New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1861-03...

wt Rte Regular .. oW- oOtion thereof. t f the Oonfsofraleo ~ $y th People-of Cthe State of' peti anoernaied, That the h orebe uni the te boreby re-; co no tO wlttst dolly, 'to ,the N~t Ooifdeeste~ at 00ertoecthe Utistae. r 440hPorionthereof es g'ewae'ftetenehtr Gov- tbe ole idesof America, st uiyof N~ewOr- ;1aiech'r' te year ot ou~r A. MUTt'ONt, lndseotettheo tooeottoe. nsetdo *rtotose wegeottere #trtlus<Vodo dt o el ite <'tpi'x'tli~idOO Etute Con- ? nt da'Ztatdela Lout- (rn $a Qo* to Gouverneur 'to lfeetlor, tans Mai;tl Is ' otu atA'Aoodri no do 90ato lerhoiede isdite I #i boa hti; tranofitrit it tre*io an mtztttquo leo ;, etrtiott ema ettteorde ta Not- $' 0 itqzbo'jurd mare' V'on do hoo dotothabito-et-an: PtIot e to ~Ooeoatoo. tt20tile, D ist f1kz n totlo the Coniti.. 1'Crgbd'eoe ` aiseof iei". t e he- oe- ari the Coof ethe 3 to rsof, hoehy tbe t'y of-N:f Or Atso the- lh aMrc. IC pno orooncrdnration ode a nLetitiwe. hern-b mot ho n' me - CO~gerpbtyl es, at (ciy otte.Or Or, wf adol'on the eto No- egt epdxaote and sityon S hettt e tttft mie are dont' ,s t p''.bnigd~reldiA anque 1 O `tzt eap ourtepot . o this iC1a ve Sontg omrerlde-s a= ~ ~~~~~ A.~im'u Mi~itoUTO 'N- curmli cen eol a teet-tn, rancidttoIatrotonl tFeo- t totos eaott palor e a tyouon es , ob gtoire oor lepen" on;tola vitloao It Nuvelle nigj l d milde1an A. fin ` cnt ottnteet-o. istbakZocd titned $tt4, . 8E~i~e_-- n,5 lot iwo til Legislatonro or, 9i3oth;looowoy of No- soa dad Sinty- a, Conoentfon s- That themozbers 1y81991 onmeot, for their a Konidoyof November, d s nd dlte irst week tfueto 4 dy thence- 1)stIlCongress of the 'L~et009wltbotr sooAlona shal I 3%)? aitIavo ntSnonty. 0t g tn ot taItof Now Or. ai 4flrfterhi itha year en hundred' " " eelhl n 0IOMUTON, ,i:a00ndelon L 0 9is- i{ 'tli aloeli d no- r.odibres do .oioli en Con irqot lner pre. Fixe an e lrivebremi d9t0ovoihre soi- rraos te onrjit~li-0 tossdg looms then tea *494t gnetorminit- n ln d on titetoo- v [ ( 0> Zo0p 1*i ma, too t~ et eat eto dnn, ti Utntin-nouo whoo 0 ftid kiInov of 4i'o ty0 oohort- 800' 0080to 900, in the 9o rad 0 ninor t i in on-ol in M onso. 099B100 AO,. emated. 917 'a 03000w.r tilopripedh irdtnrpsy 511 ex eat t tn~as es rod pttbndsofo dolas d ulleof r1ad100 09f 1940001 11 ponits tuabonds. 9 oft o f ow1 Or- the yeat h 90 pr IN W t 3 a- ,MUTON } ' sskintn[tqq pnv009~.x S p laio ors et' WOb t t the alature e tha foreoa bank can f~i u, .hi kpltstl thereof uIs apebie, assn" b ' bi tyilthia one J d that no. ~ ne notes in amount, - n: thrh , t, re- 'the amount of thb s tethereof paid - p'. , less denominatloi il t.en dollars; `• l t sh liabilities of each bank shall always a b4e reprdented by at least one.-third in epecib and ~ the balance In good paper, payable infnl atmal tnrity within ninety day ;andthat no bank shala Isaue from its counter an other than its own notes. Prnidee flureher. that the Legisatare shall have no power to exempt the capital of any bank from taxation. a? Adopted in Cbnvention, at the city of New Or- of, leans,the twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of ct our Lord one thousand eight hundred andsixty-one. 'lSis]ed A. MOUTiN. SP Retdest of tce Convention. t•tr•d: J. THOS. WHEA.T. oecret.ay. hO)RDONNANCE t. eelslOveataecorporations de Banque dans eI'Etatde la Luouisianae. uNos, to people de I'Eiat de t Lonisiane, as0- SsemsaMe en Convention, declrons ct ordonnons ct il eat, par la presente ddciard ct ordaond, Quc l'arti- cle cent dix-hoit de la Constitution eat amendide i mahibre it dire ainsi conga : Des corporations aotorisdes it faire des opcrations r de baque ou d'escompte peuvent dtre crdoas par des lois spdclaleo on dtre formtes envcrtu des loii gdndrales; mais la Idgislature devra, dans Pun et l'autre cos, dorlter qn'aucone banque ne pour- ra commencer se0 opfrations qu'aprbs que lea deuxtiers de son capital auront tId payds en es- phoes, et la balance dans l'annde qui suivra tole jour desonentrte en opration ; qu'aucune bannqe no pourra dmettre, I Ia fois, des billets excidant en iasomme les trois quarts du montant do son capital a- payB, et d'une ddnomination moiodre de dix pias- tres ; que Ia circulation et les diptts de chaque tr banque devront toojoors dtre cprrsoentes par an r tiers a motins de leurmontant 0n cspides, et la le balance en bons effets on popier A quatre-vingt- In dix jour, ponbles on ploin it dchoance; etqu'atu- ue one brasque no pourra edmttre de son comptoir to d'autres billets qac les siena propres. Bicn enten- da du que la legislatre naura ps leI droit d'exenp- '.terle capital d'aucune basque de aI tase. le-Orl.ans, ce vingt-einquicme jour de mars lan de u- notre Seigneur til halt cent soixantc-ot-uo. to[Sgnel A. MOUTON, P,0-idena de oCoonvent-on. (latirde J.iTHOS WOO5T. Seo-deok. rlOl lo [No. 31• A ORDINANCI-E ,Relative to the Cession to the Confederate States, of the Ports, Arsenals,the S•ins, Cu etom-House, Light-Honues, etc., within thae State of Lolsitana, and late in the poSseasion of theUnited States. Be it ordained by te eople of the State of n Louisiana, inConvsetlion assembled: e SEC. 1. That the State of Louisiana doth hereby a cede unto the.Confederate States of America the eiglit to use, possess, and occupy all the forts, arsenals and light-houses, the mint, customhouse and other-public buildings in the State of Locis- , lana, late in the possessio of the United States. '-Sue. 2. Be it further ordained, That the State of Lduisiana dothheoebytransfer unto theConfederate r States of America the revenue cutters now in her Spossession and lately in the service of the United States, to be accounted for by the Confederate States. Adopted in Convention, at the city of New Or- leans, the twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. signceal A. ultUTtiN, PrOsdent ofthe Coneootion. Attest: J.TIOS. WHEAT, Secretary. 0lRDONNANCE Stelative al cessionoan Etats-Confederes des Ports, des Arsenaux, de a lIonnale, de Isa D)oane, des Phasres, etc., qui se troa- ventdans a'Etatdela Looislonr at c•rtaien Sdernierement en l• possession des Etate- m Unts. -T esl ordonne par le peuple de ' Elat de t Loli- siane, assemblle n Convention, SECTION 1. Quo I'E- tat de la Loouisiane cide, par la prioseute, cox Etats-Confddlrso d'Amirique le droit de fair ousan- ge, de possoder et d'oco•per tous les forts, arse- nsna, les pharea, la monnaie, la douaneet tous les aatres cdiccs publics quise trouvent dans l'Etat delaLouisiane et doronibrement n la possession deo Etats-Unis. Scc. 2. I eelst de lus ordonne. Queo 1'Etast de Ia Lousiiane, liar Is prsIeate. oicx Ettis- Confdddrts d'Am(rique leo cOtres, maintenaont en so possession et qui, dernitremont, Otaient a scer- vice des Etats-U, is et dent les Etats-Confddurcs rendront compte. Adoptde en Convention, en Ia ville de Ia Noavel- le-Oridans, ce viegt-cinqanime jour de marsde 'lau do notre Seigneur miule huit cent soixnoote-et-um. [asioal A. M•IUT,* ,. S PrFsident ol oC-sntion d i'Ftuta de la IuMisane. cordlec: J. THOS. WH ncT, Secralore. m.a lSt [No. 32. AN ORDINANCE Concerning Electors of the Presidenlt and Vle-President of theConfederate States. We, the People of the Slate of Louisiana, in Cowentlon asoserltld, do declare and ordain, aend it is hereby declared andordained as follows : First: That for the purpose of cloosing electors for the President and Vice-President of the Con- federate States of America, the State shall be di- vided into six Electoral Districts, correspond- , ing with the six Concressional Districts or- dained by this Convention as follows: The First Congressional District shall be the First Electoral District- the Second Congressional District the C Second Electoral lDistrict the Third Coogressioonal a District the Third Electoral District; thle Fourth It Congressional District the Fourth Electoral Dis- in trict; the Fifth Congressional District the Fifth Co Electoral District; thle Sixth Congresicnal District A the Sixthl Electoral Distritt. We do farther declare and ordain, That one Elector from each ofsaid Districts and two Elee- O tors from the State at large, shall be elected by yi general ticket by the vote of the whole State, until si otherwise provided by the Legiulaturo. Adopted in Convention, is the city of New Or- leanh, thIs twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- one: S7 bilg-S] A. itO1uTON Pre idot o the Onnevniiouo te tate ofLouisiana Atte:s J. teHOS. WHEAT, Secretory. ORDONNANCE Concernt les Electeurs du Prefsid et etdu Vice-President desEtats-Confederes. V•os is Tseple de l'Riat de la Louisiane, assemn- blelo Csoneutrsion, ddelarons ct ordonnons, et it eat ijr la prdssnte drelard et ordonn : Peremire- mhnt,Qs't Ilelfet d'dlire les t•iecteurs pout e Pr,- aident. ot le vice-Prdsident dos Etats-Confldr"rs d'Amdrique, l'Etat sera divisS en six districts ilec- toraux correspondant anux six districts congression- nels dtablia par cette Convention conmme suit: le premier district congressioannel sera Ie premier dis- trict ltectoral, io second district congresioanne! sera lesecond district rlectoral, le troisibme dis. trict cogressionnel sera le trolsibme district Olec- toral, le qoatrimeo district congressionrel sera le ,uatribme district mlectoral, le cinqunime district ongressionuel sera ie cinqaiibme district elocroral, ai siximtme district congressionuel sera le sixtime district itectoral. Secondement, Tous ceclros der et ordonnuss de plus, Qa'un dlectour de chacun des dits districlts et denx elscteurs do toot I'Etat seroat slus ensetable par lesvotants de tout l'Etat, jusqu'it ce qula is d- gislature en nit ordonnd sutreriet. Ado pte en Convention, en la ville de la'Nouvel. e-Ortlsaus, is vingt-inquiisms jour de marsde 'pan de notre Seigneur it huiat cent soixante-et-ut. thins tA . lOUTON. PreOsitct de Sr Conven tno. sertals: j. THOS, WHEAT, Seirmtahto. ms01 it [No. S3.] AN ORDINANCE TO divide the State of Louisliana ntlo Con- greaslonal Distcelts fortheelection of Re- psre.entatives to the Congress of the Con- asederate States o" Amserica. We, Ule People of Louisiana, in Convention as- ebled m, do declare ad ardan, That the State shall be divided into six Congressional Districts of contiguous territory, each district to elect, accord- lig to law,aone Representative to the Congress of We C•nfelerate Slates of America, which division tall continue and be In force until the Legislature shell otherwsea provide. The First District shall be composedof the So Plaquemines, St. Bernard, Orleans, right bank) the Second and Third oMunicipal Dis- te sof Noew Orleans, the parishes of St. Tam- ,th band Washington. sTe Soecond Dltricta shall be composedof the d Fourth Mnicipal Districts of New r- lIdatnid-te parrioh of Jefferson. P third. District shall be composed of the B ot ;Charles, St. John the lBaptist, St. m Plen; o susmption, Lafosrehe, Terro. ana d on t Baton Rouge, East Feli. tnla andSt eenti nd i.i Fourti D1istht shall be composed of the LtriS5e Of SWest Felitlausa Points Couapde, West SRoiga IbervlleastLandry, Lafayette, Ver. !Uioa, St MartinndEt •Mry. ' ie: Fifth District shall be composed of the parishes of alotsi•u aplde, Sahise, Natehi- s0lebe, Wian, DeSoto, Caddo, Bossiter, Bienvilte andClaiborne. he District shall becomposed of the par- te t op ooria, eoouri Cataisula, Caldwell, - Maxdisan, Ouachita, Jackson, and Carroll. Se tdordain, That from and apportsonment sf.repro. eatio ao tfasna er aand app, or leans, the 4fr ijltl day •sf March, in the year e aof our Lora hue G-ihand eight hundred and sixty- in one. of t [taedt A. MOUTON, ePr idet or thet Concetlion. Attet : J. . WHEAT, ecretary. ORDONNANCoE Id Pour diviser 'e•tat en Districts Congres- s; aonnels at'eftet d'eltre des Representants .s aux Etats-Confederes d'Anmerliqe. d Nos, le peuplae e Louisiane, assemble en Con- - erction, detlarons et ordonnons, Que i'Etat sera 11 divist en six districts congressionnels contigus en territoire; chaq-e district dlira, conformnment it e la loi. un reprseniant an Congrbs des Etats-Con- f sdidreas d'Amiriqoue ; Inqoelle division cootinuera et restera la meme jusqu it ce que ain egislaturo en Ssit ordonum autrement. SLe premier district as composers des paroisses t . de Plquemines, do St. Bernard, d'Orht:ns, rive droite, des Second et Troisii-me Districts thosici- poax de i Nouvelle-Ocrleans, des paroisses de St. Tammany ct Washington. Le secbrnd district so composers des Premier ct Quatriisleo I)istricto tdunicipanx de toNouvelle-Or- Ia- s cet do oa paroisse de Jefferson. - Le troisibme district se coomposera des paroisses ii do St. Charles, de St. cenn-Baptiste, do St. Joc- - ques, de l'Asecnsion, do I'Asootption de LiToour- e she, de Terreono't, de Livingston, d'Est Baton Rooug, d'Est Fbliciana ct de Ste Hltbne. S Le quatriinse districtse comsposers des paroisses Sd'Oest Feliciana, do Is Pointo Coupoe, d'Ooest is Baton Rouge, d'lbervillo, de St. Landry, de La- t fayette, do Vermillion, de St. Martin et de Ste iMarie. La cinquiibmo district so composera des paroisses - de Calcasieu, des Raloides, de Sabine, des Natchi- r tochos, de Winn, de DeSoto, de Caddo, de Bossier, Sde Bienvilte et de Claiborne. La sixibme district se composers des paroisses Sdes Aoyeloes, de Concordia, de Catahoula, do Caldweil, de Franklio, de Toenss, de Madison, e d'Ouahitn, do Jackson, doe 'Union, do Mtorehouse Set de Carroll. i Noou declarons ct ordonnons de pfeus, Qu'daprb q- soe l'eonumsration et ta ripartilion do lt reprosen- t- toio seroot faites, conformdment aox dispositions dels Constitution des Etats-Confsde'rds, Is l g-isla- tore divisorns litat en aotnnt de distrits congres. Ssionnels contigus etl teorritoire que lyeours de re. prdsontants accordm s h F' de la Louisiane par Sctte repartition, et ainsi de temps h iutre dacpris echaquo eono meration ot riparlition snbseqloloteS. Adoptie en Convention, on Is ville de la Nouvel- le-Orldans, co vingt-cinqaibhme jour de miars doe l'an do notre Seigneur mil huit cent soixante-et-un. [si, :,:] .t.)IOI; TON Pl ,sidlent doll (nrlcsveS'on e l'otst s tie la to , ,we. Comet;:J Tit W1 EA.T, sot : tire. ,,e ito •No. 3.1.] IESOLUT'rON To Appropriate tise Sllant of Ten T'housadl Dollars to pay l5Ienetbrs, Omccrs and Ex- po ptss of the Convelltion. .Resolned by the Convention of the State of L.oui- siana, That the sum of te:n thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the members, officers and expenses of this Convention. Adopted in Convention, at the city of New Or- leans, the twenty-sixth day of Marcos, in the year o of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- one. [Sined.s) A. IflUTOsN. Prdelot of the Convention of tho State of Lo-lisisa. Attest: J. THOS. WHEAT, Secretarye. RESOLUTION t Affeetnntl•n sen:ne de Dix Mllle pinstres aon puaentem.t es lcaembres, des olecisers a ds- preses de la Convention.s 1I est resols par la Conoeulion de ia sic de il uLouisiane, Que la sommne de dix mille piastres cot at demeore, par sl prdcsente. affecte, des feonds do 0 trdcor non autrement aflootos, au paiement du per diso des membes et des oficiers ainsi que des d 5 - penses de cette Convention. t Adoptle on Convention, en la ville de la Nosvel- le-Orsieans, te vingt-sixibme joor de mars eon lan de notre Seigneor sil huit cent soixante-et-sn. [ s~g:, . A. ,•o:Tru . Prti5slent de , o Oonvs.ti,. cerinne: A. TIIOR. 5Wll EA T, Seer;'sire. m s oit [No. 35.] AN ORDINANCE To Eenslptfron Taxaltton tlhe Boilnds of tile Confederate States of A mlerica. lIe it ordaoined by the Peop!e of h Steale of Lous- p iman, in C osevelio assembsled, That the toendsof p tile Con'edcrate States of America be and the some are hereby exemopt from taxation of every kind. Adopted is Convention, at the city of Ne Os'r- leans, the twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of i our Lord eighteen hundred and nsixty-one. ii-gnedli A. MOUeTON, Preslident ol the (onsveolion. C Attest: J. TIOtS. WeIt &T,e Secretary. ORDONNANCE of Pour exesnpter de la Taxe leas Bons e ls par n Ies Etats-Coafederes d'Amerijuse. or II eot osdonnespar eI people de l'Eltat de ito Lel- tie Sane, assemble ent Conventies, Que les bons de r Etats-Conl'deris d'AmriEque sent at demeornent, w par is prs 5 ente, exeniptds de touts tixe. w Adopt6de en Convention, en la vicle de In Soovel- le-Orleanso, te vingt-sixiibme jour do mars, tan de n notre Seigneur mille huit cent soixante-et-un. vs s g0l0] A. 3OU5t50N Si e'r,:eTnW t dt la Cooneletien. ertofl :J. THeS. WHIEAT, Secrcalre. m29J lUt t0 St [No. 3 i.] 0 AN ORDINANCE Or Autlorizlng Insurance Colpallies o ill- b v-est lhetr Surpnss Funds It iloe Bonds of ri the Colnfederate Seates of Amerletra. I tVe, the People of Sthe State of Louisiana, in Oonvention assermbled, do declare antd osslte, or, snd it is hereby declared and ordained as fol- ro Iles : That the several nsorancoe Coolpanies now p- incorporated in this State may invest tlsir surplus ls funds in Bonds of the Confederated States of on Americea, in addition to the securities now sped- osn led in their several charters. die Adopted in Convention, in the city of Neo, l. Orleans, this twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tio oxtty-one. rei ic1eli A. MCrt7oHJ otl: Pro.ide o t it' Uuniliu ion. , Attest: J. Ti105 . WIIo AT, Secrcl-ye . ss' ORDSNNACE cll Pours antnrsrser lea Cosnpslgnltes i'.t ssu- (,u rt•ne a lnle Ipa llr lo (Fondsie to •eserve o1 San B sna des Etnts-Oel-nfc•sres d' lnerlsq t. m Nons, le peuopIe e l'Etat de la Louisiane, assetn- 2 ble ern Colve•sion, s!alarona et orddnons, eCt ii l8Is deelsar ct ordoeoo pr Is prdotente, Qse les di- a verses compagnies d'assoranco Oeaiatenant leca- w poores dans cot Etat pecvent pincer oleer fods de reserve en bons des Etato-t'onLfrdrist-- d'.Amo-rie- sts qoo, oel otre deos astres garanties d,:j spilici tee dans loeur charoes respectives. Adoetelo en Coevention, en Is ville de tt Nles ot veelc-)srl oans, ce vingt-sixi-seC jourde mcrsde Iran oh, de notre Seigslesr mil huit cenat soixa-te-et-an. out Prees.esnt de ess l easnnln. b t'srtif, :,T 1'110'T . WIIEAT, Seer,: sithe. m 10t [Nxo. 37. ... . . •ANORDINANCE Relative to the Paymenlt of the Census Tak- era. lie, the People of the Slnlate of Loi;sia•c, iln Con- celioan nasenibled, do declare al ordrlin : ArrtIcLEr1. That A. J. Grivot, State I)epositary at New Orleans, be required to pay over lto thile iands of tie Treasurer ot tile State the balance reanmiling to the credit of the public revenue ac- count on 31st January, t18l, after payment of amounts ordered by ordinance No. 10, and subse. quent ordinances, or resulutions passed by the Stale Conuvention; and also ally anmont whicl ltay hereafter be received by hiin from Fi. it. llateh, Coatletor othlle Port of New Orleans, or any otrer disbursing ofer of the customs, who n ay have btalances in his hands and who nmay return the sarnme to tihe State Depositary: the said amounts tr be disbursed by the State Treasurer in the an.- ner prescribed by the following article. Adrr. 2. That the Auditor of Public Accounts be required to ascertain the amonnt due tile several Census Takers, and to such other offier.; coruect- ed with the taking of the census ir this State ,and should the amount ascertained as due rnot exceed tile amouat received by tile State under article itat of this ordinance tile said Auditor orf rPublic Ac- aounts shall issue his warrant on the State Trea- surer in favor of the parties entitled to pay baut should the amount due exceed the amount received as aforesaid, then the Auditor shall issue his war- rant in favor of the claimants each for a pro rata amount and no more. Adopted In Convention, in the city of New Or- leans, tins twenty-sixth day of IMarch,ir the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- one. Prsdrnt oat rho CIarlaiintO. Atteat: J. TIIO,. WtIEAT. Seclctary. OIRDONNANCIE Rclalive an paletnent de* personnes char- gree de faire it Rerensearent. N'ou, e perrple de I'Eal de la Lolrisiane, osselnr- bie en Ctaonveion, ddelarons et ordonnons, Ar- TrsLe 1. Qae A. J. GOirot, dtpositaire de i'Etat h ts Nouvelle-Orldans, eat requis de verser entre leo mains do Trnsorier do 1'Etat In balance restante an credit da conrpte dui revenu public, au 31S janvier 1861, aprhs avoir soldi tons lea comptas ordonnasnp.par l'ordonnance No 10 ct lsea ordor- nannees -C• tlotin subsdquentes adopties par la Con db 'Etat, niasi qrle tnutcs let sommens atq ' n'il reaevra b l'avenir da F. $ S. i lntear de Ils:Douane de Ia Nou. " e_ s tout na•re agent eomptablo 55 p atr5 rr des balances entre see mains add .leemaeln do dit dlpositaire, - 'e ItEtat deoit manibrhpreserIte S Q• sle.g B'Anditenr des Comptes Publics eat - e 'uoeasorer du mo etanpal ret e do sex personnee obargess de farre Is reeense- aneiteIt itnato antree oRaoers employes & faire Is ear recensebntatdans l'Etat; t ile montant dl n'ex- ty. cbde pad cel[! qua :l'tat aura :requ en vertu de Partiole premier de oette erdonnaaoe, le dit Audi- teur desComptes Publics dmettra eon mandat aur leTresorier de Etat en faveur des pers0nnes qui y anrontdrolt; mais si le Imon tnt do. excde le montant rean,ainsi qo'il est prescrit ci-dessus, alom .