New Mexico Lobo, Volume 040, No 15, 11/3/1937 · 2020. 7. 3. · The!dn Chuke Paulme Ham F1or ence...

University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1937 e Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940 11-3-1937 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 040, No 15, 11/3/ 1937 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: hps:// is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the e Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1937 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 040, No 15, 11/3/1937." 40, 15 (1937). hps:// daily_lobo_1937/50

Transcript of New Mexico Lobo, Volume 040, No 15, 11/3/1937 · 2020. 7. 3. · The!dn Chuke Paulme Ham F1or ence...

  • University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

    1937 The Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940


    New Mexico Lobo, Volume 040, No 15, 11/3/1937University of New Mexico

    Follow this and additional works at:

    This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted forinclusion in 1937 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected].

    Recommended CitationUniversity of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 040, No 15, 11/3/1937." 40, 15 (1937).[email protected]

  • Page Four NEW ME:X:ICO LOBO SaturdaY, Octoblll' 80, 1987

    r--·-·----·---+ HISTORY HONORARY Th' ' h 'A h · ' SIG EPS HOLD SIGMA ALPHA IOTA Stlhouette TO HOLD INITIATION trty·nlUt lUp ltryon MASQUERADE DANCE HONORS MUSICIANS By Maxi """roe Sigma ohavter of Phi Alpha Shows at Mission Theater F

    tJ.! _________ .. __ ..., Theta nat10nal history fratermty, - tertamed w~th a Halloween tnaa est award made by t}le fra~ermty,

    Social Highlights • • •

    Chi Omega Pledges Entertain Actives

    Married Yesterday COED COMMANDMENTS w1ll 1mtmte new members next Int1mate acquamtance with Jupt Radio Club Plans Program quetade dance House decorations was presented to Mrs GJ;'aee Wel;lnesday at 5 30 at Snra Rey tei of Olympus and hts fleet foot13-d we1e oar-ed o"t in the t-•e H"l Thomp~on Mrs Ntnn Ancona, and

    Th{J pledge chn:pter of th~ Chi Omega Soronty entertamed its ac ttve chapter with the annual p}edgo dance Fxtdny n gbt The theme of a.lrtd patty wns earned throughout Wfth costumes, decorattQns a:nd g:mnes Refreshments wore sat-ved Mrs 0 S Officer acted as chaperon The guest hst nicludcd ~she :Murpbey ChaJ;Iotte Luby

    The!dn Chuke Paulme Ham F1or ence P1erson M()lba Flte Pauhnc "1lllams Hlldegard RGtche, Paul ne Euler Games Wllson ',Betty

    Vnn Attn, Hetty Nan Osborne Gloria Andres1 Mmy Ann June- Ma~;Iudcr Maxme Betty l{ouk Anabell

    1 Thou ahnlt 1nt at the feet o£ thy lllStructo~,s

    2 '!hou shalt smile at satd m Sti.'UCtOtS

    3 Thou sbnlt cheer l;'Ight heart1ly nt footbaU games

    4 Thou. shalt c&st thy glances on the ground m the presence of mtm

    5 Thou wear b1g shoes and horn ummed glasaes

    6 Thou shalt love one anothel; (so:t01~tma nnd mdependents m cluilcd)

    7 Tho'Q shalt cbeel r1ght !learttly at .football games

    8 Thou shalt not covet thy s1S tet s fnend openly

    9 Thou shalt be sweet nnd Jnt-tenjsh at all times

    10 (Thou shalt not blnme me if these are not alrtghtest )

    WJlhntns Vega Testma:n Ttgner Do;rJS Ogden Helen Sola. day Jayne Jones, Fel:n Wood, Hel en Hood Betty Sticlcrnan l{nther· mo ;Howell Rita McGmley1 Alma Campbell, Mat:y Lou Wllhnms, Paubrte Cltlmmmgs1 Norma Weug zuld, 1\1atJorto Whetstone, Ehza beti1 Mon•son, Carol Kelby

