New York State Digital Library 11/Gloversville NY Leader... · While this particular case involves,...

•*nm*BS I r:"sfc' '" • • • m mmm**mHm m—'—•'—~ r ^~ w PAGE 6—THE LEADER-HERALD, N.Y., Tuesday, January 22. 1957 ] Gloversville and Resident of Sabattis Asks Chambers Of Commerce Oppose Central Bid To Abandon Hamilton County Station Low Declares Defeat of Railroad's Petition la Vital Not Only to Long Lake But to Self -Preservation of Entire Adirondacks "la the New York Centra) deliberately running, or running down, passenger travel on the Adirondack Division for the pur-! pose of first eliminating passenger travel altogether ami then at some future time abandoning the division itself altogether?" That's the question naked today by A. Augustus Low of Sabattis. Hamilton County, with regard to the petitions of the New York Central to abandon Sabbattis Station on* the Adiron- ~**dack Division. Fort Pfain ''Every Chamber of Commerce from Malone to Utica should pon- der this and take such action as they fit," Low declared in ex- pressing hope that representatives would attend the hearing in I'u.a Thursday. "This is vital not only to Long Lake but to the self preservation of all the Adirondacks," be added. Low, chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Committee and one of the targe landowners in that county, expressed his views In a letter dated Jan. 11 and directed to Atty. Francis C. Steatea of Utica who is representing the Town of Long Lake at the hearing. Text of Letter The letter also states: "In this morning's New York Times I see the heading, "Central Fare Bid Asks a 6% Return." Four Accidents, S tolen Car -•-» --«•- a» tan-ems -gp IBJ ii (twatedL^ n'iiKUT Village Police Kept Busy Through Weekend By Motorists Members of the Fort Plain po- lice department investigated four accidents and recovered a stolen car over the weekend, according to reports filed in the office. Only one person was listed as injured. John L. Bartlett. Canajoharie. lost control of his car on the River Road in Fort Plain and knocked down a utility pole about 7 Satur- day night Patrolman Herman Wick conducted the investigation and took Bartlett to the office of a doctor where he was treated for injuries of a minor nature. The car was badly damaged. The antes of Harry Dtngman of Fan Plain and Myron Henry of Fort Plain RD 5. were damaged about 4:30 Saturday afternoon in an accident on Reid Street The Ding- man ear, according to a report was hit in the rear by the Henry machine. Patrolman Stanley Wood made the investigation. Two machines were damaged late Friday night when one driven by Frank Cseck and another owned by Mrs. Tbelma Lord and driven by her son, Edward F Lord, of Fort Plain, collided on West Main tenet According to a report made to Patrolman Raymond Smith. -em Center Street to past » nd bit the rear. PULLED BY THE NOSE—'*SchnoixoU- could be the name for this Air Force C-124 Globc- msster. It sports a Pratt and Whitney T-57 angina in its nose: The company Is using the aircraft as a test bad for the new propeller-turbine engine intended for transcontinental trans- ports of the Air Force. The entire forward structure of tha huge plana had to he altered for tha testing at last Hartford, Conn. 1 Police at Scene Of Two Minor Auto Accidents * 2-Car Crash Probed In Broadalbin; Others Near Northville Two automobile accidents involv- ing minor property damage were investigated by State Police from the Mayfield sub-station yesterday. Icy streets were attributed to a 2-car collision at 11:45 yesterday morning In the Village of Broadal- bin. John Carey, 14, of Highland While this particular case involves, Mills, was driving south on Second only Westchester County, the New j Avenue while Sylvan Keasler. 35. York Central as a whole has re-! of Latham was proceeding west on ceived several rate increases in re* j Elm Street Broadalbin DeNure and Chous of Civil Defense Corps to Address Broadalbin P-TA on Atomic Fallout Problem Scout Executives Will Explain Cains Program cent years and has pending addi- tional applications for high freight boosts and huge passenger increas- es. "In making application for these increases the New York Central necessarily included the expenses of Sabattis Station in its statement of operating expenses and included the buildings and improvements in : ville. Attempting to stop at the Inter- section of the two streets, the Keas- ler * chicle skidded into the path of he Carey automobile, police said. Trooper J. V. Karas conducted the Investigation. A 1-car mishap occurred at 3:40 yesterday afternoon on the Hart's Gravel Road just outside North- its fixed capital account part of its rate base, upon which it con- tends It should have a *% return. "I certainly have no objects to the Railroad Company receiving an ad- equate return, but it should not wish to abandon Sabattis Station when Its expenses have been In- cluded in the railroad's operating expenses and the Investment in the railroad company's rate base. •The New York Central, by law, baa a monopoly in the territory it serves. Having such a monopoly IT a oaf driven by Margaret Messen ger of Fort Plain RD 4 and one operated by Clifford Hoffman of Fort Flam, collided where the driveway from the high school en- ters Ctyde Street Her car was hit by Hoffman's ante when they were unable to stop because of icy con- dition of the pavements. Chief Ci in ton Smith investigated. Joseph DroU of Sharon Springs received a severe reprimand Sunday n the keys of his ear over to him after It was recovered by Patrolman Wick late Saturday night Droll informed police the machine was taken from Mohawk Street The patrolman re- covered the ear an hoar later parked near Kalse's grill. must be prepared to render trans- gUf-*^ C n i i A K sQaxr.-** portatidh™servTce~toTne^ public i n ] i f I I 5 . OaUCI VJlVcS Review of Book was reported when j t^at region. It may not abandon a Bnxfley 4-H Club WillAwist March of Dimes The Bradley Rldgerunners 4-H Club wiU hold a dance In the Stratford Central School Saturday of Dimes drive tn the comniunHy. David Christ-nan. president of the club, appointed various committees which are completing arrangements foe the affair. The club will also bold a Valen- tine party Feb. • at the regular g meeting, , + Member* of the group are'work- ing on an electrical project being taught by William Bradley and Christman, who took special train- ing fa 'the leaders school. Other projects are being arranged. 'I'' - •«•»..n-# i Hi -••• • ... i',. —• ox. awyiniviiie MetWittWSCS Plant Meeting The WSCS. of the St Johnsville Methodist Church will meet at 8 Thursday night at the church. Mrs. Crouse, Mrs. Esther Bitterly. Mrs. Florence Weaver and' Mrs. Laura Lull will be hostesses facility necessary to the public sim- ply because the statistical picture does not show a profit Good will Is an important item, even in rail- roading and may well be worth much more than a trifling deficit such as the railroad company, claims accurate. For example, in 1953 Mrs. Low and I made a total of 32 round trips between New York City and Sabattis Station with a ticket value to the railroad company of around $1,400, yet Sa- battis would get credit for none of this because the tickets were all bought at the Grand Central depot. "The elimination of Sabattis Sta- tion would make the "block" south of Tupper Lake unduly long, which would cause trains to be late and the railroad would have to pay con- sequent overtime It is no economy to save on station expense at the cost of additional overtime. Cite* Potential Customers "Sabattis Station, the only rail- road station in Hamilton County, affords passenger, express, freight and mail service to the Town of Alfred J- Cohen, SI, of 12 Wood Street Gloversville, was traveling south and making a right curve in the road when the automobile skid- ded In the slush on the left side of the highway and struck a highway warning sign posted along side of the road. Trooper R. A. Frenske investiga- ted the accident Fort Plain A* review on **Thr Absolutely Perfect Book of Housekeeping," by Eleanor Golding Smith was given by Mrs. John Sauer at a meeting of the Saturday Afternoon Study Class held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Melvin Casler, Jr., Fort Plain. The speaker was presented by Mrs. Ralph Failing, president It was announced that the meet- ing of the Federated Clubs would be held May 26-29 at Whiteface Inn. Lake Placid. • Mrs. A A Walrath gave a cri- tic's report Mrs. Robert Smith, better films chairman, recommend- ed, "A Trip To Disneyland." A re- port on insurance laws was given by Mrs. Herbert Handy, legislative chairman and Mrs. Jeremiah Salts- man gave a report on the Fourth District meeting held recently in Schenectady. The next meeting will be held Feb. 2 at the home of Mrs.. Alton