New Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1903-12-11 [p...

a A I err Ii r fiGtlt r 2reb I eiIf t i irt dt1 r r Md jSIa f The stoutest cable ever made is of t strainedto the breaking point when it is overtaxed Just the amount of strain the cable will bear without breaking can be figured by the makers to an ounce The human body 4s like the chain in I this that it breaks down when more than- a leBmatestrain is put upon it But unlike the chain there is no means of I telling under what strain the physical r powers will collapse For that reason L the first symptoms of being overtaxed are alarming If there isa feeling of weakness especially when accompained by loss of flesh the strain on the body is passing beyond its endurance There is need of increased physical strength and vigor People who are weak and rundown will find that Dr Pierces Golden Med ¬ ical Discovery will promptly restore I them to vigorous health It cures dis eases of the stomachand other organs of digestion and nutrition purifies the blood and builds up the body with sound flesh I I U I had been sick for two years with indigestion and nervous debility and I had taken medicine from my family for a long time without much benefit writes Mrs W H Peebles of Lucknow S CUWas induced by mv husband to consult Dr Pierce bv letter You advised me to take Golden Medical Discovery and I Favorite Prescription which I did and to my great surprise bottles I was cured My husband has not paid one cent in doc- tors ¬ bills for me since I took the medicine nearly two years ago- FREE Dr Flares Canaan ins AtaffiMf A- leal f r im saf FREE n rmumift of tamp 1m ply ex f mailing DilLY Smnil twentyone mum coot mtmmfm for thm mook M mmmof oovar or thirty on mtmmmm firE tstoth hound nhomo Admrmmm Of It V Pi ice Buffalo M Y McCREARY Mrs John Lackey continues quite ill John Hill sold to Geo Sadler 1 pair of mules for 135 Mr and Mrs Hysev of Ind are visi ¬ tingthelr daughter Mrs John Askins Mr and Mrs DIckerson and little daughter Katie Barnes were with friends at Bryantsville last week greavariety P A little child of Mr Geo Austin is sick NJRobert tended court at Richmond Monday Mrs Davis Sutton and children have returned from Winchester where they have been for some time visiting her sister Mr Cronley Broadus and family have moved into the house just vacated by rs Mary Kcllie she having moved in the house next to the Antioch church Mr Roy Beazley has returned from Crab Orchard Uncle Jas Hardin is able to be on again N Sterling silver spoons forks and fan- cy ¬ pieces New and complete line A goods put in nice satin lined boxes an engraved free tf Thompson the Jeweler I PAINT LICK Mr Oscar Hammack is very sick of typhoid fever Mr Fish andEstridge will be ready to move in their new stores about the first of Feburary Mr J J Shepherd of Irvine is mov ¬ boughtMrs of Morrow McRoberts are showing the nicest line of Cut Glass ever in the town tt On Wednesday evening last the Misses Lear entertained in honor of their charming visitors Misses Nannie and French Blackley of Louisville quicklybut presentDaintv 1 table tastefully decorated with Mount Mellick embroidery One of the most pleasing features of the evening was Princeby Where was Ollie Terrill last Wed attendt ¬ ing otconsumption lowing day in the Paint Lick Cemete Mr William Wiley fell in the fire a r lryou have not D- Rodgers BheuWaticRemedy in stock eaprcblrgesprepaidforL00 r this Remedy is guaranteed to cure Mention this paper whenwrlttnj- I I r- 1 1e few days ago and was badly burned He died Sunday Mr Eb Anderson of Lexington is t guest of his parents WantedOld copper brass rubber and zinc Roger Rucker 3t Paint Lick I MA11KSBUKY Suttt O n per Mr Will Marsee left Saturday for Oregon calft to Madams Richard McGrath and C Burdett championturkey raisers each sold a turkey bringing 405 footMessrs Joe Aldridge and Leslie An dersou of Lancaster were in this vi- cinity ¬ Sunday Miss Jennie Swope spent last week in Lexington The best joke lately in tuis commu ¬ Lt ast a young the parsonage and asked him if he marry him the next day On the pointed afternoon Rev Stallings do tod cozy But he looked in vain for the couple that never came He has not heard a thing of them but hopes they have been united and are rejoicing Rev Stallings tells us his parlor is always ready and he is willing at any time to perform the ceremony for those who are tired of single blessedness and wish to be lea to Hymens Altar Mr Crit Eubanks wife and little daughter 6f Hubble wereentertain ed Sunday by Mr andMrs NH Bogie Mr Joshua Sutton and family Lancaster have moved to his broth- ers ¬ farm near here Madams Bell and Ed Perkins atten- ded ¬ the birthday dinner given Mrs 1IlnervaBeddoY at Danville Dec 3 Mrs B is 98 years of age If we serve you well tell others if not tell us in other words dont tell 1your troubles to the policeman but to tt Thompson the Jewele- rBRYANTSYILLE Mr S N Steadman who has been ve ¬ ry sick is reported some better at this writing Mr J S Haselden and wife spent eral days in Danville last week w relativesMr S Dickerman has returned from New York and reports his wife very much improved ryMr Frank Montgomery and family are moving into town Bro W W Welburn leaves Wednes ¬ day for Florida to be absent for two weeks visit to his mother Mrs Kate Allen of Frankfort is with her sister Mrs Steadman this weekMrs W R Ramsey and mother Alice Admans have returned to th home in London after a pleasant vis ¬ it with their relatives here The building committee are receiv- Ing ¬ bids on their banking house no and the contract will be awarded