New indefinite article

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Transcript of New indefinite article

Page 1: New indefinite article

[email protected] 8927878078

Page 2: New indefinite article

Use 'a' with nouns starting with a

consonant (letters that are not vowels) 1.The words a and an are called indefinite

articles. You can use them with a singular countable noun to talk about any single person or thing.

E.g.: I saw a bird with Cat.

A dog is a faithful animal.

There is an umbrella.

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We shall learn the use We shall learn the use of “A”of “A”

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There was a fairy.

I read a book named the BIBLE.

A bird is flying.

A tiger is dancing.

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Use of “A”

1.A doll is dancing on the floor.

2. This is a Fan.

3. A Tiger is running.

4. This is a Black Horse.

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An aeroplane is flying.

This is an ant with white shadow.

An egg is standing [lying] .

It is an Earth’s model.

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Some exceptions of “a”

. A one rupee note . A One eyed man. A European lady. A uniform. A united action. A union. [Let us discuss why is it so]

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Some exception of “An”

An M.P. An M.L.A. An S.D.O. An. Heir An Hour An Honest M.A. [ Now we will discuss reasons, in the


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Let us see USE of THE

We use the Before e the name of Higher Posts, the name of News papers,

The name of Countries [jointed], before the name of Heavenly Bodies,

Before Superlative Degrees, Before Punjab, Before Historical Buildings and Monuments.

When we speak of a person or thing again. [Here is a purse keep the purse safe.]

Before the names of Train, Magazines, Mountains [not peaks]. Island, Continents.

The is used before common nouns when the name of an animal, plan, or other thing is taken as a type of its class, [The cow is a useful animal.]

Before Common nouns which are unique of their kind.[moon,sun]. Historical events, Cardinal Number [The second Girl ] Evening, Morning, afternoon if they don't carry last,next,every [ I

get up in the morning]

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•Before All and Both but not before Whole and Same.*Before Comparative Degrees but there should not be Than in front of it. [She is the wiser of the Two.] * Before Proper Nouns. [The Guptas, The Browns] * Before the word which shows UNIT. [By the Metre, Bye the Dozen, By the Kilogram] * Before the name of Directions, Ships, Trains , seas, Oceans, Canals, Lakes, Dams, Deserts, Religious books, Nations, Communities [ The Hindus, The English]. [FOR DETAIL and Exceptions REFER GRAMMAR BOOKS OF Pal and Katyal,P.C. Wren and J.P.H. etc.


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We saw the Tajmahal in Agra.

The Sun is hot.

The Daal Lake is here

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I am seeing the Darjeeling Express.

This is the Himalaya.

Have some moreHave some more

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Should we not try to use a, an, the ?

He looks as stupid as ___ owl. I bought ___ Horse, ___ ox, and ____ buffalo. Copper is ___ useful metal. French is ___ easy language. He is ___ untidy boy. I read ____ Ramayana. I met ___ one eyed man at market. ___ Earth moves round ___ Sun. Mr. Joseph is ___ M.L.A.

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Really u are champions.