NEURS Reviews: Affiliate Program, Provider Accounts, And Entrepreneur Accounts

Introduction To The Neurs A liate Program Robert Hawthorne

description - Learn about the Neurs affiliate program and read my Neurs review about the affiliate program, provider accounts, and information on how to join. Neurs is launching a new community for entrepreneurs and those who provide either services or business opportunities to entrepreneurs, in addition to the Neurs affiliate program. Think of their software and services as LinkedIn meets eHarmony meets Behance meets CareerBuilder. Information from the report: 1. Go to: and enroll as an affiliate. 2. Confirm your email address and set your password (You will receive an email from upon creating your affiliate account.)  3. Set up your Neurs .net website. Here’s how...  A. First, log into your Neurs back office. B. Click on your name on the top right. C. Click on “Settings” D. Upload a photo E. Click “Affiliate” and set your name for your Neurs.NET website. Yours will look like mine ( IMPORTANT: Get 3 accepted invites ASAP. You will want to unlock everything in the VIP area in your Neurs back office. You will get access to videos, and also the new, “START NOW” book that is launching when Neurs launches. No doubt it will hit the best-seller charts and provide a ton of press for Neurs - on top of their post- launch media roll-out plan.  As far as getting your first 3 Neurs affiliates enrolled ASAP, I suggest sending personal emails. I have never used the import feature (where you can import up to 100 Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc emails). For me, that is too impersonal. I would send a personal email to everyone you know first with a few blurbs and then a link to your Neurs .net website. You will get a MUCH higher response and get your first 3 affiliates in quickly so you can unlock the awesome content, interviews, videos, etc.

Transcript of NEURS Reviews: Affiliate Program, Provider Accounts, And Entrepreneur Accounts

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Introduction To The Neurs

Affiliate Program

Robert Hawthorne

Become a Neurs Affiliate Today:

"""""Introduction To The Neurs Affiliate Program """""Updated: February 21, 2014 "Disclaimer: No income claims nor guarantees are provided. Individual results can and will vary. "Every attempt has been made to supply 100% accurate information in this report. Because the tech start-up I’m an affiliate for is currently in beta, some details and individual specifics may change. Please be sure to read through the information provided and stay up-to-date on new announcements and updates via the live webinars each Saturday between now and the official launch of Neurs. "Robert Hawthorne is an independent affiliate of The information and opinions presented in this report are those of the writer and may not represent the opinions of, it’s founders, or employees. "© Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved. """"""""

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"Thank you for downloading this report about the Neurs Affiliate Program. "Before we begin, just a few housekeeping items: "1. What you are about to learn about is an affiliate program. This is

not network marketing, multi-level marketing, direct sales, a party plan, pyramid, or anything of the sort. There is no cost to become an affiliate for the company, refer customers, and earn commissions."

2. The Neurs affiliate program is available globally, no restrictions."3. Right now we are in the “gold rush” phase. The affiliate program

and opportunity you are about to learn about is immense and can easily be worked along with anything and everything else you are working on. "

Let’s dive in. "What Is Neurs?

"Neurs is launching a new community for entrepreneurs and those who provide either services or business opportunities to entrepreneurs, in addition to the Neurs affiliate program. "Think of their software and services as LinkedIn meets eHarmony meets Behance meets CareerBuilder. Let me break it down to who will actually be using the Neurs website, which will give you a better idea of the opportunity you have… "1. The Users "When users register for Neurs, they will go through a questionnaire (think eHarmony) to find out what type of business they are looking to

