New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-08-02. · 2017. 12. 17. · l-l I by AmourDum; LAD*...

V°> XV.N° 4,457. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1S55. PRICE TWO CENTS. flgW-YORK TRIBUNE. rnr rtivr-vnRK baut rnnrnm Ii fmtlitaatn EVERY MCRNINO oiofcYRNINO, (Stint» »i^.f Ttf .i ¦ T Str.fLET « McRLRATH. m La» Tti»c«t »ciloi««i, co»»r» or *a*«ac .to Ifir Ci¬ tri orrOUTi thi < ITT »all, aal t* Aeitrered U< City Snb^rib-ra »I '24 t-i.u per w»el. Bra- fge «Mw Two Cewte. Mall SuSert he-r* ?* mi » m *«- )>M)L for in meevlh*. *3 Fot tnr»e twonthj, $1 50. rMF «FW »»"« WF.FKI V TKIBtTi, 4 VF.RT LAROR PAPER FOR THE COUNTRY. I* pobiathed »rery aUfBBBitV MoMI»« et too low pr.e» of 4)1 Mr wir»«», in adrenc* Thro* eopic* fei »V. Fite eaple« for T*t top«** for * l2, and a paper als so can eoBtinued ha» », ad the tare" for which it V> pud. Adv»rti*e eeott f>r tMt th'et .* ahari*« FIFTY CENTS PER LINE (or atc« loaaruoa. rtrm nr*ii.wrkhi v tbiiiixk at rahik» ed «vir' T fiurend Ftintr HaaJTUaV Pnee B3 ¦ai aoBiiin. tSraeaalaa it Bt f for oil as. Adrerjoa- aa4»M 14 oaata a Iis« fer »ach inter loa. Tlfat NKW-.IMIK TRIBT-'B toi iVlQFIi II cmrüUTios i,r »S* deran-i-» »t <..rb Mail aTaaaflta» tXu Liter- t»5 per amem p-eter» lieioied. Hirg'* c..p;e* Sj .Km* TT»«, 1W1A-\IHIK TIUHIIfB Fe- Ca Mr Oft".. I ol'POOrt, »ai rtl »UNDWICB ia)uANi>M « ,on uh-d ...» faaaarhifa < f .M.j -teen.« «**.nw*i illi v r ¦ri'».T - « - ~l " «i ta ÖOfiifll JCcIirca. I.rnrml «"«mrnlnec- of llrrnc -rnflr \V Vr-nna: JNrn.- »Mai it thi. ' ort n. -r.e w, ., »,..'« Hriv.d- way Ilm- u HODAl 1 Vi MSI Au. I If. »t f. .>> «. li»o:!>' JAMEl H. WELSH, Chairman. P.C Tai «Frei {"..«».* ¦.» W m H B«< w«.«.»u R..hi «r M»i ov i Aur i i<mi InMiluie. A Btalad Me. ti . w i helo at i .aVjoaaa.No RSI Hr lw*r, THIS (Thursday) 4 VENINO A»». 2, ai o'clock. Member* are ragoeatod to HrNKi MEH.S, Hoeor liti» S>crrt«rr. .... *. at:- ~N«7w.Vork lllbF« *»«,r>i>fT.-A |ta>ard of Ma,u>«. la tri,! b- ha I tl ifca \ Hot »» A.', r ) (r. on T"l II-fiA V ir it I' M J 4 M I H I Itnj.dl \. If of fha s aaVMy'i tat 2 at « rrettry. Omer or the ( omhimichihoi EatMairio»,) Ntw-To»». July 31, 1MV 5 The « nalle t.nriirn w II ta OPI Nr Ii oa Wl 'in'k- Ui lato?Aajtaat,a» tlv EMIGRANT LANDING Dfe POT, for 'b* reception ar.d inai>a>fion of i »mlarant« arriving atihnpor* IH^ kv Mill I 4SRKLT S»rr-»'ary Frawlaraatloai.. HArrao». Prora reliable infuraTjati in re .»Hrr-ii Raa» ihr rw.r'a af S-,K«'l* and Po «, Viraioia tbia Ii- pari» »m ia arfvkaaal 'hat tb» Yrxtow Ki.vlr uow prevail*in b «I t the*. |k>rt». H | 11 r. f *», known t/i a:l men, that by etfiiie ol :) r \ -,-». r rr,» \>"»-l «rul t,y »nt «rlir. th» a vir<- and he ftaaial of fwarn ttaloBnn ti| Hi-alth .f thi* port, I lSAAi 0. BiHi H, Ar-irr Mayor of the i itv.i Srw York, do he*» thi* tni Hroeiaii.aiitiii. deciinii«, aal p«,rta «f Morfolk and Pi rt*ro..iiti itith«" «'.-'.ie u INKKI 1*E0 PLACED, and a ». >ael* arrivii $ from aatd place* to I* *ubj> c'ed toQaaran- t i.e Tbia | r r,*inaii.,ri to b^re full loice and ellect tili the lit 4*\ f *. Oi»eu iimIm iny *»"¦.» I *ad aeal. at the Mayor'* Otfke. in our .alt i hi Ke» 1 or« j IMK <> HA KK FR, A. tin* Mayor. To ih< -r>mHu« World nml Ca*UMlaaeara^-Wiii be exblMted TtflR DAT, till I o/elock 4 M.. atplendid SAIL¬ BOAT, conibinia» *trea»'H ff red and h-autjr. Shei la Vat iiiythi:.» ot lietl<nttl mäm\ l<ntth »Äoat: e»r rTthiu« about h»r i* INOFRSiif.:, S N 2Vi S. The LB! ¦ rff II Hri-ml I Ii t be < Iii. MaDI 1ROM btw KLOI'R. TUADWXLI/fl BAKKRY. No. 50 r*armiue «t. \5 lam r'a rHlent l\ Hab Tub wa-he« . thee witl leane» ffem oi breaking the >>ottoi.a; doe« away with the boil- kg pri ce.r ; aavi a thr»e-f. urtha of the time and labor ; and l'« ch*«pn*t* bring* it within tb» reach of eeery ftmily. t all and ri rninr. i. A HEAll, A*, i t. No. 2»iJ Broadwav. Fnilamnl Intelllaenro Ortti e ami l,ahor BxrhaUage B KeniotraJ from No. 27 Canal to the cornel il <!.:.. .ad Cual-ata, New-York Tb* OIBre it ettabllahed by the Cuwin ia»,i i,ft ,,| r ri Inado». where ran twin (*¦ fo-md largo ¦anterior LABORERS and SERVANTS at eery law - af wage*, ami peipone e*n htv< ili. w ,.,ler« liiicd by writing to It* Suprni,!'nd> ril, and Bf-orlii.'g the aiuouut nereaaary to pay .be paarage of Iba par ie* teiiyired. No feet charged to em- .iojtir*. JAMES P. FAOAN Imbm-Mr-u le»t. The l.rein Iteme.U tor IMnrrheii < holeru |fajf> tine, D»«enlrr», ( holera lafanlum. &u, it Dr. JAB, MiI I.IMIKKn IUAHKHF.A I iiRDIAL, dicrorered and .avd ttt great aueree* in the City ( holera Hi-»p tal and City Priam. I'Lila el|lu«, during the dreadful epidemic of 11132. Sold by A. f I HIM AN A Co.. No. 295 Broadway, and by Drug- gart a throo|boot the United Statet and Canada. ^mnocmcnts. D BO J W a y I li E \ I B B . . MJB. A. M IUI) HL, SoleLeetee, The Martger li the j r -nr» in annniiri. ea SHORT ENOAOBMKHT, To rommei ce on MONDAY, Angtut 6, II5V with that unrhtlrd trthat. i'AliRIKL RAVEL. ai tl l.ia < ,.l .«.. .1 l.i I'PE «'E P iNT'iMIMISlS. Conalalit.a .,f tne MARTINI- Til FAMILY, the ec<Ti.iplithi'd itaa» httePil* ( ELI "TIJIK. FRANK, ber trat awearai., - in New-York for three yearn. The Aii.etii-Bh ltnteuK M «. FRANCE. Moat. COM FT principal Daaeei ami Ballet Matter. Mt II W ELLS, tl . ,,1-t.r.n .i»h. d Pantomiuiitt, with other i n ii.cnt p, iferun IB, and a complete CA mtt hi BALLIT Cautott oi PtareiBiaatTi aTraay E?tlltaV Bei Shi r t epee n SA11 HHAV Auruti I. wb-n aeati may be t«, uied for live* day* in advance. Notwi bttau ling the (real i.ut'ay atteaning the representation* of thi* great Troupe td Altttt»| the price of adiaiation wi remain at otnal. Una tnd I'ar juit. 50c»Dt«. I'pi er lloxe. trcen ». Pr.rati Bole*.#5and4-ti. ETB0P0LIT1 \ r il i: A T R B HACIIF.L, the eminent French 'I'rarr iltenne, mptKirted by a ron paiiv ot I'aii-mu artitt*. will make brr Debut on the bit of September. It I P D BTOI It I. AM FNT TRAOKDIErt HORACES tad POLYEÜCTE hi l . «vi in i I'lODItf. HA I \/E I and A N11K' »MAULE, by R»c ivi MOM h.N 7 II Ai«F.M ES. M ARM' HTI AflT. by LtBRfV ."I ANNE IPARI fy S.uMir. LPCRZCE, hv l,ok>AKO: VIKi.IMF. rv L t Tee a 11 Y*ak». DRAMAJ \lntf\N' L COUVREUi h* BctMII and L.ITt.ANOILO hj VicTott Hi Co; Miti Df BELLE l-l I by Amour Dum; LAD* TARTUFF/1 and LV JOII I AIT I'l I K by llii im: ut Oikaiiiin. i OMEDI1 S-TAKbl r Fl h, Mol.ll.hi l»E PIT AM0C HI X, biMaRirtri; LE CAl'KK E hi M.kih m Mi »- ».i LIM'KdHlh HE 1. lluMMF., "bv Jitct nc Phi- .tatav I LI MAR I HE LA VEUVE, ir , eta. All tie i iceea t. be performed by Rachel have be-n ex- pre.a.t t: ai.alated into Fngliab. aLd'the originai and lraa-la- 'i ii piiu'. i. o| |n»i-e |'»|. . for the ai, omui dtnou ot toe Aii- i.-i t .: Thry will be retuir tor aale in t few dat< ami will le found at the Metropolitan Thea'er B x Ofrire. aud at the Agency of the Itachd 1'iamatic t'tiaiaiiv. M ,S.\Nail-tt. ' M NIB LO" «AHDEN- OPSI < KTOIT, THURSDAY. Aug I, I IIa fe't !a\iti c Oj ei» ot the THE BOHEMIAN OIKL, Hj the r. i. » i e PVRE tat HARHi.NiiN ni'KRA COMPANY. *>! u..Mia* L. Prn*. IhaideB... . ....Mr tV.WtrtBta, Pet .h.-of.Mr, HomraMle lliptv A2 .-en.Mot Rub Cunt Aiihrny... Mr. II, trani Floren .Mrt. Holwan ¦RUMS Iba PTNE and HARRISON COMPANY In Aub* i I Kl>t\ N DIAMONDS SATl'tDAl the PYNI an I II\RR1n vj c "Ml'tNY Mr. Bl'Krövs MÜHT Tl l ÖDAY m2lcir'*.Wcenu. Milk Hoirt.4*5 Orhceeiita Seat*.#1 B i 'ft-re el-en dailr from I a M to i P.M. foi tocoiuig V ehrrr« Seata and Prratr ll.taei only. IHvr* open at 7; to commence at 7|. NATIONAL THEATEBe.A. H. PTJRDT, Ma* age. ar ,1 Proprteior. .Urea* Circle, 25 cent*; Pit, 124 cent* Ore. tat a ( hair*, H oenla Boon open ai t e^taiiahi r.-1 j, aatr.t r. .t "i r'll> I'VENlNll 1'UM CKINOLt Ten. dingle, Mr. J.1 I tl Ih Btt Miatllaiha- bit Daace: F.»t»tic<-if Old Vlrgialt.Mr. Mert Sexton, fo b. i. wed by MA/! IMF OR THE Nil Ol I' i)l\ L.Che- Tai,er O.W. Smitti. Emilie. M Schmidt Modlet i MM* Loaite Ta«lw»i.i. To conclude w.ththc Fare* of A POST 01 HONOR. B N I V ÄMERK AN MTSKl'M t Week ii WHITE'S OR10.NAL SEREN AUERS. AFTERNOON and EVEN1NO.-TUI RSDAY. V... ¦. *' 'iret M .». fc. after w S 'tie. I oir.e of VlRoiNl.V CUPIDS. Aftern,, a at 3. S.mat a le c ac ad* w tb the original l>ro lery cai:e«l l..-OMER PRO» NADE Tne BEARDED INFANT m t »t tie SWISS BEARDED l ADV the OWARf LIVING Ol H ANO- J ITA NO. A. a- I all to a; the tarn- ijme. A.lTiiitaJlC« Äe-at». CbilJran «. B r \ R > TV .be -?!»,» I. .I ;>r-mium* te and'f >r pir-n It ,mr** "* ** " t* to be aau a. taa I1KOOKLTN A Til KXiri'M-TWO NK.liTs M.ß OM.1 VA EDNE>DAY and Til t'RSDAY. An aal 1 v ' »'"'ki'.-»i. A H RI - 7 \ S M \ > 1 Vl.<- , 1' " ' ., ".'.:.«.'.. Ma.rt Ma »\ L .; '* .*,?,,' * H'" s"- !'.' »:»?». JT, -,!7. . ,. ,. f:; UTw . ' ,Knt »»v'c«*»ive n in, .J! ' ' v.,/, f »* »bore. Ki parti, utter rV'^r- 1.1-oKI OAl.l.tKY No n; ..,1 air Op«B from A. H. till N o'clock P M dal. n ¦krta-irr 2S -ei Otn haadrat tod t »y t .alN»'M.S ever ..«'t, now a.i. rt. tl e t »* lea. e.T Ii * .upt-'4or to aaw i Uretern oa lh* v ' BtwA. Te aapracittavt B BW*att hat to he ae-en T"J MAMMOTH TREE of CAllPÖltNIÄ^. Fme.l. whoee tue t.a* aerer been are* ."'*"**d a th rt time »r tbe CRYSTAL ' l-.,^'1.' Jepeitnr. for the CrttU. Pa.aee tl PA» ti 1 er btar'r ' L v rt % h i..; on r r I ret B . r. I«.! - ACADEMY OK DES I ON. No. taj BROtO VAV ».»wpartoxLt eommeBcini TlILililiav a - «. 12 A. M and frfcm J to 5 P V rhllui'ay. Au, ., GE» O CITRTSTT «V WOOB" MJ^<TK\J.^- alo. 475 Broadwey.-OPEN F.VFRY EVEN'SO. Ticket* 25 centi. All hwn«t»rH->.' by R. WtXtO. Xcltj Publications. STIRRING ADVENTCKE with HUMoROUjj im IOEKT. NEW HOPF.; Or T H ¦ iii! 0 1 i A TALK OF THE HtAI KASAWHA. From Tbe New-York, Bxpreee. 't U fuP rf active trau even 'brilling nt'reet I:< pt;et tr« ii «.-. writ, b, 00 i tre l*ne:y eoajpc-d of dramatic and char i/'i-nx Jia.orne Ir u )e*eri;tion*' f*. en> rv and tie- .r»i i' aoatrtur. It w.d be atatBl new Ing'y fre-b ant faecinetiBg.'' troui T'.* .i.e-Mn A Ca*. . a » ar.u ir.tereetlr g »ort iif Ac'ion. endwi'.i I leaae »II wh> fa»cy »ivtd tn natura. pi.:*u'ee '<f border life. Il v: he fend to b. to tn.uirji a< w-ii a* eiri.ijg romance.' Fi n TC- Rom- ( -a'-a. '. Tbe plot ia iBgenlona ai d »h- OtAfJf -tfal'T wroofHt. It con- 'r.r.a a. li.e ve-y iba."i a I Cure* .,. fur- ,.r ru;». ,:> ft Iber wltb one er (wo tenet of coraiuerable tragic ,ower." From Tie LeOirt' Oaten*. Here ). a fre«b, vigorou* American book, worth baif a done of tour novel* 'tat bare a million.' We beta teen nothing ae ike t or per, Tbe Laet r>f tbe Mohicami aod yet there ii V individuality aod originality here, which prove* tt far above imitation tod if a true picture of Wettern life without :'a eiae gerat itti." Juat publlthcd in one elegant 12mo. vol. Cloth 4>1, Paj*i 75ctnta. ULM E . BROTHER. Publisher*. No. IX Naaeao at,, New York. \\ \Ti»N BkOTHEKS have jiut pubHebfl a < ONI OUT C OHN BBS. THE EXi'f.KIEM ES OF A CONBUVATIVa. FAMILY IN FANATICAL TIM KS. by BBatal LT. AS6 pp.. 12mo. Illnttrated. Pre? 01 ?