New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-01-20 [p 5]. · XXXVIm 0ONOB»a mnmmcnr. * i nA'l i...

XXXVIm 0ONOB»a mn m mcnr. * i n A'l i H laaia. ia», -Un. IP, II Mr. Ih vi (,FAS,l>.ia IH >a Ini up bbiaeolati .'is ry r,iu,iiiit;t.- .. bri .. ia h bill ti.i-1'» 1-. ¦.< auppms* ¦.'' io**1 'ti. f !< aoo il ¦ a to.f,r. th. ,;-.. m: ....I. r t m rhmj at balf fflal I ne a'ckiek, i-. a*. A|r. | j n i \i K (Rep., n J (ll (i,;i: >p Oldeti c .: i:.. .>. \. ..-.I. er, aad i ln fi.v. r >.i ihe p¦<-- f a I.* HoneWi nd bill. ri -t Hr. M \m»N il». ii... \ i.'inion f. lh t'..-» -:,t|,.|| i.| 1.1- H< Benaie did oo bt bat rertive billa, -aueoria'a, re >- |tnii>ii». Ar, So Irgisl <i...ii waa ecMMapliabed, boi . niy ii tmtor* -. Ha read tho opiaioaa ol Rei.toT) rriiu'ridr-ii. and others, in 1830. loaMwihal Otod to th in ihe Sti'ate Hoi-t wa- *u '" .goatxed. II. waa, I to ti t- Botfetti ni.i'lr to rofei .. eer* ivatc aill lo .!< CoatatHite oa P.ifate baad I nioM-.l to Ui" U on the table to li -t tho qaratloa. Hr. BAYABD Deaa. Del.) mw ao orSI toioaol t'u.ii.; billa, and their lefereaee to ihe apj '. i-.te CoB-BUt'l¦< -. lt WM a uu r. |l ..1 (X| .. Mr. II i.i'i: Dem. K!.. waa oppo-el to the Benate l.y th- ..!''< r II" e, M n.iaiui.. 10 t\]tALtt tbe oi.mii/. I'.'cn. ^ He woatd apply la ihaB body aw o *t -xi. preeeaie. Tbem were ibref n. !.'.'.'.. .-..-;.-..ip ou uhi'-'. th.-> before ibe ll uee organ« m ,i. \ IIatore raled ia 181- tbat tbe n i.aie'. ..ot a. t. Tbere waaa la*|re aaaber of ».<.!... p|..l iruil ;;.-I e lloiiV. a: d it coiiid not ln I..I.1 lhal aU i....-ht noi '"¦ cool -'. d. SMr.'KN (Bep., Me. did m.t like tbi sittii . wi. k aiu-i- w.-.-i. _'.'iil' aothing II'.' l-.illld 'h- forre "t the arj oraenl of the 8«n«tor from .ht be .-.«ii-.l by tbi d< ¦aeeeare opoa it t<> Inooce it to organiar. That, be n.'.l.'-r tl.-.Ji. wa u ..-.. mh-ih ia l'-ivor of nctto_ here. rJ< tfidoottbiol tbe preoedeote yi .ted siioul.i ,f(,v,r, - ..Thev were uot O..M-.I <>ii < m-t-'ii- ...i'i-iI lhat r-ii'h aotiOB '-¦' ,.iA(l, ireto i.v,..l wurk and lo udi Jiirn i-i.r. rha I'l.p.e.iit etrideatli regardod lhat .i :,... ibe h id -. nt ia bia Annoal Meaaage. i,. ttM.dtl_-i ihe Senate eouM .lo its ahare of tne l.n-.i.t--. , , Mr. HALE fBep., 2f. B ted that tbe Bena-e ,. .... aadpaaaoo i voting a te lay H <>n Ihe .»b»e. , il-, !i,..tuiii t.. lay lha ti. ii mi il. table. i^(# ..1 t-> take no noa) aetion on an* bill nntil nt tiee ol the oiganiiaitoa of tho Hoaaa taki i. np. Mr. MABON mo -l to laj tbe raeototion oa tbe 1>,'.i. ..p :t -i-'l tl..: -ov.r tl.e wi.i.le _r. .11' l. I> ,,,ui,( tiu.«. r oo d be n .i a alirti .. Ile waa oppoeod to any actioa wBaterei %ill ibe H.."s. . ryanised. Mr. l'A*» \Kl> -iiri..!iu(i I-¦¦.l.-.-oiiiiien. Ileth'Ui'ht ti.,_v ... -. and iht-L atopabortof L'-"'1 !'1'1" ''. . , i- i -i .-,,. frmri] " hl< li M-8STB. V < »>. 'II K(Ktp..Conn UI STEB Dem ,Va.),Pli8SI v DF.N, CULLAM_B Kop., Vl*)i »n,i ci_imc4M«i of Mr. TOOMBS (Doaa.,.'.. tha Baaate wheo ii adjoarnod i. aauoldatand ad- jniri m IH) M< > .1 >v. Mr. [BL'MBULL Rep., III. aaored loaaaeno 11..M.I.. r np...i".ii b\ .!.-. lan'- . lha nntil ibelloaee orfiaiiixi ihe Ba Kai ngbl to tran-- aei b ablatii Mr v ..-.l a Fobethn'e tbal intil by im:!.iiat...|i uc-i>fl frOB :'-- H.'l - toriii. 't ol ita or,:-u.i.' itioo, ti.e S. "h'e ia 004 O0__p< '- Ul |o avoeaed to levialattiv« buaioeaa. Mi. fBI.BI 1.1. aaid tbat waa eatiafactory to hha, had a ithdit » bia >.i i ndaiaat. Mr. MALK move.l lo .it-i'.»- oal Ibe worda " eoainin- .. nie.ii'.ot. if,.r.. Ihe Ib...-.-.'' *> tbat tbe reeolation .wuuJdr.-.i .' tbat imtil uitoroied ot Ihe onjanuation .. of tbe JI. aaa the Senai. ie aot eoiapaleal le <t" baa- loaa tbe wbole aabjoel WM laid ii tiie table. ,¦,¦,.,.,, .Vr BUtOHAM noiv m.-v.-d tt rel.r h:n bih t<> -lie (..'inu-MUe <-li I'nvate Laod < laiie-*. Mr. M.\st»X i..i-._ ep-TBtof oroertbat it a c. mietdkl tt. make a reft leoee aaiil lha Booae orgaa- Jfr. C-UTTEMDES Aaa., Ky.i eoatended thath v,-.- i ¦! a .--i p< i.-iit poiol for tbe < 'hair to d. <-i le. _ CHAlBrobniiUcdtbe queatioii to tho docwion ,.fib.. n-i :.i.. aud tbe poi t«_ orAtt wm onirwed: ..... TWoae vi.ui: in tbe negaaT. were Meam. L lay, llale. Huailin, Joh-WOO (1. nn. , Miiloiy, MaBBBi ani liilu. Tl.e I ill was thpti referred. On moli. a ot Mi- rTTt M, ."-,."p|i- of tbe irj K.-poit aeieordeiedtobe pii:it»d. Mr.WADI Bep.,Ohio preeeated a patinootbal ,_,. ..... .i I8i2 be pui b|ion tbe penBtoa rdL .Mr. I'lNW (Boa., V i'.| ofierod a m. lutoaap- p«___ti] i" inve t'.-ito wbether *.|ip' oi nni other umi, haa been j ud oal ot tbe tul.'li. ir'.ii; :".' appropriation on the pnuttmr of tba l-tecntive departoMinU tothe newapaperi, eflpeeially '/'.'- li ./.. .-.--''. Ti.../ ;. -' boi ¦.'.-;- c iniraci ht ai.y time byMr.Bow.aa wiui tbefonoof ... ibt Nn..;. ui.., tUccu vt I) u .. nt. by receive p'JO.OO-i; aod jT.'vy t<. tb.- and whal rodnction caa ba ..} ihe [-nl- I ..\er. II M.-nday. norsE ok BE__r_8ElfTA_T~Ea Mr. IHN'DM \N \d. I'<),... Ark. aaid the people -.-..i.l.l r ti.-le "iu iboee aho aro loaponaible for ao_r» He vsi.p i.. dj loi thetrial. \ ¦- Dota- oeratK part, bad notbinn lo dread. Tbe BepnWicans (-.ponsible for this Btateoflhui II Ibe? bad mi ii. I..U. aho bad ri.- led Ibe iliouul a b....h . ..i;... lu..' rapioe, Imwrroetion. hlt\ iloodslwd, ihere would have oeen ao prolonged fbe Bepablicaa ual t,;,itv, vibiib bad it- eupport only in L.c md p;--r.;i- onl ofte tcrmif j reju I. -¦- aad _-aUgi_ty, by w-hi.-i it lekepl alive. Hej tbow, by recent o. u. -p mal'.aii.ii.i iu wbicb i- ive Sorthen wroooalieai tbeii owa d.-¦ a:.d roferrodi it pro- pi,ir,b.-rs ol' ti, L'euiborton M ivery worse Ihe Afri'-4ii.u»d I .l u. i.i. i-.-ire ti the foia.le rij. Hetrlal.d, ' publi / ». Ytlltald,o\ I - roart lat-t. ,, , , Mr. O'OOCH, (Ttep., Maaa.), aaid er pre- uttd, r.m: HaiBMibiie, il mu-t bavi lesss-.l"!' rativo, toNotr-Haaap re V Mr BINDMAN aaid I .**. ruir. 1). la- d. , lh. (.(j.jCII replied this waa pre l .i v a- iluled N' .<' Jlami man who be .-.i|...n.''--ii. md ¦.¦ _ei il..' rcuBBUnc. libil.l- auvvibei- ll., i.|.i. ..... v. ...-.' u^ta ,., .niy to two flollara per <liy, a Mr IIIM>MAN woold not M.ubtV:i.:.y. Ii Beemcd ibe rtry; but il tbe VIl.J.'." fl .ra. Iv loffeierl l"i bi». M, _,._, K- (;.)()( !1 replied ~"e'i.otl....i..Ld,,.,t .;, i.,p..,..'m- ...,i. Mtpublican ...,V'ii .ii. ' ". r oiild miireb hit Northen. men aootb.ib*-*!.i ""!." boi ri,,- n - t.. fr-.Tiitl. r. urn.p .-.-e./t. I...!.,. th-iv. .- P0O|jf- wo.ild '- welmiaaad Wi BJ-say bospHnblfl -..iv-. IheWach m ,..\s.pm1 1».-Ui Sh.-rniau ani II- ' .-H^HI.dJO, ...-'.lt .-.ll). III " (Jeaaieia, aad DOO-oaH _ .bdau froai n i,-,.i-., ,.l .....,' M- biabandBil ' ' "' ' " .rtitntiuti .md -h.-l nion, tutWmg ond tirti tbi -. i.t..-! .-I.e Ul.te.l h-.,l BlK'b-f __toib.«r.d ot tbewiiru* *.!¦ ..erit,""1 ,';;;¦; r..w,..i... .M- HI. oi Maieh, IBBl. '".. barroBUib-a. t- it loi . ' .'illrh WHI....II pioli'. tRMt. MM.HAMiIlfp.,' .'. ibmMmaf ef-brfa^flici »' ri aralltj raaolatim ot Maa..4..-.Mr. Ilu '' ".,«"I;J. M . REAGAN (lVm T. *»* T1" "' ¦ C"U of th* Hottif, wl-ith war IBfBHd "' :'-"" l'''-. A «^"- li (i.-llcil l.'1'f..l M,V-'^ { I ,:r'S <'".'.' lawi REAfl-X, aod BRAKi i. <I,,«'" _.i. oa in it ..j o der, .t.-|,iiii tb. l'i vjtiHj leiomnon, .-.- iwn Ib_< i< __i ti !. - '," " Mr 1.1 IR1 '!" IB. 'v . Mil-.-.l BB : rMf,,r tf* bl ttti fron .' V. i .',,)*.,ri a,,,) /,,, y-r'¦*.' I'.n-c iu Um BpaiM itf *tV atl r. I- *,*"_, i-i ia to tii.i'i.e i -,it «ltl. rnrha man - W-- '>'. ath. -.(bt tO fl.'' lbi Ni.rtlliTti |..'H|ill- -I fit'a- i. .' .. -r a I. el- Ii nl not oa©* en- ttrt d bia htad. II. neri r iii i iy m thi- il wi tbal tbe M V.:. B .jn lt Ca. ¦¦' '!l. ilir- BolUlioi 'bnt tfw 'h;ii_ tli.-ii t e eb r- il..-,-,| i. r. Mu i-i.i ', .il t'.r n ^i-ti! .-:-»'¦ puli if le.-l- ;lil l>- tlie iniUaton tfep and il it were fol- l-.Wl il !'\ tlie . li.l il Mi. Sew i'-.| to l||. I't'crid -li \ lt wiiiiln b| a ttt* -c /"//'. He MM I ii ni. ii MM Baflflf l. I.i-i nihn al m d a. d -.. I b . trt* h tbontnol h ta tbe I'njpn. Ho woaMiaikaan* I enoaal -1- ribea lo ttm rtt it but waal no- tn. thi* ].tii|..-e meriti «. lie riabta ot tbe people of Virgmii aod ii-,e Bonth. ileiin .1 alao th. tratb al Tkt , .a ibal tbey winl to radi a m Dlilliolii ..( i.t tlie Soulti 10 _m\ >¦->'. and eoi. .1 io ln r. ni n h it.-r fi 'in a eonotitaonl wbo aadartake* lo »bow frr-Bi tbf llible tbat B r< - InatttnUd by God I'inir. If, and tbal < tn:-1 doclan it it i" bi lo rin t. bl hl ih.\-" Mr. 1'it'l I LE (Rep.i K. 1 '"' tn .' to ba read n par ;,,.,-;:- b II lli.'te wi- a ( i-in.-itii'ii of (i irri -oii Abolttl in-tr n-.-eiiity al I Uea nt wbicb tb. te waa ii iii.nii rate itleudi. e, aotf K b-ch r< tolutioa * \t in -i:li-'iii,ci' I'mii Tkt N. Y. Heralim*** t-iiie tn- lii'un. fot. .iiiiii'iiniatiiu' ttlmlit'ton iittr-iaiicc- lo tbe Sontb, aod ratan io. thai to Ar. Ilenaett. Mr Fotile Bdvised tl.< Abolilioni-t*. <-t Nea Yotkt-.e.. _.___ iheir pal Tkt HtrttU, fot tbey wcr*. m .!.r nhligationi to il fot livertiiiBg tbeir pnociple* I.i joiii. tl.e af thut St-tte. Ur ri-irreiied lha tin' .. roc. i-ihl".'- -tii'tibt liav* bflMipfeai beOfltfflfll ihi-oogbonl the n.iuitry. Mr. LEAKE tn repTj iai. t>< Sontb wer* not afraid of N"Ui en. pitiiii t ne. Hewaatadhii eonatitaentato t -. li.; It ltt li'l the'l fc W.llt b :.' I. B__ tM K-pilMl- im-. He v ;.:.'. il th ni to eoMpn h. ml Um " Irrapre*- mI.Ii .-oi hi. " docti .,- "i Mr. Bevird. Tbat was alL Mr. I l KTlSn BW-UMqne*Uouofortfer that thfl demind for tb< pM vi. as nneattoB w._< not tf-bataabla. Mr BOCOl K il>i-m., Va.' wul otbaifl IIBlMifld lhal Um plnraliij tnle wai n.-t bafon Um Honae. Mr. CitUfAi I.¦!-.. Iml- 'l" n"t uot iiitenil iu ihe ntiiiemeuu and tecbnicalitiei ofPariu. lii-i-tavv law, bnt Idc-ira t»di«cnw thaeobjeel aathe eooitry ia lookiov at it to_day. The h>.-t quoatioa tbal in. ,-i..'..i ol tbii I'..- arai Ibe orgao- n ol tbe Hon*e. I deaireto ap. ak "1 tb< n uinar inwhiih r.niiiiti -nt .i y law ahoold be adatunatered, im! Ollh (" l'i<- C'.fik who pl-ecidcH, I'.nt l.v the Iii. !H- :-. o.ipyin ;the ll. v,.; lubontti I'l'iiai. i, il i- oor Rxat, Mr i- dnty, to pt'.'in.'tc, u lar ..- poMibie, tM organ- itatiou " thiaembryo body ol a _k_ we are BMBbe.i; .-t-it.t.i. tbat tbe n.iiinl r ia wbkh tte will of thii Houte lhal be aac ri lined, tbe way in uhi.h the coli. ctive rcnee ol theae RopresentBtircM of Amerkan people ahonld be .< -ccriaitied, i* not bv (rieecbe., bnt l>y TOling " Ajre" or No" njon the rarioai proi'.i-itions beCoia u_*. Tbe giLtleinaii M Um otber -id>. i<|rcak_i of f thit ride, ainl an eluli.rati' ii -i.ti"'1-' "i- Um i-mi-'.iiutioa <'*tv ofthe plaralitj rale. ... bave bad tf_wti ntionarapirl_a_ ntare rale. Um gti.tlciuan irom virgluM .Mr. Boeocb) oon. under- ,-tiiul thal the pra_io.iiqnart-oaiibaiorethiHonse. Huil are we lo d-i'.''ain w he'lier i; i. or not, BXCOfll l.v rnbniitiiog il to tbe Hoat. He nayi the objection i", il, iii l| i-Ii.mi1. n -iiliiti- n ir not well taken. How ahall we atcertain tbat, exeeptby abcaitUDg it to tbe nili. -i\. |i.d.'ii.'-i "1 tlu ll-ii-c Heaaji thM Ibe iliiinhi', iv. c i.* opp-..-.-.i bj ¦ MfljoritjO- Bontbera, itiau-.-' o ii-.i.-riiv Mr. jborman. U ,_;,! iaaoa lof that,whraotinbrnit ittoaTot. oftbkiHoo-. Wo bavi oMiai lapeai- tiil. to -iiiirint tverj qneetii n to ¦ rob Mr. .\ i.NM.UV. ,lxiu., N. < wbo . ¦¦¦¦'. .1 that, b. ccanni ." tx*K ot, ail pro] oaition bi witbdrawB i^- cejt tbe ol -Mi. I l.-i_. (Mu.. aml Mr. Gil- BMT'l aineucnt'i'. Hr. PARKSI- _LE I'- _)., Hll .)ap .kc for him- n. Ht bad ao nuili.'M y to ape ih ht any om bIbb. B*A, im..'. r ull tb.-1iwnit-nraBj ha waa opaoaotf to the pla- Jr. ai il \t onM poae -i r*Ut un ii il' m. r.-.-ioin- -.-.ii.r.a tl.e ClarL'a tsble. Hobalierotfh. sc- i ie.-.-eii tbe ,-eiiliuieii!.- <-l hi- Ad* ben be h-lid !.< y xx< illt IXHUb ue 10 ll rir-t it. Mr. COLP__X ari-r.! whether tbora wai not a arrit- t4 n i'gre. riicnt among Bontb maa on the other _><!». tu .t thev will ot. aLloiv the plorality rale to ba rotadoa. YOICJl."now ua .. n.iini'it Mt. BAhKSD VI_E rt.] eated ih il 1"- ipoke for bim- K-li', i.tid to Um Um intoadod lo realM tbe Btfoptioo of the plaralitj rnle, b. i -: "i Um _le-> in nol .Mr. ihornaa. Mr. COLFAX.YOO have ;. righl to rer-irt ll by i»r- linuii n'at V li.enn. . llnt tfo vou BBT th.-re ir. H wil . n u.ree_i(iit hv wbiih VM williu.t alh.w it t*. be rotad Mr. BA_t__8DAI__r.-1 bave m right to ipeab b aiv oiher _t-ntl. 'i.ii.n bul njeolt i i*_ -nl aaai a rulo a-'iinccni-ti'iiti."'.''1- Mr. ( oi.FAX.1 baToalwayaanaweratf tbe «... ntl,'rt ',.1. rtionr l.mly. l»"t.