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start, investment available, time available, ideal location, and many other questions. "After they complete their questionnaire, they are shown a list of business opportunities that match their interests, investment levels, location, and more. "These people will be able to look through these opportunities, watch videos, download PDF’s, and then contact the person who created the listing if they want more information or to speak to them. "These listings will have every type of business opportunity you can think of (the company has a goal to have nearly every business opportunity globally under the sun listed on their network). From network marketing businesses, franchises, and other businesses anyone could start. "Think of the thousands of “how to” courses offered such as, starting a consulting business, starting your own podcast, starting your own blog, starting a local marketing business, starting a jewelry business, starting an eBay business, starting an SEO business, starting a… you name it. There are hundreds of thousands of these niche type opportunities that people offer and/or train people on. "But keep in mind, franchisors will also be in the mix. If someone enrolls and says they have $1,000,000 to invest in a business and looking for something located in Chicago, Illinois, then they may be shown several businesses locally along with franchises that are available in their area. "There is nothing like this on the planet and solves a major problem in the world. "When one is looking for a 100% legitimate business opportunity, no matter their level of capital investment available, where does one go? "The answer? "

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Everywhere. Business opportunities are so scattered that we are all left to search LinkedIn, forums, job sites, franchise sites, network at events, reach out to others on social networks, website/business-for-sale sites, and the list goes on and on. "This will be the first time ever that all opportunities will be housed under one roof. And in addition to that, Neurs developed a sophisticated algorithm has been developed to match people with business opportunities that fit exactly what they are looking for. Nice. ""

But it gets even better… ""2. The Entrepreneur "Entrepreneurs will really love what Neurs provides. The entrepreneur will most likely be in a different place than the traditional “business opportunity seeker”. They either already have their own business idea, or they are looking for new opportunities. "For those who already have their business idea, most are looking for two things: capital and contacts (or both). "At the time of this writing, I do not have much information on the capital side. However, I do know that there will be opportunities for entrepreneurs to get investors. "But as far as the contact side, this is where entrepreneurs will get immense value out of this new company. Think LinkedIn, but with several unique twists. "They will be connected with local, national, or even International providers that can help them with their start-up. They will be able search for providers (who are enrolled in this service) around them or around the world that fit what they are looking for. "

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Whether it’s a business plan writer, patent attorney, graphic/website designer, programmer, consultants, you name it. Think about all of the providers who offer a service to entrepreneurs. "Entrepreneurs will be able to view provider profiles, watch videos, webinars the providers uploaded, view PDF documents, read reviews on the providers, and so much more in Neurs. "The major benefit for an entrepreneur is that they will now have access to all of the providers they need to turn their dream into a reality. But not only that, they will also have the support from everyone within the community rooting for yet another successful start-up story. "Right now, entrepreneurs who need help in multiple areas go on a scavenger hunt. Between their current contacts, LinkedIn, BeHance, Facebook. 99Designs, random accountants, attorney’s, and others, it can take a long time to build the team needed to build, launch, and grow their start-up. "Everything will now be under one roof in Neurs. "Market size: There are over 388 million entrepreneurs globally. "3. Providers of Business Opportunities Or Services "Pay close attention here. This is where and how you are going to make a lot of money as a Neurs affiliate. "Providers of either business opportunities or services to entrepreneurs will pay a monthly fee to be listed as a provider. Doing so will provide them with immense benefits. I’ll explain a few of those benefits in a moment. "But first, let’s look at our target markets. Who are the types of people/businesses that would be interested in becoming a Neurs provider? ""

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1. Business consultants 2. Marketing consultants 3. Patent Attorneys 4. Business Attorneys 5. Business Plan/PR writers 6. Content writers 7. Authors, ghost writers, etc. 8. Programmers 9. Web/graphic designers 10. Franchisors (From A to Z. Small $500 franchises to McDonalds) 11. Network marketing, direct sales, party plan companies 12. The millions involved in Network marketing or direct selling 13. Accountants 14. Internet Marketers 15. Those who offer some type of business “How To” training

(thousands of niches here. i.e. Podcasts, developing your brand, launch an app business, start a consulting business, start an eBay business, and so on.) "

The list goes on and on. "As far as the market size, your guess is as good as mine. "There are over 20,000 companies that offer a franchise globally that will be able to sign up for Neurs. "There are 90 million people involved in direct selling. Many millions more involved in network marketing. "And if you add up the business consultants, attorneys, marketers, writers, programmers, we’re into the tens and tens of millions of potential customers globally. "The value of the service/software that the company is launching in March, 2014 is for one, burning red hot LEADS. "

