Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by...

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Cognitive Neuroscience Current Debates, Research & Reports ISSN: 1758-8928 (Print) 1758-8936 (Online) Journal homepage: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli previously associated with social reward Andy J. Kim & Brian A. Anderson To cite this article: Andy J. Kim & Brian A. Anderson (2020) Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli previously associated with social reward, Cognitive Neuroscience, 11:1-2, 5-15, DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2019.1585338 To link to this article: View supplementary material Accepted author version posted online: 20 Feb 2019. Published online: 05 Mar 2019. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 192 View related articles View Crossmark data

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Page 1: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by which associative learning modifies the attentional priority of cues for reward (Anderson,

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Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimulipreviously associated with social reward

Andy J. Kim & Brian A. Anderson

To cite this article: Andy J. Kim & Brian A. Anderson (2020) Neural correlates of attentionalcapture by stimuli previously associated with social reward, Cognitive Neuroscience, 11:1-2, 5-15,DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2019.1585338

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Accepted author version posted online: 20Feb 2019.Published online: 05 Mar 2019.

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Page 2: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by which associative learning modifies the attentional priority of cues for reward (Anderson,

Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli previously associated withsocial rewardAndy J. Kim and Brian A. Anderson

Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

ABSTRACTOur attention is strongly influenced by reward learning. Stimuli previously associated withmonetary reward have been shown to automatically capture attention in both behavioral andneurophysiological studies. Stimuli previously associated with positive social feedback similarlycapture attention; however, it is unknown whether such social facilitation of attention relies onsimilar or dissociable neural systems. Here, we used the value-driven attentional capture para-digm in an fMRI study to identify the neural correlates of attention to stimuli previouslyassociated with social reward. The results reveal learning-dependent priority signals in thecontralateral visual cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and caudate tail, similar to studies usingmonetary reward. An additional priority signal was consistently evident in the right middle frontalgyrus (MFG). Our findings support the notion of a common neural mechanism for directingattention on the basis of selection history that generalizes across different types of reward.

ARTICLE HISTORYRecieved 18 December 2018Revised 6 February 2019Published online 7 March2019

KEYWORDSSelective attention;value-driven attention; socialreward; fMRI


Attention is a mechanism that selectively filters percep-tual information to determine what is represented inthe brain (Desimone & Duncan, 1995). Attention can attimes be goal-directed, prioritizing information basedon contextually-specific priorities, such as when some-one searches through a desk for misplaced keys(Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Folk, Remington, &Johnston, 1992; Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel, 1989). Stimulithat possess high informational value, such as the eyesand mouth of a face, tend to be preferentially attended(Dupierrix et al., 2014; Emery, 2000; Janik, Wellens,Goldberg, & Dellosso, 1978; Mckelvie, 1976). However,what we direct our attention to is not always under ourcontrol. Physically salient stimuli can automatically cap-ture our attention (Theeuwes, 1992, 2010). It is also thecase that how we direct attention is shaped by asso-ciative learning. Stimuli that signal the availability ofreward draw attention (Anderson & Yantis, 2013; DellaLibera & Chelazzi, 2006; Engelmann & Pessoa, 2007;Hickey, Chelazzi, & Theeuwes, 2010), as do stimuli pre-viously associated with aversive outcomes (Schmidt,Belopolsky, & Theeuwes, 2015; Wang, Yu, & Zhou,2013). The influence of reward history on attention

has been shown to persist even when previouslyreward-associated stimuli are inconspicuous, currentlytask-irrelevant, and no longer predictive of reward,suggesting that attention can be fundamentally value-driven (Anderson, Laurent, & Yantis, 2011).

Studies of value-driven attention have typicallyexamined the consequences of associative learningon information processing using monetary reward asfeedback (e.g., Anderson, 2016a; Anderson & Yantis,2013; Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2006; Failing &Theeuwes, 2017). Only a few studies have usedother types of reward such as food (Pool, Brosch,Delplanque, & Sander, 2014), water (Seitz, Kim, &Watanabe, 2009), and pleasant sounds (Miranda &Palmer, 2014), all of which produce similar atten-tional biases towards stimuli that they are associatedwith during training. Stimuli associated with drugreward also capture attention in drug-dependentpatients (Field & Cox, 2008), which is further consis-tent with a general principle by which associativelearning modifies the attentional priority of cues forreward (Anderson, 2016c).

