New Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-05-27 [p...

F 4e 1i f F fr f Iicy m r s r v 1 P x w P f I r s f r > i < Pr < JC j Jb 1 1 or t rJ tJ f f I tJ OCALA EVENING TAR WEDNESDAY MAY 27 190t I i SEVENS rM t J f 1 4- I ortnoisseurs of Fine LIQUORS l I I Will do well to patronize our bar We serve only the purest of Liquors old established wellknown brands liquors that have become mellowed with age and will do yc u good and not harm Courteous treatment to our pa tr6ne and service by skilled mixologists Agents for AnheuserBusch Beer I Ocala House Wine Rooms- W A HAILENBERGEB Manager 7 Suffering Ladiesa- re urged to follow the example of thousands of their sisters and take Cardui1 Cardui is anon J mineral nonintoxicating medicine for women It is for sick weak ladies with sick female organs I TAKE CARP U J27- T s It Will Help You I It is a genuine curative medicine that builds up the female system and relieves female pain Mrs M A St Clair of Eskdale W Va writes Before taking Cardui I haci given up all hope of getting well I had suffered for 3y ars with my left side and was confined to my bed so I took Cardui y and now Cardui has about cured my female trouble- i AT ALL DRUG STORES i f 1 I Dont Heat the Kitchen 1 All the necessary family i I coobn rmaybedone as well f0 on a New Perfection Wick P- 4i i Blue Flame Oil CookStove r range as on the best coal or wood I I 1 im Y using the New Perfec- tion ¬ I f Oil Stove the annoyance r of an overheated and stuffy J kitchen is entirely avoided even I 1 I in midsummer The construe tion of the I of it NEW PERFECTION < if1 I Wick Blue Flame 00 CookStove t is such that the heat is thrown directly upward against the kettle or pan upon the stove top without affecting the atmosphere of the room toi an appreciable degree You can at once sec the advantage of this stowe over a peat v range which throws heat In all directions it ideal summer stove r If your dealer does not have the New Perfection write our nearest agency r The is substantially r y o Lamp of brass finely nickeled i and very Handsome Gives a powerful light and burns for hours with one filling Portable safes convenient just what every home If not with your dealer write our nearest agency STANDARD OIL COMPANY lacwrporated I r i Ice Ice I Icy QUALITY RIGHT a DELIVERY RIGHT I PRICE RIGHT i FLORIDA PACKING ICE CO 5 BENAMIN IN CHARGE roIt IIOBY IIflNfll rl ° 4 f jWq I- t I I N t J Jl j 14J t < l J- J R 1 t if f l A 1 e > tl Jl < c o- fIS SLAYDEN ROASTED THE SHOWS Washington May 27The confer ¬ ence report on the sundry civil appro- priation ¬ bill today was agreed to by the House in its entirety The re ¬ port furnished the text for a number- of speeches front the Democratic side all charging extravagance in appro- priations ¬ The ippropriation of 75000 for the AlaskaYukonPacific Exposition at Seattle Wash was attacked by Mr Slayden Texas who said that the peo pie were surfeited with expositions They were he declared but a trans- parent ¬ effort to boom real estate at the expense of the United States He paid these expositions ought not to cost fthe government a cent and he Tainted out the international exposi- tion ¬ held annually at San Antonio which he said supPorted etirely- by private subscription r t A r k c r ANNOUNCEMENTS J FOR REPRESENTATIVE- I am a candidate for the legislature subject to the rules governing the jming primaries Platform Cut ex- panses ¬ qual and lower taxes pcnses equal and lower taxes As we do not need the illiterate non taxpaying voter in our election busi- ness ¬ lets cut him out L S Light- L S Light I I respectfully submit my name to the voters of Marion county as a can- didate ¬ I for the legislature subject to the democratic primary of June 16th- I have no platfprrp to formulate or ledges to make but submit my claim- on a citizenship 25 years in Marlon county If elected I will perform my duty to the best of my Ability and for the best interests of the county oC Marion and state of Florida- C L Bittinger t FOR SHERIFF- I J am a candidate for Sheriff of Ma- rion ¬ county subject to the ratification ol the democratic primary which wil- lis held June 16th 1908 Your votes are earnestly solicited and if I am elected I will perform the duties of the office faithfully f Very respectfully yours John L Edwards- To the Democratic Voters of Marion County I am a candidate for the of- fice ¬ of sheriff of Marion county in the primary of June 16 and respectfully solicit the support of the people of Marion county If I am elected to this office I pledge an honest and im ¬ partial administration of the duties of said office Respectfully- John P Galloway SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRATION