New secondary curriculum and repurposed framework knowsley15 april

New Secondary Curriculum and Renewed Framework: Fitting the Pieces Together Isabelle Jones The Radclyffe School, Oldham My Languages blog: Twitter:


Powerpoint from Training session in Knowsley on Thursday 15 April 2010

Transcript of New secondary curriculum and repurposed framework knowsley15 april

Page 1: New secondary curriculum and repurposed framework knowsley15 april

New Secondary Curriculum and Renewed Framework:

Fitting the Pieces Together Isabelle Jones The Radclyffe School, Oldham

My Languages blog:


email: [email protected]

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Objectives:• Get an overview of the opportunities and challengespresented by the Renewed KS3 Framework & New Secondary Curriculum•Provide examples of classroom activities linking in with the Renewed Framework

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New Secondary Curriculum

Renewed Framework

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New Secondary Curriculum: 4 Key Concepts

1. Linguistic Competence2. Knowledge about language3. Creativity4. Intercultural Understanding

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New Secondary Curriculum: Key Concepts

In practice this means ...

•Making learning more engaging: Compelling language-learning•More emphasis on skills development & creativity•More opportunities to make connections between subjects

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New Secondary Curriculum: Changes to consider

•Cutting back on content to focus more strongly on developing language skills•Providing more opportunities for active & creative learning•More focus on Intercultural Understanding•Cross-curricular approaches



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New Secondary Curriculum

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KS2 Framework

KS3 revisedFramework

Thanks to K Scappaticci

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages: ICT

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages: ICT

ICT appears as a weakness in OFSTED report from 2008-09 subject inspections-mainly as inconsistent practice.

However, when judged outstanding, main features were:*innovative use to practise all 4 skills*IWB used regularly by students and not just teacher*Department has a useful website or area on VLE for teachers and students, with resources that can be accessed from home or outside school*It has led to higher standards

“The changing landscape of languages” OfSTED (2004-2008)

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages: PLTS

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

Exemplification-downloadable pdf

Not language-specific!

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

5 strands:

1.Listening and Speaking2.Reading and Writing3.Intercultural Understanding 4.Knowledge about Language5.Language Learning Strategies

Good activities will overlap between 2 or more strands

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

1. Listening and Speaking

1.1.Understanding & Responding to the spoken word1.2.Developing capability & confidence in listening1.3.Being sensitive to the spoken word1.4.Talking together1.5.Presenting & Narrating

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages: 1. Listening and Speaking

“The changing landscape of languages” OfSTED (2004-2008)

“Across all phases speaking is the least well developed of all the skills. Students’ inability to be able to say what they want to say in a new language has a negative impact on their confidence and enthusiasm.”“A further hindrance to speaking fluently was that sound-spelling links not been taught well.”“ was much rarer for reading or listening to be used to stimulate discussion and communicative activities.”‘When required to speak at greater length or in new situations, ...accuracy and fluency deteriorate, partly because [the] grasp of structure is usually less secure than [the] retention of vocabulary.’

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages: Key strategies for Listening and Speaking

1. Listening and Speaking

*Teaching sound-written patterns (phonics)*Systematically practising language-enhancing structures *Providing opportunities for planned & unplanned talk*Focusing on key structures and verbs in different tenses*Catering for a wide range of preferred learning styles*Using technology to motivate & record interactions or Individual speaking work

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

1. Listening and Speaking

Rachel Hawkes, AST Comberton Village College (Cambridgeshire) Curriculum NOW!, published by ALL

Phonics examples in Spanish and French

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1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

araña elefante idea


universo cerdo ciclista casa

coche cucaracha gimnasia hamburguesa

España zumo guitarra llave

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le poisson le vin le jeu-vidéo

le midi

les dents le pont

la poule la lune

les ciseaux

oi in eu

au en on

i ou u

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la maison la tête la sorcière

les fruits Espagne

la questionla pollution

tion qu r

ill ui gn

ai ê è

le requin

le gorille

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• Rebus

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Le Rap

J’ai un chat, Hannibal.

Tu as un animal?

Elle a un chien.

Nous avons un lapin.

Vous avez des lions?

Elles ont deux serpents longs

Et des poissons.

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Structured Listening => Planned Talk

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Unplanned Talk

¿Cómo se llaman?

¿Dónde están?

¿Qué hacen?

¿Qué va a pasar?

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Use Puppets for TALK

Provide simple structures: Pick and MixImprove outcome: NUDEPIGS

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Toy Telephones

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Motivate and Record Talk Ppt recording function

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

2. Reading and Writing

2.1.Understanding & Responding to the written word2.2.Developing capability & confidence in reading2.3.Being sensitive to the written word2.4.Adapting & Building text2.5.Writing to create meaning

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2.1 Understanding & Responding to the Written word

20 s presentationin English about whatthe main articles in the magazine are about.