\ " A book of a thoii»au<l.ti I- .a rbe; « <: a rm treri aa an American work.'' j Button Pott. " Tbe great P urban of the Maine Law men. * * Ir ia to aecomplfh for Temperance what I'ncle Tom did for tbe Abo. litionitta." [N. Y. Expre** " One of tbe r/.oat remarkable writer* of tbe dar. In portrav- ing rharai tert Tbackerny it ecare»:y rnperior to l..m The ttory la moat admirably told.po»e-tiio* the moat decided mtrkiof ongiuali'y. and ruat along wl b untjtgcn.g life ai.d tpirit troai beginning to end." |St. Loui* Eve. Newt. " We tiredk t for the volume a run n >t at ail behind t'ie Lamp¬ lighter, j ¦*t, Loui* Renabileto. " fall of genuine humor an.* aatire. aud when you fti ti. i.t'l it we '11 fake onr .it Winter1! boot* y ou won't ttop (Ul you ha\e fii.ialicd it* pt-ruie ." (Peeataill Et/'e. '. Read It !** [iTWabatab Journal. " It hit* off In a mott Inimitable manner many of the faaiiion- able foLiet aud alttirditiea of city and (ouo'ry life." INew-Vork Car n i " It will hu tue a million and enrage all ( one t ut," (Chicago Joarnal. " The work la one of decided ability, ar.d betideaitt eti*ro«inrjg dramaiK interrtt. in. ulcattt agreal Icaou to lioprecive.y and depirtt tbe forrowt ol .he tull-i i ;.g *u lf>aobill|fj that it,- rt »,;. Ott beat f.eling« are appealed to ¦ (N. V. Etaiig-lir. .. We like tt 4 bo k." [Phil, «vin lav Meie try. " W beiber ao intended or not 'Cone Cut Corner*' it oae of the bett ttorira e»tr written." Bri.ig.port Standard. A very witty, very.tingular and ve y w-11 wrileo noveL" [Pbilad Bulletin. " Brr.auly't deter ptive |«uera are of |a* Ligli-'it order. «nd bit wit, bmnor and ta'ire arc a roni'ant and unfailing -.tirce f " tktt.t .t. .. ... f ti.. hI. . |. .i. o.Hi...h ..,' it all itt phaiet and ci ndi'iuni geta ao many and tuch terrible thruat* that ne tbould not wonder il all it* corner* wou.d be (' rut li. fr n ll I expiration of tit month'. Altogether, we I we beve neter nad a book of the kind <o well w-ltien, and in .at h utt prupcitioL throughout. It u.utt me-'t an anprecedt nt. edruri." [Dayton Utiettt-. IB* dracription* of place ar.d person are equal to anvt'ilr.g from -he f en of Ihrkena." (Wateni le <la " \\ >. aejS fani.y Fern to write a more larrtetie or Interet'in* book; anil hi originality exctidi1 Doeerckt.' " |A hemOar. "It itagrtat bot.k.'' [lf*lalaV)fi ffwfaMlil. "1 hi* book haatJge to it." (BotVin Watchman and ReSeetcr, " Tbe tgMttor if a wag of tat] t.atic mold " [ tftbai'a Home Uttette. Bf i FNTI.Y PUSLI9H1 Di RCTII HALL: A DOMttTIC T*Lr or rue FattKXT Day. By Fanny Fern. ItW Cloth. Price #1 25. Bt iucief»ful batbaea tbi* gr»atett woik of tbi« dlt'incmahed antboirtt: to wi.iely hat it exteu.l.d her pipolaritv ana fa-ne tbat the ha* received for a tale for one of the New-York W. a li«'t the higho' I'nre rvrr j.a..l for ti b a'1 .*. !!.-¦« lei-«»... th< received three ilollart i>er column f<" b( r wrttbagi n * tha receivei one hnndted do'lart per rolnmr. Very mnch f the 11 aolaritl which enabled her to command thia v>aa obttii ed froio K"tli Hall " II i- LIFE Of 11«. k a > I OUBV v Edit** of Ta* Maw- Yoia Tribuue ay Janata Fetter*. ntaaOl tt\ One of the moel miunte and interesting, a* we 1 a* tucc.'*«'n. of Aiiitru tn biographlea. which baa been pronouncefiom the lettotit it Inen'catea, " well worthy a place by tbo -id; of (ha 1.1' i l Franklin. IN PUSSl 0l11 oa Tut Olo W i-T Room. Tho Weary at work and tbe Wear* a' Keel. A ta I oi itotneat.c Ufa, hy l M. N THI WAOER Vt BATTLE. A ta a of Saxon Slavery. Hj Htrry v liaai Herbert Bata. 1 HE KAÜ Pit KXA) or BoiD ami Fan. Aa An.trican rot el. . I QPIRI1 Di 1.ISM.-Pr,,.ti. i1t SlAbarjigrfkt W eik on tbu tubj'tt, eti'itlel MODERN MYSTKRIEfl EXPLAINED AND EXPOSED, Will be pabliabed by u* on .Mondtv. Aurntt 1 JOHN I'. v. I' A Co., No. 117 TFaatiliigtiin tt.. Boron. KA 8 T i: I N W At!.- .'utt publutlicd, Picket Fd.tiou, for Bookstore* acl Agent*. LATSBT M*.PS \\D VIEWS ok PLACES that are cauting to much excitement tbn ogh nt the woitd. from the mott au'hrotlc touiret. SEVASTOPOL, CRIMLA. HLAtK, UAL.o AND A20EF IEA8, Sbowing the iietei.t poaitlon of the Allied Force*, DISTANCES POI'I L ATI ON tc. Sire of Map 28 by 32 in".hee Pric I1, eta., iu theet or lexke: formA. H JOt EiYN. No 00 Eu to;, tt.. N. Y. AOENTS WANTED. N. B..Ne«ipap*ra copying tbe above and temtng the tame to tbe office, will receive three copiee. 1 > O O K S~f or the S V MM E R .. IF AHL Yt'l OOIMQ TO THE COL NTH i oa DO YOl' REMAIN IN TOW N The foil.wing new and pop-ilar Bock* are well aJap'ed either city ¦ e< untry i<a.liog: II»r-v W ar lie-rler'« >tar Papera. I^ae.#1 25 . Han.u . Coui.'ry Maiilna and Summer Ramli.'et.. 1 la) J. llauimond't Laket aud F..rrtt Stream*.. 1(>0 4. My CaaikaaVaai the Stoi j ef a W. « Lift-. 75 A Mr. Boe t L. lit I 'ok Abea.l. . 1 ii Ml** Cheeebr..'* 8u*aa, or Fiaiierman . Daughter. 1 25 7. Bell Smith Abroad u.uttraled. j a f The O d It n, er . Euti rtalnri.ei ¦. I ia) & llermit'a Dell, from tbe Diary of a Peuci.ler. I 00 10. Mr Wik. A . Mt Couitibip and if I outeqntBcei. 1 JS IL TheNewitjj Bv Mit Oaket Smith. I 25 12- Jack D. wi.ii «'¦ Wat Down I ait. 1 W j c. DERBY. P-b.uhe*-. No. ill Room »t.. I r tale bj a Bo. kae.le't and N. wt Agenta CopieaacBt by ma.l, poetpald, ou receip' of price. ßODENHAMER ON THE PILES, Ac. W ill be Publiahed . n S A IT'RDA V, Au*u«l 4, PRACTICAL UBaXJlYATiONH oa *. me of tbe DlteiM. of .m Ann», tnrt t ontlauout T'attir -*; glvItt tieir Na¬ ture Beat, Caaana, SMnttomi, Cootequencet. an I Prevention, etpeeially adilrewed to non-medical reutet*. Bv W B. den¬ im r M. D Stcoc.l e liti. n pla'et. Ac. 8vj. Ot Father* of tan. hei wtold do well to provi ie tbetuaeleee witb n.'l . x.'tk " [So-j'hem Literary A Iver'iter 1 kia 11 a mt«t ta.utb.e woik f. r tbe non ruedie*] rea.!-- [Pitiaburgh l hn.tian Advo. aie, " of per*otii In .?.*> W eit rejoice in tbe curve of theie hon.lile dw an i »tä.ced by tie teteoe* and tki'l of Dr. Bodcnbaaier." |New-Orlteua Delta. MaoVally tbe m tt critically accurate of any pubii- ca'ioa at in ma or abr.<ad." [ Hall'a .lournal of Health, u .»ATI RDAY. AmiM 11. OUATTA,aad tjtereaaaa Bv Howard H. t a' Iwel J S. HEDFlEl p No. i4 Bee»man-«» Of rVatttttti luteieal to v V.\ll!,l axed MAN. BEFORE o>ad AFTER *>u ile 1'El.l '.ft!..Tbl* remarkable rreatiae u attrac ng the attention of Head, rt and ThinVera in every part of tbe coue'ry. and the pob.itbcrt are reccivmg .rder» hy every mai'. It a*aume* at t batit the literal vr-ity of the Scrip urea, and baa »pecial refer, nie to the Crvati u uf ll,ri, and tho Deluge, a* narrated la O'teai*. The A*ve.-t jt S»tur.-. an4 'be Normal condition an.l .haracter of Man in tbe Antediluvian Era. i. reviewed. Tbe writer cocelder* tbe Meuat em;.:.)** a Illuitrated w'th «n et.graveJ Ditgraan. abowing tmt former and preient poei Ion« of :be Eanh. 50 pp. 12m... ,-:.^e . . for wbieb tum il will be t«nt bv mail, prepaid. B, ckacilera and agent* »upj>l.o^ on 11 wral tetmt. BAKER tSt'DWlN k Co t M Tnkane Bail .Luge l'Hlf NATIONAL rOLICE ÜA/.ETTITof t!i.< JL PRESENT WEEK contain* the Dltiaioa or rat Jt ect ia th* I'Ttc* Coterie*..v Catf. Oai *t Exttri- MaBl in conetoueice of th' FvatictTta« or thi Both L«t- Alto, aa ab'e article oa Ami-man tytnpat-iy «üb Rae- ta; OBattOtai Cat-le ( ardee a* an Emigreal Dtpot; atd a wvet. tkarirt ..0 Otbciai Corruption. It* ( mapond- -i ar.d I runiaal wa ait etcewaingly volominoa*. and tbe li^b navel .-.mtinuet u> inereaae u in'ervat a* .1 rroceola _ROSS. JONfca TOCSEY, Agent«, No. IW Naaaan tt, WAL] w11itman» PÖrlM.n^l^VÖ 1 T uF GRASS l vol. anaail quarto FOWLERS tt WELJJ, No. Broadway N. Y. Woman - WRONGS rnucs WOMAVd f" RK.HT*.- T>.:. . "ie boot f BaaeeaeoT. Um I T - end I te » Tom et ... r «: .< 'W'ijot, Mary Ly.** 3 cmpletee the D .«.''. at 1-:li-t. an ' w be t/tjadW hy .* admiring pciferi y." [raited State* TournaL M A H Y L Y N D i > N ; OR. Rr.'. ELATl'fNS Of A LIFE. aiTolinct.rHY. la one Duodecimo Volume neatly b mad la e'.ota. Pr M Rt. Mac« tie Co-.feuioa* of Rou**e»u. there bv aal been rich a be.' I M 'be Rtve.e:.ot.e ; f » L fe'.the genuine ax. I pewcitul at'. t.irirepby o* " Mary I endm".«od r.ev.r, tppveutly. bt* tb»r» ! e»t wiiren . bo k 10/re utterly as i'ari.logiy tiatafoL hhe t.n ipared nc-ody.Lot evm heia«.!. Her lüfaoüUe af i- neu. ler J uth*a «cret ">-.», her "¦¦ lion« eip*nenc».-V a* t HataaeJaa an 'h- d . Quaker.ber lovea aad bar ¦>.> riaget 000 t .. »od every page in.ptera a -he react m to thi the» n:e !-u b.ulneee of the record. It bae cfen b«en laid fbf i;'aty o en or woman of jeti-ie, aa 1 vari-i* experience of :ile. win.jYern-e ar. tbecla'» y rot.-'' au',biography. .1 u.d be the mi at wonderful boot in the world. M Mary Lyndoa" 1* that book. Jt lean the lump of Terlty and boo-*«y In ever* lino. No w-ndrr BtC Editor* are a: . loee wbat t) tay of it.i* if to f r removed tront all the eitxeaanap ii ee of 0 tion. It a compared to " Jane F.yie." but that waa parly romaaee. It la rrjual to ar j ot vel In ict^reat, but nrpaaaea 'be j> t'J ia tbs in. Ojaoaaaojao efe aotoaj actualit». It . a record tf real no. and ta<ei a deeprr bold than a po tibi» work ot imagined n. How ever the queeti o WHO If MARY LYNDON*' may be ttrwere.', tle.e .. no doubt that her Revela'ioae will mat-a eernat on wherever our language ia rata. There are na two ojirioni about'he 1 vrary men .. the vigor, inter-tt pow¬ er and b*autt i .h:'extraordinary and wocdeiful Revelaim. But the crltica tiffer alour r* OaOtaJ a Wooaan'a Wrong* «. W' men't R g; tt book. The P.-ovid-cce Toat 'hink* ' at other and a better subject than the latter. The fol.owiLg ex-ract« are mtde at random from inie of the leading JolRNALS AT THE EAST: " There no doubt tbat thitia a v-ry >x'ranrdioiry work, but it ii at the aame time of a very paiufu character. The .try one of great int«rear.the aub -ct tfaWara Wm, nga W . Oaaaa t <iou' t ttiat everything ia OanCtly. »'eruly »rae. bat r » t the ir ore painful on t .a' acc un*. and r-minda uc of t jabbe'a literal deacnption of rural lire, aa contracted w.tb the i... ie poetic Swtet Aubum' of Ooldaniith. [ Fvg. Traveller. " Tbia toiume la from the r»n >f a |ein*.> an I nVpie:a w;th rr'tt fwer 'be e'ory of the fife and .ove of a woman of «tnog na ive fee inga and hart idua ity of character. The inci lenra are nariai-u with diamatic eOect. and it ia .p.t evi lent t.iat -he me baa >n iLten». pu poa* " [BVun 1 ve. Traoarnf. Tbia ia a euriuua work and ca. uc mated to make a eetuef oa. It t wrJOkoa in 01p'ain. dir-ct. bome.'y «tele, aa if ir w-re the ottlioe it a true biatory. U e do not approve ol all it« onna- |1< i or viewi c. ncernir.g bun a" nature, nut aaaot five BfJ tor gte«t ibteinl at J a a'rong and itraigbtf. i ward wa. of aay- ii a thmga." jib* Hartford ( ou'tnt. " Tbc frurfil tbem» ff weman'- wronga ie rhe ait.ject winch ia weil handed in fair w rk. They are portrayed wi'b a vlvii- 0000 wbith can hardly fail to make toe reader »ympath'iv with the wri er 1b»re ia that faecina'i >n »I>out tbe atory thtt oat aatara ta ata taa earl af lt." [Hatarteaatri »nd Frmtiio Etp. ¦' A woman't autohiograpbv. to tpirited and if-1 ke 00 00 Im ;¦:».» the reailer wi'h a convtc!ion of itt trmhfu net*. Itt reve- la'iona are of a woman'a wrong, quire an *fcer and better viVe. t we believe it it generally rnmidered. thin vthat are eared weman't rightt.' The au'hi r r a- t llOOn la 1% 1-j -nden'e.'' {Provi !-tice Poev Ai.d 'be I'r<-«< f'rrm evry . -.: t. ¦ c 10 freighted wi'b OajeOjlOO on tbu ck'.rmirg Level, m re than fu the high (xpectatient of the early reviewerr. STR.'Nf.ER a. roWmjUD, P.'