New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1872-01-04 [p 2] › lccn › sn83016555 › 1872... ·...

|l e i r (O ilc a n s § fe |m b U a tt» OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE UNITED STATES OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS ItIVKit DISA'-TKtf' IN l?-7i. Me copy from the fit. Louis Republican the most important in the list of steamboat disasters reported by that journal, as occur, ring during the year 1871: •JANUARY. 1. A great steamboat conflagration at the levee in New Orleans, in which the Magenta, Thompson I>ean, Julia A. Rudolph. John Howard and Grand Era were involved and destroyed. The Magenta, a tine side-wheel packet, en- gaged in the Louisville and N’evv Orleans trade, took tire from the explosion of a coal- oil lamp in her cabin and was totally de- stroyed. About half the cargo of this boat was destroyed with her. The Thompson Dean, a magnificent freight and passenger steamer, running be- tween St. Louis and Xew Orleans, took fire from the Magenta and was totally destroyed. The Grand Era. a fine side-wheel packet, engaged in the Red river trade, was burned by being too near the conflagration ot the Thompson Dean and Magenta. Total loss. Tin- Julia A. Rudolph, another fine side- wheel steamer running in the Red river trade, was destroyed by the same confla- gration. The John Howard, a new stern-wheel steamboat of large size, w is destroyed at the same time and place. Total loss by this conflagration $1,000,000. E The steamship De Soto, bound from Xew Orleans to Xew York, with a valuable cargo, burned in the Mississippi river, thirty miles below the former port, this morning. Total loss—valued at $350,Odd. ti. Steamboat Henry S. Turner, bound down stream, struck a snag and sunk at the head of Island Xo. Id, in the Mississippi. Value of cargo $175,000. She was subse- quently raised and repaired. Steamboat Shark, belonging to the Mis- sissippi Valley Transportation Company, abandoned at Liberty island, Mississippi river. Boat proved to be a total wreck. Valued at $30,000. ' 14. Steamer T. L. McGill, bound down the river, took fire at 0 1’. M., when at Shoo-Ely bar, Mississippi^river, forty miles below Memphis, and boat and part of cargo was totally destroyed. By this disaster seventy-two lives were lost, including Cap- tain William Tompkins and Chief Clerk \V. W. MeFarlane. 28. The steamer W. R. Arthur, bound from New Orleans to St. Louis, exploded her boilers on the Mississippi river when about twenty miles above .Memphis. The boat was totally destroyed. By this acci- dent about sixty lives were lost. FEBRUARY. 5. Towboat Simpson Horner s-^nk a barge forty miles above Memphis, on the Missis- sippi river. Barge proved a total loss. 12. Steamer Judge Wheeler exploded her boilers on the Mississippi liver, forty miles above Memphis. Boat a total loss. Cap- tain Noland and eight other persons lost their lives by this explosion. 28. The St. Louis and Keokuk packet Rob Roy met with a serious accident when leaving this port. The starboard head of the steam drum blew out with great force. Two state-rooms and the mess room were demolished. West Robinson, a deckhand, was killed. Mr. Noah, elephant driver of Van Amburg's menagerie, was very severely scalded. MARCH. C. Steamer Katie Morrison. Memphis and L’Anguille river packet, sunk at the wkuri at Helena, Arkansas. Lo.-s $00' 0. 8. Great storm at St. Louis. The St. Louis and New Orleans packet Mollie Aide, a fine side-wheel steamer, lying at the East St. Louis wharf, was caught by the tornado and almost totally destroyed. Several other boats were injured. 12. Steamer Ligktwond lame d on Bayou Bartlndouiew, Louisiana. L os estimated at $8000. * 18. Bieuf river packet Rose Franks, de- stroyed by tire at Trumbull's island, Obi river, Louisiana. Valued at $12.""t. Val- uable cargo of cotton—ail burned. 20. The steamer Minnie, St. Louis and Onaehita river packet, bound down, run foul of an obstruction fitly miles below this port, which knocked a large hole in her hull. By great exertion she was kept afloat Until her cargo was removed, then tempo- rarily bulked and brought to the marine ways for repairs. Damage >iuo0 to boat and cargo. 27. Collision between the steamer City of Cairo and the tugboat I’ionei-r at Com- merce. on the Mississippi. Two barges of the Pioneer’s tow were sunk. 28. The steamboat Belle of Alton, a hand- some side-wheel packet, running at tin time in the New Orleans and Red river trade, was totally destroyed by lire while lying at the whuff at New Orleans. Loss $1.1,fitto oil boat only. APRIL. 8. Terrible explosion on the steamer Sam J. Hale, near Golcouda, Onto river. The main steampipe blew out at the throttle valve, and tilled the engine room w ith scald- ing steam. By this catastrophe six lives were lost and several persons wounded. 17. The steamer Stonewall exploded her boilers on Buffalo bayou, Texas. Five lives were lost, several were wounded, and the steamer seriously damaged. Loss $ lb,000. 15. Steamer J. S. Dunham, Memphis and Little Rock, snagged and sunk two miles below the last named place. Loss $50,000. 17. Henry Tete and tug Ella Moore came in collision in the harbor of New Orleans. T he larter boat was considerably damaged. One life lost. 10. J. R. Gilmore, lying at the wharf at Caledonia, Ohio river, lost seven barges loaded with coal, which were overwhelmed by the waves, the wind blowing very hard at the time. 20. Towboat William Cowan sunk two coalboats at the head of President's island, Mississippi river. MAY. 7. Towboat Collier, descending the Ohio liver, sunk four coalboats containing 88,000 bushels on Memuien’s bar. Loss estimated at $13,200. 0. During a storm on Bayou St. John, Louisiana, the schooners Ilosa and George Like came in collision. The shock was so severe that the Like was stink and tlie Rosa considerably damaged. Loss $oo00. <>n the evening of the ninth the towboat Petrel sunk a barge freighted with 2100 barrels ol salt, five miles above Point Pleasant, Mississippi river. Loss $.7600. 10. The steam caualhoat Kankakee, bound from New Orleans to Bay St. Louis, was wrecked during a storm two miles and a ball from Southwest Key.-. The crew was saved. Steamer a total ]•—. Valued at £>090. JUNE. Towboat Simp-on Horner sunk two barges freight* d with coal at Bonnet Carre, lower Missi sippi. 1. La Belle, lower coast packet, broke her si aft and bursted hi r cylinder heads oppo- site Bonnet Carre, Louisiana. In. Line parted on steamer Xatoliez dur- ing a gale at Cairo, which knocked two men overboard, who were drowned. I 1. Memphis dry dm kssunk in 100 feet of w ater. They were Subsequently raised at a cost of $10,tied. 28. The steamer Red ( loud, a H im* stern- wheel steamboat, nearly new, [dying in the X• V OiTi litis and Red riv.-i■ tfade, burned the water'- c<ige in the if, d rivi t. ji ;lv. 1. Steamer Lula I). sank iti B.iyim Louis- iiuui. Slu* was subsequently • iised. go. Tiie old Yazoo river ;'■:ckct Calumet pnuk ut the month ot G;a- - I.ayoii, Vazoii 11 .•or. Mi-Hi- ippi. She was very old. and V»l nt down v.-ithunt warning whore she was ti<■d up. Appalling catastrophe * Xew York. K . Vi -tii- id cxpicil' d her boilers. *1on th'.u i.."> Jives ware i -' AU nit a -r. :o. t»tearner i site Am t/.ouia lauding, iver, and went dwwn hi di 21. A spur fell on the t ppi — l'** Nt. Jam es, Loni.-ki killed Captain Harry Cat ter. t ruck a snag op- tipper Missouri p water, tuber Bart Aide, t. and instantly .1. Currie ’ K'iUllt/. .<^'4* (1 iundsunk at V olf island. liver • She was sui'-t queutiy raised. AUGt -r. Lucy Keirn eneouati red a terrific gale in Yazoo ii\ cr. .She lost two passengers overboard, who were drowned, and came near going ashore. She received considera- ble injury. 8. Collision between the G. \Y. Cheek and Mary Alice at Reeves’ bar. Mississippi river. One of the barges of the Alice was considerably damaged. SEPTEMBER. 3. The towboat Antelope, bound up the Mississippi, struck a snag and sunk at Green leal's bar. Boat proved a total wreck. 12. Merchants’ wbarfboat at Vicksburg sunk. 18. Fire on the Commonwealth, lying at East St. Louis. Pilothouse and texas de- stroyed. Loss $ 10,b‘>0. 20. Steamer Florence sunk opposite St. Andre’s woodyard, Louisiana. Loss $12,0(0. 28. Steamer Silver Bow sunk near Price’s landing, Missouri river. She was subse- quently raised. Steamer Vi Ta sunk in the upper Missis- sippi river. OCTOBER. (I. Pilot-boat Robert Bruce wrecked at Soutl west Pass, mouth of Mississippi. Four lives lost. 8. The line side-wheel steamer Virginia sunk in deep water at Island X’o. 18. Mis- sissippi river. Propeller Beaufort sunk in lower Missis- sippi river. Total loss. Steamer Twelfth Eta wrecked in a gale on Trinity liver. 18. R. G. Colburn foundered in Lake Su- perior. Site was one of the finest steam- ships on the lakes. 22. Wash Seiitcll ran foul of a snag in Red river and broke fifty hull timbers. 28 . The steamer Huron burned at St. John’s island, Missouri river. S.earner Fort Smith sunk just above the mouth ol White river. Boat a total wreck. NOVEMBER. 5. Steamer Wade Hampton sprung a leak ami sunk tu deepwater opposite Douahl- souville, Louisiana. 8. Steamer Mollie Mel’ike struck a snag and sunk at head of Turner - island, upper Mississippi river. Steamer Legal Tender, bound up the Mis- sissippi, struck a snag below Memphis, which broke fifteen hull timbers, and caused considerable damage to her freight, which was soaked in water. IT. Information received that the steamer Eagle w as sunk near Newport. Kentucky. Intelligence of the sinking of the Mattie at Banharbor, Ohio river, received. 15. Steamer Undine sunk near Island No. 40, Mississippi river. Steamer Tom Jasper struck a snag and sunk at Wolf island, lower Mississippi river. She, too. was subsequently raised. 25. Steamer II. S. Turner slightly in- jured by striking a snag in the lower Mississippi. DECEMBER. !. Accident to the sfam er Katie. She ran into the bank tit Grand View. Mississippi river. She had her cabin considerably shattered. Steamer Fannie Brandies . .ink forty miles above Memphis. 12. Steamer Celeste sunk at Siler’s chute, Arkansas river. Boat total wreck I f. Information received of the sinking of the steamer Lake City, at the wharf ut Jef- ferson, Texas. 12. Steamer Roseville sunk in Arkansas river. Boat total wreck. 23. Pomeroy Packet Company's wharf- boat sunk at Cincinnati. 24. Steamer Kate Kearney sunk at head of I-land Xo 82. Mis-is-ippi iiv< r. Steamer America sunk in Ohio river. 27. Four coke boats destroyed at 0:1 City. Pennsylvania. Loss s Ip.iii u. Barge Dauee sunk at head of St. Gvi:"- vieve island. Towboat Monitor -link in Obit of delivery, be, and the same are hcrebv re pealed. Approved, April If. 1871. [General N ature—Xo. 8.] AN ACT for the restoration of Commander, George A. Stevens, United States navy, to the active from the retired !i-t. Be it i naeted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ot America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States he. and is hereby, authorized to nominate, and by and with the adv ice and consent of the Sou.utc appoint George A. Slevens to the active li.-t of the navy, with the' rank of lieutenant commander. Approvell, A; t il P. 171. [Gi.nral Nature—NTo. f .j AX ACT making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-, ne, anti for additional appropriations for tlie ser- vice of the vear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and -eveuty-two. and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative- of the United States of Ameli a in -Congress assembled. That in order to i .atay into eflect the provi-ions ol an act entitled “An ai t granting pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, and the widows of deceased soldiers,*’ approved Fobruaiv fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy one. there be, and is hereby, appro- priated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pay- ment. dat ing the remainder of the present ti.-cai year, ut t v, o clerk - of class three, four c-eih- of cl:.— two. nineteen clerks of ela-- one,and t wo i-’ant nn -sengi rs iu the Pen- sion (ti’ice, to be appoint* d by the Secretary of the Interior, eight thousand two hundred and -i.xty dollars: for office rent, furniture, and routing, lit ext e,.-* - of said office for the same pencil, si: dollars; and for lit hundred during the j list*!■ 1v* ar eliding ill!* thirtieth. eight.'en 1 hull.Ired and sevi •nt Y-:two, of forir clerks of class three, ci.•Jit* c•forks "f <[ass t wo, ! 1 irty-ciglit clerks of <*lass one. and Three ! as-i -taut an --I age ! s in said oliice, T<» be H{»- ! [.nit it* d by the S* * ■1<’t<1ry «*i the Iiitriinr. | seventy -even thousand tnree hundred and ! sixty dollars: and for ilfice rent, furniture, stationery and contingent expenses of -aid otliee during the -aid year, -even thousand dollars: provided, that nothing in any act contained -hail be construed to alter or amend an act entitled “An act to define the duties of pension agents and prescribe the nianm t oi paying pel-ions, and for other purposes," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy: but tire- prov i-ion- of -aid act lire hereby deehired to be in lit!! fore*' and i tfecr. and applicable to the pros- ecution oi claims to pension, and to the payment of pen-."ns which may i-e allowed under any or all j he \ t gri -— grant ing the -amc of the appropriation pro making appropriations 1 pen-es of tiic governn ending .1 tine thirty. «ig seventy-tv o, approve, eighteen hundred an ions acts of Con- and * hat so inuch ided tVr in tl it* act v sun dry civ il <x- nt f<•r the ycar ; t*i n hundn*d and M.irch 1 throe. *«f'velit V-OIK*, **t(» the ' d(*t(•ction a- .unstthel''nited 1 _i: • nt <1 ti ie Ax- vary, may hi used lull.