New Jersey Resume Tips On Finding the Resume Writer In New Jersey


Transcript of New Jersey Resume Tips On Finding the Resume Writer In New Jersey

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Tips For Hiring A Resume WriterQuestions You Should Ask

How To Hire A Resume WriterTop Things To Look For In A Resume Writer

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How to find a good Resume Writer in New Jersey

So you have decided it is time to bring in a professional resume writer to write your resume. Whether you are going into Administrative Services or Management there are many things to consider when making this important decision.

Steps to finding a resume writer:

1. Ask for samples. You want your resume to stand out from the pile – for the right reasons. You don’t want it to be strange-looking; you’re going for professional yet eye-catching. Your resume is the first glimpse a prospective employer gets of you, and you don’t want it to end up in the trash before you even get a chance to be interviewed. Check to make sure your resume service isn’t using a canned template, where every resume they produce looks exactly like all the others.

2. Ask to be asked. Questions, that is. It’s impossible for a resume service to present you well to prospective employers unless they know enough about you – and that only happens by interviewing you (either over the phone or by using a thorough questionnaire). They’ll use this information when they write your cover letter, too, and the more they know, the better they’ll do – but if they don’t ask questions, the result will be a non-descript resume that could be almost anyone’s.

3. Ask them to follow instructions. Some employers list very specific submission requirements – partially as a test of how well you follow directions. If your resume and cover letter don’t comply with these specifications, you will be eliminated from the pool of candidates.

4. Ask about revisions. Generally, professional writers are prepared to do a round or two of revisions – and many will rewrite until their clients are satisfied. You need to know this in advance. For many good resume services, the policy is that you will be satisfied – no matter how many revisions it takes.

5. Ask about time. When you’re job hunting, time is working against you. You may only hear about an opening days before a decision is scheduled to be made. If you can’t get your resume and cover letter to the employer quickly enough, you may be out of luck. Typically, a good resume service can deliver within a couple of days.

6. Ask for a link. As you interview different writing services, ask for a link to their website. Their websites basically serve as their resumes, so you should experience at least some degree of "wow" when you visit. Remember, these are potentially the people who will be creating your first impression with your prospects.

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Of course, you want to ask about price as well – but be very careful about choosing your provider based solely on price. There are some very inexpensive resume services that provide excellent service, and some very expensive ones that will leave you lingering in the job hunt process.

Some good questions to ask:

Do you have experience in writing resumes for my field? Since you are obviously an expert in your own profession, it should be fairly easy to engage the writer in a conversation that will reveal his or her knowledge. Unless your field is completely unusual, any good resume writer should be able to “talk the talk” and know much of the lingo of your profession.

How much will my resume cost? First, you should distinguish between resume “typists,” who simply type and format the wording that you provide… and resume “writers,” who gather information from you and other sources, creating a unique, compelling resume that is likely to generate interest by decision-makers. Also, there are “resume scammers” on the Internet that charge very high prices (Be very careful, expensive resumes aren’t always the greatest). A reputable firm with experienced writers will generally charge anywhere from $70-$200 per resume, depending upon your career level and other factors. If the price is significant above this range, alarm bells should go off. Do you have a guarantee? If so, what is it? Most resume writing organizations offer, at the very minimum, a “rewrite” guarantee. That means that if you are dissatisfied with the first draft, they will take input from you on your concerns, and generate at least one rewrite. Some writers “guarantee” that your new resume will generate interviews, but again, their remedy is to rewrite your resume. If you can find one of the few resume firms that offer an unconditional money back guarantee in case of dissatisfaction that is the best you can do. Some writers will maintain that they are so good or so professional, that no guarantee is necessary. If that is the case, you should make your own decision on how to proceed. When will my order be completed? Unless your background is extremely complex (I’m thinking of an internationally renowned scientific consultant who has made presentations on three continents and published 20 scientific papers, etc.), your resume should be ready in a week or less, preferably two to three

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days. Any longer than a week is generally not a good sign. I have seen resume writers who are great at taking in orders, only to let them gather dust and finally “crank them out” when pressed by the client. Of course, the timeline for completion only begins once you have furnished all of the information requested.

How to Hire A Resume Writer Think about the last time you purchased a car. Chances are you didn’t go to the yellow pages, choose a dealership at random, and buy your car from the first lot you visited. Many times, though, this scenario describes the way people find a resume writer -- they look in the phone book and call the resume writer with the largest ad or the first one listed. But much like purchasing a car, finding a qualified resume writer requires research and comparison shopping.

Choose a Resume Service

How to choose a resume writing service? The simple answer is get the best available! The most important step in getting a job is getting in the door for an interview. A resume that stands out from others is the best thing you can do to get that opportunity. Job placement still comes down to what you have to offer (e.g. skills, experience, accomplishments), but presenting yourself in the best light available is key.

How a Resume Service Can Help

We have found that many clients are not capable of composing a resume that adequately highlights their abilities. They usually have problems drawing out their strengths and matching them with what employers are looking for (i.e. organizational, teamwork, communication skills). Very often, we have had clients contact us with a resume they themselves composed which did not get results in the job market. After working with them to restructure their resume – incorporating and illustrating viable skills and utilizing more professional jargon – the difference in the number of interviews offered has been notably significant.

Remember, also, you need a strong targeted cover letter to complement and frame the resume in a manner that makes it seem like the job description was written just for you. The three key elements in choosing a resume writing service are: capabilities and experience, cost, and the “personal touch.”

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Resume Service Capabilities and Experience

The resume service you select should be able to handle the full range of preparation services, including resumes, cover letters, and personal statements. In today’s economy that also means it must have a website. Check out the features on their website and make sure they have the following as a minimum:

Interactive worksheets for submitting your resume information

Phone number for direct communication for technical assistance

Resume and cover letter samples so you can judge the quality of the work

Be sure to avoid websites that are cluttered and confusing because if you use them that’s how your resume will end up looking.

Resume Service Cost

The cost of a resume is small considering the money already invested in one’s job preparation (e.g. $100,000 for four years of college), as well as the importance of a good resume in securing that dream job. However, you should conduct comparative shopping to make sure the cost for the service you are considering is in the right ballpark. Make sure the company guarantees your satisfaction. But beware of services that offer unusually inexpensive costs. Most of the time, you get what you pay for.

The “Personal Touch”

Only use a resume service that can provide you with personalized service – one where you can have direct communication with the resume provider though the creation cycle by both e-mail and phone. It’s important to have this interaction so that your resume truly puts you in the best light. You have to feel comfortable with the service.

Maybe the biggest hurdle you’ll have to cross when you’re looking for a new job is creating the

perfect resume. No pressure, but it really should be just about perfect!

That’s why many job hunters turn to professional resume writing services. But once you start

looking for help, it can get confusing. If you’re going to spend money getting your resume done,

you want to be sure you’re working with a great service.

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About Assured Resumes, LLC

Assured Resumes is a resume writing service that provides solid professional resumes at an affordable cost. We believe going above and beyond for our clients is most important, and providing an affordable service is one way of putting our clients first. Our company was formed on the basis of helping individuals achieve their career goals and reach a new level of professionalism.

We produce quality resumes that are an easy read for employers and speaks volume. Assured Resumes emphasizes on your strengths, achievements, and accomplishments; we will turn over every stone to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your finished product.

We promise to exceed the expectations of our clients and guarantee satisfaction! Assured Resumes would like to thank you for choosing our service and we wish you a successful career journey. For More Information Visit or call (609) 980-7772.