- 'Audite-r dmettra son mandant en faveur des ies ayants-droit, haceun pour ine somme an prorata de c qnilui cat dol et pas plus,. n- Adoptls e Conon ntio la vile de la Neu- Bi vellc-Orltr, lne vint-sie Peome jour de mStars an ell de nbtre Seigneur mil huit cent soixante-et~un. t SiLot. 1 ra r aoen N , t 00 lhe 2te t day of Jny A. D. , and etOUTO r Ptate of at the tie of the ne of on- C' rfitlu : J. TnO., WHEAT, tcrrrlaire. 129 tt en [No. 3S.] AN ORDINANC(Ey: e theo Reprintce oftn Orion eand theand to ive Amhendoters hreretoore atopted. or . Be it otaine by the Peoplu, of tihe Statle of ot. Louisiana, in Conenltio aessr mbled, hst. Thatordinanee o.i, adopted on the o29th t day of annonry, A. . day, and entitled " an or- )rdiance relative to federal lawr s and olficers i the State of Louisiaea at tile timte of tee passage of es trte Ndi Oncea of Secession ," be and theaeb ir c.hereby repealed. ao- 2d.IBe it further ordained, That ordinance No. Oil 6, adopted on tile same day, and entitled " an or- dinance relative to thie revenues collected at tile pes port of Nos Orleans," be and tile same is Ihruby est repealed. .a- 3'1. Ble it fhdlher ordaioed, That ordinance No. 7, tle amending article ninety of the State Constitution, adopted on the same day, and entitled " an orli- s lance to alter the Constitution of the State of I.Louisiana in reference to tie oath of ofimce" he ol r, amended that said article ninety shall rend as fol - lows, to-wit: es tmembers of the General Assembly, end at effi de carsa befone they enter upon the duties of their n, offices, hasil tate te following oath or atfirmetinn: SI do solemnly swear (or effirm) that I am qouaitied ecot ediog to the Constitution of this State to hold s tire office towhich I have been elected (or appoint- i- ed), and that I will to the best ot y ability, di. as charge the duties therreof anid lpport, protect and a- defenrd the oti ontitu ion of tire State and of the ea Confederate Statee. So ihelp me God. e r 4th. e it flrthercordained, That the first section or of ordinance No. 9, repealing artcle thirty-four of t the State ('onstitution, adopted oe the tot day of February, A. D. sli,an rd oentitled " u ordinance o n- to a rmend the Constitltion of the State of .ouisi- rn ann,' he and tie sarle is herehv riepeatedn c, nar snid article 'ohll he so amended as to read as fol- lows, to-wit: In tihe year in whichl a regtnlar election for a Senator, or Senators of thle (onfedlerate States is to take lace, the riamber of thre oleneral Assen- ply shalt meet in the Hallaof the IIouse of Re1prc- Suentatives, on tire iondray following tile meeting i of tie Legislalue, ondi proceed to said election. Provided, that this section shall not apt y to tile r first election under the Constithtion of the Coifed- n i- crate States. e, 5th. Be it f'rther ordained, That tire third ec- iy tion of said ordinance, which repeals article 39 of d, the State Constitution, he and the same is hereby s is repealed, and that said article 39 be so aertded as to read as follows, to-wit: No member of itCon-r r- gress, or person iolding any office under the Con- ir federate States, or any foreigl power. shall ah eoi- n- gible to the ofice e of Governar or Lieutenant-Gov- p error. . 6th. Be it frurlhrer ordained, That the fourthl sec- tion of said orditance, whicht arendsa article 4i of the State Cotstiittion, be so amended that said ar. tice 4d shal read as follows, to-wit: fte shall be a Commander-in-Chief of the Armny and Navy of this State, and of tie Militia thereof, except when cal- i ed into the service of the Confederate States. 7th. Be it lirrltherordainerl. That ordinance No. a it 10, adopted on the 2d day of February, A. D. 1i6l, I and entitled " an ordinantice athorizing the pay- ment of certain dreaftR drawn on the late sub TLres- i tiry of tile United States at New Orleans," ba and the same is hereby repealed. i Sth. Be it frrther orrainerl, That ordirnance No. 13, Ir adopted on toie 7tl dayt of February, A. D.,o1. and entitled, "an ordinance concerning citlzen- ship," be and tile santo is helreby repeaed ; pro- vided triat this ordinance shall not bhe o coh trned li as to impair the rights of these wrlo were citiz-erno of this taS:rte it tile date of tihe nadorltion of the Or- c dinance of Siece•sion, to-wit, the 2oth day of Jan- uary, A. D., 1R(;1. la n9tl. ABe it flrther ordained, That ordinance Nso. 14, adopted on thie Sth day of February, A. I., on 1l61, and entitled " alu ordinanco colrcerrllg th ti f'ireuit and District ourits estahblished in lthe tate i of Louiana by the late Gtvernment of tile United Stiles,'" be anti the n i Itereby reperald, enx- cept tire ti section thereof, whiicr shaill rera:inur in full t i force :ird litct, and tile 5tl secltion thereof, which shallrre airju force until superseded by the Confederate Congress. 10th. Be it farlher ordained, Thlat tile first sec- tion of ordinance No. Ifi adopted on tile llth lay of FIebruary, A. I)., tnil, and entitled, " au orl. tr nance to alter certain articles of tile Constitution," which ame nds article 10th of tie Slate Constitu- tion, bo so amended that said article No. 10 shall i read as follows, to-wit: Elvery free white maleti who has attained tile age of twenty-one years, and who has been a resident of tile State twelve months next preecding the election, and the last rix montlhs thereof in thie parish in IwhichI he olffrs to not, and who shall be a citizen of the Confederatei I States, shall rave thle right of voting, Iit no voter o on removing from one pNrish to another witin the It State. shall lose tie right of voting in the former, It ontil he shall lave aerlcquired it it tihe latter. Elect- d ors shall in all cases, excrpt treason, felony, oro breacih of tihe ptree, be privileged from arrest du- c. ring their attendance at, going to. or r'etarl'ng from elections. Ilth. Ce it fiurlher ordained, That tihe title of or orditance No. 17. adopted on the tillt day of erll- . roary, A. D., .861, and entitled, "an ordinaoce it providing for the adoption of a national Itiaor t Dr tie State of Loisianal, hie amernded by stritkir i a out the wrord " national " from satd title, so that it shall rear as followsrr, to-wit: anl ordinance lrovi-i, ding for the adoption of a flag for the State of Lonl.ianna. 12th. le it frltih o ordraindcr, That thleitrild seoe- ie tioe of said ordianrce, No. 17, be so a lendted ao to ' read as follows, to-wit: That tile said ln. irind no I othIer shI!ll h tile flagrof tie State of Louiiana.i. 13 h lie it !u;lhter ordinred, Tirhat ordinace X). 19, adopted o ri tilhe litl day of Februtary A. ., 18t1. and entitled. " an ordinance ocr c ner i t l crirrires and rigouce uinder tile rlea of tlie ]t-o Governtett ol tile L'United States," be ari tile same i hereby reipealed. tlilt. -Be i j'•el/erordained, Tciat ordirnnc e No. to 20, adopted oni tile 12thi day of Ficbrm. v. t ., 156i, entitledl. " Ileoaltitons to ptay certali elim gainhst thie New uot-mrrrtrhoir e irSd other prlic tri works,h be and flte same is hereby repealed.h . tltlh. Ite it iertheer-rdtinrl, That this ori i ance Nt shall not be so aoratirutd to to allact ail-ly fflulll- I tee of intdemnity t any of tile ifficls of thIl lirte . Govermnonrno thi, UniteidStatesr centaintril in any ai of tile orrldirnrirrcei hrci Irorrt rted or rla e d, it re i t oshall it bre so consrlned asr to ar ct asy ha)ur d oxI - le cutle by any of sridl ,tlliel'o in frravtr of tile (,tv- a. ornment of thl( Siler , bit aid gttnarantes ar d snid-id bomtri holl be attll n r:ailnr in tall forte. Illa le h le it fiirher or-drind,l That all Iailaneerrs rii in tie hIands of tilh State lpositary that nlar v re- gr; rinlt alter sati-lying tile ciaims ordeired to be laid otiar ordirnances or reeolutioins nr t herein retrel ri cd, shiall be tforthwith paid by him iotto tire rinn Statel Trenrsry. Adolr,.ted in Conent.on, at tihe cit- of sew Or- I) earns. tihe twenly sixth - day of arycl, in thlre yearc I., of our Lord one thousand eight Ihundredt ari sixny- icr A ATo A MOt) '0 atF I'r;oN ,l n• of tl: ' Ic lr-?::c'lr. 3 Pooralr-ogero -.. aines , Ordol nees ertpour 1ll e ll ltleoLer dl'o tres toopicts t;llloiocl/.coe- e cane, atw'emble en Concven ion : 8ETItc'rN" 1. Q,10 l'ortonan po)ot'tanlt le No. 5 adopt/, Io 2 Jimonoler A. D. 0/;I, ilntit tle "'Ordouance relative aix hlio fodoooale, et alx ollioieors Iodl',lux quoi nse trouvailt dalom l'Etat do a [.oili'iaer. blots de l'ddoplltiolldo l'ordoldllllc de siosion" p' t et dcmelllc e abltrotVe. F;co. 2. 11 Nsi ( ht p rd Onn10e , Qnle l'ordorlllnnan/ ipoctant lI No. t adopt/e le lnllO joo et ittitolloe S"Ordonnaneo relative a 0x eveol collctoie doluns le port de la Nouvelle-Orldas"o eot ct delmeure par la pr6-erde tdbrogSBe. br(. 3. fl •tl de plus ordonno, Quc l'ordolnanco portant le No. 7, amendant l'article ouat'oe-viu-t- dix de to Cunsuitutiondo FiEtat, adoptde le mooem jour, et intitulde "Ordonnance pour changer in Constitution de l'Ettat deo In L.ouisiae relaivemoent all serment d'oflice" est anmendde de manilre hit cc que 'urtlicle quatre-vingt-dix soit ainsi congo, sna voir : Leo membres de t'assemotlde gdntrale et toos let ofioielou avant doentorer dons l'exorcice dotleurs fonctions prdteront le serment on l'ffiaraotion qlui suit: "Je juoe solonnellement (on oafinue) que col. fom6doent ih nla Constitotion de ect Etot, je soois inabile h remoplir at placet h laquetlle j'ai 00,5 lot (100 notmmat) et quoe jc rcoplirai do mton oieux tle do- voirs et ooutichndai, prot/gorai et d/fedrati Ilo Con. otitmotion do cet Etat et ellet de• Etato-Uondiddres. Qooc)ioeu me soit eo aide."' SEto. 4. 11 esl de plto ordotnod, Que la promiire a V.iot de l'ordonnauce po'tant le, atorogeanot 'artiole trente-quatre ote la Con,tituti'oto de I'Ettt, o dopt/e to le jour do fevrier A. 1). lt61, et iutitoo- lte "Ordonnance poor amender la Conastitotoonde I'Etat de la Looisiane" cot et deleure, pcar ta poo- oente, abrogde, et qoe le tit urticle t ccte-quq tle Ost aooend/ de ollallisro it mtre aooooi Oicou, usavoir: Dnos aInome oti une o leetioo r•galiiore d'uo S6doa. teur ou dos Sdnateor noa Coogrbs des Etats.Confd. ddros dolt aooir li30, leg membres do nassemblde gdlob.e se roduniront dans Is stlle des sdatces de Is Clomboe does Reprsentonta;le lundi qul surivr laI rdooioa de Inl Ldglalture, et proodderont &. Is dite Eleclion : Bien entendu, que eettlo section no s'ap. pliqoaera ps a Is premibredteotlon qui sra tenue en ver I de la Constitutiondes Etats-Coa•dddrd. Seo. 5. 1 eat do plus oerdonne, Que In troisibme section de o die .ordonn.nce. qui abroge 'Particle trente-aeuf de it Constitution do I'Etat, est et de- meure par Is pr4aete, amendde, et quo l dAt or- x- tide trente-nenf est amendldeo manuire A tre atteal se conqu, savoir: Aucen membro du Congrbs, ni au. II- cune personne occupant tine place sous le gouverne- cr ment des Etata.Confdddrs o sellous aucun pouvoi ti ranger, ne sera dl6gible A la place de gonverneur le on lieutenant-gooverneur. r S•Ce. li. II est de plus ordonne, Qaue I qnatrlbme essection doe l dite ordonnaneo qui amend l'artIclo La qaaronte-six de Ia Constitotion doe l'tat cst ot de- meure amendio de.manibre qe Icle ditarticle qua- a- rante-six soil conotsinsi qa'il slit: I scrnt eom- n atondant en chef do liarnlome t des ftrceTe navales de lEtat, sinso que do Ina tnlice oxceptd losqlue loe sera appelpe ano se nicedes Etats-Conff drtos, SAcr. 7. 11est de ples ordolote, Qtn l'ordonnance -porlant le No. 10 adopte le tote jour dle f0vrier A. 1).116r1, ot intitl8o, "Ordcotnntcate otoinatt Ico ie- oent de cotails maodat s toil'n t sicn Ia .otls-tial orerie d do ci-devaot Fouvercmocnt dcs IEtats-Uoios it to Neto 'otle-orlcans 0 , cote t tdnemtore abrogcc. S Sti:c. . 1/! lde pes ordnloneo, Qe or' 1donnanee portantDl l No. 13, ado tee o 7iton jourdo e fl o ier A. 1). 1I61, ct intitulioe "('donanancc cocllcclrnt Ies rdrits des eit oyeus" est et rilelnes Ii. r ]a prI dlnte, doa roge : Bio/n etntendu, tiU e ett orndoauane le, f sera pus iltecrlllfcfu de ionallo/lc i't ditnlinotc et s droits do rcux tuIli 'taicnt citycoo do e rct t ltat otrs de l'odoptit t de t'ooota ia.t'ce ,/s otcei.ont, ocavuir: to 26/mejour de.t,meier A. 1). lsIt l. S0c. 13. I es de ph/s ordonnet. Qooe t'ordontt l'e entortant oe No. t, a.cptooo to .t jour dcftIvrier A A. 1). tlI, etintitahC/ "t'dtlunlloco oonceraollot t Ics ouctrI de circuit et dittlict italtltes daris 'ltIlt/t de lao loisit/ e par lo/ cidernot gouveoreo cnt deso ftotcs-Uni/" c.t et dcnecre ro/otae, ex'eptctt la sixt/- imes d ection de la dite adonn-n se qilll l-saert iel f lfrce, eL cc intiinlo section Icoste a ll otlcee iton- Sq'A cc quE le Congrs desEtats-onufi oode ro non ordonneaictrelment. S.c. 10. I ecl de pri/ ordonne, Qc o e I p0ccnce section de l'cdotnaioco No. I, adotteIdc to lllou jr oudo fic-rier A. ). tsI;l, ot intitultt "Olrdintoare Ioore l antgr certains articles de Ia Consctitotion" Squi aomends l'rliole di do e moat Con tituotioo doto IEctat. t amentic o die ibr ir dle le dtd alrtcle dixi'cnle :ott con/tu anost qo'il snit, awvoir : Tott io. dividrt latte et /lante rni ao'ta atteint I':loe ote \- int- et-Oun ano et ui ttrellnt trttit d dants I'l:tat Iendant tor dobnzo nois qui utnnont ,re b;dt'a lCtnention, et alenpaida let trhcoiet six toleos dects doelz ilois ti oll I pa,- f toen ds t:tde/atsa-C'f'idtr. ;ura b t dIot de\otel/r, tcor cce'cctc to o xecuted by A. J. irot a r. Del o-itO ll o Iodt illli t, tie LperdOia sao ri le SlI': d otot s la p elli e, edr lL tale ll 'i l a lra ipourrent jfanlm a u It," sea detrahuiolni de 'rif o e heeof a d.iopten " h ie .iaond . the'ils se l'hdeet au `So'. 11. 11 cl f o/ca ph/ ct oor, Q0,• /o titre de l'ocrl/occtlln'titrtont/ir No 17. adtptd e t/c lh/ e jolr Io|,tlllVtril AI I'adll pties d'lnl dc a r•e tlll i n t: llin pour / Otat ol/c a . o. I -t out, '0 t / ltllt / ieerll' ' ILdoto mot " acti/onal t d/ctitre, deo cLabiCre / u .O titre doption d'l/ I d. apo.L' ioto ll/ 'tatde It t /LoN.o iton." Oc:r'. 12 1/ est de phto ordonle, Qoe /a ttoaioit-me sectionll dot Ntl i. ote d!l/U tllee pIortant tr No 17. etc amcod"e donmnire re aido ooi conl o: dtoe o cdit tdraleas eto austtc autr0 sortoe draleau dto/t ' tatt o de l;t Lolisialne. S.o1103.,1 t/ tio/te pills o( onnollooo, Q/e 1'ronane toromt to tNo 19, a0/optoo le Unlo .jar def0ivriert rA. 1). 1 ,g1 et intitul0 " /ttont)lrdotoale e0 ernt l/ s climes .et l thit, sono le rhim, des oin tili t ci dev-ant 0ortant les No 2, adopt': c to12o jtour d/flvrier A. l), 1 'cr1, itul 0 to.' toh, lottc ion t tou' op yer otr. Tailels cl,]nlAci /ons cntroe o'a no o'velle ':ret t aute co travax publics," tot etdenleuro abcrc•goe par co pro oente. nanc l une poullrra p1I1 rarl e i ter' r t ](. It, nammi al-eter :irae, cO an oh',t0i ouo icoleanito ellac'er ]'a .nn l de; nilicin er do rid/ o ' n g.u c lcne lot . s 1,'tats-V i . n tiOlnleS dltlle, ordonlance, aloi .... I.r :t-ehic 't.. inletpbe r lll/,ole 'I, ln a tllr :;d ,., Sterloerlt e ll foort o t ce. 0c c t//:o. t, fl tooroo,, i'oas0r0onne. Q'ie ./1'to/o N 's bn- baw-,-s sl ti 'c.t.,r,,tl mate Ic• n.1is o \ i :[o- taire tl, +1".nna l, I , n cll'i[ rll ild'ortd lw, i le s tnliti in4 as [.- ti,,ho urn >,tla r,{,;es 11.11r I,, prn ,l'. cotte , scf \'tarcs Or,0an , teo vin0-•-ii/j r d 0ars d0T',-ulte ntliSe i g T•IeurmIE ~l bait scnu, eitll u• et.lll . 000001. B i loo ll l by i/ re P,l to/• l ,l• o/ao./ /f .. ooIl.soror vr. 'ootc-' '''0,,'a.0 00001, 0,0 warat. on occoot or oth loc/Ro -oonocec' .toof l Poth tollte ','Dpar/tmettto O,lits'l ipay t f whih o s t be/0a0oot eloo d root holtn// Coohrentyon hr/lloe/ td the oyt/ drt Dpoitartey t too tler 1th p o Ahtoi- of theC'nederate tates, to be disposed of as Concgres may direct. SeC . 2. /e itf0t0'/ r 000 ,l0i0e/ t . 'T'hat the o / ,,vt ertor of o ti o tote be ano l t ithlo reby aothoizc d to cancel the boftd exe/uoted L A..1. (ioirot It Treasurer of the Minto at New Orleans anl S.eatoo ,, soon)00 a0' a!.c oocouots , 0 0 rendered to the 0/ ato and a/djusted. 0/0e.:1. 0 ie it f,00 t rl,' r ora/to i ,l, That suction to repeal certain oroiotoacl~e. arn to a ond ott o/t Adoptet 1 i/ / ('onv'otioo0, at rhe ,:iy of Nro Or- lraot, tooi, trmty--.x/tt daoy s0/ t•otrh, io the ear r (Oli)itlX V'.('E S<'n cr l rn:,1' DeII* o"+i t ireu Ill PNtut R Ill C- inoN i-l 1I. 11 ! ordonn , r a 1 I/ft Nouvlle-o )rlstns est -tra A ,' x ] tj -2S ont l dl: L- i-d'I':on' i,1", pi ni le I Iipi ( 1sc .•rt ll ',o01ples la,[ era tun le~i nau , t n T l e j,1 -l,:. d,'"- 'a lSEC. i,. ti I l ,,ii plc, ohralo, 1 le iiorI na iiiisot fiii c 0 ,ii(1 i> i;i'5,1511 ('dn i I lhis p, ine incur mciii ~ ci t'i p . cis r utes I i uti le pu ienll I int ir It ilp, l1) li u ,i t I p'1 vti i, w ill, t c;iy'. " tr Is Il lit D, l acR n-, i',ll q I .ooil avrllr hcit dni i0tm 'oi te-l - 1-, cite . int lPe s h iI,0 li - ilit, e ities ot c(ille !ate ont S pot," r es a i orlit (t Tl,-rier dIi Etat -'di -l I tI i cci ' i r c iecccl ci' 'o nt" ,i ieric 111 ilon snii li ar lpoc icilc ni SiEC.o . lcr Ire r lcs,'.. ordouIn, Que le (iciove- pouAr ii l'cia t est nr c is r:les atli• t cutler Isht l l n l eto)ni p rIt .. l-r ... (;siot ('ohm a )l.- .Osiail e do I'Flt enll favour de mI''rt i 1 la p Aour r Ia rlr i Lrdon ciLi et i naote alnoicner dauAr(s ilrdoticin mcea lja adoptes," Spalt ar ng prr.ent pared r Anhout it. II en allays reind onpto tile slicing oiot. dnhere i no lcogr a noit for li i centoaira, spllnlerd 7. rr dlodolsandroeradle. It i t tl Ti I ad:.e propti Won T i -. c.ld.. ei chemi clli {;ld'in olutito,'ndipon inal/l thEvaluabl nDlinearf thh 9ePt embiieiOanker'N glue. I E aOy LE rUed in thilpis oforil{ II1'ALI)INi'S PIREPAREHD lLOEi OBALDIN'S IPiiEPAVRY HOUSE. N. .- A ru Save t boe P lee lrieent. htlON oeMeYI DIPATre Nw a-A Sttch In Tie ve Nino.aO .0New YoI . h• aelidsnt l will happen, oven In woll-reglrated families, it i, OIter lfrabo n to haveosnam eh pontinilonolht,antw forreI oeaingeautifolture, Toy, Crokery, etrd SpallngPALDIS Prepared Gu Nold by aIl iimbaiat Sooalonel, Doaooata,oiloRocdyed eCoi mech eergene aold maend ao household can ord to ' RPBhoutit. It1 is lways readyond ptio toe eirking soint, ahere in noilongar an oeasly for limpiegichair., splinterdvao. noera, headloidolna, andbrokencradles. It i• ! bittb article for cone, shea, ed oter ornaental work, no poplar thl -W le9 d of rennent andtaste. , ni Thi, adnlh•ie prloparation is used cold. eg Chemically 101d i ,olltchn, ind pocsolg all the oOl cide .un lio'es f the ,st cl•blhut-iaoer's glea. It l:ay h.i ruld cc inah-pices ofornl- oary mueilage baing aasi. moreandhcsvs. 'M"7OEiFUL IN EVERY HOUEn.,, N. i.-A-ioh aecnp.ioes eachbottle Parice,,25cente Wholeslon Dipot, No. 40Cedar streot. New York. Address HENRY C.SPALDINOI a CO., Box No. Ig00, Now York. Pot op for Dealers n Caseacont.ainogfonr, elght,,andtwld toae--a heautifulLlthogrnph Show-Card aooompipylongaoek kolAooglebottle of SPALDINO'S PREPANRDGLUE aoldby all praotloni Sttioners, Drugglatl,Hardworeldd Country mebchants should make a note of SPALDING'B PREPARED GLU,Uwhen makinguptheirlit, Itwill sh•d my cltmat. laol 1y7W G. FLEM•ING, OAS FITTER AND DEALIR IN wat Gas Fioture males Haool' oRlow. 1 Magadne okatr ,.oenttioted,Dweloo,.So..ogntdOpeaon.I,,y >lAiI orders ort. in Boo N. It4, NeoIanine' lNobo ge will ;Iim y ottandadkw. a U. PUBLIC HOUSES. 