    MlS.Il Helen Ba1rd who yeste1day OH D TO SPRING the bnde of Fred 0 Kiel

    1n economtcs S:prmg IS here

    Batrd-Ktel W eddmg Friday

    Frank Young 01 Vlll& Paulson, Mnrked with banutiful s1mphc1ty Tom Van Hynmg, Raymond Gore, wus the ceremony Fr1duy, Oct 29, Tom M;cAttlcffe The Smgcr, Blll umtmg MiaS Helen Baird and Mr XvlcCoJ.'l\)ICl\, Eal:l Latt1mer F 0 K1el m maumge The nup ICeitbiY1 Herbert Barley, C R tJals were -read by tl1e Reverend

    The. sky Is- blue-( New MextcQ s sun fooled you tool


    N me week t(!sts Agnm are stlcsscd And the zests

    Of the best Arc d1stressed

    ton, BUl Peters, Fred 0 H S Koch The weddmg took rr===========~ Nanninga, J'ohn at the Alpha Cht Omega ~ Schaffer Bill Cornehus, chapter house at 6 o'clock waggin tongUeS S.vector, Rowell M1lton The couple was attended by Mr ers, Oscar Officer Jaclt Mrs D Patru:k 1\o!iJJer Dan l\IcKmght Lynch The bnde wore .an autumn brown GtgUo Gerard has acqUired a new

    t1tle S1ttmg Bull -Know why? Becau.,.e he ~tts m the Sub and bulls all dny

    Fnrby, !lob ConweJ11 Russ velvet afternoon dress WJth hat llnms, Russell Ashbrook, Geotge momzmg accessortca and a clever Pagll Valhant, Louts Butler, 'I'al short brown vetl Her nttendnn"tt Goddmg, Jack Hatlc1 B11Iy Bob Mrs Miller was aiso attired m Woods, Bob Sclt(lfi'cr, Jack Henley brown

    Miss Dorothy Woodward accom We beard someone say Sheehan

    Bride-to-Be Honored by Mrs Irvmg Greason at and Buek looked like Mutt and :piano waa the vocalu;t1 After J elf-Buck the mutton-or some

    M;tSs Alma Jones and Mtss .tlar·l•nc ceremony a recc.vtton was held thmg bara Rtce wete JOint hostesses Sun nmety guests The brtdal day .evemng at tbn Plu Mu entertamed at dmner a£ Speaking of the Sub (well who wtth a shower honormg :M1sa at Romero's ns tbe .guests doesn't?) Comer whose approaching and Mrs Mtller Hannntt, a hem wtth the tmge on November 22 bas Ku~lts the dnughter of Mr lB never alone announced After 1\Irs lJau•d of Albuquerque and Young and Kukpatrtck are shU had been served the brJda to be S1lVet C1ty Sho has attended the a couple of soreheads presented With many lovely New Mextco Untvcrs1ty for the past Th.e Knl.Jpn pledges en masse for her trousseau two yenra and has been promment learn to truck expertly mskucted

    Miss Baird Honored m aocu1l and scholasttc nctlVtties b Shll'le Cbesne She ts a member of Alpha Cht y y y Omega soronty and Mortarboard Ar:tniJO IS become more or less of

    MIS$ DorQthy G1baon and Mr: 1CJel lS the son of Mr .and n pclmanent fixture J'ean Mmer were hostesses at n Mrs F H Kiel of Kansas C1ty, Flnsh! J{elso pay$ gambling ntisccllnneous shower for Mtss Mo and attended Kansas Umver debs-Bet that dtme went hard, Helen Bn1rd Wednesday everung a1ty where he was a meMber of didn t 1t1 I(tp 1

    nt thj) G1bson hoine The brtdal Kappa Sttrmn fraWrn\t;\1 He later Hasn't evecyone heard Jack 1\fc motif was carrred out th both l.'E studzed nt Harvard Untv.Grs1ty and Mu1len .a barn ynrd lmltnhons yet? .freshmonts nnd m the presentatJon Columbia Umve~"Sit}" For the past -Just drop m any tlDle of the gifts Guests mcluded two )'Cttrs he has been a. member of Wilh$ (not Ellis-he's not news Chl Omega sorority Sisters of the faculty of New MextC'o Umver any more) Beyers takes a fiymg gtust of honor sity as a professor of ~conomfcs leap

