New Faculty Orientation

New Faculty Orientation Marshall A. Martin Associate Director Agricultural Research Programs August 22, 2008


New Faculty Orientation. Marshall A. Martin Associate Director Agricultural Research Programs August 22, 2008. Hatch, Animal Health, and McIntire-Stennis Research Projects. Rationale USDA-CSREES Research Project Development Reporting and Accountability Multi-state Research Projects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of New Faculty Orientation

New Faculty Orientation

Marshall A. MartinAssociate Director

Agricultural Research Programs

August 22, 2008

Hatch, Animal Health, and McIntire-Stennis Research



USDA-CSREES Research Project Development

Reporting and Accountability

Multi-state Research Projects

Mission-oriented Grants and

ARP Assistantships

Role of a Hatch Project Federal requirement to spend

Federal tax dollars Strategic research planning to

be better positioned to obtain extramural funding

Communicate research plans to Purdue administrators

Encourage multidisciplinary cooperation

Research Project Development

Research Narrative Cover page Objectives Methods Rationale & significance Literature review

AD-416 AD-417 Assurance Form CSREES-2008

rDNA (IBC) Animal Care (PACUC) Human Subjects (IRB)

Research Project Expectations

Each faculty member with 20% or greater research appointment must have a Project

Each faculty member must report annually research progress, impact, and publications via CRIS (AD-421)

Reporting tips: Research problem What did you discover If possible, quantifiable impacts Appropriate research publications

1998 Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act (AREERA)

State Plan of Work approved by CSREES before Federal formula funds are released to each state

Faculty must complete an annual “Impact Statement” on their research and/or Extension activities

ARP must file an annual POW report on integrated research and Extension accomplishments which is based, in part, on the faculty “Impact Statements”

Report includes data on multi-state and multi-institution collaboration

Research ReportingInformation you submit gets used

USDA-CRIS (AD-421) Plan of Work Report to

USDA-CSREES PCARET members Presentations by the Dean

of Agriculture Reports to President

Córdova and Provost Woodson

Dean’s Advisory Board Purdue news releases and


Multi-state Research Projects

To encourage multi-state, multi-disciplinary, & multi-institutional research

ARP covers travel expenses for Purdue representative to annual meeting

Types of projects, e.g., NC, NCDC, NCERA, NCCC

Regions North Central Northeast South West

ARP Assistantships Encouage new tenure-track assistant

professors with three years or less as of October 1, 2008 to support graduate students and initiate their research program

$17,500 first year and may be renewable for second year

See ARP website for details The ARP Assistantship proposal should be

submitted to Jessica Crum ([email protected]) no later than 5:00 pm Friday, October 31, 2008.

Mission-Oriented, Internal Competitive Grants Program

Funding priority will be given to proposals that clearly address at least one of the seven key initiatives outlined in the Indiana State Department of Agriculture’s Strategic Plan.

Hardwoods: Increase the competitiveness of Indiana’s hardwoods sector Bioenergy: Maximize Indiana’s competitive advantage in agriculturally-

derived energy Livestock: Integrate livestock production into local economic

development with sound production practices, public understanding, and appropriate land use tools

Regulatory Coordination: Ensure that regulatory standards are science-based and encourage economic development

Diversity: Increase the number of diversified farms and help Indiana farmers capture value-added opportunities

Food Processing: Leverage Indiana’s comparative advantage in food processing

Farm and Trade Policy: Establish state leadership in agricultural and trade policy formulation and pursue foreign market opportunities.

Grant Evaluation

Points Clear problem statement (10 points) _____

High priority problem from an Indiana State Department of Agriculture and stakeholder perspective (15 points) _____

Clear indication of research and extension integration (10 points)_____

Appropriate research methodologies or approach (20 points) _____

Clearly outlined Extension component of the project (20 points)_____

Evidence of leveraging with other grants and/or in-kind support (10 points) _____

List of relevant research and extension citations (5 points) _____

Faculty capacity to successfully complete the integrated project (10 points)_____

Total (Possible 100) _____

Submission Procedures

The mission-oriented grant proposals should be submitted to Jessica Crum ([email protected]) no later than 5:00 pm Friday, November 14, 2008.

Notification to the grant recipients will be made by early January 2009.


Contact:Marshall A. [email protected]

du(765) 49-48365