New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-03-08. · Dealnets at 21 Courlland-stret. ... and f...

CITY INTELLIGENCE. CIRCUIT COURT.Before Judge Kent. Albert B- ^otl' vs' w^mam Sharpei.¦ for Criui Con..Damages laid at $10.008.-.Fourth *^Th? Court was dpnsely crowded. Mrs. Van Cott, as fisV* ffAS present- A considerable portion of the forenoou before* lhe fr.^g^xuninatioH of Mrs. Huntley, I ite **,°tti2e she dem*d ha\ing stated to Mrs. Phebe Ann #P^f«tO Mrs. Van Colt's brother) that she had seen 519 S act indelicately before Sharpe, in relation to his wife, ^jll by Mrs. S. in the last trial. George W. Norris ter.ii- ?l jfflog defendant take hold of Mrs. Sharp By the firm, tlie back room of the store. She rose from her chair, . jowsid« ths stre*tdoor, saying if she had a string OtH t»ake hlin fa$t 10 her* Mr*" Mati,da Burrows testi- UtotteutZ Sharpe frequently kiss Mrs. Van Cott at Wtl- barf.&c A ferryman and a grocery-store kppjor at Y7U« j^nje'were then examined, but their testimony did not '^PeWitt, counsel for plaintiff, theu stated that they had jfed the arrival of a witness from Saratoga, (th~ ynuu« ^wbobofrded in the house at the time defendant did.) He '^t&nr factof «dter,st b*ariug_on the cause. «fd a 5113Id probably be here to-morrow mounutr, and asked leave' "Crehim examin-d then. The Court would not promise to The Cise for plaintiff then rested. [The black man, v -who gave testimony on the last trial, is not to be pro- ul 1 Mf- Edwards then made a long and eloquent open- at opting to the Jury on the part of defence. The bill Mil VanCott in Chancery, fo.- a divorce,he said, has . bea dismiss*1' owing to Van Cott failing to bear his wife's 0indefending the suit. Mrs Phebe Ann Smith (Wife to «rt.Vän Cott's brother) waa theu examined,and declared that .ygnatky had told her that she saw Mr. Van Cott act im- Irtixrlr respecting his wife, by unfastening the neck of her ETfce., before Sharpe. Witness h?s s-i u him do so before yjjrtj: also h?ard him, on these occasions, call her opprobri- jusatn*. The case will be continued this forenoon. SUPERIOR COURT... Before Judge Vanderpool. The case of Madame Dc La Hayc vs. Rev. Mr.Verren was continued yesterday. He denies being the flior. The Insurance cast of Griffiu vs. Mutual Insurance r;0,vu also continued. p STATES CIRCUIT COURT.Before Judge Bktts. Ihe trial of seamen belonging to the bark La Grange was (cstinaed. They justify their conduct during the voyage bl¬ urting that the provisions were bad, &c. The caBe will be continued this forenoon. The Grand Jury returned true bills against George Collins and Wm. Smith, seamen of the ship Charles Carrell. for an assiuli on the mate with dangerous weapons. Also against Lunder and Railing, for opposing 0 officrr iu the executiou of his duty. 0QÖRT OFi SESSIONS. .... Beforei tlie Recorder, and AW. Scolks and Lr.y. ; Jonas B. Phillips, Esq.|Actiing {^District Attorney. Trial for Riot....Edward Bankman, implead- ?dprith James Hacket and Alexander Dtvo*, was tried for a riot and assault and battery on Elislu Rnckmau, of Washing- toaMarket Slip, in November last ; growing our. of a cornbi- jibon to raise the price of opening oysters. It was proved tint the party threatened the oyster openers of Mr. Ruckman, aadfrigbten-'il them from their avocation, but did no act of riolence. The Jury found the accused not guilty. Grand Larceny..Daniel TCyan, implcaded with Peter O'Brien w*s tried for grand larceny, in stealing a jairof oxen worth $90, from the. enclosure of George W. Al- Inton.of 54th stieet, near the 6th Avenue on the ninht of the Öth ofJanuary last. The Jury found tlie accused not guilty. [The Grand Jury came inro Court with a number of bills, ud again retired to their chamber,] Assault and Battery..Patrick Bradley was tried for aaa assault and battery on his wife Mary Ann, of No. iHundton street on the 30th January last, striking her two or three times with his fist, cutting her ou the chin with a knife, tlterputting her out of bed when she was ill, and otherwise ttriotuly abusing her; he being under the iunflence of liquor Uthe time. For the defence it was deposed that the wife best the husband with a club. feCS The Jury found him guilty, and recommended him to the mercy of the'Court. He was sentenced ?to the City Prisou one week, aud admonished to drink and beat his wife no more. Another..John O'Shaugbnessy and Ellen Willis were tried for an assault and battery on Christian Ko- nul. Not guilty. Nolle Proseuui..In the case of Matthew Flanagan, for an assault and battery on James Shaw, a n.»<7e frouqui was entered. Forfeitures..Patrick Kearnan, Michael Mul¬ ms, William Ellison alias English, John Daly, William Coon, and Godliey Fritz, indicted for assaults and battery «t<rally refusing to appear aud answer, their recognizances I Kreforfeited. Adjourned to Friday, at' 11 o'clock Dkafsess..Dr. McNairs Acoustic a permanent cure foi- Dealnets at 21 Courlland-stret. Also, trie Ea>t Indian I la ¦ Dye will color the Huir but njgl tlie skin. Warranted. .Liquid Vegetable Rouge imparts a delicate blushing dajetq the complexion, immovable by perspiration, or rnb- tia? with a handkerchief. Pcudre Subtile for eradicating hair from low fbieheads, or the stubborn beard of man, can lie seen tested, ßfanc a" Espangr. or Spanish White for the Compexion. Ücents per box. The above ar»-to be found only at 67 Walker street, first store froathe corn-r of Broadway. ST* Gentlemen'** Hats.SPRING FASHION.- Anenttre new and beautiful h.riiele, now ready. AM (DON, Fashionable Hatter, I7f Im eodis Wall street, corner Nassau. Commercial and Money Matters, ZJ" For sales at th« Stock Exchange, see ljist Page. - Thursday P. M. Thesales were to considerable extent lo-day, but Sere was some reaction in prices. Harlem sold after the Board at 5Ci, aud that price was offered for .5000 shares. The Exchange market is heavy, and Sterling is W0tedat8ia 8i, with söm<? Southern bills at 8 per cent, francs5 3It a.'i 30. A failure, reported to be for $300,000, took place to-day. The party has been accepting largely on Cotton .hafüand has not been pat iu funds to meet their maturity by party drawing at the South. There is considerable mys- fry abont the movvineut.s of the drawer. The recommendation of Cov. Bouck in Ids IWes- «t*,and the Comptroller in his Import, that some measure iboolj {><> adopted for the immediate redemption of the broken Sdtty-Fuud money in the hands of the people who took it iu toodfaich, would seem to be so manifestly a simple act of juttieethat it is somewhat surprising that the Legislature has HK acted ou it with more promptness. The Governor says: "The outstanding not^s of the insolvent safety fund hanks Mtitated at $579,363, which cautiot be redeemed by coutrim- twufmm tlie solvent Banks uutil l«t'J. The distant period at ttöhthesebilla can be redeemed, renders them, in the esti¬ mation of the holder of small amounts, of little value, aud >W will be a strong inducement to.part with them for a Mtninal sum. "Itcertainly is very unjust, that the bill-holder, who h;-s °staictd them at par, should sustain this loss. It is supposed, Sutaloan could be obtained on the credit of the Safety Fund; "tlbout nledgiug the faith of the Stale, to redeem the out- ^ding hills thus held. Such a course I should regard n% Rstaad proper, aud 1 recommend, that the Comptroller he «ihoriwd to make a loau l«»r that purpose, on the terms mell¬ owed. In my judgment, the bom tide bill holder who holds Jbtm at par value, is entitled to interest, and provijiou should *n»ade lo authorize its payment." The Comptroller says :he I uv of 1812 has not " secured that >bef toiherreat m?^s of the bill-holders which was autict- (Kkd. and which is promised iu the titleof the act.viz: 1 To fjondefor the prompt redemption of the circulating netes of t»insolvent bauks.' The failure in that prompt redemption °< the notes in the hands of the great mass of the people, which a here promised, h <<* occasioned serious disappointment to iwnuods ofiunoCent hill holders. If means could be ob- ^«dto take tipat once the notes of all the banks which have wiled, and at the same time pro* ide for the payment of depos- "torjirad other creditors, the measure would ue beueticiat to t«ebanking system, and do no mjre thau justice to all the cf*oKois 01 the insolvent bauks.'" He taggests, as does tlie Governor, that a stock might be l«a*d, bearing six percent. iutere«t, for the redemption ofthese soa»lWl.Cn might be disposed of by the holders of the notes u about par. Justice certainly requires that something .k>«ld be speedily done for the relief of the innocent bill hold- I A very large proportion of the notes outstanding are iu I whajidjof merchants iu the interior, or pledged with their todttori in Peat 1 street, and in the Bauks under the head of " J"4^*11^ ^nk note.*," hy w hom they Were received at par. »I J}* "Oker* do not hold much, as the demand at the time the "^ks commuted their coutributi»n* to the Safety Fu.nd ab- «tted nearly all in the street. A five per cent, stock :ss-:ed W the credit of the State would probably be better than a six fct cent, stock based on the Safety Fund, and as before the Parity of the stock the Fund would lx full for it? redtmp- a saving of^pue r*r cent, interest might be made w ithout ^»he Stau» The Governor fives it ."5 his opinion that "ve OiU-bolder is entitled to interest." and if for the future, '"^usl jusnce is he entitled to it from the time of the tail- 5*g 'be Bauks. The Safety Fund was established XO save £*0}l|.holder from lo*s, and it is but a nice distinction a«nerhe loses 20 per cent, on his notrs by selinnr at one-e to »lOStr *t (bat discount or lose two ot three years' interest by °*l"e'n for redemptioti. The S-UVtv Fttad will evento- calr Hood fur *5' 'h- claim* against it, aud the bill-holders kiv ^ State to lend its credit, th*t they mayeit or,ce . ff*"1« u»e of the money locked up in these notes without ^nagishsv^ of 20 to Ml [kt cent. Is uot this reasonable f '8*lesor Heal Kstate at Auction... March 7. * By Haüidäy 8f Jenkins. .tostory brick house No. 129 Greenwich street, 191 vJ«»^y3U.$6>0 ^oaetnOuiltthrtotory brick house No.73 Hammond 2*5*1 between Bleecker aud Fourth sts. Lot 26 by 'Wlr-t. House r»by lS.boucbt iu for. 8 i«0 , By E. H. Ludlovc & Co. **t to tae Bowery, near 9th street. 24 feet front. 23 feet t ,e4r' ** ft* deep ou« side7oi feet the other. . .S2.MM) »weraeot and tract of Ixnd on the Narrows, in tlie town of Sew Utrecht. L. I. $co ti,r^ By Wilkins Rollins. ¦9M*My brick aou»e No. 3 12th street; bous« I811 5*5 by 40. and ten years lease of lot 16t feet by 103; freund reat reuewable at 5 per cent valua- m «18.\ t..,...«.$2,000 w£1Ioü,tn 2id rtreet," between the *5th and 6thavenues, AlÄ?fwt. at $b725each. 3/.50 corotr of Court aud LJoiol streets, Brooklyn., f. 400 Markets... Carefully reported f^ The Tribune AnHf.b..The market is st.ll very dull, and St 50 for 18;3 insi-ct.on is the best offer for Pots. IVarh are nominally 5j0G4. Reporters are Waiting for the steam-r. We only heard of 20 bbls Pots and 12 bbls PeirU. COTTON..There is no material change to-day. but the market, if any thin-, appears to hare a better tone. The salt* to-day are about 4000 biles, nearly all for shipment. quote Upland and f lorida. ordinary to middling 8a 84. middling rait to fair 81 a 94. good fri, 04 cents; New-Orleaus and Alabama ordinary to middling 8a 8i. middling fair to lair 9a 91 good fair 10 cents. FLOU R AND MEAL.-,! he market is, as y-sterday, v-ry dnll, and we only bear of 500 to 300 bbls a Si 94 for G-ue-e and Michi^.j and St £74 for comm-u Ohio. New-OHeai s in held 4 87i,wilh sales 500 bbls. Fancy Western we quote 5 25 a 5 75 as the «fernes. Scratched Western is in good demand at 4 56i a4 62i; fine middling I 18l; middling 3 624 a 4 69; at.d shin stuff* SI 73 a S3 25. Southern scratched is$4 37» a $i 50. with sales. Southern descriptions are firm, but not very aci ire. Georgetown and Brandy wine arc S5; Alexandria $5; Ri mond Country S5 a S5 12i, and fancy S5 25; fancy;Alexan¬ dria 5 25; Richmoud City $6. Sales smalt lot Fredericks'.-^' at about 1 874, and loo bbls Philadelphia at 4 t,9. Rye Flow iz scarce at 33 50. For Meal there is a fair demand at £2 5u a $2 «24 for Jersey, with sal-s 5C0 bbls, and S2 69 for Brand,- wine.nominal. Buckwheat is selling at $3 50 a St 25 for common, and S5 foj fancy; bags 32 a $2 124; half barrels S2 a S2 25. Shorts are nominally 11 a 12 cents; Ship Stuffs H cts. Bag Meal weqnote 100 a 1124 cts GRAIN..We hear of nothing farther doing in WhMt. There is not much Corn on market, and the demand has im¬ proved. There were some buyers for tue East. We notice siles 3000 bushels Southern Yellow at 4C Cents, weight, deliv¬ ered, and C00 bushels Jersey at 48 cents, measure, for the East. In Rye and Barley nothing doing. We believe there is none on themaiket. Oats are (juiet. Northern are retailing at 35a 36. Southern 29 a 29; cents. SEEDS.We uotice farther sales, about 75 bbls Clover at 91 a 10 cents, the bitter for good. The market appears l.rm. .Nothing of importance doing in other descriptions. Rough Flax nominally 9 G2i a 9 75; Clover, $10 5o; Timothy SM a$I5, and retydall. the season not having oi«ened. PROVISIONS..The Pork market is nominally at S7 5?: and $9 62) but there is but little disposition to buy at these prices, sale of 1000 bbls was made on private terms, md a lot of M bbls Mess, inferior, at S9 50. There is still a fair demand for Beef, and we notice sales about IftOhbls City Mess at SO 25 a $»3 314; Country inspected we ij-iote S3 874 a 51 and S5 874 a SO; City 1 25 and SC 25, with oc-casiunal loti of extra City at S4 50 a S4 C24 and SG 50 a 624. Lard is steady and in good demand, with upward tendency. We no¬ tice sales 600 k-gs at $6 181; 300 do inferior at 55; 121 bbls do at G a Gfc, and 300 packages at 64c for krgs and 04c for bbls. In Butler theie is more doing. The lange is 6i a 18 cents The good qualities haw improved somewhat; Grease is 64 i 7, but without s?les. Cheese we qaote 4i a 6 c^nts, with moderate inquiry. The supply of Pickled .Meals is considerable, with¬ out farther sales of importance. Hams are quoted at 5 cents; Shoulders 3a 34 cents; Western Hams, city smoked, 7 a7i; S4unilders4 a 5 cents: City Huns 8i a 9ceui<; Shoulders 5c. FRUIT.. We notice a ssle of 150 boxes Bunch Raisins at S2, cash. TALLOW..The market is rather dull, and about 25.000 lb* V.'estern rendered have been sold at 64 a 7 cent", car.h. OIL..A sale of20,000 gallons Whale was made, for export, a day or two since; at 35 cents. Linseed is tteady, with fair wales. S^le, 6600gallons Grade Sperm hare been made at 90c. Sands's SaRsap ariu.v..The Ancients believed that ani¬ mal life existed in tnt. blood I' is at least certain that npon the pfiurv of thol ßuid hr.dl-'li depends If the skin and thuds are in an unnatural »täte, as in Scrofnla, Leprosy, Schirrus, Swellings, aod all ulceious disrates, it is evident thit the vessels which ramify over the surface of the body must-be charged with diseased blood ; and if so. the v. hoie volume of the blood, venous and aiterial, is impure. B-fore a cure can be effected there must be a purification of the vital stream. This is easy ; Sands'» SaRSAPARILLa ai tr directly oh the blood iu the very process ofitt formation,an<j will «oon restore the circulation to a healthy state, by eradicating the elemcuts of disease at the foun*stiii bead. Such is the *'mo- das operandi'' of this preparation, md experience, by the mouths of thousands ol witnesses, adds its guarantee to the theoretical conclusions of reason and common sense. Pifrpaied and sold wholesale and retail by A. 15 Si D. Sands, Wholesale Druggist-;, 79 Fulto« street,Ne.w-Yorlr; Sol.I also at 273 Broadway, 77 East Broadway, and by Druggists gener¬ ally: throughout the United State-s. Price SI per bottle.»ix bottles for S5 CoMsfocK & Co.'s Extract of Sab safari lla.For puri fyiiiK the blood. Trice 50 cents pei bottle, oi Si per dozen, at 21 Courllmd-street. Stop vour Hair from falling of* op. yod will soon hjc Bald..We. do not say thisto alarm you, because there is no danger of it if" you use the genuine Oldridge's balm of Co¬ lumbia. It will positively stop the Hair from falling off, and cause if to grow luxuriously, keeping it tVee fiorn dandruff, and iu a healthy >rate. At 21 Courtlanthst. Connxll's Magical Pain Extractor, Horn 21 Cour.laud-street, will cure any of the following complaints* oi no pay will be taken, viz: Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Piles, Eruptions, Tetter, Bruises and Sprains, Salt Rheum, Sores, Sore Ninplesund Eyes, Frosted Feet, Chaps; Erysipelas, Fever Sores. WHAT WILL T11 E"1 \V O R L D~ T Ii; N K OF AN INTDIYIDU AL who attempts to deceive them with the false representation that the only ageucyXar tlie magical Pain JCx? tractpi in Walker-street. Messrs. Comstock & Co., 21 Court- 1 uid street, \ie now and al ways have beeu the only agentsJn New-» orlr for the genuine saire, and mv coutr.ict aud power of attorney irrevocable to them for 20 years, cm be sefu at iheirstore, HENRY DALLEV. reference..We can refer the afliicted to more than one hundred persons who have ber-n enred lately, of awful cases of Rheumatism; Contracted Cords, Sic, by the Indian Vegetable Elixir and Liniment from 21 Courtl.uid-st. inflammatory RhkwmatisM..Wright's Indian Vegeta¬ ble Pills are a certain cure for Inflammatory Rheumatism, because they purge from the body those morbid humocsj which are the cause not only of Rhen maoism aud Uout, but of every pain or ache we suffer. In order to make a speedy and radical cure of Inflammatory Rheumatism, from four to eight of said Indian Vegetable Pills should be taken every twelve hours, until every particle ol inflammation and pain is re¬ moved. This course, if properly followed up, w ill in a sboit time make a perfect cure of the most violent attack ot Rheu¬ matism; at the same time, the blood and other thuds w ill Le so completely puriiied that uew life and rigOl will be given to Iii« w hole frame. . C/iutiou.As counterfeits nr.- ..broad, avoid all stores Ol a doubtful character; and be particular to ask for U right s In¬ dian Vegetable Pill*. , . Offices devoted exclusively i> the sale of this medicine, wholesale and retail.No. 288 tireenw ich st. New \ ork ; No. 198 TremOttt st, Boston; ami IG9 Race st, Philadelphia. Notice koh the Ladies..Beautifying Lotion .The old well-known Lotion, w hich has taken Pimples. !< -dness, aud all Eruptions fiom so many Ladies'faces, necks and hands, which once was ash uned to go in company, and aie now our first belles. It has all been done by the u-e ol this Lotion.. Freckles w ill be removed b<, a lew tpplicattoos Ladies, one and all. try it. You will find it at the Civet Cat, 119 i- niton- street. r___| MARRIED: On Tuesday, March 5. by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ouderdonk, Mr. Otis Okmsbkk to Miss Delia F. Nkwell,daughter ol William L. Haskuis.all of this city. On Wednesday. March 6, at the < hurch ol the Ascension, by the Kev. Mr Richmond. Mr. Edward KeaRNV to Miss Jane,daughter of the late Joliu Clwdining. March7.ac45Larayett« Place, by the Rev. Mr.Abbott, Mr. George B; CtrRTis to Miss L.M. Leach, both of South Natick, Mass. ... m March 6. Mr. CORNELIUS J. Sfrague to Miss Mary h. TOLLT. WM| DIED : On Tuesday night. Match 5. of scarlet f-ver, Edwin D . son of .Matthew D. and Sarah Ann Oieene, m the 6lh yr&x 04 Th?frleuds of the family are ii.\ ited to attend the rnneral This Mternoou. at 4 o'clock, from the house of bis giunl- father, Mathew L. Davis. No. 131 He-iry-street. Alarch5,jank L, only daughter ol Richard J. and Henrietta Dodge, .'ged 131 months. yx . , Marrhö, *f consumption,Charlotte O., witeo; Robert A. Lyon. March 5. Mrs. Ann Bedford. AtPomptou Plains, N.J., March I, of consumption, Jacob B At%aS?higwntfc\9ty. (Srknviu.k C. Cooper, Purser in the U S. Navv, in Ins Hih year. _ , AtGlient, Columbia County, February 26th, Rebeci t, wife of Joseph Pow er, ri his S5th war. . At Champlain. February 21. ElJSHA Lvman. Esq..?k'e.l -1 years a native of Northampton, Mass-, bailor many >r!.rs a .j^J$^kv**m. MMN», relict of William Bktdwiu late of New-Haven, ( t.. aged58 years AtNewnoitvR- G March l. Emily Taylor, ased 2 years audlSoXSnd March 3. Makv Oyfring. m hei-?th year, danehters of Lieut. Robert Heudy, of the U. S. . AtCJreatBarriugto,,, Mass. EDWARD, son of Gen- Joku Whiting, aged 25 veers.. . rTT* Sprlnsr F«slilo««..For tne accommodation of Manufacturers abroad; th- STY LE of Gentlemen's Hats for the eusuing Spring will be forwarded to them by mail on application, post paid, to LEARY &. < *0. Nos. 4 and 5 Ast or House. N. B..Gentlemen can be supplied with Hats of the new style, at our counter. New-York. Feb. 15.1814. ^_ 1 -4 M \ry HAtH.-The Spring Fashions for 1341 are now reidy. Our customers are inritod to call and see them at 154 Chathaui- swett [1-27 2w.S3 m WATSON & CO. spring styTk of hats. rrr BIRD, comer Piue aud Nassau streets, has HOW wad> for examination and sale, the Standard of Oentlemens Hats, for the eusuiug season. f 26 ImMWF&S* BIRD. Tine and Nassau sts. jrjT* Spfiiag Hats..The subscriber informs Gentle men that he is now amply supplied with the new (Spring) Putten Hats. His prices will bv as heretofore, for Fine .Nutria, $1 25 ; 2d quality. S3 25, aud this notwithstanding an im|Hirtai,: ad¬ vance in the price of »tock. 2yf istf SPENCER. 67 Chambers street. ¦ Wi.l- fjy; O. FIsIl hss now readylhis Spring Fashion for ge«*- tlemeu's Hats, which for durability and ityle. surpasses any thing before offered. O. Fish teceived the first Premium for Nutria Hats at the late Fair iu this city, and the first at the late Fair in Philadelphia. The public are invited to call and inspect his Hats at his Warehouse, 137 Broadway, two doors above the City Hotel. ORLANDO FISH. 22f lmis _Fashionable Hatter. rrp* Cotton Canvas, COM PRISING HEAVY s\lL DCCK. LIGHT RAVENS, for BOAT SAILS. AWNINGS, ic. Also. HE A VY TARPAULIN S. PA¬ PER FELTINGS. 