New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1851-11-24 [p 8]. · NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. SOOTH AMERICA..a By...

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. SOOTH AMERICA. .a By lilt awhif Mir^aret Kli/.i. I 'a'.t.'-.m Aden.* arrived .1 th.- r<t n u x\\it<Uy looriaiog, ate ton adntti from Buenos Ayre* to IM B4f> Itctter The i" *'. of the flay w .. thai Ortbe bad rajitulatcd, and it - ijoo-ed that he would join ..v.'.h Gma, i rqalxn, to UÜI the war an the BtJidatir.eir. i; woj.d toet>e it an end. Oea. lout was pressing the sale inhabitant* into hi* army and in IHM piacew «..; e teat fe.-nalee an 1 ehaldren were left Heiaiaoda to ba fewdraaei .at opponent*, »hould ihey eoaee on In- aaQ. The ltu..,iv iyrwa Pi of Bi|l|Bibw»th e a* taunt the Mio« | oa kd do aaa, addn m I bf £.*..« to the (ha abei el ' '. drawing hi« m znation for the Pit llaV | roni) i<i j iran ak om ^ oa rnTrH TO rH«*U ml M, Lot: HSSSl I'm r tmt\- .,. .*,' nu Is>a! raairoa, H i I'xiT.t Pai rsM'i na 8»x Bonito. «Je;,» IJ, Igil i Year the t^l l Ubeita Mthef tried' aad i id or tbe aYrjaaaaaa Oaatederattaa ) ths HfiK-ra'Hon"'i.i Kiprtmmta reer. Mi ¦»n at atari 'N ... w taw Re- aaaMtedaraga lose, leriedef agitatioaaada Vb tare the coontry frem iVunridal war; to accompany a lathe fjsrioa«defeaeeof aaeeerv* it freai 11< tat ei Ith« *. asti areae boed tat rnt.'ileae I7r.itariaii*. was tit' eaateaatl boa- .aarable u.iaaion that the Aryeuaai people bap aed a me. and wh.< a I - '*.¦! I. t d te « i 'a .«.u 2d leva daa te aar < airy and to my feilo ar-citizsa*. After a aaaanevaMe epoch, in « bicl was. i .«. Argent.:.» Coafs dsaeadtiirr, 'irr" it. enemies; and to the under mgned th« dtet'egeiahed r. i ret lingo rit; ifter tbe Me^u red luflocali tt aa by and was m Iheeajeyaiei.' oi peace,dereloptng e ementi ol r ¦- pemy.l casaeadereu tht aatnaeni bed ar ivi-i t r»<i a the aapv»m< < « i. ... » I nad :.«.«n *v ep nUn* u .'eiierated Huuraj«- myciuotrymen, ait i .arae.iiy re-,a>-t«o on to any at aasxher liaea as mj awaeaaae Yeu related to admit n f«ar*eBt pr*ye«.'heinh at* .f tbe pro«.in a » o. eeewoag tt.« oft. Ii ir/. ta a<d a< rei.cir '. ,: t, i. ..» e.igu*' ami tau aaaaama* sauftb < . Ihn uga t nor I. i' . an* al .. ¦fcaywaa aaacted, with .. ' < altbeb«;td «im- atmaala is a.- tbe fur¦"¦,>' ' paring f«r it agluil in. Ittt an Overaewertd eh deeaewa, ai I . appteeitdli. a dr';-f«t arawade toward ii tr< i te Frd-iai.. »«t '! »tu te »I ward, bceuutiasl] lo vr-s« ghaat sWiaga lgraa«a'edtojourho«oia,t(#iiyieU<i ii- aeae, .ad the < >n'' era'e pruviaoaa,tht hoaiageol ui aasaAardeat aad pref ud ackaowladgineiit. 1 o araiaed with vra» .a u iio r .»r d> '¦'.'. ao 'i ;'ic Maas, ve'eol the «> pab o r,bu uwi . tee- la grateful emotion* tb''»» radiutere l.ofiuj o.tu try. . I lainiBaaed »ebemeni y. yet re ... tfa If, tu ». <a Aaai joui in nm ii ill' 'tif 'in provmceaa anoe aaj atlae. aablaaad by the cr pleearuangfroa aa/rs keaa viewa, n.ulil oooperate >n .!<. efli a usiy thou in alf lo ib»- aggrandize men) four d irly bei n t o i i'.i The traaqailit) which the Republic exrameeced; tut uaien » pt'-vkih d thruughoul its prcryuacee; the e Asaa with which, ameliorating it* tnstituti a- .' i madi the raauarea* of it. welfare, end tae extei ml p ace «rhu Iteloyal, e;'i;lit .ii d'.'' iii'' öi,» ..> i'i ahadewad, indicated to me that the monacal ha* ateelf for rcialgaini Ibi raan aaad, w la it ia ui i the nation Aiimibif dry aeeheerlag a eeavictioa, 1 iawistad la aiy let i oi reauBt iwa . r hoaeia au i iai*i .1 ti gtevmet*. la l.r.t .t mi n>> '' u'. werde, aad ih« c steacyol myreaeoa, won d diel) i' aaa Binds of ibi ArK1 iitiii'1 pe >,>!(, and indaci 'I. aiteac- eede le niy*'v irati >a from tbi taj ran a But le-pecteil thi*. anl the uadiat Ire J state of She Republie wxnaii'od ate to sat) rl ua sw h '<¦.; at tbiavery aaoeaaat, the bjmaae traitor, ruthleaa i utsriaa frqui/a. iahn d las atandardol belli aad anarchv, aal a*: ii to »e»t r. weh in« degraded aword, the botads tb I ¦Waple the pee leef Batre-Riosto theoaafederati.m aud eou*tiur> btuaat li lha arbiter >f tii^ .*. lealiat a,isaaai leas'y * ild hiin«elf la the Brazilian GoveraoK ut. n it j> i- assttig sa Ba obstinate auilation, ha uiraded and al - d wuh uuprtcdaidi d iri ai hart. tie o rittoi aad .he Inala geadeneei f 'lie )U pubhes of the Plate. In se solemn a rinds for the Argeotiue r^tmaaunitr, a baa ata loyal .en*. dualariag,aa al all limes, tb Ii wwn valor, roe aa araaa t«» reaisl aad chastisa thai, , asmi i, sweeping to many such . andalev outragee: Cfars themMire* with abl nie aelf denml f.ri !i« moat lorahie oiter*. I hn*e received a aew daolaratioa from glas eaaadaaleratepteviaoe*, that perea] isudcl eeabnuaio a m tue anpti nie urn a I, Bbd<>l wan be uafarmed by ihi cortospoadi r''ni I will ha tbe be oi al Aaa aSpce tae aatioa as dessand* it of me tan aad BMNueau for it« Iraaguiht] -aiai ¦. ia lha p aaa e ui «MdeBt Icieign aiiKrean.'B*. aad an unei.ianJi <1 r< bellioB, my eaaip titiota reoaeal me to bom apaar ihaaa aa Iba paj I wcaov, lud« und our asdepeadi aca aa>l uati m ! hau war« ine B< .. ildi eaatperated by be aud.wboslili tea* of the II. i. hi l of til nwaaWvaitsraaaa,prepares to reltlutt* ,u« w.i \ nab .bey bnre reeai itatetl -it uotj aa., .. Ii I. saaot n late, bw du l isfhaa, laasaotabia repteaeatatives, mv c m- tinuanrr m tat Ilavarawtat, ptuvhled ait honors, ar ..upatiioi" aaa the eonfsdatute pruTtneea, r mm lei that at mar useful aad nemos.ary to theaatl'taal welftm (\u«tal«all> <>|tü 1'i lie .:,»'¦ <, y .!i ;a'|oua a lu aatpatetiea, I < heerl "y .i.-tw ».. «',. ill Tine iteruti. miIk ae am 11... taassstauM ss, iad than cimtinaiag ia lai plena i ulliiu.i. I .111., .ir liie « honor ol eeapauiiiiK no in Ion d fed** .1 compel not«, m their hei jic laeoiui.. a 11 iBjidioBtiiui Iii« iiatiuaaal iiHleiiendear* sujl parr, attacked by lbs perndiii Brazilian Cabinei I., the rathleka I'aitaiaBB i luira In a»a ofdan. e with lha* delsrsaiaatioB, I theretor* pre- seat myself, in the aaaae tasnaer aa lue loyal Art al BBMilrsd to fulfill oar- m ire mi leita rated pledge, ..1 *aon- b«'wg all in diifi-i he k\> ir rty, au.i the h >u r af he Ceafsdersiei My fel'ow-cm/run. whohai »'". sloaud at pa tlci- gaaBain their dtnVuhiea.wiM bow nad i i.wiih eeund aad rebasl health. sad ilw aj. noaaiata i< w i n lite* piiur.pu*. They will see that, if wIibb at imi- *ey*d pesaav aaa IraaeuUity.f dadred (a wiihurae from tlie .upMiiierouiinaad. 1.11111** m. - i. ¦ IB BOM .thai aabash ra i* .1, where I ae advantage,n«w tu d ai aaeauea ol 1.1. Coafedera' 100 appear, and thai ii < »athaonas od ol 1 is ra hlsea 1 ..1 tanaoa, 1.. ... bythl iiiaaae iraitui rillhlsts t li.ou'i Praia, a. dare* to rates it- i>:mkI. ttaaulard, her, lam. ready at lha Ball ut ihr aal oa, au «rith energy aqua! ha n 1 dutn*, m'd to t ie lu.p s .1 Hi- c'pMic. wilsmr to contend .n union with the einuoai Aricotiaea Pcderals, Id base let, trMaaahaal aud otiu'iltdaled, m'. ideti tkerighie. lh< dwarty, «ad Ihl ful 1,1« ,t the a iti an Jbis XIri*;* Ki iraeeBtativos, a ihs leaoluUao 1 have adapted ¦ view of tea aenl i- iad area tl in Aael daatrtsg ere aow to transmit rt lo youi knnwledgi bad ilo ht ... I ve bally la Piasideut, and |.< on. oi tin Deputy aVcretarieeof vour houolal !> DB ., it to the heaaaraala H., .< entativi a,atthi it sesswm thei aaabt ban to reitend ... .,...» pi .f uu I rrati ude. Oed i4v.rivi ynur aaaaareaaaai peare Ii »x M*s El DB K <i- The Repreeeutittive* continued 11 aeaaion front day to«la>, teemed to bv- unanimous ua their evpptwt 01 Ho-1- y'/i< r.i i tt h .% 1 0 no va fromi he aenl ad w Mr. Win. v Han out lata hatrgf to Buan Ayres, had lain 11 o| (,, n. i:,.t tS, m, |»en,Ue- taw having arrived to take his pla !0. (in ]>re<.eaiiug hts letter of recall lie made the loll iwtng - PBIott, ¦ have cenie, Mi Maus et, in place la rtmi haadatb lell*r el r»> i. 1, run «iit.n.i .u.u.i: yaaofita «1-i1 thai 1 abowld ei>» leiirc Ir >;.i ibi. n, .u. I am, at the *.me time, iiialiur.eii loBMBroyoai Exc -ilen>y ol the 1 n njly tpilit and benev.dent 1«. ln>-» w hieb asill eoutntiie to 1»- .»ir* tin. pgh f tbe I iet of w a in all ih, it ehVio a, ? lo v ud ii,, 1 .. Si.. ..Ua, i' mi. I avail know, sir, hew loyal and I tbati .... Let *ue a-«»a'. 1.01 Ibäl - is 11 . » BtOTU ful BuTaol . otde-Ute empiy laut * of di 1 i the faithiul aaiastwaMHs «af the feeiiug* aiid « iu *nti alintima«: i and people »:.. -. ..... .. o, retoi.lh o| .11.01.» haiv >>.! .. ... the In ..... tae \ .... 1 In p.rf,uuuuR tin* la»: di e.a aiplomaii. retati me with tbia <;>.,. i .,,., ... . .,, ,,-t, espitas ihrevjgbvtsarKtisslleac.-,to I ,. y wheat M.ii i and w,»,1 in have > rioatly «talteI lbate of biiuselt hi* ismntn. Btott uml a»-know!, ,1« .1« ( ., u reaeid*iali...i dhnh I Bate CumtauHi ri o'.sl ». .. . ban « Vest.atB-*i. caj Mr ef human ailaiia. II v »d I.» a. sine de ^asaaaidtbeataelv,. ut>an th* ettentkm maakiad u - esateco.iei, ,uieu 11. tl.e ,hir»oM hum it, , . , gpaery.lojeked lotuiufu..- . i»dcalled u.wa asajaaaiuami lo Waad thaw wo,,,..,.»., tV. \ ". * occaaean, b. .i.e.' a .BJvAead I) -. order out oiehaa.-»»!, 1, eea/usiou. Hu «Bh . I rat tb.ish a id >u*tavla .' Isjstetal»v»t*ti: vii, :,ül l.o . , mount Beat ire. Bad Wil .n- ..:<. 11 aVvsHtaUoaa.n which ru» lamewil! h.a. real A ¦"" " lb* *e»ere.«i - , ,% . a*ea,ttatilibo>eiu'«» t .vunou .,- . aad eeeuied ro have don. Una ». V," , Jt?? eaaugb fo« 01,« ;i...n li..,m» ..i Pally lo lecod the .rani act* ol km eveall il ltie piÄ Wan jadge ol theaa by ibea »o,» «*«t'ul leaiUts, mal ti e paliuu otflii ah ic - ri in.ark .a their authWwna ¦BBiadi aiaa. with lasuce and truth, will mx-nt* i, U Hi a , h taiucd on '.he Ikfoa.l aad n .p. i.<..<ilr a,c a. Ut* wwld'a hiklo: Bui Mr Masaatar, i >h aid:,.-: th .r i hi. I Sriecti» f'drilled ni» .m.,, oa t:.'- aeeeeul atxeaama .1 1 Isotkeie jotBiageA.r place, end la Du anaa> Btan< ater, glte , i, ,,v». ; ihims leehag* m «ratelul les. ecl end pioi. Bad a. ...... «| b lao am tsr't ester teaa tor the character am: pe-aamof me 1 11 ahlt and distinguished waagbtatol hi* Ki. e ien ljr ti.e Coieruor, >IiuMa its de Biataa v l?z, utia If Ma waste mal I |*ou..: ass the* . a 1 l.\ * *" . ... vsaii aanwa. a bran and imisuiaut piece tatht adu m mm «l. a - . ., aifairt aa»K ace a wate r* , MfnaJdaamn Blaeamd ui bthe ltj geaaeasmg all the u-edtr >. a,: .t:..» .v. ... ,. el ke; «ei. h. t , woman', heait i. ,, rs set* grotecuoii or «med hei a»mstance. She :,.u lue i«aiga eajcet of chatitt and au rer. Sht »taa-l» a rpelu il .. a- Wtrr i grace bei , ^^fIlV!a^tlu.',* ,°i T"' "t ,J 1 ' atnetne i SS£E* kw *. m' ""WCate t bS '1 IT w I Itt e we^enen. Hrr g»». iou» a t* sad her amd word- faU sli am«^!^*! *"a »,r»wtcr. t.« .....««.. t » ,| l0 ,iM S*T««.heie,ul,,wa.r,]lui,,1VMJ,t ta. in ..- ftTbiiae!? ^'.'""-'.aciincs her en*e. ber health, an »» m au. k S Ä' 4* o/pa'r.olisiueaddul» It at^SsrTrÄ ¦reader that law m Äi aauS^ N werdtaftt,.- c.,ei.,.mAt . ¦. i "' ' ,M "T^T"!** *" " *n wteras, radBbamwiM " Who a-pruaek he: Baloe wjtK .he ,.m. uninsured ^m^'^J^ ' \f F~ dtd puedic . j nioa. ia asy age, ot ta BW 'nVV'V' ' "" ''.'¦. r e d * m.» aMS k e,r,,u.p,r" '*c" ä ,. -a ... a-<-t ...»..: .... lathe I «MCxi-iaJ .ttwi-o--. mmrmmt thsurte hrjon. frteatallr a t- - SiTnd cnstant a.ndaea*. ttrwurtl illuOI. I »I aactai relations. Mv own Bleedl* n eUe|1 have ..»-..'," Zen net hy ro irlEteelleeev m - e*;rt * / '''V Wi the Bsual "t. rune,, aud o isl "'¦ .' !«. ...... and friend.; intcrc..-use , And I at til »f thi* Ma" . . tnat b/ tier* tiMI «4 the- t*n-e.w«.t. and .asae af it* ratUeae,have I beentinted wit \, and kualneas which b'.vt inspired trw deeau. iav r-«t rp«rro'I* me thaw, tare eh your bctOmft y .1 i' evt 11' each and to all f '.be.a, .1 m. v. a*.-. i. « J . knowiedfinent», and tu express the erdeet ho liv i nr.«[.erc;s and iiap.<y /at e uui en arat en rti . foTaritntr.t and (.»«¦,Jo, wi» >-e c j .r; *r. t roi a te] Lad ti- doirutabla spirit, bare »:r. idy, aaewr ike a ict i p | i aasetan res rrrrrrit ir. atta vmrf aa* aaxeea. The Arrt\t*n* .Veu» saya that «>n*«pon<len Rio Janeiro announces tha arrival at that port ofthe steamer " ManHlin Ratal.*1 constr i-te 1 'tl "te t inted States expressly for the traffic of tae interior rivers of tola RepoWlc She was nwlf rg urn -ome slight rer urs, id w- «!a proceed to her de-tma'ion a*- soon hi tasty area*, tf ¦. '"'The f.,loa int.- U ton Its kVaW lawCa »9 I N of September Cfai; Seit N't*a his been n-.rc.T. J of thee ¦ i.ltte .i< feat of he traitor Lt-ouar.i Olr.'.a. t.y . iiuter the of Cei Barnoa. Tbe pnrauit v.-a»c >n- tinted, aud bis captora cindered uvevPab», aalen* be succeeded ia reacbiaa tbe Brazilian fratatsar. Tba pnurd ofl'naiza had al- Km nnrsncl from the etc r. tr of An.laiez to Qoeaearago, arith the !..<i3ftw. silled aaa ou< pns'wer. This atla.r seems t<> base 'akeu place«n tue .n,»t bait we are aat fa aoasaastioa ol araacia! ateta s. I'BE-i.sT.t i ion ami BsBCO«ft!Tl< v of tferaerat i t. PesssVefost, a.« . "'ir.- rf'.t[favw*/ l*« .' sta'ft. n"tr 'ht ft>, tfnanu ay IM at/ya m f"« sVtrafaea, Mr. Pendleton, Inivin;'. litre on t'i? 2 i Vtigust. annoujeed h.s presence ti tue (t.irer.icneiit. tn a note of tie tttfj. I .n.sw. r, i.n.ler tla e Uu- l.'.li S-,.t «. r Minister of Forci^.i Relations eoagiatalawM Mr. Pendleton, in the name >( tue (Jovernineii' n i B i-fafc arrival, and aprxmited Monday la-t, tba jy.ii in- t lor the ireMeatatiou of bis credeaatiala. On thai <!..y Mr Peudietou pre ented to the Min¬ ister ol iv>rc"ir'n At-aiw an afB'iaJ rwrnmaueation ffvjui ilonoraok Daniel WeaMter, Btserediting the be.i't i is. the r Betty azsora BMBtisaed, In coi sequi n :c Bde rt-e w»s issued in the eu.-t >. raary terms, with date the lo'h Beptamber. r<?; .!.*. nixing Mr. Pendlt-ton ii his dtpaoinatic character, and liitesiing bim wttktlbB richta, ptaToa^tttrtsi and imrnuaitk tliort unto annexed Meannliile arc cordially welcome the honorable .Mr Pendleton '«. bia now BpOOTB of a .'.vn. oongrato- latiiig hint alike on the tliMinyii>iie.J oonhdeaca tv has merited from hi^ own Ooeswnratettt, and ttae irracion« ami i'lanilieJ reception awarded In n by the Argentine Government We tr tat oil eetloi able prt--»nee may in MBM dooooat«oaaoto*tlie public regret in universally experienced, at tb° removbI of rn< n spt. »«d pri de' BBBOt*. 'Packti, .Sept. UK LATER FROM MEXICO. .t. Bj the Birival yr-'-tcrday of t!ie i>ii_' To- huantepec tte hate rt, tired p,';.crs from the I 'ity of Ur.\,. o t<- Ort 114. I he paper-- are Riled w Ith ;i<>rt- from tie th^a'er of war on \i.n Rio GnodOt BOO BJotOBt every dav a rumor i-in i'irciüaUon that MatanMTOI h id fa.lon into the hands of the insorgaots. 'I ii. se rumors pan "bly f ive to that uro ipht by the Tehuantepee Ironi Vera Cntl to the -1 ne effect. (Jen. AvakM had written that he had7O0 men with luni, andwaa daili azpoetilg 100 morn, under General < anales. TOese lstter never «; it tilt -e in fact, < analea sec ins to be tli^trusted on all Sides. Tht i.i/u",a papat pnUianed i.: Victoria, has a long article, in which it vvarna the (iovernment aganilt trusting ClDOlOS; .md tin arti'le iseoniod approvingly into tlie papari of I lie capital. It is stated in..nt of his friends am! relations are among the insurgents. Great \tratii has alao been excited against (.en Avalos by in-- act in takln; ol the prohibitions at Matarnoroa The papers aeooae him of actuaU) sei on ding In seeaaa :mo-nto. Ner- ertbeless, u uppeara toot by tins nice little piece of maneuvering A vain-, ¦ooejodto j?<t $ jh(i.ik»0 into the I lOBtOlkVltOOBO. lien. I'ihsh communicates to the Government from I'otiHos, under date of tbe 15th alt., tool be Bad assemble j 873 men, and wa> theo on his march for the seat of war. It is understood thai Urafaiato command the GoveffBtomtfovi ¦ A letter from Monieret d .ted on th" l ?th of Od r> ber, aays that Gen. JBttregni Bad left i.n IfataiBovoa with 100men,tOOof Whom were Kick ipoC India i-. I'aci. u.r naivell taatuvlrt. t^at 1 inraarii Bi-*-" .... tend to fi^lit, but <ilil> \\ ai ted to trv an 1 buy some 0 tin insurgents. The oouducta lot Vt ra Cmi left the ity of Mexi¬ co on the (!»> before vtit.i *..' fsOJLOO A letter from BeOAWB aaVI tiiat tht number of \inrrienn adveataYOfs wlaOOBve entered the Mate lor tbe purpose uf working tbe mines amounts to 72. Tbe inhabitants aeemto ho] I these men in as in ich tein r as theii-h one were ei;ual to a hsndred. Tbe English Conaal al ktaaatlan. Mr. Whiton Tal- hot, dtc.l a -bort tune BOO. [N 0. Pic, .Nov. 13. TwoerlBtinals,J. kf. Pe.iri. t and V. Montero, b ivi rig act n convicted of highway robbery anl seri- ouMs wounding a party of fatr ers, were siiot at Mi -hoacan on the vit.l September. The IdrambttTattOa hai luom :ti I to Hie ''h imbcr of Deputies a plan to restore the public audit It is kwg and ooeaplicated. The debt n .-o n/ed up to DeeemberOI, 1090, Braa to be funded, ami to bear three per cent. uitere>t jier annum to be pniJ out of the cMBtoiBB itti't tonnage duties. rke BrainiBidB at Poobla peri run ! i ineral corc- ntoniea in the chureh of San Pranctaco, in memory of then compatriots in Cuba, who fell under Ameri¬ can bullets dtirmc the late I opea expoditioB The eomnteroial boom ol Gamiih id f tiled f Tone million and a half of dollars, and that of Gmterrex |{ for one handrod ihewBand dol] trs xi Tepie,ia Guadalajara, a family of ^;ur*aas Innl been poisoned o\ a public functionary. The poison was put in water whi h they drank Tlie cvlprit bad hern unprttoaetl. The father of the family bad |>r. tarred di trues a ranis: the fun ttion try. The aat laaiiu of (.en. Raa h i1 been tr.ed in tiuer- re:... Three wire condemned to dcatn. one to three teais .ii tue aaltets. lotir to two tens in the galleye, and two were acquitted. Taoae found guilty, have apBaaled to ;i hu;!ier ti ibunal. The . hotel is lä^lB| ill tOOtC | iltiont of M«x: O. SO the PaclBO OOaat. All the loans which were vi»it,d in IBM by this tliea.lfui mainly are no* passed over. The 7v...f a*Tauen st des tb Mr Letclier, the kaaotaSao Minister, had been hi the country tfleen i'avs, but aoUatag concerning tiie rehnautepec .ssttoa bad braaapired. it rsornplstrients the Min- i-ti r for his Be -reti... .. id azoret m 11 ui ;se at the Government"t sot producing the treat* which rest- k large amount of the diffkruJtjr. It is said th it the Mexican i.oitruiuent and the t'tuigress. far from csppxattDg üie n<ht of transit across u-.e lathaaaa,are perfecll) willmg.nay. anx¬ ious, to etai.t it, but IBay So not wish to bind thum- BShrsaby bb] rsooti ic> Theyhavi no objection to the North \n < :ica: s. n t.iet desired'the rail- WBJ fioui Bt t au to OOf an. Il is to col mizalton, thev oli.ect. The ivto iiiiuK'n-e .i l.-.s to tiaTTiyetiea. il aide oi tae isthmus tBertff num. ior then m they be- hoM tbe Inevitable garni of an eatatbluhment of .N urth- vn.-ric Bsapoo kfexioaatorrttory. At no price, and saidarno cirrurrjAtancea, is.i> > tue I'suaa) wiii tiie Corujireesof the eountn "TOrtBl to this. We fi it c .'fetued it .i.lvi- ib'.e ,., coatmuf - to tue- seat this eased qtaeaAien la Be nc* itar *tv. since it Iheeatea* to axeita serious dirtu-ttlues net ween tiie ltetahbotms Republica, The follow inj- b ttcr la from a correspondent of the Tr«!ii d'l nun j I SI UMt ThursJ.,y. O.-t. lb, |BjJ|, r*r net BaWSk 11 I < IStmaWAII or' JA icurnarno. 7're fanat.ia Kji.W. Tr.t Tthmnteprf Dtft.x tf. Tht Acttpul o Koute t > Yrra r'-r, .1 ., A -. The Nicaragua route from 9 n Jam del Sur to Stn Joan del Nortc. is now areal BSlabliellSd. and vtiU eoubtles- aooa be-oaie the ia 1 -i frequented pith- waj nraas tbe Gall t. toe Ocean, it *iii eclipse th.> l.u.ama route, which the AmceiOBM have always cisiikesi. mx Mv.toiers ,.re \..\s eaajdored b.tAecn r*n *,r^"co and San Juan del <Ur, niid as >»a as the K.uroau tathtaaai ihall bavi coraplatad their arran^ementa, byavovi-ioiiLiv meaaa o tran-> rtt- .. ...tiiejournet fro :, , rdifontiato New-York will be ... com;-li-hcd m 5t .sr Vj d iy < In a uiaritime 5h..i,: of t.cs the port of ft in Joan is not tha U st The w ivea oaab a idly up in tue shore, toe wise:! are variable, and tie a-i^oraee loatvervscrure. it i said that tha bay f Baal iaV .i sattsa bo thoosoto, hvaaora fat srahty aicntcl. Pcr-oitswho have passsd over the Nioarazca -ou-e are in rapture* v».ib tlie axqujaits act n. rv. anJ tnV kindly htKspitahty of the inha: .unt*. \ »sj mat- well üiiHSiiie tb .t tb. Je'.i^atful Nicaragua ro id ua's injured the aswasaKta ol Paaait Tht- it... *r.»i-i will never be c>tnp!ctcd. Tbe hsborsri are con¬ st..:.! v desert:!h.