- M _*_BM lo MMWM -.'_' i.ia-.-tioii ... Mr. BABK-DATjE.1 bare rap. tad tl. time Uwl I have no .-iiillii.riiy lo .-pe'iK for auv other t'entli- mm,bM I lielieve tiuir- arai MBibarof ^entlemen whi. mu i '" i. At4 ihfl adoption of the plaralitj rale by all ti-i..-ii(ini"aal aad I-ai'liaui. ni.ny ap-iioMI. Mr BCSVETT, Din.Kj. Ifbr odobm oppeaai t.,1!,. plnr.'i'itv iii'e, ln lieriofl il oooooK'ituiional, aml vH latire < ftbe rigbtaot tM Majonty, plueiog tbe < lc-- tion in Um hanil M ¦ ini.ior.iy. Tb-N i- k written a "it * u.enl bl aeolb un n on thfl I).__oi-i..tie tida, who ... re_i*t, all pariiaaenl try tbeadopiiun ofthe pluralty rnf. 1 mu uot oj ibore WBO, by every parliaiientary dtrategy, will r-tlive n. ileten: it. _____.« Mr.COLFAX.A# Ibe gentleman r ho rraak, i WOaldaahwbi h.-r, if tveu a niu.a.rity of the HottM crtao tl.ini.. tk *in "> irai reta for «r _MPM_M Um plni ItJ ,u!e. thev woiiid re-i.-t. to pivvenl MMTOte b< in,. t-ken I , , , , Mr. iu KNK'IT -The gentletn.»n whopledgad them- mK. - iiitend i< itaad bj -iaa igreMMiB, Ifli Um bbbh ber be whal :' m*j. Mr.COLFAX Ihaqoeatiou i*- whe_M you will prevent u \"'' , . , Mr. BORKETT.1 -i- .'.. for my«*lf. laaiaad* nnd Hiiln-' lo " .-" ne.' v itfa .my nomber. to naa all patliaui- nlarv BMBB* Blid Btrategy iiL'iiti-:. the plnrahiy rule, il neoe* ¦" y, -ill onr omviw oni expira. Mi. ( ( li.l I»" J N iiiteml l-i Nl Ml tolle-mem-i known lo -_.___. otary praetiee lopfarwH Um (l-.k fron mojM.nudinu the uui »ti «*'! Mr. BrRNETT.1 bold thal thi reBotntkniofMr. HuK-bicBia not properly before tbe Houm, aad I um ret.iiy to ..-ii-:o it.- adoptiorj by reaoiting to all taetica , \nw, !,.- dilai .ry motion*, .;ilj, ., -. and podei r»f the Ho i*e, ind by DiBg tm*- ia dabato. I wlU tfo tbia to defeattht i pr, vtmi lh< ai -' iu lhal ebiur a man '¦"" fl "k< trha haa BftliBiod or diaarowed then. j 1T.,.. t topi i: * o .< -I . rtwot .-n my tectira and , [jl r. -mt in aU 1'.:. 'i.e rt try and ,i" aieam*, ro 1" ip Ood, *o loagaa 1 hav. a n tle D.-lii.i-l-ntlc riile.l Mr. < OU A-- w ri to tbe Helper book, I ,,. ,. j. ,. il tha t:n ta. Th- '.' , have fi iacd, foi ii or leren ,, i', in ni'i.T-'i .i bot m rvUe Had mbodied broadeat: thro i. sonth, 1 re tbe ... .i.i i be tl Mr. lli'ltM 1 I Whi "¦' - . _. ...a, Co tl v N\ ¦'. pa diflh li.-ni l.road. Kt J ll I-a -'¦ i i,,,,,,, knoa ib* lru_ < n d n ol and migbl und. r land und MU n miiii ¦'¦ -i for ..; tbe l'i -I-1";> -.' ." aho hai i- ollj " And be beli vt d il-- ifenllaman from lodiana Mr. I ol- i ,.x. a, in :h- .¦¦ mi ''¦ " J. * " "** '..*" ',. ilK,. d iword, and ret ommi oding doi -ulat. .. V(. ,., in) . 'li -liv-li.i: lur*. Mry acl -' '. r, io ng rapin a.l murd tl. ai.-i i- M docti i" Mr. N\ IN H/IW Mtplttin-dll <. by h - rtn. '?.on be ,),,!,,,,. tba ll'-it- iBoald un oo ti- pht- rul_. Ile wonld oppoa I b) ill logtUaiati ¦. <; \1,'\T.'I'!' 1»-M.. \ I r-h.. i] ,- ii. ..'I.-.-t .."'- oa Mr. ( ii- M.-..ilnii'.i! i*> ri.: iii. Ji -ipi r i. ."!. ia Mr Iii RN I I ,"'-'r' "" ..'' i, .'...-, -1'* '. -r.v ' ai.l".ti-it.ii" ii.''. -"'¦ :'v-'"'1 v****** bnown lo tba Con- ..;,.,:. ui.n.l I.".'. -. I""' >.' ''" ¦*. '" "' '''" I''"' ""'- ".' 1 ¦¦'".ba ,l,.,ii.,ti ol John s., bi :. i] Intfaiwe M IM ll .' boob. ,ii i vi, \| i.| i \ Dem., -s ' ¦' ¦ birge oumber ¦n,,. a ha.l HiglMd th ,"..:l.a,irti ,,. ,,,.. ,.!]. .-...-Mt:' HBtf WBOWObM MTI Ibe !1oMh«HMtbetfOd__*tfBt-MMtf tfMglK. ;- -i,,-,:. at.) man ! " l|,!i"' '. K iM..;. M,,! i.. alreadj b drenrhed la Mood by I a|urdk i-'i ii .1 -I bigp, u'1;. b wera ndtfOO" r"' :.!"( Sir COLFAX n.k.d whether Ihe .-i^'imtures wtre Mr. M. iyi'1-.K.N replied ihal 'i.i- objeol waa they .I ih! n< I.. eaiiic" u. tl. K. | ubliiiiii p»iiy buttho ¦. i-i n an '. bM '.* .pi-!......... :.< qaarab ¦'¦ w-;:ti ;h<- iir-r<.'.,. f jt bad ).< i-.i a private . ne N . COLFAX aakod Mr. Laaaar, wbo bad rleoa, how a m y i». a .-i-i: t- hn . and whether aay N. r.'.-W eitl tn IV BM cr;.'- aere :' iirtV d, Mr.LAMBB(Deaa.. Maa, dMaatbaaa th<- bbm ..'i i f .1 ..tiiit-. bal bc wa.- in. .Sor'h-W. -t- d bi i.ti... 1...' bi name lo ;. I!- ligned the i ndntloti foi ....-; ratron i" reehrl Ihe adoptkw ol il a plaiTtlri" rule. Mr. l oLFAX.De l aodarataiid.thal if Ibe pluralfl* rule sbouM be n.i.v.-.l an.l tbe quetalon about lo ln- pnt be tbi I lerit, aad oreo ll you are awara ..f lha net, ibat then iaan overwhelibifl rote lo aad this bb- II, WOUld VOU l.ripl it tO ihe <l ll <>I this ('Oll-ie.-- hi- na! term I Mr. LAMAB .Ihe reeolathn roauaaa aa i" no loeb Aa to wbether tbb B nj parpoee.tb- feotle- will Baeerlrdn when tbe .-"i-t ngi-n.-y BbaU ariae. 'I .<. i- tbip .lilii -i.-iiei- li.-l \\.-i li tbr r.Pililali")! o( ll.O H ...' ...' il.e II. li.. r l.i.i.k by ibe !'. fiiiMu-a'is, Bod bt Bootht-rn men. We coauaeod the book to public im.i...;.ii. and you n eoou&end ii .<> poblie eeoadi n<- :.i .. mi. .- M. Mr. vALLANDIGHAM Dem.,ObU) aaid h- (i, -.i tl ». pup.bef w' ... iier -tmsideration, bad ar« ib. beih I ibal ll . plurality tah anei lie pal. s long u* the reaolation propoaieg It ahall be .Bl .1 oc'i-r, be WIU n ia :t bv nl :..iaa»-tlaiy waebl ery bol whea o-biaa'ia order i . d "li-ipi- Utlj wali tb. n.i. S. thtB BO tt Bi BB W M iidividualb cow ined,aftere b-..-t m-all legllniata i. I -,i.. be would roi -<..' lhal Ibere snuuld t. a rela .: ,ii- ii-f.nit-..i. i e paper waa ; iaeeeBad vt Maa, boi be ii-|'.:i.'\. cboed -hraiag k. BowMaar r\w ;:.i li '" i w eouatiti niu cJ< Mr. P£>*I)LETON (Dem., Obki i-wcatred in the rrrir.ion nf Mr. Yalhn di'ham. beiiovirp it was the oi.inlni "i ihe Knrth-Weeieru Deaaaoraey. Mr i i.akk I>< m.. Mo.) i'iebiri-d ba auiei waaM c. i-Kiii t" rote i-n ib. plund't- rule. Mr. ( OLFAX.Will yoo a'l. a lh* < lark lo pM lha .,-.. .... i, v - ... \i. ! Mr. C'LABI 1 -m '11 reeBl it bj every exaadieal hoown ki ih< laweol ib. laod. 1 aaeaa whai 1 Mr. 8TEV.'N80N (De«., K< inqui-ed whether Mr. 8eward did not .. maiawnd tbe Helper book, aod wbetbei Mr. Bowaid waa ibe geatleaBoe'a eaaaadate lor M e i'n .-!<!.-) \ .' y.r. ( OLFAX waa nnderatood to aay bedklkaaw v Kc ...- it wp'.i.l I..- Mr. Beward, ¦.;... n.-iv nlaa. Mr. KI l.\ h VSON aak. .1 wh. tb. r, V tbe Bepubli- ih: -..-< .i.l noari-ate an ii..l<.i.-.T"! th. Helparbook, ha w. uhi i >.t 'eeerre tb« rapport of tbal pany. Mr. COLFAX- CnquestloDiibly be will* Mr.8TEVE_vSON .1 >...).. K_..- IheayMhaeeaae ... ..; ii .- ii. ',,¦. bo ik. Mr. UOLFAX, allodiog to Ibe former pfirt ofthe debate, laidthal Mr. La__ar labored nnder a uiietake i- I.. ihe !ai-.ui-::e bo lCol/aj naed, We take tbe Bioundt] .('.-. i.- nothinjrlegBmnicly in ordeYtPI tbe election of a 8paaker; BMWbaabe ia in.-iall.-d, I an. ready togire mv riewa <.n the Belparbook. Up t.. iba] '.< i.t tiaae I bave n..t road a BoUtary paaja of i. i ..m b tbe babB of aek-owledeinf ny rotpoaab hilityJoi inv OWB att-, ai.U not lor the ^Biitlemeii ou tL< .' ii.'.-. Mi. BAHK8DALB.1 onderatood you to say that ii, pii* qo. -.;-..!. :n ia 'ho elecroe of Speaker. i -.,-\i 'n.u wbether, in tbe MaaaaBeeaaeBi of tl.e XXXTvthConpwoa, jroadid aet rotefor reordotioos Jiiv.i... dir.-.t lefereoee to the qaab.eatiiBU for .s..:,k.l Mr. rni.l'W ri.-t bai nothbig lo do with aay ni-. iu..'-.'. li aaa thaa dooe bj eo»n»oi.nmot. ln'. ibMlpase. I um in Iba l.a'.i'"oi acknowl-dgiaw ¦.; n.-l otsibility, i.": t" -i-iitb ni'-'i npoB tbe otbar noa "t tlu II....1-.. hut to im conBtitm nte. I hav beaad geo« iV ii--a ... the otber iide of the Bouro, after deaonnt*. iu- tl lieaetn of Joha Browo.go on to Btatothatif tbfl .. p|« ol '! I'lrt-J Bi tf. a iif ekcta Pi u- c.nt iheydoDot like tbi ywOlreeial bia .paairaiatioa bj loue. ;.i i prereat Ibal elootkm from batngfoaaoo> Diatcd witboai waitingfor aaj orarl aet tdonof ,,., beroto bold Ibeae gcntlertien i.- ponsihle. porto ii-i- oflen-i' a hu gonat i'i rehlloa to ibaae -etiini.-ti'.-; lii.y are accountahm to tbeir eeeau'tBeate bow. I i.m, Iberafure, aeeonnlable lo u<- consli oapi im.i o Iba ppiitlercan J'r.ini M-MBslppi. 1 nt. dd to nieet . lu-y before ibe nnal \iler.. I bare ao oftea -.) tl..-_j. aad ii iboy lo accept ny explanaMon, it 1 raoaa to aake any, H ihoald eertahily lariiiy tho leatleaien whohai i.i.'i. -j. iipii.ilr.v ior niy f..ii.;V" i. i. and n powerto |.i,mi.i irti-iiM;.'. IgivelbtuiUi wbicb I demand, and ;i eitbei Mr. Sberaaan or mj elfseebl BOO i'iv<- i.nv M i: Ii: Ii b< ri il Mili boool ,.j..ii eonipulMo- oi dcauu I, batvolantarily. beoanaa \, .,, j,. to ii.. ... N...V | i-..;.ii-bii.-K i.i thflpoal froaiwhkb l -' nod. la n-.-ai.i lo theeo dorel*p- I did not «3 i"^-*"1 ;V ...i.i.table, b-it tbe eo >'¦.¦¦.¦ alB ,;"-'l tl.-.; lirM tirre in th" A*aerteen Conj-raai laaaaberabare i,..t leea arill.fl lo coaBoe ibeiaaelves t«. *.l>e "i-ii -iv li.i-.ii...... manm. ol e ndui day, pt i,, -:.t.:... io their --.t'-1 aod deboth-ga prop- n aid then rtAiop iponit, but faatbeeaUaaaty iii lo draw apa wriMea BgreeBMnt, au- i"- lijfnaturoa i. U-ia ,,,,; ... i.uvi.i a majority ..j tbe Houae 1i-"ijj expr - ingit 'w'ii 14.011 a B_tter >¦¦ ..!..' 00a- -11 totlus " <tmo- . , _ Mr. KOEI.L (Dem., M>. I m- ;¦. ly wish 10 aay I did no- pi.n .'. , Mr.Kt.HT Dem., 8.1 n_ to refcr ouly to a ,,., .,.,..,-, 'j ¦ wbether rrrotweare hiatified io reeorting lu JrarluuB. 1 a-; ns i" [.H-veiii a "i'.". v-.'i- np n ih- plaralitj re lutioo. 1 wipii ." 8uy ibal npon oaw <k-i.- aioa, a m a ,, .,,1,. .. ndmg t.. ezpel rrom thla Booaa Joha A6-BI8 ol Maaaacbae-tte. "i"l the reaolution would bare paiai d, he 00b ihe .i- or, aad bal 1 it, aud spoie for bui or a**/aa daya, deelaring lhal bc aouM yitldfora xiotiir. i.'Ihv the reaolation oa the table, hut wonld aerei ileld *r a rou 00 that leaolulkm, :.,,; ihal 1 rote mtu ibould ba IniduponitM he .iie.l BpaflBMJ BgBiMl it. [AM-BBaB.] And BC M i.i. \. ni it. .... 1 Ur COLFAX.1 thank tho gentleman for retnind* inflmeof tbia incident in tbe bfitory ot Ihe old man ,1, ,,..!. sir. he ....- lindkotiiig tbe eoaaKuti-aal ii; 1.;.- of bB .-'li.tiMci.:- np..n thk tloor. Mr. Kil'I'l -ndaoare we maiatals-Bf theeooatJ. tutiouui [bts.-' nr 01 [.pplaaaa.] Mp COLFAX.Bnt we are noi propo-ing toexpel ,i. ge-t'eman Irvm 800th CoroHna. It wowore be . hi be justiUed ln takiog tbal coaraa. ib<- 11- ,,. ... ,i,;H Hoare ij slmplj Ihis: w.- aie willtne, m we havf i.'-.ii. to without dalote noa ie prot. ntioB noa p nitng, ot wbieb may be peod- Itig bv being prcBeoted beroafter br a direel TOte, "'\ea' or " N::v. -o th. Eaajol ,¦; i'i.- |{-1,1. antathrea be iball aapwhM ahall be Ibe oction oi We aro reaoy to tbIo opoa Ihe poinU ol or* ra -.' bj Ibe Btlea-Ba-roa Penn- lylvnnia, ibal ihe preri-oa qaesiion u aot before the |jonse,i -i ll ii 0 1 di '..'. bat il i- not, we will il ia our babU in Ita Sorth t.. aibmitto tbe will oi ih. Buqority. \s.- iball not a<l"j>' tba 1 :,,.,!,¦ ol aentlemen a 0 at* tbal they- will mbmit n ;').< y i.el'.v»- ibal ihe will ol tbe majorit- i- riabl uud 'T 1...1, th. -.- will di ruj.t ererr I tbal bhadi thei 10 tbe i't..-i..' Mter Lhat, wa are wUUm ta rote mi,. ii,. r ihe pi irali * rob it»< 11 -- -owaJtutional, ai .! tl-. ti wbether or nntil iball be id ipled an.l when idoptcd, il it -l.aii be, "> hazard tbe n mlt, vou do tL " thal r '. of the greai j -a- 1 -.-.,; iboa wby we b-bm ( mt do, li Ib b. raase when tbe peaploaaBa-.- D ,1 if r|| ..,.-¦ ...1 . i.. .-.l nn-.' io aoaaa bef uud :. ,:-!i.'¦ »eal Ibe roootry, there wera i, nj.i. rity of nn I eitber ai I4cp iblicsm rote "t tbe Ki publicen party. B ar few 1.. ii.:i. .;.,'t..i ....-i. ka~a te . ¦. * to etfle for ibe Kepublican ididate. 1 do aal peaeaaM t!,. m n pomi ;-u: I t'':l »o oi H- I'-1 ' J "! b* Ihe Di '.- .'¦¦" !¦¦¦'¦>. "r bf ,"'.- n: I ol tli it purtj ¦¦' ' ¦' '' itlifullj Bnd I-1 read) lo v. 11 rpon an* »nd every ...,,,.. -iti.-r, or wbii um ..._ i ;,.,,! ,, North Carwlioa (Mr. w . willing toaoi ¦P.*u ProP" .U...11..1 ¦-. ¦. ,^,v.,' '.'" .. Bch a rote upon .. »« Mr. .".I BMl 1 N 11 1 the R. abla aa -Bnabera foi t>hi in ;. bu tbe iun> u ,. Cries ¦. 1. .. iide ol " ao, " aa, Mr.f!OX ll»'tii., Ohl I aak tb reaUewaa "row Im ij.t 11 beoot pooMbl. to lw-1 » Kpeakcrfrom 1.wnrarti aad oao, Un», wbo baa 1 u-.i i.t _ir. Si ib ... .... .;.. "ll1 mmm I III lllIC I.l. .1 Mr.COLFlN -Will Ibe ...i.-l. nmr. ri,<j 11,. .. J" X ' ..i.i..1 tbe latAloawa Meej mi a- _.'.i..,i .,....,..- Mi.. -'-vv"."i^" .. ¦¦ ¦''" w-?r_it_T_-»_d' ,,., lt0t i...iv lhat if tbe vou al idl 'he K- rubi - .....¦ -.-- - ... 'i-- "i vm.o "-.<;'" ;." ¦"...¦ U .di ,"-..l -nd la- .il Helper boak. b ...!_«. ..,. ld ¦. nl .'¦ n n.ifahpe_kci <<s .. mn- njioorvty. I «»_r_:*___ j-ilv. li vou.