Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: ... Myasthenia Gravis ......

1 Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: 30 Module leader: Ann-Marie Mestecky Tel: 020 7848 3015 Email: [email protected] Module deputy: Sue Woodward Tel: 020 7848 3469 Email: [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________ This handbook must be read in conjunction with module information provided on KEATS, the King’s E-Learning And Teaching Service. You will be given access to KEATS on enrolment. Important information relating to assessment and related regulations can be found in the Undergraduate Programme Handbook, available on KEATS and via the Student Services Centre. This handbook can also be provided in alternative formats (such as large print) upon request to [email protected].

Transcript of Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: ... Myasthenia Gravis ......

Page 1: Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: ... Myasthenia Gravis ... Discuss the medical and surgical options for treatment of brain tumours


Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6

Credits: 30

Module leader: Ann-Marie Mestecky

Tel: 020 7848 3015

Email: [email protected]

Module deputy: Sue Woodward

Tel: 020 7848 3469

Email: [email protected]


This handbook must be read in conjunction with module information provided on KEATS, the King’s E-Learning And Teaching Service. You will be given access to KEATS on enrolment. Important information relating to assessment and related regulations can be found in the Undergraduate Programme Handbook, available on KEATS and via the Student Services Centre. This handbook can also be provided in alternative formats (such as large print) upon request to [email protected].

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Module overview .......................................................................................................... 4

Module aim .................................................................................................................. 4

Learning outcomes ....................................................................................................... 4

Teaching arrangements ................................................................................................ 4

Dates for examinations ................................................................................................ 5

Results and resits for examinations ............................................................................. 5

Learning resources & indicative reading ..................................................................... 6

Week 1 .......................................................................................................................... 6

Session 1 – Welcome ................................................................................................ 6

Session 2 & 3 – Introduction to Neurophysiology and Functional

Anatomy of the Brain ............................................................................................... 6

Session 4 – Neurological Assessment ...................................................................... 7

Session 5 – Altered Consciousness ........................................................................... 7

Week 2 .......................................................................................................................... 8

Session 1 – Physiology of ICP and Cerebral Perfusion ............................................. 8

Session 2 – Management of Raised ICP ................................................................... 8

Session 3 – Brain Tumours ...................................................................................... 9

Session 4 – Pituitary Lesions ................................................................................... 9

Week 3 .......................................................................................................................... 10

Session 1 – Brain Stem Death................................................................................... 10

Session 2 – Head Injuries ......................................................................................... 10

Session 3 – Motor Neurone Disease ......................................................................... 11

Week 4 .......................................................................................................................... 12

Session 1 & 2 – Cerebral Circulation and Subarachnoid Haemorrhage .................. 12

Session 3 – Care and Management of Patients with Epilepsy ................................. 12

Week 5 .......................................................................................................................... 13

Session 1 – Acoustic Neuroma ................................................................................. 13

Session 2 – CNS Infections....................................................................................... 13

Session 3 – Hydrocephalus and EVDs ..................................................................... 13

Session 4 – Promotion of Continence and Management of Incontinence ............... 14

Week 6 .......................................................................................................................... 15

Session 1 – Spinal Anatomy and Physiology ............................................................ 15

Session 2 – Acute Management of Spinal Injuries ................................................... 15

Session 3 – Elective Spinal Surgery ......................................................................... 15

Week 7 .......................................................................................................................... 16

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Session 1 – Autonomic Nervous System .................................................................. 16

Session 2 – Myasthenia Gravis ................................................................................. 16

Session 3 – Guillain-Barre Syndrome ...................................................................... 16

Session 4 – Stroke .................................................................................................... 17

Session 5 – Cognitive Assessment and Management............................................... 17

Week 8 .......................................................................................................................... 18

Session 1 – Respiratory and Tracheostomy Management ....................................... 18

Session 2 – Parkinson’s Disease ............................................................................... 18

Session 3 – Neuroethics ........................................................................................... 18

Module evaluation ........................................................................................................ 19

Action from previous evaluations ............................................................................. 19

Timetable...................................................................................................................... 20

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Module overview This module forms part of the BSc Nursing Practice. The module contributes to your programme of study by developing your clinical knowledge and decision making for patients with neurological disease and post trauma.

