dr. Cronin on the part of any of the prtaonera al the '>ar. This ofler ted to tha moat earnMt and protraetcd argnment between eonnaa] for the St;ite and coun- w>l for the defeneo that haa yel taken ptaee durins? the tri:if. Ncarly every lawyer engaged in the .. 00 eithcr .side bad aomethlng to say. and there naa mnch platn tpeaking. When the ooori waa aalled this morning the Jndge annoanced his optnlon that tho teatimony of Offtoer Brown on the jioiists Btenttoned by tho Btato Attorney waa Inoonipetent, and he raled it. out, This, deeieion, of eoane, rendend any fttrther attentpt to examine OffloR Brown fniile, and Offioer HoKJanon, of yYInnlpeg, waa recalled. He i«->t iti<-<i that Burke ton* him he had Mnumed the oame of J. W. Cooper bPUt^t two men were wntcblng hitn. . "The Uat wa« offered in eridenoe yesterday," aaid Hr. Forreat, "wlth eortain marka on it. My clienta teOa mo that he oev'er pnl thooe marka on, and I have an objectJon to the state using any meani to eraat that tnk io find oui what w;is onder it.'' " I don't iliink you onghl to any anything abont that ;it preaent," aaid the Court. .. I objeet," oontinned Hr. Forreat, to Ita going Lu e\ idenoe." ¦. lt, baa ool gone In evidence," rephed the Jud«e. " lt has merely been Idantifled." After aome unimportant aitneaaea were ta amlaed, the boarda >:ut from the n< <>r of the Car] ¦on eottage were offered and adntitted In evidence, in Rplte of the objectiona of the defenoe. \h- Prankenflald, the Bignal Bervioe ufticer here. waa <m1Io<i to the atand, and prodnelng his offidal record, taatlfled that from nudcdghl of Hay 3 to (idnlght of May 4 the aky waa cloudleM. TWa aftetnoon Btato Attorney Lonircneekrr ¦aJd In \a->v f the '!oui t'a ruling in the mat- t«t <>t evldecee as to dolnga of the Can-iia-Gaei, the S;ate would only put one mon witneaa1 on the utand .1 tnan Him d Clancy, from New-York. It wm fln tllydecided toadjoum until Saturday morn *>. i r.v/i/h-iTV ir.t//.vt; CA8K Htlwanker, h"ot. 13..In the gupreme CSourt at yeaterday argumenl «.xs made In Ihe nnl- veralty kaalng cmo. Teehnteally the proceedtng to quaah the arrlt -,f prohlbltton twued by theSupreme Oourl forbkUlng Jadge Kay«, of the HadHoa H pai Court, from Impoaing a penalty for eontampl of eanri on B. u Long, the atudenl who refuaed to be nrorn and t., teattfy In the hazlng toveadgatton. .s. a. Phaney, one of the toadlng lawyere of Wlsconaln, appeared for Jadae Keyn, and made a mMterlj ar- ciiinenl favorlng quashlng. Colonel \Uaa, px-berrn in,,' of the Interior, repmented the itndenta. Ihe court t.H.k the mattor under advuement. .-..^-¦ 1 .VKiV BOTI OYl-U ilii: TKXPER IgOB EOBPTIXL. icago, N'ov. 13.- Dr. Mary WmIu Bumetl to>daj ttn. n. m. Barkori ona of tha toadert of ihe Woman'i Chrlatiaa Temporann Dnlon, u>r W5,000 for alander. Laat weak tha doetor brought iult .,-..( two other offlelahi of Ihe Woman'i ChrUtlao Temperanoe Unlon for 850,000, groood that a olreular whkh they had aenl oal Boaearnlng the maaageaaBal of the National Tamperanoa lloapital wa fatee, awuelou and tnwlloua and bad Inlured hei reputatton. To day - kuII la practlcally ba«ed on the »ajne charge. »n. urillard'i catue >gali>«t Mr Uurnetl and aaid In the conventlon that aho believ(« the ei all rlght. J'ho suit tho reault of ber l-wiiurk.-,. OCEAX Pm grOCXHOLMM IDbbTP. Loag Braaeh, Nov 13 (apee'aU. Tha aannal moat* tagof the atoekhoklen of the Loag Bnaeh Oeean Ptoi Oompaay wm h-ii yMterday. A. A Dame, Bhaffer, Wiglaai Oatman, B. a. (,'aintard and Ckartoa w. ii.M, all of kTew-Yorki and *7ama Lalaod, Jr.. the proprtotor of LMi Boto* at Loag Braneh, wen eleetod dlnetora. Tha wmpaay wm paj a dnddend of 4 perntont. Tha a" Board of ton eleetod WllMam Oatman, tko arilHonaira butchor, of New Vork, pis'sidni; A. A. Daoo, aae .. and CkariM w*. Bakf, traoaarar. Prank at Taylor wm re-oleeted aup*rlntpndeni ol th« !".''. " wm announced that th« Iron Bteamboal ompany oi N p Vork, whleh has the exclu«lva rlght to M laaong ri at the Oeean Plor, wooM tna niore boat« --?.- BOBBIBLB y l-.'.VK IT i BAJWIW. raodhary, B. I., Bor. 18. al 10«0 thU morning JoMph kf. BOhnaa wm kaaaad la tha eoreMor of the eounty jaii bera, tor tha anuaat of Beman aaatomann, i Pouab podler, ta Bofaajbor, 1888. Taa aaoaa CatM lo Ughtoe, and tha lopa attpped areanl eo the waatebed maa'i aoek. He aroaaad and shrioke<i, and flnalh lueeaaaad ta fraofag hli aaada hutilriemly aUno.1 to roaek taa lopa. The atroggle Uetod for two or thrae "«n»^A5»%^nh",K ,.,,-. under the chln. .>f,'.,/..,'f' " ,' ', Lhe phyUclana annotinead that the hearti had ct-aawt to beat, and ton mlnutoa later the bodj »as lut aown, ? A TAMM1 WIWI WJfW- iaratsga, Bor. II (a^Ma^.^onanrlllo, m this eoaoty, a aaelaad o»« wlnrt bM tho aapaaraiK* o nnrderoua polaonhig oaaa Bmart Jiuap, » fanaar, dranh a gUM of etder kaaaad to kha by laaoe Oountor, aaothar nwavar. Be iboftly aftarwaal ifad In tembie agoay. Dr. ahudga, aha iatoBded tho dytng man and koard his itataaaeat, lafmadtataly «*.* ¦»¦".« thoglaaa, In whlch ba *~'&J*n&&£%m Counter and his wlfe han bad « .nunbe . <ui rulttoi aud be MMrta that Juinp wm taa eaaee of all theff troohlee. ,_?- aTIOIDBPtri m nMMTt WBBAO. Beatoa, Bor. 18. J. " Bta" **" Jf g under efiaaawtaaeai al aaoalaw aadaaaa. ror ayaar hoaad baaa a wlarerfraai Brlghfb «aaaae. Oflato i ¦UIm li.aaed aad anaetod atm to weh a d that.m taa iraaalai of attod aad bodj ha «.IH^lUjnf-mSiVlll yiV'uM'-'pn^.riu'^rnama-ial ^ ' ^ £ aaaodatton1 wlth th", V*"k1"^ i hu Lti thaidel Itiarer, who made him o<*> of hlt wutteea. WaW.IOMEMM §fU i* t*>* FLAWt. anogaa, Paaav, Bar. U !.»."«* T!l" s'"rk of ,hp Hewa.t lM,n fompany, <"»« of tho "'" ' v lll"»b'« baa alaaai to Ha anoaaaB" \ai>, ha- baao p by a aaaahM af Claveland aad anaraa «p Itaaata. Tho new Hoard of MaoBgjow vtl bnaaaa Fa^-etta BfWWa, Haivey Brown. B. D. Hickok and U. P. Ciiau»b*rs» of clevdawl, and bamuel Ucthutb Of this p'-v*. The plant laetttdea a rolllns mlll. two fiirnaes with a raparity of 80,000 <>f Irot. per year, thlry aona Of groaad, a larire Bttaabar of com¬ pany h in ..- and a coke plant of 190 ovrns ln PeyettO ounty, Ibl. state. Tho s>toek waa bought from New- Vork capliall.U. GIVISG UP MUSEF TO 8A VE HIS BROT11ER. EX-MAYOrt CAKMICHAF.r., OF AMSTFJIDAM, POBCBD TO MAKK an ABBXOBhfZKT. Arasterdam, B. Y., Nov. 13 ihpeelab..Owin/ torom- pllratiotis giawhag out of tho assignmcnt ajid forgerle* of Daatal Caraatabaal, bt. beueher, aa-lfajroe John < arnUobaai »»> fcxead to make an aaatgaaaeal todtap for tho baaail of eradltara ta Jaaaaa T. sstcwart. It b aMatalOOd that the llabilitlos are large. Car¬ miehael eoawattod to talce this step by suits bioagat agateal bba by Barvay, Kennedy <t co., New York mervhants; the Xatlonal Hank, Alb-uiy; Canajoharie National Hank and I'tira Clty Xatlonal Hank 10 racoaat the face value of notes bearing his tadoryeaaeat Carmiehael has taaaafafted all hu ptaperty, both real and pereoaal, to Btewart, and stipulates that after the prefcrml rredltors are pald the aaal hhall be applied for payment of notes in dorso.1 for Danlol Parmfcibaal Botaa are out bearing his namo to tho amount. of #100,000. Tho aaoaad, elass prefenvd creditors tnelude tho liist National liank. AmeterdAm, four notes of 88,880 aoeb, Wttb lnterest; Farmers' BatiOBal Hank. Amstor- daaa, aoeaa aoMMattag n> BBOvOOO aad hatareut; the paper, botb good and apartoaa, apoa whleh the name Of John Carmiehael appeaps as indor.ser for Daatal Carmiehael WfU agglBgala *li:>,o<>o. Tho National Bxebaaga Baak, Afbaay, at wboaa laataaca Daatal cannhh.iei waa aieaatad, aaa 884^000 wortfc of paper beartag batoneaeeate of deaiers in waii paper wi.ich are alleged to havo been foigod. OtbOf < arml.hael paper is dMnbuie.l as fottOWBI Canajoharlo National Bank, 18,000; Bobawk Btaar Baffoaal Baak, Pt aaa, 15,600; Bebaaaatady Hank. *rt,ooo; OtovararlBa National Baak, 12,500; Utfca Clty National Bank, 10,000; Uarvoy, Kenuedy .v <o.. New-York, rv.OOO. Tbe National Bank and tl- Ctl.-a Clty National Baak bave begun erlmkial proeeedlnga agalnal Daatal Carmiehael at Uome, B. V.. aad John Carmiehael ha.s been subpoonaod to appear before the Qraad Jury ln thai elty to-morrow. John Carmiehael waa the Brat Mayor of thla elty and has hetd rarknii other loeal offleos. Ue l. a dlrector of tbe Parmera National Hank Unaterdam. Deieetlva Latham^of Utlca, came to tm.terdam today with paper. to aarve unon Car- mlohael l.«ied at the Inatanee oi the Ctlca Clty Bank. \- ( armfchaat is in the cnetody of aa Mbany do- lectlvo Latham oah do nothlna but walt for his i:¦ oe i!.mount of Carmiehael'. paper, good and bad, out ai tl titne of tho diaoovery of tba forgaiy Ia eenatatod at i tAlTTMOMB TOBAOCO MBBOHABt ABBB8TBD. Balttmora, Bov. 13*.Bmfl B. Weaek, a aaatoe ta taaf tobaeee ia this elty, was arn-ste<i yaataaday, on a preaentmeal by the Qraad Jary, rharging him with obtalatag BCO,000 froaa Alexaadar Browa A Boaa, bankera, aadee fais> pretencea, Ball waa Baad at B10.000, whleh waa fiirtiished. It Ia siat.^t t.hai laat Beptomber 120,000 waa borrowed from tba iiauking firni by Weaek, wbo ptodgad wareboaaa raaotpai for tobaeco as eollatoral aaearity. Buhaaonaatty he wltb- draw ihe oerttftoataa from the flrm an<i gare bia notes. BuUartng at dlfforenl datea, for tho loan. Wenek had fiaaaaal dealtngi wttb the baahara, but eavee ho- foro for Mich a larpo sum at ono tlino. BubaeqaaaUy, U Is KtaPsJ, the bankliiR flrm ascertaiaed that tho rertlHeates were held by Weaek slmpiy as agent, and belonged to peraona ta Barope, ta wboaa tbe tobaeco wa. ibtpped, afn-r the nrtitleate, had bOOO WttbdiaWB. The note-, (riven by Wenek were not pafct. and oa Monday an attaebment for 030.000 ln a eivll .ult for ihe amount «u> siasi oui by tbe bankera, tollowcd by tbe pre»entment by the Orand Jurjr. Yeeterday U'encK executed a <le.s| of tnist for fh« benlit of his credltors. The bond flled wa. for .+J.«>oo. Indlcattng aotwt. of #1,000. The llablliiie,, Inciudlng the elalin of tl.e bankera. aro sald to be BSB.OOO. Wenera coun- ^el sav- he doo. I>o4 tl.ii.k the charge agalnst his ollent will amount to muoh. ? KB1BBT8 Of T.iBOK EB AMMVAIt OOWTWXTIOB. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13..The moruln- aaaatoB of the Knlghts of Labor waa dovote»l to tbe submission of ne v matter to be ronsldenjd later. Tho Oenoral As- aaaably hiw tholr work ln botter condltlon than over before, owlng to the Law Connnittee havlng prepat^l (is r-porf bofore Uio Aisombly opeinnL This BBBaaBBg that reitort was reached, and a few unlmportant lawa a. upoa, Ona faafara of the report whleh win ba itrongty pu-!'<i is the poetal aarfaga bank lyataaa. At taday*a aeaelOB Ba* worda "of Amertoa" ware droppo«l from the name of the oiganlialtoB, ataklag lt now ¦Imply tho Knlphts of Labor. This was dono at tln; requeat of Aseambty Bo. 808, of Blrattagbam, Bagtaad. The addmaaea of Beeere. Pawderly and Hayes ware ¦ubmltted. The aftaraooa aeaaton was derotad to tba trlal of Boaaar BoOaw, of Pttlabargj who waa proaeeutod by Jamea CampbaU, praafcleal <»f the Wtndow-Olaaa aa^rbara' 'Aaaoolattoa. BeOaw ta Odltor of a trado paper ln Plttaburg, and made hlin- ¦elf obnozloua to Oaapbefl by ebargfag bbn wttb a vlolath n ol tbe AltoB Contract L.alior law. To-nlght ¦i Dubllc meetlng wa- hei.i at the Court Bouae. Hoka binlth dolivered tba adOrea. of wekrome Oeprtla, and Mavor c.lonn and ex Mayor Cooper ior Atlanta. Xhe rwponaaa were by (iraml Maatar Powderly and other toadera. .1 wmVUQ PABTX BBBTg WTTB -t-V A<cim:sT. Carbondale, Pean., Nov. 13 (SpeetoJ)..An aeebtoal bappened thla aftornoon al Waymart, .six mltoa from thii <ity, ln whleb Bve peraona were eerkmety ta* jurod and one poaalbly fataUy. A party of twenty- ihree from thla clty were on thelr way to a weddlng two mllea oatafcloaf Waymart Theopea baa to whleh they were taken waa orerloaded, and about a balf- mlta from Waymart tbe rear azta anapped, arartara- lag the 't.ns aad tbrawlag tl.e beavy ioa.1 oal wttb groal toiea. ihe accuir-nt ooeurred ao auddenly that all of tbe party were thrown on thelr beada, Bra. Robert Baxwell, an oM tady, waa thrown agatnat a pj oe oi Iroo oa tbe "baa, the btow fraeturtng bor iknlL l«en who luatalned aarioua wounda were Blaa x .,ie BcBIUan. faoe and acalp eat: Biae Jean Bo- \i i n fae« cui and brutaod; Un. Prank B. Burr, «rn, w'ronched aeveroly; Br.. Waahtogton Burr, faco :!' h.artrut- Mra. J. R. Bbepbard. face eut. The ladlc. .ulfeml al»o imm the ahock and ft-.m tho welgl.t ot other- who wero thi-own on them. boveraj other. were .UghUy hurt aii tba anfortuaate aaopta are .A.ii known bara -?