    SMITH'S LUNCH 122 N Thud

    Spcctal T .. llonc Steak 25c

    Plate Lunch 25c Also SandWiches

    'fChucki~ Cheeks ' H1ggms smge Kappa Alpha Holds Dance alone

    The Kappa. Alpha fraternity en .. terlmned at an informal dance Fn daJf everung at the c1mpter house

    Dancmg was held from 9 until 12 o clock

    The tea dansants are more and more popular Evecyone come around Tuesday and Thursday llft ernoons

    Flash agamf It's the end of the colUJIDL_ Goodyl

    Holds Scavenger Hunt

    M th u "' .. ... .. M1ss Lena Clauve at the combma nolds hall wtth Mts$ May St11Tatt messenger eicury 18 some mg Students mterested m the Un.1 loween motif c0111 stalks, Jack o tlon, busmess and pledgmg meetmg p'!.--esident in charg~ to talk about and that 18 JUSt what vetstty weekly broadcasts met lanterns and bla,ck and orange eetl f S AI h 1 t

    happens .after seemg I Amphttry Thursypolcher Mr persons brain work, These Jup1tei s escapades to earth to wm Karson wrote the contmulty script pauses arc the result of mental the love of Alcemene, beautiful fot thts broadcast inttgue-the bram taldng n short Wtfe of Amphttryou who ts away Alan Cameron assisted m mstall rest 'All constitutions of the non

    soctal orgamzat1ons on the campus :must be turned m to the Student Senate for fihng by December 19 ' Ltstet Bedell announc(ld at the Stu dent Senate mcetmg lust Thursday

    lendmg the warnors Qf Thebes m mg techmcal equtpment Martm ~;:;::;:;::::;::;;:;::;:;::::;::;;:;::;:;::;:;:::::::; a cructal battle As fate would al Schwartz checked and ~sted for ' ways hound Juno hls Jenl program xeceptton m the control ous wtfe appears to put an encl to rooms of stabon KGGM

    Judges were chosen by the JUdge committee to award tlte pr1zes for the best float and house fot' :Homecommg The JUdges. constat of t1u'ee professors and two towns pepple The cho1ces are. tentative as those chosen have not yet ac cepted The rules for JUdging Wlll be po~ted and a copy sent to all the socutl orgamzahorus on the carupua: lll .a gbort t1me

    It was dec1ded that there wtll be no booth$ at the dance and if pos Sible, lummarios wlll be placed on the mo:re 1mportant bulldings on

    Ius amorous ~xpertence The Engbsh tttles were ~xceed

    mgly dtfficult to :prepate because of the new rhythmic d1alogue yet the picture almost




    And have you:r shoes reprured

    203 W Central

    In the block between the hanks!

    1ull be .served for the mnm course The Pep Club :practices are tn The antelope was presented to the full swing They're not stuek chapter by Mtss Gmger Mollands yet m sptte of marchmg on the wet who shot lf; on a recent huntmg field We te anxwus to see those

    tnp Mtss Loutse Poo!er, soc1alL i~o~h~oe~t~t~es~pe~rf~o~rm~~H~o~m~ec~o~m~•~n~g~~~======:;====~ chmrmanr lS m chal:'ge of arrange ments


    Photo Finishing

    Analyzed and cer tlfied to meet the rigid stand-ax ds of the Photo Fmlsh-mg Inst1tute