Walrath. This la to be a joint ses- Farren DeNure, local Civil De- fense co-ordinator, and Michael Chous, CD member, will be guest speakers at the monthly meeting of the Broadalbin P-TA at 7:30 Monday night at the high school it was announced at an executive meeting last night at the t home of Mrs. Benjamin Auapelmyer. Their topic will be hydrogen and atomic bomb radio-active fallout Its re- sults and treatment. Other speakers will be Mrs. Mar- tha B, Kunkel. commission of the Fulton County Girl Scout Council and Mrs. Shirley Brauns, council executive. They will speak on the Girl Scouts program, answering the following four questions: "What do we do about our program?"; What is the council's part in our problems?; How do we go about getting leaders?; What does the council expect of us? Other matters concerning both grade school and high school par- ents were discussed. Polgeruat Deputy to Visit Rrbekahs District Deputy President Dor- othea Hinkle and her staff will be guests at the meeting of Clover- dale Rebekah Lodge at 8 tomor- row night in the legion home. Mrs. Nellie Summers ' and Mrs. Mary Sism will be hostesses. Board Adopts Salaries For Teachers New Contracts Will Be Issued st End of This Week f'anon Miss Ban Plans Lessons For Unit Leaders Bask Sewing, House Cleaning Mess WiU Be Taken Up Three special lessons for leaders of the Montgomery County Home Units have been arranged this week by -Miss Olga Ban, county agent. . The third lesson on basic sewing will be taught by Mrs. Harold rushing, county leader, at 10:15 Thursday morning In the Universe- list Church In Fort Plain. The first lesson on house clean- ing made easier will be taught by Mrs. Jessie MacDonald, extension specialist In economics and house- hold from. Cornell University at 10:15 Friday morning In the Fonda firehouse. Seme of the topics to be dis- cussed will be the efficient use of the vacuum cleaner, organisation of work in the home, the utility basket, new products on the mar- ket. A film will be shown. The second lesson on hooked rugs waa taught by Miss Catharine Eichelberger, extension specialist in housing and design from Cornell University at 10:15 this morning In the Municipal Club in Amster- dam. « revolt in the Republican party appeared nipped when Ohio State Chairman Ray C. Bliss, above, of Akron, said ha is not a candidate for the national chairmanship recently vacated by Leonard Hall. Bliss was the choice of tha GOP Taft wing, who opposed the White House- blessed candidacy of H. Meads Alcorn. Jr., of Connecticut. Fultonville Young People Will Participate In Methodist Service I meet at 8 tomorrow night at the Masonic Temple. Sorority to Aid Polio Drive The Phi Delta Gamma Sorority will assist the March of Dimes drive in Broadalbin with a dance and entertainment Saturday night in the high school auditorium. The three hour program will begin at 8:20. Henry Kinney, WENT disc jockey, and Julian "Woody- Wood- worth will present piano and vocal selections. Kinney will also present a program of recorded music. . The feature of the evening w|B be a balloon dance. Teenagers re- quest a large turnout of adults. John Agnostopulos, local chair- man of the polio drive, has reported that the village drive is prog- ressing satisfactorily. Long Lake and the surrounding si0 n with the Fort Plain Womans' territory. I do not have the census} ci u b. Mrs. Carl Ruby, Canajoharie. M»*« Cramer Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cromer of St Johnsville RD. announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Miss Joyce Adeline Cromer to Klemens Klemcxax of 281 Bast Main Street Amsterdam. OsmmOnlty Nates Mrs. Francis Shuster, St. Johns- villa RD 1, who has been confined- .to her home with illness, is report- ed improving. Word hss been received of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Fe- ll* Geniewek, Mecbanictville, nam- ed Dennis Joseph. She Is the for- mer Miss Anna Mallnoski, St. Johnsville. Word has been received of the birth of s sen to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Mslinoskt. Wsterford named Edward Steven. Mallnoski is a former St Johnsville resident, Mr,. Claui Re.ume, first grade Ephra- wbe has been her duties yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Edward Schnack returned from two weeks va- la Florida. Waiter Burn, of St. Johns- ires a dinner guest Friday at Use Lawrence Murphy home the United figures available but in the general election of 1858 there were cast 498 votes In Long Lake proper and In adjoining Blue Mountain Lake 121 votes. "These indicate the number of year around residents using Sabat- tis Station In one way or the other In addition there are many thous- ands of vacationists who populate the region in the months of June, July, August and September. Alt told there must be in the Long Lake-Sabattis region a t the height of the season in the neighborhood of 7,500 out of towners. "A traffic count taken by the New York State Highway Depart- ment in 1864 in Hamilton County near the Franklin County line showed a daily average (365 days of the year) of 1784 automobiles. What a potential number of cus- tomers for the railroad company were it to offer them attractive service! . . " "Businesses using Sabattis in one way or another include Ne-Ha-8a- Ne Park, about 45.000 acres, cre- ated by W. Seward Webb, who built what is now the Adirondack Divis- ion of the New York Central, the Brandreth Beta! , about 40,000 acres, Whitney Industries, Inc., 89,. 218 acres, the Paul Moore Estate 12.000 acres and Hltchlns Corpora- tion 9,597 acres. "These people and businesses now using Sabattis would have to use Tupper Lake Station or avail will speak on the Carribean cruise to be sponsored by the Federation of Womens Clubs. ** Unit to Start Project The Sacandaga Home Unit win have its first lesson on reflniahing furniture at 7 tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Pitcher. Those attending are reminded to bring the necessary equipment. The salary schedule for teachers in the Dolgeville Central School District was set, at a special meet- ing of the Board of Education Thursday night at the school of- fice. The board also approved a request from the Dolgeville Teach- ers Association as to ratings. The salary schedule was adopted for the 1957-58 school year. Con- tracts, it was announced, will be issued to the teachers on or before Friday. The board approved the request made by the committee of the teachers group. This read "teach- ers with two years of training who acquire 60 additional hours of credit and teadhers with three years of training who acquire an additional 30 hours of credit shall be placed on the bachelors equiv- alent schedule upon approval and recommendation of the distriot - superintendent 1 * Coons Wins Tourney James Coons won the ping pong tournament recently completed among the Sky Pilots of the Fonda Reformed Church. Plays have been started In the second tourna- ment according to Rev. George Murray, pastor of the church. A meeting will be held at 7 tonight in the church. A group of four citizens attended the meeting to discuss a bus prob- lem concerning the kindergarten pupils. It was decided by the board that their request for an adjust-. ment in the bus schedule was rea- sonable. The board ordered the change be made as soon as pos- sible. Mrs. Marian Porter, Sam Garma- dello and Mrs. Mary Fehlner were placed on tenure beginning with the year 1957-58. Also at an earlier session Emory L. supervising principal, was on tenure. Herbert Schilbe was given per- mission to attend an art exhibit In Rochester and to act as a judge on the weekend of Feb. 9. '- The board granted the Carthe- takne Grange permission to use the gym of the Green School on Feb 90 or an inclement weather date of Feb. 27. The grange will hold an open meeting to which the public is invited, according to Miss Vir- ginia stahl, secretary. Class Plans Meeting The B-Squarc Bible Class of the Fonda Reformed Church will meet at 7:45 Monday night at the home of Mrs. Ida Weeper, Hostesses will be Miss Florence Sponenberg, Mrs. Lula Mae Diltenbeck, Mrs. Marion Persse and Mrs. Grace Dostal. Devotions will be* in Charge of Mrs. Blanche Davis and the so- cial in charge of Mrs. Mary Win- decker. Cub Pack to Plan Blue, Gold Dinner Program A pack meeting of the Fulton- ville Cub Scouts will be held at 7:80 Friday night at the firehouse. All parents are urged to attend at de- tails of the blue and gold dinner to be held Feb. 9 will be discussed. Community Notes Tekawitha Rebekah Lodge will meet at 8 Friday night at the rooms. • There w ill be no classes in the Fonda-Fultonvillo Central School Thursday afternoon. ttit Society Plan* Election The Home and Foreign Mission* ary Society of the Fultonville Re- formed Church will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. William