chroniclingamerica.loc.govNEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XII.NO. 3,404.- NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 13,...

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XII.NO. 3,404.- NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1852. PRICE TWO CENTS. ^f.yQRK^ TRIBÜNE. mW.VUKh'*UA1 isV TBIBDNB ^VvTgy morning (Svudat ¦xccptkd,) »»^J*V öa£elkt a. McEUUTH, telLDI !.<-». cor»«» or fp»»ce aho »a* . ' U+*1* OTTOMT* tub CITY _j u, Ort! «abecnbera for i 'A4 Oente per week; .refer, they «n pay 10 edTenee it the Dm* ^#"5',, ,,ea' »I mr tau* rate Siegle oopt««, Rra*"" Sobecnbere. Pipp Dollare p»r umian, in f*e "g^crp'»« takm fur »1» montht For thr»o t""* _ g^besrrp'i«'* ^ - . r: Huw Dolla.t in advance required 111 all eg- k c..ntrT Newtpapere Duly Fepere rec-ivrt 5rft£l»ena? termi mi* higher than Chow of r*« TVt*. allowed aay *fl-r"no» MK *i fw-vok k, VERY LARGE PAPER KUR TUB CuLTNTRT, flj be charged ^ «".euta per lino each lowirtion THE MM1-WKKKI.Y TRIBUNE ." >"T TV»»D*» and Kbjoat morning. Price $J Tm" °T'fi,r T,>n for Advertl*» J^^ijjgl» a line lor «ach intertinn n^^^ .a fliJK NfcVV-VOKH THUM NE tOt IVMMIN CiacX'latio» ajiablbkea1 an Ihr d-parture of each Mail Steamer for file _JJgJ pne* <4 writ* a copy, or #3 per yeai, to any part of ajeel Ifftaia. or $4 to the Continent. pottage included. THKNKW.VOHH IKIIII \K ¦at c*Liro*niA, nnM and thk üanowichIsland«, hteW'thoo en thr departure of »v !i .Mail Steamer tor.Cha- aaa Pnee *>» cant* per copy ^ 0REELET * McELRATH, Pubimhere Politicifl Notices. gar «eveiuo Wifie-fiiMil to the direction of tha Raw 1 ommiitee, the Democratic Win* Kie to. of eWvllth U erd tri berail DOtfA .! thai an tdua will ». Lag or 'I 111 'KSf» A V, lb* iiith day of Mat. mala«!. At their Eeaaaftefa, ram i of M»'ji*«i «nd Eu»e)>r eta, nrtfce pur- Kofootmg by ballot, »ia l> leteteete the ritrh l»i-rnct Jl^r..' C01.vr1.r1. 11 tu S.-ltct * l»el«-)t<ite to the w'hi« HManal Convn.ti'Jli 1 be poll nil) be open fnirn fitod '¦VV 1 m iheeleOtioo to be conducted by limpc tori * .,a 'tue W »'t < 011 tuirtei By omer ot Hie Ward y \ " JAMES ¥ VI Ef B( IRN, Ci.siniian. T^RMctiin«r.Secr«ary._ av IVi ifcr H'fc«*T»«f ..'«" Sfvrnlli Wiirrl.-The 1 r Ti »"'""" ^ '"r viir «uppjrt «1 the ,;;,." /flrclion. bei« THIS M'lRNINU, fr m ti to i) I; .< k At lb> oorau/' ol B..t«er» nr,.i MadiAM^ia. The eWctioa 11 ¦» 1 Wl '"»«re your le-ing '...pre tented In tbt RtHoaal W ('.invention by a Delrnte. «bo tROt M »uit»'|. 11 with the W'nig R-i>re-eiitatire« frrm i-e'ii ni cf 'I" ITnlan, will unite with lh«m in Llrrlii r fcl < ur «ttr«»'<i beiuer, 'h»- tnan who will mi* eertaiiily pf<*rv« *. "f u,r 'r*'8t Nf*lootJ Whig «irrt tidtb*reb» promate ilf triumph of tboae principln lTl<*ii/ awi en bwifully dotend ri lot by 0111 00mmoo party. ».,,,).,. i. Btppet'ediu r*« Vnbuur of yeatcr- r>, ., .. , . f r youriupport. Mimt of the T*tTp» Whitj ol the Ward v»:ll reo>Kiiize in 1i10 mm Brnniiii" ' nwnet "p" ticket Rentlcmen who refuted t»MMOrt tre iioinliiAtioiit ol the l«»t National Co iventl'm, wb. oriAtedthe rlac'iun ol our pr-» rit Whig Itepreaenfa- tiri- m Ciiriiee*, and who now uribliiHhinelv declare th.-ir Bxed c' teraitnt'loD M punue the name coiirae in relation to v ., ., jtbt HMiaj Kart «I Coavevtkaai Bkovld tb. ».»en.i led wndomcl'tfie great Whig jiarty not onite in grlertDg thttr JutottU./f tht >\» t brtn./, who, bv the way, am the otyct tf tb#ir dinomtinrini oppomtion in the ia«t Prertcentul Kliefinn! Thett facta ar«« pretented wulnmt ru ¦ -nt ta the ktclli|racc of tlie Wlngt of the VUth ^'JnafMrtr f'f* Cfnymtional ftittrirl Contention. i\ alter I'nderhill, Jarnra Hajfctj, Vdi. T. FhckBay, John .I Levy, 1 benitiCa'hnra, Altrtd I Kaylor. IT Tenth Wiinl.-THf VH»V PHE CDMSTI- Ti [ION! TBE HOW I'Ki >.»iIsH .For PraaMeni, Ml lard pRb Lie. af New-N ork. w IKr »«.iiamifMMt 1. «<» teafereare ia, \h*x M.llarJ Fi'imor** baa ad .aaaaaMd u> Saafauaa Ounmm ,1 mMt »igaal iaei n aad aaia- 9. H^bw been freai. aaa Ibai »"". Niiliiul, a'.DeM nad »i.a»eir» fcna» "-H'iry Clar. a.or Maya pi 10 liicfrict Convention. lairet Or'fTitht, Jnbi T Bi-atrd. Horaria Read, 11 Clay Laniat, Capt Ja- «.!¦ RaVM) Ihnhove Ticket la fa voralle to the nninidation of N. G. |fii*, f iq , ta the ib-lega e in Baltimore. fy- R< meu r he day and hoar tod v.itr early. rw "ten it N 7'J Lndli'Wut froai ti to H o'clock on II" I'M'AY MuR.MNU. May IS, IV Konrtrcnlh Werd).. Pnpoiaiit to the call of the RAM 9aaatal t aatuDittN i!ie \\ Imk Klecton of the XlVtn Raid will mrpi hi tb~ tti.m.lwav ilMitae on 1 lll'K.SD \ V aau, Uili May kmL ti. in r> tsftnAelacI A. M aa aaael Oae- rfain 10 ine»t the Caticraaainrial lieleiiafea in Coaiaaatka) in alfrt. 11 Di bajatt in UM \\ luv Williall tnnvenfHiri at Biü- tamt'e. in im »- mH tn ii niiii ate 1 Pri-au cut and a Vica- Pren«i>uf of the I'l iini Btatfa. Ht WCIS HEGEA Chaimiaii. BtMj. W. Kiounn». Secretary Ur "»< \. 11K 1 mil \V »ril..The Dein.» ratic V\';,u Hctoiaofthe Wllihe U'ard tre h- Mhy notified that an NKlioM aril] aa beJd at toe Haan ( lav Hnu»«. corner of Atrii.- A tint I»' at on THCTRSOAT. the 11th day of May em hat«« i. the hoan «f I anJ JA M for th-» Mrp >t«. of linin g r,\r Ibh^ti't to ihn Vlth ObinruaaiuMal Dintiict ('. i,»r, Own, wbk.h ( niivei.timi will .-I,ii..,m tt Del-^at« tii the lahiatufl Ciiitenii. n. i.. Diitiiina'i' \\ ing ('andidalrt for ' ana Vu-e-preaiileut of he I'mied Stah a, 00 the Kitk nt June next. K< ord»r : V UW AK1> PHI MI'S, riiuirman Ward Com. H f MiLta ) . CoaN.L.u» Mino«, ? s'aretailea fV FlarhlCflllh Wiirrl.-The |)ein»rra»lc W>)ig BratMi'fghackjfiaaaatR Werl are ravaaatad t laaaaaihaa at tlie ft/l Hoiae flih tv oo-, SfJd-at on T I' RSOA Y nnxt. Ip n ti'p'i A' »t,lii« lei-t bve llelegatet M-n-et 11 i \eiitioB to telect I lebgale to repreieot the \llllh CcrceatfVietl »Min t. n Uta National C a**Dtiua at Hahi- ewie.on the 16th of Jui. lajajlt Kv ordrr nt 'he WaidCnin- aiittee. KDWAJtO B. BURU, Chairman. Wa.J.Dtv»; { Hcietanea. rr NWu-enll. Wont. I lüMOCRATIC wh1ö Fl ECTORS nt Iba M\tli Ward, aie requested to neat at -haaa/MMaT.neVlSth-rt, on THURSDAY M <R\- IMi. Mat g dm , t| r arnt«e ofelei tu.« Bw PalafHaj tu the Vllltb ('<»gnMii.nal Diatricl Coovaatloa (to flmne a Delfgate p. the Baltimore C mm ntum ) Niid Dea> ¦tti m nieet at the Index aa SATUBDAT BVBMIWO, l| bi t f M. Folk laretnaja opaa ftwn6 la9o'clock A.M. Bturdei of Iii« War.i Committee, JAMER ttovv LEY. Chaitiuan. William Secretarv, protein. ÖMiii'.l Notices. W AriiU4<niiililinK Xiniivcr-iirv. -The main] awiier»a y of ibe ASSOCIATIGN "oll PHg SUPPRER- MOS Op* GAiMBMNti will he held In Hi .>anway Taier »Ar)e.o» lfHlL»A\ EVENING >!av u. c miin.iicin(t at 74 ftknk The pnhii.' are taritad taattaad Addi-^i«. a will WaVlUfreo hv k11 Kl "I UM 11.\HK el Rott n Raa »'M.ri\ a| Ptearaa N Raa D.N.MERRIIT .ilaaimkrt, K I, ant-if wrll enough.ITm ('.ALKH I o.s tl Lyaaidali Pfaa Baaralarj wm rea»l an aottract ai_tha Ani.iiai Heprrr Orricior Tue Nrw-YoaK SraTl ftaMaUN Co, No A Wall-at. Mav V MM ,rr^p^(.inl Nrti. < . la taj '.: ; of the Sto.ll Idftaof the New-York tale Telegraph Co. arill ha ,; Mu"Md Hotel ia tun oit* 011 the ii>th bet, at J ot,**»";¦._J AIcKINNEV. Secretary. iv tmcriean laatllnir Ai.imimI Kli-. iion tor --.m. Maia»rr» a, »,|] lie k«M I H IS DAY (Th'irt- 55 ": '^n>»»al tee liiatitui-. No. k&l Btriadway. The rvtaaiUoMi. atdaadrliMe tt 7 o'cleck p. m. By «der 01 the 1 ivateea: _ BBNtV MKIGS, Ree. Soc. ataKitAMlc'l iMTinrtf Rooms,! rsri,. ^ New-Yoik. M.iv. IA 18.-.:. S «¦ r««alar aneatiua al ike Mechnaea* .^..aata^emiti tin I'reaidenl ia the « hair, toe .'ivlaied^''Uiurt,' "l"'"« bJ Aluennaii Elijah ¥'. furdy, I- o *i''« *TVf !*»'".».. ». a lnaritute a^e due and art k»3±r2Ü*£i?4!y9i***mtl Prol laV J«4u H i rS*** Ooramat Hoo. Chaa. H nelavaa, in to ft «L^5"^E**' u " M Üatxleraoa. KeL, Lo- R h^fl T\S V' '' HeN r Ilia,.,, ¥\n. ,.d J. «weaitäkS'i. L * Trr^ ..teeee mir and in*tru.-tive Leo- jaala^^A^>am7u.bare et MMeeha» laj (t """"I covrte aeaiBAij clo.ed at Citntoo «. rtrettei to baveacopyof T>* .< i Ii*"i v*" P«W>ahrd in the eie Y.rk H*rZi<L .Mttt.t " m -\« Dem . 11. Eariart f..m taa jy- T f°BR M. D. KEATING, ateretary, »ajikkTefeaataaStl^ aoaaiivd. by Uar*<y. rWj^SE .«h ¦*.»».«¦ '«.. S.,.. .[Ire.,.,,, Ikl ¦ SfNiTjJ .1". HAVRE'S PATEN r S ION K.-. ¦Uliteh .!," t ,i 1, r ' 1 '.'wclaaivaaa»af etti, »cWd "/ "",!*..'.«. (t. [tneirbei I. 1.;») It ¦) oiker i, a.'lie " '."'.! ttacapa» .y » immipayned ¦aA'Aaal IkU* *" " i.n baild. " ..<. . !",,. w .lonti-ihe "¦ta -a.,, "«m; liooaud ia a ii \ ot n.u.h fcarl.C ?, "' " «"" " «*h l,.g ., w . a, .to t**^l»nieti,, ' 'k'T "" ' a)fcrejKTand ti. .»'«.»!» Knur tr.nn i|,e Paiem.Hi L-d« "»A»a»ri rairttr laat in alnw a' p.eaaure. ^aaaafai*r^f? *'r *'M,l,ed i<> the i<<tchine. th* atone J"* «« tun. .,' '.' " "-.- -ami **;««aatr, '" '* .. '....» r.- .Hired »0 * <*"^mV»ktk[j'^r,'\ '«¦>... in . i..n"l .her''iaal **' *aa»»r, i, *" "" ''' ""1 * polvtng 11 n 5**»»»»i»>t.., - 1 wal betrike » «n ;!..». per *,«^» aatanatrj ha| ( .,e ia the Waat Iwj alajfoa']'..*''*"'>«.' ta to tor* a Joint Stock C.mb ""*«taH*!e V ' Ma, that aha aat iaaa naea *«;t aj .> '"' -i' ' >;'. ataaa at aat* raqaaredj "/^ate».\. U; .''*' «'eri.ig ....-r Menage 10 a 1 ta»taj^*y*J>CTl'"¦: a aumreea. a-- invited call at *aktlt^t» '. j"'"'v uit"»nii»ti< n will be given ..WeaJi!'' "ijaa'-tgHte for thetnaelvea and where a ".aaekv w.Jaj r :l '* will take the t tuhie to go MaatlJ. «'.". No W Ha. k tt they rai tee t fuU- * ^t^eBlelT'.k^,'nl,' " "' r " "' U A M *"d 2 to 5 >*nn«»n »'.," . '** ' ' '. l * Üriiwa atagrt will land «»keXr,.!. v w»ik ol the aaaihiaa, wrie.e ***a4?^T !rt 10 "'.cl' t- rr. 01 de. e to in- 9*aaanM, tr.JW*' ^"^ ¦" e to call ai.d aaaaatoa 11a *«trtt» a. ' '"VJhar particaU* apply at the office of -he a. .V j.' -* 1 - l .¦..«;). Nu o.' \\ ii.iaiu-e:., ^Waitair^'.L*'0^ 9t< w «»»«V fo<a of groui^l oo thie ; f*»Jtheild ; 11. .u.oi.UieNu.--li.» EaatRivar. '*»c!'|'('" J . Hhiih-v, Alton ey «t Uw Millord, * '-o bit ean- »"' .-a pruaaptl] tu all ouaiiieat m- av»'t»cr« 1^'- liun* frn""*w*-Ho[>- WUhtm Jetmp, Mont- IV Nolle«-.. P»j»eti«ei* per ..e*>D»htp BALTIC, for I.. «< r »<.(¦'. «. 11 pl««»e he on tm*r<1 at the Mtf »'ir"il «V. RATtTBDAY, May l5»h. at II A M, MBÜDf] previcjatly, «"Ii 'uiiuoku i ot.wauttd on the pimage, m*rk*d "be¬ low," witb ÜM number et their bertha r (»WARD K COLLINS it CO. W Nonce l* raMtriiKtrn I ram I'hummim (. CtUlfvrnlM.-Th« PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM- P AN V feel c*li-n upon k> five public otitra that oo ticket* ».u bo recognized by their aitent at* which trt not .Urned by an otficei of thin Company, and thai racket* (hue dftaed cod be ubtolueo only at their Agency, No. ITT \V*«t- t* cf C. L. BARTLETT, Eiki B^u* »rof««ti ARM- rf RON';. HARRIS 4 CO.. Sew-OrU.ari*.-New.VorlL Ja». M. 1862 By order. wM. H DAV|DOE. Secretary. RB*" KrmovHl.-J W HOLBERTON, Importer of fAM Y OOODS, TOYS, fcc, ha» removed fron) No. 1f> to No. 43 Maiden-lane, arid invite* ti e attention of hit «.i»t. ir f and buyer* generally to an exten«i*e awxirtiaent of German, Freien ai.d Eualiah Toy* and Kaucj Oooda, oow jpeniDf for the fpnn* trade. Al*o TIN and IRON TOYS, In $reat variety, of hi* own manufacture. All the new »ty lea y( INDIA RUB BEB TOYS, 'o pmall or large quar;tinea. at manufacturer*' price*. The agency for the aale of EDGED PK KM I I'M FIREWORKS If. held »olely by J. W. Ho'Wtnn EIRE ( RACKERS ar d C»HINA ROCKETS, (»f hi* own importation. I Torpedoea and other »mall Eiro- wiwka cenatantlv oo hand. IV Ciuiroii < rn|.f ShrtuN-l!" »..