    Hanna & Hanna Ccrhfied Photo



    218 ,V. Central



    Detrothv Perkins Combmation $2 00 Value for $100

    Chnncl l,>(!rfumes $2 25

    R(!vlun Nail Enamel, GOc

    l'OR GENTLmiEN

    Lucky T1ger Combmotmn $1 75 Value 98e

    Pmaud s Set Up Lotion fot before Shaving, 9Sc

    Prophy]acttc Combmah

    C U broadcast on Saturday Nov 18, or n sent1mentnl compromtsc In settlements ern Cnliformn, Stahf'o-rd, T • 2--An}' cDntestant may subnut the flnnl reels o( such films, the Sponsor•d by ?l[u Alpha Nu, an Umverstty of Califotnin and otll.ers smce orgnmzntions hnvc: not de ... as manv songs as lte desires New


    Tho spe\ltal tram w1llleave Albu querque late :Fr1day night about 10 o'clock

    .Sponsors at the lust mmute 111 eluded the footbn11 players who wtll go on the ttam With the band nnd students

    Spet::Jalta.tcs have been made foJ.: the Umverstty .students to ente1 the game, although student nctw1ty ticket:$ will hnv~ to be presented

    Students may secul'e tick~ts tmY ttme bef(lre the tram leaves Down town booste:rs nre urged to make rcservnttons Pulhnan accommodn t10ns can be had d there IS enough demand

    Drama Club Play Opens Tomorrow

    City Opens Doors To Thousands of Educators New Mexico Scientists Meet Here Thursday Doctm Clark to Address ConventiOn, Other Talks Schedl.)!ed

    The New 1\fc:X:JCO Assoclnhon ;fo:z: the Advtmcement of Sc1ence meets at the Umvcratty of New MCixtco November 4 a~d 0 to heal reports

    Reg1s.habon begms at the Ellta club ballroom today for the opemng sess1ons ot the fifty second bnth day couvent10n of the New Mextco Edueattonal AssocHJ.tion

    The geneHl} progu1m wJ!L begm at the Armo1y on the corner of F1ftl1 nnd Sllver w1th the past :pres1dent J R M'cCollutn prcs1d mg The Albuquerque h•gh sc1\ool :Jtmd under the dtrect!On of Catl Cxamer W11l play a half hour con cart wluch w11l be followed by commumty smgu1g led by Mr ~nd Mrs Frank Dn:uow· the mvocation; by Rev R 0 ICe1th addtess of welcome by Honorable Charles Lembke, mayor, rosponsc by liu bert W Prathl!r tnustc by the Um

    on progresa and -dJscovelle~ c,f vei~nty m1xeQ chorus an addt Handel nnd h1s lite, and thus slurts tl1e bur ttsed to

  • Page TwQ NEW :MEXICO LOBO Wednesday, November a, 1937 ~~~~~~~j=~~~~~~~~~~~~==~===~==~~~~

    NEW MEXICO LOBO CAMPUS CAMERA ~~ ~ h dy~~':.":~o.~o:;o:,~:p~~.~;~·:i r--·--·-·-·-· BOOKS. A 11'ord to t e Guys tho;_)(botoli could sc!1ewas- YELLOW Publication of the As~ocJa.tell Students -Qt the U11iver2ity of New M~xJcq, ft 1 Published twic:e weekly from Sl,lptember to May, mcluf:llVe, t)x~ept dur- '\;;==:=~==:-;:=====- t1lma and p~ddle :freshmen £or non- CAB mg eChool.'1 W.c're bound to respect the I

    JUST 38 YEARS' LATE' smnll t'lUlll of twe:nty~five cants gms, grand exalted ruler of J{ha~ 1s much older "nd wtser than are_ ~~ct~ll~5/l.r'ffiF~- ThtB dlgest 1:acket cettmnly is tnh ~:nd avenging dmty t;J£ tlte fre~h- we, but-ah, why bent around the +·-_,._,_,_,_,,_,_,.._,._, Offices m the Student UI\ton Pulldtng. All editol'lal~; by the -ad1tor unles!;! othetW)SC marked. fORE.. I-US' GRAOO!Jicx-L gainmg trnpet:us. Those boys that men, 18 abou~ the ~mnrte~t, m~st !;lush' It's an rnsult to human in- ------------Entered o.s second-class -matter at the post office at .Albuquerque, N. M., !JUdel' the ~ct of Mnl'ch a, 1879.