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Do you have any idea how much a franchise pays one of the many franchise search/review sites? Some pay up to $30 per form fill. Some even more when launching. "How much would a business consultant be willing to pay for a red hot lead of a business interested in speaking to them? Several hundred, easy. If they close just 1 out of 3, they are making thousands of dollars, potentially per month in profit. "And the same goes for all of the other providers of business opportunities and those who offer any type of service to entrepreneurs. What they are receiving for value compared to what their monthly fee will be is a no-brainer. "And check this out… "Not only will providers of a business opportunity or service have people who are interested in speaking to them reach out, but they will have the opportunity to do the same. "For example, let’s say that I’m a kick-butt web designer wanting to take on a new client this month. "I will be able to go onto the site, log into my account, and use some of my credits to search for people who may be looking for a website for their business. "The designer will run some searches in Neurs, find some people, and then reach out to them. LinkedIn has a similar search feature that job recruiters use to find candidates. (But much more expensive and does not provide anything like this feature.) "And if you doubt people/companies will pay for this feature, think again. LinkedIn generated over $393 million in Q4 2013. And they are growing like gangbusters. Take a look at the chart below: ""

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Providers of services will also have some really cool perks they can use their credits on. (Note: Provider accounts receive a number of credits each month they cause use for a variety of things within the community.) "One example is offers. Neurs Providers will be able to create a special offer for their target market. For example, let’s say that I’m a business consultant who specializes in start-ups. "I could create an offer that I’ll review a business plan and provide a one hour consult for just $99, a savings of $400. "Entrepreneurs who happen to have just completed their business plan and looking for someone to review their plan and provide feedback see this special offer. Many jump on it and the business consultant now has leads coming in (that are paying him) that he can then convert to a higher paying customer. "

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All Neurs providers can come up with and showcase offers which creates a win-win for both business opportunity seekers and entrepreneurs. And of course, the providers are winning because they are getting leads that they can offer other products and services to. "Offers can also be free. A web designer could offer a free 30 minute consult to review a current website. Someone in a network marketing company could offer a free sample of their weight loss product that they’d mail to the first 50 people who respond. A woman in a party plan company could offer a free trial for her makeup in order to find new team members. (Which exactly what my wife will be doing by the way!) "The opportunities for providers, entrepreneurs, and affiliates in Neurs are endless. "And I’m sure your mind has already gone where mine went when I first learned about this, so I will address this now. "Neurs will offer a professional network and community for entrepreneurs, business opportunity seekers, those who provide business opportunities, and those who provide services to entrepreneurs. "The Neurs website is not going to be a pitch-fest. It was created ground up over the course of nearly 3 years by expert programmers (including past Googlers) and done in a way that will keep everything professional. Again, think LinkedIn meets eHarmony, meets BeHance, meets CareerBuilder. "Now there is another element to Neurs that will provide immense opportunities. Big time. "Neurs is 100% focused on becoming the largest community for entrepreneurs in the world. And one thing that entrepreneurs are always doing is learning. Constantly. And there is not one single place where you can find all of the latest and greatest training that entrepreneurs need… until now.

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"Neurs will have their own training available. I believe there will be 20 courses available at launch. However, in the near future, providers will be able to either create or upload their own training and sell it on the website. (Note: This is a feature coming down the road and most likely will not be available at launch.) "Think about this. Let’s say that I’m an accountant and I create a course that teaches people how to save an extra $3,540 a year on their taxes by using a certain strategy if they have a home-based business. "There will be hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of high targeted potential customers the accountant could get his course in front of. He could charge $29 for it and do very, very well potentially. "Or let’s say you have a huge 20-hour long video course that you sell for $997 that teaches people step-by-step on how to make $5K a month on eBay by becoming a PowerSeller. There will certainly be people interested in starting that type of business. "Now I do not know all of the details how the marketplace for courses will work. I am sure we will be learning all about this sometime this year when it becomes available. "And I can tell you that personally, I will be very active in this area creating and selling courses to this community of entrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers. I believe there will be many six-figure (or more) businesses created in this section alone for people around the world. "