Recent evidence extends the principle of value-driven attention to learning from social outcomes.Stimuli reliably followed by a face bearing a positive

CONTACT Andy J. Kim [email protected] Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience, Texas A&MUniversity, 4235 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4235

The supplementary data for this article can be accessed here.


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Page 3: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by which associative learning modifies the attentional priority of cues for reward (Anderson,

(happy; Anderson, 2016b; Anderson & Kim, 2018) ornegative (angry; Anderson, 2017a) expression cometo automatically capture attention, and spatial cuespredicting social reward (credit earned for anotherperson) more effectively guide attention (Hayward,Pereira, Otto, & Ristic, 2018). Such evidence fits withthe idea that positive and negative social outcomesevoke reward and punishment signals that are simi-larly capable of shaping attention.

Several studies have probed the neural mechan-isms of value-driven attention using monetaryreward. The neural correlates of attentional captureby reward cues include early visual cortex (Hopfet al., 2015; MacLean & Giesbrecht, 2015; Serences,2008; Serences & Saproo, 2010), ventral visual cortex(Anderson, 2017b; Anderson, Laurent, & Yantis, 2014;Barbaro, Peelen, & Hickey, 2017; Donohue et al.,2016; Hickey & Peelen, 2015, 2017), posterior parietalcortex (Anderson, 2017b; Anderson et al., 2014;Barbaro et al., 2017; Lee & Shomstein, 2013; Qi,Zeng, Ding, & Li, 2013), and the caudate tail(Anderson et al., 2016, 2014; Kim & Hikosaka, 2013;Yamamoto, Kim, & Hikosaka, 2013), which have col-lectively been referred to as the value-driven atten-tion network (Anderson, 2017b). The caudate tail inparticular has not been implicated in goal-directed orstimulus-driven attention (Corbetta, Patel, &Shulman, 2008; Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Moore &Zirnsak, 2017) and may be specific to value-drivenattentional orienting (Anderson, 2016a). Whethersocial reward similarly recruits this attention network,or whether distinct neural systems are engaged indirecting attention on the basis of social utility, is notknown, and evidence suggestive of either possibilitycan be found in the literature.

On the one hand, some neuroimaging studies explor-ing social reward in the context of reputation and verbalpraise have found reward-related activation of the stria-tum (Izuma, Saito, & Sadato, 2008, 2010; Zink et al.,2008). One study directly comparing monetary gainand reputation as a social reward found common activa-tion in the striatum from both types of outcomes (Wake& Izuma, 2017). Such evidence is consistent witha ‘common neural currency’ for reward that bothmoney and positive social outcomes can recruit, whichcould serve as input to the attention system. On theother hand, studies in the field of social neurosciencehave implicatedmultiple brain regions that appear to bepreferentially recruited by social information processing,

including the superior temporal sulcus (Deen, Koldewyn,Kanwisher, & Saxe, 2015), the ventral medial prefrontalcortex (mPFC) in social evaluation (Moor, vanLeijenhorst, Rombouts, Crone, & Van der Molen, 2010),the superior frontal gyrus and paracingulate gyrus insocial norm processing (Bas-Hoogendam, vanSteenbergen, Kreuk, van der Wee, & Westenberg,2017), and a region of the fusiform gyrus in the percep-tion of faces and emotional pictures with human forms(Geday, Gjedde, Boldsen, & Kupers, 2003; Kanwisher,McDermott, & Chun, 1997).

In the present study, we probed whether the value-driven attention network consistently recruited bymonetary reward cues would be similarly recruited fol-lowing training with social reward, suggesting that posi-tive social outcomes bias attention via a ‘commoncurrency’ for reward. Wewere also interested in whetherevidence could be found for a distinctly social compo-nent to value-driven attention not previously observedin attention studies using monetary reward. To this end,we adapted the paradigm of Anderson et al. (2014)previously used to study value-driven attention, substi-tuting monetary reward with images of faces bearingpositive and neutral expressions (as in Anderson, 2016b).Participants were trained to associate two color-definedtargetswith different probabilities of positive social feed-back, and then these same color stimuli were used astask-irrelevant distractors in a shape-search task inwhichthe color of the shapes was explicitly task-irrelevant. Wemeasured neural responses and decrements in beha-vioral performance (indicative of attentional capture)associated with the presence of the critical distractors.