-aii, iner.r.) ... '. .-!»¦ ¦..- ,, ,1, if.... -. aod ..a be hi*.*. ,,...,., ii.ii "i ii" noum, .i. j .,.,,i-.o^ ........ *- ¦' ¦"'"l'J MflfltafHei. Yeabare *!.<-. bj Ur. S-mtmm '>.- cnu-e be [ptfonei t!< Ht-ftr book. Tm fi_ned u witb h m. 1 ou (I o'hi*' Mlfloi it IrM "f. --1 ,ne n"'m" but, foo aad lonr eoi__g_.r» an io tb* wom caje- aitfa iu... Vou -I rthiai Mfcboal ___. K t'i' | Toiif-elvee. Mr. I'OLPaX iv- ___mb of "Tlu- Baekiyi Atwoad" L'oa i* aot tba bmb M> nrraiffl bm _m layj ihiaglba-i <!.' <, I..". ¦- b- -.ill tatom M whe VpM lbi* -ide be i- lt ill :. ln M'le r< '. Mr. (()_ . 1 \.ii nn aone of M'u. Mr.COLFAX -T»_m it Mwill rate for gentle- vaa apoa thl BkWi l mpactfally Mbaril to him tbn', .icci.jili; a lo iln- f riticipli r" Of tbe KiaM*-Nl !>ru-r.H b II, whi.- I bolievc I ¦¦¦ -_-_-* U lia t h ,ve oi io n ont "wn way. l(.t»ut laagbter Mr. ( Oi.Sabject lo thi < u-i tafloa Of the (.'nited .Siaiif. il.:n, Mr.COLFAX I'- ConttitnHoa reqnircti u*to _it I 11 11 \ol. Hr. < <».. _-'i';.- Hon « .baHdoin leoMnta^JoBil Way. ItfOBtrt lotfllfetfl Witfc 'he turnily iffflill >f tho Repeblieai party, wb_a I flib h_ abont in. coalitioa ofBiapartr, .* terdaj my -_d»_-goi(Mr. Hutchiua] b ctured tbe DeoMM -¦>"' d m-org intiatioo, ind inoi to plme th. OfllM nd n_ia__ "I ll"t or-*.ii.i. in ItpOfl _*. I bow docfatfi that li paMble for tbe Kepebueat to eltcl u uiui in their OB I party whom I have MM L II i. ml dunid bat thM ***** I 11 who i. uiore c >n- ¦rvsitiw tlmn Mr. Sleniam, aad wbo i- not iu tlie him Helper boM w-tb Umh giM^iaMa. eaa i.e clti'.il. ih:.-, i-¦.-. by i majoriij ofthe Hoaaa. Mr.COLFAX I donol icknowlodge the gentle- MM I liih' t but I -vill MJ -itni'ly wi- nipl-i.ii Mr. Mi. .n.ati btetxL* h.- reo ive* tbfl lirg-St Mu., hi r oi vote* that eaa bt poUafl. I wiabtoaay, in eooelii ConatHntion of tbe I'nhetf 8t_te* aotboi .i xi. state-. oft_Ja Dnfoatoaled Repretenlatit . ia lbi ___rrimn Congrc* aatf, in complnuw. with tbal Com-til tion thoae Repn rvip tfi inii ta-tfay. i* ¦ faM taatevary Healk.M wbo tf h-" '- 11< ctfltf, bc. bj tb. auijority, bol bj Um plaralitj rnle. Only Rbode liiai.d rrqairca a majoritj rob ind Uu t* **n ;i Meoai vi le u plnialiiv w riillii ienl lo ______ N©W, vt'lien _entYaitu '"-d BIBW thfl-. _.ilar,e_ Irom ibe Titatnn «.' Um CnHed B»aU bj rtrtaeofaa election BM. r .)> tlnrnli'v rule, I Mf il ir1 u _ir- fttcbed argoni-al for ili-ui toii-i-- ihat tbat Coafti- latiot*, whicb niti our po*_r :i. tbo electiou of B Bpeoker ,i. the wm aay. will aot p rmM bi lo eleet hy thl plurul'tv iiilc. Nuv, MOM, Mr. Cob. of xiooT- .1 Mr li'li'-._ ol' Ma- .tiilll-i.ll- have br.'ll been 11,., ,i __.. ,' ibe p'aralhy nUe, iai, mV thoaeb -.ii. -.ii-',- bavi iriaeu ui n RBra t-> tha eonMita- tn.iiiiiiiv ot lawa p-B-ad oaear lbair_-___i_r_tioB,aBd __ai._-_._r-«i |,t thtm, jHnonwp. Bo-Utryer, hai ivarM* ten.' t.d l*e .-re iCsnitof Jufltiee lo l ...irt tbal i'ii.-i- lawi were invalid bacanre ihe Hp a.Bf waii loot*. by ;, phnaMty. Wi bare therefore the pcaoetfaaM of t<_-> ca lionc ot S|. il-. i. on* 4-.i. b ol 'he m il partiei, and tbe analOfjoua fact of tbe eJootwo ol Rapreaentaa ti\c- l.v ii plm.ili' t, whi. h baa hee.i provi.l I for in onl, r lhal tbe |i- of th. Di-iriilt. iiliabl he anr. pn (Ul((i. Tbo luw luid to tbe M°B**_ " -'"" Uj.,', huUU i'}< u ¦-"¦ ,Ml1 -bfl antiwho .,,,;,. i-'i. uooil 11 :..¦' be la tad." Il i* a vvi.-o iOB, BD 1 I.i-i iowaUtOOOpj t exampl- i" i Bl an . n>i la Um praaMI -e.d hu _. AdtoaiiK .. **the -)t<ii_*i_4_i .".nll. St. I.". i»,Wtda«*day,Jaa tfl 18W. Th.- ov('];.".' tkt \httt ?'.-!, *md fot- ,.;..], il, ¦. , . Ijntti anl ii ., .;:¦,.",;,.'. ii:-. Iboafl phei fr<*:-.i M.lloy'u iyi rday. _1,p;i . ,- -4 Vm CeavM'l'i Ind db- H.lvcl ou ti.e l-'Mi of December, prepaiataryta __¦ ne.li_l; ol' I new Ho l.-'iii-l.4l the Iii f**M litu- t:on ae! of l\.'.c, Ibai Blblib m>i we»i -bocUy flXia-___tM \ ,--.,,. ia, ,o,.. bfore. Adtairal Haii.a'l Int, vi/: T. < lio, 991 uii.: Here, If bbmi !__._, M pMBj und I MMMb, _- MlMIBWbo ii.'tvi- .-rrivi ,1 at V .i'iei!., fnun (MJ 1'pper Kih-tr, rcpoi-t tiehw tto\! neoreriti tl.e arerioM month tluu dt'iui' iuiy former period, many having !. ¦_. *'J,l'U<l in UUM ttwthm CMMI J-"''' bu '-nn^ mi many p_MM.aai m.__-,_._.ii..-> i...i-iii-i». *ritboot aid .>;-,,oahaflvar. Mm y niiuei-. wonld W.m al DoBflM, ttkt, il","-, and Wi tun ¦¦ whoM eaurBtfaoi *k*tt*j me i;, '| -ir m f tbe/Si'.' of goM tle ooatfag mmm. '/',', li... OtflgOB ./. ¦'-' iyi 'li_. "V- 'nl p'.r- |in bai n'tivid tle npp.-r! y, C.lvJ. and BteflblBMB, ull '.'. WbOM i'"Mi'.ii I'tevieiH rep-rt-ili mt ti BBBM in tbM Mgfa-B. Hfl M douh.i'l ibfl i v.r.'i uco of riM K4>U _BB-BlM ou all tbe >-r.-:.!:intnl,jt:_y_Hubi. Coluuil-it: Kiter ou the west ttiiil nottb. ___-_a>- From _kaii«a.. I.' IVI SWHI.TII, Wi .1.111. I -, lft*.'. Tbo Teiu I". la'.ii:..' ail|"tirned ***** Ah to day, the wnt-rtil uudi rstun .ini_r beiuj,' tbat thl QaMMOff will immediately convene it M____HB_____- The dillienl'y ar: inp iroia tlu; tttJktM MflM M I._w- Tcnce is therefore conoidered .etticd. CLailr- O'lonor .i»inin;i(«<l for Mi. I'rc-Klt tn t. CiiAiiiiiiiv. g, C.Tbuiv.luy. Jan. 19, IB0-. The Ant;nstu (Oa.l CflnrMBflfl_Mtf (l...ilf s tl Conor ot KlW-Tirb, f«>r tbo l're_*iili ncy. ?- From PlkM- l*« i«l- aml N*VW* Flvxtco. I.. itxbwobth, Tharaday, I>ec. 19. 18_0. The PQm'i Peai eapma arrired _MreU__a__lternoon, bringing tba msil*ud pmoajan Btom Daaiar '-ty ll ___U Lake, s.i.iihi in goM, und d iten from J.'lt* MM T. riitoi \ to tl.e .Ih in.-:., and liom Salt Like to Dflfl. 30. Aiivtci-.a from Mountain City r.-port the minere atill at work neigborfaood w-ith .roiitahle retnrno. DflfltbMI b id MM held iu tbe MMBflM-M, ia whieb the iiu.-lion Of orgaoiliBg MW ICMbUm nn ier the l*rovi-'oi...i floTen meal wu.a voted down by h iariiei n.ajoiity. Tho ganeral ixpreaMoa is bj fuvor of u _aa< ui-ato politicul oraaabmtfM by Co_MjMM and ******i_t 11 iitif. ti.iii with Kiih. -. A ceinaial lor fl ail EaeOitiBI wi.h KlW-MaxlOl wdH, owiiil' tO the iMTMMBg MMMMM bd_ tWMB tbe two (..iiiiiri -. The tfmtaet fron Lmtibworth to flaaa p.-nver Cky to nn graatar fcaaa froai latfeaaatfeBea, lh_ j,,, , at, ind tbe former ro* * bai i ih ,- ol Hl. '-. nl m ibe whole . xtenl oftbe ronii in .1 woald :."! lita lo be p tn i;.->' by troof* M n a- <!tr it nenre. An inmignUbm I exped d ki iringtl.ming Bpriog nperiortothatol hai rear, iai naigranti are aaa- t" :.ed .I'.'.i'.n t in, :..- ."..'i unprovid.-d with suli- ai»ii mi . Th Pfke'i PMb i v ¦"' my 'vvi|' loerai-a their line to a tr:-weeklv aa the IM <'i K -bruary, ici.i bave !.¦<¦'.. laffii >r a double daUy liae mmm ;i ii i- ii> ma .. by tra. I. Ad. perateofflruyorcarredon the Bbbbbj proeed a dtpartore of tbo mail, Mtween two baatfi i!, -| .t.iii.i ¦- he:. h -d rvapeetivoly by l.o' Hiuitiogtoa :...,| Bill UI imi i, i cb Uh-kuaii '.a*. mortally ...1 li.'ni ie on ilirfhtl} w.. inded, aa 1 -v>-i .'. oUmm .- .. red triibn-. hijarii -«__- l.alir Irom llavana. \ '.(!,.¦ i i.-, Ihnr.dBi.Jan. 19, l__9. Ihe .-> .-.-iii i.i,- '' i'i ..' l..i an iw U in ra w ah 11..V- i .' -. - nt ibe t! I ln- v tf -i r w a<_ very Imt. Hu -ii..-. - via* ¦. um ie.-. tagarwM lna, bM bo (... ioibII. I ,. ..ii I.n'i'.r.ii I.i , .nt., < n Nea-Tork.-j r eent. **p l.oiti .imi:t l__*flBlMtMirf.ti Nl .v t»i r.i.a, \s <. ..i v, .1. n. 18, l**_». Iu IhiT-iBJabina fagialiiwn i.-diyibe (.n_M_ >I ¦. w.i- ,i I. |i tbe ,. v r -, ,('.-. vi-nt'i.ri n atl ih .,-..¦,¦¦ re! ill« |i' pg i.pi a l'i. !n -lei , ¦...., ., ', .: ...;.' _'id Icth libu il.-- ¦ ......i iu g .-.-I-, iiinn. Tin- I! i l| .- II irper'i Ytwn a_air ia attaeb on ll a ii_*r.'-. *ni pnv- t the :'-ii'.iii, aad aUrgini^ tbM Um boatdit) of iho North, .. ii bi ection oi a Kepublieati Pn w i. -. -.- -. ii m ofthe _. Flrr in .'li*ii>li.nil. Clbvbi '.m>, 1_Miatfay, Jaa. 19, Iflflfl. A Ir* thi Moratan intrayii IM bara, 4*n.- b. p.'l. ... ... Tborm ia. I. M '¦I--.I-. 113,090, If. aid of C liarli'a I. _Tlann. Um t, '1 iars_ ... Jan, 19, Mfl* Tbe II..n. Cb .rb A. M.nii, I'midenl of-ha " Baak, diad ftudt-enlj inthi-. eily to-dav, of apople_y« Hr wm in I8M u m'> mber of tne AaaemMr, fn l**_ ¦' Nhie s. iii.i..i, i.n.l h.. beea Prealtfbnt w tM S"0*'" i ork, albaay, ai >l Butfulg Ti:«>_-_-|>li _<__,-_... Ht* *,,*) .»i V THI COBOBBB'a IBQI-* T .00l71*riP;_,. L*w BIBI j Ha I., Tburs- '-y.oao. 19, I8C0 Tbeiaqaiateathe Ia4e dheaBw *va» MMMbIWi n''i"!!.?H.t«l.r wbo B-ipariotonded th. %\VL*f^ !h* /, .i.'-,t.on of Ibe IvrnUrtMi _!ili>, IM11**1 to *».. ihe worl. . . .. Idv-i.l P. WbUMT, who aaa empW. «.» "" faartbato-y movin. t ?. fl" frauien Ht tho ti . buiidiug feil n-hnii. .iibii! IbaaaeMaMaaaaoaad w \l" ln.- ni'iuiie* afler tba* feoaed eaoviaglbofrasaei 8. ir.R wa- i.i>oi.t ¦< »eot* ti' -i from tlu- aoalb enl <>f ih I... Iilin- he Dr-ni.l no i-ra.-k at J.II; phonld Ihink lt W-B i.i ni'.iethu. ilni-i aeeeada from lha tira. I uotiod ,1,, ett| -'.-I. ..!! "I down; ihOQfbt they I.-id irurhnioro weight in tbat than in My otber part >f ibe baildiri.; obere aeral tbe il> fraaaeaalotol earde va,,.. r. ii.. ¦'..<': -I »W think the ly frnmc-road* » .,.,, ,,i,.. r wetghi i" ih<- aajaava foot waa na rir.b. made h lOOJOrb Bl tho Jhtter tOWo IMI dav that I mU'mi 'te what bc! I tM BBU up: Dothino bai tbe gieatwelgbt eaaaad m lo f*y Mi bare alaayi netfctdthal me ab._fuogiMMrtJMl.Hy true, I HoaaM bhtc bten <nlU (\ BBM to lei.'l ll,. tho i.ii.i \; aevei waacallod to doao, eB-ogtooooo . x-l'-ion 10 lev.l li[- p. II..- mill. p; never l.otn * I My iieiiation ot" weabaceaiathe mill; I MMaaraaaeM a mill where Ihe jar wur- u<»t gB BB t tb ¦ ia thwj N ii.oiin. th. p<- ii iu i.-i; aa, tbere waa b«i roeaarh axpreea- pg fin,- tbat il.e mill aoaM fall abib wa araiaBaoy. ing; the llv-irati,. 1 v. u- plid wil out be n ' jolt.'d: fbould Ih-bhthemaehlnee *.< iahed3,0001b ithe nij be«t eBilmato wevtoaawaa88cal |; there wore Bol Iraawt aoreail. ( bariea II Bigetow, reesDe*."j thejarofahoav* j M --me, u.e DBtnra nf iron la rhanaad tht er* '.'- it t catora being cbjtBged,aod the cobeeion d. itroyed; l.i-nl.i -in;.!.- '..I aa - a i o Bkibility ot lha weight aaa iii.tnti .an.-i":- B ihinl Wfleh, Wbtob wo-ild rem t n . n.e lliiiiulep; I n.n.-i hav.- appTOTOd Ot* tha P1 M of ba colnrnLM and ptatlea; beliavad lhat the enlnoina beiraordiaariry wall eaat, wr.uld riis'aiu thowoigbl equirtd; tbe W-iphl ol the loor upon neheolnmn \M,'r bnt three erfoeraaoa; deat think "aoroweighl waa j ut opoa (..* aalaaane thaa tbej ¦hntild h.v_ boroe; donl ibinb tlmi tba -tovia|*el tn-'.-hin.-rv iu the ai. woold bavo a toadeaey lo itraia tb. column UK re lliMli Ibo pultin- in ot BOW un. hinerv. S:.'iiu.l Gould. niilwrigbt. 1". I*.Chadbonrne, brick« layer, Stepben Doekham, Heary8»udler, Baajaaia Hod man, and Stephea VraUaM, tettriea dorhtgtho foienooa aoaek*ol the iaqeeet, wbeo ihe taethaoay wi.i n.i.i f M to tbo eoootroctiM of tbe boildiag, the jthoi tbair n pillara. aad other aa-ttera, whkb bave prav-Daaly b*.ri. iaet-fod te oake IWly* 11 - ii i: raoa aa n itot or ukwnmncz, , CmM i.ttkHs. k, Ukitm't Orvtea, Im tt, U9A QaaTLkaaai fourletterot tbe ibh inataat, with i \,s tha aeeai Litictr.- Mari.-t. I'ortl.p rM-rfoflbf. toferMB i.y our!.-...-.. wi. ''I- wenemae eyanpeth] ln nir beh.lf is a a.i.uii ing lianil i_ our tro....l.-. 1 lu- b.u.t. .ud >.>. .-li... ta of olmiity I ci-v. r f.i'v appr.. ite i ...tiitl. pr. -< nt tin.p. K.r llii* your i-.hirlty pfrmit me ti ¦ r..i _odIbroogb *eatateadw '¦-.) lii-ji*. n *?ach and^ll douora... yi.u. .... -in. '¦-. Ani I r.rl.-r yo* njthaaka, v* Iii-- U air r.oco.._i»i.. om tior.t »!' Ibe beort, i.ut dp«p .nl tinc.-re. WllhircotcTitltn-o I im your tr.. i.! i.-l >.. To Cmbm v BJ.IK1..P. IJ. BAOIIOBBB, jr. ah. io LAwasaoa. Mr. .I.-hn II. W'.it^on. N'o. 106 Broadaav, ack-0-.-l- Ifttlb. r. ¦';¦'. et ti." ,.,! w ing donatiorjs tnia ...y. I'-.r tlu* .... iDrtrrrrt at Lowrorec, M i:.y. hpragurl .'¦.*l<«i m l'!--'Ph/er _. Ce....fl_iei N V. J.r.ii" No 8*0, B. lA-dlOWB, Hro. _ .-uul- ... a -.-. ii.--.»m i it Browa fa Ed.G. M;. r. Mo-»-.IBH i- Wll-tnt. 2' .»' tktwen BeBB-aaaa Bttrr W. Leckvoo-. l'""l n,.-.l. jr.Htt |. f liBrrkk. .'-'.' '. . aarthi '. C ¦.-¦> "" (Hhail Bwo-Ji nreeer. » B0 Qmt. W. ^..w.... Ce....Wei _n >.,, ., k (. 1. Bonnell WlUoi.I» Bl Mr*. J i.r-'. 1.0 OI .' B. -Sli.w Cn .1" 0) i,.,i E,.--i.M B0 Ha-rjr k r.ornm<-. 5i»i i ii .; ... -... MarpBj i ChU I*.. v., hm j- |>o..itiwicK k PhelpB.... see Wsrip. . IB rejOtb, IttmrUM Rr<.*..... 10 oo i MOn'Joka fl. Tiue-l.ll. I <m . .U ot.Cmm.lo»" ¦ H..rt. 1000 i . ;'" j i ..... f _«..HOOC-B^. \m »> l'3' . ',.".'?. * tn, . .. in 1.1 . «,'¦. 1 1*1 1' '.nri_ Hi.IV- v .;.