lowest and best bidder in a few days The Becker Glass company have adopted the cash system from this date and say they will adhere strictly to it in the future The Xmas holiday spirit is begin ¬ ning to show itself in the juvenile face here abouts and from the indi ¬ cations if the lire works hold out o village will be in a blaze with ti youthful merriment by the time the day comes around LOWELL I Mrs Sudie Smith has returned from Jellico after a pleasant visit to her mother lilts Jessie Parks visitedb Mae and Will Henkerson are run nlngji corn husker and shreder inthte s- and J < y MI iI t = of the county ppduie giving Rat lEfnctlon I The critertjiinnient given by Mrs Koehler last Friday night was quite a success and was greatly helped out Dy Messrs Dunn Ritekor Woods and Norman The people who have been on th KottenI ed to the beautiful daughter of Geo Ball rd of this place They were married at Danville7wliss Bessie was schoolteacher here for some time and has a host of friends who wish her success through life Mrs Spurlock will live at the resi- dence ¬ of Dr N Mays next year the Dr and wile will boatd with them S MANSE Mr James Burnside was installed deacon in the Presbyterian church Sunday Mr J H White of Lincoln county and wife visited at Capt Dotys this weekSteven Walker Jr who returned t- his o home several wteksago with pne monia still remains very ill Mr Oatlev Burke and wife paid a visit to Mr Joe Elder and wife at Danville Saturday and Sunday WC Doty writes heme that he w- in the wreck near New Martinsville West Va The train turned over an all passengers were thrown intoaheap Fortunately none of them were seri ¬ ously injuredbut a brakesman was killed I Thanksb desire to thank the many friends who have been so kind to us in our recent ber- eavement and earnestly pray that Gods richest blessing may abide with each of them through time and eter- nity ¬ RL Underwood Valuable Property For Rent i have for rent in the city of Lan- caster one 5 room cottage 2 good barns and other outbuildings wiN five acres of land upon which is s ¬ ted the public stock pens and good vathas ° 1211tiD BEUNA VISTA Mr Fred Brooks and family of samine have moved to their farm re cently purchared from Mrs Cunning hamMrs John Daugherty and little son are guests of Mr and Mrs Christopher Mrs Sarah Hackley of Lancaster visited friends and attended church here Sunday apMiss Myrtle Ruble was in Harrods shopping last week ofs of an residence among the number Messr Clovd of Hedgeville nyBorn to the wife of P S Terrill on inst a son InLadles Gentlemens Traveling Cases at Robertss Drug Store tf The Buena Vista Prohibition Alli ance held an interesting meeting ininterest SocietyMt of g IsAn on ofMr Al Williams of Illinois is the Wllllams ¬ ofMr morningThe I RevH friends extend sympathy to the gr leeJ stricken parents A Timely Topic At this season of coughs and col it is well to know that Foleys Hon and Tar is the greatest throat and lung remedy It cures quickly and pre- vents serious results from a cold J B Stormes 1- ter companyIth keeps away from 11 Millionaire Poor Stomach The wornout stomach of the over¬ fed millionaire is often paraded in the public prints as a horrible example of the evil attendant on the possession of great wealeb But millionaires are the only ones who are afflicted w bad stomachs The proportion is far greater amonghe toilers Dyspepsia and indigestion are rampant among these people and they suffer far worse unlerr esa a medicine like Greens August Flower which has been a favorite household remedy for all stomach troubles for Flowto ng appetite and insuring perfect diges tion It tones and vitalizes the en ¬ tire system and makes life worth liv ¬ ing no matter what your station Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c At all druggists Feb 04 1 = Administrator Sale Cartere I s premises about six miles from Lan S caster Ky on Poor Ridge turnpike tlog t64lJO one lot of timothy aY20 bushels wheat two 2 horse wagons 1 spring atwagon F d kiltd locust posts wheat fan farming im ¬ 11dayofaleSaleooKlns am Hnry Bjurlow Admr jiailtlon R is i- lliisiloners T lut c GAKUARQ Uincmi COUK- TTliihartl 1V8 Ellen ron By virtue of a Judgment of the Gar rard Circuit Court rendered at Its No ¬ style ¬ ed case I will MONDAY unI publicly before the Court in Lancaster Ky sell to the au best bidder the following deser t ed in Garrard county Ky which is bounded as follows Beginning at an elm on Buck Creek corner to Bdlew and also beginning corner to whale tract thence with I Ballew N 77i E 32 poles to asugartree his corner thence S IE 26 poles to a stake In the center of the Kirksville and Hiattsville Turnpike road thence down the same as it meanders S 75 W20 poles S 781 W38 poles S 89 W4 poi S 52 W 18 poles S 25 W 30 poles S 55 W 7 poles to the center of BackCreek thence down the same as it meanders North 22 poles N 15 E 14 poles N 55E14 poles N 3J E 19 poles to the beginning con ¬ taming 16 acres and 2 roods From this deducted the tollowln boundary Beginning at a sugar tr on the line of Woodson Ballew thence with Ball ws line S 21 E 26 poles to a stake in ° the center of the Hiatts ¬ ville and Kirksville Turnpike road thence with the same 79 w 21 poles thenu Hi W 261 too a of the whole place and Woodson Balls thence N 70 E 7 poles to the begs Wing containing 4 acres 71 poles TERMS asThe sale will be made on a credit of six 12 months bond with good se ¬ porchd a ¬ to the undersigned bearing 6 per ten interest from day of sale until paid having the force and effect of a judg ¬ ment upon which execution may iss if bond is not