32 to 72 inches wide; BAGGING, pi tra and twilled, 12 aud 41 itch. AUo, Grain aud -Meal Baits, Ik &ud 3 b^,goj^öFQX k poLHEMUS, fl5 6mis. 69 PlBC $trwu MARINEJTOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YQRK, MARCH S. MINIATURE ALVrAVAr.THb DAY. h,«. TARr ft'* » tn I The Moo*. I Full Ska. Rises, .i, 25 I *ers..S Ml .... ... ...H I | Morning ( , . LATEST nit LS. .;.February 3 I Havre .February : Ln"rr"',)I.February l j New-Orleans.... February i6 clk\red Ships Emerald, Hnu-, Ham, Wm Whitlock, J.¦; H-rmit- Son ' Ioblle' H"urV> S-Uer- New-Orleans, Ladd ü Bries Juno, (Br) Glbbs, Sr Johns, NF. H L Ronth; Fal¬ con. J itt, B-imoda. Tucker & Lightbourne; St Simon. Sto- *>l-Mary'*, Nesroith «c Walsh; Samson, Sawyer Port Leon. ED Huribut& Co; Macon, Lewis. Savannah, Dun¬ ham u. Dimr.n. Sehr Bergen. CaV, Petersburg, J Hunter. arrived, Bark Rio Guzd\Const" s. 2: <i,vs from New-Orleans,pork aud flour, to Nesmith StiWaUh. Feb IS. ht 23 2a, biu ei 55, fxcrtan?edaignals with brig Knvoy, Rayn-s. from New Or- Wcs torNrW-r or!:; 1'jth, lat 23 S. ion*- 8145. saw shit. St C'oud, irom New-Orleans for New-York. Brr£Antares, H, I l~t t, 3 days frum Philadelphia, coal, to Mart St V anderhurg. The brig Yucatan, Baker, 33 dais from rernambneo, put into the ßrrakwat-r fur Philadelphia, with less ol bnlwsrk? and other daravge. March 7, off BarneEar, parted romp-any with brie Robert, Wall, from Philadelphia tor Boston. Brig Georsi?ua, McLellan. days from New Orleans su¬ gar and molasses, to Nesmith !». Walsh: Swedish brig < larlotle, Stransiot«, 55 day; from Mir-eilles mdze, to.G Mitchell. Danish bru- Aj-ollo, Brorherson, 72 days from Rio (Jraode, <Jä)(i nid« and JOOfl horns, to John Di.oley. Left brii; Mer¬ maid, of salem. to sail about the )-,t cf Jan; Cohaosey, of N 1 <>rk, discharging. Prussian rinzesnz Prieszuitz. Schroder, 78days from New- c'l:!''.- f':,,'r' 2-'> r°n* Coal, to order. Ba-k Cailao, Hvnes. of Pitrson. from Nesv-Oi leans, Feb 10, pork. Sic, to J O Ward. Austrian brig Airou*,7'i days from Trieste, fruit, to Faber St Bier worth. Sicilian bug Carlatta, Lagana, 55 days from Palermo, frnit, to Fircli St Co. Bng Leonora, Collins. 13 days from Savannah, cottou, to J Ogdeii Sehr Georire Pollock, Cascy, from North Carolina, naval s!Or>-s. Sehr Rubicon, Towle, Virsiuia. -SchrDespatch, Coarson, from Philadelphia, coal, bound to >*w-Hhv-h. Sehr Libeity, Towosend, from Philadelphia, coal. Sehr James C Ha'ti-ld. horn Philadelphia, coal. Sehr Samuel Ingraham, Otis, from Newbern N C n^ Stofr.s SAILED. Slnp ( -allow, f(,r Liverpool. NEW-YORK 6c HARLEM RAIL. ROAD GO..SPRING ARRANGE- ^MENTS..-In order to accommodate the pnblie generally, and the residents of Yorkville, Harlem, and Westchester Co. particularly, the Company will run thf-ir Cars, on and after March Nr, 1844, in the following order: Leave City Hall fur Leave Harlem for Leave Williamsb'ge HarlemitW "bridge, i ity Hall. for Cirv Hall. 6 mi A. M. 7 to A. M. 7 20 A. M. 7 00 3 10 8 20 0 10 50 10 30 11 30 1 20 P. M. 1 00 P. M. 2 00 P. M. 3 40 3 20 3 Oil .} 10 I 20 4 no 5 4U 5 20 5 30 7 20 7 00 On Sunday if die weather is fine the train 4 a rs will run ever;- hoar. The City Hall and 27th Str»-> t Lin-- H ill run as follows:. Fiom 7 A M. ev-ry 10 minutes rhioughout the day (ill 7 30 P. M. The extra night line will run as follow*: Leave City Hall for 27th street, 8. S 30, 9. 9 30. 1ö. 10 30, 11, 11 30 and 12. Leave27th street for City Hall, 7 30. 8, 8 30 . 9, ft 30, 10. In 30. II and II 30 Persons wishing to commute, nill hud it to their interest to do so,as th- late ijfsuch case> will he reduced. Please apply a t their office, No. i Trvon Row, corner of ('entre^t, oppo- * it- th« Park. (f28 2w*>_YV. S. CARMAN, See'ry. K7*Meetiiag of .Tourney men Printers..An Adjourned Meetingefthe JOURNEYMEN PRINTERS of ihe City of New York, v ill I.-held at the Shakspeare Ho¬ tel, corner of William and Duane street., on SATURDAY EVENING, .March 9,1844, a: 7 nVlork. JOHN \Y. MOULTON, Chairman. JosKin T. Crowell, S-er-tary. mhfi 2i* rC?" Attention,"~Goort Fellows !.The Anti- Loco-Foco Association will h^ld a Special Meeting at the tisii il time and place, on Friday evening, the 8th insr As bu siness of much importance will come before the Association pntmrual attendance is re(iuested. Come our, brothers, as our cause is a p»od and rlr.rious one. By order. O.K. President. (J. F. Secretary. _ mh7 2t DC?" l<crtnre..Wm. H. Channing will deliver on Fri¬ day Evening the 8th inst; at the Society Library, a Lecture in which the popular objections to As«ociition will be con¬ sidered and answered, and in which the n*«.essity of a Social Reform upon Associative Principles, and its influence upon Religion, th* Family and Property will be stated and discuss¬ ed. Commence at half past seveji o'clock. Tickets one shil¬ ling. mhG 3t [IfT"" Prof. Bronson s Second Lecture on Univers«l Pnilosophy, This Evening, in thr Taberr nacle, at 71 o'clock. Subjects :.Man an Epitome of all Crea¬ tion ; Assumption of the Human it" ; Philosophy of Redemp¬ tion. Adam and Eve: Fall and Restoration; Ancient and Modern Astrology ; Mirscles; Explanation Of Man's Anato¬ my ai found in Aimauacs; Heatkeii Mythology ; Worship of Sun and Moon; Metempsychosis, or Traismigration of Souls ; Action and Reaction ; Circle "fall Things. Several Sones'aud Recititious, tnd Paintings to illustrate Principles, luü Engravings give i to ill who attend these Lectur>-a. Ad¬ mission 2j tents, with, or without a lady. It* VT?' Tiie Treasurer, of the ASSOCIATION FOR T HE R E LIEF OF RE S PF.i T A BLK AGED INDIGE N T FEMALES' giatefnlly acbiiowledges the following sums:. From the estate of the late Dr. Barthrup, of Kinderhook, by his Exeentori Dr. J. P. Beekman, $500; received at the Anni- vers -ry, Nov 30Ü1, 1843, from a lady, S?0; a gentleman, $10; a friend, through Mrs. Slormm, $10; Mrs. C. Heyer, $2; Mrs. James Price, £2; Miss M. Brasher, $2; a gentfemsu, S25; a friend,$1; Mrs. Philip Henry, Si; a friend, $50; a friend, by Mm. Lane, SI; a lady, $1; sine fie Anniversary, by Mrs. lu- nes, a friend, SK'O; frem .\'ir>. Dummer, a rase coutainingg'ass waie, consisting of lamps', tumblers, and other useful articles, through Mrs. Scott; Mr. Jam-* Lennox, $100; Mrs. D* Witt Clinton, $10; Mr. Samuel Walker, $5: Mr. Shaddle;a basket of ponnd-cake,giDgerbreadaud P^e« \ ear c^ke; a friend of the Institution, SI0; 1. H. Fail*, $50; Miss Harriet Brown. S5; Miss Wichel Brown,$5; by Mrs. Nixon. I box oftaisins, from Wisner, (?alr S; Co ; 2 dnz. poor man's plaster from Dr. Sher¬ man; from Mr. K»ut. 2n Ins. of fr^sh iork; fiom Mr. McFad- dan, 30 lbs. of NeW-Yeai cake; a griudstoue from Mr. Swords; from Dr. Sherman, 1 doz. boxes of camphor lozenges, 1 do/., do. coutrh lozenges; from Headley. Phelps & Co. I bottle of spirits of nitre, 1 do. paregoric, 1 gallon of castor oil, 2 lbs. of cream tartar, 2 do. of liquorice, 1 do of sunna. 1 do. ofmanna; from James S. AsptnwalL l bottle of peppermint, i do o( tinc¬ ture of rhubarb, 1 <lo. of camphor, 1 do. bfburat rhubarb, l b«>x of arrowroot; from Mr Biunenger, 1 gallon of brand;; by Mrs. Van Antwerp,a friend to the cause. SI; through Mrs. Vermilye, Mrs. Nath>n Jackson,$2; a friend, Sz; by Mrs. Hervey, some gentlmneu, fiieuds of the Society, S*j3; Mr. Edmund Penfold, $25: by Miss Brinckerhoff. Mr E. H. Brinckerhnff, $1; a friend. 60 ic'i. 'Cheerful Piety'; A.B. S5; E L F. S3; a feiend, S10; Miss Mary Branson,$5; c >sh, S3; a friend, $1; Mr. Ezra VVlieel?r, I box of cocoa, 1 do. ol s an; hy Mrs McAnlcy, M;s. Lelü't-i, 52; 6 vols. from Mrn. Lejferts; by Mrs. Phelps. Mrs. Bram!ev,$5; by Mrs. Barle, a friend, tliiouuh Mrs. Darid Codwisej $5, by Mrs. Fenn, Mrs. J. D. Revera. 52; a gentleman of the Ruiners-street Chnrch, S25; Mr. William P.rr-i,S3; by Mrs. Oillett. Mrs. Janus W. I)ominick.$5; by Mrs. Mowatt, from T. & A. S. Hope.5lbs. of coffee, 2 do. of tea. 1 pineapple cheese; from X S5; by Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. Edmund Smith, $5; hv Miss Seymour, a friend, $:i: Mrs. Yau Alien. S2; by Mrs. Van Rensselaer. Mr>. Samuel Ru<r*les,$5; Mrs. Le Roy, SI; by Mrs. Lane, Mr. II irvey Weed, Si; by Mrs. PUtt, Mr. F. C. Tucker, $5; Mrs. Noyes,50cents: Mü. Marsh,$5: I cotton shaw Is Itom Mrs. Minor. Other donations ef useful aiticlra received at the Asylum will be acknowledged in the i ext A-inual Report. It rTT* A Card..Rev. James Milieu, A. M., residing in rlfteeuth street, near III ing place and 3d avenue, continues (o instinct private pupils in classes, French, &c. His lone experience of 13 years', during the last o of which he haa been Heid Classical Teacher at the establishments of Rev. Dr. Hawks, Rev. Messrs Haddart& Morris, together with his having obr-iued the highest University honors iu Dublin atfort a sufficient guarantee of h<s competency to discharge any trusts reposed in him. Young ladies carefully taught French Belles Lettres a-id a General course of English. A tboronsh au«l expeditious system of classical instruction adhvied to. mh7 3tis* ff f* The Invisible Wig so closely revmblesthe re^i bead of hair that sceptics and cijijoi-^'irs have pro¬ nounced i: the mn3t perfect andtavtraordiuary invention ol the day. The great advantageaof.this uovel and unique W'igü its tvins \vi:t>out sewing or weavini, which causes its ipi so closely to resemble the tiarura! hair, both iu lightness and natural appeal ince, as to defy detection, its tex¬ ture being so beautiful, so porous and 30 free, that in s.11 cases of i<eispmtiou eTa(>or^tion is Untmpede<l, and the srrjt evils of other W ics entiiely avoided. The soptic and counyisseur are alike invited to inspect this novel and beautiful U ltf. and the i- culiar method ol fitting the head, at the manutacturer's, A. C. BARRY. 146 Broadway, comer of Liberty-sMeet, up item fel5 lmeodis LABORERS-GEORGIA RAI LR OA L).- Those laborers who have enrolled their names at the Irish Emigrant Society's Office. 62 Gold street, and others de¬ sirous to btf employed on ihe above road. ($VZ per month and found,) ar< requested to call this day a: the Societv s Office, to make thu ruccessarv arrai sements to proceed by the ship " Anson,"tO sail for Charleston on Monday uttt,the 11th nut. mhS It_ \\7 A N TE U.By a protesuuit boy of 16 a sitna- T V tion to learn a trade, or employment of any description iu ciry or country. Please enquire at No 57 Crosby s: Sat¬ isfactory city lefereUCe ca'i he given._ uah^i It* 11/AN TED.A situation by a respectable young VV woman. Is capabl« of doing [igh: chamberwork and taking care of children. Good city reference given. Ap^jV 38 Hammersley sr. in the rear, seco:.d house, first floor. No objection* to learning to be a tailoress._1* TXTA NTK Ü.A situation as Chambermaid ^nci \ V Waiter bv an Americon girl aged Is, who can tiire »at- isfactory city lefereuc* for capabUity.&c. Heav inquire at 428 Broadway._ rImS "WH(¦ i.E^ALu. GH < »CKR£ A young X man from New-England and about twenty-eight y?an» 0f t desires to obtain a situation in a wholesale grocery store.' Moderate compensation for th^ first Sew montlis will be satisfactory, as permanent employment and a thorough ac¬ quaintance with the business will be his chief object. Good Citv references can be given. Address S. v. at this office. m>i8 2t* ATOURN'EYMAN BOOKBLNDER Wanted. AddIv to M. H. N EWMAN. tJ ISO Broadway. mar7 3ns WANTED.A complete set of Horse Equip- menu, f saddle excepted) for a Regimental Staff Offi¬ cer of the N. Y. S, Infantry. Address staff n ax this of¬ fice. »06 21* a Cheap Books for the People," AT TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. .60 Nassau street, ...-.t 158. NARRATIVE OF THE TEXAN SANTA FE EXPEDITION. CopipTiMng a Description oj a TOUR THROUGH JEXAS and across di« GREAT SOUTH-WESTERN PRAIRIES.LOSSES FROM HOSTILE INDIANS. LUSTRATIONm md a M \P bV GEO WjXKLNS KENDALL. in > v,,U .Price S2 5tt. THE LIVES OF POPE ALEXANDER VI, and his son CESAR BORGIA.In 1 voL BY ALEX ANDER GORDON. A. M -Price 77i its. TRAVELS EN THE CALIFORNIAS AND SCENES IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. BV THOMAS J FARNHAM.Price25 THE BEETHOVEN COLLECTION OF SACRED MUSIC.Price SI. [LT All the new and Cheap Pub. Ii ca tion s can be had at the Tribune Office. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ax PUBLl!<HKRS PR": ES. . WM. H. GRAHAM. rahfl 2t:>_ Nasssn St. BOYS, DO YOf HEAR THAT: .VOW READY Part One. Fri<:c 11 1-4 Cents. At the New-World Office. 30 Ann-street, published from the advance French <>./>y, received in Manuscript, purchased ar grvat excuse for this edition. THE MYSTERIES OF LONDON! BY EUGENE SUE, JULES JAN IN, AND R. DE BEAUVOIR, TRANSLATED BY HE N R Y C DE M I N G. Translator of the Mysteries of Paris. It is needless to predict for this work an nnparalled popu¬ larity and sal*. It will »vbely Hatk it. The proprietors of the New World having, at an enormous expense, secured the advance sheets of this great work, (which is transmitted from Pans in manuscript piges copied from the Oiigiual fosf its publication there;) ar- therefore enabled to issue it simultaneously in all the cities and ton 153 in the Union.. The following synopsis will give the public some idea of the pbu of this Great Rornince. THE MYSTERIES OF LONDON. Th s splendid romance has produce! an ..Tenement :n France which was hardly transcended by the " Mysteries of Pans." The recent journals from the French Capital are tilled with speculations concerning :'ie authorship, and the mystery which bancs over it is an element of interest that is only »x- called by the startling Romance of the narrative^ Private lutt'-rs from Paris informs us that the covel now in the course of publication, is the joint production of the English aristo¬ cracy mJ the French titeratevra that compose the cebbratrd Jock y Club of Paris. Lord Seymour, in English noblemen, who. lor several years has been the leader of the Parisian ton, i- said to furnish local facts uj ou w hich the novel is founded ; and Joles Janiu, Eutr-ue «ue, and Rogt r de Beauvour, u<=ave them into the intensely interesting narrative which we propose to present to the Am-i nan readers. The brotherhood of authors write under the assumed name of Sir Francis Trollope, and annex that Resignation to the fiiilletons of tin '"ouner Franc iis. in order also to civ* the work the appearance of being writ¬ ten upon thesp<»r, it i< pretended that it is a translation from in English uorb w i:h the same title; this disguise, however, very transparent lo a preliminary conversation between the author and the publisher; the former proposes to detail in the eu«uinz narrative 1!! the lights and shadows, the romance, the crime, the misery, and the mystery of the world of Lou- don. He proposes to bring the two extremes of life iu jax t >- position, lud to display with the same accuracy th- magnifi- cent i'ra* ing-rooms of Beigrave Square, and the cellars of St. of proud wealth and oppressed humanity. It fall-, within his plan to display the greatness as well as the boundless depravity of London I»T-:.scenes in Parliament, Corporation banquets, lunatic asylums; the Court of the Queen; the Mysteries of dii Thi itre, the Op»n House, the Turf, the Club*, ?nd ihr- Hells of the Metropolis, constitute the stnnire variety of many'Colored life which he proposss to present. He has also.a higher object: he would expose and remedy those laws which perpetuate misery and hinder all social im¬ provement; the odious statutes regulating guardianship; the oppressive manufacturing system; political corruption, and the unnatural financial and economical policy of England. .'In writing inch a hook," says he, "to Heaven alone I should appeal for the rslief of suffering maukind; 'he dehaie.J maiden should he purified by reviving the holv instincts of her nature; the voice cf God 111 the soul should prompt the hiih boru Duchess to discharge the duties of benevolence; vice should be punished by vice, and those great virtues of all i-'i s, Faith and Hope, should be sustained byCHARiTY." Can any one doubt ths absorbing interest of n story w ith such an outline conducted by the combined genius of the celebrated authors whose peui ar- employed upon the present work. The first uu in hers of it which appealed iu Paris, h ive fully equaled the expectations eveitad by the title and the reputation of the authors, and it is easy to discern from that portion which has already reached this country, that such 1 plan is laid and such ch uacterä introduced, a* t>> iusure oue of the most interesting and exciting Romances that has ever appeared. The plot is certainly rei y deep and mysterious. The " Mysteries of London" will be issued in numbers at 12i cents each.weekly.or ?s f<sr as the copy is receive,! from Paris. It w ill be printed on flue Book form, -ach number to make :!2 to 18 pages. Single Copies 121 cents. to Agents, $8 a hundred. Oniers must be accompanied with Cash, nnd be addressed to J. WINCHESTER; 10 Ann-sl MARRIED LADY'S GUIDE Tins Day PtruLiSHEo. ADVICE TO WIVES, On the management of themselves during th* periods of Pregnancy, Lahor and Suckling, By Du. Pye Henry Chavasse. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. One Vol. 18 nw..Paper cover 25 cts., Cloth, 37 Jf. Extract ft am. the Author'* Preface..The diffidence and ig¬ norance if young Wifes on matters appertaining to them¬ selves during period* of Pregnancy. Labor and Suckling, loudly call on medic I men to u.e their utmost exertions to enUchtsntaem on the above subjects; and- in a mode lr?st likely tO do violence to tllwi«- feelings. It is not on the score of curiosity that they should be thus instructed, but on that of necessity.ofsafety to themselves. With these views the following p";es have hern written I have avoided all technicalities!as my object has been to write a useful boök ; containing information which every Wife may understand. D. A PPDETON It CO.. Publishers,'200 liroadway. 'Pli- above work will be followed by omj union volume by the »am.- author, entitled, ADVICE TO MOTHERS. ..n the Mauagemeut of their Offspring; during the periods of Infancy, ChildhooJ and Youth. _; 2tis No. s^.'un -street, March 1, Ulli. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE WEEK. HARPER & BROTHERS WILL PUBLISH ON TUESDAY MORNING, the LIFE OF JAMES ARM IN IUS, D. D. complied from his Life and Writings, as published by Mr. Jimes Nichols, By Nathan Bam,-. D.D. Beautiful Portrait. Price 50 cents. This volume embraces the facts in r. latlon to the birth, education, Conversion, doctrines, labors, and sufferings <>f Arminias, tosether with a full and accurate yipw of his cha¬ racter, the means by which he was led On, step by step, to th tt high eminence which he occupied in the Christian communi¬ ty, and also of those doctrines by which he became distin¬ guished. ON WEDNESDAY, NO. SIX OF the DS< line AND FALL OF the ROMAN EMPIRE. Ly Edward Gibbon. Eso,. with Nores by the Rev. h. h. Milman. To be completed in Fifteen Numbers, with Maps and Plates, at twenty-five cents each. The whole making fonr splendid octavo volumes. ON THURSDAY, NARRATIVE of the TEXAN santa FE ex¬ PEDITION : comprising a Description of a Tour through Texas and across the great Southern Prairies, th- Camanche and Caygua Hunting Grounds, with au Account of the Sufferincs from want of food, losses from hojfile Indians, and final capture of the Texans, and their marchas Prisoners to the city of Mexico. With Illustrations and » Map. By George Wilkins Kendaul, Es<i. Elegantly pnuted and bound iu fancy muslin. Price SI 50. ON FRIDAY. NO. ten OF McCULLOCH'S UNIVERSAL GAZET¬ TEER : or,'GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, 'i'o be completed iu Tw^it/ Numbers, ai twenty-five «'-nts each. Uluitratrd by seVtfu eTCeedicgly valuable ma^s en¬ graved ou Steel. _ on SATURDAY. no. two ok HARPER'S ILLUMINATED AND NEW PK to RIAL he completed in *bou: fifty numbers, ar twenty-fife cents each. For farther [a.-.i- cultrs, iee the cov<r upon the work._inb5 5c is pOGAN'S INCOxMPARABLE PECTOrtAL \y OR BREAST SALVE is guuing a widely extended repntatiou. Cartitic ttes of its efficacy are pouring in upr>u the subsctiber, and each certiricati* eanvrstly recommeiol. 11- dirs wlio may need it :o m*ke trial of iL It is indeed joxful n*ws to the devotnl husband to know ihar. he has withi.i his reach a healiug balm to allav at once the sgouizmg jnff-rr.iss of a bejoved wife. This Salve will, without fail, by a tim'.i'j application, prevent the Br-ast from v.ill imme¬ diately remove agae iu the Breast, and will be fonnd ibe iat- estand easiest way to dry up the bwir. The subacritwr ii j^rmuted 10 refer (0 Mrs. W. B. T. Lane. 2C7 Greenwich *r aud to Mri Tr.oinas. an exr^rieaced nurse. 131 Church street, >. Y. The Salve for sab- at Ra?hton St Co 's. DO Broid- way and U Astor House; ils.. st A. S. Letchworlb's. u.>rti.- west comer of 12th and spiuce scvrLs. Philadelphia, where certificates can be se^ra. A number of ladies at Newark. N. Jersev, have kindly given the ssbicnber r^rroiscion to r-fer to th^m. üAVID A.COGAN. Newark, N.J._uihg M- HEET IRON.1000 Dundies ^heet Iron, ass^>rt- <rd from Nos. 12 a2T, miDufarrured bv the New Je:>ey L--n Co.. for sale by MURDOCK, LEAV1TT St CO., re3 3tis_r West street. CHARCOAL PIG- IKON:.200 tons of" Cone- wingor cold blast Pig Iron, superior for Castings, tor sale by MURDOCH, LEAVITT S.CO. mhS SOI 27 West-sL The hitch. n'son FAMILY res^ctruD) atv couuce theii third (md last but one) V.oeal Eate:: roent, oa MONDAY EVENING, March 11. 