-...'..).. 50 . . Eiu-.i.' I. Un '». J. K. XV. iu..-Arpht...... A-.-lw'. D 1", ' '. nir. "vl»'miua<*r> A«lilr«^. Ricaa ibd, waa.aaay. Jaa. iH, UMi. Mr. Miii.iigarwaa reeorted to im Capitol by the l.iima'v. The n aion i! a; ¦! Vir, Inia flagi «raved ovor ti.. inii'i.lir.-.'. ll.. apobe foarhoara,lolaiaBeaBaerow4a. .i bedtheBtead* hwoafl-O- the Wortbapaothe riabte ofthe Bootb aa- lha riee aud proaraaeaa Aboli- ikmiiBia Hedrow a drtary pictare of lhafar .Diw b the Nortb, aaa ibowod tbal the tle (,'onelhoii-owerepoaaileaatoprwaetAa Somb. Ti e Sonth mupt aaa_ia deaaaad be newiniir- I, it the ll.i< B .- to be B80M rvi-.l, 08 B-M uiuke iionafiei eobcoatioa till Ihey loaa allloaooaoe nnd ii|.'ht iu ih. ( uufedara-y. He uaad a 0-araation I Ihe Southern Slat<- to BeaaMH -beaf relatioi-' wit. 1.- N'or'h. Mr. Meaaraay r iraa linteuedto with inteu^o iatere4. tbicu-hont bi. famg .-^..ouipe. I>«1* rlion ol f oiiiitirlrll -IN. Ai.niNv, Tbaraiay, Jaa. 19, 1887. Iheaavaval baaba ia Albaay havebaaeda eirealar propoaing i>> fona aa aaaoeiatiOB for tbe deCeetioo aa I ; aniabnM 11 of eoouterfeitera. Ii propoeed thale wh bank ioining .-< 11._11 pay ten ^ollars lahecripttoo to i'->rm a I md ior "'!. ring lawarda for the det.ctiou of ort'en.!- <i -. A.-. Il' _io;e I'nnd* are re.|_ired, an a-sen-ni.jnt is IO be made, not BTrmedhljT Iive dollar. on each one bandred tboo-and d< Uan of capital of the u*ii*'t Al- l-ai.y ie lo l»- ihe eeatrai pofafl ofthe A.-no-iiatinii. The fatvioM oi' tbe 0-kaia are to bc readetod gratia. -*m- <;a!i iisi and i Iii< auo Railroatd. Crii ioo, Tharaday, Jaa. 19, 1880. Thfl Halena nnd Chkaao Kaiiroad yeaaaraav m> elared a dividend of tbiM pM eaat, pavahlc iu NflW* V. ik, rob. la. FROM WA 8HINQ TON. Corrpapr r.d-ric* of TLe N. Y. Tribi-i^. Wi laiBOTOB, .lan. 18, 18Mb Cn. Oeorge Wiaahhagtea Beweaaa waa .lt-.-ted Piini.r to the Senate la.-t i-vei.inL'. hj a ra;.jo:i:y of two voten, and by tho ahaBBOi ol' ri'ioie eii'ht or nine .Stnatorii, who, il ihey bad boMpaOBBBt, would bave \.- -.1 a'.'aiasi and dclt-au-d bim. 00 lor Iciiiinr hhIi an rle.-iio: .-'. by .i. tault. .Mr. I'li-pi.leiii llurhanaii aaada ap lo hi- Laeoarptna frieada, who hare beeaeaatovorboardby tbe peopla ihey bave arootlyaituepreeiBteJ. I' 'a Ihe way a reirupt K.\.iiiti\e iiayn vott-M he holdl OOt tl C prO-k-M llul if ihey will koetaia hfao ia hia odiooaooM '.aad -....uhi ba tBrowB ovarhoard, he will tahoeBrooftbaaa. la thia way babaatahaaeB-oof agood mnnjot bia dfjfeatfd f uppori. ra, aad oflGuod to taba ean of otu.-ru. Ba ha- n-.i n a io.i ;.u mi- il;. to QlaOCJ JoBOB, to .. w. t J iFBlbner, a t'.l- leetorahip to Hr. Ex-Bapreaeotative II fadge ibipto Iba Ex*Bepreaeota-iveBaajhea, tbaCoainiia. gioaet-bip of tho I'a'nt 0.oe t-. Mr. Es-Bepraeaa* lative Biabop, aad the & blpof the Laad ,. Hr. Es*BepieaeB_atl*e Bmi L_ Eta . oii.-ii.i a Inerative !.'..!.r.l <.i,..<- to Sir. a_MM J. I'i.t-.-i. dafeatad tar lha ee_ '¦; Oomi.ref Vaw* *lolk llii- ii t ef aatraereHaary iippoiutmentn of Mtiaar. i-'ii,.iiy ir.iuvaiua.-, who bave " b U ... illil- iiii.l h:- aabooaded laaity and w bitinn to ba re- I, reoda rirl My ..u Ihe pe .. of l loij Loob Bl ii ba oi Alaaaadei Maaitry, -fBB-Ber ta Caatral Am«.i< i. ( h.-vali. r Beary MTyha_r, baatar of diapotebee to ( hiiia, who aeol ufaraa KngJ-od, aad retaraad. ..'i..ii. i--i. >.!...:., Coaaal eflarroyhal rejeetad by ibe s,u.,.f. IJr.Cl.J.ii. I Eh, iDaaltl Q neiaH'o-l-lMli.-'Tai- :.n_ Agrat. J.n.. hfagi ita, Baaaalhaae n ad l' ___"*_j uaval le i BhaiaawlMaai loub altaroor Mlniaaera there. Whoaeal uf ibadofcated Kapraaao-atlvea to be r-w-.i-l.-l w.'.li-heai.|vointiiiei.r..i i)""T> ' '' ¦ iinr' In it »»..u laaea «i IBaaiylaefliB, bow ka Wa.-hii.yiou \Vt- pha11 g* Tllf \RTI8T~S RECEPTION l\ TIIE f*8Tl D10V 'II... -'ptiinio' in T. nlh etivet, cr B-tharthe .>.- ,,i¦ ...u-iioH. wh.. b i-ave Im«. ii .,!,.. in.i,.|.i-.i|.ri- iI, WtiH la.-t i>:.n'»it t'i.. ...-, uo ol' ii biii- i,i,i,i BBBa.b'ago of the faphiou, baaaty, aad Ip (i Nftw-Voik. it wa.. ihe laitef tboaaatala laeoe- ||tae t.,r the p. apon, and theagb tbeOB were no lenp |h n ItofiaatBartieelaal aajht, aaeh ia the ovariowiag w.-alth of il.e -mi.-l' t-iLp" iu..f.-..p dia. lhat, lo B rOi-_,ii».. r, it would have pOSBBBl thut tli. de laerraM ofowaaehB)1 badbeM al aaUaeBailaTMth itroatte graee ii >. - u.iiou of .t.r urtia'*. Tbe main n too room, aod th* two adj'.iniag TOOtDr, v. *re well ti_lo_ with pir.ure* und ho-mii. ft, tbe |rin«i(.i.l woik them, tbe ekej d'tr.vr*\n fact, bfliflf the gre _t battle pi ire by ._, .u'ze, rcpren. nt- |M tbe Imt'le of l'ricrflt_n: it *»i well haog aad showed to rett advHr.tHi<( by i.i.--li^bt. Tuero wr-ia in the AxHLiiion toom-, Ikj-id-a, pi .ur.a by aJloftb* Ktndo nrtiM., Siv.nni, M<i »rc, I'.b rvt.dt, Hubbard, l_*-d, Ha/eltirie, \\ illati. H trt, MM, McKntee, (lig. noox, lli-u.U* u, (, mucey Thoixdike, Hayn, S.iat.urk, Cl.urcl,, C|_|Mr, ai il ....JMMa A'.ioii:/ 'bfl binlacapaa w-r. one roprearuting tlie ( nel'e ol Chillon, pain'ed l *) l bm- th unj ( .11, 0M iiii-'er aii-1 tbe pn il, which na *uraiiyf x< ite.',tin'ir'',ar: ib-- p< ftrait* of lolme* nnd /aongfellow, by Btieb.imin, were al«. BMOBf tbe ch.""-f obVc of atlmeiion. Tbo ba*«rel.ef« by JaekHi.ii '"'' ''* I.annt Thoriipaou, a*j>«'i+llp ona of Nigbt, by t ^ "i^t ai.iat, gre.My ad oirrd. Iln tbe F.xhibiti. ¦*" rooniK wer»- not th. tno*_ att._ct.'Ye joiit-; all the r -ud'onof th.- urti.t. were pni iu order, liiillinntlv illnmii. ^f***!- ando.. fi lothecro_d. Churcb r'« r. d Iii- _____ c.veept M bi. ******* frimd*; li.- Q%BMI. w>> '"*« the mljotuing aparl- 1,1 i.i, had bi- j..'vtii'.-> biindaoniely a-arig- rd, and it bein.-" < ne tt ibfl mo.t romroodioo* and be_t fill.-.l ti tbe MM-fltf. >'f apj«wed to bethe fa- voritefioint tt MlMMtlM. l_lflta*Baf_UeMM. bM :il,o\p i', MMBBM nnKb MIgM _M a-nong the intar- ntfa I tbh-gl di. pl»yed wa- M.e .-artoon of bi* _>». ii,. of riMietM, ibr jintlnr.* l'i" ebildren, aei tbe \', :.-.'.. | C-iaital M M, Whflfll b- ha \t*\ fioi-hed. Haya, Suydam, lluhbani, av! 0__M_ had tbeir ntndioe brill rtlv Hfhtttf up. an I iu i-a.-h room were kuot.t of bdmiiing' Bmntenrs and *-, exnminiog witb MSBMM irtf-n.-i'y tbe phBBBM nj-m tbo ea««U of ttr arti.ts, conie flf whidi were hnlf finiabed, while Ibsn bad lawlMi Ibfl MM Maflbn tt the pen- (il. __nJ_M'l elegant room, !_..-ide bia own l,ea utiful m soi.'.e "(.kefcl.?, ctmtaini two or three of the be*. pfctamaf UmmI fttm\ M hi* ea.-l wu* anewly- fini.-l ed ond very MMM- M pieture of Maucbester II- id'. Hunt'a ntndio, wbich i* oc.-upied by bi* pu- pi';.hb. prineipal..ffi:e being down town, it the butld- Mg ofthe Ameriran _M_MMJB Baafc-HMI 'be only m wbicb itade a dirpliy of arcbi'actaral drawing* arai model*. Iu Bier_iadt> room w«-re BfBfli tnaoy BfliMMM ot his In lian an«l prairie ftadien, in tbe shap* of bnflalo ikin- :uid other articli -..i l_«r ler lit.». The " re.-r-p-ion wi>soncof tbe mc. t brilbani ao<l iticcedhful thut have be.-n givtn, and ihe 8tudio Arti-t*. i..ay coii-.'rati:!..*e thtmtelve* on tbe _how tbey made, aw well M on tho MMiafMBaai compauy tbat xraeed .'-ir ipartnientp. The Committc.-e, M<-.r-. Suydatn, li.iyn, and G-fford, deaerve eredit for tbe Rd-nirahl* iiiimer in which all tbe anan^eitient* for Uie roeeptiou wi ie canied ont. FEEBONAL. .Mr. Ilriirv ('. .'ail le. ti-re- M ' GflMMIMi «Tar- ening," in Bhlf Bh-git[''8 evt-niit^. .1M. _-. _Stn np H_n_|__by i< mauifertcd intheA__ican una Knulirh thtAtt ol Floieme lor tue fuu-of.loha Brown, and for tbe caui-2 in whi. b bc died. Mr*. II. B.-___BI is M BIBBBM tt*r**t**At§ tbere, and tho t.."l- ing of tbe TiOibj e«, the IliowtafflBBj and other p.omi- ni nt httrttti, i* as fervent tbe nubjeot of Amorican Slavery 8. ber own. K. C. IMMM.I ballad, wh'cb MffMiai inTiitTKiiii IB, entitkd,"lIowOHHro_m took Harpers Ferry," ... ftmti from one to an- 4>u il? aniv J,tiiid evciteii _MM rcnarlr. Hiram rVwerv, the renlptor, i. tntiitiHiastic on tbe theme of tbe " beii -tictini, an be tenn,-. Jol!.ii i'.rown, and no __.,r. M bMMM-t- cvenbody. .At tbe lalest date*. Mr*. lin.wninr whi about going to Uome, in order to avoid tbe ulcak Winter wIliIh ol' the \penjiner, her bcaltb bciic .uch ai to nei t-ritato tbe mruott eare. .Tbe Ilon. J. B. Bouli.ny, K. OL from l.oniai .na, pablWblihl Tkt Natiotat Iktefiigenexr, aletMrle bi* io:] UtaeMfl, iu which MripMtiilyeaaig-a-lr.______bmj !St. Paul vvnh h in.'. Im '.dleyin.'. a-tthat pcr»on ha* re¬ cently dotein ZleJT. O. Ctntrier, Aal Mr. Bwtflgaj i- .ndeavoring to brinx about tra- adoption of tbe plu- raliiy lalfl, and tbui procure the ek-ction of a Uepnbh- can Speaker. .An excLat gfl paper eommenre* the new year with a series of " Teu and luk .-_ keU-he* tt Kuiinent Men." No. 1 ifl a life of h'.lward Kverett, and oc:apie* a tpate of abo.u four ioehi-a. Tbat cmmtiit man ia de- !eiib43iia* " of perfeet ujoiild; an MB%btMBeM_-_b," and un " Jiewing in tl.e mo»t conlly man* ner.' Such i.- MM' * .It is rumored tbat Cipt. Henry il la Kiviere, '.the -_';.lla:_t Zoutive." is in redaced circuuibtau.eK in tbin cilv, and tbat 1'iielau, tho biliidrd man, at the earnct bolicilation of Lola Montcx, baa irtven hnn *, n a marker at ono of bw up-town ualooon, with a ni W ttB of clothe and jf l'i a raoutb. .A California B_M d.-cbtrca that i. mu.-t bave been Wm. M. Taawibwiay arbe gitf _p tkt ¦reaflr'i PMiy inMirrei-ticn, flending Oeawatomie Ilrown Mflffl tbere to lini.h "Tho Vir/inian.-".a ta_k hc bad been in- effectu illy laboriog to aocompliah for laouthd p-u-t. .The Pnke of tVeffiagtoe, BjffMI ttittt <>ne day, dariaa hll 1.f*%*. b*r .. Latulion to Mtefl_fl aruther iMfll WM etiterpri..».-t' I MBf-BaBg of oue of the exvri nty'B batterie* ef f_ Babia t* iompliari____lUM-_l carby-Bifa-f Ibal Ui bm Um **a*A t***At*mmi intb_ world. '" Y**," replied Ibfl olBc.-r, leading on hi* MflB, "an.i'.ie y ur loriahlp'a oriflflMfl li_:_ly ex- eCdted it will probably b< tho fir .t iti tbfl other world.'' .Au ohio t_fitor i_.iv.-_4 biH triawi oi lbi wrenl ¦i.iiic- v\ l.i. !, h._ iiely Mi.MH-¦<-_ a 1 all iu MTaB.Bf- ton. Haiayai .. Th.-w ...' nrlfltyiatl m Jmi.-bi- *¦**. ko.- '.- .i)> bjr tb»- I'tn.-y t. IB* A_!' »'*_> i a.!.,.i.i '.I ..," lnoriSty e U**\ t* .mrnl aa « too eol.'. and lamaut. Tb* iiJjr Ixy* '.. j¦! t iubucorit', ¦-« »-.-.'. t.ilil.iu- i-ru.-.--, .ir.d -i !.- rn ....... i.. ii .. i- urli .' u!; ,1)* to*T- 'iln- rrntlt-il.i .-. li I '"*4 bti-A n <...'¦ o _: ri t i . \i ... la all .^-¦«- U i .!*_.,a. laa (fcMBaafltfBMMI ¦'-, . 'i aa* t't-i ri.- '- -Kini: "lt/, wbo wan ..h'.t in GMmf* ** ' MBBB, by ii i ftuitm. W mi, ia -4 I tt \m*mbj, b Uewly rtcorarteg. Hia 1 bew,pr<__-bly,-o-"fl ________ ad Ua gBpoabiM a ihaK-ci'y wi..i-h tiailly d William* iobmbi ib-Myexb. Had it uot. i.,i. lartb. tttg, WHUMM »"i,!i "-". ': have kUkibi-_.M bflBMB lBI-B«-1j fltha n:i I, iml llflll-*l *.r'-lt ,'"-r''f *m\*m*tttt*% when in- lo.a..-iilhiitt'.e WMHJfld MM ¦'1 r, ..u r. ASiNti"K Cbaboxo witb Poaoi r. 'Ir. .I..lin r. Frja, >-> __-_* !¦'. ->. f> i tl..< Hortb-B*. Woi 'i' -i."i.-,l Iii--eut iu -....ite. lli.t ii -.->... n u i il At \ e.-rortL.> ia i-iiiiiliiiii. v 11 i: .:. 111 - ,t hniol- ' -| '.- .' it he '- :i.i".i_-d >f the erini.- Tboffl :- I m>'>- f"r *jRJM*\ "i whieb, ii iiiaifl, he 'i.m MteMali mm! tbe inm* tt a r'.iii .,,, PMri rtr_».'.. 15jnti>t>. The a| -ii to oa i*, lhal n *nt Akm u-a> in tin S bar, twa tfayaawa. aai Irea fron bim a full a ik_o«ladg__ei tt tht wrgtrya Meaaarra wita takea lo ai~a__* th* mMBM, wbMh ill ia progn », y**t* day, whaaaar iafmaiM .lt lt. -I. n. Ol Boar.a, ¦¦ hav..- liimn'.a ¦j. ihe tn ,t in .| *.¦.tii-n, iai pn' .1 oni of tbe W_V. ',. h, i, pofll Of Otl -a I". .cl p,| ¦ ba* ii-il. bnt iheN n-ro'lK BM '?_ MMMM t. ii.i.ioi oi tor_i rated hy .amem_.r»f ibe I.. _ii.-i.i u.e, ....' ol .1..- twaMBMM h., .* i, ,. -,-:.i. --.»! bt'i., md elaflwbeni bo Ibitfl WMMt-flhfl-BJM 'bat tha ruuiu .I whi .ue .n our Worce.-ter I 4>uuty SenaloiB. Ttt* peraoaal kt**m*k mi *At**t aa<|BBtaMiaaiaaf fl_r. rn*,ts.lh vt hain \vt b've ._.,.. .____¦, *"-l un I'.diit "1 ¦¦ <. tho rep. >it. l»u'tui__lay, aftirtbo ictacaaH oat, Mr. Vty t*fiocaaMerOaaMy**m**t**** Sad n UtPt ci -I hm in M aate-room M IM ». ali- ( ii.iuii'i r, aml be u^rtten to '._. »««* ie»t« idav. ll >- i _d OBBB, and mou- aad, b>umi** -'O aboDv ui.c-p. ', aai m aoaMirr to tb.. _P-»*JJf -tin.aie of Mr. b'ryea eharorter. It i* a»wut* £»{« Bl labMfl fauh ia the intouritv «f a reopool-dl *11"*' iiu.ii, ulL.-s we U.-iuio "o> B«« tw4>m<- lu.m u*- lo Und uvaclal MU__rt_oa ln tho t-'u ¦._*»*¦' BJl of o'.bi._., [WoiMMW (Ma_*-) 8(7. J*^ ''

