New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-08-22 [p 2].€¦ · The llemlorf endOak Berk '.n abwit...

\\rM ROGERS, DENTIST, from I/Aivox- » ' New No. pre Rur He Hobtt*, facta« the Paare**, ele I'Ortno nth, author of a. verel Often! hie *> "rk*. *r,<i »nie inventor »f the t Bv«i>rT<-« "IT E7 H- Catmplete ael» is 11 Hoar*. tXbamr. lor Unsnuea film. Ai'AK.NKl: W \M EDin making n PAT IIV BD MACHINE, to he pUced in «tie fair of the Ataet.r Inetitnte One that Lu hr . hundred dotier« rath or oar tl .a* half of tkat riim I- e h MM . mat bin* abop at hi* co mead. eriH ttejulre ki Mr. (HAS. Pi iR BKS, MtheTanvTa Hitfl, tkt* dev. and ace a modr'. of the Machine, which » ettlafy him that' it worth* of hie attention ALEASE and FURNITURE t.f a FAMILY nOTKL. wwa a aambi i of Acre* of Oroeod hMMtMi, heantifollr ..totted on the eat* back et the Hndaon, near the fi«y, and within »wo n.ii ni»«' wt'k ot the rtl'road depot. The kcniee !*rge new and eplerdtdlr firrifbed well ehaded. emp- filed with th" aa:r>t » water, and or -np.ed b* tome ot the wee! k teat re-aidear.ta of Sew Vork. the ree*:pt* being about »700 pet week, lor rare* are., aap r to _P. C. Bt No. tHWtUet (baarmeBt). BOOKSTORE *Vr SALE .The n u b . n an mj lee deall one of ItweftBg at the We at offer on terma whi'h cannot rail to inrt any peiena wiehu.g to en.berk in toe Kook. Pta'-ocerv and (roodt bn*i'.**e t>ieir earefn ly eelec'ed and ti. LI W. ot the well known ROOA.STORF. loctted for u<ne year* art No. 2tft Eult<>n it. Brooklyn. Per term* iptdv to the picrjerletor*. 8MITH A I.O'RIi. No. ief Fnltna-et.. Rrooklrn. F~OR 8A~!aT-(>m> of the beat GROCERY BTOBKSic the C'tv. a'tcited ob the «thav., row iir.g a buii'.ea* of from ?>«* to" »10 per week. Por pei'.Koltr* ln« .rubre at No. aj7 6tt.iv. is the drr gooet« atn-e. GROCeIti^ToI.i >. r SALE/witt TWO TP ARS' LEAST.-The KT.'N K r XTI RKS «ud LEASE fa BEI Ail. ORO< F.RT STOR K no *> doin« a re Jt huain>-aa, eiraeted or e.oe ef th* l<e*t avenue- on the wear aid* *.f tlie coy and in a firae-claa* i.curiborho'.eL Inbuilt ot IlfJL P' L LE.V fio. 'X\ ( ban.b» TO EUROPE..For aal«, ONE PASSAGE to IIAVBK per-teen er ONION aa.liog the Jjth in«. Ap- fty toOOLPIL A ( o.. No. »« Broadway. TASM I V fur BALE -.'.~mü>g from N.-vt- Tnrk. 10 from Rai road, and 7 from Cent'.About 100 eate. ».reced laut winter, al: nereaaare macbin'-e ae. in r'«ed order ready for Imrnedlat' nae. The llemlorf end Oak Berk '.n ab wit 6.'*"«3 ace* of land, together with tea-era' Batata, Ac., will be Bold wi'h the pren Uea. Apply by mail at Otlaeil'e, Orange Co. H. T., to the aubtenber on the p'<m'«e«. at Hertw.vod Sul- iieaa Co. CHARLES W. TKOfTl.i:. »MAVUFAC TURERS, MGAR REFINERH, MILLKP.h MACHINISTS. Ac.-K.r S ALK M to LET in V\ htn ahargh. Ilet ealuable WIIA1:P PKttl'ERTV tad Ht III» NfiS, tittitt« on the corner ol lat and etnath 'Id-ite., with a dork f'Onttge of 110 feet, water ii«ht of IV) feet in front, and depth of water ergoal to the aMaete elate of eeeeela Too tmlldinae are of the mo-r tiih«lin'i*J character, the main one C Moraee ib biaM. Mot feet) connected therewith tre building! fi r i the wh le well adapted fjr manofartcrlrii »r Mo?a<» pnrpoaee. Terma of it e unueutllj eaey. One half of the port bate m ney ten remain fur t yeagt at C per cent ; the bt'trce in raab, or a portion of rood real eetate. Apply to MOM ROBINSON corner of Lalgbt and tVaahinirton ..«'.."r at 80TIIKU S Real K.tate Oihcc No. 315 Erlton et. Brooklyn, or»o IIOMPR MOROAN. No. 9 MttTopoiitan Bank Bniidine. Pine-it. \TALI ABLP. MAMTfA( II; RIVO E8TÄ11- t LI "Ml VP. VI for BALE..The NEW.LONIeON EOURlk. ERY and MACIiaNE « ORK«, «l'otted in the < I'y of New L' t don.con.hrtirgof t \\ htrf M'erlrne-Shop. Ponnde'ry S ''i Bhop ar.d other Bulld'nga, with Btrtni E' g<ne, Plant-ig Ma cblnce. Engine Leitet. Boring Mill, Drillt, Cnttere, Kotiert, Ac , til ir order tor immrdla'e ute, rrrtnpriaing eeerything re- qmal-a*or the ma:.''acture of Steam Pnrinee end Boiler» and all deacrjtitt>M of Wr nghr and C»»t Iron Work. together with a Brate Eonndiry and Piatnrei a Urge aeaortaiect of Pattern*. Toed a, Ac., It offered for'tie. The location of thlt property tery adv entageout, the a barf being accetaible to eteambotta and tritr.i of ihe ler>e«t r A rtre opt>utruniry i* offered to any «lio may be dlrponed to engtgr in the bulie«*. 7 ertn* Rn orahle. faea Lot oon. Aug. 6. Ifoi C. BlTI ER Truafee. wTnTEI )-An A( TIvif PA RTNER with iH.'OO or more ii, a Cub Bn«lne**; tittttlon an«t.rpo«*. d bv try. rtrtlrui'tr* rtn v- o tri td by addi'Ming JACKSON, Hot No. I? Trh-ii i O ,e. ¦TO LITERARY MEN - IV BALI i IIA LE SHARK tn a firet ehtea I1ERAR1 PAFCR, lata] Kab ..I. A ¦¦ uif at p tent a good income: which mty rtaily be in -rraae.l hr gome *ddi l»"*l «xrrtitn. Addrrtt or Bail on Mr. BROWN', Po. 93* Bread**y. room No. II. froru 10 to S o'clock. .A GENTEEL- ÄND EXCLU- Je RIVE CASH MlNt'FAl PI RINOHOI .i^BB affurdirg »rer ttt ft ernr aroalt, witk a Talatbbl Cea tract, 8«oek, TV-oli Ac,.wi!i he »old lur *>t.0W>, and an ct»:.iiue- tjob w U rrtna it * bargain unpiitileie l. without hitobaj or i.rti r.. Apply to THOJLAJ A STREET, No. .r r.r Mew-York. .> !\(Yi \ ÄND i PARTM B WANTED, m, la which e fortune mty be reu'red in t few eet'a The *>aaii.< a* ia a nady well eaiabliahed. aid wertby the attention ejf ta* nae cN-tiriog e *»le and prot 'alle inveetmnnt. Ad Ire«a TREBLA, I a n. ...«*. Poh Offi a. 92,900: WtPKLY I II PR {jorcrs, (Cnrviagcs, &*c. s ECOND-BAND BUGGIES.Twr uifh rbr toe trilatal ten. Alao, nrw Bu^gh - fat No Iti ElUabetb n by_E. M. BT It tTfoN. \\'A(.Ö.N fZr SAU:.^A twtVkTMt RO< KAWAY »» ll AI ON, f aw *cd thafta, atauding top. he'i'l hy la Bnw.rA Sn bn' »e»» fo ui '. vi for it!" verr chetp. App.y tp L r-fOW 1Kb SON. 11 rue: -Tib et. tin1 M at. bnntfi anh üftrimB. BOARD^TWw (ientlcuirn and thf ir WfYM. alaoeing e ( ei t'rmen, can t-< accommodated «iih BOAR 0 at No. I* I an «: in- r> er*, »A e«r .'itn-el h 1*1*08 fth and !*lh- are. in a Cr-t-eJae* Letnte with tii the inoderu improvemennr. Refercr.ce rramired. _ 1 >i 'AId!' in a Priiato Fainiljr, with p!< asant If Rt OM8. farriaii'c' orw f ni.i-h-u. i'v or Men .!..>« Oealiemen ran be ecroo modeled with Pnrtiil B >ard at No. 20 Oil *g*-pi tec, belwceel lit ml on and Bii ocker-lt*. Rtfen**cea g'een and recjmrcd. BOARD.. A (.fiitU-mau and his W iff MM Oartail BO/Bl' and pieieent ROOMS on *ec«,d floor; tleet,twe er il:-e tingle Oentiemcn, withiLg a iuiei and tetiiod hime, Ditv at j \ »' N '. I.' \ em''.in -t. 'I « Bt >ARI>IM». I iither traiiM. nt or j»crmiitii rtt. |bf I »n i' . . , r e liTibtiieti tl Not j6, i* and 'i Mt'.r- mj-it Dinner *. l an 3 3 P. M. «»ALI» in MM 1 H P.RoOkLYX -io" LTT, .tb tn" ti partis' BOARI». Pnrriahed or rnfurnnhed. two i r*v ;)'"t':' neaad-ttory BOOM.1*, nealv pap red and gtami) d '*> i* L liei i tiitrlee cotattyajaBtvMbtgi «nitahle for Ornile- tnen and theii vYTret or .':l«'« GetwJtaaea arbo trejttld like to room together. Inquire at No. 5.' Weal Baltic-it,. thtoe dooi* i; n Cfmtoa 1R8TRECTION :..r BOARD..A fMMj Gmnmr Ladv, a Teichel la a Female Seminary, eriahea t$ oht in gtOARD valrh a reapeetable private lami > in Rl r t an. L. I who woom. r«T*ldei L'neoni lu l'r*u*h Oenntn tnd Waalg a* an cqula lb 11. Addrei* OAMMA, Poat-Ottiee, Broc>k!>n, L. I 1>Lr As.\Vl II RMslli !' R(M»<>i> and l-»:h> to LPT to »Inglr Oent.e*ne*i without Hoaid, at ho. "u. l»« a c -i ii... e I :»aaai t- -l I - « kf 11 iU BROADWAY,.aHUITEB <¦! ROOMS tl-ft^ « Lg En nt Pirio-a fjr EernUir»; t » It u I .in -i.t-t cr. "i ii-.> .:.: lui.VRIOiUS acer> late.L Of) I BECOKDÄ) RMr 13th-«t..Tbe entire- eaa»"l"--| THIRD PLOOR, - PARLOK Itn 1MB i| Ibe I. int) :lo..r. haideomel» (urn..!.- h i.- t-.'. t « me>r, who ran t'eu have partial Ho.r.L The U'jaite bee every malr i roavinieoce, ind t geiateei location. ffjjew BROADWAY.-8UITE6 ..1 ROOMS i* IO f;o*it I'.r' rich yfurniahed.wMh I I LL h<>ARD; a!«o one or two room* fr liace grMlrrnaa Apply a* tveae. '. rar... nt N.erder» tccommo Itted. <>cnoi8 to £ct. 11 «M'm KT..Tbrw «Want new HOUSES JH J ta River Tre.,. HOBORKN with.n three ml aiet walk e>f the frrry. cornmendieg a b* .- »¦ u of the river and ( ity .w Hew Yotk. erVb hath gm. bot and co d water be.. tofaiulltee tf tbe Crt! ri'pactel ttj n 'v 'u j-.h at t'.e Ott o Ha. »oi and .'.l rt*.. Itcbcken.of EDWARD MARTIN. OOMS to LET. with KIT.AM POWER.Li tbe baJltttaa eetnrc of Oreenwich and Reach *!* . ua er- ¦4 toi narularluriag pnrp.* ». r.cnt aery low to r^eiHioti- APPJ '.» Kl BB!> A TAI'i'r. V ;¦. :-., ami b -. STEAM POWER tM LET.AI II raMhrenrt, H. Jl a Iwo-a', v hricb Halldu.a Mi**w> by M, Aatilv to ABM RAI/ N.. isfT Igaadaoy, n JeniN tt. ROi - - «4 rMrebethptr"._ STEADY POWER and LI0H1 tkOOMS, by J. OANDL', Ku. leg Walkcr-eC_* STPJVJJ P1>\VER te» LET -s. veraj wplLlightcd roorne wi-b *tea<!y Power» the) bajaing comer of fleat.r But) EllriWtb rt A'ao Ib ball ding OB cor. S94-at. tad let a H nt* modcrale. Aprlj M Pi*:, tt. THOMAS MQR1X»N, HH> IM No. 8H ] . nMr l^xiogton- 1 MbeRMMfl new thtee atory BRICK IM! M'. Sektbed Vn tbe beet aansrr and complete with entry ronarakeace. To a>m*:t fatetly will be rented from the I*: t ; Set ;etnbot until tbe t -*t gt kt.a f t » C TO LET-Two ROOMS on tbe Btroct floor, twitable far *tor*e or workahop*. Alao a well tightod RtM 'M lu the re.v. oo the rreund tlxx with (team power if wanted. Alao. a email ROOM It the fch-.ic:y. witn uietr. h. the luii.'ltg No* 3b and .* I ra-iklv;: »L App.) U N*. nV» LET "wr" LEASE.A Urao two-t-torr ,l."J'lN<'»n tdd-at bet wee u Sebtud fib a»a, » bv sr.. ere., igb'ea) ard adapt. J for t I oufeeliorirrT. A to, a Biker* « a'%V.wa.M7tr?'aT**^ J 'h " *.ad»M. Iaqnlre of B. P. TOWNaLND. No. W at up ataut TO LET.Tht> two etorv HOC8E and STORE No. SA» Oreenwtrb-et.. nee' llameon. leaaire of H Lt 4VT'L*N ELL, F. S. Court*, cor. ( o Lege p.ace tad Morray Bb riV» LET.Tho two-itory IIouk, v,, - Bptt%%- J ..., newly palmed in decorairve **yle with 6a* vtrd ar. I MMpM «tiitae of room*, Bear Lioadarae- to a go-at teaaul. Rent ittJeiratti. Alee upper part of Ni.. et Springet r«B.amiug H goowat. Bearly P*l,u4, aadlo iB.^^Etn,.*, T) LET CHEAl'-A EEED-aSTORE and STABLP tciat etil eeeoramoalate ab" t tore-*. Aor-ly (p U*. tr\ Lit K, N >. 7 Urtjr> at ßotief. ant JFarraa tüanub HOUSES WANTED.a HOUSE in O -lumtia V II um, }{>/:». or Hetv «U. ner'.t «' Alitnt -, r»*r fr,»rr. RON t. f.,*. Also on* la vVllotighy, Lawreore, VA ,., r i', n-«'«. Apr T ts \S1HONRY J. * Co., No 7 Broad ft, W a M kd.A HOI BE betweea 14*5 and * . ( »r ». . rif-: Rmedwiv, co-vatnin» «t le*»» »e rwm< . a larger r*ja***M W%* M»rt .oieb'e. Ad.irea* imoi «livu>!y Box N<>. .145, F. <).. «Tating wbere inftimotion mo; Im- Lad, W'A.Ml to LEAS I; -A -mull t.vr.-.t..rv and fr m _,, ti.ree «torj HOISK, io a pieassot osighoorhv id. Mi:-' I»- i.» ."Tab «t, Addresi, noting rrnt and loa Ion, A. IL, Box No. I J*1, Pott Otter) fical Cetate for 8(Hc. AT PRIYATE BALE.A e-mail FARM of 6-.* Agree otf Or r.r»r1. plenasr/ J »itnited .-o Long l»l«od ihout U ti es from New-York < ity. rv*.d Farm on tfaa North Turn¬ pike B' td. tt the head t-f (irrar Nee», *nd ht!f a mil* from Cow r<t» The Karra is m s high stete f cnJtivstion tr I hu ou it afire In in*1 ailh til o' ihr«»ry outbui ding*. Kor tTnii apply to BAKER A V. f EKB, No. f Plne-et, AT PRIVATE SALI..The FOUR LOTS of Oltt'lND rirtieted on the we»t tide of tib **.. duian' ü teer to'iüi of Mib e. Also, FOt'R LOTS of OBOÜBTJ on the nortL gUg <f IBI gtV, oiatent 126 feet wc«t of .VI, »v. Por term« and fu-the- par¬ ticular*, api-'y to BALER Ii VshiK-i N V-.i.-i. FOB BALE.A FARM on Lbbb btabLabtM, J W mili-t fro:-, N«tr v, rl i on^tt:ng of ibont 17'. A^rer re* which abont W> ggg wood trid. mi t Fetch Orebtrd of abont A A'rrt in (,nr roniition. With t new Ihrelmg Honre. good Barn, Ac It It we .'I tdap'cd to IM roifor» of fruit, r.rtir. or Onax. Por full particular* Inquire t No. »' C fr'tr -t N. 1 I" ;<>k saLL-WaLNUT ( OlTAOiT, w.thlhw lern of Oroond, tx-au'.f'..'t lituared on the eastern slope of OrtiiAO Monattin. Hew Jer»ev, about one mile from the Railroad Depot at Orar-ge, tod .llittr t ore hoar from the city. Apply to BOMkb MOBOAM. P'.nest N' 3 M'trofK.'.taL Bank Building. yOK BALL.A Htil.ttantiol three-gtory BRII K J. HOI SF.. X feet front on ."»d-st. for H>6 (00. A r.lee'y- fringed Baaenii-tt HOI'SK, with iron belcn-es, modern Ira provto.eoU, A'.. i r'r H,W: For partici.;»rr ijt.'r f So. V,' M a. ., 11 II alliOCB v IIA'H B. FOR BALK.Yalnable Property on Rom» and William et*., rear Pea: i. conttining 73 feet 3 ir cb<-i on Bow and 74 feet en William tt.. Vtt feet on the Kati tod 208 feet ' tl Writ line; fronting on Kmec it the Mealing Honte of the Rocieft et I neu .t. and on W.iliam-*t. *re fdiy'R ture'- .tonrBHilK DOUBES, which are. rei-d for »0.'iO each. For o no* »j.ply to Sd MIKL WHIMS. No ft, IVsrl *L, or to V. I J.LI AM H MACT. at Leather Mtrl^f«rt'lrer». Bant. OR SALE.At Pbilmoat, ('oTutnbia County. IM. Y.. one qnttet gjgjjg from Here. Ita: r tl Oepot. a ralutbie WATF.B I'OWrR upable o! running four attgef Mtihioery, Carpet 1-actory, a number cf livening*, and a line retideriie. with about 30 acre* of good land 1 or par¬ ti, i laia Inquire cf M. HOI F.MAS PHILIP on tbi IVmoPi. IrÖR SALE-HOI >k anrl LoTlfVo. «7 Oliver- it. Apply toISAAl K. STBV1 tt Somerrllle. New- Jersey, or to JAB. R. HAYT fc BON, No. 3t Veaey »r_. N. T. Ij^OR SALE 01 EXCHANGE for WESTERN I.ANL».A .arge, e.i »tut and niba'attitl HOL'SK,aituated in i,' fti> cl '-t neitliboehoceda of Sou h Brootjlvn. Por Btlthag particoiari in.fiire of L. 8. HOTt HRI>S, No. 338 Hi axta IB sake LOW it applied lor eoon.A valuh- JV bleCOAL LOT in tbs imneditti \ieinify of Fitttton, Pa Apply at No. 1 Ut (edtr il at J P. M. FOR SALT.Tap Ihrprj-gtorv and buffraeut BBI( K BOÜBI trd I.OT.No. K,»*We*t Het-et. la Mai repair, ati'L modern improvement*: Honae 21x40, Lot Iln feet deep; eintairu. a fine van. t < ' frail tree*, grape rin*ai tad »brublery. Tenni farorabie. " Price $7.rmo, ircluding Chande¬ lier* and Oa* fixture*. Apply at No. 341 jd at. DROPERl > :r taveCOCXTRI foi ^TlTTT f lie X tubarriber offrn 'or at'c the prei .iaeg ocv upi. d bl bin. tt a private r> lidenee, titnated in the vortherly part mltAw Vi lag» oi N. wl.iirgb. The lot 7'. feet front mmi rear by feet deep, wc, »opp led witi. trrubhrrv and fruit treea The hoc»e 1* a two-ttory roMage. well amf'itllv built of brick, -i forniabed with g«a and water. The location ia a very -..-'.I or.. . ion.-i.ataui:.