Twenty-eight participants, were recruited from theTexas A&M University community. One participantwithdrew from the experiment before completingthe brain scans, and three participants were notscanned because they did not meet the performancecriteria for the behavioral task during their in-lab visit.Twenty-four participants were fully scanned (10female, ages 18–29 [M = 21.9 y]), and eye-trackingdata was collected from 22 of these participants. Allparticipants reported normal or corrected-to-normalvisual acuity and normal color vision. All procedureswere approved by the Texas A&M University


Page 4: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by which associative learning modifies the attentional priority of cues for reward (Anderson,

Institutional Review Board and were conducted inaccordance with the principles expressed in theDeclaration of Helsinki. Written informed consentwas obtained for each participant.

Task procedure

Participants were scheduled for an initial in-lab visitfor 1 hr and a scan-center visit on the following day.During their initial appointment, participants cameinto the lab for consenting, MRI safety screening, andscreening for adequate performance on the beha-vioral task. Participants first practiced and completedthe test phase of the task that had built-in perfor-mance checks requiring at least 85% accuracy and anaverage response time of less than 1000 ms to con-tinue. Next, participants practiced the training phaseof the behavioral task with social feedback for threeruns. Participants were instructed that an average of85% accuracy across the three runs was required tobe eligible to be scanned. Each eligible participantunderwent fMRI in a single 1.5 hr session that tookplace the following day. Participants completed tworuns of the training phase, three runs of the testphase, an anatomical scan, and lastly completed anadditional run of the training phase and then twoadditional runs of the test phase. The final ‘top-up’training run was completed to re-instantiate thecolor-outcome associations to protect against possi-ble extinction (see, e.g., Lee & Shomstein, 2014).


During the initial in-lab visit, all tasks were completed ona Dell OptiPlex 7040 computer equipped with Matlabsoftware and Psychophysics Toolbox extensions(Brainard, 1997). Stimuli were presented on a DellP2717H monitor. The participants viewed the monitorfrom a distance of approximately 70 cm in a dimly litroom. Eye-tracking was conducted using the EyeLink1000 Plus system, and head position was maintainedusing a manufacturer-provided chin rest (SR ResearchLtd.). For the fMRI portion of the experiment, stimuluspresentation was controlled by an Invivo SensaVue dis-play system. The eye-to-screen distance was approxi-mately 125 cm. Responses were entered usinga Cedrus Lumina two-button response pad. An EyeLink1000 Plus system was again used to track eye position.

Training phase

Each run of the training phase consisted of 60 trials. Eachtrial began with a fixation display (1800 ms) which wasfollowed by a search array (1200 ms), an inter-stimulus-interval (ISI), a social feedback display (1500 ms), and aninter-trial-interval (ITI) (see Figure 1(a)). The fixation dis-play consisted of a fixation cross (0.7° x 0.7° visual angle)at the center of the screen. During the search array,participants were instructed to search for a target circlethat was unpredictably red or green and report theorientation of a bar within the target as either vertical

Figure 1. Sequence and time course of trial events. (a) In the training phase, participants searched for a color-defined target (red orgreen) and reported the orientation of the bar within the target as vertical or horizontal. One color target yielded a reward in termsof a positive-valence face on 80% of trials and a neutral-valence face on 20% of trials (high-valence target), whereas the other colortarget yielded a positive-valence face on only 20% of trials and a neutral-valence face on 80% of trials (low-valence target). (b) Inthe test phase, participants searched for a shape singleton target (diamond among circles or circle among diamonds), and the colorof the shapes was irrelevant to the task. On a subset of trials, one of the non-targets was rendered in the color of either the high-valence or low-valence color on which they were previously trained (regarded as a high-valence or low-valence distractor) .