«!l do '. .th the h-»re. .'e fevers of IBS climate. MaB] ol V^ic m ist SABsJUiai ara be- tt'iii.ia.»: lo think they weio wroBi la e.i Ii tvormgto titute the tare in-eaes at tuts tar-away southern point We do act belveva Baal War gittv. sethecso»» en point, OBtil TshoailBsiw .v. i- teased : be r.gird- sdastc.aiit- guutii!. VTepei^ivataUtths Mu:..:er fron the I steed SUtaa aus ;<.en ted : pre most,-artest attent ou to BSiBOftaoJ i r | ect. Of eoBurse it will be of Banatits vakse to tBe soothsra >tnt»s of ta. i n;o.-:. aSn «rill ra .sc Nt w Orb a n tiie grand erster of Catifcrnu trade. Hoaever, wc diubt mach it can t »ei be at o.n 'usbtd. Tue reau8nance tlie Mexicans to ths elsist of tut iv, a: d their still dot -r repagnaace to the C nn- nar;y,cornrvi»e.l entirely of tmencana, who have urdcitaken the raTroad, wtil oe an laessmo ints.n,e ob»t*c.e to Us sue- -a. If we at ty credit Ike Bavert- papers, the orders plve.-i to Mr i^t. her are such that ** om V«v Btatoajg daatroIUsi htUstU taVS two r< ir.t-ev sh-u.d ft« follow t'.c n«c thrir fin extent , ... in r e ranttni af IttsM a a **d «wo«, w ¦ 1-e sLMeesd :o zitr dries. If the leu.: . ? Boinpar.» would wrs\k*caw.froa tht'»' present p*r* tn n uteri mtgi* «tül "t nr.- real pro! mm a aa- eer.tratioa o< their energies ttpm a dtfT-.r- :tt roote- nam»-lv. 'he route trcm Acapulco :o Vera I We t\r ,bt :.<-t rafirdtai the» ereaüd te earn alte i i es*> lul S11..U d : . -r '. t.lis- use IT V route it n very certain VI th- pasaaagi rt «ecie--.he go.J. d-t-t-.e m.iis-t.- -v a o* I take tfia road flraea Seeaales to Vera res Tne ntitnDer of travelers would 1 aa Bat 1 L0Mper month Th:e num~>-r ^ oil eoasta rtl 1 > 1 rea»e. for the Rcid mtn»« tf CaltArnna -uree -a d iy ir.vciluig n*w trcrure«. We give in .-.nn.t.e "i the tu ,e BBlisesarj :o mike the journey >'r. s.,i, Fra-i »r. t. A.-v at » ....... -. T* od carriage road fteaa A. aanM 11- \-rx Cre*...t. .. lasMof tkwe..., V-raCrs.-to New-Orleans .-« Tjtal. -"M We Jo not> n I to - iy *e 1 i n tj tatepe t eta- pan ».,1 r.ceil this adrto*. We only «iah they w.i.Id ..1 c-t-iftd .'« im;vjrlanre. and not b.-e t 1- f .. ., b vun diacrtutasoaj In thi« age 01 progress, evr-rv moment .s preomus. We must be up and ox- .-..,r...ört> NV «rif 1* route will bear aw ty tba _ BT The following mc .Tiber:; 0;' Co igrt I have rued a: W,.sh ng'on our loal 1-» ;.,.l.::shid Hon. R. F. BtocOioo, >enator fron new-Jerssy; aod R^preMntatires John Miller, of ktiaeaun; ¦ s. Moloarj o- Ultooia; K.J. Paaaanaaa,ofMich- igao; Thomas I.. of North Carolina. Bdioi B. Olds, r.f Ohio; Edvard of Maryland John H. "-'avage. of Tennessee ThOO. B. I' Pcr.n.. Daniel Mace, of lad. COMMEHi'I iL MATTE.'is. Vales at the Mock Fvcliance .N BO 5.3.HO i; :e li e. Bds.. M 100CantOI.05: ||_OOC dO. coov... 91 J SO» Ob (»0. ( art_n mm n. j. Mm. t o ... 1 irjOON Y.Csaal.acp.lSl LfOO do.MO HM 1 em Ohio os,¦:<>.in koo is.JJ 1,000 Keatu rhry 0s...l08t|l <io. {Ol in Int. Imp_07 h 0 do.blO lOj S.0O0 do.'._00 |iy» to_bOO 10: |,0 0 00. 6i" |lM E iMWSBtb. i: Hudson laaj Lr.e lt.R.BM M <!o.blO «Ii |3«'<< «!o_ O0 Mi «ON.T.d M. H....I0M Iii-» (ij.btj'tb»! M do.100 do."J o sso Baal.... '<<»> . 0 do. ':' ¦ 70 Bute Bank_ lOdlfOM J. IM City Baak.IS3 lioo do.»!<' gW 00 f.. isbsSld. 10 ä" 'It.bOO OOf 25 Norwicb. Mi» mo tlo.bJO 00 So do.S0|| 00 do.sOO 00, Km do.bOO 07r|0t>0 do.bai4-» 2f,n do.hf,u 5: !3.Mi do.BIO OBi SO .lo. 57 UM do.Sf'- 10 do.SM 57 I 50 do.h' " "* 50 do.blO 57 '2(H) Harlem.bJO M 11 II sUadOrg.MO 5'.) {«00 do.b3l) rWj ;khi do.bl0.V>.!ii)0 do.bfiu bf, BM do.>.|2(,'i tOt Sfill do.5H| 1 (Nt do.t>» tOO bo..BfOOOtROO do.bOO 08| 4C(> do.slid 58-- IM do.1 ¦>-: 100 do.5Hi 4"" <io.tO BM Mom.- ( anal.Ill 100 do.M BO Canton.Ml[1^00 do.BJ 50 do.bflO fib 1,jOO do.SM 01 .?. .¦E'.'ND BOAEB. ft Usrtssa R. R.II M Lne K. tl-bj B0| 350 BO.t>10 6t»:i SO do. BM 100N J /in.-1 O..M0 I0| 50 do.US BM TOO BssilMt " R..810 SM 5o do.Btj |M do.5»t 5(1 Hin do.tdo 5W 150 '!.'.BOl 5C0 do.5»; 100 00.-boo SJ 100 Canton ( 0.65' 100 00.BSI M do.f.ti 10O do.BOj 25 Nor. A Wor. R. R. 57 M"> H"; Ifio K.igewortli Co ... V 10' do.OBJ IM Erie It. it.b;o 09i| 50 d ). 50 dp.blO m Satibpav, Nov. K-P. M. The Fancv Stock market stm rerj sotive tins inorriiiikf for Er:e, Harlem, Rei.ling. aud N-r w'eh. Of tlie fir>t,dur> 03 the a iy, nearly S^MtsborOB were sold, and of Harleai, over 5,000shire-. Tiie market WSI bOOJ BOl at the Fir-t Board, and a streu.} sperulative tsodent y was appirrnt. After th" Bo ltd Eric went to".»o,., d.fTeren ecf 3, per CSOO ,OOMOOrod with 1 inlay'- lowest point. At theSseoodBoard, however, there w a-a eonsiJerac lc re ictsOO,SOd tOO market declined to 00, but rtcovertd t) OSt, SOlag ftill an improve merit of 1 p?r cent, on Friday'a .aassfewg psttan rest satwg a as owovwos, . losing v ss... an advance of pOTOSOd. Harlem mi roved I, aad was in fair assoaod. Zis also bapvored UtdOOBS id, but the quotStSM remained about the same. Hudson River sold at fli, a further doclfaSB of J per cent Canton w.I« active, sod wont lip0 perooOt.,arltb sniall sales. Erie were buoyant, rssMstato builosea. Dttooia loMraal iMprorootesl ^to. k sold at 00, so advance of 2 per .-en?. Gorsra- Bssast were «irong, and for 1,007,117 B U bid With m rales. Hunk BtOCkJ are also firm. The pjioxkel cloood firmly for Sterliog at IBs] «itii |»i en', for It- rittssjaamsi snd somei ra .- lures asltt Ot 101; Froo i, O.IOOsd.lOI. I he >... for the II .»lt..: « 1- irge. A d-m trtd 1II toe i M I tVoaa Bostoa oa VfodnaBtay next has already ap¬ peared. In Freiejhto thoro is a toil bttoiaeMdoiodi, it movssm rates. Rngadsotsata 1,00001 1,000b It Flour, 12d.. K'i.ctobushels Whe tt. td^ CottOO, td.i ( neese, Ms. To bsOOdasv. 000 bbls. Oil Caks Is. lOvd, aad broesn oaadlea ..t Its., tneaaorsmeal To GsSSgOW,0 BOlp wa- taken up t. 1.1 I'. .'. 4,0bii bbls , at Is -JJ., and 15.ins) or OrJ^OsO boshf Wheat at 14. -i<" btaO. Resin, 2s. also, 70.» b'-N. FtOOf SO pttesM tetina. For Havre, the market is ;e. for COOMb, To Bawssso, Tabac a, OSs., Bias, .2b-. SaSaSUreSII Bt | aSOa, Sits. Witbi.i a fciv ill theie hate bOBB I '.!¦' IfSHsSntl to Lyndon. »,.y 701 -s Rice and M a-ks Ashes .t! 25«. 6.1. ToGtasSfOWi the Msaase, (Br.)vtaOtahso op at Is. Od. for Floor, aad Its. for Logwood. To Havre, the p». kel 1st PCOX.isBjbOQI full at previou- rat»--, including 5'i Mids. Hark .t $* To California the raUs are 4j«. .'> <¦. A barh for LfsOOO wa< t .ken up at tlS for heavy Piie States. A ship for PcnnaacoU at 75.-. lor Ha>, and 25c for Cement a British bn? from Wtaaabafbso *.o Csdat, at 0H 5o ;or Lumber a Ham¬ burg turkfrmni harSBBtOOtO N.irtiiof E .rope. Rice, BO private terms and | gslkooni : fr >m Savanaah to New-York. rOOfk RK'e, at oi ce..l- Bi IlljbBll In pmt Fr id \ Hark-. .. Steamers.Ml Brur-.Ill j ^ü'r".ist, Bahosossi.2^: Total.BR The BsJtic t-' .k 11^006,644 in goli to- dav. Ol »In. b over 1 million wis Amen. -:). aSafcJ ihe sbipniett of tht \teek gj.p 0OM of the )MSf thus far over BJS,0BMM. A? >c« these cont.nuel large shipments cf curt hive had aoBBSrBsSd eoäoi ufontiio Maasy nu'ket,butttavj hsso sseaaadjost appn hcnaion-kB aome <;uaners tboO if a.:.:..-:, 1 more f.nngent market BBSS) be the result. The ii- ka arc sow taking but igtci ^aper ei from the irrejular .ui' On cell toe avjppli f money is uoi quite so free, hot there i* not mu. h dirü- eulty of making loans on stock ateials. The balance m the Sub-Treisu y tux beoaejOONOSOl i ir-.-.g me week over S100,00;.i." In reply to a Ictti 1 fifOBB Mooaaa. Wjrte. 1 Baiei A Co, eeeodof 'he annexed | ir.^rapa from a t a' I n .1 ri bi D >i 1'. : "TJamtsgrt 4 esnaartlaiat arttb r. mm her» ofti-.etr f.'t .r:.s from tlie BttBt. I n -. *\\ ta)etr BSI ft are BBOOWact ard the remark ia verv eoaxm W that they rn.x s«»e;al r. , :her. kI bad aad i different, and artrmjt :kr pro<tt.!s. Can you mfora BM if is SB M not the Treasurer, Mr. E C. DJe. says la reply 1 have MbbsOosom -.v :cn we gossaoo de- pOBObl eachpar-ci (of whu-a . separat,- ass.,, m l vatnatioa are re.;-iestedi is set apart ov iiaeif 4n<j ,s Mstla :iv n .m'yered it is taea separately nv-lted in a . lean put. pou'eel into molds, and tii» oar or bars thus produ ed are again nurr^erel i nes« - «ruhtd 1:. the Praaauier*l oOl c ,.nd the t n -a-.-ded. From var:ou« pans of iae b.trs iLoai taken, numbered c.trefullv aal a-save I, tae resuP beOsf rt*sortadt the I>bm mmt ff* ,tb-" era report and the weight of buln .-i after me 1 tag. tbe val * of ttte brjliion is ascertauied rromthis «-aplanation rou will per eive th t the it.'i »arv. ird I mar add, dtsOatest and Uaaaval 1,. trte alltred .ratnst as has no erj-tenee * ?* Mr. DJe a!so adds 1 have nottnng further U> ,jj. except to ei-rest my ii.dign.tion M toe lately with wich i"a7j a JSjasd aad base rua^.r h .s gained . u.ea v r'ae n cers ot the Mmt. conscious of a sa-e/a *o * ,r nt tt endeavor IuthiuUy to exe. ute the dAstte da- vo.vtdux. them, are geaerally ..ldifferent ta the many erroneous statements which have come befsTc the fmbue- re at:ve to the mstituuaa, le.trm . 'be.r eone- tioo I«. time and to tbe justice of the -oramu n:ty but Uie allegavtion to whica my nut e bj f-,rtb se. «uid time ailed. so base rhv -re we »u 1i,».. v.uagea u«t 11 sms>umi ttare oo»«aaest .aa, u «...flhe ff* i ttrtt-. .,.#> » .'. »on',<! rft m«***iv involve Ihi e*rl im farcitor . of ,. BM -"-v BT* o *i er , ; t ' it. Nil aJ?0 4 dCD BBS de* rv .l pel 0 .... Ji**rj ' Tery respectfullv / 11-oY.. scrv't ,Slr« ' I 0 DaU Tr Th- CmVmx] BfiCiw It thtur vettj » Ho fmr-er I .tur-liy, had c, ened and refc-'» e pg 1 | f.«n pr..jic«:*:'.r< T.e *-r>'r M .. »r y.ll pN ih-ty exceed a.tO*'. The ti-atn lc»titre>» f the Free Ba.r.kin,; Laer piilid M >'.: ,,. .,t. «.c '.V iepoeite t r.itcd "la'.r». Kim d Motte, Ro**>TeMm, llatoo, fIBJBWII' >l Rhode IMobbj, Noej H..rri«*h.r<j. \ *r- j.. ,.t, Ohio. Nuwr-Jcrrey M \'.r.iu.a SUKis f^r er- c.iiütia«; nott s. to -,e ¦qoel s:t kr cm:. Sto .:<.». the ki f | .r,g of th» BOtM kl pal i.t Bj-uu, PH s .iur .# t >n<}« t.y'te D.--."'or< gad ItO kl '.', tomiK« Bp arv MfejereCy/,ia MM th<* M tri .e- should o-n i ro\c »ufli. it-nt' r BM rr iMBpttaa a; the note1. Bo.tds and M' .'s i-«« n: ,y r. f >ro:»e- half BM kTeal .::< :. on pro :.: Bee *".* tpettf (o t v.i- fiftttiti» vaiue, OAihMiH of tat* a : räuig-5 tuereoa. Th« l tritt * by ÜN Atlintf are not wry .iiira,rtiiit at arc gea*n<tliy f ivocabltt. Ithere h*i been d ;»r. In Cotton, i\,t': lu-r '.i--.n-.-sdo- ir.g in Cl n<e.,tii'!ice af the ilkotl «to-k in the mint- factum, g dietri. ts. Breadstuff's were alto La g >o.l demar.d vm',1 aii Ui '.xard iMetMmcy. .Hone, . o.kt:.i- ued a: u:.(J< t or.iol-: h.vl igtn atfifBB ed, dos¬ ing at 9<*:c. a9e.c. Toe amount Of* bullion iu the Bank wag Cli^ßfM tili. CeBMtiefahle re aipta wen .tili expected frrrn RmMBl arti the l inte I St hM, while there ».i>a iir im for la Iii and Bra? 1. Tlia Fren- h i ft reut«, were Igt*. M, rvi ihe 3 p coats- IM .5. The a Iff! !M f;oi:i PArhi ttBtO the tBlfetlWiTHl of Mr. M. Daly, who hu had an oHestahltshed agency aud i>a- ting Ml .n tlia: tMpil iL HicUh* bilititsarc »ery s'naii,jei;it< mucr i. .''MHW.b ;t the.t*- fcts.iti<fcared,wiBaotag e l9o.orfiB.isiliepouitd. A cont.nujiis üeclinc ia the rmllion of the BaadtoJ Fi an -e .s .;«cn.i..s i< attr. j| att.n'i i. Dar ,. the past fonr weehg the dtMiiritten hoi bsaat e., 11| to an abrogate of t n'.i.oo,». [t is ..liru'iti ¦! t.< the influence "f [ ilitiea] dietnaM, arhieh caused # ttentite Ikooiataf, atpoelally m the provin¬ ces, the facilities lot ;h»» practice .icnij gre itly In- created 1.) iht po.tcr, whit .i hag ea.jtud ottl] dttl mt the past year rr two. of ol taining* pM nithoa if* iDfi a prciimn for it !t apoears hy tae I ist lOCOUtkt of the Bank that from th.» preceding 0060 Uli Ihe cash .ii hand lias Jc^ re..sod t>y :!,s .... cf. The o.u- mercial toils diicomted have doeTeaMal he ..'tal.OOf. The bank notes in circulation have liocrgaaad by 3,CO0,0OOf". The balance to the creilit of the Trt tawry has de; reaaed l y 3,riiH»,oonf. Tue aun.lry tvodtti have ileiTOa ed bj Tid.'Mof. Tile accounts from Vieniia show a further ^evere aggravation of the conJition of tlic muiie \ market, a rise in the rate of exclu.igi» having .vrain taken place to the of-:, per cent. The (icvcmnient, it appears, arc no»v par- chaser- Of Idi.S I.) cover the draft- oil I. .ndoil, "hi. h they cauied to l.r told m ggdn to prodtaCd i sadden appearance of iinffvement atth. BaM efj they Jbrought fiajajagi) tiic recent loan. Th*' Boston papor< BMtrOtince the failurft of the liJtise of fiardner <t I irtif tt of that city, with liabilities to the amount of fiSOtJlOO. Mr. (i irdner wa-recently the President of the Cochltuate Bank, but th ;t institution will Io«e nothing by the failure.. There was a decline a; Boston uf $t 90ds)filaahori in the stock of the Cast Boston 1 oinpany, attributed to the lailarc of Messrs. Bettladen. A Co., who we.v 1 argt holder-. f the <ii.o. The Trey uarj RhÜbiuI Railrowtt CompaVBy hat/g agreed to Id the Kuiiati'land Washington Uall- road Cotnpeny rutt thefar nod for one year, fur tue u.-e of which they are t.. pay g'J.OOO, and are to aeco the road ui good repair. At the expiration of time, if the Atbaiiy .Ncrlhcrn BadJLroadlabaiit, lib Kutlaikl .m l Wash.'iic'c a ItnUrood Cootfoay are to take a leagO, (iliiyi.-ijr the e listem c of the ' 'harter! of the Troy and Rail aad Kailro.el, am! arc to ray all taxes. expei!--'S gad repairs, an<] | [icr cent, and 0 half of the nit proceed* above that sum. IfegeTS. Hatik. Brooke »fc Kepiilic-r, who* ' futiure >n rhila.lrlplua was MUtOUaood SO uc tnn< .tu..«, t.tler t.i nay lij cents, lu SSn., Isralva, cightei ii. and Iwanty-four months without int« re-t. At 1'hil.iiLlpliid money is in fair reqaest, at,firm b to I" per cent, for lirst. la-- leeuritiosoi fliort date, while paper for longer time gad not -o well knoAii ( anaot be plaeed at less than frotn 1'.' t) 15 per cent. The LwUtkl are careful la IhJtlupggg tiose, hol are ofJBeratood to be actiiuy w/ith aa mi :¦. Iii r ilttv a- i- leeBled prudent. Markeis.CAaiTVLLI «troRrtu roa T.ts Tribi sg. Sa rcaoAV. Rev u AsliES.The a e.rk. t m steady wttk a fair dtntaad I i i is at ft I i'o Pearls areatsadyat gj gTi. i tUltiN.Hie inMiktt t> di:i, rsth taiee el Mt balee, Prices .ire heavy Qoataaeoa jktlaata oc- FvH;t« Fletid i. Oeli P. » lafhiiat.aeas. <i" a earn t irit.nar., lnw l.i «. 71 9ti t m I Middling, low t.i .aal s al. '.. MiiMlhng.nur i., f ur ....*'« ' Wally fair to good lair. Oeae ami ftna. . FLOCB AMD MstAL.Our market fori el egrali ofgtaie aad Wetten f .. »r i- better; the suj lyishght, nnaiealtj as ol Mo. 1 avperaol .A lartc pi irtioaefThe Muck is msdaai ffancirsand extrai rben ¦ very litllaof (ihie of anvdeacrij boa in marhet. Dm anaaaad is f i r i ,r i'.' East ai d t it' trw!", ami there i- an aetiva - km until I me, urv. Iii» bette- gr.u'eK ai»- m. a:.d in f.n re ;.;.-! ..»..,.'. m it- v i. !.' ii nid i i' S t-t ¦: !.ii»n tt.%. t Kid can mm br i at > I '>! a. i »cd« . a...rr at ft it), la "id Tbe taiee of Oouiestu r«.. It ui. I b!..., abual ha f an s .. .1 iIMm -117) f ri s's S3 87.«$i 111 foraaiehigaa, Indiana and W.< onsio; -i Sil»! »ur ()hi«>. and «Hl- «si >r' f.* oonsnwia fleaesee S"tti.e a at thsde araser, with a tau demand aad lit. !. tu tt icialat... .* in'ide lU'jiea Salee oi Te. -i . ttti rauxed t gaed straigkl brand*, and gl 31 ., I foi Kir tli'ir ii btaCbVO :.t g3M r.<m»K.! ia beat r. Salt» flMI la terteyai S33lic Bock wheel ta Mm, with a goad drateatd. Balsa f Holt's ataadard » Si *j f bbla and MH for hnlf Ml «. VKAIN.Ooi utaraat as belter I r Whi .'. ch a fair le- uaaad tot tbe borne trade, the K^st aad n axport t'be »aajly Nft<«t is aavt l-t'ge. The ilaa m lb n at - ^ hue (' i'.ad'an. [..ill l.> ar',\ r - n. a' H? I '..'I b iel» ahiteMacbigaa atgse.) t-iagbuthek» rod an ¦¦.-...t « r3e.; sad tagtet to Jt,iaa baaaiasiS wb.le s«u itta a tb 99 part to arme Karleyu a liade armer, witb Ictsotfenag lalet fjetChn-b. ! good two-ro»«d ai tie Barley Melt la arm Sale* uf SM baabels g md at *l. Oa * ar..- * iha !a bet'rr. Sal » l»u .t J6 >.' .Ii'-t,. J...!'.-,'. it,* it aaeaaty with a fair deaaaad 8«lea of 1.9 .- at.-. C<.ro i* i nun r laues el laV<M bethel* al VfoHtt tot .V.,t- i in m. led. .ii»: -i»,...!/..i and ue.r.e.t i, II for goMhoia yellow,andajjle tot u » waitsSoaihara, partMarriva WHlSKV-lne market it Arts. The - k Ij i- layht galet ef Mbbli Pnseaatlll: eow held at III Dnadaeia «tea.iv golet f7tbbda itiftl .'ii. int in.! ten- PKOVImONs.Tbere asao ebaage to aetemoor attr- kf tor Park ih« deataad aa ii.r ami ;;c-* are »t-iiy. rheieBc*B*i triable aew amviag -a. a is takea trt . Ii; feg Mn< and t.i IM glj t,«. f t p imi b tt ths . - pit if Btra a*' «*, n : *.;.ia' i' . de Uad Hi* -. at ar«- Ml Ml B*»f i* ibaatwaal ~nd there it at tnapreto- i ..i'.. ii. t* .n ,.. t !.¦ tfa'te>d Uti at Ua i'l "5 Aar atw Meat; fdtggi t ar Pritae B***f Haast ar* baleaof l>jbota. at gll for Sat It Dreaaed iioga a.tin rti.iud at e. i..rd ,-l-r.1) ..adaaoretalab Itenaa I atsef 4M bei* n^-v Mt*Mi,aad t.MOkagaat s a'T. h ; «r ami Cutse ate ailbeal caangt .'u- .i i to MKMP-' i.. has b.-en.n d> tnv.d. .01 bales, - ri lac NAVA] sTOBKfartralkti mat lelaUi abT .r- pestiaeBold A3 Bptri'a are a.tanyaaMWMi,svith aniea . t ..oM.-s >it an arew .'v. « Re e. - in a l*ra'.e d. ¦ami 111t».i* eto-ge.i'.'-.and* a'.si 7j.,i Jo mftkm Bad i!a l 3.1 for c mason lUBAl'l Di- n He i t..-.- «t a.ha la Ki'.l a/ . ..- ..'> v a»» Ct line-'irut tetd *i Id at >«,. 13 btloa Havana M171; 3jbile»»f layeoa private tt taa FBV'lT.Me lean rarther rales 'i' Mbu uehBau n«at*:7i 'Am bait* d it MY a'1*- I.SM q'iartoe eVx. al A .a > JM i »Ii kef a tta. i| . .i.anee %>; IS b itt C »t- r. '- >.'. «'/C ii at*> - i. di' : j. I" 'i.iii ra tc otic 3 r,t^< Ci i.,* si. vi. e ooataLttbaaPaper aha Al' «3tS 13.e all . 4 an ..Ith» * :.. LM) dr l.i t i ;r.-.. f I «I "O *i--!iok f% ti«- .-. i:a» CIO ABS- vi Han told _. >;uva. ami tataa ... he' lit r . m f $. - l a H.tx'.oteaoid ;.t ...:;. i«n. s.K 'inbat .*'.« bare I go oi Ij aaaha M idWra »t Me.wfl tu. IM Vi*< Mi «*i ;o. *eSeett Mai- »T» Mc **I9r tan }O0 baake'a Tha t. af at <7a<U. 6 m > HP.sM>lt:3. fee..These it Aaag utBra data w- dtr. let !b* ia*tev't tr,* aa'et in.- h enell* at ft Maf ..... t' ; n g » a t *> t.« I - - H-Mtiiod G.a S3 Mac., Bad . iJremtd* Bum at 7V. Rtceipis or Protluce tt Ian* frrfl Birsi §o»U tafaidM H.laVb t i d A-r-*» Mde.Wbatkey in*t|>agt Beef; l.ttodj M ml * wo at Cgaaase; I Mlaa BM «' t\im baeh Btr le. t) aim do. Omit; :.iov R.e 18 1/7 I*. (' ana FOREIOIN MalRKETS. * Los. on caaa Ei .'an. r,Mmdag x..t io.iw.. *. . ;tt .'eased ar..t...t Si. . I t'.. a the '.tad-ig markets ia th.- eo'ntiy dmag tbe last araeh, tbt s lapl't . bronibt f..i »ard by taa farmer* beiag * ar. aly eeoal lu tbr demand, aatd aa advance of 'id. to 1*. car ,uar- ter-aas ge^eraikj obtained iar Wugtr aad B i.Ui.EY. At the "Utr- rts more Dtstaess ets done than for *jmt trme pa»t. ai.d at tivenionl *nm* larre tales of ioar Wur t r ¦\*r* mads a.' a a.'git imprieerr.ent in prre, sad Anerican PLODS reo.».d it.'-rea*ed ati*rtiet at aa adTiu'-^ M lofid peel la Lon<k>n on Wedmtdar aid Friday the prKtt tiev tr>th!0g were Srmly held, bet th* nlesi 'e.1 mere emir to a umtted etuni. 1. *tiagcarraaa of Wheat atd lXMan Cvaae'atinse *o meet m. tiry. bM ther* are '.ri . ft i aar At tbn* rs-m nr »*' -here **a a g. ed »ho* oi MBgAT fr ¦ t'isex and Keot. r.u; v»: n. i-h fr>n aa) . .>.. aav.e al lMI^)>i; was law*a vj readfy .: last M#H-- * Siteee ' ' V ¦ .* ailadvaace «i. ,-t.-. i Than vast i«ra .t i -.f fc »Ig.) Wli( i. -.«!.. J . . . 'V.^-,. V:y ^-V..-! ....,./ \ i. m..- J. and ..-«» part tl« of Ficoex tol.) for ... m n^.r rv - ¦«a- d" ran - . ;;;<. ft BI «tm 'wh-"s'.mn...,n ar. -'t... it ksBfe « voa th- fr-e rare arrived or B'ar at ha m.Urs .'. «i ¦ I Lixrrpol CetttSW Murket .3t< T Ik! . l->«-s t .«». a-* "' ..»". ''.»..'. Aasexscaa aid >».. tt ate aia »P f/*; .»X.».: tU b. »r i.r- ! -t It Fr Uu » ra re O he ». a.-. « .'. '. i! ssoto 13 ?jf I J*« .>/ van-it vtre 'a .ao t" «apon aadlWen« :¦. -n| loelu. - M . 4««r-M».*» Perriawi ad Ma inhxa I w«ld -Is,' Bshia, >*. v >:.» ur. i *4 ..- . »ad. J -.