paid at maturity lien will be retained onthe proper solduntil the purchase money is pat JOHN W MILLER Master Comr Garrard Circuit Court I Commissioners Sale of Lan GAURAKD CIRCUIT COURT Ruth A Aldridges Admr Plff vs Ruth A Aldridges Heirs and Devi ¬ ses Dfts By virtue of a judgment of the Gar ¬ Circuit Court rendered at- ovember its Term 1903 in the above styled case I will on MONDAY DECEMBER 28 190 3x before the court house door i nighf est ed property in Garrard County Ky which is bounded as follows Beginning at a beech tree corner to 22 W roJ ad at a stake corner to Royston thence passing Into and with the middle of the turnpike S 55 E 15 poles S 751 E 27 poles S 4H E 2144 poles to a point in the middle of the turnpike and with said Royston N 33t E 22 poles t o a stake in the old Hickman road corner to same thence N 18t E18i poles to a mulberry stump in the East side a new corner to same thence N48 E 490 poles to a stake in the East side of said drain corner to same thence down the drain N 1 W 43110 poles to a point in the middle of said drain corner to said Naylor in line to J C Boner thence with said Boner N 88 W 60 poles to a stone cotner to same thence due to East 21f poles to beech corner to same n¬ begDfc TERMS The sale willbe made on a credit of good1n er for the purchase money payable the undersigned bearing 6 per ce ntH Interest from day of sale until paid having the force and effect of a jar dg ¬ ment upon which execution may issue if bonds are not paid at maturity A lien will beretained on the property sold until the purchase money is paid JOHN W MILLER Master Comr Garrard Circuit Court Commissioners Sale of Lan GARRARD CIRCUIT COURT M Barlows Widow and Heirs Plffs vs J M Barlows Heirs Dfts By a virtue of a judgment of the Garrard Circuit Court rendered at its stye l ed MONDAY DECEMBER 28190 publicly before the court house door highm est ib yhe Beginning at a stake on a hill s- In line to Yantis and orner to t dower thence with Yantis N 51 E 5 chains to a stake old call a pup stump thence with Yantis N 79 W 240 chains tostakeN39W250cha to a large oak stump N 8W 875cha taastakeN20W4U5ehainstoaatagin the old distillery of Stone Barlow to a stake near the forks of a drain corn ¬ wiith th 25 chains N 86 E 3 chains S 491 E 5 chat to a buckeye at the Purity of dra thence up lefthand drain S 85 E 7 chains near head of drain N 75 E 375 chains to a point in hedge fenoe old sugar tree corner thence with hedge fence S 88 E passing Black and Lack- eys ¬ corner at 230 chains in all 1675 springbranch eys line thence with said Payne S 21 E passing a stone on North side of a drain at 458 chains formerly ironwood coiner Jo all OQ corner 31 chains to a stone ono branch corner to Payne a upsaldbranoh ti8W posit a marked young hickory S 82 W2 chains N 31 W5 chains S 87 W 4 45 chains 862 W 260 chains to a stone at the forks of branch an old corner to tacttljencontiquiwgpthe ce dford S 30i W 208 chat 1t W 2 M chains S QM W 137 chains saidbranch dower lines N lltW 18 60 chains leab passlDJlastone IIchains 10785f ac i TIle fence on this the heirs ran 11tlogof the ripe and mace a partnership 1- I as r 7 1 r fence The nboyo tract rrf land coin ¬ leaieirs dower land i TERMS j This sale will be made on a creditor 6 and 12 months bonds with good sc curitytvillberegnireduPthepurchasetor r j centIinter ¬ II are salb d JOHN JV MILLER Master Comr Garrard Circuit Co- urtL Commissioners Sale of Laud GARRARD CIRCUIT COURT JOHN A WOOD Trustee in Bank esruptcp of C M Jenkins PItY vs The National Bank of Lancas- ter et al Defts and The National Bank of Lancaser on Cross Petition Plff- vs Deftee s White Dunksrson Co on cross petition Plffs vs The National Bank of Lancas ceterCc Deft virtue of a judgement of the Gs Nn 28 publicly before tne court house duo in Lancaster Ky sell to the highest and best bidder the following describe property in jGarrard county Ky and bounded as follows to wit uinthsundividet d t Jenkins in sevenninths of the follow ing tract of land on Sugar Creek and atA ae ind a meanders s 73 E 29 poles s 8H E 24 poles s 52 E 33 poles s 49 E 20 poles s 63E1I poles to a stone in a Hat branchd x E ° a 31 E 51 poles to a beech thence Nit w 12 poles to a sugar tree stump In nshed thence N 35 AV 35 poles to a sugar tree thence N26 w 17 poles to a stone thence N 4ii AV 21 poles to a stone thence N 30 ± w 11 poles to a stone thence x50 IV 16C6 poles to a beech stump thence y 59 w 23 poles to a elm stump thence x 87J AV 40 poles to a stone to the Buford line thence with said line n E 1 poles to a stone thence 711 w 13 poles to a stake in she a branch thence x 3H w 4 to a stake thence x 53 w G poles to beech on the side of the road N 66 west 32 GO poles to a stone be tween sugar tree and elm pointers thence west 94 poles to a black walnut on old corner thence SUE 148i poles to the bepinninpcontaining 235 acres 1 rood and 33 poles but in said convey ance a small strip of about It acres along the drain bordering on the Mid dleton farm had been contracted to- G B Dunn to enable him to secure his fence out of said drain Said tract of land was conveyed by David F Smith and wipe to the defendant C M Jenkln anrl his wife Anna 11 Jen kins In the the proportion of four ninths to defendant C Jenkins and fiveninths to the said wife Anna M Jenkins April 16 1873 Book 3 508 Second tract The curtesy or life interest of C M Jenkins in the follow ing tract Beginning at a sugar tree corner to Colby Jenkins thence a new line s 80 AV 80 poles to a stake in Ad ams line thence with said line N 2J AV 43 poles to an oak in the turn of a road thence with