The module can also be taken as a freestanding module.

Module aim

• To critically analyse and evaluate the practice of neuroscience nursing.

• To develop and evaluate specialist skills.

• To critically analyse contextual issues and policy drivers for neuroscience nursing practice.

• To evaluate current research, enabling evaluation and synthesis in practice.

Learning outcomes At the end of the course you will be able to:

1. Select and critically evaluate relevant research in order to promote evidence-based practice. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in the assessment, planning and evaluation of care for the

neuroscience patient. 3. Critically analyse the therapeutic interventions for neuroscience patients. 4. Appraise local, national health promotion strategies and evaluate the factors which influence

the health care of patients with neurological problems. 5. Evaluate strategies to minimise the impact of chronic illness on patients and families. 6. Critically evaluate the evolving role of the neuroscience nurse within multi-disciplinary care

provision. 7. Reflect and evaluate the professional role of self in caring for neuroscience patients within

the context of NMC guidelines 8. Critically examine the professional, ethical and legal issues related to the management of

neuroscience patient.

Teaching arrangements An adult learning approach to learning aims to build on your experience as a qualified practitioner. You will have access to the course leader for personal tutorial time. You are invited to discuss any aspects of the course and to receive guidance and support with your academic development and assessed course work. We aim to help you to relate your course work to your clinical practice throughout the programme. A variety of teaching strategies will be employed:

• Lectures with interactive discussion

• Patient scenarios

• Group work

• Personal and group tutorials

• Directed Reading/guided study

• Quizzes

• Electronic learning packages

• Independent study (150 hours)

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Dates for examinations You will be notified of dates for examination on the Student Records section of the King’s Intranet.

Results and resits for examinations Unratified results from exams will be available on your KEATS module site 4 weeks from the date of the examination. Faculties are required from this academic year 2017/18 to make examination scripts available to any student who makes a request, free of charge. Any requests for examination scripts should still be managed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Students may request access to their exam paper at any time (after the Assessment Sub Board meeting) during their programme of study. This policy applies to all summative, unseen, written examinations. MCQs and OSCEs are exempt from this process.

Re-sit dates will available on your KEATS module site. If you are unsuccessful, it is recommended that you contact the module leader before submitting your second attempt or re-sitting your examination. The College and its Examination Boards in the ten Faculties (Institutes/Schools, King's Learning Institute and the Association of King's College (AKC), work with over 500 external examiners to ensure the quality and standard of our taught awards. Find the latest report on the External Examiners Report page, navigate to the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery section.

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Learning resources & indicative reading

Week 1

Session 1 – Welcome

By the end of the session students will:

• Have an understanding of the course learning outcomes, content, teaching strategies and methods of assessment

• Have introduced themselves to other course members. Indicative reading

Course handbook

Post-qualification Undergraduate Handbook

Session 2 & 3 – Introduction to Neurophysiology and Functional Anatomy of the Brain

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Identify the function of different cells within the nervous system

• Discuss the process for generation of an action potential

• Discuss the process of neurotransmission and the role of the synapse

• Analyse the role of neurotransmitters in health and illness

• Discuss the functional anatomy of specific areas of the brain and identify the deficits that ensue following injury/disease.

Indicative reading

Hickey J.V. (2013) Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing. 7th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.

Marieb E. & Hoehn K. (2015) Human Anatomy & Physiology. 10th ed. Pearson, San Francisco.

Tortora J.G. & Grabowski J.R. (2009) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 12th ed. Harper, New York.

Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Please also see electronic reading list for more recent papers.

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Session 4 – Neurological Assessment

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the evidence base for neurological assessment using the Glasgow coma scale

• Critically analyse neurological assessment findings and correctly interpret such data. Indicative reading

Brunker C. (2006) Assessment of sedated head-injured patients using the Glasgow Coma Scale: An audit, British Journal Of Neuroscience Nursing 2(6), 276-281.