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-01-20 [p 5]. · XXXVIm 0ONOB»a mnmmcnr. * i nA'l i...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-01-20 [p 5]. · XXXVIm 0ONOB»a mnmmcnr. * i nA'l i Hlaaia. ia»,-Un. IP, II Mr. Ihvi (,FAS,l>.ia IH >a Ini up bbiaeolati.'is ry r,iu,iiiit;t.-..

XXXVIm 0ONOB»amn m mcnr.

* i n A'l i H laaia. ia», -Un. IP, IIMr. Ih vi (,FAS,l>.ia IH >a Ini up bbiaeolati .'is

ry r,iu,iiiit;t.- .. bri .. ia h billti.i-1'» 1-. ¦.< auppms* ¦.'' io**1 'ti. f !< aoo il ¦ ato.f,r. th. ,;-.. m: ....I. r t m rhmj at balf fflal I ne

a'ckiek, i-. a*.A|r. | j n i \i K (Rep., n J

(ll (i,;i: >p Oldeti c .: i:.. .>. \. ..-.I. er, aadi ln fi.v. r >.i ihe p¦<--

f a I.* HoneWi nd bill.ri -t

M.irHr. M \m»N il». ii... \ i.'inion f. lh t'..-»

-:,t|,.|| i.|1.1- H< Benaie did oo btbat rertive billa, -aueoria'a, re >-

|tnii>ii». Ar, So Irgisl <i...ii waa ecMMapliabed, boi. niy ii tmtor* -. Ha read tho opiaioaa olRei.toT) rriiu'ridr-ii. and others, in 1830. loaMwihal

Otod to th iniheSti'ate Hoi-t wa- *u '" .goatxed. II. waa,

I to ti t- Botfetti ni.i'lr to rofei .. eer*ivatc aill lo .!< CoatatHite oa P.ifate baad

I nioM-.l to Ui" U on the table to li -t thoqaratloa.

Hr. BAYABD Deaa. Del.) mw ao orSI toioaolt'u.ii.; billa, and their lefereaee toihe apj '. ]¦ i-.te CoB-BUt'l¦< -. lt WM a uu r. |l..1 (X| ..

Mr. II i.i'i: Dem. K!.. waa oppo-el to the Benatel.y th- ..!''< r II" e, M

n.iaiui.. 10 t\]tALtt tbe oi.mii/. I'.'cn.^He woatd

apply la ihaB body aw o *t -xi. preeeaie. Tbem wereibref n. !.'.'.'.. .-..-;.-..ip ou uhi'-'. th.->

before ibe ll uee organ«m ,i. \ IIatore raled ia 181- tbat tben i.aie'. ..ot a. t. Tbere waaa la*|re aaaber of».<.!... p|..l iruil ;;.-I e lloiiV. a: d it coiiid not ln I..I.1lhal aU i....-ht noi '"¦ cool -'. d.

SMr.'KN (Bep., Me. did m.t like tbisittii . wi. k aiu-i- w.-.-i. _'.'iil' aothing II'.' l-.illld

'h- forre "t the arj oraenl of the 8«n«tor be .-.«ii-.l by tbi d<

¦aeeeare opoa it t<> Inooce it to organiar. That, ben.'.l.'-r tl.-.Ji. wa u ..-.. mh-ih ia l'-ivor of nctto_here. rJ< tfidoottbiol tbe preoedeote yi .ted siioul.i,f(,v,r, - ..Thev were uot O..M-.I <>ii < m-t-'ii-

...i'i-iI lhat r-ii'h aotiOB '-¦'

,.iA(l, ireto i.v,..l wurk and lo udi Jiirn

i-i.r. rha I'l.p.e.iit etrideatli regardod lhat :,... ibe h id -. nt ia bia Annoal Meaaage.

i,. ttM.dtl_-i ihe Senate eouM .lo its ahare of tnel.n-.i.t--. , ,

Mr. HALE fBep., 2f. B ted that tbe Bena-e,. .... aadpaaaoo

i voting a te lay H <>n Ihe.»b»e. ,

il-, !i,..tuiii t.. lay lhati. ii mi il. table.

i^(# ..1 t-> take no noa) aetion on

an* bill nntil nt tiee ol the oiganiiaitoa of tho Hoaaataki i. np.

Mr. MABON mo -l to laj tbe raeototion oa tbe1>,'.i. ..p :t -i-'l tl..: -ov.r tl.e wi.i.le _r. .11' l. I>

,,,ui,( tiu.«. r oo d be n .i a

alirti .. Ile waa oppoeod to any actioa wBaterei%ill ibe H.."s. . ryanised.

Mr. l'A*» \Kl> -iiri..!iu(i I-¦¦.l.-.-oiiiiien. Ileth'Ui'htti.,_v ... -. and iht-L atopabortofL'-"'1 !'1'1" ''.

. , i- i -i.-,,.frmri] " hl< li M-8STB. V < »>.

'II K(Ktp..Conn UI STEB Dem ,Va.),Pli8SI v

DF.N, CULLAM_B Kop., Vl*)i »n,i

ci_imc4M«i of Mr. TOOMBS (Doaa.,.'.. tha Baaatewheo ii adjoarnod i. aauoldatand ad-

jniri m IH) M< > .1 >v.

Mr. [BL'MBULL Rep., III. aaored loaaaeno

11..M.I.. r np...i".ii b\ .!.-. lan'- . lha nntil ibelloaeeorfiaiiixi ihe Ba Kai ngbl to tran--

aei b ablatiiMr v ..-.l a Fobethn'e tbal intil by

im:!.iiat...|i uc-i>fl frOB :'-- H.'l -

toriii. 't ol ita or,:-u.i.' itioo, ti.e S. "h'e ia 004 O0__p< '- Ul|o avoeaed to levialattiv« buaioeaa.

Mi. fBI.BI 1.1. aaid tbat waa eatiafactory to hha,had a ithdit » bia >.i i ndaiaat.

Mr. MALK move.l lo .it-i'.»- oal Ibe worda " eoainin-.. nie.ii'.ot. if,.r.. Ihe Ib...-.-.'' *> tbat tbe reeolation.wuuJdr.-.i .' tbat imtil uitoroied ot Ihe onjanuation.. of tbe JI. aaa the Senai. ie aot eoiapaleal le <t" baa-

loaa tbe wbole aabjoelWM laid ii tiie table. ,¦,¦,.,.,,

.Vr BUtOHAM noiv m.-v.-d tt rel.r h:n bih t<> -lie

(..'inu-MUe <-li I'nvate Laod < laiie-*.Mr. M.\st»X i..i-._ ep-TBtof oroertbat it a

c. mietdkl tt. make a reft leoee aaiil lha Booae orgaa-

Jfr. C-UTTEMDES Aaa., Ky.i eoatended thathv,-.- i ¦! a .--i p< i.-iit poiol for tbe < 'hair to d. <-i le.


CHAlBrobniiUcdtbe queatioii to tho docwion,.fib.. n-i :.i.. aud tbe poi t«_ orAtt wm onirwed:


TWoae vi.ui: in tbe negaaT. were Meam. L lay,llale. Huailin, Joh-WOO (1. nn. , Miiloiy, MaBBBi aniliilu.Tl.e I ill was thpti referred.On moli. a ot Mi- rTTt M, ."-,."p|i- of tbe

irj K.-poit aeieordeiedtobe pii:it»d.Mr.WADI Bep.,Ohio preeeated a patinootbal

,_,. ..... .i I8i2 be pui b|ion tbe penBtoa rdL.Mr. I'lNW (Boa., V i'.| ofierod a m. lutoaap-

p«___ti]i" inve t'.-ito wbether*.|ip' oi nni other umi, haa been j ud oal ot tbetul.'li. ir'.ii; :".' appropriation on the pnuttmr of tbal-tecntive departoMinU tothe newapaperi, eflpeeially'/'.'- li ./.. .-.--''.Ti.../ ;. -' boi ¦.'.-;- c iniraci

ht ai.y time byMr.Bow.aa wiui tbefonoof... ibt Nn..;. ui.., tUccu vt I) u .. nt. by

receive p'JO.OO-i; aod

jT.'vy t<. tb.- and whal rodnction caa ba..} ihe [-nl-

I ..\er.

II M.-nday.

norsE ok BE__r_8ElfTA_T~EaMr. IHN'DM \N \d. I'<),... Ark. aaid the people

-.-..i.l.l r ti.-le "iu iboee aho aro loaponaible for ao_r»He vsi.p i.. dj loi thetrial. \ ¦- Dota-

oeratK part, bad notbinn lo dread. Tbe BepnWicans(-.ponsible for this Btateoflhui II Ibe? bad

mi ii. I..U. aho bad ri.- led Ibeiliouul a b....h . ..i;... lu..' rapioe, Imwrroetion.

hlt\ iloodslwd, ihere would have oeen ao prolongedfbe Bepablicaa

ual t,;,itv, vibiib bad it- eupport only in L.c

md p;--r.;i- onl ofte tcrmif j reju I. -¦-

aad _-aUgi_ty, by w-hi.-i it lekepl alive. Hejtbow, by recent o.

u. -p mal'.aii.ii.i iu wbicb i- ive Sorthen

wroooalieai tbeii owa d.-¦ a:.d roferrodi it pro-pi,ir,b.-rs ol' ti, L'euiborton M

ivery worse

Ihe Afri'-4ii.u»d I.l u. i.i. i-.-ire ti the foia.le

rij. Hetrlal.d, ' publi / ». Ytlltald,o\I - roart lat-t. ,, , ,

Mr. O'OOCH, (Ttep., Maaa.), aaid er pre-uttd, r.m:

HaiBMibiie, il mu-t bavilesss-.l"!' rativo, toNotr-Haaap re



ruir. 1). la- d. ,

lh. (.(j.jCII replied this waa prel .i v a- iluled N' .<'

Jlami man whobe .-.i|...n.''--ii. md ¦.¦

_ei il..' rcuBBUnc. libil.l-auvvibei- ll., i.|.i. ..... v. ...-.'

u^ta ,., .niy to two flollara per <liy, a

Mr IIIM>MAN woold notM.ubtV:i.:.y. Ii Beemcd ibe

rtry; but il tbeVIl.J.'." fl

.ra. Iv loffeierl l"i bi». M, _,._,K- (;.)()( !1 replied~"e'i.otl....i..Ld,,.,t.;, i.,p..,..'m-

...,i. Mtpublican...,V'ii .ii. '

". r

oiild miireb hit Northen. men

aootb.ib*-*!.i ""!." boiri,,- n

- t..

fr-.Tiitl. r. urn.p .-.-e./t. I...!.,. th-iv. .- P0O|jf-wo.ild '- welmiaaad Wi BJ-saybospHnblfl -..iv-. IheWach m

,..\s.pm1 1».-Ui Sh.-rniau ani II- '

.-H^HI.dJO, ...-'.lt .-.ll).


(Jeaaieia, aad DOO-oaH _ .bdau froai n

i,-,.i-., ,.l .....,' M- biabandBil ' ' "' ' "

.rtitntiuti .md -h.-l nion, tutWmg ondtirti tbi -. i.t..-! .-I.e Ul.te.l h-.,l BlK'b-f__toib.«r.d ot tbewiiru* *.!¦ ..erit,""1 ,';;;¦;r..w,..i... .M- HI. oi Maieh, IBBl. '".. barroBUib-a.t- it loi . ' .'illrh WHI....II pioli'.tRMt. MM.HAMiIlfp.,'

.'. ibmMmaf ef-brfa^flici »' ri aralltj raaolatimot Maa..4..-.Mr. Ilu '' ".,«"I;J.M . REAGAN (lVm T. *»* T1" "' ¦ C"U of th*

Hottif, wl-ith war IBfBHd "' :'-"" l'''-. A «^"-

li (i.-llcil l.'1'f..l M,V-'^ { I ,:r'S <'".'.'lawi REAfl-X, aod BRAKi i. <I,,«'" _.i. oain it ..j o der, .t.-|,iiii tb. l'i vjtiHj leiomnon,.-.- iwn Ib_< i< __i ti !. - '," " "¦

Mr 1.1 IR1 '!" IB. 'v . Mil-.-.l BB : rMf,,r tf* blttti fron .' V. i .',,)*.,ri a,,,) /,,, y-r'¦*.'I'.n-c iuUm BpaiM itf *tV atl r. I- *,*"_,

i-i ia to tii.i'i.e i -,it «ltl. rnrha man - W-- '>'.ath. -.(bt tO fl.'' lbi Ni.rtlliTti |..'H|ill- -I fit'a-

i. .' .. -r a I. el- Ii nl not oa©* en-

ttrt d bia htad. II. neri r iii i iy m thi- il wi tbal tbeM V.:. B .jn lt Ca. ¦¦' '!l. ilir-

BolUlioi 'bnt h« tfw 'h;ii_ tli.-ii t e eb r-

il..-,-,| i. r. Mu i-i.i ', .il t'.r n ^i-ti! .-:-»'¦ puli if le.-l-;lil l>- tlie iniUaton tfep and il it were fol-

l-.Wl il !'\ tlie . li.l il Mi. Sew i'-.| to l||. I't'crid -li \

lt wiiiiln b| a ttt* -c /"//'. He MM I ii ni. ii MM Baflflfl. I.i-i nihn al m d a. d -.. I b . trt* h

tbontnol h ta tbe I'njpn. Ho woaMiaikaan*I enoaal -1- ribea lo ttm rtt it but waal no- tn. thi*].tii|..-e meriti «. lie riabta ot tbe people of Virgmiiaod ii-,e Bonth. U« ileiin .1 alao th. tratb al Tkt

,.a ibal tbey winl to radi a mDlilliolii ..( i.t tlie Soulti 10 _m\ >¦->'. and eoi. .1io ln r. ni n h it.-r fi 'in a eonotitaonl wbo aadartake*lo »bow frr-Bi tbf llible tbat B r< - InatttnUd byGod I'inir. If, and tbal < tn:-1 doclan it it i" bi lo rin t.

bl hl ih.\-"Mr. 1'it'l I LE (Rep.i K. 1 '"' tn .' to ba read n par

;,,.,-;:- b II lli.'te wi- a ( i-in.-itii'ii of (i irri-oii Abolttl in-tr n-.-eiiity al I Uea nt wbicb tb. te waaii iii.nii rate itleudi. e, aotf K b-ch r< tolutioa * \t

in -i:li-'iii,ci' I'mii Tkt N. Y. Heralim***t-iiie tn- lii'un. fot. .iiiiii'iiniatiiu' ttlmlit'ton iittr-iaiicc- lotbe Sontb, aod ratan io. thai to Ar. Ilenaett. MrFotile Bdvised tl.< Abolilioni-t*. <-t Nea Yotkt-.e.._.___ iheir pal Tkt HtrttU, fot tbey wcr*.

m .!.r nhligationi to il fot livertiiiBg tbeir pnociple*I.i joiii. tl.e af thut St-tte. Ur ri-irreiied lhatin' .. roc. i-ihl".'- -tii'tibt liav* bflMipfeai beOfltfflfllihi-oogbonl the n.iuitry.

Mr. LEAKE tn repTj iai. t>< Sontb wer* not afraidof N"Ui en. pitiiii t ne. Hewaatadhii eonatitaentatot -. li.; It ltt li'l the'l fc W.llt b :.' I. B__ tM K-pilMl-im-. He v ;.:.'. il th ni to eoMpn h. ml Um " Irrapre*-

mI.Ii .-oi hi. " docti .,- "i Mr. Bevird. Tbat was alLMr. I l KTlSn BW-UMqne*Uouofortfer that thfl

demind for tb< pM vi. as nneattoB w._< not tf-bataabla.Mr BOCOl K il>i-m., Va.' wul otbaifl IIBlMifld

lhal Um plnraliij tnle wai n.-t bafon Um Honae.Mr. CitUfAi I.¦!-.. Iml- 'l" n"t uot iiitenil iu

ihe ntiiiemeuu and tecbnicalitiei ofPariu.lii-i-tavv law, bnt Idc-ira t»di«cnw thaeobjeel aatheeooitry ia lookiov at it to_day. The h>.-t quoatioa tbal

in. ,-i..'..i ol tbii I'..- arai Ibe orgao-n ol tbe Hon*e. I deaireto ap. ak "1 tb< n uinar

inwhiih r.niiiiti -nt .i y law ahoold be adatunatered,im! Ollh (" l'i<- C'.fik who pl-ecidcH, I'.nt l.v the Iii. !H-

:-. o.ipyin ;thell. v,.; lubontti I'l'iiai. i, il i- oor Rxat, Mr ;¦ i-

dnty, to pt'.'in.'tc, u lar ..- poMibie, tM organ-itatiou " thiaembryo body ol a _k_ we are BMBbe.i; .-t-it.t.i. tbat tbe n.iiinl r ia wbkh tte will of thiiHoute lhal be aac ri lined, tbe way in uhi.hthe coli. ctive rcnee ol theae RopresentBtircM of

Amerkan people ahonld be .< -ccriaitied, i*not bv (rieecbe., bnt l>y TOling " Ajre" or.¦ No" njon the rarioai proi'.i-itions beCoiau_*. Tbe giLtleinaii M Um otber -id>. i<|rcak_i of

f thit ride, ainl an eluli.rati'ii -i.ti"'1-' "i- Um i-mi-'.iiutioa <'*tv ofthe plaralitj rale.... bave bad tf_wti ntionarapirl_a_ ntare rale. Umgti.tlciuan irom virgluM .Mr. Boeocb) oon. under-,-tiiul thal the pra_io.iiqnart-oaiibaiorethiHonse.Huil are we lo d-i'.''ain w he'lier i; i. or not, BXCOflll.v rnbniitiiog il to tbe Hoat. He nayi the objectioni", il, iii l| i-Ii.mi1. n -iiliiti- n ir not well taken. Howahall we atcertain tbat, exeeptby abcaitUDg it to tbenili. -i\. |i.d.'ii.'-i "1 tlu ll-ii-c Heaaji thM Ibe

iliiinhi', iv. c i.* opp-..-.-.i bj ¦ MfljoritjO- Bontbera,itiau-.-' o ii-.i.-riiv Mr. jborman.U ,_;,! iaaoa lof that,whraotinbrnitittoaTot. oftbkiHoo-. Wo bavi oMiai lapeai-tiil. to -iiiirint tverj qneetii n to ¦ robMr. .\ i.NM.UV. ,lxiu., N. < wbo . ¦¦¦¦'. .1 that,

b. ccanni ." tx*K ot, ail pro] oaition bi witbdrawB i^-

cejt tbe ol -Mi. I l.-i_. (Mu.. aml Mr. Gil-BMT'l aineucnt'i'.

Hr. PARKSI- _LE I'- _)., Hll .)ap .kc for him- n.Ht bad ao nuili.'M y to ape ih ht any om bIbb. B*A,im..'. r ull tb.-1iwnit-nraBj ha waa opaoaotf to the pla-

Jr. ai il \t onM poae -i r*Ut un ii il' m. r.-.-ioin--.-.ii.r.a tl.e ClarL'a tsble. Hobalierotfh. sc-

i ie.-.-eii tbe ,-eiiliuieii!.- <-l hi- Ad* ben be h-lid !.< yxx< illt IXHUb ue 10 ll rir-t it.

Mr. COLP__X ari-r.! whether tbora wai not a arrit-t4 n i'gre. riicnt among Bontb maa on the other _><!». tu .t

thev will ot. aLloiv the plorality rale to ba rotadoa.YOICJl."now ua .. n.iini'itMt. BAhKSD VI_E rt.] eated ih il 1"- ipoke for bim-

K-li', i.tid to Um Um intoadod lo realM tbe Btfoptioo ofthe plaralitj rnle, b. i -: "i Um _le->in nol .Mr. ihornaa.

Mr. COLFAX.YOO have ;. righl to rer-irt ll by i»r-

linuii n'at V li.enn. . llnt tfo vou BBT th.-re ir. H wil . n

u.ree_i(iit hv wbiih VM williu.t alh.w it t*. be rotad

Mr. BA_t__8DAI__r.-1 bave m right to ipeab baiv oiher _t-ntl. 'i.ii.n bul njeolt i i*_ -nl aaai a ruloa-'iinccni-ti'iiti."'.''1-Mr. ( oi.FAX.1 baToalwayaanaweratf tbe «... ntl,'rt ',.1. rtionr l.mly. l»"t.- M _*_BM lo MMWM -.'_'i.ia-.-tioii ...