the south edge o f the said road and lane x 87t E 803 poles to the beginning containing 21 acres 1 rood and 36 poles asThird tract On the waters olsuga beginning at a stone corner to Dunn a new lines 74 AV 10020 poles ° a stake on the line of the whole Ad ams tract and in the line of the other Adams load thence with the line of said land s 83 E 195 poles to a stake near the west post of a gate thence s 3 AV 925 poles to a stake N 891 E pass ¬ 16 feet x of an old ashcorner 825 poles to a stake on said Jenkins line 1C ft x of an old poplar stump thence ad thence with said Jeff Dunn and John H Dunns line s 87A 829 poles to be ¬ ginning containing 53 acres 3 roods and 23 poles also a strip of land 15 ft wide that was reserved by J AV Poor in conveyance made by him to Juhn AV Folger running the whole northern on the southern line H Dunn said tract of land havingi 3been conveyed by John AV C M Jenkins on the 2nd day of April 1878 by deed recorded in Garrard county clerks office in Deed Book No 3 page = 01- Fqqrth tract On the waters ofDix River and Sugar Creek and Bounded cornerhe Brytar road thence with the middle and me pu1Gsins of same a new corner thence a new lineN fit w passing a locust tree fore and aft standing near the pike 73 poles to a stone corner to AV J Hogan and C M Jenkins thence with said Jenkins line a 89 AV S0 poles to the andln land which was conveyed to C MJen kips by J H Dunn and others on the 23rd day of March 1885 by deed of rec ¬ ord in Deed Book 7 page 031 in Gar ¬ rard county olerks office Fifth tract On the waters of Sugar Creek and bounded as follows Be ¬ ginning at a point in the middle of the Bryantsville sad Sugar Turn ¬ pike a newcomer thence leaving lire pike a new lneg It E 155 to a stake new earner in line to C M Jen ¬ 83Id Mrs Asa Dunn thence her line N If AV lon chains to a point in the south pikethence 891 w 915 chains to the beginning containing 2283 acres it being the same tract of land conveyed by J H Dunn and wife to defendant CM Jen ¬ 1891ns 628 Garrarc county clerks office Seventh tract The cUJtesyor life interest in the following tractBe ¬ ginning at pointin the middle of the Lancaster Danville and Nlchglasyille thenctaa 869 E 540 poles to a stakes N851E5 to a stakes 841 E 28 poles to a is 82 B 11 poles to a stake N 89i 3290 poles to a stake corner to AV J polcgd lo Jeff Dnnnj thence with said cornei i k af t Y II V stales In the north cduo ftblIIatal SusrCreoa tuntpikrroads middle of the Danville Lancaster and Nichnlasville road thence withthemiddleotsames384 AV3240 poles to a point in the miadii of Piinif FhrFord middle of said county road x 86 w 60 80 poles to a stake in the middle o- fsameanewcornertoMrrthaJmirh thence a new line to same X4 E 62 64 sampthence poles to the middle of the aforesaid samethence I of said pike x 384 E 1900 voles x 35 E MarthaJ poles in all 44i poles to the begin Wing containing 96 acres tollowing ¬ first tract by itself and the interG9tintheremainingsevenninthsby gather with curtesy in the second tract then curtesy in second tract by itself tractstogether the fourth tract bv Itself then the JenkinsIn lands and curtesies then will be offer ¬ realizing TERMSr ofu bonds with good se ¬ purchaser ¬ the undersigned bearing 6 per cent unUlpaiilhaving Isupif lien will be retained on the property sold until the purchase money is paid MILLERMaster ¬ cuit Court DRPIERCES GOLDENI j t gvltn R IRffl Aaouataat c IaIII I < i v I JI J Notion i it bank bnlldlng between the of 10 a 01 and 2 p on Tuesday January 13 1901 to t Sla tion Notice will be a met ting of the hare holder of The Citlzeiis National at their office Tuesday Ja uary 12th lOOt for the of electing five directors to serve the ensuing year Dec 4th 1903 B F Rr KINWURD INSURANCE RepresentlniFolloilDiCoipiei iAetna Queen German Phenix of Brooklyn Merchants i New York Underwriters London Globe worth Ii Mt > rrhantUf Aetna LifelDS Co olHaFtfortCoi WS BEAZLEY QC FARI8 Seazley 6Dentlata O fflce over Thomp ons store Danville at iDont Violate the J And dont encourage the violation of the law haves whiskye Have a Right to Sell you Whisky dud You Have a Right to Buy it From Us READ OUR PROPOSITION IJpacked express charges It will cost you just 3 cents to send us either one or two dollars and 5 caste to s nrt na ff s io Whistabsolutely wlJlsend pure aJlexpnncharges You ought to have whisky in your house your doctor will tell you that whiky lithe hwror ¬ AIdno iton peace prepare war vet conpound Our poativo guarantee goes with order If every yon not pleased with the gofer i rare at Reference the Lexington City National Bank or the Adonis Express Coat Lextaf a Remember we pay all express charges Make remittance payable to and address rThe HAGIN DISTILLING CO Lexington Ky A nice etched glass and cork screw free with every order eNOS SPENCI6 ans Expert SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS I Its hours moo There Bunk are IEducates UrinNitimlBMk Building LOUISYILLEKY EXPFRT AnonilNTINR nFPARTIHIENT j Tses E l CHAS G f At all r 4 Dnfffl aU dfe fMt gM 1 J purpose HUDSON Cashier British lleI TURNER HARRIS Faracamph Inflammation8oldaUTl EWM- ILLINERY GOODS Arriving Handsomesteverbrougtto SALLXE D TXLLET KIDNEY DISEASES I1Cthe mottfatal OUTS IIDlEY citE1i Election eroetfolder yearDec PalatineNational Hartford Conneticnt Americant Milwaukee Liverpool Faris Law We Business MANAGERS IT Daily Lancaster l Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr Kings New DiscoIsry I For c A Perfect Cure IIO Haa LHa le trio i t1LN 1 For All Throat and hung Troubles I MNrw Ytoh tr k tB Trw MtMN fi w J I