Brunker C. & Harris R. (2015) How accurate is the AVPU scale in detecting neurological impairment when used by general ward nurses? An evaluation study using simulation and a questionnaire. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 31(2), 69-75.

Anonymous (2015) Interview with Professor Sir Graham Teasdale: part 2. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 11(1), 30–31.

Mavin C. (2008) Does underpinning evidence influence the frequency of neurological observations? British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 5(10), 456-459.

Waterhouse C. (2009) The use of painful stimulus in relation to Glasgow Coma Scale Observations, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 5(5), 209-215.

Please see electronic reading list for more recent papers.

Session 5 – Altered Consciousness

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the causes and pathogenesis of altered consciousness

• Identify the different clinical states of altered consciousness. Indicative reading Noirhomme Q., Schnakers C. & Laureys S. (2008) A twitch of consciousness: defining the boundaries of vegetative and minimally conscious states. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 79(7), 741-2.

E- Learning – cranial nerves By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrates knowledge of the function of the cranial nerves

• Discuss the syndromes related to cranial nerve dysfunction.

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Week 2

Session 1 – Physiology of ICP and Cerebral Perfusion

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the concepts of intracranial physiology

• Critically analyse the physiological impact of raised intracranial pressure and brain herniation syndromes.

Indicative reading

Hickey J.V. (2013) Clinical practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing. 7th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.

Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Please see electronic reading list for more recent papers. Session 2 – Management of Raised ICP

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Differentiate between the different waveforms and understand their significance

• Critically analyse the nursing care of a patient with raised ICP. Indicative reading

Mcleod A. (2006) Mechanical ventilation for raised intracranial pressure in the patient with cerebral insult. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2(7), 338-345.

Mestecky A., Brunker C., Connor J. & Hanley C, (2007) Understanding the monitoring of intracranial pressure: a benchmark for better practice. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(6), 276-282.

McNett M.M. & Olson D.M. (2013). Evidence to Guide Nursing Interventions for Critically Ill Neurologically Impaired Patients with ICP Monitoring. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 45(3), 120–123.

Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

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Session 3 – Brain Tumours

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the pathophysiology of brain tumours

• Identify the role of steroids in the management of brain tumours

• Discuss the medical and surgical options for treatment of brain tumours

• Analyse the care of patients undergoing radiotherapy/chemotherapy. Indicative reading:

Hickey J.V. (2013) Clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical Nursing. 7th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.

Lucas M.R. (2013) What Brain Tumour Patients and Their Families Have Taught Me. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 45(3), 171–175.

Townsley E. (2011) Management of Brain Tumours in Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. Please also see electronic reading list for more recent papers

Session 4 – Pituitary Lesions

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the hormones released by the pituitary and their principal actions

• Explain the different types of pituitary tumour

• Analyse the nursing care for a patient pre and post excision of a pituitary tumour Indicative reading

Mestecky A. (2010) The management of primary pituitary tumours, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 6(5), 222-226.

Waterhouse C (2013) Post traumatic hypopituitarism (PTHP): an underdiagnosed complication. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 8(4), 184-189.

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Week 3

Session 1 – Brain Stem Death By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss brain stem death

• Discuss the criteria to diagnose brain death

• Critically discuss the nurse’s role in the management and care of the patient and their loved ones.

Session 2 – Head Injuries

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the pathophysiology of primary & secondary brain injury

• Appraise the current treatment options for raised ICP

• Critically analyse the nursing management of a patient with raised ICP with reference to recent studies

• Explore the long-term physical, psychological and social impact of head injury for the patient and family.

Indicative reading

NICE (2014) Head Injury: Triage, assessment, investigation and early management of head injury in infants, children and adults.

Mestecky A. (2007) Management of the severe traumatic brain injury: the need for the knowledgeable nurse. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 3(1), 7-13.

Mestecky A. (2006) metabolic responses after severe head injury and how to optimise nutrition: A literature review. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2(2), 73-79.

Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Whitehurst E. (2009) The importance of nutrition support in the head injured patient, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 5(1), 8-12. Please see electronic reading list for more recent papers.