- /OBBI mubdeuj:d A WBOLB FAMJLT. Charleston, S. C, Nov. 13 (Speclali.-The tlfth trlal of k. T. foaea, tbe Fjipt'.eid murdarer, ta now m pitigres, at ^lgeiieid Ooart Boaae. Boaaa Bae or six rear. ago Jaaaa, wiio matri^i a Bba Praatoy. aigarad at bta wlfa»a lalattaaa. Be took bia ibotgun and threo or four butclier-kiiivw and WOBt OUt tato the lkld ft-hero his father lu law. jwo aavaaty, ajid his threo biothei-sln-law were at work. Jone< sot up a nmnon ¦hattolr, muraorlaa his aged fatheedataw and Xhermg bta ihree brotber.-lndaw. He tbea aar- ,',.,,,! hlmaelf. Flvo tlm« Jonw haa been brouaht . .,,ai and eaeh ttmo he haa eecaped by a imstria .' 1. KdgefleW I- ImparUally ad.nintMepl. Twenti'-flve lynchera of Culbroatb were paver ealtad to aooount, and Jonea. the auadrupto murderer. haa thaa t^r got fraa, and win doubtli m e oapa »e0t naa, ? t.v IOBDBALBB OBAMBD H'ir/f rOMBBI. Roebaatar, V. v., Nov. i3.-Ti.omas Boalaoa, forav erty of the frm of i orawoll >v Boalaoa, lee aaalar, but mora raeaaUy eagagad m tho bbbm baaiaaaa alone. li obargad wltb aataral forgerios. u w aftoged Ibal ba toaged the namo of his fotmee partaar, Oaocga U Corawatt, to arreeal aaaai aayabta to htaaadf, atao ,1,,. narna of his brotbar, Bamael Boutaaa, tba aoai toetarar, as taaaraar. Wbea the notes feii daa, (1..v were proteetad, and deelarad toraartaa. Oa knndai It is aiie-'ed, Thomaa Boulton t.n.k a trafn for n;.'.; yo,L it baa not yel beeo lear.l bo« mam Dote. bave beeu fowd, but thelr an.ouut ls estimated at 1-H.VXH)._0 i.iSD OBDBD BX I*BB OBJFPBWAB. St. I'aul, Nov. 18..A dlapateh to "The Pioneer Prete* fr»m the Varmlllioo Roaervattoa, ¦ Hoetheta Bioneaota, aaya th<" Botaa Porta Cblppawaa bave ac. repted the prouoaMoM of the OovaraaaMti through tbe C Ippaa i Oommlaataa, In ragard u> taktag lajMla ln severalty, and for thla paraoaa havo leded to the Daltad btat'Xi thelr raaerrattoa, embiatdng about UOjOOO aets^s. They were Ignorant and luapi ial ad for the of a BebOOl ou -er\ all >!i. - ?- rwo uobb riCTiut oy tkb buuamd. Penv'-r, Nov. It, \ dlapateh from Tr.ntdad, (ol., iaye: -it Ia taaraad to-algbl that Br. lvtter aad bta .on left their luneb for thla U.wn thiru<eu days ago lor n.oviMon.. Batblni has beeti Mtf*?*itt5 (tneoj and lt ta bupp«.*ed they wore lo»t ln the un* aard._ .4 WMIMJTrT ariuvi'if svsk. Calro, ui nov. is. Tho ktoamor OraaBa **+« the (uicmnatl and Meu.phi. i'ackal i . mplQ ¦ - at Qraad Chalo. at aJ^Jt51^a«ria%0 "»«** eight fo-t of watar, .¦» . "^a. ¦_o bold* A WHOLE BARREL OF MONEY THE BREWERS PROMINK HALF A MTLLJOJfJ rilAUNCET M. DEIM.W AND OTHERS TRT THBIB PERSUASIVE EI.OQIT'.NI E 081 NEW-ORLEANS. The World's Fair 18,888,888 jruarnntc* ftind rcoeived a tnighty impetus townrd the 84,000,000 point yesterday from a plcdgo of auhsrripfionJ from the hrewera of New.York and it» vicinity aaaaanahag to $44i>,ooo. The eegalar monthlp nicetmg af the BrewerV Board of Trade waa held att No. I Irving Pkaoa in the afvrneon, all of the sixty-two llrms aotafHrfBf it bcing rvpresented. On motion of Peter DoHgor. jr., it was unani- motisly voted to a.s>.css the brewene.s ar the rate of Un. ccnth a OBHtl on thoir outpnt for the ycn« ending May l, 18Hfl. This a-sessment will pro- durc 1448,080. Mr. Deojgag ahw movml that tha World's Fair Finance Cornmitftv be told of the aetion of the Baatd. Accordingly a 1<*H4T to that elTect was prcpared and forwardcd, wuich added that: The Indlvldual aubscriptlons ot the varlous meraber* of th'? orcantzatlon aro now belng accured. and wtthla !l).^ aaat forty-elght hours, wh«'n the eollectlon 1* eotn- pletel, they will be turned over to your Board. The Board furthrr prnmlsn to add to th* above aubacrtptloa fmni parti.-s IMeraaOed In the brewlng lndu»try who ai aet aaaaaen of this Board af Taafa, and thi». in »U prohabillty, will awefl Ihe t»tal of our contribution ta atxw* half a itilllhm dollars. Tho eubecrlptlon aboye lOtollOg to ls condltlonal in thl* re«pe<-t. that the aob. lerlpUM Baafo i»y Oaarap Bhrat, »iyooo, by Jaenk Raapara, and aaaahahMf t Beaaaaa,, be canocllei. thWr contrtbutlons belng inclulod In the tub- aorlattoa of this Board of Trade. The firms hclnnging to The Brewere' Board of Trude and subject to this u.vsessment are aa fol- lovvs: The Jneob Ahles Brewlng Cr., BeaditsUin O Woete, Bmakahaai a Hi.hmid. PaM BaaM, iio nurr Rrewina Ca., the ii. ClaaaM * s.m kaawkai <o., jow-ph Doeieev-* Btaa, Petai Deataar, taa Pa. * Wav Ebiin* Rrewinc Ca., Oaaiaja fkiet the John EtrhlT Brewlng l'o.. the Hy. Elloa nwwtog <'«'.. A. Flnrk * Son. M. Groh's Sone. j. a ai. Huifin, gaa Jaaafc Beaaaaai kaawnai Co.. a. HvafaPa Baa, the j. c. <;. Bapfal Br*w. ing Co., tho John Kr, M Bnwfag to., Jo»pb Kuntz, Havii Miyit. naMHak Oyaaaaaaaaj U-, Baaaga Blaajet A Cu., Jaeeh i:ui>i»-r(, aaa f t K. sohaef^r iir'win)? (.>>.. PhUlp Baaaeta t s.m,. BakaalM k .s>h»anen>. tiu.i'i, Oaaiad Btato, tii» Oeatga Whaaa Rr«»in(r Co., IM D. <;. XaeajgUaaj j.. Brawlag «". ahaap z-ioier, ih.' Beekaaaa Braaiag Co.. Momoe Eraau'in. Ruhsum A Horraaaaa, the Aobott, Braaiag OaL, the Bu(t»ei»er llruwlnx Co., tho Burtfer 4 Howar Brcwlng <¦>.. Hanen- h«T« it Ootoa, Eaaahatd Vvfig. tho faaaah Faiiert Brew- ii i... OkaetM IMaa, <uui linbor. tho a. Uakaaaaafa :. ¦,[,,. .... laM Uaataa*a Bnaney, Maaaajataaai Brewlng Ca>, Maltiat ltr,.*., P, MaMh, oi)'>rmi>jn-r a i.i»Mii:iuti, BraeatOeba, H. i»- Bckaraaaaa N. heiti'* son, Wllllam Lin.i, WeU 4 aerwoeB, th.- \Vi!iiuiru*ur« Brewteg Co., Ballaaflne A Oa., 0. laapaaaaa, (;-T«'a EaMrpriat Btewtog Ce., Peter Hama A c'o., Jntvh Baaatar, vnillaai Hiii. Oettfihig Krueir.-x, Mr«. ChrUUan Traht, Daatal iiiymi>. BJItUam i'''ter, Bafaa Br«wu»g Cu.. Mra, ChiiiUiia Hrauu, ^p!atCer A MeaaaL Qndat tlies'' asscssnients the breweries will be tBXed from 11,000 to 840,808 aooh, the Latter aum heing aaaaanad agtiinst GeatfO Ehnva, whosc out- put for the y«ar was 4uit,000 barrels. The brewariea are aitaated in thia dty, Br.ioklyu, Long latand Crey« Btaaaa laaaart, Hoboken, Jeraey Cftj and Newark. The Board latenda to obtain, if poaalble, MbaerJptiana ol ahauaat proportiona from the breweta of aloa aad porter, bobo of which are mcluded in tlie ¦.hlfhlp of Uie urganization, whieh is coutiued exclu&ively u> tho lager haag iuu^rest. The lorm of asaessment adopted aagahaaj aaoh tirm, whether doiag u lar«e or stnall huaineaa, to subscribe accordi.ig to its transactiona. Ywtertlay's subseriptions U> the guaranu* fand, incluling the umount usseas.*d oa tho brewere, nggwirate $431,614, as followa: The Brewari ..41?,,^m>. ArnokL Coiiiublc t C'u. f!v »2i D. 0. A 0»d»«» mw».». .-w S. Y. Mutual (ias Llght Co. JX'aS Berabelmei £ hnud . V-.i Tbrougfa "TM W..nd" . ''..«;; Weif.- Braee . \y''» Danie Appleton * co. g."^J t*se Hr.Hleis, Albany . -¦*"{ Katmer, Uttla A Co. >, h. li- Brotaera. r-\. ..,,[, m,. p.. t Meuger . J."V» john .t. ti.anam. jr..:::::::::: JioJ^O soliult/, InneaAW. .. ^i a b. BohulU . hm Nathau I. tfu.r . [[/V.""'/." {[oljo '" ma;;.;;.:::::::::::::::::::::: i:6oo fe..%... . 1,000 STi^Bi*,,,*.::::r.:: ^H M,,, FJdlltt A b"U.- B| Jaeob DpU. 500 C Irlacher...¦. <¦¦,, j n. Roasbaeh A Bru». ^"J joaeph ttecht > .>".". %$ l&*BmE& ?,,,t"aivUx~K,ciati^::::::::::::.: H r;. p. futnam'a Bena.* ££| Chaae, Talbot A Cu. B Mnrrla Finn. frK) Fiancla < ook."."7.1'.?.....Z «"<> Kublei V ¦s.ui''. * *,K) i harlea H..rn. i^x b, r. wi'i.-us...._. n f. F. Ouyon ^ I o . irX patzowaky k <o. f*' gfT'EtanMOMi Wnling- Ca."(lS *&*** B wVroer k New. B Horace B. Ely. ^ \V. R. 1'^urn.,. zJ? »lve Age PublUhlng Co. -so i: o Hnovii . n \ . Gaa in 1 Fu.-l l'ru,-...-.s . -.>o ftenry IUm v Bon. 200 Oeorge w. Herbert.. 200 Rogera \: Bberwood.«. H Eiihanae Prlntlna Co.-. gaa Peter IV Ilamn A Co. v*i Henry Beaay.~. M p. Kahler 8 Sona .-. Q Charlea l'. Bchlaefer...-..-... 200 Goorge w. Schasty.". 2o0 Gardnei v Wllllamaon.¦. Mi John J. Roberta. IfJ I- I. Wmg.-.~- PH Wiiii.iiu H. Jacobua.-..« IfJ Wllllam Rtelnway i-mail eollecUona) . 100 John Pnlhemus .- }\*l E. l*. Coby t Co.... J°*I k. Parka Coby..... JJJJ I.. Katienateln 4 Co. . aaa \v. Gnldateln . faB H J.. Areiilarlu-. . 1°<J in. \ Bretaera . . naj Connolly Motot Co. (necwid nuh^ripthm). IM i'.rkln- ^ Co . J'*0 InternaUonal Cas r. . ic«0 t.lin Slelch . IfJ I.andauer A Kalm. 100 hr. ThOB II ¦!>mI...v . 188 hr. hndrew I. IUchardson. IM Thomatn t- Co. . JO Wolfarta. M (;,Mru'' Blntn A Son . li, \. taaaata.-. ¦ j. J. Ki-iina.-. ¦ f-. m. Connolly. . 21 H. J. Pieraca. . I F. Rh^ni . ¦ hr I P. Janln*hl. ¦ Adams . lo hr. Allen T..'vlng». J Dr. Jihn W. Mnall. 10 for thodar. ...'¦. *^ai (J14 Pnvioisiy Mbaeiiaed. a.otsoni Agpregate 10 daM .'...¦ ..03.B44.S7S The torsil of nmounts previously aubsoribeil is ehanged lrinn the Igurea as giTen in thia onloaBB yeaterday, by dednottng 135,000, iwing th< eaa> celled lahoerinttoni of George Khret, Jaoob Iiup. peti and Bernnelmer & Bchnud. and |15,400 dupll- oabrd In the annonneetneot of the aniount sab- acribed i>v the emptoyM of II. It. Claflln &. Co. ciiiries s. Higgina, tha reptaoaaaattTa af tho loap nannfaoturing indogtrr on Ihe tieneral CaaB* mitter, roeently laaaed ¦ oall ior a neeting of tho trade 10 !... held iu the arbitiation rwim ut the pToduce K\«haii/e v st^-rday aft ..rnoon. At t o'clock, ahe tippoit't'od hx>ur, Mr. Hi«gins »nd W'.ikI. the Intter r-prewiiting rxoch Morgun's Sons A. Co., met at th. plaoe d.wignatea nnd wnited for other repreaentartv-es '>f th.,j,^.2 to impear. No oth.-rs ame, and >>«;»«.. V. jim- and Wnrd deeidrnl to adjourn. Mr. iu^m',n,^h, versattion wlth a Trihune reporto-r. ^.^Vag,,. uppn rheau^crlption methodo in'"*£,,, chica«o, .My iin..,"' heoaR "whicb h»*f"*"*ur oonvnl waa pul dnwn for *>.'""'n*.''J.°J*of it thi.t wa heing aaked. The dratJffjf«ar 2 P* <...« of reccivfd wm a ^WJ1i»S know that naj were the amount. Then I let tn « Wj> arc stm on M.lid for V* Y'fk. I f«J3JS the Choag.'bt*»U> ror » |(fT of c.ommeree nnd A meetlng ot j'^Jnv* will '"' held today ta Industry of N^ rTulsiana prefera as thr Mte (|,.,i,|' «!"it P<f2»ii£poaitionof 180*. Chicago lorthc Internattona. ^ (l,.|,.t.,in,.n.s at the meet^ nnd St. I.ouw, 'i^nrcarnt o i>\ totegnaaai feaaa ing. N»*J°S#pw. Koawtrll P. Flnw... ( ,ivm S. iluiuncev >'¦ ' 'witn-in. .i"tm < V alhoun and Briee, %Cjelegram ¦ nl by Mr Depow reads: (,t.h<-ra. ¦ o{ our oMBaalttaa. h*» pr^iwred aad aent Mr «un,ei* ahtoh l traat will be read. and to It jr.u aa m" ^^ pjaW'Tart the metropolla of the 1 ** Llaaaaaa aaaaaaaa B . » » w.nd-a Norih Ani ^ ^ (n M%lllch.ter or nirmtnaham. l^«L5to nraa* Mr tlaty ... VOnfte, B aaaM be 1 .ai iwuoi)».: tiw aoatf «oui.l iMagakM B Iuicn maaal ««'* fcaaaaa or Parta or Bama New-YoU baa ..-Iccied a Ote. *U1 ralae taa money, ba»" (taa aocuauaodaUona; aud tha ew city waiak |B