Transcript of New Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1903-12-11 [p...

Page 1: New Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1903-12-11 [p ] · 2013. 5. 30. · John Hill sold to Geo Sadler 1 pair of mules

aA I

errIi r fiGtlt r2reb I eiIf t i irt dt1 r r MdjSIaf The stoutest cable ever made isof

t strainedto the breaking point when itis overtaxed Just the amount of strainthe cable will bear without breakingcan be figured by the makers to an ounceThe human body 4s like the chain in

I this that it breaks down when more than-a leBmatestrain is put upon it Butunlike the chain there is no means of

I telling under what strain the physicalr powers will collapse For that reasonL the first symptoms of being overtaxed

are alarming If there isa feeling ofweakness especially when accompainedby loss of flesh the strain on the bodyis passing beyond its endurance Thereis need of increased physical strengthand vigor

People who are weak and rundownwill find that Dr Pierces Golden Med ¬

ical Discovery will promptly restoreI them to vigorous health It cures diseases of the stomachand other organsof digestion and nutrition purifies the blood and builds up thebody with sound fleshI I U I had been sick for two years with indigestion and nervous debility and Ihad taken medicine from my family for a long time without muchbenefit writes Mrs W H Peebles of Lucknow S CUWas induced bymv husband to consult Dr Pierce bv letter You advised me to take Golden

Medical Discovery and I Favorite Prescription which Idid and to my great surprise bottles Iwas cured My husband has not paid one cent in doc-tors


bills for me since I took the medicine nearly twoyears ago-

FREE Dr Flares Canaan ins AtaffiMf A-


r im saf FREE n rmumift of tamp 1m plyex f mailing DilLY Smnil twentyone mum

coot mtmmfm for thm mook M mmmof oovar orthirty on mtmmmm firE tstoth hound nhomoAdmrmmm Of It V Pi ice Buffalo M Y


Mrs John Lackey continues quite illJohn Hill sold to Geo Sadler 1 pair

of mules for 135

Mr and Mrs Hysev of Ind are visi ¬

tingthelr daughter Mrs John AskinsMr and Mrs DIckerson and little

daughter Katie Barnes were withfriends at Bryantsville last week

greavariety P

A little child of Mr Geo Austin issickNJRoberttended court at Richmond Monday

Mrs Davis Sutton and children havereturned from Winchester where theyhave been for some time visiting hersister

Mr Cronley Broadus and family havemoved into the house just vacated by

rs Mary Kcllie she having moved inthe house next to the Antioch church

Mr Roy Beazley has returned fromCrab Orchard

Uncle Jas Hardin is able to be onagain

NSterling silver spoons forks and fan-


pieces New and complete line Agoods put in nice satin lined boxes anengraved free

tf Thompson the JewelerI


Mr Oscar Hammack is very sick oftyphoid fever

Mr Fish andEstridge will be readyto move in their new stores about thefirst of Feburary

Mr J J Shepherd of Irvine is mov ¬

boughtMrs of

Morrow McRoberts are showingthe nicest line of Cut Glass ever in thetown tt

On Wednesday evening last theMisses Lear entertained in honor oftheir charming visitors Misses Nannieand French Blackley of LouisvillequicklybutpresentDaintv 1

table tastefully decorated with MountMellick embroidery One of the mostpleasing features of the evening wasPrinceby

Where was Ollie Terrill last Wedattendt¬


otconsumptionlowing day in the Paint Lick Cemete

Mr William Wiley fell in the fire a

rlryou have not D-

Rodgers BheuWaticRemedy in stock

eaprcblrgesprepaidforL00 rthis Remedy is guaranteed to cureMention this paper whenwrlttnj-



1 1e

few days ago and was badly burnedHe died Sunday

Mr Eb Anderson of Lexington is tguest of his parents

WantedOld copper brass rubberand zinc Roger Rucker

3t Paint LickI


Suttt O nper

Mr Will Marsee left Saturday forOregoncalft to

Madams Richard McGrath and CBurdett championturkey raiserseach sold a turkey bringing 405

footMessrsJoe Aldridge and Leslie An

dersou of Lancaster were in this vi-


SundayMiss Jennie Swope spent last week

in LexingtonThe best joke lately in tuis commu ¬Ltast

a young theparsonage and asked him if hemarry him the next day On thepointed afternoon Rev Stallings dotodcozy Buthe looked in vain for the couple thatnever came He has not heard athing of them but hopes they havebeen united and are rejoicing RevStallings tells us his parlor is alwaysready and he is willing at any time toperform the ceremony for those whoare tired of single blessedness andwish to be lea to Hymens Altar

Mr Crit Eubanks wife and littledaughter 6f Hubble wereentertained Sunday by Mr andMrs N H Bogie

Mr Joshua Sutton and familyLancaster have moved to his broth-ers


farm near hereMadams Bell and Ed Perkins atten-


the birthday dinner given Mrs1IlnervaBeddoY at Danville Dec 3

Mrs B is 98 years of age

If we serve you well tell others ifnot tell us in other words dont tell

1your troubles to the policeman but tott Thompson the Jewele-


Mr S N Steadman who has been ve ¬

ry sick is reported some better at thiswriting

Mr J S Haselden and wife spenteral days in Danville last week w

relativesMrS Dickerman has returned

from New York and reports his wifevery much improved

ryMr Frank Montgomery and familyare moving into town

Bro W W Welburn leaves Wednes ¬

day for Florida to be absent for twoweeks visit to his mother

Mrs Kate Allen of Frankfort iswith her sister Mrs Steadman thisweekMrs

W R Ramsey and motherAlice Admans have returned to thhome in London after a pleasant vis¬

it with their relatives hereThe building committee are receiv-


bids on their banking house noand the contract will be awardedlowest and best bidder in a few days