    TO TAKe PART IN first concelVed the idea lU\lSt be r~oad.mllt~~d ~I~g_ t; sa:h md IS telhgance to ask more than a dime i!ll:!~'lll!l~I'J.!'mii!J~--~!!1!1,~§.! 1HE SPANISH AM~F.IC'AN mtlhonan:13s by now. Ouginally1 ~:t•H t~ t~e t ~ 0 t e 1~ er a~. ~or l+ l}ttlc patch of green do-th that &P:Qij{IJJfQJif@N&$Zf• ~ "E ·~~MAWAA.INE' ~·WH'" the Remlel'l'l' D1gcst puQlJsh-ed con~ fs 1°1 ° • b 11' t"'h' ,,}ggmMs 18 serv~l'l as nothmg mora than a ma:rk '~etn/.J U n "~ v un 1 h . llW u y smart u e .a.lew c;&- d fi t A d !J> JCl. tal 114P REEU\...AR ARMY densed mngnzme artie es, T en 1t t de t b 'd h d better ake of 1 entl ca ton, n , u ~~a 1 J:.Y),E SAUNDERS ------···---------·--------------,------ Editor lULL :PICKENS ----~~~-~~-.,.~-------.. -------- .... - Bustneas Manager

    Office m the Student Union Bulldmg Phone 2742·W AND 11-\E. UNWERSITY DlD was HtheJX ch01ce of the book of teo s u 11 0 Y ~ m must charge so much, if there are

    Nor l-EARN OF 111E the month" d1gested 1n the same up 1t1s 1n1111kd abhout pottsh, Pecause a some freshmen who woqld wear 1 THE WORD I'ECUUAR CIRCUMSTANCES • twd~ Ion 1 a t JS nms av~ unamR h Jsaue WitQ truncated nrhc1es. And t bef t b -pots whether t ey had to or no, why (/ /

    News Staff• Paul Wceka, EJ'DBt Blumentb:al1 Naxme Bn.Ws1 Scott Ander-&on1 Gordon Wood, Helen Looney, Ray Hough1 Jaclc Bradley, Mnttle Chnmbe:~:s, WAllMe l!o1'tou, Lol,lUI Butle1 1 Phylhs Harveyt John Cheney, Maurm!'! Willson, Betty Jayne G11:Yord, Ed Mnnnmg, V1rgm1a Nelson, Robei:t Lmder and HowaJd Bratton,

    UNnL LAS"f' SPRiNG 1 now~whnt an advance! Wllat ease mf ousdl'itllll1'011h 1 °f1"thi can to en!R couldn1t we mf.\lte the wearing of ( 1 Ol'Cf;} no a 0 CVRI.'leyo \ ? for the busy 1 e t azy) reader! ' pots volun al'y _ _r-!___ ''Books m Buef''-the latest thmg. OJ?in~ons revealed~~ n 1~cen: Lol;Jo Although 1t's the prmciple of ----~ Get them wlule tl1ey':re hot, ques um:nuna on e su JeC ' tha thmg, 1t's. not the prine1ple s.o

    In ke~pmg Wlth. the streamlined .....- much as 1t 1s the money Thts year's (/tt h ~ NIGHT s:pint of modern1ty, m k~opmg w1th Mr. Charles Huff, editol' of the freshmen have already suffered, CJ:'~ ...., "'f. tb~ congemtaJ mental arrestment Gallup Xndepcndent, has :favoied and 1t IS for us~the sophomores