Page 5: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by which associative learning modifies the attentional priority of cues for reward (Anderson,

or horizontal via button press. Half of the trials in eachrun contained a red target and half contained a greentarget. Each target color appeared at every positionequally-often across trials and the order of trials wasrandomized for each run. Each circle in the searcharray was 4.5° visual angle in diameter. Stimuli locatedon the left and right sides were 8.2° and 10.6° visualangle from the meridian. Vertically, stimuli were 8.2°visual angle above and below the horizontal equator.The colors of the non-targets were drawn from the set[blue, cyan, pink, orange, yellow, white] without replace-ment. The ISI lasted for 600, 1200, or 1800 ms (equallydistributed). Positive-valence (happy) and neutral-valence faces for the social feedback were taken fromthe Warsaw Set of Emotional Facial Expression Pictures(Olszanowski et al., 2015). The faces were those of 12male and 12 female models, with eachmodel contribut-ing both a positive and a neutral counterpart. One of thetarget colors predicted a positive-valence face duringthe social feedback display 80% of the time anda neutral face 20% of the time (high-valence target),while the other (low-valence) target color these percen-tages were reversed. The color-to-valence mapping wascounterbalanced across participants. Feedback was notrelated to task performance, which could only be pre-dicted by the target color. Lastly, the ITI lasted for 1200,3000, or 4800 ms (exponentially distributed). The fixa-tion cross disappeared for the last 200 ms of the ITI toindicate to the participant that the next trial was aboutto begin.

Test phase

Each run of the test phase consisted of 60 trials. Eachtrial began with a fixation display (1800 ms) which wasfollowed by a search array (1800 ms), and an ITI (seeFigure 1(b)). During the search array, participantsreported the orientation of a bar within the uniquely-shaped target as either vertical or horizontal via buttonpress. The color of the shapes was irrelevant to thetask. On one-third of the trials, one of the non-targetshapes was the color of the previously trained high-valence target (high-valence distractor trial), low-valence target (low-valence distractor trial), or noneof the shapes were red or green (distractor absenttrial). The target shape was never red or green. Thetarget appeared in each position equally-often in eachrun. Each color distractor appeared on the side of thescreen opposite the target on 3/5 of trials on which it

was present, and on the same side on the remaining 2/5 of trials (i.e., each non-target position equally-likely).The order of trials was randomized for each run. Thesize and positions of the stimuli were identical to thetraining phase, as was the set of non-target colorsused. Lastly, the ITI lasted for 600, 2400, or 4200 ms(equally distributed). Again, the fixation cross disap-peared for the last 200 ms of the ITI to indicate to theparticipant that the next trial was about to begin.

Analysis of behavioral data

Only correct trials were included in the RT analyses.RTs more than 2.5 standard deviations above andbelow the mean for a given condition for a givenparticipant were trimmed (as in Anderson et al.,2014; Anderson & Yantis, 2012).

MRI data acquisition

Images were acquired using a Siemens 3-TeslaMAGNETOM Verio scanner with a 32-channel headcoil at the Texas A&M Institute for Preclinical Studies(TIPS), College Station, TX. High-resolution whole-brainanatomical images were acquired using a T1-weightedmagnetization prepared rapid gradient echo (MPRAGE)pulse sequence [150 coronal slices, voxel size = 1 mmisotropic, repetition time (TR) = 7.9 ms, echo time(TE) = 3.65 ms, flip angle = 8°]. Whole-brain functionalimages were acquired using a T2*-weightedmultiband(MB) echo planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequence [56 axialslices, TR = 600 ms, TE = 29 ms, flip angle = 52°, imagematrix = 96 x 96, field of view = 240 mm, slice thick-ness = 2.5mm with no gap]. Each EPI pulse sequencebegan with dummy pulses to allow the MR signal toreach steady state and concluded with an additional6 sec blank epoch.