Mor- ford in Randall. Mrs. Clark M. Markert, stewardship and spiritual life chairman of the Missionary Union of the Classis of Montgom- ery will be the guest speaker. A nominating committee of Mrs. M Wipple. Mrs. George Wads- worth and Mrs. Arnold Francisco will report Youth Sunday will be observed Sunday at toe Canajoharte Metho- dist Church when members of tha MYF will participate la the morn- ing service. Sanford Benton, Jr., will give a talk on. "You, Tha Church." Mar- ion Garrison will offer tht morn- ing prayer and the scripture lesson will be read by D4a gfjtassjle. The Youth Choir composed of sen- ior high school girls will sing At night the young people will attend two rallies. The senior group will attend the Mohawk Val- ley sub-district rally from 5 to S at the First Methodist Church, Am- sterdam. Cars will leave the local church at 4:30. Those attending are to bring sandwiches, deeaert and 25 cents. A hot dish and beverage will be served by the host group. The junior high group will at- tend the Montgomery County Jun- ior high rally from 5:30-7:30 at the Methodist Church, Hagamah. Cera will leave the Weal church at 5. Those attending are to bring sand- wiches and 25 cents. Beverage and dessert will be furnished by the host group. Short Causes Ante Fire No damage waa reported when the motor of a car driven by Rob- ert Schlotzhauer. Palatine Bridge, caught fire on Montgomery Street Canajoharie, shortly after 10 Sun- day morning. The Canajoharte Are department was summoned and responded with the number two truck and squad car. According to the firemen, the fire evidentally started from tha wiring They disconnected the bat- tery. . a spent kend with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman of Amsterdam. The Auxiliary of the Montgom- ery'County volunteer firemen will meet at 8 Thursday night in the Town of Mohawk firehouse. The Mohawk unit will serve refresh- ments. The Men's Brotherhood will hold a potlucksupper at 6:45 tomorrow night in the Fonda Reformed Dinenbeck Heada Trustees The Fultonville Reformed Church trustees met Thursday night at the church. Bert DiUenbeck was elect- ed president Darius Marlette. vice president and. Mr* C. V. Argecsing- er, secretary. Entertain at Parsonage Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, entertained Friday members of the ministerial society and their wives at dinner. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Has- cup of Glen and Rev. and Mrs. Neil Van Heest were* present, Meetings SebedaJed Mohawk Valley OES will hold a Mrs. Wright to Speak Mra Frankryn N, Wright will give a talk on the WSCS at the meeting 6:15 Thursday night in the social rooms of the Methodist church. Supper will be served by Mra Ruth Vlckers, Mra Charles Robin- son, Mrs. Edith Forman. Mrs. Ge- neva Crocker. Mrs. WiUard Vroo- man, Mrs. Raymond Vosburgh, Mrs. Ray Olmstead, Mra May Hartman and Miss Mae Lattice. Finish Exams Thursday' The Canajoharie Elementary School will close at 11:30 Thursday morning at the end of the mid- year f xamtnations. This Is to give the teachers an opportunity to complete their reports and have general faculty meetings, accord- ing to Spencer Lowell, elementary co-ordinator. The school will convene as usual Friday morning. Pergonal Rente Rev. Franklyn N. Wright pastor of the Canajoharie Methodist Unit to Start Project The Sterkville Home Unit wUl meet at 8 tomorrow night at the St James' Lutheran Church. The lesson on blouses will be taught by Mrs. Ralph Jordan. The refresh- ment committee will include Mrs. Harvey Gaudlng, Mra Howard Leneker, Mrs. Eugene Smith, Mra Ed Cogan and Mra Ward Van Deusen. On Monday the last lesson on refinishlng of salad bowls wiU be ,TT" * ,t lh» rhnrrh ADOey. taught at the church. Community Nates "Segregation" will be discussed at a meeting of the Fort Plain Luther League at 7:30 Sunday night at St Paul's Lutheran Church. Fort Plain. The Young Peoples Group of the Starkvitle Churches will meet at S tomorrow night at the Lutheran Church. Albert Caswell snd Charles Yopa Fort Plain, left Saturday to spend a two weeks vacation at Daytona Beach, Fhv Mr. and Mra Rocco Asselta and children, Utica, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mra Sobecki, Fort Plain, Mrs. looker Honored OES Chapter, Ciub Mrs. Hazel Barnes. English teacher at the Canajoharie Central School and a member of the Teka- harawa Chapter OES, gave a talk on dramatics at the meeting Friday night at the Masonic Temple. She presented by Mra Marion for patrolmen in the police depart- ment. The Village Board has stated two more are needed as per- manent members of the depart- ment Applications may be obtained at police headquarters or by contact- ing Acting Chief Kenneth Travis, Well. —-%- themselves of bus snd truck ser- •%, . i i i i vtee.;lt la 40 minute, longer to Tup- j R l t e S A r C HeW per Lake, northbound, than It is to A "Tribute Te A Faithful Mem- ber" was given by Mrs. Mary Pitcher to honor Mra, Louise Tooker, who was presented gifts by Mrs. Gladyce Woodford in be- half of the Officers Club and the chapter. Mrs. Alice Patten, Matron, ap- pointed a committee to revise the by-laws of the chapter which In- cludes Mra Mabel Fox, Mra Lil- lian Van Every, Ralph Pitcher, Mra Lola Baker, Mra Doris Und- hoim and Mra Mary Pitcher. A committee In charge of re- freshments and program for the next meeting Feb. 1 Includes Mra Bellinger, Mra Mary Bell- Mrs. Madeline Bicrman. Miss Lillian Bond, Mrs. Evelyn Bosch. Mrs Irene Braosbrldge, Mrs. Derm Brandow and Mrs. Bessie Brigbam. Refreshments ware served by Mrs. Abbey. Sabattis, and, once arrived st Tup- per Lake it Is 28 miles by road to Long Lake as against 13 miles from Sabattis. So it anpearg thst the customers of the New York Cen- tral would have to par more rsil mileage, more express charges, more freight costs, more mall delay so thst the railroad company could extinguish a trifling cost which has already been included in their operating expenses in their rste oases 'HOWWMS.^ahw -ilhsHhsed-hr-tow 4fe***----M-fi railroad company would lose to busses and trucks at least 50 per cent of the business now ortgmat- jTtoilreed Company representatives ing at or destined to Rshsttis Bu- tton, Notes Attitude of rieetrie I/Ulrtojr C-, n trs«f the attitude of the rail- road company with the policy of the electric utility serving More- housevilkv th Hamtliton County. Some two years ago this utility ex- tended Its lines from Herkimer County, at a cost so I am taM of over 1100,000 to give service to less than <5 remote customers in More- housevllki. The electric utility be- lieved that its franchise imposed on it an obligation to render serv- ice. It is doubtful if this extension wilj ever ahow any return on the investment let aloone the 6'* the railroad company considers flece-,. sary in every department of its business, For Peter Buyce The funeral of Peter Buyce was hfeld at the Lipe Funeral Home, Northvllie at 2 Sunday afternoon. Rev. Jay Clarke of the Pilgrim Holiness Church officiated. Bearers were Paul Stuart, Clar- ence Kibler, Floyd Simonds. Leon Perry. Hiram K. Craig and Hassan Buyce. The body was placed in the vault at Prospect Hill Cemetr Cemetery in the spring. that instead of bring junk dealers they might better be railroad men between Remsen and Utica—the elimination of which Is causing so many delays? "How about running i ram* on time on the Adirondack division? "How about less atrocious Hail- express service ? Nowadays fife days from New York City to Sabat- tis i "How about a little dolling up? The last time a paint brush touch- ed Ssbsttis Station was in 1888. I happen to remember the fear be- cause it was the year of the New York Mats' Constitutional Conven- tion to which I happen to be a delegate. How about a flower bed near "Tee aught gee to suggest to the 4 the Station? There used to be one Pays fee Speed Harry Rosenberg, 28, Toronto. Canada, was arrested at 8 Saturday night for speeding 70 m.p.h. on the New York State Thruway by Trooper J, J. Bromford. He was brought before Justice of the Peace Name Shaver of the Town of Can- ajoharie where he pleaded guilty fined $10. To Meet at Dinner The Mens Fellowship of the Bsp- How about restoring the "Wee** bat Church will hold a dinner metttag at 1:80 Wednesday night Dinner wfl| be served by Kenneth Courtney and Orra J. BrowneR. Use, Lao Hieheek of the Mayfield Community Church wid speak mm *\ sW wWIR HPR Sacandaga Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, will meet at $ tomorrow night at the Masonic Temple' • Miss Betty'Blowers Is spending a two week vacation at the home of her parent*. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Blowers, She w4H complete her training for / practical nurse st the Albany Medical Center on Feb. ^af Attended Beat Shew Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilbur' and eons attended the boat show held in New York City over the weekend. Mr. and Mra Kenneth Mang of Dolgeville and Mr^and Mrs. Lenfol Setter of Canada Lake, attenjfed the boat show in New York City ever the weekend. Church when Rev. Jack Hascup of j card parts F *h- 2 at the Masonic j cou^h, ^ attending the New York the Glen Reformed Church will! Temple. Prises will be awarded and stalled, New officers will be in- Mayfield Fellowship Elects Roberta Downs As New President Patrolman Teat Planned The Herkmer County Civil Serv- ice Commission will conduct an ex- amination in Dotgevtte next month **«£ ?° wn »M N f i f f i R » u %2 n The Westminister Fellowship of the Central Presbyterian Church met Sunday night at the church and elected officers. The following were elected: Ro- Oathout, vice president: Patricia Brewer, secretary; Robert"Ubrirft treasurer: David Hathaway, sonj and game leader. The business meeting was fol- lowed by a social time. Refresh- ments' were servecTby Marlon Hop- kins, who will serve as advisor. Nedea* Horton Entertoma Nadena Horton entertained sev- eral of her friends Saturday, the occasion being her 18th birthday. Games and dancing were enjoyed and refreshments were served. refreshments served. The Fultonville Reformed Church Consistory will meet st 8 Friday ntght at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Todd. The U. S Forest Products Lab- oratory, In Madison, Wis., is the largest In the .world devoted ex- clusively to wood research. Area Ministers- Retreat at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. this week. Ceo Swank, Caimjohario,^ who juffered a heart attack Jan. 3. has returned to his work at Osbom's. John Snyder, Jordanville, gover- nor of the Canajoharte Moose Lodge, h^s returned home from the Herkimer Memorial Hospital. He suffered a heart attack Jan. 15. His condition |g satisfactory Annual Fiscal Report of the Supervisor of Town of Broadalbin - * FOR THE F18CA1. TEAR ENDING DEC. RECEIPTS GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS: Re«4 Property TiULes Per Capltn (Mate Aid) eUare Refund* " -— Mortgnge T«i (From County;Tress.) Refund on Touth I»»o7r»m . Dog Licenses (From County Other Licenses (Ijocal) Tear or the Town Clerk Fees of the Justice of the Peace — Fees of the Tax CoMetstor Fees of thn Dog Enumerator Tax Anticipation Note one Ioe SkhUnf Popular The weather has promoted of the old fashioned winter sports, skating, which has not been tod popular in recent years because of tha uncertainty of maintaining the Ice rink. Sale of skates has been good this year and the rink in the rear of the Doige School Is In ex- cellent condition., according to Michael Stehnach, supervisor.' Newt Items About e Residents Mr. and Mra Henry Wrobel, Sprskers, snd Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bishop, Canajoharie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Wrobel, South Glens Faila Mra Lloyd Hall was s visitor last week of Mra Verlie Ambridge and Mrs. Wiiiitm Van Kersen, patients at the Albany Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bundy and Mrs. Beatrice Meyer and daugh- ter Beverly, called on Mra Thomas Putnam, a patient at the Little Falls Hospital, Friday. Mr. and Mra WaRer Hayes, Fon Community Notes Allen Parker has returned home from Florida where he visited re I a t i v e s . Judy Scribner of Gloversville spent the weekend with Nadena Horton. . Mr. and Mra Clark Edwards were business callers In Glens Falls Friday night. The January meeting of the May- field Central School P-TA has been cancelled tor the month. , * Mr, and Mra Leslie Armstrong, ni Loocki Takes Part Weekend goeato at toe hetne ef Mr. and Mra Arthur Reynolds were Mr. and Mra Edward Rey- nold*. Fonda. Mrs Ida Landry, Malaga and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reynoida. Palatine Bridge Mr. aad Mra Lloyd Hall and daughter, Marlene, were Sunday E st* of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah tsraan. Fort Plain Mra IBa Stosey, Palatine Bridge. was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs William Mull a a. Mr. snd Mra Raymond Maguire are parents of a daughter born la the St. Clare's Huspitai. Scheaee- tsdy, Fridsy, named, Katharine Ann. She is the former Miss l>e Yetta Pitcher, daughter of Mr. and Mra Fred Pitcher, flprakeri. Albert Rocklln and Paul Krotser went on a hiking trip Saturday to CarogaLake and CdmpWaodworth with the Canajoharte Boy Scout Sioop 81. Sports Club Will Discuss Program The Bleecker Fish snd Game Cjub will meet at s tomorrow night at the Tumble Inn Restaurant. There will be a discussion on the program ef activities to be carried out during the year. .- -•••• t , Attends Training Session Mra Lewis Mader, member of the Mountain View Home Unit, at* tended toe extension service train* ing school on fabric hats snd bags held la Johnstown Saturday. Refund iJHbiiitj- Ins. as Per Audit Ins. Co. TOTAL GENERAL rVXto RECEIPTS HEALTH PUNT) RECEIPTS: Rewl Property Time* .... ,..»..,-•————. . Refund by Supervisor on Check Overpay TOTAL HEALTH FUND RECEIPTS HIOHWAY FUND RECEIPTS: Item # 1 : K«Sl Prwpertyv Taxes *>—- - From State M State Ala _ Prom Ten Year Proarsm Fiom Amsterdam Water Works From Sale ef.'aniice Pipe — Item # 3 : Real Property Taxes Item # 3 : Real Property Taxes Item #4: Real Property Taxes ». MM t »„*if ,35 e,esf.*4 1.SM.SS „M pe\M fajs 8T2.T& 2*2.80 8->,3» Mr.aa 1,000.00 2*3.53 i County highway Dept. Snow a lee Control - Broadalbin Central School, Snow Ten Tear Highway Pr<ij-rmm: Real Properly Taxes _„^..___.-.««.— State AM. Chapter Ml, Laws of >W0 , „ Revenue Anticipated Note ..—__ By Transfer from Item # t »*«*. *** ftefund, Recovertee of Payments 233.21 .48 «i:...*inn.itn Laosr, aota.rr 250.011 28.S© 1 10S.0O n.+ooon 1.500.09 100,00 I 25.41M1 I sas.aj 4.541.12 B.SSAft* 1.715 -i. Sg.M TOTAL HIGHWAY PAYMENTS YEAR. BALANCES BEGINNING OF General Fund (Including Welfare! «_ H»-lth Fanrl Highway Fond —. —„,„.•„„;,,,.,.» r . ... _f 8U.14 14212 II ».i II i • - 82,811.00 f. - -S- w^»= In Army Maneuvers Army Specialist, t/e Lauren C son of Mra Charlette Broadalbin RD I, recedtry ed with the llth A^rbetne m "War Haw*,'' a field exercise in Germany t a construction sp*naii-t in ft Haltalmn Headquart-r* Chnv parry r>f the division'- 511th Infan- try Regiment, entered the Army in Pbbruary 1*» tad completed basic training at Fort Bragg, N. C. The 21-year-old Vojdier attended Broadalbin Central School. Tribatg? , Andorra, tiny principality be- tween France and Spain, pays annual tribute to its co-rulers. T<fee Bishop'of Urgel receives six ham* ibt cheeses, 12 hens and 44» pesetas (about $43), whils the president of France receives only $3 80. TOTAL BALANCES GRAND TOTAL RECEIPTS A BALANCES ALL FUNDS . DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND> O«>wra|^pov*rnm>nt . , ...... _ -__—. tlT.SM. I.TTT. • »,aiT.i I a.sto.m "ant.2si.ii Youth Program Town Doctors (Sec. tm. Social Welfare Law) _.-— Home Relief (Including Veteran*) Ji ,, -. Veteran*. Organisations for Rooms __ Cemeteries -*...» ™*»-- ra ..-^, Salary of Health Officer _- Other Health Expense* Registrar ,«—._,—t... IS St 3.SM4.1S 200.00 200.00 tana TOTAL GENERAL, WELFARE * HEALTH PAT* MENTS ... - .•.••.•-• ..... —.——.••—.. i . . . i m~-~-~- HIGHWAY FUNDS: * Item # 1 : General Repairs ..... a..—,-—„~—«^~—.—|12.A44.Tt irovraent • 24,lTt,ai Hem #2: Item #3: Item #4 Special ImprovraenU (01.Ing) Transfer t« Ten Year Improvement Material for Repair of Bridges Purchase of Machinery Repair of Machineey ...» Storage of Machinery . Redemption of Oertlfleatea 11,415.91 atot Aft «! interest OR Certificate* SaMW of T W i Superlnt Removal of anew a Ice Control S superlntendsnt - Tea Tsar «'niting »f Weed* A Bru*h Other Miscellaneous Purposes - Program: \ W, ewfj Trentrer •A TOTAL HIGHWAYJTAJ LANCE OP ALL " Health Highway TOTAL BALAHCWi tat.rn.4 f ta,aoo t sa • n.ftsii —- .1 „, si iiit»ri mx GRAND TOTAL OF AI.L PAYMENTS * H4lJKNrES .. TOWN LMDJArTEDNESaV DEC. 31. 1K4: Machinery ..., «. ......... ...... «.i> i.,••,•••.,, General tuna N«t* L Tea Jeer Pmersm No«e —..•-*..•— tuts of Nev Tort, » County of PuHon. f, UIKAHI* LEE, Ttiwn CterS of the Tuwa of BVoadatMn New York ,i.> herehy certify, that I h*v» compared the foregoing* Annua) P|-ca! Renori of th* Sunervi»oi o* th»> Tcwn of Hioadnibin and entered in the minute* of Town Brtwrd and that »<* for^orna l# • true and correct etopy or«ald VnauaJ r*UK«| Repnrt . In wltn-jj-, w h t r g f i j j v e te-wato set tny htnd and ee*,t „f a.fct Towa**Tats itto e«yii>Ms7ii, tat*. ,^i , r S™^ &HURn LEE, Town deft,. •ana ex avosdasstas **. r. •• F .f i Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of New York State Digital Library 11/Gloversville NY Leader... · While this particular case involves,...