. i-hera No 2i2 itr. aiway. And for aale by all Fookaellert Trtveling Agentt, Car Agen'a Newtpater Agentt md Carrien every wh»re. New Work Jutt Pnb'itbe^. rr ii E i: a B L v r H o I c |. . 1 I BOOK FOR DArGHTFJt*. Hi the Rt v. W. KT«., de I). D. of Edinh on. I'tanti.u y bound in cloth, p am edge*. ISa ; got eng-a. Ote, Alto, bv tbe tame Author, . BDTIMX AMD HABA E8T,6Sc A LAMP TO THE PATH 63c. (ILAD TlDIKOfi 7>. Forta.e t\ a.l Book-»- .e:§. A ropy of the above f rwareVi on it' price. Hid- :.. LtoH m RONS retiH'here. No. 131 Neaeaj >t.. New York. r|MlK AUT II OR ofri miQHi^fZiribO M. Pl'IMlS- Ktaly Augutt lot my i;<»m»A(.i; am» mv FREauTOlL BY b REDEKI» K DOTOfeRRI One vol. ttjaa,, 464 pp. lllu-trateiL Price. «I t% Jutt Publiehed: ARCRT MOORE, THE WHITE BLATR. ¦j RIt BARR üll.l'R' TH. 4aopp. a>i m MUtLER. ORTOS A MDLUOAM, Pnbliabera, No. ii Park-low. New-Yoik, and No. 101 Geneeee-et., QCHVBERTH a ( 'o^'SIC l)iT«Tr7 No ej MP l.toaiiwav. V Y..Paoiiah.r.f 040 foun. eJ R) yeara wo at Hunlurg ktbi La We requeer tlie pna'ir to in»pect or.t MocO of "r.e Mil,ion Worn the .argeet tt : be L R Our own ü (Ini public »ti ank rat bl Europe, wi ct ut M te.l goc.l Mine at >«w .atit. Oar P'AS'OS, grur.d. upright, aejuare. eombtning r'.rhnetaof ae aad . rva>>ce wirb cLeapnete t ¦ at aal r ..' ion. ötationcnj anb fanrn vp'oobo KI C B A I, M 0 S L E y a < o.. ..MPi'RTER.« OK STATIONERY FANCY t.OOIK Ac, Nc. .'19 Jobjhot., Ncw-Yoaa, lav pet'era to an Ii aaecrloa of tuen extent v*. weil aelected ir ' *. t». :tc . Kai.. \ o '».»'. aOtl IRdOOtROi /inc ^ua. ,TJ 0 U P I L tV Co., VI Nr. V. BROADWAY NEW-YORK. Ca.i tko art -1tu l af tko OaMiC at at tbe tra,le and Semi- tarn, to tbeir v.-led a*»ortu.ent ofPRINTSant ARTISTS' MAT! RIALS, t -o. Prt.tiaxd MateralaforOxiciaJPaikr- ma at... I'l neat niku. a3ani9. ATOTJlfG WO m a N widhM a situation no Nl KM. tad SEAMSTRESS, or CHAMBERMAID and bEAMSTRESS, Can aave oatiataetory reOitaooe, Ca.1 at No. IS4 Woeldagti .-'. Bi ik.%n. SITUATION WANTED.Bj BTw«af Lbo>who lat ka400*eaoaJ jeara expanenco laToaoMkoj Oao verted It. Eng.itb. Kttnib. Oetm.n. Drawing anl Pain'tng. Be t itiete meet if detueJ. AJdrotaJaNE UALTuN I xt. N. Y. rANTED.^A bor.if fur a reefM-ctaMe fRRRf Oern at uiri. :. a i atevi fam..y Will inttruct chil¬ dren n German >.nd Eng.ith. ataiet in any igbt work or boineea. ilo Fine Sewing and mtke ur te.f uaefu. Waget no ob «et. Oood raforcDce. Inquire at No. »'12 Broadway -,h aj Coot. ro< m £1. WANTl D.A oitoAtioo aa CHAMB1 i^FÄTÖ v » ate. -_e WABHEH at.i IRONER; t to mate hereeif |tn<rally utefui in a fami'v Can be teaa at tier .it" OaaOO, f> r two of tl ice day*, at No. 1W Monroe it. H'.WI Bj a reopecuble Proteotaat Wo- vV mtn. a aitnation at flrv'-rtte COOK haa no ob ectioo to ri<y r country, baa no objection to a private hotrding-hrate. In od c reOVr ce reqone.l. Cut be aetn ler two dart at No. bj 4tb av.. between tnb and 10tb-«u. WANTED. A mtu.ition by a rret*'cral.U- I' v » u mai. a.R aa*. ta aaaavt ta taa WAS HI NO aud IRONIN'u ot a amail ftn.i y. Good r. fetenc" can be g.ven. Caa be feto for two daya. ar Mi>. H Sanda tt Brook yn. \VANTED-^\ - . '...~a roepn-table- J9 | v v W.iu.n aai il AM BE KM AID aad to eaaat :u .he tVetej ing ard Ironing; lecotupetent ol doing Licet' tue Waabitg and Iraaxaij it aaooeeBeat piaia .-ewer Hat the ra w »atlttac- U>ry etty refeieoce aa to a.. ;i;c (an v e>i !. r'two dew ai No 3b.' 2d-«., corner of -3d ir_. Room So. J. \\'AM I 1 a r, .|.f -i .- w V. a t-taa'ha at WET XUR5R hi a cure tam.y. Ca.i at >... > I Blatt-ff., tront b«teixet*. Can b* tee- fur tnreeuayt AN 'AN If!'-A aituiti.'D BJ a I'rotvitant Qili Bo C H AMPERW ORK o.-'u AITIVO ti TAKT. HILPHFN anl do PLAIN SEWISO. Can give te.-er.e Hart. ctloaOO ".. uatry. Caa be da-1 at Na 103 Pnnce-tt.. room No. IL N\ AM 1 11.A #i:uatii»n hv a rompetont vouoc u .naatOOKani LAl'Nt>KESS .a a a. tt'et 81 rt I: ner an t -omper. nt Baker; itd-ri'aad« Pattry. xv give eact raOcity Vretiee. Wagee f»7 a month. Sae . ft ye i pet eel » t\'io toBrtx* yt. Alt a neat .. *' aa II HO <! 'A A1 TER acj PAP.L'JkMAl.- W age*. 04. Can ot No. »7 Eaet JBd-.t \\ AÄTED.Bj a rmm! raopBftRble routvo vv Wioaeao artattioa aa C»i ..MUF H\(*v;i, . -t orSEAMSTIFSS oaa NlltSE. Haa tbe bett .f refr.-ence '.: m : a.' r a- e * '. ."..« ve.l hr e r< .i;! i , Btonth*. Apply at lMOOth-er.. b-*weeo lit and Jd-ava. WANTED- «IM taMkll Er ..-tnot Toiitu fit t a- t>"'K or LAI NDRJ , rpectab'e *h-t Ui , la. j ty t-t'ertccei at to -apabiity and |t-od rraieaxt Ap-aiy at No. 4 'et-*t. ant floor near B iwery. "\\'.\v !. idii Girl a v f . t ' DE>0XRAL HOUSEWORK aad to COOK, tVASUatd irt'N or a pnvatt family; baa gojj :e- fcrtneta Afp 5 at N 11 Delia-ev-at. W'AXir D-A aimation by a mp*c-tabl«? TV Woman, n a Mtvatt a good PLAIN COOK vTASHXJ and I USER. Hat to cbjecuon > to a th-.r ia- tance ta the .lenity. Be*'of city refereaca. Ca'i at S. Myit.t av., B; joa'ya, in i.ate. Can be teen roe two aay*. WAsUEM. ami JK««NING \<>r LADIE- Of M EN reatly aeae by Nn RAVABAB f i ." the roar.) aara-aaa fQeeMaar oaa Aai Bett of city reference. 4 N bnne*t, imluttrioit Oermiin family, well ac- 4t\. cutiated with Aaaniraa Farmiag- la deelroei to fatal t HAT Ot -r'o HIKE a FARM «tutet- coeadiiaoaa pr jpii out fat a >aaaM b»gxncr. Adt_-ea» > ARMING. C. D.. Wbtine Office. ATOIJafQ MAN who ha* <..>.:<.I "vie ex- I r«i<a:t«si t/au.* . .k Mi/ .-. . -e. r-'li t ATI< iN in th» nr» r c .t-t. h. m a to>d Penman an.l ».>.&.'..¦¦ at .: .-tar «.>.» % -.->¦:.¦ t-t mat capacity. A !\V. H M tiox No. S.ÄI. Pot A"" 3IIU.FR wTnTEI>.To take ehvire of a OilIT tti PTo'PINi.! MILL. i.ed lettre State of Mkaiaaa He mitt .hon aghly uad*r»t lad hi* buainati ao<l dB» well r»con ny | ¦>. a wtf-t and te»r.nan*nt empOy- a»at t »«-t A ;r»*». w.i reference*, MILLER A Co.. at N Ii L- gbl .. New-Y. rk. rBLTLD WASTED to NURSE^By a beaithy Ab e:iru> Woman L»t:i 1 rare raLk thaa f> n-c**»ary for her owa child. Reference of the hitbe**. r»tp.r abi .tar cai hi f.raa. tail or'tt Mr.. CART! R. Ka> 3 SatTUk-et. CrUM^ERilÄIDrTvAlTEK. mM~~LÄVS- I'F.i . a ir.f<i . tn 1 Woman in each trfua'ion. They n.-tfi.ti .. . «,.-. <r «t H irr-.'. CHRISTIAN HOME for FEMALE HJRVA5TS, on -t-b-at. between lib and I.exintt a-in-1 toaaayaaaa, B ueeterper*. t!*o Serrtntt tr every capacity, »applied from .ti.ii loa utivL. COLOKEI) SERVANT GIRL WAlkTTED.Tt) rlo i.KNF.ItAL iini >E«N ORK for Barnaul fastii*. Maat br : f tt'.'tfuctort r»f»r- n . Inq-.ire ai No. 104 Waat Ctth-et. CLoAK-MAKEK wanted.A fled to TAXE CHARGE of the Manufacture of 0 oakt aa*l Matt .. "-«e coat be ab> to pr .lace deci !-»d« of h r ta>U and ability tr minufsc are f*»nioneble garuiect«. To a rerern po»«e-»jr(t the rr.rihv.te qualificationf, an 1 who It di*- Bxaed to dev. ta be'«».f toteM .-n-ei a rare and d-atrab n -.p- p "-i.:-t fj-re A 're.. T. S W Ei x No. 1 M P it OH.-', w tu r au.e an.. re-idev.ce. I?ARM LABORERS, F f M A L pTIk) M EST ICS, I tu u v nmmj*4 at th» AMtlli »N EMPleOT- MENT SOt ll TV. No. .1 Oreenwnitb-et ; Femaiee at No. 13 B.i e tkaic. and No. 3 Send» at, tirooklau rIAKDENEfi WANTEIL-one thoroushlv at- * qualn'td »i'b a Kioarer. Fruit and Vegetable Garden, 1* a antat to take the oat ire charge af a 'teo'lemea'* Reatleace la UV 1 u*.:r- I Btiih tcfertncci Box No. 3t>, Loarer P. it-otBce' Raw-York. / j ot I) MILLDTEB8 WANTED.~W«rk gtrtki out. Apply imm-di telr at No bO rlarclay at. up ataira. T"Ä"W >Tf DENT WANTED.In an 1 >frtcn doing Ii t General fcurineae. T-rm. four y»ar»; if a Graduate, jtj \<0* mt a f n«t Perrian. and gire nnexcti i:ia^ e rrf> rtscet. Studer' wil! I* b< ardet aritb preceptor free; a eo Mttal KM f I brjry Ar (.»e. Ref'ier.. .«gHrett. A idre«, lo <.tr& bard writ in« Bot No. t. Jert»y City Poitt ifBc*. NAII.KB8~WANTED .A liimberTof*Ntuerp ard Feedert -an tod »' . mj, ormen; by app ymc at tbe ( omber'tnd Nail ami Iron Work*. Btidgeton, Cumberland Ctnniy.N. J. PRoTFSr.ANT COOKS, WAITER GIEL8 ao l LAl'NIiBF'SE"* are wared imm latelt f,r thi rv fllll glaai tituati. ut eow r»ailj at the SER^ASl-' in' Tl TE, Mo. let tiraad-et._ QEKYA1ST8 WANT TLACES-Cookt, Cham- 0 btrtr.a c't BOaJB'tfai Ot, Lt'iodre-t't tri 1 >i. n e « -t iiirl«. Bee' 4\%Cm ht food] Servantt. N. Y. U njeoynent Offic No 17t Broadway. T. P. Sal NHEKS. thäKIiVANTS' of! U i:-C<M»kt. Nur«-«. Waiters. fij and oifer ti a'e aud f male f). meat et f r etery ration, pro- viaa. t' r re.peciab.» fanoliet. city or eouufrr Apply at the EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OFFICE. Vi. '«0 Kattltthtt, L'ataa. ajeja. J. O. OAi.LAGilEK, Ag.-nt. CCTIOOL8, TEACHERS BBtl thePK( IPLE nhare n. inroii > .! 71 tirll" Beraaal on in»eetineuu at WIL- 1 l»X'l U. -. SCHOOL AG I MS v .MBroadwsy. Teat h- Etf1 MtBTtlfi ard Cob at sfOKDCBi E Dairy, iotrodacing CaaataWaaVrt, I 1 I eftV 1. m. anci.-t end chan*et a-one p-r fert. ti, »Ii, BIA, +.'". a,r. Checkt are renewable and trine- ral Ki obtiaB f raptai EttahthaaadIBO. rpö HABDWABE MI.I.CH\NTs I h %i 1 a ttiaer it "re-, for TRF KT\ wiM % fi-t cltae HAIi'>- VtARE .IORDINO HOUIE. 1 at bad iweire inn «x-wri BBt* c .e I Btatttt, at,.! can eommin 1 t g «>d tX'ea'ern t.-..I .. >ti:-fntorj ittetCLt.. aiatb. A.idreta lALEIMAM, MatBt cffre._ r|'f.i 8T0t K i LEBK8..WaBtatfl, a ¦.otnp-'tent J tt,. ace». aiung man fr in JO o ir> aetr- "i 'ha « taminai with ai: ¦ ami .ut brauchet ot the Stock .ate aaj taBataaca Wittl Oil the admt Brat .!*, aad baa an a-eoti\e'an. e ajii". e *be 'eadittt Sto*k Opera'.ira, ao at ta be able .pcntrol 'heir pat.ooaee. To tocli a p-rt>>n at can or, j v ..Ith a 'h.te reouirt.menteaavt Byawaaa lim moat uuex- 'I tu eil le tefereuret at ci a- *< :er at,t qua ititali iiit. a .ibertl .. mpentaLoa wi.i be an a perioau-.' ailuali u. No Btawto need apply. AaWttaO. B. Tubuue Offi.¦*. 'I'm TFAi lIKIfS ttml OTIIKUS.An exptyri M encrd Teti'l tr writ teromniea 'ed, both at to ach 1 a whip tt.d iLCceaa in t. aebing with t tn ENGAGEMENT, or would «. the gi, d-», and bx';;-ci ol a <ele:' School well lo¬ cated. Addic t A. II. J , Ka onab, WYetcbeeter Co., N. Y. rfy BTA1 B INERS . Tic UTBftattr, thunn^hly a trautinted wi'h Piper, >'tt one y ac. de.irei aiitua'i "i :n tout n >nae in the City. Hat ha I..nt experience; la *e acqualuret with the miau'iar of the trade .aud of Priniiig, Ac isnr.fer to hit pretent emp.oyert. Ad.ireet STATIONER, '...» No. )M Tribune Ornce. 1'0 PRIKTEBfl .A Jok Haad, atMtBJrtoaned ka wotk at Pret» or Ct«e. or tre Job a'd Book Wo-k mi er.ry dtecrioti.a, withe* aa ENGAGEMENT. Oood refer- ti.. .,.i>re. Vdrlrett A J 11. ln-.-.ue i>rl..-e. C\rANTED..The Mdertigned wouW call Um . » aitentaTD ol tnanufarf.r. n f < loth and W 1 ilen r »«lt M e 'ret'i at be 11 bow deai-uat of obtalamg a,n int.Kh lihl ra* a* FABRICATOR la the FRRXCH ITYLE. He w, 1 take cb.:ge t Looma.ant any hntmeae incidental he¬ ave Drtwirg tn.i Orialaal Pattern*, which be can produce at taa at the «b My of tbe «eoa* will parwtha, AaNdi MONSIEUR PETTI1 lEAN N n R.iae r., near Dunne %VANTE.»-An~ex|*' TKA<IIEi; -if ft LATDf, OXEEK inn MATHEMATICS, in a <c'i ..i1 e e\ei. mile* from New-York wno wou d ike to eec^lee hi* t at.,; Pre. eh L»r.