MRI data analyses

PreprocessingAll preprocessing was conducted using the AFNI soft-ware package (Cox, 1996). Each EPI run for each parti-cipant was motion corrected using the last image priorto the anatomical scan as a reference. EPI images werethen coregistered to the corresponding anatomicalimage for each participant. These images were thennon-linearly warped to the Talairach brain (Talairach &Tournoux, 1988) using 3dQwarp. Finally, the EPI images


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were converted to percent signal change normalizedto the mean of each run, and then spatially smoothedto a resulting 5 mm full-width half-maximum using3dBlurToFWHM.

Statistical analysesAll statistical analyses were performed using the AFNIsoftware package. We used a general linear model(GLM) approach to analyze the test phase data. TheGLM included the following regressors of interest (asin Anderson et al., 2014): (1) target on left – no dis-tractor, (2) target on right – no distractor, (3) target onleft, high-valence distractor on same side, (4) target onleft, high-valence distractor on opposite side, (5) tar-get on right, high-valence distractor on same side, (6)target on right, high-valence distractor on oppositeside, (7) target on left, low-valence distractor on sameside, (8) target on left, low-valence distractor on oppo-site side, (9) target on right, low-valence distractor onsame side, (10) target on right, low-valence distractoron opposite side. Each regressor of interest was mod-eled using 16 finite impulse response functions (FIRs),beginning at stimulus onset. Six degrees of headmotion and drift in the scanner signal were modeledusing nuisance regressors. Trials in which the partici-pant failed to make a motor response were excludedfrom the analyses. The peak beta value for each con-dition from 3–6 sec post stimulus presentation wasextracted, and paired-samples t-tests were conductedcomparing the peak response on trials on whicha distractor was present versus absent in the left andright side of the display, separately for each of the twohemifields (as in Anderson et al., 2014). We focusedthese analyses on trials on which the target was pre-sented in the opposite hemifield, thereby isolating theresponse to task-irrelevant stimuli in the contralateralhemifield as a function of reward history. The resultswere corrected for multiple comparisons using theAFNI program 3dClustSim, with the smoothness ofthe data estimated using the ACFmethod (clusterwiseα < 0.05, voxelwise p < 0.005).


During the fMRI scan, head position was restrictedusing foam padding within the head coil, and eye-tracking was conducted using the reflection of theparticipant’s face on the mirror attached to the headcoil. Eye position was calibrated prior to each run of

trials using 9-point calibration (Anderson & Yantis,2012) and was manually drift corrected by the experi-menter as necessary during the fixation display.



During the training phase, there were no reliable differ-ences between high-valence and low-valence targettrials in either accuracy, t(23) = 0.87, p = 0.392, or RT, t(23) = 0.53, p = 0.603 (see Figure 2(a and b)). This isconsistent with prior reports (Anderson, 2016b, 2017a;Anderson & Kim, 2018) and suggests that participantscould easily manage the task of searching for twocolor-defined targets, with performance near ceiling.

During the test phase, there was a highly reliablemain effect of distractor condition on RT, F(2,46) = 9.06,p < 0.001, η2 = 0.283 (see Figure 2(a and d)). Post hoccomparisons revealed that RT was significantly slowerwhen both a high-valence, t(23) = 3.40, p = 0.002, d= 0.69, and a low-valence, t(23) = 3.83, p = 0.001, d= 0.78, distractor was present compared to distractor-absent trials. RT did not differ between the high- andlow-valence distractor conditions, however, t(23) = −0.75, p = 0.463. Accuracy was similarly highacross the three distractor conditions, F(2,46) = 1.01, p= 0.373. Across participants, an eye movement fromfixation to one of the six shape stimuli was registeredwithin the timeout limit on 49.8% of all trials (sd= 34.3%, range = [3.3% – 92.7%]).


Consistent with the behavioral data, direct contrastsbetween the high-valence and low-valence distractorconditions did not reveal any significant clusters of acti-vation. However, the presence of each distractor evokeda highly reliable and replicable pattern of activationacross the contralateral visual cortex and caudate tail,in addition to posterior parietal cortex and the rightmiddle frontal gyrus (MFG; see Figure 3). A completelist of all regions activated across all contrasts is providedin Supplemental Table 1. Since our paradigm involvedfMRI concurrent with eye-tracking, we were able todetermine whether activated brain regions were eye-movement contingent. We performed the identical con-trasts but included the number of trials on which dis-tractors drew eye movements as a covariate. We found


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Figure 2. Behavioral results in the training and test phase. (a) Accuracy in the training phase by target condition. (b) Response timein the training phase by target condition. (c) Accuracy during the test phase by distractor condition. (d) Response time in the testphase by distractor condition. Error bars reflect the standard error of the means. **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.001.