0- C BDVDRO'S RIESTAR)- r RANT, AT LAKE END OPPOI'TOTARTRAIX RAILROAD. Ic SPhilippe fillntln and Francols Colonies., PROPRIETORS. -, Thlis pnpu, e21 taMh12 hme2nt ho,21 higen Ihorllgllly rre )rad S 1oaId Ireltly en1nrge, II n n Iw open for rho 1 ee-2ooh11dim o' per. •4bl1 viy iilfEtiy Itkel, a11- reln y opon st :ng ayvcry Slr i P S Oy of t 1le 0aon Ih0e0 A ImTR I ine I At I or R. o A un ,],4le sand trh'elt ept f• 1wiH (Ihd at thin one, ment chnmllaer U trely swenarr , wlhero they ,rill bo serrvel illa ntyly Iot to be su,", 01,1e f2r 21 emfr2 or 2 . lol('. d llt, 111!ofr9o e , Allmya II p t,! fi. Ithe l2Ie 1ltIill11, 1o2ard ers w F'21 t. l ylO hm~ll ~lo y~q xs • dlole Ihe xr mtnr. .M I ilitary and Irll ,ld e wL I be HmdsheI witheI' t ans orl 4 n11ers L tt Iho icOrl r, byoeie b le -ll, l 1 ol 1'.lra dlrerrll t, 1tho proprietorx, xt th rhe o1o11 th1 I ildh 1oa, ml Irho eitr2 11 to21 , lm •, WASIIINGTONT IIOgPI•LJ. ,will hr ot mn ,l ,n S NI) t \Y. N , t r'.h tllr Ii 11-4u n.lNhei"P n1ner- t , I PARORCEthRt hvwil-'ppl r *, In 2 "1021 I all mr 1 ,2 h 1 h.\'e ry 2 l2(2.1 ,1. , l. ,,t -ll ,. .112 ,2. l t Bel) n,'e,,lIn t' il I , h pid t , , rl chf r~:vete lill "n ,. : u fna nl' 1Hu,•r gelel t. aru 21111~1.2'Illg '11111211 0.0.PRKR Pa ouLRlo ~k 1eet Oil,,,,y ret' e-piei dIi,IIhed to 02,,12 lxlth'1 2 olllotll 1o ,ive en111 0 al2,2 t1l, o Tha e<.~~ ~lh• it ln,,,• .. " ,t~c w'th 1'n rhn,',esl Wh,,.a an,l ChoiL I.afrner ,hnla I oll , he r:,, pa. . Thr cers heat c ook will '1.Va lnl l Ie. .l2. 111211'1[2y22 122"'ll 21111 e 2222 el.. lllll111sill1tt , l111're'y1 112 .1 t f20 1rt1 o ,o9)h ,IUILll. 1 , 2 OUCIE 22 (102 _ IIUN'T(SVILLMI U• I &Ltq !, htA i TlUINTSVILI, AN.A. ThNi* TroueI 2 n 1w opn for0th, 1rraml1fi2ll o kf I1, pml c Th re roma are ,h11 Ix, e ,v~*I ., mn~r~le, ;,ld furn-hvd in rho h .1stle ith nen" non heaitlll Irtrrnltnre wadlt| -. wets. Tile 1, W I Rili nmn1ll n 1 I2 I]1111 12 l y IU . 3"111+ Inlli s' and (h, nth.rn~ Fnll. n |uh ,r nn h ,u nised ll x s*plen. dhl xtnd luxuri m ,, ve, ' 1r a A *l u, , I t viltla . Tll' T 'Allx: hlill i n nlc imu. PI NStile l e'veFryILE a goon bons!e axll ot un in min ket canl hill,n •; t,, a i • ,• in my 'llI" l •o Nd i lld 2 1 e 2. I . 0. o 1 1 LF' ' ' it512 e 1IIII nhl ltllnl . hr b nle ,tcintl; e u li].trvrdt *' hI 'n tl1rI, , 21 .The II.\R i, f Inln,lh' w:ith ol4 and c.'elrt ',Mor. xnd "'.lnr, cm p , all. i t1 oatpolllr b"1ts both .native Ind for ,+ + •rowh,. t'.natrcted wh ill s lth1N l•' a k l1 wpr,lr TLT I RT E SA- TLr)oN c, rmttlnlg tlu-e rv I a e, 1 , llrding - ilx t xnd her r hy rn'enitHu fur nx hLi•Ure boo. "vyr llnff Ii m e [o nwr r b nll hod eor to mxkU ll l-ta of th" Ihi 20e ',om' rNhlO. t1, oI o 2 1 J TI N 2.2t2 . 111 ,1 'I ll221 ,lllnt . STAR O0~1'S'I` 9t S LOON5 Aso RtiiIAU:IANPSI` Thr stl,-clirr n'i lsr n'",• 1:, e in non ~lrlic, hlg thatR bhy w[ opw i .\'t'f'1 I ) 1F g 1Y, Iho 91 1 1 vrh , Ill" 1. -" x mi ,% i o ev ilsi, n vgltt, nn7 St. Jhl[;tr Mre.t* nuph I t"I*he 3['11•' ?i * :%n rk >w ci li. .,11l keep nilq: h+,] wrth ,hr b,..t I;,\jt!",+ OVSIT1'EI. and l""' rt "1 null tr sa to m: nli a i; , rl e ofpain,! r"lli1, r,.nn l l i~i~llrtl(•I~ IlIltll.l~l~ tllhl l Ti ii tll e~lle V I1II( ,r. r,, l iiz ielt Il C'. COFFLIV,' i , PARIE~i IIOUSI;, ItIJUSf)l Tile nlnhtlon to thlh luit,-l Ie;nl,• reonl d ed wift snpl nm, r "t nt'ot~)~ tln~nn I'n" .Itiv rr i~.n,tlyitrlel lurn, "will be opny + .ne I 3]():fl{sy Fr.'etl ~ r r I r l, p le llur o l l I" llrl, l ll 1~ II i r . I , ;plllllI i t I I thel tnlclltinl ,of the I'llaipu to o mlalak is wy l'hv ro [tr nnlge ol tlrthrlr tvling ;nubiic. It. T. PAR*KER1 9 t ,d' Iru JoIIN F. 31 IIS, •- E D WAUD'S tji;S- T.AURA.\N No. l5 Unlon street, Letw.en St. Cltrlel vk n md Lprondely ntlert, New Orleans, La, The ,publ aind the ['r",n~I. ,f . n" ;i,:rlr• ,•nd are re ,cby no- tflcd thlatthe ilxivy yvtndlisi meuth has ,.n oponslam thy flrst it , rI"f N.,vembe~tr. Thr h on,~,e is mll ,lino, a ndwill rl\r,i l, t,:, and thy l el- tlln i. vvnt, .I oral aC IIrnIIol tto L,:,in,:s* nIlno of tLh ,rant Ahlen-ant in the tilt. 0• R+,'",. r f liVatoo ,•r Ifi ,ed f:mnilles mar byhe d nt ail tlro; :LI)II familirr v: w llb ii n ,: m ,I n ,, t ?. hn( nodlh.t .'11,:1 t;LI LUNC( 'Fs ni StPPERSgf"r (;qolree+ The ,lllder.i l.l. I Ho-ir ,.,I, h I i ll:rye,,I , inl ih L - rilp R ,c hL.:.,il +r fh (i h . In rgt v, h , 1 i lll e d .i xth rl. II kI, elve o rIho h'•.tner., wh e 'd,y i , r, f]•,t N' , r iN 'l i 'qa ' m'' t0" •f)" I Ob v'ho n 11 eor I e rtnbm llllm rnl w Il1, rhtlr p+ rr , •re IIIh2 1 NCIIn 0 S DI A IWS No. N, ,per d No, 1s9 ca. rh:" ~r*It, h15 Ner.-yopp,"ite St. Ch('ler] Theiter, LODGIN;S; I LO]lt INIS I ILnEONI)G S I I 'il 'ltn l "'i, p r -nlly nninO, IntlhLe1n alt +, , ',L tr l, U : ,l , r l ; r• -, mi t , c- [J •i'L,, • i i *. i:5,t2[ 1 '' ] ': i ,t•.v' • l •T] il, ;. . fl- ; tr l .- ; ll;lnli +++1In e ,ii . 1+ R hl [,',lll.l r, ; -/l:.II C II "e lll~l m t R.t+H i:.o•] i" . ilnIl h )y r-,1(, , . , 1. f,,, .,a i ",,`,,• <;.+ ,. .. :, lu., e ,+t h" ; , :. ,,, I ,, w..... . , tV SnnNI. P nn v.or t' ".fr' 5A. 1; lll idll iilt of IIuflll. ~ryrw x~ollil f lol. n ".l- ra oirr rlmlto1 alllnil. f . nhr) , Iey " h . ,, r ri :, nn app: h.~rl ",,ry',r n nnv hn:r ',h"",h ru, i Imu :I', , t oe l ,,ridex m m lu, ;t~ -!,C, l'rcc invmia y bytrAtcn ,f I ht. Strt~~l,.lIto st ,rn~-hr r,"r ,.+ n ranth ,rSf cnga, ll[I;: m ItVl(:1. llcir,:, rrilll i•,: lll •, tvl ,,;, :ionp [ ,i "<," tc tht t . r.,, ,., ,, m., .te -,w.. d to .tIh.. h w l :ch tcL !plpied no.m•:h .3 HRNR~V :T RO Nt.. Pr<,lrietor, G -- I, IN'.• N0%V l -- ./1'rN O 7,i'N Ix I,, pr llnrelA I - D,-g nt+ I .iy tlqt hr il, *r: +* c rony y rU c". 'u I!. lr r, :+T'•In i n ow l ' rblil n. , .h , 3:' Rryd . tice, ml c ,. '0 trrho I+a,,]r ;he r u i nns. i .ee the 1111 .ilhs+ dhin,,e OinI grn .- ,Dorn h.•"]h fr~t l-]]•]~ ',I'lq n~t'• n~re nrov[+]d t' aIll heart from S,u'cinrk .% | u tfi 12P. M., thy ,lflv+ rl •r tnSn { re m h*rolet r +tml +t lr htt eln~r, nrti4, l ontr11• lin pr . - iih, nmarlko: mfr l,", ,,,cr rra,hlin rh~r th1,br a,~f it• l'ron ' the m+Llkee 'fihnukin,:lh+~f, ienn fnrth,. I~hrr,l Wr Ie,• ,h: r .t] wil Ol ' (qlt]~nr,"d to him 'he. ... ',2' ",o, u•- lrevt1.r n I, ,", r.v,. -, ,,,,_ .. ,i,>, vr t~ •tvc l ho fulc~t •tx i+,au - ti nn Ill-e who,) m,1y favor rim th 13 tf f+t 4 , I 011 •. iPL N. P 1t)I" i{;A IJ'• It i+." SlA UiT A N ,-- ':,+," ",dr~t, rr [ tl'. ~ +r r o f rhr , i .• [k l t~ + u % J / t' :,.t ]:' nv',t, [ti'.:'n l Ihrir Cris n, 4"1 od h •,+an,!ho, llt) ,ithi.,tllt h - rt ]l,,n-c h ,nd itnR rhr .,,.- ,, r h • ,,r m,,r,, , In~,,, h . ,",+ h,' n~m.he .", xto r ',• r~~~,ltt h•;I ,l" e till'I nl+ i •1 d i • •n h utl. 1u is ~" '+ , I + s,x n,+, ;,' i ', i. '+ io i+e~ a lynrr,, _,,",7 -~a d eo l m([,di, lM tD Ol irh," m~llrre h trip L•t rn nr •.• *'! '4n t, ,In iv, ,,~mll,, ~ '" , vin 1,*1 . T lo 7'h" - m ,,;t ll thel',lrr- ISIL " +reo "• he t,. ,t , uinn ,, r , .... l i.dr g. l ' ~ + ~I ed ,:tI +l nn1h Pe ,+-tvi~,u,,1 w.ho+rc, h'"mntkrto ,1l, . -'ved ']pi~ thl' wl-k;,,,:v+ "lind .1[ *' II ia,," , abl ar [, " r , f0, ;' +I''• " + •, ,t pa i , :I,rL.-1, 'rl f :, , h ; , h:.,,1. ,+f' iw inearcs Icet,[o,[ 1nc hr +,tl ,i , n ,-""1) (,f ex ,1 ,lC o ,atld mtrmivy wa,, ,ra will • i~r tc , t .+ivoru, t f12' ,+nn st cret. Mt:;t dor co the Aet 1lmy o!f )1I.e a"d secnt doolr from the Bar, Oyster 'ah orn, IR t:suranlt, SOW)I,.TNt SALOON. N D.A Vi TI TT'ciOT,I, . P r-r. \jrpI'n t Si /'71 c ,7 The.e, nmodWotn, , l+: st -. h lm.n. y;lnrr h.*n thornnnhl- rano- n'Tl, T e- , MPTTr. nTT.T T N -1od T T:• \ I.l;1,\T[•NS i thN tity, the ile,;,b'r trI noa-Or• t his T . TTh isTTT', o mt T e Tr GTl nTl,) 1 "lo, T TTITT- TT Ay, ITh' om co ynor sud righ sile es*a'o:li-h fm h ore I: .ri-n de e S i IPA'li'•t(IIi(A.M I 4yL.) , III.I , '41:LY aNT illtOTdTT il t :I: . T t'iTl,rOv T.,l 'OT, T r r T• TOaTTtn:e . . w SH ro-i 1t E SEd V TOOT r) TOTOTs e,: ,I:: r.,; r, n1 l/i •,,',, I h.dyhA-nr itd aullihlll.r s rin , withl the re salrn. . ,,f n eo b ,v h A m , T h T •S ,r Ti: , fl oTT: T h,,T T. 'If OT, t h Tt. p ions will o T tis- fie svlth e b ateuion ther wiil bo paid to tieir comfort and en-i NC 1R Cxes Ba 1 An, L f S a*A4 :oL1 ., ).lTf., THT ben coTllTrn-taTl o Sonplr a L7i, T. TanTOT oftTbT t•t!es f N Tw Ol!T el:T. i'CrTl t TT O Io Ot s;mii: O t1, r hrso:sd e Tf oia( Ro the p brAinN inph privW•" t 'adh n1f holIs snlNorthern wtterkn, 'cylom-. can ind in e Tin.rmn, in a quiet, he;tThv home, whTh all thu TOlTT ortT ofT T r.t-ThO InT T. Pl'zrfrl'Mo llfl n*lt',r genoii bathing:, highi I tiittldo,o nd n pie- t:lr.rutllr , eO,;::rv, withbanull'ul drves, ira amnong tho advnn Thi .Teoio Tell he roeachTe in lTTT thTTn ;oor and T half honre :p the h'eNw ill:•lll .I:rk-on anod (4re-tX, othorn R lilroad, and ardon* doing bn.:,m.++ in::he P ity can i,,lo aftr buo oI'•B hoors -tt.nht, and rTOlT belfro ttlotnr tli next dov. moll if OEP). it. (T . 1 RhT, Proprlioor. C1 ITIZENS INSIIRANJOE COMPANY- \/ OOee No. COrondladetstroot. Ct pit al 1, 371,7D'0 3. '3100R OAII.LARD.Preoidaut...A.SCORISBER,S&.nuy, Oeo. W. West, R.P. Hunt, Jamas A. White, I. Mn3on, Dougla sWai. Martin Oardon, Jr., D. JOmlOonT, Numa AngoItln, Ar.Miltenherges, OIvia.,, J. Loiay, A. Bohn, Omer TlSaillGrd.- TheCompanytnTuropansTal thNeprlloNf thelele and rIser, andIonaanddamnge byfireattheurrentrate f remtnm. piRESEOVES- ul caesa Trnmd Pict. anot by . D. TRATIAA & CO., C HAnIPAGNE- IIT) bko.LT ID f r .t T, I ta anld T int. 110 .. (ordo Vert... T1O .. DehLTny, quarter bottles. 20 cases Vooenop,uartn. For sle by 8 . i.OAT AA A& CO., tll 'fl r`n,nmhn,,, street. S HERRY WIyNE-I'OPquarvers aNTd oetsTTs ordinary oand H0e old Sherny, IaCo snd E.cheopar. for Rol by 8. D. GRtATIAA & , O. mt8 No. 9 t•,T .tomlmaTeTt. pUNCH--IT bowse Bar,1 Aprro, fr S. ool. , S. WOLFF, fa eorner R4-1-er andNew I:-stl. PORT WINE-SO--- arter pipes panh Post Wine, from the house of L•O•-v R eeeopar, of Cadih, in fbond andinstore, for alo by 8. D. GRATIAA CO., m18 n. 59 Cnntomhouse Id. ' CHAIPAGNE -90 cNses Meot & 'haIndon's Vin .Tla.Is for sWleby N. WOLFF. " al eorner arooier aniNe 1•s•• 77 HARDWIRE. PLOWR HOMS 9 -- nd-- PLANTATION IXARDWAREI 220RU882 T 0 1A ONIN arenowprepared to supply 2.620,or Comer. with the following-- Planter,' Goode. 020 Olo o22 A 00ltman PLOWS, 0 ll6s8.11 st 2W 20ll & pOp, Improved Pacook PLOWS. 000 Valley PILOWS, R 0,oored, N10.Iand2. 4(0 ollO PLOWS,00, .o.,led, Nov. 1,21. ad 3. 1000 Carey or King PLOWS, short and Kxtgnded bare, Nos, 1, 2,od3. .y 200 MaOgIoli COTTON 0WE2IPH, 1, 2 a013. W caksk1s 2AC1 CHAINS.twisotd. he 2 "" "" " 1141 link., 0 1 0 , 7 fo hooks. 00 CastOlol OVAl, 1YE F.10 2S,60.Nog 1, 2,3. 2..0.. C1A O1INA 1101H1, oil .u1 bers. 25 Fialf Bightb 10 .. OX CIAINS, oaacd,o,0 80o11 fet. 1'- lso onhand-- 1,orsond ,D 0 Collar., I2.-,, ,0 A10, 2'o .H.,, Cart 0,0ddl00 1li0l 1,2 o1,,11,, 0t,00,, Ptn,, Line Rope, a0,d , 0enEral o1ort- 0000t of f'inhttiro I0n,,Jl60,lx,whic0 w0llbe sold at low pikes, by IIOUSSI:T & OPT.YIN, Hanrdware Rimers,. E3 Canal stlreet, nealr Cha~rtres street. '1 N.R.-Orders f~om Commimalorr lvllaa solicited Dots prompt- ly vrrrllad. lr10,11. 1111MI U2602222a ,RA . 222..2010 2.. BOTIK SEYM6O0JI~ A - -- ucconsore te- SIlEWSTER A 2ACHARIS, 55 Front Leve, and 16Fallen Honestppoelte W, A VIolett's, '" I~olwtw Paydrna and Oralar-treat; 0ao~lrr N,,.2.,o,,, 12.0,,,, 0n T0122 22,0 TIN WARE... Wh,0,2,otu is Retail 1COPPER, TIN and 10221T 0001N We Dnopt re 0.0 0folly 2ll th , attention of commisson and cunutry merrhituts, hoaaekaelara and hotel proyrletorg, loamr large nits well ail-nrtd stock of/looking, Parlor, Oftico and Y wHtllif ttav,,, comprtainq almost every kind inl exlbsl suYaxteculrsfeiOau datr and a:ll kinds of li'are suitabl far Conking and Domestic pnr- peosA1 of whicah will besold atlower prices than say house InCho city. 2 00.oo00.,u21heo,0oo,.,,.020.00., P211,,i O-,e0 0, 0hleb 2e .22,0, Ooo110,,0aro2,,, l 00,,, 0 Coal Oily I Coal On I In quantille0 ,o suit pyrorohaer.. 20,*,orok. o, ,0Un, V 1Ooii0a, Po,,22,o and COrbon 010,.- 00Inot pr re'.t by the barrel , r gallon, 0,2rc, .oL,,,,,o1,, of 2.n:...p, 0200b,., 2202,20,, Wcks., an, t c rtIi llar a/lllllbll ate ) i re tit'c A~i l to w.-II to nOlalnd 2x0m0ne, 2.20 ly LUTHER HOMES102, OUN2DR1YAND OO.pA.901N1T01, WORKS, Corner of 1 0nton sa1 R 0,hr,.one oo,,,,, OI,2,n. 2. 106 St. Charles str.1, (Tovo 0,do,., 00, 00,0 S0. Chnrl00011,Tr,)Mn.,,aloo,,, of ,9, intent nrd 2002t approbod Pa,0e.s of 21ll000. Ver.,. WO100 DouroC Sh222006 Va60100, Brdges Str 101061001222. Z atilhl, tonrFronts, fat illln pa all kinds of CAST AND1 WROUMITll IRON WOI;)K for Bidn ,rn Y00 102.llln0,, Casotings Oord il2x"2S22'-Wfigitr an sn Hit0s.o2r ,nl2 atthe Old Sand. 1056t. Charles 0Ireet, Neo Orlean., O'51y 0,2. N010. 102 1.1TO 002o1, ,02.D No. 2O.OTON .3 BALDWIN No. 21 10,., L oo,, 2.002,0 No. 10Canal st reet, No. l1Co'antetu N. Newr Levee street, Copper, Tb. and Shoet Iron Imess Fonodo, and Flnirhrrsrrr . ad konotectnren of Buamn mains, C22 ri202006 and RrO10rnoioo, 10 P 00,2.6 Fflars, J 20e ,ane. Chimneysn and 1freaching, Ytauuboa1 ed Pieofrtlen Black. so~lhiug, -02,,-- 012N2IRAL DEALERS NAi~ RDWARNA SHIP 16 62 D2,2222Y A20D2.O~ tIIIP Pl0nt2.0, Mohonts0 o .it, 1,22mb2 w2oe12201,221d it totheir ad. ventage to give mea c bfor, p0rc.1020g or 22010,22106, also. where lylly A IIAJLEoR 00 BROR.THER.. No. 180 ToDOUOVITOULAS STREET- -- Xsmrthchirers of- 0OPP1R,TIN AND16121ET IR0N WOR0 In all its ",,lobs, Ilan also oil.00nd a 1,2 ge asortment of t'ookir LH;14, adl liar-room f011.11 and areprepared to 01 .2, iutho oboe1, line 20 Cthlo y Co, 20,2.222,9 10200. otr att-.ntion. p,0ld to all deooptsnopo ofbuilding wor, 0,2: 01,oter, Oal,,,o,, 1,, 10, oin andZin22.2 lley Oullers end Rootiong. DOo,.. I tot, N0nc00,,d 1,ollo H2,002 Ol . D~vr h~" ci ivo n r2,1 902 the States of I10000,,,,o Doak. sod vendl ther"_",",thl. alunlod Inve~ntion of Jahea!ronla0. from 010,0,00 o , wh .,9ht 21 ro of d lod*g, 2,Oo,1020d from 010 20.:h, p,!ncri 11.o naafs ) bring ondnc~rli to t'heclnermsl Ialnp ss'l: actingl00.t i00t', it remove. the 1,000,h2, o anyo hand labor ,n , nett," : 0001r0..0,,:.r r.t ,.,,,0012o h,2he,, esoO . 0042 , 2AIR,2R '1"'II r201I2.1, 2001000SSoR IfA rdwl. C e. (A02.00 2. ec,0 0 Nn, lei~ I' I er. -t , betee l p ndSt Charles, 2000000C1x,,.o100. 1090 1000 Cublaete and hones rFurnlllbln1Rnriaars Carp~ntpr' 7'oulu In gre~t variety, Andl from thel mosnt ',rut Wir~ makers, srsy..Yu snn" ai r~tnlmrir lono eirr. of Iv CHAS. C. rOAlR~s . c .. ir r IM PORTERS 1)F; .4 *I.&RS IN FOR IG(N AND DOMESTICI( 6IAiP', 0, }: CU0TLERS2 t0 20,0. to ll0 0 .200 toor ,., 00,., 2,2o,0oohnd, x are o0,. tac.o rcealrln? Ilrrci LIcr !r MaS~ahwtnTIL'* Hoe00,, lont.,, 0. OSey: Carp2nter's Toot, 02,,,,Spod,. an, Slovels; Cornendo, 001,, 0000.; 02200l 00,oo chin(o, Cottonoo.02t,,.oll,. Rope 02 Vt ando , 001000,; 1 200.102 anood Croo, Cot tier; a evil s , d . 1001l00 2',; CooolOtni I'rtooSootales ; lock. rand ills+, fx",on ; Mido Andirrrr and Fonder" ilxur~lr g" andl Tcugi; Shovels anri'onpl ; Oi,-dStono,,. nil so10; Cotton and Wool Cords; .i,6 a1d 000ng00 ; 0 ro and 1001,, Sre22 ; 90,0 Woore ,; 22o0'. O,'looOy. Trpg!fhe; rilh ,) ln aeoMooltmsot a!Fncy OaxU, ales; Ors51, o:rnah.t, P19o0mur00 Paper and 10020 B,0 ,, 2.20., 1002 are f 9 00tOo at theInoto22 rtor.,r o00.02r cit paper, 0,020 4 EW 21 LE/ANS ORNAMENTAL 22200 WOR1.-Toe oodooiaoed beg .2n, rOo 0nth 0he e 1 l d ,0, ,oO 0o1io and 000,19 2.n6,2.ythat th2y are 1 nuc0 t fnntirigk ll Linds o1Architectura and Ff~lldlnp Iron No, 1 at th.2,2o,,ndO, 21rn0r o0602,60a 02nd 2..0 , tre2,.- 222, in 0avidso, ,0, ,, Crondelt 0treet-osuch 2. Verand,,1. 'ROoi.0g SO ,tlten,. Safe 10i , Rank 2.oors, Straight and Circuola :ha1r 0 ,,,0oy RriJat,, Roofs, etc. lOoyO22000 c,..o0,0000 0 o00 bhad Cast and Wronght 1reat02ol. 022,2. 1,0000.02.00, ,,,,.210, Wobflo,, et.; and 51101, l ordu02 e of e 000y 1009cript1on of Cutlorz+ nmue, Storoand 21ouse Fronts rrlfh deenafDh. R ENNETT1' At IUROER. Dovls-rd'Row Jacl if (iarnnrlel ,gret. tk AT13 06N" T22 2PICAL ROOFING-- Choooer and 0uper02r to 09 2 other e0er 2.,d In0 6002.ern ,!;mate.. Pit L-terd and ring,;- qlrell'cl. e- 10,. 0100020,01 0'10o,lTnI to tho 202, s ,ate9roofs. ^d. I. 5! }';. 01000o002,11.0.o. u2,200nyothe,; noora.ok 0 ,.' 0...v ..,o1L ,.. 0000,0, 000. 0000,1 UTY-1t... 2,sento smooth 2 0d ,20, ie-like snrf20 0 , 400. 020 0 :.009 t S.-Tt ca0ls ma0. 002 e th1n, though it I. ate pcd, any -,Inv, , i t o,,d roof, and 090, 02n' l22on the,0,,100 9,,. x. O 1,Oi,0 61 ,Cf1.-2o to 2 h,..0026o,0100the stn. 000tOV10NBTIIfT IT0-22 0000 r1001 fir00 b2tte10,ha02 0-~h. I:. NYS.NIEN(IW-It willl not soften under the sleet of 00, 2 cm..1:: 0 .sd prot,2.o b, 0,00,0,r o, 00,000ng0 from the In2 St)1 ,1DI'T3-I''--l nocomae ,.ofrder and at~oehar Pro ex- 1,u rre; rlfll bat 1st ,):1,',n T111 of rn llo;r lly cjb 001 ion r .evy raft 1)0Fr~ inlcr to ri;,ilrt it; w(le ft fe notlil IC t r T, roi Ilibrsllii e, ncr illourit rnnd ofrssfrr n'bc. "II:()1 1 [~, ofR h!,r' , p! lrlop I ldi ewcaal l oa lmd c 'n"ancr. hr, s vmill crtrrr psc.l'lr ti; rcle, cocfl,:ed in i rrini;:lowt;:rco o~c b; act-al lrper!n.;ni ond urperallce mnbdsi~lnil of ltt EI~erlil1-a of the b-ol ore I. the bondsI of 1.*,o nr,'rt, rod may be -;ari~rrl b any pcrrrli dahf ng tt be. Eire o;itr,c'i:.g. ALl .Jr IrRl at the Pcad-Odcr Be. K No. ?, will be promptly nitendad o: o raiply s fel5 Iv .... D-f 111-Meae~d blaralr His. r+- NUFAC'LA'Tl , b'1R.b.-.s f'pdlr and Hivia. uiy tbt; ,,••in,,te .' wy lk froum t. F. (,irarlan Hlolte. Sr he m.d-r" ird i:,s isg largel ly insrensed his worki atnodv. l:•dn ,i t.l!• all h!r:ilriiri'o, is nnw p'rparedto lit orders -' ?:ny d,.':rri;inn of YOIEI,.S .. lava tino and at n" Iow rates - they ca, Lc b.+d ;n u xnn h: hth: Fouth or imported 'rom the 52l ao! 1 0 II3 UED S OILERS, from 20 to Ilo ... o 1Ld l2 ! Ln, D 01EC, too II i Als., C!`5 i 1dTfER (EPIEES, 3U32, 3Srd and ls6Resodslmel . rs n., Orate n.,Stand Pipes VaircL. utc.,constantly oln hand. r A Al' work wiillgrranteed of host materia and workman. -anrfty ,lhiin,: et pvhan BiolerIfor 'Ienl All boi nal skwmnids, ,-- ro , T- A!Ty in-ited tocall Ird uie for .em•lvxs. In7E lyAsw D.H. FOWPIR. SLeLEDAo:, to Li:AIOY BLAiENEY. Cop r.EmiSth C ls d l t )eo Woreras and sirs ont ando o F9to:l ,I ro7t,, ICtween Notre IDame aud Julia. ClarifyUT g and ]r.aRporPir• Pollus, PtotLn Tnrins, Fitrera, JRnl: IlrOxcs, CATmlnOvs. Hreoerne, And aln kind,of STCEAMIO AT and ol lANTSTIN wrk IA oAr line. de7 LtoW EL EEIDS' FOUU•.lY. NOW ORLEANS LEEDS & CO.,IR:ON FOUN15RRS, ernd Manfaetnrria of Vrticanl and Horiontal Ien •WneN ileilsors. issr ,,- 1, , vssns P5m1, ~Sgss I1tl1s, Cularile, Otlyss, Rs,,tm and Hors Powoer Draining faclhinres Saw Mille, Isn oaring, Irun olnmsioo ansd Fronts lo Bonlldi ne, FEassof 0ondhE, oratemarm, o(c.,and mll mdichusry r•s.,red for the Bse lurhasv ben dsly:ultorlrrd ai:d are nre(Ared to eontiot STILL OANR': PATENT EAGASSE FINACE. SAZERAC BRIANDIES -- WN DAVE A GOOD fapply oa hn d and ro reoulvin byuirect omd rtation from Frane5 .dditions. to our stock of this cole,raad and hghly fassvored braod. W hre 1795 in sighth plipoon, 1798 inesighth end lpsrter El s•ilsf do. do.s 1815no halt, slarter and eighth s pipes. WE l'-itO the attention of the trade andconnolsseurs senes'iy, , Ithis rtiele Isi pre and unadulterated. FIor ale o Row 1 ark il:ms and prlee, by WM. .LE.VRICH a CO., 34 Old sLevee st., 019 1•v Sol isgnts In ths c1ty. SOUTIIEItN ROMIE_ ENTERPRISE! A FIRST-CLAS STEIAISOAP FACTORY, uoder the management ofa FIRST-CLASS, PRACTICAL SOAP MAN- UFACTURER--tho irst enterprise ofits kind, on a LIBIERAL SCALP, ever presented i New Orleans for southern patronage. Chelnli al and Steanm Soap Works, FRONT, NOTRE DA•E ANDi PFULTON STREETS--(Fac. ing the river, Jurt below theSteamship Lauding,) E.very varietyo Soap maonufactured and WARRANTED EQUAI, in syer i espcit totile choic.t Northern bralnds of the like grades and prices, and JUST AS CII.EAP. Onlygivel tlhe New Orleans homemnsuflctnrsd " PELICAN SOAP"a idr and unbised sltrial, asd you will never thinik of .snding North any more fortllhat romodly. R. WELLS, Proprietor. Isoap, manufactured tosuit the Mexican market; also to -- suitnoyider. Js8 GssSt THE IVORY PHOTOGRAPIH- JACOB'S ART GALLERY, NO. 93 CAMP STREET. peciaii attetion is scalled tothi, greatest ofall Improvement of thb Photographi Art. Weare ows prepared to make thei picturesa which for grast boldness and delihs cy ofcooring oh notbe egnallea ; also, combines the beauty andsoftness of en Ivory Miniatsre. Cal ansnds des for ysosrives. Stit attention is as heretofore, padtothe differelnt branshel of our business. Duerreotype, or n kind of pictures from deceased prsr1m, eeId o smal orenlarged into life s pndirtd ineil, stel or water ogloer in uns rpahsablo ytls. C sMr. E. J OBS contauetI superinted the prompit ex, putron of all work entrusted tO Our Iar. nl 6m s~l~(laskss5 ,,, Ipri j~ 5. ..