The Becker Glass company haveadopted the cash system from thisdate and say they will adhere strictlyto it in the future

The Xmas holiday spirit is begin¬

ning to show itself in the juvenileface here abouts and from the indi ¬

cations if the lire works hold out ovillage will be in a blaze with tiyouthful merriment by the time theday comes around


Mrs Sudie Smith has returned fromJellico after a pleasant visit to hermother lilts Jessie Parks

visitedbMae and Will Henkerson are run

nlngji corn husker and shreder inthte



J< y

MI iI t =of the county ppduie giving Rat

lEfnctlon I

The critertjiinnient given by MrsKoehler last Friday night was quite asuccess and was greatly helped outDy Messrs Dunn Ritekor Woods andNorman

The people who have been on th

KottenIed to the beautiful daughter of GeoBall rd of this place They weremarried at Danville7wliss Bessie wasschoolteacher here for some time andhas a host of friends who wish hersuccess through life

Mrs Spurlock will live at the resi-


of Dr N Mays next year the Drand wile will boatd with them



Mr James Burnside was installeddeacon in the Presbyterian churchSunday

Mr J H White of Lincoln countyand wife visited at Capt Dotys this

weekStevenWalker Jr who returned t-


home several wteksago with pnemonia still remains very ill

Mr Oatlev Burke and wife paid avisit to Mr Joe Elder and wife atDanville Saturday and Sunday

W C Doty writes heme that he w-

in the wreck near New MartinsvilleWest Va The train turned over anall passengers were thrown intoaheapFortunately none of them were seri¬

ously injuredbut a brakesman waskilled


Thanksb desire tothank the many friends who havebeen so kind to us in our recent ber-eavement and earnestly pray thatGods richest blessing may abide witheach of them through time and eter-nity


R L Underwood

Valuable Property For Renti have for rent in the city of Lan-

caster one 5 room cottage 2 goodbarns and other outbuildings wiNfive acres of land upon which is s¬

ted the public stock pens and goodvathas °


Mr Fred Brooks and family ofsamine have moved to their farm recently purchared from Mrs CunninghamMrs

John Daugherty and little sonare guests of Mr and Mrs Christopher

Mrs Sarah Hackley of Lancastervisited friends and attended churchhere Sunday

apMiss Myrtle Ruble was in Harrodsshopping last weekofs of

anresidence among the number MessrClovd of Hedgeville

nyBorn to the wife of P S Terrill oninst a son

InLadlesGentlemens Traveling Cases atRobertss Drug Store tf

The Buena Vista Prohibition Alliance held an interesting meetingininterestSocietyMt of

gIsAn on

ofMr Al Williams of Illinois is theWllllams ¬

ofMrmorningThe IRevHfriends extend sympathy to the grleeJstricken parents

A Timely TopicAt this season of coughs and col

it is well to know that Foleys Honand Tar is the greatest throat andlung remedy It cures quickly and pre-vents serious results from a cold

J B Stormes 1-


keeps away from11

Millionaire Poor StomachThe wornout stomach of the over¬

fed millionaire is often paraded in thepublic prints as a horrible example ofthe evil attendant on the possession ofgreat wealeb But millionaires arethe only ones who are afflicted wbad stomachs The proportion is fargreater amonghe toilers Dyspepsiaand indigestion are rampant amongthese people and they suffer far worseunlerr esa

amedicine like Greens August Flowerwhich has been a favorite householdremedy for all stomach troubles forFlowto ngappetite and insuring perfect digestion It tones and vitalizes the en¬

tire system and makes life worth liv¬

ing no matter what your station Trialbottles 25c regular size 75c At alldruggists Feb 04

1 =Administrator Sale

Cartere Is

premises about six miles from Lan Scaster Ky on Poor Ridge turnpiketlogt64lJOone lot of timothy aY20 bushelswheat two 2 horse wagons 1 springatwagon F

dkiltdlocust posts wheat fan farming im ¬

11dayofaleSaleooKlnsam Hnry Bjurlow Admr jiailtlon

R is



lutcGAKUARQ Uincmi COUK-

TTliihartl 1V8Ellen ronBy virtue of a Judgment of the Gar

rard Circuit Court rendered at Its No ¬style ¬

ed case I willMONDAY unIpublicly before the Court

in Lancaster Ky sell to theaubest bidder the following deser t

ed in Garrard county Kywhich is bounded as follows

Beginning at an elm on Buck Creekcorner to Bdlew and also beginningcorner to whale tract thence with I

Ballew N 77i E 32 poles to asugartreehis corner thence S IE 26 poles to astake In the center of the Kirksvilleand Hiattsville Turnpike road thencedown the same as it meanders S 75W20 poles S 781 W38 poles S 89 W4 poiS 52 W 18 poles S 25 W 30 poles S 55 W 7poles to the center of BackCreek thencedown the same as it meanders North22 poles N 15 E 14 poles N 55E14 polesN 3J E 19 poles to the beginning con ¬

taming 16 acres and 2 roodsFrom this deducted the tollowln

boundary Beginning at a sugar tron the line of Woodson Ballew thencewith Ball ws line S 21 E 26 polesto a stake in ° the center of the Hiatts ¬

ville and Kirksville Turnpike roadthence with the same 79 w 21 polesthenuHi W 261 too a ofthe whole place and Woodson Ballsthence N 70 E 7 poles to the begsWing containing 4 acres 71 poles