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...






Commissioners Holnhnn and liarker. of tho

Buwwn of A-'ouiits anatatad by OctpowtiW Conn-

¦Pl Clark. tOOh up \estorday the taagfcd Uuaadof the Doek Doimrtinent invcstiiration where theylffl it QB M imhiv. TlM exau.inatn.n revealed

morc li.u- apnartunltJea for wbbiag *. r,,v- »Bd

exhibited eumulative erklew.I "l!"':;'1 ******B1..1 lamifflHt and Imm bmIbmi ii""1""^

David W. Bogart, do.kmast.r of DtojHrt No.

2, in ar.sw.-r » Mr. O"** oneshons, said that hc

had hcld tkk pkM Nf two years and thathe Bot

H ttawh the of the iate ex-Somitor

Low PHoi '-1 }li-s aapatataaMi Mr B"-;,r' )m(1

boen" janit-r c.f Ffct A. HH pa.v « the samo

M the othcr akwM flodOMStoM. W.800 a year.

His retunis U the DoM DetnvttMtU showed

hc had unTWimifl ''i.t H87 daring tho paat nacalyear. Mr. Clark ubaUMtll that the city would

be ;»st H.liS »»cttor off DJ diaptttiBf with this

doebmaster altogether. Mr. Boajatl WM anothorwitness with a had niomorv, and Mr. Clark had

great. diiiiniity in prevaillng apon him to reeaBeitl.or facta Of flgUTU relatinp to doek mattors.

Altor niucl. Queationing hc udmitted that be hadOolleeted aboat S"'r" ¦ .voar from the Baltimoreand Ohio ltaiimad Company 1 t tho usc of por.

tions of old pfcfl No. 10 and 21, yet his roturn,whteh Mr. Clark produoed, ehowad that hc hadturnod in to tl.e Doek Board $?:t 90 lrom thissource.

Tho wftBCM sworo that ho kopt. no bank ac-

count, bnl altor skilfnl handlin- 0H tho patl <>f

tho Cctpotation (dunsol. bc aaid that there WUC

t,vo bank acoounta kept in Port Jorvis in his

Vlfcs nan.o. llis memory. howcvor. WM M de-

ficient that he wai nnahlo to say evcn approxi-piawdy how muoh monr.y ho pot in

or drovv out. With extreme rcluotance beuduntted thut he nji^ln ha\ depoalted njon.y

coiloctod i.y him a-s wkarfafc ebargaa. Hc.rl aduiittoil that ho had a momoranduui-book

vith him, i.iit deelincd t<. pvodaec it. Mr. ClarkImitted on tho Commtaaloiien' oompellbig the arit»no*s to produce tl.e boak lor axamioatioo. He

l:;.a:i.V Umk it out of his porkct undor RtTOHIprotost, hut ICfOSCd to l.-t it go out of his haml.-.

Undor tl.e Corporatlon Cottn*el'a argant domandsIbc,..iH-i- pol pamemkoa al Um book, andBftor taklag a nmaorandaia of Itt daaoription,Bumbor of pagca, oic, soal-d it op in ¦ big onvel.-poand locked it np la onc <>t tbe Bareaa safcs. Mr.

Bogart waa directed ta briag botb bia bank bookato-day, wben tbe doposits wili be eotapared witbthe contenN of the BKBomndnni-book. Tbevitnoss wm U»d m his proteata, deelaring thatthe Conualaaionera bad no rigbl to Inquire Into

rirate baslnaaa, bol Mr. Clark refetred t the

number of niutilaU'd OOCOUnWDOOkl wbiob had bOOB

prodaoad at this exaainatioo and defended hisOctKin as lawful aud propCf.

Charles 11. td irtagh, R dealet ta buildlng ma-

tenals at Uivingtoa -'.. -."'I th..i be waatheleeaeeof the north half of l'ior 68, at .-Mant^.n-t., and

vt parta <>f Pleta of and 57, at Broome«t, EaaiKnor. He had aeoand laaBW of this propertjirom tbe Doek Boaid for tbtot yc;irs fron Muy 1.