- rs, and docn- etiuli s of or with ni* nt of til** Ot*Il- »Yi 1niii* *11? ( f any liver. A party of wits once stopped at a tavern. When t i.e* feast was over one of the mem- ! her.- called in the hostess. ••Aligcliqiu*." In- said, -T am going to give you a lc-son in astronomy. Have you not heard oi the t great l'latsmic year, when evi rything must 1 return 1 > its former condition ! Know, i then, that in It.t oo years we-hall be here again, on the. same day and at tin- same hour. Will you give us credit till then!” Tlte hostess, however, had her reply. . am perfectly' willing.’’ sue retorted, "but it i it.OKI years since you were here be- ! tie I | ar.d pre-ceuti* c .f e: inn- i state-.” as iio. v. ,tl the ;u ; Turney General, he ne ■* ; during the eurreat fi-tal y | all l> •■!:.-. n-eord.-. mint- i• intive to trail-;. ! the la’e - •■called guv Ml: i b d> r.iti Sia’es. ■ : the. a i State lately in insurrection. now in the pus- : — e—— ioii, or which any time t ome into tee p—a-—ion of the government of the at* s. or of any department tio-reol. -i rt* d to for information by the v uaitiiseioiii r- of claims created l ived Match three, eighteen ktii:- -.■wn: y-one. and copies theieof ::. ti bv lb** officer having v le. shall be treated with the like elicet of :h .*(■: igin.i!. thereto, said sums to he carried for this purpose to the contingent fund of the Sen- ate, and to be expended, upon vouchers of the chairman of said joint committee: pro- vided, that the sum of nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-live dollars and twenty- two cents, being an unexpended balance ot an appropriation by act ot March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, “for pur- chase of building known as the Club House, at Charleston, South Carolina, anil the fit- ting up thereof, for tlte use of the United States courts,’’ and having been, by exist- ing laws, covered into the treasury of the United States, be and tlte same is hereby re-appropriated out of any money in the trea-ury, not otherwise appropriated, and -hall lie expended in accordance with the provisions ol the att making tlie original appropriation. To supply a deficiency in the appropria- tion for folding documents and materials for the li nt e of Repre sentatives, twenty thousand dollars Senate of the United State-: For labor, three thousand dollar-: lor clerks to com- mittees. pages, horses and carry alls, fifteen thousand dollars. For compensation of the clerks in the office of the surveyor g.-noral of Minnesota, employed upon work consequent upon the special appropriation- for the survey of the public lands vitlcii The limits of the grant to the North* rn I':**-iti*- railroad, per act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sev- enty. nine thousand two hundred dollars, tor’ tlte fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. For compensation of the clerks in the office nl’thc surveyor general of California, two thousand -ix hundred dollars, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- dr* d and .-• venry i To pay Dexter R. Crocker for carrying the mail from Uan vonville, Oregon, to Vre-ka. California, from the twenty-fourth of April to the ninth rtf November, eighteen hundred and liUy-three. one thousaud six hundred and twenty five dollars. For payment of 8. J,’. Harlow, late mar- shal of the snutli* rn ir-triet of for expon-e- incurred in at re-ting one Mott, in -.tit Frame-.-,., lor vi.da.tion of revenue law in said district, live hundred and fifty dollars, or -a much thereof as may be due. Sec. 1. That in addition to rite clerkships authorized by the act unproved May live, eighteen hundred and sixty, the Secretary ut the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered b> pi inote from the clerks of class one employed in the Census Otliee. three to be clerks of class f-.ur, seven to be clerk- of class thre e, and tit:ecu to bo clerks of class two, and the sum of seven thousand six hundred dollars i i- hereby appropriated to pay the increased salary: provided, that no increase in the total number of <Jerks employed in said bu- j rcau shall he <’•-* nied tu lie authorized here- j 1 >v; and provided further, that the authority for such afiditii ua! e'erk-hip- of the second, third and fourth class shall terminate one year from date. For the purpose of carrying out the s’ipu- lari.n- i f the treat, of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, betvvei n tIn* United States of America aud his Ma- jesty the King of the Belgians, providing for the pa* meat of inten -i iu tin- mutter of the capitalization of the Scheldt dues, being a deficiency ::i ti,* appropriations for the pavment ui the -evt nth annual in-’ailment die the gova rnment of Belgium under said ! tre-atv. April tb-t. eighteen hundred and sev *ntv-one. and the eighth annual install- ment, due ;! fit -t. eighteen hundred and -eveuty-two. twelve tfioit-and dollars, in 1 coin, or su much the; cof as may l.e ut-ees- I sarv. committee of the Committee of Elections ol the House of Representatives, d J - ‘ with the investigation, in the . 1 imr of eighteen hundred and nine, of the election iu Louisiana in eigt eon hundred and sixty-eight. _Ami for two thousand cop:#- ot Barclays Dig ■ * dered by resolution of the House ot J ly fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventv. two thousand dollars: also for pages in the House of Representatives, one thousanu live hegidred and forty-three dollars amt fil’tv nine cents. For the compensation an assistaat journal clerk in tiie IIoum *• Representatives tor the fiscal year endup. June thirty, eighteen hundred anil seventy - two, twenty-five hundred and ninety-two dollar.-:. And for one thousand copies ot tin* ••Constitution of the United States, wttn the Rules of the Si mite.’’ compiled by Wil- liam J. McDonald.under a resolution ol tae Senate of March fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one thoushud dollars. Tar the payment of el* rks of committees ol tlie House', in accordance with the resolution of the House of the tenth instant, two thousand dollars. . Sec. 12. That the provisions of the eleventh section of the net approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making ap- propriations l'or sundry civil expense- ot t]i«* GoverniJiPiit lor tin* your ciidm*' June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, and for other purposes, ’ be, aim beic- by are extended so as to include such per- sons as were actually employed in the States lately in insurrection, in connection with the Treasury Department, as officers of the United S ates during the year eighteen hundred and -ixty-seveii in con- nection with the revenues of the govern- ment: and an amount sufficient to carrv out tlie provisions of this section, not ex- ceeding fifteen thousand dollars, i- hereby appropriated out *.f any nfoncy in the trea- sury not otherwise appropriated. Six . 13. That the following sum. or so much thereof as may bo necessary, for snb- si-tenoe for tlie fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred aud seventy-two, of the At apahoe. Cheyenne, Apaelie. Kiowa, and fUniune!ie Indians who have been cid- lerted and located upon tlie reservation set apart for their tree and occupation by the treatii - made with them in eighteen hun- dred and six tv *van. two hundred thou- sand dollar-. Slu. 14. That the Commissioner of the General Land i>t!i*e is hereby authorized to approve the su: *>■*- of the eastern bound- ary of Nevada, mode by I-aae E. James, notwithstanding any departure, from in- struetions which, iu the opinion ot said Commissioner, doe- rot materially impair the accuracy of the work. Sec. 15. That tlte privileges of the act entitled "An act to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes.’’ approved July _ „ - exceeding h'’e needed by the J>rw?, j“ ' for distribution thousand dollar. j persons above among the destitute .V * t _ mentioned. - tht. buildings in S ec . 23. That the *. m i n . Ilalter- Armory square oceffiO needed for the luasters^epartnant- d^j UJ (|a. discretion public sei’N kc, - r,» tlie asfcociutiofc !.f the Seeretary of 'V 1 .',, " purpose ol rn- ahove mentioned. . i ,V„. destitute * uite.- lllav i*. board S,i nt Paul, one hundre sixtv-tive ei ti e trea-ur e eustomhouse at rty-five tliou.-and ;r. e dollars and niinunt of a bal- t: tl it but, e In uua lilab’e UU'tei' dale of tin'ee T -An iks of ati- -v mm Hlllth ’niim C ..-and - * lees I il.—t-L ue or; Uni'.. .m :n. the go June ti Mere*-, t: ■ -i i -,.!di. rs. tl. iiirle-ton. i om . WiiUUlled i o it is just i.;.000 years sinee you w«*re hen- loro, and YOU left wide.Hit naviny. Sc I the old. S'.•ore and I wiil trust iuu f«*r new. ’ The, urnu! of . 1 ii/'lii d l 'In in i. s*// // lbr J cemh( i ?a\ s: “The custom of paying ^as l>v tilie eubie foot, withotit ri _card to Ulumin ating power, is like buvi;ilcall ch at a in 111or ui [nice pel* yard, v>it ho it r queotio11as t*ii the fitne-s" of the one tvould hi. e to pay iilS mueh for .-hoc a.- for (•ar*•hme re. and *<•t sliotld;v u'.is is prinei j*al article now : ■ • d to e* sinners. \vhile the juice actually paid ci for tiie Ik ■St gas tliut can bo main A Ciii; fern::a scientist: declare•s that be app, oi Cl :: rt of till I till •rung . oust rt null ■ sundry civil expenses of : : >r th** fiscal year ending 'em hundred and seventy- .tiler purposes." approved hteen hundred and seventy- bv is amended by striking -ds "f ir customhouse. As- • i •• woid "completion."and tiicteof "continuation of ding at I)e- it iiundred met and and lilt*- -ix tiol- March thi nine. t',,r • build: being quii■ iiriation j f v'v thou.-. o sum of twenty-five llioti- ropriated by act approved hteen hundred and -ixty- Iinse ot site, and the eri e- (•reoii of i postottiee ..-.l courthouse ig in ( hitabii. Nebraska, the same unexpended, is ln-icby revived and om inti d for -aid purpo-e. i . That any aporupriations lien to- ide for any pul.lie works, building-. ug witii Pi- rn.I has in- body in that has prolonged his life by -1. finger tips touching his toi vented a maeliine to hold tl graceful and pleasant position. He v tends that th* P* it *1 electric i urrents”— the principle, we suppose of tlie smok ei.-nsuniing stove—"ate thus kept in evi eii't uuitlovv, instead of being tiinr.v n off t tlie extremities aud wasted." Tre the ■!< I an.I uje-- mt tr<-asiir. even iitindr v : r ( ineintiati. filf v dollar ln.l. p. uil. nt iltimore, six •ixt v dollars. 1 i Thi- otiice of j ive thousand or ground -. 1 a- "he year coii:!in**ncimx July f.r-t. ei l.t . i n br.ndred and seventy-one. shall be available fur the current \ ♦*ar; provided, that no exj.i iniitun * l*ey<Kid the -eieral sum- be antlioii;'. tlie ap[ir..;>ri - J irv and t eial agent i f fur the salat It is said that hay can be made fire proof by sprinkling a layer of suit betwei n each layer of hay. T his preoe-s is reeom- inemled as serving the double purpose of a preventive against tire and rendering the jiay more conducive to the health of the cattle and more agreeable to their palates. Popular Illinois paragrajih . "Mrs. Annie Ruekley. a Cairo woman, lias achieved an infant w hich starts with twenty-one pounds of substance !’’ It is said that a Washington negro is rie- gotiating fur the purchase of the Calhoun homestead in South Carolina. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Rn—eil ai the First Session of tlie Forty Second Coimress. [General X vture—X' u. i'.J AX ACT tn authorize the payment of du- plicate checks ot disbursing office: .. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States of America in Congress assembled, That in place ol original cheeks issued for pen-ions, when lost, stolen or destroyed, disbursing otlicrrs and agents of the United States are hereby authorized, after tie* expiration of six months from the date of such cite* ks. to issue duplicate cheeks, and the. Treasurer, assistant treasurers aud designated depos- itories of the United States are directed to pay such cheeks, drawn in pur -nance of law by such otlieers or agt nts. upon notice and proof of the” loss of original check or cheek-, under such regulations in regard to their i-.-ue and payment, and upou the execution m sin h bonds, with suretit s. to ind* limit y tire l nited States, as tli" Seeretary of' the Treasury shall prescribe: Provided, That this act shall not apply to any cheek ex- ceeding in amount the sum of •• jj>, dollar-. Approved April 1 *, 1871. Mill. __ -cHg.u- ;:i the *;. ; ,-itary at Chicago, one thousand one hninire d dollars. For clerks and n:i --engar- in the office of tl:** (lepesitarv at Eoiti-ville, emi : bundled dollars. For -alary of the ossi-tant trea-rre-r at Xew Orleans, to make !.:- compensation four thou-and five, hundre d dollars, as pro- vided bv e.visting law-, live bundled dol- ■!:t exjienses u ri.r cr Augu.-t -i.vth. *i-gilt*, six. for tin- colli etiou. -afi and disbursement of tire to -mu pro hall be r tne net of aud forty- re • [ling, transfer public revenue, re ided. that no ’the •tided lo r direct tax a, and of t int. Nature—X.. te n port of ini i, aud for Vita j Ge AX ACT ti Potomac, poses. Be it enacted by the Si Representatives of the America in Congress a the waters, shores, hay and inlet Potomac, !i. •J nate and Iloit-e of United .States ot seinbleil. Tiint all . harbors, creeks on the south side (.f tin* riv.-r ie. comprehended between Bi.vd’-. nd Cockpit Point, now a part of the i vtiuu district of Tiqipaliatinoi k. Vir gime. be. and tin* same arc her* by. annexed >• H'“ collection district of Alexandria. \ lrginia. : •. IJtst Potomac, in the State of ’ ii*.