«»....ieVred *nh tjM n<o»t tlal>orate rjeeriiewerk, at %ix and fc>A: at I* IM" rn. »t r< »<b tV« ription», ranging tntm »»'»to Pit*). . Mognificent plaia qnaltty do., at $io, # 12, $l<, agd fib. Aii immense con«i*r.ment ha* Ijfrn received this weel, and tow on tale ai 30 per rent Inwe- than the urual price*, at lit- Paria Shawl and Alantilia Emporium. No. 561 (lato &'>l) BtOOd way. HT I'nriw ^Innlilnd.!.«irpnt Importation ! !. W .. be read, for inspection THIS I) \Y, at tne Emporium. No.Mi Bmisway, (late No. 351.) fifteen hundred Pan* ma<le Manilla*, rtinwi per last »tränier, ui d comprising many of tl mi.tit si d most ml) novel desisii*. The whole will be w ld at the »arm moderate ptic<*th*t have gained for thia atoie ao l OMalal a leinitat.' m DEO. tl i.pi.n. No 561 (late No. ssi) Broadway. IV The ( it n - Mn (..¦' - ' I niitti. established In Bric*t port. < < nil., are now prepared to aupply uu-rchanti ii (t w boledale uealera in all the mulri'a'u ua brand* apper- Utinii t to thr t rnr/.e ot Cl/tar mamitai tu. tng. Th-v have at pr--»» of on 1 and. and intend to cmrlnne the mauutacturn of, ('i|i(ii» of tr e molt choice and a oiimttc flavor*; their atock r»-'ii|t all »elected iiiiri< r ihr imm-diate auperruion of the Direct* who uork at the table In commin wiih the re*t o( hf i DBpany, which ron«!>t* of twelve practical .Icmrney- in» ri ( !k*.!-M kwrn. « ho have become pertonally convinced that they have »oik'ri lotg enough for the benefit of Capt- al. and ntebd tniuf it tor thenitelv»-*; and, appcalwif to a |CfkOrOV4 pnMir tor a (hare of patronage, they promise to .upply an pood aii article ai can be obtained elsewhere, at a much cheaper rat«. Ordern from any part of the country at- teudtd to with promptne** and dupan h JOHN O. WOO URL'EE, Preaident Lkmi el Thrall, Sec'y. IT 1'nrlK lin en, H " Krtinrit-B-ing an \inencan nianufaituie, patented 1MB, known to lie un- .ur|aakrd by any fureirn iniiMirtation for brilliancy or mmtyoJ coloi or durability. Tin« (jreen i* confidently re- .niueiiriio a* i laimiiijt the notice ol par tun concemed in it* u*J ior ibip-paiBtinf, \enetian hlinrls. wall hanitiiia, kc, for *hieh purpose it i* preCmim ntlv adapted Manufactured and ^Idhy THEO SCH WART/. No. 14 Jacob-*! (Swamp.) IV Kiiii|i|>'h Dntrucri rot vpc«, one price and the k ui»tn ibf ciij, ii\kiiahl\ ssk^o tm a pwrad iki-iifMi, %»ariHon r< «t ti e old etid p»i| ulnr roon », No 103 Bowery, uvet (leeollect) Anderson'* Carpet »torc, and at No. 5j9 hn »dway. oppoaitC ai d he low Nibo'a. tV DmAiCMj NslatHI in nml Oi-i Imi ti » from il . r*i, cured fn a few day*, without n*k or [awn, by Dr. LI '1 EN Ell. No. Pnnca «i; alaa,al*ott, weak and unper- kaol oi^cltt it itoii'd. Attendance from 9 until 3. rCTiit- Nd-ond Clll/rim' Muiiml l.oiin atnd *i i.ii n In nit I nml AitMOi'iMliwll *VMJ bold a ml Ik tseetii * on 1 UI RS«)A> E\ KMM) or*t, l.lth but, at tbeit Roctn. No 4.; fcoodwaj, 1 I o*eloob. W T. B. fV'il.l.lKEN Vm)., will aridre» the meftin* All peraoL* .»| n (I to it i|inie '! to the aV(*octaOOfJ principle ar* invited to ali^id. BabKriptiona will be received 'hat evening. kWo aall* from B| A M to 5 I'. M., and on Wednraday and Saturday «venin*» until !> o l,,, k, at 'he Office, a* above. ADAM P. PEBTZ. Pre*tdei t. JOIL W. MASON, Vice-Preaident J. E. KriNUai.l. Secretarv TauaTBBt loi n Raab, John .I lltinrk, JiiriN b. Mtnfay, no nel Stile», Kiwaid W alker, OosnoholG, SmiUi t oward Strong, Duncan E. Curry, W ui. H. Diet*. IV rinwo-l' ori«- nnd Iloiidi«»-KurnUhln« .>!»- Mini I rim \ --i i in ici . npmallelrd aucces*! I'b* int monthly ineetiii(t of i hie Society took place on Enday Veilit'* akt. at be Ap<llo Room* Sev-rol ihare* were »Watdtd JB8H IhM were anticipated The p. polarity of . hi* Amoosiii ii b now »stablictied. and if* advantage* *a tor nn » \ <l a doutit I'be anlwcnptioii ImI isopen «iict ladit» and gei tleinrn iiitrnfling to become uituihtira. had befer not celu\ in piniin* d»i»n »he:r tiamea * pro,pe*tna o r- be h*A. *r*ti>. and »very inturu ation procured at the oB ( . ii the bookdoie of Adiienc»-. BbonMB 4 Oo., No. J ftati l Uoaaa A H. lot KLYN,Treasurer. IV N'c%v-Vork KniDlinic A-xoclnllon..Thi Sew-York Rui)dln| Alii lalbl Will hold their next lemlar ¦were* at Warrea Ha'l c »mi ofOliver and Heary-tta., I IUI R>DA1 EVENING May 13, at Ro'clock. Ärnnöcmcnta. .J11ADA.MK otto WLDSCHMU3t ±? i (late Mad'lle JENNY LIND) beji« to announce that .he will (ti»e bai LAST * cm ERT BUT two IN AMERICA Oti'll ESDA> IW ENINO. Miv I«, jköz lu METROPOLITAN LULL. nOO HAMME. Pakt 1. Overtnte.Fgmont.Beethoven. RomaBM.Al uon avea piu lae- ...».."' (Maria di Riiikuz.).Donizetti, Bbjnoi c. II un u.i Siena and An«." Wie naht« mir der Scliluminer," (Frein iiiii/..l.Weber. MADAME JENNY OOLDSCHMIDT. Vaiiatiou» on a '1 in me oi Silmbert.E. David, \ loim.Mt. Bi rke. J£!!^:^^i'* j (rJa^Ta^..!** MADAME JENNY ÜOLDSCUMIDT. Part IL CoBcertatück.Weber, Piano-Körte. Mr. OTTO OOLOaCHMIDT. Iiiieffi'.".Ab Piiirrato." (les Hifu, >.Meverbear, !* .\il ,i KNN l t.t 'I.I»S( II.MIDT and Sipnor HuilALI. ( omrit l'olouatte WtOnbWl.Theo. Eisfeld, (liiat time of performance ) At;a.' Deh viein MB tardar," (le No/.re di Eif- aro.) ....Mozart, MADAME JENNY 0OLD8CHMIDT. Ca%atiL'u-l'rinla limenta a'mania." (Lucia di Larn- nitniioor.).DoTiuetti, S;;nor V Raiiiai.i. The Butt'* Son*.Taubert, MADAME 31 ^Nl Ol ILDSi H.MIDT. The On he*tra will be OOByoaacl ol EIOHTY Perfonmer«- Conductor.Mr. Thoa Euteld. u in er.M: Joaapk Burke. Doon DfCa «t el o'clock Ct ¦*> Ii h) COtnOM nee at 8. 11» price of iiiVtt tta* tuen fixed at tjy. f.'and $1. Each tickt t in accoaapaaiod i»u aastU rod abi t k. which «ecute* * .tat brajiu|aconrapoisutui otmoer. H c. a pa, ;w ,;.- ,aj. 6f jj -kd, ^ rjj be ifm tarn ftidat, Ä a\ U ,,i I A M.. ut ( ;. kariB*/* Piano-l orte Waienaiaui, v Riohuway. BtJok*CoaakabriDf the wind» of the Sonc*. in F.nzlnh. (»er- u ati. Italian and Swt dlah. tor sale at üie door on Uie evening of tl e Concert Price l.< cent*. Hie 1 a»t Cone, rt but Cue will take place on Endav. May ?'. ar MefcvMnian Hall; aud the LAST CONCERT IR AVI Rlfi fa MONDAY, May .4, at CASTLE OARDEN. Astor-place opera-house.. (»n Till BSDA) EVp.NINO, May 13, will be i< I :i it I,ted M akspelt't. '1 i.i. ii. ol 01 HELLO. oti.ei).Mr 0 v Rioaln Pn1lma>i Mlwf «Vratai lagt'...Ln*M Batttl.Mr*, \ ickery lan;nrt and I-. \»». N OOOt*; Ampbiiln-aier. cent*; >otnS»at* $1 N H .' iclct> ».,!d (. r I'artitiet, Rove* and S. Ia». i re ti e hun Iw the e\einuj. The performance* » ill ti n MM f a! "J o'i i k \n:LO> uakden. . joh1s SKK- 11 Ti N Manaaar .THl RSDAY BVENITM M»v is, .HI Hlfii'ti » 0. b:h'ut:e. the'lrand "»cutth Ballet of LA SlLPHIDE. La <\!th*de.Mile. Ca-xihne Rou**et .».Dt» Ruelec.w.kdokaido t ouitet. If,.Thcrcaiiie RousK t .. t- ; aaadad ..> Im rwOIgUEENB. a .! .. - <si-!» |>orr* open at ~i o'clock: to com- p i>i i \ h\V a V theater.e. a. Mar- |> HUU ' a* Lm-this rVEVlNtJ. M»» !3lk, \V ill he p. f, to . .1, tu«' In» ». **>n. ihe Comedy of 1 ONDtiN ARMH \NCE. Da«zle..M> gl am I adv (lay Spanker.MiwCiwh-nan loci" 'ne'e w ick tb . r-or>ular Ctuiw* of ai 1*111 \T OUTTI RS is Sot <i(>LP H*a ta ,uet. »" cents; Eainllv OtlOM and Upper IIa . rei t», f rVata Boxe« %'¦< and $?> Door* open at 7, .rwi pert,.nuance io n.irimeace at 1| o'elnckl. 5l KTON'S THa-^ter.Cramberb- i \ Tiiiv i. \ ty k; w,n He played, the 1.1. ?.-»», d ( . an dv Of WIVES \s TM] I WEBE MAIDB AS THEY ARE. |,;.\ei.M» Burton Piorv.Mia* Weotoa MAKRO D BAI 11E LOR, Ccnitail.tVr. Letter i trace.V».t '.'.«-:.¦ r Un»*»ltri-'e aid »;miet. '*¦ rrn'« . Se-ond lie', tocaauii r>ri»*ie Kt tri %.-. (>re(--«Tra Chair*. eeata Door* opea .t TJ ; to he»in at ">{ "'rl»a-k |>AKM.M> AW ERICA N M USEUM. I > I T BAKNI M. Muiager and Ptopr>to; JoifN GREENWOOD, Jr, AtaiitaM Mai.Mer. C W CLARKE Direilt et All i.k U'enta Artll tsaii l, to the autire Mu*e«m ai d Pertotmanre l/> »Ml. ( hlldree under Iw lig cents; Paruget oent*e»tr»-thi'K."»DAY andKKIIHY M«y IS In the API ER NOON at i beb. THE mar W n HOI T A HEAD .ui TDK milliner*!, HOLI¬ DAY. IHK >tt| THfl't OlANT, uappy family, Ac. are u> be aooa at all hoara. IVi FUM THEATKR. Broadway, near J Bmoiie-st .C'iRBVN BITKLASn. Leaseea.- THIS FVVViw; \tay 13 e.f!l he »'e«ented WHO BTFAKB KiR-i ' a'.erwhich THE FAIR PRE WITH .HE GOLDEN LOCK* Btaaertoa ADELINE PATTI will .in the ECHO *>Vj .id tie Finale to "La (in r- nti.1 AH NONOIUNGE. To« . h e ui-h TELAM aCRUS. Drea» Circle cent*; Pan,v."t, iSeenta: Fa'iily Circle, One Sinzing. TI/l^CDONOUGH 'S (the TEM I'KR- J.TJ AMI. VOCALIST) COMf LIMKVi'.UV < ( r.hT ».'! c< mei tt at Vi tear* HalLNa B Bowers.. FRP ÜA 1 E\ RHINO, Mav 14. or. which occasion . gr«»t vaiety OH (If CONG will b-j presented, out mint O* Beta*. IM-tts. Ole« s. Quartettes fcc hv Messrs. OEO. STuWE. C A. C.AHV.S. BROWRR,W, I M4I BOROUGH,and a a* hct (l.urnf Ladies ani Geut einen. «Ith Plos» FarW and Vk-hrj|inwpolamg Mr. ABbOTP. the crelWed Pi- at.;»t. will pr-nde at the Piano Fu-te Ticke . 25 cents. To be hart stthe Or«-» OIT,ce, No. II« Naeaa i-ai ; office of O. 8., No. £52 Broadway, anr a-, the do r on Frid.vy evening. LECTURE in BROOKLYN..Rev. B. H. CH«PIN Hill I rture on ' JOHN HAMPDEN AND THE PROORE'S OF POPULAR LIBERTY." at the BROOKLYN IW8TITUTE. Wash nr.ton-at. oo 'ill! ItMtAV EVENING. May 13, at 8 o'clock. Bfaagal ticse's ^ cents; tiebtag admitting a gentltman and two lo¬ ci.ea, Vi centa, t be had at the print.pal btaikatorea, tnd at the dcor of the Inatitute. AT KNICKERBOCKER HALL.The celeb etrd Infant Drummer, Master W. H MAR4H, vil's»»i.t.v. iib olbyr relebr .i. d aito-rs, at JR AWII REV- N A I DSON'SOrwad Musical Evening, on MONtMY next, l"ih ii.i. Tickets 25 centa THE AZTF.CS.Four Exhibition* Dai- lv -These marvelous lntle folks will rereise visitors at the SOCIETY LIBRARY Fiery Day this Heek, from 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 5 to 6J. and front 8 to Hi o'clock. On MON DAT next thi y will he exhibited in« ipbia. Ticket»2öcts. Children 12^. Pamphlet« (36 pages) <H eta. \ ATIONAL ACADEMY of DESIGN. 1 T .The 27th Annual Exhibition of the Academ» is now open at their Gallery, No e*.l Broadway, from I A. M. und) |o P. M Singl* admission, 25 cents, season tickets, Ml cent*; .stalojraea, \2j cenas. By order of the Council, J H. BHEOOOI E. Cor Secretary. N A. BRÄCKETTS MARBLE GROUP of the Shipwrecked Mother and Child, (for a shorttlrna july) at Stnyvesant Institute. No 65P Broadway. Opea ?Vom « A M. till in P M Admission 25centa STEPHENSON'S MARBLE STAT- UE of the WOUNDED INDIAN, from the World's lair. London, is now on exhibition at Stuveysaut Institute, No. b59 Btoadway. Admission, 145 centa. SATTLER'S COSMORAMAS.First Series closes May 22..Exhibited comer of I3th-«t and Biohiiway Open from 8 A M till In o'clock P M Admla- lioii . The», worksof Art consist of a collection of VO W Sof ECROPE, ASIA MINOR, 8YRI A, THE HOLT LAND EGYPT, NUBIA and ARABIA. They are skatobed and »ainted It< oil bv Prof Sattler IV rm Publications. COGGES 11 A LIYS V'O V AI JFS-S.