TERMSasThe sale will be made on a credit of

six 12 months bond with good se¬porchd a¬

to the undersigned bearing 6 per teninterest from day of sale until paidhaving the force and effect of a judg ¬

ment upon which execution may issif bond is not paid at maturitylien will be retained onthe propersolduntil the purchase money is pat

JOHN W MILLERMaster Comr Garrard Circuit Court

I Commissioners Sale of Lan


Ruth A Aldridges Admr Plffvs

Ruth A Aldridges Heirs and Devi ¬

ses DftsBy virtue of a judgment of the Gar¬

Circuit Court rendered at-ovember

itsTerm 1903 in the above

styled case I will on

MONDAY DECEMBER 28 1903xbefore the court house door inighfest

edproperty in Garrard County Ky whichis bounded as follows

Beginning at a beech tree corner to22 WroJ ad

at a stake corner to Royston thencepassing Into and with the middle ofthe turnpike S 55 E 15 poles S 751 E 27poles S 4H E 2144 poles to a point inthe middle of the turnpike and withsaid Royston N 33t E 22 poles to astake in the old Hickman road cornerto same thence N 18t E18i poles to amulberry stump in the East side a newcorner to same thence N48 E 490poles to a stake in the East side ofsaid drain corner to same thence downthe drain N 1 W 43110 poles to a pointin the middle of said drain corner tosaid Naylor in line to J C Boner thencewith said Boner N 88 W 60 poles to astone cotner to same thence due toEast 21f poles to beech corner to same

n¬begDfcTERMSThe sale willbe made on a credit ofgood1n

er for the purchase money payablethe undersigned bearing 6 per centHInterest from day of sale until paidhaving the force and effect of a jar dg ¬

ment upon which execution may issueif bonds are not paid at maturity Alien will beretained on the propertysold until the purchase money is paid

JOHN W MILLERMaster Comr Garrard Circuit Court

Commissioners Sale of Lan


M Barlows Widow and Heirs Plffsvs

J M Barlows Heirs DftsBy a virtue of a judgment of the

Garrard Circuit Court rendered at itsstye led

MONDAY DECEMBER 28190publicly before the court house doorhighmest

ibyheBeginning at a stake on a hill s-

In line to Yantis and orner to tdower thence with Yantis N 51 E 5chains to a stake old call a pupstump thence with Yantis N 79 W240 chains tostakeN39W250chato a large oak stump N 8 W 875chataastakeN20W4U5ehainstoaataginthe old distillery of Stone Barlow toa stake near the forks of a drain corn ¬wiith th

25chains N 86 E 3 chains S 491 E 5 chatto a buckeye at the Purity of drathence up lefthand drain S 85 E 7

chains near head of drain N 75 E 375chains to a point in hedge fenoe oldsugar tree corner thence with hedgefence S 88 E passing Black and Lack-eys


corner at 230 chains in all 1675

springbrancheys line thence with said Payne S 21E passing a stone on North side of adrain at 458 chains formerly ironwoodcoiner Jo all OQ corner 31 chains to astone ono branch corner to Payne a

upsaldbranohti8Wposit a marked young hickory S 82W 2 chains N 31 W5 chains S 87 W 445 chains 862 W 260 chains to a stoneat the forks of branch an old corner totacttljencontiquiwgpthe ce

dford S 30i W 208 chat1t W 2 M chains S QM W 137 chains

saidbranchdower lines N lltW 18 60 chainsleabpasslDJlastoneIIchains10785f ac i

TIle fence on this the heirs ran11tlogofthe ripe and mace a partnership

1-Ias r


1 rfence The nboyo tract rrf land coin ¬leaieirsdower land i


This sale will be made on a creditor6 and 12 months bonds with good sccuritytvillberegnireduPthepurchasetor r j

centIinter ¬


aresalb d

JOHN JV MILLERMaster Comr Garrard Circuit Co-urtL

Commissioners Sale of Laud


JOHN A WOOD Trustee in Bankesruptcp of C M Jenkins PItYvs

The National Bank of Lancas-ter et al Defts

andThe National Bank of Lancaser

on Cross Petition Plff-vsDeftee s

White Dunksrson Co on crosspetition Plffs

vsThe National Bank of Lancas

ceterCc Deftvirtue of a judgement of the GsNn28

publicly before tne court house duoin Lancaster Ky sell to the highest andbest bidder the following describeproperty in jGarrard county Ky andbounded as follows to wit

uinthsundividet dt

Jenkins in sevenninths of the following tract of land on Sugar Creek andatA aeind a

meanders s 73 E 29 poles s 8H E 24poles s 52 E 33 poles s 49 E 20 poless 63E1I poles to a stone in a Hatbranchd x

E ° a 31E 51 poles to a beech thence Nit w12 poles to a sugar tree stump In nshedthence N 35 AV 35 poles to a sugar treethence N26 w 17 poles to a stonethence N 4ii AV 21 poles to a stonethence N 30 ± w 11 poles to a stonethence x50 IV 16C6 poles to a beechstump thence y 59 w 23 poles to aelm stump thence x 87J AV 40 poles toa stone to the Buford line thence withsaid line n E 1 poles to a stone thence

711 w 13 poles to a stake in shea branch thence x 3H w 4

to a stake thence x 53 w G poles tobeech on the side of the roadN 66 west 32 GO poles to a stone between sugar tree and elm pointersthence west 94 poles to a black walnuton old corner thence SUE 148i polesto the bepinninpcontaining 235 acres1 rood and 33 poles but in said conveyance a small strip of about It acresalong the drain bordering on the Middleton farm had been contracted to-G B Dunn to enable him to securehis fence out of said drain Said tractof land was conveyed by David FSmith and wipe to the defendant CM Jenkln anrl his wife Anna 11 Jenkins In the the proportion of fourninths to defendant C Jenkins andfiveninths to the said wife Anna MJenkins April 16 1873 Book 3 508

