Networks Collective Intelligence of Distributed Sensor...

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [Soumik Sarkar] Date: 28 November 2015, At: 08:58 International Journal of Control ISSN: 0020-7179 (Print) 1366-5820 (Online) Journal homepage: Path Planning in GPS-denied Environments via Collective Intelligence of Distributed Sensor Networks Devesh K. Jha, Pritthi Chattopadhyay, Soumik Sarkar & Asok Ray To cite this article: Devesh K. Jha, Pritthi Chattopadhyay, Soumik Sarkar & Asok Ray (2015): Path Planning in GPS-denied Environments via Collective Intelligence of Distributed Sensor Networks, International Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2015.1110754 To link to this article: Accepted author version posted online: 29 Oct 2015. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 5 View related articles View Crossmark data

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International Journal of Control

ISSN: 0020-7179 (Print) 1366-5820 (Online) Journal homepage:

Path Planning in GPS-denied Environments viaCollective Intelligence of Distributed SensorNetworks

Devesh K. Jha, Pritthi Chattopadhyay, Soumik Sarkar & Asok Ray

To cite this article: Devesh K. Jha, Pritthi Chattopadhyay, Soumik Sarkar & Asok Ray (2015):Path Planning in GPS-denied Environments via Collective Intelligence of Distributed SensorNetworks, International Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2015.1110754

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Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Journal: International Journal of Control


Paper ID: TCON-2015-0387R1 accepted for publication inInternational Journal of Control

Path Planning in GPS-denied Environments viaCollective Intelligence of Distributed Sensor Networks

Devesh K. Jha† Pritthi Chattopadhyay† Soumik Sarkar‡ Asok Ray†

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

† Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA‡ Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA

Keywords: Target Detection; Path Planning; Language Measure; Mobile Sensor Network; Collective Intelligence

Abstract—This paper proposes a framework for reactivegoal-directed navigation without global positioning facilitiesin unknown dynamic environments. A mobile sensor networkis used for localizing regions of interest for path planningof an autonomous mobile robot. The underlying theory isan extension of a generalized gossip algorithm that has beenrecently developed in a language-measure-theoretic setting.The algorithm has been used to propagate local decisionsof target detection over a mobile sensor network and thus,it generates a belief map for the detected target over thenetwork. In this setting, an autonomous mobile robot maycommunicate only with a few mobile sensing nodes in its ownneighborhood and localize itself relative to the communicatingnodes with bounded uncertainties. The robot makes use ofthe knowledge based on thebelief of the mobile sensorsto generate a sequence of way-points, leading to a possiblegoal. The estimated way-points are used by a sampling-basedmotion planning algorithm to generate feasible trajectoriesfor the robot. The proposed concept has been validated bynumerical simulation on a mobile sensor network test-bedand a Dubin’s car-like robot.


Autonomous robots are becoming ubiquitous and areenvisaged to play an increasingly important role in bothcivilian and military applications such as intelligence,surveillance & reconnaissance (ISR), weather monitoring,fighting wildfire, health care, and logistics, to name a few.As such, the ability of robots to make complex decisionsis becoming an increasingly commonplace requirement forsuch missions. Autonomous robots operating in unknown

FThis work has been supported in part by the U.S. Office of NavalResearch under Grant No. N00014-14-1-0545, and by the U.S. ArmyResearch Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement No. W911NF-14-2-0068. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the sponsoring agencies.

and unstructured environments often have limited or un-reliable long-range communication and GPS capabilities.Examples include a team of mobile autonomous robots forlong endurance military applications (e.g., mine-hunting)and non-military applications (e.g., weather monitoring).These missions are often limited due to unavailabilityof global information and imposition of communicationconstraints resulting from energy requirements and envi-ronmental uncertainties. However, with the recent advancesin low-complexity signal processing algorithms, sensingsystems can locally detect regions of interest with highaccuracy, which allow information extraction at the sensorsite for significant reduction of the communication over-head. Even though reduction of communication overheadimproves the life of such autonomous sensing networks, itlimits the network performance and capacity. For example,a search and rescue operation in an urban scenario in anapartment complex may require sequential collaborationbetween the ‘search agents’ and the ‘rescue agents’, wherethe rescue operation is usually triggered based on the real-time information collected in a network environment by theindependent ‘search agents’. The efficacy of such missionsdepends on how quickly the network can react to the sensedtargets and guide a ‘rescue agent’ to the target of interestunder the constraints of limited communication and globalpositioning. [Note: The termagent has been used for amobile sensor in this paper and it should not be confusedwith an autonomous robot that is navigated to the targetlocation.]