-curid S. nes -D. APPLETON k CO. pul.iish on Friday, Sec- oca Serita al VOYAGES to VARIOUS PARTS of th* WORLD, Bade durin» the years IM.2 and 1841, by George Coggeotiall, ? Ii ted from I in M. S. Journal of Eighty Yoyagea. 1 vol. Evo. Price $' U Beet i th i ubiiehed. uniform with the aKove, VOYA0EJ to VARIOUS PARTS af ihn WORLD, n tide letween the yean 17^1»and IBM. by Coggeahall, with illustraiions. 1 vol. 8vo |l j>. " Ti n. i. tbe »ort of h (eniiine sailor, yet a UM und true hearted rann, i he *. !uiii»* tasaaaos nmeii af HatotostJaa advesAasa »hu <*ien- trrtmning <.»» ibjOuo, »» well of men oljjl i,.-«. \W thin* the sobke Will be n. well p!ea«ed »itt, the inj .|e- now torn, as to (all on the ( a plain lot limber extract. (Vom In» Inf nook " [ Event Post. " An old fhipnnte's recollet tion. of nearly fifty ye»r« at »ea. Tlie volunie sb< nnil> with ile«t ription» el MMaftabss .undents, MfBrsai s.lteiitutes, »nd bait breadth escapes, wliu h will 'uake it a favorite »tili the senerr.1 remler." [Tnhtine. " 1 l.i- volume..« ninny tliins« In intere«t even th».»« who «r» not »:ol< r>. It n> li e frank rt |irer-entdtM.u,ltT s «Hi!or,of SSSsck that ha ssw und l.eno! t!'irui| tl-e period ol lu.'ty rive jears, in wiutb th-- sea »*»!i« home."' [Wettsnsi raAssVaaa *' Hu» eohlBas IWksek eootajea «evernl eusi a* .its* an.l a portrait nf tbe «iitl <.r) tiill ol ksteresgfcag det»ii« si tsrespasOs, istit*. ami sYySrrsstioOS <if jiecp'e snj platen, »Uli render it very asree.ihle and inttrin t:'e. 1 he author reem. to have sl.tmiiJetl in re.ottri t, rnrr ly, si d ]*rre\er»nt e, and, is well known, t «rne« a |.t.el lie td and liesrt." [t'otiner mid Enqmrer. Books for Children. JEW SERIES of the LU LU BOOKS. N I ..Ma pie Morles. IV. .Grandlather's Mtories. lCJouiney and \i«it. V. .< bill's Oem. Ill. .Little Boa> builders. \T..Yoiin« Dreamer. Tin» n lies ol six books are got up in a pretty style, with ni meious en*iiavin;s and attractive binding, and will, no doubt, have a large sale. Aim THE FIRST SFRO'.S OF LU-LTJ BOOKS.mak¬ ing twelve in all.uniform slice and hind'n«. AW.THE COLMAR SERIES JUVENILES, llmo. Six bsoka. A ho.THE ALOEN SERIES. Itimo Sixtiookj. The ehove fonr senra, Oemtftwtä twenty-four bjoks, are all bound in tine icarlet cloth, and sold a' very low price*. SAMI EL KAYNOR, Publisher, No 7b Bowery. Til NTS ON DRESS AND BEAUTY, XI by Mrs. E. OAKES SMITH, autborofW..n.a.; « tier Neids,' ."Shailow l.ano " Our vul. Umo. Price Be. "Ihat is s t.rtloant prodttt iion. ct.nil.inins wit. liMgMai . ssg ssart ssjaoa m ibe ut.*l piquant yrop*tiiMin». The .slltsnl vivaeity ol style d.rpla) t S. well it. MeeaMfeM Vajsref* tboushi, dmra rVSgM'O it. the »ii.'ii sui.lied htnary reputittinn of tka writer, aao rentier, it a srat -..ii. filf^ries to a wt.rThf eau.e. [19. T rnhane. P. liii.heri bv FOWLERS * WELLS, No IS] Naotau-tL, New-York and No. 142 \\ »shiurt. n-st.. R.iaton TV ORRIS on the LOCOMOTIVE EN- JL 1 01 NE .This day published, HAND-BOOK FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, comprisiiif the proportions and cal¬ culations for constructing Locom<iti\es, manner of setting \ alves. Tables nf flnaaiaa Cubes. Areas, &c., Jac By Bept£ mi s Noitu, C E In oue volume. UsMtXl illustrated, $1 AO. A ho, 1 HE ASSAYER'S GUIDE. Bv Oscar M. Lieber, lata Geologist to the State of Mimis-ipi Itap, 7.x. 1J.ENR* CAREY BAIRD, Publisher, Philadelph'a, For sale by DEW ITT k DAVENPORT. Tnbuue Build¬ ings, New-\ oik. SCHl'BERTH A: CO., Music Depot, No. ~o Broadway. N. Y. request the public to inspect their in.mense stock.of Music for \ on e. i iano. for 2. 4, 6, I haada, lot Onjaa, Vtolin, \ loloncello. Harp, Orrheetra. -v -., n. t it rv at vie. lor virtutasos and beginnrra. The areateet so» lection "in the United Slates, of Rjihijuh* worth Orders of Foreign and American Music anil be attended to with piuctipineM. Jrist published. SWAMP STEED; or, The Days of Marion and his Merry Men. Price 50centa '1 «n thousand copit a ol this stirring Revolutionary legend ha'. «. beet, si Id. ai d the demand is still unaiieted. 'I Hh APOCRY PHAL NEW TESTAMENT, containing aD tbe Goapela and otbar piacea attribatad m the lirstfour ceptnriea to Jtaaa Clnht. Price 50 ce it«. There will he no doubt in any candid mind, on a careful {irr " aUoii of thtsc ducuuiei.u. that tbats aaa in reality the 1 eck« rtj-cted at the Council of Nice. Thev are a C"noa»tI a. 11 f tiit) Ivef. 'IHK RUtS RANGERS, by Cat- Mayaa R. .4. with tMtcd ''lwt-ai.< cs inside, and cover. 10,ot'i»old of this Pi are W'« « nts. (. mr*b'"ti to the Reveries of a P-achefur.REVERTES OF AN OLD MAID, with 4.. tiinsiiat.» hOoflbs, This 1.1 k «1 on'ri he in the liandi of all who b«ra lo Uuib. WA( 01 S'l A; or. Tke Prophecy. Tins celebrated Indiaa N< vel has had a creat aale. THE HEIRS OF 111 I WE N T WATER, by E. L.Blan- <li«td. Price VI nta. RE P.I LS AN D TORIES. Price .Vi penta. D. & D. sie M ie afeiiU for New-Yotk for GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE arid the LIVING AGE. DEW ITT i DAVENPORT, Tribune Buildings. Naasan-st. ^\\ EOLOGICAL and M I S CE L L A- Ti ai d Cap PaptrM, 'or sale at vrrv low prices by D. N AN ROSTRAND, Book ell. r and Stationer. No. ISa Eiiltou-aL, up stoira. ClrrgTc-ifn arfl ther»art invited to eaU. H E FRIENDS ..f EDUCATION T a . ii \ let' i.< t all st the s«il*eriia.r's storn and exam- A I.I EN'.- IMPROVED EDUCATION ,'i i l.r»(.'\ the he«t evei MtmHucrd to the public. It eom- bfcbta sD.i » n «nt wnh ii-af. nrtmti and makes a lasting lm- pressiot i t lb< it li ds efrlii ttren tnr »a;e wholesale srd retail at pnees ranatna fnvn 75 ret to e- est h\ tbe «nie acent forlbe eiti(-sot Mew-York, R|« klyl and W llhamsherxh J AMES C HARRIOTT, No 4*'J Broadway near Canal-ot illant Cmplormcnt. \S fM d DooKi RR«i totawRSt in wa-.h'ui2 ard i:i :r.i :. i.y a res; n tible W.uuan in a small pri- >are:a:ni;v B«»tot'ctty rrtervnee. Can he seen tor two days at No. 'i Cth-av. between Horatio and 13th-eta. AS Cook, by a r»»pectalile Woman.. She therougnly'tindentanda her tiuatoeea. ard baa the l«»t of tfiertt ce. Apply at No. - I Beeg man au, front t ase- nt:'. iUs lo otjetti-n to go hi the country. Can be sceu for twti days. A S Cuuk, Chaiubertnaiii. «Vc*-.. by two J. \ I'snetiaitie Cir' as plain t .<"k. Waiher ood Ivoaet 1 me other as Chambermaid and Waiter. Beotof oty reo reice. Apply at RatsMI 2Im-«l, betweeo Jdaad -a vs. AS CMS. tin esocIWat Waeiit-r and Ircrer, by a rcpectaMe voong Won an. Haa do ob- ,ni<at«do crTambetwork and plain arwina. or to make etself gSLerally ueoful in a respectable private family. Ce,deity rehrrnce ran he gjv«rr. Can be seen for two avs if not ecger.d, at No. 316 Mutt-ot, first fljor, coruor of ¦laiabaral. A 8 Cn((K, Washer Rod Ironer, or as £\ i K ;ii.:,|, ,, to Jo gm»ral hoiaow at by a m- «I « fatl* in » -enieel family. Ooud reference cea be giver. Call at No V) |3t6-« . neeröth-ev. A S ottod plain Cook or to do general XI h'Ugewrrk. by a rrsperfabi« Woman, wbo 'is e g^osl . »T .; lw,»her- Good reference from Uit piece. Apply at ho. t Wone-et. AS fit at Took. Pastry r.,,,k and Bikr-r. I t n firwt rale Womm; w ,n exr. llert W»»her and Ironer. « atra monerate. Re* of reference. Would (to in tbe roontry^ Apply at No KB Uowery. AS CtioR. by a respectable. middle-ao;ed Wiman, in aorieate farm!* or Roarriiig-fiowNo ot jet <Hn t> go in the r.mnrrT Trie liegt of eity ami country r«fete nt-enve_Aj|plyatf>o. epj Ringet AS Of aMhr-RMAin, and to assist in the westing aud ironing, by a reepecUMe young Woman. AIio hw voting W .B,,., M Cook, Washer and Ironer I* » in »M frVate family. Thev both hav. ritv references. Ap¬ ply at I>o 3d-av., opptaite Tompkiua Market, Cea be seen foi tvo daya AS Chambermaid and Waitress, or plain Se^r. hya young P-o'eitent Woman; hag no obiee- Haa to to n the country. Call at No 11 drth-st, in the rear, up ataira AS Chambermaid and Waitress, by a rrfpcteble young Citri, haa good city reference. Can be aeen at «o 125 Amity-at, from 9 to 4 o'clock. No objec¬ tion to tbecouutry. A S and Seamst'e^, Of I a < hambermaid and fine Lauad reaa, hy a respectable ymrg No object Ion to gn in the country, or travel with a family. Can produce the beat of cilv reference from let rrr rt.ptctahle Mifling in the city. Call or addreae, lor two dayi. at No. 397 lat-»v.. E. C. S Chambermaid, and fine Washer and A Ironer. by a reapectable young Woman, who has the beat of i-ity referencea for perfect neatness, honeety, a.hnety atid gm .d conduct, t an be aeen for two daya. Call at No. 115 Mulberry-tt, room No. 7. AS Chambermaid or Waitress, by a re- apectable young Woman. Beat of reference given hy the family »he now living with, where ih« ran be aeen. Inquire ai No. li5 Weit .I'th-st. Haa no objectiona to go to tlie ciiuiitry. AS Chambermaid,and toas-sist in Wash- ii t and Ironing, by a young Woman, or to do the ioaeework of a amal) family. Apply at her preeent em- iloyet'a No 58 Tmy-et A S Chambermaid and Waitress, or to T\ take care ot children, by a tidy, tmart voung Woman. I.quire at No. 59 Lexington-av , at her preaetit employer'a A S Chambermaid and Waiter, by a re- _R arect able Pm«estant young Woman, or to Jo g»n"raJ h>n*ew<.ik fcr a »mall famify. It a good Washer and ironer. Fas no o'lj-rtion to go in the country or Brooklyn. Hag g* ri (ity reference from her laat place, No. 336 12th-st., bo- tvetn lit and 2d avr I S Coac it man or Groom, by a respeeta- Me Mar. who thorougnly understands the care artd nanagrment of borere aad carriage*. Haa no objection to trwn or c..iit.lry, and would make him«elf g'uerelly BJ) ful. address Mil HAEL moore, office of the Tribune. \S GARDENER and Farmer. I Man who kroa-a hin tmaineaa well in all ita hraucln-a. grafting, bidding gnd prnpagatin,' of flowers a no ahrtibe of al kinds, nc mar arement of a farm and care of atock ia married : no nmily; both I'loti Mania ; native! of England. City refer- mce gives. Direct E. W. C . tlnaoflice, with all particilare. (an be at an lb! il.r< a ilava at Thorburu'a aeed store, No. 15 .dhti-at. from 10 till 3 o.clock. AS (i a r nk n er. by a n Kn n 1 i >brnan. Un- dera'aac'i borieg and rows ; or an light Porter in a Store. Vi ply at No. S41 Atlaotic st., Brooklyn. A S Laendress, by a respertnble YOTUlg /l WrmaB. Haa'he N-«tof city reference. Apply at ^o 15< irj Hall plare. in the rrar. Can he aeen lor two Jayi. Uns no objection* to go in the ciuniry. AS NOKRI and Seamstress, by a re- . apertable v< ur.g Woman. Apply at No? tl 4th-av. U aareea 9th and Ii tl. ata A S pet t-ral Servant, by a retpecltblc xi Ph.infant Girl, in a private f. oily. |ga good Cook, W a«hrr and In.ner. Call at No 71 Heater-it , up atairi, for three days, if not engaged. Good city relerencee. AS Skamsthess in a |irivtite family, by a moat laepecraMe Proleitant young Woman. Pfo oajeetl . ro rVi a little Chamberwnrk. Beat of city reference ran be given. To he wen tor one day at No. 202 Weat liitli- at.. between 8th and 9th avs. A S Seamstress, by a respertalile Pro- il '..'air yoang Wi man, who nrderrtanda making l.adiei' Md Children's '>m»ef, and all kind* or plain Sewing vv eiild trti-el with a family if required. Cao give the best of city rt ffrnre. Call at No. 81 lit-at., near lit-av. A S Steward on a small farm, by a re- _/a aaec*aele yooag Maai haa a perf-'rt knowledge of the raaaagfa ant a/coeeo and horsea and und-ra'anda thednvmg of earrlagn, k. ai d woaid make Uaaaall genera'ly neefuf liaaii' eihrtkintotoamcajcaaaatry. Raaataajaealvaa, Ad- creaa CHRIeTOPHER ARCH bold, orlire nt |ta Maatt, AS pliiiii BfWSI and Chambermaid, 01 to t.le ruie of rliildren, l.v a giK>d Welali fiirl. She .