< 'i at etrt of l.a> aa.ari R. fereni.e* ri C'iii >e* Apt a by letter 10 M fi. C P «t-i ifji. \ l CotBmittion Hoaae, a HoY ' * 11 out In vrart f ige: one who raaiile* arith hi* parent* mm (. rred. AAdreta Boa Jt3 Poet OfBoe. rANTED.A yoiin« Woman at 8EÄM- TRESfc or to do TAILoRlNG]WORK. Apply it No. 11!> Dltition-tt. VVANTED.To LAWYERS.." Payrertj i ' ' -.irti" make the awaer. »ald laM I^.rd Chance lor I Ii there any aoung prrrlitiouer deroted to hu pr ifeaeion.a .'fltter-of unq et'l. nable r»»pe, rebi'ity and moral worth, wtrr.D* luaiuea* ' H to and he ui I a idrea* fall particolart in c'Lhoecce a* under, aa tviTantafeona cnmmanicttiou will aaade baav. PaaaMaal will in'lud' rent of nftce free and the nee of a rare Law Library. Adur.n LAWYER B x Nu i Ol BjTtw 1 :k Port-OfS'e. WAMl'I'-An XB8ISTANT DOO^EEPER » » in a Wbolett.e Bo< I Mkll D -' ib \ H M * fereLrei Bat No- SM' Port-Oxoce r»tiB* tilery ezpecei. *ANTFr>.An American, English or Scotch Labor.i-g Mil. :o terve a* PACKER, PORTER ao. Ap- C. W. MOOD. No. 38 Park-place. ANTFD.Two well eiiurate.i yumm LiJi. * a, ASSISTANT TEACHi RS ia a Yourx* Laut-tc ahaatai V. .th n«ten. A1*0 a V BENCH OoVERNLSS. Alla»IH Pox No. 103 Lower Peat-Office. . W AN 1 ED.A et:.; . f- ti! anal em rgeti AOENT »» I aNVA>SEK ich ei'f t the nue I ^ral-a for he BIDDER 8 Ar REGULATOR »l 1 RIO ITSaader tn* Patent. None bjt rr""-r' ,r ' acne r>era :.. n-ed i^; to > L. IXH'iiLAW. ei^rmary, N >. M Brofclway. Cost unij Tounb DLEA8E STOP a WATCH . A twitl .lo-iblr- X -ate iu e W ATCH *u STOLEN yettenUy. It be ei g-tard a the BtBBi W. L-; fr >ni hit brut hen and tia era" Any one to whom it it otTe-ed f r *a e it reju*--».i * t.'t -ti» M/tch and teod wot. to Mr. LOAV. at Bang* Bre*. a. Co.'*. No. 15 Park tow, N. Y. ij%e_)."I REWARD..Left hanxiDt in &mw*ß el (.. LD PATENT LEV El WATCH with a BLACI BRtiD DCAEIM HA1N attacbed; J. L. Moor', maker, No. TJtS. Icqaue af mare BANES. No. IT Cedar-ex. tut Zo fmun anb cX>thcrG. DON! IrJlNUSE..TW nn*cr.i*r bm Lt tutuly am Baad * eery «apenor tract * at para bome 1 11 tt 11 j 1 4 im it til paaBd hieaa t e >.« 1: .: e v ,-kj -: F-j.r it.- v. m Vetwy-et. CHR1RTI AM a*CHWAETE pOtrVIAK OÜANO..Teb imI laril an beb ebb» J j.t-e: :<. '..n...-. p-.r > r- if I V V OfkNO at re t: w rg i'm vi: _h Tv. J .4. ». e t ea»b; Taut I a: * i ceau. M T an*. ».Z4ai H, att'l caah, Jat ta_» . .. Z »'- mim 6a cath. Ordert p-oaapt y ue j^l CHaKLF> m. FkY k Co. So. M Froat-au to tDriom it iUan vtjncern. ^< T!CE it hereby given m all pertout havini: -a* I taaliitt the eat ate of GEORGE P. OR ADV e ri»«d. r *mbarr, lately datag katameta tocoawpiov anth JOHN W j AKr ER .«e »e«ed stdei 1:.. ma.e f -K KU\ A P vl.- f FU K^-ar taa ^tJp P amtwrt. at No ^»0 Soath-eC. New- ': a li: -i-y i-e re- -letterf to eraJaihB tto b* GEORGE i SMITH, Be. 34 Ctthtnoe-*t New Yck. bef re tne tret dar e' NiTta-ber next; aad a perartt od-bted 11 »Le la d a t.-a ire re ..*.» . .aate pa an - .: V- -. . per. -: tc .be (Bid SMITH, who t* day ta'h.»na*d '<» the purp -f Ntw-l'cxk, Jaiy 71, *4A PATRICK GRADi. AuL.t^ to Gevrgr P. irra^j. t'OR SALE.Tbe tjandgwine tad well-built PLRABTJRKYACHT. iltra. let Tack!*. Apparel an: '..f.d.v* Mm H tiobotea. She u> about 10" tuna bar- ¦oterriaged and we.l found m evary pe-ticu!«. ta«AiO/c l< r * very >!eeir»W* Pleasure \ echt, she can be «e<ru on eppii- e-ti. d to DANIEL. M, MI l.T.AN, on board: *be will he a id eerj low. JAMES M. STARK. No. «1 Weil et. IMi "KTANT r.. HARDWARE HEALEKS NEW-YORK SlPEHIoR COl'RT. Spec »1 Term July V> -W ILLIA.M Bl rCMKR *. SAM' EL B I" i H E ft nt Sheffield Er».«od. SCHEIDT ot New Yatk.Th* itogj f to ua Cbitelr eurportiirg ro be o the w***t~c ore of file plaintiff* end with the earn* a »nd trade-niarkt of the plaint ist -Ii-«..! * the article*. Alto, 'bat It e deteiiilaiil »ithont eitborvy naed the ruin "t and labell a.ttiSi an ifZUed tvni to -neb peckv» .( . utgoide. The '.«feadant a wed judgm-ut to h- taaen ¦an n t r. tr I r the >nm of ute THOiatmn [killae* Daata .rs. tige £¦ r wth t r""pe'na' In "r.rfioo acatnet vending oi it] *. it» ol «ich or irt ep in .-t - » w r ntm-a. atamp*. trade- reark* 0' lebkla or the plaintiff thereon. UIT1E » C'ÖN8II>KKATlON tOMJ mm Rod lot I . ign ¦. iMMISS »NEhSHIP and NO- T\R\MIH\ AaatiwCONRIORRATION, Po t OrEee. HTA KF NOTIl' V. I »KCXIvENNi . and 1 « e'ir city »r- .ir-ailv on the inereaee. Throigb th* Mayor and I.U ccaatMaefbtn the eWaWtM of »rech-.lne»* realfnkwrjhave ten baeOtOBl, aid .:ke the opening of Pan- dura'« brx .* ¦; a.I tig ru n and deatrn -te n in every direction. New.loth. July 31, l**S. A FRIEND TO IU MANlTY. THE UNITED STATES PATENT VEHICU- J Lar ITRFj rCLEANINO COMPART.Are Mae n .occe-efui operati n in »evere: .f the larieat eirie* of the Cuion. Th.v are rr>i*r.<" t. -. ctract wilh corporation* or cu ractore, let «LEANlStr he r-tr'.'. a-.d Huhwava ot ciriee an.l towna it a: r part of the Ctited Stare*. The tyetem ol JrUAVRNt*. INO adopted by thit Company, together with their BWRKf* INfJ and CLEANING APP aH iTÜB, bu rtrilTril lb* hlrtoot er darii n ft rr th- pr-a* and an*l ortie« tn ev. ry c ry where d -* lave operated. They are eieo pr-pep")'o SilLLKIOHTB Ma.; to n.\ pei*ri at ;.ertie- who rnav deaire ic pnr.hatetbe aame. on app'.catlou at their I ifHce*. No. Iti Brnad- ««|.N. V. rN. . IB S nth Pro! -at.. Phil*., and to SMITH. 9VCK1 I.. STlf BEL A Co. Cincinnati,O.. Louitviile, Ky., .j Ic L> .it where ail oec aaary luforinamm can be 'b'aiue.l .MITB.RR« RRJ A I o. 14 WHY WILL Ü DIE r.CLAIRVÖY- ANT EXAMINATIOVS hv J S. H LK K'"K E K o M< tdav«, W. dterdava and Kndaya. trvrn 9 A. M. to « P. M. a' M i Pel«rct-«t.. f>eti*e. d Cannon aud I.ewii. NVw York, and To. .dava.Thiitariaya and Samrdaya at So J84 At autivet, Svtuh itrookivn. KbOtUwi ^oi f-noincoc iTltn. ^V)PABT1^R8HIP-- #1,600..Wanted iuitno- \J ihately a PARTNER wi'h rb a anm it enmnm 1. A Oen- ero«n ol .'itiicati.oi an.l a ....1 a.t re«.. -ti y will >. ico-pi-.l. The income derivd will h.- c n.-i.lerab e, and the ueeapat'ou t.fturded, agreeable. Addre** ALPHA. Bro«lwav P -. Ith 01 . (. STul.K l-.r SALK in PHirÄDKb- I HIA .Th^ »'.heciiber. ileeiroti* to leave tbo Drug bu«i- ae*e,otTen !..a I Rl <. STURE, elegauily ti ted ap. rittv net .'t t., lor *«|e, at hia preparaiwn re juiret h * whole alt ti'ion. Ir nit i in the bn*in>«- i'iler»t.i ageticv of Wni e't Hair R-t-rera'or Et ptrtl. -.ilart a.Miraa VVM. tVHITRtNo.fM Maik>t-tt , above lf-h et, t. r h »nie Phüal-lph t l,1»'!; BALE m EXCHANGE, at RrrrIr» L. I. 1 «II! I. I I SH AM SPA. rhe vt arm of which have been cac.fuly analyxe l bv Dr. i hi!ton tnd prom unc-M rb* mott vjluab e CUnytwaie Jt the I't if d Statet emittli g more than nee honIred h igib' ada e^cb taea't four bonrt, en a tean'ifn'. block (alt acrrj') Of grou-d < n W bitearone-av. well tttuated 'iir a genteel wreriug place, cqnal to the requiremen't rf the Einnlre Cvy A'to fotfT-th.-i e ai ret opening upon aaid aeenn-. a djealrabU b.ra'ion for a gi nt»e! eouritry «fit, the tame lieing weh »laped f th> cu! Ivatlon of a \inevard M niark -t 'nick, an 1 cu'i'J at any titne be prnti'ably told in rille pbitt Alrotwei.t v ul ' arret of MEAIMiVT and WOOD LAND. . be »hol" mg »'!. r. nur BtUg of Klu-bin* vt'agta. and by reBrcaAbM f«r'v ii ii.atet from N'-w-York, near'-aand tclmol« atwl « he...!-, l.aiv. Condition* liti.rral Apply to M HA kleb miller Ol Elm: ma. ... to th.« nro-wiirat W .ren OttM E PWA »1) W BI APLRT. [TOB 8ALE or to LE P.EMPIRE CITY FOUN- I DI RY. with the Bu'dingt th r on. i0"> (. et fraat by ir-i >. d<ep, Setotiee high fr tiling on lith et. betw-en 'Ith and "I ..... »i i, <>e,-tn tun» B..i!ert Cup., a Shading an 1 i"l er fiatnire* al1 c< n.t I' te. Eor pur ici't.t iu-iuir" of Mr. E I'ONKUL Re B0 Weak et mt Mr. HOME! MOROAR, Ne. I In -t I he profetty will be let on faaonablo lenua lot au) iiitnq' bnaineaa._^^^^^ Fol; SALK UAKDWAKK.. The un.liT*itrn.'il I eil g obliged to retire ttoru bn«ineaa on a. o-.t.' ot ;' h elrk, i ft.rt f.r .tl" hit Iniere-f tn the ttock of general HtKU- U.'.rtt. it ÜHAl'I.rY a MINSON. ill., whole I itei..n »11. b- told if preferred). Sale #*'.roo a year. I'e al-o off.'rt for «. e hn St. te, Shop an.l Dwelling lion*-' thii gaoueity la -.tint. in one of rhe jno.t pleataut, e ner- ¦u.i bral'bv rUlafae in Wettern N-* Y rk. A rare ppi itnaity lot a nrntiiab e bmin. «a in I o>*»*n; binte. AdcTemWM BRADLEY. Ea*t Bloorrflald ff. Y. j^OR BALE.A «.'II oHtnMialif.l HANUFAC- II UNi. Ill SINEHS 'imler . valuible fat..rab'y Introdnced and nrcmlebig a lucrative and permanent ul an apply to H it y a SN E. l.CDWio. N .. M WaB-et I inni'n.ent. Eor par iciil.m / MMM I I.'Y tor "AI.l*- If..- stofk. ristun-* at. l latOM "t a 0ROCRR1 for tale* 1 iu a tin'- late Leigliti th' d, .ml in one .1 'he'i- oll u' '»'tiu-t it- low HeatoD for telling going id the '. 'intry Knr particular' inquire of S. R. PI LLEN, No. > I Cbtmber- at. >A1 1 K-MII.I. ('< »H SA I .k A nre cnuw'- Iapntiael tbr faaaatl lately to buy or rent a two engine a, all I M ILL. all tu good order, a tupetir water-power; perfect li¬ fe; rai toad wvbin two mil. t at th* UB1, and couv-'ui-nt lo the City. Arplyto FOOT k COLE. Re t.' Beek man at. UAK'INKK WANT! 1 \\ ith a Caah CapitoJoV I ikeaat toko oteteol lo a arotl oetoRRfk ka, well- pay c* and genteel Manufactuiinx Huaiaeta Hit part thall be ti .' f MM la] and Cut H. ..r Hu.m-ae pinclpa-y. The hett of leteretcct given and legaiii*A Eor further particular* apply t > EDWIN BLI MENTH ALL M 101 vVUltean-et. MANITACTUKKRS-A M.v!m:,;,'. >RoU 1 a t,.< woran, t u. WoKKIN'li WuODS and ME PALS ind bat t g. o.'. >U| p v Of Mach ne Tooit, tuch at Engine La he*, A. » .1 i\r '. n «ke arrar cementj «i'h tonie -a'ab ulinent 1'ARTNER ur on tajary. Addrta* ME< HANK', Tribune tt.e. n^. r>UKGEON8 and PHYSICIANS oi NEW- M rORR (11V.-A Ora ua e t K|. who wu a p.lva't Pupil of .,ii» .,' the tit.' »u.*e<n» of Ihto country, 00*1 Mm eighteen mottbt in the Ho»p taj« of Paria and lireat Briuit totlO* to feral I prrmtnent PARTNERSHIP with any Set- geon or Pby»i?i»n'f good an regular ttandir.g who hat aue' a pttetite a* to i. toi«'*u. h a OOOXOOOR "n nec-teary. The be* ooot mn endationt i f chart, 'rr an 1 pro*"ntatonaJ ability given an'' reqoir»d. I'e feel toneWeSM can be relied un.« any cei ret pen dei re fujatko* to tnie ad^ er'itemeat. Addre** A. 11 C. I'oi No 2.C-IJ New-York Pott-OBice. Ü Hi nfin .WANTED.A PARTNER to tJP\* I" . "e btvreltttoebcrVOtmm in an eetaMifb-J.. protitable burne**. Art E M. T. ibune "th. -. ftl III If]I .ANY GratleaiBD bATlng thii t|P I i'Iww, tettectuble Bl SINESS. air'a . v ea-ahlitbe 1 will h-ar of ao *t- relient o| portuniiy of reoiixing a fine fortune in a each hu-ine«a ltberttb. r- to ritk. Amp e <. curiry given, loquireof PETt H v 1NOALLS. No MB Hr adway. 111 .AN ENERGETIC MAN, who bj a V^iwlllr. II FERINTENDINO CABFFJfTKI w lite to Inverr the tb v* tum wit/i h * ter.ic--< m tome e-««o- tubed hutii.e.t. No obj-ctkn* to toy r-tpecttb.e hntineaa Addre** ENEROY, TriCme Ofl.ce. fjUflfl .WANTED.A ["-r-iiti witu tikU trVcrual .nd prtfi-able TRAVELING ENTERPRISE, at wbicb . lor'une at be m*>te. For turtne- par .cu in and aafi«- v ;r t fit-"uc-ea- r.l' .i.m«ai*tely on 5Ir. BERRY, P. 'ch k Itgaiia't Bo, }* > Broadway. onmmet Heneaia ACOMPLETE Sl'MMER HOME.On th. the Hu :.¦ t River Rai:road, near New-H»i.iourgh Deichet« ..L-y »!