Mr. BABK-DATjE.1 bare rap. tad tl. time

Uwl I have no .-iiillii.riiy lo .-pe'iK for auv other t'entli-mm,bM I lielieve tiuir- arai MBibarof ^entlemenwhi. mu i '" i. At4 ihfl adoption of the plaralitj raleby all ti-i..-ii(ini"aal aad I-ai'liaui. ni.ny ap-iioMI.Mr BCSVETT, Din.Kj. Ifbr odobm oppeaai

t.,1!,. plnr.'i'itv iii'e, ln lieriofl il oooooK'ituiional, amlvH latire < ftbe rigbtaot tM Majonty, plueiog tbe < lc--tion in Um hanil M ¦ ini.ior.iy. Tb-N i- k writtena "it * u.enl bl aeolb un n on thfl I).__oi-i..tie tida, who

... re_i*t, all pariiaaenl trytbeadopiiun ofthe pluralty rnf. 1 mu uot oj

ibore WBO, by every parliaiientary dtrategy, willr-tlive n. ileten: it.

_____.«Mr.COLFAX.A# Ibe gentleman r ho rraak, i

WOaldaahwbi h.-r, if tveu a niu.a.rity of the HottMcrtao tl.ini.. tk *in "> irai reta for «r _MPM_M Umplni ItJ ,u!e. thev woiiid re-i.-t. to pivvenl MMTOteb< in,. t-ken I

,, , ,

Mr. iu KNK'IT -The gentletn.»n whopledgad them-mK. - iiitend i< itaad bj -iaa igreMMiB, Ifli Um bbbhber be whal :' m*j.Mr.COLFAX Ihaqoeatiou i*- whe_M you will

prevent u \"'', .,

Mr. BORKETT.1 -i- .'.. for my«*lf. laaiaad*nnd Hiiln-' lo " .-" ne.' v itfa .my nomber. to naa allpatliaui- nlarv BMBB* Blid Btrategy iiL'iiti-:. the plnrahiyrule, il neoe* ¦" y, -ill onr omviw oni expira.

Mi. ( ( li.l I»" J N iiiteml l-i Nl Ml tolle-mem-iknown lo -_.___. otary praetiee lopfarwH Um (l-.kfron mojM.nudinu the uui »ti «*'!Mr. BrRNETT.1 bold thal thi reBotntkniofMr.

HuK-bicBia not properly before tbe Houm, aad I um

ret.iiy to ..-ii-:o it.- adoptiorj by reaoiting to all taetica, \nw, !,.- dilai .ry motion*,

.;ilj, ., -. and podei r»f the Ho i*e, ind byDiBg tm*- ia dabato. I wlU tfo tbia to defeattht

i pr, vtmi lh< ai -' iu lhal ebiura man '¦"" fl "k<

trha haa BftliBiod or diaarowed then.j 1T.,.. t topi i: * o .< -I . rtwot .-n my tectira and

, [jl r. -mt in aU 1'.:. 'i.e rt try and,i" aieam*, ro 1" ip Ood, *o loagaa 1 hav. a

n tle D.-lii.i-l-ntlc riile.lMr. < OU A-- w ri to tbe Helper book, I

,,. ,. j. ,. il tha t:n ta. Th- '.', have fi iacd, foi ii or leren

,, i', in ni'i.T-'i .i bot m rvUe Hadmbodied

broadeat: thro i. sonth, 1re tbe

... .i.i i be tl

Mr. lli'ltM 1 I Whi "¦' -. _.

...a, Co tl v N\ ¦'. pa diflhli.-ni l.road. Kt J ll .¦ I-a-'¦ i

i,,,,,,, knoa ib* lru_ < n d n oland migbl und. r land und

MU n miiii ¦'¦ -i for..; tbe l'i -I-1";> -.' ." aho

hai i- ollj" '¦

And be beli vt d il-- ifenllaman from lodiana Mr. I ol-i ,.x. a, in :h- .¦¦ mi ''¦ " J. * " "** '..*"

',. ilK,.

d iword, and ret ommi oding doi -ulat... V(. ,., in) . 'li -liv-li.i: lur*.

Mry acl -' '. r, io ngrapin a.l murdtl. ai.-i i- M

docti i"

Mr. N\ IN H/IW Mtplttin-dll <. by h - rtn. '?.on be,),,!,,,,. tba ll'-it- iBoald un oo ti- pht-

rul_. Ile wonld oppoa I b) ill logtUaiati¦. <; \1,'\T.'I'!' 1»-M.. \ I r-h.. i] ,-

ii. ..'I.-.-t .."'- oa Mr. ( ii- M.-..ilnii'.i! i*>ri.: iii. Ji -ipi r i. ."!. ia

Mr Iii RN I I ,"'-'r' "" ..''i,.'...-, -1'* '. -r.v '

ai.l".ti-it.ii" ii.''. -"'¦ :'v-'"'1 v****** bnown lo tba Con-..;,.,:. ui.n.l I.".'. -. I""' >.' ''" ¦*. '" "' '''" I''"'

""'- ".' 1 ¦¦'".ba,l,.,ii.,ti ol John s., bi :. i] Intfaiwe M IM

ll .' boob. ,iii

vi, \| i.| i \ Dem., -s ' ¦' ¦ birge oumber¦n,,. a ha.l HiglMd th ,"..:l.a,irti,,. ,,,.. ,.!]. .-...-Mt:' HBtf WBOWObM

MTI Ibe !1oMh«HMtbetfOd__*tfBt-MMtf tfMglK. ;--i,,-,:. at.) man ! " l|,!i"' '.

K iM..;. M,,! i.. alreadj b drenrhed la Mood byI a|urdk i-'i ii .1 -I bigp, u'1;. b wera ndtfOO"r"' :.!"(

Sir COLFAX n.k.d whether Ihe .-i^'imtures wtre

Mr. M. iyi'1-.K.N replied ihal 'i.i- objeol waa they.I ih! n< I.. eaiiic" u. tl. K. | ubliiiiii p»iiy buttho¦. i-i n an '. bM '.* .pi-!......... :.< qaarab ¦'¦ w-;:ti ;h<-iir-r<.'.,. f jt bad ).< i-.i a private . ne

N. COLFAX aakod Mr. Laaaar, wbo bad rleoa,

how a m y i». a .-i-i: t- hn . and whether aayN. r.'.-W eitl tn IV BM cr;.'- aere :' iirtV d,Mr.LAMBB(Deaa.. Maa, dMaatbaaa th<- bbm

..'i i f .1 ..tiiit-. bal bc wa.- in. .Sor'h-W. -t-d bi i.ti... 1...' bi name lo ;. I!- ligned thei ndntloti foi ....-; ratron i" reehrl Ihe adoptkw

ol il a plaiTtlri" rule.Mr. l oLFAX.De l aodarataiid.thal if Ibe pluralfl*

rule sbouM be n.i.v.-.l an.l tbe quetalon about lo ln- pntbe tbi I lerit, aad oreo ll you are awara ..f lha net,ibat then iaan overwhelibifl rote lo aad this bb-

II, WOUld VOU l.ripl it tO ihe <l ll <>I this ('Oll-ie.--hi- na! term I

Mr. LAMAB .Ihe reeolathn roauaaa aa i" no loebAa to wbether tbb B nj parpoee.tb- feotle- will Baeerlrdn when tbe .-"i-t ngi-n.-y BbaU ariae.'I .<. i- tbip .lilii -i.-iiei- li.-l \\.-i li tbr r.Pililali")! o( ll.OH ...' ...' il.e II. li.. r l.i.i.k by ibe !'. fiiiMu-a'is, Bodbt Bootht-rn men. We coauaeod the book to publicim.i...;.ii. and you n eoou&end ii .<> poblie eeoadi n<-

:.i .. mi. .- M.

Mr. vALLANDIGHAM Dem.,ObU) aaid h-(i, -.i tl ». pup.bef w' ... iier -tmsideration, bad ar«

ib. beih I ibal ll . plurality tah aneilie pal. s long u* the reaolation propoaieg It ahall be

.Bl .1 oc'i-r, be WIU n ia :t bv nl:..iaa»-tlaiy waebl ery bol whea o-biaa'ia order

i . d "li-ipi- Utlj wali tb. n.i. S. thtB BO tt Bi BB W Miidividualb cow ined,aftere b-..-t m-all legllniatai. I -,i.. be would roi -<..' lhal Ibere snuuld t. a rela.: ,ii- ii-f.nit-..i. i e paper waa ; iaeeeBad vt Maa,boi be ii-|'.:i.'\. cboed -hraiag k. BowMaarr\w ;:.i li '" i w eouatiti niu cJ<

Mr. P£>*I)LETON (Dem., Obki i-wcatred in therrrir.ion nf Mr. Yalhn di'ham. beiiovirp it was theoi.inlni "i ihe Knrth-Weeieru Deaaaoraey.Mr i i.akk I>< m.. Mo.) i'iebiri-d ba auiei waaM

c. i-Kiii t" rote i-n ib. plund't- rule.Mr. ( OLFAX.Will yoo a'l. a lh* < lark lo pM lha

.,-.. .... i, v - ... \i. !Mr. C'LABI 1 -m '11 reeBl it bj every exaadieal

hoown ki ih< laweol ib. laod. 1 aaeaa whai 1Mr. 8TEV.'N80N (De«., K< inqui-ed whether

Mr. 8eward did not .. maiawnd tbe Helper book, aodwbetbei Mr. Bowaid waa ibe geatleaBoe'a eaaaadatelor M e i'n .-!<!.-) \ .'

y.r. ( OLFAX waa nnderatood to aay bedklkaawv Kc ...- it wp'.i.l I..- Mr. Beward, ¦.;... n.-iv nlaa.Mr. KI l.\ h VSON aak. .1 wh. tb. r, V tbe Bepubli-

ih: -..-< .i.l noari-ate an ii..l<.i.-.T"! th. Helparbook, haw. uhi i >.t 'eeerre tb« rapport of tbal pany.

Mr. COLFAX- CnquestloDiibly be will*Mr.8TEVE_vSON .1 >...).. K_..- IheayMhaeeaae

... ..; ii .- ii. ',,¦. bo ik.

Mr. UOLFAX, allodiog to Ibe former pfirt ofthedebate, laidthal Mr. La__ar labored nnder a uiietakei- I.. ihe !ai-.ui-::e bo lCol/aj naed, We take tbeBioundt] .('.-. i.- nothinjrlegBmnicly in ordeYtPItbe election of a 8paaker; BMWbaabe ia in.-iall.-d, Ian. ready togire mv riewa <.n the Belparbook. Upt.. iba] '.< i.t tiaae I bave n..t road a BoUtary paaja ofi. i ..m b tbe babB of aek-owledeinf ny rotpoaabhilityJoi inv OWB att-, ai.U not lor the ^Biitlemeii ou

tL< .' ii.'.-.Mi. BAHK8DALB.1 onderatood you to say that

ii, pii* qo. -.;-..!. :n ia 'ho elecroe of Speaker.i -.,-\i 'n.u wbether, in tbe MaaaaBeeaaeBi of tl.eXXXTvthConpwoa, jroadid aet rotefor reordotioosJiiv.i... dir.-.t lefereoee to the qaab.eatiiBU for.s..:,k.lMr. rni.l'W ri.-t bai nothbig lo do with aay

ni-. iu..'-.'. li aaa thaa dooe bj eo»n»oi.nmot. ln'.

ibMlpase. I um in Iba l.a'.i'"oi acknowl-dgiaw ¦.;

n.-l otsibility, i.": t" -i-iitb ni'-'i npoB tbe otbar noa "t

tlu II....1-.. hut to im conBtitm nte. I hav beaad geo«iV ii--a ... the otber iide of the Bouro, after deaonnt*.iu- tl lieaetn ofJoha Browo.go on to Btatothatiftbfl .. p|« ol '! I'lrt-J Bi tf. a iif -¦ ekcta Pi u-

c.nt iheydoDot like tbi ywOlreeial bia .paairaiatioa bjloue. ;.i i prereat Ibal elootkm from batngfoaaoo>Diatcd witboai waitingfor aaj orarl aet tdonof,,., beroto bold Ibeae gcntlertien i.- ponsihle. portoii-i- oflen-i' a hu gonat i'i rehlloa to ibaae -etiini.-ti'.-;lii.y are accountahm to tbeir eeeau'tBeate bow. Ii.m, Iberafure, aeeonnlable lo u<- consli oapiim.i o Iba ppiitlercan J'r.ini M-MBslppi. 1nt. dd to nieet . lu-y before ibe nnal\iler.. I bare ao oftea -.) tl..-_j. aad ii iboy

lo accept ny explanaMon, it 1 raoaa to aakeany, H ihoald eertahily lariiiy tho leatleaien whohaii.i.'i. -j. iipii.ilr.v ior niy f..ii.;V" i. i. and n powerto|.i,mi.i irti-iiM;.'. IgivelbtuiUi wbicbI demand, and ;i eitbei Mr. Sberaaan or mj elfseebl

BOO i'iv<- i.nv M i: Ii: .¦ Ii b< ri il Mili boool,.j..ii eonipulMo- oi dcauu I, batvolantarily. beoanaa\, .,, j,. to ii.. ... N...V | i-..;.ii-bii.-K i.i thflpoalfroaiwhkb l -' nod. la n-.-ai.i lo theeo dorel*p-

I did not «3 i"^-*"1 ;V...i.i.table, b-it tbe eo >'¦.¦¦.¦ alB ,;"-'l tl.-.; )¦lirM tirre in th" A*aerteen Conj-raai laaaaberabarei,..t leea arill.fl lo coaBoe ibeiaaelves t«. *.l>e"i-ii -iv li.i-.ii...... manm. ol e ndui day, pt

i,, -:.t.:... io their --.t'-1 aod deboth-ga prop-n aid then rtAiop iponit, but faatbeeaUaaaty

iii lo draw apawriMea BgreeBMnt, au- i"- lijfnaturoa i. U-ia,,,,; ... i.uvi.i a majority ..j tbe Houae 1i-"ijj expr -

ingit 'w'ii 14.011 a B_tter >¦¦ ..!..' 00a- -11 totlus" <tmo- . , _

Mr. KOEI.L (Dem., M>. I m- ;¦. ly wish 10 aay Idid no- pi.n .'. ,Mr.Kt.HT Dem., 8.1 n_ to refcr ouly to a

,,., .,.,..,-, 'j ¦ wbetherrrrotweare hiatified io reeorting lu JrarluuB.1 a-; ns i" [.H-veiii a "i'.". v-.'i- np n ih- plaralitj re

lutioo. 1 wipii ." 8uy ibal npon oaw <k-i.- aioa, a m a,, .,,1,. .. ndmg t.. ezpel rrom thla Booaa Joha

A6-BI8 ol Maaaacbae-tte. "i"l the reaolutionwould bare paiai d, he 00b ihe .i- or, aad bal 1 it, audspoie for bui or a**/aa daya, deelaring lhal bc aouMyitldfora xiotiir. i.'Ihv the reaolation oa the table,hut wonld aerei ileld *r a rou 00 that leaolulkm,:.,,; ihal 1 rote mtu ibould ba IniduponitM he.iie.l BpaflBMJ BgBiMl it. [AM-BBaB.] And BC Mi.i. \. ni it. ....1

Ur COLFAX.1 thank tho gentleman for retnind*inflmeof tbia incident in tbe bfitory ot Ihe old man,1, ,,..!. sir. he ....- lindkotiiig tbe eoaaKuti-aalii; 1.;.- of bB .-'li.tiMci.:- np..n thk tloor.Mr. Kil'I'l -ndaoare we maiatals-Bf theeooatJ.

tutiouui [bts.-' nr 01 [.pplaaaa.]Mp COLFAX.Bnt we are noi propo-ing toexpel

,i. ge-t'eman Irvm 800th CoroHna. It wowore be. hi be justiUed ln takiog tbal coaraa. ib<- 11-

,,. ... ,i,;H Hoare ij slmplj Ihis: w.- aie willtne,m we havf i.'-.ii. to without dalote noa ieprot. ntioB noa p nitng, ot wbieb may be peod-Itig bv being prcBeoted beroafter br a direelTOte, "'\ea' or " N::v. -o th. Eaajol,¦; i'i.- |{-1,1. antathrea be iball aapwhM ahall beIbe oction oi We aro reaoy to tbIo opoaIhe poinU ol or* ra -.' bj Ibe Btlea-Ba-roa Penn-lylvnnia, ibal ihe preri-oa qaesiion u aot before the|jonse,i -i ll ii 0 1 di '..'. bat il i- not, we il ia our babU in Ita Sorth t.. aibmittotbe will oi ih. Buqority. \s.- iball not a<l"j>' tba 1:,,.,!,¦ ol aentlemen a 0 at* tbal they- will mbmitn ;').< y i.el'.v»- ibal ihe will ol tbe majorit- i- riabluud 'T 1...1, th. -.- will di ruj.t ererr I .¦ tbal bhadi thei10 tbe i't..-i..' Mter Lhat, wa are wUUm ta rotemi,. ii,. r ihe pi irali * rob it»< 11 -- -owaJtutional,ai .! tl-. ti wbether or nntil iball be id ipled an.l when

idoptcd, il it -l.aii be, "> hazard tbe n mlt,vou do tL " thal

r '. of the greai j -a-

1-.-.,; iboa wby we b-bm( mt do, li Ib b. raase when tbe peaploaaBa-.-D ,1 if r|| ..,.-¦ ...1 . i.. .-.l nn-.' io aoaaa bef

uud :. ,:-!i.'¦ »eal Ibe roootry, there werai, nj.i. rity of nn :¦ I eitber ai I4cp iblicsm

rote "t tbe Ki

publicen party. B ar few1.. ii.:i. .;.,'t..i ....-i. ka~a te . ¦. * to etfle foribe Kepublican ididate. 1 do aal peaeaaM

t!,. m n pomi ;-u: I t'':l »o

oi H- I'-1 ' J "!b* Ihe Di '.- .'¦¦" !¦¦¦'¦>. "r bf ,"'.- n: Iol tli it purtj ¦¦' ' ¦' ''

itlifullj Bnd I-1read) lo v. 11 rpon an* »nd every

...,,,.. -iti.-r, or wbii um ..._i;,.,,! ,,North Carwlioa (Mr. w

. willing toaoi ¦P.*u ProP".U...11..1 ¦-. ¦. ,^,v.,' '.'"

.. Bch a rote upon .. »« "¦

Mr. .".I BMl 1 N 11 1 the R. abla aa -Bnaberafoi t>hi in ;. bu tbe iun>

u ,.

Cries ¦. 1. .. iide ol " ao, " aa,

Mr.f!OX ll»'tii., Ohl I aak tb reaUewaa "rowIm ij.t 11 beoot pooMbl. to lw-1 » Kpeakcrfrom1.wnrarti aad oao, Un», wbo baa 1 u-.i i.t _ir.

Si ib ... .... .;.. "ll1mmmI III lllIC I.l. .¦ .1

Mr.COLFlN -Will Ibe ...i.-l. nmr. ri,<j 11,.

.. J" X ' ..i.i..1 tbe latAloawa Meej mi a-

_.'.i..,i .,....,..- Mi.. -'-vv"."i^".. ¦¦ ¦''" w-?r_it_T_-»_d'

,,., lt0t i...iv lhat if tbe vou al idl 'he K- rubi -

.....¦ -.-- - ... 'i-- "i '¦ vm.o "-.<;'" ;." ¦"...¦ .¦

U .di ,"-..l -nd la- .il Helper boak. b ...!_«...,. ld ¦. nl .'¦ n n.ifahpe_kci <<s .. mn-

njioorvty. I «»_r_:*___j-ilv. li vou.-aii, iner.r.) ... '. .-!»¦ ¦..-

,, ,1, if.... -. aod ..a be hi*.*.,,...,., ii.ii "i ii" noum, .i.

j .,.,,i-.o^........