-*i::n, -hall be. and is hereby, (•(instituted an i created a port of delivery within the , wi'"'i * ^ ‘--rui<-1 oi Alexandria, and there slut . oe a]i]i(iiiited, ut a compensation not exceeding the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, a deputy «ol]eetur of eu-tom-, to reside at said port, who shall perform such duties as may be ootilerrod upon him. in pursuance of law, liy the SSecretai y of the Treasury. Sec. 3. That all acts and parts of nets establishing at Dumfries, in the collection di-trict of Tappaliaunock. Virgin;.!, a iiort tilt y part of said clerical sen ices. For salaries and *xpense <J commissioners of Smith Cu tlieir clerks, ft. in July first, eight* ! u hun- dred aud sev* nty, until the do-ing of their otli-ae. three tliousanil live hundred dollars, or so much thereof a- may be nee*—sarv. For the support of tlie Di-trier of < olmn- bia for the ti.-'ai year ending June thirty, I ghteeli htllitlre I and Seventy two: For salary of the governor of the District of Columbia, three thousand dollars. Frn- salary of the secretary of tim 1Ji.-trict off 'Tu m liia, two thou-and dollars. For compensation of the mem'., rs of tae council of the District of Columbia, four thousand four hundred doll:.:-. For camp* a-a! ion of the Imard of public ■ irks ol j fist i ii > of (. oltii • : t, ten thou-atnl d 11a:-: jiia*vide*l. tl .it no person sliali he entitled to draw a salary as a mem her of tin' bo nd of public works who i- paid a salary for the dieharge m tiicdutie- ot any i-t • : otfiwer under tii" government of the I.'uited States: and said board shall be la id to be an existing board tor all the I and se j the pro I biir-i d receive !,i purpe a guv. [•any VldlliL ill I rie •I t IT! : i f for the I> r the ap:» mi mb* t ■ i:e 8 er.-t.. :.-t: C .ijil; a to provide ( olumbia,” aud quuliti- Inteiii.r to i and Coni- -ixteemh s’atute- at dv to th :idy ajiprojiriated shall d by tl.i- section. And that Mti..n f*,r the payment of the lav* ling i xi.<‘ti-* s of a spe- tlie Tre asury Department, and ies of all supervising insp<"C- tors, local in-peetor-. and clerks employed in tiie administration of the steamboat in- spection laws, made under section first of "An act making appropriations for sundry civil exjienses of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred ami seventy-one." approved July fifteen, eighteen hundred ami seventy, and -till re- maining unexpended, shall be applicable, a- heretofore, to the payment of such sal- aries and expenses until sufficient revenue -hall aciTic therefor under the provisions ot section sixty-six of "An net to provide ti.r the l.-dter security of life on board of ■ssels propelled in whole or in part by l’or other purposes.” approved wi n'v eight, eighteen hundred y-one: the amount naid under ms of thi- section to be r* im- • ■ treasury out of tin* revenues dvr the provisions of said act of a *uty-eight, eighteen hundred | and seventy-one. And th** appropriation “for the survey of I the boundary line between Malm and Utah ! Territories.” contained in the act making ! appropriations for sundry civil expenses „f "la* government fur tlie year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred anil seventy-two, and for other purposes, approv* d March three, eight* ui 1: nulled and seventy one, is hereby made subject to present use. Sue. 7. That the -urn of twenty thousand five hundred and twenty-three dollars, or -*. miirli tk -re-of as may he necessary, lie. at:.I th*' same i- hereby, nppropiiatoil to pay the i .ii’11 of Hubert T. Kirkpatrick, provided for in joint re solution approved February lilt .-ntli, eighteen hundred and -*■* enty-one. St - , -. Th :' -o mitch of the appropriation for paying the exnenses of taking the ninth :* nsus of the Unit* d States c intuineil inti e act iuaki.ig i •; reipriatious for sundry civil t \pen-.-s *.f the government for the year ■tiding June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and -* enty-two, approved March thire!, eighteen him lre*d aud and seventy-one, as I*.ay In' m i e--ary, may be used during the cm re ret ' a! ye: ;•: rind the proviso in the eighth s.-rUnn of said act is amended by adding : ;;.-r tie: words "eight dollars per ilav” the * ■• ..ids "exrlu-ive of mileage." him f Con;'] . -s ilirceting tiie • istributiou 8:.-'. > . '1 iiat the .pprojiriation of thirty ether \ olta:."s. seven tla ti&auil dol- thiols • ; ec hu dollar- “for necessa Hired amt twenty-six y expanses in the en c- P * v Vv' ’i.itji lie relit! a 1alani'e due ticit. fuin'-liiag no; •hiriery." and so forth. supply a 'Set: deucy the v liunfi i u* II.ti reporting t -ion of tit.- i To *uab'n pnivi.-.ioi:.- . • ‘ ..illamal * >t ox e i ngs d th. iqiria 1 Globe tiou lbr ti* lum- en min Hire 11 iont to . : V i nr :.ur* .-:• t iuu- rivil sev hitij to pre scribe rule- amt the admission of persons service, and so forth, ten thousand dollars. For expenses of the Join: S.-ieot Coin mittee on Alleged Outrage , m t; . South-rn States, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and any unexpended balance of the appro- priation for the select committee of tlie Senate on the saute subject shall be earrii d to the ab iv • appropriation in ad id the ill the civil . fiscal ; linndi h itii dr -ill"i* r tng t ■ -. D si entv re.iire !■ mint at ( arson city, contained :n! making appropriations tor sundry v>-n-.-s of tlte government fur the ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen d aud . h eu'v-tvvo. amt for other ap proved Mare’ti tiiird, eighteen d and seventy-one, is hereby made t- >t -• nt use. ri)]ir: ttion for bui’d- lavvare. eimtuined iri rfeen of tlie act ap- gliteen hundred and ct making ap]iropri ations lbr -mniry civil expenses of the gov- eriiment r the year i tiding June thirtieth, (•ight' . n hundre d and seventy-one. and for other put 'mis ' be. and the same is herediv cuntinii. illll.. 1 Ilouse thouso hits aud thirty cent-, or so much thereof as ma.v i... t:ei c-sary for the payment of the balance remaining unpaid upon tbc accounts of witti* -~es who appeared before the sub- fourteenth. eighteen hundred and seventy. { be, and are here by, extended to the port of Detroit, in the S»e*e of Michigan. Sec. lii. That any bona tide settler under the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United States, who has filed the proper ap- plication to enter, not to e xceed one quarter- section of tlie public lands in any district land.otliee, and who has been subsequently appointed a registrar or receiver, mav per- fect the title to the -aid land, under the pre- emption laws, l.y furni-htng the proofs and making the payments required by law, to tiie satisfaction of the Commissioner ol’the General Land Otiice. Si:.■ 17. That from and after the passage of this act all powers conferred upon certain persons as commissioners, by the act ap- proved June twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy, for the improvement of M street, northwest, and by the act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sev- enty. tortlie improvement of tiie Washing- ton City canal, shall be transferred to the Board of l’nblic Works of the District of Columbia : an.l tiie persons acting as comtii -siunct - tin b r said nets are hereby directed to transfer to said board of public works nil book-, papers, and other property in their possession pertaining to the work- under their charge; and private l*r. pet tv -ball be a-sesse*l for the improve- ment of 7*1 street, ami Seventh street south- west. from 1! street to the river, heretofore authorized by law. a- provided in the act of February twenty first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. And in case said board shall, under sail] act of July fifteenth, eight- een hundred and seventy, decide to oner, said canal, they ate her by *nqiow. r. *1 to open both it- branches, so a- to connect with the government canal at the arsenal: Provided. That the cost ot -aid work-hall not exceed tiie amount already fixed by law for that pui'p* -e. That the sum of Ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, is hereby appropriated fur the purpose nt re- pairing and rel iving, where nn-e-sary. the [lavement on Pennsylvania avenue from : Fifteenth sf . i t to the ea-t side ot lf.>ck meek: Provided. That a like sum shall tie | expended for tic same purpose by tic : proper authorities of the District of I ('olumbia: And provided further. That 1 the Washington and Genrget >wn Railroad Company -shall in like manner repair such portion thereof as they are by tlieir char- : ter re quiroil to do: the work to lie done nil- j der the supervision id the Board of Public Works for tlie District of Columbia. Sue. 18. That to correct an error in the enrollment of the act approved March tliirei. eighteen hundred and seventy-one, making appropriation- foi’ th** naval service for the year ending June Thirtieth, eighteen hun- dred and seventy-two, and for other pur- poses, the same be amended as follows. In section two. strike out all of the section from anil including tlie word “provided." where it first occurs, and insert in lieu thereof the f.iHotving: "And the Seeretary of the X'avy i- authorized to invite, by pub- advertisement. plans ami specifications for such dock. ;wid to award to any person not n tin* naval service, whose pians may be adopted by tlie Navy Department, a sum not exceeding live thousand dollars. But no plan shall be adopted until it shall first receive tin* sanction of a board of not less than live experienced officers, to fie appoint- ed by tlie Secretary of the Navy, a majority of whom shall be constructors and engineers, and one of whom shall be an experienced civil engineer: ami it shall be the duty of said bqaril to consider all the plans and spe- cifications laid before it. whether the same were prepared i:i the X’avy Department or by parties competing therewith, ami the plans and specifications that shall lie adopt- ed shall lie open to the inspection of all per- son-who dr-ire to become bidders, for at least ninety days before tin* awarding of said contract.” For three assistant observers at tlie Naval Observatory, in addition to the sum appro- priated by the "Art making appropriations fur the naval service for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy' two. and for other purpose-," appro*.'d March third, eighteen hundred and sovmit v- one, five hundred dollars. •S ec. 13. That so much of tl tlte act makin ti* entitled "A 1 .1 V u -- ”oi the government sundry civil ef.I,tUy ilcrtietli, eighteen for the year ending dm - f otllf.r a public purposes, lot jyf ^ , ou;3 Missouri, building m the OD *’ t(l “1.},0,;-(. and other 1V,r f h,; , i " e „Mi uov"™ tofthe United ‘■.1Vl1 liV. 1 be . xre nded aud made avail*- status, sii11 1 , „ cmling June , o- Tint the salary of the consul at ‘l,T|l a'tnfbcrc' “‘pa'hi 'to the deputy a— i-tant treasurer in .^ ^ ^ V orkri^am V£ ix r r,re.d ibd m-- Im iV heingu deficiency K K S i i— t fiscal three hundred and fifty thou-and dol.ars. ., -ri . t » ■ ,r 11«• * purpose of mow tl ^ r J i - f a n d C g l ^ S ‘the t -cal year ending June thirty, eighteen an*"* with the jireivtsmns ot the Att lor the lw*tf«*r preservitTit o ot lift tUol j i i * . \ J ,] S f vi-ukod on tin* coast ot 8 t'X s’’ approved December ' urtiV b. eighteen hundre d and nfty-lour. and that the S-cre taiy of the Treasury he authorized to .-mpli.y crews ot experienced surfmen at -uch stations aud tor such peiiods a- he mav deem m e --ary and pr-pei, and at such compensation as%e may «b*em rea- sonable. not to exceed forty dohars per month for ca -’i pet-.ui to be employed. That tl *- e.'risdiction eonierretl tne joint re-ob.ri'..i of June eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-ix. m regard to c>aim» from the ,' umta - of Berkel.w and JelM- son, in the State "t We-t \ lrgima, and l,v tiie ioiut r*solution of July tweu.y- ei'ght, eighteen bundled and sixty six. in regard to c'U nts ; tfe« St 1 l ‘ •' m ssee. and bv th-* j"int resolution of De- cember tweiiiy-tkre ". eighteen hundred and sixt v-iiirn*, as uiiimhI* «i '*y tb** act Maica three, eighteen lmndiv.l and si. venty-oue, in regal'd To inboats and other v* s.-c!-. -hallm.t b.- withdrawn «r impaired by any construction ot th • law clearing com mi-— rs of claim? to exatniue claims arising in States proclaimed to be in insurrection, and the jurisdiction upon all claims pro seated by loyal citizens from said State oi TTuncs-i'P, and from -aid counties oi Berke- ley and Jcfier-un. to the proper department before tin* third of Match, eighteen hun- dred and seventy-one. -hall remain as be- fore- the pa--ag*- ot sai-l act creating .-aid commissioner-ut el.tim-. For covering the -team pipes in the ( apt- tol with tii.- proof uun-eoiiiiiK'tiug felting, eight th'Hi-and didJa:-. Slu. 2- 8. Tim: there be. and is here- by. a :■: • printed to re iy expenses of the legi-la ive assembly of Wyoming Territory, convened <** tuber, anno It. mini eighteen hundred and seventy, and tor printing journal - of s; id a--einh’y. aud in- cidental expenses nf tin* office oi secre tary for tiic year ei the sum of f. ; littv dolin’ -. Seu. l.'. l ’ha [iropriated, i ; paid to John lector of the p re ndered iu ti .r tn : liitudred and sev t nty. sand two hundied and thi *th isand dollars is ap- . !’ - a M. ii -itch -um shall be ’1 in niiisi'U Ma.-on. late eol- •rt of Baltimore, for services bur-* laeiit of the light- sons to the equal protection of the law?, or b force, intimnlatioii or toreat to prevfcatan^ citizen of the i nited States. lawfully entimj to vote, from giving hissiij.port orarivocaM in a lawful manner toward or in favor of thi election ol any lawtully quabtiid persona, art elector of President or \ ice President o' tlie United State-, or as a member of thi Congress o f tin* t nited Mates, or to injure any such citizen in his person or property‘>n account ut such support or ad- vocaev, each and every person so offendin» shall ‘he d< emed gmlt.v ot high crime, am] upon convirtion tln-r^ol in auv ontriet or circuit court of tlie t nited States or dL-triet or -tipreiue court ol any TeiTitorr of tlie United .States having jurisdiction & similar ofienses. snail be puui.