Page 1: New York State Digital Library 11/Gloversville NY Leader... · While this particular case involves, Mills, was driving south on Second only Westchester County, the New j Avenue while


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PAGE 6—THE LEADER-HERALD, N.Y., Tuesday, January 22. 1957 ] Gloversville and

Resident of Sabattis Asks Chambers Of Commerce Oppose Central Bid To Abandon Hamilton County Station

Low Declares Defeat of Railroad's Petition la Vital Not Only to Long Lake But to Self -Preservation o f Ent ire Adirondacks

"la the New York Centra) deliberately running, or running down, passenger travel on the Adirondack Division for the pur-! pose of first eliminating passenger travel altogether ami then at some future time abandoning the division itself altogether?"

That's the question naked today by A. Augustus Low of Sabattis. Hamilton County, with regard to the petitions of the New York Central to abandon Sabbattis Station on* the Adiron-

~**dack Division. Fort Pfain ''Every Chamber of Commerce

from Malone to Utica should pon­der this and take such action as they fit," Low declared in ex­pressing hope that representatives would attend the hearing in I'u.a Thursday.

"This is vital not only to Long Lake but to the self preservation of all the Adirondacks," be added.

Low, chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Committee and one of the targe landowners in that county, expressed his views In a letter dated Jan. 11 and directed to Atty. Francis C. Steatea of Utica who is representing the Town of Long Lake at the hearing. Text of Letter

The letter also states: "In this morning's New York

Times I see the heading, "Central Fare Bid Asks a 6% Return."

Four Accidents, Stolen Car -•-» --«•- a» tan-ems -gp IBJ ii

(twatedL^ n'iiKUT

Vil lage Police Kept Busy Through Weekend By Motorists

Members of the Fort Plain po­lice department investigated four accidents and recovered a stolen car over the weekend, according to reports filed in the office. Only one person was listed as injured.

John L. Bartlett. Canajoharie. lost control of his car on the River Road in Fort Plain and knocked down a utility pole about 7 Satur­day night Patrolman Herman Wick conducted the investigation and took Bartlett to the office of a doctor where he was treated for injuries of a minor nature. The car was badly damaged.

The antes of Harry Dtngman of Fan Plain and Myron Henry of Fort Plain RD 5. were damaged about 4:30 Saturday afternoon in an accident on Reid Street The Ding-man ear, according to a report was hit in the rear by the Henry machine. Patrolman Stanley Wood made the investigation.

Two machines were damaged late Friday night when one driven by Frank Cseck and another owned by Mrs. Tbelma Lord and driven by her son, Edward F Lord, of Fort Plain, collided on West Main tenet According to a report made to Patrolman Raymond Smith.

-em Center Street to past »nd bit the


PULLED BY THE NOSE—'*SchnoixoU- could be the name for this Air Force C-124 Globc-msster. It sports a Pratt and Whitney T-57 angina in its nose: The company Is using the aircraft as a test bad for the new propeller-turbine engine intended for transcontinental trans­ports of the Air Force. The entire forward structure of tha huge plana had to he altered for tha testing at last Hartford, Conn.


Police at Scene Of Two Minor Auto Accidents

* 2-Car Crash Probed In Broadalbin; Others Near Northville

Two automobile accidents involv­ing minor property damage were investigated by State Police from the Mayfield sub-station yesterday.

Icy streets were attributed to a 2-car collision at 11:45 yesterday morning In the Village of Broadal­bin.

John Carey, 14, of Highland While this particular case involves, Mills, was driving south on Second only Westchester County, the New j Avenue while Sylvan Keasler. 35. York Central as a whole has re-! of Latham was proceeding west on ceived several rate increases in re* j Elm Street


DeNure and Chous of Civil Defense Corps to Address Broadalbin P-TA on Atomic Fallout Problem

Scout Executives Will Explain Cains Program

cent years and has pending addi­tional applications for high freight boosts and huge passenger increas­es.

"In making application for these increases the New York Central necessarily included the expenses of Sabattis Station in its statement of operating expenses and included the buildings and improvements in : ville.

Attempting to stop at the Inter­section of the two streets, the Keas­ler * chicle skidded into the path of he Carey automobile, police said.

Trooper J. V. Karas conducted the Investigation.

A 1-car mishap occurred at 3:40 yesterday afternoon on the Hart's Gravel Road just outside North-

its fixed capital account part of its rate base, upon which it con­tends It should have a *% return. "I certainly have no objects to the Railroad Company receiving an ad­equate return, but it should not wish to abandon Sabattis Station when Its expenses have been In­cluded in the railroad's operating expenses and the Investment in the railroad company's rate base.

•The New York Central, by law, baa a monopoly in the territory it serves. Having such a monopoly IT

a oaf driven by Margaret Messen ger of Fort Plain RD 4 and one operated by Clifford Hoffman of Fort Flam, collided where the driveway from the high school en­ters Ctyde Street Her car was hit by Hoffman's ante when they were unable to stop because of icy con-dition of the pavements. Chief Ci in ton Smith investigated.

Joseph DroU of Sharon Springs received a severe reprimand Sunday

n the keys of his ear over to him after It

was recovered by Patrolman Wick late Saturday night Droll informed police the machine was taken from Mohawk Street The patrolman re­covered the ear an hoar later parked near Kalse's grill.

must be prepared to render trans- gUf-*^ C n i i A K sQaxr.-** portatidh™servTce~toTne^ public i n ] i f I I 5 . O a U C I V J l V c S

Review of Book was reported when j t^at region. It may not abandon a

Bnxfley 4-H Club WillAwist March of Dimes

The Bradley Rldgerunners 4-H Club wiU hold a dance In the Stratford Central School Saturday

of Dimes drive tn the comniunHy. David Christ-nan. president of the club, appointed various committees which are completing arrangements foe the affair.

The club will also bold a Valen­tine party Feb. • at the regular

g meeting, , + Member* of the group are'work­

ing on an electrical project being taught by William Bradley and Christman, who took special train­ing fa 'the leaders school. Other projects are being arranged.

' I ' ' - • « • » . . n - # i Hi • • - • • • • . . . i ' , . — •

ox. awyiniviiie

MetWittWSCS Plant Meeting

The WSCS. of the St Johnsville Methodist Church will meet at 8 Thursday night at the church. Mrs. Crouse, Mrs. Esther Bitterly. Mrs. Florence Weaver and' Mrs. Laura Lull will be hostesses

facility necessary to the public sim­ply because the statistical picture does not show a profit Good will Is an important item, even in rail­roading and may well be worth much more than a trifling deficit such as the railroad company, claims accurate. For example, in 1953 Mrs. Low and I made a total of 32 round trips between New York City and Sabattis Station with a ticket value to the railroad company of around $1,400, yet Sa­battis would get credit for none of this because the tickets were all bought at the Grand Central depot.

"The elimination of Sabattis Sta­tion would make the "block" south of Tupper Lake unduly long, which would cause trains to be late and the railroad would have to pay con­sequent overtime It is no economy to save on station expense at the cost of additional overtime. Cite* Potential Customers

"Sabattis Station, the only rail­road station in Hamilton County, affords passenger, express, freight and mail service to the Town of

Alfred J- Cohen, SI, of 12 Wood Street Gloversville, was traveling south and making a right curve in the road when the automobile skid­ded In the slush on the left side of the highway and struck a highway warning sign posted along side of the road.

Trooper R. A. Frenske investiga­ted the accident

Fort Plain

A* review on **Thr Absolutely Perfect Book of Housekeeping," by Eleanor Golding Smith was given by Mrs. John Sauer at a meeting of the Saturday Afternoon Study Class held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Melvin Casler, Jr., Fort Plain. The speaker was presented by Mrs. Ralph Failing, president

It was announced that the meet­ing of the Federated Clubs would be held May 26-29 at Whiteface Inn. Lake Placid. •

Mrs. A A Walrath gave a cri­tic's report Mrs. Robert Smith, better films chairman, recommend­ed, "A Trip To Disneyland." A re­port on insurance laws was given by Mrs. Herbert Handy, legislative chairman and Mrs. Jeremiah Salts-man gave a report on the Fourth District meeting held recently in Schenectady.

The next meeting will be held Feb. 2 at the home of Mrs.. Alton Walrath. This la to be a joint ses-

Farren DeNure, local Civil De­fense co-ordinator, and Michael Chous, CD member, will be guest speakers at the monthly meeting of the Broadalbin P-TA at 7:30 Monday night at the high school it was announced at an executive meeting last night at thet home of Mrs. Benjamin Auapelmyer. Their topic will be hydrogen and atomic bomb radio-active fallout Its re­sults and treatment.

