New MLM Companies - Worth The Risk?


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Did you know that many MLM Leaders wont even take a look at new MLM companies?  Many like to wait until the company has been around for 3-4 years to ensure stability. This PDF covers information about new Network Marketing companies and things you should consider when researching new multi-level marketing companies.

Transcript of New MLM Companies - Worth The Risk?

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As seen on: MLM Blog

New MLM Companies – Worth The Risk?

Did you know that many MLM Leaders wont even take a look at new MLM companies?  Many like to wait until the company has been around for 3-4 years to ensure stability.  And personally, I can respect that and appreciate that.  After all, the Network Marketing industry is not immune to the 80%+ failure rate for any start-up business during the first 24 months of operating.  (This includes restaurants, tech companies, home businesses, or any business.)

However, with risk, there is reward.  A well-crafted MLM pre-launch for a start-up Network Marketing company can provide massive opportunities for you to pre-build your business and have a great potential for a part-time or full-time income out of the gate.

Understandably, Network Marketing Leaders avoid start-ups because they want (and need) to protect their existing organization.  The last thing that anyone wants to do is move their team to a new MLM company only to have it fail in the first 3-4 months.  Then they have to take another jump – or leap of faith quickly.

When researching new MLM companies, you have to do your due diligence.  You need to get to know…

■ The company founders■ The products■ The market

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■ The opportunity■ The compensation plan■ The leadership■ The marketing systems■ The potential for global expansion■ The company story■ The vision for the company■ The mission of the company and founders■ And so much more…

Sadly, many people judge a book by its cover and join a new MLM company that looks good on the surface, but they fail to open the book to see whats really inside.  And believe me, I’ve made that mistake.  Years ago I joined a MLM company called “Janglefish”.  They were one of the first “legal” online streaming music services.  This was back during the Napster days when the record industry was up-in-arms about illegally downloading music.

I joined the company within 5 minutes of finding a distributors website.  Over the next few months I worked my tail off calling leads.  I never personally sponsored anyone that I knew.  I just pounded the phone calling Cutting Edge Media leads 7 days a week.  My first few weeks were horrible.  I didn’t recruit a single person.  But I kept on pushing and learning and suddenly began to sponsor at least one new distributor per day and sign-up several customers per week.

I was #2 or #3 to reach the top of the compensation plan – and I still really didn’t know what in the heck I was doing.  Long story short, the company failed.  More like crashed and burned.  Hung out to dry by their own hook.  And the only person I could blame was myself.  I failed to do the research on the company.  If I did

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the research, I would have personally avoided joining the company and would have went elsewhere.  Lesson learned.

Joining A New MLM Company: The “Other Side”

As many of you know, since October, 2012, I have been consulting for a Network Marketing company on their pre-launch.  Now typically pre-launches are for brand new MLM companies that did not exist prior.  However, this company is a whole different animal.  We have leaders with DECADES of experience looking at the company and meeting with us under extremely strict NDA’s.

So if this is a new MLM company, why would industry Leaders be looking at us – and even committing to join us the day we open the pre-launch doors?

Because this company has EXACTLY what seasoned Network Marketers look for.  And if you are new or newer to the industry, you should know that when industry Leaders are looking or moving to a company, you need to pay attention.

So let me fill you in on some of the golden nuggets about this new multi-level marketing company…

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■ The company that I’m consulting for has been around for some time now.  Their products are proven.  Solid.  And they have massive competitive advantages in not just the Network Marketing industry, but their product categories as well.  The company does not have “me too” products.

■ They were recently bought by a billionaire who has a massive vision for the company, products, and everyone involved.  (I got a chance to spend some time with this gentleman.  Incredible man.)

■ They are on a massive mission and vow to build a legacy company.  Meaning, a company that can be passed on from generation-to-generation.  This also means a business that can be passed on from generation to generation for the distributors involved.  They are 100% dedicated and committed to building a long-term home for Network Marketers.

■ Charitable giving has played a large roll in the company and this will be stepped up in a major way after the launch.  Distributors will be able to play a very active part in multiple charities.

■ The company owns their own production, fulfillment, shipping, manufacturing, etc. facilities.  This is not typical in the Network Marketing industry.  Tens and tens of millions of dollars have already been invested into the infrastructure.  They can scale as big as we need on day one and beyond and keep up with the demand for the products.

■ The company already has a fully staffed customer service department, marketing department, engineers, doctors,

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executives, and many other extremely committed employees – and hiring more as I write this.

■ The company has many certifications that make them “THE” top choice for their products.  I’ll be going into much more detail about this as we proceed.  However, I will tell you that once I learned about this and saw this first-hand, this was a major piece that sold me on the company and opportunity.

■ They are massively committed to quality control for their products.  After all, all of us (including the executive staff and all employees) not only take these products, we also give them to our children.

■ The average time someone stays on as customer and user of the products blows the national averages out of the water.  I have not researched the exact numbers, but I would say they would be in the top 5% or higher.  In fact, there are many who are true for-life users.  This means a much more stable and longer-lasting residual income for you and your team.

■ You are FIRST.  The company is dedicated to expanding the product offering and business opportunity globally.  Yes.  That means that you will be able to participate in pre-launches all over the world when I launch them.

As you can see, this is not one of the typical “new MLM companies” that launch each and every single day.  And I’m sure by now, you’re wondering…

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Why is the company re-launching, changing their name, changing all of their products, and gearing up so much for this pre-launch and launch?

Since the new owners came on board, the company has been ramping up their facilities, getting certifications, ramping up staff, researching their products, doing studies, and so much more.  Millions upon millions of dollars have done into this.  And as you can imagine, none of the above happens over night.

As part of their long-term vision for the company, they knew that they had to evolve.  From the products to the manufacturing, from the compensation plan to the name of the company – everything had to evolve.  And it has.

The mission has evolved.  The vision has expanded.  And with that, we are birthing a brand new MLM company from the existing one.  A company filled with new ideas, new products, new technologies, new science, a new compensation plan, and a new opportunity for you to build a rock-solid, stable monthly residual income.

When the doors finally open for the pre-launch, I can promise you, you will have never seen anything like this.  I sure haven’t.  I’ve made the comment to many people over the last few months that this company is like a true start-up, but with a major difference.  We have all of the resources we need to fully launch in a big way – with everything completed.

For the reasons above (and many more that I cannot disclose yet) I chose to forever hang up my consultant hat and become a full-

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time distributor for the company on day 1 the pre-launch launches and beyond.

I will be able to support my family because of this company.  And most importantly, it’s this company that will allow me to help many others reach the levels of success they desire.  Yes, even you.

I can honestly and 100% truthfully say that I believe in this company and their products wholeheartedly.  That didn’t happen overnight.  I had to do my due diligence and learn about the company and their products.  You will go through the same curve, as will everyone you share this business opportunity and products with come pre-launch.  And it is my job to properly design and create the pre-launch that will do just that for you.

We are in for one heck of an amazing ride come this summer and beyond because of this new MLM company.  Get ready.


PS - Do you live in or are you near Houston, Texas?  Within the next couple of months, I will be starting pre-pre launch events to train people on how to build a successful business during and after the launch.  I will also be posting that training via video on this website – so if you don’t live around here, no worries.  I’ll be sure you can access the training.  (100% free, of course.)