What I Love About Neurs: A Neurs Review

"I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I know first-hand how difficult it is to find new opportunities. And I know how difficult it is to find great providers of services when I’m in the start-up phase. And I know how

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difficult it can be to generate high-quality leads for a product or service that I’m selling to entrepreneurs. "I have personally been on each side. And this company is going to solve all of these issues. "Personally, as far as my own Neurs review, I think the founders of Neurs came up with brilliant business model. And to be honest with you, I am just scratching the surface here. "I’m in communication with the CEO, and founder daily via phone and/or email and I can tell you this is just the beginning. "There will be offices for the company in countries all around the world. There may be certain types of events/training happening all over the place (potentially, not disclosing or promising anything here). "But think about it. If you were running a company that had 300,000 users in the USA alone for example, all interested in similar things, what would you do? "Think about ways you’d monetize this type of business and the types of opportunities you’d create. You’re probably coming up with several things we will see launch in 2014/2015. "

Neurs Reviews: Become An Affiliate Today AndSee What The Buzz Is All About "

You may be searching around for Neurs reviews on their affiliate program or business opportunity. Since the Neurs affiliate program is 100% free, I suggest enrolling today so you can review Neurs for yourself. "

To sign up for Neurs, go to: "If you want to learn more about Neurs, watch the most recent Saturday Neurs.TV broadcast posted on the top of their blog here:

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Become a Neurs Affiliate Today: - And be sure to scroll down and view any other videos. "From Feb 1 through sometime mid-March, Frank Codina (the CEO of Neurs) releases new information each Saturday on a live Neurs.TV broadcast. Those broadcasts are then posted on their blog. "Right now we are in beta and the affiliate program is open so you can begin referring other affiliates. Because they have a multi-tier affiliate program, you will be earning commissions from affiliates who enroll customers post-launch down 30 levels. "We will earn commissions from every customer we refer and all of the customers referred through our affiliate network every month for the life of the customer. Again, down 30 levels. "You will make large, upfront commissions when you personally refer providers. "

To enroll right now, go to: "Because you are enrolling with me, you will have access to all of the marketing tools and websites that I’ve created and continuing to create for you. "After you enroll into Neurs, please send me an email and I will send you over the getting started training, a PDF, and additional materials. You can contact me via my website, "As far as additional marketing materials to help you market your Neurs affiliate program, Neurs will also be creating MANY videos for us to use in our marketing for each target market. Consultants, CPA’s, business coaches, designers, programmers, marketers, and so on. So we will have amazing sites and videos for us to do some highly targeted marketing. ""

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How To Sign Up For Neurs "1. Go to: and enroll as an affiliate. "2. Confirm your email address and set your password (You will receive an email from upon creating your affiliate account.) "3. Set up your Neurs .net website. Here’s how… "1. First, log into your Neurs back office. 2. Click on your name on the top right. 3. Click on “Settings” 4. Upload a photo 5. Click “Affiliate” and set your name for your Neurs.NET website. Yours will look like mine ( "IMPORTANT: Get 3 accepted invites ASAP. You will want to unlock everything in the VIP area in your Neurs back office. You will get access to videos, and also the new, “START NOW” book that is launching when Neurs launches. No doubt it will hit the best-seller charts and provide a ton of press for Neurs - on top of their post-launch media roll-out plan. "As far as getting your first 3 Neurs affiliates enrolled ASAP, I suggest sending personal emails. I have never used the import feature (where you can import up to 100 Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc emails). For me, that is too impersonal. "I would send a personal email to everyone you know first with a few blurbs and then a link to your Neurs .net website. You will get a MUCH higher response and get your first 3 affiliates in quickly so you can unlock the awesome content, interviews, videos, etc. "


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Now as far as how I became the top #1 Neurs Affiliate in the USA

and #2 in the world… "The below screenshot was taken in the morning February 21, 2014. At this very moment I’m the #1 Neurs affiliate in the USA and #2 in the world with 616 personally enrolled Neurs affiliates. At this very moment, I have thousands and thousands of affiliates spread across over 150 countries.