« n beautiful i< w tl the river et/d UighUnda. A » . M RM of ahjut 41 artet of land in aeiii ye ». > ef New bti'iib. upon wl.irb tie fine building »itea f r country remoeace*, t* .;!i views of tie river atid anrriondinx cwntrj. \ at a niimler f Cr»' r*'e \ i.'itg.- LOT'S J AMK > U Km Lb K. Nenlmrgh. N. V JJiano-Xaiics anö illnsic. Ai \ n:V LOW PRICE8to «>iit theTL-d - No. 3(*i Broadwav. .BKN.M Tl .v Cc. M»rufartur«e» *t llit-lale»: rv'ee of PIANOS; alao the much admired Ha'i'i'CE- LEBTIAL'1 riANO-FORTE.acinow edg. d by arait. ante rit^-rior to *.' o:brr« inawn-tneaa b-atitv, and bnlliacrv rf tore OROAN MI'.LOOLONS, MLalC aj.d MaaVkll Int-'rumecta »piJLBlTi'N NAS~H.rLWOS and MEU>- v; DCONB, No 4 Bros ay FIABO* la LBT, ]?LY A Ml NOER, PIANO-FORTE MANC- J I ACTl RfcllS ANO DEALERS. No. SIB BaoapwaT, nbrrr may be U unJ tr. exit ci've taaortmcr.t of thet» reie I betted Fl ANOS, warrtnrrd ro b- nrucrpaaxed bn »trmg'h. i n.lii.y, rv.. i-tae*» ai,d nnrity of tone. Oar «cbcol Piano. C| Oetoeeg le i.mi to \<* »nprior to anvthing of the nit Coupaaa.plain, chcip and .ubrrntul. FLY It Ml Ni.l It K Btiadttm (.-i. N.choiat H FIRST PRKMICM PIÄ^W'^TES^I^ fnctortd by STFlNWAY ft SONS. No. M Walker at., near Brotrway. N. Y. Three Pimoa roceived rite fir»t pre- mitunv in r; mp'etition ,r't,¦ P'atca made by the tnivat et^rtte.! ¦laiwlbtiliiun id Bootor Naai ^ »i Fhl «.'e.phia tua rtalt* more. Y >t ry I'iano'. I'ricci mc Jente. / i I; 1 a T IMPRoVEMI;NTS in I I \ N' > \I t iBTKS..Ma -. LI< BIB, BBWTOB a IBA 1 Bl KY8 nto'Ctfully invite ttl.n-ion t.->ti.»lr PI aNO FOB 1 KS convtrncted with tho patent AP.cli « BX1T PLANR. wb.ibit t.nli.t Mrdly tbe moot mhitittia'. imp'ov eu.eot over int.-odnced it.ti thi- popu tr inttroment. HAZLETON BROS., I'lANO-FORri: MAX- CFACTUBZRB, Btk MB< eetre-r:.. where rr.ty be found a bnr a';, rtrntnt i f theirrt-iebra'ed PI a.NOS, in Plalo and Or- i,rjDci,:/t ( im i. wariar'cd tc bo ntuarpaaeed in strength and pur.ry of tone. f»trosd-hacd Pianoi taki-o in egchalge. f|R0AN8..4 HTJRI il ORGANS tor BALE.. " F 0w ».. . f, Bt vi. rr«e, r>»d*lr; one elght-itor do SBg tvj -., -: a mo* A .¦. t r r ttro-row bf-yi axd pod.'* ( CCioco Bei bli s-KA Al»o, one Psrb r O-gau. Tba abovi Organs a*c eaira: tt<l ft,perior t»nr rod lluiah. w M H. I»A^ IB,Orgaa R- et i? Macdengr-'mt I)lANO-FORTES.B GLJ NN v\ 00 barer©- nTsyrtil thei: I'iano-l'.-rte Maaufsctory and War»:.a>m fraj I 19 K .... »u, Vj No. C4 >Kr.i.. ttj ujvr* aar. of baet-i »»r-_ JllANO WaiNTED.A et-. ond hand PIANO of totja ii g od order. Ac .Ire»» L. Ü Box 4 III Foal- Office, rt-ti g tbe loweit price. _._ t W OY Alt..BACON A R4TKfi have in con sc'inenei of the extert:;» cf Ctiia) »:. removed thett P' ANO POBTI W.r»ro(. M No IBI O-a: d v. one bioct ea>: of Brt.aoway. Tbev oOi r tl.eir f-lrod* at ' Ca nuMii *. w p'ace i f buHri-..» an evtevaivs tssirtme-. : .f FIAN< r y respect,_ JnsTinciicn. i CADEaMT %i MUSIC.FREI SCHOOL for it LB8TBDCTION la VOCAL rartlwraaeeoi ''-.'ic't'.' 4 lartrroftblslnaiilntim a FKV'l! » HOOI f,.r I.» SI Bl ( T ON in VIK aLMI Slf fctsbeen eatabllabod e rim.t or rf Bigntir* AMAH I>t RRFI'L and AN- OEI.O TtiKlANI.epen to ail peraens dru.-oorof arauii.gth.-B a< vet oi the priv liege. Id addition to tbe advantagei of free in'tr.e'ion snrb sobaj¬ ar. »« any desire it wui htvc the i ppor- uvt-y ot being emplryed at the Arsdewi*. App byatsaai for actr.,«. on mntt be n.Mie between the h uri afl at J 12, A M it tt.e Orbce ot 'ha Academy ot Mu-ir. itib rt.. raaiiaSTll g on Till PSDAT Aug SS. A1AOY of eiipTior fduratioB ui<lie- to takt> th ee or f t- CHILDKFN to BOARD and BDI CkTK Van '. A tXl per sr.imm for Hci'J. .t. B'tnibe* stu»ic . n.l i ru.rh I., cttion near \N at'.i'ig'oc Park A* lr- *. Madu Ill bRlBTTA, Itloi-square Pott Office. pi i:na Kl> a Kl DFI-:LD* i NGL18H, IF FRF.NCU BFABUB aad CLAB81CA1 BOARDU MO at Si IKHll -v.- Yorr-g Oeat.erne«. No. its td-ar.. So-Der St- Maikt-p't.e Wit :-.-ti m MONl»AY. Itep-.eQ bar 10. BOYs SCHOOL-Mr. 7YNO - BOHOOL, at Ba.ll MBB H w. re pent- ih. IBCOMD Tt F.4BAY le SeptertiN .-. Ttttut hitherto, a-ltk per var. Naurbor Um Bai to 25. H HAKMNC S I NOLIMf FUF.M'H and \ B a OBBMAM BCBOOL I r TOENO LAMZS w il be re i' a: No lä. ttlsatVlat Hervilyo. L I en MoNDAk tl.. f-*. ..' Sept. P. r Curt. ar» tip*! »»th* S«hctL m u i i:>son- . .t-j.~bukyikk, . grad-ate o(the fniveriiry of Prarre whr ba tjr leveral yr*'«iautV mi ««. v r outre Uog'.'ge in this rary, wall gee ua traoaaa ba Bepgaaaber, aad eaajtkawa tt> baagk clasai» t. '. ) rivtielv at hit pnpi.s* or his own reacdeace. No. i»ti »v i. -j liih-tt" Baferences of the habest cbaratter E\ FNINO C1.aSS> 8 to bet!-. fctober I. #310VER8T1LLE CNION SEMINARY, vR OltviR.vntr, F-. tan to.. N.-w T.:k Rev. > tt fi Kt kg, A. M. P.- odpal attutsl ty tc affi .. rj-iot rroft«m.:i and Tsceher*. Il a..' tae drpartrcoau of literstoe*. science, nnstc, and ornamental c.ltt.:t usaxJ| paiayd far similar Loiituiiont of Arjßnl rises, il f. idii try i. »i» itt bal dmg*. lu tpnaratn*. lutnrtr1 tore it new, n»*t, etnvenicDt. oad at %: Wlli '# Every w .*] w bga Nroit. eveiy aasl m ir» witfc apa^eg. srery rooai .' and specioua.not a ee'..and besides Is furnished wnk a . -. .- i- - a-o u spread w tb t rarpec. lo story is- .treble sptvintciont for a iiterary ins'.rutiea gotd ja ige* pro axaince that iti evrtial ran seorrory b* foaad in tba state. 1: »»' /tewtskrd rwercs, wal. unsurpasted are -oimodatuas far ah. ot Fcrty B.ani.n» "vi., .tr» r-xelcwve.y Fsmalt Tr»v» i ri» than thewe Inttiti.ii.^rt wHsse n^mv-ii charge 'm small, bot wbxav» almost limitless trtrat swe.1 tbs ball ts t meat wjtssjtssttctca-y un-ai.'. Except ii tVe»e .** as nt-at uo rupi « boa.dtng in 'hit S.-nxt a-y Tbs Stuunary wti opaa oo Wednesday Sept. IS. For t irr-.isr,, *r.-h fall ptrt.ralt.-a er for ajouawoci with an ea i cl. i . ifroon.» app > .i lie Princieai or to j sVWam Becy n chcbchill. rwt. Hl NRT-6T. (il^ÄM^LÄR SCHOOL. Na~»i litr.rj-el next tt, AU eaints» I 1 ..reb..This IsatUi tiea » Ii Bf -OPLN ea M >M>AI Sept. S. Papha are roreitsd si a.' sgt« and pr.-pv.-ed for Cvniecr oi for basiaost lit*. _ J L MARSHALL. R^**!*^ |AMAICA.1*Tm* IsWt^l)-A4lg.laürlÄlN,. tf BOABDINO nH mi fkw TOUB« LAis'liti wai > M ., '1, r-isa, tl JU A. E. A. CURLET . BOARDING . rVHO'.l. fWeatoett, (Xi r~>,*u. MONDAY «ep«. It tr.rlM-v- *.*> i.» B><0 |*r Maate at ItaiM] « . C tea- Ian i»fciiii ee, Ar ftir lJir, st Mi. W H. DtKFMAN. C .c t.wO-'i Off r. N*w V ,(k ( t Ret y tjpeiet .m ok«hvi M~~R AARON BAND rtfpMtTtlh inform, hit ."n<-r,<i- ui< 'he MaMa tbet Ui * ROOl for TÖOMQ OENil.K.MRN aiU reopen oa MONDAY. Sejt. N at «r». St W*>< JMtt »t. b<'w*«n b tad C f. art. w<-.-tt circ->rt tri b pamcu'tr* and u raat eis be *w*B*awd *r til Bate. MA DA ML NÄPÖLEÖN be<ff retpertfallv to «i" '. ' b. f !..! Oi tr 'h* n- h if thtt b»r Fr*«rB fid Fr.L.b BOARDINO tud DAT-iCHOOL far XOOtO LADlEi, IS Writ B»; if ... H- ra, wM ba tt> opened oc MONDAY, K*.ptetr,t>e' R. r r'rj'er* rai he nh*t:n-A *. l.'-r fv - er »I V- C it ARM.S Bi.Li.eoV-» .- > .. H < Ha IN] r.-k \I I<S( 0L1 s BOARDING Rad DAI SCHOO] a"J Cor YOI'NO LADII >,»Rc:;*r- *».. RF1 IP! HI "LIES. WIIKATON MkWtfttlh .r,-.:ui, 'her Afl f'e*. ..,«,.* the ili, ie trat lirr P.OAK'ilN ¦. i i \ V Si HOOL for Ydl NO LA Tili No. lot 21«.. «... RK- '.rV.N oa MOBDAT Rcst.lR Apr' rtt'ontfor tdmiuioD ran n.*de «r her rattaaaca tt ebcw. t»:.rr». also, circular* eta ba cbraired. If BS IfEARS'' FRENCH AM» ENGLISH x"l board; .so AN" DAI ICBOOl Far YOBBO Li I'll - <".2 *:A So Wet; Jjtb-it.. below Stb-tr., reopent oc Tbtirtda*. Sep'frr r»; 6. Mri 5! ei » :.. I' t: L'tn* t r*r< ve p«-*n'» t-i r"m"..«-ii f to m*v w.nb to ttufer »ritt. h»r. fr'm M sdtv, September R, i:> macai LI V - DAT ami BOARDING H BOOL for YOtAO I.ADIFS.No. 43 Etat iitt-tt.. rf.per tn THTRSDAl -i*p 1 "JVI'Ss SNOW rNMCtfiUl in forma her frienD OA aidpt:re.nt thti her P.OAp.DiNO t-d 0AT04 IIO)L f'.-VOI NfJ LADII f will re pen r. M'*NDA i >*;! No 41 Weit ! .rh »t. Mill.. CHEGAJiY * DaY aud BfJAKIISO M BOOL ftr \(>' so MDITR Mpa cr»i. ,*raT atfMCtfU t afi rm< the parert* and rntrditnt of her pupiit, er d the aalHt *en*ral!j that the above in«titr.fioo e] bt rt> opened nr III! KiIrAT, the 1 i.L o: Hef«. rr-ber K-V.. A1 IBS II ULNE8 hi'i.'- iMjeMl/uD* Id h^* awtirt A" I bt bet I -.. ud the pnblie BCHoOL. No. |f Ortmertrt Part wiL reopen oe TL ESDAY. September If ( irfulv- rix. o' '.a.o"l al her rinC.:.v« o- at M««:*. C. 9 PranrU I ( '(, No I I Brnulirej, or at Meeirt U«.«.-J b N.i r.''. No. 21 Ptrb place. App.ifa:i' i ¦ for tie a^rniwioe of Pi.rd.'iran I* tatvie by leitet educated to Miae II A INKS at her rrtiurnc«. MADAME laARTINET1 I RIAMf and i:V- OLI0B BOARDINO and AY SCeJuOL for TOE NO LADIES No bt Waal ,'i»r t: te?r. M end Wmaia, aridrt> o|-non MONDAY, Sept. 1" MI-> TOWNSEND would reäpetjtfulh inform ber friend, and the public that a) e wi! RK-OPI .N h*r > HOOL letTOL'RO LamUCM em MOMDAT, aVaac. 1*. No. .< Kaet II at MRS GIBSON will re-op** I^r day and BOARI'INO tX BOOL R*J TO! m0 LA IMF' a: S- St Uaata «jutre. 4th ev ,eo Tl'EBDAY, September IS. Ml .1 IfvM. FOEL BERGIER'" BOARD- IM an! ma BCBOOLtar TO(7KG I.Al»IF.s. Re.Ml 2d bt., iiftaa dM tr d i< h ata..Mr. aad Mm«. NOKL BF.R, OII'.B reep.ctfc ly inform their fr>nda and the puhiic teoerally that their Infiiution will be reopene ' cc Ml INI) 41 lh« K'tl. §m\ A .:t(f ia tttacbcu to til) eatttjabosnt for pupiit tl t B|Bfi COMEGT8' FAHLL1 BOARDING Rad 1*1 iMi BCBOOI fn TCL'aO LADIBi Be r Latt ^itt ft., I-etwren ''th ted Mad-ton tit. reopen* Sepr 12th. T\I BALLO\V - KH.nrL for V »I VG 1*1 LADIEJ, No. iirtat :ii-r...w:. he itMBaaatiaalHUBB- DAY.the loth of mmj « rr.l-er. HiADAHE I REII HARD BOARDING and 1*1 Di v .-< BOO I IbrYOI «G I 4 Dil 9, S tt aal M ft., near Stb-ft.. wii! h< Rf -OPKNEDoc fUESDAY, Sept. 11. \ 1 BS D'ETZ icwpectfaliv iiiforM ber friend* 1*1 ai t patron* t!at hir ICHOOLfot l>t* tud Botrding Pnpil* wi,! r-ofMU t,n MOKDAT, BltC ML ta her reiidenee. No. H I *»; %:l -r MR a MADAME CRUCY,J FRENCH aid f NOI i-ll BOARDIKC and D4\ snio ILfjf \ tUHO LADIES, No »0 Henry *t Brook.jn Mr. A MadtmeC>tL'CY lire tte ho: or to inform tht perttttt of their pnpiii aad the rtiblir tett-reily, tla- t-eli iL.i.tution wiL be reoj^cel cu ll'EBf A Y. Sept. 4, ICS* HJORTH GBAMTLL] EEMAE1 SEMINARY AI -I I ft o; 14 week* Irrin* Sept S. HIR AM OR- CCTT, \ .! an.l Mia. IIIÜAM fjRI TT, Principal*, w.tb t iul Board oi ttperien.ed Teaehert In tlie *«vera D<[ Art'ne .:« Builuir «« new end e>c»nt, andoott el.' 000.will trcomm ^itr* tonte 1.5 Uarding fboiart. Etpea«e 'or Board,including Fuel, I.ialii, W arh ng and Tumen in primtry brancbe*. *>IT0 per WillMattIt year. For C.cntr*, c< cttin ai ful. tafi'ma'ii l |>ij) entraripg.i o'for tdmikeion. apply io HlRA.M MRCI'TT, Tr e't rj, S t., tititi. A'ir-.*t it af;er tha"t ttm«. N< rt»> Ortuvl. e. B.T, A. Vk I Li.Prr. S'crettrr. ''rill ( I A . h AL 01 MNAHRU, Bible Ho iae, I Auer p are, . F. BI NO II AM, Berior. wi i open the attar ri-t* t'f it* fctiitt t.trr.c Mi rd*y. Sept 21. The tijiuutaiuai at a Pay Btfh flrbnal . tve Gut t.i ¦ riled ittotwi iettn met', end retth na bu' twenty iH i.ei-h. The *'u<lia* begin » itb tfce ain.p '.'. tit: MaRt and erhärte" the rt ^t imp r tut 1 ng'il'b «ttidie«. a 'onnr of Math«atatiaf, French. Lttin, Oreek. ho. k tu j lr.1 Urtw . g and Mat.ut. of Vroea. The w hole onree ILe dett-l" <>t whi. h hare l»e »n e rteged wi:h greet cere, tnd to which the *|(< » *tt<nilim <>. pi- ft* I* ir.r ted. orcupie* » \ »....» . -it ; i « n :< .'t. ir. » r a*t *' r winch th-y . e fit- t. 11 - aaet rocmeare laeutbt't hare isite at n.näl prn » -io- tm e um ftel end bea' h of rne papi.a. Parent* who drtlrc ibeb *cn» U to to be indtidrlt tu tnd to arroanplt.b . i-ntv t't.j>g. *nd i o ther*. art ;nTit'd-o call at the ekoof after **ep- temhe.-1,rr U tddre** t It tie.- to the Reetor at axy Thtre are ne w teverai vacar.:i»r. N 8 .Ti.. pre*err Mel n I k -".-looltrr latitadfg » t ? taetr * tJ.e. or ;:.< HÜ.-1 MONDaY <t «KPI I »HK< A.H fMaamit Pill be aaMrataQj utructfd. <raU:to«flt. tili the atnuai oj*; ü | taf the SeLcioL Tt.e Report for the |a*J year, t ata.. and r.<u-t. of Studt. n:»y he t.«<i a', ti e 1.;. tf th* 'treteorrr tf the Atfirritan Bible Society. nFllI SPINGLI B INSirrm E I nion Park", J arkU ga epeat WEDBEBDAl »ept l>\.Temta LtdBaa with ra ItMaMtJ Uttimoiit* frna th^ r I'aator a d a pretina* Tterhtr. he eda-it'ed to any It** for trbath rhiy are pre- pered. The d<*rlnctire »t'idiea of tin latM bat) .t c.tatet tre: j ti Hi. < a .A ». I ra. i'.heri.rif and N* .rt PL .. t Jlttoit ( 4M OtliaatllJ. M-Lta. I'huotof.bT, and thru tetry Si-: t ( i-*-A-:r ...». t. Ph: o»or Ly, Er.J ;nc«» ..i ( .-vtitt-itt I^.t.c. and Putl-r'* Analotty 1: BMb». Mine, t'ompaltion tie Fine Art*, th* K: < . ften h ri.l Lttin Leu gvagea, ar.d Utttataft), lliatory. Ac., en- 'Vile K.t' Dr "ilENRT B. RMITH of lb* t'nlon Theolugict: Ben i'try tr; I dtüv-r, dnricg thf year, Fow Cnuntt if /,**.. er#'to t'ue hi* c taaee; on Men Phi . ph> Motel Be-letoe; or. The Evidence* tf I'hrjtitnity ; and aa But- leP* An*, ay. . . Prof. '1EOB0F W. ORE'N whi ttke chtrge ot the dapvt men' of Hbrtory »nd BelletI.e tre*. and »ili giva Lt'.uret en Ma l > eratu.-e et tue- tng..*h, l.-eurh, lttlitn ana eiermtu Ltngntget .-.wee A m '. o enmbtrtrt rt*ei»t 1 n.ei b«r* C th* ftmt.y ct the Inetttntion. OORHAM 1>. ABB** Tf, Priacpa. HE NlSc>E> TI>^^ÄT^E , BOARDING and \ i tCROOL »or 1 Ol NO LADIF.-. No. 1»* Dean it h rtrctok'jn. will be reopened Sept S. T! ri-i'l CLARKE SI8TÜRS reapectfRllt an- 1 r. i' -. r<< a K >. f. 11 \ I - .i Yol Nt* LÄDIER -axTiVhav wii' re ooea oa MONDAY, Rgat, Dt Thry vn!! 'j* ti borne on tnd tfter Sept. L rpHE MIf*E8 ROHR nfepeetftül« infunn tht-ir 1 Hasel*tadibe rabttt tbatMali DAY AND *WAf^i*rrj BCHO'H.. No. 1^1 Wevt Mth »t «rlü be re -r,.d er; t It R-i- DAl.Srt/t 1- Clr;n r».n be oVa'tatd1 a l their re-i^er.e . fFHI "a'Is^J B 8EDOW1 K will re ope n their I ROABDINO aad IA1 ICBOOl aeptembe. 1*. at Rf> 41 9ih .' rear 'th av 1 'HE PALL BM Mm J. T. BEVEDK I ¦ BOARDINO Sv HOOL for YDI NO LAD ES will ro-a- 3ce Srpc 17 At>ei Sej.t i clrtuitr* can be obu.i.r *- te»..!et.ce No. t Wett S.'tb T«BE GRAMMAR-St HO< L - COLI MRU 1 ( 01.1 FOE frill opec tfier the So^nier Vacatioa, aa hlJl DA) Meat 3, Ml A. It < rder cf ihr R etor. MAl.MN R. I IV PNT, Seci«*ary. VOÜNG LADIES' BOARDING and DAT 1 KTiOOL Ho. 101 Weet Sdth-4., near Broadway, New i -* rea-peti o' TT'BBDAY, Sept II, laM-Rttäal Mt Rev. JOHN . EI.MK.NtX.iRI Fcrieh Studie* cf'he S»aier atatJoiior C !a*te* unde-t tee eic.nai.e char.