-hed by a fae not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment, with or without hard labor, as the court m tv determine for a period of not than six months nor more than six yean, as the court may determine, or by both such tine and impri-onment as the court shall determine. And it any one or more persons engaged in any such conspiracy shall do, or cause to be done, aEy act in furtherance of the object of such con- spiracy. whereby any person shall he in- jured in his person or property, or deprived id having and i xercising any right or privi- lege of a citizen '■! the l nited .States, the ptT.-on so injured or deprived of such righto and privileges may have and maintain an action for the re covery of damagesoeca- .joiietl 1-y such injury or deprivation of rights ami privileges, against any one or more of the persons engaged iu such con- spiracy. stii'h action to be prosecuted in the proper district or . ifemt court ol the United States, with and suiqcct to the same rights of appeal, review upon error and other remedies provided iu like e,.-es. in such courts, under the provi-ions of tiie act of April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty--ij, entitl' d "An act to protect all persons in the United States in their civil rights, an* to furnish the means ol their vindication.’’ Mat . 3. That in all cases where insurrec- tion. domestic violence, unlawtul cumhina- tions or conspiracies in any State -hall so ob-truct or hinder th* execution of the lasts thereof and of the United States as to de- prive any portion or class of tlte people of such State ot any of- tim lights, privileges or immtruititjs or protection named in the constitution aud se- cured by this act, and the constituted authorities of .-uch State -hall either be un - able to protect, or shall fr-.m any cause fail in or refuse protection ot the people iu such rights, such facts -hall be deemed'a denial by such .State of the equal protection of the laws, to which they are entitled under the constitution of the United States; and in ail such eases, or whenever any such insurrec- tion. violence, unlawful combination orcon- -piruey shall opp- -** or ou-truct tae law-of the United States, or the due execution there- of. or impede or obstruct the due course of justice under tin* same, it shall he lawful for the President, and it shall be his duty, to take such in. ; -un -. by the employment of the militia, or the land and naval force«ol the United States, or of either, or by other means, as lie may deem necessary, lor the suppression of -uch in-urreetion. domestic violence or combinations: and any person who-hail be arre sted under the provisions i of this and the preceding section, shall be delivered to the wor-hal of the proper dis- ! trii't, to be dealt with according to law.’ | Sec. 4. That whenever in any State or j part of a St »te, the unlawful combina- tions, named iu the preceding section of this act, shall be organized and armed, aud so numerous and powerful as to be able Ire iolen e to • tl ox -rthrov or s e t f anee the * nst ut* ■: tl irities of/sui h Mate anil of the United States, wiriifn such -rate, or wk.-n the cousti'i;’. d Authorities are in complicity with, or shall connive at the unlawful purposes of -uch powerful anil aimed combinations, and whenever by reason of either or all of the cau-ts aforesaid th** conviction of such offenders and pre- -ervation of tin public safety shall bee. tne I iu such district impracticable, in every such j ea-e such combination- -hall be deemed a re- bi llion against the gov* ram.-ntof the United house fund,-an l for services performed for lighthouse jatrpo-es oat-ide the limits of his j I'.dleetion di-tt let. such ■ um as the Secretary | ol the Treasury may find legally due and I owing to said party on an adju-ttneut of Li- I accounts by the Tre a-ury Department. act approved January anno Domini eig .teen •even, entitled "An act the regular meetings ol the same i< here*’ y, rc- ;inm.-nt ol th*. • . ■■- ut 1 Stab s. and da ing the i aitinuance of such i rebellion, and within tli *■ Uiirlt- of the 1 di-ttict which shall be under the s .vay of, such lit fits - ’• preset. ed by ' proclamation. it shall be lawful for the i’re -idcnt of t ■ United - ate-, when in Lis ■ the tvventy-s eond. : hundred and -ixt v ! to fix tiie times l’<-i Congress." he, nd j ait« v tlii* ;jil session 1 i ( i Approv* d. Aprii AX ACT lo ei lourtt i nth aii tiaii oi the i i NaTL’UE— acetic ; •tldmeut go"s if t h rit of to t !:■* erd tha« uuiv l.c overthrown. tlie provisions of the an act entitled “an act - corpus, and mpdat- '•iting.- in certain eases.” ihinl. eighteen hundred which relate to rha '••is uti.i r than mi-ontn elf ■d b- tiie the *• and f. ■ am of 1 *U< I e d turt.l June tli tictl: ei.diteen d :;ird ‘UtV-tWO. il. That tie-re be aibled " the 111 i * item ( f the contit. gent l'und ot the oi' i’eprcsentatives .be sum of two id live hundred anil -ixt v-three did- ijiprojiriatioii- to sajiplv du- es. and so forth, approved April twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventv. as limits the completion ot tlie marine hos- pital building at Chicago. Illinois, to a sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dol- lars. is hereby repealed; and it shall be law- ful for the proper authorities to expend the money already appropriated for continuin'* tlie work upon said building: Provided” That no part thereof shall lie‘expended un- til plans and specifications shall have been completed that will limit the cost of said building to a sum, including all tuoitcv- al- ready ex-pended. not exceeding thrcc'hun- droil and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars and thirtv-four cents. mv . 20. That h- Secretary of the nry be autlinrizi d to sell, for the host pi b e in cash that can lie obtained, the marine hospital building in tlie eitv of San Fran and ti..* proceeds of siteli sale, or -o nun'll thereof as mav lie necessa***- .shall he I"-j'1 anil res* rv« *1 as a fund for tlie ercc- t'on ot a pavilion hospital on some govern- tumt re.-erva'i "ti in or near said ”citv, if ( ongre-s shall le rcaftcr so dctcriiiine. Si c. 2!. That there be a]ipropriated on* o any money in the Treasury not othrr- iipjiroprmtcd. twelve thousand dollar- t"r:l,u ri iicl ol destitute aged jiersons in t ic District of^ Ci liiTiiliia, such sum to be r.-c-iveil and distributed by stick officer or association ol persons in the District of Do Iambi.i a- the S-erofarv of War shall d»-i . nate. and that a l'.'port of the distrihatiim ot tlie nmnev here by :'ppro]u iated shall h- made to Uongii -s at its next session. Siv. 22. That the Secretary of War IS lieivby authorized to furnish to t..e National Freedmen's Relief a- ! soeiation eonilernned elutliing and bed ' C.rg. It ST.'I: there be on hand. J Kcpt.'-untativ. - of the Unit"'! Mates of America iu O ngrt-s a—i-mblcit. That any person who, under color of any law. s;ataie. ordiiiam c. r<-. c.lation, custom or usage of any State, shall subject, or cuti-e to be -ab jetted, any p* rs m within the juris action ot the l nited states To the deprivation oi any rights, privileges or immunities -■ care d by the constitution of the United Mates, shall, any such law, statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or usage of tlie State to the contrary notwithstand- ing. be liable to the party injured iu any actum at law. suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, such j :■*>- ccedmg to be prosecuted iu the sev* tel dis- trict or circuit courts of the United Mates with and subject to the same rights of ap- peal, review upon error, and other remedies provided in like ca-i s :u such courts, under the proyi-mu- of tiie act of the ninth of April, eighteen hundred anil sixty-six. cn- ‘’.f' ^ -\n ai't to jirotcct all persons in the l nited States in their civil rights, and to tarnish the tuiatis ..| their vindication;" and the other remedial laws of tlie United States which are in tl eir nature applicable in such eases. Ski . 2. i iiat it two or more persons **Hum any State or T* rritorv of tlie Unit' d ’'reitcs shall cou.-pire together to overthrow "f to put uovvii, or to destrov bv force the government of the United States, or to Vvv war against the United States, or to '\ iorcc t!"* authority ot the government till.' I nited Mates, or by force, iutimida- lion. or thre.,;, to t re vent, hinder, or ilcl iv the execution cd any law of tlie United State-: or by lore* to seize, take, or poss,-s any property ot the United States contr. v to the authority thereof: or bv f,,1Vl. tiuiidatiou. or threat to prevent’ anv pmsoti from accept a, g or bidding any ofiiec uiVni-t ■a pl.iic ot coniidir.ce under the Unit.-d ■ Kites, or lrom discharging the duties therc- ot. or ,* ."ice, intimidation, or tine it to inaacc any <.*i,ccr ef the United s:ilt, < ,.j l-'y m v s ct, .di-tti 't.or plae,. wncrchV; l i t •'*•< ambeer might lawful]* be ])el- ;. S v 01' “ ;:,UV i,i,U in his l'K'sen i!r e of ti‘;coT lt. <11' ,l'i> lawful or ' ' i, l,T* dutles ui >*'■' Office, , V ' ’* , , llls l,orsou while en -1 to injure his ],roperty ifiiiAc VdnrtThe 1 ’ iutimidatio,i or tli'ivM '"' if 7 e e r ’F:,,7.iu,;7 ti“ :''W '''« Iff 1 "im E '. 5 ;“:' SI! S ' i t S ' U j ' ^ s S , ; r e y y : £ ^ 7 i'.’ .ny re--. ni, a t, i,\- . i : ir, . ... i J'«vn - b ,, n •n disguise tbepabfic'hp'e W t e '•■'re' ' ■v V o . < . 1 .* ';I Du! •'<>!!-* «i• *.,.. : I proTce i ion of the laws of c.mal law . ,5! S Ut d« l tl. . ; ■' •'• 1,1 t lie purpo-e mg or Ini ':, ring tiie const hormsot any Mat.- from giving .......... .. ....... . within -uch State **.,., , 7 f e t nf 1,ia,1“rm^ A . - ; r’ ' “1 justice in auy ijtate or ®f i !*e 1vizen ja.lguii'uv the to suspend the habeas eorplts, i such rebellion ! Provided, that r i second section o i ivl..ting to l.abi ing judicial proc I approved March i and sixty-three. ! tii-* barge of jni- I of war, and to the pen 1 v for • . si . ’ > , obey ; he order of the i i-t, shal in full force so far as tl mn applies to the provi-ton- of tiiis -• .-tion. Prov .!.(1 further, that the Prt-id* ut shall first Lave made proclamation, as now provided hv law, commanding such insurg n! t perse: and prov id* *1 also, tl at th* provi- sions of tin- - ': :: si 11 not be n I after the end of the next tvgul ir session of Sec. 5. Tim; no person shall be a grix l er [ietit juror in any court of the United Mates, upen any inquiry, hearing or trial oi any suit, proceeding or prosecution based upon or arising under the provisions of this act, who shall, in the judgu nt ftbecourt, o* in complicity with any such combination or conspiracy: anil every such juror shall, before entering upon anv such inquiry, m at ing, or trial, take and sabs* tube an oath tn open court that he lias never, directly or indirectly, cotin-el* d. advised ot voluntarily aided any such combination or conspiracy; and each and every person who -hall take t nsi.°\lth* and slju11 therein swear falsely, -ball be guilty ot perjury, and shall be sub- 1 ' ct t,, jtae paius and'penalties declared against that crime, and the ti*st section ol tin- act entitled, "an act defining additional causes ot challenge, and prescribing an addi- . i'.iial oath for grand and petit jurors in the I aitcd States courts.” uitproved Jiice seventeenth, eighteen hamlu-.l and sixty* two. beand the same is hereby repealed. * Le. b. Iu a t any pt*r$ou or pt■rsini.'? nav- V : KIl°vvdcilgc that any 0I the wrongs mo con.-puvd to be done, and m* utioued in the 't-caid section of tl I- act. or arc about to bo committed, and hav ing pow. r to prevent or aid in pre venting the -auie. -Hall neglect or t'-.u-e so to do. and -Uch wrong fill act -hall " commute**, such p. rsou or persons ska.1 hable to the person injure d, or lo* ' . m' lepri scnumvc-. fur all damages cau-cd by an.* such wrongful act which such first 'm'm d p e r .-,,.r pcrs,.as bv tv.isonabl .rere-nu.' id have prevented, an l such ,*■ . ' ” ,u-l\ oe recovered iu an action *<a * ;.* ‘ t-u’ prop* r cir uit co irt ol the States, and anv number of "■-“ns gutty of -mV ‘ vvromrTre-- b'et, or ret. b tnlaiiTs in si av;tiou shall i after site! ■otigia d. may b> joined a- de- li action, prov ided that sue'a com u . nced within ,'ue year .... . , . : 1,1 action shall have a- and !t the d. ath ot anv pi rs i si all • t.itiM il by any such ' < -i. the legal re-pn ’’■a-cil Ticrsoiis t holt biu,. It.0 *r e Vet ctlllg therein Ii dccoa-i • 1i"‘r- tf there’ ho ■ next of k:n ol vrotigful act ami m utat; ■- c- of sin It ' [■sons shall h:tv« . , > tl - ""I uiav recover a,' j'ttd. dollar- i!.":'.ref ’ ot the widow of, >1 any there v.Movv . tor the beat -wen deceased perse... S “ .’ ' i ! !, r :-o 1 e lntaiu, a dto supcic*if - L a SX i « y ’’><any otfci -i s'Lct. u< the tenor oi anv 'Orut-,1, and anv pro- mtu:i'|.,.|| the . 'Juiinueil and coiu- * o-t had not i * < * '- s the provi. ::- “t pugnant To; .ii. committcil . former act shall he fav ' i:’- nlri ady i m a eutioii there**! she l11 ‘ted the sain,. a, t*.t--t‘, 1. except -o ll“s act may g() to proceedings. ” Approved April all mi vali. en; ;:al pr tat* . A X A t I’ for eonveu a--C!ubly of ; [,,. p, itnd tor oilier pttr; Re it enacted bv tl Kepivseutatives of » -‘I Con : Legislature of ti.i- T, *"■. and it i- h. li. " k —Xo. s lit* l <tv o f New M. *:**•■ S«CItc anal House ef !llc,Tnited States ol ’ •'%.|nldcd. That the i'i'itOr,• of Now Mexico liUt S iS ; . ilmt a n ‘efocU ll'e f W ,1 »vveu«“v one: 'ami branches of s ®1? 1 19 members of both ■■•aid Leg'.slay,,.e j,,. authorized Ap proved Ajuil 20, 1871