13U. a: NiMo'i Saloon. Broadw v., w :i tb*ii rew production, with their most f»yonte old pieces w ill be ;uCtoduc«d which have be*n approved by the musical public. PROGRAMME. BLOW 0», BLOW ON. A Pim:e\ tiler.Baker Blow on! blow oo! we love the howiing wiaJs That b*ar t:s oa our war. As fearless as tr-.e wo!;* that'* prowling itpou Our uatu. hills ire we, Stc. Quartette; THK l OT WHERE WE WERE BORN. We Stood Upon the monnraiu heischt, And viewed the valleys o'er! The sun's last ravs with mellow iight. Illumed the distant shore. Ballad. THK IRISH EMIGRANTS LAMENT. Mnsic by W. R D'mpster. Quartette. THE PKRS CALL. Written by S. B. Brown it Macao China, on hearing of tin death of i si«tei -it a distance. A voice liom tl-e spirit land. A voi~e from the *i!»ut :«>mb. Entreats « ith a sw et command. Brother,come home. Wt ARE HAPPY AND FREE. Subject from t\ «ine:.Hutchinson. Solo RECOLLECTIONS OF HOME. Ah. why from our ow n native home did we parr. With its mountains and valley* so dear to each heart; Ah. why did we tewe the enjoyments ol home. O'er the wid»- «raste of warers. strangers to roam! Qiurr tt.v l.WD OF WASHINGTON. Words by G. P. Morris, Es.;..Artangi d as, a Quartetts by Hatchissom New N .tin:. 11 SoUg. THK DEATH OF WARREN. Written by Epes Sarcent, Esq; When i!,e war crv of Liberty rang throruth tne I ind, To um« sprang our fathers tr.e foe to withstand. On old Bunker Hill their entrenchments they rear, When thr annv is joined by a roomt volunteer. "Tempt not >!? »tuI" ened his friends; but he bade them goo I Savins, *'0! it is sweet for our country to die " [bve, MY MOTHERS l'I.U.K. Words by »J. P. Morris. My father, r-id this holy book, To brothers, sisters dear; How calm wesiny poor mother's look, Who lot'd God's word to hear. Her angel face.I see it yet. What vivid memories come! Again that little group is met Within the halls Ot home! Trio. ROCK VWAY. Words by Henry .).>im Sharj.Mi lody by Russell. Quartette. THK GRAVK BONAPARTE. A : inged by Hutchinson. Yet. tpiiit immortal, the tomb cannot bind thee. For like thine own eagle, thai <oared to the SUU, Tliouspringest from bondage; and leavest behind thee A ti inie which before thee n«mortal had won. ONCE ON A TIME, OR, THK ORIGIN OF VaMKK«: DOODtC. Finale. . THK. OLD GRANITE STATE, Stc Suj. Containing a Familj Histon of the Sons and Dau-riu-rsof the .'Trill- Of Jesse." llltlt, .it TicUr-t% Fifty Cents each. To he ba.l at the usual pi ices.Hewitt's, Wm. l)uho.<e. .). Rileyfs, Milieu's, Stnddard & Co. i hambers fcJollie, T H. Geslain, and at the door. To commence at a ijuarter before 8 o'cloi k. BOARD IN Cr vm? Iii-ntute. Tai rv- town. N, \ .WILLIAM P LYON, A. M Principal Summer Sessiou commences first of May. To those who desire to place sons at Boarding School, the advantages offer¬ ed at tin? Invitation ire believed equal ifuot superior to wiy. It ln< beeu in iucc.*tful <q .at'un six \e.r*. The lnrn'i<m delightful aud salubrious, ii convenient of access from tii- city. The Edifice is commodious aud comfortable.the pi ij grounds ample, and discoun ctedfrom.the village. The . eminent is efficient but mild, resembling that of a well tegu- lated Christian family; end no Day-scnolars are receij ¦'. >¦> counteract the «alat -r. influenceoff*>r.thj training. Tb- ryatcm of instruction is designed uot merel) to vance and perfect the pupil in the branchi; . udii d, bur to d>> velup and instruct th- judgment. 10 enlighten rh" linderst ind- ing, 10 fonu the habits, and to give a moral and useful direi lion to the inclinations Farther particulars, includiug Catalogue of, SfudtMts, opinions of patrons, ttrnt.i, df*e will he found in the,! ircnlar f.»r this year, tober»nd ou application at the Institute, or at the Book Stores ofBartlett md Welford, Broadway, Crow- ens, tüT Broadway; Raynors.76 Bowei.. Reference, by i>«iini>su«u, to the foliowiug distinguished gentlemen: Washington Irving, Esq. Daniel Webtter, apt Ale v. Still- II Mackenzie, Hou. GhJian C. Verplanek, George Dubois. f-p.,,,,,,,,.,,, Nathaniel 0. Holmes. Esq >T3-!>^wu. Zebe.lee i <Ook, Jr. Esq. ) yv'ui. Cnllen Bryant, E?i]. I Francis Hill, Esq. George T. Trimble, > New York City. J. It. Van RerisseJaer. M. D. I liev. Nathan B -uts. M. D. | IIirp*r St Brothers. J pa»86weod Oik lev: Ckoto.n \<^i nt r Work*, \ March 7th, MIL S npO LROiS POUNDE RS.Sealed proposals will J- be received by thesubscriber until the bthday of March next, at 3 P.M.. at the office of the Croton Aaueduct Works for forty (40) inch Stop-cocks; also fifty (iü)fire hydrants to be delivered SS follows, VIZ : 10 stoi'-cacks ou tiw l<t Ami). 15 do do lath April. r> do do 1st M ly. 15 Kire Hydrantu on tlie 1st April. 20 do do <lo l.jth April. 13 do do do 1st May. The material and workmanship to be of the best rh i\ icb r and to be approved of byitlie Water Purveyor. The plan the hydrints to be sent vvi'ii rhe estimates. Any information respecting the stop-cocks and hydrants in he obtained by enquiring at the office. In deciding upon the proi>osals,rhe Croton Aqueduct ( om> mittle reserve the light of rejecting any proposal they dijap* prove. Cy older of the Crotöfl Aqueduct Committee. JAM KS A. ( OK KIN. m8 15t President Croton Aqueduct Board. ANTHMAC1TJ2 PIG I RON.600 tons A nthra- cite Pu' Iron, for sale low to close an account by mhjj itii MCRDOCK. LEAVITT St CO. 27 Wesl BALI.» AND (.iKAV HKADä, AHOY.HOW OFTEN have you been humbugged with hair com¬ pounds. Well, yon are not ifraid to ink three -dnlln gs foi a good article after herhg 10 often shavvd of $ I for trash, are you T No! then get a three shilling bottle of Jones'Coral llair Restorative; these are its ml qualities : will force the hair to grow, stop its falling off. cure scurf and dpndriff, lud make light red or uray hair >:row d«rk aud beautiful. Sold ar the sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatldinm st.. and 3'^3 Bniadway, N. Y.. and 130 Fulton st. Brooklyn mh8 2teod TÖNE5' >PAN1SH LILY WlUTP~KÖK Mak~ eJ in^ ladies'cheeltsa fine alabaster white. This is different to common chalk.we warrant it uot to injure. Sold nt ihe sutu of the American Eagle, itJ^lutham st., aud 323 Broad¬ way, N. Y.; . r ij'.i Fulton st. Brooklyn. mhfl 2b od Yoi; vi:<11;i7a s)> <<u 11;n i .k ei ..who,.. meanness] yo-irs? Look at your fair young wife, with her hri^nt, sunny, healthy faee! Look at your own.pitted wi*h eruptions and blotches! Yer you are too roe^ri tov;i?e Mty cents for a eak» of the grear Italiau Chemi cal Soap, which would entirely free you from them.and make your yellow ,km clear and healthy. Go at once and u-i a cake at the aigu of the American h>gle, No 82 Chatham jt. and 323 Broadway, N. Y , or 139 Fulton street Brocklyu. mliB 2teod_ FOR SALE.A dwelling House aini T.Dtin Thompson street, near Broome Apply to ANTHONY I. BLEECKER At CO. mhs I Broad at near WalLatreef, FOR ^ALhl.A House and Lot in 7fli street, near Av«-nue D. Apply to ANTHONY J BLEECKER&CO. mha 7 Broad .<(. uwar Wall >tre«t. FOR SALE.An elegant House and Dor m Franklin street Apolj to ANTHONY J. BL E ECK ER Sc CO. m!i8 7 Broad it, near Wall TO LET.Hie three story basement House No. HW Franklin Two psrlor p»er rrla^se», a Nott's stave for the hall, -,t>d an entry Oil cloth will be let with the hotne. Inqune ofWM II. HARISON, corner 61 i hurchaud Fulton sts. or of VYM. H. ONDERDONK, No. 1 Nassau sr. mbJJ eodtfisj Col! NTH YH Ei* I DE NOK.Wanted,a large anil commodious dwelling house s.tuated in i healthy .part of the State, near an Episcopal Church, andof con¬ venient accei:; to the city at all seasoon of the year. Apply at 10», Krauklin street, or to WM. H ONUERDONK, 7 .n^iu sti^et. mha eodtf TO LET.In 10th st between 5th and 6th avenues j to a smajl family, the upner ;> -rt and b1-» ment »ofa jnodern two story honse. auo, other apartments in the same neighborhood. In.;ui/e at N o. 8 10th st. from :bick. A. M. till '> ./dork. P. M. mha 3t* OFFICES T(J LET.Tii- ba^ine-nt. nrstand fourth floors of No. ii Wall-st Inquire at _.Comptroller's Office, No. 5 Hall of Records. mh8 P. YOUNO, Dept. Cornp'tr. MARKET CELLARS TO LET.".To let a number of Cellars under 'riitr*- Market. Enquire at the Comptroller's Offic-, No. 'j Hall of Records. rah8A.A. SMITH, Compt. give me friend-ßhip's goM - en beatn. "JITR. WARNER'S New Class in the Art of l»i SINGING AT SIGHT, irül^commence its term of 1? Lessons on Saturday Even^n^, March 9:h, at 3 o'clo. k.. New members can then be liried. It ia a cood oppor'uni- ty for hegiar.ers, whether Ladies or Geotlesaesi Mr W.'s m*?liod of teaching u formed upon the best European mo d*ls, and embraces some valuable improvements not to be fotiud elsewhere in this country._2tis vs-* NEW LINE OF PACKETS FOR LIVER- J***Z POOL..Packet of the 2!st of March..Thexpleadid 2bBE b^fnvdnreoaciel thiti HOTTINGCER. (iioa tons harthen.) Capt. Ira Bursley, will sail on THURSDAY, 2!st March, her regular day. The shipsfoil^^tbis line beingall 1000 toi>s and npwards, per- sons about to embark for the Old Country will not fail to see the advaattjes to be derived from selecting this Ime'in pief^r- euce to any other, as tl.tir great capacity readers them every way more comfortabbf and couv+nirnt than ibips of a smaller class, and their accommodations, it is well ku«wn. ar* supe¬ rior:* any others. Those wishing r.> secure l)-rths should not to make early application on board, or to W. & J. T. TAPS COT T. pi their General Pa«saze Otfice. 43 Peck slip, cor. South-t The Hottinguer will «ail from Liverpool on th- t3:h <>«' ^ »>'¦ Persons wishiuii tosend for their friends ran have trwni brought out in this magnificent packet, or any of the recolir Insev ail¬ ing on the 1st. 6th, llth, i6th. 21st and 26th of every month Drafts for any drnoont, payable on demand, without dis- connr, in all the principal towns of England, Ireland, scot- land or Waies. constantly for sale as above. _ TheROSCiUS will succeed the Hotringuer, and sail on theKthof MaicJa. 0108 **nr**r.aar» ¦ iTwminmm*mssx3BmmmBsmaa3Bttmri^ POSITIVE CHANCERY SALjE.-rQa TTTES- DAY, Match I3rh, at l2.»VI»ck, (witho tmentj under Uneencn of A. O Miltkrd, Esq , Master, (Messrs. Ed- winis St M»n. Solicitors ) bi E. H, LUDLUW ft CO.. Auctioneers. 1 tli.:rv.MT Ion, pieces or parcels of Lac«*, ji». viz; k^.vS1 lu^,ö,'«:»'l-d Forty f:'C, F^i; wistii «J^hlv Old Post Road, (in fwt) ,t iu junction whb thr Third Avenue, tor oraur of Fcrtv-iifth-strv-t; No. Ä> U>9i. ami licrasuv*. 2d. Seven lots on Second Av«ne, V-tween Forty-fourth sod Forcy-ntth smvis. .tad funded sontherfy by a <M>mmon taae. now open, '.-adln* to Third Av«;oe. st the corner bf Kort\-n-!fv-«rre.'i. C* which i«a vaiasblefwo story and sttic Dwetliug-Housr, with bes-ment. covered piatXTI. *C frontirur; oa Secocd Av. sue; No*. *T, 28,19, 43, «2 «tarnt !*. 3d Nine lo-s oa fiHaWtreet, :ro f.,.; of hurd Are-, 'cii etrer:d:»;C to withia lit) feet öl Second Avreue; N .;. from 31 to 39, and inc'usi»-. tth. Ten lots oa Forty-fourth street, ti feetimcV« -Mt of Sec ud Avecne; No*. 4 to H. and inclusive. Lithographic na in may be *-er. at E H. W ARN ER*8, «7 Nasssu-stieet; at No. It Brcud-strref: at tbe Etchst,^, «od. upou tV .. remise*. Title unquestionable, deriveö from the Winthrop Estate. Sale posnive to the highest ridder. The prepcity acu D welling mar b^seen attune time hv t«kic? C*i* or Stages to Forty riith-street on Third Ave- one. corset*of Pow (t atoM R>«.l. rrS 3ris* 5'. COL f ON. Auctioneer"! FCOLTON Cte CO , Auction and Commission . Merchants. No. Ill Fulton *nd "U Antr-street.. Liberal Advances made onConsignment*, and prompt remm*m*de. f""/3" The sale it 4tv> Pearl street, comer of Chatham, is further postponed to the Mth oi Marc!», at she um« tim«» *nd place. At puratesahn Sspkndid Piano Forte*. _ RICHARD VAS DYKE, Jr., Auer:. VUCTiON SALK OF MIL UN Kin A RTI- XJLCLES, STORE FIXTURES.and tsmallouaatit) of HOUSEHOLD bURNITUKK..AkthonvJ. bi ? »< m k ,N Co. will «eil at auction on SATURDAY. Much^h. at Hi o'clock, in the anvr put of No L59 B!v» > AD WAY. the COr- Der of itraiid-sfTtiit. a luautitv of Mtiliuer) utucjhts *ud Stont Fi\tur<-s. with some article* ol Household Furniture, toaeth- tl with Show-Cane*. I ou:!tfrs, Driks and Sign». An iure - tory of t)»e goods to be, * >ld may be at ihe orbce ot the auctioneer*. No. 7 Broad-4(xeet.>eai Will-street. tn7 3ti* O .) K r. W A R ! '.. Lost ;l t".tT.~ aniFwtTile"hHdtt'S* 0 ^ Silk Putsti on the t>tJi inst., gem-; fiom Is Avenue through6thstreet, id Avenue, a id Urn »t.. to Broadway, and, then to Brcomesr. Tl»e purse coot lined about savan dollars. The ffnder will plri«e leave the same *t Tribune C .bee. mS it PHÄi L BOA itD ANU LODGING W A N T K l^. Bv a single g*htlera«n op town in a private ümilv. Ad- dress B. at tins ofli - roh8U*... Bi IARD WAN rßD.ßy a Mcchaaic and »vif«, where thev em luve the comforts ot'a horn- in < re.| r i- ble piiwte family or boarding bonaer-will wanronegood room and will famish itthem*ehes from the first of April or May.location not above BrOome. street. Terms mnst be moderate Good re'erencea given. Please address Mechanic »: rjusotbee, statuiy teruu ind hveation. inhll* BOARD WANTEI).--Bva gentleman ia a pn- rate famUy.wherw but lew hoarders me taken.location prefeired in the a»»Vi»uth W ird.will fumüh fin r.'.-m if de- sired. Address < . F. P u t. !\ Oilice. _mhs :»tis^ \\ M T. JENNINGS A- CO 231 Broadway, »* (American Hotel) opposite the Park Fountain,'har« just received a large <nd splendid assortment of Scarfs, Cra- v its. Stc. consistias t' English Bm ithea Siik ^.'.u1'. Do Mohair c'o Do Satin Plaid and Figured do Do Corded Silk do Do Burathea Cr<v n, Do Satin do Do Fancy do And a lar»:» assortmeni of Italian ^ilk Cravats, all of which will besohl it oui usual moderate prices. mhß lmis N w.u YORK, Km-: streai No. D, in tbe rear. JOSIAH E.jACKSOTSi begsleaveto inform the two Beutlemon from Brooklyn, ihat he convmirr-d an er¬ ror in in- number, it i< a^ instnid ol O. >t io the paper, and if they will |ileas< call jgain or send him woH whew h- can «'t them, he will cull immediately and see them about it._mhR It* SHt >\ ELS .250 dozen iron Shovi U a low priced Mticle. laruile by Ml RDOl K, LI WllT.NCi). inliS' :rih LT We*t ,t. ,rj',ii!-, L'AJpiKS wilJ find a very extertfeivestock I- of English, French <e<l German Perfumery, containing many new and elegant scent*, from the mo*l celebrated man- ul cturers/foi «ahtbj A. B SANDS Jt'OO., mh7 6tis 273Broadway,cor Chambers! UraniteBuildiajr. CASTOÄ OIL.Very superior Castor Oil, in bot¬ tle* for family nse. freahiand sweet, foi i it'-, wholesale or retail, bv A. 5. SANDS St CO., Diuggis's üid j hemists, M ) Broadway, corner Ch imb >rs street, (Granite Building.) niliT litis ffKT) !C ASES :PRI NTS..JLEK A- HICK W S 1 t/v/TER offer for sale aj thi ;ii Punt Warehouse, Nov, 113 IV.iil-itreet, ?5ii ji icfa «,..» ^ comprising the most complete o»- loxtmeiti of.the newest and best itvle* of printed Calico**, including Freueh» Swiss, Turkey Bed, English ind Ameri* can, many of which luring been contracted foi before t>»^ ri«e in these goodai f?t" ,1" ,>''1 at less 'li in the m inufru turer'* present prwvs. f36 lmis R" OWLANDfS KALYDÖR.T-The genuine im- tide manufactured by Messrs. Rowland n. Son of Lou- don, is thi; best preparatiouiu use forimproring and b«-inti». fyiug the.complexion. It era<lic4tes all cutaneous eruptionsi, ind renders the skin soft, faif atd blooming. For sal* genu¬ ine by A. B. SANDS BtCO. Dru^itrs and Ap:;rli,... ui*-.. U'o.idwav, inT i.t i; Cor. < hambers-st. (Granite Building.) FLÜTÖ AiAtiNCSiA'-Miiitiiy'.s and Dinne- ford/i Klnul Majtiteaia, amild, safe And.elegant antiacid ind iperiedt, pOssessing.all the properties of the Megnesia in geeeial use, in u much more conreuient form For ><le by A. 15. SANDS it < «>. inli7 t.tis 27:i Brpadw iy, cor. C h im*' nr m Gi mite BuiIiIdk. OLvOt;s\i wat!.;\ received a fresh V> inpply of the true German Cologne (F: Mufla Farina) of a most delicious fragrance, Also, < otogne Water of out own manufacture, rer) fine, inquarts, pints; ind half pints . For sale by A. M S a M>S k (). Droif*,-i ;fs ii Chemists, mh76tis '-'T» Broadway cor. Chambei .:. (OrantM Building.) BURMUDA ARROW4100T-Just received a , freshsupplyof Bermuda Arrow Root of ä 4iii«rior quali¬ ty: for sale whoh-aa|« or retail by A. U. SANUSSti (). Wholesale ind Retail DrUggisU, 273-Broadw ay, cor. Cham- b-is st. (Granite Buildup.) inhV fJtlS HARLEM OIL {.-Genuine imported 'ru<- lem Oil, lor tale wholesale and retail, by A. 1). SANDS b CO.,'wholesale and ret-sil Druggists and ApQltiecatuH, «tj Broadway, cor. Chambers -t. ((Jranit.- liuil<lin< ) ruh" 6tis M" ILLLM ERY AND SILK GOOl 5 - Ve7v> CheHp for ( ash..The snb<cnber would inform th>» pul>- licthat he has removed from 9) to 91 Bearer i!ie,.r, wheretaa has on ham! I be bürgest and best selected assortment ol MiL« XERY GOODS ofererrdesirable »tyle in the mark«t, many of which cannot be found eisen here. He has been constautly in the mirket since the lit i t Jinui'V, purchasing ÜAR- CiAIN'S borb a: and ion and of the impoi'ei* whenevei m opportunity offers His assortment pf Rai SiTks and Ribbons) is uot equal led-by any other establishment mihi.« m>,. Il<» has also a targe assortment of moat other dr scription* of Si lli Good«,all oi which are choice Good*, THE KIND THAT SELLS-; ind aa heselli for CASH, every body knows that BARGAINS only will induce people to buy foi " « ASR He therefore respectfully invites Merchants tud Milliner* to ;.i call ind«amiin: his asuoitinent before purchasing e|-:iJ. Where; and it the v do not riml good* nl the RIGHT prices, and such goods too as they LIKE, they will be different fiom all others. mhftlmu L. M. STEVEN*. WAR K- A NTJ21) STEEL PENS .C. C. Wright St Co,'s,Premium Burnished Point Metallic IVus, pat op in the'best *iyreon Card* and in bores. Hold by the bi ~ ttoner* (jeuerally. Dealers (Upptfed on Uhrrul fet ins by J. ( BARNET Sc < 0., H>7 Broadway. i ^ourtlaodt-street, Ageuii (or the Manufactarai*. n^7=- Please observe th»t each Pen is stamped in full 1 C C. Wright it, Co. .New- York m2 f.ti i * DK Y~G<V( iÖS J IniV"(IOOl)3"-JvTIsrig ulf." Ladies can obtain btrcains In Dr\- *ioo*U at Y*\ Hudson, corner of Christopher street, black 4i blue black hi|«», very Plain D< Laines, all wool-only 2* 3d per yartf r' Moualin De Laines Is id, Is 6d,l* 9d '¦¦ "r yard; Bombazine i«6d, Co. lored Crape*2s; Cambric Hdks Isßd; Black Worsted Hose Is !kl i": paitj Ited j willed Flam.el, all wool, 2s per yard; White do Is «vi U. |*9d; I inton Flannel. 6d, Od. in4 \*-t yard; Bhawl* less than,cost. Ribbon» very cheap. Closed in the evening. The store to Ut.i^jssession ioven the |»r. of April, tn^itj If is* rtM) THE CITIZENS ÖF NEW-YORlC-ii. JL RUSSIAN EEs AN SOAP..The subscribechac joaa received by t!ie "«ar-jue Rouble fr.iui Crousl idt, nine ea^eg of tbii i.» lebrafed Soap, which lor shaving ind U.e toib-rii- i-, i,u tu rpasaed. For shaving it is a< ku«»wlei)i<pi| by those who bavo used it, to bathe mo*t soparioi article now in iim. It is now Ibree years sine»-tbn article was introduced mtij the city Of Bojton.and it Ii as b-eti sold to upward.* of 30,000 persona, m every ease with perfecl sati*faction, and is considered the pur¬ est and ebeapesti family soap that can be used F>>r n^le jiy Üie dozen or c^Ue low by SAMUEL W.CREE'.II. H*irDresser, N0.OTREMONT HOUSE, BOSTON. 22f 3t*wislm p OLD LEAP REiVlÖVA1 .^The äubscntier VT has (in consequence of beirik; undermined In "rent" by Miri.e * tfruZ/eriiarr Gold Beater,) remove.! his (Jnld Leaf Factory No. 'j2 ReaiM»treet, only three door* from his old stand, where Ue is eonfidem hia old friends will follow". Best, qua!ityUentistN}GoUfoil. J. L. WaUGH, marl lmi*< l'r«.:tical UoU\ Beate,-. No.¦,. H- m--t. CAPSULES ijv Hie euro of l'UuvK »N AliY CONsU.MPTIO.N AND SCROFULA..They ,r.- highly recornmi>ndi?d by the medic«l profession «ii<i i^etivr^lly taken with the CJ)n*Wt pf the family physician. Aoerts..Mr. Milnaa, Broadway; Mr. Meaaim, ill Broadway; M r. Cotton. 2&Zi Bl-ee.ber st. Inquire for Sconeli Pulmonary Capsules r.nd see hia signature -tud sei! are on each box of medicine. N. B. Physiciins will learn the composition <>f the r/ierh*- cine on application at any of the Agenciea. 10 ' 3mislm* JAMES LACY^ DRAPER A N D TAIL O R , 6*4 John street, near William. Continues 10 make op gentlemen*' Garments of superior workmitiship and in the most fashionable style at reduced prices. HlSStOCk Of Goo.) j corr.prl*e$a ^e(!erj( ^««or.'ineut of English and French Clothe, Cassunerea and rearing*, 10 which h*- would solicit the attention of gentlerawn befi,re por- chaüu^. Jatt received an estensive assortment of SPRUNG AND Sl/sMMEK GOODS, consisting of all the new and fashionable stvi- of Goo*l« to be loundiu the market; aJso rich Bgnrirdand pum iMtht; Vesa> ings for Silii aid Partie--!. Office C01U, u«w style, t.>r Sprtos- and Summer w.»ar. 7'khms Cash._"lha lwts r»ORN» CORNS AND TOO'VMACHK Cured \y withnnt ertractins, for sale at A. C. BITR R'S J-welWy StOte. «1 Hn^V^J^y.- Par* M eenf» ~*rU. feo |m. U~OAL! COAL f!.Helling oil in conseqnence of th*. erpiratioa of tbe lease, the bext .jnality of Peach, nrrhard below lb- market price, at fAi Wa-Jungton-streer, gg^W. ._faotmivr,« 0>^*a WATCHES!.The largest &nd mot?tspten- jfl^Sdid asscrftment of Wate lies in the ettT is to be fonod ^ÄS^rat th« sjbrcii^r's He is eontantly txrvivinx all de scraptioo* of G-»ld and Silver Witrhea, ot ttie newest »tylea, from the m-iauiictarers ia England, France and Switzerland, aad U enabled to offer a larger assortment, and at much !«*> prices at retail, lhaa any oilier house in the city. Gold Wnrche* Hi low as t20 to 825 each. Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bouxht. All Watches w»*vanted to keep good rime or tl»e mou»y retnrued. Watch**, Clocks and Jewelry repahed in the best manner, and wan luted, tower than at any other place i n die city. G. C ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jswtlry. jal istf wholes*!* and retail.» Walj-strfet, opsiair»i