Transcript of New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1861-03...

wt Rte Regular..oW- oOtion thereof.t f the Oonfsofraleo

~ $y th People-of Cthe State of'peti anoernaied, That theh orebe uni the te boreby re-;

co no tO wlttst dolly, 'to ,theN~t Ooifdeeste~ at 00ertoecthe

Utistae. r 440hPorionthereof esg'ewae'ftetenehtr Gov-

tbe ole idesof America,

st uiyof N~ew Or-;1aiech'r' te year ot ou~r

A. MUTt'ONt,lndseotettheo tooeottoe.

nsetdo *rtotose wegeottere#trtlus<Vodo dt o el ite

<'tpi'x'tli~idOO Etute Con-

? nt da'Ztatdela Lout-(rn $a Qo* to Gouverneur'to lfeetlor, tans Mai;tl Is

' otu atA'Aoodri no do90ato lerhoiede isdite

I #i boa hti; tranofitrit ittre*io an mtztttquo leo

;, etrtiott ema ettteorde ta Not-$' 0 itqzbo'jurd mare' V'on dohoo dotothabito-et-an:

PtIot e to ~Ooeoatoo.tt20tile, D ist

f1kz n totlo the Coniti..1'Crgbd'eoe ` aiseof iei".

t e he- oe-

ari the Coof ethe

3 to rsof, hoehy

tbe t'y of-N:f OrAtso the- lh aMrc.