*- ¦' ¦"'"l'J

MflfltafHei. Yeabare *!.<-. bj Ur. S-mtmm '>.-cnu-e be [ptfonei t!< Ht-ftr book. Tm fi_ned u

witb h m. 1 ou (I o'hi*' Mlfloi it IrM "f. --1 ,ne n"'m"

but, foo aad lonr eoi__g_.r» an io tb* wom caje-aitfa iu... Vou -I rthiai Mfcboal ___.

K t'i' | Toiif-elvee.Mr. I'OLPaX iv- ___mb of "Tlu- Baekiyi

Atwoad" L'oa i* aot tba bmb M> nrraiffl bm _m layjihiaglba-i <!.' <, I..". ¦- b- -.ill tatom M wheVpMlbi* -ide be i- lt ill :. ln M'le r< '.

Mr. (()_ .1 \.ii nn aone of M'u.

Mr.COLFAX -T»_m it Mwill rate for a© gentle-vaa apoa thl BkWi l mpactfally Mbaril to him tbn',.icci.jili; a lo iln- f riticipli r" Of tbe KiaM*-Nl !>ru-r.Hb II, whi.- I bolievc I ¦¦¦ -_-_-* U lia th ,ve oiio n ont "wn way.l(.t»ut laagbterMr. ( Oi.Sabject lo thi < u-i tafloa Of the (.'nited

.Siaiif. il.:n,Mr.COLFAX I'- ConttitnHoa reqnircti u*to _it

I 11 11 \ol.

Hr. < <».. _-'i';.- Hon « .baHdoin leoMnta^JoBilWay. ItfOBtrt lotfllfetfl Witfc 'he turnily iffflill >f thoRepeblieai party, wb_a I flib h_ abont in. coalitioaofBiapartr, .* terdaj my -_d»_-goi(Mr. Hutchiua]b ctured tbe DeoMM -¦>"' d m-org intiatioo, ind inoito plme th. OfllM nd n_ia__ "I ll"t or-*.ii.i. in ItpOfl _*.I bow docfatfi that li paMble for tbe Kepebueat toeltcl u uiui in their OB I party whom I have MM LII i. ml dunid bat thM ***** I 11 who i. uiore c >n-

¦rvsitiw tlmn Mr. Sleniam, aad wbo i- not iu tliehim Helper boM w-tb Umh giM^iaMa. eaa i.e

clti'.il. ih:.-, i-¦.-. by i majoriij ofthe Hoaaa.Mr.COLFAX I donol icknowlodge the gentle-

MM I liih't but I -vill MJ -itni'ly wi-

nipl-i.ii Mr. Mi. .n.ati btetxL* h.- reo ive* tbfl lirg-StMu., hi r oi vote* that eaa bt poUafl. I wiabtoaay, ineooelii >¦ ConatHntion of tbe I'nhetf 8t_te*aotboi .i xi. state-. oft_Ja DnfoatoaledRepretenlatit . ia lbi ___rrimn Congrc* aatf, incomplnuw. with tbal Com-til tion thoae Repnrvip tfi inii ta-tfay. i* ¦ faM taatevaryHealk.M wbo tf h-" '- 11< ctfltf, bc. bj tb.auijority, bol bj Um plaralitj rnle. Only Rbodeliiai.d rrqairca a majoritj rob ind Uu t* **n ;i Meoaivi le u plnialiiv w riillii ienl lo ______ N©W, vt'lien_entYaitu '"-d BIBW thfl-. _.ilar,e_ Iromibe Titatnn «.' Um CnHed B»aU bj rtrtaeofaaelection BM. r .)> tlnrnli'v rule, I Mf il ir1 u _ir-

fttcbed argoni-al for ili-ui toii-i-- ihat tbat Coafti-latiot*, whicb niti our po*_r :i. tbo electiou of B

Bpeoker ,i. the wm aay. will aot p rmM bi lo eleet

hy thl plurul'tv iiilc. Nuv, MOM, Mr. Cob. of xiooT-.1 Mr li'li'-._ ol' Ma- .tiilll-i.ll- have br.'ll been

11,., ,i __.. ,' ibe p'aralhy nUe, iai, mVthoaeb -.ii. -.ii-',- bavi iriaeu ui n RBra t-> tha eonMita-tn.iiiiiiiv ot lawa p-B-ad oaear lbair_-___i_r_tioB,aBd__ai._-_._r-«i |,t thtm, jHnonwp. Bo-Utryer, hai ivarM*ten.' t.d l*e .-re iCsnitof Jufltiee lo l ...irt tbal i'ii.-i-lawi were invalid bacanre ihe Hp a.Bf waii loot*. by;, phnaMty. Wi bare therefore the pcaoetfaaM of t<_->

ca lionc ot S|. il-. i. on* b» 4-.i. b ol 'hem il partiei,and tbe analOfjoua fact of tbe eJootwo ol Rapreaentaati\c- l.v ii plm.ili' t, whi. h baa hee.i provi.l I for inonl, r lhal tbe |i- of th. Di-iriilt. iiliabl heanr. pn (Ul((i. Tbo luw luid to tbe M°B**_ " -'""

Uj.,', huUU i'}< u ¦-"¦ ,Ml1 -bfl antiwho.,,,;,. i-'i. uooil 11 :..¦' be la tad." Il i*

a vvi.-o iOB, BD 1 '¦ I.i-i iowaUtOOOpj t ii.ttexampl- i" i Bl an . n>i la Um praaMI -e.d hu _.

AdtoaiiK ..

**the -)t<ii_*i_4_i .".nll.St. I.". i»,Wtda«*day,Jaa tfl 18W.

Th.- ov('];.".' tkt \httt ?'.-!, *md fot-,.;..], il, ¦. , . Ijntti anlii ., .;:¦,.",;,.'. ii:-. Iboafl phei fr<*:-.i M.lloy'u

iyi rday._1,p;i . ,- -4 Vm CeavM'l'i Ind db-

H.lvcl ou ti.e l-'Mi of December, prepaiataryta __¦

ne.li_l; ol' I new Ho l.-'iii-l.4l the Iii f**M litu-

t:on ae! of l\.'.c,Ibai Blblibm>i we»i -bocUy flXia-___tM

\ ,--.,,. ia, ,o,.. bfore. Adtairal Haii.a'l Int, vi/: T.< lio, 991 uii.: Here, If bbmi !__._, M pMBj undI MMMb, _-

MlMIBWbo ii.'tvi- .-rrivi ,1 at V .i'iei!., fnun (MJ 1'pperKih-tr, rcpoi-t tiehw tto\! neoreriti tl.e arerioMmonth tluu dt'iui' iuiy former period, many having!. ¦_. *'J,l'U<l in UUM ttwthmCMMI J-"''' bu '-nn^ mi many p_MM.aai

m.__-,_._.ii..-> i...i-iii-i». *ritboot aid .>;-,,oahaflvar.Mm y niiuei-. wonld W.m al DoBflM, ttkt, il","-,

and Wi tun ¦¦ whoM eaurBtfaoi *k*tt*jmei;, '| -ir m f tbe/Si'.' of goM tle ooatfag mmm.

'/',', li... OtflgOB ./. ¦'-' iyi 'li_. "V- 'nl p'.r-|in bai n'tivid tle npp.-r! y, C.lvJ. and

BteflblBMB, ull '.'. WbOM i'"Mi'.ii I'tevieiH rep-rt-ilimt ti BBBM in tbM Mgfa-B. Hfl M

douh.i'l ibfl i v.r.'i uco of riM K4>U _BB-BlM ou all tbe

>-r.-:.!:intnl,jt:_y_Hubi. Coluuil-it: Kiter ou the westttiiil nottb.


From _kaii«a..I.' IVI SWHI.TII, Wi .1.111. I -, lft*.'.

Tbo Teiu I". la'.ii:..' ail|"tirned ***** Ah to

day, the wnt-rtil uudi rstun .ini_r beiuj,' tbat thl QaMMOffwill immediately convene it M____HB_____-The dillienl'y ar: inp iroia tlu; tttJktM MflM M I._w-Tcnce is therefore conoidered .etticd.

CLailr- O'lonor .i»inin;i(«<l forMi. I'rc-Klt tn t.

CiiAiiiiiiiv. g, C.Tbuiv.luy. Jan. 19, IB0-.The Ant;nstu (Oa.l CflnrMBflfl_Mtf

(l...ilf s tl Conor ot KlW-Tirb, f«>r tbo l're_*iili ncy.?-

From PlkM- l*« i«l- aml N*VW*Flvxtco.

I.. itxbwobth, Tharaday, I>ec. 19. 18_0.The PQm'i Peai eapma arrired _MreU__a__lternoon,

bringing tba msil*ud pmoajan Btom Daaiar '-tyll ___U Lake, s.i.iihi in goM, und d iten from J.'lt* MMT. riitoi \ to tl.e .Ih in.-:., and liom Salt Like to Dflfl.30.

Aiivtci-.a from Mountain City r.-port the minere atillat work neigborfaood w-ith .roiitahle retnrno.

DflfltbMI b id MM held iu tbe MMBflM-M, ia whiebthe iiu.-lion Of orgaoiliBg MW ICMbUm nn ier thel*rovi-'oi...i floTen meal wu.a voted down by h iariiein.ajoiity. Tho ganeral ixpreaMoa is bj fuvor of u _aa<ui-ato politicul oraaabmtfM by Co_MjMM and ******i_t11 iitif. ti.iii with Kiih. -.

A ceinaial lor fl ail EaeOitiBI wi.h KlW-MaxlOl wdH, owiiil' tO the iMTMMBg MMMMM bd_tWMB tbe two (..iiiiiri -.

The tfmtaet fron Lmtibworth to flaaap.-nver Cky to nn graatar fcaaa froai latfeaaatfeBea,lh_ j,,, , at, ind tbe former ro* * bai i

ih ,- ol Hl. '-. nl m ibe whole . xtenl oftbe roniiin .1 woald :."! lita lo be p tn i;.->' by troof* M n a-<!tr it nenre.An inmignUbm I exped d ki iringtl.ming Bpriog

nperiortothatol hai rear, iai naigranti are aaa-t" :.ed .I'.'.i'.n t in, :..- ."..'i unprovid.-d with suli-ai»ii mi .

Th Pfke'i PMb i v ¦"' my 'vvi|' loerai-atheir line to a tr:-weeklv aa the IM <'i K -bruary,ici.i bave !.¦<¦'.. laffii >r a double daUy liae mmm;i ii i- ii> ma .. by tra. I.Ad. perateofflruyorcarredon the Bbbbbj proeed

a dtpartore of tbo mail, Mtween two baatfii!, -| .t.iii.i ¦- he:. h -d rvapeetivoly by l.o' Hiuitiogtoa:...,| Bill UI imi i, .¦ i cb Uh-kuaii '.a*. mortally

...1 li.'ni ie on ilirfhtl} w.. inded, aa 1 -v>-i .'. oUmm.- .. red triibn-. hijarii


l.alir Irom llavana.\ '.(!,.¦ i i.-, Ihnr.dBi.Jan. 19, l__9.

Ihe .-> .-.-iii i.i,- '' i'i ..' l..i an iw U in ra w ah 11..V-i .' -. - nt ibe t!

I ln- v tf -i r w a<_ very Imt.Hu -ii..-. - via* ¦. um ie.-. tagarwM lna, bM bo

(... ioibII.I ,. ..ii I.n'i'.r.ii I.i

, .nt., < n Nea-Tork.-j r eent.**p

l.oiti .imi:t l__*flBlMtMirf.tiNl .v t»i r.i.a, \s <. ..i v, .1. n. 18, l**_».

Iu IhiT-iBJabina fagialiiwn i.-diyibe (.n_M_>I ¦. w.i- ,i I. |i tbe

,. v r -, ,(''i.ri n .¦ atl ih .,-..¦,¦¦ re! ill«|i' pg i.pi a l'i. !n -lei , ¦...., ., ', .: ...;.' _'idIcth libu il.-- ¦ ......i iu g .-.-I-,

iiinn.Tin- I! i l| .-

II irper'i Ytwn a_air ia attaeb on ll a ii_*r.'-. *ni pnv-t the :'-ii'.iii, aad aUrgini^ tbM Um boatdit) of

iho North, .. ii bi ection oi a Kepublieati Pnw i. -. -.- -. ii m ofthe


Flrr in .'li*ii>li.nil.Clbvbi '.m>, 1_Miatfay, Jaa. 19, Iflflfl.

A Ir* thi Moratan intrayii IM bara, 4*n.- b.p.'l. ... ... Tborm ia. I. M

'¦I--.I-. 113,090,If. aid of C liarli'a I. _Tlann.

Um t, '1 iars_ ... Jan, 19, Mfl*Tbe II..n. Cb .rb A. M.nii, I'midenl of-ha "

Baak, diad ftudt-enlj inthi-. eily to-dav, of apople_y«Hr wm in I8M u m'> mber of tne AaaemMr, fn l**_ ¦'

Nhie s. iii.i..i, i.n.l h.. beea Prealtfbntw tM S"0*'"i ork, albaay, ai >l Butfulg Ti:«>_-_-|>li _<__,-_... Ht**,,*) .»i V

THI COBOBBB'a IBQI-* T .00l71*riP;_,.L*w BIBI j Ha I., Tburs- '-y.oao. 19, I8C0

Tbeiaqaiateathe Ia4e dheaBw *va» MMMbIWi

n''i"!!.?H.t«l.r wbo B-ipariotonded th.%\VL*f^ !h*/, .i.'-,t.on of Ibe IvrnUrtMi _!ili>, IM11**1 to *» ihe worl. . . ..

Idv-i.l P. WbUMT, who aaa empW. «.» ""

faartbato-y movin. t ?. fl" frauien Ht tho ti .

buiidiug feil n-hnii. .iibii! IbaaaeMaMaaaaoaad w \l"ln.- ni'iuiie* afler tba* feoaed eaoviaglbofrasaei wa- i.i>oi.t ¦< »eot* ti' -i from tlu- aoalb enl <>f ihI... Iilin- he Dr-ni.l no i-ra.-k at J.II; phonld Ihink lt W-B

i.i ni'.iethu. ilni-i aeeeada from lha tira. I uotiod,1,, ett| -'.-I. ..!! "I down; ihOQfbt they I.-idirurhnioro weight in tbat than in My otber part >fibe baildiri.; obere aeral tbe il> fraaaeaalotol eardeva,,.. r. ii.. ¦'..<': -I »W think the ly frnmc-road* »

.,.,, ,,i,.. r wetghi i" ih<- aajaava foot waa na

rir.b. made h lOOJOrb Bl tho Jhtter tOWo IMIdav that I mU'mi 'te what bc! I tM BBU up:Dothino bai tbe gieatwelgbt eaaaad m lo f*y Mibare alaayi netfctdthal me ab._fuogiMMrtJMl.Hytrue, I HoaaM bhtc bten <nlU (\ BBM to lei.'l ll,. i.ii.i \; aevei waacallod to doao, eB-ogtooooo. x-l'-ion 10 lev.l li[- p. II..- mill. p; never l.otn* I Myiieiiation ot" weabaceaiathe mill; I MMaaraaaeMa mill where Ihe jar wur- u<»t gB BB t tb ¦ ia thwj Nii.oiin. th. p<- ii iu i.-i; aa, tbere waa b«i roeaarh axpreea-pg fin,- tbat il.e mill aoaM fall abib wa; the llv-irati,. 1 v. u- plid wil out be n ' jolt.'d:fbould Ih-bhthemaehlnee *.< iahed3,0001b ithe nij be«teBilmato wevtoaawaa88cal |; there wore BolIraawt aoreail.

( bariea II Bigetow, reesDe*."j thejarofahoav*j M --me, u.e DBtnra nf iron la rhanaad tht er* '.'-

it t catora being cbjtBged,aod the cobeeion d. itroyed;l.i-nl.i -in;.!.- '..I aa - a i o Bkibility ot lha weight aaaiii.tnti .an.-i":- B ihinl Wfleh, Wbtob wo-ild rem t n

. n.e lliiiiulep; I n.n.-i hav.- appTOTOd Ot* tha P1 M ofba colnrnLM and ptatlea; beliavad lhat the enlnoinabeiraordiaariry wall eaat, wr.uld riis'aiu thowoigblequirtd; tbe W-iphl ol the loor upon neheolnmn

\M,'r bnt three erfoeraaoa; deat think "aoroweighlwaa j ut opoa (..* aalaaane thaa tbej ¦hntild h.v_boroe; donl ibinb tlmi tba -tovia|*el tn-'.-hin.-rv iuthe ai. woold bavo a toadeaey lo itraia tb. columnUK re lliMli Ibo pultin- in ot BOW un. hinerv.

S:.'iiu.l Gould. niilwrigbt. 1". I*.Chadbonrne, brick«layer, Stepben Doekham, Heary8»udler, BaajaaiaHod man, and Stephea VraUaM, tettriea dorhtgthofoienooa aoaek*ol the iaqeeet, wbeo ihe taethaoaywi.i n.i.i f M to tbo eoootroctiM of tbe boildiag, the

jthoi tbair n pillara. aad other aa-ttera, whkbbave prav-Daaly b*.ri. iaet-fod te oake IWly*

11 - ii i: raoa aa n itot or ukwnmncz, ,

CmM i.ttkHs. k, Ukitm't Orvtea, Im tt, U9AQaaTLkaaai fourletterot tbe ibh inataat, with

i \,s tha aeeai Litictr.-Mari.-t. I'ortl.p rM-rfoflbf. toferMB i.y our!.-...-..

wi. ''I- wenemae eyanpeth] ln nir beh.lfis a a.i.uii ing lianil i_ our tro....l.-.

1 lu- b.u.t. .ud >.>. .-li... ta of olmiity I ci-v. r f.i'v appr.. ite i...tiitl. pr. -< nt tin.p. K.r llii* your i-.hirlty pfrmit me ti ¦ r..i _odIbroogb *eatateadw '¦-.) lii-ji*. n *?ach and^lldouora... yi.u. .... -in. '¦-. Ani I r.rl.-r yo* njthaaka, v* Iii-- Uair r.oco.._i»i.. om tior.t »!' Ibe beort, i.ut dp«p .nl tinc.-re.WllhircotcTitltn-o I im your tr.. i.! i.-l >..

To Cmbm v BJ.IK1..P. IJ. BAOIIOBBB, jr.ah. io LAwasaoa.

Mr. .I.-hn II. W'.it^on. N'o. 106 Broadaav, ack-0-.-l-Ifttlb. r. ¦';¦'. et ti." ,.,! w ing donatiorjs tnia ...y. I'-.r tlu*

.... iDrtrrrrt at Lowrorec, Mi:.y. hpragurl .'¦.*l<«i m l'!--'Ph/er _. Ce....fl_ieiN V. J.r.ii" No 8*0, B. lA-dlOWB, Hro. _ .-uul-

... a -.-. ii.--.»mi it Browa fa Ed.G. M;. r. Mo-»-.IBHi- Wll-tnt. 2' .»' tktwen BeBB-aaaa Bttrr

W. Leckvoo-. l'""l n,.-.l. jr.Htt|. f liBrrkk. .'-'.' '. . aarthi '. C ¦.-¦> ""

(Hhail Bwo-Ji nreeer. » B0 Qmt. W. ^..w.... Ce....Wei_n >.,, ., k (. 1. Bonnell WlUoi.I» Bl

Mr*. J i.r-'. 1.0 OI .' B. -Sli.w Cn .1" 0)i,.,i E,.--i.M B0 Ha-rjr k r.ornm<-.5i»ii ii .; ... -... MarpBj i ChU I*..

v., hm j- |>o..itiwicK k PhelpB.... seeWsrip. . IB rejOtb, IttmrUM Rr<.*..... 10 ooi MOn'Joka fl. Tiue-l.ll. I <m

. .U ot.Cmm.lo»"¦H..rt. 1000 i . ;'"

j i ..... f _«..HOOC-B^.\m"« »> l'3'

. ',.".'?. *tn, . .. in 1.1 . «,'¦. 1 1*1

1' '.nri_ Hi.IV- v .;.-...'..).. 50. .Eiu-.i.'

