New q3


Transcript of New q3


FEEDBACK?Harleen Dhillon

Feedback Received – Film Would you rewatch the film?

Yes No1 to 4 5 to 10 0

123456789 How scary was the film?

Was there too much sound featured within the page?

Yes No

Was the use of props effective?

Yes No

PosterI received feedback on the draft poster and final poster, within this I received feedback from my peers and teachers. Receiving this feedback allowed me to ensure that the final product which I created was of the best quality and was most effective. The feedback which I received regarding the draft poster enabled me to make the specific changes to ensure that the final would look professional. I received feedback from my teacher stated that “I feel that the image on the background of the poster does not display the horror genre”. To improve I decided that to changed the background from colour to black and white as this was a feature which was included commonly throughout many of the posters which I researched. From this I found that my feedback improved as my teacher stated “The use of the black and white background and the black background fading in allows the theme of horror to be portrayed much clearly.” I also found that use of dark colours also made the horror of genre to be portrayed clearly as the dark colours symbolise danger and violence. I also received feedback regarding the fonts and font style which was used in the draft, within my draft I decided to use a simple serif font as I thought that this conformed to a genre. However after receiving feedback from my audience I found that it looked quite simple as stated by Simran Mattu “The use of a simplistic font makes the poster look quite boring making it more effective so it stands out from the background”. To improve this I deceived to use the blur tool to give the effect of blood, by doing this it ensured that the theme and genre of horror could be displayed clearly throughout the title of my poster.

DPSI received feedback on the draft DPS and final DPS, within this I received feedback from my peers and teachers. Receiving this feedback allowed me to ensure that the final product which I created was of the best quality and was most effective. I received feedback from teacher which stated “the use of black and white images makes the article look quite dated – Mr Davis”. I took this feedback into consideration when creating the final DPS and chose to change the images to the original colour copies, editing the brightness to make sure they could be clearly seen. My teacher also stated that images were of a low resolution, to improve this I took them into Photoshop and changed the resolution from 30 to 300. This ensured that the images could be clearly viewed but were also of a professional finish. I also decided to ensure that all of the images included at least one character within each image, this enabled me to ensure that all of images were relevant to the greatest points within the film.I also received feedback from my peers, doing this was beneficial as I was able to ensure that the poster was effective to my film but also it was of the best quality. My feedback from my peers stated that “more colour could be added into the DPS to ensure that it was much more attractive to the audience”. I decided to add some colour to the headings of the text to ensure that all of the text was one colour, I included a dark red colour which allowed the DPS too look as if it was part of the horror genre as the colour red has the connotation of being blood.

FilmWhen hosting our premiere night we handed out several questionnaires to the audience to receive feedback which would benefit us when improving our film. The questions which were asked revolved around the props, sound, transitions/editing and general questions regarding the film. Before creating the film I researched into horror conventions, doing this enabled me to create strategic decisions regarding the lighting and props within the film.The feedback we received from the questionnaires stated that the transitions/editing within the film could be improved as they were too obvious and did not transition successfully, I found 39% of people said that the editing and transitions needed to be improved we then went back into our film to ensure that the transitions were effective. Improving this would of made the film look much more professional and conform to the horror genre. The sound which was featured within the film proved to be successful as 95% of feedback was positive, the sounds used all were inspired by the research which took place. Looking at this enabled the sound placed to be within the horror genre. The sounds were featured within the film allows it to conform the horror stereotypes as when watching the film, from the feedback we received tension and suspense was created in the optimum points of the film because of this. The props and lighting which was featured within the film was very effective, as the film was primarily filmed at night it ensured that it was dark and very low key lighting. When referring back to my research I found that this was an essential part of all horror films. There was a limited amount of props which were featured within the films, the main prop which was featured was a machete, however this scene did not make it to the film as it looked very unprofessional and ruined the verisimilitude of the film.