Second tract The curtesy or lifeinterest of C M Jenkins in the following tract Beginning at a sugar treecorner to Colby Jenkins thence a newline s 80 AV 80 poles to a stake in Adams line thence with said line N 2JAV 43 poles to an oak in the turn of aroad thence with the south edge o fthe said road and lane x 87t E 803poles to the beginning containing 21acres 1 rood and 36 poles

asThird tract On the waters olsugabeginning at a stone corner to

Dunn a new lines 74 AV 10020 poles° a stake on the line of the whole Ad

ams tract and in the line of the otherAdams load thence with the line ofsaid land s 83 E 195 poles to a stakenear the west post of a gate thence s3 AV 925 poles to a stake N 891 E pass ¬

16 feet x of an old ashcorner 825poles to a stake on said Jenkins line1C ft x of an old poplar stump thenceadthence with said Jeff Dunn and JohnH Dunns line s 87A 829 poles to be ¬

ginning containing 53 acres 3 roodsand 23 poles also a strip of land 15 ftwide that was reserved by J AV Poor inconveyance made by him to Juhn AV

Folger running the wholenorthern on the southern lineH Dunn said tract of land havingi

3been conveyed by John AV

C M Jenkins on the 2nd dayof April 1878 by deed recorded inGarrard county clerks office in DeedBook No 3 page = 01-

Fqqrth tract On the waters ofDixRiver and Sugar Creek and BoundedcornerheBrytarroad thence with the middle and mepu1Gsinsof same a new corner thence a newlineN fit w passing a locust tree foreand aft standing near the pike 73poles to a stone corner to AV J Hoganand C M Jenkins thence with saidJenkins line a 89 AV S0 poles to theandlnland which was conveyed to C MJenkips by J H Dunn and others on the23rd day of March 1885 by deed of rec ¬

ord in Deed Book 7 page 031 in Gar¬

rard county olerks officeFifth tract On the waters of Sugar

Creek and bounded as follows Be ¬

ginning at a point in the middle of theBryantsville sad Sugar Turn ¬

pike a newcomer thence leaving lirepike a new lneg It E 155 to astake new earner in line to C M Jen ¬83IdMrs Asa Dunn thence her line N If AV

lon chains to a point in the southpikethence891 w 915 chains to the beginningcontaining 2283 acres it being thesame tract of land conveyed by J HDunn and wife to defendant C M Jen¬1891ns628 Garrarc county clerks office

Seventh tract The cUJtesyor lifeinterest in the following tractBe ¬

ginning at pointin the middle of theLancaster Danville and Nlchglasyillethenctaa869 E 540 poles to a stakes N851E5

to a stakes 841 E 28 poles to ais 82 B 11 poles to a stake N 89i

3290 poles to a stake corner to AV Jpolcgdlo Jeff Dnnnj thence with saidcornei i

k af



stales In the north cduo ftblIIatal

SusrCreoatuntpikrroadsmiddle of the Danville Lancaster and

Nichnlasville road thencewiththemiddleotsames384 AV3240poles to a point in the miadii of PiinifFhrFordmiddle of said county road x 86 w 6080 poles to a stake in the middle o-fsameanewcornertoMrrthaJmirhthence a new line to same X 4 E 62 64sampthencepoles to the middle of the aforesaid

samethence I

of said pike x 384 E 1900 voles x 35 EMarthaJpoles in all 44i poles to the beginWing containing 96 acrestollowing ¬

first tract by itself and theinterG9tintheremainingsevenninthsbygather with curtesy in the second tractthen curtesy in second tract by itselftractstogetherthe fourth tract bv Itself then theJenkinsInlands and curtesies then will be offer ¬realizingTERMSrofubonds with good se ¬purchaser ¬

the undersigned bearing 6 per cent

unUlpaiilhavingIsupiflien will be retained on the propertysold until the purchase money is paid

MILLERMaster ¬

cuit Court



t gvltn R IRffl



I < i

v I J I J


it bank bnlldlng between the of 10 a01 and 2 p on Tuesday January 13 1901 to


Sla tion Noticewill be a met ting of the hare holder

of The Citlzeiis National at their officeTuesday Ja uary 12th lOOt for theof electing five directors to serve the ensuingyear Dec 4th 1903







Phenix of Brooklyn


New York UnderwritersLondon Globe

worth Ii Mt > rrhantUf

Aetna LifelDS Co olHaFtfortCoi



O fflce over Thompons store Danville at

iDont Violate the JAnd dont encourage the violation of the lawhaveswhiskyeHave a Right to Sell you Whisky

dud You Have a Right to Buy it From Us

READ OUR PROPOSITIONIJpackedexpress charges It will cost you just 3 cents to send us either one or two dollars and 5 casteto s nrt na ff s ioWhistabsolutelywlJlsendpureaJlexpnnchargesYou ought to have whisky in your house your doctor will tell you that whiky lithehwror ¬AIdnoitonpeace prepare war vetconpoundOur poativo guarantee goes with order Ifevery yon not pleased with the gofer irareatReference the Lexington City National Bank or the Adonis Express Coat Lextaf aRemember we pay all express charges Make remittance payable to and addressrThe HAGIN DISTILLING CO Lexington KyA nice etched glass and cork screw free with every order

eNOS SPENCI6ans Expert




Its hoursmoo






At all r 4 Dnfffl

aU dfe

fMt gM1



HUDSON Cashier








I1Cthe mottfatal















Nothing has ever equalled itNothing can ever surpass it

Dr KingsNew DiscoIsry

I For cA Perfect


IIOHaaLHa le

trioi t1LN 1For All Throat andhung Troubles

I MNrw Ytoh trk tB Trw MtMN fi wJI