Johu A. McOirthy, suii of the man wbo had aotodns i)(K.kniaster Bendetgraat'a aaabrtant, h.«i man-

ajad tho bidding in of tho leaaea. Altogetbac thorcutals amountod to aboat H.804 a year, und

the piors DCtted him. be tbought, aboal as aiaebin.ce, bal h's n-.stiuiony waa vagaa <>n this poinaM ¦( artAv oaUaatad the wbad abargoa, nut no ar-

nngcment b*d !'<>*.» B»ado m to how the prolitsw»ic to be dividwl He nii^ht allow McOarthy25 pex cent wben they eame \>j aettle ap at the endtd the year. bal thol wai yet ta aheyance. *k.Murtagh wai questloned about aome Jetaey Cltyproperty whleh be and MeCartby had bonght,whiehwaaaakl lobewortli 110,000. Tbewltneasaald that in paiebaaina it monejf received forwbatfaga adgbt bave !».¦« n uaed. 11- alao aaidthat ho and othei penona bad freqnentljr oolleetedwborfaaje tor Doekmaates ftndetgra*t wben thedockniaster ooald not attend to bia dutica ta per-lon. isueh Bfthoda weia commou uu the dveiftoab

John A. M'( artliV. KgC 1w at \ -tlu>o. r.-i.Tj-.'i

to bf tbe Jast wil waa, \\..^ aezt oalled. He aaidthat be and Mr. Uortagb ware tatereated ta a reoJaatatr dtal. ta wbkb be had taveated aboat 16,000

oey oolleeted for wbarfafea As m tbediviaJo ol the prohta fr< ta (he Broome and

Q itreel piera no poaitive agreonent hadbeea auale. He and Murtagh would s.ttle uptheir ioinl aflaira " ta the apring.*1

Nicholaa Martin and W. Carraher. Murtagnaaaretiea on the Leaac bond, were aw. rn aucceaaively,and eacb t*titiliitl that he bad no pcraonal knowl-edge of Mr. Murtagh. Both had gone upon thebood snnplv as a ravor to Charlee Mc< larthy, fatherto John A. They regarded the atgning of tbe bondouly as a matter of form.Charhs 11. tVndergraat, doekmaater <d Inatriot

No 5, ta whleh the piera Noa 55, 56 and 5V. BaatRlver, aro utuated, waa next examined. 'le u a

white>haired man ol ovn rixty yeara, and lhi'sjit So '.; Ea»t Seventy-thlrd-et. H>- was vigoNousiy lntcrrogated by tl.e Corporatlon Counael,and Dtade aome damasing admi^alons. Aaked ifhe had n.»t ollowed .)<>hn A. McCarthy to collectwharfage rents, be anawered affirmatiycly, outpleaded Imorance of the Department rulea on thoBabloet The rufea are prlntedjuid furniabed toall employea of the Doek Board. MeCartby alsokoi>t the dockmastor'a aeeounta, made the entriesIn his offlcial booka, and aetcd tis his aadstamgenerally. Thp ritnesa eonfe aed abo thal heknew that MeCarthv was intereatpd In tbe Broomeand Stanton at piera. But Mr. Pendergraatluaiated that lio bad verlfled McCarthy'a aecountsby his (,wn memoranda, and knew t!i .t they were

correot."The oity lias r.ot loBt a d'dlar on my distnot

pinop 1 hare beeo doekmaater," urged Mr. Pondor-prast

.. How <lo y<>u linnw!" Mr. Clark retnrnod. eon-teaaptuously. " How do yon know that McCar¬thy baa turned ovor all tia- wkarfage that ho co'-leetpd?" ,

The dookmasKT nnin t know. of rnursp, ni;dwhon relieved lrom tho .witnoss-siar;(l (,,. madegreftt '';'v,,' ,u depart."

Goarerneur KHnble, tb<» Bray-balivd aeergfarynf the Dreb Board. waa reealled. !!.. mti thathe had nover wrftten ii[i the Tninutos of t!i(<Board ainea hN appotatment Ho had drawii

;, s.n .¦ ol tlio rosolutions oecaalonally, but rarely.i> had drawn a reaolutloB that aaM one TbomaaOBrien. !,-s.s..f Pler 55, Eaal Birer, had m>-t>»,;<-<l nefore the Board, hul bc had no peraoaalkirwledge of the faet. His reeolleetJen wis in-^»*!itt. Mr Clark abuwed Mr. Keeable a]..»* i.f the "jor at Thirtv-sixth ai..T*«t Hiver. to Pophaaj A- Co.« madeAarfl-jr. 1887, whleh, althonjrh it borc the Com-¦MbWtb' rignnturea li "I never been rigned by>^i' VN.. Seerptary Ketnble gaatd npon the1^^" hgiience for a few momenta and tben aaidrnai thy W,.I(. ., f,.w moTe ,,f t)l(. kindor lPH,^«',n fil,. i,i th<' Doek T)oi«rtmonr. bnt hrJ'M'nown v,rX. Wl..,. ;,|i pight becauae there mustll,',u' "*BKiinp prevlona agreement betwwa tbe

t V\ B1)C ,l"" ,v'v repreaentatlvea Holdera?»« 1 ntl!^? w,"r" ""' wtpwted to livo np toIlrvX *".vw»y. Mr. Kemble calmly oh.

nKtH^AS^? *<. "» .'" >« " m- 10,1nr-kJl ?£ *£.&& Felluus sai.j yesterdav that ho

g^eoanS ^^ ». Commissionera of

Uarsaw. V V. Nv. 13 aJ|tetau^.Tfct Sayerrtoonof Uyomhijr (oiimv m.v ,.



'... ,¦

"% faand resolutloni raqaealIM *-n.lor-,| .<, Van,,,^ A^mMv.

okwt ,h, ramoralol tVcoantrt i,..,,.. InaoM atM»tc »>vlums. TIjN ¦»,i|V i. ,l. . ...,,, ,.lipchwortli. lonK pn-Mv l^u,Ji »¦"»". of W ilHwn K<"Wlt>k. who for y.«i» ,/;'. '^ btato B-aM »

6t*te rar<» for tbe toaaao. *"**» »nrj WattM for

hSL '""", "V v- S " * awattag of the

V^^h^mFi'&i* h* «,ofr.¦^ <w juu» . *oi*4»ua Utur atruggla.





FIEK EMPRESS AIGUSTA VX0TOB1A.Rnme, Nov. l3.-Emperor Wllllam lefl Monza at

11 o'cloclt to-nlghi. Th" hnntlnc .XftdJUuu In hlshonor was UlUUMlfl The l.mporor, beforo itarttag,dlned wlth tho royal fatnlly. Ha will Mfota th*Knipross at Vcmna. Tho ElUJtMa loft Yenlce at 11o\-lui k. after VpnMt>f betMlf as touched by themany kM manlfestations In ber honor.

Vienna, Nov. 13. ¦-F.mperor Fiawls .Toseph, wlththe Geraian Ambas'-ador. has startcd for Innsbnirkto mof't Bmperor wllllam. Tlic '. Ateadpoat/ ra>ferrlng t> the fierman Empemr'- \lslt. cays that thf

pulilic of the tWO countiLs will hall wltk liveiv

paaaaOM a me^ting that will cement the peacofulallianre.

Venlee, Nov. 13..Emperor Wllllam wa« e?con>1thlMtgfe. the Gracd t'anal yesterday by a prorr- |Mol pondoias. Be reoefved a perfeel ovatton from thapeopk that llned the bank*. The rllmax wa> rrarhodat the Kialto. where tho entlre stawllng IffjM was

blark Wltk rhecilng orowds. The whole lorJgta ofthe palaee w*i draped wltk lapeetrlei aad lagi.

OonStaatkMpto, Nov. 18..Kmperor Wllllam kM con-

farred Um deeoiatlon of the Oidar of the Red Btgrrimi sald i'a< ha, Turkish Mlnleter of Fovetfja ./Jtaire.

The Buitan kM leenad au Irade Muietlontng t' eerectton of a obagtel a1 Bethlebem for the us»> ofPtotestant pilgrinis. lt h aonounced that this eonresalon by the Bultaa affordl efaatlll giatlflcatiun toUi's Kmpiwi of Oeiimny.



Borllti, Nov. 13. -The Ktnin Paeha Retfc f Commtt-tee w 111 kMttliet laptaln Wtennann to dtapatck wltkall BOMfble .peed a raravan to fJw rulicf of Heary kLbtauley and his party.

TBOUBLBB OK THF, IHAMM UOHTBBMW.London. ttOW. Bnwwy has WrtttM I Wt«

to the MMter LtgbtetBMi'i AjMoelMtoa, In whlefc he

says that the men's dcinand tliat <m<- Joli eonsUtotea nlplit's wi.rk. Wltk a iniiilmuin BmjrBOTJt «»f f"'ir

ihOllDft, li MCMMfve for Ught job-, In tin> docks.]lo Kuptrcsts that a itflM laimrh Ih- kepl at M0kdock lu rcadiness lordoek-WWk oti tlj" rtver, a:id that

a Mttle M *L\f.<d yMdlBf lll/enil j>ayia>-ni Ux I

of Mnail j<.+»». Uo MaphMttM the naoawltj ol im-

piortng the whole UghtecMja ijitoni on the Thmmby au Mt of J'arllainent. limltlng the work to ¦

16m body, ke Mjt) i> n"t in kMMony wltk the ptcmbIuiilveisal pnnclple of frce eoapetltton.The MtOelMtOSL, in lrplyinp \>< thll lef'er. Myi

four ihilllnM N eqnally objectlonable for »borl rtveriobe; that ttoun-tufi ve alrrady employed In thedocks, and that Lord Bnusey hM fmlled to tttan ' ..

oncroui buidcns to whlek the award blmh.


D1SASTKR OAVOED BY A 1'AM BBXAKING.Atton, oiit.. Kot. l.'s.- i"ariy ti.i- moftni the duo

at Mi-cieilin'.s iouriBg inUl, atrfHit a mOe we«1 «-f ke»ibnike. anl the water iwopl dowB towafd thii town,carr.Mli/ KWay s:\ bOMMM aii.l fOUT bftdgM, WUBCktog half a doua nllhi ai»l Mveral dweOlnca aud dolngc. Maodi of dollut1 wortk of other dttuge.boMootMiold eonpMBMned ttarritmm urrtodawmy,and both Hani-. aud hii wlfo were drownod, Manjoth« PMktaBta knd m*»w moapm, batng awakenedby the laahlag of the water througk theb booeei.The ('ana)laii Tacifle RaOway'l bffctga OTM thiru «rreeked, but varniuf was gfven in tlnie t<. preventUm Iom of any teatna The daaiaM done by th©wirckii.^ and oanrlng away of iii;Us aad aani* mplacod at abuut 8!iO,iK»o.


aTSOBO COLOMZATION IN MKXICO.Oty of Haxloa, Nov. ti.-EUis, the Texas negro,

who prOfMM to colonizo Amerieau noRroes In htexleo,ls sllll fn this clry stiivinK to MOMI* ¦ eOMJMllOn '">'>'

the Goveitiuient In the lnterest of the proposod !«. Mlltlhld that. Goueral l»achlco, MlnjUcr of Publlc

Worka, is givatiy taterMted In Bllte'i phuit aad liheartlly in t'avor of grantlng tho OOaMMian. Oth«memben of the (Jovernnioiu are alsi. Mtd to favnr it,»o thara Mttmi to bo lttie doubl thal the ood

will be givi.n and the colony esiabli>hcd. The tehene,bowever. will moet »nn stiong oppoalttou on thepart of the Mexlcan people, and pegro coloni*u are

noi Hkely to rneelve an encouraglng welcome. rnef..-i nc U geueraJ ihal lo the Indlac peon asa Mi *¦)>

has a- large an aVomeul oi a difteitut noa a* it cau

tiud rooui for.

THF. ABBX8T8 OF B0CLANGI8XB.Paris, Nov. v.i..The penoM aineted for taklng

part in the altempud Boolangltt danoaatratfon ln

tho Plaee <ie la Ooneoide yeatevday nnmbend 168.All t'nt biAty of the prlaonen ««e afterwanl <ii

rharged. Anong IhoM baU was the Anaicblst Ooi

(du'ne hundwl and flfty protMti l.ave been ktdgedagalnBt memben t>l the Ckamber of Depntlcs roccntlyehx-ted. lt ls probable that moal of the protMti »lilbe overruMd. . , ,, , ,

Xhe BUb-oommlttM of the Klnth Buieau, lnciudin«iinve memben of the Klght, recommend thal theelection of M. Jatrrin be decumd Invalld.


HI.I/.KJ) ON THK OOLOMBIAM COA9T.Kew-Orieana, Nov. 13..The ttaamabJp Btroma, from

Carthageoa via l'ott limon, urlwd ynterdajreporta th-u the j:r;ti>h aeboonef I'eari, of Nova sri.tia,Captala Muipby, wm aeUad by the olomblan ¦teanwri.a Popa for IxaidJng <in ^an BIm ooMt, and taken to

Cartbagena Thli is tho lirst tetsnn evax made on

the OOMl unclvr an <»M a<t of lifty ycars' sttinaklng the COMt of Oduiuhla'le lo all f rV(.is enga^ed :n tradlng. Thls will afferl a lanumber of ichoonen belonglng to New-York, Baltlmoic,etx:., tradmg along the eoiat

MOROCro RKADY TO OIVK BATkaTACTIOir.Parls, Nov. 13..A dJepalch to the "Flgaro" fmm

Rome sa.\s that an Italian cruiser and two lorpediboata havo be<n dfapatched to TanckH to demandaathtfaetton from tbc- Moorfak avthorfthM for tb<- bnrplary coinniittet) by Moors at Uie ol1i(M> of thot karga d'Afalrea. if the daaaand hi nai granted, the

'. Flgaro" aaya, Tangter wiu be bombarded lo.morrow.ltonje, Nov. 13..The Parli "Flgaro" dtapateb wtth

referonee lo itaiv's ^.¦latio^l^ ¦wlth Mororeo l- n nofflelally deelared t<> be nntnie. ai Moroeea li raadjto glva aatlafaetloa for tho ontngo on tho ItalfaaChaige d^Alfaln's at XaafhW.