Transcript of New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1872-01-04 [p 2] › lccn › sn83016555 › 1872... ·...

Page 1: New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1872-01-04 [p 2] › lccn › sn83016555 › 1872... · 2017-12-14 · and New Orleans packet Mollie Aide, a fine side-wheel steamer, lying

| l e i r ( O i l c a n s § f e | m b U a t t »



ItIVKit DISA'-TKtf' IN l? -7 i.

M e copy from the fit. Louis Republican the most important in the list of steamboat disasters reported by that journal, as occur, ring during the year 1871:


1. A great steamboat conflagration at the levee in New Orleans, in which the Magenta, Thompson I>ean, Julia A. Rudolph. John Howard and Grand Era were involved and destroyed.

The Magenta, a tine side-wheel packet, en­gaged in the Louisville and N’evv Orleans trade, took tire from the explosion of a coal- oil lamp in her cabin and was totally de­stroyed. About half the cargo of this boat was destroyed with her.

The Thompson Dean, a magnificent freight and passenger steamer, running be­tween St. Louis and Xew Orleans, took fire from the Magenta and was totally destroyed.

The Grand Era. a fine side-wheel packet, engaged in the Red river trade, was burned by being too near the conflagration ot the Thompson Dean and Magenta. Total loss.

Tin- Julia A. Rudolph, another fine side- wheel steamer running in the Red river trade, was destroyed by the same confla­gration.

The John Howard, a new stern-wheel steamboat of large size, w is destroyed at the same time and place. Total loss by this conflagration $1,000,000.

E The steamship De Soto, bound from Xew Orleans to Xew York, with a valuable cargo, burned in the Mississippi river, thirty miles below the former port, this morning. Total loss—valued at $350,Odd.

ti. Steamboat Henry S. Turner, bound down stream, struck a snag and sunk at the head of Island Xo. Id, in the Mississippi. Value of cargo $175,000. She was subse­quently raised and repaired.

Steamboat Shark, belonging to the Mis­sissippi Valley Transportation Company, abandoned at Liberty island, Mississippi river. Boat proved to be a total wreck. Valued at $30,000.' 14. Steamer T. L. McGill, bound down the river, took fire at 0 1’. M., when at Shoo-Ely bar, Mississippi^river, forty miles below Memphis, and boat and part of cargo was totally destroyed. By this disaster seventy-two lives were lost, including Cap­tain William Tompkins and Chief Clerk \V. W. MeFarlane.

28. The steamer W. R. Arthur, bound from New Orleans to St. Louis, exploded her boilers on the Mississippi river when about twenty miles above .Memphis. The boat was totally destroyed. By this acci­dent about sixty lives were lost.

FEBRUARY.5. Towboat Simpson Horner s-^nk a barge

forty miles above Memphis, on the Missis­sippi river. Barge proved a total loss.

12. Steamer Judge Wheeler exploded her boilers on the Mississippi liver, forty miles above Memphis. Boat a total loss. Cap­tain Noland and eight other persons lost their lives by this explosion.

28. The St. Louis and Keokuk packet Rob Roy met with a serious accident when leaving this port. The starboard head of the steam drum blew out with great force. Two state-rooms and the mess room were demolished. West Robinson, a deckhand, was killed. Mr. Noah, elephant driver of Van Amburg's menagerie, was very severely scalded.

MARCH.C. Steamer Katie Morrison. Memphis and

L’Anguille river packet, sunk at the wkuri at Helena, Arkansas. Lo.-s $00' 0.

8. Great storm at St. Louis. The St. Louis and New Orleans packet Mollie Aide, a fine side-wheel steamer, lying at the East St. Louis wharf, was caught by the tornado and almost totally destroyed. Several other boats were injured.

12. Steamer Ligktwond lam e d on Bayou Bartlndouiew, Louisiana. L o s estimated at $8000. *

18. Bieuf river packet Rose Franks, de­stroyed by tire at Trumbull's island, Obi river, Louisiana. Valued at $12.""t. Val­uable cargo of cotton—ail burned.

20. The steamer Minnie, St. Louis and Onaehita river packet, bound down, run foul of an obstruction fitly miles below this port, which knocked a large hole in her hull. By great exertion she was kept afloat Until her cargo was removed, then tempo­rarily bulked and brought to the marine ways for repairs. Damage >iuo0 to boat and cargo.

27. Collision between the steamer City of Cairo and the tugboat I’ionei-r at Com­merce. on the Mississippi. Two barges of the Pioneer’s tow were sunk.

28. The steamboat Belle of Alton, a hand­some side-wheel packet, running at tin time in the New Orleans and Red river trade, was totally destroyed by lire while lying at the whuff at New Orleans. Loss $1.1,fit to oil boat only.

APRIL.8. Terrible explosion on the steamer Sam

J. Hale, near Golcouda, Onto river. The main steampipe blew out at the throttle valve, and tilled the engine room w ith scald­ing steam. By this catastrophe six lives were lost and several persons wounded.

17. The steamer Stonewall exploded her boilers on Buffalo bayou, Texas. Five lives were lost, several were wounded, and the steamer seriously damaged. Loss $ lb,000.

15. Steamer J. S. Dunham, Memphis and Little Rock, snagged and sunk two miles below the last named place. Loss $50,000.

17. Henry Tete and tug Ella Moore came in collision in the harbor of New Orleans.T he larter boat was considerably damaged. One life lost.

10. J. R. Gilmore, lying at the wharf at Caledonia, Ohio river, lost seven barges loaded with coal, which were overwhelmed by the waves, the wind blowing very hard at the time.

20. Towboat William Cowan sunk two coalboats at the head of President's island, Mississippi river.


7. Towboat Collier, descending the Ohio liver, sunk four coalboats containing 88,000 bushels on Memuien’s bar. Loss estimated at $13,200.

0. During a storm on Bayou St. John, Louisiana, the schooners Ilosa and George Like came in collision. The shock was so severe that the Like was stink and tlie Rosa considerably damaged. Loss $oo00.

<>n the evening of the ninth the towboat Petrel sunk a barge freighted with 2100 barrels ol salt, five miles above Point Pleasant, Mississippi river. Loss $.7600.

10. The steam caualhoat Kankakee, bound from New Orleans to Bay St. Louis, was wrecked during a storm two miles and a ball from Southwest Key.-. The crew was saved. Steamer a total ]•— . Valued at £>090.

JUNE.Towboat Simp-on Horner sunk two barges

freight* d with coal at Bonnet Carre, lower Missi sippi.

1. La Belle, lower coast packet, broke her si aft and bursted hi r cylinder heads oppo­site Bonnet Carre, Louisiana.

In. Line parted on steamer Xatoliez dur­ing a gale at Cairo, which knocked two men overboard, who were drowned.

I 1. Memphis dry dm kssunk in 100 feet of w ater. They were Subsequently raised at a cost of $10,tied.

28. The s team er Red ( loud, a Him* stern- wheel steamboat, nearly new, [dying in theX • V OiTi litis and Red riv.-i■ tfade, burned

the water' - c<ige in the if, d rivi t .ji;lv.

1. Steamer Lula I). sank iti B.iyim Louis-iiuui. Slu* was subsequently • i i sed.

go. Tiie old Yazoo river ;'■:ckct Calumetpnuk ut the month ot G;a- - I.ayoii, Vazoii11 .•or. Mi-Hi­ ippi. She was very old. andV»l nt down v.-ithunt warning whore she wasti<■d up.

Appalling catastrophe * Xew York.K . Vi -tii- id cxpicil' d her boilers.*1on th'.u i.."> Jives ware i -'

AU nit a

-r.:o. t»tearner

i site Am t/.ouia lauding, iver, and went dwwn hi di 21. A spur fell on the t

ppi — l'** Nt. James, Loni.-kikilled Captain Harry Cat ter.

t ruck a snag op-tipper Missourip water,

tuber Bart Aide, t. and instantly

.1. Currie ’ K'iUllt/. .<̂ '4* (1 iundsunk atV o lf island. liver • She wassui'-t queutiy raised.

AUGt -r.Lucy Keirn eneouati red a terrific gale

in Yazoo ii \ cr. .She lost two passengers

overboard, who were drowned, and came near going ashore. She received considera­ble injury.

8. Collision between the G. \Y. Cheek and Mary Alice at Reeves’ bar. Mississippi river. One of the barges of the Alice w as considerably damaged.

SEPTEMBER.3. The towboat Antelope, bound up the

Mississippi, struck a snag and sunk at Green leal's bar. Boat proved a total wreck.

12. Merchants’ wbarfboat at Vicksburg sunk.

18. Fire on the Commonwealth, lying at East St. Louis. Pilothouse and texas de­stroyed. Loss $ 10,b‘>0.

20. Steamer Florence sunk opposite St. Andre’s woodyard, Louisiana. Loss $12,0(0.

28. Steamer Silver Bow sunk near Price’s landing, Missouri river. She was subse­quently raised.

Steamer Vi Ta sunk in the upper Missis­sippi river.

OCTOBER.(I. Pilot-boat Robert Bruce wrecked at

Soutl west Pass, mouth of Mississippi. Four lives lost.

8. The line side-wheel steamer Virginia sunk in deep water at Island X’o. 18. Mis­sissippi river.

Propeller Beaufort sunk in lower Missis­sippi river. Total loss.

Steamer Twelfth Eta wrecked in a gale on Trinity liver.

18. R. G. Colburn foundered in Lake Su­perior. Site was one of the finest steam­ships on the lakes.

22. Wash Seiitcll ran foul of a snag in Red river and broke fifty hull timbers.

28 . The steamer Huron burned at St. John’s island, Missouri river.

S.earner Fort Smith sunk just above the mouth ol White river. Boat a total wreck.

NOVEMBER.5. Steamer Wade Hampton sprung a leak

ami sunk tu deepwater opposite Douahl- souville, Louisiana.

8. Steamer Mollie Mel’ike struck a snag and sunk at head of Turner - island, upper Mississippi river.

Steamer Legal Tender, bound up the Mis­sissippi, struck a snag below Memphis, which broke fifteen hull timbers, and caused considerable damage to her freight, which was soaked in water.

IT. Information received that the steamer Eagle w as sunk near Newport. Kentucky.

Intelligence of the sinking of the Mattie at Banharbor, Ohio river, received.

15. Steamer Undine sunk near Island No. 40, Mississippi river.

Steamer Tom Jasper struck a snag and sunk at W olf island, lower Mississippi river. She, too. was subsequently raised.

25. Steamer II. S. Turner slightly in­jured by striking a snag in the lower Mississippi.

DECEMBER.!. Accident to the sfam er Katie. She ran

into the bank tit Grand View. Mississippi river. She had her cabin considerably shattered.

Steamer Fannie Brandies . .ink forty miles above Memphis.

12. Steamer Celeste sunk at Siler’s chute, Arkansas river. Boat total wreck

I f. Information received of the sinking of the steamer Lake City, at the wharf ut Jef­ferson, Texas.

12. Steamer Roseville sunk in Arkansas river. Boat total wreck.

23. Pomeroy Packet Company's wharf- boat sunk at Cincinnati.

24. Steamer Kate Kearney sunk at head of I-land Xo 82. Mis-is-ippi iiv< r.

Steamer America sunk in Ohio river.27. Four coke boats destroyed at 0:1 City.

Pennsylvania. Loss s Ip.iii u.Barge Dauee sunk at head of St. Gvi:"-

vieve island.Towboat Monitor -link in Obit

of delivery, be, and the same are hcrebv re pealed.

Approved, April If. 1871.

[General Nature—Xo. 8.]AN ACT for the restoration of Commander,

George A. Stevens, United States navy, to the active from the retired !i-t.Be it i naeted by the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States ot America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States he. and is hereby, authorized to nominate, and by and with the adv ice and consent of the Sou.utc appoint George A. Slevens to the active li.-t of the navy, with the' rank of lieutenant commander.

Approvell, A; t il P . 171.

[Gi.nral Nature—NTo. f.j AX ACT making appropriations to supply

deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-, ne, anti for additional appropriations for tlie ser­vice of the vear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and -eveuty-two. and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of

Representative- of the United States of Ameli a in -Congress assembled. That in order to i .atay into eflect the provi-ions ol an act entitled “An ai t granting pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, and the widows of deceased soldiers,*’ approved Fobruaiv fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy one. there be, and is hereby, appro­priated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pay­ment. dat ing the remainder of the present ti.-cai year, ut t v, o clerk - of class three, four c-eih- of cl:.— two. nineteen clerks of ela-- one,and t wo i-’ant nn -sengi rs iu the Pen­sion ( ti’ice, to be appoint* d by the Secretary of the Interior, eight thousand two hundred and -i.xty dollars: for office rent, furniture, and routing, lit ext e,.-* - of said office for thesame pencil, si: dollars; and for

lit hundred during the

j list*!■ 1 v* ar eliding ill!* thirtieth. eight.'en1 hull .Ired and sevi •nt Y-:two, of forir clerks

of class three, ci. •Jit* c•forks "f <[ass t wo,! 1 irty-ciglit clerks of <*lass one. and Three! as-i -taut an --I age ! s in said oliice, T<» be H{»-! [.nit it* d by the S* * ■ 1<’t <1ry «*i the Iiitriinr.| seventy -even thousand tnree hundred and ! sixty dollars: and for ilfice rent, furniture,

stationery and contingent expenses of -aid otliee during the -aid year, -even thousand dollars: provided, that nothing in any act contained -hail be construed to alter or amend an act entitled “An act to define the duties of pension agents and prescribe the nianm t oi paying pel-ions, and for other purposes," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy: but tire- prov i-ion- of -aid act lire hereby deehired to be in lit!! fore*' and i tfecr. and applicable to the pros­ecution oi claims to pension, and to the payment of pen-."ns which may i-e allowed under any or all j he \ t gri - — grant ing the -amc of the appropriation pro making appropriations 1 pen-es of tiic governn ending .1 tine thirty. «ig seventy-tv o, approve, eighteen hundred an

ions acts of Con-and *hat so inuchided tVr in tl it* actv sun dry civ il < x-nt f<•r the ycar; t*i n hundn*d and

M.irch 1throe.*«f'velit V-OIK*, **t(»the ' d(*t(•ction

a- .unstth e l''nited1 _ i: •nt <1 ti ie Ax-vary, may hi used

lull.- rs, and docn-etiuli s of or withni* nt of til** Ot*Il-»Yi 1 niii* *11? ( f any


A party of wits once stopped at a tavern. When t i.e* feast was over one of the mem- ! her.- called in the hostess. ••Aligcliqiu*." In- said, -T am going to give you a lc-son in astronomy. Have you not heard oi the t great l'latsmic year, when evi rything must 1 return 1 > its former condition ! Know, i then, that in It.t oo years w e-hall be here again, on the. same day and at tin- same hour. Will you give us credit till then!” Tlte hostess, however, had her reply. . am perfectly' willing.’’ sue retorted, "but it i

it.OKI years since you were here be- !tie I

| ar.d pre-ceuti* c .f e: inn- i state-.” as iio. v. ,tl the ;u ; Turney General, he ne ■* —; during the eurreat fi-tal y | all l> •■!:.-. n-eord.-.

m int- i • intive to trail-;.! the la’e - •■called guv Ml: i b d> r.iti Sia’es. ■ : the. a i State lately in insurrection. now in the pus- : —e——ioii, or which any time t ome into ■ tee p— a-—ion of the government of the

at* s. or of any department tio-reol. -i rt* d to for information by thev uaitiiseioiii r- of claims created l ived Match three, eighteen ktii:- -.■wn: y-one. and copies theieof

::. ti bv lb** officer having v le. shall be treated with the like elicet of :h ..* (■: igin.i!.

thereto, said sums to he carried for this purpose to the contingent fund of the Sen­ate, and to be expended, upon vouchers of the chairman of said joint committee: pro­vided, that the sum of nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-live dollars and twenty- two cents, being an unexpended balance ot an appropriation by act ot March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, “for pur­chase of building known as the Club House, at Charleston, South Carolina, anil the fit­ting up thereof, for tlte use of the United States courts,’’ and having been, by exist­ing laws, covered into the treasury of the United States, be and tlte same is hereby re-appropriated out of any money in the trea-ury, not otherwise appropriated, and -hall lie expended in accordance with the provisions ol the att making tlie original appropriation.

