NEW Full Course GCSE Philosophy and Ethics

GCSE Philosophy and Ethics For those who like to question, argue and don’t expect to necessarily find the answer!


Presentation outlining the content of the new Full course GCSE in Philosophy and Ethics available at Abbeyfield School from September 2010

Transcript of NEW Full Course GCSE Philosophy and Ethics

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GCSE Philosophy and Ethics

For those who like to question, argue and don’t expect to

necessarily find the answer!

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What will I learn?

• You will study Philosophy and Applied Ethics from the perspective of at least one world religion.

• You will consider the way in which people live their lives and how their beliefs might affect that.

• You will have the opportunity to develop the key skills of analysis, empathy and evaluation

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What units will I be studying?

Ethics One• Human Relationships• Medical Ethics• Poverty and WealthEthics Two• Peace and Justice• Equality• The Media

Philosophy One• Belief about Deity• Spiritual Experience• The End of LifePhilosophy Two• Good and Evil• Reason and Revelation• Science

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Religion and Human Relationships

• Who should have what role in the family?

• Why do people get married and what is the ceremony like?

• Why do people get divorced?

• What about sex and contraception?

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Religion and Medical Ethics

• Why might someone choose an abortion?

• What do I think about fertility treatment?

• What is euthanasia and why might someone choose it?

• Should animals be used in research?

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Religion, poverty and Wealth

• Why do some people have so much whilst others live in poverty?

• How might someone put charity into practice?

• What teachings are there about this?

• What is an immoral occupation?

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Religion, Peace and Justice

• What is my attitude to War?

• What do I think about violence and pacifism

• What does social justice mean?

• How should we punish those who commit crimes?

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Religion and Equality

• What does equality really mean?

• How can I apply this to issues of race, gender, religion and forgiveness?

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Religion and the Media

• How is religion portrayed in the media?

• What do I think about censorship and freedom of speech in the media?

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Belief about Deity

• What’s God like?• Why might people

believe in him?• Do miracles happen?• How do peoples

beliefs affect the way they live their lives?

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Religious and spiritual Experience

• How do people worship?

• Why do people pray and meditate?

• Why are there food rules and why do some people fast?

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The end of life

• What happens when I die?

• Do I have a soul and can that separate from my body?

• What is a funeral


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Good and Evil

• How can people believe in God when there is so much evil in the world?

• What do religious people think about evil and the devil?

• How do people cope with suffering?

• Why should I behave morally?

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Religion, reason and revelation

• What is revelation?• What is a religious

experience?• How might God

reveal himself?• How important are

sacred texts?

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Religion and Science

• Where does the world come from?

• What are the origins of life?

• What environmental issues does this raise?

• How should we treat animals?

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How will I be examined?

• Jan 2011 – Ethics One

• June 2011 – Ethics Two

• June 2012 – Philosophy One and Two

• Each paper is worth 25% of the total grade.

• AO1 = 50% - Describe, explain and analyse

• AO2 = 50% - Use evidence and reasoned argument to express and evaluate personal responses, informed insights and differing viewpoints

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And finally …

You should consider taking this course if:•You have an enquiring mind and like to ask lots of questions•You like to argue, discuss and debate•You are interested in why people believe what they believe•You are curious about how people make moral decisions