*in pairs*dictionary/ no dictionary*open-ended/ check listprovided

1.Who is magazine for?2.What is likely to be discussed in that kind of magazines?3. What key words can you see?

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2.1 Understanding & Responding to the Written word

Follow-up activities?

• Design the cover for a Spanish magazine for teenage boys/ 20+ females

• Write and record aninterview on a relatedissue: fashion, health, famous person...

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2.2 My Film dice game

Raconte le film comme si tu étais dans le role principal!

A. Le role principal

1=une petite fille 2=un SDF 3=un joueur de foot4=une tortue 5=une danseuse 6=un chanteur de rock

B. L’ événement principal

1=un spectacle 2=des vacances horribles 3=un cambriolage4=un voyage 5=un mariage 6=une course

B. Le lieu principal

1=une école 2=les Bahamas 3=un château hanté4=un bateau de croisière 5=un stade 6=une bibliothèque

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2.3 Reading/ Writing Stories & Story-Telling

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2.3 Reading/ Writing Stories & Story-Telling

• Mind map• Flow chart• Storyboard• Chart• Key word plan• Venn diagram

• Graph• Bullet points• Conversation• Vocabulary list

Turn a text into……

Do all of this conversely to turn them into a text

With thanks to Sara Vaughan

2.4 Adapting and Building Text

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

3. Intercultural Understanding (IU)

3.1.Appreciating cultural diversity3.2.Recognising different way of seeing the world

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

Take their Language

Skills OUT of the classroom

E-Mails, Letters, Video-conferencing, closed NING (online groups) & wikis,Exchanges, Trips abroad,Visits, Primary Links...

Bring the Language &

CultureINTO the classroom

FLAs, In-house visits,TV, Radio through the InternetMusic, food, fashion, design. New TechnologiesCelebrationsTraditions and HistoryCurrent Affairs

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

¿Qué? ¿Quién(es)? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué?

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

Intercultural understanding-identifying features

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages set up by @aliceayel /

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13/04/23 42

España España


El Salvador

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

4. Knowledge about Language (KaL)

4.1.Letters and sounds4.2.Words4.3.Gender, number & other inflections4.4.Sentence structure4.5.Verbs and tenses4.6.Questions & negatives

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

Learners are given a selection of familiar words and asked to make a concept map by adding connectives between the words already on the list.

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Give Me 5 for a Level 6+






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Canté Bailé Comí Escuché Fui Compramos

Raison Saison Pantalon Couleur

Odd One Out: Patterns in the Language

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

5. Language Learning Strategies (LLS)

5.1.Identifying patterns in the target language5.2.Memorising5.3.Using knowledge of English or another language5.4.Working out meaning5.5.Using reference materials5.6.Reading aloud5.7.Planning & preparing5.8.Evaluating & improving

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

5.2 Memorising


•Make/guess the analogy:Maison + voiture =Maison + douche =

GarageSalle de bains

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¿ Quién va a sufrir problemas de salud y ¿ por qué?

Me llamo Bea. Tengo catorce años. Estoy estresada porque siempre estoy estudiando y nunca me relajo.

Estoy preocupada por los exámenes y no duermo bien durante la semana. Sin embargo los fines de semana duermo practicamente todo el tiempo.

Me llamo Javi y tengo quince años. Vivo en el norte de España con mi abuelo.

Me encanta hacer el ejercicio, no obstante bebo demasiado café.

Mis padres fuman y eso me preocupa mucho.

Soy muy gordo y no estoy en forma.

Mis amigos beben demasiado y toman drogas. Intentan convencerme para hacerlo.

Hace dos años mi abuela murió de un cáncer de los pulmones.

Debería hacer más ejercicio y comer menos. Hay que comer más verduras

El viernes pasado comimos en una hamburguesería.

Hacía el footing todos los días en el parque con mi primo.

Tengo que trabajar mucho ahora a causa de mis exámenes. No he estudiado bastante y tengo miedo.

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

5.8 Evaluation and Improving

2 stars and 1 wish WallwisherPeer assessment (peer assessed by...)Speaking check listsWikisVLE?

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

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Renewed KS3 Framework for Languages

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Objectives:• Get an overview of the opportunities and challengespresented by the Renewed KS3 Framework & New Secondary Curriculum•Provide examples of classroom activities linking in with the Renewed Framework

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New Secondary Curriculum and Renewed Framework:

Fitting the Pieces Together Isabelle Jones The Radclyffe School, Oldham

My Languages blog:


email: [email protected]