*i. cease well recommended from her laat place, No. 59 W en ». iLi-at . where aW paj| be leen for two daya. AS Wet Nurse, by a healthy young Wi siaii a ith abLi..!ance of milk. Con do fun » iah- Ini and iradagi ar.d ig willing to make Veraell generally uae- ftil. 'll.i boat . i.i M.i refeiei.. ra giveo aa to char- aifer. Ac. Apply at Nu 101 tlh-av., betwaaal Uth aud ISth-ite _ AS Waitress, by a reapectable Ptoteat* anr 0U| ihe perfectly onderatncila her biifinese Beet ol city n '.eieLCea given ; no objection to <o a ahori diatance .p the r .mtry. Apply at No.tll llthit, between lit and i'd ava. AY ol no Woman wishes a situation as ( heribennaid and Waitrere, or ai Waitreea : ahe can fulfil) eithet Can be ?een. u ith good teatimoniala, at No. 2 A miiv-n n the |.;>re, for two naya. ARespECtable roiMi Woman wants ggataataaa aaCaaJl and La.uidr.-aa, or general houae- wota ip a get ter 1 family.haa no eaj ction u> the country, aid ia will,nglo make hei »elf geiiei ally Bjefalia any ki'id ot w rk. Shr a gia d < uol and baker, and fully competent lc fill exy ri'ta'i' ahe rdertakea No one need apply ex* ret I a p. i\ate family. Call at No. 112 Kant lltli-il. ARiaracTABLi Pbotiitant aTouiva Womaa wiahei a ituatlon to do general hoiiaework tn a pnvate family . would have no objection tu go a abort die¬ ter re in tie a or try. Can be seen at No. 27'.» Weat IDth-aC, between 9th and iCtli-av*.. on tbe m Coor. front room. ALadt, wjierieiiced ia hon «hold atlairs, wants a ritnativu in a genteel Prottsriuit Kamtly, as Homekei r. r Searr.itreaj, Nti serj Goveni^aa, or Chamber¬ maid Hum iMtirrirrns to traveL or to go in tbe country . Good reft itntcg given and requurd ; can be aeen at No. KB .A eat &ith. st. bttatcc *Jth and leth-avg. AFA NCY W< »< >LEN 11VER Prom Scot. In H i»de»iroiisof ol L: niuii a WtaaHnR He has üb! Ten (eas'rxKriitice in the Dyriogol Woolen,, cuiefly for i! e ti ii ulatleni r of Ta/tme-a'd is caeJs»t «f giving *ar- i.'mi tun to ll ua«- who iingt.t reijuii- liu servi^-a Tbo ueat of reiereacea can be given bv sWOaaahal <p«»t paid) Juiui e!- bVii Waaanhal tVoaiea Mil'a New-York. A A GREAT V AR! ETY of- arefulK se- lected pVivant* are now warrng employmen- at C MASON'S Oficaa, No. 56" Br-adway. and No. 145 Bowery Tem a.Y'arly r.Secnpnon. t" renu: otberwua. 3> eeea N r Plenty of Men and Roys on hand. WAITING-MAID S SERVICES ' a bei PAsSAoF...A veia n»i. tfhil'- young Womaa «ho. in cofiarqnence of pcor hi a!Ui. is deairoua of retnru'.i.g to h i glaJ'C. wi'iilii be willing to give her aerviira in r.n- i * lt».:i.» I . r pi**** l«-e raid, to anv family, in si ih n;-oiv aa ihev u.a> deaire. .She la 'Ji.»r.)Qglily fa- .,i i*i a ,:i. SjJ aVaaaaatai duaea ai^ haa La,! much e\pnne ice vriih chüdaaa. .»»he an furniali the jest of city refer-oce aa t. .-h«ra«'er and eaaaafl iv. Any family who uiav be iiter- [...i.n.g I., ,h. .. « i.i, the .e term', inav *'u » »l.e saaj i<- a eu i.v aj'piin^ tj W. A. TOWN3END, No. Broadway. _ /" MVIST..A middle-aged Geatlemaa V^' eei'.rea ster dy emj'ovmenf as Ci^iywt Haa had es> i*. ie' rt in a lawy. r's oftic- ao4 oAerwiae. None need ap rly aikoae I ueil res will at « ar>»ai a fair salary. Ci'.yref- j.vr n. Acn.-M c«iP\ la'TTtl is oftce^_ 1/AM1L1ES in want of good help, for ci'y or e< utitry, can obtain such at tl»e otTiea Na mj i./ar.d-»l. rea* the Bowery, where louo but tairhf il and u. .i.y domestic servan scan remain. T. M AfTä. ff i OVERNESä..Ab Ei prliah L*ady, ia \Jß arcDiionrd tu lescltmg tnc ! igher bracchee of a lib- 4 n.wao rj'eki K.e.ich a a l'anaian.andcar. ttach P:«i.o. wuLtsto ftrm su engagement with a family re- nciag tr. t; t tout.try. Stt ia willing to deiote heraelfto the ^.irifl welfare ol bi r pn>.iii. and wouid acceft of a moder- ».i um. »::h a party who would receiee ber as one or hcit family and make" her happy. The highest refrreace Address to TEACHER, Broadway Post-f>«ce,_ TVJI USERY (.( .VKKNKSS. A Lady J.1 nnVimid toT'aeb. witbea aatnuwion in arcapec»- ;.. Li bgoilT, wheie the ch ldren are y.>an*. She ia «trcctioB Mi Eag^iah. and atteno partura» rn t. ii i traintn*. Teat imoc tals nneg'-eprieo- rt:c. Or aculd aait on a delicate bady who n.ight re.juire aiti-laxra ia ..jfriLtfmlo-g aer doeaeebc arrangaaienta. Mer diapciiticcf are kiad en artettive. Salary ant ao snneb aa byeC1 aa a comforuUe aoiae. Aedrtas L. Ha No. IH6 BkacAviaea. TVOTICE lo COTTON MANCFVC- JLl n RE RS .The advertiser offer* hi* «*TVK-e* to thaw who mot wish to fmplijj bjui tc superintend the erectt <b of ana putting in operati_n o> rearranging the m«vhin*r» and repair.n. Cotton Mills, or the :* rinaaeut eupennteodenee of . large Mill. having had J7 years* practical etnen-nce at the both-ess and Ita tit- traut mechanical bnualiee in the heat n ill* in New Enr'and for reference eddrea* Messrs Sor.ut Brawley* Bnirutu. I n «v. N. V.. prepaid. SHER NTS7 .~Cood faVrman, Irish, American and Protestant Servants can siwars be had. si No 47 l.. dlow st., near Urand-at.* ran always get suited, without ml iy. . J. RlDGF.LY. TO BOSS PRINTERS, PCBLISH- PPS, .r BOOK PINDERS..Wanted, by a practical w arerocuis-Mai. a situation to take care of a warvn>*_^or would so as lisht Porter and Sheet Man in a book store, can refej to hi. last employer. A note addressed to F. 0 C'na*. hani-s.jcaie Po,t Uth. e. for tour days, will be attended U). TO COACH MAKERS.A Young Man thst has st tved his tim to the Hamear inakiag busi- tif .s. at d has acquired aoiae ki owledge of Coach-trimming, would wish to become perfect at the latter in some n apecta- NtEal U<x*4 reference given as to hun-sty and tobnety. Addresa C R. at the Tribune office. ANTED.Situations for Cooks. itert- e'al Servanta, Seamstresses, Nurse*, Chamber, n s'da W si'ers, Gardeners, f armers, ic. At S«'jct P o- U»taut Agency, No. 7 t amiine st. and No. MCiaiubera-tt. N. B. Only se vanta ot good character admitted. w I 111 ante b. NSTRI ( TiONS in five wkM tsd two Ornamental Arts, by m Inch you can Mfca fro ¦ J'm kg $H 0 a n nth, will !*. sect to any ad.lresa, by mail, on re- pt it 2'. rem«, postpaid Address L>. D. Bl 111", box 50 Un a. a a* Posl-Oflicc. New-York. CTRAW H.VF TRIMMERS.-War.'. 1. »3 five or six yourg Ladies, who uuderatsuul the butineta. A.ply at No. 171 Pearl-*!. up stairs. TEACHER WANTED.A, as principal of Girlt'Departn ent in a Pub v .».-.. >. s vi.Uge .'j iniiis (tisraut trom New-York I y rai ui M be ei.alnied iu the htgher English branch.s. Ma-n-iuv;-s. at well aa by character and experience. Salary $2511. Ad¬ dress JOEL Dl NM, Esq . Plaiulicid. N J w.-n reference*. TA IL0RE8S WANTED.For om or fw< week*.one who iindersfaad, cutting and making ho)s' ch thes Apply at No. 32 Willoaghhy-«t, Brooklyn. 1THOMAS HOPE.If Mr. limtats Hope will make hts residence known to Mr. ''IHN NEIL, ot Clinton. Mass., he will benefit tuirueif and ^onter a lavor on Mr. Ne.l. TO BE EXCHANGED.About SJ.OOO wotlh of Dty fiisida. loHilM» til. and a MrtHgp given for the balance, by a responsible person for a lirvten si d I...: li ot G'ii-.l ,d we-t «Id.- of the.'itv. AJiheas, staling ui alloc and puce, R. C, Broadway Post-Orfij*. TO MACHINE TENDERS..Wtntsd, a vi ui r Msti arenstomed to attend Drawing and Spin- nii.g Frames, capable of keeping them in order, and of ti selling opt ratives to piece, dopp, i.e. To a onini> aiiri failhtil person, who is willing to make himself generally useful about the factory, t'ei ly employment can la* assured. Apply to .1 MORTIMER IIALL. No Pi South s! VI/AN'l KD- A Violinistoftin-firti rank. ? v te go into a pleasant part of the country to tea-h the Violin a f. w weeks am nig the present season. None but a finished Perform, r need Moplv To such (a on* a liberal re- mtineral.on will be odsred. The location is situated in Mkal borne. C ittei den Co., \ ermont, on the east shore of Lake < hainplain. six miles soiitli of the pleasant village of li ir- hngton. Vt AiidreeaP. M, SHELBIRNE, Vi, wilii teriiia, ate. VI/ ANTED.A very smart ami cleanly Tv Woman to do general housework. One of the rigfit aoit. with tint-rate rt oanw ad .'tons, will get liberal wages by calling at No. 233 West <Bd-st. IV ANTED.Active, energetic young Tv Ml n, of good address to solicit subscribers for the ( ottaie Bible, a popular work cB Mexico and Cub foam a, and Dthei popular wutba. Industrious young men can make $1" to $*¦ per week. Apply at No. 1 Bowling Oroen, at IU o'clock A M. or <; o'cloek P. M for three dins. WANTED.A Semmt of all work. Onu that can Wash and Iron. 4 Oernniii who un- rieistanils English preferred Apply betweeu 8 aid * iu Iba sooTBIBf, and I and 7 in the evening, at No. Mac- di ugal st. WANTE D.- Stöc k Mikers. None ne. d apply except neat and rapid sewars. and who hi\e wciki d at the tiade. Apply at No. IWfj William-aU, baaaaMBt) WANTED.An ictivo, intelligent1 Lod about seventeen yeais of aga, of geateel adiiresa and who units a good hatd. None, bar aaadj a.i^ly. OF.NIN, No. 214 Bioadaray. WANTED.A of u-reeable and pleasing manners as resident gnveiiieaa. a short du> titlice Ui the country, to take el a*»e ot blU I ye '. '' It i> i.e t».irv tt at should b ach the harp. PM'«I Brodc. To such a one a iibeia) salary wnl be si' ..ayimaa by i ote. stating i( tcien< e, age kc lo <J. P Tr OttVo UA N T E D.At No. 11 I Nm-au *t.. Schoid-lea' hers, ^ah tmen, Portera, Rar keepers Dmg-clerka, Boys to learn trades. Apptn ants at a distant*, inr!osmg#l, treeuf pottage, will be suited. 'iliOS.SPINK VI AN TED.A Partner with a capital TV of for a mar.ufirt ini.g liuilii*«»t, bulging by each sale, to be made ave>y two week a 15 |>er cent Tin, us'i'ess is a very light ana agreeable one. and the article to kg niude is very mm h rsh< d for aoe easy to sell lor cash. Address to Tnbiine Office, with X , No. 11. V17ANTED.A Latly, at assistant in a I T ready BatU Liaaa Establishment, to prepare and give out wt.ik ; will 'ein a room with only female*; must ¦ - a good hand an. posse-s taste and ladgmant. Address E. C. with name and leletence, Office of this paper. W ANTED.A «oimI Cook, ami to is- T * sut ir 'be washing and iroufl.g Oue with good refer- ascat n ay apply at No. 25 5tk«*mv , between 9and 2u'clock. "VI ANTED.An active, intellicent Boy, T v af oot 1 i years of ase, who lives with his parents, to lea ii ti e Dry Gooda hisinrsa Apply to OEORtiE C. BL KOETTi Ra Walter st, before S&timk A.M. WJ ANTED. A young Man to act as V v Postarto« .ore. Matt prodaaa food r.'('»-reiicet at to loailtj atid ir.t.Jttry. Addxet* a line to B. J. IL, at tint office. WANTED.