Figure 3. Regions of the value-driven attention network and middle frontal gyrus that were significantly more active in response tothe critical distractors (RVF = right visual field; LVF = left visual field). Each of the contrasts depicted are against distractor-absenttrials, with the target presented in the visual field opposite the distractor. Activations are overlaid on an image of the Talairachbrain. A complete list of all regions showing significant activation is provided in Supplemental Table 1.


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that the visual cortex, caudate tail, and MFG activationsall remained significant when individual differences inoculomotor capture by the distractors were accountedfor, suggesting that our findings do not reflect purelyovert attentional selection and are consistent with thedeployment of covert attention.

For some of the contrasts, regions of the value-driven attention network (caudate tail, early visualcortex, lateral occipital cortex, and posterior parietalcortex; see Anderson, 2017b) were evident bilaterally.Therefore, to determine whether these regions wereindeed sensitive to the position of the distractor ashas been argued in prior studies (e.g., Anderson,2017b; Anderson et al., 2014), we further probed thedistractor-evoked responses in these regions.Specifically, for each of the aforementioned contrasts(see Figure 3 and Supplemental Table 1), we createda mask of the regions comprising the value-drivenattention network in the contralateral hemifield, andusing this mask contrasted all trials on which thedistractor was presented in the contralateral vs ipsi-lateral hemifield (collapsing across the position of thetarget: [distractor contra/target contra and distractorcontra/target ipsi] vs [distractor ipsi/target contra anddistractor ipsi/target ipsi]); we then collapsed acrossthe four contrasts to get an overall estimate ofresponse to the distractor when presented in thecontralateral vs ipsilateral hemifield. This analysisrevealed a significantly stronger response to the dis-tractor when presented in the contralateral hemifield,t(23) = 6.07, p < 0.001, d = 1.24, confirming sensitivityto stimulus position. Further consistent with the posi-tional sensitivity of these regions, on distractor-absenttrials, each individual region showed a strongerresponse to targets in the contralateral vs ipsilateralhemifield, ts > 3.33, ps < 0.003, ds > 0.68.

In previous studies using monetary reward ratherthan social reward in the training phase, elevated dis-tractor-evoked responses were observed in the visualcortex, parietal cortex, and caudate tail (e.g., Anderson,2017b; Anderson et al., 2016, 2014). However, no studiesof value-driven attention that we are aware of havereported activation in the right MFG (e.g., Anderson,2017b; Anderson et al., 2016, 2014; Barbaro et al., 2017;Donohue et al., 2016; Hickey & Peelen, 2015, 2017; Hopfet al., 2015; MacLean & Giesbrecht, 2015). Unlike theother regions identified, the MFG was evident specifi-cally in the right hemisphere. In order to uncoverwhether the activation in this region is consistent with

an attentional priority signal or whether it instead sharesan antagonistic relationship with distractor-evokedactivity in the visual system consistent with the inhibi-tion of value-driven attentional priority, we correlatedthe activation in the MFG to the activation in the con-tralateral visual cortex (mean of peak beta values acrossvoxels within the corresponding regions identified in thewhole-brain analysis). If the MFG represents the atten-tional priority of the distractor, it should be positivelycorrelated with contralateral distractor-evoked activitywithin visual areas, whereas if it serves to inhibit prioritysignals in the visual system, a negative correlationshould instead be evident. We found that the observedright MFG activation was positively correlated with theactivation in the contralateral visual cortex across parti-cipants, r = 0.405, p = 0.050; this result is consistent withthe priority-signaling account and inconsistent with anaccount in which MFG activity suppresses attentionalpriority in the visual system, although it is important tonote that the MFG could still play a more general inhi-bitory role as the haemodynamic response is not diag-nostic of a facilitatory or inhibitory signal per se.