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Session 3 – Motor Neurone Disease

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrates knowledge of motor pathways and pathophysiology of MND

• Discuss the care needs of patients with MND

• Critically discuss the management of respiratory and nutritional problems

• Demonstrate knowledge of common symptoms and the pharmacological management of these

• Critically discuss the roles of the neurology service and palliative care service. Indicative reading O’Brien M. (2011) Motor Neuron Disease in Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Rio A., Ampong M.A., et al (2005) Nutritional care of patients with motor neurone disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1(1), 38-43.

Sutton L. (2008) Addressing palliative and end-of-life care needs in Neurology, 4(5), 235-238.

Turner-Stokes L., Sykes N. & Silber E. (2007) Life-long Care for Patients with Long Term Neurological Conditions: Concise Guidance at the Interface between Neurology, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care. Royal College of Physicians, London.

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Week 4

Session 1 & 2 – Cerebral Circulation and Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Review the anatomy and physiology of cerebral circulation

• Appraise the nursing management of a patient with SAH

• Discuss the pathophysiology of vasospasm

• Examine the potential management strategies and nursing interventions for a patient with vasospasm

• Discuss the possible causes of neurological deterioration in a patient with SAH and the appropriate nursing management.

Indicative reading

Berggren E. et al (2010) Constructing meaning after subarachnoid haemorrhage, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 6(2), 86-90.

McLeod A. & Salmons G. (2014) Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: a critical care case study. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 10(4), 171-177.

Mestecky A. (2005) modes of treatment for cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1(1), 20-28.

Mestecky A.M. (2014) Brain Arteriovenous Malformations. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 10 (4), 166-168.

Mestecky A. (2011) Management of patients with intracranial aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. In Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Practice, Woodward S. & Mestecky A., (eds) Wiley Blackwell, Oxford.

Nobel A.J. & Schenk T. (2009) Psychosocial Outcomes following subarachnoid Haemorrhage: An under-researched problem. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 5(8), 372-380.

Please see electronic reading list for more recent papers.

Session 3 – Care and Management of Patients with Epilepsy

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Differentiate between different seizure types

• Critically analyse the role of the nurse in maintaining safety of a patient undergoing seizure activity.

• Evaluate the evidence base for care of patients with epilepsy. Indicative reading

Epilepsy Action (2009) Epilepsy in England: Time for change. A study of epilepsy service provision in England by Epilepsy Action. Jan,

NICE. The diagnosis and management of the epilepsies in adults and children in primary and secondary care. Available at

Queally C. & Lailey S. (2013) Care of the person with epilepsy in the hospital environment – getting it right. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 8(1), 14-20. Please see electronic reading list for more recent papers.

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Week 5

Session 1 – Acoustic Neuroma

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the functional deficits that ensue following damage to each cranial nerve

• Analyse the nursing care for patients with acoustic neuroma before and after surgery

• Demonstrate knowledge of the possible surgical approaches for excising an acoustic neuroma

• Explore the psychological and social impact of facial nerve palsy for the patient and family. Indicative reading

Townsley E. (2011) Management of Brain tumours in Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Session 2 – CNS Infections

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrates knowledge of the pathophysiology of meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral abscess and other CNS infections

• Analyse the care of a patient with a CNS infection. Indicative reading

Easton et al (2011) Management of Patients with Central Nervous System Infections. In Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Session 3 – Hydrocephalus and EVDs

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the evidence base for the management of a patient with an EVD. Indicative reading

Woodward S., Addison C., Shah S., Brennan F., MacLeod A. & Clements M. (2002) Benchmarking best practice for external ventricular drainage. British Journal of Nursing 11(1), 47-53.

Hibbins S. (2011) Management of Hydrocephalus in Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Warren D. (2011) The most effective surgical treatment option for congenital hydrocephalus: a review, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 7(5), 639-644.

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Session 4 – Promotion of Continence and Management of Incontinence

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Differentiate between different types of urinary incontinence

• Analyse the care for patients with different types of urinary incontinence Indicative reading

Ayers T. & Wells M. (2007) Incontinence after stroke: Guidance to overcome shortcomings in management. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(10), 468-472.

Woodward S. (2004) Current management of neurogenic bladder in patients with MS. British Journal of Nursing 13 (7), 362-370.

