New Direction for Qualmark 2011

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  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    The New Direction for QualmarkNew Zealand Tourisms official quality mark

    Industry Launch December 2010Presented by Paula McCallum General Manager

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    The New Direction

    Our GoalTo assist in delivering world class quality experiences to both internationaland domestic travellers through quality assurance.

    The New Direction Objectives Deliver quality assurance through the use of the most efficient

    business operations whilst servicing the needs of visitors and the

    tourism industry; Develop the most appropriate systems and processes for the future; Transition from a non-profit organisation to a stand alone commercial

    entity by 2013.

    Areas of focus Industry Perception; New Assessment Process; Criteria Review; New Pricing Structure; Policies and Procedures, and Terms and Conditions Revision; Enviro Independent Establishment; Marketing and Communications; Qualmark Branding Review.

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    Industry Perception

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    Licence = Quality Assurance


    Licence = Assessment

    At present there is a perception that;

    You buy a Qualmark licence;

    Licence equals an annual assessment plus marketing benefits;

    This is not achieving quality assurance.

    New Direction;

    Apply for a Qualmark Licence;

    Initial and ongoing Quality Assurance assessments completed to establishpass or fail and any variance of grading;

    International and Domestic Marketing benefits.

    a Qualmark Licence is earned not paid for.

    Industry Perception

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    New AssessmentProcess

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    Current Relationship Model

    QualmarkSupport Office



    Licence Holder relationships are managed by Qualmark Support office.

    Quality Assurance assessors are not empowered to manage licence holder base andgrow their territories,

    Encourages a lack of ownership and limits value delivered to licence holders,

    A relaxed approach to Qualmark Policies and Procedures shownby industry.

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    New Relationship Model



    QualmarkSupport Office Assessors are the key interface with

    licence holders,

    Quality assurance & territorymanagement are revised focus for


    Streamlined processes will allow bothsales team and assessors alike, time toconcentrate on sales and bring addedvalue to existing licence holders,

    Qualmark office will be the supportnetwork to assist in building a

    strong partnership betweenassessors and licence holders,

    Quality Assurance Assessors willmanage issues and ensure fairoutcomes are achieved.

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    Assuring Quality

    Profile Risk Examples

    1 Low Risk Consistent Operator Status;

    Consistent assessment %; Specific low risk sectors i.e. iSites, Museums;

    2 Medium Risk Internal Qualmark recommendation; Proximately % to lower grade or fail; Negative external feedback

    3 High Risk New Owner or New Licence Holder; Individual Operator Request; High Risk Adventure Tourism Operator.

    Assuring Quality through; Risk profiling to guide assessment choice.

    Effective use of the assessment menu;

    Risk Profiling - This will be based on the following factors;

    Operator Status;

    Individual Operator Request;

    External Feedback;

    Previous assessment scores and trends;

    Assessor or Account Manager recommendation;

    Associated segment risk.

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    Assuring Quality

    Current Assessment Process LackingAt present there are two assessment options;

    Full assessment

    An announced 3-5 hour assessment. The operator is given 2-6 weeks to

    prepare for an assessment.

    Issues arising from this;

    Minimum requirements are not completed prior to assessment date, resulting in

    inefficient time consuming follow up by support office;

    Opportunity to stage the assessment, resulting in a false grade or



    Agreed retention of grade without assessment

    Whilst welcomed by some licence holders as a time and stress saver, it does not

    assist in quality assurance.

    The current system does not allow us to assure quality with confidence.

    New Assessment MenuThe new assessment menu offers a range of assessment optionsto ensure we can assure quality effectively as well as efficiently.

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    Assessment Menu to Assure Quality

    Assessment Menu Definition

    Pre-Assessment This is designed to capture our current minimum requirements andstreamline the onsite quality assurance assessment process.

    Visual Assessment This is an unannounced onsite quality assurance assessment. Thiswill be used where the risk profile is low and performance isconsistent. Estimate time 1 hours

    Add On Assessment This will apply where a licence holder has multiple activities, brandsand/or branches, with the condition they are all run by a commonoperational process from a head office.

    It is an onsite quality assurance assessment.