To the Democratic oters of Marion CountyI have been urged by many friends to become a candidate for supervisor of registration and have decided to enter the race My record- is well known My official acts while sheriff of the county and my charac- ter as a citizen and a democrat are probably known to most of you- I wish to emphasize the fact that jf i you elect me to this office the busi ¬ ness will be attended to by myself in person Furthermore nothing shall be done III the office to favor any particular individual party or faction but all shall receive absolutely just and im ¬ partial treatment r While the salary of this office is very small yet undeis t the law the supervisor has great power and It Is rr the utmost importance to every citizen that this pbw should be ad ¬ ministered with justice and with care for the rights of all I The people of this county have been kind to me in times past and this T greatly appreciate If elected I will oo what is right to all concerned Respectfully E T Williams- I hereby announce myself a candi ¬ date for the office of supervisor of registration subject to the primary of June 16th 1908 and will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens J L Beck J J o A RATTLESNAKE BITE Has No Terror for a Member of the Schaghticoke Snake Club Bridgeport Conn May 26The fifth annual hunt of the Schaghticoke Eattlesnake Club of Bridgeport J was held yesterday on the Indian reserva- tion ¬ of the Schaghticoke Jndians in Litchfield County Conn The hunt this year was unusual in several ways It was the first on which anyone has ever been severely and dangerously bitten by one of the captured snakes It was the first which has been attended by Peter Gruber famous the world over ass the rattlesnake king I and hailing i from Rochester N Y The number of those attending was larger than ever before Seven rattlers were captured on yes- terdays ¬ hunt all of which were fine specimens of the venomous reptile The first snake was caught by Lind ray Denison the magazine writer It Z as three and a half feet long and heavy Mr Denison fastened the rep ¬ tile with his forked stick and called to Shang Wheeler who transfers the reptiles to the bag Wheeler picks the rattlers up with his hand and drops them into the b g- Bitten by Rattler Wheeler in picking up the snake took hold of the reptile back of the read as usual His grip was not close enough to the head to prevent the snake from twisting The reptile turned and buried its deadly fangs in Wheelers right hand Rattlesnake Pete Gruber who was KcIYER MAcKAY t FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers O E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes All Work Done by Licensed Em balmtrt and Fully GuarantMd r 2 P ups r > GJLDSOJXB- I < i Y- i yr t r J i f J- I I I J I < S Bnikllng Lots lorSale- r 1 7- r 1 i have sixty r choice residence lots in the blocks adjoining 1 Howard Academy and Lincoln Heights in f180 5 i blocks joining Broadway I ft- Vf J 1 2 > Size of lots 40x100 x 1 0 and OXloof e- 4 dt r 1 U 1 c < v f- t No Jake sale v No prizes tllv f r o t Straight forward busiiess sale for cash i or on installment payments ir f- A 1 1 7y- td Good dUe Warranty deed t me from Mr Noble VYV f < f I Harrison Call at V II < f + THE OCALA BAZAAR > f FRANK P GODSON Owner J 1 f < I I r close at hand and Drfc Spencer of Chelsea Mass were r dY for just such emergencies Gruber grabbed the bitten hand and distantly applied his mouthto the bite and for several minutes sucked the i ound drawing therefrom much of the fatal poison which will cause death if it reaches the heart of the victim Dr Spencer swiftly injected permanganate of potash in arid r round the wound after first having flashed it freely with a small scalpel and allowing the blood to flow freely Wheeler was bitten about 130 oclock and his hand and arm swelled and continued to swill until 230 when the drugs began to tell and the swell- ing ¬ became reduced Wheeler left midnight for Provi- dence ¬ R I where he is in business and said he would be on the job in the morning despite the bite Hundred Men in the Hunt t The hunters numbered about one hundred men They rode to the farm ot George Cog geswell on the Schagh ¬ ticoke Indian reservation Mr Cogges ¬ well isa fullblooded Indian and President the Schaghticoke f Rattle- snake Club t t I The party had luncheon at the chiefs farm and were then guided up the mountain by Jim Pan an old In ¬ dian chief and Eddie Harris his son The seven rattlers captured were brought back to Coggeswell farm byl Big Louis Musante of Bridgeport in a burlap bag They were looked in the rc ad at the farm house dootf while I photographs were made of