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-03-08. · Dealnets at 21 Courlland-stret. ... and f...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-03-08. · Dealnets at 21 Courlland-stret. ... and f lorida. ordinary to middling 8a 84. middling rait to fair 81 a94. good fri, 04 cents;


Albert B- ^otl' vs' w^mam Sharpei.¦for Criui Con..Damages laid at $10.008.-.Fourth

*^Th? Court was dpnsely crowded. Mrs. Van Cott, as

fisV* ffAS present- A considerable portion of the forenooubefore* lhe fr.^g^xuninatioH of Mrs. Huntley, I ite

**,°tti2e she dem*d ha\ing stated to Mrs. Phebe Ann

#P^f«tO Mrs. Van Colt's brother) that she had seen

519 S act indelicately before Sharpe, in relation to hiswife,

^jll by Mrs. S. in the last trial. George W. Norris ter.ii-

?l jfflog defendant take hold of Mrs. Sharp By the firm,

tlie back room of the store. She rose from her chair,. jowsid« ths stre*tdoor, saying if she had a string

OtH t»ake hlin fa$t 10 her* Mr*" Mati,da Burrows testi-

UtotteutZ Sharpe frequently kiss Mrs. Van Cott at Wtl-barf.&c A ferryman and a grocery-store kppjor at Y7U«

j^nje'were then examined, but their testimony did not

'^PeWitt, counsel for plaintiff, theu stated that they had

jfed the arrival of a witness from Saratoga, (th~ ynuu«

^wbobofrded in the house at the time defendant did.) He

'^t&nr factof «dter,st b*ariug_on the cause.