    Full Assessment An announced comprehensive organisational, facility and qualityassurance onsite assessment. Estimate time 3-4 hours

    Mystery Assessment This involves an unannounced overnight stay and/or activity

    participation; followed by consultation with the owner ormanagement.

    Enviro Pre-Assessment This will require operators to provide a detailed list of responsibletourism initiatives along with Enviro minimum requirements.

    Enviro Assessment This is an assessment, to be completed at the same time as thequality assurance assessment. Estimate time 45 minutes

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    How it will come together

    Profile Risk AssessmentRequired

    1 Low Risk Visual Assessment

    2 Medium Risk Visual orFull Assessment

    3 High Risk Full Assessment

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    Criteria Review Process

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    A structured formal criteria review process has been developed;

    Based around an annual calendar;

    To ensure criteria are kept relevant and;

    Achieve continual quality assurance in an ever changing


    The process is designed to provide ongoing opportunity for all licenceholders to have input into the criteria and effect change

    This process will be overseen by industry to ensure it is owned and drivenby the industry; and achieves its goal of being open and inclusive.

    Criteria Review Process

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    Industrycollectsfeedback oncriteria

    1February Mid MayMid March 1April Mid April 1 May1 March 1 October







    Invitation tocontribute sentto Industryincluding any

    specific areasof concern

    Deadline forreceipt ofcontributions

    Criteriareviewgroup meet

    Initialcriteriapilot starts

    Review pilot& criteriaif required

    Final pilotreviewcompleted

    Launchcriteria toIndustry












    1 October

    Structured Criteria Review Process

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    Structured Criteria Review Process Detail

    Industry collects feedback on criteria

    Between 1 October and 31 January industry associations and groups are encouraged to collect feedback ready for theformal beginning of the review process on 1 February.

    Invitation to contribute sent to industry, including any specific areas of concern

    Request for feedback sent via Qualmark, TIA, other Industry Associations, Regional Tourism Organisations and industrypublications;

    Including a request for feedback on any specific areas of concerned raised prior to review;

    Data to be collected and administered by a dedicated staff member for the period 1 February to 31 March.

    Deadline for receipt of contributions

    Deadline for data to be received by in order to keep the process managed and focused;

    Collate information into an efficient easy to work with format.

    Criteria review group meet

    Made up of Industry representatives and Qualmark team;

    Discuss feedback, form recommendations based on specific suggestions raised and develop criteria changes whererequired.

    Initial criteria pilot starts

    3 Pilots completed per sector on a mid, high and low range operators to ensure fair results achieved and to establishimpact on the broader sector.

    Review pilot & criteria if required.

    Final pilot review completed

    Pilot process completed, reviewed and confirm criteria; Launch criteria to Industry

    Revised Criteria available from mid May on Qualmark Website for Licence Holder access;

    Present criteria to the industry via industry conferences, print media, newsletters, websites and face to face meetings.

    Revised criteria live

    All assessments completed after 1 October will be assessed by the revised criteria.

    NB: This process will be overseen by industry to ensure it is owned and driven by the industry;

    and achieves its goal of being open and inclusive.

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    New Pricing Structure

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    New Pricing Structure

    Current pricing structure Complicated, varies from sector to sector; Uneven balance for size of individual businesses does not fairly

    reflect the size of business; Discounts apply regardless of when payment is made; Licence fee does not reflect the cost to assess.

    New Pricing StructureThe new pricing structure is based on;

    a base fee plus a variable fee dependant on sector.

    The benefits of this system; Simplified and fairly reflects size and scale of organisation; Fairer and easier entry for smaller operators; Easier entry for more financially accessible for smaller operators Rewards only apply to invoices paid on time;

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    New Pricing Structure

    Application Fee Applies to all new licence holders without exception.

    Non refundable;

    Base Fee A base fee applies to each sector;

    Combines with the variable fee plus any additional multiple fees.

    Variable Fee Set appropriately to ensure a fair pricing structure is achieved

    across all licence holders.

    Multiple branch/criteria and/or logo

    Eliminates the inconsistencies; for multiple branches endorsed licences that have more than one activity we have to

    assess. Achieves a level of transparency and streamlines our pricing


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    New Pricing Structure

    Available Rewards Apply to on time payment only.