them The hunters were then treated to a feast of spring lamb roasted on the spit over a wood fire In the open ilisante carried the snakes to Bridge- port ¬ in the burlap bag Experts declared that Rattlesnake Petes prompt and fearless action in sucking the poison from Shang Wheelers hand saved the mans life CHRONIC CONSTIPATION CURED f One who suffers from chronic con- stipation ¬ is in danger of many serious ailments Foleys Orino Laxative ores cnrpnic donstipatibn as it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and hewels Commence taking it today rend you will feel better at once Fo ¬ leys Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is pleasant to take Re fuse substitutes Sold by all dealers AMENDING THE DICK LAW Washington May 27The House last night passed the Senate bill re ¬ vising the socalled Dick militia law The bill as prepared by a committee of the National Guard Association and- IrovldEs among other things that the militia when called out shall serve during the term of their enlistment Irstead of nine months as heretofore that when so called out they shall be preferred over any volunteer forces it may be determined to use and author ¬ izes the Secretary of War to supply to the different states uniforms arms ammunition and equipment without charging it against their quota under the appropriation for that purpose N PILES PILES PILES t Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind bleeding and Itching piles- It absorbs the tumors allays the itch ¬ ing at once acts as a poultice gives instant relief Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and itchi1gof the private parts Sold by druggists mail 50e and 1 Williams Manufacturing f Co Props Cleveland Ohio Sold by the AntiMopololy Drugstore j SEMINOLE IS ALL RIGHT t Point Pleasant N J May 27The Clyde steamer Seminole grounded yesterday of Pirates Bar was floated today with her crew and twentyfive passengers still aboard The steamer- was not badly damaged CITY MAPS FOR SALE I The new city maps are now on sale at the office of the city perk in the city hall Price 1 each c S r t O j p READING SHAKESPEARE- I J J A subway passenger who h ad been caught reading a pocket edition of Shakespeare looked rather sheepish r = when jollied by a friend on I his choice of literature- I f was driven to it shame 1 he said u1 was laid up for several weeks 1 this winter with a lame back Of course I did a lot of reading But I read nothing but novels I tried to t scrape a speaking acquaintance II t with fiction output of other countries > 1j > 1 read Spartish novels Russian novels t 1 Italianovels French novels and E it < i- V Hungarian novels In every last bx > 0k l that I took up those foreign writer l iriade their characters talk about < t j tyr Shakespeare That impressed m won- derfully ¬ It brought It home to me J e J v i how big a man that Shakespeare of oars is in the estimation of reader it < the world over Then I remembered tt li that I hadnt peeped into a volume of I his plays since my school days there i + II were those people who speak ever L other language under the sun pegging f Cj I at him in translations or in < 1 English with the aidofa dictionary tzar l- and here was I1 born to the iSngllsn 1 tongue ignorant of the whole bunch 0 of plays with the exception of ilr f x r Sotherns Hamlet It really did made y J me ashamed so now I am trying to catch up wl h those Spaniards and Russians New > York Times x + a CONSTIFAIQX O t For over nine year I suffered wUrchrosIeeoHs t stipation and during hie time 1 to t mtt J I < j Injection otwalJnwatdr once every honrabefo r I could an action on botrel Happily v tried today I am a a 1 Duringthenineyearg beforeLnsed Casear > I l < v 4 untold misery with internal piles Thank to you 1 am from all thatthid Tom can use this in behalf of sufftfringhttmaHity a I Roanoke pL- Bestfor The bowels CiUVD1fCA WiltT1C r t = w- fl I 1- l1 > 4 f Pleasant Palatable Potent Tate Good Do GoodV i Never Sicken Weaken or ltc 25c We t sold in bulk Th6ecnuinetab1et stamped OCOwl J Guaranteed to care or yonr money bask f i Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY fef ANNUAL SALE TEN MLLION BOXES I r 4 FOLEYS 1 t > i JI J 0 KIDNEY CURE J r I 1 WILL CURE YOU xY RY of any case of Kidney di- Bladder fwx disease that is not t beyond the reach of medi- cine ¬ k f Take it at once Da 1T1 notriskhavingBrightsDlSI 1 ease or Diabetes There in tr nothing gained by delay l Y y r h SOc and 100 Bottlo v M eUTTUTF- OR SALE BY ALL DEALERS JP I LALEXANDEP- racticai I CARPENTER AND BUILDER a I I Careful estimates made on all contract work Gives more rid better work for the money than r r any other contractor wv- r T r r t r