MR. OHAMBBBbAIM TO THK MAKTKR BAKBB&Ulrininghatn, Nov. IS. laMfh Chamberlaln pr«'-

¦klai lo-jiipht at tha banquel of the Baatet bakra Inliailiightm In a ineeeh, be expnaaad tha battefthal the eountry liwi falrty atattad tpoi a pariod ofgreal trade prospertty, and be boped tllfi .ihroughoui the eountry woold be generoua and alloathelr worknien to shar>' tha karVMl


AN AMKUK'AN' IOB0KB IN CANADA.Toronto. l)nt, Ni.v. 13.- Aadtaw C Druram, of

Kansas ( lty. WM today reinatid -d niitll to MMtOW bv

a pollce mapistrate on the charge of forgcr.v aad ecflbesswmenl to ihe axtajat of 158.000. iKs bmIo.Major Drumm, arrtvad from KaaaM Ciqr. ii- nephew's vlctim.

TO WA1T AND WATCB THE OOVEHHIIEHT.1'aris, Nov. 13..a plenary maettai af the mem

ban of the Chambw of DeyvtlM betongmg w ti <.

party of tlie Rlghl was held today. They deelded tomalntatn an oxpaefaal attftude, whlek will ba n|nlaaaal by the x*iii<-y (>f aha Govarnaaaat.

N<>T PLEAPED WTTH AIK HDFKE JOHN.Ftagaa, Nov. tj. Th« loaraal " liikemlaf aiinounres

that Eniiiemr Fmnrlg Joaafk has d»<-id"d to omit il.aaaa of Archduke John from the n-'.\tgaaealagy.


i:N(.A(;K.MKNT Of MK. OLASBTOnn ^llN'.Loatdott, bTot, 18. Hr. QltOMMJO'a son. Henry

Nfviih-, li angagad to Maad aTanrbjl, datlghte^ af BtuanRendel; Llt'eral of Failiain.-nt f<»r kfMUtfBaai Qt-hlre.


THK ¦OYPTIAJI OOTTOX ObtOPCaJro, Nov. ).;. tt i- Ttfnattd that tha Bgypttao

oottoti crop will yi"ld o\ei 9,000,000 balrs

IZMf TO PASS TEMOVQM TMM WMW caxjjsChattanooga, Tfiiu., Nov. 13.- TheN li muak H

citemrnt hrre over the announcinent that u,» Kieam

boat a. c. Oaaua, a IMaafaatjia] Rtrat rraft, i,as aakaadihrougli the Mitfccle Khoals Panals, and will an hr a'

ihe wharf in Uiis city to-aaorrow Bjoratag, ThlaIhe tirst v essel WbiBk ii"s DMMd tlooiigh th.canals, MW nea'1> c.mip'e'ftd. T: a aJtho cana.s, lu aratVMM akatnaitloM m thj 'lcnne*t>ae Klver »t Musde Bhoalu, wa* agfaV by Uie

(iovemmeat ia l*7ii, aud nearly ti.OOit.OOO ha*

tbaa far teaa esaemb 01 tba work Tlw opaaj Iol tbe eanab, whleh win formally tabe pUca ia ¦

faw waeka, arfll glve waler banaportatton ."¦montha In tbe yaai from Challaaaoga to the hukm-

ataetppl BJver.



INDIANA POBJtXD.nafday, Obto, Wor. 18 (Speeiaii.-The wladua gjaaa

BMaufaetaran of Oblo aad ladtaaa aa* w aw enj

to-aay to hwai aa aeaoclaHon for thetr motualThe eafl for tbe i.tteg eoataaaplated °»*^aj"to8 aa

aaaodlatlon or trasl to eaabraew ait the hctartee.waa potated aut thal Iba Plttaborg taetorlee were

BtaetteaOy aattod aad thal aadar Iba aaaae of m

Blted Olaaa Ooapaay a larga awabae of ia.-iori.sin

Pennaylranla, Ba tam Oblo and iwiiana had loibruel f,,r tbe eoaduet of thetr baataeea. II a

laaded that the Inerttable nnlt wouM be theof the other faetnrlos btto one or laa ether «»oombtaattone, or <-\s* to tum a ooaabtaattaa « "*"

own. Tba optaloa of Ibaaa praaaat waa (hai »

wtaeet eouno waa Ia la*Bn co-nperation fronTtltcrles of the natnral gaa br|t. aa they all OBjoyaopractieaiiv the aaaae adTaaugaa. Thta piaaadepted aad tba anaaliaHoa waa fonaei

BBdar the nam* of the Oblo and B»

dona Wtodow-otaaa Aasoefattoa. Tnomaellart. of MnnriP. ind.. waa eleeted PW"*.aad M. O. Babar, of rtndlay, eecretary aad treaauw

it waa reaofeed by tbe new aoaoelaaon » ^opaeala with Iba Plttabarg aaaaelatlon In aaMt^aaaaaj,i,e prfcea adopted by tbat organJaaJfaa M M

meotlag. a propotltlon to |ola a eomblaatlon ofaa

,,,. |HMa raetorle. In tho tfaltod Btatea toaod a»ul oui.forelga (npurtatbnniwaa

ccpted, althougb tho mauor waa ool aM.iiu

Srted/aiKl wtTl eomaap eaata at the next m

of tbe eeaoclation, whk* wfll be held laibia,,,.., |Ml wodneaday In paaaaibar. Thi "."> ^ ...,*U* pool aoheme waa nol embraced at ti

he tnabllltj to onlto all the roncwni In »

-,,t:;^:'!'S;llJ;;0;,Siu.;:rt::¦;,:.u:-^i^>o^i-'>ovoreome. f.

Chleago.KoT. 13 ffpaelal).^rba TJnItedGlaaa Ooav

r,anv, of Byraenao, B. v.. ba. aforbod *&?**rtbar glaaa maairfaetartng ""-"JJ^fSIhe eoontry, and reetorday tbe matn ofBeea of w

new eombtnatloa were removed to Chlcago, aad

u.,.,, m the mammoCh Audltorwm BalMlBg...,.,, ,;..,-, ,,,. ,, a truat." ald IrYeoldeal T. i>.

Catlta, tM. morning. "XI !."'< a truat *e

;,,,,,! thal by asaoelatlng together we can oalw

, ,.,v..t deal ebeaper. We are worbtoi! lor tbe ipoopto,iU;,i eaa gtre tbeca ebaapoe glaaa, aad are aatag *

W. are lOlBgtomafce gla » cheap that the forelga

produet win be BbtU oat. The tarfat halpa us ¦ that



ITMI fsl. WAI EB sl I'l'l.V PBOn T.

Aih.i.v. \-.v. ia (gpeelaD. Tbe elty olat eagaged in a atoaggle for Ita wator aappty

ihat is attraettng wldi attanlkm. Theof importaaee to that elty k

Btaneatelea Labe, alxtaea mllea fraai Pyraoai "'

.. t tbora tbat elty. i\.<- baba bt orar .Tbrougb Ita oatlet It b one of tiie fw*i ¦

i. nofeorer, luppttaa wator

of Ita atoal baportaat dlvlalona, aamety the i\j\,\. In eonaeqaenre ol tbbt, Buffalo, tbe bead of

Erle i ai::.l. I. oppoaed to Bj.-

nlao, wl. memberi n eaneatly fawwoi the ] .¦ aaal, have oontdbated Ibelr oapo-

tttloo ta tas projeet.Tii.i-'v ;.ii theae oppoatng tatenaai aaal befoi

naal Board Ia Iba AaaembJy parlor. Tbe bal Ul.itnif paaaod aa ^'t granttoi peratlaatae t«> tbe Boardto aatboriae Pyiaoaaa ta aaba tbe Bkaaeatolei ¦.

aaatae for Ua aapply. Bal tbH peeaalaatoa aaa aat yalboea giaiiloil Bytaeaaa waa layeeatatad by a bt|dilrgatlnn hoadml by Magor Kiik, gaaatoe BaaaMcba,n-Jndga Qooaga V, Ooaaaaaeb; Aaaaaablyana-eleelBowart «;. Wblaa, WUBaai A. Ueach, Cotteetor ofint«Mnai Jiovenue; Cbaitea gtooa aad Beary J. Mnwry.Tbora eaaaa ftaat BaffaJa ta appoaa la aafUeaabalBoaaga i i.iii. a. ]vre>Ment of tba Caaal UaJaa, as.( oagreaaaMW DaoJel n. Loebwood a::ii Qaaaral reteri. Doyto, ¦¦ Boart heaid argumeata all day ln op-po^tion to glvlna 8yr»cu»e the rtgtt ta tabe¦j he i aaa d ado bj 01 Judge George P.Comstock, if Syraciuse. s;i -i ln oppo.-J-ilon from CJeorpe Unton aod Danlel .v. Loebwood, olBuffalo; from t.rgo II. Harrow., rcpntenting prop-prtj ownor. "'i Kkaneateleti Lahe; a .¦¦ |{ann<*j nf

>l nar, ol .': N*o« Toi i.K^rhange. All th« »pe. rt thal If theof the labe wa. eul od from Brie aaal thal cai Urulght be eliaed.

The Uoard to morrow wtTJ lur^n to tbe ofbenator Itendrtck. and ottcra, of Ryracuae, who favorthe pn.Ject.


AXOTHJ.K TA3UL0V8 BSTATE 7.Y "KXQUiTD.Ot Loois, Niiv. ia (Speclal B pi.ntattvea of tho

Haba famlly, who b» clalm to aa Bngllah oatate Inebancery, ralued al *: »,( 0,000, leave bere for London d al weeh prepared to prore thelr Identlt] andaecura tbe eatata, In 1840 llerman Voa Bake dledraddanly ln Blrmlngbam, England, learlng ao lm-menee oatate and ao wOL The propertji eo(hictiy in ahlpptng uitereata, Mr. Van Bake inatlve of Bolland, wbere bo bad an beir ln a nepbsw.Tbe Court of Chaneery dlacovered that the nepb mwa. dea I, and tbat two loni ¦ l emlgratod to Am r. ».\.n:":; at. .-rnf.t-s WOM ni.i !.¦ tO Bnd the .io:iB lnAmerlea, bal thoj faltod untU a year ago, Beora aRoekweU, a London nnn of aoUeltora, auceeedlng lnBndtng tba brotb?ra bero. They prarad to btbelra, bnl Beera d'ed ln this rountry before be badan opportuolty to r port In Rngtaod. Tho two Vonllakes wbo cane froai BoUand to m Louli

av ay, bul thej l< fi foui tona, wl o ive btfgefamillei aud who are now tbe betra. Tho»! foungmen pushed the.r rlalmi vlgorousty aad reeentl] re-m\ <t ;i < abio dlapati i. a>l;liit; thom to report ai'onco

Ia 1a>iii|oii.

n/f.vKs srui: wkjiows JtOBMWD uiu.Bbtnlngham, Ala., !for. i:;..a dlapateb ta "Tba

\.' hterald" from BulUgaat, the naareat tab>giaaliofflce tu Veenoa, Ihe eoantyaeat of hatnar County,

l of a bold robbety early Ium aighi Two beavftyamed nen rode up ta the bouae of Mr. Baauaera, ameichant at Veraon, and aabed bua tu go to bl. atoraand tat them bave toaie barlal Batarlal for a. peraoawbo had ]ual dtad out ia tba ooaatry. Mr. guaunenua them into the itota, atraek a lirfit. aad tunad Ma-k what parttoalar artteiea tba bmw alabad Bowaa aurpHaed io Bad bhaaalf taoktai dowa tberebj oi -i hdg rerohner. Ia abedlonea to btatnbe opeaed bia aafe and gava tbe robbaca §400, all bebad, Btddmg btn |ood olght, tboy rada away. Aparty ol rltlzen. foUowed them aoveral asitaa ln pur-uhI ttii m- <1 baok. he roblieraare nuppost^i u, be Kube Burrow. and hi- parttierliurroa > home l- onl* aevon > from Vernon, parenta llva tbera.