* of 'be Nmnbe« in t c a*» iimi tdto ten. Clrcu tr* al LOCK WOODS *nd a: aTANI'ORL S Na CS7 Broadway. Refcrenc-* 7 -e I' Mto-rti ll h*aa D P. Ctmrntcn. M. D L M. It off mix.. N I' Pt.o-v. th**. ii f-m». Saa-LtH D»vi», b*qt flldCtliTUTii. *C*C. - il CROFT . BTEAM ar.d \ A( LTUM OAOOJ *>.The beet an r.ü ii re.:*t'.e f any in tte M Wa.-ra te 1 e..: «:L A ..he-i: 6 r.rt a.owe.i to the I.: «*> 'y i 'Ay - \". i 'Pi LARD. Kc 61 Bn*d»*v ROTATING MlTAl. SHEARS for ruttir^ F iler Platfe. Sheet Iran T n. Copper, Brat*, Zinc aaa all er ber Mettl>ic (>he«tJ T. i* C j 'er i.wa it o»e m tae 'argett mtebice #lcp* ic 'be ti r rr red i.iet the mo«t perfeert tttltlWl' -rt, ctttir.g t*a fee: et neuer p.v * in t mlnn'e pee tec ly rr * h ar 1 tree. B let a »1'..Itctax-ra, iln ..pper and icett iroe worker*, t'e re"|n tted U ral aid extuiine the nach rne agoaraSae. No M in TAI' UM AN* 4 LOW. STEAM IU'Mr.i . The attettion of En,:itK>«>ra _ tadreaaeaaB w*at ;* tt-::r « railed ro the oee tti refit IMPR "»FD patpnt SIPaM PIMPS maaufac r.dbvtt ti,u for «K* at i or e'epv*. No. Miabe < N Y. er » . Mldd. towi.t *n Vi b B. DOl eeLlS. fr<» I KLNTH;- PI BLISHERS, Ac .FOR 1 BAL -': .t a IMPBOYXD BCREV4 .".TA^D lN-i "B' SSI 4, .| ii,:t >-rew. tnd £ .not b»i latter at N.x !d Mot igrti er> *t Je r»*vl!tv 4th fljor. 1"URNING LATHE.Ar. excellent (Carpenter 4P e- r> t t e . » e '..w pnee a^tt. t A; ' tt Wat-- »t be weeo Pike end tntgeft-eu. Cuii.-r. ftjrnrjiarc anc Jron i SOVDAI PIG IKON, for CRT Wbeelt and BJg ft pcqs>a** <:. *a.* kr Agtrl cf the Aiireeiac ; t'f J 'HN>. Q< St T N. » W ,^»tta f., rernve' P'e-r. OOPEL . TaWBfi IiOOP» -O00 seta aAadjrtetJ OOoTpV 1 KJ»r 1»»' s - wi. .:mr» Bevtoe .rev., end erbe« mak *re OfJubKR*-- 1UVETH. A te eUTBMB, aba aX «. '^«- - . ¦ kPRR'ct 11 Art** 1 iL» '^?KRaV MA IB'bHaV. Ac tut tale be JbLaVe * LVIT'Ja. Bet Ii I 98IHG »"KOCK ff: a DODOE, v. » c Lipp sr.. . rr . ¦ »o« lim (rJ fein»« K*'« - - v -psAes »cd >t*~,<m. F.tle ful Basil mi ¦¦ tmk Ubeoy, Troy, .r .': ja»» . P \%t; B*y 8\i»w Cc'l Oln.l«i-point her-«-. Sicvs irr Tr» hm \ r,. \ ¦ 1 tVkj rr*d» Ar I'-o'tdMrf TW Co. t N«r* tr d Wmi^ra, FW*» v-til W 'Ar *rj"V M V «reVel itrtf /-». fA« M-nvfat (»er-». /"MT NAILR.A full v"«Ttm»-ot of WF.- V> u i.ASTir: »all river- »BOOBtOB." 'AOA Vn iM mhi et bor t'exci, :oo»r*Dtl* *»n b.tad »od '¦r«eJe » Uwl Eui't rmtM. by william 8. tisdalp.. Na. lCü "Aale.--ex. jest bevlow W*.,**. HUDSON PIG II.'".N-\o 1 Kitra. i M L75 Tea No. 1 Fx fr» «nli mix rc^r» scrap ej. i »ijp»ro- ter ti rwrposes to Seo'eb P*. JOBB W i No. * Wu- Pen.-«*, et*" Pttft, a»»ct H .If. .- Co-npixy HAl.l'WAFK. Tb.- l.\re-*t and luvt com- plete lÄcrtxom; of BAROU Ai.e. tLTLF.Tir. ed'-B TOOL". Ac. ooristsctroand bx sm eat, for tbe ritt »cd ecactrr trade,tat befecedet CHAS S. li itle 's. Nns J3 and M Fn.'tso-ft. Aill SON- sIIOVFLS and SPADES. * For»*--y J.JHN W. Qfl.NCY r= WUMsmit. CCOTCH PIG IK' tuna V. 1 Osritcerrie. and fO tons mixed combor. best PI* Inc. ic store anc landin*, 'or »ale b 0 S|-OFrORj. Tll i LEBTON k Ca.. No. 9 Broadway. vÜü.cfKe, Jcroclrrj, a**c. pOI.r» WATCHES and FINE GOLD JEW- \Jl EL"1 'i .-.«..¦ u Bv |. .. v r-h»: Ir.p -t..-.f a: Msnnfirtcntg e«!*h urgent. Jilts JlRüENSEN WATCriFS wmuud, rrosB.#;v>tj »Joe ROBERT PO-Kr i L * AT'. HES, from. 100 to iso INDEPENDENT WATCH Es. from. MO* 3M POCKET CHRONuMETI R>. fr-t». H5fo 2"« LADIES' DIAMOND WATtÜES. frem. 30» KW MACH 4V ATCUKa from . 100 to SO» HI NTlNil LEV ERB for LtDIF.x. to M BT« Late as mar.» ss 3d differoot k:c t öf WATCHES dorn rbitb to solrct. ei the m. . relebr»i'<d uak.-ra. TL« t sss» of tb» shore Hol Watehe» txs *- Garni boo. J F. BlLtT. FLORENTINE MOSAIC PI VS. from .BlOr« .>» FLOR ENTIN I MiiSaH" F AR-Kl ai S frr m.... K'o Ja FI OKI NTINK MO<Air BRACELRTI, from... *»w «. ROMAN MO.Mll PIVS t-ora. 3 to 30 Ro.MAN' M"S\." F.A"-Rr>OS from. »to ii ROMAN MO* AH BIOfH.rTS fr .m. H to 40 Ail kind* of JErVELRY, in'lu4'ns !):. xor li. Ac. too Humor- oustemt-aot- but.'IRE. J. 4 VllF.R A ( o.. No. V Fol roc n., N. Y. -fnmitnre. HF. FAlxBlNOTON..ENAMELED COT- s TAfiE aad < BAMBBB FUBBl ri RE at tar. Msaafac- .ry «nd Wsr*iooms, Nos. 46 aal tt Wooster-st. SHi'V I ÄS1 8 m.HMir»T~A:"HROTHF.»s- MABUTAl TORY and WAUBOOMi Btk I Nonh MTB- l;a-T r .rc-.f l rat.kfort-n. N'W-Tork. tod tt So. TT WestSd-<t.. CiLclitst'. Ohio. A iar|o t'tortm'-iit ci>n«unf!r on Ifand. Old > « i-«-:. L nrhar-s» '¦. « tr t!."»'» .».»'.;.» 1. Mosen Si HMIDTi BR'iTHlr.<? reeetved tbo Fri/e Mod*, from 'bo tr ( it dr-sti Fxbihit . n. tj»rrji.cnfa. CO B N M I A L.c <. R N M E A L. Cb» p for t arh si Ifext CORN FXCIIAN .1 Mil I S. Foct of East Hill at. NewYor». N. B..Con. trout;.! to order. I) CBLE R] i »VI D BALERATÜS.Mari Im tprcd by thr undcrrigtrd, ia warr^nti-a free- fr >m ail tmpa- ri'iea. Wc- btrlny a r»«t.inf prr<»»» pectdisr to onrselros, in- pc-rnt. ndca by a dl»t;rwri>»hr i . b- mif a c roabiod to extra/" oil deleterirmi ma'ter from tbe rsw mat. riaJ.aod ran coofidrn'lr r-comtrend t ur manefscture aa superior to any o'hv. D.dsrrct qualities pnr up ji every rarle'y o' packasr. fT.r isle very low to tie trade by JOHN fiiHT A Co.. No. II.' Pear, st Til "h" fl~~0 P i MILLS, BP.UO MILL «.i BAKD FAFER DfTOT, N tl I -knur r.., N. T. COFFEF ar.J BFTCZ DEFARTM1 vf D :j Fi torn., tt. t. Cf* ' No Frrrt-" N I tola Ma Itart in FB kRMACElTTlCAl io>: FO*» ih- RR. Corxofrr m rc'ianta eopp i-d oe <h" most lib»raJ terra». t\.. / N a »LsB, aci HucUoe. Joraey Cry. N. J. jünilöing ftlalcriale. r'NCAlTSTIC \>-t.h ... Bsvlb a Bearths Dimnr rcoms, Coneerratonsa. Ae, OAP^NRJRB CHUaMEl TOPR t«KtIN I'll KS 1 t i-.'-by Mi t.Lf.K tiiATi:.- 4 Vnt I.L. eto. Pearl or. IKON I O O F I I A. i OBKBOkTED IK v OOBuVOB op OAL'AKIZED BHKETB Coctrsrts en'<-rt i Into for any part of tbe l.'mW Stater, 04 sV-o'j prepared for abipcoect, and ready for pnttiaa up. Carved I erruant'-l sheets of any rt oalred radius. Pauip^'ats ar.d u.f.Tm«tloci furniebed ou app.c. ton to MARSHALL LEFFERTfl w BROTHER. N.w to ar .l *i R-»Awii., New i orb. K~ OirriS ! KOOF8! . ROOFB'.'.'. .TBtt eB(M»t> r.t . o !.e«t amclr fore-veno« ronC» . TaR UuiiII vi PAPER, which we keep eonsiantTy on hand and will soil la arg* or sc a. quacti*ie» to (nil pqrcp(-er< JAVT 1)1 KHlrKS iV * Co No So Beekman-st. S\Xi--Proof öafcG, öo.ilco, vCc. s C A L I A N D B A F I 8 , > ROM Tl.l I LI SRXTI 0 f'FKSTER S' ALI-vVoRsr. AND IRON SAKE MAN- i r.\i inRi. \ V- ».-. ui* *X ' Bier,*.*- p.- uc. S-;*r m.T.-. C jpr Pre-»e..»:. K »> wb sikle axi retru;. by d. tKLJ ROUOB A Co.. Baa. II W b teht and Mon* »t. N. Y. IK r teilt Tl e t. w I a> d net, casr sTaMkilavj (iieen. UoDiuri Canb Uiarranw. I AND W A B B A N TS . Ii \\ ¦ u- rret*-eJ to »n steal -ier* f-r the por.b«»o trJ TTTt tl LAND VA ARalNTS la a-x ana small ctiLt..!. i OCR Ptru.iTIES lor PITfHASINO WARRANT» «tun band» are not extelted. A avJastiBt tko Purrliaaeof A arrant* wil1 be executed at tb- .mall r<mtnttdoe of OBI I OLLAR A PIECE. Am'-iua -Lit wii be mcrt riaidly <iniinir»J. M I l dpi A Co.. ftc tk and Bond Broker«, Re, V A iiliasaet N. Y. e c . . . t Bans of in« Commonwealth. Ite.ereters. ' otio , fr Ma p,^, Cmpany. I AM'-vVAFM.WNT OFFICE, No 68 Wallet, Ii New >(rk-Tbe b rl^»' i.i»'»ei pree p».d f.r LAND M ARK \NTS; «nd al. \S .rrants »cid ly me s»« fiaranteej tod forwarded by aaau or otherwise npon H. riot ot remittaneea Land-W arrvcu promi-o for boliltr.i ato; other* tnttticd tt B BLtl Lkt-Jj. upsr. trr .ea-iao >o T J. tOLEMAN. No. CS Wall sr. I AA1» WAUÄ^TS WANTED bf Ij TAYL(!R BKOTBEBB, r.ark«r». Be *. ** «1 -*r New Yovt. Farn i ariettas* Ii V rc-ara wku a.ways fi^d a »op^'.y of War- ratita for aais at oar cmre. fTIiariWhTaPi"-1 AB Ulli;' PAT] M BEI F-8EALING CANS FOR PUTTING I FRIPP. PRI IT. roMATOE*. Ac. IsvoaoCoaa hire l*»n ttoroexh.y tried and provtd. si wil' ba .rec ly th* A'lowtna from the proprietor* of two of the snxt pn kow", nt hotel* it- tbe I'nlted Mare.: We Itve tied tW »oreii-n» «. t *.¦ »rill uiirr bo'b tt the Ovraid aid La Piene lloo f*. ABTIil R S PATTBNT SELF- SFALINO CANS fi r pattiex np tr »h I'rui's, Tt irtaloc*. Ac., .a.' t:it\ them In tl. re-) . c. a '^...*biy aaapte.t to the purpx .. Tcrv «ra laoB] and perfV'ly. tequirinx coly tb* lid 'o bo b*o.'ed sxd F itted into an a o w at I ent, and po»~- » mtay » lTi3'»ie* over all saber Cam 'h»r we aaw *eae. Fw bo-els ant rri»s*e frmilie* :b. y a-ford the rea'-ee- i'.-ea* cf .Meura* t c x-ry '' S-mrref f-ik. tec rere'ab;»» for »Vi jt«r aae that art) ate »cq'.'»iotid with. Bartoa ttaxai tr.d protsdtheoi. we -a. ..' k tt" j I ttiv ." ii'. ph; BBCKT a Rii.i.ino !' i fl » Qtrardl sud La I'i»re House«. Ph:l*.leiph x." .Hit - p.:.- -a. aj , 1 t. r Uairt *i llalfOal F3.V; Throe Uaarr* #4 2> Oa oo. jo-^ Full direction* - l t .r i pit Maa-.e Ah nie R HI knham A Co N'i to j I th-*t. P si. '.' a. a-. by i BAB1 B8 r: RnT:;" 1 «.¦. .-pnuj-.ehj, Maay. J< i M ALI IN, No d Beek-iL New k jr», Waoi-n-e A. ii ta-Mate of New.York. fl E 8 E R A £ B H o I A V I 5 0 I' t- FBIB riNG Rf/fABU8BMEMT No. Broadway, ?tiier» r»'-tved by ait ¦ - ^ :i \ id'in* or A4i.-e«t Cards, kad -r-r» de»«arpei >b cf Eo*rtvUit ar.d Pj-.a'icx. V.M. ti WINSlLL. No. 136 tart ad way, cor. Dey «l.N.T. HARRI?ON ' ARTICLES FOR THE TI KI B are »tx ia aaaaber. Toun Cordial. l'»uta. Soap Oec'al I lto»e r - t Pos e, Ebony Tooth Peite to 1 Rose T>.th 1' ». -v To c sac-e the oeeih. prevent d'-a», and proof ire tRa a ath m a healthy rate, is 't* b;eet uJ r*-et of these deaartfire*. Americaa il and rr o*t y ci t?anis..n'» iaveatioa. »¦ --ae ' I'aV 1.- II» KSK A lOHNiOJt. Be »i 1. a- rrty *t trU retailed by R. W. SMITH N a U.'and ¥i »th*r. BARBiBOB'fl K»tTR\CT <>F ROSE. Tbo rose Is lorad by si .< rnrefam- c»4^huail. Bo* oseand was beard cor a«*>.neft nor a cry, Aitbe MabtLVic Puwt.rt wmt Bj r< Erf* Bedm »i iCaaRi sxl M.«ie-. a.-.iFy lata.rd, *,'.i wen- at entlv avis* The Bat aod the Moaao 1 P l wore I law. Pnxe- zeda * f evxes ttre«t it Ex !'*.«. r: Fdlroor* bu rer!>&e4 so. And s^est of chetnis'i c< of-e-ed it. tkTONE GENUINE without a fac aimilB of E. ib I TON** na-narare on ia;».. I«e*>ot of LiUN'J MjOi- t>-. FOVaLER N).4JiBre»auww Il/MB*mEBfl m mtj8ta7hes prrrduMd in *' Baraks by my OBOtTBKT weuh wl! asw nui oor to- -are 'we a*In. A' a b»'t.e. Sent to aov part of" tAe eooatr*. L O OKAHAM No. Akrf Bietdwt) H ates. Rsj, ITi Pa tuo- BrocAljn R. SPkI.H!N> Ne. FT Tremcaxt row Rostea. isvwo wu«re« ei era oo. »¦->. run sirecnons tir* or fiai' he. aceompanv te* Cans. Ali crdsn ks> Died by the ra*a w-.i. be Btl rn^tly tt'endrd tci. ftcturod an« for sale, wi o'eaoie »^d jB'afl by VlB>MlTTf A Oo ,No. 71 Broad«ra», 8oU Arbota 1" Aw Wbaa* Pore M*wt!s»var4u C»-*sa;eMrtUs eHlkCTt-iU erj V-ATHR « w;-T (.XiTTONB ars aeoavaaj* r»r*iex{ Uax. «eosiuas. w*urAi -h -y jdjax '.. .». i *». e-a.ooik s tAKwaa. 6din ?, a/.. . -x 1 A M Mrawi« >. urtt ¦-.-.. BV BANGS. BBUTHER A Co -bTrade-Skla Rn~- . Net 13 Perk-few WEDNESDAY EVKMNf» Am«. r T./«'<.»'. *Tis:>atp i«o hti»Ctli tatet . "* Ota. ~i nwprt* ,g» vtr.e'y < m L'h-v>rv re|.ie* of »*' uNt W irk* to ...»*».> *.* i i-at taeoy I Parta ' neu« ud an aa» «mb*m\ ¦< Ml' * rrril'.t he THltR4DlTEvrsrN0, Aai S.atfo'alaat BCK'K-KI.I EBTfl srofT.-Be.rjg «a »itaa-»' - -: -n - raraafc'a Steedxrd B'irli ia tba vanou* branci-a of Litere/ur« A - > .. .5 n < «.-. tv ' L' ¦* a:. .».».. ». M . llieeoa* Liietetare. Aim, aa taairliTunt of C aaril eoJ S. h. o. took* ia 4uai.-.f:*e. and op >rt«*4 and daaMatkc Sttp.e ard Für i *i .ft, ..- -T. F.t -t art '.-* af. Tba TKAD > I « K- :hi« fa*'. *M .*» held a* BO .in; TCE4DAY t-ptetnber 4.1 THE SIXTY-SKI ii.M) NEW YoRK fillDE SALE af BOOKS STFRFOTY pp M.\TF4, PAPFRS. ST4TIOV- FBl.Rr. order the direr-ion »?* the, Stawdion l tmtnit ~ . 'he Traf'. a>U "al- pi*re en TT ESDAY Srptrta*-- I. an! f «. . :g data lb* Cetalngne U t>'W r«*Jv, and emVeee* neatly ij confribetmr . 'lav adlngtha only :avetceoeoirir»ot»J ly M*Mra Harper a Brother* to ibe Trade Sa'ee th < aeaeun ¦ad .t her art- an.l vaoabie inveiree of Book« and P**te*. Mr e .gjeigonieo . of STATIOBKBT, PAPFRS he.. ... i, g. . ,.f,f aaaaVaaa tele tit 'j'.i- i f<l "bo «rbatht te aa *oH antb>ju: reeerre. TI"E«DAY Sep-emh-r II IS**. Tt>e TRAD! SAI.K af BOOKS and BEERS ITTP1 PLATES nnd*r rfco di-eeroe of rh» New York Rooa Pub lithert' Aa»rvn:ioo. anil be a-Id on Tl'ErDAY, S-pfemVr It an« AJ' wing day*. Tbe Cattiorie f>rtbit*ale u *l« n r»a'y ar.j rompriae« larg» and attractive 10 voice* (la MSeral ¦aaaaMrt tor. to be acx.l «rtth.tut reeer*»i from nearly 100 Pcb l.-b n'o Boetcin, New Ytrk, Philadelphia, Ac Saeii o' tbe Trade bate not rartiied ( tttL.: ire rrtey ->b ta.a th« in spot apt ft a. . BAN'OS. B ROTHE It A Co.. Ifo. 11 Park r. at, N-«r York. J»Mr» T. MofLTok, Aarttoneer. CO SUM' ATI N 8 A It I of FORT HAMILTON PROPERTY J. T MoI'LToN et.' SFLT. Oa FRIDAY. Aim. 31 At I o'clock, ea Bat ground. HI VILLA SITES. Tie Lota rary m aije, t'<al00 to bati ai ac e. Manr cf them are baxui* tuei? aUa.led with f.-raer tree*, a-1 r .mtL l » -w of toe OeVai. and liar togrthtr * of the prettl-at eretierj in tbe world. Oood barb nf 6<bin< and .«! iar Pit«o it te e rfat* or ron.pletl in and « ro run direr, j o th<a proper i et d aieamb<«:t ply to and ftum Ftrt Hami too eigbr Baatt da« tbue tenuern.g the property aeeeatibie bj an t *,- wtw. j Mioe dtbe wewherae fortaf the tale wO ttk* piae-e the ne»t tttrdtr TKHM' EAST. Ibti'etrrer N'ORW Vl.K leti* Amoe-'t. at ») andl.Hi -[¦¦lit., tutndl.t. and Pie: No. 3, North Hirer, 10 A. M and 1 P. M For free tkkrU, n.tpe and rYili nartiraJtrt, apply to J W BARKER. N I NMeau et, or to J. T. MOI'LTON. A'.et:one*r Oioa .i i .in, An. rimieer EITENSP7E SALE of NEW ami PA8HI0N- aBI.F. FORMT! KF.-rHIS DAT (We.lne*dayi. at Hi o'clock, t* tt<Te No I 7 Nteaao at., near Beekman. a large and *pt*n.'|.i aeertment ot R ^ewoo-i. Mahogany Oak an I *"a: nut Eurnttnre. Alao. Out lreme Mirrurt. Oil Paiuti-gt, Silr^r . . ii - Horuii. AnetloTieer. nPOBTAKT SAM." of gtiligt.intinl and el Stolid Boeewrxd. MthjgiaT. Wt not end Mtple Fl leM- II KK rake j aet wBboat any poetpoaement TtUS MORNINU (afedaetdey.) at \< \ o'efnek. from the large Ore. .r. rj laatRaatat TU VVtrrenel., niar ( ..l!ege-pltce: Plan >-Forte, Pier Oiaatet, EngKeb ( arpetlng. Oil Pain-inga. tttk fett, git gaLt » :ld Roer wood Suitet of ttthtrmabl* make, aunint .oaaiy ri twd, t h »ter»d ane eotered tartutu y eoeered I.atr Re- at ptb i.. and other Chair*, ia elegant trtlee «( 6ni*h large all- .pring Inrtlid Chain. m»»*ire and oaetly Roeewcod reTolTtog trrr.t S.-rei*ry lh<t(.