New Commandment

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Transcript of New Commandment

  • 8/2/2019 New Commandment



    Welcome to all. Today we are presenting this skit which is to enlighten us to the knowledge of the

    New Commandment God has given. We all know that Gods commandments are true, righteousness

    and life. We can see, we can read in the New Testament that God has given us a New

    Commandment. foretold by our Lord, in Mat 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom

    against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places, we

    are seeing great trouble and unrest around the world. Every country is trying to become greater and

    mightier than another. Nations are breaking and breaking news of war and massacres are so

    common. Killing in hundreds and thousands is becoming quite usual. Human race is becoming

    senseless and nothing is affecting the heart of man. But for us Christians these all things are already

    told to us in The Bible so that we keep ourselves ready and wait for Lords second coming.

    2Ti 3:1 -14 (AMP) BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come perilous times of greatstress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self and [utterly]

    self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and

    arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to

    parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. [They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous

    and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false

    accusers, troublemakers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce,

    haters of good. [They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They

    will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of


    Human history of our time is being written in red colour with blood. Blood is spilled all over the

    earth. War.tanks.war planes.missilesnuclear weapons.the amount of money being spent in

    the name of defence is more than half of the countrys gross income. But word teaches us not to

    trust in the horse nor chariots but Psa_20:7 Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses,

    but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God.

    The earth became so rich in everything. They are building huge mansions, big luxury houses, royal

    cars, priceless jewels of gold and diamond, very advanced electronic gadgets, they are lack

    nothing. But one thing is scarcely available, a very rare commoditysearch everywhere and you

    cant find it easilyThat is Love..selfless Lovepure Loveit is vanishing from the hearts ofhumans. Because they are lovers of sensual pleasures and not loving the living God.

    But where are we heading? Towards the end. Yesto the end. But we are expecting and hoping and

    running the race to receive our crowns and to begin a new Life with the Lord. As we are in the last

    days.lets Love our God and also love one another!

    As the skit begins,,,,lets first see what is happening in a Sunday school class. If we understand how

    much we can GIVE then it will help us to realize how great HE is to give his son only son for us.

    Ask yourself now what you can give to others or how much you can give.

    Now lets us see how a Sunday school teacher explaining this to kids.

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    SCENE - 1

    Teacher: Praise The Lord

    Kids: Praise The Lord.

    T- Anyone can pray, now?

    K- Most gracious heavenly father, thank you lord for this day. Thank you for bringing us to the church

    safely and we praise you Lord. As we are going to learn..O Lord, please teach us your word. Bless the

    Sunday school teacher, head master and our Pastor. Bless todays worship and talk with us Jesus. We

    ask in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

    T- nice prayerDavywho taught you to pray?

    K- we at home pray every day, Aunty. Papa prays very well and I learned from him to pray

    T- good. Very goodyou pray every day at home?

    K- every day teacher.without prayer we wont go to sleep.

    T- very many people remember the memory verse which I have given last week?

    (Few people raise up their hands)

    Before going into MV...what about Attendance. All are arrived?

    KAunty.Joe did not come today

    T- Why did not he come? Any problem?

    K- No auntyusually he comes so late. also he is not coming to SS last week

    T- may be some problem at home.i am also thinking to call him since last week to enquire about

    the reason but forgot. Today let me check(Teacher makes phone call)

    J- Praise The Lord Aunty

    T- Praise The Lord Joewhat happened to you? (in the background lot of noises and shouting.)

    J- Auntyquarrelling is going on between dad n mom since morningI told papa to take me to

    church but he is so angry n not talking to me

    T- OK Joe do not worrywe are praying and everything will become Ok

    OK kidssee even at home there is no peace. We dont each other thats the reason wequarrel with each other.OKwhat was the MV of last week?

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    ShibinJohn 3:16.

    Everybody is raising their hand

    T- goodeverybody has memorized the scripture..Ok Shibincan you tell that verse..

    S- John 3:16.God so loved the world..

    T- it is quite good to talk about that scripture now.last week we discussed about the Last

    supper..right? hope you remember all I taught to you. What the word says? God loved the

    much that HE gave his only sononly one son and HE did not spare.

    OKhow much all of you love me?

    D- Aunty you are very good.we love you so much.

    T- thank you .so much. Good.lets check how much you love meOkLet me ask one thing. Can

    you give me that pen?

    D- Take this Aunty.

    T- Devu.I will not give it back this pen. You will not ask me while going back, right?

    D- No auntyno problem . you take this pen

    T- is easy for you to give this pen. Let me see how much you love me. If I ask the bag Will you

    give me this bag too?

    D- why you need bag? If you want I ll get it one from Pappano prob aunty(after thought) you takethis bag .