IC pno orooncrdnrationode a nLetitiwe. hern-b

mot ho n' me - CO~gerpbtyl

es, at (ciy otte.Or Or,wf adol'on the eto No-

egt epdxaote and sityonS hettt e

tttft mie are dont',s t p''.bnigd~reldiA anque

1 O `tzt eap ourtepot .o

this iC1a ve Sontg omrerlde-s

a= ~ ~~~~~ A.~im'u Mi~itoUTO 'N-

curmli cen eol a teet-tn,rancidttoIatrotonl tFeo-

t totos eaott palor e

a tyouon es , ob gtoire oor lepen"

on;tola vitloao It Nuvellenigj l d milde1an A.

fin ` cnt ottnteet-o.istbakZocd titned$tt4, .8E~i~e_-- n,5 lot

iwo til Legislatonro or,9i3oth;looowoy of No-

soa dad Sinty-

a, Conoentfon s-That themozbers

1y81991 onmeot, for theira Konidoyof November,d s nd dlte irst week

tfueto 4 dy thence-

1)s tIlCongress of the'L~et009wltbotr sooAlona shalI 3%)? aitIavo ntSnonty.

0t g tn ot taItof Now 4flrfterhi itha year

en hundred' " " eelhl n0IOMUTON,

,i:a00ndelon L 09is-i{ 'tli aloeli d no-

r.odibres do

.oioli en Conirqot lner pre.

Fixe an e lrivebremid9t0ovoihre soi-

rraos te onrjit~li-0

tossdg looms thentea *494t gnetorminit-

n ln d on titetoo-

v [ ( 0> Zo0p 1*i ma, toot~ et eat eto dnn, ti

Utntin-nouowhoo 0 ftid kiInov

of 4i'o ty0 oohort-

800' 0080to

900, in the

9o rad 0ninor t i in on-olin M onso.

099B100AO,. emated. 917

'a 03000w.rtilopripedh

irdtnrpsy 511ex eat t tn~as es

rod pttbndsofo

dolas d ulleof r1ad10009f 1940001 11 ponits


9oft o f ow1

Or- the yeat

h 90 pr INW t 3 a- ,MUTON

} ' sskintn[tqq pnv009~.x

S p laio orset' WOb t t the alature

e tha foreoa bank canf~i u, .hi kpltstl thereof

uIs apebie, assn" b ' bi tyilthia oneJ d that no. ~ ne notes

in amount, - n: thrh , t, re-'the amount of thb s tethereof paid

- p'. , less denominatloi il t.en dollars;`• l t sh liabilities of each bank shall always

a b4e reprdented by at least one.-third in epecib and~ the balance In good paper, payable in fnl at mal

tnrity within ninety day ;and that no bank shalaIsaue from its counter an other than its own notes.Prnidee flureher. that the Legisatare shall haveno power to exempt the capital of any bank fromtaxation.

a? Adopted in Cbnvention, at the city of New Or-of, leans,the twenty-fifth day of March, in the year ofct our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

'lSis]ed A. MOUTiN.SP Retdest of tce Convention.

t•tr•d: J. THOS. WHEA.T. oecret.ay.

hO)RDONNANCEt. eelslOveataecorporations de Banque dans

eI'Etatde la Luouisianae.uNos, to people de I'Eiat de t Lonisiane, as0-SsemsaMe en Convention, declrons ct ordonnons ct il

eat, par la presente ddciard ct ordaond, Quc l'arti-cle cent dix-hoit de la Constitution eat amendi dei mahibre it dire ainsi conga :

Des corporations aotorisdes it faire des opcrationsr de baque ou d'escompte peuvent dtre crdoas pardes lois spdclaleo on dtre formtes en vcrtu des loiigdndrales; mais la Idgislature devra, dans Pun etl'autre cos, dorlter qn'aucone banque ne pour-ra commencer se0 opfrations qu'aprbs que leadeux tiers de son capital auront tId payds en es-phoes, et la balance dans l'annde qui suivra tole jourde son entrte en opration ; qu'aucune bannqe nopourra dmettre, I Ia fois, des billets excidant eniasomme les trois quarts du montant do son capitala- payB, et d'une ddnomination moiodre de dix pias-tres ; que Ia circulation et les diptts de chaquetr banque devront toojoors dtre cprrsoentes par anr tiers a motins de leur montant 0n cspides, et la

le balance en bons effets on popier A quatre-vingt-

In dix jour, ponbles on ploin it dchoance; etqu'atu-ue one brasque no pourra edmttre de son comptoir

to d'autres billets qac les siena propres. Bicn enten-da du que la legislatre naura ps leI droit d'exenp-

'.terle capital d'aucune basque de aI tase.le-Orl.ans, ce vingt-einquicme jour de mars lan de

u- notre Seigneur til halt cent[Sgnel A. MOUTON,

P,0-idena de o Coonvent-on.(latirde J.iTHOS WOO5T. Seo-deok. rlOl lo

[No. 31•A ORDINANCI-E,Relative to the Cession to the ConfederateStates, of the Ports, Arsenals, the S•ins,Cu etom-House, Light-Honues, etc., withinthae State of Lolsitana, and late in thepoSseasion of the United States.Be it ordained by te eople of the State of

n Louisiana, in Convsetlion assembled:e SEC. 1. That the State of Louisiana doth hereby

a cede unto the.Confederate States of America theeiglit to use, possess, and occupy all the forts,arsenals and light-houses, the mint, customhouseand other-public buildings in the State of Locis-, lana, late in the possessio of the United States.'-Sue. 2. Be it further ordained, That the State ofLduisiana dothheoebytransfer unto theConfederater States of America the revenue cutters now in herSpossession and lately in the service of the UnitedStates, to be accounted for by the ConfederateStates.

Adopted in Convention, at the city of New Or-leans, the twenty-fifth day of March, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred andsixty-one.

signceal A. ultUTtiN,PrOsdent of the Coneootion.Attest: J. TIOS. WHEAT, Secretary.

0lRDONNANCEStelative al cession oan Etats-Confederesdes Ports, des Arsenaux, de a lIonnale, deIsa D)oane, des Phasres, etc., qui se troa-ventdans a'Etatdela Looislonr at c•rtaienSdernierement en l• possession des Etate-m Unts.

-T esl ordonne par le peuple de ' Elat de t Loli-siane, assemblle n Convention, SECTION 1. Quo I'E-tat de la Loouisiane cide, par la prioseute, coxEtats-Confddlrso d'Amirique le droit de fair ousan-ge, de possoder et d'oco•per tous les forts, arse-nsna, les pharea, la monnaie, la douane et tous les

aatres cdiccs publics qui se trouvent dans l'Etatde laLouisiane et doronibrement n la possessiondeo Etats-Unis.

Scc. 2. I eelst de lus ordonne. Queo 1'Etast de IaLousiiane, liar Is prsIeate. oicx Ettis-Confdddrts d'Am(rique leo cOtres, maintenaont enso possession et qui, dernitremont, Otaient a scer-vice des Etats-U, is et dent les Etats-Confddurcsrendront compte.

Adoptde en Convention, en Ia ville de Ia Noavel-le-Oridans, ce viegt-cinqanime jour de mars de 'laudo notre Seigneur miule huit cent soixnoote-et-um.

[asioal A. M•IUT,* ,.S PrFsident ol oC-sntion d i'Ftuta de la IuMisane.cordlec: J. THOS. WH ncT, Secralore. m.a lSt


Concerning Electors of the Presidenlt andVle-President of the Confederate States.We, the People of the Slate of Louisiana, in

Cowentlon asoserltld, do declare and ordain, aendit is hereby declared and ordained as follows :

First: That for the purpose of cloosing electorsfor the President and Vice-President of the Con-federate States of America, the State shall be di-vided into six Electoral Districts, correspond- ,ing with the six Concressional Districts or-dained by this Convention as follows: The FirstCongressional District shall be the First ElectoralDistrict- the Second Congressional District the CSecond Electoral lDistrict the Third Coogressioonal aDistrict the Third Electoral District; thle Fourth ItCongressional District the Fourth Electoral Dis- intrict; the Fifth Congressional District the Fifth CoElectoral District; thle Sixth Congresicnal District Athe Sixthl Electoral Distritt.

We do farther declare and ordain, That oneElector from each of said Districts and two Elee- Otors from the State at large, shall be elected by yigeneral ticket by the vote of the whole State, until siotherwise provided by the Legiulaturo.

Adopted in Convention, is the city of New Or-leanh, thIs twenty-fifth day of March, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one:S7 bilg-S] A. itO1uTON

Pre idot o the Onnevniiouo te tate of LouisianaAtte:s J. teHOS. WHEAT, Secretory.

ORDONNANCEConcernt les Electeurs du Prefsid et et d u

Vice-President des Etats-Confederes.V•os is Tseple de l'Riat de la Louisiane, assemn-

blelo Csoneutrsion, ddelarons ct ordonnons, et it eatijr la prdssnte drelard et ordonn : Peremire-mhnt,Qs't Ilelfet d'dlire les t•iecteurs pout e Pr,-aident. ot le vice-Prdsident dos Etats-Confldr"rsd'Amdrique, l'Etat sera divisS en six districts ilec-toraux correspondant anux six districts congression-nels dtablia par cette Convention conmme suit: lepremier district congressioannel sera Ie premier dis-trict ltectoral, io second district congresioanne!sera le second district rlectoral, le troisibme dis.trict cogressionnel sera le trolsibme district Olec-toral, le qoatrimeo district congressionrel sera le,uatribme district mlectoral, le cinqunime districtongressionuel sera ie cinqaiibme district elocroral,ai siximtme district congressionuel sera le sixtimedistrict itectoral.

Secondement, Tous ceclros der et ordonnuss deplus, Qa'un dlectour de chacun des dits districlts etdenx elscteurs do toot I'Etat seroat slus ensetablepar lesvotants de tout l'Etat, jusqu'it ce qula is d-gislature en nit ordonnd sutreriet.

Ado pte en Convention, en la ville de la'Nouvel.e-Ortlsaus, is vingt-inquiisms jour de mars de 'pande notre Seigneur it huiat cent soixante-et-ut.

thins tA . lOUTON.PreOsitct de Sr Conven tno.

sertals: j. THOS, WHEAT, Seirmtahto. ms01 it


TO divide the State of Louisliana ntlo Con-greaslonal Distcelts for the election of Re-psre.entatives to the Congress of the Con-asederate States o" Amserica.We, Ule People of Louisiana, in Convention as-ebled m, do declare ad ardan, That the Stateshall be divided into six Congressional Districts ofcontiguous territory, each district to elect, accord-lig to law,aone Representative to the Congress ofWe C•nfelerate Slates of America, which divisiontall continue and be In force until the Legislature

shell otherwsea provide.The First District shall be composed of the

So Plaquemines, St. Bernard, Orleans,right bank) the Second and Third oMunicipal Dis-te sof Noew Orleans, the parishes of St. Tam-,th band Washington.sTe Soecond Dltricta shall be composed of the

d Fourth Mnicipal Districts of New r-lIdatnid-te parrioh of Jefferson.P third. District shall be composed of theB ot ;Charles, St. John the lBaptist, St.m Plen; o susmption, Lafosrehe, Terro.

ana d on t Baton Rouge, East Feli.tnla andSt eenti ndi.i Fourti D1istht shall be composed of theLtriS5e Of SWest Felitlausa Points Couapde, WestSRoiga IbervlleastLandry, Lafayette, Ver.!Uioa, St MartinndEt •Mry.

' ie: Fifth District shall be composed of theparishes of alotsi•u aplde, Sahise, Natehi-s0lebe, Wian, DeSoto, Caddo, Bossiter, Bienvilte

andClaiborne.he District shall be composed of the par-

te t op ooria, eoouri Cataisula, Caldwell,-Maxdisan, Ouachita, Jackson,and Carroll.

Se td ordain, That from andapportsonment sf.repro.

eatio ao tfasnaer aand app,

or leans, the 4fr ijltl day •sf March, in the yeare aof our Lora hue G-ihand eight hundred and sixty-in one.

of t [taedt A. MOUTON,ePr idet or thet Concetlion.

Attet : J. . WHEAT, ecretary.

ORDONNANCoEId Pour diviser 'e•tat en Districts Congres-s; aonnels at'eftet d'eltre des Representants

.s aux Etats-Confederes d'Anmerliqe.d Nos, le peuplae e Louisiane, assemble en Con-

- erction, detlarons et ordonnons, Que i'Etat sera11 divist en six districts congressionnels contigus enterritoire; chaq-e district dlira, conformnment ite la loi. un reprseniant an Congrbs des Etats-Con-f sdidreas d'Amiriqoue ; Inqoelle division cootinueraet restera la meme jusqu it ce que ain egislaturo en

Ssit ordonum autrement.SLe premier district as composers des paroissest

. de Plquemines, do St. Bernard, d'Orht:ns, rivedroite, des Second et Troisii-me Districts thosici-poax de i Nouvelle-Ocrleans, des paroisses de St.Tammany ct Washington.

Le secbrnd district so composers des Premier ctQuatriisleo I)istricto tdunicipanx de to Nouvelle-Or-Ia- s cet do oa paroisse de Jefferson.- Le troisibme district se coomposera des paroissesii do St. Charles, de St. cenn-Baptiste, do St. Joc-

-ques, de l'Asecnsion, do I'Asootption de LiToour-e she, de Terreono't, de Livingston, d'Est Baton

Rooug, d'Est Fbliciana ct de Ste Hltbne.S Le quatriinse districtse comsposers des paroisses

Sd'Oest Feliciana, do Is Pointo Coupoe, d'Ooest

is Baton Rouge, d'lbervillo, de St. Landry, de La-

t fayette, do Vermillion, de St. Martin et de SteiMarie.

La cinquiibmo district so composera des paroisses- de Calcasieu, des Raloides, de Sabine, des Natchi-r tochos, de Winn, de DeSoto, de Caddo, de Bossier,Sde Bienvilte et de Claiborne.

La sixibme district se composers des paroissesSdes Aoyeloes, de Concordia, de Catahoula, doCaldweil, de Franklio, de Toenss, de Madison,e d'Ouahitn, do Jackson, doe 'Union, do Mtorehouse

Set de Carroll.i Noou declarons ct ordonnons de pfeus, Qu'daprbq- soe l'eonumsration et ta ripartilion do lt reprosen-t- toio seroot faites, conformdment aox dispositionsdels Constitution des Etats-Confsde'rds, Is l g-isla-tore divisorns litat en aotnnt de distrits congres.Ssionnels contigus etl teorritoire que lyeours de re.prdsontants accordm s h F' de la Louisiane parSctte repartition, et ainsi de temps h iutre dacprisechaquo eono meration ot riparlition snbseqloloteS.

Adoptie en Convention, on Is ville de la Nouvel-le-Orldans, co vingt-cinqaibhme jour de miars doe l'ando notre Seigneur mil huit cent soixante-et-un.

[si, :,:] .t.)IOI; TONPl ,sidlent doll (nrlcsveS'on e l'otst s tie la to , ,we.

Comet;: J Tit W1 EA.T, sot : tire. ,,e ito

•No. 3.1.]IESOLUT'rON

To Appropriate tise Sllant of Ten T'housadlDollars to pay l5Ienetbrs, Omccrs and Ex-po ptss of the Convelltion..Resolned by the Convention of the State of L.oui-

siana, That the sum of te:n thousand dollars be,and the same is hereby appropriated out of anymoney in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,to pay the members, officers and expenses of thisConvention.

Adopted in Convention, at the city of New Or-leans, the twenty-sixth day of Marcos, in the year oof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

[Sined.s) A. IflUTOsN.Prdelot of the Convention of tho State of Lo-lisisa.Attest: J. THOS. WHEAT, Secretarye.

RESOLUTION tAffeetnntl•n sen:ne de Dix Mllle pinstres aon

puaentem.t es lcaembres, des olecisers a ds-preses de la Convention.s1I est resols par la Conoeulion de ia sic de iluLouisiane, Que la sommne de dix mille piastres cot

at demeore, par sl prdcsente. affecte, des feonds do 0trdcor non autrement aflootos, au paiement du perdiso des membes et des oficiers ainsi que des d


penses de cette Convention. tAdoptle on Convention, en la ville de la Nosvel-

le-Orsieans, te vingt-sixibme joor de mars eon lan denotre Seigneor sil huit cent soixante-et-sn.

[ s~g:, • . A. ,•o:Tru .Prti5slent de , o Oonvs.ti,.

cerinne: A. TIIOR. 5Wll EA T, Seer;'sire. ms



To Eenslptfron Taxaltton tlhe Boilnds of tileConfederate States of A mlerica.lIe it ordaoined by the Peop!e of h Steale of Lous- p

iman, in C osevelio assembsled, That the toends of ptile Con'edcrate States of America be and the someare hereby exemopt from taxation of every kind.

Adopted is Convention, at the city of Ne Os'r-leans, the twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of iour Lord eighteen hundred and nsixty-one.

ii-gnedli A. MOUeTON,Preslident ol the (onsveolion. C

Attest: J. TIOtS. WeIt &T,e Secretary.

ORDONNANCE ofPour exesnpter de la Taxe leas Bons e ls par n

Ies Etats-Coafederes d'Amerijuse. orII eot osdonnespar eI people de l'Eltat de ito Lel- tie

Sane, assemble ent Conventies, Que les bons de rEtats-Conl'deris d'AmriEque sent at demeornent, wpar is prs

5ente, exeniptds de touts tixe. w

Adopt6de en Convention, en la vicle de In Soovel-le-Orleanso, te vingt-sixiibme jour do mars, tan de nnotre Seigneur mille huit cent soixante-et-un. vs

s g0l0] A. 3OU5t50N Sie'r,:eTnW t dt la Cooneletien.

ertofl :J. THeS. WHIEAT, Secrcalre. m29J lUt t0St[No. 3 i.] 0

AN ORDINANCE OrAutlorizlng Insurance Colpallies o ill- b

v-est lhetr Surpnss Funds It iloe Bonds of rithe Colnfederate Seates of Amerletra. ItVe, the People of Sthe State of Louisiana, in

Oonvention assermbled, do declare antd osslte, or,snd it is hereby declared and ordained as fol- roIles : That the several nsorancoe Coolpanies now p-incorporated in this State may invest tlsir surplus lsfunds in Bonds of the Confederated States of onAmericea, in addition to the securities now sped- osnled in their several charters. die

Adopted in Convention, in the city of Neo, l.Orleans, this twenty-sixth day of March, in theyear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tiooxtty-one. rei

ic1eli A. MCrt7oHJ otl:Pro.ide o t • it' Uuniliu ion. ,Attest: J. Ti105 . WIIo AT, Secrcl-ye .ss'

ORDSNNACE cllPours antnrsrser lea Cosnpslgnltes i'.t ssu- (,urt•ne a lnle Ipa llr lo (Fondsie to •eserve o1 SanB sna des Etnts-Oel-nfc•sres d' lnerlsq t. mNons, le peuopIe e l'Etat de la Louisiane, assetn- 2

ble ern Colve•sion, s!alarona et orddnons, eCt ii l8Isdeelsar ct ordoeoo pr Is prdotente, Qse les di- averses compagnies d'assoranco Oeaiatenant leca- wpoores dans cot Etat pecvent pincer oleer fodsde reserve en bons des Etato-t'onLfrdrist-- d'.Amo-rie- stsqoo, oel otre deos astres garanties d,:j spilici teedans loeur charoes respectives.