PPICIDB tO BK AFB POTaTBTT.eago, \ov. ia fopeeial)..At a lat« hotir last

. polloeaaaa waa attraetad to a bouaa oa Bbafnafctava by ta orle ol ahflaraa, Be aaterad aad!"""'1 ;i Bttle | ii. flre \-.-u- obt, and ¦ tbraa :¦.

thetr mothec, They ware tabun to tbemorgua aad ihown tbe body of ¦ hund-omo womaa,tblrtj Bve jrean obt, who bad ooaamlttad aah Ae b]

o the rlver. Tboy at oaoa ktentlaed bermotbor, Mr». Roaa Baaa. Mj Haa '« hustiandha. h"-:i bllnil for the Uul tbree yean, and «». l.m-tv

keni to ihe poorbouae. The famlly ware ln deatltnte[¦iirunistaiu©», :in,\ dMpoadeocy N auppu*wt to ha\oDoea tbe auaa of thn v.anan'b aet

BgOiPTira WMOM A WCMMIMQ tOBOOL.LouUvMe, Ky., iroT, 13, Tba Keotaeky CM

ago, at .\orti. MkbUetowa, Ky.. wai'-i bj Ore early tbla moralag. Tba papflai ln thelr Dlghtetattiea. Tbe Mbool /.ad ra

led and a Bna bulMlag of Bfty rooau"'' '"' L. |;, 00; uuurance, gT, ,oo, in tbatkojai and Korth Aaterfeu Iiuairaaoa Company.


''.'' him; PSOhl t PIBTOI tBOt.1 r, ,i ....... ta. Ofaaat Vwt OaMaa

Wardall, a boaaa palatar, uaat algbt, fcytag'" tba ddewalh aaar LeUad'a Ooaaa Botat, wtsb ¦''' t-bOle :;: U.e Ejght BtdO of bbj bOOd. Waid'Hdi d beforedayllgbt A aarolaaf wu faaad aaae alavjle uovee w*i kaowa ta baaa bad a platal of aay knatIIm uii, aad aoa ihe ai Aaban Pwrk Uiinied wa.a boavy drlnker. Tbe plaee where Ijo wa* fawad ifibon dlataaaa fraaa ihe »pot wbem BebaeiBaaUMaa wa* murderwl noartf twa yean* Bfa

0JTB OI W. ;. BOOfPI «"«/. Ht:.i:> OLOBBD.Bbaaaakta, Paaa, Bor, in. Tbi Bktbor] k.-i

aaaa, wbhsb is owaad by 8T. '.. Beata, aaa aaaaaaad doporattooi ind Batialy. h ta aaaaaaaf thelllrjiorv Bwaaoy BUaa wiil al»o ahut dowa. Tbe eanse

i- u.e dulne*. oi U.e cbal uad» io U»o \Ve»t.i'ivo Lundrod ui*u at* out of w^rk.






IBT IBlMaUni 1Um TklBCSE.]CbJeago, Nov. 13..The proaeeation In tho

Cronin tri;ii reated ita eaa Ihla afternoon. nnd on

Satarday the rrfdetKB of the defance arifl begln.Tli;it l',u )<,.. (iSuilivun and OoafbJiB will endeaTorto eaeape the gallowi by proring an aUM is wellknown, liut tho whola tnachiniM-y of the St.iteItanda rendy to robut any manufaetiired t«ti-nuny. In ipaakiBg of the ca*o out of court, JudjrcEongpnerU-»r BaJd:

"Obji eaaa is made, nnd wo nat it. wlth thecnnvietion that no amount of porjtiry or intimida-fh n ean defeat the ends of juftfaa nnd preventtha thrce rmn. Cougklin, O'Sullivan and Burke,from hnn^ing.-1 '

"How abont Bcgfl nnd Kunz?"" We do not cxi>eet, neithar h ive \ve ever rx-

pected, to haag Knni. Ha bad gniliy knowiedgeof many thlage, waa aa aoeeaaety aad o tool, toa acrtaia extent, '""' on leneral prlneiplea ahanldhare at leaal ton yeara, Begga'a oaae. is a peonliaione. iie is Indlcted as a moabet ofthis eoneplracy and I will admit that evidencethoj far aj M him has not bcen OOBeloatTC.It is. however, for the jury to mnke tip the verdict."The latt Witaeai la the Cronin trial yeater-

day afternooa waa axfoBeeman Brown. Hais uLso aa e\memher of the Clnn-na-Gael. Hev. is aeked whether or not ha utefeiiod ehargea

-' Dr. CroBia lo 1885, tha Statc Attorneyexplalntng that he propoeed to ahow by tha witnenithal this waa a taot; that " Dan" Conghhn waa ¦nembCff of tha trial committeo, and thiit Dr.Cronin waa expelled from tiie orgnnization. Tholofdcal oonaequenoe or tho kdmlaaton of this lestt.uioiiy wm a oomplete Inveatlgatioo of tho Cfauvaa-Gael, ,-it. laaat) so far a.s it ooold bo made to¦how eaaaa ior anlmoaity againal Dr. Croninon the part of any of the prtaonera al the '>ar.This ofler ted to tha moat earnMt and protraetcdargnment between eonnaa] for the St;ite and coun-w>l for the defeneo that haa yel taken ptaee durins?the tri:if. Ncarly every lawyer engaged in the

.. 00 eithcr .side bad aomethlng to say. andthere naa mnch platn tpeaking. When the oooriwaa aalled this morning the Jndge annoanced hisoptnlon that tho teatimony of Offtoer Brown on

the jioiists Btenttoned by tho Btato Attorney waa

Inoonipetent, and he raled it. out, This, deeieion,of eoane, rendend any fttrther attentpt to examineOffloR Brown fniile, and Offioer HoKJanon, ofyYInnlpeg, waa recalled. He i«->t iti<-<i that Burketon* him he had Mnumed the oame of J. W. CooperbPUt^t two men were wntcblng hitn. .

"The Uat wa« offered in eridenoe yesterday,"aaid Hr. Forreat, "wlth eortain marka on it.My clienta teOa mo that he oev'er pnl thooe markaon, and I have an objectJon to the state usingany meani to eraat that tnk io find oui whatw;is onder it.''

" I don't iliink you onghl to any anything abontthat ;it preaent," aaid the Court.

.. I objeet," oontinned Hr. Forreat, to Ita goingLu e\ idenoe."

¦. lt, baa ool gone In evidence," rephed the Jud«e." lt has merely been Idantifled."

After aome unimportant aitneaaea were taamlaed, the boarda >:ut from the n< <>r of the Car]¦on eottage were offered and adntitted In evidence,in Rplte of the objectiona of the defenoe.

\h- Prankenflald, the Bignal Bervioe ufticer here.waa <m1Io<i to the atand, and prodnelng his offidalrecord, taatlfled that from nudcdghl of Hay 3 to(idnlght of May 4 the aky waa cloudleM.TWa aftetnoon Btato Attorney Lonircneekrr

¦aJd In \a->v f the '!oui t'a ruling in the mat-t«t <>t evldecee as to dolnga of the Can-iia-Gaei,the S;ate would only put one mon witneaa1 on theutand .1 tnan Him d Clancy, from New-York. Itwm fln tllydecided toadjoum until Saturday morn

*>.i r.v/i/h-iTV ir.t//.vt; CA8K

Htlwanker, h"ot. 13..In the gupreme CSourt at

yeaterday argumenl «.xs made In Ihe nnl-veralty kaalng cmo. Teehnteally the proceedtngto quaah the arrlt -,f prohlbltton twued by theSupremeOourl forbkUlng Jadge Kay«, of the HadHoa Hpai Court, from Impoaing a penalty for eontampl ofeanri on B. u Long, the atudenl who refuaed to benrorn and t., teattfy In the hazlng toveadgatton..s. a. Phaney, one of the toadlng lawyere of Wlsconaln,appeared for Jadae Keyn, and made a mMterlj ar-

ciiinenl favorlng quashlng. Colonel \Uaa, px-berrnin,,' of the Interior, repmented the itndenta. Ihecourt t.H.k the mattor under advuement.


1 .VKiV BOTI OYl-U ilii: TKXPER IgOB EOBPTIXL.icago, N'ov. 13.- Dr. Mary WmIu Bumetl to>dajttn. n. m. Barkori ona of tha toadert of ihe

Woman'i Chrlatiaa Temporann Dnlon, u>r W5,000for alander. Laat weak tha doetor brought iult

.,-..( two other offlelahi of IheWoman'i ChrUtlao Temperanoe Unlon for 850,000,

groood that a olreular whkh they had aenl

oal Boaearnlng the maaageaaBal of the NationalTamperanoa lloapital wa fatee, awuelou and tnwllouaand bad Inlured hei reputatton. To day -

kuII la practlcally ba«ed on the »ajne charge. »n.urillard'i catue >gali>«t Mr

Uurnetl and aaid In the conventlon that aho believ(«the ei all rlght. J'ho suit i» tho reaultof ber l-wiiurk.-,.

OCEAX Pm grOCXHOLMM IDbbTP.Loag Braaeh, Nov 13 (apee'aU. Tha aannal moat*

tagof the atoekhoklen of the Loag Bnaeh Oeean PtoiOompaay wm h-ii yMterday. A. A Dame,Bhaffer, Wiglaai Oatman, B. a. (,'aintard and Ckartoaw. ii.M, all of kTew-Yorki and *7ama Lalaod, Jr..the proprtotor of LMi Boto* at LoagBraneh, wen eleetod dlnetora. Tha wmpaay wm

paj a dnddend of 4 perntont. Tha a" Board of

ton eleetod WllMam Oatman, tko arilHonairabutchor, of New Vork, pis'sidni; A. A. Daoo, aae

.. and CkariM w*. Bakf, traoaarar. Prank atTaylor wm re-oleeted aup*rlntpndeni ol th« !".''. "

wm announced that th« Iron Bteamboal ompany oi

N p Vork, whleh has the exclu«lva rlght to M

laaong ri at the Oeean Plor, wooM tna niore boat«


BOBBIBLB y l-.'.VK IT i BAJWIW.raodhary, B. I., Bor. 18. al 10«0 thU morning

JoMph kf. BOhnaa wm kaaaad la tha eoreMor of the

eounty jaii bera, tor tha anuaat of Beman aaatomann,i Pouab podler, ta Bofaajbor, 1888. Taa aaoaa CatMlo Ughtoe, and tha lopa attpped areanl eo the waatebedmaa'i aoek. He aroaaad and shrioke<i, and

flnalh lueeaaaad ta fraofag hli aaada hutilriemlyaUno.1 to roaek taa lopa. The atroggleUetod for two or thrae "«n»^A5»%^nh",K

,.,,-. under the chln. .>f,'.,/..,'f' " ,' ',Lhe phyUclana annotinead that the hearti had ct-aawt

to beat, and ton mlnutoa later the bodj »as lut aown,?

A TAMM1 WIWI WJfW-iaratsga, Bor. II (a^Ma^.^onanrlllo, m this

eoaoty, a aaelaad o»« wlnrt bM tho aapaaraiK* o« o

nnrderoua polaonhig oaaa Bmart Jiuap, » fanaar,

dranh a gUM of etder kaaaad to kha by laaoe Oountor,aaothar nwavar. Be iboftly aftarwaal ifad In tembie

agoay. Dr. ahudga, aha iatoBded tho dytng man and

koard his itataaaeat, lafmadtataly «*.* ¦»¦".«thoglaaa, In whlch ba *~'&J*n&&£%mCounter and his wlfe han bad « .nunbe . <ui

rulttoi aud be MMrta that Juinp wm taa eaaee of alltheff troohlee.


aTIOIDBPtri m nMMTt WBBAO.Beatoa, Bor. 18. J. " Bta" **" Jf g

under efiaaawtaaeai al aaoalaw aadaaaa. ror ayaar

hoaad baaa a wlarerfraai Brlghfb «aaaae. Oflatoi ¦UIm li.aaed aad anaetod atm to weh a d

that.m taa iraaalai of attod aad bodj ha

«.IH^lUjnf-mSiVlllyiV'uM'-'pn^.riu'^rnama-ial ^ '

^ £aaaodatton1 wlth th", V*"k1"^ i hu Ltithaidel Itiarer, who made him o<*> of hlt wutteea.