    OW'l.S Pt.AYEO prec1s Everythmg, these days, 1s profoundly complimented gl:lnerat:ion. NIGHT GAMES' bemg cut to the bone meludmg It appears tllat Mt. H-uff has a And tt's I).ob the fault of Kha-

    ~I,_ I, ' ~ OWL5' l of Amer1cnns, w~ slwrtened the es. us Wlth lns op,mon on pots-for and upperelassm-cn, not the fresh~

    ' ,' ,'' I~ y 'lJ.tE ll!MPL.E say to the artii!le, the arttcle to the w-h1ch out slupnei is, o1 course, men to make it easle1• on the next

    fOR 7 YEA.R.S reudmg mntter An aut'hOJ.: spends "vaned ml>.'ture of :fel,'llmgs" about tab because who wouldn't w~a:r a BUSINESS STAF,F ff-16 AVERAGE NUMBER. OF "'!0-.,111!-a~ =IMG a year or so battmg- out fifty thous~ pots 4'0ne dol1~u IS ~ great sum/" "K'! if he were asked, and who

    Copy Editor ------... ---~- ..... ----------------..--.----r- John Em,mtree ~~~~::A1 "6/.2.~2.K~TeAL.l- ,.. NI6Hf OONTCST and wo:r;ds o1 mo1e. lf he~s lueky, h: s~ys. "f~l': ~~ ~hl:tyw:e~! would stand in :Mr, Klein's. way if SolicitotJk-Rarry Butts1 lt1p Kelso, Homer AndersoJl, Ernst Dlumen .....,....,~ ..... " "ffilli Yl='NU • 1f he1S good-he g¢tS the book pub- _s an llP agal s 1 we he Tefuscd to wear a pot? Afte1: thal, BtU Colby, Dic)c :Sluestetn. "'mWtlq-.'i!>OOCI.>t.&.Coll~f'T,n-Modinvez, and Clyde Tingley, !il.tekers a break We'll gm3i them wh1cb won•t even stand up ngmnst

    Sanitary Laundry Phone 804 700 N. Broadway

    Owners Personal Service

    FOGG The Jeweler

    818 W. Central Ave. s:e om a an lUg appens... . . Now ns to tlte student body; Neither they no1 Mr. Link have any JUSt enough of ~book M tlul.t they a twenty cent bnseball cap1 despite A good place for the Counc1l to start would be the aet1v1.. cause to he plaintive end mdtffarent Orgam:ELICIOUS SANDWICHES ... 'I'IIEY SIMPJ:.'l': MELT IN YOUR MOUTI!. !'LAIN OR 'rOASTED, 'YOU'LJ:. llNJOY 'rHE~l ANYTIME. DROP IN JIETWEllN' CLASSES OF AFTEit YOUR LAST CLASS. JUST ,ACROSS FROM TilE LIJII\ARY


    Christmas Suggestions for the Early Shopper

    Books- Games Mexican Scrap Books and Photo Albums Globes-llluminated and plain Stationery (your name or monogram FREE

    box stationery $1.00 or ove1·) Wahl and Parker Pens and Pen Sets ' Zipper Cases Diaries-Jock and key and zipper closing Eastman Xodaks-Movie Xodaks

    on any


    The mast Outstanding Line of Ckristmas Cardij Ever Shown in Albuquerque

    Visual Inefficiency Fatigues the !)rain and lowers one's mental alertness.

    Efficient Vision is vital to maximum efficiency in any • visual or mental task.