    Long Tenure Reward Rewarded for maintaining licence consistently applies after 3

    years (3%) through to maximum of 10 years (10%); Conditions to maintain Long Service Reward in the event of a sale

    of the business 30 day grace period given to new owner of an existing

    Qualmark licenced business; 12 months holiday given to an owner that sells and buys or

    develops another business and signs up again.


    oyalty reward A 10% reward will be offered to Marketing Chains who show a commitment to achieve 100%

    participation; Dual Licence Holders.

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    New Licence Holder ProcessHotel

    Complete application form Pay initialapplication fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base fee $ plus$ per room

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual licence fee

    Quality assurance assessments


    Loyalty and long service

    reward applied

    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    New Licence Holder ProcessSelf Contained & Serviced

    Loyalty and long service reward


    Complete application form Pay initialapplication fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base fee $ plus$ per room

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,

    whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual licence fee

    Quality assurance assessments


    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    New Licence Holder ProcessGuest & Hosted

    Complete application form Pay initial

    application fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base fee $ plus$ per room

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,

    whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual licence fee

    Quality assurance assessments


    Loyalty and long service reward


    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

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    New Licence Holder ProcessBackpackers

    Complete application form Pay initial

    application fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base fee $ plus$ per bed

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,

    whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual l icence fee

    Quality assurance assessments


    Loyalty and long service reward


    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

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    New Licence Holder ProcessStudent Accommodation

    Complete application form Pay initial

    application fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established


    ase fee $ plus$ per bed

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,

    whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual licence fee

    Quality assurance assessments


    Loyalty and long service reward


    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

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    New Licence Holder ProcessHoliday Homes

    Complete application form Pay initial

    application fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base fee $

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual l icence fee

    Quality assurance assessments


    Loyalty and long service reward


    Group Members H/O Base Fee $

    plus$ per group member

    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

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    New Licence Holder ProcessHoliday Parks

    Complete application form Pay initial

    application fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base Fee $ plus$ per site and

    fixed accommodation

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Fee,whichever is greater

    Applicable Rewards applied

    Annual l icence fee

    Quality assurance assessmentscompleted

    Loyalty and long service reward


    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

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    New Licence Holder ProcessVisitor Service, Visitor Activity, Visitor Transport

    Complete application form

    Pay initial application fee $

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base fee $ plus$ per FTE staff member

    Annual renewal licence fee.

    Plus$ per multiple

    criteria, brand or/and branch

    Licence Fee Due

    Application Fee or Licence Feewhichever is greater

    Quality assurance assessments


    Loyalty and long service reward applied

    Applicable Rewards Applied

    Initial assessment completed Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

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    New Licence Holder ProcessVenues

    Complete application formPay initial application fee $

    Initial assessment completed

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee established

    Base Fee $ plus$ per head of capacity (PAX)

    Applicable Rewards Applied

    Licence Fee DueApplication Fee or Licence Fee

    whichever is greater

    Annual renewal licence fee.

    Quality assurance assessmentscompleted

    Loyalty and long servicereward applied

    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    New Licence Holder ProcessExclusive

    Candidates identified based onAchieving 95% plus consecutive years;Exemplar within sector, location and level ofluxury.

    Annual renewal licence fee.

    Quality assurance assessmentscompletedLoyalty and long service reward applied

    Passed AssessmentLicence fee establishedSector licence fee plus

    Exclusive fee $

    Mystery Shop completed;Must achieve over

    90% to proceed

    Applicable Rewards AppliedLicence Fee Due

    Invitation to ApplySent

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    Policies & Proceduresand

    Terms & Conditions

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    Policies & Procedures and Terms & Conditions

    Our Policies &Procedures; and Terms &Conditions have been revised

    to reflect our new direction, and to assist in the implementation of

    change in the following areas;

    Organisational direction;

    Operations and Assessment processes;

    Pricing Structure;

    Encourage industry compliance with revised processes.

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    Licence Payment Process

    Licence renewal invoice sent

    Invoice generated 8 weeks prior to licence expiry;

    Invoice payable prior to licence expiry.

    Reminder sent 1 month prior to Licence Expiry

    Licence Expiry Date falls on last day of the month

    Licence payment due

    If invoice paid before licence expires applicable rewards are applied.