«. iurat». * J. LM < 3*. Is J i Ii I L Liverpool« onau Market V I P.M. > r. j ta- t*i.< r.t". irlaat .*}., n > ieaa afthia ... irket, aoi r. ideti rtUael ** .j,- riaed itxdje ; t the daawaakaa b. .. leven ratal aal id all ... i geauiae aaaxiJaa .-n tr¬ at, t> f- Baths pane. ..:u darenpLteaacaltor weeks, aad araata w e taatr eoatract* rrtaaajHa t> u. icadxac opward. Sioc ist)«use redt ad w,««l .. aad uaoarta art »dl aeveri i.*:. i r aoaaa tiaaa yet. We ally ac.d ¦( at. the waraia^«t ir Maalay's .on- ..ry --1) ..)<¦ > . ... rcbaata m kad iw.».. bat ktap tbea Laut« low.» .lav aia rspa'tttow of Iba old ¦aadkisf. S,|.« y. .?e'.b". i. m.i v-a!^<, 7 njit rpacnUtUoa and export: BLdto-da 'ft. ..¦ . I,., n alav ta uad an t. l.tvaanvt. S » u-t t M f. r.A.lh» iNtuad eaetrre. aad likely to be he«v«r. Th» Baiaa,yaot r.;. \. *<» 9,6* «t iwte^aytvak ot a petirr- ktghef ta .a ¦.. I'nd kaat. UTerpxWl Corn Market N lv> #tt;., kaaat OaAia aaatV*te>eBoaaklaweeten bagl <iri.<b.>au n.>tatall c., tal to oar »r«a' ooaeaaaataia and tin thijtptat de and ta try experienced Tak as tlie lav- serta aad Kx| rta i Wheat, FLOCB, aad ItiaiaJI Coaa, Bri'nb and >' - aaaka, tae »r»uda< fatluWI I ra I! "8! r». Wnff. ll.«?J «fk«. as.atabbla ftoea, iad 17,798an IüouhCobii. Ex; >rte 8,ti* tv.if. r,i ."I >i uaad ll,7SI Mali Clock, aad ifj ¦;t< lantaJiCoax. Aa thaaa art '> iatUpaaatoatef our town and aeiattbarkag >' 'n»'i apti a b»ai.lae a larfi»r rate lately of Wi str n* > th.- Yorkshire di»fict laaa 1 r aaaxe tiaaa, it will M reaalUyeaea tint aat it''ks. na>re Parti« jlarlv r.f | Li . Bia t'- bay re«Iin-.-d rat'icr auttdcra Mj %tatt< bc-trr Viiitr of Trade Jt I II,P.M. lucre Bat baea a re kaat bath il Ctatk tad Yar ia ». a that dap week, u' tae bui« i.aa '. -«u ot eealatie ek .. r. ladnot.: tbe lew ;>r cea. in tawst tn«t ta aa, it littlek -!.«r ratpj tbao thane at wasch artten < luve baaa I ;., whea at ti.e Imnt paiat, io the Inmui ladamg ta «... t.y e( th.' moat l.'xitui -itr kind ; (be in >»t that .-an ..a) is, that iIanjg ha.r t. a. ba ttiLir lowsat, and wa niav i.. » I ok ii.»a J to a Rta e healthf state at ¦ vr-. Bail. it). . iu.! r:ntei< i ivujl.nn. and ao doobt w,»a ifX- aan. Purchases on radiaacc. utt coaaxdatrabat. Tbe ^ art .a ntiniBr their Bperatteaa " ithin very m .derate limits fit.a-V, m rnauafacttiicrs tad spt'ttiers' iiaud* ate net tar e, n r » lb. e anv »'i or .:np "iti >ti >'. ...vtt ta ia ts <aa'. On itif whet the tane ot lh< ma kat is latpiweBaf ratt.-r thaa eakavwtee. tl 1RRIEO. (in I" ifsdii.' vennu. N'av C. bv Ki t. Mr. William K S:»|tii«l. Mr ISAAC N. HTDSOV.> s.nof K*v vi laasna Hadsoa, ta Misa COBNELIA A it.m;art. v. nur.«' '!hu»i. er o. tn.'t..t. .1 .an t il i.^t.t. L>, ... thhj City ft? St Lottai, Mobtlt aad Balttaaare, Md., papers will mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DIBO, AtNawark, tf. J .Kir tt, El.villi wtl ..f tl. ..r-o P itta, 'in i!.'" yean The friendaiad raJativaeof tb< faaaBy ara reepeetfajll iavited ta atteed hrr hxaaral. aaMoaaay aitaraooav, (fee M,Stte'eleak, ireat trinity Chorea, N.w .rk. Ai Brooklyn, on 8rani ty.Nov.M,of scarlel fever, Wll . I I AM P. ,icat of the late Capl I am it .mil Us A Bat. tcaae. a^-ed t vrar« and 3 m.inths. At B'.-oiitn'. Nov. I^. ef scarlet f. vrr.OF.ORGE HOW. LABJD.youi Rest chtkJ .o Bat .1 Waas in, and IJ axontha OaSa a in i.lac.Nev.S, U .MlCtiAKi. KBRR1* |jn. in thr si.l year ,.| aia aaa. His fiiaada aaa a ' 11: aaa 11 kit ae ibaa« Patrick Kerrktaasaa Jabel walker,arareapactfully in- »it.-11 .tt. i.d his fa seal, this afiamoon, al i ..VI wk.froin tna late i oaideate, .v." I Caater-at. Itai eaaaaiaa will be lasen t.. tl.. iti.-st !..« »er\ tin Sin day. n r jt af nmaeatton of the braut, TAMM IbüxN DUSTAJV, aeed i'i v.' irs. 6 in..';tbs and tl daya. rharelatival and Meadaai 'hi- family are raapectfally .nvi'fcl t. attend the faneral lerviesa, t!u« \|. Dtla BV IB- mir, at 7, .iVl.'ck, r.t his Int«1 rasSalenca ^ tl Leray at.. his remains will be taken at Hewatashelta "ti Fsaattay ni'.rini.F ai 1 r'rleck r.i-actiü're BatllSst. mttSBaaawai Daasei Wtrnttr, /er Sea Jut* ">lr Wk tt- Uy,lady aad ehild; Wm. Ota Oibbs, Jobs Yataa ad la.).,Mrs. J Caelcdet an.l two cbildrea, 8. J, Mi>. Hart,twa daoahteiaaad aervaat; Miss Hart, tl .. Haetere Bcavrxer, wüi lt. Karr, Jamei P. HuTaarn,Th . Waitiag. Mrs. H f. V S'ebtiiaa aad two children, H St. V.sev. v. D. Pieaee, tidy aad chtbl; ktn tri. ,Sj CI » n, 1) Latin T and flvi children: Ml Chsssland twa ehttdrss; MawCartairi B s Oadea. i Pieetav, A Pxcehe,JosephWhitaoa, Mrs. Bradbory.Mra Bra-kcsir d.'t and two childres. Miss Sitiipaon, I. I' Marks. J. Neat. A M. C VV. e. D IVr ,W. M atbaer, K. B Brady. J. Öuapbell, J C Airnistroa«, F. Wheatle S K Pike./ohnH BrewstaeJThomasE Oliver,Mrs.Aha Ateyers, Airs M MeKawaa fed ward Spaktute, Ueorye tv Thayer. Gardtaar Ü Clark, aVlbertO.Cn k. Wm v..>- bwrah.t^o. Port. r. W.K.yall, rhmiias Baldwin, WiKo-i White,Beaiaiaia Pawcc.O. P K >n...iiey, u ,. »' w. li.ll....... i ,. i Im ii. .1 «' l lie. n. I.«vi XI li' iär, W V. n-.ui. trd, I met .. Brain ird, .1 etah if o n ssl, Wm Wallara. Btaphaa Praia Pah-la r Piper ra..« Snth wot, Tb.<a. Dnl). int.. Beuin>ia|l a, Oaorge Barahiai, Wm ii Faad ke.tsV rye II. Pha-maa, Chas McLatchy, VielerShaads.Oaa M s. ins, t M ktix.B Case.O.H, Lawtelle.Q B. KitUsde, Win ft. it.... v. .a Scott In Rott. Johian«. Saatael McViodar. am, Chaae.Joha 4 Y irtsr. Oeo, \\. Praakha.P irdoa 8 It ¦<¦",\> .v..t Massde, Asdrsw Jeaanp. Wm Chayn , Jobs Da ha Katkei ftw4.AraaWhalcp.0tia Bidr, htaatae K rkuta i, liraetaa Mathewson, I pa »«r. kuchard i "! ia, J n ttobtnao i, .1 Burn il. Ed.v fartar, Heurv rher, John Mr- Läachlai feaa Schaidar, w. Il Joralouisa, wni K- i, Jamas W. Patted, Bxektal BaSJon.O 0 Maaow. M«rr.s If.iand J. on M t'> a, * bi Maldletoa, kid «in > g as,' Btrarnian. Joba Kan ,8-a:pheaMitcheM,P Lari jr., Heary Bayard.l, Wood, (1 o urea \ Charlea Browa, A. K Bayaloa and lad ,W. H. Curtis, Cyrus D. Clark, D J. MeKeaxie, ,r K Bawver, Albert \vi-t i> . H Fl Banken. Baward Franenaa, CartieW v1. . i, San >i Toesnbe and lady, Heary Aoatv a !..' t ind child, 8. Davis. 0. s. li. t.tify, Joseph weeks, W Ii tVeeaa.B K. Hunt, ( batSN 1* .nr. Itnt. rt Pike.»» Pikc. V n Pik Chas. Avarv, Oeo. Avery, Jahn M.i 11. John I) .'do. D H.Catsntan, J 9 I'eBes.J W.H^.d.J P.Hint,It Dm Bias. *V..aaalog, W. Ii Linola, t; S. Curtis i:.-.ra 8. Month. C. M Kieaey. Oa A Paria, J \ Hr.fcli ira, J Kelly, Aotaato Bee/re, John r. MaBan, Ed war1 Holmes, Davüi 1 naget t>,ui orsa Ciraxich tel. Lowi ry Wheat, laa. White, IV Kreacb, Myroa Baadea, Edgar A Bte.ana, James Sl Haibaay, Oeo Wtthf, L W Field fiaac Snxrtlx, Addii aP Willardaadann Leeis B. Baa, Chas, Si Bee- 1. D.. Be er», Ed ard Ü. Braea, Pater Blair, laatat Blair, P.ter iTiH'ell, fosfph liarliy.«'ttie. tlewga Dsri.. shire, Alasxao li Barsaaa,t> I real Bperry, Cbnet I'bonipaoB. 4v...i Hiaixer». Wm W, I r. it, WilliaaaBi tly, >»« Reaseelaer R use Jas Walkdea. L. LadsL rassctucrs Arrived fasVcaauAip lUmtit, 'rom i >.njm swsd II. /a.. Lit I Bis.rli, J. H. S"1 'mens, J Pauli, MiaiJ Adatr.J t' Boa« i..t. ti tl. gbaa.T. II osrwSekd. In afswaaeaej tViavarew, freai '. aayes >f.«, t rasrr, M <; Whitawnghr, bliii Dubi ia, Mies A. Dea a, Mn Gibtea.Mu Miller, J. Duacan. ttrs Anaoa, Msaa M. A Hartii ifr< Carats aad child. D< Jaaktaa. Mr. j tkiaa, Mr Keep, Mr kfu na, ilmi J. McKay, Wm fttbaaaaa. C Klag, W Clark. Mr Armour, Mr Hi nt, Mr. Rankia, J. K. Uilaxota, Mrs t.iia .ra. Kav. .). Blair, J. Crawl rd.J V IfcLetaa ssd tea, T Keeaaa, J. A. ftkeMlag D w. Cm- si.-.., J Kipper, '< lha v.u. pa to ,Q ti Mrs Kackt« B-n araoi. Mrs Biwps a and child, Mn Wall. Mn K,rkup, Ali» C. W"a.«. Mrs. Ferris a, MiaaFergu¬ son, MuwM Beid. I Jirlay. J. Campbell, J Ibomaa, j ht.c.T McKoe,V.Clirehugh, J il-* f Holinet.J Stark,B.di N ¦. O Lit agtton, i; \i.i ItOt-fjurt E ley. Mi rayloT.C Wall, Ret i Doggaa, P Lyeaa, Mr I.. W \| .:!..:.<;. l^-tinr. W M o-r.-.o. D. Vlc- Kmla). Lev j Adanis,S J Pia-t, !' Barat. I. W..r.l.i; ,\... v. pergeeoe, w Paferaoa, Mr. MeCefl Mr. Me- .- . MePberaoa, I Oylas, Mr. Wa«aer, Mr. Craa- >' It. Mrs. Crhudall, hfiaa Liandall Mr Raraaay, Mm rtiiniK v. Mui Ram«av, Mi*s M. Li;a»-r.ital. Vi MtAip MaVsatrtr, !ri>m llui.wl l.nsi.i! FStttf Tt' i t. ;> aert, w-Yotkii stax Joak K.iu- af aiaiaTcai aLtttttc-this bat des.»t.»«»....» j7 i «a-t».i V IMaWas.Sktia. ... i Hlfall AaTÄB . Sf..v it Saat!» H A S Mat I \i< t frlaal f Max Baal <iat«. t Wat iiiiaisaaaaasaw usaia a MARINE JOURNAL. fOkiT UK NtW-i'.iHK.....*..iVi:Mi,EH 21 Cleared. St'xiiisa r t.Dan rl W.bst^r. Ba'.i»iu, S.ia Jum, ( VaatVrrbih I :. no. Lroa, Savauaab ,; I. Ml' li 8. utBrrurr. J). kiaaoa.Cbarleatoa.Sp r.<rd,TiiestoaBCo Vt»., (New.Oiti at,Eat a HaXzard; Maixartt Bvaaa, fra t. 1...iaJ.,o. j Brwwotd; 8. v.r ., Oarda .-. i.,a Fraaeta .. W. s». pavataa;« Watu, Death era. Aaa a- b .- la. K P. Watte. Baaaapera, McfCay, Mot >' .- ? . ...J, »..-». >. lt. ..I, A' Oelnch- a Ca Baths.Mary Even, Sharaaaa LuViO, K. ü IbmiskC. >auc, rie..t, J i Kran»! t. H V tluea % Co hra-..Wi oh ep, i .-..¦...:! -a. rt. I... at Hr>wn, fcwan, Bra-/, hcn.rii .. ,\. W. Lfv-ia Isabella I». od.'bitts, PortwPraea, O I. a. A F^-rj; r1..!..«.» itoval. Doc, p.r-,. .:. si a k Deveaport; R h Haakraw, aaxew, Hoieor, Hillsliui/ at Sim <rtl acJwatxtrs- taa Baxsth, Daruaa, IteBtiaors, f. W M kee; UtoaaaaPtarton.Baaaua, Bellte, y. c, a, 8,»an Sa:.di, Apala. aKola, Eaxlo k lla/z«rd; S»aaiin. .'Br Ayer.MtoBdi *. - u. I', wdlio»s H rera, Fraderwkabnrf.C If Pstrwoi, f \ H4rt,u» Coilaaa, Ba t more, larata M. Hi kasiCa taaria (Br .Tatbee, tasasMaj, j n Oaaer; .M. Iba Marax. ö*ih si- l-io.h.-.. a- U wa htrt.-. Can . r.n. W.-al. Ai. lutr a Cj. Meicbaiit'j. hi. ami.ti. C if tea Mar, J ax, il. atl« Norfc-s'. st... m. iv.ara^ü'a. a^'Hm'- *-i1fer'- »ahamora, Vaa Bnat k. Sttght. Ar'-ti.' Jt iltoa, A.exxndru. 3!i'?iv ( learuian at Co .iiitoirt Ulovrr. Philadelphia. J H.bI I 8 Dir, '7V'* L y", i"--''''VN'" '" ii a,- i .*'' ''' . M.ker, Corxelta, 1 . ur, flew- BeaVB r. I.aie Aroeram. B^slo-a. Dayton it Htm*** - R- i-1 Wi Baaa, Bho ta Pr Ltawca Caa.. Oakat Prnvljetata: M..tto. Ba e. Provideoet et.aaxert-Roaaok». Bk hm.m.l r.Bd V.^folk. £r?JiJ, w 'i?; Cl.t!rör sBcluaeatl. Terry, NasrfoU aa J a a} B k Vulcan, Hand. PniUlalph.a t S.M geasaajiMJ Atlat.t.c. Waat, fj.erp.».! Nov. U, ;'cL -."»h "ids*- M.d ,'.as». ueeu.t" L K. r ..baa k Go, Mean.,aio Wiaritld Scott, Covullard, New-t>.lcaaa Not ¦ Jith m..»e aud :iwn..., to Broon» k Davis Pastel ¦a Soala.. 1Mb. lat. » il. Ion,} Jt, 37. saip Euabratia. «natu, ttoin Nt a-Orleans for H*»r», sVasasTSSg for I'orturfa. San. M.rwtt Klira. Adams. Buenn Aires St .A. *»ta . at | .7tt., ^.il a.Ues. w..d auduonts, tj W. W. - r .neata Co L-jiui IUmI r.a. , f^f Beaton, with grata «. (><¦<-»< i ft, ? eft *B II wilt luTUM p.* Sake 'bn p rt > ii >f n. .y% ijckassed H.1-» ."erae. ! >. ., .,,,. |,vni $a,».%.>>, rwt. a* a in . to lijiiiitw ¦, |i ..., i ""- »atViit i Hi ) i;.-*:!h«. M lay* iw , \>rk watt misi- H-.l l>S .,n.. ,., . \(,Ta4,n K c.. £f ib*' hi JSU.'.rm Ci.V, «.-«.. .tip Af. aWreCt i * lZ t*II«*>I Ha n Prer'te», « T.i't-n»V. l Im fr.t. Haiti tar* to Ja.»»« Hi,I |, * i j ' f .' V. Kl ' i . :. Paaj . p fi moUweto J.W.E wall t«U um«., mt. Xllx n.:ij» 5 ¦ '»'. -"I' "1th ." b la »,-::-. haajiaj at T' :. . . ir PrifBill VVA. tt'.ri ..». i, for Near-Yu k t..-hf H.ltm«. unit. a. I»i»« fr.ra Charte* a. -.ttoa.ta WiVhaaiifin^ut ' " 1 " lou ...« wkobeai v<":"-"J*"1" Wan*, t a, I .<.« froaa liira- .», watfe " M » .1 aft i ra -«««, * <.. nf in lh» Pi-t B:*er, ...*-." "'.»''.«... i ir Indiana, A.'*, a m VtA on :' ' 1 ' " ..«.»:. a. .,th*f d w t,hr.Mw«El P ... Wik a (Total m I.e-mt. 'h pal .'. s .. r B 3. . j r5jk' MeatyFiaaUtal Keitey, I säen f, m N-t v.»b. M Sehr Daniel Brekwith, Nente, »car, fr«» N«-»-Loa- if a, w tii il fear r....-.'- ,. ., ay fa ... v. i ,i. lack '¦. Sehr Joka H »Vliiti .a Bart, V.lior.l. w »tbeawu tram |el N I < sehr Preaeee,Oantter, V as. itYeat Neebrra, a^u, ra! ator»«. Pcbl B M * .'¦ Bill ii 1 i- .:i C*Wa% »tja *as ttea a dr.-. le N L, M< Drtedj fkhr. IVuh/.V. at. i. 3 :a.a Iran Ea»!r. rt," I..adu PhOada'pbia Sloop N H. Punil .Ti!. J.i:,« e. Providence, s ui.pp. Bbeaaaaauja sutheroer, Chailtit» llama! Wetwter.taa teaa: I ia, laraaaaa. Km. ».¦ Ka-k- Ii I. CaV] Of li.. in. ...iil. KtL'hatoad , Kexm «. Paikw d«Ipbia WIND» We I ... . fVi al e>...¦ ArrtrM. \^>V tl st. ii..»!,., UlaWI w. i Stewart. (;Uaa<> v n oaje. Mitli lutt'e. and paaaeici'i* toj MrSvm<u \>t It. kB la li. Inn 16 M. apoki tl i| Pxtelia, Kurie r, tm r».i| for New-York, with paaei agmn l 8. M ataamahii lllmou. If irtatnn. Ctusrea tu ala- eaaa, . Aaya ib4 i I . * tail Wjtb pasw .,»r, 10 M O Kis r |. 6bip8aatuel, Br f bw dayi fröre D M.a, wah parrrnrtre, lo ordan l'hi i baa aaraarad at t,» n antnat diai'ha'f« laeei ia ShipCaaaacey, Jei na 'i «...». 1,1Ja taaa, C a.. Baat Hat)Jaiii.r»na. .' b«>« a low oi ateaat tui ». ballast to Basle B Hazaa i llatk John Str. nj. I Iwi I. st Maikt 15 dan, r.% Ktf We»i I? dar*, with r f...ii kc i Coe, Ande.a.>s BQb Ha* bad rer> heat. 1 ial d Notili «a*t |al. - d iria/tka paev**;.' H i. So'itliarner. B rfoeper, tn n, h.» laaaba Oet. H. and»^ m .,« Pile, wi ii eeflbe and hid*s t»nia*l«r N..v. a. Ut. i n >331,ipehebrif tbraaia. Bom Rio Janeiro tor Ktw-York.wi.bed to be reported. Nor 18, Int. 33 ?l, I.mi It 3. -,i ke bnrk F. i na T Phts*. tr 'in Portland foi Ma'i.- ltd li.oathaaaatwesjaaai IheCttir.aear Haiti sapenaac« i »ietVn' aüatrom SS P. S.S.W but »u»i 'tied an dainaae. Sid^dtdar* pre »ine*, h.iilt lilvir Harbeck. Oi... \. fem N^ar-YurV. Sailed in cttfltpaaf »i'l barb M ia oaaita, l' Ina», f«r New-Ynrk I.eA bark 1 li is, Brksk.foi W w-York, alup liravhoend. Pake'. I'm Hi tin, .re, htuRe-iiir. R*..#, fas llcrtetown . bark I) II Tin in. II .11, f>t pairmr Swim. Ri.ntn. I rdo S. !ir iJcii. K. .it'., \ irrima ..' day*, w.ol 8AII.KD-1 8 Mail anieln,' Bailie, fount ark. isr Uvat| aaf. BEI.OW.A Herrn, brtf. in the rfliti», hark CKieftsat, from Boston bri| Bxi 1.7 da.s ftCM Sasaanab W N I>. \t miirne. BW. I nieiidiaii, w swejaj SW (Pi i: A rLAB to 1 Prom 1.1 "da I. at N.iv It i;r»\.-esd Sid Net I*,BaerasstwAe.MelWlyve,BtCB etitt.i Dsal.Arr. froaath. Riv. r Nr.. m, Anteru-aa t osBtees, W illiam». i->r N*w V.nk iTti ..i Irr s v ia, t »h'' i'' a, asewiUiara, B*w» Ymk.j / ./ Sid Coastitattaa, HntiiB. New- Yelk Chde- SM N. \ 8. I '.lino Saranaak. Bhialds Bid Not «. 3l..t»ell. Hataua Album. K .'it, New-York; Ploreaee, Petter, Boeawa. radi'- s!d \iv I,Pvtare Albert.Itnarevt,Btafea I .ri' Air . .. t A- M. M oioi N ai ... I' S BeeceToaa.Art Oft lb' Isabel,Ai'joe, Hew-Oraeeasi I7Ui, Pepita, l.'.n-, Mobile j Peapeye, Oari, ClaariaabBij tdth, Paalrta, Barostow, New. urleaas. Malta- Arr. Oel V8 Julia Hn.rek Baltimore, tad aid I'.Hh fer 1'nei.te Md Pet .tu, t'.mtiuelli, Uiekev, Beeten 1 rasa U pi . Uat, Kav. io , if n v 0 ai Clarke.BaenosAyras. Bid Itb, ABMticsa Cotv ess, Wdliasse, stesv-Toft. I.irerpool.Art Na* ». Ameriea. (a) Bhsaaoa Boetua. Sid Btli.t ornnella. I.siki n New Orlenu*, N >rth Allan- tiC,Ceok,du ;Cbieftaia. do CterMeat. normet, Chsrles'on ,««.*. I um » . . in il \ .< ander. Phuad-lpbis. Clyde.Bid.Itev is Admis, MeMillaa, HalNto; «Jlss- tow, (.) gtewait, New Varl Brm.'vtretinvin.Air Net ., Alarm. Preeaiaa, New Y'.rk. Cadfet.An. IM II, \ na \ ieek. Harai, New-Y-rk Press i loydai UM, Nee I lV..!-\rr Nut .la.-. i». N*» V.r- life awn lot New-Yerk, 011 !>¦..¦: rr. Not Bremeuior N«w» Orltiii"" _ or. Palmi.utb- Arr s,Stada, Badet aeahtaaa,mmm sii it, OothsBburs for Btttoa Livoi ..l-Air n... I il .. Uibtoa, Haytii Orltaaa. Steele, Ifew-Orlean*; ilumialeu lleraoy. d >. Uailed Kiatdom, Cotter, Sava-unil Paaolq Wh.te, New-Talti Arctic, /erica, do.. Ami s, But lb. Caattaae. «. »-.i N'>v. i. Albion, Beil. lur New-Y«rk Hi cum-'Arr Wot 1, «dmirti, W' e'iet. Haitm. ir» Letthot! Bid. Oct. M, Ea-ydu McKralay, Nemr-Vmlt. PeoMi Not 7.A ship, « terl.uiied, und with her decks sndstera blown aal waa paaaaaoa the loth t)et*»er,m let MN,aadlea. IJW , bytht John Brewa, 0*aK*yWa, ia* rived bei^. Aatwerp, Net 7.i'i,. Mtiwe Prtmaaaa, froai ataBAkassa, ¦ rived ai Irrnatrarshavaa Not I and m »i'e ... i w i.« «u char, bi»t her iua> oliatsM and aaal sti Baere,bet i*eipeei- e.. o. ii. al l.etl Ilde -».- lit ft iear.ipli. (ffW-OBLEANS, Nov. i-'-Arr. ¦AVpaatN Meter, Ntw- farl Trum b .r CttneapwaaMsaM 1 PHILADELPHIA, Not r3.Airrtied II ua Vtaetae- l..»i aoa.Pa Larrabee. reach, Raw- Pork: tears, liada a Heavaar, Bottea; AI it, Hall,do. Beat lEaalath I n ih n o ' tarttt ltd, in ,. Baa). Praaklia. Bsaas, JatMbl hart* Marohh ass* i i).1. ..'a'e Pa.aes at, t'h»rl*a> tin, Wni Lanal ¦. Prei ... n K h«.. II; ¦ehr« Henry I l rich* Irecibo P|;l H Kowl*y, Bo*;er*,Charlea llbeitl >IBa. Boetms : HuAamt,ftatt« Volant.Bip dn.; Beni Eotlwh. l.y as. N M*«*n , Ma.1.1 'row*II, Protidenue i Harriet l.»u.*u, Vt into r. N Vorkj Miasahkbiia, Leek, do. . e>.m Jl.on Port*. KAI I. Rl\ V.M. N \rr tn r*ni:. fhaimaa. Calaia « El p.aiti a.u, l.ddy, Aiintiu al Hip Eta. t, C im- atiaas, Nov. -York I K W KS, N. v ft 1 I' Me.The » im* Shaekimaina, (pki)f r i.:ve», md. AHetl hi. for New«Orteeae: barks Plato, for (' to!, aa Bay ^. ill i r Ii eloa A. J Har¬ vey, for Rio de Janeiro In if* Peunamaquoo, Mad, ( bice- pee, Kinpire, Myra anil ('Ions, f.'r Boat >m also the Wm. Jan. rilan.ifiir New York, 3 briga atvl 33 arhooters, weM la t> t yeaterday at 9 A M Drrj k?»t3oöa. I^ SPECIAL MiTK 'K ! *'. Tha ohjocl J of tb.a notice to mf irm tins all-du .ihlat, if. it I;..-/ hi.a h im 'unity 11 fAVK i IUUB MONBV i. MaaMatai th^ir !>¦ a at THALIAN HALIa, MV IMOvaaaVal Vhai atatareMaek si lata ¦OLD MITHOOT BBSUVat, and li M Wha w.-i. '..- . skaVatdH tm niaK.n«; taetl pir» r ., vt i., lid till* a HARi: OPPOBffllBll y. The atock <. ,ii»i,', ,,f , 11 ,t i , ci otK., M«nn .*, C*ib- aaj tm. xmm and MssaaWM MtWI Da Lbtaaa, and a boat mt mH ri (i.-id.-, whicii will be sold at almost Lta* in ah Hal k Pai' e. SCYi'AM * HAPP. bM BMWAS He t9t Gm .4 -at head of Ess* " »«Atter. IJ REATER [URGAIN8 IN DRY B OOODB, Ulis WKEK, thaaever,atBABKBJPS Ol.U STA Ml No BM fmmmi at. TU« ttoek el VtiveM, Sha ri». Silk*, Mem..*-- S^, » . mt pj wilLiat rtttrd in rout Tkaaa wha * lal lo par laoaay kiaAtaf faMMi M. im. r ll /Cda, '.v|l d.. weil lu ia'1 anon, a* e wy artVp L. at and w 11 i.e a dd. BMB* nUV (i 0' )!)>.-; n i,. u.M.; rim. , I'ara- mat tat. Alpaca* Cathrueree. De.ainet, black Btt, Ll'itlia and Cataiuiarea, lta _.ii I r-.e.i,, Blank :t*. KISS" itda,hhawU,Carp**!,Be white aad bro »n DaaMiBaaV blat'l », N a *. I) :*». IdAela ,\i' , Mr »alt tSW M nti BMr* W. MATH CM s, No MCatk .rine-«c. I .DIES1 CLOAKS..LANE & POI- k\J i eh. No. Caibarii * at otTer* Mr ia»-ac'ioe tal . i a laute aad raned . » i v EL\ BT an ! l.'LUTM CLOAKS, er'<ra tar ill lb* ne<*».' iml inmt ritluoaalje ii e I o.i eir.-.'ar *u tue, ai'-'i hood*. M ap. t'nah Mtntilb*. n. lily triinnie.«, fc»m %'J op VtivM Man'iiiae,neniytrlauaed,with hi..»i ami tau«' |ütp. \ . ,-i 6-.r . aiet .-ape. t »..,» > Velvet C.t alar at P'a n Sacks. Satin Maei. i.a. Parka or i?ir«ilar. wa ha*« i'«i a »«iy li-Kutif .I and (operKK apidael lie«.,..i rt..l|,.i. |.n.ii'.s I Mti-.. ia -a'le.»lt«waa well a* all the abadea ef I m* nad tiennan HM V*l»*ss. The (Ji.ak* and Maui Has iremaaafm artdby oarSatMai and all the malen*!* am d ^re m arrant*.1 to I" "f the mm' Ladttavt'.o; il l.a.e ..f .a the niattntl for 0*W»* mat hau them en' tu Bay skapi withtatlt Caatria e l if LANK A KOKrP.B. pHEAPEST STORE in tho CiU fm . ' Curta.n n.a:etiala . * .er\ de« rlptl u. lAt I as Mit" lit I srtasas, Brasa v. n. « Coma as, Qua .«. rassssf. saw Window fihadfs.fc.. Tl snbteri «r* <>tfer the waea**» their stock, embm yihiafia the j.-hoU'ery be*, vliolrsali or rttail. It pei tal lawrer thaa aay etlbWawayi u.iher,tv A M. ». K. DAVIKS. l/ph .l-it«r*rs,l 1.17 ImMW'lP- hsiB.-'tT Cost. Io.Vr-At CLii n/o, Oet 1, supposed to J bsTe beeatakaa 'y mittaka fiom the City Hntet, . ¦LAI K US ITHKB 1 i N K. n.arked 8. M "awaaBJ books, taaMasaaau aadwnarlaa; spaarM. Any itforatajM theieof will be than* li. ) ic t.eed aiid t.ntaiily ittrs/eia - J1 LIAN BLAUILL, Cb:. ata», or 1HEO t MOB» PhdadeUuia. nillw* SI OAR TOYS for the Holidays, asJ oreameat* for Cake,can tm obtained ea reetoaebla teriTM, wholesale ai d retail, al V LECOMTK'd Otalse* Baa**y»tete, No 3U> ilrecawi. h-*t , New York, '»'^re* :!, rive .¦. .- / worm' at v '."'T* aas 111 tWBaa