Other speakers will be Mrs. Mar­tha B, Kunkel. commission of the Fulton County Girl Scout Council and Mrs. Shirley Brauns, council executive. They will speak on the Girl Scouts program, answering the following four questions: "What do we do about our program?"; What is the council's part in our problems?; How do we go about getting leaders?; What does the council expect of us?

Other matters concerning both grade school and high school par­ents were discussed.


Deputy to Visit Rrbekahs District Deputy President Dor­

othea Hinkle and her staff will be guests at the meeting of Clover-dale Rebekah Lodge at 8 tomor­row night in the legion home. Mrs. Nellie Summers ' and Mrs. Mary Sism will be hostesses.

Board Adopts Salaries For Teachers

N e w Contracts Will Be Issued st End of This Week


Miss Ban Plans Lessons For Unit Leaders

Bask Sewing, House Cleaning Mess WiU Be Taken Up

Three special lessons for leaders of the Montgomery County Home Units have been arranged this week by -Miss Olga Ban, county agent. . The third lesson on basic sewing will be taught by Mrs. Harold rushing, county leader, at 10:15 Thursday morning In the Universe-list Church In Fort Plain.

The first lesson on house clean­ing made easier will be taught by Mrs. Jessie MacDonald, extension specialist In economics and house­hold from. Cornell University at 10:15 Friday morning In the Fonda firehouse.

Seme of the topics to be dis­cussed will be the efficient use of the vacuum cleaner, organisation of work in the home, the utility basket, new products on the mar­ket. A film will be shown.

The second lesson on hooked rugs waa taught by Miss Catharine Eichelberger, extension specialist in housing and design from Cornell University at 10:15 this morning In the Municipal Club in Amster­dam. «

revolt in the Republican party appeared nipped when Ohio State Chairman Ray C. Bliss, above, of Akron, said ha is not a candidate for the national chairmanship recently vacated by Leonard Hall. Bliss was the choice of tha GOP Taft wing, who opposed the White House-blessed candidacy of H. Meads Alcorn. Jr., of Connecticut.


Young People Will Participate In Methodist Service


meet at 8 tomorrow night at the Masonic Temple.

Sorority to Aid Polio Drive The Phi Delta Gamma Sorority

will assist the March of Dimes drive in Broadalbin with a dance and entertainment Saturday night in the high school auditorium. The three hour program will begin at 8:20.

Henry Kinney, WENT disc jockey, and Julian "Woody- Wood-worth will present piano and vocal selections. Kinney will also present a program of recorded music. .

The feature of the evening w|B be a balloon dance. Teenagers re­quest a large turnout of adults.

John Agnostopulos, local chair­man of the polio drive, has reported that the village drive is prog­ressing satisfactorily.

Long Lake and the surrounding s i0n with the Fort Plain Womans' territory. I do not have the census} ciub. Mrs. Carl Ruby, Canajoharie.

M»*« Cramer Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cromer of St

Johnsville RD. announce the en­gagement of their daughter. Miss Joyce Adeline Cromer to Klemens Klemcxax of 281 Bast Main Street Amsterdam.

OsmmOnlty Nates Mrs. Francis Shuster, St. Johns-

villa RD 1, who has been her home with illness, is report­ed improving.

Word hss been received of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Fe­ll* Geniewek, Mecbanictville, nam­ed Dennis Joseph. She Is the for­mer Miss Anna Mallnoski, St. Johnsville.

Word has been received of the birth of s sen to Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ward Mslinoskt. Wsterford named Edward Steven. Mallnoski is a former St Johnsville resident,

Mr,. Claui Re.ume,

first grade Ephra-

wbe has been her duties


Mr. and Mrs Edward Schnack returned from two weeks va-

la Florida. Waiter Burn, of St. Johns-

ires a dinner guest Friday at Use Lawrence Murphy home

the United

figures available but in the general election of 1858 there were cast 498 votes In Long Lake proper and In adjoining Blue Mountain Lake 121 votes.

"These indicate the number of year around residents using Sabat­tis Station In one way or the other In addition there are many thous­ands of vacationists who populate the region in the months of June, July, August and September. Alt told there must be in the Long Lake-Sabattis region at the height of the season in the neighborhood of 7,500 out of towners.

"A traffic count taken by the New York State Highway Depart­ment in 1864 in Hamilton County near the Franklin County line showed a daily average (365 days of the year) of 1784 automobiles. What a potential number of cus­tomers for the railroad company were it to offer them attractive service! . . „ "

"Businesses using Sabattis in one way or another include Ne-Ha-8a-Ne Park, about 45.000 acres, cre­ated by W. Seward Webb, who built what is now the Adirondack Divis­ion of the New York Central, the Brandreth Beta! , about 40,000 acres, Whitney Industries, Inc., 89,. 218 acres, the Paul Moore Estate 12.000 acres and Hltchlns Corpora­tion 9,597 acres.

"These people and businesses now using Sabattis would have to use Tupper Lake Station or avail

will speak on the Carribean cruise to be sponsored by the Federation of Womens Clubs. **

Unit to Start Project The Sacandaga Home Unit win

have its first lesson on reflniahing furniture at 7 tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Pitcher. Those attending are reminded to bring the necessary equipment.

The salary schedule for teachers in the Dolgeville Central School District was set, at a special meet­ing of the Board of Education Thursday night at the school of­fice. The board also approved a request from the Dolgeville Teach­ers Association as to ratings.

The salary schedule was adopted for the 1957-58 school year. Con­tracts, it was announced, will be issued to the teachers on or before Friday.

The board approved the request made by the committee of the teachers group. This read "teach­ers with two years of training who acquire 60 additional hours of credit and teadhers with three years of training who acquire an additional 30 hours of credit shall be placed on the bachelors equiv­alent schedule upon approval and recommendation of the distriot -superintendent1*

Coons Wins Tourney James Coons won the ping pong

tournament recently completed among the Sky Pilots of the Fonda Reformed Church. Plays have been started In the second tourna­ment according to Rev. George Murray, pastor of the church. A meeting will be held at 7 tonight in the church.

A group of four citizens attended the meeting to discuss a bus prob­lem concerning the kindergarten pupils. It was decided by the board that their request for an adjust-. ment in the bus schedule was rea­sonable. The board ordered the change be made as soon as pos­sible.

Mrs. Marian Porter, Sam Garma-dello and Mrs. Mary Fehlner were placed on tenure beginning with the year 1957-58. Also at an earlier session Emory L. supervising principal, was on tenure.

Herbert Schilbe was given per­mission to attend an art exhibit In Rochester and to act as a judge on the weekend of Feb. 9. '-

The board granted the Carthe-takne Grange permission to use the gym of the Green School on Feb 90 or an inclement weather date of Feb. 27. The grange will hold an open meeting to which the public is invited, according to Miss Vir­ginia stahl, secretary.

Class Plans Meeting The B-Squarc Bible Class of the

Fonda Reformed Church will meet at 7:45 Monday night at the home of Mrs. Ida Weeper, Hostesses will be Miss Florence Sponenberg, Mrs. Lula Mae Diltenbeck, Mrs. Marion Persse and Mrs. Grace Dostal. Devotions will be* in Charge of Mrs. Blanche Davis and the so­cial in charge of Mrs. Mary Win-decker.

Cub Pack to Plan Blue, Gold Dinner Program

A pack meeting of the Fulton­ville Cub Scouts will be held at 7:80 Friday night at the firehouse. All parents are urged to attend at de­tails of the blue and gold dinner to be held Feb. 9 will be discussed.

Community Notes Tekawitha Rebekah Lodge will

meet at 8 Friday night at the rooms. • There w ill be no classes in the

Fonda-Fultonvillo Central School Thursday afternoon.


Society Plan* Election The Home and Foreign Mission*

ary Society of the Fultonville Re­formed Church will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. William Mor-ford in Randall. Mrs. Clark M. Markert, stewardship and spiritual life chairman of the Missionary Union of the Classis of Montgom­ery will be the guest speaker.

A nominating committee of Mrs. M Wipple. Mrs. George Wads-worth and Mrs. Arnold Francisco will report

Youth Sunday will be observed Sunday at toe Canajoharte Metho­dist Church when members of tha MYF will participate la the morn­ing service.

Sanford Benton, Jr., will give a talk on. "You, Tha Church." Mar­ion Garrison will offer tht morn­ing prayer and the scripture lesson will be read by D4a g f j tass j l e . The Youth Choir composed of sen­ior high school girls will sing

At night the young people will attend two rallies. The senior group will attend the Mohawk Val­ley sub-district rally from 5 to S at the First Methodist Church, Am­sterdam. Cars will leave the local church at 4:30. Those attending are to bring sandwiches, deeaert and 25 cents. A hot dish and beverage will be served by the host group.