Adoetelo en Coevention, en Is ville de tt Nles otveelc-)srl oans, ce vingt-sixi-seC jourde mcrsde Iran oh,de notre Seigslesr mil huit cenat soixa-te-et-an. out

Prees.esnt de ess l easnnln. bt'srtif, :,T 1'110'T . WIIEAT, Seer,: sithe. m 10t

[Nxo. 37. ... . .•AN ORDINANCERelative to the Paymenlt of the Census Tak-

era.lie, the People of the Slnlate of Loi;sia•c, iln Con-

celioan nasenibled, do declare al ordrlin :ArrtIcLEr 1. That A. J. Grivot, State I)epositaryat New Orleans, be required to pay over lto thile

iands of tie Treasurer ot tile State the balancereanmiling to the credit of the public revenue ac-count on 31st January, t18l, after payment ofamounts ordered by ordinance No. 10, and subse.quent ordinances, or resulutions passed by theStale Conuvention; and also ally anmont whicl ltayhereafter be received by hiin from Fi. it. llateh,Coatletor othlle Port of New Orleans, or any otrerdisbursing ofer of the customs, who n ay havebtalances in his hands and who nmay return thesarnme to tihe State Depositary: the said amounts trbe disbursed by the State Treasurer in the an.-ner prescribed by the following article.

Adrr. 2. That the Auditor of Public Accounts berequired to ascertain the amonnt due tile severalCensus Takers, and to such other offier.; coruect-ed with the taking of the census ir this State ,andshould the amount ascertained as due rnot exceedtile amouat received by tile State under article itatof this ordinance tile said Auditor orf rPublic Ac-aounts shall issue his warrant on the State Trea-surer in favor of the parties entitled to pay bautshould the amount due exceed the amount receivedas aforesaid, then the Auditor shall issue his war-rant in favor of the claimants each for a pro rataamount and no more.

Adopted In Convention, in the city of New Or-leans, tins twenty-sixth day of IMarch, ir the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

Prsdrnt oat rho CIarlaiintO.Atteat: J. TIIO,. WtIEAT. Seclctary.

OIRDONNANCIERclalive an paletnent de* personnes char-

gree de faire it Rerensearent.N'ou, e perrple de I'Eal de la Lolrisiane, osselnr-

bie en Ctaonveion, ddelarons et ordonnons, Ar-TrsLe 1. Qae A. J. GOirot, dtpositaire de i'Etat hts Nouvelle-Orldans, eat requis de verser entre leomains do Trnsorier do 1'Etat In balance restantean credit da conrpte dui revenu public, au 31Sjanvier 1861, aprhs avoir soldi tons lea comptasordonnasnp.par l'ordonnance No 10 ct lsea ordor-nannees -C• tlotin subsdquentes adopties parla Con db 'Etat, niasi qrle tnutcs letsommens atq ' n'il reaevra b l'avenir da F.$ S. i lntear de Ils:Douane de Ia Nou.

" e_ s tout na•re agent eomptablo55 p atr5 rr des balances entre see mainsadd .leemaeln do dit dlpositaire,

- 'e ItEtat deoit manibrhpreserIteS Q• sle.g B'Anditenr des Comptes Publics eat

-e 'uoeasorer du mo etanpal ret e do sexpersonnee obargess de farre Is reeense-aneiteIt itnato antree oRaoers employes & faire Is

ear recensebntatdans l'Etat; t ile montant dl n'ex-ty. cbde pad cel[! qua :l'tat aura :requ en vertu de

Partiole premier de oette erdonnaaoe, le dit Audi-teur des Comptes Publics dmettra eon mandat aurleTresorier de Etat en faveur des pers0nnes quiy anrontdrolt; mais si le Imon tnt do. excde lemontant rean, ainsi qo'il est prescrit ci-dessus, alom.- 'Audite-r dmettra son mandant en faveur desies ayants-droit, haceun pour ine somme an proratade c qni lui cat dol et pas plus,.

n- Adoptls e Conon ntio la vile de la Neu-

Bi vellc-Orltr, lne vint-sie Peome jour de mStars anell de nbtre Seigneur mil huit cent soixante-et~un.

t SiLot. 1 ra r aoen N , t 00 lhe 2te

t day of Jny A. D. , and etOUTO rPtate of at the tie of the ne ofon- C' rfitlu : J. TnO., WHEAT, tcrrrlaire. 129 tt

en [No. 3S.]AN ORDINANC(Ey:

e theo Reprintce oftn Orion eand theand toive Amhendoters hreretoore atopted.or .Be it otaine by the Peoplu, of tihe Statle of

ot. Louisiana, in Conenltio aessr mbled,hst. Thatordinanee o.i, adopted on the o29th

t day of annonry, A. . day, and entitled " an or-

)rdiance relative to federal lawr s and olficers i theState of Louisiaea at tile timte of tee passage of

es trte Ndi Oncea of Secession ," be and theaeb irc.hereby repealed.

ao- 2d.IBe it further ordained, That ordinance No.

Oil 6, adopted on tile same day, and entitled " an or-dinance relative to thie revenues collected at tilepes port of Nos Orleans," be and tile same is Ihrubyest repealed.

.a- 3'1. Ble it fhdlher ordaioed, That ordinance No. 7,tle amending article ninety of the State Constitution,

adopted on the same day, and entitled " an orli-s lance to alter the Constitution of the State ofI.Louisiana in reference to tie oath of ofimce" he ol

r, amended that said article ninety shall rend as fol-

lows, to-wit:es tmembers of the General Assembly, end at effi

de carsa befone they enter upon the duties of theirn, offices, hasil tate te following oath or atfirmetinn:

SI do solemnly swear (or effirm) that I am qouaitiedecot ediog to the Constitution of this State to hold

s tire office to which I have been elected (or appoint-i- ed), and that I will to the best ot y ability, di.

as charge the duties therreof anid lpport, protect anda- defenrd the oti ontitu ion of tire State and of theea Confederate Statee. So ihelp me God.

e r 4th. e it flrthercordained, That the first sectionor of ordinance No. 9, repealing artcle thirty-four of t

the State ('onstitution, adopted oe the tot day ofFebruary, A. D. sli,an rd oentitled

" u ordinance

o n- to a rmend the Constitltion of the State of .ouisi-

rn ann,' he and tie sarle is herehv riepeatedn c, narsnid article 'ohll he so amended as to read as fol-lows, to-wit:

In tihe year in whichl a regtnlar election for aSenator, or Senators of thle (onfedlerate States isto take lace, the riamber of thre oleneral Assen-ply shalt meet in the Halla of the IIouse of Re1prc-Suentatives, on tire iondray following tile meeting iof tie Legislalue, ondi proceed to said election.Provided, that this section shall not apt y to tile rfirst election under the Constithtion of the Coifed- ni- crate States.

e, 5th. Be it f'rther ordained, That tire third ec-

iy tion of said ordinance, which repeals article 39 of

d, the State Constitution, he and the same is hereby sis repealed, and that said article 39 be so aertded

as to read as follows, to-wit: No member of itCon-rr- gress, or person iolding any office under the Con-ir federate States, or any foreigl power. shall ah eoi-

n- gible to the ofice e of Governar or Lieutenant-Gov- perror. .

6th. Be it frurlhrer ordained, That the fourthl sec-tion of said orditance, whicht arendsa article 4i ofthe State Cotstiittion, be so amended that said ar.tice 4d shal read as follows, to-wit: fte shall bea Commander-in-Chief of the Armny and Navy of thisState, and of tie Militia thereof, except when cal- ied into the service of the Confederate States.

7th. Be it lirrlther ordainerl. That ordinance No. ait 10, adopted on the 2d day of February, A. D. 1i6l, I

and entitled "

an ordinantice athorizing the pay-ment of certain dreaftR drawn on the late sub TLres- itiry of tile United States at New Orleans," ba andthe same is hereby repealed. iSth. Be it frrther orrainerl, That ordirnance No. 13, Ir

adopted on toie 7tl dayt of February, A. D., o1.and entitled, "an ordinance concerning citlzen-ship," be and tile santo is helreby repeaed ; pro-vided triat this ordinance shall not bhe o coh trned lias to impair the rights of these wrlo were citiz-ernoof this taS:rte it tile date of tihe nadorltion of the Or- cdinance of Siece•sion, to-wit, the 2oth day of Jan-uary, A. D., 1R(;1. la

n9tl. ABe it flrther ordained, That ordinance Nso.14, adopted on thie Sth day of February, A. I., on1l61, and entitled " alu ordinanco colrcerrllg th tif'ireuit and District ourits estahblished in lthe tate iof Louiana by the late Gtvernment of tile UnitedStiles,'" be anti the n i Itereby reperald, enx-cept tire ti section thereof, whiicr shaill rera:inurin full

ti force :ird litct, and tile 5tl secltion thereof,

which shallr re airju force until superseded by theConfederate Congress.

10th. Be it farlher ordained, Thlat tile first sec-tion of ordinance No. Ifi adopted on tile llth layof FIebruary, A. I)., tnil, and entitled, " au orl. trnance to alter certain articles of tile Constitution,"which ame nds article 10th of tie Slate Constitu-tion, bo so amended that said article No. 10 shalli read as follows, to-wit: Elvery free white maletiwho has attained tile age of twenty-one years, andwho has been a resident of tile State twelvemonths next preecding the election, and the last rixmontlhs thereof in thie parish in IwhichI he olffrs tonot, and who shall be a citizen of the Confederatei IStates, shall rave thle right of voting, Iit no voter oon removing from one pNrish to another witin the ItState. shall lose tie right of voting in the former, Itontil he shall lave aerlcquired it it tihe latter. Elect- dors shall in all cases, excrpt treason, felony, orobreacih of tihe ptree, be privileged from arrest du- c.ring their attendance at, going to. or r'etarl'ngfrom elections.

Ilth. Ce it fiurlher ordained, That tihe title of ororditance No. 17. adopted on the tillt day of erll- .roary, A. D., .861, and entitled, "an ordinaoce itproviding for the adoption of a national Itiaor t Drtie State of Loisianal, hie amernded by stritkir i aout the wrord " national " from satd title, so that itshall rear as followsrr, to-wit: anl ordinance lrovi-i,ding for the adoption of a flag for the State ofLonl.ianna.

12th. le it frltih o ordraindcr, That thleitrild seoe- ietioe of said ordianrce, No. 17, be so a lendted ao to 'read as follows, to-wit: That tile said ln. irind no IothIer shI!ll h tile flagrof tie State of Louiiana.i.

13 h lie it !u;lhter ordinred, Tirhat ordinace X).19, adopted o ri tilhe litl day of Februtary A. .,18t1. and entitled. " an ordinance ocr c ner i t lcrirrires and rigouce uinder tile rlea of tlie ]t-oGoverntett ol tile L'United States," be ari tilesame i hereby reipealed.

tlilt. -Be i j'•el/erordained, Tciat ordirnnc e No. to20, adopted oni tile 12thi day of Ficbrm. v. t .,156i, entitledl. " Ileoaltitons to ptay certali elim

gainhst thie New uot-mrrrtrhoir e irSd other prlic triworks,h be and flte same is hereby repealed.h .

tltlh. Ite it iertheer-rdtinrl, That this ori i ance Ntshall not be so aoratirutd to to allact ail-ly fflulll- Itee of intdemnity t any of tile ifficls of thIl lirte .Govermnonrn o thi, Uniteid Statesr centaintril in any aiof tile orrldirnrirrcei hrci Irorrt rted or rla e d, it re itoshall it bre so consrlned asr to ar ct asy ha)ur d oxI - lecutle by any of sridl ,tlliel'o in frravtr of tile (,tv- a.ornment of thl( Siler , bit aid gttnarantes ar d snid-idbomtri holl be attll n r:ailnr in tall forte. Illa

le h le it fiirher or-drind,l That all Iailaneerrs riiin tie hIands of tilh State lpositary that nlar v re- gr;rinlt alter sati-lying tile ciaims ordeired to be laidotiar ordirnances or reeolutioins nr t herein retrel ricd, shiall be tforthwith paid by him iotto tire rinnStatel Trenrsry.

Adolr,.ted in Conent.on, at tihe cit- of sew Or- I)earns. tihe twenly sixth - day of arycl , in thlre yearc I.,

of our Lord one thousand eight Ihundredt ari sixny- icr

A ATo A MOt) '0

atF I'r;oN ,l n• of tl: ' Ic lr-? ::c'lr.

3 Pooralr-ogero -.. aines , Ordol nees ertpour1ll e ll ltleoLer dl'o tres toopicts t;llloiocl/.coe-

e cane, atw'emble en Concven ion : 8ETItc'rN" 1. Q,10

l'ortonan po)ot'tanlt le No. 5 adopt/, Io 2 JimonolerA. D. 0/;I, ilntit tle "'Ordouance relative aix hliofodoooale, et alx ollioieors Iodl',lux quoi nse trouvailtdalom l'Etat do a [.oili'iaer. blots de l'ddoplltioll dol'ordoldllllc de siosion" p' t et dcmelllc e abltrotVe.

F;co. 2. 11 Nsi ( ht p rd Onn10e , Qnle l'ordorlllnnan/ipoctant lI No. t adopt/e le lnllO joo et ittitolloeS"Ordonnaneo relative a 0x eveol collctoie doluns leport de la Nouvelle-Orldas"o eot ct delmeure par lapr6-erde tdbrogSBe.

br(. 3. fl •tl de plus ordonno , Quc l'ordolnancoportant le No. 7, amendant l'article ouat'oe-viu-t-dix de to Cunsuitution do FiEtat, adoptde le mooemjour, et intitulde "Ordonnance pour changer inConstitution de l'Ettat deo In L.ouisiae relaivemoentall serment d'oflice" est anmendde de manilre hit ccque 'urtlicle quatre-vingt-dix soit ainsi congo, snavoir :

Leo membres de t'assemotlde gdntrale et toos letofioielou avant doentorer dons l'exorcice dotleursfonctions prdteront le serment on l'ffiaraotion qluisuit: "Je juoe solonnellement (on oafinue) que col.fom6doent ih nla Constitotion de ect Etot, je sooisinabile h remoplir at placet h laquetlle j'ai 00,5 lot (100notmmat) et quoe jc rcoplirai do mton oieux tle do-voirs et ooutichndai, prot/gorai et d/fedrati Ilo Con.otitmotion do cet Etat et ellet de• Etato-Uondiddres.Qooc )ioeu me soit eo aide."'SEto. 4. 11 esl de plto ordotnod, Que la promiirea V.iot de l'ordonnauce po'tant le, atorogeanot'artiole trente-quatre ote la Con,tituti'oto de I'Ettt,o dopt/e to le jour do fevrier A. 1). lt61, et iutitoo-lte "Ordonnance poor amender la Conastitotoon deI'Etat de la Looisiane" cot et deleure, pcar ta poo-oente, abrogde, et qoe le tit urticle t ccte-quq tleOst aooend/ de ollallisro it mtre aooooi Oicou, usavoir:Dnos aInome oti une o leetioo r•galiiore d'uo S6doa.teur ou dos Sdnateor noa Coogrbs des Etats.Confd.ddros dolt aooir li30, leg membres do nassembldegdlob.e se roduniront dans Is stlle des sdatces de IsClomboe does Reprsentonta;le lundi qul surivr laIrdooioa de Inl Ldglalture, et proodderont &. Is diteEleclion : Bien entendu, que eettlo section no s'ap.pliqoaera ps a Is premibre dteotlon qui sra tenue enver I de la Constitutiondes Etats-Coa•dddrd.

Seo. 5. 1 eat do plus oerdonne, Que In troisibmesection de o die .ordonn.nce. qui abroge 'Particletrente-aeuf de it Constitution do I'Etat, est et de-meure par Is pr4aete, amendde, et quo l dAt or-

x- tide trente-nenf est amendldeo manuire A tre attealse conqu, savoir: Aucen membro du Congrbs, ni au.

II- cune personne occupant tine place sous le gouverne-cr ment des Etata.Confdddrs o sellous aucun pouvoiti ranger, ne sera dl6gible A la place de gonverneur

le on lieutenant-gooverneur.r S•Ce. li. II est de plus ordonne, Qaue I qnatrlbmees section doe l dite ordonnaneo qui amend l'artIclo

La qaaronte-six de Ia Constitotion doe l'tat cst ot de-meure amendio de.manibre qe Icle dit article qua-a- rante-six soil conot sinsi qa'il slit: I scrnt eom-

n atondant en chef do liarnlome t des ftrceTe navales

de lEtat, sinso que do Ina tnlice oxceptd losqlue loesera appelpe ano se nice des Etats-Conff drtos,

SAcr. 7. 11 est de ples ordolote, Qtn l'ordonnance-porlant le No. 10 adopte le tote jour dle f0vrier A.1).116r1, ot intitl8o, "Ordcotnntcate otoinatt Ico ie-oent de cotails maodat s toil'n t sicn Ia .otls-tial oreried do ci-devaot Fouvercmocnt dcs IEtats-Uoios it to Neto'otle-orlcans

0, cote t tdnemtore abrogcc.

S Sti:c. . 1/! l de pes ordnloneo, Qe or' 1donnanee

portantDl l No. 13, ado tee o 7iton jour do e fl o ier

A. 1). 1I61, ct intitulioe "('donanancc cocllcclrnt Ies

rdrits des eit oyeus" est et rileln es Ii. r ]a prI dlnte,doa roge : Bio/n etntendu, tiU e ett orndoauane le,

f sera pus iltecrlllfcfu de ionallo/lc i't ditnlinotc ets droits do rcux tuIli 'taicnt citycoo do e rct t ltat otrs

de l'odoptit t de t'ooota ia.t'ce ,/s otcei.ont, ocavuir:to 26/me jour de.t,meier A. 1). lsIt l.

S0c. 13. I es de ph/s ordonnet. Qooe t'ordontt l'eentortant oe No. t, a.cptooo to .t jour dc ftIvrierA A. 1). tlI, et intitahC/ "t'dtlunlloco oonceraollot t Ics

ouctrI de circuit et dittlict italtltes daris 'ltIlt/tde lao loisit/ e par lo/ cidernot gouveoreo cnt desoftotcs-Uni/" c.t et dcnecre ro/otae, ex'eptctt la sixt/-

imes d ection de la dite adonn-n se qilll l-saert ielf lfrce, eL cc intiinlo section Icoste a ll otlcee iton-Sq'A cc quE le Congrs des Etats-onufi oode ro nonordonne aictrelment.S.c. 10. I ecl de pri/ ordonne, Qc o e I p0ccnce

section de l'cdotnaioco No. I, adotteIdc to llloujr ou do fic-rier A. ). tsI;l, ot intitultt "OlrdintoareIoore l antgr certains articles de Ia Consctitotion"Squi aomends l'rliole di do e moat Con tituotioo dotoI E ctat. t amentic o die ibr ir dle le dtd alrtcledixi'cnle :ott con/tu anost qo'il snit, awvoir : Tott io.dividrt latte et /lante rni ao'ta atteint I':loe ote \- int-et-Oun ano et ui ttrellnt trttit d dants I'l:tat Iendant tordobnzo nois qui utnnont ,re b;dt'a lCtnention, et alenpaidalet trhcoiet six toleos de cts doelz ilois ti oll I pa,-f toen ds t:tde/atsa-C'f'idtr. ;ura b t dIot de \otel/r,

tcor cce'cctc to o xecuted by A. J. irot a r.