    T- you are so good Devu.good you gave me first 2 dirham pen.also you are ready to give 20

    dirhams bagnow If you really love me, can you give me the are wearing?

    D- (with trying to smile.) is gold |aunty

    T- you not love me?

    D- it is two pawans ah.Pappa will scold me

    T- See Devuyour gold chain is more value than me or you love your gold more.

    But our God gave his only son to save us because he loved us more than His Sons life

    See giving is become difficult when the value is going high. Thats the reason 2 dirhams pen can be

    easily given while devu cant give her 2000 dirhams gold ornament. It applicable to all. But God so

    loved the world - Such a love as that which induced God to give his only begotten son to die for the

    world could not be described: so, and left a subject for everlasting wonder, and praise, to angels

    and to men. The LOVE of the Lord cant be ever explained sufficiently by any human being.

    First, the world was in a ruinous, condemned state, about to perish everlastingly; and was utterlywithout power to rescue itself from destruction. We cannot save ourselves as all were under sin. But

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    God, through the impulse of his eternal love, provided for its rescue and salvation, by giving his Son

    to die for it. That the sacrifice of Jesus was the only mean by which the redemption of man could be

    effected, That sin must be an indescribable evil, when it required no less a sacrifice, to make

    atonement for it, than God manifested in the flesh. He suffered all humiliation, pain, sufferingsthe

    very GOD who has power to create all things and to destroy all things in less than minute..was

    hanging nakedly on the cross because He loved us so much and wanted to save his creation.


    Hello mike testinghello praise the Lord.disturbance comes in

    T- Ok kidstime is up n lets go to worship..God bless you. See you next week. Be obedient at home

    and pray and read the Bible everyday

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    God, our God, loves so much and he values us more than the life of his own son. He has not spared

    his own son and he saved us so wonderfully. There is no doubt that God so much loved us but lets

    have a look what was paid in exchange of us. How much precious and valuable it is! Yet , God did for

    that. Letshave a look on the comes the young preacher to throw some light on .the

    subject of Loveto tell us what is love and what is life. it is one fine Monday evening and all

    believers are gathered in Bro. Chandys (not Ommen Chandy for sure) house for prayer as usual.

    They are very thirsty for the word and all came after their toil of the long day to worship the Lord.

    SCENE - 2

    Worship Leader.Our God has brought us here to worship and magnify Him. It is wonderful evening

    and please do not be in silence but open up your heart and mouth to praise and worship our mighty


    Now, for the blessing of the prayer meeting and for the anointing of the holy ghost, anyone who got

    the inspiration.please pray.

    One Believer: Merciful mighty Godthank you have brought each one of us in to the house

    of Godwhat a wonderful blessing it is to come on to the presence of the Living God. O father..we

    love you Lord. Thank you so much for blessing each one of us. Bless the Pastor, give him the strength

    and the wisdom to lead us. Strengthen the brother who is going to talk from the word of God. In

    Jesuss name we pray Amen.

    Leader Now, our brother Robert will talk from the word of God. (Brother take your own time up to

    9.00PM. All need to go to duty tomorrowso you stop before 9 o clock.)

    Robert- Praise the Lord .brotherswe have heard so many of messages. Attended so many

    meetings. Today we will see something. To make it understand use a picture than using 1000 words.

    Seeing is powerful but everything we cannot see. We cannot see the air with our eyes yet it is

    everywhere. To make it clear if you see the videos of Japan tsunami or Catherina .not the

    Catherina who is selling fishes but it is hurricane Catherina then you can understand how much

    powerful it is. If you see on the gospels Lord Jesus throughout the ministry talked in parables,

    stories. So that he is trying to show us in a graphical way and passes the time. It is lives and talks


    Today lets study the scripture

    Joh 15:12-14 This is My commandment: that you love one another [just] as I have loved you. No one

    has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his

    friends. You are my friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do.

    Today lets see what God has given in return to save ushere it sayshis own life..if we want to

    understand what he has given. It will really help us to love him more. If we go to shop to buy certain

    things in turn we pay currency. The equal amount of, value of that particular may be mobile

    phone or kfc or pencil. People wants to be seen with valuable itemsnice watch, expensive watches.