Recently much work has been reported on source seekingin sensor fields [1]–[9], where the objective is to identifythe possible location of the source as the minimal pointof an unknown signal field by using a stochastic gradientdescent algorithm. Authors in [7] [4] [3] [9] present




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a multi-agent coordination framework where the mobileagents together estimate the peaks of sensor field andall the agents collectively move to the peak of the fieldfollowing the estimated gradient of the field. However, theagents have to communicate their sensor measurements andan artificial potential function is required to estimate thegradient of the sensor field. Also, in [3], the agents needto maintain a particular formation for accurate estimation ofthe gradient which constrains the motion of the individualagents who might have complicated dynamics. Authors in[1] [2] [5] [6] present algorithms for estimating the sourcelocation by using a stochastic gradient descent algorithmthat takes into account the robot dynamics. In contrast, thefocus of the present work is to use a mobile sensor networkfor guiding an autonomous robot to a source of interest inenvironments, where the knowledge of global positioningis not always feasible.

Several attempts have been made in literature to makeuse of static sensor networks to guide a robot. Li et al. [10]present the use of sensor networks as adaptive repositoriesof information for guiding an autonomous robot by creatinga map to dangerous areas (e.g., obstacles, or populatedareas). Deshpande et al. [11] use a pseudo-gradient, calcu-lated based on sensor readings, for localization and directednavigation of an autonomous robot in unknown environ-ments. However, a sensor network with staticsearch agentshas been used and the underlying algorithm cannot be easilyextended for navigation with a mobile sensor network thatmay have a potential advantage over static counterparts interms of spatial coverage and time-criticality [12]. It isnoted that gradient-based algorithms may not be operablein unstructured environments if the sensing model is notsufficiently accurate. Furthermore, global sensing of targetsis not usually applicable for surveillance in large (e.g.,littoral underwater) sensor networks, because exchangeof global information could be severely restricted due tocommunication constraints for limited energy availability.Another set of relevant literature is from motion planningin the presence of various uncertainties. Motion planninghas a very rich literature and the current state-of-the-artalgorithms are sampling-based and can guarantee optimal-ity [13]. Some work in sampling-based motion planningliterature for planning with uncertainties could be foundin [14]–[17]. However, the main idea in these papers isto compensate for state estimation error, when the goalposition is known along the trajectories that are generatedby using sampling-based algorithms.

The current paper proposes a framework, where a mobilesensor network is used to generate way-points for anautonomous robot based on the sensed regions of interest,which are exploited by sampling-based motion planning(e.g., rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) [18]) to generatefeasible trajectories for the robot; a preliminary versionof this work has been presented earlier as a conferencepaper [19]. A different perspective is presented for solvingsource seeking problems in sensor fields where, based ontheir limited detection capabilities (i.e., only a small frac-tion of the sensor population actually detects a target due

to their physical proximity to the target) and collaborativeinformation exchange, low-level sensors can create a beliefabout a point of interest (or target). The belief map couldthen be used for navigation by autonomous robots. Thepertinent problem here is navigation of an autonomousrobot, assisted by a mobile sensor network, in an unknownand dynamic environment without a global positioningsystem (GPS); the sensor network serves the two-foldpurpose of target localization and way-point generation. Inthis setting, a low-level motion planning algorithm makesuse of the information provided by the sensor network togenerate feasible paths for the robot motion [18], whichis conceptually similar to emergent sensing of complexenvironments by animal groups [20].

The work, reported in the current paper, is built uponthe concept of distributed decision propagation in mobilead-hoc sensor networks [21], where a proximity networkof sensing agents is modeled as a probabilistic finite stateautomaton (PFSA) [22]; a major objective here is to assista search-and-rescue-type mission. An ‘agent measure func-tion’ is defined, based on the recently reported languagemeasure theory [22] [23], for all agents in the network,which signify their ‘level of awareness’ regarding a locallysensed ‘target’ in the operational area.

While the bulk of the related work considers structureddata that are generated from a well-defined sensing model,the underlying algorithm reported in the current paper relieson unstructured data and makes use of the concept ofmodel-free source-seeking. Specifically, the ‘agent measurefunction’ is generated by a mobile sensor network, whichcan be used to guide an autonomous robot through anunknown and unstructured environment [24]. The proposedframework of sensor-network-assisted robot navigation hasthe following potential advantages over those reported inthe current literature:

• There is no need to communicate the actual signalssensed by the sensing agents. The algorithm onlyrequires exchange of local beliefs about the sensedtargets. This method has the potential of significantlyreducing the communication overhead and makes thenetwork more robust to communication flips.