I. Un '». J. K. XV. iu..-Arpht......A-.-lw'. D 1", ' '.

nir. "vl»'miua<*r> A«lilr«^.Ricaa ibd, waa.aaay. Jaa. iH, UMi.

Mr. Miii.iigarwaa reeorted to im Capitol by thel.iima'v. The n aion i! a; ¦! Vir, Inia flagi «raved ovorti.. inii'i.lir.-.'. ll.. apobe foarhoara,lolaiaBeaBaerow4a.

.i bedtheBtead* hwoafl-O- the Wortbapaotheriabte ofthe Bootb aa- lha riee aud proaraaeaa Aboli-ikmiiBia Hedrow a drtary pictare of lhafar

.Diw b the Nortb, aaa ibowod tbal thetle (,'onelhoii-owerepoaaileaatoprwaetAa

Somb. Ti e Sonth mupt aaa_ia deaaaad be newiniir-I, it the ll.i< B .- to be B80M rvi-.l, 08 B-M uiuke

iionafiei eobcoatioa till Ihey loaa allloaooaoennd ii|.'ht iu ih. ( uufedara-y. He uaad a 0-araation

I Ihe Southern Slat<- to BeaaMH -beaf relatioi-' wit.1.- N'or'h.Mr. Meaaraay r iraa linteuedto with inteu^o iatere4.

tbicu-hont bi. famg .-^..ouipe.

I>«1* rlion ol f oiiiitirlrll -IN.Ai.niNv, Tbaraiay, Jaa. 19, 1887.

Iheaavaval baaba ia Albaay havebaaeda eirealarpropoaing i>> fona aa aaaoeiatiOB for tbe deCeetioo aa I; aniabnM 11 of eoouterfeitera. Ii i« propoeed thale whbank ioining .-< 11._11 pay ten ^ollars lahecripttoo to i'->rma I md ior "'!. ring lawarda for the det.ctiou of ort'en.!-<i -. A.-. Il' _io;e I'nnd* are re.|_ired, an a-sen-ni.jnt isIO be made, not BTrmedhljT Iive dollar. on each onebandred tboo-and d< Uan of capital of the u*ii*'t Al-l-ai.y ie lo l»- ihe eeatrai pofafl ofthe A.-no-iiatinii. ThefatvioM oi' tbe 0-kaia are to bc readetod gratia.


<;a!i iisi and i Iii< auo Railroatd.Crii ioo, Tharaday, Jaa. 19, 1880.

Thfl Halena nnd Chkaao Kaiiroad yeaaaraav m>elared a dividend of tbiM pM eaat, pavahlc iu NflW*V. ik, rob. la.


Corrpapr r.d-ric* of TLe N. Y. Tribi-i^.Wi laiBOTOB, .lan. 18, 18Mb

Cn. Oeorge Wiaahhagtea Beweaaa waa .lt-.-tedPiini.r to the Senate la.-t i-vei.inL'. hj a ra;.jo:i:y oftwo voten, and by tho ahaBBOi ol' ri'ioie eii'ht or nine.Stnatorii, who, il ihey bad boMpaOBBBt, would bave\.- -.1 a'.'aiasi and dclt-au-d bim. 00 lor IciiiinrhhIi an rle.-iio: .-'. by .i. tault.

.Mr. I'li-pi.leiii llurhanaii aaada ap lo hi- Laeoarptnafrieada, who hare beeaeaatovorboardby tbe peoplaihey bave arootlyaituepreeiBteJ. I' 'a Ihe way a

reirupt K.\.iiiti\e iiayn vott-M he holdl OOt tl C prO-k-Mllul if ihey will koetaia hfao ia hia odiooaooM '.aad-....uhi ba tBrowB ovarhoard, he will thia way babaatahaaeB-oof agood mnnjot biadfjfeatfd f uppori. ra, aad oflGuod to taba ean of otu.-ru.

Ba ha- n-.i n a io.i ;.u mi- il;. to QlaOCJ JoBOB, to.. w. t J iFBlbner, a t'.l-

leetorahip to Hr. Ex-Bapreaeotative II fadgeibipto Iba Ex*Bepreaeota-iveBaajhea, tbaCoainiia.gioaet-bip of tho I'a'nt 0.oe t-. Mr. Es-Bepraeaa*lative Biabop, aad the & blpof the Laad

,. Hr. Es*BepieaeB_atl*e Bmi L_ Eta .

oii.-ii.i a Inerative !.'..!.r.l <.i,..<- to Sir. a_MM J.I'i.t-.-i. dafeatad tar lha ee_ '¦; Oomi.ref Vaw**lolk

llii- ii t ef aatraereHaary iippoiutmentn of Mtiaar.i-'ii,.iiy ir.iuvaiua.-, who bave " b U ... illil-iiii.l h:- aabooaded laaity and w bitinn to ba re-

I, reoda rirl My ..u Ihe pe .. of l Loob Bl ii ba oi

Alaaaadei Maaitry, -fBB-Ber ta Caatral Am«.i< i.

( h.-vali. r Beary MTyha_r, baatar of diapotebee to( hiiia, who aeol ufaraa KngJ-od, aad retaraad.

..'i..ii. i--i. >.!...:., Coaaal eflarroyhal rejeetad byibe s,u.,.f.

IJr.Cl.J.ii. I Eh, iDaaltl Q neiaH'o-l-lMli.-'Tai-:.n_ Agrat.J.n.. hfagi ita, Baaaalhaae n ad l' ___"*_j uaval le i BhaiaawlMaailoub altaroor Mlniaaera there.Whoaeal uf ibadofcated Kapraaao-atlvea to be

r-w-.i-l.-l w.'.li-heai.|vointiiiei.r..i i)""T> ' '' ¦

iinr' In it »»..u laaea «i IBaaiylaefliB, bow kaWa.-hii.yiou \Vt- pha11 g*Tllf \RTI8T~S RECEPTION l\ TIIE

f*8Tl D10V

'II... -'ptiinio' in T. nlh etivet, cr B-tharthe .>.-

,,i¦ ...u-iioH. wh.. b i-ave Im«. ii .,!,.. in.i,.|.i-.i|.ri-iI, WtiH la.-t i>:.n'»it t'i.. ...-, uo ol' ii biii-

i,i,i,i BBBa.b'ago of the faphiou, baaaty, aad Ip(i Nftw-Voik. it wa.. ihe laitef tboaaatala laeoe-||tae t.,r the p. apon, and theagb tbeOB were no lenp |h n

ItofiaatBartieelaal aajht, aaeh ia the ovariowiagw.-alth of il.e -mi.-l' t-iLp" iu..f.-..p dia. lhat,lo B rOi-_,ii».. r, it would have pOSBBBl thut tli. delaerraM ofowaaehB)1 badbeM al aaUaeBailaTMthitroatte graee ii >. - u.iiou of .t.r urtia'*.

Tbe main n too room, aod th* two adj'.iniagTOOtDr, v. *re well ti_lo_ with pir.ure* und ho-mii. ft,tbe |rin«i(.i.l woik them, tbe ekej d'tr.vr*\nfact, bfliflf the gre _t battle piire by ._, .u'ze, rcpren. nt-|M tbe Imt'le of l'ricrflt_n: it *»i well haog aadshowed to rett advHr.tHi<( by i.i.--li^bt. Tuero wr-iain the AxHLiiion toom-, Ikj-id-a, pi .ur.a by aJloftb*Ktndo nrtiM., Siv.nni, M<i »rc, I'.b rvt.dt, Hubbard,l_*-d, Ha/eltirie, \\ illati. H trt, MM, McKntee, (lig.noox, lli-u.U* u, (, mucey Thoixdike, Hayn, S.iat.urk,Cl.urcl,, C|_|Mr, ai il ....JMMa A'.ioii:/ 'bfl binlacapaaw-r. one roprearuting tlie ( nel'e ol Chillon, pain'edl *) l bm-th unj ( .11, 0M iiii-'er aii-1 tbe pn il, whichna *uraiiyf x< ite.',tin'ir'',ar: ib-- p< ftrait* of lolme*nnd /aongfellow, by Btieb.imin, were al«. BMOBftbe ch.""-f obVc of atlmeiion. Tbo ba*«rel.ef« byJaekHi.ii '"'' ''* I.annt Thoriipaou, a*j>«'i+llp ona ofNigbt, by t ^ "i^t ai.iat, gre.My ad oirrd. Iln

tbe F.xhibiti. ¦*" rooniK wer»- not th. tno*_ att._ct.'Ye

joiit-; all the r -ud'onof th.- urti.t. were pni iu order,liiillinntlv illnmii. ^f***!- ando.. fi lothecro_d. Churcbr'« r. d Iii- _____ c.veept M bi. ******* frimd*;li.- Q%BMI. w>> '"*« the mljotuing aparl-1,1 i.i, had bi- j..'vtii'.-> biindaoniely a-arig-rd, and it bein.-" < ne tt ibfl mo.t romroodioo*and be_t fill.-.l ti tbe MM-fltf. >'f apj«wed to bethe fa-

voritefioint tt MlMMtlM. l_lflta*Baf_UeMM. bM:il,o\p i', MMBBM nnKb MIgM _M a-nong the intar-

ntfa I tbh-gl h« di. pl»yed wa- M.e .-artoon of bi* _>».

ii,. of riMietM, ibr jintlnr.* l'i" ebildren, aei tbe\', :.-.'.. | C-iaital M M, Whflfll b- ha \t*\ fioi-hed.

Haya, Suydam, lluhbani, av! 0__M_ had tbeir ntndioebrill rtlv Hfhtttf up. an I iu i-a.-h room were kuot.t of

bdmiiing' Bmntenrs and *-, exnminiog witb

MSBMM irtf-n.-i'y tbe phBBBM nj-m tbo ea««U of

ttr arti.ts, conie flf whidi were hnlf finiabed,while Ibsn bad lawlMi Ibfl MM Maflbn tt the pen-(il. __nJ_M'l elegant room, !_..-ide bia own l,eautifulm soi.'.e "(.kefcl.?, ctmtaini two or three of the be*.pfctamaf UmmI fttm\ M hi* ea.-l wu* anewly-fini.-l ed ond very MMM- M pieture of MaucbesterII- id'. Hunt'a ntndio, wbich i* oc.-upied by bi* pu-pi';.hb. prineipal..ffi:e being down town, it the butld-Mg ofthe Ameriran _M_MMJB Baafc-HMI 'be only

m wbicb itade a dirpliy of arcbi'actaral drawing*arai model*. Iu Bier_iadt> room w«-re BfBfli tnaoyBfliMMM ot his In lian an«l prairie ftadien, in tbe shap*of bnflalo ikin- :uid other articli -..i l_«r ler lit .».

The " re.-r-p-ion wi>soncof tbe mc. t brilbani ao<liticcedhful thut have be.-n givtn, and ihe 8tudio Arti-t*.

i..ay coii-.'rati:!..*e thtmtelve* on tbe _how tbey made,aw well M on tho MMiafMBaai compauy tbat xraeed.'-ir ipartnientp. The Committc.-e, M<-.r-. Suydatn,li.iyn, and G-fford, deaerve eredit for tbe Rd-nirahl*iiiimer in which all tbe anan^eitient* for Uie roeeptiou

wi ie canied ont.


.Mr. Ilriirv ('. .'ail le. ti-re- M ' GflMMIMi «Tar-

ening," in Bhlf Bh-git[''8 evt-niit^. .1M. _-.

_Stn np H_n_|__by i< mauifertcd intheA__icanuna Knulirh thtAtt ol Floieme lor tue fuu-of.lohaBrown, and for tbe caui-2 in whi. b bc died. Mr*. II.B.-___BI is M BIBBBM tt*r**t**At§ tbere, and tho t.."l-

ing of tbe TiOibj e«, the IliowtafflBBj and other p.omi-ni nt httrttti, i* as fervent tbe nubjeot of Amorican

Slavery 8. ber own. K. C. IMMM.I ballad, wh'cb

MffMiai inTiitTKiiii IB, entitkd,"lIowOHHro_mtook Harpers Ferry," ... ftmti from one to an- 4>u il? aniv J,tiiid evciteii _MM rcnarlr. HiramrVwerv, the renlptor, i. tntiitiHiastic on tbe theme oftbe " beii -tictini, an be tenn,-. Jol!.ii i'.rown, and no

__.,r. M bMMM-t- cvenbody..At tbe lalest date*. Mr*. lin.wninr whi about

going to Uome, in order to avoid tbe ulcak WinterwIliIh ol' the \penjiner, her bcaltb bciic .uch ai tonei t-ritato tbe mruott eare.

.Tbe Ilon. J. B. Bouli.ny, K. OL from l.oniai .na,

pablWblihl Tkt Natiotat Iktefiigenexr, aletMrle bi*io:] UtaeMfl, iu which MripMtiilyeaaig-a-lr.______bmj!St. Paul vvnh h in.'. Im '.dleyin.'. a-tthat pcr»on ha* re¬

cently dotein ZleJT. O. Ctntrier, Aal Mr. Bwtflgaji- .ndeavoring to brinx about tra- adoption of tbe plu-raliiy lalfl, and tbui procure the ek-ction of a Uepnbh-can Speaker..An excLat gfl paper eommenre* the new year with

a series of " Teu and luk .-_ keU-he* tt Kuiinent Men."No. 1 ifl a life of h'.lward Kverett, and oc:apie* a

tpate of abo.u four ioehi-a. Tbat cmmtiit man ia de-!eiib43iia* " of perfeet ujoiild; an," and un " Jiewing in tl.e mo»t conlly man*

ner.' Such i.- MM' *

.It is rumored tbat Cipt. Henry il la Kiviere,'.the -_';.lla:_t Zoutive." is in redaced circuuibtau.eK intbin cilv, and tbat 1'iielau, tho biliidrd man, at theearnct bolicilation of Lola Montcx, baa irtven hnn *,

n a marker at ono of bw up-town ualooon,with a ni W ttB of clothe and jf l'i a raoutb..A California B_M d.-cbtrca that i. mu.-t bave been

Wm. M. Taawibwiay arbe gitf _p tkt ¦reaflr'i PMiyinMirrei-ticn, flending Oeawatomie Ilrown Mflffl tbereto lini.h "Tho Vir/inian.-".a ta_k hc bad been in-effectu illy laboriog to aocompliah for laouthd p-u-t..The Pnke of tVeffiagtoe, BjffMI ttittt <>ne day,

dariaa hll 1.f*%*. b*r .. Latulion to Mtefl_fl arutheriMfll WM etiterpri..».-t' I MBf-BaBg of oue of the exvrinty'B batterie* ef f_ Babia t* iompliari____lUM-_lcarby-Bifa-f Ibal Ui bm Um **a*A t***At*mmi intb_world. '" Y**," replied Ibfl olBc.-r, leading on hi*

MflB, "an.i'.ie y ur loriahlp'a oriflflMfl li_:_ly ex-eCdted it will probably b< tho fir .t iti tbfl other world.''.Au ohio t_fitor i_.iv.-_4 biH triawi oi lbi wrenl

¦i.iiic- v\ l.i. !, h._ iiely Mi.MH-¦<-_ a 1 all iu MTaB.Bf-ton. Haiayai

.. Th.-w ...' nrlfltyiatl m Jmi.-bi- *¦**. ko.-'.- .i)> bjr tb»- I'tn.-y t. IB* A_!' »'*_>

i a.!.,.i.i '.I..," lnoriSty e U**\ t*.mrnl aa « too eol.'. and lamaut. Tb* iiJjr Ixy*

'.. j¦! tiubucorit', ¦-« »-.-.'. t.ilil.iu-

i-ru.-.--, .ir.d -i !.- rn ....... i.. ii ..

i-urli.' u!; ,1)* to*T-'iln- rrntlt-il.i .-. li I '"*4 bti-A n

<...'¦ o _: ri

t i . \i... la all .^-¦«-

U i .!*_.,a. laa (fcMBaafltfBMMI ¦'-,

. 'i aa* t't-i ri.- '-

-Kini: "lt/, wbo wan ..h'.t in GMmf* ** ' MBBB,by ii i ftuitm. W mi, ia -4 I tt \m*mbj, b Uewlyrtcorarteg. Hia 1 bew,pr<__-bly,-o-"fl ________

ad UagBpoabiM a ihaK-ci'y wi..i-h tiailly

d William* iobmbi ib-Myexb. Had it uot.

i.,i. lartb. tttg, WHUMM »"i,!i "-". ':

have kUkibi-_.M bflBMB lBI-B«-1j flthan:i I, iml llflll-*l *.r'-lt ,'"-r''f *m\*m*tttt*% when in-

lo.a..-iilhiitt'.e WMHJfld MM ¦'1 r, ..u r.

ASiNti"K Cbaboxo witb Poaoi r. 'Ir. .I..linr. Frja, >-> __-_* !¦'. ->. f> i tl..<Hortb-B*. Woi 'i' -i."i.-,l Iii--eut iu

-....ite. lli.t ii -.->... n u i il At \ e.-rortL.> iai-iiiiiliiiii. v 11 i: .:. 111 - ,t hniol-

' -| '.- .' it he '- :i.i".i_-d>f the erini.- Tboffl :- I m>'>- f"r *jRJM*\"i whieb, ii iiiaifl, he 'i.m MteMali mm! tbe inm*tt a r'.iii .,,, PMri rtr_».'.. 15jnti>t>. Thea| -ii to oa i*, lhal n *nt Akm

u-a> in tin S bar, twa tfayaawa. aaiIrea fron bim a full a ik_o«ladg__ei tt tht wrgtryaMeaaarra wita takea lo ai~a__* th* mMBM, wbMh

ill ia progn », y**t* day, whaaaar lt. -I. n. Ol Boar.a, ¦¦ hav..- liimn'.a¦j. ihe tn ,t in .| *.¦.tii-n, iai pn' .1 oni of tbe W_V.',. h, ,¦ i, pofll Of Otl -a I". .cl p,| ¦ ba*

ii-il. bnt iheN n-ro'lK BM '?_ MMMM t.ii.i.ioi oi tor_i rated hy .amem_.r»f

ibe I.. _ii.-i.i u.e, ....' ol .1..- twaMBMMh., .* i, ,. -,-:.i. --.»! bt'i.,

md elaflwbeni bo Ibitfl WMMt-flhfl-BJM 'bat tharuuiu .I whi .ue .n our Worce.-ter I 4>uuty SenaloiB.Ttt* peraoaal kt**m*k mi *At**t aa<|BBtaMiaaiaaf fl_r.rn*,ts.lh vt hain \vt b've ._.,.. .____¦, *"-lun I'.diit "1 ¦¦ <. tho rep. >it. l»u'tui__lay, aftirtboictacaaH oat, Mr. Vty t*fiocaaMerOaaMy**m**t****Sad n UtPt ci -I hm in M aate-room M IM». ali- ( ii.iuii'i r, aml be u^rtten to '._. »««*ie»t« idav. ll >- i _d OBBB, and mou- aad, b>umi** -'O

aboDv ui.c-p. ', aai m aoaMirr to tb.. _P-»*JJf-tin.aie of Mr. b'ryea eharorter. It i* a»wut* £»{« Bl

labMfl fauh ia the intouritv «f a reopool-dl *11"*'iiu.ii, ulL.-s we U.-iuio "o> B«« tw4>m<-

lu.m u*- lo Und uvaclal MU__rt_oa ln tho t-'u ¦._*»*¦'BJl of o'.bi._., [WoiMMW (Ma_*-) 8(7. J*^ ''