WaW.IOMEMM §fU i* t*>* FLAWt.anogaa, Paaav, Bar. U !.»."«* T!l" s'"rk of ,hp

Hewa.t lM,n fompany, <"»« of tho "'" ' v lll"»b'«

baa alaaai to Ha anoaaaB" \ai>, ha- baao pby a aaaahM af Claveland aad anaraa «p

Itaaata. Tho new Hoard of MaoBgjow vtl bnaaaaFa^-etta BfWWa, Haivey Brown. B. D. Hickok andU. P. Ciiau»b*rs» of clevdawl, and bamuel Ucthutb

Of this p'-v*. The plant laetttdea a rolllns mlll. twofiirnaes with a raparity of 80,000 <>f Irot. peryear, thlry aona Of groaad, a larire Bttaabar of com¬pany h in ..- and a coke plant of 190 ovrns ln PeyettOounty, Ibl. state. Tho s>toek waa bought from New-Vork capliall.U.



Arasterdam, B. Y., Nov. 13 ihpeelab..Owin/ torom-

pllratiotis giawhag out of tho assignmcnt ajid forgerle*of Daatal Caraatabaal, bt. beueher, aa-lfajroe John< arnUobaai »»> fcxead to make an aaatgaaaeal todtapfor tho baaail of eradltara ta Jaaaaa T. sstcwart.

It b aMatalOOd that the llabilitlos are large. Car¬miehael eoawattod to talce this step by suits

bioagat agateal bba by Barvay, Kennedy <t co.,New York mervhants; the Xatlonal Hank, Alb-uiy;Canajoharie National Hank and I'tira Clty XatlonalHank 10 racoaat the face value of notes bearing his

tadoryeaaeat Carmiehael has taaaafafted all hu

ptaperty, both real and pereoaal, to Btewart, andstipulates that after the prefcrml rredltors are paldthe aaal hhall be applied for payment of notes in

dorso.1 for Danlol Parmfcibaal Botaa are out bearinghis namo to tho amount. of #100,000.Tho aaoaad, elass prefenvd creditors tnelude tho

liist National liank. AmeterdAm, four notes of 88,880aoeb, Wttb lnterest; Farmers' BatiOBal Hank. Amstor-

daaa, aoeaa aoMMattag n> BBOvOOO aad hatareut; thepaper, botb good and apartoaa, apoa whleh the name

Of John Carmiehael appeaps as indor.ser for DaatalCarmiehael WfU agglBgala *li:>,o<>o. Tho NationalBxebaaga Baak, Afbaay, at wboaa laataaca Daatalcannhh.iei waa aieaatad, aaa 884^000 wortfc of paperbeartag batoneaeeate of deaiers in waii paper wi.ichare alleged to havo been foigod. OtbOf < arml.haelpaper is dMnbuie.l as fottOWBI Canajoharlo NationalBank, 18,000; Bobawk Btaar Baffoaal Baak, Pt aaa,15,600; Bebaaaatady Hank. *rt,ooo; OtovararlBaNational Baak, 12,500; Utfca Clty National Bank,10,000; Uarvoy, Kenuedy .v <o.. New-York, rv.OOO.Tbe National Bank and tl- Ctl.-a Clty National

Baak bave begun erlmkial proeeedlnga agalnal DaatalCarmiehael at Uome, B. V.. aad John Carmiehael ha.sbeen subpoonaod to appear before the Qraad Jury lnthai elty to-morrow. John Carmiehael waa the BratMayor of thla elty and has hetd rarknii other loealoffleos. Ue l. a dlrector of tbe Parmera NationalHank Unaterdam. Deieetlva Latham^of Utlca, cameto tm.terdam today with paper. to aarve unon Car-mlohael l.«ied at the Inatanee oi the Ctlca Clty Bank.\- ( armfchaat is in the cnetody of aa Mbany do-lectlvo Latham oah do nothlna but walt for his i:¦ oei!.mount of Carmiehael'. paper, good and bad, outai tl titne of tho diaoovery of tba forgaiy Ia eenatatodat tAlTTMOMB TOBAOCO MBBOHABt ABBB8TBD.

Balttmora, Bov. 13*.Bmfl B. Weaek, a aaatoe tataaf tobaeee ia this elty, was arn-ste<i yaataaday, on a

preaentmeal by the Qraad Jary, rharging him withobtalatag BCO,000 froaa Alexaadar Browa A Boaa,bankera, aadee fais> pretencea, Ball waa Baad at

B10.000, whleh waa fiirtiished. It Ia siat.^t t.hai laat

Beptomber 120,000 waa borrowed from tba iiaukingfirni by Weaek, wbo ptodgad wareboaaa raaotpai for

tobaeco as eollatoral aaearity. Buhaaonaatty he wltb-draw ihe oerttftoataa from the flrm an<i gare bia notes.

BuUartng at dlfforenl datea, for tho loan. Wenekhad fiaaaaal dealtngi wttb the baahara, but eavee ho-foro for Mich a larpo sum at ono tlino. BubaeqaaaUy,U Is KtaPsJ, the bankliiR flrm ascertaiaed that tho

rertlHeates were held by Weaek slmpiy as agent, and

belonged to peraona ta Barope, ta wboaa tbe tobaeco

wa. ibtpped, afn-r the nrtitleate, had bOOO WttbdiaWB.The note-, (riven by Wenek were not pafct. and oaMonday an attaebment for 030.000 ln a eivll .ult forihe amount «u> siasi oui by tbe bankera, tollowcd bytbe pre»entment by the Orand Jurjr. YeeterdayU'encK executed a <le.s| of tnist for fh« benlit of hiscredltors. The bond flled wa. for .+J.«>oo. Indlcattngaotwt. of #1,000. The llablliiie,, Inciudlng the elalinof tl.e bankera. aro sald to be BSB.OOO. Wenera coun-

^el sav- he doo. I>o4 tl.ii.k the charge agalnst his ollentwill amount to muoh.


KB1BBT8 Of T.iBOK EB AMMVAIt OOWTWXTIOB.Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13..The moruln- aaaatoB of the

Knlghts of Labor waa dovote»l to tbe submission ofne v matter to be ronsldenjd later. Tho Oenoral As-

aaaably hiw tholr work ln botter condltlon than over

before, owlng to the Law Connnittee havlng prepat^l(is r-porf bofore Uio Aisombly opeinnL This BBBaaBBgthat reitort was reached, and a few unlmportant lawaa. upoa, Ona faafara of the report whleh win baitrongty pu-!'<i is the poetal aarfaga bank lyataaa. At

taday*a aeaelOB Ba* worda "of Amertoa" ware droppo«lfrom the name of the oiganlialtoB, ataklag lt now

¦Imply tho Knlphts of Labor. This was dono at tln;

requeat of Aseambty Bo. 808, of Blrattagbam, Bagtaad.The addmaaea of Beeere. Pawderly and Hayes ware

¦ubmltted. The aftaraooa aeaaton was derotad to

tba trlal of Boaaar BoOaw, of Pttlabargj who waa

proaeeutod by Jamea CampbaU, praafcleal <»f the

Wtndow-Olaaa aa^rbara' 'Aaaoolattoa. BeOaw taOdltor of a trado paper ln Plttaburg, and made hlin-

¦elf obnozloua to Oaapbefl by ebargfag bbn wttb a

vlolath n ol tbe AltoB Contract L.alior law. To-nlght¦i Dubllc meetlng wa- hei.i at the Court Bouae. Hokabinlth dolivered tba adOrea. of wekrome f« Oeprtla,and Mavor c.lonn and ex Mayor Cooper ior Atlanta.Xhe rwponaaa were by (iraml Maatar Powderly andother toadera.

.1 wmVUQ PABTX BBBTg WTTB -t-V A<cim:sT.

Carbondale, Pean., Nov. 13 (SpeetoJ)..An aeebtoalbappened thla aftornoon al Waymart, .six mltoa fromthii <ity, ln whleb Bve peraona were eerkmety ta*jurod and one poaalbly fataUy. A party of twenty-ihree from thla clty were on thelr way to a weddlngtwo mllea oatafcloaf Waymart Theopea baa to whlehthey were taken waa orerloaded, and about a balf-mlta from Waymart tbe rear azta anapped, arartara-lag the 't.ns aad tbrawlag tl.e beavy ioa.1 oal wttbgroal toiea. ihe accuir-nt ooeurred ao auddenly that

all of tbe party were thrown on thelr beada, Bra.Robert Baxwell, an oM tady, waa thrown agatnat a

pj oe oi Iroo oa tbe "baa, the btow fraeturtng bor iknlLl«en who luatalned aarioua wounda were Blaa

x .,ie BcBIUan. faoe and acalp eat: Biae Jean Bo-\i i n fae« cui and brutaod; Un. Prank B. Burr,«rn, w'ronched aeveroly; Br.. Waahtogton Burr, faco:!' h.artrut- Mra. J. R. Bbepbard. face eut. Theladlc. .ulfeml al»o imm the ahock and ft-.m tho welgl.tot other- who wero thi-own on them. boveraj other.were .UghUy hurt aii tba anfortuaate aaopta are

.A.ii known bara-?-

/OBBI mubdeuj:d A WBOLB FAMJLT.Charleston, S. C, Nov. 13 (Speclali.-The tlfth trlal

of k. T. foaea, tbe Fjipt'.eid murdarer, ta now m

pitigres, at ^lgeiieid Ooart Boaae. Boaaa Bae or six

rear. ago Jaaaa, wiio matri^i a Bba Praatoy.aigarad at bta wlfa»a lalattaaa. Be took bia ibotgunand threo or four butclier-kiiivw and WOBt OUt tatothe lkld ft-hero his father lu law. jwo aavaaty, ajid his

threo biothei-sln-law were at work. Jone< sot up a

nmnon ¦hattolr, muraorlaa his aged fatheedataw and

Xhermg bta ihree brotber.-lndaw. He tbea aar-,',.,,,! hlmaelf. Flvo tlm« Jonw haa been brouaht. .,,ai and eaeh ttmo he haa eecaped by a imstria

.' 1. KdgefleW I- ImparUally ad.nintMepl.Twenti'-flve lynchera of Culbroatb were paver ealtad to

aooount, and Jonea. the auadrupto murderer. haa thaat^r got fraa, and win doubtli m e oapa »e0t naa,


t.v IOBDBALBB OBAMBD H'ir/f rOMBBI.Roebaatar, V. v., Nov. i3.-Ti.omas Boalaoa, forav

erty of the frm of i orawoll >v Boalaoa, lee aaalar,but mora raeaaUy eagagad m tho bbbm baaiaaaa alone.

li obargad wltb aataral forgerios. u w aftoged Ibalba toaged the namo of his fotmee partaar, Oaocga UCorawatt, to arreeal aaaai aayabta to htaaadf, atao,1,,. narna of his brotbar, Bamael Boutaaa, tba aoai

toetarar, as taaaraar. Wbea the notes feii daa,(1..v were proteetad, and deelarad toraartaa. Oaknndai It is aiie-'ed, Thomaa Boulton t.n.k a trafn forn;.'.; yo,L it baa not yel beeo lear.l bo« mam

Dote. bave beeu fowd, but thelr an.ouut ls estimatedat 1-H.VXH)._0

i.iSD OBDBD BX I*BB OBJFPBWAB.St. I'aul, Nov. 18..A dlapateh to "The Pioneer

Prete* fr»m the Varmlllioo Roaervattoa, ¦ HoethetaBioneaota, aaya th<" Botaa Porta Cblppawaa bave ac.

repted the prouoaMoM of the OovaraaaMti

through tbe C Ippaa i Oommlaataa, In ragard u> taktaglajMla ln severalty, and for thla paraoaa havo lededto the Daltad btat'Xi thelr raaerrattoa, embiatdngabout UOjOOO aets^s. They were Ignorant and luapi ial ad for the of a BebOOl ou-er\ all >!i.

- ?-

rwo uobb riCTiut oy tkb buuamd.Penv'-r, Nov. It, \ dlapateh from Tr.ntdad, (ol.,

iaye: -it Ia taaraad to-algbl that Br. lvtter aad bta.on left their luneb for thla U.wn thiru<eu days ago

lor n.oviMon.. Batblni has beeti Mtf*?*itt5(tneoj and lt ta bupp«.*ed they wore lo»t ln the un*

aard._ -»

.4 WMIMJTrT ariuvi'if svsk.Calro, ui nov. is. Tho ktoamor OraaBa **+«

the (uicmnatl and Meu.phi. i'ackal i . mplQ ¦ -

at Qraad Chalo. at aJ^Jt51^a«ria%0 "»«** *»eight fo-t of watar, .¦» a» . "^a.