¦ b ooaMO w h «an* e or doubie taitea. Scucrymir- i iirL' water a-fr fi'.i-t of ail ain't abun'ant anl ev-rj meat-oi rem I rt a;| y for Creuar« at No. 301 Broadway. A ( BiterMew a I rmrartay. from lltol IaKI.CEN HIGHTS SUMMER RETREAT. I> EAMI1.IES and SINI.LE GENTLEMEN.D. igit ' Rl >l iMn. atHi a r^ifir, heaitiifu attractt'.ct of the country, yet oalv ten minutee' wa.k from H'.bofcen Perry. Kep^cially 1 . .I'.. 1.1 nan.; art. wie re (co'-l-men wiah to be oonvenleu: t.u»if^ Eor «e- v N HEiti.'CK S. n Batcloyot. mcjo! floor, ^r Ajyi'LLW siEWAivT No ,> pi UNTRT BOARD f:J pf*r wmtk, (Mim V> h-.'f-: - 1. kbe a***, h-aitoy and beaotifui p ace iu 'he »> it ',tj a., e. i L ,:. fare *: <i\ a: W I LAND rOWN, S nai Cooity. N. Y 5tlend:d atream of water by he bonae. ¦boo ltd Bebet 1* with,a 6 minu-e*' walk. Take Brb 1 .-1..' 1 .'.t'.t. then private conveyance to C C. P Mi REDS T r.MPERAN'CE HOTEL, toar Bile*. Si a fin* ü-k ng 1 ten w l.m 1 to . itaoie p> .ty tut'.t. ae p 1 .... ante, quail, woodcock, pianos*, rabbit*, fcc.; "o in, Iota* an i rccati. ta. y y.u have a chance at a de r. Re'-reooei ' \ AN ERi'ILT. No. i: rulton tt. THOS. E. EDiERLY. No- I'.) Naatau tt., at th- NEVt ioKK O&OAN OFFICE. hotels. flLOBE HOTEL.Undt-r a new goporiatfrtni- \J . and -r e, fcedncrd to OOB *»»*¦*» S9!^9*1 ret and V> per en* ear Ok* beet roomt. l>»n't f.wg-t, r ataf-rt lid \< UÜ."*»B»J at. pi aaar t »r. l .murpaauwJ foe ¦.*»«r'«" jßoatö anö fioomB. BOARD OR BROOKLTI HR3B3TB KlBlBJ RaRlonJ KC C .* Bo. M VV Uow tt, B OARP in BROOKLYN.ROOMS, na$\t or d MJBir%ihj adapted for a FAMILY at (a* S|N- K fir NTi.FMEN aid venr p>a*aa')y t«r«l«4. Hoea* So. »9 immn corset cf Jay. Hefbienee* r*o«ui<4. DOAVI>IMi in »»>.!. <-t family mty bo obtajjjed ha or twg meme pare***, and three tr fear *bb*W i a' Tri« h. aar aar and | a**** y rtaetel oa aiaji r oaawl, aiNo Eat; Bruaerwat. Application at*7 bw awed* .er'- tttei tftl HABT '!» l.STON. tllaaaboaa i-.n-ber, aj4 r*:tr*r.c*t wi.1 to *xrh*B,oel_ UOAJ MN'.-At NCMU US fAIXl a? Fa«tBrT*aVd- »aj fat 0* ***** tad th*tf tP**** and . ng . Gee-tie- mea, Alto Tay Boarder*. OARD VVANTFI^For » OmUcibao tad hi. '\ lj .-, tn »«rteanbar 1 erat (a a privat* family rwwd n* betwe. a K b tad H-h-eta.. erwet of and near Broadway Ad . » Mma. loeadaa. Ac, R. \V box Ma. RJBB Poat- i, 11 I PUHNl&HED ROOM.Ak*, quiet, pletvaaot. in * prive'e h.-tiea--uee'lv :ro ahe.f ar.l teet: kept. *or *- a week AaUrraa MR" spTN RR, No lit Or***,, «. rn.M^n;!1 rooms m let -a~hoom, I Rr IihOO.M »cd KITCHEN m.:r .ooaeaieccc» for keep. itthca**. AI«o tort e un*arn»b»d ROOMS at rwdwd pne» t; ft* tn jt ,.-ernart of a *>«? rl*«» MOtSE |a »KT .\ it- r*r l.p'yar*. WVtt j4lh--t »»er "th-ae* \1 8 ai Kl \7, tbrrnei H.iivtwajr, a* I seat '¦»" *>' forv aeeaa to. all Braaaaa» aa** R.-..<w'a**f .'>* Sjotl* 0»aatoeaaa a "t ir-r pl'iitt.'l Ft ivMS'if I' Rl'a '.M< .:. .If raoart r»T,v- ati- te-m». j »1.1 A-AM r I'KMSHFO i:(H'MS.withi;ritea I ar.d fa.-'..- FT «rnale <. . »n arith at board, >t No. 102 Lecnarrl ,t ihre»- do- rt ee»t iron Broaeway A\ iklsTED. BOARD (w+tllOBl Innern exempt I* »" <n ,!ar«l in a priaf I 'an i v. or where but B)W Vaard- rr> -re takrii. location be below 4 B tt.. the we*, tite of a.'-Aj i \. r-| R.. S»>a N » 'is P f.-OnV-e, ttattaf term*, Ii', afv n are n m alaiiesj. Ac. j STH-ST .BOARDING To Let .ft HOARD. I* PARLORS with BEDROOMS attached; wo .Id ink O- aad their wire*. Alto, Ota* er ta H i.t mu tingle t,rui.eai*n. Termt m iterate. tjonece to Cct. l": with bteam POWU tn LET. I TWO LOVTI wel tthted tad wir-.,ed 2»xl«* feet. In Buck Faatery, touth ahto 'teat Tttb ti Vn. ISA ImiaireoB tb tri. tt CHARLES PARTHI >' Broe,!wayfj iWlK'KY to LKTT-Two lofts; >;» j.y 11f> I feet, with- IV p WVK V V Weal 37th-*t.,aaar "ih-tr. At r v (,n the pr«miae< or fo ( H A K KS PAR TR I DOE. No. »4? Broadway nOl'SKS to I. KT .Three elegant new HOI BEB at River Tr-ree- HOBOKEM, w thin three mu Btee' » ilk Oi the tent, commtndin< t beentifal rtew of tha riyer aatl CMy ef New-Tara, Brtth hath «tt, bet tad cold wtirr, \. let of the firtt euly laqalra at tha .' e i. if t'udaa.a i«d .d I't. Uob.k'o. of DVt II I MARTIN. 118 to LET, Aiti BTEAM POWES.1b it i ... f liieeuwich tno Heachata. aneae- Bj <.i t,.r manuractiiniie purpoeea Rr-ni eety laai to reepcB« ''» trnanta Ait » ti V-RiUS A T.xfrrt s <ee, ie.-i.wich^a. aavTEAM POWER to LET.At Kliiaiv-tlMMirt, i s j . « .. ra_9tmm BaaMaaa, W '-«-t by Mi Aopir ta h] EAla Ni IT Kttt ait or to 'OHN H. RtlLlWlM, ,. 1 'r i « hi tt CTOl« BDtJ BASEMENT to LET.Tteetktf I «rpa:r.te, at V». *i>5 O'h nr., one door abota itth tt. ¦ 00 faet deep. tS» wi te, tare An* th»w wrlnttowa. Any pertou fork aahl ator* ruht at t Hataai aadatteuAiaa wad to '...Ii.. » at, tou e>IOto*.Sl per d»» above eapeaee*. A| p y at No. il Fuit«a »t. r|*0 LET- a mat tWotnr} Attic .v.! It.*- 1 o enf HOI SE in Mth-at, near ev Rent flWayBan. In air* at No, ltr Maiden of JAMES BARNEtT. .I'M 11 1 The new thre.-*f..ry HOUSE No 11 f Poplar-it, Breaklva, withla >!n' min'iie't walk of tha Fem. For firJiei ptt i. uiara ol THOM tS MORTON, v Fitraarl at Niw-York. <> I.l.T in .IKR8EV CITV.A neat thre«. 1 1 IttakWB .>.*!. clo* .!* at .i paciri-a, water and *.*. .h.'iV.i.ra, Al- Flva Diit.n'e* fro'n the ferrr. Rent, * P"1. re a' No. M Eieet-et Jersey City. f|*0 front of tbo Tabr>rna«le, No. 3411 I Broadway, OFFICES *Bd ROOMS n f r bn-in-ae mi rfJDOl \ lHtnTAN. on tha preii.itea. FFö LET- if] TOWER ua LIMIT I ROOMS a' tow '*t-t kl MR OtNlHJ No. I0-: Walker .C frO LET.Trb DWELLING PART of HOI ^i: I V.l Oa*JtaVtti ni,.'fioit et*t of llreadway. The apa/t- Bettt ol Lhree aalil h .i:' recently pni ta perfect iii.uillou. I ri.tcu and Oaa in ibn Mi.uik rt (>*.!.- BACON I BAVEN fie. lMOiaal at. 1«0 LET I 8E< OND FLOOR with FRONT .', - f M i N 1' .! ''rt t order and wi h a too l deal of Eur- ti re, to a 'n'tl! tr. thi/hiy rrapr«table fa nilr. Referencee fiaea 4*4 H BaMavA A pi ly at No. 8 l>oii«la*et., Urookiya. rpö LIT.Tb* twtvaton b^ek DWELLING 1 HOL'Sl No IS Wa.ker tu. would be leated tor Maautao turisapaiaaee* to a eery ileairahie traairt Lot ie 107x30rheu A;l. t.. Ii BLNISK, No. 41 Jobntf., bei ween 5 and 'i o'clo« k P. M._ OL i -A(BiaERahttlCOTTAGE atRam>eewbj, i- .r award hy Mr, Phi lip Hone. Ja¬ il. 1.1 DLOW, Not. II Wall tt. and i New at. tjonocs unb /urmo ITJantcö. KANSAS I AM'8 .Wanted, from 1,000 to I rt ot AND n Karre» fir n'tlroient. A ay per¬ tou h ?ia| a tract in a rood loo^tioa will pl'aae tta'e quantity, i|ti« ity mmmlocätioa A idret* SETTLE, Trihuae OMce. ANT] -A WELL-FTJRNI8H1 D HOUSEi with Baadern improyeaaent*, to or aoar Ea*t B road way . >\e Pike ai ii I e u i,, uTe'nenr ata , lo be occapied imtnedi ly by e until ftmlly.»** Box No. 1,621 Po*t Ottce. luv.' £o.ütt for 6ale. AHINT to th.' WISE -We hive for SALB .,r KM I' ANGERN u tivtfd FARM LAND, nt I iilata* of l «al »'/: oue of Cannel, 12 feet, three of l i'un.moua, fron 4 to S feet deep, and two bed* of Iron Ore, tttuaied <n 'he Darl;n(ton Coal 'Prut and Railroad, oa tha Rerver Canal, i tu: ci tYatB tha Ofeto Kiter. Caal Mine opea ant paying the owner .A ceatt per too tnd Farm »r I r -nted Lite- v »e toth' ticrir- tin' clae* W ie-r,t.ain Kiirn.* la exchange. 1 t.t ft gl at id Land warranted ta repretenled Apply to Dl Ni A N '. BHA< K.' LTON, No. 71 Naawau-tt. I7AS1 NEW-YORK tad UNIONVILLE COM- la I'ANV area, lira LOTS ai.,1 bei. III.* HOI SKS ,11 lb. m aa trroiLni'da-iLg termt paymen'. Seeeral COTTAOK III .)> I,ow erected I, r ,».e on eaay term* nay men! el price* t ' + KO *2,4Wl B^BfO ltc. Ea«t New York r*BteuJ an J it a* eaay of a'.'ea* at the uptown por- rbxM Maataaaatoa F'.r plan* of the ba Jding*. apply! i R. MILLER a « <> Aueti.meert, No. 1*4 Broadway. IpOR BALE.YONKERS I'Kol'EKTY..54 e.egtt.t i OTTAoE and VILLA IKS t tutted .a or aeag 'be ti.lage of Yonktr*, Wee*ebeetrr i'ooa'y. aavt Stateef N< .* fart Ik* art .e r .n maniling a Baa rW mi the II id.. a River. Ac. The** plot* of ground averag- f-om one-baif to H « «. A port u or .u far* tb* whole, of i, a-.eeulifrJ property i.e* on the t.ailiot t.,- Hu.laou Ri«*r, an', .u the i unaedlatti f l.e I.» .!. ad ....on al tbat pUe*; a *o terj near the ateuniboat iBBtUl t* ai d in the uiidet of (cliool*, tcadegaiea, etorebf, tf'irta. hot* t and outage retideaae*. Ilia ti»" one cf the tn< *t deairabl* piece* of pioperty that ha* htea tfe e I., i many .en*. I't proxiio.ty to lh* Cit» of Nrw Totk, teitg aviataBt »tx-ut 1»> m:ie». an t only one half ran lws.;."d ¦ thaM it i-ij detirabl« for men haute ando'te . .. r.i.eta in the t ity, who wi«h to avfl thenv « lee* of *u oppoitnnity to purr hate a tine Cottage Bite. Thea Draper v a- Dl* eiattaato*a]w* ec- nery f.rr .ut.duig B, tad the) '.. ij -.i »i. w if ibe im U*'o, eaaa H ba *arBw*aaaV Tha a areaah mi t f err... tb* f ity together w.tb tbo aeai'h* it.. i i act oeighhorhood. all combine to xoaha thJa an exceedingly <!' »irtbe nroparty for agaatleanan'* aouatry retid» u«* cr for tb<<* wiaaSia* tn arake profitahl* torawmaat*. A. J. BLKECBER 4 « o.. No. 1 Broaaleet. OB SALE.WALNÜl I 11 IT AGE, with three I.-., t .r .i. e'if-i 7 ai -la-ed on the eaatero alopa ..t Ihtnge M'.'.utaln, Naw Jeraey, about one mile from ta* it M Depot ai, tnd iia'ai.t im e boar froat the city. Api.y to I'iiSI1 K M «ROAN, P M «t No j Matt ,p.. :a*j Bank lluilding. r'ÖR hALF^.A tnperb FXRM of 111 aoraa in flrang* Co. T.wn f Montgoaaery 11 rnile*from Newbatrth a.-k road. Gnod Built. n(t; farm well watered; two Or- cbaraa gzaftad trait\ ftcttaaE, akatl to 6ne condition. Will ha I At/ply to C. R. MILLER tt Co. Auctlooeer*, No. \jl Broadway t[*<>R SALE.AT'ÄllM- of eighty^etiV'titö- aied n .e T'.air, Da.-iea. Cf. d.atan*. fromNew-Yorh for') u .lee by New-Y orl -a i New llaeen Railroad. The !©- a kt rery pleaatr.t eo.nn aa< itg a v.ew of ton* In and ftoni_d fas mere man hi>y mil aw, and >t cocvena^nt to 'he D*|K>t, .hiak 1* a u...e and a haU i>unt. r..r pa»ctac*l*'* »pp J < M. MA riir.H No. Broeaiway. r to iiEoKuh MATHER upon taw pr ruuaea. I tV i EN] L> ( 01 NTBY-HKAT and FArm for it »AI _i,.nw(H r r..r aa * that tp.entli 1 maiwion and tiae; l «/l N KY ^KAT er-e'ed by 'be late Goa. / O. Wearer, at tL "X,e . .,ver * if) CC0 ait'utred 1 j mrea N*rth«a*'.fYoui the ( ua ct Oca, oarer iifl'" ^.^kI',J?^, 10 fa" «* thi* been t* and hra.t!>y c tj. The Mtulon M a moat aah- ¦ a. ud rletat,* awucture. w.'h four teuenliai Egypoaa , a ;;. >i a t hu a one Garden tad Fralt Orchird at'a.'te.i aCo .-tahet. fe.ri ege-bnaae. Icw-houe- he. With.' I wi »eil any t.m.ber of tcret of my farm attjoirn-.j, >.art'ng ot II*aere**f tha rkheat . t.e Mohavwh VaJUy. gaaarae e Mi . ear :ft* r- ace a g i*4 f artf: h la* 1 ¦ P, and ail nee**»*ry Fartij b-uHinta. I will tell the whale ragetter er the Farn, aaal to* I iB'r; Seat »eparate,oa h w at,.; eaaa te,m* to theparcnaa-r. Inquire .if the nt*-r>t . -A P. MOLLJ.Y Nv. Jl An. t . New- D. -KINNER, I tica. N. T., Aagaat 1, ItSfi. I HTM. ' N I !.1:>I< ..N¦ j ,D ..Sertfor aal«>, on rcaton- A aa.eteru*. eirm PLola f>y GROUND. b«*aatafalry I mi K .i»b*?hport oa tb* Central "f The at ,v« Plot* are adttMrahiy tltu- net r mir.»diete imtroraaBeaL Saig) property will be eulA uaVVi1/ ,* A r' K°I.U^m ^ »W» u, BARER fc At Eh- Aj . oceer*, S-x 4 Pma-ec _ piano-iTcrtts on5 Äaeix. Ci I I'URN & N^R^Ha^ DE0N8, N 4S Bi*att*T*y. /IANOS to LE*