Transcript of New Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-05-27 [p...

Page 1: New Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-05-27 [p SEVEN] · 2009. 5. 15. · F 4e 1i fF fr f Iicy m r v 1 s r P x w P f

F 4e 1i f F fr f Iicy m r s rv 1 P x w Pf I r s f r >i < Pr<

JC jJb 1 1 ort rJ tJ

f fI tJ




I ortnoisseurs of FineLIQUORS


Will do well to patronize our bar We serveonly the purest of Liquors old establishedwellknown brands liquors that have becomemellowed with age and will do yc u good andnot harm Courteous treatment to our patr6ne and service by skilled mixologists

Agents for AnheuserBusch Beer I

Ocala House Wine Rooms-W A HAILENBERGEB Manager


Suffering Ladiesa-re urged to follow the example of thousands oftheir sisters and take Cardui1 Cardui is anon


mineral nonintoxicating medicine for women Itis for sick weak ladies with sick female organs




s It Will Help You I

It is a genuine curative medicine that buildsup the female system and relieves female pain

Mrs M A St Clair of Eskdale W Va writesBefore taking Cardui I haci given up all hope of

getting well I had suffered for 3 y ars with myleft side and was confined to my bed so I took Cardui

y and now Cardui has about cured my female trouble-


f 1I

Dont Heat the Kitchen1

All the necessary familyi I coobn rmaybedone as well

f0 on a New Perfection WickP-

4i i Blue Flame Oil CookStover

rangeas on the best coal or wood


1 im Y using the New Perfec-tion


If Oil Stove the annoyancer of an overheated and stuffy

J kitchen is entirely avoided evenI

1 I in midsummer The construetion of the






Wick Blue Flame 00 CookStovet

is such that the heat is thrown directly upward against the kettleor pan upon the stove top without affecting the atmosphere ofthe room toi an appreciable degree

You can at once sec the advantage of this stowe over a peatv range which throws heat In all directions it

ideal summer stover If your dealer does not have the New

Perfection write our nearest agencyr

The is substantiallyr

y o Lamp of brassfinely nickeled

i and very Handsome Gives apowerful light and burns for hours with one filling Portablesafes convenient just what every home

If not with your dealer write our nearest agencySTANDARD OIL COMPANY


r i






roIt IIOBYIIflNfllrl° 4f jWq I-



IN t

J Jl j 14J t< l J-

J R 1 t if f l A1 e > tl Jl < c o-



Washington May 27The confer ¬

ence report on the sundry civil appro-priation


bill today was agreed toby the House in its entirety The re ¬

port furnished the text for a number-of speeches front the Democratic sideall charging extravagance in appro-priations


The ippropriation of 75000 for theAlaskaYukonPacific Exposition atSeattle Wash was attacked by MrSlayden Texas who said that the peopie were surfeited with expositionsThey were he declared but a trans-parent


effort to boom real estate atthe expense of the United States Hepaid these expositions ought not tocost fthe government a cent and heTainted out the international exposi-tion


held annually at San Antoniowhich he said supPorted etirely-by private subscription



rk c r



I am a candidate for the legislaturesubject to the rules governing thejming primaries Platform Cut ex-


qual and lower taxespcnses equal and lower taxes Aswe do not need the illiterate nontaxpaying voter in our election busi-ness


lets cut him out L S Light-L S Light

I I respectfully submit my name tothe voters of Marion county as a can-



for the legislature subject tothe democratic primary of June 16th-I have no platfprrp to formulate orledges to make but submit my claim-on a citizenship 25 years in Marloncounty If elected I will perform myduty to the best of my Ability and forthe best interests of the county oC

Marion and state of Florida-C L Bittinger





am a candidate for Sheriff of Ma-


county subject to the ratificationol the democratic primary which wil-lis held June 16th 1908 Your votesare earnestly solicited and if I amelected I will perform the duties of theoffice faithfully f