<e. mtgrntllo'nr donble-actnn R. *e- wupd Piano-Forte, ol aeren octar-<, elegtr.t.i catred, petri in- :4m i ate fjtdfortjaaUttaatltwaatt o/toaw I* aneorpaaeedby at* (war-anted), a nornbero! R.«rwood I tnter and ether Ta- bl", ai! with mtrbl- top*. Ttrioo* i:i.daaua taetefully rarredi aito a few rl owe Oil Ptin't' fa, hy diflerent Artbttl Fruit Piece ft r a mantle, by Street, V\>et Point bT I.acroig. I row Neet, bj the *ame. CkaMa of fhtr'e* X hy Renn?, Sjiren Stintet. by Uardwick, Ancient Piece, author unknown and othin; elegtnt Pier an.l (rril Mirror*, in b tey » id Ikaaaoe, rich and heiry Lac« ( urttln*. elegantly painted Shadet, meg- at \\ .-. i \. ier ar.d Tnftttj Sta'r am] Floor t at~\.¦ t ChandeBer*. La.lie»" Inlaid K<..e*ouu rjtoire. fine y carved, tide and corner Feegerr*. I* tte.Mirroi Hack and Fron'i. t gtear verieryofornamenral Article*, Sevre- Parcelain Vaaet, bi».|tie»nd Parian Flguree Stamary, alao ia Dmiaa Room, large Four reen-f-e* Firenrion Ttbie, Walntir, C hina Dinner and Tea Set*. Coath Mlvrr Pla-e, Caka RaHket». S^HMin«. Ctuten, Fjrka, Tet- 8»rvice« and Salver, Ivory Cut'.er .. Frenrh-C'i O aai Decaot'n, Llqacr ( tee*. Win< . be * to ui Chamber, carved Anrieot aed M iitrti Roaewood Bedetead*. with Marble top and Ottet Be- rein*. Wuhttand*, Commode*. Armoirde 0:**e WTafarebee, Fine llttr M»rrr*ea»e, ConnUrp*x,e*, Mahogany Baretu, Soft*, BreUtead*. Lim n Ac. r. Col.TOt. AlirtioLeer. IABGE CATALOGUE BALE of I.o«pvroo<l J and rilhrgaaj Ctb ret f LIXITUBE f ill N »I PL tTE tad OY ai. MIBE 'BS, PARLOR BETTE», C ITTAOS Ef'R- BiTUS >', k...F CoLTON will teil THIS IUI*. (Wadaee- dtj.) Ai i. *. o>! <k, ttrka Aoction R > m* >l k 39 Beak- Baan-ef. »econd *'.«y, the .artett ataortmeot td CABIMST Fl BNIT1 KE ibat bat beer.'rt-t'J ibii t»a*ou. Ititcompieed ;n part et >e\ert: fvi 11 auite« af Roaewood Parlor Furniture la brtrt'rllr: Ro*f»r4Hi, M*hi g*nv tnd 111 ek W * tut S»ere- teilet and Bee4ca«c*. Weidfebt*, Tteab t«U Sofa« and Bad- vteatta o«k. Mahr.'ery and '!>*>.( U airnt Irinn-r and Ett -a- .ito T*br*; Drrt*ing Borau«; Baaoa Jod, Mahoi,tay ani Marble top C> titer. t trd arid Ii f* Tthlei; fu.t Freut h Bad ( ... rag* Heda'eee«: M»lu>c*r.y Spring aetr l't.-lor Cl tieti vo:laire do., carved r ck*n; Lounaet tnd UtadkOtl H >ir Mattreaee«, ii-- Brtatda,OilCbkba. » ck*. *¦'< rk tnd liuirtett* Tabloi, t a-Ti.l a:. totttge Itei'.te« !. 1- '. P ?. .». MW» VI rr i't. Oh Pair. ing«. arc. od band Furniture,*.*. C atalogue« ear', v on aba day ol atlaa IL H. lluuUa necked and alii|.ped tt aboti iW-e El its Coatat, Anrtioeeer. IABGE BALE «-f FURNITURE, on WEDNEB- iSAT.Aaf -.. it Übt -i » i . Se'ea Room*. No. 96 Nt«etn- »I a' f' <. r r. . . .; radad Roaewo id, Mali igtny tnd Blark Walnnl Parlor Saite*. Ter«atete*. Both* Chtlrt, VEarliebet Bcr-- at, Marl-le-'op Tablet. Mirrori, Belatetta Wtah ttiitla Rrakeit Cr.h*. rai.e-tearCbtin, Mtttreatee. Bedt, Ac. Oood* parked an.l thipped at r atnntbte rtr**, wi'b care. Et ol m B FtaNKLia, Arc-ioneer.By FttNKttt A VicttiiLs. ON wednesday, Aosua. 2%si 101 »'eloek, lane AITTION SALE of « WTO* K f SJCd M \MO- l AlTIRF* CAKINKT H RMlCKK.oftbemoatft. ii .lv b e **y et.Boaewetod Suite of Perle- mBkaTA Mirror*. 311 P>in*ing* S Wer Plate*] VPagO Chint Tet Set*; alao lot C gtrf. t era', ga . row ree/y. Alec lit r»e, Bnigy end Herne** at lIo'eYek. Coan'ry hnyeri rai b>v. their goods picatd ca tlie pietni-e*. Por» N Drrt.d. alto, one M Aterj'* Se» inj UM hin»*; lo goodur'eri irtr- rtr.'.id. W ¦> v111 og. Auctioneer.B« lloii.iiroa A MtLLoa. 'PO-MOBBOW, Ihuradaj,) M i"i, o'clock,ai I No. 113 N*te*o-et.. elegant ( AaIN'KT FCR.Vt Tf < ihre» Ri«.ecH).t PI AMI KDIITL: 7 th 4 French pltt - .Ml l- R<ih> OIL PAINTINi. .. be c. i.pti.tog a Urge aurl v»rl«d .i. > * "hy the attention of the trade tnd l.oaae- kterer* ( at ah ;u-* ou nom eg of «*!e. DRODIE 'FALL Cl OAKI .OR »RGE BB >- I ' LIE, No. 'i l tea. *r. and No fU L.apentrd et., hau g m im re e Itrge »»«orim»ut if nove ft ir I el vet. C o'i. tnd Kt rt Attiqtie Cl OA v s tnd MANTILLAS to which be invitee tbe r«| '-'uc ci whole** e ce»b and ah. rt time bayn. nl.AiNKI.Ts.All crmlet and <|unltrioa fro.ti ll thlte Mill. Eo: *ve by NESMIi'B A Co. No. 71 B'cedway. nl.ANKl iS .800 r'flrfM ribSon l>.itind family R'ar-kt t». ftooi crib atre »o 14-1, and of <!.rfi..-er,t .j-i«Uit¦<->, wi.1 be tali low. M'.SSdirn a. I o.,No 71 dioatwty. AT IS..Agency of tbe Masnie Fallt Battios Comptay. NESMPTH b Co.. No 71 Brotiway. R FALL FLOH EBB r..' FBATHER8..J4MEB Tl'f RER reepecfully reoiliAa the rrtvie that the bulk of h a ifeb an't.rnnal atoeA ia now e ai.ab.t BASKKT1 with I Hi .fund FLOWEBB tr.1 BUI "AI. WBEATHS for tae a at Nt. .C7 Broedwty, near Wbite-*t. 1)1- IM > . SteBtui and Mn Idor-. Deiv at; leu. t> oeiTtd fi m the woik» dti y, fur -a by NEsMIPB b Co.,No*.Ciltnd:i B'otdwty. RI c n Ä ^R~ "lY 8 O N ' IRISH I.rNKN."". :»VM.\SKS. Ac Tfltt atkbUt a p' a«e bear Ir. mini that the genilne goodj are a.wty>eetl'd with the full nignaM e f 'i e firm vi»; " KH'MAR0SON, SONS A OA-ijIl.'l'' J. BL'LLOChJ* k J B L' K KK, Agent*. No. Pme-«., New-York. 1CTIMOM)'» PRI>7lTf.r tale'by NE.^Iltll A Co., Agent*, No. 71 Broadway. TO IfODEBTl > and the TRADE (»M.vTfiir CASn.-JAMFS TI CKER will h«v- per Ericwon *fe»m. er from Htvre. three rarf of PaRIS H 4 TS. ft >m r^.e letd- e* al .:*hmen: ta Rue de at Plftt|tataaat*A*>jrad ftatfj t-vm temtw II herh»r.nic><i bv rirpnJar*. Pot lnepecii jn, PLOW- ERB, at No. W7 Broacwey. fTlCKB, DENIMS nnd CHF( KS -A eood an- X «orrnec .. m reeetred. For *iieb* NMhtiTH A < o., No*, '...tad 71 R oadway R Clothing. THE BALANCE of s fan BTOCE of 8TJMMEB I LOTltlNfi meuufactured by t wo >4 the fir*- h laaee ia B-oadway teiilng at Sfry per era' btAetf lb« ongtnal coat at I » A.N> 0 l LOTiiINU ivASI tiot 9t 6i and 6a F titoo-tt. CtTpannftsljip X"otiff0. COPARTNERSHIP. . Tks undertirrned havr thi* day aaarciatod ender the arm of v P. /BBKIBOI 4 Co., k-r the purroee of t;ax**txitg th* «!l 'L- -\LK taa PIT AIL CLOTHl/tO BL'SlNAVtW. w theo:! lore ion No. 3 Broedwty W T. 'EvNlN.ii, B. P. ROBINviN Bew York. Aug.*.x B. B. \ 4LKN rt NR DI^LUriÖN..Tke ba*> ira of WEST A RAYMOND tgpireethi*d*y »t mutaa.' coaaeot, and tba u-.tetacaiiJt htntie'a at he«e'iled hy J. (J. VS ott. J. 0 WEfiT New Y -A A c >, lVVi._CHAS. RAYMOND K~ÄÖTICE.-The COI'Airm:i<fifllp^x^Uiia under the tern* of BARTON A >»! HW.jOl wt* die ecvedoB <he lü-h ao«t.. bv mataal oottvent, O O. BARTuN wtthdrtw-Dj frcm the t-m OEO. O B 4RTO.M. _WM. a SHERWOOD. N'ELBON d Co . hare ivdmlUiMl^JAMEB SHHL- OON te t p*-*Jtec trj tcw'lr C-m from thi. date -New Tart, Jti'. ?. !4c»Ä JOHN J. NFI SON. RlLHAUD SI'iFLOW Ii 1 *" *- ^ .*«r^ Kit _ I <** Ben»*«» and' «-'«»oo.*, »rr^ti Ml Ind'aoa St»'c » pee <¦.,, I oeiV StV»0 New-York Suit « pe- r-.n, a.,vv I _J TBOMPoON. rt« tW»««* O CARTERLY STATEMENT-Of u. ^f,],. Vai " TlH MIT!. XL LIFT. I.SSL RANCX COMPASI^l »F.«N-iOR.- , rar ending »!.. x , kM * °* Met A_*« bant May I per set Report., at Kin> - Kr cr,PtI.' KIS(3 THK C-TARrEA Fir fwx»a«i ud T »jc ».».".-) til #1 ' i«**re*t..-..:ant at Lea*»« last « r it, >-.w r"spen*e*. m-iedirig rent, »ei.-ie. mod *. m, pistese, exchange and tvi- *er'i«t'.*. . 9r«i* «-id CstJ T»*es. . .. C ai* by eVtvh and ».l«h'i. ro mu-.m. - .. . i. p., .-.%;. > ,!.! . R».iorr. o uf piemnmj. Annaine*. I w '»««». ..»(«gm. ABSF.TS. Ca>h na hand and in Park. ap B -.1» uc M srtMgm.-.¦¦»V*i,^a| Fi. Io*wT*t.e» Ai> o«tnl. J»l 44 " '* 0 Bi! . Rer*av*h;e. JUTt tt tv,.»ued s.r t.i«». t.r»t a In-errw ar»ra«d and cot la*, .in* and ao* paid. M tat M Dur iron Agente.. mtn %y Total.ti lt* m M .e In Inresfinent» ot .gage... Blla.Sl it . I I .BJ|a*i»» Amcnntsr Rl»k. Ist Miv. I'* .*«>»*.*», BJ * M Number of To-icie* rannlsj lit M»y. ltf><.I '.tt Total number running tri Aua., 1AV>.t,iSt im which 7.(1!« are sal Life. Of which Htm are for 7 veara Of w heb >. eie <oi I year. Of which 1 Ö art fwt irregular rw ra-1* Tu' t.iw Increase in su.iur-t at R ..k. t*60»Jmt tt Increase in anvoct of T jclcies.149 Arerare*--. t ita . icrwavie. J.Tan as I AMATT, Bees -tr» F s. w| vaToN, PreataW. I have raanaiued the aboT« Report and hod it to he ce.rwt. C.OILL.Acfy Tut -trp.i'.s. FsioriK'S S. W i\. r js, Jotea Wat >wotTH. MUA taa rn i worn, «« J Bisasa, null) Hoti i iv. S.wt M ftTattWI, (llum V. BlkltT, m«i y. iMWtda, HlABf A. SatviHt. J«>M» M >Tf.aT, Boat. II M.l tai l. H«wii\ Biakk, Jona V I. Pawn Ali »kp», .TB l law Brrta. Li < HM K >si«i»»*, Iliac .-an s ft «e- v Saatt'iL I). Rucoi a, WltXIAM Ml Ml Roowia O MouLioa, JOSU m. Han I CkUaLSI I. STBOMta, 11 i>i In niH, Bi> man PiTRUk. .'on m Bli ir, MaTavanaa liaTm %. JOV.ITHJ» MtLl CR. AkBiiiaM Btktacra, Joll* P. VlL»rBTO\ ( i rHi. M Noaion. Jona P TtVI iow ei l, I r«« Win 11 ».a, Vv ii LI4m II PoraaM, Ll. i.i> EM8ATW, W BkllTa Baowa, (.»...i r I i rP.FUF.Ririf. B. WINSTON. P taidesaf. ("HjRi.r» Gill, Acioary. Isaac Anna: t. sejoretary. Uti.i'» Hi a H»aa, Ni w \ >Bk. .Vai II, IMA, II'! NO -A Di ideBaj of THREE and . at/ BALI PE* Cf NT has hi rHIS DAT dsMUaraA aaatk bte to the St xklio'drrsoo S\ II Bl»\V Sept. I. The Transfer Books will be closed from this dote till Sept,! C. S. V VNDI RIIO IF, CaaAiot, KMCKERBOCKEB 8 FÄÖ1 COM PAH Y'T^At ko> Bleel -i hold <hiid«ythe followint «eiiJoosoavaia elected IH-ecto:* f< r the oruuioa rear: BOBBB1 BABBLET, l'HABLXI '(HISSOB, < JAB < HlLItWIN. T108 t IIKN1V. FPAM IS A. PALV1 K WM. B BTSWABT, JNo. I VPS AB. OKO t". PETBBB. JBO. II. K1MMBT, OKO. MiKt'HKRD MATTH Baa fink.. TH»s MILLBB, WM s. HABCALL, PBABBON B if.RKMIAB New Y. rk, Au*. I, If v.. JNO. F. BARKLMY. Ol IRK Ol TBE NOBWtC« M v ¦> ) V. i V. w e., I Nre-Vom. Jaiy «, lt<A, t NA'-l B8M1 M of ONE DOLLAB mmt BBBJ levied rjon each Share of the l apitai Mock of 'ha Nersieh M.n'tu Company, psjab'e to 'be Treasr.rer at this oih.w at above, on orbefce Ball'BDAT, the brat day of So, rext. By order of the Diiectocs P. M i.h k«t"rf. Se're-ieytiolTre A ! P] MPTION of (>H1<> BTATE STOCK!.- i be Cooxm'tsi oera of the Sinklos Fund of tbe ata'S of Obto w Ui pay rHBEE PBB CEB1 PRI.MIl Mooaoyaaeaat loi esceedtox the aiareajie sum *f #nO,'i)0 of ik- l>ttl4a 4M of 'be Oi ,. S'o,- i x P. Csaw L.-in pav«b'o af a' Iba Ms\ December. Ml U arsjtod tW isdsaop mm mtkm tbtdaMof tbis o< tke and nor m 'lie l«t dir oi Koveeaoar, il>V tttf to State of Ohio Tr»n»fer OfSc« No. 64 Beaver St., NswTsisL U ii. MOBO i N niasr, Colniwbua. Ohio. A..< 7, 1LÜ. o \ sMl -Ci'iY OP CLEVELAND If rvnt Bopd. (Wa'et l.o«ni, ( ITY Of- lOTKOII 7 a> rent Ii r.d« (Water Usoi, CIT1 ui I " INN\TI k t'e-nt ionda, I ITY <ik niCM.O f f*c«ni It «da CITY t»F MIL^ AI EKB 7 4/cm Bonds, CITY OK SAiKAMLNTo I cc Bonds, by DI SCAN, SHF.BMA.H A Co. i; B~HALE-. I<. KANDI -KT CirTaB. I ibdiana BAILBOaO S1 vV, \ PER ''B ST Pltlf MOBTOAI NDS «Ua.-arifeed f f t'e M«l !t »er HJ'essA BoOtOof the Blot n of f-e s.\n'!H SKT Cl rv «od It- DlaNA BAILBOAO EIGHT FBB <KvT DIVIOBBM roars:. eC. b] the M»,l hir.r Ra'taad aoi paid by tao-iAly k> .talln enf» to'Fraeki-. Haven K»o., Trustee. if bate* el MAD B1VEB aad LaKE f RIP. KtllAOAB FTOI K J. A. DBPEBWUOBB »<».l i I. e-«. .»("> Nrrtai Hiilbo«o Cow;ra*r,| TIIK rul-nrriber, iu Diir<fiaiice of a frsjolattA* a i rod by hi Hot I of Dbt 'ctori. ' ihe VJ mmm CassrB Fu ro«.l Ccmpany. wi'l wll, ihroiiah ALBPRT H. ttCObiE Auctiooeer. s' tfie Marchan'*', Ir 'be fity of Bw9> Irl, oi HO,'AY. .1.- i:»i .:»t "f 4ii|M.' n.x(. at IB « Lb*) fcl .wioa parcel* of tba S'jck o' the indOsar pony, aale»* iht «. a* '. now due *ro previaaslj mm\ standing io the name cf Stookh ildor» who bar* sacloxMw Baak« i ; vKel 'hsrwaa. isal the rc| i. !:.-:( 11 r. ctora. inado piuaitsaiaasi act iticorporatu.^ tl. »».J t mpanr. rit: Twt r.t.. -in hm-'red aui üity (Ä'ai| ahuoibald by Max» I R. A L. ScKyie-r. m m I One hex jed and citi fy e^bt (ISt, abtftlhoiJ by N. ktl Dana. Three (3) ii ores held by Joaeph O' iaer. The «a.e will be for cash and .. nliioates ardt be Usoad to* purtbasers accordinalv J. N. Fl RKOii, Ti issue! ntxaaor tTaatial 1stroad i ia tm%^ DREXEL, BATHEK * CHI IB B, HafX- F.BB i H IN' i. Pil- ». Kxckassy m DBEXEL k Co., PHIL\I»PLPH1A. pay».»».* at cbe mtr tlpal ci'hw of the Coned States. Collevrtlons msde st Nan Frond*c .. aai r. läo intenor «? fj Stare and proceeds promptly remitted C- ii.rtsoo» Bxaf w sexuoareet to P..B A ' .-r 'uro -«h DRF.X/L * Cm.. FM» deiphl* oi P BATH No tol Naeean-a. N » Vork. ri.i .me on Nai. F.ancisoo bit »ab*, tn "irn. io **A\M OBJ XIX k Co., Phi edeirLis. a;.d P >M HP.R. NiiwTsA nW. VAYOHAN A CO . Pro.i.lrrire. ft I , . US, » pr pared t- aef**»*» f emmercui Pap- r, 'o u. I. .lectwow io a.' vj» of liw«a» cry. to buy and .'« HB ON 4 OMMNSIOS. aaja »c; »» AOEN -i tor parties nu.' »4 ia the transaction A BBJ »*. aess. . Brrrtrs IS.Ml T D Boweo, Presilent fi actstoa**^ Ba .k Pr vircr K I.. Mr '.>. C. Laker Pre»-drot IL'»* i uip«ny, I' . :. M. - . - >. v V. a*o .1*** Tork; Mi*»ra Jjhn Faraom V Co., PL.iadeiphia. Ni w Tora, nif«-r*( TO THE I ONDHOLDEHS OF THf.MAffi PIT I.I) AND SAND »AI BkN<»L'SAi *KVl\\i\ kND NAWABB »NO COLI)MBUB \N0 I.AR«! RaILBOAJ) COMFANIEB Thei osBxaBess irm^*" latemee r* a'the AiV'iT HoauM.kar I tu in ths ab -v« '/'/^tmr\ in accord . with report t.,eo m»*» aid ttt'f*t, ittbe f E T. H OIBS >.«,Wa r where the H ,'nitbol.ieri are reineereo w c«vl an< 4f*.,T^Z it |V ./ .»-,'... it n^auoxi cat. »boB.V».*¦,¦ obteiced. _I 1MEKSR8 DUNCAN, BHEBIfAN A *> ItI BtvaMn Ba .'- »w V»rk, i.f.'Z. \ BIOM ClBCl'LAii Li .'ILBi it niElJiT oc Jts .*>*- | Cities: Aexardrla. Oariamhe. E»bcat BjoxOI Aorwerp, (»!.."* Mnlrid, Ai.en*^ Canton, Malta. ^t"^ tmmmtmSmm Dr»*d.-n. Marsetilee, B-rl.n Du«* l.lorf, Milax., S'rs**" ; Moat w, .c3*' Berne, F.-reice, Munich, 23skt B. no. Frsjikfort, Msswnt. Be*ÖT0. Boreeaux. Ofno*, M'j bonos, St«t«Aa,, dogna t>c va, Mt-fras, Bblija1* Bremea. OibiaJtar, Malta, ''¦f%Titit Brakels Rai r-.r*. Maci la. V **7 B.etddj Lr-:a, lime, Madeira. Tirfa. Base.llaire Ms.bowtj.AoJ .T-ioAra, Bombay, H '.***. Napl e, l^L "a-an Hceri Koni. N'ce I*"**1 be>r¦'jt, handy f ey.jr. Oporve. V*.^ fatro, lirerpool, Oleccai. Tl**T~M. r«u»i. i_a p.ri. vi mm Wa /arisfc. CobJen'r, Loodoo, Paris (c rr.< Leeboru, Psu. C*. ¦ Ivipcic, Paioric» Oo«i^.bc < «-y..*,.Lyons, Flsa Kl.^> CBFDfTS POB INP1A kNB CTTBAÄj ORIENTAL BANR CORPORATION OP LO»"^ Branches and Ad*r.a*»et - C«ton Shaoxbae, CJ"fzT Hoc« Kora Bombay. »»^ biaf-aporv. _____ CBEDITS FOB Af FTRAL A ON THE BA>« 0' BOI'TH W a LEA OP LONDOB Briarr-* and Afo»wrto» at o.aow Maatlar.' aad Newcaatio.\\\mmm*mt Braakenr im: Iprwvb YL-tona Btawehswt Mrabrorne. Oeo»-<. , Castio-eakn-. Moos* .>» Bavlarmt. | ie.- rw Ajwe'y. lee-vj* * . i