¦_o bold*



PERSUASIVE EI.OQIT'.NI E 081 NEW-ORLEANS.The World's Fair 18,888,888 jruarnntc* ftind

rcoeived a tnighty impetus townrd the 84,000,000point yesterday from a plcdgo of auhsrripfionJfrom the hrewera of New.York and it» vicinityaaaaanahag to $44i>,ooo. The eegalar monthlpnicetmg af the BrewerV Board of Trade waa heldatt No. I Irving Pkaoa in the afvrneon, all of thesixty-two llrms aotafHrfBf it bcing rvpresented.On motion of Peter DoHgor. jr., it was unani-

motisly voted to a.s>.css the brewene.s ar the rateof Un. ccnth a OBHtl on thoir outpnt for the ycn«ending May l, 18Hfl. This a-sessment will pro-durc 1448,080. Mr. Deojgag ahw movml that thaWorld's Fair Finance Cornmitftv be told of theaetion of the Baatd. Accordingly a 1<*H4T to thatelTect was prcpared and forwardcd, wuich addedthat:The Indlvldual aubscriptlons ot the varlous meraber*

of th'? orcantzatlon aro now belng accured. and wtthla!l).^ aaat forty-elght hours, wh«'n the eollectlon 1* eotn-

pletel, they will be turned over to your Board. TheBoard furthrr prnmlsn to add to th* above aubacrtptloafmni parti.-s IMeraaOed In the brewlng lndu»try whoai aet aaaaaen of this Board af Taafa, and thi». in »Uprohabillty, will awefl Ihe t»tal of our contribution ta

atxw* half a itilllhm dollars. Tho eubecrlptlon aboyelOtollOg to ls condltlonal in thl* re«pe<-t. that the aob.

lerlpUM Baafo i»y Oaarap Bhrat, »iyooo, by JaenkRaapara, and aaaahahMf t Beaaaaa,, becanocllei. thWr contrtbutlons belng inclulod In the tub-aorlattoa of this Board of Trade.

The firms hclnnging to The Brewere' Board ofTrude and subject to this u.vsessment are aa fol-lovvs:The Jneob Ahles Brewlng Cr., BeaditsUin O Woete,

Bmakahaai a Hi.hmid. PaM BaaM, iio nurr RrewinaCa., the ii. ClaaaM * s.m kaawkai <o., jow-ph Doeieev-*Btaa, Petai Deataar, taa Pa. * Wav Ebiin* RrewincCa., Oaaiaja fkiet the John EtrhlT Brewlng l'o.. theHy. Elloa nwwtog <'«'.. A. Flnrk * Son. M. Groh's Sone.j. a ai. Huifin, gaa Jaaafc Beaaaaai kaawnai Co.. a.HvafaPa Baa, the j. c. <;. Bapfal Br* Co., tho John Kr, M Bnwfag to., Jo»pbKuntz, Havii Miyit. naMHak Oyaaaaaaaaj U-, BaaagaBlaajet A Cu., Jaeeh i:ui>i»-r(, aaa f t K. sohaef^riir'win)? (.>>.. PhUlp Baaaeta t s.m,. BakaalM k .s>h»anen>.tiu.i'i, Oaaiad Btato, tii» Oeatga Whaaa Rr«»in(r Co.,IM D. <;. XaeajgUaaj j.. Brawlag «". ahaap z-ioier,ih.' Beekaaaa Braaiag Co.. Momoe Eraau'in. Ruhsum AHorraaaaa, the Aobott, Braaiag OaL, the Bu(t»ei»erllruwlnx Co., tho Burtfer 4 Howar Brcwlng <¦>.. Hanen-h«T« it Ootoa, Eaaahatd Vvfig. tho faaaah Faiiert Brew-ii i... OkaetM IMaa, <uui linbor. tho a. Uakaaaaafa

:. ¦,[,,. .... laM Uaataa*a Bnaney, MaaaajataaaiBrewlng Ca>, Maltiat ltr,.*., P, MaMh, oi)'>rmi>jn-r ai.i»Mii:iuti, BraeatOeba, H. i»- Bckaraaaaa N. heiti'* son,Wllllam Lin.i, WeU 4 aerwoeB, th.- \Vi!iiuiru*ur«Brewteg Co., Ballaaflne A Oa., 0. laapaaaaa, (;-T«'aEaMrpriat Btewtog Ce., Peter Hama A c'o., JntvhBaaatar, vnillaai Hiii. Oettfihig Krueir.-x, Mr«. ChrUUanTraht, Daatal iiiymi>. BJItUam i'''ter, Bafaa Br«wu»gCu.. Mra, ChiiiUiia Hrauu, ^p!atCer A MeaaaL

Qndat tlies'' asscssnients the breweries will betBXed from 11,000 to 840,808 aooh, the Latter aumheing aaaaanad agtiinst GeatfO Ehnva, whosc out-

put for the y«ar was 4uit,000 barrels. Thebrewariea are aitaated in thia dty, Br.ioklyu,Long latand Crey« Btaaaa laaaart, Hoboken, JeraeyCftj and Newark. The Board latenda to obtain,if poaalble, MbaerJptiana ol ahauaat proportionafrom the breweta of aloa aad porter, bobo of whichare mcluded in tlie ¦.hlfhlp of Uie urganization,whieh is coutiued exclu&ively u> tho lager haagiuu^rest. The lorm of asaessment adopted aagahaajaaoh tirm, whether doiag u lar«e or stnall huaineaa,to subscribe accordi.ig to its transactiona.

Ywtertlay's subseriptions U> the guaranu* fand,incluling the umount usseas.*d oa tho brewere,nggwirate $431,614, as followa:The Brewari ..41?,,^m>.ArnokL Coiiiublc t C'u. f!v »2iD. 0. A 0»d»«» mw».»..-wS. Y. Mutual (ias Llght Co. JX'aSBerabelmei £ &¦ hnud . V-.iTbrougfa "TM W..nd" . ''..«;; Weif.- Braee . \y''»Danie Appleton * co. g."^Jt*se Hr.Hleis, Albany . -¦*"{Katmer, Uttla A Co. -¦ "»

>, h. li- Brotaera. r-\...,,[, m,. p.. t Meuger . J."V»john .t. ti.anam. jr..:::::::::: JioJ^Osoliult/, InneaAW. .. ^i

a b. BohulU . hmNathau I. tfu.r . [[/V.""'/." {[oljo'" ma;;.;;.:::::::::::::::::::::: i:6oofe..%... . 1,000STi^Bi*,,,*.::::r.:: ^HM,,, FJdlltt A b"U.- B|Jaeob DpU. 500C Irlacher...¦.<¦¦,,j n. Roasbaeh A Bru». ^"Jjoaeph ttecht > .>".". %$l&*BmE& ?,,,t"aivUx~K,ciati^::::::::::::.: Hr;. p. futnam'a Bena.* ££|Chaae, Talbot A Cu. BMnrrla Finn. frK)Fiancla < ook."."7.1'.?.....Z «"<>Kublei V ¦s.ui''. *

*,K)i harlea H..rn. i^xb, r. wi'i.-us...._. nf. F. Ouyon ^ I o . irXpatzowaky k <o. f*'gfT'EtanMOMi Wnling- Ca."(lS *&*** BwVroer k New. BHorace B. Ely. ^\V. R. 1'^urn.,.zJ?

»lve Age PublUhlng Co. -soi: o Hnovii . n\ . Gaa in 1 Fu.-l l'ru,-...-.s . -.>o

ftenry IUm v Bon. 200Oeorge w. Herbert.. 200Rogera \: Bberwood.«. HEiihanae Prlntlna Co.-. gaaPeter IV Ilamn A Co. v*iHenry Beaay.~. Mp. Kahler 8 Sona .-. QCharlea l'. Bchlaefer...-..-...200Goorge w. Schasty.".2o0Gardnei v Wllllamaon.¦. MiJohn J. Roberta. IfJI- I. Wmg.-.~- PHWiiii.iiu H. Jacobua.-..« IfJWllllam Rtelnway i-mail eollecUona) . 100John Pnlhemus .- }\*lE. l*. Coby t Co....J°*Ik. Parka Coby..... JJJJI.. Katienateln 4 Co. . aaa\v. Gnldateln . faBH J.. Areiilarlu-. . 1°<Jin. \ Bretaera .. najConnolly Motot Co. (necwid nuh^ripthm). IMi'.rkln- ^ Co . J'*0InternaUonal Cas r. . ic«0t.lin Slelch . IfJI.andauer A Kalm. 100hr. ThOB II ¦!>mI...v . 188hr. hndrew I. IUchardson. IMThomatn t- Co. . JO

Wolfarta. M(;,Mru'' Blntn A Son . 2»li, \. taaaata.-. ¦j. J. Ki-iina.-.¦f-. m. Connolly. . 21H. J. Pieraca. .I F. Rh^ni . ¦hr I P. Janln*hl. ¦ Adams . lohr. Allen T..'vlng». JDr. Jihn W. Mnall. 10 for thodar. ...'¦. *^ai (J14Pnvioisiy Mbaeiiaed. a.otsoni

Agpregate 10 daM.'...¦ ..03.B44.S7SThe torsil of nmounts previously aubsoribeil is

ehanged lrinn the Igurea as giTen in thia onloaBByeaterday, by dednottng 135,000, iwing th< eaa>celled lahoerinttoni of George Khret, Jaoob Iiup.peti and Bernnelmer & Bchnud. and |15,400 dupll-oabrd In the annonneetneot of the aniount sab-acribed i>v the emptoyM of II. It. Claflln &. Co.

ciiiries s. Higgina, tha reptaoaaaattTa af tholoap nannfaoturing indogtrr on Ihe tieneral CaaB*mitter, roeently laaaed ¦ oall ior a neeting of thotrade 10 !... held iu the arbitiation rwim ut thepToduce K\«haii/e v st^-rday aft ..rnoon. At to'clock, ahe tippoit't'od hx>ur, Mr. Hi«gins » W'.ikI. the Intter r-prewiiting rxochMorgun's Sons A. Co., met at th. plaoe d.wignateannd wnited for other repreaentartv-es '>f th.,j,^.2to impear. No oth.-rs ame, and >>«;»«.. V. jim-and Wnrd deeidrnl to adjourn. Mr. iu^m',n,^h,versattion wlth a Trihune reporto-r. ^.^Vag,,.uppn rheau^crlption methodo in'"*£,,, chica«o,.My iin..,"' heoaR "whicb h»*f"*"*ur oonvnlwaa pul dnwn for *>.'""'n*.''J.°J*of it thi.t waheing aaked. The dratJffjf«ar 2 P* <...« ofreccivfd wm a ^WJ1i»S know that naj werethe amount. Then I let tn «

Wj> arc stm onM.lid for V* Y'fk. I f«J3JSthe Choag.'bt*»U> ror » |(fT of c.ommeree nnd

A meetlng ot j'^Jnv* will '"' held today taIndustry of N^ rTulsiana prefera as thr Mte(|,.,i,|' «!"it P<f2»ii£poaitionof 180*. Chicagolorthc Internattona. ^ (l,.|,.t.,in,.n.s at the meet^nnd St. I.ouw, 'i^nrcarnt o i>\ totegnaaai feaaaing. N»*J°S#pw. Koawtrll P. Flnw... ( ,ivm S.iluiuncev >'¦ ' 'witn-in. .i"tm < V alhoun andBriee, %Cjelegram ¦ nl by Mr Depow reads:(,t.h<-ra. ¦

o{ our oMBaalttaa. h*» pr^iwred aad aentMr «un,ei* ahtoh l traat will be read. and to It

jr.u aa m" ^^ pjaW'Tart a« the metropolla of the1 ** Llaaaaaa aaaaaaaa B . » » w.nd-aNorih Ani

^ ^ (n M%lllch.ter or nirmtnaham.

l^«L5to nraa* Mr tlaty ... VOnfte, B aaaM be

1 .ai iwuoi)».: tiw aoatf «oui.l iMagakM B .» Iuicn

maaal ««'* .» fcaaaaa or Parta or BamaNew-YoU baa ..-Iccied a Ote. *U1 ralae taa money,

ba»" (taa aocuauaodaUona; aud *» tha ew city waiak |B