"I have never seen growth like this in my 15 yeas or marketing online. "Now to be honest with you, this is something that I am really enjoying right now because I know it is only a matter of time before someone or a company enrolls and enrolls thousands, even tens of thousands of Neurs affiliates on day one. "In fact, I fully expect this to happen not just ones, but by dozens and dozens of people and companies. So I’m soaking this in at the moment, knowing it’s only a matter of a few weeks, a week, days, or even hours before the top 10 Neurs affiliates are taken up by folks who have enrolled countless thousands of people. "But in the meantime, would you like to know what I’ve done so far to build my Neurs affiliate network? After you enroll as a Neurs affiliate and contact me on my website, I will send you a list of all the things I’ve done and you can duplicate it. You’ll know exactly how I did it. Additionally, I’ll send you some marketing materials, a getting started PDF, and much more.

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""The bottom line is that Neurs is still very new, still in beta at the time of this writing, and we are lucky to be in at the very beginning. "

Your #1 focus should be enrolling as many Neurs Affiliates as you can, along with enrolling those who would be

interested in becoming a provider when Neurs launches. "Final Thoughts…

"You are surely wondering what the payouts and commissions will be. Well, because we are in beta and in the middle of the launch, the full details have not been provided just yet. (At the time of this writing, February 21, 2014) we are about 2 weeks before full Neurs affiliate commissions are disclosed.) "However, the CEO and Founder of Neurs, Frank Codina does cover some of the numbers (and if you run your own math, you can see this is going to make a lot of people a LOT of money) in this video: "I recommend watching the whole video. But if you want numbers, start the video around 38 minutes into it. Frank covers the affiliate program details. Then around 40 minutes you get a glimpse of the affiliate income calculator that will soon become available in the back office. "I do know how the plan will work and how the Neurs commissions will pay out. However, for the respect of where we are at with the launch and my confidential conversations with Frank, I cannot share the details. Just yet. "However, I can tell you this… "

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1. High upfront commissions - You will earn a high upfront commission for every provider account you personally refer."

2. Monthly residual commissions - You will earn a monthly commission for the life of every account you personally refer."

3. Monthly residual commissions - You will earn a dollar amount per account referred by any affiliate within your affiliate network down 30 levels."

4. There will be a couple of monthly/quarterly affiliate bonuses available based on the number of paying accounts you personally enroll. (From my understanding, this will get quite lucrative.) "

Normally a multi-tiered affiliate program, or webmaster’s program, only pays 2-3 levels. Sometimes you see 4 or 5, and I’ve seen some with 10 levels over the years. "Because Neurs’ business plan is to have millions and millions of users, having an affiliate program that pays so many levels is going to create absolute fortunes for many affiliates. "And my favorite part? It’s a monthly residual commission for the life on all accounts. "Years ago, I worked my tail off on a launch for about 45 days. Over 30,000 people enrolled into my launch. And that launch ended up paying me into the seven-figures over the course of six-seven years. "Now I cannot make (and won’t make) any promises or income claims here, but I am not looking to play small. I fully expect to surpass that previous launch and accomplish the goals that I have set for myself much faster with Neurs. "But at the very least, if you just spent a little time promoting your Neurs affiliate link here and there, who knows? You may be able to build yourself a nice residual income of hundreds or thousands coming in every month on auto-pilot. Nothing wrong with that!

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"Thanks for reading my report. And I look forward to working with you! "Thanks, "Robert Hawthorne ""Robert Hawthorne is an independent affiliate of The information and opinions presented in this report are those of the creator of this report and may not represent the opinions of, it’s founders, or employees. No income claims are made. ""Join The Neurs Affiliate Program Today:

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