To supply a deficiency in the appropria­tion for folding documents and materials for the li nt e of Repre sentatives, twenty thousand dollars

Senate of the United State-: For labor, three thousand dollar-: lor clerks to com­mittees. pages, horses and carry alls, fifteen thousand dollars.

For compensation of the clerks in the office of the surveyor g.-noral of Minnesota, employed upon work consequent upon the special appropriation- for the survey of the public lands vitlcii The limits of the grant to the North* rn I':**-iti*- railroad, per act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sev­enty. nine thousand two hundred dollars, tor’ tlte fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two.

For compensation of the clerks in the office nl’thc surveyor general of California, two thousand -ix hundred dollars, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- dr* d and .-• venry i

To pay Dexter R. Crocker for carrying the mail from Uan vonville, Oregon, to Vre-ka. California, from the twenty-fourth of April to the ninth rtf November, eighteen hundred and liUy-three. one thousaud six hundred and twenty five dollars.

For payment of 8. J,’. Harlow, late mar­shal of the snutli* rn ir-triet of for expon-e- incurred in at re-ting one Mott, in -.tit Frame-.-,., lor vi.da.tion of revenue law in said district, live hundred and fifty dollars, or -a much thereof as may be due.

Sec. 1. That in addition to rite clerkships authorized by the act unproved May live, eighteen hundred and sixty, the Secretary ut the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered b> pi inote from the clerks of class one employed in the Census Otliee. three to be clerks of class f-.ur, seven to be clerk- of class thre e, and tit:ecu to bo clerks of class two, and the sum of seven thousand six hundred dollars i i- hereby appropriated to pay the increased salary: provided, that no increase in the total number of <Jerks employed in said bu- j rcau shall he <’•-* nied tu lie authorized here- j 1 >v; and provided further, that the authority for such afiditii ua! e'erk-hip- of the second, third and fourth class shall terminate one year from date.

For the purpose of carrying out the s’ipu- lari.n- i f the treat, of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, betvvei n tIn* United States of America aud his Ma­jesty the King of the Belgians, providing for the pa* meat of inten -i iu tin- mutter of the capitalization of the Scheldt dues, being a deficiency ::i ti,* appropriations for the pavment ui the -evt nth annual in-’ailment die the gova rnment of Belgium under said

! tre-atv. April tb-t. eighteen hundred and sev * ntv-one. and the eighth annual install­ment, due ;! fit -t. eighteen hundred and -eveuty-two. twelve tfioit-and dollars, in

1 coin, or su much the; cof as may l.e ut-ees- I sarv.

committee of the Committee of Elections ol the House of Representatives, d J - ‘ with the investigation, in the . 1 im r of eighteen hundred and nine, of the election iu Louisiana in eigt eon hundred and sixty-eight. _ Ami for two thousand cop:#- ot Barclays Dig ■ * dered by resolution of the House ot J ly fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventv. two thousand dollars: also for pages in the House of Representatives, one thousanu live hegidred and forty-three dollars amt fil’tv nine cents. For the compensation an assistaat journal clerk in tiie IIoum* • Representatives tor the fiscal year endup. June thirty, eighteen hundred anil seventy - two, twenty-five hundred and ninety-two dollar.-:. And for one thousand copies ot tin* ••Constitution of the United States, wttn the Rules of the Si mite.’’ compiled by W il­liam J. McDonald.under a resolution ol tae Senate of March fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one thoushud dollars. T ar the payment of el* rks of committees ol tlie House', in accordance with the resolution of the House of the tenth instant, two thousand dollars. .

Sec. 12. That the provisions of the eleventh section of the net approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making ap­propriations l'or sundry civil expense- ot t]i«* GoverniJiPiit lor tin* your ciidm*' June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, and for other purposes, ’ be, aim beic- by are extended so as to include such per­sons as were actually employed in the States lately in insurrection, in connection with the Treasury Department, as officers of the United S ates during the year eighteen hundred and -ixty-seveii in con­nection with the revenues of the govern­ment: and an amount sufficient to carrv out tlie provisions of this section, not ex ­ceeding fifteen thousand dollars, i- hereby appropriated out *.f any nfoncy in the trea­sury not otherwise appropriated.

Six . 13. That the following sum. or so much thereof as may bo necessary, for snb- si-tenoe for tlie fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred aud seventy-two, of the At apahoe. Cheyenne, Apaelie. Kiowa, and fUniune!ie Indians who have been cid- lerted and located upon tlie reservation set apart for their tree and occupation by the treatii - made with them in eighteen hun­dred and six tv * van. two hundred thou­sand dollar-.

Slu. 14. That the Commissioner of the General Land i>t!i*e is hereby authorized to approve the su: * >■*- of the eastern bound­ary of Nevada, mode by I-aae E. James, notwithstanding any departure, from in- struetions which, iu the opinion ot said Commissioner, doe- rot materially impair the accuracy of the work.

Sec. 15. That tlte privileges of the act entitled "An act to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes.’’ approved July

_ „ - exceeding h'’eneeded by the J>rw?, j“ ' for distributionthousand dollar. ‘ j persons aboveamong the destitute .V * t _ mentioned. - tht. buildings in

S e c . 23. That the *.m i n . Ilalter-Armory square oceffiO needed for theluasters^epartnant- d ^ j UJ (|a. discretion public sei’Nkc, - r,» tlie asfcociutiofc!.f the Seeretary of ' V 1.',, " purpose ol rn- ahove mentioned. . i ,V„. destitute

* uite.- lllav i*. board

S,i nt Paul, one hundre sixtv-tive ei

ti e t r e a - u r

e eustomhouse at rty-five tliou.-and ;r. e dollars and niinunt of a bal-

t: tlit but, e In

uua lilab’e UU'tei'dale of tin'ee

T -An

iks of


-v mm


C..-and -* lees I

il.— t-Lue or; Uni'..


the goJune ti

Mere*-, t: ■ -i i -,.!di. rs. tl.iiirle-ton. i om . WiiUUlled i o it

is just i.;.000 years sinee you w«*re hen-loro, and YOU left wide.Hit navi ny. Sc Ithe old. S'.•ore and I wiil trust iuu f«*rnew. ’

The, urnu! of . 1 ii/'lii d l 'In in i.s*// // lbr Jcemh( i ?a\ s: “The cus tom of paying^as l>v tilie eu bie foot, withotit ri _card toUlumin ating power, is like buvi; ilc all chat a in 111or ui [nice pel* yard, v>it ho it rqueotio 11 as t*ii the fitne- s" of theone tvould hi. e to pay iilS mueh for .-hoca.- for (•ar*•hmere. and * <•t sliotld;v u'.is isprinei j*al article now : ■ • ■ d to e*sinners . \vhile the juice actually paid cifor tiie Ik■St g as tliut can bo main

A Ciii; fern::a scientist: declare•s that

be app,o i C l ::

rt of tillI t i l l

•rung . oust

rt null■ sundry civil expenses of : : >r th** fiscal year ending

'em hundred and seventy- .tiler purposes." approved hteen hundred and seventy- bv is amended by striking - ds "f ir customhouse. As-

• i •• woid "completion."and tiicteof "continuation of

ding at I)e- it iiundred

met and

and lilt*- -ix tiol-

March thi nine. t',,r •


quii■ iiriation j f v'v thou.-.

o sum of twenty-five llioti- ropriated by act approved hteen hundred and -ixty- Iinse ot site, and the eri e-

(•reoii of i postottiee ..-.l courthouse ig in ( hitabii. Nebraska, the same unexpended, is ln-icby revived and om inti d for -aid purpo-e. i . That any aporupriations lien to-

ide for any pul.lie works, building-.

ug witii Pi­rn.I has in-

body in that

has prolonged his life by -1. finger tips touching his toi vented a maeliine to hold tl graceful and pleasant position. He v tends that th* P* it *1 electric i urrents”— the principle, we suppose of tlie smok ei.-nsuniing stove—"ate thus kept in evi eii't uuitlovv, instead of being tiinr.v n off t tlie extremities aud wasted."

T re

the ■!< I

an.I uje-- mt tr<-asiir. even iitindr

v : r ( ineintiati. filf v dollar

ln.l. p. uil. nt

iltimore, six • ixt v dollars. 1 i Thi- otiice of j ive thousand

or ground -. 1 a- "he year coii:!in**ncimx Julyf.r-t. ei l.t . i n br.ndred and seventy- one.shall be available fur the •current \ ♦*ar;provided, that no exj.i iniitun * l*ey<Kid the-eieral sum- be antlioii;'. tlie ap[ir..;>ri - J irv and t eial agent i f fur the salat

It is said that hay can be made fire proof by sprinkling a layer of suit betwei n each layer of hay. T his preoe-s is reeom- inemled as serving the double purpose of a preventive against tire and rendering the jiay more conducive to the health of the cattle and more agreeable to their palates.

Popular Illinois paragrajih . "Mrs. Annie Ruekley. a Cairo woman, lias achieved an infant w hich starts with twenty-one pounds of substance !’’

It is said that a Washington negro is rie- gotiating fur the purchase of the Calhoun homestead in South Carolina.


Rn—eil ai the F irst Session o f tlie Forty Second Coim ress.

[General X vture—X'u. i'.J AX ACT tn authorize the payment of du­

plicate checks ot disbursing office: ..Be it enacted by the Senate and House of

Representatives of tlie United States of America in Congress assembled, That in place ol original cheeks issued for pen-ions, when lost, stolen or destroyed, disbursing otlicrrs and agents of the United States are hereby authorized, after tie* expiration of six months from the date of such cite* ks. to issue duplicate cheeks, and the. Treasurer, assistant treasurers aud designated depos­itories of the United States are directed to pay such cheeks, drawn in pur -nance of law by such otlieers or agt nts. upon notice and proof of th e” loss of original check or cheek-, under such regulations in regard to their i-.-ue and payment, and upou the execution m sin h bonds, with suretit s. to ind* limit y tire l nited States, as tli" Seeretary of' the Treasury shall prescribe: Provided, That this act shall not apply to any cheek ex ­ceeding in amount the sum of •• jj>, dollar-.

Approved April 1 *, 1871.

Mill. __-cHg.u- ;:i

the *;. ; ,-itary at Chicago, one thousand one hninire d dollars.

For clerks and n:i --engar- in the office of tl:** (lepesitarv at Eoiti-ville, emi : bundled dollars.

For -alary of the ossi-tant trea-rre-r at Xew Orleans, to make !.:- compensation four thou-and five, hundre d dollars, as pro­vided bv e.visting law-, live bundled dol-

■!:t exjienses uri.r crAugu.-t -i.vth. * i-gilt*, six. for tin- colli etiou. -afi and disbursement of tire


pro hall be

r tne net of aud forty-

re • [ling, transfer public revenue, re ided. that no


• t id e d l o r

direct tax a, and of

t int. Nature—X.. te n port of ini i, aud forVita

j Ge

AX ACT ti Potomac, poses.Be it enacted by the Si

Representatives of the America in Congress a the waters, shores, hay and inlet Potomac,!i.


nate and Iloit-e of United .States ot seinbleil. Tiint all . harbors, creeks

on the south side (.f tin* riv.-r ie. comprehended between Bi.vd’-. nd Cockpit Point, now a part of the

i vtiuu district of Tiqipaliatinoi k. Vir gime. be. and tin* same arc her* by. annexed >• H'“ collection district of Alexandria.\ lrginia.

: •. IJtst Potomac, in the State of ’ ii*.-*i::n, -hall be. and is hereby, (•(instituted an i created a port of delivery within the , w i'"'i * ̂ ‘ --r ui<-1 oi Alexandria, and there

slut . oe a]i]i(iiiited, ut a compensation not exceeding the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, a deputy «ol]eetur of eu-tom-, to reside at said port, who shall perform such duties as may be ootilerrod upon him. in pursuance of law, liy the SSecretai y of the Treasury.

Sec. 3. That all acts and parts of nets establishing at Dumfries, in the collection di-trict of Tappaliaunock. Virgin;.!, a iiort

tilt ypart of said clerical sen ices.