«fd a

5113Id probably be here to-morrow mounutr, and asked leave'

"Crehim examin-d then. The Court would not promise to

The Cise for plaintiff then rested. [The black man,

v -who gave testimony on the last trial, is not to be pro-

ul 1 Mf- Edwards then made a long and eloquent open-

at opting to the Jury on the part of defence. The bill

Mil VanCott in Chancery, fo.- a divorce,he said, has. bea dismiss*1' owing to Van Cott failing to bear his wife's

0indefending the suit. Mrs Phebe Ann Smith (Wife to

«rt.Vän Cott's brother) waa theu examined,and declared that

.ygnatky had told her that she saw Mr. Van Cott act im-

Irtixrlr respecting his wife, by unfastening the neck of herETfce., before Sharpe. Witness h?s s-i u him do so before

yjjrtj: also h?ard him, on these occasions, call her opprobri-jusatn*. The case will be continued this forenoon.

SUPERIOR COURT... Before Judge Vanderpool.

The case of Madame Dc La Hayc vs. Rev.Mr.Verren was continued yesterday. He denies being the

flior. The Insurance cast of Griffiu vs. Mutual Insurance

r;0,vu also continued.

p STATES CIRCUIT COURT.Before Judge Bktts.Ihe trial of seamen belonging to the bark La Grange was

(cstinaed. They justify their conduct during the voyage bl¬urting that the provisions were bad, &c. The caBe will be

continued this forenoon.

The Grand Jury returned true bills againstGeorge Collins and Wm. Smith, seamen of the ship CharlesCarrell. for an assiuli on the mate with dangerous weapons.

Also against Lunder and Railing, for opposing0 officrr iu the executiou of his duty.

0QÖRT OFi SESSIONS. .... Beforei tlie Recorder, andAW. Scolks and Lr.y. ; Jonas B. Phillips, Esq.|Actiing

{^District Attorney.

Trial for Riot....Edward Bankman, implead-?dprith James Hacket and Alexander Dtvo*, was tried for a

riot and assault and battery on Elislu Rnckmau, of Washing-toaMarket Slip, in November last ; growing our. of a cornbi-jibon to raise the price of opening oysters. It was provedtint the party threatened the oyster openers of Mr. Ruckman,aadfrigbten-'il them from their avocation, but did no act ofriolence. The Jury found the accused not guilty.Grand Larceny..Daniel TCyan, implcaded

with Peter O'Brien w*s tried for grand larceny, in stealing a

jairof oxen worth $90, from the. enclosure of George W. Al-Inton.of 54th stieet, near the 6th Avenue on the ninht of theÖth ofJanuary last. The Jury found tlie accused not guilty.[The Grand Jury came inro Court with a number of bills,

ud again retired to their chamber,]Assault and Battery..Patrick Bradley was

tried for aaa assault and battery on his wife Mary Ann, of No.iHundton street on the 30th January last, striking her two or

three times with his fist, cutting her ou the chin with a knife,tlterputting her out of bed when she was ill, and otherwisettriotuly abusing her; he being under the iunflence ofliquorUthe time. For the defence it was deposed that the wifebest the husband with a club. feCSThe Jury found him guilty, and recommended him to the

mercy of the'Court. He was sentenced ?to the City Prisouone week, aud admonished to drink and beat his wife no


Another..John O'Shaugbnessy and EllenWillis were tried for an assault and battery on Christian Ko-nul. Not guilty.Nolle Proseuui..In the case of Matthew

Flanagan, for an assault and battery on James Shaw, a n.»<7efrouqui was entered.Forfeitures..Patrick Kearnan, Michael Mul¬

ms, William Ellison alias English, John Daly, WilliamCoon, and Godliey Fritz, indicted for assaults and battery«t<rally refusing to appear aud answer, their recognizances

I Kreforfeited.Adjourned to Friday, at' 11 o'clock

Dkafsess..Dr. McNairs Acoustic a permanent cure foi-Dealnets at 21 Courlland-stret. Also, trie Ea>t Indian I la ¦

Dye will color the Huir but njgl tlie skin. Warranted.

.Liquid Vegetable Rouge imparts a delicate blushingdajetq the complexion, immovable by perspiration, or rnb-tia? with a handkerchief.Pcudre Subtile for eradicating hair from low fbieheads, or

the stubborn beard of man, can lie seen tested,ßfanc a" Espangr. or Spanish White for the Compexion.

Ücents per box.The above ar»-to be found only at 67 Walker street, first store

froathe corn-r of Broadway.

ST* Gentlemen'** Hats.SPRING FASHION.-Anenttre new and beautiful h.riiele, now ready.

AM (DON, Fashionable Hatter,I7fImeodis Wall street, corner Nassau.

Commercial and Money Matters,

ZJ" For sales at th« Stock Exchange, see ljist Page.- Thursday P. M.

Thesales were to considerable extent lo-day, butSere was some reaction in prices. Harlem sold after theBoard at 5Ci, aud that price was offered for .5000 shares.

The Exchange market is heavy, and Sterling isW0tedat8ia 8i, with söm<? Southern bills at 8 per cent,

francs5 3It a.'i 30.A failure, reported to be for $300,000, took place

to-day. The party has been accepting largely on Cotton

.hafüand has not been pat iu funds to meet their maturity byparty drawing at the South. There is considerable mys-

fry abont the movvineut.s of the drawer.The recommendation of Cov. Bouck in Ids IWes-

«t*,and the Comptroller in his Import, that some measure

iboolj {><> adopted for the immediate redemption of the brokenSdtty-Fuud money in the hands of the people who took it iu

toodfaich, would seem to be so manifestly a simple act ofjuttieethat it is somewhat surprising that the Legislature hasHK acted ou it with more promptness. The Governor says:"The outstanding not^s of the insolvent safety fund hanks

Mtitated at $579,363, which cautiot be redeemed by coutrim-twufmm tlie solvent Banks uutil l«t'J. The distant period at

ttöhthesebilla can be redeemed, renders them, in the esti¬mation of the holder of small amounts, of little value, aud>W will be a strong inducement to.part with them for a

Mtninal sum."Itcertainly is very unjust, that the bill-holder, who h;-s

°staictd them at par, should sustain this loss. It is supposed,Sutaloan could be obtained on the credit of the Safety Fund;"tlbout nledgiug the faith of the Stale, to redeem the out-

^ding hills thus held. Such a course I should regard n%

Rstaad proper, aud 1 recommend, that the Comptroller he«ihoriwd to make a loau l«»r that purpose, on the terms mell¬

owed. In my judgment, the bom tide bill holder who holds

Jbtm at par value, is entitled to interest, and provijiou should*n»ade lo authorize its payment."The Comptroller says :he I uv of 1812 has not " secured that

>bef toiherreat m?^s of the bill-holders which was autict-(Kkd. and which is promised iu the titleof the act.viz: 1 Tofjondefor the prompt redemption of the circulating netes oft»insolvent bauks.' The failure in that prompt redemption°< the notes in the hands of the great mass of the people, whicha here promised, h <<* occasioned serious disappointment toiwnuods ofiunoCent hill holders. If means could be ob-

^«dto take tipat once the notes ofall the banks which havewiled, and at the same time pro* ide for the payment of depos-"torjirad other creditors, the measure would ue beueticiat to

t«ebanking system, and do no mjre thau justice to all thecf*oKois 01 the insolvent bauks.'"He taggests, as does tlie Governor, that a stock might be

l«a*d, bearing six percent. iutere«t, for the redemption ofthesesoa»lWl.Cn might be disposed of by the holders of the notesu about par. Justice certainly requires that something.k>«ld be speedily done for the relief of the innocent bill hold-

I A very large proportion of the notes outstanding are iuI whajidjof merchants iu the interior, or pledged with their

todttori in Peat 1 street, and in the Bauks under the head of" J"4^*11^ ^nk note.*," hy w hom they Were received at par.

»I J}* "Oker* do not hold much, as the demand at the time the"^ks commuted their coutributi»n* to the Safety Fu.nd ab-«tted nearly all in the street. A five per cent, stock :ss-:edW the credit of the State would probably be better than a sixfct cent, stock based on the Safety Fund, and as before theParity of the stock the Fund would lx full for it? redtmp-

a saving of^pue r*r cent, interest might be made w ithout

^»he Stau» The Governor fives it ."5 his opinion that"ve OiU-bolder is entitled to interest." and if for the future,'"^usl jusnce is he entitled to it from the time of the tail-

5*g 'be Bauks. The Safety Fund was established XO save

£*0}l|.holder from lo*s, and it is but a nice distinctiona«nerhe loses 20 per cent, on his notrs by selinnr at one-e to»lOStr *t (bat discount or lose two ot three years' interest by

°*l"e'n for redemptioti. The S-UVtv Fttad will evento-

calr Hood fur *5' 'h- claim* against it, aud the bill-holderskiv ^ State to lend its credit, th*t they mayeit or,ce

. ff*"1« u»e of the money locked up in these notes without^nagishsv^ of 20 to Ml [kt cent. Is uot this reasonable f

'8*lesor Heal Kstate at Auction... March 7.

* By Haüidäy 8f Jenkins..tostory brick house No. 129 Greenwich street, 191vJ«»^y3U.$6>0^oaetnOuiltthrtotory brick house No.73 Hammond

2*5*1 between Bleecker aud Fourth sts. Lot 26 by'Wlr-t. House r»by lS.boucbt iu for. 8 i«0

, By E. H. Ludlovc & Co.**t to tae Bowery, near 9th street. 24 feet front. 23 feett ,e4r' ** ft* deep ou« side7oi feet the other. . .S2.MM)»weraeot and tract of Ixnd on the Narrows, in tlie

town of Sew Utrecht. L. I. $co

ti,r^ By Wilkins Rollins.¦9M*My brick aou»e No. 3 12th street; bous« I8115*5 by 40. and ten years lease of lot 16t feet by 103;freund reat reuewable at 5 per cent valua-

m «18.\ t..,...«.$2,000w£1Ioü,tn 2id rtreet," between the *5th and 6thavenues,AlÄ?fwt. at $b725each. 3/.50

corotr of Court aud LJoiol streets, Brooklyn., f. 400

Markets... Carefully reportedf^ The Tribune

AnHf.b..The market is st.ll very dull, and St 50 for 18;3insi-ct.on is the best offer for Pots. IVarh are nominally5j0G4. Reporters are Waiting for the steam-r. We onlyheard of 20 bbls Pots and 12 bbls PeirU.COTTON..There is no material change to-day. but the

market, ifany thin-, appears to hare a better tone. The salt*to-day are about 4000 biles, nearly all for shipment. W« quoteUpland and f lorida. ordinary to middling 8a 84. middling raitto fair 81 a 94. good fri, 04 cents; New-Orleaus and Alabamaordinary to middling 8a 8i. middling fair to lair 9a 91 goodfair 10 cents.FLOU R AND MEAL.-,! he market is, as y-sterday, v-ry

dnll, and we only bear of 500 to 300 bbls a Si 94 for G-ue-eand Michi^.j and St £74 for comm-u Ohio. New-OHeai s inheld 4 87i,wilh sales 500 bbls. Fancy Western we quote 5 25 a5 75 as the «fernes. Scratched Western is in good demand at4 56i a4 62i; fine middling I 18l; middling 3 624 a 4 69; at.dshin stuff* SI 73 a S3 25. Southern scratched is$4 37» a $i 50.with sales. Southern descriptions are firm, but not very aci ire.Georgetown and Brandywine arc S5; Alexandria $5; Rimond Country S5 a S5 12i, and fancy S5 25; fancy;Alexan¬dria 5 25; Richmoud City $6. Sales smalt lot Fredericks'.-^'at about 1 874, and loo bbls Philadelphia at 4 t,9. Rye Flowiz scarce at 33 50. For Meal there is a fair demand at £2 5u a$2 «24 for Jersey, with sal-s 5C0 bbls, and S2 69 for Brand,-wine.nominal. Buckwheat is selling at $3 50 a St 25 forcommon, and S5 foj fancy; bags 32 a $2 124; half barrels S2 aS2 25. Shorts are nominally 11 a 12 cents; Ship Stuffs H cts.Bag Meal weqnote 100 a 1124 ctsGRAIN..We hear of nothing farther doing in WhMt.

There is not much Corn on market, and the demand has im¬proved. There were some buyers for tue East. We noticesiles 3000 bushels Southern Yellow at 4C Cents, weight, deliv¬ered, and C00 bushels Jersey at 48 cents, measure, for the East.In Rye and Barley nothing doing. We believe there is none onthemaiket. Oats are (juiet. Northern are retailing at 35a 36.Southern 29 a 29; cents.SEEDS.We uotice farther sales, about 75 bbls Clover at

91 a 10 cents, the bitter for good. The market appearsl.rm. .Nothing of importance doing in other descriptions.Rough Flax nominally 9 G2i a 9 75; Clover, $10 5o; TimothySM a$I5, and retydall. the season not having oi«ened.PROVISIONS..The Pork market is nominally at S7 5?:

and $9 62) but there is but little disposition to buy at theseprices, sale of 1000 bbls was made on private terms, mda lot ofM bbls Mess, inferior, at S9 50. There is still a fairdemand for Beef, and we notice sales about IftOhbls City Messat SO 25 a $»3 314; Country inspected we ij-iote S3 874 a 51 andS5 874 a SO; City 1 25 and SC 25, with oc-casiunal loti of extraCity at S4 50 a S4 C24 and SG 50 a $ü 624. Lard is steady andin good demand, with upward tendency. We no¬

tice sales 600 k-gs at $6 181; 300 do inferior at 55; 121 bbls doat G a Gfc, and 300 packages at 64c for krgs and 04c for bbls.In Butler theie is more doing. The lange is 6i a 18 cents Thegood qualities haw improved somewhat; Grease is 64 i 7, butwithout s?les. Cheese we qaote 4i a 6 c^nts, with moderateinquiry. The supply of Pickled .Meals is considerable, with¬out farther sales of importance. Hams are quoted at 5 cents;Shoulders 3a 34 cents; Western Hams, city smoked, 7 a7i;S4unilders4 a 5 cents: City Huns 8i a 9ceui<; Shoulders 5c.FRUIT.. We notice a ssle of 150 boxes Bunch Raisins at

S2, cash.TALLOW..The market is rather dull, and about 25.000

lb* V.'estern rendered have been sold at 64 a 7 cent", car.h.OIL..A sale of20,000 gallons Whale was made, for export,

a day or two since; at 35 cents. Linseed is tteady, with fairwales. S^le, 6600gallons Grade Sperm hare been made at 90c.

Sands's SaRsapariu.v..The Ancients believed that ani¬mal life existed in tnt. blood I' is at least certain that nponthe pfiurv of thol ßuid hr.dl-'li depends If the skin andthuds are in an unnatural »täte, as in Scrofnla, Leprosy,Schirrus, Swellings, aod all ulceious disrates, it is evidentthit the vessels which ramify over the surface of the bodymust-be charged with diseased blood ; and if so. the v. hoievolume of the blood, venous and aiterial, is impure. B-forea cure can be effected there must be a purification of the vitalstream. This is easy ; Sands'» SaRSAPARILLa ai tr directlyoh the blood iu the very process ofitt formation,an<j will «oonrestore the circulation to a healthy state, by eradicating theelemcuts of disease at the foun*stiii bead. Such is the *'mo-das operandi'' of this preparation, md experience, by themouths of thousands ol witnesses, adds its guarantee to thetheoretical conclusions of reason and common sense.

Pifrpaied and sold wholesale and retail by A. 15 Si D. Sands,Wholesale Druggist-;, 79 Fulto« street,Ne.w-Yorlr; Sol.I alsoat 273 Broadway, 77 East Broadway, and by Druggists gener¬ally: throughout the United State-s. Price SI per bottle.»ixbottles for S5CoMsfocK & Co.'s Extract of Sabsafarilla.For puri

fyiiiK the blood. Trice 50 cents pei bottle, oi Si per dozen, at21 Courllmd-street.Stop vour Hair from falling of* op. yod will soon

hjc Bald..We. do not say thisto alarm you, because there isno danger of it if" you use the genuine Oldridge's balm of Co¬lumbia. It will positively stop the Hair from falling off, andcause if to grow luxuriously, keeping it tVee fiorn dandruff,and iu a healthy >rate. At 21 Courtlanthst.

Connxll's Magical Pain Extractor, Horn 21Cour.laud-street, will cure any of the following complaints*oi no pay will be taken, viz:Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Piles,Eruptions, Tetter, Bruises and Sprains,Salt Rheum, Sores, Sore Ninplesund Eyes,Frosted Feet, Chaps; Erysipelas, Fever Sores.