Very respectfully yoursJohn L Edwards-

To the Democratic Voters of MarionCounty I am a candidate for the of-


of sheriff of Marion county in theprimary of June 16 and respectfullysolicit the support of the people ofMarion county If I am elected tothis office I pledge an honest and im ¬

partial administration of the duties ofsaid office Respectfully-

John P Galloway


To the Democratic oters of MarionCountyI have been urged by manyfriends to become a candidate forsupervisor of registration and havedecided to enter the race My record-is well known My official acts whilesheriff of the county and my charac-ter as a citizen and a democrat areprobably known to most of you-

I wish to emphasize the fact that jfiyou elect me to this office the busi ¬

ness will be attended to by myself inperson

Furthermore nothing shall be doneIII the office to favor any particularindividual party or faction but all

shall receive absolutely just and im ¬

partial treatment rWhile the salary of this office is

very small yet undeis t the law thesupervisor has great power and It Isrr the utmost importance to everycitizen that this pbw should be ad ¬

ministered with justice and with carefor the rights of all I

The people of this county have beenkind to me in times past and this T

greatly appreciate If elected I willoo what is right to all concerned

Respectfully E T Williams-

I hereby announce myself a candi ¬

date for the office of supervisor ofregistration subject to the primary ofJune 16th 1908 and will appreciatethe support of my fellow citizens

J L Beck





Has No Terror for a Member of theSchaghticoke Snake Club

Bridgeport Conn May 26Thefifth annual hunt of the SchaghticokeEattlesnake Club of Bridgeport J washeld yesterday on the Indian reserva-tion


of the Schaghticoke Jndians inLitchfield County Conn

The hunt this year was unusual inseveral ways It was the first onwhich anyone has ever been severelyand dangerously bitten by one of thecaptured snakes It was the firstwhich has been attended by PeterGruber famous the world over ass therattlesnake king I and hailing i fromRochester N Y The number of thoseattending was larger than ever before

Seven rattlers were captured on yes-terdays


hunt all of which were finespecimens of the venomous reptileThe first snake was caught by Lindray Denison the magazine writer ItZ as three and a half feet long andheavy Mr Denison fastened the rep ¬

tile with his forked stick and called toShang Wheeler who transfers thereptiles to the bag Wheeler picks therattlers up with his hand and dropsthem into the b g-

Bitten by RattlerWheeler in picking up the snake

took hold of the reptile back of theread as usual His grip was not closeenough to the head to prevent thesnake from twisting The reptileturned and buried its deadly fangs inWheelers right hand

Rattlesnake Pete Gruber who was


FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes

All Work Done by Licensed Embalmtrt and Fully GuarantMd


2 P

ups r >







tr J if J-


< S

Bnikllng Lots lorSale-r



r 1ihave sixty r choice residence lots in the blocks adjoining 1

Howard Academy and Lincoln Heights inf180 5

i blocks joining Broadway Ift-




2 >

Size of lots 40x100 x1 0 and OXloof e-

4 dtr 1U 1 c

< v f-


No Jake sale v No prizes tllv fr o

t Straight forward busiiess sale for cash i

or on installment payments ir f-



1 7y-


Good dUe Warranty deed t me from Mr Noble VYV f <fI Harrison Call at V

II <





f <


I r

close at hand and Drfc Spencer ofChelsea Mass were r dY for justsuch emergencies

Gruber grabbed the bitten hand anddistantly applied his mouthto the biteand for several minutes sucked thei ound drawing therefrom much ofthe fatal poison which will causedeath if it reaches the heart of thevictim Dr Spencer swiftly injectedpermanganate of potash in aridr round the wound after first havingflashed it freely with a small scalpeland allowing the blood to flow freely

Wheeler was bitten about 130oclock and his hand and arm swelledand continued to swill until 230 whenthe drugs began to tell and the swell-ing


became reducedWheeler left midnight for Provi-


R I where he is in businessand said he would be on the job inthe morning despite the bite

Hundred Men in the Huntt

The hunters numbered about onehundred men They rode to the farmot George Coggeswell on the Schagh ¬

ticoke Indian reservation Mr Cogges ¬

well isa fullblooded Indian andPresident the Schaghticoke f Rattle-snake Club t t I

The party had luncheon at thechiefs farm and were then guided upthe mountain by Jim Pan an old In ¬

dian chief and Eddie Harris his sonThe seven rattlers captured werebrought back to Coggeswell farm bylBig Louis Musante of Bridgeport ina burlap bag They were looked in therc ad at the farm house dootf while