    C. H. CARNES Optometrist

    Suite 14·15, Giomi Bldg. Pjlone 1057

    Mo¥e Than Thi;·tv Y /Jfllts J)evotertto 'Visua! Service tic.e sessions. NMU clillhOt hopo to ever hnve t>gain a coach w1th the Oh well Thh> is one time that qt.utntitY o! sound .footba11 knowledge that Henry hns. lle expec.hd 11uhited we sta.nd, divided we fa1P1 his ll'efi to listen to u.nd prru:tl.ce what he taught, but the big-shot stuft' didn1t work, We bad n ays~ players were too amart; upon which be was too easy with them. In this tem all wntked out how to help each !•-----------.. ·~------------------------.iii'

    \ \ l )


    STUDENTS Now that your college year is well under way and you have time to pause to peruse this greeting, allow us to call your attention to the fact that for over 20 years no UniVer-sity student has considered his or her education complete without a degree from the College of "Fine Eats."


    Styled for "the period of tbday", and made with the preciSion that insures accuracy tomorrow , , • at1d tomorrow a

    We lnv1lc your account l'ay only a little down, Conv«!Uicnt terms


    314 w. Central 1'Wha.t we ai\y it ia1 it ie'' . . . . . ~ . . ,. . . .

    . "TRJlOSPORJ;(ITI;OR'S. TimEPIE~.E" . ' ... . --··-- ·"""'' -. .


    Wedne~day, November 3, 1937 NEW Ml!l:XICO LOBO Page Tkrce

    Colorado College Next Game on Wolf Pack Schedule Tech Rules Conference as ArizQna Blue Brigade Defeats Aggies _,.__


    See Page 4


    • Everything

    Musical 406 W. Centrnl .Ave. l'h. 987

    Get ba~k into the swing of the college life •.• and have yout• suita cleaned by the


    Phone 2742-W Lobo Classified Ads

    Phone 2742-W

    ' Announcerttettts

    NOTICE assilied Advertisers

    Yo can nn :your tlassi6cd vert econol}lically in the Lobo:

    i Reader Ads 20 \Words-Maximum

    1 t1tne --~-----.. ----~- ----$ .40 2 ttmcs ~ -----~---.-.--------- ,55 3 times _ -~-----_ .. ____ ._._.,._,.. /10 6 times _______ .. ____ ..., ______ 1.00

    Display 1 COl Wide X 1 fn. deep,

    6Ge msertion N¢ t6:luncls for caneelln.ticms.

    nes\'Oll3lble for OhG incorrect lh-serbon only.

    All Ads Cash in Advance

    biESSENGER SERVICE unt,l 6 p m., tN~ day. No cl\nrgG, Call

    2742-W for :fui-tlior lni"ol'lnation.

    Barber Shops CRAIG'S BARBER Sl!Ol'-600

    block ol'l W. dtmtral A clcnnt stntltat'y s11op Servico our speeinlty,

    Beauty Shops

    Eating Places

    l AFTER 'rilE DANC!l Go to SUNSE1' INN Fbr Dehcious I\lcxu:an Food 1M2 S. J.'ourtl> Ph. 462G ~-~~----


    Chin~sc and Amcricat\. Foods All Chl:nese Foods l'repnre,d

    and DehVeted to P.rl'Vate Pa.rties, on Order

    318 W. Copper Ph. 4060

    Printing ---~-----=-----ol

    1·-Va~~=~;::;;:-;·~ PRINTERS- BINDERS 208 West Gold .Av•. l--.. .--.. _.;-o,_,,_,,_,_

    - Ser·vice Stations

    Try the lnGHLANll PIT BARBECUE Hatcher's Sunny BARBER SHOP Slope Service Southe.-n Style

    For Se

  • · Paqe FO!tr NEW MEXICO LOBO

    Social Highlights. • • Twenty-Six Men Needed for Play


    Independent Hop Draws Big Crowd

    Martha Root Married Sunday

    Miss Martha Root, daughter of Mrs, Florence Root of Albuquer· que, and Mr. Al E. Bt•ink, sou o:f Mt•s, Ida M. Gee of Tl!os, were mar· Mod last Suuday aftel'lloou at o p. m., at the Presbyterian church, T)lo Rev. John B. Cavitt performed tho ceremony.

    The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Lindsay Root, anc! Miss Jean Dunlap and Ed Eglil attended the couple.