WHAT WILL T11 E"1 \V OR L D~ T Ii;N K OF ANINTDIYIDU AL who attempts to deceive them with the falserepresentation that the only ageucyXar tlie magical Pain JCx?tractpi in Walker-street. Messrs. Comstock & Co., 21 Court-1 uid street, \ie now and al ways have beeu the only agentsJnNew-» orlr for the genuine saire, and mv coutr.ict aud powerof attorney irrevocable to them for 20 years, cm be sefu atiheirstore, HENRY DALLEV.reference..We can refer the afliicted to more than one

hundred persons who have ber-n enred lately, of awful cases ofRheumatism; Contracted Cords, Sic, by the Indian VegetableElixir and Liniment from 21 Courtl.uid-st.inflammatory RhkwmatisM..Wright's Indian Vegeta¬

ble Pills are a certain cure for Inflammatory Rheumatism,because they purge from the body those morbid humocsjwhich are the cause not only of Rhen maoism aud Uout, but ofevery pain or ache we suffer. In order to make a speedy andradical cure of Inflammatory Rheumatism, from four to eightof said Indian Vegetable Pills should be taken every twelve

hours, until every particle ol inflammation and pain is re¬

moved. This course, if properly followed up, w ill in a sboittime make a perfect cure of the most violent attack ot Rheu¬matism; at the same time, the blood and other thuds w ill Leso completely puriiied that uew life and rigOl will be given to

Iii« w hole frame. .

C/iutiou.As counterfeits nr.- ..broad, avoid all stores Ol a

doubtful character; and be particular to ask for U right s In¬dian Vegetable Pill*. , .

Offices devoted exclusively i> the sale of this medicine,wholesale and retail.No. 288 tireenw ich st. New \ ork ; No.198 TremOttt st, Boston; ami IG9 Race st, Philadelphia.

Notice koh the Ladies..Beautifying Lotion .The oldwell-known Lotion, w hich has taken Pimples. !< -dness, aud

all Eruptions fiom so many Ladies'faces, necks and hands,which once was ash uned to go in company, and aie now our

first belles. It has all been done by the u-e ol this Lotion..

Freckles w ill be removed b<, a lew tpplicattoos Ladies, one

and all. try it. You will find it at the Civet Cat, 119 i- niton-street. r___|

MARRIED:On Tuesday, March 5. by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ouderdonk,

Mr. Otis Okmsbkk to Miss Delia F. Nkwell,daughter olWilliam L. Haskuis.all of this city.On Wednesday. March 6, at the < hurch ol the Ascension,

by the Kev. Mr Richmond. Mr. Edward KeaRNV to MissJane,daughter of the late Joliu Clwdining.March7.ac45Larayett« Place, by the Rev. Mr.Abbott,

Mr. George B; CtrRTis to Miss L.M. Leach, both of SouthNatick, Mass. ...


March 6. Mr. CORNELIUS J. Sfrague to Miss Mary h.



On Tuesday night. Match 5. of scarlet f-ver, Edwin D .

son of .Matthew D. and Sarah Ann Oieene, m the 6lh yr&x 04

Th?frleuds of the family are ii.\ ited to attend the rnneralThis Mternoou. at 4 o'clock, from the house of bis giunl-father, Mathew L. Davis. No. 131 He-iry-street.Alarch5,jank L, only daughter ol Richard J. and Henrietta

Dodge, .'ged 131 months. yx . ,

Marrhö, *f consumption,Charlotte O., witeo; RobertA. Lyon.March 5. Mrs. Ann Bedford.AtPomptou Plains, N.J., March I, ofconsumption, Jacob

B At%aS?higwntfc\9ty. (Srknviu.k C. Cooper, Purser in

the U S. Navv, in Ins Hih year. _ ,

AtGlient, Columbia County, February 26th, Rebeci t,

wife of Joseph Pow er, ri his S5th war. .

At Champlain. February 21. ElJSHA Lvman. Esq..?k'e.l -1

years a native of Northampton, Mass-, bailor many >r!.rs a

.j^J$^kv**m. MMN», relict of WilliamBktdwiu late of New-Haven, ( t.. aged58 years

AtNewnoitvR- G March l. Emily Taylor, ased 2 years

audlSoXSnd March 3. Makv Oyfring. m hei-?th year,danehters of Lieut. Robert Heudy, of the U. S. .

AtCJreatBarriugto,,, Mass. EDWARD, son of Gen- Joku

Whiting, aged 25 veers...rTT* Sprlnsr F«slilo««..For tne accommodation

of Manufacturers abroad; th- STY LE of Gentlemen's Hats

for the eusuing Spring will be forwarded to them by mail on

application, post paid, to LEARY &. < *0.Nos. 4 and 5 Ast or House.

N. B..Gentlemen can be supplied with Hats of the new

style, at our counter.New-York. Feb. 15.1814. ^_

1 -4 M

\ry HAtH.-The Spring Fashions for 1341 are now reidy.

Our customers are inritod to call and see them at 154 Chathaui-

swett [1-27 2w.S3m


spring styTk of hats.rrr BIRD, comer Piue aud Nassau streets, has HOW wad>

for examination and sale, the Standard of OentlemensHats, for the eusuiug season.

f 26 ImMWF&S* BIRD. Tine and Nassau sts.

jrjT* Spfiiag Hats..The subscriber informs Gentlemen that he is now amply supplied with the new (Spring)Putten Hats.His prices will bv as heretofore, for Fine .Nutria, $1 25 ;

2d quality. S3 25, aud this notwithstanding an im|Hirtai,: ad¬

vance in the price of »tock.2yf istfSPENCER. 67 Chambers street.

¦ Wi.l-

fjy; O. FIsIl hss now readylhis Spring Fashion for ge«*-

tlemeu's Hats, which for durability and ityle. surpasses any

thing before offered. O. Fish teceived the first Premium forNutria Hats at the late Fair iu this city, and the first at the

late Fair in Philadelphia. The public are invited to call and

inspect his Hats at his Warehouse, 137 Broadway, two doorsabove the City Hotel. ORLANDO FISH.

22f lmis_Fashionable Hatter.

rrp* Cotton Canvas, COM PRISING HEAVYs\lL DCCK. LIGHT RAVENS, for BOAT SAILS.AWNINGS, ic. Also. HEA V Y TARPAULIN S. PA¬PER FELTINGS. 32 to 72 inches wide; BAGGING, pi tra

and twilled, 12 aud 41 itch. AUo, Grain aud -Meal Baits, Ik

&ud 3 b^,goj^öFQX k poLHEMUS,fl5 6mis. 69 PlBC $trwu



h,«. TARr ft'* » tn I The Moo*. I Full Ska.Rises, .i, 25 I *ers..S Ml .... ... ...H I | Morning( , .


.;.February 3 I Havre .February :Ln"rr"',)I.February l j New-Orleans.... February i6

clk\redShips Emerald, Hnu-, Ham, Wm Whitlock, J.¦; H-rmit-

Son' Ioblle' H"urV> S-Uer- New-Orleans, Ladd ü

Bries Juno, (Br) Glbbs, Sr Johns, NF. H L Ronth; Fal¬con. J itt, B-imoda. Tucker & Lightbourne; St Simon. Sto-

*>l-Mary'*, Nesroith «c Walsh; Samson, Sawyer PortLeon. ED Huribut& Co; Macon, Lewis. Savannah, Dun¬ham u. Dimr.n.Sehr Bergen. CaV, Petersburg, J Hunter.

arrived,Bark Rio Guzd\Const" s. 2: <i,vs from New-Orleans,pork

aud flour, to Nesmith StiWaUh. Feb IS. ht 23 2a, biu ei 55,fxcrtan?edaignals with brig Knvoy, Rayn-s. from New Or-Wcs torNrW-r or!:; 1'jth, lat 23 S. ion*- 8145. saw shit. StC'oud, irom New-Orleans for New-York.Brr£Antares, H, I l~t t, 3 days frum Philadelphia, coal, to

Mart St V anderhurg. The brig Yucatan, Baker, 33 dais fromrernambneo, put into the ßrrakwat-r fur Philadelphia, withless ol bnlwsrk? and other daravge. March 7, off BarneEar,parted romp-any with brie Robert, Wall, from Philadelphiator Boston.Brig Georsi?ua, McLellan. 2ö days from New Orleans su¬

gar and molasses, to Nesmith !». Walsh:Swedish brig < larlotle, Stransiot«, 55 day; from Mir-eilles

mdze, to.G Mitchell.Danish bru- Aj-ollo, Brorherson, 72 days from Rio (Jraode,

<Jä)(i nid« and JOOfl horns, to John Di.oley. Left brii; Mer¬maid, of salem. to sail about the )-,t cf Jan; Cohaosey, of N1 <>rk, discharging.Prussian rinzesnz Prieszuitz. Schroder, 78days from New-

c'l:!''.- f':,,'r' 2-'> r°n* Coal, to order.Ba-k Cailao, Hvnes. of Pitrson. from Nesv-Oi leans, Feb 10,

pork. Sic, to J O Ward.Austrian brig Airou*,7'i days from Trieste, fruit, to Faber

St Bierworth.Sicilian bug Carlatta, Lagana, 55 days from Palermo, frnit,

to Fircli St Co.Bng Leonora, Collins. 13 days from Savannah, cottou, to J

OgdeiiSehr Georire Pollock, Cascy, from North Carolina, naval

s!Or>-s.Sehr Rubicon, Towle, Virsiuia.

-SchrDespatch, Coarson, from Philadelphia, coal, bound to>*w-Hhv-h.Sehr Libeity, Towosend, from Philadelphia, coal.Sehr James C Ha'ti-ld. horn Philadelphia, coal.Sehr Samuel Ingraham, Otis, from Newbern N C n^


SAILED.Slnp ( -allow, f(,r Liverpool.


^MENTS..-In order to accommodatethe pnblie generally, and the residents of Yorkville, Harlem,and Westchester Co. particularly, the Company will runthf-ir Cars, on and after March Nr, 1844, in the followingorder:Leave City Hall fur Leave Harlem for Leave Williamsb'geHarlemitW "bridge, i ity Hall. for Cirv Hall.

6 mi A. M. 7 to A. M. 7 20 A. M.7 00 3 10 8 20

0 10 50 10 3011 301 20 P. M. 1 00 P. M.

2 00 P. M. 3 403 203 Oil .} 10 I 204 no 5 4U 5 205 30 7 20 7 00

On Sunday if die weather is fine the train 4 a rs will run

ever;- hoar.The City Hall and 27th Str»-> t Lin-- H ill run as follows:.

Fiom 7 A M. ev-ry 10 minutes rhioughout the day (ill 7 30P. M.The extra night line will run as follow*:Leave City Hall for 27th street, 8. S 30, 9. 9 30. 1ö. 10 30,

11, 11 30 and 12. Leave27th street for City Hall, 7 30. 8, 8 30 .

9, ft 30, 10. In 30. II and II 30Persons wishing to commute, nill hud it to their interest to

do so,as th- late ijfsuch case> will he reduced. Please applya t

their office, No. i Trvon Row, corner of ('entre^t, oppo-* it- th« Park. (f28 2w*>_YV. S. CARMAN, See'ry.

K7*Meetiiag of .Tourneymen Printers..AnAdjourned Meetingefthe JOURNEYMEN PRINTERSof ihe City of New York, v ill I.-held at the Shakspeare Ho¬tel, corner of William and Duane street., on SATURDAYEVENING, .March 9,1844, a: 7 nVlork.

JOHN \Y. MOULTON, Chairman.JosKin T. Crowell, S-er-tary. mhfi 2i*

rC?" Attention,"~Goort Fellows !.The Anti-Loco-Foco Association will h^ld a Special Meeting at thetisii il time and place, on Friday evening, the 8th insr As business ofmuch importance will come before the Associationpntmrual attendance is re(iuested.Come our, brothers, as our cause is a p»od and rlr.rious

one. Byorder. O.K. President.(J. F. Secretary. _

mh7 2t

DC?" l<crtnre..Wm. H. Channing will deliver on Fri¬day Evening the 8th inst; at the Society Library, a Lecture

in which the popular objections to As«ociition will be con¬

sidered and answered, and in which the n*«.essity of a SocialReform uponAssociative Principles, and its influence uponReligion, th* Family and Property will be stated and discuss¬ed. Commence at half past seveji o'clock. Tickets one shil¬ling. mhG 3t

[IfT"" Prof. Bronson s Second Lecture on

Univers«l Pnilosophy, This Evening, in thr Taberrnacle, at 71 o'clock. Subjects :.Man an Epitome of all Crea¬tion ; Assumption of the Humanit" ; Philosophy of Redemp¬tion. Adam and Eve: Fall and Restoration; Ancient andModern Astrology ; Mirscles; Explanation Of Man's Anato¬my ai found in Aimauacs; Heatkeii Mythology ; Worship ofSun and Moon; Metempsychosis, or Traismigration ofSouls ; Action and Reaction ; Circle "fall Things. SeveralSones'aud Recititious, tnd Paintings to illustrate Principles,luü Engravings give i to ill who attend these Lectur>-a. Ad¬mission 2j tents, with, or without a lady. It*

VT?' Tiie Treasurer, of the ASSOCIATION FORTHE R E LIEF OF RES PF.i TA BLK AGED INDIGE NTFEMALES' giatefnlly acbiiowledges the following sums:.

From the estate of the late Dr. Barthrup, of Kinderhook, byhis Exeentori Dr. J. P. Beekman, $500; received at the Anni-vers -ry, Nov 30Ü1, 1843, from a lady, S?0; a gentleman, $10; a

friend, through Mrs. Slormm, $10; Mrs. C. Heyer, $2; Mrs.James Price, £2; Miss M. Brasher, $2; a gentfemsu, S25; a

friend,$1; Mrs. Philip Henry, Si; a friend, $50; a friend, byMm. Lane, SI; a lady, $1; sine fie Anniversary, by Mrs. lu-nes, a friend, SK'O; frem .\'ir>. Dummer, a rase coutainingg'asswaie, consisting of lamps', tumblers, and other useful articles,through Mrs. Scott; Mr. Jam-* Lennox, $100; Mrs. D* WittClinton, $10; Mr. Samuel Walker, $5: Mr. Shaddle;a basketof ponnd-cake,giDgerbreadaud P^e« \ ear c^ke; a friend oftheInstitution, SI0; 1. H. Fail*, $50; Miss Harriet Brown. S5;Miss Wichel Brown,$5; by Mrs. Nixon. I box oftaisins, fromWisner, (?alr S; Co ; 2 dnz. poor man's plaster from Dr. Sher¬man; from Mr. K»ut. 2n Ins. of fr^sh iork; fiom Mr. McFad-dan, 30 lbs. of NeW-Yeai cake; a griudstoue from Mr. Swords;from Dr. Sherman, 1 doz. boxes of camphor lozenges, 1 do/.,do. coutrh lozenges; from Headley. Phelps & Co. I bottle ofspirits of nitre, 1 do. paregoric, 1 gallon of castor oil, 2 lbs. ofcream tartar, 2 do. of liquorice, 1 do of sunna. 1 do. ofmanna;from James S. AsptnwalL l bottle of peppermint, i do o( tinc¬ture ofrhubarb, 1 <lo. of camphor, 1 do. bfburat rhubarb, l

b«>x of arrowroot; from Mr Biunenger, 1 gallon ofbrand;; byMrs. Van Antwerp,a friend to the cause. SI; through Mrs.Vermilye, Mrs. Nath>n Jackson,$2; a friend, Sz; by Mrs.Hervey, some gentlmneu, fiieuds of the Society, S*j3; Mr.Edmund Penfold, $25: by Miss Brinckerhoff. Mr E. H.Brinckerhnff, $1; a friend. 60 ic'i. 'Cheerful Piety'; A.B.S5; E L F. S3; a feiend, S10; Miss Mary Branson,$5; c >sh,S3; a friend, $1; Mr. Ezra VVlieel?r, I box of cocoa, 1 do. ols an; hy Mrs McAnlcy, M;s. Lelü't-i, 52; 6 vols. from Mrn.Lejferts; by Mrs. Phelps. Mrs. Bram!ev,$5; by Mrs. Barle, a

friend, tliiouuh Mrs. Darid Codwisej $5, by Mrs. Fenn, Mrs.J. D. Revera. 52; a gentleman of the Ruiners-street Chnrch,S25; Mr. William P.rr-i,S3; by Mrs. Oillett. Mrs. Janus W.I)ominick.$5; by Mrs. Mowatt, from T. & A. S. Hope.5lbs.of coffee, 2 do. of tea. 1 pineapple cheese; from X S5; byMrs. Cobb, Mrs. Edmund Smith, $5; hv Miss Seymour, a

friend, $:i: Mrs. Yau Alien. S2; by Mrs. Van Rensselaer. Mr>.Samuel Ru<r*les,$5; Mrs. Le Roy, SI; by Mrs. Lane, Mr.II irvey Weed, Si; by Mrs. PUtt, Mr. F. C. Tucker, $5; Mrs.

Noyes,50cents: Mü. Marsh,$5: I cotton shaw Is Itom Mrs.Minor.Other donations ef useful aiticlra received at the Asylum

will be acknowledged in the i ext A-inual Report. It

rTT* A Card..Rev. James Milieu, A. M., residingin rlfteeuth street, near III ing place and 3d avenue, continues(o instinct private pupils in classes, French, &c. His loneexperience of 13 years', during the last o of which he haa beenHeid Classical Teacher at the establishments of Rev. Dr.Hawks, Rev. Messrs Haddart& Morris, together with hishaving obr-iued the highest University honors iu Dublinatfort a sufficient guarantee of h<s competency to dischargeany trusts reposed in him. Young ladies carefully taughtFrench Belles Lettres a-id a General course of English. Atboronsh au«l expeditious system of classical instructionadhvied to. mh7 3tis*

ff f* The Invisible Wig so closely revmblesthere^i bead of hair that sceptics and cijijoi-^'irs have pro¬nounced i: the mn3t perfect andtavtraordiuary invention ol theday. The great advantageaof.this uovel and unique W'igüits tvins \vi:t>out sewing or weavini, which causes its

ipi so closely to resemble the tiarura! hair, both iulightness and natural appeal ince, as to defy detection, its tex¬

ture being so beautiful, so porous and 30 free, that in s.11 cases

of i<eispmtiou eTa(>or^tion is Untmpede<l, and the srrjt evilsof other W ics entiiely avoided. The soptic and counyisseurare alike invited to inspect this novel and beautiful U ltf. andthe i- culiar method ol fitting the head, at the manutacturer's,A. C. BARRY. 146 Broadway, comer of Liberty-sMeet, up

item fel5 lmeodis

LABORERS-GEORGIA RAILROA L).-Those laborers who have enrolled their names at the

Irish Emigrant Society's Office. 62 Gold street, and others de¬sirous to btf employed on ihe above road. ($VZ per month andfound,) ar< requested to call this day a: the Societv s Office,to make thu ruccessarv arrai sements to proceed by the ship" Anson,"tO sail for Charleston on Monday uttt,the 11th nut.mhS It_\\7ANTEU.By a protesuuit boy of 16 a sitna-T V tion to learn a trade, or employment of any description

iu ciry or country. Please enquire at No 57 Crosby s: Sat¬

isfactory city lefereUCe ca'i he given._ uah^i It*

11/ANTED.A situation by a respectable youngVV woman. Is capabl« of doing [igh: chamberwork and

taking care of children. Good city reference given. Ap^jV38 Hammersley sr. in the rear, seco:.d house, first floor. No

objection* to learning to be a tailoress._1*TXTANTKÜ.A situation as Chambermaid ^nci\ V Waiter bv an Americon girl aged Is, who can tiire »at-

isfactory city lefereuc* for capabUity.&c. Heav inquire at

428 Broadway._rImS "WH(¦ i.E^ALu. GH < »CKR£ A youngX man from New-England and about twenty-eight y?an»0f t desires to obtain a situation in a wholesale grocerystore.' Moderate compensation for th^ first Sew montlis will

be satisfactory, as permanent employment and a thorough ac¬

quaintance with the business will be his chiefobject. GoodCitv references can be given. Address S. v. at this office.

m>i8 2t*


tJ ISO Broadway.mar7 3ns

WANTED.A complete set of Horse Equip-menu, f saddle excepted) for a Regimental Staff Offi¬

cer of the N. Y. S, Infantry. Address staff n ax this of¬fice. »06 21*

a Cheap Books for the People,"AT TRIBUNE BUILDINGS.