Woodward S. (2006) Development of a valid and reliable tool for the assessment of urinary incontinence in people with neurological problems. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2(5), 247-252.

Session 5 – Multiple Sclerosis

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrates knowledge of the pathophysiology of MS in the CNS

• Discuss the key problems experienced by patients with MS

• Analyse evidence-based interventions for this client group. Indicative reading

Burgess M. (2010) Reviewing the pathogenesis of MS, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 6 (2), 60-64.

Barker N. (2014) The Challenges that clinicians and patients face when selecting first line treatments for MS. Brit Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 9(6), 267- 271.

Embery N. (2008) Exploring the lived experience of palliative care for people with MS 1: A literature review, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 4(1), 9-16.

Fitzpatrick B. & Cook N. (2011) Empowering decision-making in cannabis use in multiple sclerosis. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 7(6), 707.

Porter B. (2005) Care for people with multiple sclerosis: guidance from the national institute for clinical excellence. Brit Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1(1), 14-19.

Maclean (2006) Fatigue in multiple sclerosis: A common hidden symptom requiring regular assessment. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2(2), 66-70.

Please also see electronic reading list.

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Week 6

Session 1 – Spinal Anatomy and Physiology

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrates knowledge of the various spinal tracts

• Discuss the syndromes related to spinal cord injury. Indicative reading

Marieb E. (2013) Human Anatomy & Physiology. 10th ed. Pearson, San Francisco.

Tortora J.G. & Grabowski J.R. (2009) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 12th ed. Harper Collins, New York.

Session 2 – Acute Management of Spinal Injuries

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the pathophysiology of primary & secondary spinal injury

• Differentiate between spinal and neurogenic shock

• Identify appropriate interventions required for a patient with neurogenic and spinal shock

• Critically examine the management strategies for patients with spinal injury. Indicative reading

Harrison P. & Ash D. (2011) Management of Patients with Spinal Injuries. In Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. Sarahan F. et al (2103) An overview of traumatic spinal cord injury: part 2. Acute Management. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 9(3), 138-143. Saif D. et al (2013) An overview of traumatic spinal cord injury: part 3. Rehabilitation. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 9(4), 187-192. See electronic reading list.

Session 3 – Elective Spinal Surgery

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Critically discuss the per-operative and post-operative care of patients undergoing elective spinal surgery.

Indicative reading

Pellatt G. (2008) Nontraumatic spinal cord injury, part 4: Degenerative disorders of the spine. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 4(12), 588–59.

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Week 7

Session 1 – Autonomic Nervous System

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the physiological activities controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

Indicative reading

Marieb E. (2013) Human Anatomy & Physiology. 10th ed. Pearson, San Francisco.

Tortora J.G. & Grabowski J.R. (2009) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 12th ed. Harper Collins, New York.

Session 2 – Myasthenia Gravis

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Revise the physiology of nerve conduction

• Explain the pathophysiology of myasthenia gravis

• Demonstrate knowledge of the medical treatment

• Differentiate between cholinergic and myastheniac crisis

• Analyse the nursing care of a patient with myasthenia gravis. Indicative reading

Viegas S., Jacob S. & Hilton-Jones D. (2007) The pathogenesis of myasthenic syndromes: A practical guide to diagnosis and management. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 3(4), 152 157.

Mestecky A.M. (2013) Myasthenia Gravis. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 9(3), 110-112.

Saiju J. (2011) Management of Patients with Myasthenia Gravis. In Woodward S. & Mestecky A (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. See electronic reading list.

Session 3 – Guillain-Barre Syndrome

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Identify the pathophysiology of Guillain-Barre Syndrome

• Discuss approaches to medical management in the acute and rehabilitative phases of the disease

• Discuss the key nursing issues for caring for these patients. Indicative reading

Hughes R.A.C. et al (2005) Intraveneous Immunoglobulin for Guillain Barre Syndrome. The Cochrane Library, Oxford.

Woodward S. (2011) Management of Patients with Guillain Barre Syndrome (2011) in Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Woodward S. (2013) Guillain Barre Syndrome. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 9(2), 59-61.