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1851-11-24 [p 8]. · NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. SOOTH AMERICA..a By...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1851-11-24 [p 8]. · NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. SOOTH AMERICA..a By lilt awhif Mir^aret Kli/.i. I 'a'.t.'-.m Aden.* arrived.1 th.- r



By lilt awhif Mir^aret Kli/.i. I 'a'.t.'-.mAden.* arrived .1 th.- r<t n u x\\it<Uy looriaiog,

ate ton adntti from Buenos Ayre* to IM B4f>Itctter The i" *'. of the flay w .. thai

Ortbe bad rajitulatcd, and it - ijoo-ed that

he would join ..v.'.h Gma, i rqalxn, to UÜI the war

an the BtJidatir.eir. i; woj.d toet>e it an end. Oea.lout was pressing the sale inhabitant* into hi*

army and in IHM piacew «..; e teat fe.-nalee an 1

ehaldren were left Heiaiaoda to ba h» opponent*, »hould ihey eoaee on In- aaQ.The ltu..,iv iyrwa Pi of Bi|l|Bibw»th e a*

taunt the Mio« | oa kd do aaa, addn m I bf£.*..« to the (ha abei el ' '.

drawing hi«m znation for the Pit llaV |roni) i<i j

iran ak om ^ oarnTrH TO rH«*U ml M, Lot: HSSSl I'm r tmt\-

.,. .*,' nu Is>a! raairoa, H i I'xiT.t

Pai rsM'i na 8»x Bonito. «Je;,» IJ, Igil i

Year the t^l l Ubeita Mthef tried'aad i id or tbe aYrjaaaaaa Oaatederattaa )

T» ths HfiK-ra'Hon"'i.i Kiprtmmta reer.Mi ¦»n at atari 'N ... w taw Re-

aaaMtedaraga lose, leriedef agitatioaaadaVb tare the coontry frem iVunridal war; to accompanya lathe fjsrioa«defeaeeofaaeeerv* it freai 11< tat ei Ith« *. astiareae boed tat rnt.'ileae I7r.itariaii*. was tit' eaateaatl boa-.aarable u.iaaion that the Aryeuaai people bap aed a

me. and wh.< a I - '*.¦! I. t d te « i 'a .«.u

2d leva daa te aar < airy and to my feilo ar-citizsa*.After a aaaanevaMe epoch, in « bicl was. i .«.