.60 Nassau street, ...-.t 158.NARRATIVE OF THE TEXAN SANTA


bV GEO WjXKLNS > v,,U .Price S2 5tt.




[LT All the new and Cheap Pub.Ii ca tion s can be had at the Tribune Office.


rahfl 2t:>_ Nasssn St.BOYS, DO YOf HEAR THAT:

.VOW READYPart One. Fri<:c 11 1-4 Cents.

At the New-World Office. 30 Ann-street, published from theadvance French <>./>y, received in Manuscript,

purchased ar grvat excuse for this edition.THE



H E N R Y C D E M I N G.Translator of the Mysteries of Paris.

It is needless to predict for this work an nnparalled popu¬larity and sal*. It will »vbely Hatk it. The proprietorsof the New World having, at an enormous expense, securedthe advance sheets of this great work, (which is transmittedfrom Pans in manuscript piges copied from the Oiigiual k»

fosf its publication there;) ar- therefore enabled to issue itsimultaneously in all the cities and ton 153 in the Union..The following synopsis will give the public some idea of thepbu of this Great Rornince.

THE MYSTERIES OF LONDON.Th s splendid romance has produce! an ..Tenement :n

France which was hardly transcended by the " Mysteries ofPans." The recentjournals from the French Capital are tilledwith speculations concerning :'ie authorship, and the mysterywhich bancs over it is an element of interest that is only »x-called by the startling Romance of the narrative^ Privatelutt'-rs from Paris informs us that the covel now in the course

of publication, is thejoint production of the English aristo¬cracy mJ the French titeratevra that compose the cebbratrdJocky Club of Paris. Lord Seymour, in English noblemen,who. lor several years has been the leader of the Parisian ton,i- said to furnish local facts uj ou w hich the novel is founded ;and Joles Janiu, Eutr-ue «ue, and Rogt r de Beauvour, u<=ave

them into the intensely interesting narrative which we proposeto present to the Am-i nan readers. The brotherhood ofauthorswrite under the assumed name of Sir Francis Trollope, andannex that Resignation to the fiiilletons of tin '"ounerFranc iis.

in order also to civ* the work the appearance of being writ¬ten upon thesp<»r, it i< pretended that it is a translation from

in English uorb w i:h the same title; this disguise, however,i« very transparent lo a preliminary conversation betweenthe author and the publisher; the former proposes to detail in

the eu«uinz narrative 1!! the lights and shadows, theromance,the crime, the misery, and the mystery of the world of Lou-don. He proposes to bring the two extremes of life iu jax t >-

position, lud to display with the same accuracy th- magnifi-cent i'ra* ing-rooms of Beigrave Square, and the cellars of of proud wealth and oppressed humanity. Itfall-, within his plan to display the greatness as well as theboundless depravity of London I»T-:.scenes in Parliament,Corporation banquets, lunatic asylums; the Court of the

Queen; the Mysteries of dii Thi itre, the Op»n House, theTurf, the Club*, ?nd ihr- Hells of the Metropolis, constitutethe stnnire variety of many'Colored life which he proposss topresent.He has also.a higher object: he would expose and remedy

those laws which perpetuate misery and hinder all social im¬

provement; the odious statutes regulating guardianship; theoppressive manufacturing system; political corruption, andthe unnatural financial and economical policy of England.

.'In writing inch a hook," says he, "to Heaven alone Ishould appeal for the rslief of suffering maukind; 'he dehaie.Jmaiden should he purified by reviving the holv instincts of hernature; the voice cf God 111 the soul should prompt the hiihboru Duchess to discharge the duties of benevolence; viceshould be punished by vice, and those great virtues of all i-'i s,

Faith and Hope, should be sustained byCHARiTY." Canany one doubt ths absorbing interest of n story w ith such an

outline conducted by the combined genius of the celebratedauthors whose peui ar- employed upon the present work. Thefirst uu in hers of it which appealed iu Paris, h ive fully equaledthe expectations eveitad by the title and the reputation of theauthors, and it is easy to discern from that portion which hasalready reached this country, that such 1 plan is laid and suchch uacterä introduced, a* t>> iusure oue of the most interestingand exciting Romances that has ever appeared. The plot is

certainly rei y deep and mysterious.The " Mysteries of London" will be issued in numbers

at 12i cents each.weekly.or ?s f<sr as the copy is receive,!from Paris. It w ill be printed on flue Book form,-ach number to make :!2 to 18 pages. Single Copies 121 Agents, $8 a hundred. Oniers must be accompanied withCash, nnd be addressed to

J. WINCHESTER; 10 Ann-sl


ADVICE TO WIVES,On the management of themselves during th* periods of

Pregnancy, Lahor and Suckling,By Du. Pye Henry Chavasse.

Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London.One Vol. 18 nw..Paper cover 25 cts., Cloth, 37 Jf.Extract ft am. the Author'* Preface..The diffidence and ig¬

norance if young Wifes on matters appertaining to them¬selves during period* of Pregnancy. Labor and Suckling,loudly call on medic I men to u.e their utmost exertions to

enUchtsntaem on the above subjects; and- in a mode lr?stlikely tO do violence to tllwi«- feelings.

It is not on the score of curiosity that they should be thusinstructed, but on that ofnecessity.ofsafety to themselves.With these views the following p";es have hern writtenI have avoided all technicalities!as my object has been to

write a useful boök ; containing information which everyWife may understand. D. A PPDETON It CO..

Publishers,'200 liroadway.'Pli- above work will be followed by -» omj union volume

by the »am.- author, entitled, ADVICE TO MOTHERS...n the Mauagemeut of their Offspring; during the periods ofInfancy, ChildhooJ and Youth. _;m« 2tis

No. s^.'un -street, March 1, Ulli.



his Life and Writings, as published by Mr. Jimes Nichols,By Nathan Bam,-. D.D. Beautiful Portrait. Price50 cents.

This volume embraces the facts in r. latlon to the birth,education, Conversion, doctrines, labors, and sufferings <>f

Arminias, tosether with a full and accurate yipw of his cha¬racter, the means by which he was led On, step by step, to th tt

high eminence which he occupied in the Christian communi¬

ty, and also of those doctrines by which he became distin¬guished.

ON WEDNESDAY,NO. SIX OF the DS< line AND FALL OF theROMAN EMPIRE. Ly Edward Gibbon. Eso,. withNores by the Rev. h. h. Milman. To be completed inFifteen Numbers, with Maps and Plates, at twenty-fivecents each. The whole making fonr splendid octavovolumes.

ON THURSDAY,NARRATIVE of the TEXAN santa FE ex¬PEDITION : comprising a Description of a Tour throughTexas and across the great Southern Prairies, th- Camancheand Caygua Hunting Grounds, with au Account of theSufferincs from want of food, losses from hojfile Indians,and final capture of the Texans, and theirmarchas Prisonersto the city of Mexico. With Illustrations and » Map. ByGeorge Wilkins Kendaul, Es<i. Elegantly pnuted andbound iu fancy muslin. Price SI 50.

ON FRIDAY.NO. ten OF McCULLOCH'S UNIVERSAL GAZET¬TEER : or,'GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, 'i'obe completed iu Tw^it/ Numbers, ai twenty-five «'-nts

each. Uluitratrd by seVtfu eTCeedicgly valuable ma^s en¬

graved ou Steel._

on two ok HARPER'S ILLUMINATED ANDNEW PK toRIAL he completed in *bou:

fifty numbers, ar twenty-fife cents each. For farther [a.-.i-cultrs, iee the cov<r upon the work._inb5 5c is

pOGAN'S INCOxMPARABLE PECTOrtAL\y OR BREAST SALVE is guuing a widely extendedrepntatiou. Cartitic ttes of its efficacy are pouring in upr>uthe subsctiber, and each certiricati* eanvrstly recommeiol. 11-dirs wlio may need it :o m*ke trial of iL It is indeed joxfuln*ws to the devotnl husband to know ihar. he has withi.i hisreach a healiug balm to allav at once the sgouizmg jnff-rr.issof a bejoved wife. This Salve will, withoutfail, by a tim'.i'japplication, prevent the Br-ast from v.ill imme¬diately remove agae iu the Breast, and will be fonnd ibe iat-

estand easiest way to dry up the bwir. The subacritwr ii

j^rmuted 10 refer (0 Mrs. W. B. T. Lane. 2C7 Greenwich *r

aud to Mri Tr.oinas. an exr^rieaced nurse. 131 Church street,>. Y. The Salve 1« for sab- at Ra?hton St Co 's. DO Broid-way and U Astor House; ils.. st A. S. Letchworlb's. u.>rti.-west comer of 12th and spiuce scvrLs. Philadelphia, wherecertificates can be se^ra. A number of ladies at Newark. N.Jersev, have kindly given the ssbicnber r^rroiscion to r-ferto th^m. üAVID A.COGAN.Newark, N.J._uihg M-

HEET IRON.1000 Dundies ^heet Iron, ass^>rt-<rd from Nos. 12 a2T, miDufarrured bv the New Je:>ey

L--n Co.. for sale by MURDOCK, LEAV1TT St CO.,re3 3tis_r West street.

CHARCOAL PIG- IKON:.200 tons of" Cone-wingor cold blast Pig Iron, superior for Castings, tor sale


The hitch. n'son FAMILY res^ctruD) atvcouuce theii third (md last but one) V.oeal Eate::

roent, oaMONDAY EVENING, March 11. 13U.

a: NiMo'i Saloon. Broadw v., w :i tb*ii rew production,with their most f»yonte old pieces w ill be ;uCtoduc«d whichhave be*n approved by the musical public.

PROGRAMME.BLOW 0», BLOW ON.A Pim:e\ tiler.Baker

Blow on! blow oo! we love the howiing wiaJsThat b*ar t:s oa our war.

As fearless as tr-.e wo!;* that'* prowling itpouOur uatu. hills ire we, Stc.

Quartette;THK l OT WHERE WE WERE BORN.We Stood Upon the monnraiu heischt,And viewed the valleys o'er!

The sun's last ravs with mellow iight.Illumed the distant shore.


Mnsic by W. R D'mpster.Quartette.

THE PKRS CALL.Written by S. B. Brown it Macao China, on hearing of tin

death of i si«tei -it a distance.A voice liom tl-e spirit land.A voi~e from the *i!»ut :«>mb.Entreats « ith a sw et command.

Brother,come home.Wt ARE HAPPY AND FREE.Subject from t\ «ine:.Hutchinson.


Ah. why from our ow n native home did we parr.With its mountains and valley* so dear to each heart;Ah. why did we tewe the enjoyments ol home.O'er the wid»- «raste of warers. strangers to roam!


Words by G. P. Morris, Es.;..Artangi d as, a Quartetts byHatchissomNew N .tin:. 11 SoUg.

THK DEATH OF WARREN.Written by Epes Sarcent, Esq;

When i!,e war crv of Liberty rang throruth tne I ind,To um« sprang our fathers tr.e foe to withstand.On old Bunker Hill their entrenchments they rear,When thr annv is joined by a roomt volunteer."Tempt not >!? »tuI" ened his friends; but he bade them goo ISavins, *'0! it is sweet for our country to die " [bve,

MY MOTHERS l'I.U.K.Words by »J. P. Morris.

My father, r-id this holy book,To brothers, sisters dear;

How calm wesiny poor mother's look,Who lot'd God's word to hear.

Her angel face.I see it yet.What vivid memories come!

Again that little group is metWithin the halls Ot home!


Words by Henry .).>im Sharj.Mi lody by Russell.Quartette.

THK GRAVK BONAPARTE.A : inged by Hutchinson.

Yet. tpiiit immortal, the tomb cannot bind thee.For like thine own eagle, thai <oared to the SUU,Tliouspringest from bondage; and leavest behind theeA ti inie which before thee n«mortal had won.



Containing a Familj Histon of the Sons and Dau-riu-rsofthe .'Trill- Of Jesse."llltlt, .it

TicUr-t% Fifty Cents each.To he ba.l at the usual pi ices.Hewitt's, Wm. l)uho.<e. .).

Rileyfs, Milieu's, Stnddard & Co. i hambers fcJollie, T H.Geslain, and at the door.To commence at a ijuarter before 8 o'cloi k.

BOARD IN Cr SCHOOL.livm? Iii-ntute. Tai rv-

town. N, \ .WILLIAM P LYON, A. M PrincipalSummer Sessiou commences first of May. To those whodesire to place sons at Boarding School, the advantages offer¬ed at tin? Invitation ire believed equal ifuot superior to wiy.It ln< beeu in iucc.*tful <q .at'un six \e.r*. The lnrn'i<mdelightful aud salubrious, ii convenient of access from tii-city. The Edifice is commodious aud comfortable.the pi ijgrounds ample, and discoun ctedfrom.the village. The .

eminent is efficient but mild, resembling that of a well tegu-lated Christian family; end no Day-scnolars are receij ¦'. >¦>

counteract the «alat -r. influenceoff*>r.thj training.Tb- ryatcm of instruction is designed uot merel) to

vance and perfect the pupil in the branchi; . udii d, bur to d>>velup and instruct th- judgment. 10 enlighten rh" linderst ind-ing, 10 fonu the habits, and to give a moral and useful direilion to the inclinations

Farther particulars, includiug Catalogue of, SfudtMts,opinions of patrons, ttrnt.i, df*e will he found in the,! ircnlarf.»r this year, tober»nd ou application at the Institute, or atthe Book Stores ofBartlett md Welford, Broadway, Crow-ens, tüT Broadway; Raynors.76 Bowei..

Reference, by i>«iini>su«u, to the foliowiug distinguishedgentlemen:Washington Irving, Esq.

Daniel Webtter,apt Ale v. Still- II Mackenzie,

Hou. GhJian C. Verplanek,George Dubois. f-p.,,,,,,,,.,,,

Nathaniel 0. Holmes. Esq >T3-!>^wu.Zebe.lee i <Ook, Jr. Esq. )yv'ui. Cnllen Bryant, E?i]. IFrancis Hill, Esq.George T. Trimble, > New York City.J. It. Van RerisseJaer. M. D. Iliev. Nathan B -uts. M. D. |IIirp*r St Brothers. J pa»86weod

Oik lev: Ckoto.n \<^i nt r Work*, \March 7th, MIL S

npO LROiS POUNDE RS.Sealed proposals willJ- be received by thesubscriber until the bthday of Marchnext, at 3 P.M.. at the office ofthe Croton Aaueduct Worksfor forty (40) s« inch Stop-cocks; also fifty (iü)fire hydrantsto be delivered SS follows, VIZ :

10 stoi'-cacks ou tiw l<t Ami).15 do do lath April.r> do do 1st M ly.15 Kire Hydrantu on tlie 1st April.20 do do <lo l.jth April.13 do do do 1st May.

The material and workmanship to be of the best rh i\ icb r

and to be approved of byitlie Water Purveyor. The planthe hydrints to be sent vvi'ii rhe estimates.Any information respecting the stop-cocks and hydrants in

he obtained by enquiring at the office.In deciding upon the proi>osals,rhe Croton Aqueduct ( om>

mittle reserve the light of rejecting any proposal they dijap*prove.

Cy older of the Crotöfl Aqueduct Committee.JAM KS A. ( OK KIN.

m8 15t President Croton Aqueduct Board.

ANTHMAC1TJ2 PIG I RON.600 tons A nthra-cite Pu' Iron, for sale low to close an account by

mhjj itii MCRDOCK. LEAVITT St CO. 27 Wesl

BALI.» AND (.iKAV HKADä, AHOY.HOWOFTEN have you been humbugged with hair com¬

pounds. Well, yon are not ifraid to ink three -dnlln gs foi a

good article after herhg 10 often shavvd of $ I for trash, areyou T No! then get a three shilling bottle of Jones'Coralllair Restorative; these are its ml qualities : will force thehair to grow, stop its falling off. cure scurf and dpndriff, ludmake light red or uray hair >:row d«rk aud beautiful. Soldar the sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatldinm st.. and 3'^3Bniadway, N. Y.. and 130 Fulton st. Brooklyn mh8 2teod

TÖNE5' >PAN1SH LILY WlUTP~KÖK Mak~eJ in^ ladies'cheeltsa fine alabaster white. This is differentto common chalk.we warrant it uot to injure. Sold nt ihesutu of the American Eagle, itJ^lutham st., aud 323 Broad¬way, N. Y.; . r ij'.i Fulton st. Brooklyn. mhfl 2b od

Yoi; vi:<11;i7a s)> <<u 11;n i .k ei ..who,..meanness] yo-irs? Look at your fair young

wife, with her hri^nt, sunny, healthy faee! Look at yourown.pitted wi*h eruptions and blotches! Yer you are tooroe^ri tov;i?e Mty cents for a eak» of the grear Italiau Chemical Soap, which would entirely free you from them.and makeyour yellow ,km clear and healthy. Go at once and u-i a

cake at the aigu of the American h>gle, No 82 Chatham jt.and 323 Broadway, N. Y , or 139 Fulton street Brocklyu.mliB 2teod_

FOR SALE.A dwelling House aini T.DtinThompson street, near Broome Apply to

ANTHONY I. BLEECKER At CO.mhs I Broad at near WalLatreef,

FOR ^ALhl.A House and Lot in 7fli street,near Av«-nue D. Apply to

ANTHONY J BLEECKER&CO.mha 7 Broad .<(. uwar Wall >tre«t.