We investigated the neural correlates of attention tostimuli previously associated with social reward. Ourbehavioral results replicate performance costs asso-ciated with the presence of stimuli previously associatedwith valent social outcomes (Anderson, 2016b, 2017a;Anderson & Kim, 2018). Such value-based distractionwas accompaniedbydistractor-evoked attentional prior-ity signals in the caudate tail, visual cortex, and posteriorparietal cortex, producing a pattern of results very similarto that previously observed using cues for monetaryreward (Anderson, 2017b; Anderson et al., 2016, 2014;Barbaro et al., 2017; Donohue et al., 2016; Hickey &Peelen, 2015; Hopf et al., 2015; Lee & Shomstein, 2013;MacLean&Giesbrecht, 2015). These findings support thepresence of a core value-driven attention network in thebrain that generalizes across different types of reward,taking input froma ‘commonneural currency’ for rewardto which social outcomes contribute. Furthermore, byaccounting for distractor-evoked eye movements, weshow for the first time that these reward-general atten-tional priority signals are not particular to oculomotorcapture (Anderson & Yantis, 2012; Theeuwes &Belopolsky, 2012), reflecting significant contributionsfrom covert attentional priority.


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In contrast to neuroimaging studies of value-drivenattention using non-social reward, we identified anadditional attention priority signal in the right MFG.Unlike the value-driven priority signals evident inprior studies, the representation in this region wasnot retinotopically organized, being observed only inthe right hemisphere regardless of the distractor posi-tion. The right MFG has been found to be activated instudies of goal-contingent attentional capture to tar-get-colored distractors (Serences et al., 2005), and isthought to play a role in attentional reorienting(Corbetta et al., 2008). Specifically, activation of theright MFG is hypothesized to serve as a circuit-breakerfor the endogenous control of attention, diverting con-trol to exogenous input and allowing unexpected butpotentially goal-relevant stimuli to capture attention. Insocial neuroscience, activation of the right MFG hasbeen observed in tasks probing social hierarchy (Zinket al., 2008), social competition (Decety, Jackson,Sommerville, Chaminade, & Meltzoff, 2004), socialnorm violations (Bas-Hoogendam et al., 2017), emo-tional maintenance (Waugh, Lemus, & Gotlib, 2014),and social incentive delay (Rademacher et al., 2010).The broad involvement of the right MFG in social infor-mation processing, coupled with its role in reorientingattention to unexpected but potentially relevant sti-muli, places it in a unique position to facilitate thereorienting of attention on the basis of social utility.

In addition to the right MFG, the right temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) has also been implicated in thegoal-contingent capture of attention and has beenhypothesized to play a potentially similar circuit-breaker function (Corbetta et al., 2008; Corbetta &Shulman, 2002). As with prior studies examining theneural correlates of value-driven attention (seeAnderson, 2019, for a review), we did not find anyevidence for the involvement of the TPJ in value-driven attentional capture. The TPJ is thought notto play a role in the capture of attention by physi-cally salient stimuli that are not potentially goal-relevant (Corbetta et al., 2008); consistent with this,there is some evidence that value-driven attentionalpriority can be represented in a manner similar toa change in the physical salience of an object(Anderson, 2019; Anderson & Kim, 2019). The appar-ent selectivity of the MFG but not the TPJ in thepresent study suggests possibly distinct roles in sup-porting the exogenous reorienting of attention,although direct comparisons to a situation in which

attentional capture does recruit the TPJ would beneeded to explore this possibility further.

Unlike in a pair of previous behavioral studiesusing this same experimental paradigm (Anderson,2016b; Anderson & Kim, 2018), we observed signifi-cant attentional capture by both high- and low-valence distractors. In these prior studies, only thehigh-valence distractor produced behavioral evi-dence of attentional capture, resulting ina significant effect of differential valence. The neuralcorrelates of capture we observed here mirrored ourbehavioral result, with high- and low-valence distrac-tors producing a similar neural profile. The reasonsfor this discrepancy are not clear, although onepotentially important difference was the amount oftraining between studies. In the present study, parti-cipants completed training both the day before thebrain scans and the day of scanning, with the initialtraining consolidated over a night’s sleep. Thisgreater overall amount of training, spread out overtwo days, may have provided the low-valence stimu-lus with enough reinforcement to similarly reachsignificant levels of attentional capture. Consistentwith this, the effect size of attentional capture wasgenerally larger in the present study compared toprior studies using valenced social outcomes(Anderson, 2016b, 2017a; Anderson & Kim, 2018).