    My papa wears Rado which costs 10,000 dirhams. My friends dad drives Lexus 4x4..luxurious

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    car..the first thing comes is what its much you paid..If you pay more moneyyoull get

    more value. Lets put this waywe have to pay more money to buy more valuable thing. If we pay

    1000 dirhams to buy any material it may be gold, mobile, watch.then it has the worth of 1000

    dirhams. Now as we read ..God gave his life.if you want to see the valuethen first we have to

    understand the price, cost paid to buy us. That is L I.F..E. much value it has? Or how much we value it? For example, if a hurricane going to hit

    shortly we have to leave quickly from this placewhat are the things you will take? You are going to

    run to escape from the oncoming danger. Will you take your Laptop? Your costly Sofa set? Or you

    will prefer to carry that big, 3D, LED TV? May be you will take that nice, very expensive NIKE sports

    shoe? In your house, in your hall, in your living roomso many valuable things are there..You can

    take all of them but you cant escape the hurricane and subsequently you will be in danger of loosing

    the most precious possession. Life! So we take, if possible, few valuable things.your passport,

    gold ornaments, diamond ( I know most of you are having diamonds) money (surely not in millions

    though you may have it in hot currency)so when the life is at stakeour list of valuable things

    become slim n thin. We will forsake anything and everything to save our life. Because we value our

    life more than anythingwe cannot put a price tag on it. Once lost means we lost it forever. We

    cannot get it back, never. Thats the reason we value it.

    Now lets see few moments of titanic.last few minutes in the burning World Trade

    Centrefinal phase of the rulers.who possessed everything once but when the time come to

    decide.they ran for life! you may understand the value of life. And God has given that life for us, to save us, to

    redeem usthe very precious life he offered in the cross, sustaining very pain, insult,

    humiliationbecause in Gods view we more precious!

    So lets love our God with all our heart, mind and strength and may the Lord bless us with these


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    We have seen from Sunday school that giving valuable thing is difficult. And also we heard from Bro.

    Robert that the price and the value of life which was paid to save us. Scripture says that God first

    loved even when we were sinners. And the same scripture gives the commandment to love our God

    with all our heart and mind. Is it possible? If possible, how it can be expressed? Anybody ever loved

    the God fully? Yesmany, many! Countless the stars of the sky, Abrahams sons and

    daughters. Except John the divine, all the apostles were martyrs. All of them were gave their life for

    Christ. The one we just saw of Peter. Lets meet such a person from the new testament who loved

    God more than this scene we just imagined how it could be if we able to meet this

    early church person.

    SCENE - 3

    Welcome to the show. We have seen so many Godly people, prophets and listened from them in this

    show. Today we are having another special person with us. He is very familiar to us, he was thedeacon in the early church, he was full of Holy Spirit, full of zeal for God, no fear to stand for God,

    one of the strong personality in the early church, blessed to repeat the very same words Lord Jesus

    used on the cross.yes you guessed it very correctlyit is Peter,,,! Oh is not Peter. If you

    guessed Peter so sorry to youIt is StephenI purposely did not mention that..THE FIRST CHRISTIAN

    MARTYRotherwise you would have easily identified him. Letswelcome Bro. Stephen

    Liya- Praise the Lord, Br. Stephen

    Stephen- Praise The Lord Sister

    L- We are so much in the professionalism in this modern day.was it so in your days also?

    S- Noit was not so in our days we loved each other. We loved the Lord more than anything in the

    world. But now it is different.. i can sense that. No love ..all things are being commercialized.

    Everywhere you can see that money has take the first place in humans life.

    L- Thats truetoo much knowledge and too much of competition .shall we enter into our topic

    slowely? Firstcan you brief us about your experiences to us

    S- Me and another 6 persons who are filled with Holy Ghost were selected to take care of the

    widows by the apostles. Because they were very busy in preaching the Gospel. The apostles laid

    their hands on us and prayed for us. .We loved our Lord. Because first He loved us. Even when we

    were sinners. He is just wonderfulwhat a beautiful and joyful days were they!

    L- OK..Brohow do you recount early experiences

    S- It is AD 35.not like today. We really loved Christ and he is everything for uswe loved each

    other.the early church was filled with people who know Christ and loved him with all their heart

    and mindit was very difficult to talk or pray openlythose days were not like today..there was no

    such thing that it is mine..that is yourswe really knitted in love and acted as one body..all things

    were common to all. It was such nice days and God might have so much pleased..

    L- In which way you say that everything was common for all

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    S- WE loved each other from the bottom of the heart. In love there is no division. All is common.

    Thats the reason most of the people sole everything and gave the money to apostles. You might

    have heard about the story of Ananias and today I believe all are independent and separated from

    one another. People are very much selfish and cant have the feeling towards othersNo love for

    others. Very self-centred life..

    L- Yes it may be trueeverybody is running without rest..running for survivalIt may be bit difficult

    for you to understand current situation in this worldbecause you never tasted the competition and

    battle for existence

    S- In short. You people has gone too much far from God, the very life and all sufficient one.if you

    are with him then no need to worry about anything. HE provides all our needs. If we walk in the light

    no darkness come near us

    Today, you can openly call the name of God can go to the church you want to attend , the song

    you want to sing but in those days we cantopenly assemble to worshipyou have more freedomand you should be more closer to God . In our days even we cant even openly profess as Christian

    which would bring deathyet, we were happy and miracles and wonders followed

    L- Have you any experience of miracles and wonders?