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Session 4 – Stroke

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Identify the aetiology and epidemiology of stroke

• Discuss the physical, cognitive and emotional problems that may occur as a result of stroke

• Identify current medical management of acute stroke

• Discuss the nursing care and positioning for patients following stroke. Indicative reading

Birns J. & Fitzpatrick M. (2005) Secondary prevention of stroke. Brit Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1(1), 32-38.

Fitzpatrick M. (2013) Hyper-acute stroke care provision in London: the journey to improvement. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 9(3), 120-125.

Fitzpatrick M. & Birns J. (2004) Thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke and the role of the nurse. British Journal of Nursing 13(20), 1170. Please also see the electronic reading list.

Session 5 – Cognitive Assessment and Management

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Discuss the assessment tools that may be used to assess cognitive function

• Discuss the implications of the most common cognitive impairments for the individual and strategies that can be used to manage each.

Indicative reading

Braine M. (2005) The management of challenging behaviour and cognitive impairment. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1(2), 67-74.

Hickey J.V. (2009) Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing. 6th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.

Braine M. (2011) Assessment and Management of Challenging Behaviour. In Woodward S. & Mestecky A. (2011) Neuroscience Nursing Evidence-Based Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. Gallagher M. et al (2014) Hemispatial Neglect: Clinical Features, assessment and treatment. British Journal of Neuroscience 9(6), 273-277.

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Week 8

Session 1 – Respiratory and Tracheostomy Management

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the upper respiratory tract

• Discuss the indication for a tracheostomy and the impact on respiratory function

• Critically analyse the evidence base for nursing management of a patient with a tracheostomy.

Indicative reading

National Tracheostomy Safety Project (2016) available at :

Session 2 – Parkinson’s Disease

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the functional anatomy of the basal ganglia

• Discuss the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s Disease and related disorders

• Explain the current opinions in medical and surgical management of patients with PD

• Analyse the role of the nurse in caring for patients with PD. Indicative reading

Breen K. & Heisters D. (2007) A guide to deep brain stimulation surgery: A treatment for Parkinson’s disease, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 3(12), 554-560.

Heisters D. (2007) What do patients want to know when they are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 3(5), 205-209.

Martin A. & Mills J. (2013) Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialists and the King’s College Hospital Model of Care. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 9(1), 22-29.

Magennis B. & Corry M. (2014) Parkinson’s Disease: making the diagnosis and monitoring progression. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 9(4), 167-171.

Magennis B. & Corry M. (2014) Current trends in the medical management of Parkinson’s Disease: implications and practice. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 10(2), 67-74.

Rudkins H. (2006) The importance of early consideration of palliative care in Parkinson’s Disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2(1), 10-15.

Session 3 – Neuroethics

By the end of the session students will be able to:

• Critically discuss ethical dilemmas in neuroscience nursing.

Indicative reading

McLeod A. (2014) Nurses’ views of the causes of ethical dilemmas during treatment cessation in the ICU: a qualitative study. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(3), 131–137.

Page 19: Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: ... Myasthenia Gravis ... Discuss the medical and surgical options for treatment of brain tumours


Module evaluation As part of the university’s Student Voice Strategy, King’s uses an electronic module evaluation system known as EvaSys. This provides an opportunity for you to feedback on different aspects of the module through a series of pre-set questions and qualitative comments. At the end of the module you will receive an automated invitation via your KCL email account to complete your evaluation online.

Please take the time to complete as your feedback is important. It informs ongoing developments to individual modules to ensure that the learning needs and expectations of the Faculty’s student community are met to a high standard.

To strengthen the feedback cycle, a report summarizing the quantitative results for the module as a whole and the module lead’s reflections on your feedback will be sent to you after the online evaluation survey has closed.

Action from previous evaluations No recommendations for improvements were suggested by students last term. In response to evaluations last term we have increased the number of articles and papers available on the KEATS e-reading list.