Argent.:.» Coafsdsaeadtiirr, 'irr" it. enemies; and to the undermgned th« dtet'egeiahed r. i ret lingo rit; iftertbe Me^u red luflocali tt aa by and was m

Iheeajeyaiei.' oi peace,dereloptng e ementi ol r ¦-

pemy.l casaeadereu tht aatnaeni bed ar ivi-i t r»<i a theaapv»m< < « i. ... » I nad :.«.«n *v

ep nUn* u .'eiierated Huuraj«- myciuotrymen, ait i.arae.iiy re-,a>-t«o on to any at aasxher liaea as mjawaeaaaeYeu related to admit n f«ar*eBt pr*ye«.'heinh at*

.f tbe pro«.in a » o.

eeewoag tt.« oft. Ii ir/.ta a<d a< rei.cir '. ,: t, i. ..» e.igu*' amitau aaaaama* sauftb < .« .

Ihn uga t nor I. i' . an* al ..

¦fcaywaa aaacted, with ..' <

altbeb«;td «im- atmaala is a.-

tbe fur¦"¦,>' '

paring f«r it agluil in. Ittt anOveraewertd y» eh deeaewa, ai I .

appteeitdli. a dr';-f«t arawade toward ii tr< i te

Frd-iai.. »«t '! »tu te »I ward, bceuutiasl] lo vr-s«ghaat sWiaga lgraa«a'edtojourho«oia,t(#iiyieU<i ii-aeae, .ad t« the < >n'' era'e pruviaoaa,tht hoaiageol ui

aasaAardeat aad pref ud ackaowladgineiit. 1 o araiaedwith vra» .a u iio r .»r d> '¦'.'. ao 'i ;'ic Maas,ve'eol the «> pab <¦ o r,bu uwi .

tee- la grateful emotion* tb''»» radiutere l.ofiuj o.tutry.. I lainiBaaed »ebemeni y. yet re ... tfa If, tu ». <a

Aaai joui in nm ii ill' 'tif 'in provmceaa anoeaaj atlae. aablaaad by the cr pleearuangfroa aa/rskeaa viewa, n.ulil oooperate >n .!<. efli a usiy thou in

alf lo ib»- aggrandizemen) four d irly bei n .¦ t o i i'.iThe traaqailit) which the Republic exrameeced; tut

uaien » pt'-vkih d thruughoul its prcryuacee; the e

Asaawith which, ameliorating it* tnstituti a- .' i madithe raauarea* of it. welfare, end tae extei ml p ace «rhuIteloyal, e;'i;lit .ii d'.'' iii'' :« öi,» ..> i'iahadewad, indicated to me that the monacal ha*ateelf for rcialgaini Ibi raan aaad, w la it ia ui i thenation

Aiimibif dry aeeheerlag a eeavictioa, 1 iawistad la aiylet i oi reauBt iwa . r hoaeia au i iai*i .1 tigtevmet*. la l.r.t .t mi n>> '' u'.

werde, aad ih« c steacyol myreaeoa, won d diel) i' i«aaa Binds of ibi ArK1 iitiii'1 pe >,>!(, and indaci 'I. aiteac-eede le niy*'v irati >a from tbi taj ran aBut le-pecteil thi*. anl the uadiat Ire J state of

She Republie wxnaii'od ate to sat) rl ua sw h '<¦.; attbiavery aaoeaaat, the bjmaae traitor, ruthleaa i utsriaafrqui/a. iahn d las atandardol belli aad anarchv, aala*: ii to »e»t r. weh in« degraded aword, the botads tb I¦Waple the pee leef Batre-Riosto theoaafederati.m aud t»eou*tiur> btuaat li lha arbiter >f tii^ .*. lealiat a,isaaaileas'y * ild hiin«elf la the Brazilian GoveraoK ut. n it j> i-

assttig sa Ba obstinate auilation, ha uiraded and al - dwuh uuprtcdaidi d iri ai hart. tie o rittoi aad .he Inalageadeneei f 'lie )U pubhes of the Plate.In se solemn a rinds for the Argeotiue r^tmaaunitr, a baa

ata loyal .en*. dualariag,aa al all limes, tb Ii wwnvalor, roe aa araaa t«» reaisl aad chastisa thai, , asmi i,sweeping to many such . andalev outragee:

Cfars themMire* with abl nie aelf denml f.ri !i« moatlorahie oiter*. I hn*e received a aew daolaratioa from

glas eaaadaaleratepteviaoe*, that perea] isudcleeabnuaio a m tue anpti nie urn a I, Bbd<>lwan be uafarmed by ihi cortospoadi r''ni I will hatbe be oi al aSpce tae aatioa as dessand* it of me tan

aad BMNueau for it« Iraaguiht] -aiai ¦. ia lha p aaa e ui«MdeBt Icieign aiiKrean.'B*. aad an unei.ianJi <1 r< bellioB,my eaaip titiota reoaeal me to bom apaar ihaaa aa Iba pajI wcaov, lud« und our asdepeadi aca aa>l uati m ! hau >¦war« ine B< .. ildi eaatperated by be aud.wboslilitea* of the II. i. hi l of tilnwaaWvaitsraaaa,prepares to reltlutt* ,u« w.i \ nab.bey bnre reeai itatetl -it uotj aa., .. Ii I. saaot nlate, bw du l isfhaa, laasaotabia repteaeatatives, mv c m-tinuanrr m tat Ilavarawtat, ptuvhled ait honors, ar

..upatiioi" aaa the eonfsdatute pruTtneea, r mm lei thatat mar b» useful aad nemos.ary to theaatl'taal welftm(\u«tal«all> <>|tü 1'i lie .:,»'¦ <, y .!i ;a'|oua a lu

aatpatetiea, I < heerl "y .i.-tw ».. «',. ill Tine iteruti.miIk ae am 11... taassstauM ss, iad than cimtinaiag ia laiplena i ulliiu.i. I -« .111., .ir liie « honor ol

eeapauiiiiK no in Ion d fed** .1 compel not«, m their hei jiclaeoiui.. a 11 iBjidioBtiiui Iii« iiatiuaaal iiHleiiendear* sujlparr, attacked by lbs perndiii Brazilian Cabinei I., therathleka I'aitaiaBB i luiraIn a»a ofdan. e with lha* delsrsaiaatioB, I theretor* pre-

seat myself, in the aaaae tasnaer aa lue loyal Art alBBMilrsd to fulfill oar- m ire mi leita rated pledge, ..1 *aon-b«'wg all in diifi-i he k\> ir .¦ rty, au.i the h >u r

af he CeafsdersieiMy fel'ow-cm/run. whohai »'". sloaud at pa tlci-

gaaBain their dtnVuhiea.wiM bow nad i i.wiiheeund aad rebasl health. sad ilw aj. noaaiata i< w i n lite*piiur.pu*. They will see that, if wIibb at imi-

*ey*d pesaav aaa IraaeuUity.f dadred (a wiihurae fromtlie .upMiiierouiinaad. 1.11111** m. - i. ¦ IB BOM.thai aabash ra i* .1, where Iae advantage,n«w tu d ai .» aaeauea ol 1.1. Coafedera' 100appear, and thai ii < »athaonas od ol 1 is ra hlsea 1 ..1

tanaoa, 1.. ... bythl iiiaaae iraitui rillhlsts t li.ou'iPraia, a. dare* to rates it- i>:mkI. ttaaulard, her, lam.ready at lha Ball ut ihr aal oa, au «rith energy aqua! ha n 1

dutn*, m'd to t ie lu.p s .1 Hi- c'pMic. wilsmr to contend.n union with the einuoai Aricotiaea Pcderals, Idbase let, trMaaahaal aud otiu'iltdaled, m'. idetitkerighie. lh< dwarty, «ad Ihl ful 1,1« ,t the a iti anJbis XIri*;* Ki iraeeBtativos, a ihs leaoluUao 1 have

adapted ¦ view of tea aenl .« i- iad area tl in .»

Aael daatrtsg ere aow to transmit rt lo youi knnwledgibad ilo ht... I ve bally laPiasideut, and |.< on. oi tin Deputy aVcretarieeof vourhouolal !> DB .,

it to the heaaaraala H., .< entativi a,atthi it sesswm theiaaabt ban to reitend ... .,...» pi .f uu I rrati ude.Oed i4v.rivi ynur aaaaareaaaai peare

Ii »x M*s El DB K <i-

The Repreeeutittive* continued 11 aeaaion frontday to«la>, teemed to bv- unanimous ua theirevpptwt 01 Ho-1- y'/i< r.i i tt h .% 1 0 no va fromi heaenl ad w

Mr. Win. v Han out lata hatrgf to BuanAyres, had lain 11 o| (,, n. i:,.t tS, m, |»en,Ue-taw having arrived to take his pla !0. (in ]>re<.eaiiughts letter of recall lie made the loll iwtng

- PBIott,¦ have cenie, Mi Maus et, in place la rtmi haadatb

lell*r el r»> i. 1, run «iit.n.i .u.u.i: yaaofita «1-i1 thai1 abowld ei>» leiirc Ir >;.i ibi. n, .u. I am, at the *.metime, iiialiur.eii loBMBroyoai Exc -ilen>y ol the 1 n njlytpilit and benev.dent 1«. ln>-» w hieb asill eoutntiie to 1»-.»ir* tin. pgh f tbe I iet of w a in all ih, itehVio a, ? lo v ud ii,, 1 .. Si.. ..Ua, i' mi.I avail know, sir, hew loyal and I tbati ....

Let *ue a-«»a'. 1.01 Ibäl - is 11 . » BtOTU ful BuTaol. otde-Ute empiy laut * of di 1 ithe faithiul aaiastwaMHs «af the feeiiug* aiid « iu *ntialintima«: i and people »:.. -. ..... .» .. o,retoi.lh o| .11.01.» haiv >>.! .. ...

the In ..... tae \ .... 1In p.rf,uuuuR tin* la»: di e.a

aiplomaii. retati me with tbia <;>.,. i .,,., ... . .,, ,,-t,espitas ihrevjgbvtsarKtisslleac.-,to I ,. ywheat M.ii i and w,»,1 in have > rioatly «talteIlbate of biiuselt hi* ismntn.Btott uml a»-know!, ,1« .1« ( ., ureaeid*iali...i dhnh I Bate CumtauHi ri o'.sl ». .. .

ban «

Vest.atB-*i. cajMr ef human ailaiia. II v »d I.» a. sine de^asaaaidtbeataelv,. ut>an th* ettentkm maakiad u -

esateco.iei, ,uieu 11. tl.e ,hir»oM hum o» it, , . ,

gpaery.lojeked lotuiufu..- . i»dcalled u.waasajaaaiuami lo Waad thaw wo,,,..,.».,tV. \ ". * occaaean, b. .i.e.' a

.BJvAead I) -.order out oiehaa.-»»!, 1,eea/usiou. Hu «Bh . I rat tb.ish a id >u*tavla .'Isjstetal»v»t*ti: vii, :,ül l.o . ,

mount Beat ire. Bad Wil .n- ..:<. 11aVvsHtaUoaa.n which ru» lamewil! h.a. real A¦"" '¦ "lb* *e»ere.«i - , ,% .

a*ea,ttatilibo>eiu'«» t .vunou .,- .

aad eeeuied ro have don. Una ». V," , Jt??eaaugb fo« 01,« ;i...n li..,m» ..iPally lo lecod the .rani act* ol km eveall il ltie piÄWan jadge ol theaa by ibea »o,» «*«t'ul leaiUts, mal ti e

paliuu otflii ah ic - ri in.ark .a their authWwna¦BBiadi aiaa. with lasuce and truth, will mx-nt* i,U Hi a , h

taiucd on '.he Ikfoa.l aad n .p. i.<..<ilr a,c a. Ut* wwld'ahiklo:Bui Mr Masaatar, i >h aid:,.-: th .r i hi. I

Sriecti» f'drilled ni» .m.,, oa t:.'- aeeeeul atxeaama .1 1Isotkeie jotBiageA.r place, end la Du anaa> Btan<

ater, glte , i, ,,v». ; ihims leehag* m «ratelul les. eclend pioi. Bad a. ...... «| b lao am tsr't esterteaa torthe character am: pe-aamof me 1 11 ahlt and distinguishedwaagbtatol hi* Ki. e ien ljr ti.e Coieruor, >IiuMa itsde Biataa v l?z, utia IfMa waste mal I

|*ou..: ass the* . a1l.\ * *" . ...

vsaii aanwa. a bran and imisuiaut piece tatht adu mmm «l. a - . ., aifairtaa»K ace a wate r* ,

MfnaJdaamn Blaeamd ui bthe ltjgeaaeasmg all the u-edtr >. a,: .t:..» .v. ... ,.

el ke; «ei. h. t , woman', heait i. ,, rsset* .«

grotecuoii or «med hei a»mstance. She :,.u lue i«aigaeajcet of chatitt and au rer. Sht »taa-l» a rpelu il .. a-Wtrr i grace bei ,

^^fIlV!a^tlu.',* ,°i T"' "t ,J 1 ' atnetne i

SS£E* kw *. m' '° ""WCate t bS '1 IT w I Itt e

we^enen. Hrr g»». iou» a t* sad her amd word- faU sliam«^!^*! *"a »,r»wtcr. t.« .....««.. t » ,| l0 ,iMS*T««.heie,ul,,wa.r,]lui,,1VMJ,t ta. in ..-

ftTbiiae!? ^'.'""-'.aciincs her en*e. ber health, an

»» m au. k S Ä' 4* o/pa'r.olisiueaddul» Itat^SsrTrĦreader that law mÄi aauS^Nwerdtaftt,.- c.,ei.,.mAt . ¦. i "' ' ,M

"T^T"!** *" " *n wteras, radBbamwiM"

Who a-pruaek he: Baloe

wjtK .he ,.m. uninsured^m^'^J^ ' \f F~dtd puedic . j nioa. ia asy age, ot ta

BW 'nVV'V' ' "" ''.'¦. r e

d*m.»aMSk e,r,,u.p,r" '*c" ä

,. -a ... a-<-t ...»..: .... lathe I «MCxi-iaJ

.ttwi-o--. mmrmmt thsurte hrjon. frteatallr a t- -

SiTnd cnstant a.ndaea*. ttrwurtl illuOI. I »I

aactai relations. Mv own Bleedl* n eUe|1 have ..»-..',"Zen net hy ro irlEteelleeev m - e*;rt * / '''VWi the Bsual "t. rune,, aud o isl "'¦ .' !«.

...... and friend.; intcrc..-use ,

And I at til »f thi* Ma" ..

tnat b/ tier* tiMI «4 the- t*n-e.w«.t. and .asae

af it* ratUeae,have I beentinted wit \,

and kualneas which b'.vt inspired trw deeau. iav r-«t

rp«rro'I* me thaw, tare eh your bctOmft y .1 i' evt 11'each and to all f '.be.a, .1 m. v. a*.-. i. « J .

knowiedfinent», and tu express the erdeet ho liv i

nr.«[.erc;s and iiap.<y /at e uui en arat en rti .

foTaritntr.t and (.»«¦,Jo, wi» >-e c j .r; *r. t roi a te] Lad ti-

doirutabla spirit, bare »:r. idy, aaewr ike a ict i p |i aasetan res rrrrrrit ir. atta vmrf aa* aaxeea.The Arrt\t*n* .Veu» saya that «>n*«pon<len

Rio Janeiro announces tha arrival at that port ofthesteamer " ManHlin Ratal.*1 constr i-te 1 'tl "te

t inted States expressly for the traffic of tae interior

rivers of tola RepoWlcShe was nwlf rg urn -ome slight rer urs, id w- «!a

proceed to her de-tma'ion a*- soon hi tasty area*, tf ¦.

'"'The f.,loa int.- U ton Its kVaW P« lawCa »9 I Nof SeptemberCfai; Seit N't*a his been n-.rc.T. J of thee ¦

i.ltte .i< feat of he traitor Lt-ouar.i Olr.'.a. t.y .

iiuter the of Cei Barnoa. Tbe pnrauit v.-a»c >n-

tinted, aud bis captora cindered uvevPab», aalen* be

succeeded ia reacbiaa tbe Brazilian fratatsar. Tbapnurd ofl'naiza had al- Km nnrsncl from the etc r. trof An.laiez to Qoeaearago, arith the !..<i3ftw. silled aaaou< pns'wer. This atla.r seems t<> base 'akeu place«n tue.n,»t bait we are aat fa aoasaastioa ol araacia! ateta s.

I'BE-i.sT.t i ion ami BsBCO«ft!Tl< v of tferaerat i

t. PesssVefost, a.« . "'ir.- rf'.t[favw*/ l*« .'

sta'ft. n"tr 'ht ft>, tfnanu ay IM at/ya m

f"« sVtrafaea,Mr. Pendleton, Inivin;'. litre on t'i? 2 i

Vtigust. annoujeed h.s presence ti tue ( a note of tie tttfj.

I .n.sw. r, i.n.ler tla e Uu- l.'.li S-,.t «. r

Minister of Forci^.i Relations eoagiatalawM Mr.Pendleton, in the name >( tue (Jovernineii' n i Bi-fafc arrival, and aprxmited Monday la-t, tba jy.ii in-

t lor the ireMeatatiou of bis credeaatiala.On thai <!..y Mr Peudietou pre ented to the Min¬

ister ol iv>rc"ir'n At-aiw an afB'iaJ rwrnmaueationffvjui ilonoraok Daniel WeaMter, Btserediting thebe.i't i is. the r Betty azsora BMBtisaed,

In coi sequi n :c Bde rt-e w»s issued in the eu.-t >.

raary terms, with date the lo'h Beptamber. r<?; .!.*.

nixing Mr. Pendlt-ton ii his dtpaoinatic character,and liitesiing bim wttktlbB richta, ptaToa^tttrtsi andimrnuaitk tliort unto annexedMeannliile arc cordially welcome the honorable

.Mr Pendleton '«. bia now BpOOTB of a .'.vn. oongrato-latiiig hint alike on the tliMinyii>iie.J oonhdeaca tvhas merited from hi^ own Ooeswnratettt, and ttaeirracion« ami i'lanilieJ reception awarded In n bythe Argentine Government We tr tat oil eetloi ableprt--»nee may in MBM dooooat«oaaoto*tlie publicregret in universally experienced, at tb° removbI ofrn< n spt. »«d pri de' BBBOt*. 'Packti, .Sept. UK


Bj the Birival yr-'-tcrday of t!ie i>ii_' To-huantepec tte hate rt, tired p,';.crs from the I 'ity ofUr.\,. o t<- Ort 114.

I he paper-- are Riled w Ith r» ;i<>rt- from tie th^a'erof war on \i.n Rio GnodOt BOO BJotOBt every dav a

rumor i-in i'irciüaUon that MatanMTOI h id fa.loninto the hands of the insorgaots.

'I ii. se rumors pan "bly f ive to that uro iphtby the Tehuantepee Ironi Vera Cntl to the -1 ne

effect. (Jen. AvakM had written that he had7O0men with luni, andwaa daili azpoetilg 100 morn,under General < anales. TOese lstter never «; ittilt -e in fact, < analea sec ins to be tli^trusted on allSides.