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-08-22 [p 2].€¦ · The llemlorf endOak Berk '.n abwit...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-08-22 [p 2].€¦ · The llemlorf endOak Berk '.n abwit 6.'*"«3 ace*of land, together with tea-era' Batata,Ac., will be Bold wi'h the prenUea.

\\rM ROGERS, DENTIST, from I/Aivox-» ' New No. pre Rur He Hobtt*, facta« the Paare**, ele

I'Ortno nth, author of a. verel Often! hie *> "rk*. *r,<i »nie inventor»f the t Bv«i>rT<-« "IT E7 H- Catmplete ael» is 11 Hoar*.

tXbamr. lor Unsnuea film.

Ai'AK.NKl: W \M EDin making n PAT IIVBD MACHINE, to he pUced in «tie fair of the Ataet.r

Inetitnte One that Lu hr . hundred dotier« rath or oar tl.a* half of tkat riim I- e h MM . mat bin* abop at hi* co

mead. eriH ttejulre ki Mr. (HAS. Pi iR BKS, MtheTanvTaHitfl, tkt* dev. and ace a modr'. of the Machine, which »

ettlafy him that' it i» worth* of hie attention

ALEASE and FURNITURE t.f a FAMILYnOTKL. wwa a aambi i of Acre* of Oroeod hMMtMi,

heantifollr ..totted on the eat* back et the Hndaon, near thefi«y, and within »wo n.ii ni»«' wt'k ot the rtl'road depot. Thekcniee i» !*rge new and eplerdtdlr firrifbed well ehaded. emp-filed with th" aa:r>t » water, and or -np.ed b* tome ot thewee! k teat re-aidear.ta ofSew Vork. the ree*:pt* being about »700pet week, lor rare* are., aap r to

_P. C. Bt No. tHWtUet (baarmeBt).

BOOKSTORE *Vr SALE .The n u b . n an mjlee deallone of ItweftBg at the We at offer on terma whi'h

cannot rail to inrt any peiena wiehu.g to en.berk in toe Kook.Pta'-ocerv and (roodt bn*i'.**e t>ieir earefn ly eelec' and ti. LI W. ot the well knownROOA.STORF. loctted for u<ne year* art No. 2tft Eult<>n it.

Brooklyn. Per term* iptdv to the picrjerletor*.8MITH A I.O'RIi. No. ief Fnltna-et.. Rrooklrn.

F~OR 8A~!aT-(>m> of the beat GROCERYBTOBKSic the C'tv. a'tcited ob the «thav., row iir.g a

buii'.ea* of from ?>«* to" »10 per week. Por pei'.Koltr* ln«.rubre at No. aj7 6tt.iv. is the drr gooet« atn-e.


fa BEI Ail. ORO< F.RT STOR K no *> doin« a re Jt huain>-aa,eiraeted or e.oe ef th* l<e*t avenue- on the wear aid* *.f tlie coyand in a firae-claa* i.curiborho'.eL Inbuilt ot IlfJL P' L LE.Vfio. 'X\ ( ban.b»

TO EUROPE..For aal«, ONE PASSAGE toIIAVBK per-teen er ONION aa.liog the Jjth in«. Ap-

fty toOOLPIL A ( o.. No. »« Broadway.

TASM I V fur BALE -.'.~mü>g from N.-vt-Tnrk. 10 from Rai road, and 7 from Cent'.About 100 eate.

».reced laut winter, al: nereaaare macbin'-e ae. in r'«ed orderready for Imrnedlat' nae. The llemlorf end Oak Berk '.n ab wit6.'*"«3 ace* of land, together with tea-era' Batata, Ac., will beBold wi'h the pren Uea. Apply by mail at Otlaeil'e, Orange Co.H. T., o» to the aubtenber on the p'<m'«e«. at Hertw.vod Sul-iieaaCo. CHARLES W. TKOfTl.i:.


in V\ htn ahargh. Ilet ealuable WIIA1:P PKttl'ERTV tadHt III» NfiS, tittitt« on the corner ol lat and etnath 'Id-ite.,with a dork f'Onttge of 110 feet, water ii«ht of IV) feet in front,and depth of water ergoal to the aMaete elate of eeeeela Tootmlldinae are of the mo-r tiih«lin'i*J character, the main one CMoraee ib biaM. Mot feet) connected therewith tre building!fi r i the wh le well adapted fjr manofartcrlrii »r

Mo?a<» pnrpoaee. Terma of it e unueutllj eaey. One half ofthe port bate m ney ten remain fur t yeagt at C per cent ; thebt'trce in raab, or a portion of rood real eetate. Apply toMOM r» ROBINSON corner of Lalgbt and tVaahinirton ..«'.."rat 80TIIKU S Real K.tate Oihcc No. 315 Erlton et. Brooklyn,

or»o IIOMPR MOROAN.No. 9 MttTopoiitan Bank Bniidine. Pine-it.

\TALI ABLP. MAMTfA( II; RIVO E8TÄ11-t LI "Ml VP. VI for BALE..The NEW.LONIeON EOURlk.ERY and MACIiaNE « ORK«, «l'otted in the < I'y of NewL' t don.con.hrtirgof t \\ htrf M'erlrne-Shop. Ponnde'ry S ''i

Bhop ar.d other Bulld'nga, with Btrtni E' g<ne, Plant-ig Macblnce. Engine Leitet. Boring Mill, Drillt, Cnttere, Kotiert,Ac , til ir order tor immrdla'e ute, rrrtnpriaing eeerything re-

qmal-a*or the ma:.''acture of Steam Pnrinee end Boiler» andall deacrjtitt>M of Wr nghr and C»»t Iron Work. together witha Brate Eonndiry and Piatnrei a Urge aeaortaiect of Pattern*.Toed a, Ac., It offered for'tie. The location of thlt property i«

tery adv entageout, the a barf being accetaible to eteambotta andtritr.i of ihe ler>e«t r .«

A rtre opt>utruniry i* offered to any «lio may be dlrponed toengtgr in the bulie«*. 7 ertn* Rn orahle.

faea Lot oon. Aug. 6. Ifoi C. BlTI ER Truafee.

wTnTEI )-An A( TIvif PA RTNER witht» iH.'OO or more ii, a Cub Bn«lne**; tittttlon an«t.rpo«*. d

bv try. rtrtlrui'tr* rtn v- o tri td by addi'Ming JACKSON,Hot No. I? Trh-ii i O ,e.


I1ERAR1 PAFCR, lata] Kab ..I. A ¦¦

uif at p tent a good income: which mty rtaily be in -rraae.l hrgome *ddi l»"*l «xrrtitn. Addrrtt or Bail on Mr. BROWN',Po. 93* Bread**y. room No. II. froru 10 to S o'clock.


.i^BB affurdirg »rer ttt ft ernr aroalt, witk a Talatbbl Ceatract, 8«oek, TV-oli Ac,.wi!i he »old lur *>t.0W>, and an ct»:.iiue-tjob w U rrtna it * bargain unpiitileie l. without hitobaj or

i.rti r.. Apply to THOJLAJ A STREET, No. .r r.rMew-York.

.> !\(Yi \ ÄND i PARTM B WANTED,m, la which e fortune mty be reu'red in t few eet'a The

*>aaii.< a* ia a nady well eaiabliahed. aid I« wertby the attentionejf ta* nae cN-tiriog e *»le and prot 'alle inveetmnnt. Ad Ire«aTREBLA, I a n. ...«*. Poh Offi a.

92,900:WtPKLY I II PR

{jorcrs, (Cnrviagcs, &*c.

sECOND-BAND BUGGIES.Twr uifh rbrtoe trilatal ten. Alao, nrw Bu^gh - fat No Iti

ElUabetb n by_E. M. BT It tTfoN.

\\'A(.Ö.N fZr SAU:.^A twtVkTMt RO< KAWAY»» ll AI ON, f aw *cd thafta, atauding top. he'i'l hy laBnw.rA Sn bn' »e»» fo ui '. vi for it!" verr chetp.App.y tp L r-fOW 1Kb SON. 11 rue: -Tib et. tin1 M at.

bnntfi anh üftrimB.

BOARD^TWw (ientlcuirn and thf ir WfYM.alaoeing e ( ei t'rmen, can t-< accommodated «iih BOAR 0

at No. I* I an «: in- r> er*, »A e«r .'itn-el h 1*1*08 fth and !*lh-are. in a Cr-t-eJae* Letnte with tii the inoderu improvemennr.Refercr.ce rramired. _

1 >i 'AId!' in a Priiato Fainiljr, with p!< asantIf Rt OM8. farriaii'c' orw f ni.i-h-u. i'v or Men .!..>«Oealiemen ran be ecroo modeled with Pnrtiil B >ard at No. 20

Oil *g*-pi tec, belwceel lit mlon and Bii ocker-lt*. Rtfen**ceag'een and recjmrcd.

BOARD.. A (.fiitU-mau and his W iff MM OartailBO/Bl' and pieieent ROOMS on *ec«,d floor; tleet,twe

er il:-e tingle Oentiemcn, withiLg a iuiei and tetiiod hime,Ditv at j \ »' N '. I.' \ em''.in -t. 'I «

Bt >ARI>IM». I iither traiiM. nt or j»crmiitii rtt. |bfI »n i' . . , r e liTibtiieti tl Not j6, i* and 'i Mt'.r-

mj-it Dinner *. l an 3 3 P. M.

«»ALI» in MM 1 H P.RoOkLYX -io" LTT,.tb tn" ti partis' BOARI». Pnrriahed or rnfurnnhed.

two i r*v ;)'"t':' neaad-ttory BOOM.1*, nealv pap red andgtami) d '*> i* L liei i tiitrlee cotattyajaBtvMbtgi «nitahle for Ornile-tnen and theii vYTret or .':l«'« GetwJtaaea arbo trejttld like to

room together. Inquire at No. 5.' Weal Baltic-it,. thtoe dooi*


n Cfmtoa

1R8TRECTION :..r BOARD..A fMMj GmnmrLadv, a Teichel la a Female Seminary, eriahea t$ oht in

gtOARD valrh a reapeetable private lami > in Rl r t an. L. Iwho woom. r«T*ldei L'neoni lu l'r*u*h Oenntn tnd Waalg a*

an cqula lb 11. Addrei* OAMMA, Poat-Ottiee, Broc>k!>n, L. I

1>Lr As.\Vl II RMslli !' R(M»<>i>and l-»:h> to LPT to »Inglr Oent.e*ne*i without Hoaid, at

ho. "u. l»« a c -i ii... e I :»aaai t- -l I - « kf

11 iU BROADWAY,.aHUITEB <¦! ROOMStl-ft^ « Lg En nt Pirio-a fjr EernUir»; t » It u

I .in -i.t-t cr. "i ii-.> .:.: lui.VRIOiUS acer> late.L

Of) I BECOKDÄ) RMr 13th-«t..Tbe entire-eaa»"l"--| THIRD PLOOR, - PARLOK Itn 1MB i|Ibe I. int) :lo..r. haideomel» (urn..!.- V» h i.- t-.'. t «

me>r, who ran t'eu have partial Ho.r.L The U'jaite bee everymalr i roavinieoce, ind t geiateei location.

ffjjew BROADWAY.-8UITE6 ..1 ROOMSi* IO f;o*it I'.r' rich yfurniahed.wMh I I LL

h<>ARD; a!«o one or two room* fr liace grMlrrnaa Applya* tveae. '. rar... nt N.erder» tccommo Itted.

<>cnoi8 to £ct.11 «M'm KT..Tbrw«Wantnew HOUSESJH J ta River Tre.,. HOBORKN with.n three ml aiet walke>f the frrry. cornmendieg a b* .- »¦ u of the river and ( ity.w Hew Yotk. erVb hath gm. bot and co d water be.. tofaiullteetf tbe Crt! ri'pactel ttj n 'v 'u j-.h at t'.e Ott oHa. »oi and .'.l rt*.. Itcbcken.of EDWARD MARTIN.

OOMS to LET. with KIT.AM POWER.Litbe baJltttaa eetnrc of Oreenwich and Reach *!* . ua er-

¦4 toi narularluriag pnrp.* ». r.cnt aery low to r^ APPJ '.»

Kl BB!> A TAI'i'r. V ;¦. :-., ami b -.

STEAM POWER tM LET.AI I I raMhrenrt,H. Jl a Iwo-a', v hricb Halldu.a Mi**w> by M, Aatilv to

ABM RAI/ N.. isfT Igaadaoy, n :« JeniN tt. ROi - -

«4 rMrebethptr"._STEADY POWER and LI0H1 tkOOMS, by

J. OANDL', Ku. leg Walkcr-eC_*STPJVJJ P1>\VER te» LET -s. veraj wplLlightcd

roorne wi-b *tea<!y Power» the) bajaing comer of fleat.rBut) EllriWtb rt A'ao Ib ball ding OB cor. S94-at. tad let a

H nt* modcrale. Aprlj M Pi*:, tt. THOMAS MQR1X»N,

HH> IM No. 8H ] . nMr l^xiogton-1 MbeRMMfl new thtee atory BRICK IM! M'. SektbedVn tbe beet aansrr and complete with entry ronarakeace. Toa>m*:t fatetly will be rented from the I*: t ; Set ;etnbot untiltbe t -*t gt kt.a f t » C

TO LET-Two ROOMS on tbe Btroct floor,twitable far *tor*e or workahop*. Alao a well tightod

RtM 'M lu the re.v. oo the rreund tlxx with (team power ifwanted. Alao. a email ROOM It the fch-.ic:y. witn uietr.h. the luii.'ltg No* 3b and .* I ra-iklv;: »L App.) U N*.

nV» LET "wr" LEASE.A Urao two-t-torr,l."J'lN<'»n tdd-at betwee u Sebtud fib a»a, » bv sr..

ere., igb'ea) ard adapt. J for t I oufeeliorirrT. A to, a Biker*« a'%V.wa.M7tr?'aT**^ J 'h " *.ad»M. Iaqnlre ofB. P. TOWNaLND. No. W at up ataut

TO LET.Tht> two etorv HOC8E and STORENo. SA» Oreenwtrb-et.. nee' llameon. leaaire of H Lt

4VT'L*N ELL, F. S. Court*, cor. ( o Lege p.ace tad Morray Bb

riV» LET.Tho two-itory IIouk, v,, - Bptt%%-J ..., newly palmed in decorairve **yle with 6a* vtrd ar. I

MMpM «tiitae of room*, Bear Lioadarae- to a go-at teaaul. RentittJeiratti. Alee upper part of Ni.. et Springet r«B.amiug Hgoowat. Bearly P*l,u4, aadlo iB.^^Etn,.*,T) LET CHEAl'-A EEED-aSTORE and

STABLP tciat etil eeeoramoalate ab" t t« tore-*. Aor-ly(p U*. tr\ Lit K, N >. 7 Urtjr> at

ßotief. ant JFarraa tüanub

HOUSES WANTED.a HOUSE in O -lumtiaV II um, }{>/:». or Hetv «U. ner'.t «' Alitnt -, r»*r fr,»rr.

RON t. f.,*. Also on* la vVllotighy, Lawreore, Ademi.trVA ,., r i', n-«'«. Apr T ts

\S1HONRY J. * Co., No 7 Broad ft,

W aM kd.A HOI BE betweea 14*5 and*.

( »r ». .« . rif-: Rmedwiv, co-vatnin» «t le*»» »e rwm<

. a larger r*ja***M W%* M»rt .oieb'e. Ad.irea* imoi «livu>!y BoxN<>. .145, F. <).. «Tating wbere inftimotion mo; Im- Lad,

W'A.Ml 1» to LEAS I; -A -mull t.vr.-.t..rv andfr m _,, ti.ree «torj HOISK, io a pieassot osighoorhv id.

Mi:-' I»- I» i.» ."Tab «t, Addresi, noting rrnt and loa Ion,A. IL, Box No. I J*1, Pott Otter)

fical Cetate for 8(Hc.

AT PRIYATE BALE.A e-mail FARM of 6-.*Agree otf Or r.r»r1. plenasr/ J »itnited .-o Long l»l«od ihout

U ti es from New-York < ity. rv*.d Farm i» on tfaa North Turn¬pike B' td. tt the head t-f (irrar Nee», *nd ht!f a mil* fromCow r<t» The Karra is m s high stete f cnJtivstion tr I huou it afire In in*1 ailh til o' ihr«»ry outbui ding*. KortTnii apply to BAKER A V. f EKB, No. f Plne-et,

AT PRIVATE SALI..The FOUR LOTS ofOltt'lND rirtieted on the we»t tide of tib **.. duian' ü

teer to'iüi of Mib e.Also, FOt'R LOTS of OBOÜBTJ on the nortL gUg <f IBI

gtV, oiatent 126 feet wc«t of .VI, »v. Por term« and fu-the- par¬ticular*, api-'y to BALER Ii VshiK-i N V-.i.-i.

FOB BALE.A FARM on Lbbb btabLabtM,J W mili-t fro:-, N«tr v, rl i on^tt:ng of ibont 17'. A^rer re*which abont W> ggg wood trid. mi t Fetch Orebtrd of abont AA'rrt in (,nr roniition. With t new Ihrelmg Honre. good Barn,Ac It It we .'I tdap'cd to IM roifor» of fruit, r.rtir. or Onax.Por full particular* Inquire t No. »' C fr'tr -t N. 1

I";<>k saLL-WaLNUT ( OlTAOiT, w.thlhwlern of Oroond, tx-au'.f'..'t lituared on the eastern slope

of OrtiiAO Monattin. Hew Jer»ev, about one mile from theRailroad Depot at Orar-ge, tod .llittr t ore hoar from the city.Applyto BOMkb MOBOAM.

P'.nest N' 3 M'trofK.'.taL Bank Building.

yOK BALL.A Htil.ttantiol three-gtory BRII KJ. HOI SF.. X feet front on ."»d-st. for H>6 (00. A r.lee'y-fringed Baaenii-tt HOI'SK, with iron belcn-es, modern Iraprovto.eoU, A'.. i r'r H,W: For partici.;»rr ijt.'r f So. V,'M a. ., 11 II alliOCB v IIA'H B.

FOR BALK.Yalnable Property on Rom» andWilliam et*., rear Pea: i. conttining 73 feet 3 ir cb<-i on

Bow and 74 feet en William tt.. Vtt feet on the Kati tod 208 feet' tl Writ line; fronting on Kmec it the Mealing Honte ofthe Rocieft et I neu .t. and on W.iliam-*t. *re fdiy'R ture'-.tonrBHilK DOUBES, which are. rei-d for »0.'iO each. Foro no* »j.ply to Sd MIKL WHIMS. No ft, IVsrl *L, or toV. I J.LIAM H MACT. at Leather Mtrl^f«rt'lrer». Bant.

OR SALE.At Pbilmoat, ('oTutnbia County.IM. Y.. one qnttet gjgjjg from Here. Ita: r tl Oepot. a

ralutbie WATF.B I'OWrR upable o! running four Mtihioery, Carpet 1-actory, a number cf livening*,and a line retideriie. with about 30 acre* of good land 1 or par¬ti, i laia Inquire cf M. HOI F.MAS PHILIP on tbi IVmoPi.

IrÖR SALE-HOI >k anrl LoTlfVo. «7 Oliver-it. Apply toISAAl K. STBV1 tt Somerrllle. New-

Jersey, or to JAB. R. HAYT fc BON, No. 3t Veaey »r_. N. T.

Ij^OR SALE 01 EXCHANGE for WESTERNI.ANL».A .arge, e.i »tut and niba'attitl HOL'SK,aituated

in i,' fti> cl '-t neitliboehoceda of Sou h Brootjlvn. PorBtlthag particoiari in.fiire of L. 8. HOTt HRI>S, No. 338Hi axta

IB sake LOW it applied lor eoon.A valuh-JV bleCOAL LOT in tbs imneditti \ieinify of Fitttton, PaApply at No. 1 Ut (edtr il at J P. M.

FOR SALT.Tap Ihrprj-gtorv and buffraeutBBI( K BOÜBI trd I.OT.No. K,»*We*t Het-et. la Mai

repair, ati'L modern improvement*: Honae 21x40, Lot Iln feet

deep; eintairu. a fine van. t < ' frail tree*, grape rin*ai tad»brublery. Tenni farorabie.

" Price $7.rmo, ircluding Chande¬lier* and Oa* fixture*. Apply at No. 341 jd at.

DROPERl > :r taveCOCXTRI foi ^TlTTT f lieX tubarriber offrn 'or at'c the prei .iaeg ocv upi. d bl bin. tt

a private r> lidenee, titnated in the vortherly part mltAw Vilag» oi N. wl.iirgb. The lot :» 7'. feet front mmi rear by feetdeep, wc, »opp led witi. trrubhrrv and fruit treea The hoc»e1* a two-ttory roMage. well amf'itllv built of brick,-i forniabed with g«a and water. The location ia a very

-..-'.I or.. . ion.-i.ataui:.« n beautiful i< w tl the river et/dUighUnda.A » . M RM of ahjut 41 artet of land in aeiii ye ». > ef New

bti'iib. upon wl.irb tie fine building »itea f r country remoeace*,t* .;!i views of tie river atid anrriondinx cwntrj.

\ at a niimler f Cr»' r*'e \ i.'itg.- LOT'SJ AMK > U Km Lb K. Nenlmrgh. N. V

JJiano-Xaiics anö illnsic.