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-08-02. · 2017. 12. 17. · l-l I by AmourDum; LAD*...


    flgW-YORK TRIBUNE.rnr rtivr-vnRK baut rnnrnm

    Ii fmtlitaatn EVERY MCRNINO oiofcYRNINO, (Stint»»i^.fTtf .i¦ T Str.fLET « McRLRATH.

    m La» Tti»c«t »ciloi««i, co»»r»or *a*«ac .to IfirCi¬

    tri orrOUTi thi < ITT »all,aal t* Aeitrered U< City Snb^rib-ra »I '24 t-i.u per w»el.


    fge «Mw Two Cewte. Mall SuSerthe-r* ?* mi » m *«-

    )>M)L for in meevlh*. *3 Fot tnr»e twonthj, $1 50.


    I* pobiathed »rery aUfBBBitV MoMI»« et too low pr.e» of 4)1Mr wir»«», in adrenc* Thro* eopic* fei »V. Fite eaple« for5» T*t top«** for * l2, and a paper als so can eoBtinued ha»», ad the tare" for which it V> pud. Adv»rti*e eeott f>r tMt th'et

    .* ahari*« FIFTY CENTS PER LINE (or atc« loaaruoa.

    rtrm nr*ii.wrkhi v tbiiiixkat rahik» ed «vir' T fiurend Ftintr HaaJTUaV Pnee B3¦ai aoBiiin. tSraeaalaa it Bt f.« for oil as. Adrerjoa-aa4»M 14 oaata a Iis« fer »ach inter loa.

    Tlfat NKW-.IMIK TRIBT-'Btoi iVlQFIi II cmrüUTios

    i,r »S* deran-i-» »t M « ,on uh-d o» ...» faaaarhifa < f .M.j -teen.«

    «**.nw*i illi v r¦ri'».T- « - ~l " «i '» ta

    ÖOfiifll JCcIirca.I.rnrml «"«mrnlnec- of llrrnc -rnflr \V Vr-nna:

    JNrn.- »Mai it thi. ' ort n. -r.e w, ., »,..'« Hriv.d-way Ilm- u HODAl 1 Vi MSI Au. I If. »t f.

    .>> «.

    li»o:!>' JAMEl H. WELSH, Chairman.

    P.C Tai «Frei {"..«».* ¦.»W m H B«< w«.«.»uR..hi «r M»i ov iAur i i>ottoi.a; doe« away with the boil-kg pri ce.r ; aavi a thr»e-f. urtha of the time and labor ; and l'«ch*«pn*t* bring* it within tb» reach of eeery ftmily. t all andri rninr. i. A HEAll, A*, i t. No. 2»iJ Broadwav.

    Fnilamnl Intelllaenro Ortti e ami l,ahor BxrhaUageB KeniotraJ from No. 27 Canal to the cornel il

    tine, D»«enlrr», ( holera lafanlum. &u, it Dr. JAB,MiI I.IMIKKn IUAHKHF.A I iiRDIAL, dicrorered and.avd ttt great aueree* in the City ( holera Hi-»p tal and CityPriam. I'Lila el|lu«, during the dreadful epidemic of 11132.Sold by A. f IHIM AN A Co.. No. 295 Broadway, and by Drug-gart a throo|boot the United Statet and Canada.

    ^mnocmcnts.D BO J i» W a y I li E \ I B B . .

    MJB. A. M IUI) HL, SoleLeetee,The Martger li i« the j r -nr» in annniiri. e a

    SHORT ENOAOBMKHT,To rommei ce on

    MONDAY, Angtut 6, II5Vwith that unrhtlrd trthat.

    i'AliRIKL tl l.ia < ,.l .«.. .1

    l.i I'PE «'E P iNT'iMIMISlS.Conalalit.a .,f tne

    MARTINI- Til FAMILY,the ec 1 Vl.ft Iber wltb one er (wo tenet of coraiuerable tragic ,ower."

    From Tie LeOirt' Oaten*.Here ). a fre«b, vigorou* American book, worth baif a done

    of tour novel* 'tat bare a million.' We beta teen nothing aeike t or per, Tbe Laet r>f tbe Mohicami aod yet there iiV individuality aod originality here, which prove* tt far aboveimitation tod if a true picture of Wettern life without :'a eiaegerat itti."

    Juat publlthcd in one elegant 12mo. vol. Cloth 4>1, Paj*i75ctnta. ULM E . BROTHER. Publisher*.

    No. IX Naaeao at,, New York.

    \\ \Ti»N BkOTHEKS have jiut pubHebfl a< ONI OUT C OHN BBS.


    by BBatal LT.AS6 pp.. 12mo. Illnttrated. Pre? 01 ?\

    " A book of a thoii»auaobill|fj that it,- rt »,;.Ott beat f.eling« are appealed to ¦ (N. V. Etaiig-lir.

    .. We like tt 4 bo k." [Phil, «vin lav Meie try." W beiber ao intended or not 'Cone Cut Corner*' it oae of

    the bett ttorira e»tr written."Bri.ig.port Standard.

    A very witty, very.tingular and ve y w-11 wrileo noveL"[Pbilad Bulletin.

    " Brr.auly't deter ptive |«uera are of |a* Ligli-'it order. «ndbit wit, bmnor and ta'ire arc a roni'ant and unfailing -.tirce f" tktt.t .t. .. ... f ti.. hI. . |. .i. o.Hi...h ..,'it all itt phaiet and ci ndi'iuni geta ao many and tuch terriblethruat* that ne tbould not wonder il all it* corner* wou.d be(' rut li. fr n ll I expiration of tit month'. Altogether, we Iwe beve neter nad a book of the kind . aejS fani.y Fern to write a more larrtetie or Interet'in*book; anil hi originality exctidi1 Doeerckt.' " |A hemOar."It itagrtat bot.k.'' [lf*lalaV)fi ffwfaMlil."1 hi* book haatJge to it."

    (BotVin Watchman and ReSeetcr," Tbe tgMttor if a wag of tat] t.atic mold "[ tftbai'a Home Uttette.

    Bf i FNTI.Y PUSLI9H1 DiRCTII HALL: A DOMttTIC T*Lr or rue FattKXT Day.

    By Fanny Fern. ItW Cloth. Price #1 25.Bt iucief»ful batbaea tbi* gr»atett woik of tbi« dlt'incmahedantboirtt: to wi.iely hat it exteu.l.d her pipolaritv ana fa-netbat the ha* received for a tale for one of the New-York W. ali«'t the higho' I'nre rvrr j.a..l for ti b a'1 .*. !!.-¦« lei-«»< received three ilollart i>er column f04. My CaaikaaVaai the Stoi j ef a W. « Lift-.75A Mr. Boe t L. lit I 'ok Abea.l. . 1 ii

    Ml** Cheeebr..'* 8u*aa, or Fiaiierman . Daughter. 1 257. Bell Smith Abroad u.uttraled. j af The O d It n, er . Euti rtalnri.ei ¦. I ia)& llermit'a Dell, from tbe Diary of a Peuci.ler.I 00

    10. Mr Wik. A . Mt Couitibip and if I outeqntBcei. 1 JSIL TheNewitjj Bv Mit Oaket Smith. I 2512- Jack D. wi.ii «'¦ Wat Down I ait. 1 W

    j c. DERBY. P-b.uhe*-. No. ill Room »t..I r tale bj a Bo. kae.le't and N. wt AgentaCopieaacBt by ma.l, poetpald, ou receip' of price.