Page 20: Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: ... Myasthenia Gravis ... Discuss the medical and surgical options for treatment of brain tumours


Timetable Neuroscience Nursing 6KNIC308 Timetable Term 3

Teaching mode

Date Type of session Title Time Group Room Lecturer


based Study

03 May


Introduction Introduction to KEATS and the Module 10:00-11:00

All groups

Waterloo Bridge


G/552 AM Mestecky

Lecture 1 Neurophysiology 11:00-12:00

Lecture 2 Functional Anatomy of the Brain 12:00-13.00

Lecture 2 cont Functional Anatomy of the Brain 14:00-15:00

FWB 3.52 Seminar Neurological Assessment and Altered States of Consciousness


Directed Study E-Learning - Cranial Nerves


based Study

10 May


Lecture 1 Intracranial Physiology 10:00-11:00

All groups

Waterloo Bridge Wing


AM Mestecky

Group work Management of Raised ICP 11:00-13:00

Lecture 2 Brain Tumours 14:00-15:45 FWB 3.52

External Lecturer Lecture 3 Pituitary Tumours 16:00-17:00

308 & P49 AM


Directed Study E-Learning - ICP

University based Study

17 May Thursday

Lecture 1 Brain Stem Death 10:00-11:00

308 & P49

Waterloo Bridge Wing


AM Mestecky

Lecture 2 Head Injury 11:00-13:00

Lecture 3 Motor Neuron Disease 14:00-16:00

308 FWB 3.52

A Broughton

Seminar Psychosocial Effects on the Family 16:00-17:00 AM Mestecky

Directed Study E-Learning – Epilepsy

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University based Study

31 May Thursday

Lecture 1 Cerebral Circulation 10:00-11:00

308 &P49

Waterloo Bridge Wing G/552

AM Mestecky

Lecture 2 SAH 11:00-13:00

Lecture 3 Epilepsy 14:00-16:00 308

FWB 3.52

Cathy Queally

Seminar Exam Preparation 16:00-17:00 AM Mestecky

Directed Study E-Learning - Parkinson’s Disease

University based Study

7 June Thursday

Lecture 1 Acoustic Neuroma 10:00-11:00 308 & p49

Waterloo Bridge Wing G/552

AM Mestecky Lecture 2 Hydrocephalus and Management of EVDs 11:00-12:00

Lecture 3 CNS Infections 12:00-13.00

Lecture 3 Urinary and faecal incontinence 14:00-15:45 308

FWB 3.52

Sue Woodward Lecture 4 MS 16:00-17:00

Directed Study E-Learning – Neurogenic Bowel

University based Study

21 June Thursday

Lecture 1 A&P Spinal cord and vertebral column 10:00-11:00

308 & p49

Waterloo Bridge Wing G/552



Group work Acute management of SCI 11:00-13:00

Lecture 2 Acute management of SCI 14:00-15:15 FWB 3.52

Lecture 3 Elective Spinal Surgery 15:30-16:30

Directed Study E-Learning - Neuropharmacology

University based Study

28 June Thursday

Lecture 1 Autonomic Nervous system 10:00-11:00 308 & p49

Waterloo Bridge Wing G/552



Lecture 2 Myasthenia Gravis 11:00-12:00

Lecture 3 Guillain Barre Syndrome 12:00-13:00

Seminar Stroke 14:00-15:30 308 & p48 WBW G/8

Lecture 4 Cognitive Assessment and Management 15.45-17:00

Directed Study E-Learning On Parkinson’s Disease

Page 22: Neuroscience Nursing - 6KNIC308 Nursing - 6KNIC308 Level: 6 Credits: ... Myasthenia Gravis ... Discuss the medical and surgical options for treatment of brain tumours


University based Study

05 July Thursday

Group Tutorial

Exam Preparation 10:00-11:00

308 WBW G/552

AM Mestecky

Lecture 1 Respiratory and tracheostomy care 11:00-13:00

Lecture 2 Parkinson’s Disease 14:00-15:30

308 WBW G/8 Lecture 3

Ethical decisions in Neuroscience Nursing 15:45-17:00

Key: FWB – Franklin-Wilkins building; Waterloo campus Waterloo Bridge Wing – waterloo campus JCMB – James Clerk Maxwell building; Waterloo campus