Tht i.i/u",a papat pnUianed i.: Victoria, has a

long article, in which it vvarna the (iovernmentaganilt trusting ClDOlOS; .md tin arti'le iseoniodapprovingly into tlie papari of I lie capital. It isstated in..nt of his friends am! relations are

among the insurgents. Great \tratii has alao beenexcited against (.en Avalos by in-- act in takln; olthe prohibitions at Matarnoroa The papers aeooaehim of actuaU) sei on ding In seeaaa :mo-nto. Ner-ertbeless, u uppeara toot by tins nice little piece ofmaneuvering A vain-, ¦ooejodto j?<t $ jh(i.ik»0 intothe I lOBtOlkVltOOBO.

lien. I'ihsh communicates to the Governmentfrom I'otiHos, under date oftbe 15th alt., tool be Badassemble j 873 men, and wa> theo on his march forthe seat of war. It is understood thai Urafaiatocommand the GoveffBtomtfovi ¦

A letter from Monieret d .ted on th" l ?th of Od r>

ber, aays that Gen. JBttregni Bad left i.n IfataiBovoawith 100men,tOOof Whom were Kick ipoC India i-.I'aci. u.r naivell taatuvlrt. t^at 1 inraarii Bi-*-" ....

tend to fi^lit, but <ilil> \\ ai ted to trv an 1 buy some 0tin insurgents.The oouducta lot Vt ra Cmi left the ity of Mexi¬

co on the (!»> before vtit.i *..' fsOJLOOA letter from BeOAWB aaVI tiiat tht number of

\inrrienn adveataYOfs wlaOOBve entered the Matelor tbe purpose uf working tbe mines amounts to 72.Tbe inhabitants aeemto ho] I these men in as in ichtein r as theii-h one were ei;ual to a hsndred.Tbe English Conaal al ktaaatlan. Mr. Whiton Tal-

hot, dtc.l a -bort tune BOO. [N 0. Pic, .Nov. 13.TwoerlBtinals,J. kf. Pe.iri. t and V. Montero,

b ivi rig act n convicted of highway robbery anl seri-ouMs wounding a party of fatr ers, were siiot atMi -hoacan on the vit.l September.The IdrambttTattOa hai luom :ti I to Hie ''h imbcr

of Deputies a plan to restore the public audit It is

kwg and ooeaplicated. The debt n .-o n/ed up toDeeemberOI, 1090, Braa to be funded, ami to bearthree per cent. uitere>t jier annum to be pniJ out ofthe cMBtoiBB itti't tonnage duties.

rke BrainiBidB at Poobla peri run ! i ineral corc-ntoniea in the chureh of San Pranctaco, in memoryof then compatriots in Cuba, who fell under Ameri¬can bullets dtirmc the late I opea expoditioBThe eomnteroial boom ol Gamiih id f tiled f Tone

million and a half of dollars, and that of Gmterrex|{ for one handrod ihewBand dol] trs

xi Tepie,ia Guadalajara, a family of ^;ur*aasInnl been poisoned o\ a public functionary. Thepoison was put in water whi h they drank Tliecvlprit bad hern unprttoaetl. The father of thefamily bad |>r. tarred di trues a ranis: the fun ttion try.The aat laaiiu of (.en. Raa h i1 been tr.ed in tiuer-

re:... Three wire condemned to dcatn. one to threeteais .ii tue aaltets. lotir to two tens in the galleye,and two were acquitted. Taoae found guilty, haveapBaaled to ;i hu;!ier ti ibunal.The . hotel is lä^lB| ill tOOtC | iltiont of M«x: O.

SO the PaclBO OOaat. All the loans which werevi»it,d in IBM by this tliea.lfui mainly are no*passed over.The 7v...f a*Tauen st des tb Mr Letclier, the

kaaotaSao Minister, had been hi the country tfleeni'avs, but aoUatag concerning tiie rehnautepec.ssttoa bad braaapired. it rsornplstrients the Min-

i-ti r for his Be -reti... .. id azoret m 11 ui ;se atthe Government"t sot producing the treat* up.niwhich rest- k large amount of the diffkruJtjr.

It is said th it the Mexican i.oitruiuent and thet'tuigress. far from csppxattDg üie n<ht of transitacross u-.e lathaaaa,are perfecll) willmg.nay. anx¬ious, to etai.t it, but IBay So not wish to bind thum-BShrsaby bb] rsooti ic> Theyhavi no objection tothe North \n < :ica: s. n t.iet desired'the rail-WBJ fioui Bt t au to OOf an. Il is to col mizalton, thevoli.ect. The ivto iiiiuK'n-e .i l.-.s to tiaTTiyetiea. ilaide oi tae isthmus tBertff num. ior then m they be-hoM tbe Inevitable garni of an eatatbluhment of .N urth-vn.-ric Bsapoo kfexioaatorrttory. At no price, andsaidarno cirrurrjAtancea, is.i> > tue I'suaa) wiii tiieCorujireesof the eountn "TOrtBl to this.We fi it c .'fetued it .i.lvi- ib'.e ,., coatmuf - to tue-

seat this eased qtaeaAien la Be nc* itar *tv. since itIheeatea* to axeita serious dirtu-ttlues net ween tiieltetahbotms Republica,The follow inj- b ttcr la from a correspondent oftheTr«!ii d'l nun j

I SI UMt ThursJ.,y. O.-t. lb, |BjJ|,r*r net BaWSk 11 I < IStmaWAII or' JA icurnarno. 7're

fanat.ia Kji.W. Tr.t Tthmnteprf Dtft.x tf.Tht Acttpul o Koute t > Yrra r'-r, .1 ., A -.The Nicaragua route from 9 n Jam del Sur to Stn

Joan del Nortc. is now areal BSlabliellSd. and vtiUeoubtles- aooa be-oaie the ia 1 -i frequented pith-waj nraas tbe Gall t. toe Ocean, it *iii eclipse th.>l.u.ama route, which the AmceiOBM have alwayscisiikesi. mx Mv.toiers ,.re \..\s eaajdored b.tAecnr*n *,r^"co and San Juan del <Ur, niid as >»a asthe K.uroau tathtaaai ihall bavi coraplatad theirarran^ementa, byavovi-ioiiLiv meaaa o tran-> rtt-.. ...tiiejournet fro :, , rdifontiato New-York willbe ... com;-li-hcd m 5t .sr Vj d iy <

In a uiaritime 5h..i,: of t.cs the port of ft in Joanis not tha U st The w ivea oaab a idly up in tueshore, toe wise:! are variable, and tie a-i^oraeeloatvervscrure. it i said that tha bay f Baal iaV.i sattsa bo thoosoto, hvaaora fat srahty aicntcl.Pcr-oitswho have passsd over the Nioarazca -ou-eare in rapture* v».ib tlie axqujaits act n. rv. anJ tnVkindly htKspitahty of the inha: .unt*. \ »sj mat-well üiiHSiiie tb .t tb. Je'.i^atful Nicaragua ro id ua'sinjured the aswasaKta ol Paaait Tht- it... *r.»i-iwill never be c>tnp!ctcd. Tbe hsborsri are con¬st..:.! v desert:!h.«!l do '. .th the h-»re. .'e feversof IBS climate. MaB] ol V^ic m ist SABsJUiai ara be-tt'iii.ia.»: lo think they weio wroBi la e.i Ii tvormgtotitute the tare in-eaes at tuts tar-away southernpointWe do act belvevaBaal War gittv. sethecso»»en point, OBtil TshoailBsiw .v. i- teased : be r.gird-sdastc.aiit- guutii!. VTepei^ivataUtths Mu:..:erfron the I steed SUtaa aus ;<.en ted : pre a»most,-artest attent ou to BSiBOftaoJ i r | ect. OfeoBurse it will be of Banatits vakse to tBe soothsra>tnt»s of ta. i n;o.-:. aSn «rill ra .sc Nt w Orb a n tiiegrand erster of Catifcrnu trade. Hoaever, wcdiubt mach it can t »ei be at o.n 'usbtd. Tuereau8nance tlie Mexicans to ths elsist oftut iv, a: d their still dot -r repagnaace to the C nn-nar;y,cornrvi»e.l entirely of tmencana, who haveurdcitaken the raTroad, wtil oe an laessmo ints.n,eob»t*c.e to Us sue- -a. If we at ty credit Ike Bavert-papers, the orders plve.-i to Mr i^t. her are such that** om V«v Btatoajg daatroIUsi htUstU taVS

two r< ir.t-ev sh-u.d ft« follow t'.c n«c thrir finextent , ...

in r e ranttni af IttsM a a **d «wo«, w ¦

1-e sLMeesd :o zitr dries. If the leu.: . ?

Boinpar.» would wrs\k*caw.froa tht'»' present p*r*tn n uteri mtgi* «tül "t nr.- real pro! mm a aa-

eer.tratioa o< their energies ttpm a dtfT-.r- :tt roote-nam»-lv. 'he route trcm Acapulco :o Vera I We

t\r ,bt :.<-t rafirdtai the» ereaüd te earn alte i i es*>lul S11..U d : . -r '. t.lis- use IT V

route it n very certain VI th- pasaaagi rt«ecie--.he go.J. d-t-t-.e m.iis-t.- -v

a o* I take tfia road flraea Seeaales to Vera resTne ntitnDer of travelers would 1 aa Bat 1

L0Mper month Th:e num~>-r ^ oil eoasta rtl 1 >

1 rea»e. for the Rcid mtn»« tf CaltArnna -uree -a d iyir.vciluig n*w trcrure«. We give in .-.nn.t.e "i

the tu ,e BBlisesarj :o mike the journey>'r. s.,i, Fra-i »r. t. A.-v at » ....... -. T*

odcarriage road fteaa A. aanM 11- \-rx Cre*...t. ..

lasMof tkwe...,V-raCrs.-to New-Orleans .-«

Tjtal. -"MWe Jo not> n I to - iy *e 1 i n tj tatepe t eta-

pan ».,1 r.ceil this adrto*. We only «iah theyw.i.Id ..1 c-t-iftd .'« im;vjrlanre. and not b.-e t 1- f

.. ., b vun diacrtutasoaj In thi« age 01 progress,evr-rv moment .s preomus. We must be up and ox-

.-..,r...ört> NV «rif 1* route will bear aw ty tba_

BT The following mc .Tiber:; 0;' Co igrt I

have rued a: W,.sh ng'on our loal 1-»

;.,.l.::shidHon. R. F. BtocOioo, >enator fron new-Jerssy;

aod R^preMntatires John Miller, of ktiaeaun;¦ s. Moloarj o- Ultooia; K.J. Paaaanaaa,ofMich-igao; Thomas I.. of North Carolina.Bdioi B. Olds, r.f Ohio; Edvard ofMaryland John H. "-'avage. of Tennessee ThOO.B. I' Pcr.n.. Daniel Mace, of lad.

COMMEHi'I iL MATTE.'is.Vales at the Mock Fvcliance .N BO

5.3.HO i; :e li e. Bds.. M 100CantOI.05:||_OOC dO. coov... 91 J SO» Ob

(»0. ( art_n mm n. j. Mm. t o ... 1 .¦

irjOON Y.Csaal.acp.lSl LfOO do.MO HM1 em Ohio os,¦:<>.in koo is.JJ1,000 Keatu rhry 0s...l08t|l <io. {Ol in Int. Imp_07 h 0 do.blO lOjS.0O0 do.'._00 |iy» to_bOO 10:|,0 0 00. 6i" |lM E iMWSBtb.i: Hudson laaj Lr.e lt.R.BMM <!o.blO «Ii |3«'<< «!o_ O0 Mi«ON.T.d M. H....I0M Iii-» (ij.btj'tb»!M do.100 do."J

o sso Baal.... '<<»> . 0 do. ':' ¦70 Bute Bank_ lOdlfOM J.IM CityBaak.IS3 lioo do.»!<' gW00 f.. isbsSld. 10 ä" 'It.bOO OOf25 Norwicb. Mi» mo tlo.bJO 00So do.S0|| 00 do.sOO 00,Km do.bOO 07r|0t>0 do.bai4-»2f,n do.hf,u 5: !3.Mi do.BIO OBiSO .lo. 57 UM do.Sf'-10 do.SM 57 I 50 do.h' " "*

50 do.blO 57 '2(H) Harlem.bJO M11 II sUadOrg.MO 5'.) {«00 do.b3l) rWj;khi do.bl0.V>.!ii)0 do.bfiu bf,BM do.>.|2(,'i tOtSfill do.5H| 1 (Nt do.t>»tOO bo..BfOOOtROO do.bOO 08|4C(> do.slid 58-- IM do.1 ¦>-:

100 do.5Hi 4"" <io.tOBM Mom.- ( anal.Ill 100 do.MBO Canton.Ml[1^00 do.BJ50 do.bflO fib 1,jOO do.SM 01

.?..¦E'.'ND BOAEB.

ft Usrtssa R. R.II M Lne K. tl-bj B0|350 BO.t>10 6t»:i SO do. BM100N J /in.-1 O..M0 I0| 50 do.US BMTOO BssilMt " R..810 SM 5o do.Btj|M do.5»t 5(1 do.mmHin do.tdo 5W 150 '!.'.BOl5C0 do.5»; 100 00.-boo SJ100 Canton ( 0.65' 100 00.BSIM do.f.ti 10O do.BOj25 Nor. A Wor. R. R. 57 M"> H";

Ifio K.igewortli Co ... V 10' do.OBJIM Erie It. it.b;o 09i| 50 d ).50 dp.blO m

Satibpav, Nov. K-P. M.

The Fancv Stock market stm rerj sotivetins inorriiiikf for Er:e, Harlem, Rei.ling. aud N-rw'eh. Oftlie fir>t,dur> 03 the a iy, nearly S^MtsborOBwere sold, and of Harleai, over 5,000shire-. Tiiemarket WSI bOOJ BOl at the Fir-t Board, and a streu.}sperulative tsodent y was appirrnt. After th" Bo ltdEric went to".»o,., d.fTeren ecf 3, per CSOO ,OOMOOrodwith 1 inlay'- lowest point. At theSseoodBoard,however, there w a-a eonsiJerac lc re ictsOO,SOd tOOmarket declined to 00, but rtcovertd t) OSt, SOlagftill an improve merit of 1 p?r cent, on Friday'a.aassfewg psttan rest satwg a as owovwos, . losing v ss...

an advance of pOTOSOd. Harlem mi roved I, aadwas in fair assoaod. Zis also bapvored UtdOOBS id,but the quotStSM remained about the same. HudsonRiver sold at fli, a further doclfaSB of J per cent

Canton w.I« active, sod wont lip0 perooOt.,arltbsniall sales. Erie were buoyant, w.thrssMstato builosea. Dttooia loMraal iMprorootesl^to. k sold at 00, so advance of 2 per .-en?. Gorsra-Bssast were «irong, and for 1,007,117 B U bid With mrales. Hunk BtOCkJ are also firm.The pjioxkel cloood firmly for Sterliog

at IBs] «itii |»i en', for It- rittssjaamsi snd somei ra .-

lures asltt Ot 101; Froo i, O.IOOsd.lOI. I he >...

for the II .»lt..: « 1- irge. A d-m trtd 1II toe i M I

tVoaa Bostoa oa VfodnaBtay next has already ap¬peared.

In Freiejhto thoro is a toil bttoiaeMdoiodi,it movssm rates. Rngadsotsata 1,00001 1,000b ItFlour, 12d.. K'i.ctobushels Whe tt. td^ CottOO, td.i( neese, Ms. To bsOOdasv. 000 bbls. Oil CaksIs. lOvd,aad broesn oaadlea ..t Its., tneaaorsmealTo GsSSgOW,0 BOlp wa- taken up t. 1.1 I'. .'.

4,0bii bbls , at Is -JJ., and 15.ins) or OrJ^OsO boshfWheat at 14. -i<" btaO. Resin, 2s. also, 70.» b'-N.FtOOf SO pttesM tetina. For Havre, the market is

;e. for COOMb, To Bawssso, Tabac a, OSs., Bias,.2b-. SaSaSUreSII Bt | aSOa, Sits. Witbi.i a fciv illtheie hate bOBB I '.!¦' IfSHsSntl to Lyndon. »,.y 701 -s

Rice and M a-ks Ashes .t! 25«. 6.1. ToGtasSfOWithe Msaase, (Br.)vtaOtahso op at Is. Od. for Floor,aad Its. for Logwood. To Havre, the p». kel 1st

PCOX.isBjbOQI full at previou- rat»--, including 5'iMids. Hark .t $* To California the raUs are 4j«..'> <¦. A barh for LfsOOO wa< t .ken up at tlS forheavy Piie States. A ship for PcnnaacoU at 75.-.lor Ha>, and 25c for Cement a British bn? fromWtaaabafbso *.o Csdat, at 0H 5o ;or Lumber a Ham¬burg turkfrmni harSBBtOOtO N.irtiiof E .rope. Rice,BO private terms and | gslkooni : fr >m Savanaah toNew-York. rOOfk RK'e, at oi ce..l- Bi IlljbBll

In pmt Fr id \ Hark-...

Steamers.Ml Brur-.Ill j^ü'r".ist, Bahosossi.2^:Total.BRThe BsJtic t-' .k 11^006,644 in goli to-

dav. Ol »In. b over 1 million wis Amen. -:). aSafcJihe sbipniett of tht \teek gj.p 0OM of the )MSfthus far over BJS,0BMM. A? >c« these cont.nuellarge shipments cf curt hive had aoBBSrBsSd eoäoiufontiio Maasy nu'ket,butttavj hsso sseaaadjostappn hcnaion-kB aome <;uaners tboO if a.:.:..-:, 1

more f.nngent market BBSS) be the result. Theii- ka arc sow taking but igtci ^aper eifrom the irrejular .ui' On cell toe avjppli fmoney is uoi quite so free, hot there i* not mu. h dirü-eulty of making loans on stock ateials.The balance m the Sub-Treisu y tux

beoaejOONOSOl i ir-.-.g me week over S100,00;.i."In reply to a Ictti 1 fifOBB Mooaaa. Wjrte.

1 Baiei A Co, eeeodof 'he annexed | ir.^rapafrom a t a' I n .1 ri bi D >i 1'. :

"TJamtsgrt 4 esnaartlaiat arttb r. mm her» ofti-.etrf.'t .r:.s from tlie BttBt. I n -. *\\ ta)etr BSI ftare BBOOWact ard the remark ia verv eoaxm W thatthey rn.x s«»e;al r. , :her. kI bad aad idifferent, and artrmjt :kr pro<tt.!s. Can you mforaBM if is SB M notthe Treasurer, Mr. E C. DJe. says

la reply 1 have MbbsOosom -.v :cn we gossaoo de-pOBObl eachpar-ci (of whu-a . separat,- ass.,, m lvatnatioa are re.;-iestedi is set apart ov iiaeif 4n<j ,sMstla :iv n .m'yered it is taea separately nv-lted ina . lean put. pou'eel into molds, and tii» oar or barsthus produ ed are again nurr^erel i nes« -

«ruhtd 1:. the Praaauier*l oOl c ,.nd the t n-a-.-ded. From var:ou« pans of iae b.trs iLoai .¦

taken, numbered c.trefullv aal a-save I, tae resuPbeOsf rt*sortadt the I>bm mmt ff* ,tb-"era report and the weight of buln .-i after me 1tag. tbe val* of ttte brjliion is ascertauiedrromthis «-aplanation rou will per eive th t the

it.'i »arv. ird I mar add, dtsOatest and Uaaaval 1,.trte alltred .ratnst as has no erj-tenee

* ?*Mr. DJe a!so adds1 have nottnng further U> ,jj. except to ei-rest

my ii.dign.tion M toe lately with wich i"a7ja JSjasd aad base rua^.r h .s gained . u.ea v r'aen cers ot the Mmt. conscious of a sa-e/a *o * ,r

nt tt endeavor IuthiuUy to exe. ute the dAstte da-vo.vtdux. them, are geaerally ..ldifferent ta themany erroneous statements which have come befsTcthe fmbue- re at:ve to the mstituuaa, le.trm . 'be.reone- tioo I«. time and to tbe justice of the -oramun:ty but Uie allegavtion to whica my nut e bj f-,rtbse. «uid time ailed. 1« so base rhv -re we »u 1i,»..v.uagea u«t 11 sms>umi ttare oo»«aaest .aa, u

«...flhe ff* i ttrtt-. .,.#> » .'. »on',<! rft m«***iv

involve Ihi e*rl im farcitor . of ,. BM -"-v BT* o *i er

, ; t ' it. Nil aJ?0 4 dCD BBS de* rv .l pel 0 ....

Ji**rj ' Tery respectfullv / 11-oY.. scrv't,Slr« ' I 0 DaU Tr

Th- CmVmx] BfiCiw It thtur vettj »

Ho fmr-er c« I .tur-liy, had c, ened and refc-'» epg 1

| f.«n pr..jic«:*:'.r< T.e *-r>'r M .. »r y.ll pN ih-tyexceed a.tO*'.The ti-atn lc»titre>» f the Free Ba.r.kin,;

Laer piilid M >'.: ,,. .,t. «.c '.V iepoeitet r.itcd "la'.r». Kim d Motte, Ro**>TeMm, llatoo,fIBJBWII' >l Rhode IMobbj, Noej H..rri«*h.r<j. \ *r-

j.. ,.t, Ohio. Nuwr-Jcrrey M \'.r.iu.a SUKis f^r er-

c.iiütia«; nott s. to -,e ¦qoel n» s:t kr cm:. Sto .:<.».

the ki f | .r,g of th» BOtM kl pal i.t Bj-uu, PHs .iur .# t >n<}« t.y'te D.--."'or< gad ItO kl '.',tomiK« Bp arv MfejereCy/,ia MM th<* M tri .e-

should o-n i ro\c »ufli. it-nt' r BM rr iMBpttaa a; thenote1. Bo.tds and M' .'s i-«« n: ,y r. f >ro:»e-

half BM kTeal .::< :. on pro :.: Bee *".* tpettf (o t v.i-

fiftttiti» vaiue, OAihMiH of tat* a : räuig-5 tuereoa.

Th« l tritt * by ÜN Atlintf are not wry.iiira,rtiiit at arc gea*n<tliy f ivocabltt. Ithere h*ibeen d ;»r. In Cotton, i\,t': lu-r '.i--.n-.-sdo-ir.g in Cl n<e.,tii'!ice af the ilkotl «to-k in the mint-

factum,g dietri. ts. Breadstuff's were alto La g >o.l

demar.d vm',1 aii Ui '.xard iMetMmcy. .Hone, . o.kt:.i-

ued a: u:.(J< t or.iol-: h.vl igtn atfifBB ed, dos¬

ing at 9<*:c. a9e.c. Toe amount Of* bullion iu the

Bank wag Cli^ßfM tili. CeBMtiefahle re aipta wen.tili expected frrrn RmMBl arti the l inte I St hM,while there ».i>a iir im for la Iii and Bra? 1. TliaFren- h i ft reut«, were Igt*. M, rvi ihe 3 p coats-

IM .5. The a Iff! !M f;oi:i PArhi ttBtO the tBlfetlWiTHlof Mr. M. Daly, who hu had an oHestahltshedagency aud i>a- ting Ml .n tlia: tMpil iL HicUh*bilititsarc »ery s'naii,jei;it< mucr i. .''MHW.b ;t the.t*-fcts.iti<fcared,wiBaotag e l9o.orfiB.isiliepouitd.A cont.nujiis üeclinc ia the rmllion of the BaadtoJFi an -e .s .;«cn.i..s i< attr. j| att.n'i i. Dar ,.the past fonr weehg the dtMiiritten hoi bsaat e., 11|to an abrogate of t n'.i.oo,». [t is ..liru'iti ¦!

t.< the influence "f [ ilitiea] dietnaM, arhiehcaused # ttentite Ikooiataf, atpoelally m the provin¬ces, the facilities lot ;h»» practice .icnij gre itly In-created 1.) iht po.tcr, whit .i hag ea.jtud ottl] dttl mtthe past year rr two. of ol taining* pM nithoa if*iDfi a prciimn for it !t apoears hy tae I ist lOCOUtktof the Bank that from th.» preceding 0060 Uli Ihecash .ii hand lias Jc^ re..sod t>y :!,s .... cf. The o.u-

mercial toils diicomted have doeTeaMal he ..'tal.OOf.The bank notes in circulation have liocrgaaad by3,CO0,0OOf". The balance to the creilit of the Trt tawryhas de; reaaed l y 3,riiH»,oonf. Tue aun.lry tvodtti haveileiTOa ed bj Tid.'Mof. Tile accounts from Vieniiashow a further ^evere aggravation of the conJitionof tlic muiie \ market, a rise in the rate of exclu.igi»having .vrain taken place to the of-:, percent. The (icvcmnient, it appears, arc no»v par-chaser- Of Idi.S I.) cover the draft- oil I. .ndoil,"hi. h they cauied to l.r told m ggdn to prodtaCd i

sadden appearance of iinffvement atth. BaM efjthey Jbrought fiajajagi) tiic recent loan.