Iphotographs were made of themThe hunters were then treated to a

feast of spring lamb roasted on thespit over a wood fire In the openilisante carried the snakes to Bridge-port


in the burlap bagExperts declared that Rattlesnake

Petes prompt and fearless action insucking the poison from ShangWheelers hand saved the mans life


One who suffers from chronic con-stipation


is in danger of many seriousailments Foleys Orino Laxativeores cnrpnic donstipatibn as it aidsdigestion and stimulates the liver andhewels Commence taking it todayrend you will feel better at once Fo ¬

leys Orino Laxative does not nauseateor gripe and is pleasant to take Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers


Washington May 27The Houselast night passed the Senate bill re ¬

vising the socalled Dick militia lawThe bill as prepared by a committeeof the National Guard Association and-IrovldEs among other things that themilitia when called out shall serveduring the term of their enlistmentIrstead of nine months as heretoforethat when so called out they shall bepreferred over any volunteer forces itmay be determined to use and author ¬

izes the Secretary of War to supply tothe different states uniforms armsammunition and equipment withoutcharging it against their quota underthe appropriation for that purpose



Williams Indian Pile Ointment willcure blind bleeding and Itching piles-It absorbs the tumors allays the itch ¬

ing at once acts as a poultice givesinstant relief Williams Indian PileOintment is prepared for piles anditchi1gof the private parts Sold bydruggists mail 50e and 1 WilliamsManufacturing f Co Props ClevelandOhio Sold by the AntiMopololyDrugstore



Point Pleasant N J May 27TheClyde steamer Seminole groundedyesterday of Pirates Bar was floatedtoday with her crew and twentyfivepassengers still aboard The steamer-was not badly damaged

CITY MAPS FOR SALE IThe new city maps are now on sale

at the office of the city perk in thecity hall Price 1 each



r t O j



J JA subway passenger who had been

caught reading a pocket edition ofShakespeare looked rather sheepish r =

when jollied by a friend onI

hischoice of literature-


was driven to it shame 1hesaid u1 was laid up for several weeks 1

this winter with a lame back Ofcourse I did a lot of reading But Iread nothing but novels I tried to

tscrape a speaking acquaintance IIt

with fiction output of other countries > 1j>1 read Spartish novels Russian novels t 1

Italianovels French novels and E it < i-


Hungarian novels In every last bx> 0k lthat I took up those foreign writer liriade their characters talk about <


j tyrShakespeare That impressed m won-derfully


It brought It home to me J

e J



how big a man that Shakespeareof oars is in the estimation of reader it <

the world over Then I remembered tt li

that I hadnt peeped into a volume of Ihis plays since my school days there i + IIwere those people who speak ever L

other language under the sun pegging f Cj Iat him in translations or in < 1

English with the aidofa dictionary tzar l-

and here was I1 born to the iSngllsn 1tongue ignorant of the whole bunch 0

of plays with the exception of ilr f xr

Sotherns Hamlet It really did made y

Jme ashamed so now I am trying tocatch up wl h those Spaniards andRussians New > York Times x



For over nine year I suffered wUrchrosIeeoHs tstipation and during hie time 1 to t mtt JI< jInjection otwalJnwatdr once every honrabefo r

I could an action on botrel Happilyvtried today I am a a 1Duringthenineyearg beforeLnsed Casear > I l< v 4 untold misery with internal piles Thankto you 1 am from all thatthid Tomcan use this in behalf of sufftfringhttmaHity a I

Roanoke pL-

BestforThe bowels

CiUVD1fCA WiltT1C r t = w-





Pleasant Palatable Potent Tate Good Do GoodV iNever Sicken Weaken or ltc 25c We tsold in bulk Th6ecnuinetab1et stamped OCOwl JGuaranteed to care or yonr money bask f i

Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY fefANNUAL SALE TEN MLLION BOXES









I 1


of any case of Kidney di-



disease that is not t

beyond the reach of medi-cine

¬ k f

Take it at once Da 1T1

notriskhavingBrightsDlSI 1

ease or Diabetes There in trnothing gained by delay l

Y yr hSOc and 100 Bottlo v








Careful estimates made on allcontract work Gives more ridbetter work for the money than r


any other contractor wv-


rr t r