Ä Tartrier, with 84,000 cath, in a >afe and profitable manufactiinng busi¬ ness. Apply to B. B. B at the oitice ol tins paper. VI AN'l ED.An iDtellifeBt La-I, with T v good sridresg, ia the count lug-room of a printing- OtRea; ODO Vbo writaaa fair hand and it a good accounts..t. N'neo'hert will ti.iwer Impure at ft John-at, up atairt. '\1 AN'l ED.In a Book ar.'l Siationery T V 9tom, a tmart, intelligent Boy; one who reside* with hi* j near the ttore Apply at No. >r>i Orceo- w:ih-«t. . WTANTED. Bonn» t Fraine M ikcr-.. \\ ,1 hs'.ri-. to whomgead pricea will be given BLd no utt.era need appy a'- No. >Oi Bm«wi h at. J T. COX. VI ANTED A go«ni Job Coiri|Kj»itoi ft srilH ..' >i: e.-.i....y-i «ritand livrai wazea. Alaa. a ¦aantl Man. a' out 18 »eatso'.d. who wntesa gxal hand and is 01 pact at figures, a* light Porter. Apply at No 8»iJobn-aC, up stairt. _ ft III \ WANTED..Any botsoh ?p J \"y"iVr"" havtt g a'aiut this sum can iuveet the sane tust i.rofitsh y in % boauiaes alre dy established Ap- i y to UGRTHINOTON ROMAINE, Atlouiey, No. 30 N a/saa-tt._ iiOCA TO 11,009_Tbc tdivettiser ^.J* " we.i it t.. buy an intere»t in tome well estab- htlatd. sate and lucrative business, that wtil pay from R2o to f « at or .v- »iied *«iva».<e the u i.ev to any reaoeet- a! la eoarem, m »ucfi term* a* may be «rred upon Artdrtsa, a ih alir.ecessao par.icaiar», SHAW, TriboBO OMaa. m\ I ( kl II ¦ r'' '"".Apeiwt>a ofK_fj«1 V I s'lOo v ai.d ex'entive in dueoca la NV» Vi i k i* want, d a* an agent for a firai class Boarding Schi < I It will teiitiire only 'o give it auch aueoti ru at ooe of tl e haiactet rrau.ed r-adiiy may, within interfering v. i!:ar U'fitieta. To the right person it will be worth aa Adttreta, wih narue uvd place. b. X , that . Rare. . WtOtedi a pefrROR with . ttit cash cap'tal to jc:n tf»e a vrttser, j ho baa'at equal smount, to an exr.usiva an4 very prnfeani* n.sii<.factor I.*- hestreta. $|a,tttl per snnurn m«y yr. r»aJi*ed. A patty ma) locate In New-Yoik or Reattoo. R^fereoca* ea> chanted Addtcss M. E. B , Broadway Poet-Office._ ChonccB (ot Bnsinree J3Un. OOK STORE I r SALE..T.W'**. fixrnrea. leate. tc, of the Book St.«r oo the fcu.-av. und 14th«t. A fine locality, with a *'V«.hooL tnd the oilier pert of the MMina R aWjL"'** .3,000; B aw ine eyyer pan or roe t- a " n.,^atttbir . huh iradea out about bajfaf.tb* ^tSZlSSSmmm rmatesxhioiatn the retghhorhood. »_f_____J. p ki. ¦ and carxot attend to it- ApplJ imaiiaMiJ tbrrve. Dkl g store..For sale, one of the T FOR SALE.A first-rate Manufactaring ti'...i eat in on* of too taoot f> Merleh r,g kvu hi <««- Bertiem f»i wrr.i directly w:<h New York by rairroaad Said ?.uaireea, ma. binrry. he, will be sold at e n einreihe» r»U luoaueof V. 8 PALM KR, Newepegyaar Ajeat, Trieste* B«UewfjB. X> PH^IClTNSTnTWÜ^^ w-J .Ao O'd-eaaablnOed r>me Store 10 . ejvod kj*eri sa, eeki dou.g ¦ good ho.ii.ree. will k»> <Up«-, ^n, hereejn, if agr- elird BM »uaa.oo Ik* eeiwretiM to leave thai ctt*. Foe* perm B.eie. additae Hot N<. 162, LocaSeee-eiieare. HpO FURNITURE DEALERS "ami X » ABINk.r V aK.I RS .Thear'oawt pgoeeuuig Kein« 1 «.-' 'iwa, 1* dee-rue* .f du «ata« of hi* rrtxi.t [>i*ro. ¦ r ufu.tur- wesweeuta aud w^aatKip. tugvlfti with the stork, on teescuahls lerne TV* f% 4 m an i In otv. end cnoeleatlv nn >r.*vtag Km itnaa withe, at*ail cental this a good opportunity, kildreaa, wife aaeä nan r H BN! It U K, thia onHoe. Board and Booma. AIJKNTLE.*. AN ami h;> H bra t an be ac- rot. modei«d ar.ih Boa/u ai d | I'Veaani Rouu. oa eec ."1 fcaae aj ai p'yliif. at No 45 Kaat Rioadarey. Al*> Ait angle eretlaaiaa. cooveniet,r«s for oathing Re' A FRONT nn.i JUCK ROOM Maat* jtl »t:d story. No. let) Cbeaaberesl, to be let with booed, laenu me are desirable, aid suitable lor fauiiltae or «aal« gen He mm "^GENTLEMAN and1iie~WIKE and XA-tw*orthree «"<t" Oeesleaeea can nbtam Board at No. 1.4 Kerry at Rrtereu-e* eaeharged. APRO FESS08 ö? 11m PlABTO- Ki'h'lK. wlu> can give tkg aeat refereocee a* to aaaliaVatiiiaa aaa aaavraaear, la deeitim« ol eMenuag board m alamo, «vh.'e hi. mai nino na wi>ald fca a remuneration. Ac,i... i. I'Rdt-K.HMiH t»K .Mi Mt\at this ,>aW All RNISHKD ROOM to Lprr-Ta^ quire No. 964 Broadway, eutiance la FraukLa-at. AFRONT PARLOR itud BEDROOM, henriaomely rural bed. with full or partial Board, can be obtaii ed i i a nie -elaaa private hoaea la ."da at near Ith- »v ai.u Madaou-aju. re. Addrraa L. L. Tnbiioe OSL*. AFURNISHED ROOM to LET. Wt Ith or without partial Hoard, at No. He Cbamhere**. AGENTLEMAN am! his WIFE of tarn alngle tirntleiii.n ran be eceomatodatad with pit aaaut Rooma and Hoard m a amall in ivaie nuailv aitaanpal a' No IIb W tat Ifith »I U bititat. utno rru built, with baUi*, kc ToriiM oi.-.-m.t*v APARTMENTS t.» LOT.Fereblttd or ui ftiini led. with boeid. in a pii*.«:>- fam'ly. Apply at No. 77 l n- u.ui«' South lkooalyu. Tbrae aaiaatW walk from Hamilton Ferry. APRIVATE FAMILY reaMaag in 8th- at., rear the Sth-av.. woi Id let two or three rooma, with N aid Addteaa W IL LI AM, at Uiu office. Referent** required. BOA h DING..A Untbinan and hia Witemn he accomm.a1af>sl with unformatted room* and Hoirrl hy applying at :H> King at BOARD IN THE COUNTRY..Two 0*1 lirajWI and their Wiaea and a a*w alngin (lentla- enenraii obtain heard arith aUaaaal neranka> at New-Rnchalle. Laaatiaa la it «nable and wnlun a few m'tlute*' welk »I tha> L)etiof Apply t.. or add'e«a lira H iRMCTT, New-Rnehell*. B(iAKiTi^TBR».><»hl,vN_A prhrafta family, having more room than thrv re<pdre, would Ilk* to lake a (lei.tleman and loa wile, m a . amain liniilemea to Boatd An hj to Mia Ml RK, Ro M IVail-al I>n. bt tweoti Con. old andTilla.) ate Rel'ereiawe giveu and reajaitaR, OARDINGi.A Garntlenaa and hit> \\ tie, and MM airgle Oaaflailiaa can hr arri inmodalrm with hoard in a private family, by applying at .No. 131 Stb-ev. B( >.\ U 1)1 N i i. Faraihlbedaad aj^vaialb* etl toarna. with full or pnrnal Hoard, ran be obteinedt by applvini ui No >> Hubert §' a'- tt ' ll 11* :t-sf., bei ween the hotira ol S A. M andiPM. The houee la to H Pagatehld with aew ikntaiaj taiMfhaajh Relereuca ax* Changed BOARD..A privat« family has a fdaa. aaiit ¦tiling'.tu «Ith k-droiiiiii and doe't atiacbed, thai thej v.. aid lei to a almle *. etnau, fiini'ahed or ua- lagak eaV ailb in wini>ut nt Hoai i Li»aJii>a, Hood-et. Ilnth i 'l,e bobb* fbje HaRva arlll ha given hj tie family between aero d afory lairk rooma, end f ird atory front rm nia Hel- renrea given aid r><|Ulred. Addrege H iL, 1 til Hl I tltti.e BOARD..A Genttaflnaa ana his Wife* can lie pleaaantly rag .uuii.aiKi. d with Hoavd and a ¦arge na,m wiih wo pmtriea Alao two Omilnmen A Haaa> ¦in nl mo alao be hud. tor ao otHre Tim housn haaall thai diialern impioveineiite ln<|ulr«*tNo 2,^7 llnwn-m Retef» encea requited B< fARDi.Thre» or inur Qotttlaaaaa can he art-oilmodated with go<>d Board and Rut.n.n. Apt !) at No. lit.'Cliatliain-aquare. BOARD in a PRIVATE VIILY m BROOK LYN. Newly turiitehed Rooma and good Raaad ran i'e nad at No 4 Ranee*** ha ¦ tag t> new, Uf cation fli-ajiioii and healthful, and near ifie City Hall. BOARD, with suits or MariaRooa»% I r) » ,.l i,ii .0 ky applying at N i ¦ Weat ^A1*t,, t\ V)i'- boaaa ia new and e«p-tia!ly Itted fir the) aajajBgaa, having baiPa. |«. and all Bgoaafl imprxvemente. BOARDING..Two aafarntabad Par^ I. ntdnaiiiia altai heil, to 1st, with Board, aR No Ml RtoMlaay B(l\l;l> If. RKUOkLVN.-A bttf.-l" aoeae fnu.t Pailor and KeJroout on a conJ Unit, fo Ink » IIb 11 nl lo a gi nl Ir ii,a a ami a witr or im u alngle giutla- ii,ei n a i i' a*ai,t .inutluii, and arUhin five in.i.iitiV walk tt fall I iy Apply at No 92 ilighal Brooklyn. BOARD m BROOKLYN..A Ua*tjf> n an and Wife or single Ghaathjaaajl wishing h >ard in a quiet. g> i teel lanuiv. near the Sooth Kerry, may obtain aorb iiiait. r^ bf ti] tvmg at No hit S ale at. Rrlen accs roqalred. Ilouat new, with gas ai.d modem iiiipruvemunls. B OAR DING.. A Cr nt I. man am! Wife can obiMin pleaeant rm.rna, with board, in a hnuae waana> there art a lew Mai i hoarders. Also two or three single tfen- tlemi ii ran huve full nrpaitiai board on reasonable terms, by spplving at No -VMireerte st .b-tween Aailty and Kourth Ma, Bath in the ho'i»e B(>A"RDIN(t..To Let, a third story bvat aaat baak laaag and a i»-d seaaa, kt a pl«yaane h .use. i r. in >. ii > a amall fan il», wilu partial b «rd if d»- SU'd A il Im in« iihiiii Hi I'i^ In.iw. l,.e-»tiiMi iteair- «hl»-, and i.i in .. kt L' utw v Ap"ly at Su. 12t> l«r»ene-»l., uext below Piinoe R»firencee required. B"o A R D..Mr*. KEMBLE, No. 45 E act I'l'h-at , haaa few rlrgaJit laiuiiy and single Rooma UMS in !. d ; one mit of rooma on tirat n.a.r. The IneaiiiM la tify aiui .'' .«liH..I lor summer, with a simm!hiim dining ami di .<* lag Rpeasj 1., hi bag ai a haaaag; «.«-. taaej faajg bom« mei.t raaaaj aad Imard (or physicians. BOARD .One <>f tvv.i i ngla GentleaMai ran be i.. aaaut R.. .11... in til* third at..ry of a new hi ,a», with partial Board, by applyiogr at No W West Mth st BOARD.With a rar-/ deairable hail af MM can be oStimed at Nn fj Kaat Itrh-at eoraar of li>mg pla.e, one biociieast of CniMi-piraR. fa-o or three) get Uem- n can be u commodated. BOARD in tin COUN PRV_Tl>m tür ami er»oi a f»i y .fan B< a'd, witn pli-aaanf mom*, at e privHte re»iili-nie, laireerii.g 1 n Roes land Lake. The fcaaV lion is hi al'hy, and 'b* * er.« iy is grand Tli» 0"T«" is <iolta> leilree. end b»t e few [leeea from the lake. wh»r«- t'iere la gmd "iili'tg m it e«effg fit i'»n p-.'li'-e ,.,<i t-itr ni» grown r ai *. I7arm in abomlance. Apply to J. JOII 'IS'J.f, No &t> wm ak BOAR D Two 1 r,'!t mfii ran b" ac- enii modaied with a pleasant Room and H-ierd in a pri» lair tan il) i.v appljmg »' No ?»! franklln-se n-ar Broad¬ way. Oood relereaees reipiired. BOARDIM. in Ii RÖO K LYN..A ateaaaal and airy front Room In »«ond sRaea rufar- Mabed, Ina fientleiimn aad hia Wife, or two single Oentie- men. A.'tlyai No. 22» Hlrta-aC 130ARI)TnG in »lif COUNTRY, at LK JL> ii -i plai I K1W RUCHCLLZ HJU 0. Lt.N It as a lew rooms duenaag u. a bii h she will 'et 0» favoi- ln-s o.i reasonable teiina, ala.ut leg minatee' walk Uau tuey Dayyait. __ BOARDING UP TOWN.- P.-r... ti iis ol ob-ainir.g g. fiteef H^ard tn a resaeeriMe >rt» v»lt family up-town may be hands-mei- a c iminida-ed at r> M '.hthst, between Ud at.a «fh-»ra. R^terooce*) >i i.'.'._ BOARDING_Urfaniialied Room? on tlar first fW. sni'ahle for (e*rrtlernen and their *Vlv*a. Dj a I atajajag ha ataga at No 1^2 tv e>ert7 place, aear several stsgerii.Lia Retrrenceeeicbe/iged. OA.RDING..A hsaaiaj or aairiaj s ß (.-¦¦ en-1 csn >~ an...''.- ' " "i fuT.. lyatpiymgst No IS P.e/.l« t two mtnuteV «-*iat I,, ,, ru ua. ferry, eti BnwaJya »''»*.*__ l>( ¦ARD WANTED.With furnUM 13 « " 1 ¦ Ledlea with a rrereecaMaa iTT,..* gaealh Where ao other boarders are takao pra- Jen.d Locatmn pleeaant and not far op towu Addreaa, with rtaiiitralara. Mass %., Triaaaaa OaVa._ OAltD- (IctlflfillTB ami the-ir Wise* . and a few Magie UaaOesnc*. can have Board, with. |M a R,* r- a f«n ia*i»d rr enfernielted. at No so Stale at, betaeti Hat.y aad CRaaaa-eta, Raaoktya. _ BOARD».A wit, or kringle rtMim-. for fajml'.** and airigle Ou'lemen. may be bad k/ apply- ma at No 37 Wer 1 w^ntv araaad-at, aear ¥ihh av. witu all mctiem unprovenai r.u Kefgrence* iequi/'d. BOARD in ( HAMPERS ST..A Gen- i. i. ¦ ana W ift ar.d on- or two stogie Oenti*an«a will had dasi.. hie a; aitu.eota to let, with B ard, at No. lata, t iii:t» !. it N B The bouse baa teceutly beea UaxoufL. Iy irpaued and paiatad aad is m perfect otdaS. B