Ai \ n:V LOW PRICE8to «>iit theTL-d -

No. 3(*i Broadwav..BKN.M Tl .v Cc. M»rufartur«e» *t

llit-lale»: rv'ee of PIANOS; alao the much admired Ha'i'i'CE-LEBTIAL'1 riANO-FORTE.acinow edg. d by arait. ante b«rit^-rior to *.' o:brr« inawn-tneaa b-atitv, and bnlliacrv rf toreOROAN MI'.LOOLONS, MLalC aj.d MaaVkll Int-'rumecta

»piJLBlTi'N NAS~H.rLWOS and MEU>-v; DCONB, No 4 Bros 1« ay FIABO* la LBT,


nbrrr may be U unJ tr. exit ci've taaortmcr.t of thet» reieI betted FlANOS, warrtnrrd ro b- nrucrpaaxed bn »trmg'h. i

n.lii.y, rv.. i-tae*» ai,d nnrity of tone. Oar «cbcol Piano. C|Oetoeeg i» le i.mi to \<* »nprior to anvthing of the nit

Coupaaa.plain, chcip and .ubrrntul. FLY It Ml Ni.l ItK M» Btiadttm (.-i. N.choiat H

FIRST PRKMICM PIÄ^W'^TES^I^fnctortd by STFlNWAY ft SONS. No. M Walker at.,

near Brotrway. N. Y. Three Pimoa roceived rite fir»t pre-mitunv in r; mp'etition ,r't,¦ P'atca made by the tnivat c» et^rtte.!¦laiwlbtiliiun id Bootor Naai ^ »i Fhl «.'e.phia tua rtalt*more. Y >t ry I'iano'. I'ricci mc Jente.

/ i I; 1 a T IMPRoVEMI;NTS in I I \ N' >

\I t iBTKS..Ma -. LI< BIB, BBWTOB a IBA 1Bl KY8 nto'Ctfully invite ttl.n-ion t.->ti.»lr PI aNO FOB 1 KSconvtrncted with tho patent AP.cli « BX1T PLANR. wb.ibitt.nli.t Mrdly tbe moot mhitittia'. imp'ov eu.eot over int.-odncedit.ti thi- popu tr inttroment.

HAZLETON BROS., I'lANO-FORri: MAX-CFACTUBZRB, Btk MB< eetre-r:.. where rr.ty be found

a bnr a';, rtrntnt i f theirrt-iebra'ed PI a.NOS, in Plalo and Or-i,rjDci,:/t ( im i. wariar'cd tc bo ntuarpaaeed in strength andpur.ry of tone. f»trosd-hacd Pianoi taki-o in egchalge.

f|R0AN8..4 HTJRI il ORGANS tor BALE.." F 0w ».. . f, Bt vi. rr«e, r>»d*lr; one elght-itor do SBgtvj -., -: a mo* A .¦. t r r ttro-row bf-yi axd pod.'* ( CCiocoBei bli s-KA Al»o, one Psrb r O-gau. Tba abovi Organsa*c eaira: tt<l ft,perior t»nr rod lluiah.

w M H. I»A^ IB,Orgaa R- et i? Macdengr-'mt

I)lANO-FORTES.B GLJ NN v\ 00 barer©-nTsyrtil thei: I'iano-l'.-rte Maaufsctory and War»:.a>m fraj

I 19 K .... »u, Vj No. C4 >Kr.i.. ttj ujvr* aar. of baet-i

»»r-_JllANO WaiNTED.A et-. ond hand PIANO of

totja ii g od order. Ac .Ire»» L. Ü Box 4 III Foal-Office, rt-ti g tbe loweit price. _._

tWOYAlt..BACON A R4TKfi have in con

sc'inenei of the extert:;» cf Ctiia) »:. removed thettP' ANO POBTI W.r»ro(. M No IBI O-a: d v. one bioctea>: of Brt.aoway. Tbev oOi r tl.eir f-lrod* at ' Ca nuMii *.

w p'ace i f buHri-..» an evtevaivs tssirtme-. : .f FIAN<r y respect,_



''-.'ic't'.' 4 lartrroftblslnaiilntim a FKV'l! » HOOIf,.r I.» SI Bl ( T ON in VIK aLMI Slf fctsbeen eatabllabod

e rim.t or rf Bigntir* AMAH I>t RRFI'L and AN-OEI.O TtiKlANI.epen to ail peraens dru.-oorof arauii.gth.-Ba< vet oi the priv liege.

Id addition to tbe advantagei of free in'tr.e'ion snrb sobaj¬ar. »« any desire it wui htvc the i ppor- uvt-y ot being emplryedat the Arsdewi*.App byatsaai for actr.,«. on mntt be n.Mie between the h uri

afl at J 12, A M it tt.e Orbce ot 'ha Academy ot Mu-ir.itib rt.. raaiiaSTll g on Till PSDAT Aug SS.

A1AOY of eiipTior fduratioB ui<lie- to takt>th ee or f t- CHILDKFN to BOARD and BDI CkTK

Van '. A tXl per sr.imm for Hci'J. .t. B'tnibe* stu»ic. n.l i ru.rh I., cttion near \N at'.i'ig'oc Park A* lr- *. MaduIll bRlBTTA, Itloi-square Pott Office.

pi i:na Kl> a Kl DFI-:LD* i NGL18H,IF FRF.NCU BFABUB aad CLAB81CA1 BOARDUMOat Si IKHll -v.- Yorr-g Oeat.erne«. No. its td-ar..So-Der St- Maikt-p't.e Wit :-.-ti m MONl»AY. Itep-.eQbar 10.

BOYs SCHOOL-Mr. 7YNO - BOHOOL, atBa.ll MBB H w. re pent- ih. IBCOMD Tt F.4BAY le

SeptertiN .-. Ttttut a» hitherto, a-ltk per var. Naurbor UmBai to 25.


:¦ i' a: No lä. ttlsatVlat Hervilyo. L I en MoNDAktl.. f-*. ..' Sept. P. r Curt. ar» tip*! »»th* S«hctL

m u i i:>son- . .t-j.~bukyikk, .grad-ate o(the fniveriiry of Prarre whr ba tjr leveral

yr*'«iautV mi ««. v r outre Uog'.'ge in this rary, wallgee ua traoaaa ba Bepgaaaber, aad eaajtkawa tt> baagk clasai»

t. '. ) rivtielv at hit pnpi.s* or his own reacdeace. No.i»ti »v i. -j liih-tt" Baferences of the habest cbaratter

E\ FNINO C1.aSS> 8 to bet!-. fctober I.

#310VER8T1LLE CNION SEMINARY,vR OltviR.vntr, F-. tan to.. N.-w T.:kRev. > tt fi Kt kg, A. M. P.- odpal attutsl ty tc affi

.. rj-iot rroft«m.:i and Tsceher*. Il a..' tae drpartrcoauof literstoe*. science, nnstc, and ornamental c.ltt.:t usaxJ|paiayd far similar Loiituiiont of Arjßnl rises,

il f. idii try i. »i» itt bal dmg*. lu tpnaratn*. lutnrtr1tore it new, n»*t, etnvenicDt. oad at %: Wlli '# Everyw .*] w bga Nroit. eveiy aasl m ir» witfc apa^eg. srery rooai

.' and specioua.not a ee'..and besides Is furnished wnk a. -. .- i- - a-o u spread w tb t rarpec. lo story is-.treble sptvintciont for a iiterary ins'.rutiea gotd ja ige* proaxaince that iti evrtial ran seorrory b* foaad in tba state. 1:»»' /tewtskrd rwercs, wal. unsurpasted are -oimodatuas farah. ot Fcrty B.ani.n» "vi., .tr» r-xelcwve.y FsmaltTr»v» i ri» than thewe Inttiti.ii.^rt wHsse n^mv-ii charge 'm

small, bot wbxav» almost limitless trtrat swe.1 tbs ball ts t meat

wjtssjtssttctca-y un-ai.'. Except ii tVe»e .** as nt-at uo

rupi « boa.dtng in 'hit S.-nxt a-y Tbs Stuunary wti opaa oo

Wednesday Sept. IS.For t irr-.isr,, *r.-h fall ptrt.ralt.-a er for ajouawoci with an

ea i cl. i . ifroon.» app > .i lie Princieai or to

j sVWam Becy n chcbchill. rwt.

Hl NRT-6T. (il^ÄM^LÄR SCHOOL. Na~»ilitr.rj-el next tt, AU eaints» I 1 ..reb..This IsatUi tiea

» Ii Bf -OPLN ea M >M>AI Sept. S. Papha are roreitsd si

a.' sgt« and pr.-pv.-ed for Cvniecr oi for basiaost lit*.


J L MARSHALL. R^**!*^|AMAICA.1*Tm* IsWt^l)-A4lg.laürlÄlN,.tf BOABDINO nH mi fkw TOUB« LAis'liti wai> M ., '1, r-isa, tl

JU A. E. A. CURLET . BOARDING. rVHO'.l. fWeatoett, (Xi r~>,*u. MONDAY «ep«. It

tr.rlM-v- *.*> i.» B><0 |*r Maate at ItaiM] « . C tea-

Ian i»fciiii ee, Ar ftir lJir, st Mi. W H. DtKFMAN. C .c

t.wO-'i Off r. N*w V ,(k ( t Ret y tjpeiet .m ok«hvi

M~~R AARON BAND rtfpMtTtlh inform, hit."n<-r,<i- ui< 'he MaMa tbet Ui * ROOl for TÖOMQ

OENil.K.MRN aiU reopen oa MONDAY. Sejt. N at «r». StW*>< JMtt »t. b<'w*«n b tad C f. art. w<-.-tt circ->rt tri bpamcu'tr* and u raat eis be *w*B*awd *r til Bate.

MA DA ML NÄPÖLEÖN be<ff retpertfallv to«i" '. ' b. f !..! Oi tr 'h* n- h if thtt b»r Fr*«rB

fid Fr.L.b BOARDINO tud DAT-iCHOOL far XOOtOLADlEi, N« IS Writ B»; if ... H- j« ra, wM ba tt>opened oc MONDAY, K*.ptetr,t>e' R. r r'rj'er* rai he nh*t:n-A*. l.'-r fv - er »I V- C it ARM.S Bi.Li.eoV-» .- > .. H

< HaIN] r.-k

\I I<S( 0L1 s BOARDING Rad DAI SCHOO]a"J Cor YOI'NO LADII >,»Rc:;*r- *».. RF1 IP! HI

"LIES. WIIKATON MkWtfttlh .r,-.:ui, 'herAfl f'e*. ..,«,.* the ili, ie trat lirr P.OAK'ilN ¦. i i \ VSi HOOL for Ydl NO LA Tili No. lot 21«.. «... RK-'.rV.N oa MOBDAT Rcst.lR Apr' rtt'ontfor tdmiuioD ran

n.*de «r her rattaaaca tt ebcw. t»:.rr». also, circular* eta bacbraired.

If BS IfEARS'' FRENCH AM» ENGLISHx"l board; .so AN" DAI ICBOOl Far YOBBO LiI'll - <".2 *:A So Wet; Jjtb-it.. below Stb-tr., reopent ocTbtirtda*. Sep'frr r»; 6.Mri 5! ei » :.. I' t: L'tn* t r*r< ve p«-*n'» t-i r"m"..«-ii

f to m*v w.nb to ttufer »ritt. h»r. fr'm M sdtv, September R,

i:> macai LI V - DAT ami BOARDINGH BOOL for YOtAO I.ADIFS.No. 43 Etat iitt-tt..

rf.per tn THTRSDAl -i*p 1

"JVI'Ss SNOW rNMCtfiUl in forma her frienDOA aidpt:re.nt thti her P.OAp.DiNO t-d 0AT04 IIO)Lf'.-VOI NfJ LADII f will re pen r. M'*NDA i >*;! *¦

No 41 Weit ! .rh »t.

Mill.. CHEGAJiY * DaY aud BfJAKIISOM BOOL ftr \(>' so MDITR Mpa cr»i. ,*raT

atfMCtfU t afi rm< the parert* and rntrditnt of her pupiit,er d the aalHt *en*ral!j that the above in«titr.fioo e] bt rt>

opened nr III! KiIrAT, the 1 i.L o: Hef«. rr-ber K-V..

A1 IBS II ULNE8 hi'i.'- iMjeMl/uD* Id h^* awtirtA" I bt bet I -.. ud the pnblie BCHoOL. No. |fOrtmertrt Part wiL reopen oe TL ESDAY. September If

( irfulv- rix. b» o' '.a.o"l al her rinC.:.v« o- at M««:*. C. 9PranrU I ( '(, No I I Brnulirej, or at Meeirt U«.«.-J bN.i r.''. No. 21 Ptrb place.

App.ifa:i' i ¦ for tie a^rniwioe of Pi.rd.'iran I* tatvie by leiteteducated to Miae II A INKS at her rrtiurnc«.


LADIES No bt Waal ,'i»r t: te?r. M end Wmaia, aridrt>o|-non MONDAY, Sept. 1"

MI-> TOWNSEND would reäpetjtfulh informber friend, and the public that a) e wi! RK-OPI .N h*r

> HOOL letTOL'RO LamUCM em MOMDAT, aVaac. 1*. No..< Kaet II at

MRS GIBSON will re-op** I^r day andBOARI'INO tX BOOL R*J TO! m0 LA IMF' a: S-

St Uaata «jutre. 4th ev ,eo Tl'EBDAY, September IS.

Ml .1 IfvM. FOEL BERGIER'" BOARD-IM an! ma BCBOOLtar TO(7KG I.Al»IF.s. Re.Ml

2d bt., iiftaa dM tr d i< h ata..Mr. aad Mm«. NOKL BF.R,OII'.B reep.ctfc ly inform their fr>nda and the puhiic teoerallythat their Infiiution will be reopene ' cc Ml INI) 41 lh« K'tl. 0»

§m\ A .:t(f ia tttacbcu to til) eatttjabosnt for pupiittl t

B|Bfi COMEGT8' FAHLL1 BOARDING Rad1*1 iMi BCBOOI fn TCL'aO LADIBi Be r Latt ^ittft., I-etwren ''th ted Mad-ton tit. reopen* Sepr 12th.

T\I 1» BALLO\V - KH.nrL for V »I VG1*1 LADIEJ, No. iirtat :ii-r...w:. he itMBaaatiaalHUBB-DAY.the loth of mmj « rr.l-er.

HiADAHE I REII HARD BOARDING and1*1 Di v .-< BOO I IbrYOI «G I 4 Dil 9, S tt aal Mft., near Stb-ft.. wii! h< Rf -OPKNEDoc fUESDAY, Sept. 11.

\ 1 BS D'ETZ icwpectfaliv iiiforM ber friend*1*1 ai t patron* t!at hir ICHOOLfot l>t* tud BotrdingPnpil* wi,! r-ofMU t,n MOKDAT, BltC ML ta her reiidenee.No. H I *»; %:l -r

MR a MADAME CRUCY,J FRENCH aidf NOI i-ll BOARDIKC and D4\ snio ILfjf \ tUHO

LADIES, No »0 Henry *t Brook.jn Mr. A MadtmeC>tL'CYlire tte ho: or to inform tht perttttt of their pnpiii aad thertiblir tett-reily, tla- t-eli iL.i.tution wiL be reoj^cel cu

ll'EBfA Y. Sept. 4, ICS*

HJORTH GBAMTLL] EEMAE1 SEMINARYAI -I I ft o; 14 week* Irrin* Sept S. HIR AM OR-CCTT, \ .! an.l Mia. IIIÜAM fjRI TT, Principal*, w.tb t

iul Board oi ttperien.ed Teaehert In tlie *«vera D<[ Art'ne .:«

Builuir «« new end e>c»nt, andoott el.' 000.will trcomm ^itr*tonte 1.5 Uarding fboiart. Etpea«e 'or Board,including Fuel,I.ialii, W arh ng and Tumen in primtry brancbe*. *>IT0 perWillMatt It year. For C.cntr*, c< cttin ai ful. tafi'ma'ii l

|>ij) entraripg.i o'for tdmikeion. apply io HlRA.M MRCI'TT,Tr e't rj, S t., tititi. A'ir-.*t it af;er tha"t ttm«. N< rt»> Ortuvl. e.

B.T, A. Vk I Li.Prr. S'crettrr.

''rill ( I A. h AL 01 MNAHRU, Bible Ho iae,I Auer p are, . F. BINO II AM, Berior. wi i open the attar

ri-t* t'f it* fctiitt t.trr.c Mi rd*y. Sept 21. The tijiuutaiuaiat a Pay Btfh flrbnal . tve Gut t.i ¦ riled ittotwi iettnmet', end retth na bu' twenty iH i.ei-h. The *'u<lia* begin» itb tfce ain.p '.'. tit: MaRt and erhärte" the rt ^t imp r tut1 ng'il'b «ttidie«. a 'onnr of Math«atatiaf, French. Lttin, Oreek.ho. k tu j lr.1 Urtw . g and Mat.ut. of Vroea. The w hole onree

ILe dett-l" <>t whi. h hare l»e »n e rteged wi:h greet cere, tndto which the *|(< » *tt<nilim <>. pi- ft* I* ir.r ted. orcupie*» \ »....» . -it ; i « n n« :< .'t. ir. » r a*t *' r winch th-y . e

fit- t. 11 - aaet rocmeare laeutbt't hare isite at n.näl prn» -io- tm '¦ e um ftel end bea' h of rne papi.a. Parent* whodrtlrc ibeb *cn» U to to be indtidrlt tu tnd to arroanplt.b . i-ntv

t't.j>g. *nd i o ther*. art ;nTit'd-o call at the ekoof after **ep-temhe.-1,rrU tddre** t It tie.- to the Reetor at axy Thtreare ne w teverai vacar.:i»r.N 8 .Ti.. pre*err Mel n I k -".-looltrr latitadfg »

t ? taetr * tJ.e. or ;:.< HÜ.-1 MONDaY <t «KPI I »HK<A.H fMaamit Pill be aaMrataQj utructfd. <raU:to«flt. tilithe atnuai oj*; ü | taf the SeLcioL Tt.e Report for the |a*J year,

t ata.. and r.<u-t. of Studt. n:»y he t.«<i a', ti e 1.;. tf th*'treteorrr tf the Atfirritan Bible Society.

nFllI SPINGLI B INSirrm E I nion Park",J arkU ga epeat WEDBEBDAl »ept l>\.Temta LtdBaa withra ItMaMtJ Uttimoiit* frna th^ r I'aator a d a pretina*Tterhtr. he eda-it'ed to any It** for trbath rhiy are pre-pered. The d<*rlnctire »t'idiea of tin latM bat) .t c.tatet tre:

j ti Hi. < a.A ». I ra. i'.heri.rif and N* .rt PL .. t

Jlttoit ( 4M OtliaatllJ. M-Lta. I'huotof.bT, and thru tetrySi-: t ( i-*-A-:r ...». M» t. Ph: o»or Ly, Er.J ;nc«» ..i

( .-vtitt-itt I^.t.c. and Putl-r'* Analotty1: BMb». Mine, t'ompaltion tie Fine Art*, th* K: < .

ften h ri.l Lttin Leu gvagea, ar.d Utttataft), lliatory. Ac., en-

'Vile K.t' Dr "ilENRT B. RMITH of lb* t'nlon Theolugict:Ben i'try tr; I dtüv-r, dnricg thf year, Fow Cnuntt if/,**.. er#'to t'ue hi* c taaee; on Men Phi . ph>Motel Be-letoe; or. The Evidence* tf I'hrjtitnity ; and aa But-leP* An*, ay. . .

Prof. '1EOB0F W. ORE'N whi ttke chtrge ot the dapvtmen' of Hbrtory »nd BelletI.e tre*. and »ili giva Lt'.uret en

Ma l > eratu.-e et tue- tng..*h, l.-eurh, lttlitn ana eiermtuLtngntget .-.weeA m '. o enmbtrtrt rt*ei»t 1 a« n.ei b«r* C th* ftmt.y ct

the Inetttntion. OORHAM 1>. ABB** Tf, Priacpa.

HE NlSc>E> TI>^^ÄT^E , BOARDING and\ i tCROOL »or 1 Ol NO LADIF.-. No. 1»* Dean it

h rtrctok'jn. will be reopened Sept S.T!ri-i'l CLARKE SI8TÜRS reapectfRllt an-1 r. i' -. r<< a K >. f. 11 \ I - .iYol Nt* LÄDIER -axTiVhav wii' re ooea oa MONDAY,Rgat, Dt Thry vn!! 'j* ti borne on tnd tfter Sept. L

rpHE MIf*E8 ROHR nfepeetftül« infunn tht-ir1 Hasel*tadibe rabttt tbatMali DAY AND *WAf^i*rrjBCHO'H.. No. 1^1 Wevt Mth »t «rlü be re -r,.d er; t It R-i-DAl.Srt/t 1- Clr;n f» r».n be oVa'tatd1 a l their re-i^er.e .

fFHI "a'Is^J B 8EDOW1 K will re ope n theirI ROABDINO aad IA1 ICBOOl .» aeptembe. 1*. at Rf>

41 9ih .' rear 'th av



3ce Srpc 17 At>ei Sej.t i clrtuitr* can be obu.i.r *-

te»..!et.ce No. t Wett S.'tb

T«BE GRAMMAR-St HO< L - COLI MRU1 ( 01.1 FOE frill opec tfier the So^nier Vacatioa, aa

hlJl DA) Meat 3, Ml A. It B» < rder cf ihr R etor.MAl.MN R. I IV PNT, Seci«*ary.

VOÜNG LADIES' BOARDING and DAT1 KTiOOL Ho. 101 Weet Sdth-4., near Broadway, Newi -* rea-peti o' TT'BBDAY, Sept II, laM-Rttäal MtRev. JOHN . EI.MK.NtX.iRI Fcrieh Studie* cf'he S»aieratatJoiior C !a*te* unde-t tee eic.nai.e char.* of 'be

Nmnbe« in t c a*» iimi tdto ten. Clrcu tr* al LOCK WOODS*nd a: aTANI'ORL S Na CS7 Broadway. Refcrenc-* 7 -e

I' Mto-rti ll h*aa D P. Ctmrntcn. M. D L M. It offmix.. N I' Pt.o-v. th**. ii f-m». Saa-LtH D»vi», b*qt

flldCtliTUTii. *C*C.- il CROFT . BTEAM ar.d \ A( LTUMOAOOJ *>.The beet an r.ü ii re.:*t'.e f any in tte MWa.-ra te 1 e..: «:L A ..he-i: 6 r.rt a.owe.i to theI.: «*> 'y i 'Ay - \". i 'Pi LARD.