Th*' Boston papor< BMtrOtince the failurftof the liJtise of fiardner <t I irtif tt of that city, withliabilities to the amount of fiSOtJlOO. Mr. (i irdnerwa-recently the President of the Cochltuate Bank,but th ;t institution will Io«e nothing by the failure..There was a decline a; Boston uf $t 90ds)filaahoriin the stock of the Cast Boston 1 oinpany, attributedto the lailarc of Messrs. Bettladen. A Co., who we.v

1 argt holder-. f the <ii.o.

The Trey uarj RhÜbiuI Railrowtt CompaVByhat/g agreed to Id the Kuiiati'land Washington Uall-road Cotnpeny rutt thefar nod for one year, fur tueu.-e of which they are t.. pay g'J.OOO, and are to aeco

the road ui good repair. At the expiration of wh.chtime, if the Atbaiiy .Ncrlhcrn BadJLroadlabaiit, libKutlaikl .m l Wash.'iic'c a ItnUrood Cootfoay are totake a leagO, (iliiyi.-ijr the e listem c of the ' 'harter! ofthe Troy and Railaad Kailro.el, am! arc to ray alltaxes. expei!--'S gad repairs, an<] | [icr cent, and 0half of the nit proceed* above that sum.

IfegeTS. Hatik. Brooke »fc Kepiilic-r, who* '

futiure >n rhila.lrlplua was MUtOUaood SO uc tnn<.tu..«, t.tler t.i nay lij cents, lu SSn., Isralva,cightei ii. and Iwanty-four months without int« re-t.

At 1'hil.iiLlpliid money is in fair reqaest,at,firm b to I" per cent, for lirst. la-- leeuritiosoifliort date, while paper for longer time gad not -o

well knoAii ( anaot be plaeed at less than frotn 1'.' t)

15 per cent. The LwUtkl are careful la IhJtlupgggtiose, hol are ofJBeratood to be actiiuy w/ith aa mi :¦.

Iii r ilttv a- i- leeBled prudent.Markeis.CAaiTVLLI «troRrtu roa T.ts Tribi sg.

Sa rcaoAV. Rev uAsliES.The a e.rk. t m steady wttk a fair dtntaad I i

i is at ft I .¦ i'o Pearls areatsadyat gj gTi.i tUltiN.Hie inMiktt t> di:i, rsth taiee el Mt balee,

Prices .ire heavyQoataaeoa jktlaataoc-

FvH;t« Fletid i. Oeli P. »

lafhiiat.aeas. <i" a earnt irit.nar., lnw l.i «. 71 9ti t m IMiddling, low t.i .aal s al. '..MiiMlhng.nur i., f ur ....*'« '

Wally fair to good lair.Oeae ami ftna. .

FLOCB AMD MstAL.Our market fori el egraliofgtaie aad Wetten f .. »r i- better; the suj lyishght,nnaiealtj as ol Mo. 1 avperaol .A lartc pi irtioaefTheMuck is msdaai ffancirsand extrai rben ¦ very litllaof(ihie of anvdeacrij boa in marhet. Dm anaaaad is f i r i ,r

i'.' East ai d t it' trw!", ami there i- an aetiva - km until Ime, urv. Iii» bette- gr.u'eK ai»- m. a:.d in f.n re ;.;.-!

..»..,.'. m it- v i. !.' ii nid i i' S t-t ¦:

!.ii»n tt.%. t Kid canmm br i at > I '>! a. i »cd«. a...rr at ft it), la "id Tbe taiee of Oouiestu r«..

It ui. I b!..., abual ha f an s .. .1 iIMm -117) f ri s'sS3 87.«$i 111 foraaiehigaa, Indiana and W.< onsio; -i

Sil»! »ur ()hi«>. and «Hl- «si >r' f.* oonsnwia fleaeseeS"tti.e a at thsde araser, with a tau demand aad lit. !.tu tt icialat... .* in'ide lU'jiea Salee oi Te. .« -i .

ttti rauxed t gaed straigkl brand*, and gl 31 ., Ifoi Kir tli'ir ii btaCbVO :.t g3M r.<m»K.! ia

beat r. Salt» flMI la terteyai S33lic Bockwheel taMm, with a goad drateatd. Balsa f Holt's ataadard »

Si *j f bbla and MH for hnlf Ml «.

VKAIN.Ooi utaraat as belter I r Whi .'. ch a fair le-uaaad tot tbe borne trade, the K^st aad n axport t'be»aajly Nft<«t is aavt l-t'ge. The ilaa m lb n at -

^ hue (' i'.ad'an. [..ill l.> ar',\ r - n. a' H? I '..'I b iel»

ahiteMacbigaa atgse.) t-iagbuthek» rod an ¦¦.-...t « r3e.;sad tagtet to Jt,iaa baaaiasiS wb.le s«u itta a tb 99part to arme Karleyu a liade armer, witb Ictsotfenaglalet fjetChn-b. ! good two-ro»«d ai tie Barley Meltla arm Sale* uf SM baabels g md at *l. Oa * ar..- * iha !abet'rr. Sal » l»u .t J6 >.' .Ii'-t,. J...!'.-,'. it,* it

aaeaaty with a fair deaaaad 8«lea of 1.9 .- at.-.C<.ro i* inun r laues el laV<M bethel* al VfoH tt tot .V.,t-i in m. led. .ii»: -i»,...!/..i and ue.r.e.t i, II for goMhoiayellow,andajjle tot u » waitsSoaihara, partMarrivaWHlSKV-lne market it Arts. The - k Ij i- layht

galet ef Mbbli Pnseaatlll: eow held at III Dnadaeia«tea.iv golet f7tbbda itiftl .'ii. int in.! ten-

PKOVImONs.Tbere asao ebaage to aetemoor attr-kf tor Park ih« deataad aa ii.r ami ;;c-* are »t-iiy.rheieBc*B*i triable aew amviag -a. a is takea trt .

Ii; feg Mn< and t.i IM glj t,«. f t p imi b tt ths . -

pit if Btra a*' «*, i« n : *.;.ia' i' . de Uad Hi* -. atar«- Ml Ml B*»f i* ibaatwaal ~nd there it at tnapreto-

i ..i'.. ii. t* .n ,.. t !.¦ tfa'te>d Uti at Ua i'l "5Aar atw Meat; fdtggi t ar Pritae B***f Haast ar*baleaof l>jbota. at gll for Sat It Dreaaed iioga a.tinrti.iud at e. i..rd i» ,-l-r.1) ..adaaoretalab .¦

Itenaa I atsef 4M bei* n^-v Mt*Mi,aad t.MOkagaats a'T. h ; «r ami Cutse ate ailbeal caangt .» .'u- .i

i toMKMP-' i.. has b.-en.n d> tnv.d. .01 bales, - ri lacNAVA] sTOBKfartralkti mat lelaUi abT .r-

pestiaeBold A3 Bptri'a are a.tanyaaMWMi,svith aniea .

t ..oM.-s >it an arew .'v. « Re e. - in a l*ra'.e d.¦ami 111t».i* eto-ge.i'.'-.and* a'.si 7j.,i Jo mftkm Badi!a l 3.1 for c masonlUBAl'l Di- n He i t..-.- «t a.ha la Ki'.l a/

. ..- ..'> v a»» Ct line-'irut tetd *i Id at >«,.13 btloa Havana M171; 3jbile»»f layeoa private tt taaFBV'lT.Me lean rarther rales 'i' Mbu uehBau

n«at*:7i 'Am bait* d it MY a'1*- I.SM q'iartoe eVx. alA .a > JM i »Ii kef a tta. i| . .i.anee %>; IS b itt C »t-

r. '- >.'. «'/C ii at*> - i. di' : j. I" 'i.iii ra

tc otic 3 r,t^< Ci i.,* si. vi. e ooataLttbaaPaper ahaAl' «3tS 13.e all . 4 an ..Ith» * :.. LM) dr l.i t i ;r.-.. f

I «I"O *i--!iok f% ti«- .-. i:a»CIOABS- vi Han told _. >;uva. ami tataa

... he' lit r . m f $. -

l a H.tx'.oteaoid ;.t ...:;. i« s.K 'inbat .*'.« bare I go oi Ij aaaha

M idWra »t Me.wfl tu. IM Vi*< Mi «*i ;o. *eSeett Mai-»T» Mc **I9r tan }O0 baake'a Tha t. af at <7a<U. 6 m >

HP.sM>lt:3. fee..These it Aaag utBra data w-dtr. let !b* ia*tev't tr,* aa'et in.-h enell* at ft Maf >»..... t' ; n g » a t *> t.«I - - H-Mtiiod G.a S3 Mac., Bad . iJremtd*Bum at 7V.

Rtceipis or Protlucett Ian* frrfl Birsi §o»U tafaidM H.laVb t id A-r-*» Mde.Wbatkey in*t|>agt Beef; l.ttodj

M ml * wo at Cgaaase; I Mlaa BM «' t\im baeh Btrle. t) aim do. Omit; :.iov R.e 18 1/7 I*. (' ana


Los. on caaa Ei .'an. r,Mmdag x..t io.iw..*. . ;tt .'eased ar..t...t Si. . It'.. a

the '.tad-ig markets ia th.- eo'ntiy dmag tbe last araeh,tbt s lapl't . bronibt f..i »ard by taa farmer* beiag * ar. alyeeoal lu tbr demand, aatd aa advance of 'id. to 1*. car ,uar-ter-aas ge^eraikj obtained iar Wugtr aad B i.Ui.EY. Atthe "Utr- rts more Dtstaess ets done than for *jmt trmepa»t. ai.d at tivenionl *nm* larre tales of ioar Wur t r

¦\*r* mads a.' a a.'git imprieerr.ent in prre, sad AnericanPLODS reo.».d it.'-rea*ed ati*rtiet at aa adTiu'-^ Mlofid peel la Lon<k>n on Wedmtdar aid Friday theprKtt tiev tr>th!0g were Srmly held, bet th* nlesi f« 'e.1mere emir to a umtted etuni. 1. *tiagcarraaa of Wheatatd lXMan Cvaae'atinse *o meet m. tiry. bM ther* are'.ri (¦ . ft i aarAt tbn* rs-m nr »*' -here **a a g. ed »ho* oi

MBgAT fr ¦ t'isex and Keot. r.u; v»: n. i-h fr>n aa). .>.. aav.e al lMI^)>i; was law*a vj

readfy .: last M#H-- * Siteee '' V ¦

.* ailadvaace «i. ,-t.-. i Than vast i«ra .t i

-.f fc »Ig.) Wli( i. -.«!.. J ...

'V.^-,. V:y ^-V..-! ....,./ \i. m..- J. and ..-«» part tl« of Ficoex tol.) for ... m

n^.r rv - ¦«a- d" ran - . ;;;<.ft BI «tm 'wh-"s'.mn...,n

ar. -'t... it ksBfe « voa th- fr-e rare e» arrived or

B'ar at ha m.Urs .'. «i ¦

I Lixrrpol CetttSW Murket .3t< T

Ik! . l->«-s t .«». a-* "' ..»". ''.»..'.

Aasexscaa aid >».. tt ate aia »Pf/*;.»X.».: tU b. »r i.r- ! -t It Fr Uu » ra re O he». .» a.-. « .'. '.

i! ssoto 13 ?jf I J*« .>/ van-it vtre 'a .ao t" «aponaadlWen« :¦. .» -n| loelu. - M . 4««r-M».*»Perriawi ad Ma inhxa I w«ld -Is,' Bshia, >*. v >:.»ur. i *4 ..- . »ad. J -.«. iurat». *

J. LM I« < 3*. Is J i .¦ Ii I L

Liverpool« onau Market V I P.M.> r. j ta- t*i.< r.t". irlaat .*}., n > ieaa afthia ... irket, aoi

r. ideti rtUael ** .j,- riaed itxdje ; t the daawaakaab. .. leven ratal aal id all ... i geauiae aaaxiJaa .-n tr¬

at, t> f- Baths pane. ..:u darenpLteaacaltorweeks,aad araata w e taatr eoatract* rrtaaajHat> u. icadxac opward. Sioc ist)«use redt ad w,««l ..

aad uaoarta art »dl aeveri i.*:. i r aoaaa tiaaa yet.We ally ac.d r» ¦( at. the waraia^«t ir Maalay's .on-

..ry --1) ..)<¦ > . ... rcbaata m kad iw.».. bat ktaptbea Laut« low.» .lav aia rspa'tttow of Iba old ¦aadkisf.S,|.« y. .?e'.b". i. m.i v-a!^<, 7 njit rpacnUtUoa and export:BLdto-da 'ft. ..¦ . I,., n alav ta uad an t.

l.tvaanvt. S » u-t >» t Mf. r.A.lh» iNtuad eaetrre. aad likely to be he«v«r.

Th» Baiaa,yaot r.;. \. *<» 9,6* «t iwte^aytvak ot a

petirr- ktghef ta .a ¦.. I'nd kaat.

UTerpxWl Corn Market Nlv> #tt;., kaaat OaAia aaatV*te>eBoaaklaweeten bagl

<iri.<b.>au n.>tatall c., tal to oar »r«a' ooaeaaaataia andtin thijtptat de and ta try experienced Tak as tlie lav-serta aad Kx| rta i Wheat, FLOCB, aad ItiaiaJI Coaa,Bri'nb and >' - aaaka, tae »r»uda<fatluWI I ra I! "8! r». Wnff. ll.«?J «fk«.as.atabbla ftoea, iad 17,798an IüouhCobii. Ex; >rte8,ti* tv.if. r,i ."I >i uaad ll,7SI Mali Clock, aad ifj¦;t< lantaJiCoax. Aa thaaa art '> iatUpaaatoatefour town and aeiattbarkag >' 'n»'i apti a b»ai.lae a larfi»rrate lately of Wi str n* > th.- Yorkshire di»fict laaa1 r

aaaxe tiaaa, it will M reaalUyeaea tint aat it''ks. na>re

Parti« jlarlv r.f | Li . Bia t'- bay re«Iin-.-d rat'icr auttdcraMj

%tatt< bc-trr Viiitr of Trade Jt I II,P.M.lucre Bat baea a re kaat bath il Ctatk tad Yar ia

». a that dap week, u' tae bui« i.aa '. -«u ot a« eealatieek .. t» r. ladnot.: b» tbe lew ;>r cea. in tawst tn«t ta aa, it

littlek -!.«r ratpj tbao thane at wasch artten < luve baaaI ;., whea at ti.e Imnt paiat, io the Inmui ladamg ta

«... t.y e( th.' moat l.'xitui -itr kind ; (be in >»t that .-an..a) is, that iIanjg ha.r t. a. ba ttiLir lowsat, and wa

niav i.. » I ok ii.»a J to a Rta e healthf state at ¦ vr-.

Bail. it). . iu.! r:ntei< i ivujl.nn. and ao doobt w,»a ifX-

aan. Purchases on radiaacc. utt coaaxdatrabat. Tbe ^rf.siart .a ntiniBr their Bperatteaa " ithin very m .derate limitsfit.a-V, m rnauafacttiicrs tad spt'ttiers' iiaud* ate net tar e,n r » t« lb. e anv »'i or .:np "iti >ti >'. ...vtt ta ia ts <aa'.

On itif whet the tane ot lh< ma kat is latpiweBaf ratt.-r

thaa 1RRIEO.

(in I" ifsdii.' vennu. N'av C. bv Ki t. Mr. William KS:»|tii«l. Mr ISAAC N. HTDSOV.> s.nof K*v vi

laasna Hadsoa, ta Misa COBNELIA A it.m;art.v. nur.«' '!hu»i. er o. tn.'t..t. .1 .an t il i.^t.t. L>, ...

thhj Cityft? St Lottai, Mobtlt aad Balttaaare, Md., papers will


DIBO,AtNawark, tf. J .Kir tt, El.villi wtl ..f tl. ..r-o

P itta, 'in i!.'" yeanThe friendaiad raJativaeof tb< faaaBy ara reepeetfajll

iavited ta atteed hrr hxaaral. aaMoaaay aitaraooav, (feeM,Stte'eleak, ireat trinity Chorea, N.w .rk.

Ai Brooklyn, on 8rani ty.Nov.M,of scarlel fever, Wll .

I I AM P. ,icat of the late Capl I am it .mil Us A Bat.tcaae. a^-ed t vrar« and 3 m.inths.At B'.-oiitn'. Nov. I^. ef scarlet f. vrr.OF.ORGE HOW.

LABJD.youi Rest chtkJ .o Bat .1 Waas in, and IJ axonthaOaSa a in i.lac.Nev.S, U .MlCtiAKi. KBRR1*

|jn. in thr si.l year ,.| aia aaa.His fiiaada aaa a ' 11: aaa 11 kit ae ibaa«

Patrick Kerrktaasaa Jabel walker,arareapactfully in-»it.-11 .tt. i.d his fa seal, this afiamoon, al i ..VI wk.frointna late ioaideate, .v." I Caater-at. Itai eaaaaiaa will belasen t.. tl.. iti.-st c» !..« »er\tin Sin day. n r jt af nmaeatton of the braut, TAMM

IbüxN DUSTAJV, aeed i'i v.' irs. 6 in..';tbs and tl daya.rharelatival and Meadaai 'hi- family are raapectfally

.nvi'fcl t. attend the faneral lerviesa, t!u« \|. Dtla BV IB-mir, at 7, .iVl.'ck, r.t his Int«1 rasSalenca ^ tl Leray at..his remains will be taken at Hewatashelta "ti Fsaattayni'.rini.F ai 1 r'rleck

r.i-actiü're BatllSst.mttSBaaawai Daasei Wtrnttr, /er Sea Jut* ">lr Wk tt-

Uy,lady aad ehild; Wm. Ota Oibbs, Jobs Yataa adla.).,Mrs. J Caelcdet an.l two cbildrea, 8. J,Mi>. Hart,twa daoahteiaaad aervaat; Miss Hart, tl ..

Haetere Bcavrxer, wüi lt. Karr, Jamei P. HuTaarn,Th .

Waitiag. Mrs. H f. V S'ebtiiaa aad two children, H St.V.sev. v. D. Pieaee, tidy aad chtbl; ktn tri. ,SjCI » n, 1) LatinT and flvi children: MlChsssland twa ehttdrss; MawCartairi B s Oadea. i

Pieetav, A Pxcehe,JosephWhitaoa, Mrs. Bradbory.MraBra-kcsir d.'t and two childres. Miss Sitiipaon, I. I'Marks. J. Neat. A M. C VV. e. D IVr ,W. M atbaer,K. B Brady. J. Öuapbell, J C Airnistroa«, F. WheatleS K Pike./ohnH BrewstaeJThomasE Oliver,Mrs.AhaAteyers, Airs M MeKawaa fedward Spaktute, Ueorye tv

Thayer. Gardtaar Ü Clark, aVlbertO.Cn k. Wm v..>-bwrah.t^o. Port. r. W.K.yall, rhmiias Baldwin, WiKo-iWhite,Beaiaiaia Pawcc.O. P K >n...iiey, u ,. »' i ,. i Im I« ii. .1 «' l lie. n. I.«vi XI li'

iär, W V. n-.ui. trd, I met .. Brain ird, .1 etah if o n ssl,Wm Wallara. Btaphaa Praia Pah-la r Piper ra..« Snthwot, Tb.<a. Dnl). int.. Beuin>ia|l a, Oaorge Barahiai,Wm ii Faad ke.tsV rye II. Pha-maa, Chas McLatchy,VielerShaads.Oaa M s. ins, t M ktix.B Case.O.H,Lawtelle.Q B. KitUsde, Win ft. it.... v. .a Scott InRott. Johian«. Saatael McViodar. am, Chaae.Joha 4Y irtsr. Oeo, \\. Praakha.P irdoa 8 It ¦<¦",\> .v..t Massde,Asdrsw Jeaanp. Wm Chayn , Jobs Da ha Katkeiftw4.AraaWhalcp.0tia Bidr, htaatae K rkuta i, liraetaaMathewson, I pa »«r. kuchard i "! ia, J n ttobtnao i, .1 Burn il. Ed.v fartar, Heurv rher, John Mr-Läachlai feaa Schaidar, w. Il Joralouisa, wni K- i,Jamas W. Patted, Bxektal BaSJon.O 0 Maaow. M«rr.sIf.iand J. on M t'> a, * bi Maldletoa, kid«in > g as,' Btrarnian. Joba Kan ,8-a:pheaMitcheM,P Larijr., Heary Bayard.l, Wood, (1 o urea \ Charlea Browa,A. K Bayaloa and lad ,W. H. Curtis, Cyrus D. Clark, DJ. MeKeaxie, ,r K Bawver, Albert \vi-t i> . HFlBanken. Baward Franenaa, CartieW v1. . i, San >iToesnbe and lady, Heary Aoatv a !..' t ind child, 8. Davis.0. s. li. t.tify, Joseph weeks, W Ii tVeeaa.B K. Hunt,( batSN 1* .nr. Itnt. rt Pike.»» Pikc. V n PikChas. Avarv, Oeo. Avery, Jahn M.i 11. John I) .'do. DH.Catsntan, J 9 I'eBes.J W.H^.d.J P.Hint,It DmBias. *V..aaalog, W. Ii Linola, t; S. Curtis i:.-.ra 8.Month. C. M Kieaey. Oa A Paria, J \ Hr.fcli ira, JKelly, Aotaato Bee/re, John r. MaBan, Edwar1 Holmes,Davüi 1 naget t>,ui orsa Ciraxich tel. Lowi ry Wheat, laa.White, IV Kreacb, Myroa Baadea, Edgar A Bte.ana,James Sl Haibaay, Oeo Wtthf, L W Field fiaac Snxrtlx,Addii aP Willardaadann Leeis B. Baa, Chas, Si Bee-1. D.. Be er», Ed ard Ü. Braea, Pater Blair, laatatBlair, P.ter iTiH'ell, fosfph liarliy.«'ttie. tlewga Dsri..shire, Alasxao li Barsaaa,t> I real Bperry, CbnetI'bonipaoB. 4v...i Hiaixer». Wm W, I r. it, WilliaaaBi tly,>»« Reaseelaer R use Jas Walkdea. L. LadsL

rassctucrs ArrivedfasVcaauAip lUmtit, 'rom i >.njm swsd II. /a.. Lit I

Bis.rli, J. H. S"1 'mens, J Pauli, MiaiJ Adatr.J t' Boa«i..t. ti tl. gbaa.T. II osrwSekd.