Transcript of chroniclingamerica.loc.govNEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XII.NO. 3,404.- NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 13,...


    ^f.yQRK^ TRIBÜNE.mW.VUKh'*UA1isV TBIBDNB^VvTgy morning (Svudat ¦xccptkd,)»»^J*V öa£elkt a. McEUUTH,

    telLDI !.n for Advertl*»J^^ijjgl» a line lor «ach intertinnn^^^ .afliJK NfcVV-VOKH THUM NE

    tOt IVMMIN CiacX'latio»

    ajiablbkea1 an Ihr d-parture of each Mail Steamer for file_JJgJ pne* r eta, nrtfce pur-Kofootmg by ballot, »ia l> leteteete the ritrh l»i-rnctJl^r..' C01.vr1.r1. 11 tu S.-ltct * l»el«-)tre-eiitatire«frrm 1« i-e'ii ni cf 'I" ITnlan, will unite with lh«m inLlrrlii r fcl < ur «ttr«»', .,

    .. , . f r youriupport. Mimt ofthe T*tTp» Whitj ol the Ward v»:ll reo>Kiiize in 1i10 mmBrnniiii" ' nwnet "p" ticket Rentlcmen who refutedt»MMOrt tre iioinliiAtioiit ol the l«»t National Co iventl'm,wb. oriAtedthe rlac'iun ol our pr-» rit Whig Itepreaenfa-tiri- m Ciiriiee*, and who now uribliiHhinelv declare th.-irBxed c' teraitnt'loD M punue the name coiirae in relation to

    v ., ., jtbt HMiaj Kart «I Coavevtkaai Bkovldtb. ».»en.i led wndomcl'tfie great Whig jiarty not onite ingrlertDg thttr JutottU./f tht >\» t brtn./, who, bv the way,am the otyct tf tb#ir dinomtinrini oppomtion in the ia«tPrertcentul Kliefinn! Thett facta ar«« pretented wulnmtru ¦ -nt ta the ktclli|racc of tlie Wlngt of the VUth

    ^'JnafMrtr f'f* Cfnymtional ftittrirl Contention.i\ alter I'nderhill, Jarnra Hajfctj,Vdi. T. FhckBay, John .I Levy,1 benitiCa'hnra, Altrtd I Kaylor.

    IT Tenth Wiinl.-THf VH»V PHE CDMSTI-Ti [ION! TBE HOW I'Ki >.»iIsH .For PraaMeni, Ml lardpRb Lie. af New-N ork.w IKr »«.iiamifMMt 1. « tsftnAelacI A. M aa aaael Oae-rfain 10 ine»t the Caticraaainrial lieleiiafea in Coaiaaatka) inalfrt. 11 Di bajatt in UM \\ luv Williall tnnvenfHiri at Biü-tamt'e. in im »- mH tn ii niiii ate 1 Pri-au cut and a Vica-Pren«i>uf of the I'l iini Btatfa.

    Ht WCIS HEGEA Chaimiaii.BtMj. W. Kiounn». SecretaryUr "»< \. 11K 1mil \V »ril..The Dein.» ratic V\';,u

    Hctoiaofthe Wllihe U'ard tre h- Mhy notified that anNKlioM aril] aa beJd at toe Haan ( lav Hnu»«. corner ofAtrii.- A tint I»' at on THCTRSOAT. the 11th day of Mayem hat«« i. the hoan «f I anJ JA M for th-» Mrp >t«. oflinin g r,\r Ibh^ti't to ihn Vlth ObinruaaiuMal Dintiict('. i,»r, Own, wbk.h ( niivei.timi will .-I,ii..,m tt Del-^at« tii thelahiatufl Ciiitenii. n. i.. Diitiiina'i' \\ ing ('andidalrt for

    ' ana Vu-e-preaiileut of he I'mied Stah a, 00 theKitk nt June next. K< ord»r :

    V UW AK1> PHI MI'S, riiuirman Ward Com.H f MiLta ) .CoaN.L.u» Mino«, ? s'aretaileafV FlarhlCflllh Wiirrl.-The |)ein»rra»lc W>)igBratMi'fghackjfiaaaatR Werl are ravaaatad t laaaaaihaa

    at tlie ft/l Hoiae flih tv oo-, SfJd-at on T I' RSOA Y nnxt.Ip n ti'p'i A' »t,lii« lei-t bve llelegatet M-n-et11 i \eiitioB to telect I lebgale to repreieot the \llllhCcrceatfVietl »Min t. n Uta National C a**Dtiua at Hahi-ewie.on the 16th of Jui. lajajlt Kv ordrr nt 'he WaidCnin-aiittee. KDWAJtO B. BURU, Chairman.Wa.J.Dtv»; { Hcietanea.rr NWu-enll. Wont. I lüMOCRATIC wh1ö

    Fl ECTORS nt Iba M\tli Ward, aie requested to neat at-haaa/MMaT.neVlSth-rt, on THURSDAY M th bet, at J

    ot,**»";¦._J AIcKINNEV. Secretary.iv tmcriean laatllnir Ai.imimI Kli-. iion tor--.m. Maia»rr» a, »,|] lie k«M I H IS DAY (Th'irt-

    55 ": '^n>»»al tee liiatitui-. No. k&l Btriadway. ThervtaaiUoMi. atdaadrliMe tt 7 o'cleck p. m.By «der 01 the 1 ivateea:

    _BBNtV MKIGS, Ree. Soc.

    ataKitAMlc'l iMTinrtf Rooms,!rsri,. ^ New-Yoik. M.iv. IA 18.-.:. S,« «¦ r««alar aneatiua al ike Mechnaea*.^..aata^emiti tin I'reaidenl ia the « hair, toe.'ivlaied^''Uiurt,' "l"'"« bJ Aluennaii Elijah ¥'. furdy,

    I- o *i''« *TVf !*»'".».. ». a lnaritute a^e due and artk»3±r2Ü*£i?4!y9i***mtl Prol laVJ«4u H i rS*** Ooramat Hoo. Chaa. H nelavaa,in to ft «L^5"^E**' u " M Üatxleraoa. KeL, Lo-R h^fl T\S V' '' HeN r Ilia,.,, ¥\n. ,.d J.«weaitäkS'i. L * Trr^ ..teeee mir and in*tru.-tive Leo-jaala^^A^>am7u.bare et MMeeha»laj (t """"I B« covrte aeaiBAij clo.ed at Citntoo

    «. rtrettei to baveacopyofT>* .< i Ii*"i v*" P«W>ahrd in the eie Y.rk H*rZit.., - 1 wal betrike » «n ;!..». per*,«^» aatanatrj ha| ( .,e ia the WaatIwj alajfoa']'..*''*"'>«.' ta to tor* a Joint Stock C.mb""*«taH*!e V ' Ma, that aha aat iaaa naea*«;t aj .> '"' -i' ' >;'. -« ataaa at aat* raqaaredj"/^ate».\. U; .''*' «'eri.ig ....-r Menage 10 a

    1 ta»taj^*y*J>CTl'"¦: a aumreea. a-- invited call at*aktlt^t» '. j"'"'v uit"»nii»ti< n will be given..WeaJi!'' "ijaa'-tgHte for thetnaelvea and where a".aaekv w.Jaj r :l '* will take the t tuhie to goMaatlJ. «'.". No W Ha. k tt they rai tee t fuU-* ^t^eBlelT'.k^,'nl,' " "' r " "' U A M *"d 2 to 5>*nn«»n »'.," . '** ' ' '. l * Üriiwa atagrt will land«»keXr,.!. v w»ik ol the aaaihiaa, wrie.e***a4?^T !rt 10 "'.cl' t- rr. 01 de. e to in-9*aaanM, tr.JW*' ^"^ ¦" e to call ai.d aaaaatoa 11a*«trtt» a. ' '"VJhar particaU* apply at the office of -heh« a. .V j.' -* 1 - l .¦..«;). Nu o.' \\ ii.iaiu-e:.,^Waitair^'.L*'0^ 9t< w «»»«V foA: at I* IM" rn. »t r< »l)BtOOd way.HT I'nriw ^Innlilnd.!.«irpnt Importation ! !.

    W .. be read, for inspection THIS I) \Y, at tne Emporium.No.Mi Bmisway, (late No. 351.) fifteen hundred Pan* ma E\ KMM) or*t, l.lth but,at tbeit Roctn. No 4.; fcoodwaj, 1 I o*eloob. W T. B.fV'il.l.lKEN Vm)., will aridre» the meftin* All peraoL*.»| n (I to it i|inie '! to the aV(*octaOOfJ principle ar* invited

    to ali^id. BabKriptiona will be received 'hat evening.kWo aall* from B| A M to 5 I'. M., and on Wednraday andSaturday «venin*» until !> o l,,, k, at 'he Office, a* above.

    ADAM P. PEBTZ. Pre*tdei t.JOIL W. MASON, Vice-Preaident

    J. E. KriNUai.l. SecretarvTauaTBBt

    loi n Raab, John .I lltinrk, JiiriN b. Mtnfay,no nel Stile», Kiwaid W alker, OosnoholG, SmiUi

    t oward Strong, Duncan E. Curry, W ui. H. Diet*.