Kc 61 Bn*d»*v

ROTATING MlTAl. SHEARS for ruttir^F iler Platfe. Sheet Iran T n. Copper, Brat*, Zinc aaa

all er ber Mettl>ic (>he«tJT. i* C j 'er i.wa it o»e m tae 'argett mtebice #lcp* ic 'be

ti r rr red i.iet the mo«t perfeert tttltlWl' -rt, ctttir.g t*a fee:et neuer p.v * in t mlnn'e pee tec ly rr * h ar 1 tree.B let a »1'..Itctax-ra, iln ..pper and icett iroe worker*, t'e

re"|n tted U ral aid extuiine the nach rne agoaraSae. No Min TAI' UM AN* 4 LOW.

STEAM IU'Mr.i .The attettion of En,:itK>«>ra_ tadreaaeaaB w*at ;* tt-::r « '» railed ro the oee ttirefit IMPR "»FD patpnt SIPaM PIMPS maaufacr.dbvtt ti,u for «K* at i or e'epv*. No. Miabe < N Y. er

» . Mldd. towi.t *n Vi b B. DOl eeLlS.

fr<» I KLNTH;- PI BLISHERS, Ac .FOR1 BAL -': .t a IMPBOYXD BCREV4 .".TA^DlN-i "B' SSI 4, .| ii,:t >-rew. tnd £ .not b»i latter atN.x !d Mot igrti er> *t Je r»*vl!tv 4th fljor.

1"URNING LATHE.Ar. excellent (Carpenter4P e- r> t t e .

» e '..w pnee a^tt.t A; ' tt *» Wat-- »t be weeo Pike end tntgeft-eu.

Cuii.-r. ftjrnrjiarc anc Jroni SOVDAI PIG IKON, for CRT Wbeelt andBJg .¦ ft pcqs>a** <:. *a.* kr Agtrl cf the Aiireeiac

; t'fJ 'HN>. Q< St TN. » W ,^»tta f., rernve' P'e-r.

OOPEL . TaWBfi IiOOP» -O00 seta aAadjrtetJ

OOoTpV 1 KJ»r 1»»' s - wi. .:mr» Bevtoe.rev., end erbe« mak *re

OfJubKR*-- 1UVETH. A teeUTBMB,aba

aX «. '^«- -

. ¦ kPRR'ct 11 Art** 1 iL» '^?KRaVMA IB'bHaV. Ac tut tale be

JbLaVe * LVIT'Ja. Bet

Ii I 98IHG »"KOCK ff: a DODOE,v. » c Lipp sr..

. rr . ¦ »o« lim(rJ fein»« K*'« - - v -psAes »cd >t*~,<m.

F.tle ful Basil mi ¦¦ tmk a» Ubeoy, Troy, .r .': ja»» . P \%t;B*y 8\i»w Cc'l Oln.l«i-point her-«-. Sicvs irr Tr»

hm\ r,. \ ¦ 1 tVkj rr*d» ArI'-o'tdMrf TW Co. t N«r* tr d Wmi^ra,FW*» v-til W 'Ar *rj"V M V «reVel itrtf /-». fA« M-nvfat


/"MT NAILR.A full v"«Ttm»-ot of WF.-V> u i.ASTir: »all river- »BOOBtOB." 'AOAVn iM mhi etbor t'exci, :oo»r*Dtl* *»n b.tad »od '¦r«eJe »

Uwl Eui't rmtM. by william 8. tisdalp..Na. lCü "Aale.--ex. jest bevlow W*.,**.

HUDSON PIG II.'".N-\o 1 Kitra. i M L75Tea No. 1 Fx fr» «nli mix rc^r» scrap ej. i I» »ijp»ro- ter

ti rwrposes to Seo'eb P*. JOBB W i No. * Wu-Pen.-«*, et*" Pttft, a»»ct H .If. .- Co-npixy

HAl.l'WAFK.Tb.- l.\re-*t and luvt com-plete lÄcrtxom; ofBAROU Ai.e. tLTLF.Tir. ed'-B TOOL". Ac.

ooristsctroand bx sm eat, for tbe ritt »cd ecactrr

trade,tat befecedet CHAS S. li itle 's.Nns J3 and M Fn.'tso-ft.

Aill SÄ SON- sIIOVFLS and SPADES.* For»*--y J.JHN W. Qfl.NCY *» r= WUMsmit.

CCOTCH PIG IK' tuna V. 1Osritcerrie. and fO tons mixed combor. best PI* Inc. ic

store anc landin*, 'or »ale b


S|-OFrORj. TlliLEBTON k Ca.. No. 9 Broadway.

vÜü.cfKe, Jcroclrrj, a**c.

pOI.r» WATCHES and FINE GOLD JEW-\Jl EL"1 'i .-.«..¦ u Bv|. .. v r-h»: Ir.p -t..-.f a: Msnnfirtcntg e«!*h urgent.Jilts JlRüENSEN WATCriFS wmuud,

rrosB.#;v>tj »JoeROBERT PO-Kr i L * AT'. HES, from. 100 to isoINDEPENDENT WATCH Es. from. MO* 3MPOCKET CHRONuMETI R>. fr-t». H5fo 2"«LADIES' DIAMOND WATtÜES. frem. 30» KWMACH 4V ATCUKa from . 100 to SO»HI NTlNil LEV ERB for LtDIF.x. *» to MBT« Late as mar.» ss 3d differoot k:c t öf WATCHES dorn

rbitb to solrct. ei the m. . relebr»i'<d uak.-ra.TL« t sss» of tb» shore Hol Watehe» txs *- 1» Garni boo.

J F. BlLtT.FLORENTINE MOSAIC PI VS. from .BlOr« .>»FLORENTIN I MiiSaH" F AR-Kl ai S frr m.... K'o JaFI OKI NTINK MO<Air BRACELRTI, from... *»w «.ROMAN MO.Mll PIVS t-ora. 3 to 30Ro.MAN' M"S\." F.A"-Rr>OS from. »to iiROMAN MO* AH BIOfH.rTS fr.m. H to 40Ail kind* ofJErVELRY, in'lu4'ns !):. xor li. Ac. too Humor-

oustemt-aot- but.'IRE. J. 4 VllF.R A ( o..No. V Fol roc n., N. Y.


HF. FAlxBlNOTON..ENAMELED COT-s TAfiE aad < BAMBBB FUBBl ri RE at tar. Msaafac-

.ry «nd Wsr*iooms, Nos. 46 aal tt Wooster-st.


l;a-T r .rc-.f l rat.kfort-n. N'W-Tork. tod tt So. TT WestSd-<t..CiLclitst'. Ohio. A iar|o t'tortm'-iit ci>n«unf!r on Ifand. Old> « i-«-:. L nrhar-s» '¦. « tr t!."»'» .».»'.;.» 1.

Mosen Si HMIDTi BR'iTHlr.<? reeetved tbo Fri/e Mod*,from 'bo tr ( it dr-sti Fxbihit . n.


CO B N M I A L.c <. R N M E A L.Cb» p for t arh si Ifext

CORN FXCIIAN .1 Mil I S.Foct of East Hill at. NewYor».

N. B..Con. trout;.! to order.

I) CBLE R] i »VI D BALERATÜS.Mari Imtprcd by thr undcrrigtrd, ia warr^nti-a free- fr >m ail tmpa-

ri'iea. Wc- btrlny a r»«t.inf prr<»»» pectdisr to onrselros, in-

pc-rnt. ndca by a dl»t;rwri>»hr i . b- mif a c roabiod to extra/"oil deleterirmi ma'ter from tbe rsw mat. riaJ.aod ran coofidrn'lrr-comtrend t ur manefscture aa superior to any o'hv. D.dsrrctqualities pnr up ji every rarle'y o' packasr. fT.r isle very low to

tie trade by JOHN D« fiiHT A Co.. No. II.' Pear, st

Til "h" fl~~0 P i MILLS,BP.UO MILL «.i BAKD FAFER DfTOT,

N tl I -knur r.., N. T.COFFEF ar.J BFTCZ DEFARTM1 vf

D :j Fi torn., tt. t.Cf* ' No Frrrt-" N I tola Ma Itart in

FB kRMACElTTlCAl io>: FO*» ih- RR.Corxofrr m rc'ianta eopp i-d oe <h" most lib»raJ terra».

t\.. / N a »LsB, aci 3» HucUoe. Joraey Cry. N. J.

jünilöing ftlalcriale.

r'NCAlTSTIC \>-t.h ... Bsvlba Bearths Dimnr rcoms, Coneerratonsa. Ae, OAP^NRJRB

CHUaMEl TOPR t«KtIN I'll KS 1 t i-.'-byMi t.Lf.K tiiATi:.- 4 Vnt I.L. eto. Pearl or.


OOBuVOB op OAL'AKIZED BHKETBCoctrsrts en'<-rt i Into for any part of tbe l.'mW Stater, 04

sV-o'j prepared for abipcoect, and ready for pnttiaa up.Carved I erruant'-l sheets of any rt oalred radius.Pauip^'ats ar.d u.f.Tm«tloci furniebed ou app.c. ton to

MARSHALL LEFFERTfl w BROTHER.N.w to ar .l *i R-»Awii., New i orb.

K~OirriS ! KOOF8! . ROOFB'.'.'. .TBtt eB(M»t>r.t . o !.e«t amclr fore-veno« ronC» . TaR UuiiII vi

PAPER, which we keep eonsiantTy on hand and will soil laarg* or sc a. quacti*ie» to (nil pqrcp(-er<

JAVT 1)1 KHlrKS iV * Co No So Beekman-st.

S\Xi--Proof öafcG, öo.ilco, vCc.

s C A L I A N D B A F I 8 ,


i r.\i inRi.\ V- ».-. ui* *X ' Bier,*.*- p.- uc. S-;*r m.T.-. C jpr

Pre-»e..»:.K »> wb sikle axi retru;. by

d. tKLJ ROUOB A Co..Baa. II W b teht and Mon* »t. N. Y.

IK r

teiltTl e t. w I a> d net, casr sTaMkilavj (iieen.

UoDiuri Canb Uiarranw.


Ii \\ ¦ u- rret*-eJ to »n steal -ier* f-r the por.b«»otrJ TTTt tl LAND VA ARalNTS

la a-x ana small ctiLt..!. i

OCR Ptru.iTIESlor PITfHASINO WARRANT» «tun band» are not extelted.

A avJastiBt tko Purrliaaeof A arrant* wil1 be executed at

tb- .mall r<mtnttdoe of OBI I OLLAR A PIECE.Am'-iua -Lit wii be mcrt riaidly <iniinir»J.

M I l dpi A Co..ftc tk and Bond Broker«, Re, V A iiliasaet N. Y.

e c . . . t Bans of in« Commonwealth.Ite.ereters. ' otio , fr Ma p,^, Cmpany.

I AM'-vVAFM.WNT OFFICE, No 68 Wallet,Ii New >(rk-Tbe b rl^»' i.i»'»ei pree p».d f.r LANDM ARK \NTS; «nd al. \S .rrants »cid ly me s»« fiaranteej todforwarded by aaau or otherwise npon H. riot ot remittaneeaLand-W arrvcu promi-o for boliltr.i ato; other* tnttticd tt

B BLtl Lkt-Jj. upsr. trr .ea-iao >oT J. tOLEMAN. No. CS Wall sr.


Be *. ** «1 -*r New Yovt.Farn i ariettas* Ii V rc-ara wku a.ways fi^d a »op^'.y of War-

ratita for aais at oar cmre.



IsvoaoCoaa hire l*»n ttoroexh.y tried and provtd. si wil' ba.rec ly th* A'lowtna from the proprietor* of two of the snxt

pn kow", nt hotel* it- tbe I'nlted Mare.:We Itve tied tW »oreii-n» «. t *.¦ »rill uiirr bo'b tt the

Ovraid aid La Piene lloo f*. ABTIil R S PATTBNT SELF-SFALINO CANS fi r pattiex np tr »h I'rui's, Tt irtaloc*. Ac.,.a.' t:it\ them In tl. re-) . c. a '^...*biy aaapte.t to the purpx ..

Tcrv «ra laoB] and perfV'ly. tequirinx coly tb* lid 'o bob*o.'ed sxd F itted into an a o w at I ent, and po»~- » mtay» lTi3'»ie* over all saber Cam 'h»r we aaw *eae. Fw bo-elsant rri»s*e frmilie* :b. y a-ford the rea'-ee- i'.-ea* cf .Meura*t c x-ry '' S-mrref f-ik. tec rere'ab;»» for »Vi jt«r aae thatart) ate »cq'.'»iotid with. Bartoa ttaxai tr.d protsdtheoi. we

-a. ..' k tt" j I ttiv ." ii'.ph; BBCKT a Rii.i.ino

!' i fl » Qtrardl sud La I'i»re House«. Ph:l*.leiph x.".Hit - p.:.- -a. aj , 1 t. r Uairt *i llalfOalF3.V; Throe Uaarr* #4 2> Oa oo. jo-^ Full direction*

- l t .r i


Ah nie R HI knham A CoN'i to j I th-*t. P si. '.' a.

a-. by i BAB1 B8 r: RnT:;" 1 «.¦. .-pnuj-.ehj, Maay.J< i M ALI IN, No d Beek-iL New k jr», Waoi-n-e

A. ii ta-Mate of New.York.

fl E 8 E R A £ B H o I A V I 5 0I' t- FBIB riNG Rf/fABU8BMEMT No. D« Broadway,?tiier» r»'-tved by ait ¦ - ^ :i \ id'in* or A4i.-e«t Cards,kad -r-r» de»«arpei >b cf Eo*rtvUit ar.d Pj-.a'icx.V.M. ti WINSlLL. No. 136 tart adway, cor. Dey «l.N.T.

HARRI?ON ' ARTICLES FOR THE TI KI Bare »tx ia aaaaber. Toun Cordial. l'»uta. Soap Oec'al

I lto»e r - t Pos e, Ebony Tooth Peite to 1 Rose T>.th1' ». -v To c sac-e the oeeih. prevent d'-a», and proofiretRa a ath m a healthy rate, is 't* b;eet uJ r*-et of thesedeaartfire*. Americaa il and rr o*t y ci t?anis..n'» iaveatioa.

»¦ --ae <¦ ' I'aV 1.- II» KSK A lOHNiOJt. Be »i 1. a-

rrty *t trU retailed by R. W. SMITH N a U.'and ¥i »th*r.BARBiBOB'fl K»tTR\CT <>F ROSE. Tbo rose Is lorad bysi .< rnrefam- c»4^huail.

Bo* oseand was beard cor a«*>.neft nor a cry,Aitbe MabtLVic Puwt.rt wmt Bj r<

Erf* Bedm »i iCaaRi sxl M.«ie-. a.-.iFylata.rd, *,'.i wen- at entlv avis*

The Bat aod the Moaao 1 P l wore I law.Pnxe- zeda * f evxes ttre«t it

Ex !'*.«. r: Fdlroor* bu rer!>&e4 so.And s^est of chetnis'i c< of-e-ed it.

tkTONE GENUINE without a fac aimilB of E.ib I TON** na-narare on ia;».. I«e*>ot of LiUN'J MjOi-t>-. FOVaLER N).4JiBre»auww

Il/MB*mEBfl m mtj8ta7hes prrrduMd in*' *¦ Baraks by my OBOtTBKT weuh wl! asw nui oor to--are 'we a*In. A' a b»'t.e. Sent to aov part of" tAe eooatr*.L O OKAHAM No. Akrf Bietdwt) H ates. Rsj, ITi Pa tuo-

BrocAljn R. SPkI.H!N> Ne. FT Tremcaxt row Rostea.

isvwo wu«re« ei era oo. »¦->. run sirecnons

tir* or fiai' he. aceompanv te* Cans. Ali crdsn ks>Died by the ra*a w-.i. be Btl rn^tly tt'endrd tci.

ftcturod an« for sale, wi o'eaoie »^d jB'afl by

VlB>MlTTf A Oo ,No. 71 Broad«ra», 8oU Arbota1" Aw Wbaa* Pore M*wt!s»var4u C»-*sa;eMrtUs eHlkCTt-iUerj V-ATHR « w;-T (.XiTTONB ars aeoavaaj* r»r*iex{Uax. «eosiuas. w*urAi -h -y jdjax '.. .». i *». e-a.ooik s tAKwaa.

6din ?, a/.. . -x 1

A M Mrawi« >. urtt ¦-.-..

BV BANGS. BBUTHER A Co -bTrade-SklaRn~- . Net 13 Perk-fewWEDNESDAY EVKMNf» Am«. r T./«'<.»'.

*Tis:>atp i«o hti»Ctli tatet . "* Ota. ~i nwprt* ,g»vtr.e'y < m L'h-v>rv re|.ie* of »*' uNt W irk* to ...»*».> *.*

i i-at taeoy I Parta ' neu« ud an aa» «mb*m\ ¦<

Ml' * rrril'.t heTHltR4DlTEvrsrN0, Aai S.atfo'alaat

BCK'K-KI.I EBTfl srofT.-Be.rjg «a »itaa-»' - -: -n -

raraafc'a Steedxrd B'irli ia tba vanou* branci-a of Litere/ur«A - > .. .5 n < «.-. tv ' L' ¦* a:. .».».. ». M .

c» llieeoa* Liietetare. Aim, aa taairliTunt of C aaril eoJS. h. o. took* ia 4uai.-.f:*e. and op >rt«*4 and daaMatkc Sttp.eard Für i *i .ft, ..- -T. F.t -t art '.-* af.

Tba TKAD > I « K- :hi« fa*'. *M .*» held a* BO .in;TCE4DAY t-ptetnber 4.1 -«

THE SIXTY-SKI ii.M) NEW YoRK fillDE SALE afBOOKS STFRFOTY pp M.\TF4, PAPFRS. ST4TIOV-FBl.Rr. order the direr-ion »?* the, Stawdion l tmtnit ~ .

'he Traf'. a>U "al- pi*re en TT ESDAY Srptrta*-- I. an! f «.

. :g data lb* Cetalngne U t>'W r«*Jv, and emVeee*neatly ij confribetmr . 'lav adlngtha only :avetceoeoirir»ot»Jly M*Mra Harper a Brother* to ibe Trade Sa'ee th < aeaeun

¦ad .t her art- an.l vaoabie inveiree of Book« and P**te*.Mr e .gjeigonieo . of

STATIOBKBT, PAPFRS he..... i, g. . ,.f,f aaaaVaaa

tele tit 'j'.i- i f<l "bo «rbatht te aa *oH antb>ju: reeerre.

TI"E«DAY Sep-emh-r II IS**.Tt>e TRAD! SAI.K af BOOKS and BEERS ITTP1

PLATES nnd*r rfco di-eeroe of rh» New York Rooa Publithert' Aa»rvn:ioo. anil be a-Id on Tl'ErDAY, S-pfemVr Itan« AJ' wing day*. Tbe Cattiorie f>rtbit*ale u *l« n

r»a'y ar.j rompriae« larg» and attractive 10 voice* (la MSeral¦aaaaMrt tor. to be acx.l «rtth.tut reeer*»i from nearly 100 Pcbl.-b n'o Boetcin, New Ytrk, Philadelphia, Ac

Saeii o' tbe Trade a» bate not rartiied ( tttL.: ire rrtey ->bta.a th« in spot apt ft a. .

BAN'OS. B ROTHE It A Co..Ifo. 11 Park r. at, N-«r York.

J»Mr» T. MofLTok, Aarttoneer.

CO SUM' ATI <» N 8 A It Iof


J. T MoI'LToN et.' SFLT.Oa FRIDAY. Aim. 31 At I o'clock, ea Bat ground.


Tie Lota rary m aije, t'<al00 to bati ai ac e. Manr cf themare baxui* tuei? aUa.led with f.-raer tree*, a-1 r .mtL l »

-w of toe OeVai. and liar togrthtr * of the prettl-ateretierj in tbe world. Oood barb nf 6<bin< and .«! iar«o it te e rfat* or ron.pletl in and « ro run direr, j o th<aproper i et d aieamb<«:t ply to and ftum Ftrt Hami too eigbrBaatt da« tbue tenuern.g the property aeeeatibie bj an t *,-

wtw. jMioe dtbe wewherae fortaf the tale wO ttk* piae-e the

ne»t tttrdtr TKHM' EAST.Ibti'etrrer N'ORW Vl.K leti* Amoe-'t. at ») andl.Hi

-[¦¦lit., tutndl.t. and Pie: No. 3, North Hirer, 10 A. Mand 1 P. MFor free tkkrU, n.tpe and rYili nartiraJtrt, apply to

J W BARKER. N I NMeau et, or toJ. T. MOI'LTON. A'.et:one*r

Oioa .i i .in, An. rimieer

EITENSP7E SALE of NEW ami PA8HI0N-aBI.F. FORMT! KF.-rHIS DAT (We.lne*dayi. at

Hi o'clock, t* tt<Te No I 7 Nteaao at., near Beekman. a largeand *pt*n.'|.i aeertment ot R ^ewoo-i. Mahogany Oak an I * "a:nut Eurnttnre. Alao. Out lreme Mirrurt. Oil Paiuti-gt, Silr^ ii - Horuii. AnetloTieer.

nPOBTAKT SAM." of gtiligt.intinl and elStolid Boeewrxd. MthjgiaT. Wt not end Mtple Fl leM-II KK rake j aet wBboat any poetpoaement TtUSMORNINU (afedaetdey.) at \< \ o'efnek. from the large Ore..r. rj laatRaatat TU VVtrrenel., niar ( ..l!ege-pltce: Plan >-Forte,Pier Oiaatet, EngKeb ( arpetlng. Oil Pain-inga. tttk fett, git

gaLt » :ld Roer wood Suitet of ttthtrmabl* make, aunint .oaaiyri twd, t h »ter»d ane eotered tartutu y eoeered I.atr Re-at ptb i.. and other Chair*, ia elegant trtlee «( 6ni*h large all-.pring Inrtlid Chain. m»»*ire and oaetly Roeewcod reTolTtogtrrr.t S.-rei*ry lh<t(.<e. mtgrntllo'nr donble-actnn R. *e-

wupd Piano-Forte, ol aeren octar-<, elegtr.t.i catred, petri in-

:4m i ate fjtdfortjaaUttaatltwaatt o/toaw I* aneorpaaeedbyat* (war-anted), a nornbero! R.«rwood I tnter and ether Ta-bl", ai! with mtrbl- top*. Ttrioo* i:i.daaua taetefully rarrediaito a few rl owe Oil Ptin't' fa, hy diflerent Artbttl Fruit Pieceft r a mantle, by Street, V\>et Point bT I.acroig. I row Neet,bj the *ame. CkaMa of fhtr'e* X hy Renn?, SjirenStintet. by Uardwick, Ancient Piece, author unknown andothin; elegtnt Pier an.l (rril Mirror*, in b tey » id Ikaaaoe,rich and heiry Lac« ( urttln*. elegantly painted Shadet, meg-

at \\ .-. i \. ier ar.d Tnftttj Sta'r am] Floor t at~\.¦ t

ChandeBer*. La.lie»" Inlaid K<..e*ouu K« rjtoire. fine y carved,tide and corner Feegerr*. I* tte.Mirroi Hack and Fron'i. t gtear

verieryofornamenral Article*, Sevre- Parcelain Vaaet, bi».|tie»ndParian Flguree Stamary, alao ia Dmiaa Room, large Fourreen-f-e* Firenrion Ttbie, Walntir, C hina Dinner and Tea Set*.Coath Mlvrr Pla-e, Caka RaHket». S^HMin«. Ctuten, Fjrka, Tet-8»rvice« and Salver, Ivory Cut'.er .. Frenrh-C'i O aai Decaot'n,Llqacr ( tee*. Win< . be * to ui Chamber, carved Anrieot aedM iitrti Roaewood Bedetead*. with Marble top and Ottet Be-rein*. Wuhttand*, Commode*. Armoirde 0:**e WTafarebee,Fine llttr M»rrr*ea»e, ConnUrp*x,e*, Mahogany Baretu, Soft*,BreUtead*. Lim n Ac.

r. Col.TOt. AlirtioLeer.