Del o-itO ll o Io dt illli t, tie LperdOia sao rile SlI': d otot s la p elli e, edr lL tale ll 'i l a lra

ipourrent jfanlm a u It," sea de trahuiolni de 'rif o eheeof a d.iopten " h ie .iaond .the'ils se l'hdeet au

`So'. 11. 11 cl f o/ca ph/ ct oor, Q0,• /o titre del'ocrl/occtlln' titrtont/ir No 17. adtptd e t/c lh/ e jolr

Io|,tlllVtril AI I'adll pties d'lnl dc a r•e tlll i n t: llin pour/ Otat ol/c a . o. I -t out, '0 t / ltllt / ie er ll' ' ILdo to

mot " acti/onal t d/c titre, deo cLabiCre / u .O titre

doption d'l/ I d. apo.L' ioto ll/ 'tat de It t /LoN.o iton."Oc:r'. 12 1/ est de phto ordonle, Qoe /a ttoaioit-me

sectionll dot Ntl i. ote d!l/U tllee pIortant tr No 17. etcamcod"e do nmnire re aido ooi conl o : dtoe o cdit

tdraleas eto austtc autr0 sortoe draleau dto/t ' tatt o de

l;t Lolisialne.S.o1 103.,1 t/ tio/te pills o( onnollooo, Q/e 1'ronane

toromt to tNo 19, a0/optoo le Unlo .jar de f0ivriert

rA. 1). 1 ,g1 et intitul0 " /ttont)lrdotoale e0 ernt l/ s

climes .et l thit, sono le rhim, des oin tili t ci dev-ant

0ortant les No 2, adopt': c to12o jtour d/ flvrierA. l), 1 'cr1, itul 0 to.' toh, lottc ion t tou' op yer otr.Tailels cl,]nlAci /ons cntroe o'a no o'velle ':ret taute co travax publics," tot et denleuro abcrc•goe par

co pro oente.

nanc l une poullrra p1I1 rarl e i ter' r t ](. It, nammi

al-eter :irae, cO an oh',t0i ouo icoleanito ell ac'er

]'a .nn l de; nilicin er do ri d/ o ' n g.u c lcne lot . s

1,'tats-V i . n tiOlnleS dltl le, ordonlance, aloi

.... I.r :t-ehic 't.. inletpbe r lll/,ole 'I, ln a tllr :;d ,.,

Sterloerlt e ll foort o t ce. 0c ct//:o. t, fl tooroo,, i'oas 0r0onne. Q'ie ./1'to/o N 's bn-

baw-,-s sl ti 'c.t.,r,,tl mate Ic• n.1is o \ i :[o- taire tl,+1".nna l, I , n cll'i[ rll ild'ortd lw, i le s tnliti in4 as [.-

ti,,ho urn >,tla r,{,;es 11.11r I,, prn ,l'. cotte , scf \'tarcs

Or,0an , teo vin0-•-ii/ j r d 0ars d0 T',-ultentli Se i g T•IeurmIE ~l bait scnu, eitll u• et.lll .

000001. B i loo ll l by i/ re P,l to/• l ,l•o/ao./ /f .. ooIl.soror vr. 'ootc-' '''0,,'a.0 00001, 0,0

warat. on occoot or oth loc/Ro -oonocec' .toof lPoth tollte ','Dpar/tmettto O,lits'l ipay t f whih o s tbe/0a0oot eloo d root holtn// Coohrentyon hr/lloe/ tdthe oyt/ drt Dpoitartey t too tler 1th p o Ahtoi-

of the C'nederate tates, to be disposed of asConcgres may direct.SeC . 2. /e it f0t0'/ r 000 ,l0i0e/ t . 'T'hat the o / ,,vt

ertor of o ti o tote be ano l t it hlo reby aothoizc dto cancel the boftd exe/uoted L A..1. (ioirot ItTreasurer of the Minto at New Orleans anl S.eatoo ,,soon)00 a0' a!.c oocouots , 0 0 rendered to the 0/ atoand a/djusted.

0/0e.:1. 0 ie it f,00 t rl,' r ora/to i ,l, That suction

to repeal certain oroiotoacl~e. arn to a ond ott o/t

Adoptet 1 i/ / ('onv'otioo0, at rhe ,:iy of Nro Or-lraot, tooi, trmty--.x/tt daoy s0/ t•otrh, io the ear r

(Oli)itlX V'.('ES<'n cr l rn:,1' DeII* o"+i t ireu Ill PNtut R Ill

C- inoN i-l 1I. 11 ! ordonn , r a 1 I/ft

Nouvlle-o )rlstns est -tra A ,' x ] tj -2S ont l

dl: L-i-d'I':on' i,1", pi ni le I Iipi ( 1sc .•rt ll

',o01ples la,[ era tun le~i nau , t n T l e j,1 -l,:. d,'"- 'a

lSEC. i,. ti I l ,,ii plc, ohralo, 1 le iiorIna iiiisot fiii c 0 ,ii(1 i> i;i'5,1511 ('dn i I lhis p, ine

incur mciii ~ ci t'i p . cis r utes I i utile pu ienll I int ir It ilp, l1) li u ,i t I p'1 vti i,w ill, t c;iy'. " tr Is Il lit D, l acR n-, i',ll q I .ooil

avrllr hcit dni i0tm 'oi te-l -1-, cite .int s h iI,0 li - ilit, e ities ot c(ille !ate ontS pot," r es a i orlit (t Tl,-rier dIi Etat -'di -l

I tI i cci ' i r c iecccl ci' 'o nt"

,i ieric 111 ilon snii li ar lpoc icilc niSiEC.o . lcr Ire r lcs,'.. ordouIn, Que le (iciove-pouAr ii l'cia t est nr c is r:les atli• tcutler Isht l

ln l eto)ni p rIt ..l-r ... (;siot ('ohm a

)l.- .Osiail e do I'Flt enll favour de mI''rt i 1 la

p Aour r Ia rlr i Lrdon ciLi et i naotealnoicner dauAr(s ilrdoticin mcea lja adoptes,"

Spalt ar ng prr.ent pared rAnhout it. II en allays reind onpto tile slicing oiot.

dnhere i no lcogr a noit for li i centoaira, spllnlerd 7.rr dlodolsandroeradle. It i t tl

Ti I ad:.e propti Won T i -. c.ld.. ei chemi clli

{;ld'in olutito,'ndipon inal/l thEvaluabl nDlinearf thh

9ePt embiieiOanker'N glue. I E aOy LE rUed in thilpis of oril{



N. .- A ru Save t boe P lee lrieent.

htlON oeMeYI DIPATre Nwa-A Sttch In Tie ve Nino.aO .0New YoI .

h• aelidsnt l will happen, oven In woll-reglrated families, it i,

OIter lfrabo n to haveosnam eh pontinilonolht,antw for reI

oeaingeautifolture, Toy, Crokery, etrd

SpallngPALDIS Prepared GuNold by aIl iimbaiat Sooalonel, Doaooata,oiloRocdyed

eCoi mech eergene aold maend ao household can ord to 'RPBhoutit. It1 is lways readyond ptio toe eirking soint,

ahere in noilongar an oeasly for limpiegichair., splinterdvao.noera, headloidolna, andbrokencradles. It i• ! bittb articlefor cone, shea, ed oter ornaental work, no poplar thl -Wle9 d of rennent and taste. , ni

Thi, adnlh•ie prloparation is used cold. eg Chemically101d i ,ol ltchn, ind pocsolg all the oOl cide .un lio'es f the

,st cl•blhut-iaoer's glea. It l:ay h.i ruld cc inah-pices of ornl-oary mueilage baing aasi. moreandhcsvs.

'M"7OEiFUL IN EVERY HOUEn.,,N. i.-A-ioh aecnp.ioes eachbottle Parice,,25cente

Wholeslon Dipot, No. 40 Cedar streot. New York.Address HENRY C. SPALDINOI a CO.,

Box No. Ig00, Now York.

Pot op for Dealers n Caseacont.ainogfonr, elght,,andtwldtoae--a heautifulLlthogrnph Show-Card aooompipylongaoek


aold by all praotloni Sttioners, Drugglatl,Hardworeldd

Country mebchants should make a note of SPALDING'BPREPARED GLU,Uwhen makinguptheirlit, Itwill sh•dmy cltmat. laol 1y7W

G. FLEM•ING, OAS FITTER AND DEALIR INwat Gas Fioture males Haool' oRlow. 1 Magadne okatr,.oenttioted to htim,Dweloo,.So..ogntdOpeaon.I,,y>lAiI orders ort. in Boo N. It4, NeoIanine' lNobo ge

will ;Iim y ottandadkw. a



IcSPhilippe fillntln and Francols Colonies.,


-, Thlis pnpu, e21 taMh12 hme2nt ho,21 higen Ihorllgllly rre )rad

S 1oaId Ireltly en1nrge, II n n Iw open for rho 1 ee-2ooh11dim o' per.

•4bl1 viy iilfE tiy Itkel, a11- reln y opon s t :ng ayvcry

Slr i P S Oy of t 1le 0aon Ih0e0 A ImTR I ine I At I or R. o A

un ,],4le sand trh'elt ept f• 1wiH (Ihd at thin one, ment

chnmllaer U trely swenarr , wlhero they ,rill bo serrvel ill a ntyly

Iot to be su,", 01,1e f2 r 21 emfr2 or 2 . lol('. d llt, 111! of r9o

e , Allmya II p t,! fi. Ithe l2Ie 1ltIill 11, 1o2ard ers w F'21 t. l ylO

hm~ll ~lo y~q xs • dlole Ihe xr mtnr.

.M I ilitary and Irll ,ld e wL I be HmdsheI with eI' t ans

orl 4 n11ers L tt Iho icOrl r, byoeie b le -ll, l 1 ol 1'.lra dlrerrll t,

1tho proprietorx, xt th rhe o1o11 th1 I ildh 1oa, ml Irho

eitr2 11 to21 , lm


,will hr ot mn ,l ,n S NI) t \Y. N , t r'.h tllr Ii 11-4 u n.lNhei"P n1ner-

t , I PARORCEthRt hvwil-'ppl r *, In 2 "1021 I all mr

1 ,2 h 1 h.\'e ry 2 l2(2.1 ,1. , l. ,,t -ll ,. .112 ,2. l t Bel) n,'e,,lIn

t' il I , h pid t , , rl chf r~:vete lill "n ,. : u fna nl' 1Hu,•r gelel t. aru21111~1.2'Illg '11111211 0.0.PRKR

Pa ouLRlo ~k 1eet Oil,,,,y ret' e-piei

dI i,IIhed to 02,,12 lxlth'1 2 olllotll 1o ,ive en111 0 al2,2 t1l, oTha e<.~~ ~lh• it ln,,,• .. " ,t~c w'th 1'n rhn,',esl Wh,,.a an,l

ChoiL I.afrner ,hnla I oll , he r:,, pa. . Thr cers heat c ook will

'1.Va lnl l Ie. .l2. 111211'1[2y22122"'ll 21111 e 2222 el.. lllll111sill1tt , l111're'y1 112 .1 t f20 1rt1 o

,o9) h ,IUILll. 1 ,2

OUCIE 22 (102 _IIUN'T(SVILLMI U• I &Ltq !,


ThNi* Troue I 2 n 1w opn for 0th, 1rraml1fi2ll o kf I1, pml c

Th re roma are ,h11 Ix, e ,v~*I ., mn~r~le, ;,ld furn-hvd in rho

h .1stle ith nen" non heaitlll Irtrrnltnre wadlt| -. wets. Tile1, W I Rili nm n1ll n 1 I2 I]1111 12 l y IU .3"111+ Inlli s' and (h, nth.rn~ Fnll. n |uh ,r nn h ,u nised ll x s*plen.

dhl xtnd luxuri m ,, ve, ' 1r a A *l u, , I t viltla .Tll' T 'Allx: hlill i n nlc imu. PI NStile l e'veFryILE agoon bons!e axll ot un in min ket canl hill,n •; t,, a i • ,• in my

'llI" l •o Nd i lld 2 1 e 2. I . 0. o 1 1 LF' ' ' it512 e1IIII nhl ltllnl . hr b nle ,tcintl; e u li].trvrdt *' hI 'n tl1rI, , 21

.The II.\R i, f Inln,lh' w:ith ol4 and c.'elrt ',Mor. xnd"'.lnr, cm

p ,

all. i t1 oatpolllr b"1ts both .native Indfor ,+ + •row h,.t'.natrcted wh ill s lth1N l•' a k l1 wpr,lr TLT I RT E SA-

TLr)oN c, rmttlnlg tlu-e rv I a e, 1 , llrding -ilx t xndher r hy rn 'enitHu fur nx hLi•Ure boo.

"vyr llnff Ii m e [ onwr r b nll ho d eor to mxkU ll l-ta of

th" Ihi 20e ',om' rNhlO.t1, oI o 2 1 J TI N 2.2t2 .111 ,1 'I ll221 ,lllnt .

STAR O0~1'S'I` 9t S


Thr stl,-clirr n'i lsr n'",• 1:, e in non ~lrlic, hlg thatR bhy w[ opw i.\'t'f'1 I ) 1F g 1Y, Iho 91 1 1 vrh

, Ill" 1. -" x mi ,% i o ev ilsi,n vgltt, nn7 St. Jhl[;tr Mre.t* nuph


t"I*he 3['11•' ?i * :%n rk > w cili. .,11l keep nilq: h+,] wrth ,hr b,..t I;,\j t!",+ OVSIT1'EI. andl""' rt "1 null tr sa to m: nli a i; , rl e of pain,! r"lli1, r,.nn l li~i~llrtl(•I~ IlIltll.l~l~ tllhl l Ti ii tll e~lle V I1II( ,r. r,, l iiz

ielt Il C'. COFFLIV,'


Tile nlnhtlon to thlh luit,-l Ie;nl,• reon l d ed wiftsnpl nm, r "t nt'ot~)~ tln~nn I'n" .Itiv rr i~.n, tlyitrlel lurn, "will beopny + .ne I 3]():fl{sy Fr.'etl ~ r r I r l, ple llur o


l I" llrl, l ll 1~I I

ir . I , ;plllllI i t I I thel

tnlclltinl ,of the I'llaipu to o mlalak is wy l'hv ro [tr nnlge oltlrthrlr tvling ;nubiic. It. T. PAR*KER1 9t ,d' Iru JoIIN F. 31 IIS,

•- E D WAUD'S tji;S-


No. l5 Unlon street,Letw.en St. Cltrlel vk n md Lprondely ntlert, New Orleans, La,

The ,publ aind the ['r",n~I. ,f . n" ;i,:rlr• ,•nd are re ,cby no-tflcd thlatthe ilxivy yvtndlisi meuth has ,.n opon slam thy flrstit , rI"f N.,vembe~tr.

Thr h on,~,e is mll ,lino, a nd will rl\r,i l, t,:, and thy l el-tlln i. vvnt, .I oral aC IIrnIIol tto L,:,in,:s* nI lno of tLh ,rantAhlen-ant in the tilt.

0• R+,'",. r f liVatoo ,•r Ifi ,ed f:mnilles mar by he d nt ailtlro; :LI)II familirr v: w llb ii n ,: m ,I n ,, t ?. hn( nodlh.t.'11,:1 t;LI LUNC( 'Fs ni StPPERSgf"r (;qolree+

The ,lllder.i l.l. I Ho-ir ,.,I, h I i ll:rye,,I , inl ih L - rilp R ,chL.:.,il +r fh (i h .In rgt v, h , 1 i lll e d .i xth rl. II kI, elve o rIhoh'•.tner., wh e 'd,y i , r, f]•,t N' , r iN 'l i 'qa ' m'' t0" •f)" I Ob

v'ho n 11 eor I e rtnbm llllm rnl w Il1, rhtlr p+ rr , •re

IIIh2 1 NCIIn 0 S DI A IWS No. N, ,perd No, 1s9 ca. rh:" ~r*It, h15

Ner.-y opp,"ite St. Ch('ler] Theiter,


'il 'ltn l "'i, p r -nlly nninO, Intl hLe1n alt

+, , ',L tr l, U : ,l , r l ; r• -, mi t , c-

[J •i'L,, • i i *. i: 5,t2[ 1 '' ] ': i ,t•.v' • l •T] il, ;. . fl- ; tr l .-; ll;lnli+++1In e ,ii . 1+ R hl [,',lll.l r, ; -/l:.II C II "e lll~l • m t R.t+H •i:.o•] i"


ilnIl h )y r-,1(, , . , 1.

f,,, .,a i ",,`,,• <;.+ ,. .. :, lu., e ,+t h" ; , :. ,,, I ,, w.....

. , tV SnnNI. P nn v.or

t' ".f r' 5A. 1; lll idll iilt of IIuflll.~ryrw x~ollil f lol. n ".l- ra oirr rlmlto1 alllnil. f .

nhr) , Iey " h . ,, r ri :, nn app:

h.~rl ",,ry',r n nnv hn:r ',h"",h ru, i Imu :I', ,

t oe l ,,rid ex m m lu, ;t~ -!,C, l'rcc invmia y bytrAtcn,f I ht.

Strt~~l,.lIto st ,rn~-hr r,"r ,.+ n ranth ,rSf cnga,ll[I;: m ItVl(:1. llcir,:, rrilll i•,: lll •, tvl ,,;, :ionp [ ,i "<," tctht t .r.,, ,., ,, m., .te -,w.. d to .tIh.. h w l :ch tcL !plpied

no.m•:h .3 HRNR~V :T RO Nt.. Pr<,lrietor,

G -- I, IN'.• N0%V l --

./1'rN O 7,i'N Ix I,, pr llnre lA I -

D,-g nt+ I .iy tlqt hr il, *r: +* c rony y rU c". 'u I!. lr r,:+T'•In i n ow l ' rblil n. , .h , 3:' Rryd . tice, ml c ,. '0 trrho

I+a,,]r ;he r u i nns. i .ee the 1111 .ilhs+ dhin,,e OinI grn .-,Dornh.•"]h fr~t l-]]•]~ ',I'lq n~t'• n~re nrov[+]d t' aIll heart fromS,u'cinrk .% | u tfi 12P. M., thy ,lflv+ rl •r tnSn { re m

h*rolet r +tml +t lr htt eln~r, nrti4, l ontr11• lin pr . -iih, nmarlko: mfr l,", ,,,cr rra,hli n rh~r th1,br a,~f it• l'ron 'the m+Llkee 'fihnukin,:lh+~f, ienn fnr th,. I~hrr,l Wr Ie,•,h: r .t] wil Ol ' (qlt]~nr,"d to him 'he. ... ',2' ",o, u•- lrevt1.r n

I, ,", r.v,. -, ,,,,_ .. ,i,>, vr t~ •tvc l ho fulc~t •tx i+,au -ti nn Ill-e who,) m,1y favor rim th

13 tf f+t 4 , I 011 •. iPL N.P 1t)I" i{;A IJ'• It i+." SlA UiT A N ,--

':,+," ",dr~t, rr[

tl'. ~ +r r o f rhr , i .• [k l t~+u %J

/ t' :,.t ]:' nv',t, [ti'.:'n l Ihrir Cris n, 4"1 od h•,+an,!ho, llt) ,ithi.,tllt h-rt ]l,,n-c h ,nd itnR rhr

.,,.- ,, r h • ,,r m,,r,, , In~,,, h . ,",+ h,' n~m.h e .", xto r',• r~~~,ltt h•;I ,l" e till'I nl+ i •1 d i • •n h utl. 1u is

~" '+ , I + s,x n,+, ;,' i ', i. '+ io i+e~ a ly nrr,, _,,",7 -~a deo l m([,di, lM tD Ol irh," m~llrre h trip L•t rn nr •.• *'! '4nt, ,In iv, ,,~mll,, ~ '" , vin 1,*1 . T lo 7'h" -m ,,;t ll thel',lrr-ISIL

"+reo "• he t,. ,t , uinn ,, r , ....l i.dr g. l ' ~ + ~I ed

,:tI +l nn1h Pe ,+-tvi~,u,,1 w.ho+rc, h'"mntkrto ,1l, . -'ved']pi~ thl' wl-k;,,,:v+ "lind .1[ *' II ia,,"

,abl ar [, " r , f0,

;' +I''• " + •, ,t pa i , :I,rL.-1, 'rl f :, , h ; , h:.,,1. ,+f' iw ine arcsIcet,[o,[ 1nc hr +,tl ,i , n ,-""1) (,f ex ,1 ,lC o ,atld mtrmivywa,, ,ra wi ll • i~r tc , t .+ivoru,

t f12' ,+nn st cret.