    If invoice paid after licence expires but within 1 month of expiry full payment accepted andlicence retained.

    No rewards applied.

    Licence terminated for non payment

    Must reapply as new licence holder and pay application fee;

    Long tenure reward is cancelled starts again at year 1 on reapplication.

    Licence renewalInvoice sent

    Licence payment dueLicence terminatedfor non-payment

    Applicable rewards apply Full payment acceptedNo rewards apply

    8 weeks prior to

    Licence Expiry

    Licence Expiry


    1 month after

    Licence Expiry Date

    Reminder sent1 month prior to

    Licence Expiry

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    Pre Assessment Process

    Pre-assessment link sent to licence holders -

    A link to pre-assessment document emailed to licence holders

    Written contract including details also sent with renewal licence certificate

    Guide to complete pre-assessment supplied

    Reminder sent including consequence of non-compliance

    Licence holder given 30 day grace period to complete

    Failure to complete will result in licence termination The licence fee is non-refundable

    Opportunity to contact Qualmark if there is any issue or circumstance inhibitingcompletion on time.

    Licence terminated for non compliance

    Must reapply as new licence holder and pay application fee;

    Long tenure reward is cancelled starts again at year 1 on reapplication.

    Pre-assessmentlink sent tolicence holders

    Reminder sent includingconsequence ofnon-compliance

    Licence terminatedfor non-compliance


    Licence Date1 month

    Complete and return pre-assessment Grace period

    2 months

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    Enviro IndependentEstablishment

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    Enviro Award Stands On its Own

    Independent Launch Success for the Enviro Award

    Established in Hotel and Holiday Park sectors 1st September, 2010;

    Introduced to all other sectors from 1st April, 2011;

    Retain Enviro minimum acceptable requirements in the quality

    assured assessments;

    No longer affects the quality assured assessment score or grade


    Enviro Award will only be available to Qualmark Licence Holders.

    Enviro Award Price Structure - Optional

    Non-Refundable Application Fee $300

    (NB: New Licence Holders only Covers 1st year licence fee)

    Ongoing Annual Licence Fee $300

    Price Structure Effective from New Licence Holders - 1st April 2011;

    Existing Licence Holders

    1st July 2011 - $200 (Discounted for first 12 months);

    1st July 2012 - $300

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    New Licence Holder Process Enviro Award(only available to Qualmark Licence Holders)

    Complete application formPay initial application fee


    Initial assessment completed

    Passed Assessment and

    Enviro Award Status established

    Gold, Silver orBronze

    Loyalty and long service reward applied Annual renewal licence fee$300

    Quality assurance assessments


    Failed AssessmentNo Award achieved (no refund)

  • 8/8/2019 New Direction for Qualmark 2011


    Marketing andCommunications

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    Leveraging offInternational and Domestic Trade Opportunities

    Smarter Marketing Spend The end of random, un-focused, expensive Qualmark ads.

    Focus on Utilising Media Opportunities Proactive and positive media opportunities - raise profile Reactive media opportunities - the go-to organisation on Quality


    Focused and Targeted Why, Who & HowExample;

    Why Build Assessor industry credibility; Who - Tourism Business Magazine industry-focused magazine, How through focused assessor advertorials.

    How we will be doing it from now on

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    Focus on our Assessors

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    QualmarkBrand Review

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    To develop and launch a new Quality Mark that differentiatesbetween sectors and is immediately recognisable by internationaland domestic visitors as New Zealands trusted and official qualitymark.

    Partnered with brand specialists Contagion Limited; Undergoing Brand Health exercise;

    Developing revised brand to clearly differentiate sectors;

    Establishing formal brand standards and management processes;

    Revised brand and brand standards introduced to the Industry for

    consultation during February 2011.

    Qualmark Brand Review

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    The New DirectionTimeline

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    The New Direction Information Pack

    Available via Qualmark website - 23rd December, 2010;

    Industry Follow-up Consultation engaged during January,


    Implementation Date for Changes 1st April, 2011.

    Enviro Award Price structure effective from;

    New Licence Holders - 1st April, 2011;

    Existing Licence Holders - 1st July, 2011.

    The New Direction Timeline