For salaries and * xpense <J commissioners of Smith Cu tlieir clerks, ft. in July first, eight* ! u hun­dred aud sev* nty, until the do-ing of their otli-ae. three tliousanil live hundred dollars, or so much thereof a- may be nee*—sarv.

For the support of tlie Di-trier of < olmn- bia for the ti.-'ai year ending June thirty, I ghteeli htllitlre I and Seventy two:

For salary of the governor of the District of Columbia, three thousand dollars.

Frn- salary of the secretary of tim 1 Ji.-trict o ff 'Tu m liia, two thou-and dollars.

For compensation of the mem'., rs of tae council of the District of Columbia, four thousand four hundred doll:.:-.

For camp* a-a! ion of the Imard of public ■ irks ol j fist i ii > of (. oltii • : t, ten thou-atnl d 11a:-: jiia*vide*l. tl .it no person sliali he entitled to draw a salary as a mem her of tin' bo nd of public works who i- paid a salary for the dieharge m tiicdutie- ot any i-t • : otfiwer under tii" government of the I.'uited States: and said board shall be la id to be an existing board tor all the

I and se j the pro I biir-i d

receive !,i

purpe a guv.


ill I rie •I tIT! : i f for the I>

r the ap:» mi mb* t ■ i:e 8 er.-t..


C . i j i l ;

a to provide( olumbia,” aud quuliti-

Inteiii.r to i and Coni-

-ixteemh s’atute- atdv to th

:id y ajiprojiriated shall d by tl.i- section. And that Mti..n f*,r the payment of the lav* ling i xi.<‘ti-* s of a spe- tlie Tre asury Department, and ies of all supervising insp<"C-

tors, local in-peetor-. and clerks employed in tiie administration of the steamboat in­spection laws, made under section first of "An act making appropriations for sundry civil exjienses of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred ami seventy-one." approved July fifteen, eighteen hundred ami seventy, and -till re­maining unexpended, shall be applicable, a- heretofore, to the payment of such sal­aries and expenses until sufficient revenue -hall aciTic therefor under the provisions ot section sixty-six of "An net to provide ti.r the l.-dter security of life on board of

■ssels propelled in whole or in part by l’or other purposes.” approved

wi n'v eight, eighteen hundred y-one: the amount naid under ms of thi- section to be r* im- • ■ treasury out of tin* revenues

dvr the provisions of said act of ■a * uty-eight, eighteen hundred

| and seventy-one.And th** appropriation “for the survey of

I the boundary line between Malm and Utah ! Territories.” contained in the act making ! appropriations for sundry civil expenses „f

"la* government fur tlie year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred anil seventy-two, and for other purposes, approv* d March three, eight* ui 1: nulled and seventy one, is hereby made subject to present use.

Sue. 7. That the -urn of twenty thousand five hundred and twenty-three dollars, or -*. miirli tk -re-of as may he necessary, lie. at:.I th*' same i- hereby, nppropiiatoil to pay the i .ii’11 of Hubert T. Kirkpatrick, provided for in joint re solution approved February lilt .-ntli, eighteen hundred and -*■* enty-one.

St - , -. Th :' -o mitch of the appropriation for paying the exnenses of taking the ninth :* nsus of the Unit* d States c intuineil in ti e act iuaki.ig i •; reipriatious for sundry civil t \pen-.-s *.f the government for the year ■tiding June thirtieth, eighteen hundred

and -* enty-two, approved March thire!, eighteen him lre*d aud and seventy-one, as I*.ay In' m i e--ary, may be used during the cm re ret ' a! ye: ;•: rind the proviso in the eighth s.-rUnn of said act is amended by adding : ;;.-r tie: words "eight dollars per ilav” the *■• ..ids "exrlu-ive of mileage."


f Con;'] . -s ilirceting tiie • istributiou 8:.-'. >. '1 iiat the ‘.pprojiriation of thirtyether \ olta:."s. seven tla ti&auil dol- thiols • ; ec hu

dollar- “for necessaHired amt twenty-six y expanses in the en c-

P * v Vv' ’i.itji lie relit! a 1alani'e due ticit. fuin'-liiag no; •hiriery." and so forth.

supply a 'Set: deucy

the vliunfi iu* II.ti

reporting t -ion of tit.- i

To * uab'n pnivi.-.ioi:.- .

• ‘..illamal * >t ox e i ngs d th.


1 Globetiou lbr

ti* lum­

en min Hire

11iont to . : Vi


:.ur* .-:• t iuu-


sevhitij to pre scribe rule- amt the admission of persons service, and so forth, ten thousand dollars.

For expenses of the Join: S.-ieot Coin mittee on Alleged Outrage , m t ; . South-rn States, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and any unexpended balance of the appro­priation for the select committee of tlie Senate on the saute subject shall be earrii d to the ab iv • appropriation in ad

id the ill the civil . fiscal ; linndi

h i tii dr -ill"i* r


t ■

-. D

si entv

re .iire !■ mint at ( arson city, contained :n! making appropriations tor sundry v>-n-.-s of tlte government fur the ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen d aud .h eu'v-tvvo. amt for other

ap proved Mare’ti tiiird, eighteen d and seventy-one, is hereby made t- >t -• nt use.

ri)]ir: ttion for bui’d- lavvare. eimtuined iri rfeen of tlie act ap- gliteen hundred and ct making ap]iropri

ations lbr -mniry civil expenses of the gov- eriiment r the year i tiding June thirtieth, (•ight' . n hundre d and seventy-one. and for other put 'mis' be. and the same is herediv cuntinii.illll..


I lousethousohits aud thirty cent-, or so much thereof as ma.v i... t:ei c-sary for the payment of the balance remaining unpaid upon tbc accounts of witti* -~es who appeared before the sub-

fourteenth. eighteen hundred and seventy. { be, and are here by, extended to the port of

Detroit, in the S»e*e of Michigan.Sec. lii. That any bona tide settler under

the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United States, who has filed the proper ap­plication to enter, not to e xceed one quarter- section of tlie public lands in any district land.otliee, and who has been subsequently appointed a registrar or receiver, mav per­fect the title to the -aid land, under the pre­emption laws, l.y furni-htng the proofs and making the payments required by law, to tiie satisfaction of the Commissioner ol’the General Land Otiice.

Si:.■ 17. That from and after the passage of this act all powers conferred upon certain persons as commissioners, by the act ap­proved June twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy, for the improvement of M street, northwest, and by the act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sev­enty. tortlie improvement of tiie Washing­ton City canal, shall be transferred to the Board of l ’nblic Works of the District of Columbia : an.l tiie persons actingas comtii -siunct - tin b r said nets are hereby directed to transfer to said board of public works nil book-, papers, and other property in their possession pertaining to the work- under their charge; and private l*r. pet tv -ball be a-sesse*l for the improve­ment of 7*1 street, ami Seventh street south­west. from 1! street to the river, heretofore authorized by law. a- provided in the act of February twenty first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. And in case said board shall, under sail] act of July fifteenth, eight­een hundred and seventy, decide to oner, said canal, they ate her by * nqiow. r. *1 to open both it- branches, so a- to connect with the government canal at the arsenal: Provided. That the cost ot -aid work-hall not exceed tiie amount already fixed by law for that pui'p* -e.

That the sum of Ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, is hereby appropriated fur the purpose nt re­pairing and rel iving, where nn-e-sary. the [lavement on Pennsylvania avenue from

: Fifteenth s f . i t to the ea-t side ot lf.>ck meek: Provided. That a like sum shall tie

| expended for t ic same purpose by t ic : proper authorities of the District of I ('olumbia: And provided further. That1 the Washington and Genrget >wn Railroad

Company -shall in like manner repair such portion thereof as they are by tlieir char-

: ter re quiroil to do: the work to lie done nil- j der the supervision id the Board of Public

Works for tlie District of Columbia.Sue. 18. That to correct an error in the

enrollment of the act approved March tliirei. eighteen hundred and seventy-one, making appropriation- foi’ th** naval service for the year ending June Thirtieth, eighteen hun­dred and seventy-two, and for other pur­poses, the same be amended as follows. In section two. strike out all of the section from anil including tlie word “provided." where it first occurs, and insert in lieu thereof the f.iHotving: "And the Seeretary of the X'avy i- authorized to invite, by pub- advertisement. plans ami specifications for such dock. ;wid to award to any person not n tin* naval service, whose pians may be

adopted by tlie Navy Department, a sum not exceeding live thousand dollars. But no plan shall be adopted until it shall first receive tin* sanction of a board of not less than live experienced officers, to fie appoint­ed by tlie Secretary of the Navy, a majority of whom shall be constructors and engineers, and one of whom shall be an experienced civil engineer: ami it shall be the duty of said bqaril to consider all the plans and spe­cifications laid before it. whether the same were prepared i:i the X’avy Department or by parties competing therewith, ami the plans and specifications that shall lie adopt­ed shall lie open to the inspection of all per­son-w ho dr-ire to become bidders, for at least ninety days before tin* awarding of said contract.”

For three assistant observers at tlie Naval Observatory, in addition to the sum appro­priated by the "Art making appropriations fur the naval service for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy' two. and for other purpose-," appro*.'d March third, eighteen hundred and sovmit v- one, five hundred dollars.

•Sec. 13. That so much of tl tlte act makin ti*

entitled " A 1.1 V u - - ”oi the government sundry civil ef.I,tUy ilcrtietli, eighteen for the year ending dm - ‘ f otllf.r

a publicpurposes, lot jy f ̂ , ou;3 Missouri,building m the OD *’ t(l “ 1.},0,;-(. and other 1V,r fh,; , i" e „Mi u o v " ™ t o f t h e United ‘■.1Vl1 liV. 1 be . xre nded aud made avail*- status, sii11 1 , „ cmling June

, o- T int the salary of the consul at

‘l,T|l a'tnfbcrc' “‘pa'hi 'to the deputy a— i-tant

treasurer in . ^ ^ ^ V o r k r i ^ a m V£ i xr r,re.d ibd m-- I m iV h e in g u deficiencyK K S i i— t fiscal

three hundred and fifty thou-and dol.ars.., -ri . t »■ ,r 11«• * purpose of mow tl

^ r J i - f a n d C g l ^ S‘the t -cal year ending June thirty, eighteen

an*"* with the jireivtsmns ot the A tt lor the lw*tf«*r preservitTit o ot lift tUol j i i * .\ J ,] S f vi-ukod on tin* coast ot

8 t 'X s ’’ approved December ' urtiV b. eighteen hundre d and nfty-lour. and that the S-cre taiy of the Treasury he authorized to .-mpli.y crews ot experienced surfmen at -uch stations aud tor such peiiods a- he mav deem m e --ary and pr-pei, and at such compensation as%e may «b*em rea­sonable. not to exceed forty dohars per month for ca -’i pet-.ui to be employed.

That tl *- e.'risdiction eonierretl tne joint re-ob.ri'..i of June eighteen, eighteen hundred and six ty -ix . m regard to c>aim» from the ,' umta - of Berkel.w and JelM - son, in the State "t W e-t \ lrgima, and l,v tiie ioiut r*solution of July tweu.y- ei'ght, eighteen bundled and sixty six. in regard to c'U nts ; tfe« St 1 l ‘ •'m ssee. and bv th-* j"int resolution of De­cember tweiiiy-tkre ". eighteen hundred and sixt v-iiirn*, as uiiimhI* «i '*y tb** act Maica three, eighteen lmndiv.l and si. venty-oue, in regal'd To inboats and other v* s.-c!-. -hallm .t b.- withdrawn « r impaired by any construction ot th • law clearing com mi-—

rs of claim? to exatniue claims arising in States proclaimed to be in insurrection, and the jurisdiction upon all claims pro seated by loyal citizens from said State oi TTuncs-i'P, and from -aid counties oi Berke­ley and Jcfier-un. to the proper department before tin* third of Match, eighteen hun­d re d a n d seventy-one. -hall remain as be­fore- the pa--ag*- ot sai-l act creating .-aid commissioner-ut el.tim-.

For covering the -team pipes in the ( apt- tol with tii.- proof uun-eoiiiiiK'tiug felting, eight th'Hi-and didJa:-.

Slu. 2-8 . Tim: there be. and is here­by. a :■: • printed to re iy expenses of the legi-la ive assembly o f Wyoming Territory, convened < ** tuber, anno It. mini eighteen hundred and seventy, and tor printing journal - of s; id a--einh’y. aud in­cidental expenses nf tin* office oi secre taryfor tiic year ei the sum of f. ; littv dolin’ -.

Seu. l.'. l ’ha [iropriated, i ; paid to John lector of the p re ndered iu ti

.r tn: liitudred and sev t nty. sand two hundied and

thi *th isand dollars is ap- . !’ -a M. ii -itch -um shall be ’1 in niiisi'U Ma.-on. late eol- •rt of Baltimore, for services

bur-* laeiit of the light-

sons to the equal protection of the law?, or b force, intimnlatioii or toreat to prevfcatan̂ citizen of the i nited States. lawfully entimj to vote, from giving hissiij.port orarivocaM in a lawful manner toward or in favor of thi election ol any lawtully quabtiid persona, art elector o f President or \ ice President o' tlie United State-, or as a member of thi Congress of tin* t nited Mates, or to injure any such citizen in his person or property‘>n account ut such support or ad- vocaev, each and every person so offendin» shall ‘he d< emed gmlt.v ot high crime, am] upon convirtion tln-r^ol in auv ontriet or circuit court of tlie t nited States or dL-triet or -tipreiue court ol any TeiTitorr of tlie United .States having jurisdiction & similar ofienses. snail be puui.-hed by a fae not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment, with or without hard labor, as the court m tv determine for a period of not than six months nor more than six yean, as the court may determine, or by both such tine and impri-onment as the court shall determine. And it any one or more persons engaged in any such conspiracy shall do, or cause to be done, aEy act in furtherance o f the object of such con­spiracy. whereby any person shall he in- jured in his person or property, or deprived id having and i xercising any right or privi­lege of a citizen '■! the l nited .States, the ptT.-on so injured or deprived of such righto and privileges may have and maintain an action for the re covery of damagesoeca- .joiietl 1-y such injury or deprivation of rights ami privileges, against any one or more of the persons engaged iu such con­spiracy. stii'h action to be prosecuted in the proper district or . ifemt court ol the United States, with and suiqcct to the same rights of appeal, review upon error and other remedies provided iu like e,.-es. in such courts, under the provi-ions of tiie act of April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty--ij, entitl' d "An act to protect all persons in the United States in their civil rights, an* to furnish the means ol their vindication.’’