IABGE CATALOGUE BALE of I.o«pvroo<lJ and rilhrgaaj Ctb ret f LIXITUBE f ill N »I PL tTE

tad OY ai. MIBE 'BS, PARLOR BETTE», C ITTAOS Ef'R-BiTUS >', k...F CoLTON will teil THIS IUI*. (Wadaee-dtj.) Ai i. *. o>! <k, ttrka Aoction R > m* >l k 39 Beak-Baan-ef. »econd *'.«y, the .artett ataortmeot td CABIMSTFl BNIT1 KE ibat bat beer.'rt-t'J ibii t»a*ou. Ititcompieed;n part et >e\ert: fvi 11 auite« af Roaewood Parlor Furniture labrtrt'rllr: Ro*f»r4Hi, M*hi g*nv tnd 111 ek W * tut S»ere-teilet and Bee4ca«c*. Weidfebt*, Tteab t«U Sofa« and Bad-vteatta o«k. Mahr.'ery and '!>*>.( U airnt Irinn-r and Ett -a-

.ito T*br*; Drrt*ing Borau«; Baaoa Jod, Mahoi,tay aniMarble top C> titer. t trd arid Ii f* Tthlei; fu.t Freut h Bad ( ...

rag* Heda'eee«: M»lu>c*r.y Spring aetr l't.-lor Cl tieti vo:lairedo., carved r ck*n; Lounaet tnd UtadkOtl H >ir Mattreaee«,ii-- Brtatda,OilCbkba. » ck*. *¦'< rk tnd liuirtett* Tabloi,t a-Ti.l a:. totttge Itei'.te« !. 1- '. P ?. .». MW» VI rr i't.

Oh Pair. ing«. arc. od band Furniture,*.*. C atalogue« ear', v on

aba day ol atlaa IL H. lluuUa necked and alii|.ped tt abotil« iW-e

El its Coatat, Anrtioeeer.

IABGE BALE «-f FURNITURE, on WEDNEB-iSAT.Aaf -.. it Übt -i » i . Se'ea Room*. No. 96 Nt«etn-

»I a' f' <. r r. . . .; radad Roaewo id, Mali igtnytnd Blark Walnnl Parlor Saite*. Ter«atete*. Both* Chtlrt,VEarliebet Bcr-- at, Marl-le-'op Tablet. Mirrori, BelatettaWtah ttiitla Rrakeit Cr.h*. rai.e-tearCbtin, Mtttreatee. Bedt,Ac. Oood* parked an.l thipped at r atnntbte rtr**, wi'b care.

Et ol m B FtaNKLia, Arc-ioneer.By FttNKttt A VicttiiLs.

ON wednesday, Aosua. 2%si 101 »'eloek,lane AITTION SALE of « WTO* K f SJCd M \MO-

l AlTIRF* CAKINKT H RMlCKK.oftbemoatft. ii .lv

b e **y et.Boaewetod Suite of Perle- mBkaTA Mirror*. 311P>in*ing* S Wer Plate*] VPagO Chint Tet Set*; alao lot C gtrf.t era', ga . row ree/y.

Alec lit r»e, Bnigy end Herne** at lIo'eYek. Coan'ry hnyerirai b>v. their goods picatd ca tlie pietni-e*. Por»N Drrt.d.alto, one M Aterj'* Se» inj UM hin»*; lo goodur'eri irtr-

rtr.'.id.W ¦> v111 og. Auctioneer.B« lloii.iiroa A MtLLoa.

'PO-MOBBOW, Ihuradaj,) M i"i, o'clock,aiI No. 113 N*te*o-et.. elegant ( AaIN'KT FCR.Vt Tf <

ihre» Ri«.ecH).t PI AMI KDIITL: 7 th 4 French pltt - .Ml l-R<ih> OIL PAINTINi. .. be c. i.pti.tog a Urge aurl v»rl«d

.i. > * "hy the attention of the trade tnd l.oaae-kterer* ( at ah ;u-* ou nom eg of «*!e.

DRODIE 'FALL Cl OAKI .OR »RGE BB >-I ' LIE, No. 'i l tea. *r. and No fU L.apentrd et., hau g m

im re e Itrge »»«orim»ut if nove ft ir I el vet. C o'i. tnd Kt rtAttiqtie Cl OA v s tnd MANTILLAS to which be invitee tber«| '-'uc ci whole** e ce»b and ah. rt time bayn.

nl.AiNKI.Ts.All crmlet and <|unltrioa fro.till thlte Mill. Eo: *ve by NESMIi'B A Co. No. 71


nl.ANKl iS .800 r'flrfM ribSon l>.itind familyR'ar-kt t». ftooi crib atre »o 14-1, and of <!.rfi..-er,t .j-i«Uit¦<->,

wi.1 be tali low. M'.SSdirn a. I o.,No 71 dioatwty.

AT IS..Agency of tbe Masnie Fallt BattiosComptay. NESMPTH b Co.. No 71 Brotiway.R

FALL FLOH EBB r..' FBATHER8..J4MEBTl'f RER reepecfully reoiliAa the rrtvie that the bulk of

h a ifeb an't.rnnal atoeA ia now e ai.ab.t BASKKT1 withI Hi .fund FLOWEBB tr.1 BUI "AI. WBEATHS for a at Nt. .C7 Broedwty, near Wbite-*t.

1)1- IM > .SteBtui and Mn Idor-. Deiv at; leu. t>

oeiTtd fi m the woik» dti y, fur -a byNEsMIPB b Co.,No*.Ciltnd:i B'otdwty.

RI c n Ä ^R~ "lY 8 O N '

IRISH I.rNKN."". :»VM.\SKS. AcTfltt atkbUt a p' a«e bear Ir. mini that the genilne goodj

are a.wty>eetl'd with the full nignaM e f 'i e firm vi»;" KH'MAR0SON, SONS A OA-ijIl.'l''J. BL'LLOChJ* k J B L' K KK, Agent*.

No. 3» Pme-«., New-York.

1CTIMOM)'» PRI>7lTf.r tale'by NE.^IltllA Co., Agent*, No. 71 Broadway.

TO IfODEBTl > and the TRADE (»M.vTfiirCASn.-JAMFS TI CKER will h«v- per Ericwon *fe»m.

er from Htvre. three rarf n« of PaRIS H 4 TS. ft >m r^.e letd-e* al .:*hmen: ta Rue de at Plftt|tataaat*A*>jrad ftatfj t-vm

temtw II herh»r.nic><i bv rirpnJar*. Pot lnepecii jn, PLOW-ERB, at No. W7 Broacwey.

fTlCKB, DENIMS nnd CHF( KS -A eood an-X «orrnec ..m reeetred. For *iieb*

NMhtiTH A < o., No*, '...tad 71 R oadway


Clothing.THE BALANCE ofs fan BTOCE of8TJMMEB

I LOTltlNfi meuufactured by t wo >4 the fir*- h laaee iaB-oadway teiilng at Sfry per era' btAetf lb« ongtnal coat at

I » A.N> 0 l LOTiiINU ivASI tiot 9t 6i and 6a F titoo-tt.

CtTpannftsljip X"otiff0.

COPARTNERSHIP.. Tks undertirrned havrthi* day aaarciatod ender the arm of v P. /BBKIBOI

4 Co., k-r the purroee of t;ax**txitg th* «!l 'L- -\LK taa

PIT AIL CLOTHl/tO BL'SlNAVtW. w theo:! lore ion No. 3Broedwty W T. 'EvNlN.ii,

B. P. ROBINviNBew York. Aug.*.x B. B. \ 4LKN rt NR

DI^LUriÖN..Tke ba*> ira of WEST ARAYMOND tgpireethi*d*y »t mutaa.' coaaeot, and tba

u-.tetacaiiJt htntie'a at he«e'iled hy J. (J. VS ott.J. 0 WEfiT

New Y -A A c >, lVVi._CHAS. RAYMOND

K~ÄÖTICE.-The COI'Airm:i<fifllp^x^Uiiaunder the tern* of BARTON A >»! HW.jOl wt* die

ecvedoB <he lü-h ao«t.. bv mataal oottvent, O O. BARTuNwtthdrtw-Dj frcm the t-m OEO. O B 4RTO.M.


N'ELBON d Co . hare ivdmlUiMl^JAMEB SHHL-OON te t p*-*Jtec trj tcw'lr C-m from thi. date -New Tart,


2«Ii 1 *" *-^ .*«r^ Kit_

I <** Ben»*«» and' «-'«»oo.*, »rr^^«ti Ml Ind'aoa St»'c » pee <¦.,, I oeiVStV»0 New-York Suit « pe- r-.n, a.,vv

I _J TBOMPoON. rt« tW»««*O CARTERLY STATEMENT-Of u. ^f,],.Vai " TlH MIT!. XL LIFT. I.SSL RANCX COMPASI^l»F.«N-iOR.- , rar ending »!.. x , kM

* °*Met A_*« bant May I per set Report., at Kin> -

Kr cr,PtI.' KIS(3 THK C-TARrEAFir fwx»a«i ud T »jc ».».".-) til #1


i«**re*t..-..:ant atLea*»« last «

r it, >-.w

r"spen*e*. m-iedirig rent, »ei.-ie. mod*. m, pistese, exchange and tvi-


9r«i* «-id CstJ T»*es. . ..

C ,» ai* by eVtvh and ».l«h'i. n» ro mu-.m.- .. . i. p., .-.%;. > ,!.! .

R».iorr. o uf piemnmj.Annaine*.

I w '»««». ..»(«gm.ABSF.TS.

Ca>h na hand and in Park. apB -.1» uc M srtMgm.-.¦¦»V*i,^a|Fi. Io*wT*t.e» Ai> o«tnl. J»l 44

" '* 0Bi! . Rer*av*h;e. JUTt tttv,.»ued s.r t.i«». t.r»t aIn-errw ar»ra«d and cot la*, .in* and ao* paid. M tat MDur iron Agente.. mtn %y

Total.ti lt*m M

.e In Inresfinent» ot .gage... Blla.Sl it

. I I .BJ|a*i»»Amcnntsr Rl»k. Ist Miv. I'* .*«>»*.*», BJ

* M

Number of To-icie* rannlsj lit M»y. ltf><.I '.tt

Total number running tri Aua., 1AV>.t,iStim which 7.(1!« are sal Life.Of which Htm are for 7 vearaOf w heb >. eie <oi I year.Of which 1 Ö art fwt irregular rw ra-1*

Tu' t.iwIncrease in su.iur-t at R..k. t*60»Jmt tt

Increase in anvoct of T jclcies.149Arerare*--. t ita . icrwavie. J.Tan as

I AMATT, Bees -tr» F s. w| vaToN, PreataW.I have raanaiued the aboT« Report and hod it to he ce.rwt.

C.OILL.AcfyTut -trp.i'.s.

FsioriK'S S. W i\. r js, Jotea Wat >wotTH.MUA taa rn i worn, «« J Bisasa,null) Hoti i iv. S.wt M ftTattWI,1« (llum V. BlkltT, m«i y. iMWtda,HlABf A. SatviHt. J«>M» M >Tf.aT,Boat. II M.l tai l. H«wii\ Biakk,Jona V I. Pawn Ali »kp»,.TB l law Brrta. Li < HM K >si«i»»*,Iliac .-an s ft «e- v Saatt'iL I). Rucoi a,WltXIAM Ml Ml Roowia O MouLioa,JOSU m. Han I CkUaLSI I. STBOMta,11 i>i In niH,Bi> man PiTRUk..'on m Bli ir,MaTavanaa liaTm %.JOV.ITHJ» MtLl CR.AkBiiiaM Btktacra,Joll* P. VlL»rBTO\

( i rHi. M Noaion.Jona P TtVI iow ei l,I r«« Win 11 ».a,Vv ii LI4m II PoraaM,Ll. i.i> EM8ATW,W BkllTa Baowa,(.»...i r I i

rP.FUF.Ririf. B. WINSTON. P taidesaf.("HjRi.r» Gill, Acioary. Isaac Anna: t. sejoretary.

Uti.i'» Hi a H»aa, Ni w \ >Bk. .Vai II, IMA,II'! NO -A Di ideBaj of THREE and .

at/ BALI PE* Cf NT has hi rHIS DAT dsMUaraA aaatkbte to the St xklio'drrsoo S\ II Bl»\V Sept. I.The Transfer Books will be closed from this dote till Sept,!

C. S. V VNDI RIIO IF, CaaAiot,

KMCKERBOCKEB 8 FÄÖ1 COM PAH Y'T^Atko> Bleel -i hold <hiid«ythe followint «eiiJoosoavaia

elected IH-ecto:* f< r the oruuioa rear:BOBBB1 BABBLET, l'HABLXI '(HISSOB, <


New Y. rk, Au*. I, If v.. JNO. F. BARKLMY.

Ol IRK Ol TBE NOBWtC« M v ¦> ) V. i V. w e., I

Nre-Vom. Jaiy «, lt<A, tNA'-l B8M1 M of ONE DOLLAB mmt BBBJlevied rjon each Share of the l apitai Mock of 'ha Nersieh

M.n'tu Company, psjab'e to 'be Treasr.rer at this oih.w at

above, on orbefce Ball'BDAT, the brat day of So,rext. By order of the Diiectocs

P. M i.h k«t"rf. Se're-ieytiolTre


! P] MPTION of (>H1<> BTATE STOCK!.-i be Cooxm'tsi oera of the Sinklos Fund of tbe ata'S of

Obto w Ui pay rHBEE PBB CEB1 PRI.MIl Mooaoyaaeaatloi esceedtox the aiareajie sum *f #nO,'i)0 of ik- l>ttl4a 4Mof 'be Oi ,. S'o,- i x P. Csaw L.-in pav«b'o af a' Iba Ms\December. Ml U arsjtod tW isdsaop mm mtkm tbtdaMoftbis o< tke and nor m 'lie l«t dir oi Koveeaoar, il>V tttfto State of Ohio Tr»n»fer OfSc« No. 64 Beaver St., NswTsisL

U ii. MOBO i N niasr,

Colniwbua. Ohio. A..< 7, 1LÜ.

o \ sMl -Ci'iY OP CLEVELAND Ifrvnt Bopd. (Wa'et l.o«ni,( ITY Of- lOTKOII 7 a> rent Ii r.d« (Water Usoi,CIT1 ui I " INN\TI k t'e-nt ionda,I ITY <ik niCM.O f f*c«ni It «daCITY t»F MIL^ AI EKB 7 4/cm Bonds,CITY OK SAiKAMLNTo I ?» cc Bonds,


i; B~HALE-.I<. KANDI -KT CirTaB.I ibdiana BAILBOaO S1 vV, \ PER ''B ST PltlfMOBTOAI NDS «Ua.-arifeed f f t'e M«l !t »er HJ'essABoOtOof the Blot n of f-e s.\n'!H SKT Cl rv «od It-

DlaNA BAILBOAO EIGHT FBB <KvT DIVIOBBMroars:. eC. b] the M»,l hir.r Ra'taad aoi paid by tao-iAly k>.talln enf» to'Fraeki-. Haven K»o., Trustee.if bate* el MAD B1VEB aad LaKE f RIP. KtllAOAB


i I. e-«. .»("> Nrrtai Hiilbo«o Cow;ra*r,|TIIK rul-nrriber, iu Diir<fiaiice of a frsjolattA*

a i rod by hi Hot I of Dbt 'ctori. ' ihe VJ mmm CassrBFu ro«.l Ccmpany. wi'l wll, ihroiiah ALBPRT H. ttCObiEAuctiooeer. s' tfie Marchan'*', Ir 'be fity of Bw9>Irl, oi HO,'AY. .1.- i:»i .:»t "f 4ii|M.' n.x(. at IB

« Lb*) fcl .wioa parcel* of tba S'jck o' the indOsarpony, aale»* iht «. a* '. now due *ro previaaslj mm\standing io the name cf Stookh ildor» who bar* sacloxMw

Baak« i ; vKel 'hsrwaa. isal

the rc| i. !:.-:( 11 r. ctora. inado piuaitsaiaasiact iticorporatu.^ tl. »».J t mpanr. rit:Twt r.t.. -in hm-'red aui üity (Ä'ai| ahuoibald by Max» I

R. A 1» L. ScKyie-r. m m IOne hex jed and citi fy e^bt (ISt, abtftlhoiJ by N. ktl

Dana.Three (3) ii ores held by Joaeph O' iaer.The «a.e will be for cash and .. nliioates ardt be Usoad to*

purtbasers accordinalv J. N. Fl RKOii,Ti issue! ntxaaor tTaatial 1stroad i ia tm%^

DREXEL, BATHEK * CHI IB B, HafX-F.BB i H IN' i. C« Pil- ». Kxckassy

m DBEXEL k Co., PHIL\I»PLPH1A. pay».»».* at cbe mtr

tlpal ci'hw of the Coned States.Collevrtlons msde st Nan Frond*c .. aai r. läo intenor «? fj

Stare and proceeds promptly remitted C- ii.rtsoo» Bxaf wsexuoareet to P..B A ' .-r 'uro -«h DRF.X/L * Cm.. FM»deiphl* oi P BATH No tol Naeean-a. N » Vork.

ri.i .me on Nai. F.ancisoo bit »ab*, tn "irn. io **A\MOBJ XIX k Co., Phi edeirLis. a;.d P >M HP.R. NiiwTsA

nW. VAYOHAN A CO . Pro.i.lrrire. ft I,

. US, » .» pr pared t- aef**»*» femmercui Pap- r, 'o u. I. .lectwow io a.' vj» of liw«a»

cry. to buy and .'« HB ON 4 OMMNSIOS. aaja»c; »» AOEN -i tor parties nu.' »4 ia the transaction A BBJ »*.

aess. .

Brrrtrs IS.Ml T D Boweo, Presilent fi actstoa**^Ba .k Pr vircr K I.. Mr '.>. C. Laker Pre»-drot IL'»* i uip«ny, I' . :. M. - . - >. v V. a*o .1***

Tork; Mi*»ra Jjhn Faraom V Co., PL.iadeiphia.Ni w Tora, nif«-r*(


kND NAWABB »NO COLI)MBUB \N0 I.AR«!RaILBOAJ) COMFANIEB Thei osBxaBess irm^*"latemee r* a'the AiV'iT HoauM.kar I

tu in ths ab -v« '/'/^tmr\in accord . with report t.,eo m»*» aid ttt'f*t,

ittbe f E T. H OIBS >.«,Wa -» r

where the H ,'nitbol.ieri are reineereo w c«vl an< 4f*.,T^Zit |V ./ .»-,'... it n^auoxi cat. »boB.V».*¦,¦

obteiced. _I1MEKSR8 DUNCAN, BHEBIfAN A *>ItI BtvaMn Ba *« .'- »w V»rk, i.f.'Z. \BIOM ClBCl'LAii Li .'ILBi it niElJiT oc Jts .*>*- |

Cities:Aexardrla. Oariamhe. E»bcat BjoxOIAorwerp, (»!.."* Mnlrid,Ai.en*^ Canton, Malta. ^t"^tmmmtmSmm Dr»*d.-n. Marsetilee,B-rl.n Du«* l.lorf, Milax., S'rs**"

;Moat w, .c3*'

Berne, F.-reice, Munich, 23sktB. no. Frsjikfort, Msswnt. Be*ÖT0.Boreeaux. Ofno*, M'j bonos, St«t«Aa,,

dogna t>c va, Mt-fras, Bblija1*Bremea. OibiaJtar, Malta, ''¦f%TititBrakels Rai r-.r*. Maci la. V **7B.etddj Lr-:a, lime, Madeira. Tirfa.Base.llaire Ms.bowtj.AoJ .T-ioAra,Bombay, H '.***. Napl e, l^L"a-an Hceri Koni. N'ce I*"**1

be>r¦'jt, handy f ey.jr. Oporve. V*.^fatro, lirerpool, Oleccai. Tl**T~M.r«u»i. i_a p.ri. vimm


CobJen'r, Loodoo, Paris(c rr.< Leeboru, Psu.C*. ¦ Ivipcic, Paioric»Oo«i^.bc < «-y..*,.Lyons, Flsa


Branches and Ad*r.a*»et -

C«ton Shaoxbae, CJ"fzTHoc« Kora Bombay.»»^biaf-aporv. _____


Briarr-* and Afo»wrto» at o.aowMaatlar.' aad Newcaatio.\\\mmm*mtBraakenr im: Iprwvb

YL-tona BtawehswtMrabrorne. Oeo»-<.,Castio-eakn-. Moos*


Bavlarmt. |ie.- rw Ajwe'y.lee-vj* * . i