In afswaaeaej tViavarew, freai '. aayes >f.«, t rasrr, M >«

<; Whitawnghr, bliii Dubi ia, Mies A. Dea a, MnGibtea.Mu Miller, J. Duacan. ttrs Anaoa, Msaa M. AHartii ifr< Carats aad child. D< Jaaktaa. Mr. j tkiaa,Mr Keep, Mr kfu na, ilmi J. McKay, Wm fttbaaaaa. CKlag, W Clark. Mr Armour, Mr Hi nt, Mr. Rankia, J. K.Uilaxota, Mrs t.iia .ra. Kav. .). Blair, J. Crawl rd.J VIfcLetaa ssd tea, T Keeaaa, J. A. ftkeMlag D w. Cm-si.-.., J Kipper, '< lha v.u. pa to ,Q ti MrsKackt« B-n araoi. Mrs Biwps a and child, Mn Wall.Mn K,rkup, Ali» C. W"a.«. Mrs. Ferris a, MiaaFergu¬son,MuwM Beid. I Jirlay. J. Campbell, J Ibomaa, jht.c.T McKoe,V.Clirehugh, J il-* f Holinet.JStark,B.di N ¦. O Lit agtton, i; \i.i ItOt-fjurt E

ley. Mi rayloT.C Wall, Ret i Doggaa, P Lyeaa,Mr I.. W \| .:!..:.<;. l^-tinr. W M o-r.-.o. D. Vlc-Kmla). Lev j Adanis,S J Pia-t, !' Barat. I. W..r.l.i;,\... v. pergeeoe, w Paferaoa, Mr. MeCefl Mr. Me-

.- . MePberaoa, I Oylas, Mr. Wa«aer, Mr. Craa->' It. Mrs. Crhudall, hfiaa Liandall Mr Raraaay, MmrtiiniK v. Mui Ram«av, Mi*s M. Li;a»-r.ital. ViMtAip MaVsatrtr, !ri>m llui.wl l.nsi.i! FStttf Tt'i t. ;> aert, w-Yotkii stax Joak K.iu- af

aiaiaTcai aLtttttc-this batdes.»t.»«»....» j7 i «a-t».i V IMaWas.Sktia. ... i

Hlfall AaTÄB. Sf..v itSaat!» H A S Mat I \i< t frlaal f Max Baal <iat«. t Wat

iiiiaisaaaaasaw usaia a

MARINE JOURNAL.fOkiT UK NtW-i'.iHK.....*..iVi:Mi,EH 21

Cleared.St'xiiisa r t.Dan rl W.bst^r. Ba'.i»iu, S.ia Jum, (

VaatVrrbih I :. no. Lroa, Savauaab ,; I. Ml' li8. utBrrurr. J). kiaaoa.Cbarleatoa.Sp r.<rd,TiiestoaBCo

Vt»., (New.Oiti at,Eat a HaXzard;Maixartt Bvaaa, fra t. 1...iaJ.,o. j Brwwotd; 8. v.r .,

Oarda .-. i.,a Fraaeta .. W. s». pavataa;« Watu,Deathera. Aaa a- b .- la. K P. Watte. Baaaapera, McfCay,Mot >' .- ? . ...J, »..-». >. lt. ..I, A'Oelnch- a CaBaths.Mary Even, Sharaaaa LuViO, K. ü IbmiskC.

>auc, rie..t, J i Kran»! t. H V tluea % Cohra-..Wi oh ep, i .-..¦...:! -a. rt. I... at Hr>wn,

fcwan, Bra-/, hcn.rii .. ,\. W. Lfv-ia Isabella I». od.'bitts,PortwPraea, O I. a. A F^-rj; r1..!..«.» itoval. Doc,p.r-,. .:. V» si a k Deveaport; R h Haakraw, aaxew,Hoieor, Hillsliui/ at Sim <rtlacJwatxtrs- taa Baxsth, Daruaa, IteBtiaors, f. W M

kee; UtoaaaaPtarton.Baaaua, Bellte, y. c, a, 8,»anSa:.di, Apala. aKola, Eaxlo k lla/z«rd; S»aaiin. .'BrAyer.MtoBdi *. - u. I', wdlio»sH rera, Fraderwkabnrf.C If Pstrwoi, f \ H4rt,u»Coilaaa, Ba t more, larata M. Hi kasiCa taaria (Br.Tatbee, tasasMaj, j n Oaaer; .M. Iba Marax. ö*ih si-l-io.h.-.. a- U wa htrt.-. Can . r.n. W.-al.Ai. lutr a Cj. Meicbaiit'j. hi. ami.ti. C iftea Mar, J ax, il. atl« Norfc-s'. st... m. iv.ara^ü' a^'Hm'- *-i1fer'- »ahamora, Vaa Bnat k.Sttght. Ar'-ti.' Jt iltoa, A.exxndru. 3!i'?iv ( learuian atCo .iiitoirt Ulovrr. Philadelphia. J H.bI I 8 Dir,'7V'* L y", i"--''''VN'" '"

ii a,- i .*'' '''.

M.ker, Corxelta, 1 . ur, flew-BeaVB r. I.aie Aroeram. B^slo-a. Dayton it Htm***- R- i-1 Wi Baaa, Bho ta Pr Ltawca Caa..Oakat Prnvljetata: M..tto. Ba e. Provideoetet.aaxert-Roaaok». Bk hm.m.l r.Bd V.^folk.

£r?JiJ, w 'i?; Cl.t!rör sBcluaeatl. Terry, NasrfoU aaJ a a} B

k Vulcan, Hand. PniUlalph.a

t S.M geasaajiMJ Atlat.t.c. Waat, fj.erp.».! Nov. U,;'cL -."»h "ids*- M.d ,'.as». ueeu.t" L K. r ..baa k Go,Mean.,aio Wiaritld Scott, Covullard, New-t>.lcaaa Not

¦ Jith m..»e aud :iwn..., to Broon» k Davis Pastel¦a Soala.. 1Mb. lat. » il. Ion,} Jt, 37. saip Euabratia.«natu, ttoin Nt a-Orleans for H*»r», sVasasTSSg for I'orturfa.San. M.rwtt Klira. Adams. Buenn Aires St .A. *»ta

. .¦ at | .7tt., ^.il a.Ues. w..d auduonts, tj W. W.- r .neata CoL-jiui IUmI r.a. , f^f Beaton, with grata

«. (><¦<-»< i ft, ? eft *B IIwilt luTUM p.* Sake'bn p rt > ii >f n. .y% ijckassedH.1-» ."erae. ! >. ., .,,,. |,vni $a,».%.>>, rwt.a* a in . to lijiiiitw ¦, |i ..., i


»atViit i Hi ) i;.-*:!h«. M lay* iw , \>rk wattmisi- H-.l l>S .,n.. ,., . \(,Ta4,n K c.. £fib*' hi JSU.'.rm Ci.V, «.-«.. .tip Af. aWreCt i * lZt*II«*>IHa n Prer'te», n» « T.i't-n»V. l Im fr.t. Haiti tar*

to Ja.»»« Hi,I |, * i j'

f .' V. Kl 'i . :. Paaj . p fi

moUweto J.W.E wall t«U um«., mt. Xllx n.:ij»5 ¦ '»'. -"I' "1th ." b la »,-::-. haajiajat T' :. . . ir PrifBill f«'.ri ..». i, for Near-Yu k

t..-hf H.ltm«. unit. a. I»i»« fr.ra Charte* a. -.ttoa.taWiVhaaiifin^ut ' " 1 " lou r« ...« wkobeai

v<":"-"J*"1" Wan*, t a, I .<.« froaa liira- .», watfe" M » .1 aft i ra -«««,

* <.. nf in lh» Pi-t B:*er,...*-." "'.»''.«... i ir Indiana, A.'*, a m VtA on

:''1'" ..«.»:. a. .,th*fd

wt,hr.Mw«El P ... Wik a (Totalm I.e-mt.'h pal .'. s .. r B 3. d» .

j r5jk' MeatyFiaaUtal Keitey, I säen f, m N-t v.»b. MSehr Daniel Brekwith, Nente, »car, fr«» N«-»-Loa-if a, w tii ilfear r....-.'- ,. ., ay fa ... v.

i ,i. lack '¦.

Sehr Joka H »Vliiti .a Bart, V.lior.l. w »tbeawutram |el N I <

sehr Preaeee,Oantter, V as. itYeat Neebrra, a^u,ra! ator»«.Pcbl B M * .'¦ Bill ii 1 i- .:i C*Wa% »tja *as

c« ttea a dr.-. le N L, M< Drtedjfkhr. IVuh/.V. at. i. 3 :a.a Iran Ea»!r. rt," I..adu

PhOada'pbiaSloop N H. Punil .Ti!. J.i:,« e. Providence,s ui.pp.Bbeaaaaauja sutheroer, Chailtit» llama!

Wetwter.taa teaa: I ia, laraaaaa. Km. ».¦ Ka-k-B» Ii I. CaV] Of li.. in. ...iil. KtL'hatoad , Kexm «. Paikwd«IpbiaWIND»We I ...

. fVi ale>...¦

ArrtrM. \^>V tlst. ii..»!,., UlaWI w. i Stewart. (;Uaa<> v n oaje.

Mitli lutt'e. and paaaeici'i* toj MrSvm<u \>t It. kBla li. Inn 16 M. apoki tl i| Pxtelia, Kurie r, tm r».i|for New-York, with paaei agmn

l 8. M ataamahii lllmou. If irtatnn. Ctusrea tu ala-eaaa, . Aaya ib4 i I .

* tail Wjtb pasw .,»r,10 M O Kis r |.

6bip8aatuel, Br f bw dayi fröre D M.a, wahparrrnrtre, lo ordan l'hi i baa aaraarad at t,» n antnatt» diai'ha'f« laeei ia

ShipCaaaacey, Jei na 'i «...». 1,1Ja taaa, C a.. BaatHat)Jaiii.r»na. .' b«>« a low oi ateaat tui ». niUra.atballast to Basle B Hazaa i

llatk John Str. nj. I Iwi I. st Maikt 15 dan, r.% KtfWe»i I? dar*, with r f...ii kc i Coe, Ande.a.>s BQbHa* bad rer> heat. 1 ial d Notili «a*t |al. - d iria/tkapaev**;.'H i. So'itliarner. B rfoeper, tn n, h.» laaaba

Oet. H. and»^ m .,« Pile, wi ii eeflbe and hid*st»nia*l«r N..v. a. Ut. i n >331,ipehebrif tbraaia.Bom Rio Janeiro tor Ktw-York.wi.bed to be reported.Nor 18, Int. 33 ?l, I.mi It 3. -,i ke bnrk F. i na T Phts*.tr 'in Portland foi Ma'i.- ltd li.oathaaaatwesjaaaiIheCttir.aear Haiti sapenaac« i »ietVn' aüatromSS P. t« S.S.W but »u»i 'tied an dainaae. Sid^dtdar*pre »ine*, h.iilt lilvir Harbeck. Oi... \. fem N^ar-YurV.Sailed in cttfltpaaf »i'l barb M ia oaaita, l' Ina», f«rNew-Ynrk I.eA bark 1 li is, Brksk.foi W w-York, alupliravhoend. Pake'. I'm Hi tin, .re, htuRe-iiir. R*..#, fasllcrtetown . bark I) II Tin in. II .11, f>t Swim. Ri.ntn. I rdoS. !ir iJcii. K. .it'., \ irrima ..' day*, w.ol8AII.KD-1 8 Mail anieln,' Bailie, fount ark. isr

Uvat| aaf.BEI.OW.A Herrn, brtf. in the rfliti», hark CKieftsat,

from Boston bri| Bxi 1.7 da.s ftCM SasaanabW N I>. \t miirne. BW. I nieiidiaii, w swejaj SW

(Pi i: A rLAB to 1Prom 1.1 "da I. at N.iv It

i;r»\.-esd Sid Net I*,BaerasstwAe.MelWlyve,BtCBetitt.iDsal.Arr. froaath. Riv. r Nr.. m, Anteru-aa t osBtees,

W illiam». i->r N*w V.nkiTti ..i Irr s v ia, t»h'' i'' a, asewiUiara, B*w»

Ymk.j / ./ Sid Coastitattaa, HntiiB. New-YelkChde- SM N. \ 8. I '.lino Saranaak.Bhialds Bid Not «. 3l..t»ell. Hataua Album.

K .'it, New-York; Ploreaee, Petter, Boeawa.radi'- s!d \iv I,Pvtare Albert.Itnarevt,BtafeaI .ri' Air . .. t A- M. M oioi N ai ... I' SBeeceToaa.Art Oft lb' Isabel,Ai'joe, Hew-Oraeeasi

I7Ui, Pepita, l.'.n-, Mobile j Peapeye, Oari, ClaariaabBijtdth, Paalrta, Barostow, New. urleaas.Malta- Arr. Oel V8 Julia Hn.rek Baltimore, tad aid

I'.Hh fer 1'nei.te Md Pet .tu, t'.mtiuelli, Uiekev, Beeten1 rasa U pi . Uat, Kav. io

, if n v 0 ai Clarke.BaenosAyras.Bid Itb, ABMticsa Cotv ess, Wdliasse, stesv-Toft.

I.irerpool.Art Na* ». Ameriea. (a) Bhsaaoa Boetua.Sid Btli.t ornnella. I.siki n New Orlenu*, N >rth Allan-tiC,Ceok,du ;Cbieftaia. do CterMeat. normet,Chsrles'on ,««.*. I um » . . in il \ . < ander. Phuad-lpbis.Clyde.Bid.Itev is Admis, MeMillaa, HalNto; «Jlss-

tow, (.) gtewait, New VarlBrm.'vtretinvin.Air Net ., Alarm. Preeaiaa, New

Y'.rk.Cadfet.An. IM II, \ na \ ieek. Harai, New-Y-rk

Press i loydai UM, Nee IlV..!-\rr Nut .la.-. i». N*» V.r- lifeawn lot

New-Yerk,011 !>¦..¦: rr.Not Bremeuior N«w»

Orltiii"" _

or. Palmi.utb- Arr s,Stada, Badet aeahtaaa,mmmsii it, OothsBburs for Btttoa

Livoi ..l-Air n... I il .. Uibtoa, Haytii Orltaaa.Steele, Ifew-Orlean*; ilumialeu lleraoy. d >. UailedKiatdom, Cotter, Sava-unil Paaolq Wh.te, New-TaltiArctic, /erica, do.. Ami s, But lb. Caattaae.

«. »-.i N'>v. i. Albion, Beil. lur New-Y«rkHicum-'Arr Wot 1, «dmirti, W' e'iet. Haitm. ir»Letthot! Bid. Oct. M, Ea-ydu McKralay, Nemr-Vmlt.PeoMi Not 7.A ship, « terl.uiied, und with her decks

sndstera blown aal waa paaaaaoa the loth t)et*»er,mlet MN,aadlea. IJW , bytht John Brewa, 0*aK*yWa, ia*rived bei^.Aatwerp, Net 7.i'i,. Mtiwe Prtmaaaa, froai ataBAkassa,

¦ rived ai Irrnatrarshavaa Not I and m »i'e ... i w i.« «u

char, bi»t her iua> oliatsM and aaal sti Baere,bet i*eipeei-e.. o. ii. al l.etl Ilde

-».-lit ft iear.ipli.

(ffW-OBLEANS, Nov. i-'-Arr. ¦AVpaatN Meter, Ntw-farl

Trum b .r CttneapwaaMsaM 1PHILADELPHIA, Not r3.Airrtied II ua Vtaetae-

l..»i aoa.Pa Larrabee. reach, Raw-Pork: tears, liada a Heavaar, Bottea; AI it, Hall,do.Beat lEaalath I n *« ih n o

' tarttt ltd, in ,. Baa). Praaklia. Bsaas, JatMblhart* Marohh ass* i i).1. ..'a'e Pa.aes at, t'h»rl*a>tin, Wni Lanal ¦. Prei ... n K h«.. II;¦ehr« Henry I l rich* Irecibo P|;l H Kowl*y,Bo*;er*,Charlea llbeitl >IBa. Boetms : HuAamt,ftatt« Volant.Bip dn.; Beni Eotlwh. l.y as. N M*«*n ,

Ma.1.1 'row*II, Protidenue i Harriet l.»u.*u, Vt into r. NVorkj Miasahkbiia, Leek, do.


Jl.on Port*.KAI I. Rl\ V.M. N \rr tn r*ni:. fhaimaa.

Calaia « El p.aiti a.u, l.ddy, Aiintiu al Hip Eta. t, C im-

atiaas, Nov. -YorkI K W KS, N. v ft 1 I' Me.The » im* Shaekimaina,

(pki)f r i.:ve», md. AHetl hi. for New«Orteeae: barksPlato, for (' to!, aa Bay ^. ill i r Ii eloa A. J Har¬vey, for Rio de Janeiro In if* Peunamaquoo, Mad, ( bice-pee, Kinpire, Myra anil ('Ions, f.'r Boat >m also the Wm.Jan. rilan.ifiir New York, 3 briga atvl 33 arhooters, weMla t> t yeaterday at 9 A M

Drrj k?»t3oöa.

I^SPECIAL MiTK 'K ! *'.Tha ohjoclJ of tb.a notice I» to mf irm tins all-du .ihlat,

if. it I;..-/ hi.a h im 'unity 11fAVK i IUUB MONBV

i. MaaMatai th^ir !>¦ a at

THALIAN HALIa,MV IMOvaaaVal Vhai atatareMaek si lata

¦OLD MITHOOT BBSUVat,and li M Wha w.-i. '..- . skaVatdH tm niaK.n«; taetl pir»r ., vt i., lid till* a

HARi: OPPOBffllBll y.The atock <. ,ii»i,', ,,f , 11 ,t i , ci otK., M«nn .*, C*ib-

aaj tm. xmm and MssaaWM MtWI Da Lbtaaa, and a boatmt mH ri (i.-id.-, whicii will be sold at almost

Lta* in ah Hal k Pai' e.SCYi'AM * HAPP.

bM BMWAS He t9t Gm .4 -at head of Ess* " »«Atter.


Ol.U STA Ml No BM fmmmi at. TU« ttoek el VtiveM,Sha ri». Silk*, Mem..*-- S^, » . mt pj wilLiat rtttrdin rout Tkaaa wha * lal lo par laoaay kiaAtaf faMMiM. im. r ll /Cda, '.v|l d.. weil lu ia'1 anon, a* e wy artVpL. at and w 11 i.e a dd. BMB*

nUV (i 0' )!)>.-; n i,. u.M.; rim. , I'ara-mattat. Alpaca* Cathrueree. De.ainet, black Btt,

Ll'itlia and Cataiuiarea, lta _.ii I r-.e.i,, Blank :t*. KISS"itda,hhawU,Carp**!,Be white aad bro »n DaaMiBaaVblat'l », N a *. .» I) :*». IdAela ,\i' , Mr »alt tSW Mnti BMr* W. MATH CM s, No MCatk .rine-«c.

I .DIES1 CLOAKS..LANE & POI-k\J i eh. No. Caibarii * at otTer* Mr ia»-ac'ioe tal. i a laute aad raned . » i v EL\ BT an ! l.'LUTMCLOAKS, er'<ra tar ill lb* ne<*».' iml inmt ritluoaalje

ii e I o.i eir.-.'ar *u tue, ai'-'i hood*. Map. t'nah Mtntilb*. n. lily triinnie.«, fc»m %'J op VtivMMan'iiiae,neniytrlauaed,with hi..»i ami tau«' |ütp.\ . ,-i 6-.r . aiet .-ape. t »..,» > Velvet C.t alar atP'a n Sacks. Satin Maei. i.a. Parka or i?ir«ilar.wa ha*« i'«i a »«iy li-Kutif .I and (operKK apidaelP» lie«.,..i rt..l|,.i. |.n.ii'.s I Mti-.. ia -a'le.»lt«waa

well a* all the abadea ef I m* nad tiennan HM V*l»*ss.The (Ji.ak* and Maui Has iremaaafm artdby oarSatMai

and all the malen*!* am d ^re m arrant*.1 to I" "f the' Ladttavt'.o; il l.a.e ..f .a the niattntl for 0*W»*mat hau them en' tu Bay skapi withtatlt Caatria

e l ifLANK A KOKrP.B.

pHEAPEST STORE in tho CiU fm.

' Curta.n n.a:etiala . * .er\ de« rlptl u. lAt I as Mit"lit I srtasas, Brasa v. n. « Coma as, Qua .«. rassssf. sawWindow fihadfs.fc.. Tl snbteri «r* <>tfer the waea**»their stock,embm yihiafia the j.-hoU'ery be*,vliolrsali or rttail. It pei tal lawrer thaa aay etlbWawayiu.iher,tv A M. ». K. DAVIKS. l/ph .l-it«r*rs,l

1.17 ImMW'lP- hsiB.-'tT


Io.Vr-At CLii n/o, Oet 1, supposed toJ bsTe beeatakaa 'y mittaka fiom the City Hntet, .

¦LAI K US ITHKB 1 i N K. n.arked 8. M "awaaBJbooks, taaMasaaau aadwnarlaa; spaarM. Any itforatajMtheieof will be than* li. ) ic t.eed aiid t.ntaiily ittrs/eia- J1 LIAN BLAUILL, Cb:. ata», or 1HEO t MOB»PhdadeUuia. nillw*

SI OAR TOYS for the Holidays, asJoreameat* for Cake,can tm obtained ea reetoaebla

teriTM, wholesale ai d retail, al V LECOMTK'd Otalse*Baa**y»tete, No 3U> ilrecawi. h-*t , New York, '»'^re*

:!, rive .¦. .- / worm' at v '."'T*aas 111 tWBaa