    S- SureGod, the resurrected Jesus, has done great wonders and miracles through us. Many got

    healed, many were made whole, lame walked, dump talked, God was glorified. This made the Chief

    Priests and other Jews to get angry.

    L- Are they tried to persecute you, attacked you?

    S- sureit going to be the same waybecause if you want to s tand for the truth then you are going

    to be persecuted and thats what Satans job. What I meant was Christians in the early church was

    brutally murdered, burned to deathgiven to beasts.they dont have any freedom for

    worship, to preach to do evangelism but today you have so many optionsyou can use TV, you can

    use internet, you can use all other electronic gadgets which we lacked.. but Gods power within to us

    to do all things..

    L- Thats true. I do agree with your point..But today we are lacking Gods power due to the invasion

    of science, entertaining mediasowhat caused you to be hunted and what was the accusation

    made against you?

    S- Blasphemy..spoken against Moses the prophet and the God.Jews from the synagogue of the

    Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputed with me

    They told not to preach Christ. I preached Christ the resurrected Jesus.. the same truth all other

    apostles preachedThat made them so much angry

    L- How did you face those angry mobs? Those who came against you?

    S- They took me forcibly to their council to judge me. They already set up false witnesses against me.

    They decided to kill me and silence my voiceI am not alone and my God was within me and gave

    me the wisdom to speak..I spoke from Abraham to Moses and from Moses to Jesus. They hated

    Jesus and those who follows Him.

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    L- Then what happened?

    S- They took me out of the city, humiliated me, swear at me, beaten me, dragged me

    L- How did you endure all things?

    S- LOVE- Love endure all things, love bears all things, love not thing about self but always about

    others. CHRISTIANSfilled with love. They loved God and also one another. Thats is the reason it is

    become so easy for me to sacrifice my life happily for others! When every stone hit me, excruciating

    pain runs through me, blood gushed out of my body, things becoming shadow around me, when my

    fragile body slowly wet with blood.not for a moment I hate those who were stoning me. I felt a soft

    & tender hand hold me, comforted me, caressed me and hugged me. I just lay down my head in His

    bosom like child in the lovely arm of its mother.

    L- How do you endured the pain? From the hands of your own people? Can you tell us brieflyhow

    you were able to pray like our Lord prayed from the cross?

    S- Just I told you the answerLOVEnothing elseIf I denied Christ, my saviour, I would have easily

    escaped from these all pain and sufferings. But we loved our God with all our strength, mind and

    heart. So, in reality, God lived through us as God is love! HE gives the power and strength when you

    need. Pain caused by the anger of my people and the sharp stones was unbearable but above all

    things I saw Jesus whom I loved the mostthe love flown through me only enabled me to pray in

    those final, agonising moments to pray not to count this sins on their account!

    LThank you so much gives us the understanding that we should love our God and also

    love one another

    S- God bless you allwe all here waiting for that glorious day in which we are going to meet..until

    then our LORD will give you the strength to sustain all things here in the world. Love God with all

    your heart and also love one anotherThat is the New Commandment God has given to us

    Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me: and as I said unto the Jews,

    Whither I go, ye cannot come; so now I say to you. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye

    love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know

    that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:33-35


    Lovelove is of God. God is love. Love is fulfilling of the law and it brings all the blessings. Love

    covers multitude of sins. Love serves to others. Love bears all things and endures all things and love

    suffers all things. And Love never fails.

    Zebra is identified by its stripes. Lion is identified with its majestic, terrifying roaring. Cuckoo is

    identified by its sweet singing. We know rose by its wonderful smell. Gold is recognized with its

    purity and diamond is by sparkling.

    We carry ID cards to prove our identity, to show our profession, to express our authority.Police

    wears uniform and doctors use white dress and lawyers decors themselves with black gown.

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    But what is our identity? Christians those who are Christs disciples?

    Our names?

    Our dresses?

    Placing cross in the cars?

    Putting plates and stickers on the doors?Going to church regularly?

    Celebrating Christmas and Easter?

    Or Giving tithes?

    And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other

    commandmentgreater than these. Mark 12:31 says. If we love one another God dwell in us. He

    dwell in Love, dwell in God and God in him (1 John 4 : 12&16)

    And the Lord says you love one another by this the world know you are my disciples

    Lets love our God who gave his life for us and also love one another ..this is our identity and NEWCOMMANDMENT!