Mt:;t dor co the Aet 1lmy o!f )1I .e a"d secnt doolr from the

Bar, Oyster 'ah orn, IR t:suranlt,


N D.A Vi TI TT'ciOT,I, . P r-r.

\jrpI'n t Si /'71 c ,7

The. e, nmodWotn, , l+: st -.h lm.n. y;lnrr h.*n thornnnhl- rano-n'Tl, T e- , MPTTr. nTT.T T N -1od TT:• \ I.l;1,\T[•NS i thN tity, the ile,;,b'r trI noa-Or• t his

T .TTh isTTT', o mt T e Tr GTl nTl,) 1 "lo, T TTITT- TT Ay,

ITh' om co ynor sud righ sile es*a'o:li-h fm h ore I: .ri-n de eS i IPA'li'•t(IIi(A.M I 4yL.) , III.I , '41:LY

aNT illtOTdTT il t :I:.

T t'iTl,rOv T.,l 'OT, T r r T• TOa TTtn:e . . w SH ro-i


e,: ,I:: r.,; r, n1 l/i •,,',, I h.dyhA-nr itd aullihlll.r s rin , withl there salrn. .,,f n eo b ,v h A m ,

T h T •S ,r Ti: , fl oTT: T h,,T T. 'If OT, t h Tt. p ions wi ll o T tis-fie svlth e b ateuion ther wiil bo paid to tieir comfort and en-i

NC 1R Cxes Ba 1 An, L f Sa*A4 :oL1 ., ).lTf.,

THT ben coTllTrn-taTl o Sonplr a L7i, T. TanTOT oftTbT t•t!es fN Tw Ol!T el:T. i'CrTl t TT O Io Ot s;mii: O t1, r hrso:sd e Tf oia(Ro the p brAinN inph privW•" t 'adh n1f holIssnl Northern wtterkn, 'cylom-. can ind in e Tin.rmn, in a quiet,

he;tThv home, whTh all thu TOlTT ortT ofT T r.t-ThO InT T.Pl'zr frl'Mo llfl n*lt',r genoii bathing:, highi I tiittldo,o nd n pie-

t:lr.rutllr , eO,;::rv, with banull'ul drves, ira amnong tho advnn

Thi .Teoio Tell he roeachTe in lTTT thTTn ;oor and T half honre:p the h'eNw ill:•lll .I:rk-on anod (4re-t X, othorn R lilroad, and

ardon* doing bn.:,m.++ in::he P ity can i,,lo aftr buo oI'•B hoors-t t.n ht, and rTOlT belfro ttlotnr • tli next dov.moll if OEP). it. (T . 1 RhT, Proprlioor.


Ct pit al 1, 371,7D'0 3.'3100R OAII.LARD.Preoidaut...A.SCORISBER,S&.nuy,

Oeo. W. West, R.P. Hunt,Jamas A. White, I. Mn3on,Dougla sWai. Martin Oardon, Jr.,D. JOmlOonT, Numa AngoItln,Ar. Miltenherges, OIvia.,,J. Loiay, A. Bohn,

Omer TlSaillGrd.-

TheCompanytnTuropansTal thNeprlloNf thelele and rIser,andIonaanddamnge byfireattheurrentrate f remtnm.

piRESEOVES-ul caesa Trnmd Pict. anot by . D. TRATIAA & CO.,

C HAnIPAGNE-IIT) bko.LT ID f r .t T, I ta anld T int.110 .. (ordo Vert...T1O .. DehLTny, quarter bottles.20 cases Vooenop, uartn.

For sle by 8 . i.OAT AA A& CO.,tll 'fl r`n,nmhn,,, street.

S HERRY WIyNE-I'OPquarvers aNTd oetsTTs ordinaryoand H0e old Sherny, IaCo snd E.cheopar. for Rol by

8. D. GRtATIAA & , O.mt8 No. 9 t•,T .tomlmaTeTt.

pUNCH--IT bowse Bar,1 Aprro, fr S. ool., S. WOLFF,

fa eorner R4-1-er and New I:-stl.

PORT WINE-SO--- arter pipes panh Post Wine,from the house of L•O•-v R eeeopar, of Cadih, in fbondand in store, for alo by

8. D. GRATIAA CO.,m18 n. 59 Cnntomhouse Id. '

CHAIPAGNE -90 cNses Meot & 'haIndon's Vin .Tla.Isfor sWleby N. WOLFF. "

al eorner arooier aniNe 1•s•• 77




220RU882 T 0 1A ONIN are nowprepared to supply 2.620,orComer. with the following--

Planter,' Goode.020 Olo o22 A 00ltman PLOWS, 0 ll6s8.11

st 2W 20ll & pOp, Improved Pacook PLOWS.000 Valley PILOWS, R 0,oored, N10. I and 2.4(0 ollO PLOWS,00, .o.,led, Nov. 1,21. ad 3.1000 Carey or King PLOWS, short and Kxtgnded bare, Nos,

1, 2,od3..y 200 MaOgIoli COTTON 0WE2IPH, 1, 2 a013.

W caksk1s 2AC1 CHAINS. twisotd.he 2 "" "" " 1141 link.,

0 1 0 , 7 fo hooks.00 Cast Olol OVAl, 1YE F.10 2S,60.Nog 1, 2,3.

2..0.. C1A O1INA 1101H1, oil .u1 bers.25 Fialf Bightb10 .. OX CIAINS, oaacd,o,0 80o11 fet.

1'- lso on hand--1,orsond ,D 0 Collar., I2.-,, ,0 A10, 2'o .H.,, Cart 0,0ddl00

1li0l 1,2 o1,,11,, 0t,00,, Ptn,, Line Rope, a0,d , 0enEral o1ort-0000t of f'inhttiro I0n,,Jl60,lx, whic0 w0ll be sold at lowpikes, by

IIOUSSI:T & OPT.YIN,Hanrdware Rimers,.

E3 Canal stlreet, nealr Cha~rtres street.'1 N. R.-Orders f~om Commimalorr lvllaa solicited Dots prompt-

ly vrrrllad. lr10,11.1111MI U2602222a ,RA . 222..2010 2..

BOTIK SEYM6O0JI~ A--- ucconsore te-

SIlEWSTER A 2ACHARIS,55 Front Leve, and 16 Fallen Honestppoelte W, A VIolett's,

'" I~olwtw Paydrna and Oralar-treat;0ao~lrr N,,.2.,o,,, 12.0,,,, 0n T0122 22,0 TIN WARE...Wh,0,2,otu is Retail 1COPPER, TIN and 10221T 0001NWe Dnopt re 0.0 0folly 2ll th , attention of commisson andcunutry merrhituts, hoaaekaelara and hotel proyrletorg, loamrlarge nits well ail-nrtd stock of /looking, Parlor, Oftico andY wHtllif ttav,,, comprtainq

almost every kind inl exlbsl suYaxteculrsfeiOaurT~aWtaT8 datrand a:ll kinds of li'are suitabl far Conking and Domestic pnr-peosA1 of whicah will be sold at lower prices than say houseIn Cho city.

2 00.oo00.,u21heo,0oo,.,,.020.00., P211,,i O-,e0 0, 0hleb 2e .22,0,Ooo110,,0aro2,,,


00,,, 0

Coal Oily I Coal On IIn quantille0 ,o suit pyrorohaer..20,*,orok. o, ,0Un,

V1Ooii0a, Po,,22,o and COrbon 010,.-00Inot pr re'.t by the barrel , r gallon,

0,2rc, .oL,,,,,o1,, of 2.n:...p, 0200b,., 2202,20,, Wcks., an,t c rtIi llar a/lllllbll ate ) i re tit'c


to w.-II to nOlalnd 2x0m0ne, 2.20 lyLUTHER HOMES102, OUN2DR1Y ANDOO.p A.901N1T01, WORKS, Corner of 1 0nton sa1R 0,hr,.one oo,,,,, OI,2,n. 2. 106 St. Charles str.1,(Tovo 0,do,., 00, 00,0 S0. Chnrl00011,Tr,)Mn.,,aloo,,,of ,9, intent nrd 2002t approbod Pa,0e.s of 21ll000. Ver.,.

WO100 DouroC Sh222006 Va60100, Brdges Str 101061001222. Zatilhl, tonr Fronts, fat illln pa all kinds of CAST AND1WROUMITll IRON WOI;)K for Bidn ,rnY00 102.llln0,, Casotings Oord il2x"2S22'-Wfigitr an snHit0s.o2r ,nl2 at the Old Sand. 1056t. Charles 0Ireet, NeoOrlean., O'51y0,2. N010. 102 1.1TO 002o1, ,02.D No.2O.OTON .3 BALDWINNo. 21 10,., L oo,, 2.002,0No. 10 Canal st reet, No. l1Co'antetu

N. Newr Levee street,Copper, Tb. and Shoet IronImess Fonodo, and Flnirhrrsrrr . ad konotectnren of Buamnmains, C22 ri202006 and RrO10rnoioo, 10 P 00,2.6 Fflars, J 20e ,ane.Chimneysn and 1freaching, Ytauuboa1 ed Pieofrtlen Black.s o~lhiug,


D2,2222Y A20D2.O~ tIIIPPl0nt2.0, Mohonts0 o .it, 1,22mb2 w2oe12201,221d it to their ad.ventage to give me a c bfor, p0rc.1020g or 22010,22106, also.where lylly


-- Xsmrthchirers of-0OPP1R, TIN AND 16121ET IR0N WOR0

In all its ",,lobs, Ilan also oil.00nd a 1,2 ge asortment oft'ookir LH;14, adl liar-room f011.11 and areprepared to 01.2, iu tho oboe1, line 20 Cthlo y Co, 20,2.222,910200. otr att-.ntion. p,0ld to all deooptsnopo of building wor,0,2: 01,oter, Oal,,,o,, 1,, 10, oin and Zin22.2 lley Oullers endRootiong. DOo,.. I tot, N0nc00,,d 1,ollo H2,002 Ol .D~vr h~" ci ivo n r2,1 902 the States of I10000,,,,o Doak.sod vendl the r"_",",thl. alunlod Inve~ntion of Jahea !ronla0. from010,0,00 o , wh .,9ht 21 ro of d lod*g, 2,Oo,1020d from 010 20.:h,p,!nc ri 11.o naafs ) bring ondnc~rli to t'he clnermsl Ialnp ss'l:actingl00.t i00t', it remove. the 1,000,h2, o anyo hand labor ,n ,nett," : 0001r0..0,,:.r r.t ,.,,,0012o h,2he,, esoO . 0042, 2AIR,2R '1"'II r201I2.1, 2001000SSoR

IfA rdwl. C e. (A02.00 2. ec,0 0Nn, lei~ I' I er. -t , betee l p ndSt Charles,

2000000C1x,,.o100. 1090 1000

Cublaete and hones rFurnlllbln1 Rnriaars

Carp~ntpr' 7'oulu In gre~t variety,Andl from thel mosnt ',rut Wir~ makers,

srsy..Yu snn" ai r~tnlmrir lono eirr. of Iv


6IAiP', 0, }: CU0TLERS2 t0 20,0. to ll0 0.200 toor ,., 00,., 2,2o,0oohnd, x are o0,. tac.orcealrln? Ilrrci LIcr !r MaS~ahwtnTIL'*

Hoe00,, lont.,, 0. OSey: Carp2nter's Toot,02,,,, Spod,. an, Slovels; Cornendo, 001,, 0000.;02200l 00,oo chin(o, Cottonoo.02t,,.oll,. Rope02 Vt ando , 001000,; 1 200.102 anood Croo, Cot tier;

a evils, d . 1001l00 2',; CooolOtni I'rtooSootales ;

lock. rand ills+, fx",on ; Mido Andirrrr and Fonder"ilxur~lr g" andl Tcugi; Shovels anri'onpl ;Oi,-dStono,,. nil so10; Cotton and Wool Cords;.i,6 a1d 000ng00 ; 0 ro and 1001,, Sre22 ;

90,0 Woore ,; 22o0'. O,'looOy.Trpg!fhe; rilh ,) ln aeoMooltmsot a! Fncy OaxU, ales; Ors51,o:rnah.t, P19o0mur00 Paper and 10020 B,0 ,, 2.20., 1002 aref900tOo at the Inoto22 rtor.,r o00.02r cit paper, 0,0204 EW 21 LE/ANS ORNAMENTAL

22200 WOR1.-Toe oodooiaoed beg .2n, rOo 0nth0he e 1 ld

,0, ,oO 0o1io and 000,19 2.n6,2.ythat th2y are 1 nuc0t fnntirigk ll Linds o1 Architectura and Ff~lldlnp IronNo, 1 at th.2, 2o,,ndO, 21rn0r o0 602,60a 02nd 2..0 , tre2,.-

222, in 0avidso, ,0, ,, Crondelt 0treet-osuch 2. Verand,,1.'ROoi.0g SO ,tlten,. Safe 10i , Rank 2.oors, Straight and Circuola:ha1r0,,,0oy RriJat,, Roofs, etc.

lOoyO22000 c,..o0,00000

o00 bhad Cast and Wronght 1reat02ol.022,2. 1,0000.02.00, ,,,,.210, Wobflo,, et.; and 51101, l ordu02 e of

e 000y 1009cript1on of Cutlorz+ nmue, Storoand 21ouse Frontsrrlfh deenafDh.R ENNETT1' At IUROER. Dovls-rd' RowJacl if (iarnnrlel ,gret.

tk AT13 06N" T22 2PICAL ROOFING--Choooer and 0uper02r to 09 2 other e0er 2.,d In0 6002.ern

,!;mate..Pit L-terd and ring,;- qlrell'cl. e-10,. 0100020,01 0'10o,lTnI to tho 202, s ,ate9roofs.^d. I.

5 !}';. 01000o002,11.0.o. u2,200nyothe,; no ora.ok0 ,.' 0...v ..,o1L ,.. 00 00,0,

000. 0000,1 UTY-1t... 2,sento smooth 2 0d ,20, ie-like snrf20 0 ,400. 020 0 :.009 t S.-Tt ca0ls ma0. 002 e th1n, though it I. atepcd, any -,Inv, , i t o,,d roof, and 090, 02n' l22on the,0,,100

9,,. x. O 1,Oi,0 61 ,Cf1.-2o to 2 h,..0026o,0100the

stn. 000tOV10NBTIIfT IT0-22 0000 r1001 fir00 b2tte10,ha020-~h. I:. NYS.NIEN(IW-It willl not soften under the sleet of00, 2 cm..1:: 0 .sd prot,2.o b, 0,00,0,r o, 00,000ng0 from the In2

St)1 ,1DI'T3-I''--l nocomae ,.ofrder and at~oehar Pro ex-1,u rre; rlfll bat 1st ,):1,',n T111 of rn llo;r lly cjb

001 ion r .evy raft 1)0Fr~ inlcr to ri;,ilrt it; w(le ft fenotlil IC t r T, roi Ilibrsllii e, ncr illourit rnnd ofrssfrrn'bc. "II:()1 1 [~, of R h!,r' , p! lrlop I ldi ewcaal l oa lmd c

'n"ancr. hr, s vmill crtrrr psc.l'lr ti; rcle, cocfl,:edin i rrini;:low t;:rco o~c b; act-al lrper!n.;ni ond urperallce

mnbdsi~lnil of ltt EI~erlil1-a of the b-ol ore I. the bondsIof 1.*,o nr,'rt, rod may be -;ari~rrl b any pcrrrli dahf ng tt be.Eire o;itr,c'i:.g.

ALl .Jr IrRl at the Pcad-Odcr Be. K No. ?, will be

promptly nitendad o: o raiply sfel5 Iv .... D-f 111-Meae~d blaralr His.

r+- NUFAC'LA'Tl , b'1R.b.-.s f'pdlr and Hivia. uiytbt; ,,••in,,te .' wy lk froum t. F. (,irarlan Hlolte.Sr he m.d-r" ird i:,s isg largel ly insrensed his worki

atnodv. l:•dn ,i t.l!• all h!r :ilriiri'o, is nnw p'rpared to lit orders-' ?:ny d,.':rri;inn of YOIEI,.S .. lava tino and at n" Iow rates-they ca, Lc b.+d ;n u xnn h: hth: Fouth or imported 'rom the

52l ao! 1 0 II3 UED S OILERS, from 20 Ilo ... o 1Ld l2 ! Ln, D 01EC, too II iAls., C!`5 i 1dTfER (EPIEES, 3U 32, 3Srd and ls6Resodslmel .

rs n., Orate n.,Stand Pipes VaircL. utc.,constantlyoln hand. r

A Al' work wiillgrranteed of host materia and workman.

-anrfty ,lhiin,: et pvhan BiolerI for 'Ienl Allboi nal skwmnids, ,-- ro , T- A!Ty in-ited tocall Ird uie for.em•lvxs. In7E lyAsw D.H. FOWPIR.

SLeLEDAo:, to Li:AIOY BLAiENEY. Cop r.EmiSth

C ls d l t )eo Woreras and sirs ont andoo F9to:l ,I ro7t,, ICtween Notre IDame aud Julia.ClarifyUT g and ]r.aRporPir• Pollus,

PtotLn Tnrins, Fitrera,JRnl: IlrOxcs, CATmlnOvs. Hreoerne,

And aln kind, of STCEAMIO AT and ol lANTSTIN wrk IAoAr line. de7 LtoW


ernd Manfaetnrria of Vrticanl and Horiontal Ien •WneNileilsors. issr ,,- 1, , vssns P5m1, ~Sgss I1tl1s, Cularile,Otlyss, Rs,,tm and Hors Powoer Draining faclhinres Saw Mille,Isn oaring, Irun olnmsioo ansd Fronts lo Bonlldi ne, FEassof

0ondhE, orate marm, o(c., and mll mdichusry r•s.,red for theBse lurhasv ben dsly:ultorlrrd ai:d are nre(Ared to eontiot


SAZERAC BRIANDIES -- WN DAVE A GOODfapply oa hn d and ro reoulvin by uirect omd rtation fromFrane5 .dditions. to our stock of this cole,raad and hghlyfassvored braod. W hre 1795 in sighth plipoon, 1798 in esighth endlpsrter El s•ilsf do. do.s 1815 no halt, slarter and eighth spipes. WE l'-itO the attention of the trade and connolsseurs

senes'iy, , Ithis rtiele Isi pre and unadulterated. FIor ale oRow 1 ark il:ms and prlee, by

WM. .LE.VRICH a CO., 34 Old sLevee st.,019 1•v Sol isgnts In ths c1ty.


A FIRST-CLAS STEIAI SOAP FACTORY, uoder themanagement of a FIRST-CLASS, PRACTICAL SOAP MAN-UFACTURER--tho irst enterprise of its kind, on a LIBIERALSCALP, ever presented i New Orleans for southern patronage.

Chelnli al and Steanm Soap Works,

FRONT, NOTRE DA•E ANDi PFULTON STREETS--( the river, Jurt below the Steamship Lauding,)

E.very variety o Soap maonufactured and WARRANTEDEQUAI, in syer i espcit to tile choic.t Northern bralnds of thelike grades and prices, and JUST AS CII.EAP.

Only givel tlhe New Orleans homemnsuflctnrsd " PELICANSOAP" a idr and unbised sltrial, asd you will never thinik of.snding North any more for tllhat romodly.

R. WELLS, Proprietor.Isoap, manufactured to suit the Mexican market; also to --

suitnoyider. Js8 GssSt


peciaii attetion is scalled to thi, greatest of all Improvementof thb Photographi Art. We are ows prepared to make theipicturesa which for grast boldness and delihs cy of cooring ohnot be egnallea

; also, combines the beauty and softness of enIvory Miniatsre. Cal ansnds des for ysosrives.

Stit attention is as heretofore, pad to the differelnt branshelof our business. Duerreotype, or n kind of pictures fromdeceased prsr1m, eeId o smal orenlarged into life spndirtd in eil, stel or water ogloer in uns rpahsablo ytls.C sMr. E. J OBS contauetI superinted the prompit ex,putron of all work entrusted tO Our Iar. nl 6m

s~l~(laskss5 ,,, Ipri j~

5. ..