    IV rinwo-l' ori«- nnd Iloiidi«»-KurnUhln« .>!»-Mini I rim \ --i i in ici . npmallelrd aucces*! I'b*int monthly ineetiii(t of i hie Society took place on EndayVeilit'* akt. at be Ap IW ENINO. Miv I«, jköz


    Pakt 1.Overtnte.Fgmont.Beethoven.RomaBM.Al uon avea piu lae- ...».."' (Maria di

    Riiikuz.).Donizetti,Bbjnoi c. II un u.i

    Siena and An«." Wie naht« mir der Scliluminer,"(Frein iiiii/..l.Weber.MADAME JENNY OOLDSCHMIDT.

    Vaiiatiou» on a '1 in me oi Silmbert.E. David,\ loim.Mt. Bi rke.

    J£!!^:^^i'* j(rJa^Ta^..!**MADAME JENNY ÜOLDSCUMIDT.Part IL

    CoBcertatück.Weber,Piano-Körte.Mr. OTTO OOLOaCHMIDT.

    Iiiieffi'.".Ab Piiirrato." (les Hifu, >.Meverbear,!* .\il ,i KNN l t.t 'I.I»S( II.MIDT and Sipnor HuilALI.

    ( omrit l'olouatte WtOnbWl.Theo. Eisfeld,(liiat time of performance )

    At;a.' Deh viein MB tardar," (le No/.re di Eif-aro.) ....Mozart,

    MADAME JENNY 0OLD8CHMIDT.Ca%atiL'u-l'rinla limenta a'mania." (Lucia di Larn-

    nitniioor.).DoTiuetti,S;;nor V Raiiiai.i.

    The Butt'* Son*.Taubert,MADAME 31 ^Nl Ol ILDSi H.MIDT.

    The On he*tra will be OOByoaacl ol EIOHTY Perfonmer«-Conductor.Mr. Thoa Euteld.

    u in er.M: Joaapk Burke.Doon DfCa «t el o'clock Ct ¦*> Ii h) COtnOM nee at 8.11» price of iiiVtt tta* tuen fixed at tjy. f.'and $1. Each

    tickt t in accoaapaaiod i»u aastU rod abi t k. which «ecute* *.tat brajiu|aconrapoisutui otmoer.H c. a pa, ;w ,;.- ,aj. 6f jj -kd, ^ rjj be ifm tarn ftidat,Ä a\ U ,,i I A M.. ut ( ;. kariB*/* Piano-l orte Waienaiaui,v Riohuway.BtJok*CoaakabriDf the wind» of the Sonc*. in F.nzlnh. (»er-

    u ati. Italian and Swt dlah. tor sale at üie door on Uie eveningof tl e Concert Price l.< cent*.Hie 1 a»t Cone, rt but Cue will take place on Endav. May

    ?'. ar MefcvMnian Hall; aud the LAST CONCERT IRAVI Rlfi fa MONDAY, May .4, at CASTLE OARDEN.

    Astor-place opera-house..(»n Till BSDA) EVp.NINO, May 13, will bei< I :i it I,ted M akspelt't. '1 i.i. ii. ol

    01 HELLO.oti.ei).Mr 0 v Rioaln Pn1lma>i Mlwf «Vratailagt'...Ln*M Batttl.Mr*, \ ickery

    lan;nrt and I-. \»». N OOOt*; Ampbiiln-aier. cent*;>otnS»at* $1 N H .' iclct> ».,!d (. r I'artitiet, Rove* andS. Ia». i re ti e hun Iw the e\einuj. The performance*» ill ti n MM f a! "J o'i i k

    \n:LO> uakden.. joh1s SKK-11 Ti N Manaaar .THl RSDAY BVENITM M»v is,.HI |» Hlfii'ti » 0. b:h'ut:e. the'lrand "»cutth Ballet of

    LA SlLPHIDE.La Im rwOIgUEENB.a .! .. - orr* open at ~i o'clock: to com-

    p i>i i \ h\V a V theater.e. a. Mar-|> HUU ' a* Lm-this rVEVlNtJ. M»» !3lk,\V ill he p. f, to . .1, tu«' In» ». **>n. ihe Comedy of

    1 ONDtiN ARMH \NCE.Da«zle..M> B« gl am I adv (lay Spanker.MiwCiwh-nanloci" 'ne'e w ick tb . r-or>ular Ctuiw* of

    ai 1*111 \T OUTTI RS is Sot LPH*a ta ,uet. »" cents; Eainllv OtlOM and Upper

    IIa . rei t», f rVata Boxe« %'¦< and $?> Door* open at 7,.rwi pert,.nuance io n.irimeace at 1| o'elnckl.

    5l KTON'S THa-^ter.Cramberb-i \ Tiiiv i. \ ty k; w,n He played, the1.1. ?.-»», d ( . an dv OfWIVES \s TM] I WEBE MAIDB AS THEY ARE.|,;.\ei.M» Burton Piorv.Mia* Weotoa

    MAKRO D BAI 11E LOR,Ccnitail.tVr. Letter i trace.V».t '.'.«-:.¦ r

    Un»*»ltri-'e aid »;miet. '*¦ rrn'« . Se-ond lie', tocaauiir>ri»*ie Kt tri %.-. (>re(--«Tra Chair*. eeata Door* opea.t TJ ; to he»in at ">{ "'rl»a-k

    |>AKM.M> AW ERICAN M USEUM.I > I T BAKNI M. Muiager and Ptopr>to; JoifNGREENWOOD, Jr, AtaiitaM Mai.Mer. C W CLARKEDireilt et All i.k U'enta Artll tsaii l, to the autire Mu*e«mai d Pertotmanre l/> »Ml. ( hlldree under Iw lig cents;Paruget U« oent*e»tr»-thi'K."»DAY andKKIIHY M«yIS In the API ER NOON at i beb. THE marW n HOI T A HEAD .ui TDK milliner*!, HOLI¬DAY. IHK >tt| THfl't OlANT, uappy family,Ac. are u> be aooa at all hoara.

    IVi FUM THEATKR. Broadway, nearJ Bmoiie-st .C'iRBVN .» BITKLASn. Leaseea.-THIS FVVViw; \tay 13 e.f!l he »'e«ented

    WHO BTFAKB KiR-i ' a'.erwhichTHE FAIR PRE WITH .HE GOLDEN LOCK*Btaaertoa ADELINE PATTI will .in the ECHO *>Vj

    .id tie Finale to "La (in r- nti.1 .« AH NONOIUNGE.To« . h e ui-h TELAM aCRUS.Drea» Circle 5» cent*; Pan,v."t, iSeenta: Fa'iily Circle,

    One Sinzing.

    TI/l^CDONOUGH 'S (the TEM I'KR-J.TJ AMI. VOCALIST) COMf LIMKVi'.UV <( r.hT ».'! c< mei tt at Vi tear* HalLNa B Bowers.. FRPÜA 1 E\ RHINO, Mav 14. or. which occasion . gr«»t vaietyOH (IfCONG will b-j presented, out mint O* Beta*. IM-tts.Ole« s. Quartettes fcc hv Messrs. OEO. STuWE. C A.C.AHV.S. BROWRR,W, I M4I BOROUGH,and a a*hct (l.urnf Ladies ani Geut einen. «Ith Plos» FarW andVk-hrj|inwpolamg Mr. ABbOTP. the crelWed Pi-at.;»t. will pr-nde at the Piano Fu-te Ticke . 25 cents. Tobe hart stthe Or«-» OIT,ce, No. II« Naeaa i-ai ; office of O.8., No. £52 Broadway, anr a-, the do r on Frid.vy evening.

    LECTURE in BROOKLYN..Rev. B.H. CH«PIN Hill I rture on ' JOHN HAMPDENAND THE PROORE'S OF POPULAR LIBERTY." atthe BROOKLYN IW8TITUTE. Wash nr.ton-at. oo'ill! ItMtAV EVENING. May 13, at 8 o'clock. Bfaagalticse's ^ cents; tiebtag admitting a gentltman and two lo¬ci.ea, Vi centa, t be had at the print.pal btaikatorea, tnd atthe dcor of the Inatitute.

    AT KNICKERBOCKER HALL.Theceleb etrd Infant Drummer, Master W. H MAR4H,vil's»»i.t.v. iib olbyr relebr .i. d aito-rs, at JRAWII REV-N A I DSON'SOrwad Musical Evening, on MONtMY next,l"ih ii.i. Tickets 25 centa

    THE AZTF.CS.Four Exhibition* Dai-lv -These marvelous lntle folks will rereise visitorsat the SOCIETY LIBRARY Fiery Day this Heek, from 10to 12. 2 to 4, 5 to 6J. and front 8 to Hi o'clock. On MON DATnext thi y will he exhibited in« ipbia. Ticket»2öcts.Children 12^. Pamphlet« (36 pages) .

    " Ti n. i. tbe »ort of h (eniiine sailor, yet a UM und true heartedrann, i he *. !uiii»* tasaaaos nmeii af HatotostJaa advesAasa »hu . It n> li e frank rt |irer-entdtM.u,ltT s «Hi!or,of SSSsck that hassw und l.eno! t!'irui| tl-e period ol lu.'ty rive jears, in wiutb th-- sea»*»!i«home."' [Wettsnsi raAssVaaa

    *' Hu» eohlBas IWksek eootajea «evernl eusi a* .its* an.l a portrait nftbe «iitl o 3d-av., opptaite Tompkiua Market, Cea beseen foi tvo daya

    AS Chambermaid and Waitress, or plainSe^r. hya young P-o'eitent Woman; hag no obiee-Haa to to n the country. Call at No 11 drth-st, in the rear,up ataira

    AS Chambermaid and Waitress, by arrfpcteble young Citri, haa good city reference. Canbe aeen at «o 125 Amity-at, from 9 to 4 o'clock. No objec¬tion to tbecouutry.A S and Seamst'e^, OfI a < hambermaid and fine Lauad reaa, hy a respectableymrg No object Ion to gn in the country, or travelwith a family. Can produce the beat of cilv reference fromlet rrr rt.ptctahle Mifling in the city. Call or addreae, lortwo dayi. at No. 397 lat-»v.. E. C.

    S Chambermaid, and fine Washer andA Ironer. by a reapectable young Woman, who has thebeat of i-ity referencea for perfect neatness, honeety, a.hnetyatid gm .d conduct, t an be aeen for two daya. Call at No.115 Mulberry-tt, room No. 7.

    AS Chambermaid or Waitress, by a re-apectable young Woman. Beat of reference given hythe family »he now living with, where ih« ran be aeen.Inquire ai No. li5 Weit .I'th-st. Haa no objectiona to go totlie ciiuiitry.

    AS Chambermaid,and toas-sist in Wash-ii t and Ironing, by a young Woman, or to do theioaeework of a amal) family. Apply at her preeent em-iloyet'a No 58 Tmy-etA S Chambermaid and Waitress, or toT\ take care ot children, by a tidy, tmart voung Woman.I.quire at No. 59 Lexington-av , at her preaetit employer'a

    A S Chambermaid and Waiter, by a re-_R arect able Pm«estant young Woman, or to Jo g»n"raJh>n*ewre, for two naya.

    ARespECtable roiMi Woman wantsggataataaa aaCaaJl and La.uidr.-aa, or general houae-wota ip a get ter 1 family.haa no eaj ction u> the country,aid ia will,nglo make hei »elf geiiei ally Bjefalia any ki'idot w rk. Shr i» a gia d < uol and baker, and fully competentlc fill exy ri'ta'i' ahe rdertakea No one need apply ex*ret I a p. i\ate family. Call at No. 112 Kant lltli-il.

    ARiaracTABLi Pbotiitant aTouivaWomaa wiahei a ituatlon to do general hoiiaework tna pnvate family . would have no objection tu go a abort die¬ter re in tie a or try. Can be seen at No. 27'.» Weat IDth-aC,between 9th and iCtli-av*.. on tbe m Coor. front room.

    ALadt, wjierieiiced ia hon «hold atlairs,wants a ritnativu in a genteel Prottsriuit Kamtly, asHomekei r. r Searr.itreaj, Nti serj Goveni^aa, or Chamber¬maid Hum iMtirrirrns to traveL or to go in tbe country .Good reft itntcg given and requurd ; can be aeen at No. KB.A eat &ith. st. bttatcc *Jth and leth-avg.

    AFA NCY W< »< >LEN 11VER PromScot.In H i»de»iroiisof ol L: niuii a WtaaHnR He has üb! Ten(eas'rxKriitice in the Dyriogol Woolen,, cuiefly fori! e ti ii ulatleni r of Ta/tme-a'd is caeJs»t «f giving *ar-i.'mi tun to ll ua«- who iingt.t reijuii- liu servi^-a Tbo ueatof reiereacea can be given bv sWOaaahal eeeaN r Plenty of Men and Roys on hand.

    WAITING-MAID S SERVICES ' abei PAsSAoF...A veia n»i. tfhil'- young Womaa

    «ho. in cofiarqnence of pcor hi a!Ui. is deairoua of retnru'.i.gto h i glaJ'C. wi'iilii be willing to give her aerviira in r.n-i

    * lt».:i.» I . r pi**** l«-e raid, to anv family, insi ih n;-oiv aa ihev u.a> deaire. .She la 'Ji.»r.)Qglily fa-.,i i*i a ,:i. SjJ aVaaaaatai duaea ai^ haa La,! much e\pnne icevriih chüdaaa. .»»he an furniali the jest of city refer-oce aat. .-h«ra«'er and eaaaafl iv. Any family who uiav be iiter-

    [...i.n.g I., ,h. .. « i.i, the .e term', inav *'u» »l.e saaj ii*. ie' rt in a lawy. r's oftic- ao4 oAerwiae. None need aprly aikoae I ueil res will at « ar>»ai a fair salary. Ci'.yref-

    j.vr n. Acn.-M c«iP\ la'TTtl is oftce^_

    1/AM1L1ES in want of good help, forci'y or e< utitry, can obtain such at tl»e otTiea Na mji./ar.d-»l. rea* the Bowery, where louo but tairhf il andu. .i.y domestic servan scan remain. T. M AfTä.

    ff iOVERNESä..Ab Ei prliah L*ady, ia\Jß arcDiionrd tu lescltmg tnc ! igher bracchee of a lib-4 n.wao rj'eki K.e.ich a a l'anaian.andcar. ttach

    P:«i.o. wuLtsto ftrm su engagement with a family re-nciag tr. t; t tout.try. Stt ia willing to deiote heraelfto the^.irifl welfare ol bi r pn>.iii. and wouid acceft of a moder-».i um. »::h a party who would receiee ber as

    one or

    hcit family and make" her happy. The highest refrreaceAddress to TEACHER, Broadway Post-f>«ce,_

    TVJI USERY (.( .VKKNKSS. A LadyJ.1 nnVimid toT'aeb. witbea aatnuwion in arcapec»-

    ;.. Li bgoilT, wheie the ch ldren are y.>an*. She ia«trcctioB Mi Eag^iah. and atteno partura»

    rn t. ii i traintn*. Teatimoc tals nneg'-eprieo-rt:c. Or aculd aait on a delicate bady who n.ight re.juireaiti-laxra ia ..jfriLtfmlo-g aer doeaeebc arrangaaienta.Mer diapciiticcf are kiad en artettive. Salary ant ao snnebaa byeC1 aa a comforuUe aoiae. Aedrtas L. Ha No. IH6BkacAviaea.