FOR SALE.An elegant House and Dor mFranklin street Apolj to

ANTHONY J. BLEECKER Sc CO.m!i87 Broad it, near Wall

TO LET.Hie three story basement HouseNo. HW Franklin Two psrlor p»er rrla^se», a Nott'sstave for the hall, -,t>d an entry Oil cloth will be let

with the hotne. Inqune ofWM II. HARISON, corner 61i hurchaud Fulton sts. or of VYM. H. ONDERDONK, No.

1 Nassau sr. mbJJ eodtfisjCol!NTH Y H Ei* I DE NOK.Wanted,a largeanil commodious dwelling house s.tuated in i healthy.part of the State, near an Episcopal Church, andof con¬

venient accei:; to the city at all seasoon of the year. Apply at10», Krauklin street, or to WM. H ONUERDONK, 7 .n^iusti^et. mha eodtf

TO LET.In 10th st between 5th and 6thavenues j to a smajl family, the upner ;> -rt and b1-» ment»ofajnodern two story honse. auo, other apartments

in the same neighborhood. In.;ui/e at N o. 8 10th st. from lü:bick. A. M. till '> ./dork. P. M. mha 3t*

OFFICES T(J LET.Tii- ba^ine-nt.nrstand fourth floors of No. ii Wall-st Inquire at

_.Comptroller's Office, No. 5 Hall of Records.mh8 P. YOUNO, Dept. Cornp'tr.

MARKET CELLARS TO LET.".To let anumber of Cellars under 'riitr*- Market. Enquire at

the Comptroller's Offic-, No. 'j Hall of Records.rah8A.A. SMITH, Compt.

give me friend-ßhip's goM - en beatn.

"JITR. WARNER'S New Class in the Art ofl»i SINGING AT SIGHT, irül^commence its term of1? Lessons on Saturday Even^n^, March 9:h, at 3 o'clo. k..New members can then be liried. It ia a cood oppor'uni-ty for hegiar.ers, whether Ladies or Geotlesaesi Mr W.'sm*?liod of teaching u formed upon the best European mod*ls, and embraces some valuable improvements not to befotiud elsewhere in this country._2tisvs-* NEW LINE OF PACKETS FOR LIVER-

J***Z POOL..Packet of the 2!st of March..Thexpleadid2bBE b^fnvdnreoaciel thiti HOTTINGCER. (iioa tonsharthen.) Capt. Ira Bursley, will sail on THURSDAY, 2!stMarch, her regular day.The shipsfoil^^tbis line beingall 1000 toi>s and npwards, per-

sons about to embark for the Old Country will not fail to see

the advaattjes to be derived from selecting this Ime'in pief^r-euce to any other, as tl.tir great capacity readers them everyway more comfortabbf and couv+nirnt than ibips of a smallerclass, and their accommodations, it is well ku«wn. ar* supe¬rior:* any others. Those wishing r.> secure l)-rths should not

to make early application on board, or toW. & J. T. TAPSCOTT.

pi their General Pa«saze Otfice. 43 Peck slip, cor. South-tThe Hottinguer will «ail from Liverpool on th- t3:h <>«' ^ »>'¦

Persons wishiuii tosend for their friends ran have trwni broughtout in this magnificent packet, or any of the recolir Insev ail¬ing on the 1st. 6th, llth, i6th. 21st and 26th ofevery monthDrafts for any drnoont, payable on demand, without dis-

connr, in all the principal towns of England, Ireland, scot-land or Waies. constantly for sale as above. _

TheROSCiUS will succeed the Hotringuer, and sail on

theKthof MaicJa. 0108

**nr**r.aar» ¦iTwminmm*mssx3BmmmBsmaa3Bttmri^

POSITIVE CHANCERY SALjE.-rQa TTTES-DAY, Match I3rh, at l2.»VI»ck, (witho tmentjunder Uneencn of A. O Miltkrd, Esq , Master, (Messrs. Ed-

winis St M»n. Solicitors ) biE. H, LUDLUW ft CO.. Auctioneers.

1 tli.:rv.MT Ion, pieces or parcels of Lac«*, ji». viz;k^.vS1 lu^,ö,'«:»'l-d Forty f:'C, F^i; wistii «J^hlvOld Post Road, (in fwt) ,t iu junction whb thr ThirdAvenue, 4£ tor oraur of Fcrtv-iifth-strv-t; No. Ä> U>9i. amilicrasuv*.

2d. Seven lots on Second Av«ne, V-tween Forty-fourth sodForcy-ntth smvis. .tad funded sontherfy by a <M>mmontaae. now open, '.-adln* to Third Av«;oe. st the corner bfKort\-n-!fv-«rre.'i. C* which i«a vaiasblefwo story and stticDwetliug-Housr, with bes-ment. covered piatXTI. *Cfrontirur; oa Secocd Av. sue; No*. *T, 28,19, 43, «2 «tarnt !*.

3d Nine lo-s oa fiHaWtreet, :ro f.,.; of hurd, 'cii etrer:d:»;C to withia lit) feet öl Second Avreue;N .;. from 31 to 39, and inc'usi»-.

tth. Ten lots oa Forty-fourth street, ti feetimcV« -Mt ofSec ud Avecne; No*. 4 to H. and inclusive.Lithographic na in may be *-er. at E H. W ARN ER*8, «7

Nasssu-stieet; at No. It Brcud-strref: at tbe Etchst,^, «od.upou tV .. remise*.Title unquestionable, deriveö from the Winthrop Estate.Sale posnive to the highest ridder.

The prepcity acu Dwelling mar b^seen attune timehv t«kic? C*i* or Stages to Forty riith-street on Third Ave-one. corset*of Pow (t atoM R>«.l. rrS 3ris*

5'. COL fON. Auctioneer"!FCOLTON Cte CO , Auction and Commission

. Merchants. No. Ill Fulton *nd "U Antr-street.. LiberalAdvances made onConsignment*, and prompt remm*m*de.

f""/3" The sale it 4tv> Pearl street, comer of Chatham, isfurther postponed to the Mth oi Marc!», at she um« tim«» *ndplace.Atpuratesahn Sspkndid Piano Forte*.



,N Co. will «eil at auction on SATURDAY. Much^h. at Hio'clock, in the anvr put of No L59 B!v» >ADWAY. the COr-Der of itraiid-sfTtiit. a luautitv of Mtiliuer) utucjhts *ud StontFi\tur<-s. with some article* ol Household Furniture, toaeth-tl with Show-Cane*. I ou:!tfrs, Driks and Sign». An iure -

tory of t)»e goods to be, * >ld may be at ihe orbce ot theauctioneer*. No. 7 Broad-4(xeet.>eai Will-street. tn7 3ti*

O .) K r. W A R ! '.. Lost ;l t".tT.~ aniFwtTile"hHdtt'S*0 ^ Silk Putsti on the t>tJi inst., gem-; fiom Is Avenuethrough6thstreet, id Avenue, a id Urn »t.. to Broadway, and,then to Brcomesr. Tl»e purse coot lined about savan dollars.The ffnder will plri«e leave the same *t Tribune C .bee. mS it

PHÄi L BOA itD ANU LODGING W A NT K l^.Bv a single g*htlera«n op town in a private ümilv. Ad-

dress B. at tins ofli - roh8U*...Bi IARD WAN rßD.ßy a Mcchaaic and »vif«,

where thev em luve the comforts ot'a horn- in < re.| -« r i-ble piiwte family or boarding bonaer-will wanronegoodroom and will famish itthem*ehes from the first of April or

May.location not above BrOome. street. Terms mnst bemoderate Good re'erencea given. Please address Mechanic»: rjusotbee, statuiy teruu ind hveation. inhll*

BOARD WANTEI).--Bva gentleman ia a pn-rate famUy.wherw but lew hoarders me taken.location

prefeired in the a»»Vi»uth W ird.will fumüh fin r.'.-m if de-sired. Address < . F. P u t. !\ Oilice. _mhs :»tis^\\ M T. JENNINGS A- CO 231 Broadway,»* (American Hotel) opposite the Park Fountain,'har«

just received a large <nd splendid assortment of Scarfs, Cra-v its. Stc. consistias t'

English Bm ithea Siik ^.'.u1'.Do Mohair c'oDo Satin Plaid and Figured doDo Corded Silk doDo Burathea Cr<v n,

Do Satin doDo Fancy do

And a lar»:» assortmeni of Italian ^ilk Cravats, all of whichwill besohl it oui usual moderate prices. mhß lmis

N w.u YORK, Km-: streai No. D, in tbe rear.

JOSIAH E.jACKSOTSi begsleaveto inform thetwo Beutlemon from Brooklyn, ihat he convmirr-d an er¬

ror in in- number, n« it i< a^ instnid ol O. a« >t i« io the paper,and if they will |ileas< call jgain or send him woH whew h-can «'t them, he will cull immediately and see them aboutit._mhR It*

SHt >\ ELS .250 dozen iron Shovi U a low pricedMticle. laruile by Ml RDOl K, LI WllT.NCi).

inliS' :rih LT We*t ,t.

,rj',ii!-, L'AJpiKS wilJ find a very extertfeivestockI- of English, French <e<l German Perfumery, containingmany new and elegant scent*, from the mo*l celebrated man-ul cturers/foi «ahtbj A. B SANDS Jt'OO.,mh7 6tis 273Broadway,cor Chambers! UraniteBuildiajr.

CASTOÄ OIL.Very superior Castor Oil, in bot¬tle* for family nse. freahiand sweet, foi i it'-, wholesale or

retail, bv A. 5. SANDS St CO., Diuggis's üid j hemists,M ) Broadway, corner Ch imb >rs street, (Granite Building.)

niliT litis

ffKT) !CASES :PRINTS..JLEK A- HICKW S1 t/v/TER offer for sale aj thi ;ii Punt Warehouse, Nov,

113 IV.iil-itreet, ?5ii ji icfa «,..» ^ comprising the most complete o»-loxtmeiti of.the newest and best itvle* of printed Calico**,including Freueh» Swiss, Turkey Bed, English ind Ameri*can, many of which luring been contracted foi before t>»^ri«e in these goodai f?t" ,1" ,>''1 at less 'li in the m inufru turer'*present prwvs.f36 lmis

R"OWLANDfS KALYDÖR.T-The genuine im-tide manufactured by Messrs. Rowland n. Son of Lou-

don, is thi; best preparatiouiu use forimproring and b«-inti».fyiug the.complexion. It era<lic4tes all cutaneous eruptionsi,ind renders the skin soft, faif atd blooming. For sal* genu¬ine by A. B. SANDS BtCO.

Dru^itrs and Ap:;rli,... ui*-.. U'o.idwav,inT i.ti; Cor. < hambers-st. (Granite Building.)

FLÜTÖ AiAtiNCSiA'-Miiitiiy'.s and Dinne-ford/i Klnul Majtiteaia, amild, safe And.elegant antiacid

ind iperiedt, pOssessing.all the properties of the Megnesia ingeeeial use, in u much more conreuient form For ><le by

A. 15. SANDS it < «>.inli7 t.tis 27:i Brpadw iy, cor. C h im*' nr m Gi mite BuiIiIdk.

OLvOt;s\i wat!.;\ received a freshV> inpply of the true German Cologne (F: Mufla Farina)ofa most delicious fragrance, Also, < otogne Water of outown manufacture, rer) fine, inquarts, pints; ind half pints .For sale by A. M S a M>S k ().

Droif*,-i ;fs ii Chemists,mh76tis '-'T» Broadway cor. Chambei .:. (OrantM Building.)

BURMUDA ARROW4100T-Just received a ,

freshsupplyof Bermuda Arrow Root ofä 4iii«rior quali¬ty: for sale whoh-aa|« or retail by A. U. SANUSSti ().Wholesale ind Retail DrUggisU, 273-Broadw ay, cor. Cham-

b-is st. (Granite Buildup.) inhV fJtlS

HARLEM OIL {.-Genuine imported 'ru<- Oil, lor tale wholesale and retail, by A. 1). SANDS

b CO.,'wholesale and ret-sil Druggists and ApQltiecatuH, «tjBroadway, cor. Chambers -t. ((Jranit.- liuil<lin< ) ruh" 6tis

M"ILLLM ERY AND SILK GOOl 5 - Ve7v>CheHp for ( ash..The snb<cnber would inform th>» pul>-

licthat he hasremoved from 9) to 91 Bearer i!ie,.r, wheretaahas on ham! Ibe bürgest and best selected assortment ol MiL«XERY GOODS ofererrdesirable »tyle in the mark«t, manyof which cannot be found eisen here. He has been constautlyin the mirket since the lit i t Jinui'V, purchasing ÜAR-CiAIN'S borb a: and ion and of the impoi'ei* whenevei m

opportunity offers His assortment pfRai SiTks and Ribbons)is uot equal led-by any other establishment mihi.« m>,. Il<»has also a targe assortment of moat other drscription* of Si lliGood«,all oi which are choice Good*, THE KIND THATSELLS-; ind aa heselli for CASH, every body knows thatBARGAINS only will induce people to buy foi " « ASRHe therefore respectfully invites Merchants tud Milliner* to;.i call ind«amiin: his asuoitinent before purchasing e|-:iJ.Where; and it the v do not riml good* nl the RIGHT prices,and such goods too as they LIKE, they will be different fiomall others. mhftlmu L. M. STEVEN*.

WAR K- A NTJ21) STEELPENS .C. C. WrightSt Co,'s,Premium Burnished Point Metallic IVus, pat

op in the'best *iyreon Card* and in bores. Hold by the bi ~

ttoner* (jeuerally.Dealers (Upptfed on Uhrrul fet ins by

J. ( BARNET Sc < 0., H>7 i ^ourtlaodt-street,

Ageuii (or the Manufactarai*.n^7=- Please observe th»t each Pen is stamped in full 1 C C.

Wright it, Co. .New- Yorkm2 f.ti i *

DK Y~G<V( iÖS J IniV"(IOOl)3"-JvTIsrig ulf."Ladies can obtain btrcains In Dr\- *ioo*U at Y*\ Hudson,

corner of Christopher street, black 4i blue black hi|«», veryPlain D< Laines, all wool-only2* 3d per yartf r' Moualin

De Laines Is id, Is 6d,l* 9d '¦¦ "r yard; Bombazine i«6d, Co.lored Crape*2s; Cambric Hdks Isßd; Black Worsted HoseIs !kl i": paitj Ited j willed Flam.el, all wool, 2s per yard;White do Is «vi U. |*9d; I inton Flannel. 6d, Od. in4 \*-t yard;Bhawl* less than,cost. Ribbon» very cheap. Closed in theevening. The store to Ut.i^jssession ioven the |»r. of April,

tn^itj If is*

rtM) THE CITIZENS ÖF NEW-YORlC-ii.JL RUSSIAN EEsAN SOAP..The subscribechac joaareceived by t!ie "«ar-jue Rouble fr.iui Crousl idt, nine ea^eg oftbii i.» lebrafed Soap, which lor shaving ind U.e toib-rii- i-, i,u

tu rpasaed. For shaving it is a< ku«»wlei)i<pi| by those who bavoused it, to bathe mo*t soparioi article now in iim. It is nowIbree years sine»-tbn article was introduced mtij the city OfBojton.and it Ii as b-eti sold to upward.* of 30,000 persona, mevery ease with perfecl sati*faction, and is considered thepur¬est and ebeapesti family soap that can be used F>>r n^le jiyÜie dozen or c^Ue low by SAMUEL W.CREE'.II.H*irDresser, N0.OTREMONT HOUSE, BOSTON.22f 3t*wislm

pOLD LEAP REiVlÖVA1.^The äubscntierVT has (in consequence of beirik; undermined In "rent" byMiri.e

* tfruZ/eriiarr Gold Beater,) remove.! his (Jnld LeafFactory t« No. 'j2 ReaiM»treet, only three door* from his oldstand, where Ue is eonfidem hia old friends will follow". Best,qua!ityUentistN}GoUfoil. J. L. WaUGH,marl lmi*< l'r«.:tical UoU\ Beate,-. No.¦,. H- m--t.

CAPSULES ijv Hie euro of l'UuvK »N AliYCONsU.MPTIO.N AND SCROFULA..They ,r.-

highly recornmi>ndi?d by the medic«l profession «ii<i i^etivr^llytaken with the CJ)n*Wt pf the family physician.

Aoerts..Mr. Milnaa, UÖ Broadway;Mr. Meaaim, ill Broadway;M r. Cotton. 2&Zi Bl-ee.ber st.

Inquire for Sconeli Pulmonary Capsules r.nd see hiasignature -tud sei! are on each box of medicine.N. B. Physiciins will learn the composition <>f the r/ierh*-

cine on application at any of the Agenciea. 10 ' 3mislm*


6*4 John street, near William.Continues 10 make op gentlemen*' Garments of superior

workmitiship and in the most fashionable style at reducedprices. HlSStOCk Of Goo.) j corr.prl*e$a ^e(!erj( ^««or.'ineut ofEnglish and French Clothe, Cassunerea and rearing*, 10which h*- would solicit the attention of gentlerawn befi,re por-chaüu^. Jatt received an estensive assortment of

SPRUNG AND Sl/sMMEK GOODS,consisting of all the new and fashionable stvi- of Goo*l« to beloundiu the market; aJso rich Bgnrirdand pum iMtht; Vesa>ings for Silii aid Partie--!. Office C01U, u«w style, t.>r Sprtos-and Summer w.»ar. 7'khms Cash._"lha lwts

r»ORN» CORNS AND TOO'VMACHK Cured\y withnnt ertractins, for sale at A. C. BITR R'S J-welWyStOte. «1 Hn^V^J^y.- Par* M eenf» ~*rU. feo |m.

U~OAL! COAL f!.Helling oil in conseqnence ofth*. erpiratioa of tbe lease, the bext .jnality of Peach,

nrrhard below lb- market price, at fAi Wa-Jungton-streer,gg^W. ._faotmivr,«0>^*a WATCHES!.The largest &nd mot?tspten-jfl^Sdid asscrftment of Wate lies in the ettT is to be fonod^ÄS^rat th« sjbrcii^r's He is eontantly txrvivinx all descraptioo* of G-»ld and Silver Witrhea, ot ttie newest »tylea,from the m-iauiictarers ia England, France and Switzerland,aad U enabled to offer a larger assortment, and at much !«*>prices at retail, lhaa any oilier house in the city. GoldWnrche* Hi low as t20 to 825 each. Watches and Jewelryexchanged or bouxht. All Watches w»*vanted to keep goodrime or tl»e mou»y retnrued. Watch**, Clocks and Jewelryrepahed in the best manner, and wan luted, tower than at anyother place i n die city.

G. C ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jswtlry.jal istf wholes*!* and retail.» Walj-strfet, opsiair»i