The junior high group will at­tend the Montgomery County Jun­ior high rally from 5:30-7:30 at the Methodist Church, Hagamah. Cera will leave the Weal church at 5. Those attending are to bring sand­wiches and 25 cents. Beverage and dessert will be furnished by the host group.

Short Causes Ante Fire No damage waa reported when

the motor of a car driven by Rob­ert Schlotzhauer. Palatine Bridge, caught fire on Montgomery Street Canajoharie, shortly after 10 Sun­day morning.

The Canajoharte Are department was summoned and responded with the number two truck and squad car. According to the firemen, the fire evidentally started from tha wiring They disconnected the bat­tery.

. a

spent kend with her son and daugh­ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman of Amsterdam.

The Auxiliary of the Montgom­ery'County volunteer firemen will meet at 8 Thursday night in the Town of Mohawk firehouse. The Mohawk unit will serve refresh­ments.

The Men's Brotherhood will hold a potlucksupper at 6:45 tomorrow night in the Fonda Reformed

Dinenbeck Heada Trustees The Fultonville Reformed Church

trustees met Thursday night at the church. Bert DiUenbeck was elect­ed president Darius Marlette. vice president and. Mr* C. V. Argecsing-er, secretary.

Entertain at Parsonage Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Evans,

entertained Friday members of the ministerial society and their wives at dinner. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Has-cup of Glen and Rev. and Mrs. Neil Van Heest were* present,

Meetings SebedaJed Mohawk Valley OES will hold a

Mrs. Wright to Speak Mra Frankryn N, Wright will

give a talk on the WSCS at the meeting 6:15 Thursday night in the social rooms of the Methodist church.

Supper will be served by Mra Ruth Vlckers, Mra Charles Robin­son, Mrs. Edith Forman. Mrs. Ge­neva Crocker. Mrs. WiUard Vroo-man, Mrs. Raymond Vosburgh, Mrs. Ray Olmstead, Mra May Hartman and Miss Mae Lattice.

Finish Exams Thursday' The Canajoharie Elementary

School will close at 11:30 Thursday morning at the end of the mid­year f xamtnations. This Is to give the teachers an opportunity to complete their reports and have general faculty meetings, accord­ing to Spencer Lowell, elementary co-ordinator.

The school will convene as usual Friday morning.

Pergonal Rente Rev. Franklyn N. Wright pastor

of the Canajoharie Methodist

Unit to Start Project The Sterkville Home Unit wUl

meet at 8 tomorrow night at the St James' Lutheran Church. The lesson on blouses will be taught by Mrs. Ralph Jordan. The refresh­ment committee will include Mrs. Harvey Gaudlng, Mra Howard Leneker, Mrs. Eugene Smith, Mra Ed Cogan and Mra Ward Van Deusen.

On Monday the last lesson on refinishlng of salad bowls wiU be ,TT" *

,t lh» rhnr rh ADOey. taught at the church.

Community Nates "Segregation" will be discussed

at a meeting of the Fort Plain Luther League at 7:30 Sunday night at St Paul's Lutheran Church. Fort Plain.

The Young Peoples Group of the Starkvitle Churches will meet at S tomorrow night at the Lutheran Church.

Albert Caswell snd Charles Yopa Fort Plain, left Saturday to spend a two weeks vacation at Daytona Beach, Fhv

Mr. and Mra Rocco Asselta and children, Utica, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mra

Sobecki, Fort Plain,

Mrs. looker Honored

OES Chapter, Ciub Mrs. Hazel Barnes. English

teacher at the Canajoharie Central School and a member of the Teka-harawa Chapter OES, gave a talk on dramatics at the meeting Friday night at the Masonic Temple. She

presented by Mra Marion

for patrolmen in the police depart­ment. The Village Board has stated two more are needed as per­manent members of the depart­ment

Applications may be obtained at police headquarters or by contact­ing Acting Chief Kenneth Travis,

Well. —-%-

themselves of bus snd truck ser- •%, . i i i i vtee.;lt la 40 minute, longer to Tup- j R l t e S A r C H e W per Lake, northbound, than It is to

A "Tribute Te A Faithful Mem­ber" was given by Mrs. Mary Pitcher to honor Mra, Louise Tooker, who was presented gifts by Mrs. Gladyce Woodford in be­half of the Officers Club and the chapter.

Mrs. Alice Patten, Matron, ap­pointed a committee to revise the by-laws of the chapter which In­cludes Mra Mabel Fox, Mra Lil­lian Van Every, Ralph Pitcher, Mra Lola Baker, Mra Doris Und-hoim and Mra Mary Pitcher.

A committee In charge of re­freshments and program for the next meeting Feb. 1 Includes Mra

Bellinger, Mra Mary Bell-Mrs. Madeline Bicrman. Miss

Lillian Bond, Mrs. Evelyn Bosch. Mrs Irene Braosbrldge, Mrs. Derm Brandow and Mrs. Bessie Brigbam.

Refreshments ware served by Mrs. Abbey.

Sabattis, and, once arrived st Tup­per Lake it Is 28 miles by road to Long Lake as against 13 miles from Sabattis. So it anpearg thst the customers of the New York Cen­tral would have to par more rsil mileage, more express charges, more freight costs, more mall delay so thst the railroad company could extinguish a trifling cost which has already been included in their operating expenses in their rste oases

'HOWWMS.̂ ahw -ilhsHhsed-hr-tow 4fe***----M-fi railroad company would lose to busses and trucks at least 50 per cent of the business now ortgmat- jTtoilreed Company representatives ing at or destined to Rshsttis Bu­tton, Notes Attitude of rieetrie I/Ulrtojr

C-,ntrs«f the attitude of the rail­road company with the policy of the electric utility serving More-housevilkv th Hamtliton County. Some two years ago this utility ex­tended Its lines from Herkimer County, at a cost so I am taM of over 1100,000 to give service to less than <5 remote customers in More-housevllki. The electric utility be­lieved that its franchise imposed on it an obligation to render serv­ice. It is doubtful if this extension wilj ever ahow any return on the investment let aloone the 6'* the railroad company considers flece-,. sary in every department of its business,

For Peter Buyce The funeral of Peter Buyce was

hfeld at the Lipe Funeral Home, Northvllie at 2 Sunday afternoon. Rev. Jay Clarke of the Pilgrim Holiness Church officiated.

Bearers were Paul Stuart, Clar­ence Kibler, Floyd Simonds. Leon Perry. Hiram K. Craig and Hassan Buyce. The body was placed in the vault at Prospect Hill Cemetr

Cemetery in the spring.

that instead of bring junk dealers they might better be railroad men

between Remsen and Utica—the elimination of which Is causing so many delays?

"How about running i ram* on time on the Adirondack division?

"How about less atrocious Hail-express service ? Nowadays fife days from New York City to Sabat­tis i

"How about a little dolling up? The last time a paint brush touch­ed Ssbsttis Station was in 1888. I happen to remember the fear be­cause it was the year of the New York Mats' Constitutional Conven­tion to which I happen to be a delegate.

How about a flower bed near "Tee aught gee to suggest to the 4 the Station? There used to be one

Pays fee Speed Harry Rosenberg, 28, Toronto.

Canada, was arrested at 8 Saturday night for speeding 70 m.p.h. on the New York State Thruway by Trooper J, J. Bromford. He was brought before Justice of the Peace Name Shaver of the Town of Can­ajoharie where he pleaded guilty

fined $10.

To Meet at Dinner The Mens Fellowship of the Bsp-

How about restoring the "Wee** bat Church will hold a dinner metttag at 1:80 Wednesday night Dinner wfl| be served by Kenneth Courtney and Orra J. BrowneR. Use, Lao Hieheek of the Mayfield Community Church wid speak

mm *\ sW wWIR H P R Sacandaga Chapter, Royal Arch

Masons, will meet at $ tomorrow night at the Masonic Temple'

• Miss Betty'Blowers Is spending a two week vacation at the home of her parent*. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Blowers, She w4H complete her training for / practical nurse st the Albany Medical Center on Feb. ^ a f

Attended Beat Shew Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilbur' and

eons attended the boat show held in New York City over the weekend.

Mr. and Mra Kenneth Mang of Dolgeville and Mr^and Mrs. Lenfol Setter of Canada Lake, attenjfed the boat show in New York City ever the weekend.

Church when Rev. Jack Hascup of j card parts F*h- 2 at the Masonic j cou^h, ^ attending the New York the Glen Reformed Church will! Temple. Prises will be awarded and

stalled, New officers will be in-

Mayfield • •

Fellowship Elects Roberta Downs As New President

Patrolman Teat Planned The Herkmer County Civil Serv­

ice Commission will conduct an ex­amination in Dotgevtte next month **«£ ?°wn»M N f i f f i R » u %2 n

The Westminister Fellowship of the Central Presbyterian Church met Sunday night at the church and elected officers.