    ßODENHAMER ON THE PILES, Ac.W ill be Publiahed . n S A IT'RDA V, Au*u«l 4,PRACTICAL UBaXJlYATiONH oa *. me of tbe DlteiM. of

    .m Ann», tnrt t ontlauout T'attir -*; glvItt tieir Na¬ture Beat, Caaana, SMnttomi, Cootequencet. an I Prevention,etpeeially adilrewed to non-medical reutet*. Bv W B. den¬im r M. D Stcoc.l e liti. n pla'et. Ac. 8vj. Ot

    Father* of tan. hei wtold do well to provi ie tbetuaeleee witbn.'l . x.'tk " [So-j'hem Literary A Iver'iter

    1 kia 11 a mt«t ta.utb.e woik f. r tbe non ruedie*] rea.!--[Pitiaburgh l hn.tian Advo. aie,

    " of per*otii In .?.*> W eit rejoice in tbe curve oftheie hon.lile dw an i »tä.ced by tie teteoe* and tki'l of Dr.Bodcnbaaier." |New-Orlteua Delta.

    MaoVally tbe m tt critically accurate of any pubii-ca'ioa at in ma or abr..:. . "ie boot f BaaeeaeoT. Um I T -end I te » Tom et ... r «: .< 'W'ijot, Mary Ly.** 3cmpletee the D .«.''. at 1-:li-t. an ' w be .» t/tjadW hy .*admiring pciferi y." [raited State* TournaL

    M A H Y L Y N D i > N ;OR. Rr.'. ELATl'fNS Of A LIFE.

    i« one Duodecimo Volume neatly b mad la e'.ota. Pr M Rt.Mac« tie Co-.feuioa* of Rou**e»u. there bv aal been rich a

    be.' I M 'be Rtve.e:.ot.e ; f » L fe'.the genuine ax. I pewcitulat'. t.irirepby o* " Mary I endm".«od r.ev.r, tppveutly. bt*tb»r» ! e»t wiiren . bo k 10/re utterly as i'ari.logiy tiatafoLhhe t.n ipared nc-ody.Lot evm heia«.!. Her lüfaoüUe af i-neu. ler J uth*a «cret ">-.», her "¦¦ lion« eip*nenc».-Va* t HataaeJaa an 'h- d i» . Quaker.ber lovea aad bar ¦>.>riaget 000 t .. »od every page in.ptera a -he react m tothi the» n:e !-u b.ulneee of the record. It bae cfen b«en laidfbf i;'aty o en or woman of jeti-ie, aa 1 vari-i* experience of:ile. win.jYern-e ar. tbecla'» y rot.-'' au',biography. .1 v» u.dbe the mi at wonderful boot in the world. M Mary Lyndoa" 1*that book. Jt lean the lump of Terlty and boo-*«y In ever*lino. No w-ndrr BtC Editor* are a: . loee wbat t) tay of it.i* ifto f r removed tront all the eitxeaanap ii ee of 0 tion. It a

    compared to " Jane F.yie." but that waa parly romaaee. It larrjual to ar j ot vel In ict^reat, but nrpaaaea 'be j> t'J ia tbs in.Ojaoaaaojao efe aotoaj actualit». It . a record tf real no. andtaf a |ein*.> an I nVpie:a w;th

    rr'tt fwer 'be e'ory of the fife and .ove of a woman of «tnogna ive fee inga and hart idua ity of character. The inci lenra arenariai-u with diamatic eOect. and it ia .p.t evi lent t.iat -he

    me baa >n iLten». pu poa* " [BVun 1 ve. Traoarnf.Tbia ia a euriuua work and ca. uc mated to make a eetuef oa.

    It t wrJOkoa in 01p'ain. dir-ct. bome.'y «tele, aa if ir w-re theottlioe it a true biatory. U e do not approve ol all it« onna-|1< i or viewi c. ncernir.g bun a" nature, nut aaaot five BfJtor gte«t ibteinl at J a a'rong and itraigbtf. i ward wa. of aay-ii a thmga." jib* Hartford ( ou'tnt." Tbc frurfil tbem» ff weman'- wronga ie rhe ait.ject winch

    ia weil handed in fair w rk. They are portrayed wi'b a vlvii-0000 wbith can hardly fail to make toe reader »ympath'iv withthe wri er 1b»re ia that faecina'i >n »I>out tbe atory thtt ma.etoat aatara taata taa earl af lt." [Hatarteaatri »nd Frmtiio Etp.

    ¦' A woman't autohiograpbv. to tpirited and if-1 ke 00 00 Im;¦:».» the reailer wi'h a convtc!ion of itt trmhfu net*. Itt reve-la'iona are of a woman'a wrong, quire an *fcer and better viVe. twe believe it it generally rnmidered. thin vthat are earedweman't rightt.' The au'hi r r a- t llOOn la 1% 1-j -nden'e.''

    {Provi !-tice PoevAi.d 'be I'r.Forta.e t\ a.l Book-»- .e:§. A ropy of the above f rwareVi on

    it' price. Hid- :.. LtoH m RONS retiH'here.No. 131 Neaeaj >t.. New York.

    r|MlK AUT II OR ofri miQHi^fZiribOM. Pl'IMlS- Ktaly Augutt lotmy i;i mMUtLER. ORTOS A MDLUOAM, Pnbliabera,

    No. ii Park-low. New-Yoik, and No. 101 Geneeee-et.,

    QCHVBERTH a ( 'o^'SIC l)iT«Tr7 Noej MP l.toaiiwav. V Y..Paoiiah.r.f 040 foun. eJ R) yearawo at Hunlurg ktbi LaWe requeer tlie pna'ir to in»pect or.t MocO of "r.e Mil,ion

    Worn the .argeet tt : be L R Our own ü (Ini public »ti n« ankrat bl Europe, wi ct ut M te.l goc.l Mine at >«w

    .atit.Oar P'AS'OS, grur.d. upright, aejuare. eombtning r'.rhnetaofae aad . rva>>ce wirb cLeapnete t ¦ at aal r ..' ion.

    ötationcnj anb fanrn vp'ooboKI C B A I, r» M 0 S L E y a < o....MPi'RTER.« OK STATIONERY FANCY t.OOIK Ac,

    Nc. .'19 Jobjhot., Ncw-Yoaa,lav t« pet'era to an Ii aaecrloa of tuen extent v*. weil aelectedir ' *. t». :tc . Kai.. \ o '».»'. aOtl IRdOOtROi

    /inc ^ua.,TJ 0 U P I L tV Co.,VI Nr. V. BROADWAY NEW-YORK.Ca.i tko art -1tu l af tko OaMiC at at tbe tra,le and Semi-tarn, to tbeir v.-led a*»ortu.ent ofPRINTSant ARTISTS'MAT! RIALS, t -o. Prt.tiaxd MateralaforOxiciaJPaikr-ma at... I'l neat niku.


    ATOTJlfG WO m a N widhM a situation noNl KM. tad SEAMSTRESS, or CHAMBERMAID andbEAMSTRESS, Can aave oatiataetory reOitaooe, Ca.1 at No.IS4 Woeldagti .-'. Bi ik.%n.

    SITUATION WANTED.Bj BTw«af Lbo>wholat ka400*eaoaJ jeara expanenco laToaoMkoj Oao vertedIt. Eng.itb. Kttnib. Oetm.n. Drawing anl Pain'tng. Be titiete meet if detueJ. AJdrotaJaNE UALTuN I xt. N. Y.

    rANTED.^A bor.if fur a reefM-ctaMe fRRRfOern at uiri. :. a i atevi fam..y Will inttruct chil¬

    dren n German >.nd Eng.ith. ataiet in any igbt work or boineea.ilo Fine Sewing and mtke ur te.f uaefu. Waget no ob «et.Oood raforcDce. Inquire at No. »'12 Broadway -,h aj< m £1.

    WANTl D.A oitoAtioo aa CHAMB1 i^FÄTÖv » ate. -_e WABHEH at.i IRONER; t to mate

    hereeif |tn

    "\\'.\v !. idii Girl av f . t


    DE>0XRAL HOUSEWORK aad toCOOK, tVASUatd irt'N or a pnvatt family; baa gojj :e-fcrtneta Afp 5 at N 11 Delia-ev-at.

    W'AXir D-A aimation by a mp*c-tabl«?TV Woman, n a Mtvatt a good PLAIN COOKvTASHXJ and I USER. Hat to cbjecuon > to a th-.r ia-tance ta the .lenity. Be*'of city refereaca. Ca'i at S.Myit.t av., B; joa'ya, in i.ate. Can be teen roe two aay*.

    WAsUEM. ami JK««NING \r LADIE- OfM EN reatly aeae by Nn RAVABABf i ." the roar.) aara-aaa fQeeMaar oaa AaiBett of city reference.

    4 N bnne*t, imluttrioit Oermiin family, well ac-4t\. cutiated with Aaaniraa Farmiag- la deelroei to fatalt HAT Ot -r'o HIKE a FARM «tutet- coeadiiaoaa pr jpii out fata >aaaM b»gxncr. Adt_-ea» > ARMING. C. D.. Wbtine Office.

    ATOIJafQ MAN who ha* .: to pr .lace deci !-»d« ofh r ta>U and ability tr minufsc are f*»nioneble garuiect«. Toa rerern po»«e-»jr(t the rr.rihv.te qualificationf, an 1 who It di*-Bxaed to dev. ta be'«».f toteM .-n-ei a rare and d-atrab n -.p-p "-i.:-t fj-re A 're.. T. S W Ei x No. 1M P it OH.-',w tu r au.e an.. re-idev.ce.

    I?ARM LABORERS, FfMALpTIk)MESTICS,I tu u v r« nmmj*4 at th» AMtlli »N EMPleOT-MENT SOt ll TV. No. .1 Oreenwnitb-et ; Femaiee at No. 13B.i e tkaic. and No. 3 Send» at, tirooklau

    rIAKDENEfi WANTEIL-one thoroushlv at-* qualn'td »i'b a Kioarer. Fruit and Vegetable Garden, 1*a antat to take the oat ire charge af a 'teo'lemea'* Reatleace laUV 1 u*.:r- I Btiih tcfertncci Box No. 3t>, LoarerP. it-otBce' Raw-York./ j ot I) MILLDTEB8 WANTED.~W«rk gtrtki

    out. Apply imm-di telr at No bO rlarclay at. up ataira.T"Ä"W >TfDENT WANTED.In an 1 >frtcn doingIi t General fcurineae. T-rm. four y»ar»; if a Graduate,jtj \ rtscet. Studer' wil! I* b< ardet aritb preceptor free; a eoMttal KM f I brjry Ar (.»e. Ref'ier.. .«gHrett. A idre«,lo >n at canor, j v ..Ith a 'h.te reouirt.menteaavt Byawaaa lim moat uuex-'I tu eil le tefereuret at .¦ ci a- *< :er at,t qua ititali iiit. a .ibertl

    .. mpentaLoa wi.i be an a perioau-.' ailuali u. NoBtawto need apply. AaWttaO. B. Tubuue Offi.¦*.'I'm TFAi lIKIfS ttml OTIIKUS.An exptyriM encrd Teti'l tr writ teromniea 'ed, both at to ach 1 a whip

    tt.d iLCceaa in t. aebing with t tn ENGAGEMENT, or would«. the gi, d-», and bx';;-ci ol a 'tt one y ac. de.irei aiitua'i "i

    :n tout n >nae in the City. Hat ha I..nt experience; la *eacqualuret with the miau'iar of the trade .aud of Priniiig, Acisnr.fer to hit pretent emp.oyert. Ad.ireet STATIONER,'...» No. )M Tribune Ornce.

    1'0 PRIKTEBfl .A Jok Haad, atMtBJrtoaned kawotk at Pret» or Ct«e. or tre Job a'd Book Wo-k mier.ry dtecrioti.a, withe* aa ENGAGEMENT. Oood refer-ti.. .,.i>re. Vdrlrett A J 11. ln-.-.ue i>rl..-e.

    C\rANTED..The Mdertigned wouW call Um.» aitentaTD ol tnanufarf.r. n f < loth and W 1 ilen r »«lt M

    e 'ret'i at be 11 bow deai-uat of obtalamg a,n lihl ra* a* FABRICATOR la the FRRXCH ITYLE.He w, 1 take cb.:ge t Looma.ant any hntmeae incidental he¬ave Drtwirg tn.i Orialaal Pattern*, which be can produceat taa at the «b My of tbe «eoa* will parwtha, AaNdi .«MONSIEUR PETTI1 lEAN N n R.iae r., near Dunne

    %VANTE.»-An~ex|*' TKA aa.ari R. fereni.e* riC'iii >e* Apt a by letter 10 M fi. C P «t-i ifji.

    \ l CotBmittion Hoaae, a HoY'*

    11 out In vrart f ige: one who raaiile* arith hi* parent*mm (. rred. AAdreta Boa Jt3 Poet OfBoe.

    rANTED.A yoiin« Woman at 8EÄM-TRESfc or to do TAILoRlNG]WORK. Apply it No.

    11!> Dltition-tt.

    VVANTED.To LAWYERS.." Payrertj i' ' -.irti" make the awaer. »ald laM I^.rd Chance lor IIi there any aoung prrrlitiouer deroted to hu pr ifeaeion.a.'fltter-of unq et'l. nable r»»pe, rebi'ity and moral worth,wtrr.D* luaiuea* ' H to and he ui I a idrea* fall particolart inc'Lhoecce a* under, aa tviTantafeona cnmmanicttiou will h«aaade baav. PaaaMaal will in'lud' rent of nftce free and the neeof a rare Law Library. Adur.n LAWYER B x Nu i OlBjTtw 1 :k Port-OfS'e.

    WAMl'I'-An XB8ISTANT DOO^EEPER» » in a Wbolett.e Bo< I Mkll D -' ib \ H M *

    fereLrei Bat No- SM' Port-Oxoce r»tiB* tilery ezpecei.*ANTFr>.An American, English or ScotchLabor.i-g Mil. :o terve a* PACKER, PORTER ao. Ap-

    C. W. MOOD. No. 38 Park-place.ANTFD.Two well eiiurate.i yumm LiJi. *a, ASSISTANT TEACHi RS ia a Yourx* Laut-tc ahaatai

    V. .th n«ten. A1*0 a V BENCH OoVERNLSS. Alla»IHPox No. 103 Lower Peat-Office. .

    W AN 1 ED.A et:.; . f- ti! anal em rgeti AOENT»» I aNVA>SEK ich ei'f t the nue I ^ral-a for he

    BIDDER 8 Ar REGULATOR »l 1 RIO ITSaader tn*Patent. None bjt rr""-r' ,r ' acne r>era :.. n-ed i^; 1» to

    > L. IXH'iiLAW. ei^rmary, N >. M Brofclway.