    TVOTICE lo COTTON MANCFVC-JLl n RE RS .The advertiser offer* hi* «*TVK-e* to thawwho mot wish to fmplijj bjui tc superintend the erectt rearranging the m«vhin*r» andrepair.n. Cotton Mills, or the :* rinaaeut eupennteodenee of. large Mill. having had J7 years* practical etnen-nce at theboth-ess and Ita tit- traut mechanical bnualiee in the heatn ill* in New Enr'and for reference eddrea* Messrs Sor.utBrawley* Bnirutu. I n «v. N. V.. prepaid.

    SHERVÄNTS7 .~Cood faVrman, Irish,American and Protestant Servants can siwars be No 47 l.. dlow st., near Urand-at.* ran alwaysget suited, without ml iy. . J. RlDGF.LY.

    TO BOSS PRINTERS, PCBLISH-PPS, .r BOOK PINDERS..Wanted, by a practicalw arerocuis-Mai. a situation to take care of a warvn>*_^orwould so as lisht Porter and Sheet Man in a book store, canrefej to hi. last employer. A note addressed to F. 0 C'na*.hani-s.jcaie Po,t Uth. e. for tour days, will be attended U).

    TO COACHMAKERS.A Young Manthst has st tved his tim to the Hamear inakiag busi-tif .s. at d has acquired aoiae ki owledge of Coach-trimming,would wish to become perfect at the latter in some n apecta-NtEal U. D. Bl 111", box50 Un a. a a* Posl-Oflicc. New-York.

    CTRAW H.VF TRIMMERS.-War.'. 1.»3 five or six yourg Ladies, who uuderatsuul the butineta.A.ply at No. 171 Pearl-*!. up stairs.

    TEACHER WANTED.A, asprincipal of Girlt'Departn ent in a Pub v .».-.. >. svi.Uge .'j iniiis (tisraut trom New-York I y rai ui Mbe ei.alnied iu the htgher English branch.s. Ma-n-iuv; well aa by character and experience. Salary $2511. Ad¬dress JOEL Dl NM, Esq . Plaiulicid. N J w.-n reference*.

    TA IL0RE8S WANTED.For om orfw< week*.one who iindersfaad, cutting and makingho)s' ch thes Apply at No. 32 Willoaghhy-«t, Brooklyn.

    1THOMAS HOPE.If Mr. limtatsHope will make hts residence known to Mr. ''IHNNEIL, ot Clinton. Mass., he will benefit tuirueif and ^ontera lavor on Mr. Ne.l.

    TO BE EXCHANGED.About SJ.OOOwotlh of Dty fiisida. loHilM» til. and a MrtHgpgiven for the balance, by a responsible person for a lirvtensi d I...: li ot G'ii-.l ,d we-t «Id.- of the.'itv. AJiheas,staling ui alloc and puce, R. C, Broadway Post-Orfij*.

    TOMACHINE TENDERS..Wtntsd,a vi ui r Msti arenstomed to attend Drawing and Spin-nii.g Frames, capable of keeping them in order, and ofti selling opt ratives to piece, dopp, i.e. To a onini> aiirifailhtil person, who is willing to make himself generallyuseful about the factory, t'ei ly employment can la* assured.Apply to .1 MORTIMER IIALL. No Pi South s!

    VI/AN'l KD- A Violinistoftin-firti rank.? v te go into a pleasant part of the country to tea-h the

    Violin a f. w weeks am nig the present season. None but afinished Perform, r need Moplv To such (a on* a liberal re-mtineral.on will be odsred. The location is situated in Mkalborne. C ittei den Co., \ ermont, on the east shore of Lake< hainplain. six miles soiitli of the pleasant village of li ir-hngton. Vt AiidreeaP. M, SHELBIRNE, Vi, wilii teriiia,ate.

    VI/ ANTED.A very smart ami cleanlyTv Woman to do general housework. One of the rigfit

    aoit. with tint-rate rt oanw ad .'tons, will get liberal wagesby calling at No. 233 West afe and profitable manufactiinng busi¬ness. Apply to B. B. B at the oitice ol tins paper.

    VI AN'l ED.An iDtellifeBt La-I, withT v good sridresg, ia the count lug-room of a printing-

    OtRea; ODO Vbo writaaa fair hand and it a good accounts..t.N'neo'hert will ti.iwer Impure at ft John-at, up atairt.

    '\1 AN'l ED.In a Book ar.'l SiationeryT V 9tom, a tmart, intelligent Boy; one who reside*

    with hi* j near the ttore Apply at No. >r>i Orceo-w:ih-«t. .

    WTANTED. Bonn» t Fraine M ikcr-..\\ ,1 hs'.ri-. to whomgead pricea will begiven BLd no utt.era need appy a'- No. >Oi Bm«wi h at.J T. COX.

    VI ANTED A go«ni Job Coiri|Kj»itoift srilH ..' >i: e.-.i....y-i «ritand livrai wazea. Alaa.

    a ¦aantl Man. a' out 18 »eatso'.d. who wntesa gxal hand andis 01 pact at figures, a* light Porter. Apply at No 8»iJobn-aC,up stairt. _

    ft III \ WANTED..Any botsoh?p J \"y"iVr"" havtt g a'aiut this sum can iuveet thesane tust i.rofitsh y in % boauiaes alre dy established Ap-i y to UGRTHINOTON ROMAINE, Atlouiey, No. 30N a/saa-tt._iiOCA TO 11,009_Tbc tdivettiser^.J* " we.i it t.. buy an intere»t in tome well estab-htlatd. sate and lucrative business, that wtil pay from R2o tof « at or .v- »iied *«iva». can give tkg aeat refereocee a* toaaaliaVatiiiaa aaa aaavraaear, la deeitim« ol eMenuag boardm alamo, «vh.'e hi. mai nino na wi>ald fca a remuneration.Ac,i... i. I'Rdt-K.HMiH t»K .Mi Mt\at this ,>aW

    All RNISHKD ROOM to Lprr-Ta^quire No. 964 Broadway, eutiance la FraukLa-at.AFRONT PARLOR itud BEDROOM,henriaomely rural bed. with full or partial Board, canbe obtaii ed i i a nie -elaaa private hoaea la ."da at near Ith-»v ai.u Madaou-aju. re. Addrraa L. L. Tnbiioe OSL*.

    AFURNISHED ROOM to LET.Wt Ith or without partial Hoard, at No. He Cbamhere**.AGENTLEMAN am! his WIFE oftarn alngle tirntleiii.n ran be eceomatodatad withpit aaaut Rooma and Hoard m a amall in ivaie nuailv aitaanpala' No IIb W tat Ifith »I Ubititat. utno rru built, with baUi*, kc ToriiM oi.-.-m.t*v

    APARTMENTS t.» LOT.Fereblttd orui ftiini led. with boeid. in a pii*.«:>- fam'ly. Applyat No. 77 l n- u.ui«' South lkooalyu. Tbrae aaiaatWwalk from Hamilton Ferry.

    APRIVATE FAMILY reaMaag in 8th-at., rear the Sth-av.. woi Id let two or three rooma,with N aid Addteaa W IL LI AM, at Uiu office. Referent**required.

    BOA h DING..A Untbinan and hiaWitemn he accomm.a1af>sl with unformatted room*and Hoirrl hy applying at N« :H> King at

    BOARD IN THE COUNTRY..Two0*1 lirajWI and their Wiaea and a a*w alngin (lentla-enenraii obtain heard arith aUaaaal neranka> at New-Rnchalle.Laaatiaa la it «nable and wnlun a few m'tlute*' welk »I tha>L)etiof Apply t.. or add'e«a lira H iRMCTT, New-Rnehell*.

    B(iAKiTi^TBR».>¦in nl mo alao be hud. tor ao otHre Tim housn haaall thaidiialern impioveineiite ln new, Ufcation fli-ajiioii and healthful, and near ifie City Hall.

    BOARD, with suits or MariaRooa»%I r) » ,.l i,ii .0 ky applying at N i ¦ Weat ^A1*t,,t\ V)i'- boaaa ia new and e«p-tia!ly Itted fir the)

    aajajBgaa, having baiPa. |«. and all Bgoaafl imprxvemente.

    BOARDING..Two aafarntabad Par^I. ntdnaiiiia altai heil, to 1st, with Board, aRNo Ml RtoMlaay

    B(l\l;l> If. RKUOkLVN.-A bttf.-l"aoeae fnu.t Pailor and KeJroout on a conJ Unit, fo Ink» IIb 11 nl lo a gi nl Ir ii,a a ami a witr or im u alngle giutla-ii,ei n a i i' a*ai,t .inutluii, and arUhin five in.i.iitiV walktt fall I iy Apply at No 92 ilighal Brooklyn.

    BOARD m BROOKLYN..A Ua*tjf>n an and Wife or single Ghaathjaaajl wishing h >ard in aquiet. g> i teel lanuiv. near the Sooth Kerry, may obtain aorbiiiait. r^ bf ti] tvmg at No hit S ale at. Rrlen accs roqalred.Ilouat new, with gas ai.d modem iiiipruvemunls.


    OAR DING.. A Cr nt I. man am! Wifecan obiMin pleaeant rm.rna, with board, in a hnuae waana>

    there art a lew Mai i hoarders. Also two or three single tfen-tlemi ii ran huve full nrpaitiai board on reasonable terms, byspplving at No -VMireerte st .b-tween Aailty and Kourth Ma,Bath in the ho'i»e

    B(>A"RDIN(t..To Let, a third storybvat aaat baak laaag and a i»-d seaaa, kt a pl«yaaneh .use. i r. in >. ii > a amall fan il», wilu partial b «rd if d»-SU'd A il Im in« iihiiii Hi I'i^ In.iw. l,.e-»tiiMi iteair-«hl»-, and i.i in .. kt L' utw v Ap"ly at Su. 12t>l«r»ene-»l., uext below Piinoe R»firencee required.

    B"oA RD..Mr*. KEMBLE, No.45EactI'l'h-at , haaa few rlrgaJit laiuiiy and single RoomaUMS in !. d ; one mit of rooma on tirat n.a.r. The IneaiiiM latify aiui .'' .«liH..I lor summer, with a simm!hiim dining amidi .mg pla.e, one biociieast of CniMi-piraR. fa-o or three) get Uem- n can be u commodated.

    BOARD in tin COUN PRV_Tl>m türami er»oi a f»i y .fan B< a'd, witn pli-aaanf mom*, ate privHte re»iili-nie, laireerii.g 1 n Roes land Lake. The fcaaVlion is hi al'hy, and 'b* * er.« iy is grand Tli» 0"T«" is leilree. end b»t e few [leeea from the lake. wh»r«- t'iere lagmd "iili'tg m it e«effg fit i'»n p-.'li'-e ,., wm ak

    BOAR D Two 1 r,'!t mfii ran b" ac-enii modaied with a pleasant Room and H-ierd in a pri»lair tan il) i.v appljmg »' No ?»! franklln-se n-ar Broad¬way. Oood relereaees reipiired.

    BOARDIM. in IiRÖOKLYN..Aateaaaal and airy front Room In »«ond sRaea rufar-Mabed, Ina fientleiimn aad hia Wife, or two single Oentie-men. A.'tlyai No. 22» Hlrta-aC

    130ARI)TnG in »lif COUNTRY, at LKJL> ii -i plai I K1W RUCHCLLZ HJU 0.Lt.N It as a lew rooms duenaag u. a bii h she will 'et 0» favoi-ln-s o.i reasonable teiina, ala.ut leg minatee' walk Uau tueyDayyait. __

    BOARDING UP TOWN.- P.-r...ti iis ol ob-ainir.g g. fiteef H^ard tn a resaeeriMe >rt»v»lt family up-town may be hands-mei- a c iminida-ed atr> M '.hthst, between Ud at.a «fh-»ra. R^terooce*)t» >i i.'.'._

    BOARDING_Urfaniialied Room? ontlar first fW. sni'ahle for (e*rrtlernen and their *Vlv*a.Dj a I atajajag ha ataga at No 1^2 tv e>ert7 place, aear severalstsgerii.Lia Retrrenceeeicbe/iged.

    OA.RDING..A hsaaiaj or aairiajs ß (.-¦¦ en-1 csn >~ an...''.-

    ' " "i

    fuT.. lyatpiymgst No IS P.e/.l« t two mtnuteV «-*iatI,, ,, ru ua. ferry, eti BnwaJya »''»*.*__l>( ¦ARD WANTED.With furnUM13 « " 1 ¦ Ledlea with a rrereecaMaaiTT,..* gaealh Where ao other boarders are takao pra-Jen.d Locatmn pleeaant and not far op towu Addreaa,with rtaiiitralara. Mass %., Triaaaaa OaVa._

    OAltD- (IctlflfillTB ami the-ir Wise*. and a few Magie UaaOesnc*. can have Board, with.

    |M a R,* r- a f«n ia*i»d rr enfernielted. at No so Stale at,betaeti Hat.y aad CRaaaa-eta, Raaoktya. _

    BOARD».A wit, or kringle rtMim-. forfajml'.** and airigle Ou'lemen. may be bad k/ apply-ma at No 37 Wer 1 w^ntv araaad-at, aear ¥ihh av. wituall mctiem unprovenai r.u Kefgrence* iequi/'d.

    BOARD in ( HAMPERS ST..A Gen-i. i. ¦ ana W ift ar.d on- or two stogie Oenti*an«a willhad dasi.. hie a; aitu.eota to let, with B ard, at No. lata,t iii:t» !. it N B The bouse baa teceutly beea UaxoufL.Iy irpaued and paiatad aad is m perfect otdaS.