The following were elected: Ro-

Oathout, vice president: Patricia Brewer, secretary; Robert"Ubrirft treasurer: David Hathaway, sonj and game leader.

The business meeting was fol­lowed by a social time. Refresh­ments' were servecTby Marlon Hop-kins, who will serve as advisor.

Nedea* Horton Entertoma Nadena Horton entertained sev­

eral of her friends Saturday, the occasion being her 18th birthday. Games and dancing were enjoyed and refreshments were served.

refreshments served. The Fultonville Reformed Church

Consistory will meet st 8 Friday ntght at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Todd.

The U. S Forest Products Lab­oratory, In Madison, Wis., is the largest In the .world devoted ex­clusively to wood research.

Area Ministers- Retreat at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. this week.

Ceo Swank, Caimjohario,^ who juffered a heart attack Jan. 3. has returned to his work at Osbom's.

John Snyder, Jordanville, gover­nor of the Canajoharte Moose Lodge, h^s returned home from the Herkimer Memorial Hospital. He suffered a heart attack Jan. 15. His condition |g satisfactory

Annual Fiscal Report of the Supervisor of Town of Broadalbin -



Re«4 Property TiULes Per Capltn (Mate Aid) eUare Refund* " - — Mortgnge T«i (From County;Tress.) Refund on Touth I»»o7r»m . Dog Licenses (From County Other Licenses (Ijocal) Tear or the Town Clerk Fees of the Justice of the Peace — Fees of the Tax CoMetstor — Fees of thn Dog Enumerator Tax Anticipation Note

one Ioe SkhUnf Popular

The weather has promoted of the old fashioned winter sports, skating, which has not been tod popular in recent years because of tha uncertainty of maintaining the Ice rink. Sale of skates has been good this year and the rink in the rear of the Doige School Is In ex­cellent condition., according to Michael Stehnach, supervisor.'

Newt Items About e Residents

Mr. and Mra Henry Wrobel, Sprskers, snd Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bishop, Canajoharie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Wrobel, South Glens Faila

Mra Lloyd Hall was s visitor last week of Mra Verlie Ambridge and Mrs. Wiiiitm Van Kersen, patients at the Albany Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bundy and Mrs. Beatrice Meyer and daugh­ter Beverly, called on Mra Thomas Putnam, a patient at the Little Falls Hospital, Friday.

Mr. and Mra WaRer Hayes, Fon

Community Notes Allen Parker has returned home

from Florida where he visited re I a t i ves .

Judy Scribner of Gloversville spent the weekend with Nadena Horton. . Mr. and Mra Clark Edwards were business callers In Glens Falls Friday night.

The January meeting of the May-field Central School P-TA has been cancelled tor the month.

, * '»

Mr, and Mra Leslie Armstrong, ni Loocki Takes Part Weekend goeato at toe hetne ef

Mr. and Mra Arthur Reynolds were Mr. and Mra Edward Rey­nold*. Fonda. Mrs Ida Landry, Malaga and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reynoida. Palatine Bridge

Mr. aad Mra Lloyd Hall and daughter, Marlene, were Sunday

Est* of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah tsraan. Fort Plain

Mra IBa Stosey, Palatine Bridge. was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs William Mull a a.

Mr. snd Mra Raymond Maguire are parents of a daughter born la the St. Clare's Huspitai. Scheaee-tsdy, Fridsy, named, Katharine Ann. She is the former Miss l>e Yetta Pitcher, daughter of Mr. and Mra Fred Pitcher, flprakeri.

Albert Rocklln and Paul Krotser went on a hiking trip Saturday to CarogaLake and CdmpWaodworth with the Canajoharte Boy Scout Sioop 81.

Sports Club Will Discuss Program

The Bleecker Fish snd Game Cjub will meet at s tomorrow night at the Tumble Inn Restaurant. There will be a discussion on the program ef activities to be carried out during the year.

e » . - -•••• t ,

Attends Training Session Mra Lewis Mader, member of the

Mountain View Home Unit, at* tended toe extension service train* ing school on fabric hats snd bags held la Johnstown Saturday.

Refund iJHbiiitj- Ins. as Per Audit Ins. Co.


Rewl Property Time* .... ,..»..,-•————. . Refund by Supervisor on Check Overpay


Item # 1 : K«Sl Prwpertyv Taxes *>—- -From State M State Ala _ Prom Ten Year Proarsm Fiom Amsterdam Water Works From Sale ef.'aniice Pipe —

Item # 3 : Real Property Taxes Item # 3 : Real Property Taxes Item # 4 : Real Property Taxes

». MM

t »„*if ,35 e,esf.*4 1.SM.SS

„M pe\M fajs

8T2.T& 2*2.80 8->,3» Mr.aa

1,000.00 2*3.53


County highway Dept. Snow a lee Control -Broadalbin Central School, Snow

Ten Tear Highway Pr<ij-rmm: Real Properly Taxes _„^..___.-.««.— State AM. Chapter Ml, Laws of >W0

, „ Revenue Anticipated Note ..—__ By Transfer from Item # t »*«*.

*** ftefund, Recovertee of Payments

233.21 .48

«i:...*inn.itn Laosr, aota.rr

250.011 28.S©1

10S.0O n.+ooon 1.500.09


I 25.41M1

I sas.aj

4.541.12 B.SSAft* 1.715 - i .



General Fund (Including Welfare! «_ H»-lth Fanrl Highway Fond —.—„,„.•„„;,,,.,.»r....

_f 8U.14 14212

II ».i II i» i • - 82 ,811 .00

f. - -S- w^»=

In Army Maneuvers Army Specialist, t/e Lauren C

son of Mra Charlette Broadalbin RD I, recedtry ed with the llth A^rbetne m "War Haw*,'' a field exercise in Germany t a construction sp*naii-t

in ft Haltalmn Headquart-r* Chnv parry r>f the division'- 511th Infan­try Regiment, entered the Army in Pbbruary 1*» tad completed basic training at Fort Bragg, N. C.

The 21-year-old Vojdier attended Broadalbin Central School.

Tribatg? , Andorra, tiny principality be­

tween France and Spain, pays annual tribute to its co-rulers. T<fee Bishop'of Urgel receives six ham* ibt cheeses, 12 hens and 44» pesetas (about $43), whils the president of France receives only $3 80.



GENERAL FUND> O«>wra|^pov*rnm>nt . , ...... _ -__—. tlT.SM.


• »,aiT.i

I a.sto.m


Youth Program Town Doctors (Sec. tm. Social Welfare Law) _ . -— Home Relief (Including Veteran*) Ji ,, - . Veteran*. Organisations for Rooms __ Cemeteries -*...» ™*»--ra..-^, Salary of Health Officer _-Other Health Expense* Registrar , « — . _ , — t . . .

IS St 3.SM4.1S



tana TOTAL GENERAL, WELFARE * HEALTH PAT* • MENTS ... - .•.••.•-•.....—.——.••—.. i . . . i m~-~-~-

HIGHWAY FUNDS: * Item # 1 : General Repairs .....a..—,-—„~—«^~—.—|12.A44.Tt


• 24,lTt,ai

Hem # 2 : Item # 3 :

Item #4

Special ImprovraenU (01.Ing) Transfer t« Ten Year Improvement Material for Repair of Bridges Purchase of Machinery Repair of Machineey ...» Storage of Machinery . Redemption of Oertlfleatea

11,415.91 atot Aft

« ! interest OR Cert i f icate* SaMW of T W i Superlnt Removal of anew a Ice Control

S superlntendsnt -

Tea Tsar

«'niting »f Weed* A Bru*h Other Miscellaneous Purposes -



W , ewfj




tat.rn.4 f


• n.ftsii —- .1 „, si

i i i t»ri mx


Machinery ..., • «. ......... ...... «.i> i.,••,•••.,, General tuna N«t* L Tea Jeer Pmersm No«e —..•-*..•—

t u t s of Nev Tort, » County of PuHon.

f, UIKAHI* LEE, Ttiwn CterS of the Tuwa of BVoadatMn New York ,i.> herehy certify, that I h*v» compared the foregoing* Annua) P|-ca! Renori of th* Sunervi»oi o* th»> Tcwn of Hioadnibin and entered in the minute* of . . in Town Brtwrd and that »<* for^orna l# • true and correct etopy or«ald VnauaJ r*UK«| Repnrt . ™

In wltn-jj-, whtrg f i j j v e te-wato set tny htnd and ee*,t „f a.fct Towa**Tats itto e«yi i>Ms7ii , tat*. , ^ i , r S ™ ^

& H U R n LEE, Town de f t , . •ana ex avosdasstas **. r.

•• F . f


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