New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)

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Transcript of New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

    Beginner: What big decisions

    do people have to make in

    their lives?

    Some big decisions that people have to make are _________

    Advanced: Have you ever felt

    like the dog in this picture? Whenwas the last time you made a bad

    decision? What was it?

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World










    Domino effect


    Fork in the road

    Win-win situationRegret

    Educated guess

    Beginner Advanced

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World








  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World



    Domino effect

    Fork in the road


  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

    John: Hey Kyle, who are you going to take to the dance on Friday?

    Kyle: I already asked Judy. She said yes! Who are you going to take?

    John: Well, I want to ask Sarah. Shes really pretty. I think Tania wants me to ask her,

    though. Shes my good friend so she probably expects to go with me.

    Kyle: Thats a difficult decision. If you take Sarah to the dance, Tania might get upset.

    John: I know! Its difficult because I really want to go with Sarah!

    Kyle: Hey, if you find someone else to go with Tania, then you can go with Sarah!

    John: Thats a great idea!


  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)



    New World

    Charlette: Hey Paula. Guess what? Jason just asked me to go to the dance with him!

    Paula: Are you serious! Thats great! Youve always had a crush on Jason! Did you say yes?

    Charlette: Well, thats the thing. I kind of already said yes to Tony...

    Paula: Oh no! Why did you do a thing like that?

    Charlette: I dont know Tonys a cute guy and I honestly didnt think there was a chance

    that Jason would ask me! I have no idea what to do!

    Paula: Oh Charlette, this should be a no-brainer. Youve got to tell Tony you cant go with

    him. If you turn Jason down now, you can kiss any chance of being his girlfriend


    Charlette: Youre right. I mean, Tony might get sad, but I need to do whats best for me!

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

    Beginner: Do you think

    John should go with Tania

    or with Sarah? Why?

    I think john should go with ___________because


    Advanced: What would you do if you were in

    Charlettes situation? Do you think Paulas

    advice is good? Why? Why not?

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

    Dad: Well, Jessica, (you decide/did you decide) where you want (study/to study)yet?

    Jessica: (I am/Im trying), Dad, but its difficult!. There (are/is )so many! I

    Dad: What schools (have/has) you applied to?

    Jessica: I have applied to Stanford, UCLA, and Arizona State.

    Dad: Those (is/are) very good schools. If you go to any of (they/their/them) that

    will be wonderful!

    Jessica: Thanks! Im very excited. I still (dont/doesnt) know which school to choose,


    Dad: Im (safe/sure) you will make a good choice. I trust you!


  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World


    Love-struck Child: You are insanely in love with your girlfriend, Samantha. You dont

    care about her weaknesses. You will sacrifice anything to be with

    her, even drop out of school and work full-time. You want to marryher, and now its time to tell your parents about your plans!

    Worried Mother: You do not like Samantha for the following reasons. First, Samantha

    already has a baby boy! Being a single mother, you can see that she

    is simply looking for someone to take care of her and her child so

    that she wont have to work and take responsibility for her actions.

    The worst part is that she is 28, and your son is only 23! You need to

    convince your son to break up with her.

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

    Beginner: Who usually helps

    you make difficult decisions?

    My ___________ usually helps me make difficult situations.

    Advanced: In Alice in Wonderland,

    the Cat tells Alice If you dontknow where youre going, any road

    will get you there. Do you think

    that is a true statement?

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World



    Hesitant vs. DoubtingFence sitting vs: Decided

    Repent vs. Regret

    Advice vs. Advise

    Hope vs. Wait

    Counsel vs. Council

    Challenge: Try using both

    words in one sentence!

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    New World

    Advanced: What is the most

    difficult decision that a person

    has to make in their life? Why

    do you think that?

    Beginner: How do you feel

    before you make a big decision?

    How do you feel after?

    I feel ____________

  • 8/13/2019 New World Lesson 11 Decisions Decisions (1)


    Do you have any questions about

    todays class before you go?

    New World