    Cost unij TounbDLEA8E STOP a WATCH . A twitl .lo-iblr-X -ate iu e W ATCH *u STOLEN yettenUy. It beei g-tard a the BtBBi W. L-; fr >ni hit bruthen andtia era" Any one to whom it it otTe-ed f r *a e it reju*--».i *

    t.'t -ti» M/tch and teod wot. to Mr. LOAV. at Bang* Bre*.a. Co.'*. No. 15 Park tow, N. Y.

    ij%e_)."I REWARD..Left hanxiDt in&mw*ß el(.. LD PATENT LEVEl WATCH with a BLACI BRtiDDCAEIM HA1N attacbed; J. L. Moor', maker, No. TJtS.Icqaue af mare BANES. No. IT Cedar-ex.


    Zo fmun anb cX>thcrG.DON! IrJlNUSE..TW nn*cr.i*r bmLt tutuly am Baad * eery «apenor tract * at para bome

    1 11 tt 11 j 1 4 im it til paaBd hieaat e >.« 1: .: e v ,-kj V» -: F-j.r it.- v.

    m Vetwy-et. CHR1RTIAM a*CHWAETE

    pOtrVIAK OÜANO..Teb imI larilan bebebb»J j.t-e: : about 10" tuna bar-

    ¦oterriaged and we.l found m evary pe-ticu!«. ta«AiO/cl< r * very >!eeir»W* Pleasure \ echt, she can be «enm of ute THOiatmn [killae* Daata .rs.tige £¦ r wth t r""pe'na' In "r.rfioo acatnet vending oi it] *.it» ol «ich or irt ep in .-t - » w r ntm-a. atamp*. trade-reark* 0' lebkla or the plaintiff thereon.

    UIT1E » C'ÖN8II>KKATlON tOMJ mm Rod b«lot I . ign ¦. iMMISS »NEhSHIP and NO-T\R\MIH\ AaatiwCONRIORRATION, Po t OrEee.HTA KF NOTIl' V. I »KCXIvENNi . and1 « e'ir city »r- .ir-ailv on the inereaee. Throigb

    th* Mayor and I.U ccaatMaefbtn the eWaWtM of »rech-.lne»*realfnkwrjhave ten baeOtOBl, aid .:ke the opening of Pan-dura'« brx .* ¦; r» a.I tig ru n and deatrn -te n in every direction.New.loth. July 31, l**S. A FRIEND TO IU MANlTY.

    THE UNITED STATES PATENT VEHICU-J Lar ITRFj rCLEANINO COMPART.Are Mae n.occe-efui operati n in »evere: .f the larieat eirie* of the Cuion.Th.v are rr>i*r. .it where ail oec aaary luforinamm can be 'b'aiue.l

    .MITB.RR« RRJ A I o.14WHY WILL Ü DIE r.CLAIRVÖY-T» ANT EXAMINATIOVS hv J S. H LK K'"K E K oM< tdav«, W. dterdava and Kndaya. trvrn 9 A. M. to « P. M. a'M i Pel«rct-«t.. f>eti*e. d Cannon aud I.ewii. NVw York,and To. .dava.Thiitariaya and Samrdaya at So J84 At autivet,Svtuh itrookivn.

    KbOtUwi ^oi f-noincoc iTltn.^V)PABT1^R8HIP--#1,600..Wanted iuitno-\J ihately a PARTNER wi'h rb a anm it enmnm 1. A Oen-ero«n ol .'itiicati.oi an.l a ....1 a.t re«.. -ti y will >. ico-pi-.l.

    The income derivd will h.- c n.-i.lerab e, and the ueeapat'out.fturded, agreeable. Addre** ALPHA. Bro«lwav P -. Ith

    01 . (. STul.K l-.r SALK in PHirÄDKb-I HIA .Th^ »'.heciiber. ileeiroti* to leave tbo Drug bu«i-ae*e,otTen !..a I Rl «- i'iler»t.i ageticv of Wni e't HairR-t-rera'or Et ptrtl. -.ilart a.Miraa VVM. tVHITRtNo.fMMaik>t-tt , above lf-h et, t. r h »nie Phüal-lph t

    l,1»'!; BALE m EXCHANGE, at RrrrIr» L. I.1 «II! I. I I SH AM SPA.rhe vt arm of which have been cac.fuly analyxe l bv Dr.i hi!ton tnd prom unc-M rb* mott vjluab e CUnytwaie Jt theI't if d Statet emittli g more than nee honIred h igib' ada e^cbtaea't four bonrt, en a tean'ifn'. block (alt acrrj') Of grou-d< n W bitearone-av. well tttuated 'iir a genteel wreriug place,cqnal to the requiremen't rf the Einnlre CvyA'to fotfT-th.-i e ai ret opening upon aaid aeenn-. a djealrabU

    b.ra'ion for a gi nt»e! eouritry «fit, the tame lieing weh »lapedf th> cu! Ivatlon of a \inevard M niark -t 'nick, an 1 cu'i'J atany titne be prnti'ably told in rille pbitt

    Alrotwei.t v ul ' arret of MEAIMiVT and WOOD »hol" 1» mg »'!. r. nur BtUg of Klu-bin* vt'agta. and byreBrcaAbM f«r'v ii ii.atet from N'-w-York, near'-aandtclmol« atwl « he...!-, l.aiv. Condition* liti.rral Apply toM HAkleb miller Ol Elm: ma. ... to th.« nro-wiiratW .ren OttM E PWA »1) W BI APLRT.[TOB8ALE or to LE P.EMPIRE CITY FOUN-I DI RY. with the Bu'dingt th r on. i0"> (. et fraat by ir-i>. d Broadway.

    onmmet Heneaia

    ACOMPLETE Sl'MMER HOME.On th.the Hu :.¦ t River Rai:road, near New-H»i.iourgh Deichet«..L-y »!¦ b ooaMO w h «an* e or doubie taitea. Scucrymir-

    i iirL' water a-fr fi'.i-t of ail ain't abun'ant anl ev-rjmeat-oi rem I rt a;| y for Creuar« at No. 301 Broadway.A ( BiterMew a I rmrartay. from lltolIaKI.CEN HIGHTS SUMMER RETREAT.I> EAMI1.IES and SINI.LE GENTLEMEN.D. igit' Rl >l iMn. atHi a r^ifir, heaitiifu attractt'.ct of the country,yet oalv ten minutee' wa.k from H'.bofcen Perry. Kep^cially1 . .I'.. 1.1 nan.; art. wie re (co'-l-men wiah to be oonvenleu:

    t.u»if^ Eor «e- v N HEiti.'CK S.n Batcloyot. mcjo! floor, ^r Ajyi'LLW siEWAivT No ,>

    pi UNTRT BOARD f:J pf*r wmtk, (MimV> h-.'f-: - 1. kbe a***, h-aitoy and beaotifui p ace iu 'he»> it ',tj a., e. i L ,:. fare *: .!. ' forv aeeaa to. all Braaaaa»aa** R.-..* Sjotl* 0»aatoeaaa

    a "t ir-r pl'iitt.'l Ft ivMS'if I' Rl'a '.M< .:. .If raoart r»T,v-ati- te-m».

    j »1.1 A-AM r I'KMSHFO i:(H'MS.withi;riteaI ar.d fa.-'..- FT «rnale tNo. 102 Lecnarrl ,t ihre»- do- rt ee»t iron BroaewayA\ iklsTED.BOARD (w+tllOBl Innern exemptI* »" a N » 'is P f.-OnV-e, ttattaf term*,Ii', afv n are n m alaiiesj. Ac.


    attached; wo .Id ink O- aad their wire*. Alto, Ota* erta H i.t mu tingle t,rui.eai*n. Termt m iterate.

    tjonece to Cct.l": with bteam POWU tn LET.I TWO LOVTI wel tthted tad wir-.,ed 2»xl«* feet. In

    Buck Faatery, touth ahto 'teat Tttb ti Vn. ISA ImiaireoBtb tri. tt CHARLES PARTHI >' M« Broe,!wayfjiWlK'KY to LKTT-Two lofts; >;» j.y 11f>I feet, with- IV p WVK V V Weal 37th-*t.,aaar"ih-tr. At r v (,n the pr«miae< or fo

    ( H A K KS PAR TR I DOE. No. »4? Broadway

    nOl'SKS to I. KT .Three elegant newHOI BEB at River Tr-ree- HOBOKEM, w thin threemu Btee' » ilk Oi the tent, commtndin< t beentifal rtew of thariyer aatl CMy efNew-Tara, Brtth hath «tt, bet tad cold wtirr,\. let of the firtt euly laqalra at tha

    .' e i. if t'udaa.a i«d .d I't. Uob.k'o. ofDVt II I MARTIN.

    118 to LET, Aiti BTEAM POWES.1bit i ... f liieeuwich tno Heachata. aneae-Bj !n' min'iie't walk of thaFem. For firJiei ptt i. uiara ol THOM tS MORTON,v Fitraarl at Niw-York.

    I.l.T in .IKR8EV CITV.A neat thre«.11 IttakWB .>.*!. clo* .!* at .i paciri-a, water and *.*.

    .h.'iV.i.ra, Al- Flva Diit.n'e* fro'n the ferrr. Rent, * P" re a' No. M Eieet-et Jersey City.

    f|*0 front of tbo Tabr>rna«le, No. 3411I Broadway, OFFICES *Bd ROOMS n f r bn-in-aemi rfJDOl \ lHtnTAN. on tha

    preii.itea.FFö LET- if] UÄ TOWER ua LIMITI ROOMS a' tow '*t-t kl

    MR OtNlHJ No. I0-: Walker .C

    frO LET.Trb DWELLING PART of HOI ^i:I V.l Oa*JtaVtti ni,.'fioit et*t of llreadway. The apa/t-Bettt ol Lhree aalil h .i:' recently pni ta perfect

    iii.uillou. I ri.tcu and Oaa in ibn Mi.uik rt (>*.!.-BACON I BAVEN fie. lMOiaal at.

    1«0 LET I 8E< OND FLOOR with FRONT.', - f M i N 1' .! ''rt t order and wi h a too l deal of Eur-ti re, to a 'n'tl! tr. thi/hiy rrapr«table fa nilr. Referencee

    fiaea 4*4 H BaMavA A pi ly at No. 8 l>oii«la*et., Urookiya.rpö LIT.Tb* twtvaton b^ek DWELLING1 HOL'Sl No IS Wa.ker tu. would be leated tor Maautaoturisapaiaaee* to a eery ileairahie traairt Lot ie 107x30rheuA;l. t.. Ii BLNISK, No. 41 Jobntf., bei ween 5 and 'io'clo« k P. M._OL i -A(BiaERahttlCOTTAGE atRam>eewbj,

    i- .r award hy Mr, Phi lip Hone. Ja¬il. 1.1 DLOW, Not. II Wall tt. and i New at.

    tjonocs unb /urmo ITJantcö.

    KANSAS I AM'8 .Wanted, from 1,000 toI rt ot AND n Karre» fir n'tlroient. A ay per¬tou h ?ia| a tract in a rood loo^tioa will pl'aae tta'e quantity,i|ti« ity mmmlocätioa A idret* SETTLE, Trihuae OMce.

    ANT] 1» -A WELL-FTJRNI8H1 D HOUSEiwith Baadern improyeaaent*, to or aoar Ea*t B road way .

    >\e Pike ai ii I e u i,, uTe'nenr ata , lo be occapied imtnedily by e until ftmlly.»** Box No. 1,621 Po*t Ottce.

    luv.' £o.ütt for 6ale.

    AHINT to th.' WISE -We hive for SALB.,r KM I' ANGERN u tivtfd FARM LAND,nt I iilata* of l «al »'/: oue of Cannel, 12 feet, three of

    l i'un.moua, fron 4 to S feet deep, and two bed* of Iron Ore,tttuaied A. J. BLKECBER 4 « o.. No. 1 Broaaleet.

    OB SALE.WALNÜl I 11 IT AGE, with threeI.-., t .r .i. e'if-i 7 ai -la-ed on the eaatero alopa

    ..t Ihtnge M'.'.utaln, Naw Jeraey, about one mile from ta*it M Depot ai, tnd iia'ai.t im e boar froat the city.Api.y to I'iiSI1 K M «ROAN,

    P M «t No j Matt ,p.. :a*j Bank lluilding.

    r'ÖR hALF^.A tnperb FXRM of 111 aoraa inflrang* Co. T.wn f Montgoaaery 11 rnile*from Newbatrtha.-k road. Gnod Built. n(t; farm well watered; two Or-

    cbaraa gzaftad trait\ ftcttaaE, akatl to 6ne condition. Will haI At/ply to C. R. MILLER tt Co. Auctlooeer*, No.

    \jl Broadway

    t[*R SALE.AT'ÄllM- of eighty^etiV'titö-aied n .e T'.air, Da.-iea. Cf. d.atan*. fromNew-Yorhfor') u .lee by New-Y orl -a i New llaeen Railroad. The !©-a kt rery pleaatr.t eo.nn aa< itg a v.ew of ton* In and

    ftoni_d fas mere man hi>y mil aw, and >t cocvena^nt to 'he D*|K>t,.hiak 1* a u...e and a haU i>unt. r..r pa»ctac*l*'* »pp J

    < M. MA riir.H No. Broeaiway. r toiiEoKuh MATHER upon taw pr ruuaea.


    tV i EN] L> ( 01 NTBY-HKAT and FArm forit »AI _i,.nw(H r r..r aa * that tp.entli 1 maiwion and tiae;l «/l N KY ^KAT er-e'ed by 'be late Goa. / O. Wearer, attL "X,e . .,ver * if) CC0 ait'utred 1 j mrea N*rth«a*'.fYoui the( ua ct Oca, oarer iifl'" ^.^kI',J?^, 10 fa" «*thi* been t* and hra.t!>y c tj. The Mtulon M a moat aah-¦ a. ud rletat,* awucture. w.'h four teuenliai Egypoaa, a ;;. >i a t hu a one Garden tad Fralt Orchirdat'a.'te.i aCo .-tahet. fe.ri ege-bnaae. Icw-houe- he. With.'I wi »eil any t.m.ber of tcret of my farm attjoirn-.j, >.art'ngot II*aere**f tha rkheat . t.e Mohavwh VaJUy. gaaarae

    e Mi . ear :ft* r- ace a g i*4 f artf:h la* 1 ¦ P, and ail nee**»*ry Fartij b-uHinta. I will tell thewhale ragetter er the Farn, aaal to* I iB'r; Seat »eparate,oah w at,.; eaaa te,m* to theparcnaa-r. Inquire .if the nt*-r>t

    . -A P. MOLLJ.Y Nv. Jl An. t . New-D. -KINNER,

    I tica. N. T., Aagaat 1, ItSfi. IHTM. ' N I !.1:>I< ..N¦ j ,D ..Sertfor aal«>, on rcaton-A aa.eteru*. eirm PLola f>y GROUND. b«*aatafalryI mi K .i»b*?hport oa tb* Central

    "f The at ,v« Plot* are adttMrahiy tltu-net r mir.»diete imtroraaBeaL Saig) property will be eulAuaVVi1/ ,* A r' K°I.U^m ^ »W» u, BARER fcAt Eh- Aj . oceer*, S-x 4 Pma-ec


    piano-iTcrtts on5 Äaeix.Ci I I'URN & N^R^Ha^DE0N8, N 4S Bi*att*T*y. /IANOS to LE*