    The bride wore white satin and . a veil caught in a Juliet cap. She carried white chl'Y&authemums. Miss Dunlap wore autumn gold and carded a bouquet of wine-colot·ed chrysanthemums,

    Mrs. Bt•ink has been a student at the University for the past three years. She is a member of l'hra-teres, and of Delta l'hi Delta, hon-orat·y art society. The couple met in Taos where Mrs. Brink was a student in the University summer art school.



    Dorothy Perkins Combination $2.00 Value for $1.00

    Chane! Perfumes, $2.25 Revlon Nail Enamel, 60e

    f_,_,_, ___ ,_, ___ + ' TwctJty-six men and a girl are S 'lh wanted for tho cast of "Yellow

    1 OUette Jack," s.ocon.d Dramatic Club play By Maxi Pearce which goes into rehearsals next

    +--·-··-·-.. -·-··-~~-··-·~--+ weekJ it baa been announced by I · h Edwin Snapp, instructor in the

    In their meeting Monday night th

  • .. • .... 't

    ·~:;,/ ::~~:-:· \'' ~- '1:. ;. . ~·~/~,~~-~} I .. ·,~,. )/''. ~ . ..,·~· ' '~ :,., ~ - ",;.


    Green cap; are the fashion thif season

    Ha .,.. ing . . . . begins an? ends with the '4 comm~ and gome of the green

    cap. These Loyola University {Chicago) fresh· men are lining up to receive their fir:st-class top pieces, which they must wear until they win the freshman-sophomore pushball contest, or until given orders they may throw them away, if they lose.

    · ,Prettiest of 400 freshmen women First Lady . . . of the freshman

    · class at Louisiana State Normal College is 16-year-otd Frances Belcher, who was chosen ruler of the nrst-year students at a recent class election.

    What Could Ber en Do With E ypt's Sp inx?

    He tnade a hunk of Michigan pine .•• into a national network favorite

    It is hard to say just how well EdP":~r John Ber~rett, rtow Bergen, would do with the Great Sphinx of Egypt. He might get a peep. of personality out of the Great Silent One. provided hi! could give it a

    monocle and scarlet Mephistophelian lips. At the al:(e of 13, quite by accident, Bergen had already made his voice seem to

  • I The CroWd Roars .for Touchdowns· ... _

    • •

    l Q

    Kent State's Rosy Starn

    . While Coaches Fidget Fearfully

    Amos Alonzo Stagg. College of the Pacific, is a finger-nail biter.

    - ~ • ,.!IU&Jt i¥!1L~i _. -.• . .. . . . . .::- '·.-~.. ...~ ).. . w·" ._,.


  • When U. S. citizens first purchased medicines from the corner apothecary, thev gave little thought to the training of the dispenser. Todav state laws require aU pharmacists to be registered, and before they are granted licenses tl1ey must pass rigid examinations-examinations that require careful training. To provide this training 70 U. S. colleges of pharmacy annually dispense phar· maccutical learning to 10,000 students to add to the ranks of our 100,000 registered pharmacists •

    .. 1-t;\

    . Supplementing classroom work , • . is practical experience in the work of the average drug-gist in his pres~ription depart• ment.


    .. "' .t::.~. -.:· . \ '·'~,,. -

  • Right H~lf Taylor of Col-

    , , u m b i a Univer$ity floats through the air with the help of Williams tacklers in the battle won by the Lions, ' 40 to 6.

    ,:. '

    Colle5iate Die>est UltG~U (Gith1 ,,., I• ~ottv•t ~~11 P••·~·~·"

    l•ut,licati(ln:s Office: ·LW Sextuh f>ldhl-ing, ~\litltlC;ipoliM, :'\fi1111. • ~atior:U ,\dverti~>ing 'Rl'))tc~cntative: ~atioual ,\,lvcttisiug Srrvic:..:, Inc., ~cw Vnrk, Chiciii{01 llo