Unfortunately, the lack of significant differencesbetween high- and low-valence distractor conditionsdoes not allow the current dataset to distinguishbetween valence-dependent effects of associativelearning from search history more broadly (i.e., statusas former target; Grubb & Li, 2018; Sha & Jiang, 2016).The results of the present study definitively support theidea that what has been referred to as the value-drivenattention network (Anderson, 2017b) plays amore gen-eral role in learning-dependent attentional priority andis similarly recruited following training with fundamen-tally different kinds of outcomes. Such recruitmentpotentially reflects some combination of value-dependent influences (see Anderson & Halpern, 2017)andmore general influences of selection history. This isespecially salient in the context of the right MFG, whichhas not been previously implicated in value-drivenattention; to the degree that the present study prefer-entially recruited value-independent mechanisms ofselection history more so than in prior studies of value-driven attention, this stronger value-independent influ-ence may be mediated in part by the MFG.


Page 10: Neural correlates of attentional capture by stimuli ...€¦ · tent with a general principle by which associative learning modifies the attentional priority of cues for reward (Anderson,

Taken in the context of the broader literature onlearning-dependent attentional priority, however,our findings are more consistent with a specific rolefor learned value in the observed pattern of activa-tion. Prior studies have demonstrated more convin-cingly that the regions of the value-driven attentionnetwork observed in the present study are selectivelyrecruited by valuable stimuli (e.g., Anderson, 2017b;Anderson et al., 2016, 2014; Barbaro et al., 2017;Donohue et al., 2016; Hickey & Peelen, 2015; Qiet al., 2013). Furthermore, a study explicitly examin-ing the neural correlates of attentional capture byunrewarded former target colors (following multidaysearch training) detected primarily visual corticalinfluences with no evidence for corresponding prior-ity signals in the striatum or MFG (Kim & Anderson,2019). The influence of reward history and outcome-independent selection history on the nature of atten-tional orienting is fundamentally dissociable (Kim &Anderson, 2019), suggesting distinct underlyingneural mechanisms. In the context of this prior evi-dence, our findings seem more consistent witha ‘common currency’ interpretation of the value-driven attention network than an interpretationthat assumes a pure selection history-dependentpriority signal with no influence of associated value.

Collectively, our findings support the idea that socialoutcomes shape attention by recruiting both reward-general mechanisms of information processing andmechanisms particular to social reward. Monetary andsocial rewards are represented by overlapping neuralpopulations (Izuma et al., 2008), and our findings sug-gest that such ‘common currency’ representations ofvalue serve as the teaching signals to the value-drivenattention network (Anderson, 2017b; Anderson et al.,2014). In this sense, social reward affects attentionmuch like any other reward. At the same time, socialreward cues appear to recruit the attention system’scircuit-breaking capacity in a way not previouslyobserved for monetary reward cues, which may stemfrom the important role of the right MFG in both socialinformation processing (Bas-Hoogendam et al., 2017;Decety et al., 2004; Rademacher et al., 2010; Waughet al., 2014; Zink et al., 2008) and the control of atten-tion (Corbetta et al., 2008; Serences et al., 2005). Sucha mechanism could serve to better ensure that oppor-tunities for positive social outcomes do not go unno-ticed, interrupting goal-directed informationprocessing in order to more fully evaluate such

opportunities. Our findings expand our understandingof both the value-driven attention network and the roleof the right MFG in the control of attention.


This research was supported by a start-up package from TexasA&M University to BAA and grants from the Brain & BehaviorResearch Foundation [NARSAD 26008] and NIH [R01-DA046410]to BAA.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This work was supported by the Brain and Behavior ResearchFoundation [NARSAD Young Investigator Grant 26008];National Institute on Drug Abuse [R01-DA046410].


Andy J. Kim


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