Mat . 3. That in all cases where insurrec­tion. domestic violence, unlawtul cumhina- tions or conspiracies in any State -hall so ob-truct or hinder th* execution of the lasts thereof and of the United States as to de­prive any portion or class of tlte people of such State ot any of- tim lights, privileges or immtruititjs or protection named in the constitution aud se­cured by this act, and the constituted authorities of .-uch State -hall either be un­able to protect, or shall fr-.m any cause fail in or refuse protection ot the people iu such rights, such facts -hall be deemed'a denial by such .State of the equal protection of the laws, to which they are entitled under the constitution of the United States; and in ail such eases, or whenever any such insurrec­tion. violence, unlawful combination orcon- -piruey shall opp- -** or ou-truct tae law-of the United States, or the due execution there­of. or impede or obstruct the due course of justice under tin* same, it shall he lawful for the President, and it shall be his duty, to take such in. ; -un -. by the employment of the militia, or the land and naval force«ol the United States, or o f either, or by other means, as lie may deem necessary, lor the suppression of -uch in-urreetion. domestic violence or combinations: and any person w ho-hail be arre sted under the provisions

i of this and the preceding section, shall be delivered to the wor-hal o f the proper dis-

! trii't, to be dealt with according to law.’| Sec. 4. That whenever in any State or j part o f a St »te, the unlawful combina­

tions, named iu the preceding section of this act, shall be organized and armed, aud so numerous and powerful as to be able Ire

iolen e to • tl ox -rthrov or s e t f anee the * nst ut* ■: tl irities of/sui hMate anil of the United States, wiriifn such -rate, or wk.-n the cousti'i;’. d Authorities are in complicity with, or shall connive at the unlawful purposes of -uch powerful anil aimed combinations, and whenever by reason of either or all of the cau-ts aforesaid th** conviction of such offenders and pre- -ervation of tin public safety shall bee. tne

I iu such district impracticable, in every such j ea-e such combination- -hall be deemed a re- • bi llion against the gov* ram.-ntof the United

house fund,-an l for services performed for lighthouse jatrpo-es oat-ide the limits of his

j I'.dleetion di-tt let. such ■ um as the Secretary | ol the Treasury may find legally due and I owing to said party on an adju-ttneut of Li- I accounts by the Tre a-ury Department.

act approved January anno Domini eig .teen •even, entitled "An act the regular meetings ol the same i< here*’ y, rc-

;inm.-nt ol th*. • . ■■- u t

1 Stab s. and da ing the i aitinuance of suchi rebellion, and within tli *■ Uiirlt- of the1 di-ttict which shall be under the s .vay

of, such lit fits - ’ • preset. ed by' proclamation. it shall be lawful for the

i ’re -idcnt of t ■ United - ate-, when in Lis

■ the tvventy-s eond. : hundred and -ixt v ! to fix tiie times l’<-i

Congress." he, ndj ait« v tlii* ;jil

session 1 i ( i Approv* d. Aprii

AX ACT lo ei lourtt i nth aii tiaii oi the i i

NaTL’UE— a c e t ic ; •tldmeut

go "s if t h rit of to t !:■* erd tha«

uuiv l.c overthrown.tlie provisions of the

an act entitled “an act - corpus, and mpdat- '•iting.- in certain eases.” ihinl. eighteen hundred which relate to rha

'••is uti.i r than mi-ontn

elf ■d b - ttiie

the *• and f.

■ am of

1 *U< I

e d turt.l June t li tictl: ei.diteend :;ird ‘ . That tie-re be aibled " the 111i* item ( f the contit. gent l'und ot theoi' i ’eprc sentatives .be sum of twoid live hundred anil -ixt v-three did-

ijiprojiriatioii- to sajiplv du­es. and so forth, approved April

twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventv. as limits the completion ot tlie marine hos­pital building at Chicago. Illinois, to a sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dol­lars. is hereby repealed; and it shall be law­ful for the proper authorities to expend the money already appropriated for continuin'* tlie work upon said building: Provided”That no part thereof shall lie ‘expended un­til plans and specifications shall have been completed that will limit the cost of said building to a sum, including all tuoitcv- al­ready ex-pended. not exceeding thrcc'hun- droil and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars and thirtv-four cents.

m v . 20. That h- Secretary o f the nry be autlinrizi d to sell, for the host pi b e in cash that can lie obtained, the marine hospital building in tlie eitv of San Fran

and ti..* proceeds of siteli sale, or -o nun'll thereof as mav lie necessa***- .shall he I"-j'1 anil res* rv« *1 as a fund for tlie ercc- t'on ot a pavilion hospital on some govern- tumt re.-erva'i "ti in or near said ”citv, if ( ongre-s shall le rcaftcr so dctcriiiine.

Si c. 2!. That there be a]ipropriated on* o any money in the Treasury not othrr-

iipjiroprmtcd. twelve thousand dollar- t"r:l,u ri iicl ol destitute aged jiersons in t ic District of̂ Ci liiTiiliia, such sum to be r.-c-iveil and distributed by stick officer or association ol persons in the District of Do Iambi.i a- the S-erofarv of War shall d»-i . nate. and that a l'.'port of the distrihatiimot tlie nmnev here by :'ppro]u iated shall h- made to Uongii -s at its next session.

Siv. 22. That the Secretary of War IS lieivby authorized to furnish to t..e National Freedmen's Relief a - ! soeiation eonilernned elutliing and bed ' C.rg. It ST.'I: there be on hand. J

Kcpt.'-untativ. - of the Unit"'! Mates of America iu O n g rt-s a—i-mblcit. That any person who, under color of any law. s;ataie. ordiiiam c. r<-. c.lation, custom or usage of any State, shall subject, or cuti-e to be -ab jetted, any p* rs m within the juris action ot the l nited states To the deprivation oi any rights, privileges or immunities -■ care d by the constitution of the United Mates, shall, any such law, statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or usage of tlie State to the contrary notwithstand- ing. be liable to the party injured iu any actum at law. suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, such j :■*>- ccedmg to be prosecuted iu the sev* tel dis­trict or circuit courts of the United Mates with and subject to the same rights of ap­peal, review upon error, and other remedies provided in like ca-i s :u such courts, under the proyi-mu- of tiie act of the ninth of April, eighteen hundred anil sixty-six. cn- ‘ ’.f' ̂ -\n ai't to jirotcct all persons in the l nited States in their civil rights, and to tarnish the tuiatis ..| their vindication;"and the other remedial laws of tlie United States which are in tl eir nature applicable in such eases.

Ski . 2. i iiat it two or more persons **Hum any State or T* rritorv of tlie Unit' d ’'reitcs shall cou.-pire together to overthrow "f to put uovvii, or to destrov bv force the government of the United States, or to Vvv war against the United States, or to '\ iorcc t!"* authority ot the government till.' I nited Mates, or by force, iutimida-

lion. or thre.,;, to t re vent, hinder, or ilcl iv the execution cd any law of tlie United State-: or by lore* to seize, take, or poss,-sany property ot the United States contr. v to the authority thereof: or bv f,,1Vl. tiuiidatiou. or threat to prevent’ anv pmsoti from accept a, g or bidding any ofiiec uiVni-t ■a pl.iic ot coniidir.ce under the Unit.-d ■ Kites, or lrom discharging the duties therc-ot. or ,* ‘."ice, intimidation, or tine it toinaacc any <.*i,ccr e f the United s : ilt, < ,.jl - ' y m v s ct, .d i-tti 't.or plae,. wncrchV;

l i t •'*•< ambeer might lawful]* be ])el- ;. S v 01' “ ;:,UV i,i,U in his l'K'sen i!r

e of ti‘; coT lt. <11' ,l'i> lawful or ' ' i, l ,T* dutles ui >*'■' Office,

, V ' ’* , , llls l ,orsou while en

- 1 to injure his ],roperty

if iiiA c V d n rtT h e1 ’ iu timidatio,i or tli'ivM'"' i f 7 e e r ’F : , ,7 .iu,; 7 t i“ : ' 'W '' '«

I f f 1" i m E ' . 5 ; “ :'S I ! “ S ' i t S ' U j ' ^ s S , ™ ;

r e y y : £ ^ 7

i'.’.ny re--. ni, a t , i,\- ‘

. i : ir, . ... i J'«vn - b ,, n•n disguise tbepabfic'hp'e W

t e ' • ■ ' r e ' '■ v V o. <. 1 .* ';I Du! •'<>!!-* «i • * .,..: I proTce i ion of the laws of c.mal

law . ,5! S Ut d« l tl. .; ■' •'• 1,1 t lie purpo-e „mg or Ini ':, ring tiie consthormsot any Mat.- from giving .......... ..

....... . within -uch State **.,., , 7

f e t n f 1 , i a , 1 “ r m ^ ■A . - ; r’ ' “1 justice in auy ijtate or

®f i !*e 1 v izen

ja.lguii'uv the to suspend the habeas eorplts,

i such rebellion ! Provided, that r i second section o i ivl..ting to l.abi

ing judicial proc I approved March i and sixty-three.! tii-* barge of jni-I of war, and to the pen 1 v for • . si . ’ > , obey ; he order of the i i-t, shal in full

force so far as tl mn applies to the provi-ton- of tiiis -• .-tion. Prov .!.(1 further, that the Prt-id* ut shall first Lave made proclamation, as now provided hv law, commanding such insurg n! t perse: and prov id* *1 also, tl at th* provi­sions of tin- - ': :: si 11 not be n I after the end of the next tvgul ir session of

Sec. 5. Tim; no person shall be a grix l er [ietit juror in any court of the United Mates, upen any inquiry, hearing or trial oi any suit, proceeding or prosecution based upon or arising under the provisions of this act, who shall, in the judgu nt ftbecourt, o* in complicity with any such combination or conspiracy: anil every such juror shall, before entering upon anv such inquiry, m at ing, or trial, take and sabs* tube an oath tn open court that he lias never, directly or indirectly, cotin-el* d. advised ot voluntarily aided any such combination or conspiracy; and each and every person who -hall take t nsi.°\lth* and slju11 therein swear falsely, -ball be guilty ot perjury, and shall be sub- 1' ct t,, jtae paius and'penalties declared against that crime, and the ti*st section ol tin- act entitled, "an act defining additional causes ot challenge, and prescribing an addi- . i'.iial oath for grand and petit jurors in the I aitcd States courts.” uitproved Jiice seventeenth, eighteen hamlu-.l and sixty* two. b eand the same is hereby repealed.

* Le. b. Iuat any pt*r$ou or pt■rsini.'? nav- V : KIl°vvdcilgc that any 0I the wrongs mo con.-puvd to be done, and m* utioued in the 't-caid section of tl I- act. or arc about to bo committed, and hav ing pow. r to prevent or aid in pre venting the -auie. -Hall neglect or t'-.u-e so to do. and -Uch wrong fill act -hall " commute**, such p. rsou or persons ska.1

hable to the person injure d, or lo* ' .m' lepri scnum vc-. fur all damages cau-cd by an.* such wrongful act which such first'm'm d p e r . - , , . r pcrs,.as bv tv.isonabl .rere-nu.' id have prevented, an l such

,*■ . ' ” ,u-l \ oe recovered iu an action *<a * ;.* ‘ t-u’ prop* r cir uit co irt ol the

States, and anv number of " ■- “ns g u tty of -mV ‘ vvrom rT re--

b'et, or ret.b tnlaiiTs in siav;tiou shall i after site!

■otigiad. may b> joined a- de­li action, prov ided that sue'a com u . nced within ,'ue year

.... . , . : 1,1 action shall have a -and !t the d. ath ot anv pi rs i si all

• t.itiM il by any such '< -i. the legal re-pn ’’■a-cil Ticrsoiis

t holt biu,. It.0


e Vet c t l l l gtherein Ii dccoa-i • 1 i"‘r- tf there’ ho ■ next of k:n ol

vrotigful act ami m utat; ■- c- of sin It '

[■sons shall h:tv« . , > tl -""I uiav recover a,' j'ttd. dollar- i!.":'.ref ’ ot the widow o f,>1 any there

v.Movv . tor the beat-wen deceased perse...

S“ .’ ' i ! !, r :-o 1 e lntaiu, a■ d to supcic*if

- L a S X i « y’’>< any otfci -i s'Lct. u< the tenor oi anv 'Orut-,1, and anv pro-

mtu:i'|.,.|| the. 'Juiinueil and coiu-

* o-t had not i * < *'-s the provi. ::- “t

pugnantTo; .ii. committcil . former act shall he fav

' i:’- nlri ady i m a eutioii there**! she l 11 ‘ted the sain,. a ,t*.t--t‘, 1. except -o l l“s act may g() to proceedings. ”

Approved April

all mi vali.

• en; ;:al

pr tat* .

A X A t I’ for eonveua--C!ubly of ; [,,. p, itnd tor oilier pttr; Re it enacted bv tl

Kepivseutatives of » -‘I Con :

Legislature of ti.i- T, *"■. and it i- h.

li." k —Xo. s lit* l

<tv of New M. *:**•■

S«C Itc anal House ef !llc,Tnited States ol ’ •'%.|nldcd. That the i'i'itOr,• of Now Mexico

l i U t S i S ; .ilmt a n ‘efocU ll'e f W ,1 »vveu«“v one: 'ami branches of s ®1? 1 19 members of both■■•aid Leg'.slay,,.e j,,. authorized

Ap proved Ajuil 20, 1871