• As opposed to typical source seeking scenarios, thecurrent setup does not require the sensing agentsto move towards the source. Apart from computa-tional advantages, this is potentially more suited inan adverse environment. In such a case, the networkmay need to handle multiple non-collocated sourcesincluding possibly dummy sources. Another advantageis that the network does not need to be stronglyconnected; this is particularly important in large sensornetworks used for distributed surveillance.

• No artificial potential function is required to guidean agent to the locally detected goal; a gradient isautomatically generated by theagent measure functionwhich is maximized at the location of sensed target.

• The proposed approach is closely related to the generalclass of model-free source seeking [25] i.e., whereno sensing model is used. Under this umbrella, the





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proposed approach doesn’t require any formation ofthe sensing agents to estimate a gradient to the locallydetected target. This has the potential benefit of decou-pling the dynamics of sensing agents as they can moveindependently without any constraint on synchronizingtheir movement with others.


This section introduces the mathematical preliminaries asneeded for analysis of distributed decision propagation insensor networks. It briefly describes the salient conceptsof the real measure [22] [23] of probabilistic regularlanguages generated by a PFSA [22], followed by thoseof a generalized gossip algorithm [21].

A. Language-Measure Theory

This subsection succinctly presents the theory of lan-guage measure, restricted to irreducible stationary Markovchains (i.e., where each state can be reached from anotherstate in finitely many transitions). Further details are re-ported in [22] [23].

Definition 2.1: (Real Measure of a Markov Chain) Anirreducible stationary Markov chain is denoted by the three-tuple (Q,Π, χ), where

• Q is the set of states with cardinality|Q|,• |Q| × |Q| is a stochastic matrixΠ (i.e, each entry is

non-negative and each row sum is equal to 1) repre-sents the state transition functionπ : Q×Q → [0, 1]for the Markov chain,

• χ : Q→ R is the vector-valued characteristic functionthat assigns a signed real weight to each stateqi ∈ Q.

Then, a real measureνi for the stateqi is defined as

νi(θ) ,∞∑


θ(1− θ)kΔiΠkχ, i = 1, 2, ∙ ∙ ∙ , |Q| (1)

whereθ ∈ (0, 1) is a user-specified scalar parameter andΔi is the (1 × |Q|) vector [δi1, δi2 . . . δi|Q|] for which theelementsδij are defined as

δij =

{1 if i = j0 otherwise

The real measure in Eq. (1) for the Markov chain isvectorially represented as

ν(θ) = θ(I− (1− θ)Π)−1χ (2)

where the inverse is guaranteed to exist forθ ∈ (0, 1).Remark 2.1:(Significance of States of a Markov Chain)

The set of statesQ is an abstract representation of the setof mobile sensors (or agents) in the context of language-measure-theoretic information management in the network.In other words, a mobile sensor, designated as the agenti,is represented as the stateqi ∈ Q in the setting of a Markovchain.

Remark 2.2:(Significance of Real Measure) If the cur-rent state of the Markov chain isqi ∈ Q, then the expectedvalue of the characteristic function aftern time steps in the

future is given byΔiΠnχ. It follows from Eq. (1) that the

measure of the stateqi represents the weighted expectedvalue ofχ over all time steps in future for a Markov chainthat begins in stateqi. The weight at thekth time-step isθ(1−θ)k (see Eq. (1)); and these weights form a decreasinggeometric series whose sum equals to1. Consequently, themeasureνi(θ) is a convex combination of all the elementsof χ.

B. Generalized Gossip Policy

This subsection briefly describes the formulation of thegeneralized gossip policy in the context of proximity net-works as proposed in [21]. The proximity network [26] is aparticular formulation of time-dependent mobile-agent net-works, inspired from social networks, where only proximalagents communicate at any given time epoch [27].

In the present context, proximal agents exchange infor-mation related to their beliefs regarding the environment.After the expiry of a message lifetimeLm, agents possiblyupdate their beliefs based on their own observation andmessages from other agents. There are two time-scalesinvolved in this problem setup. In contrast to the fastertime-scale (t) of agent motion, the algorithm for updatingthe agents’ beliefs runs on a (possibly) slower time-scale(denoted byτ ). The time-scale for updating the belief ischosen to be slower as it allows for sufficient interactionsamong the agents, especially if the density of agents islow. If the message lifetimeLm is very small, then thenetwork may not be able to build up over time and possiblyremains sparse. On the other hand, the network wouldeventually become fully connected asLm → ∞. Thus, tocapture temporal effects in a realistic setting,Lm should beappropriately chosen based on other network parameters. Inthis setting, a time-dependent (in the slow-scaleτ ) graphis denoted asG and a few related terms are defined asfollows.

Definition 2.2: (Adjacency Matrix [28]) The adjacencymatrixA of a graphG is defined such that its elementaij inthe ijth position is unity if the agenti communicates withthe agentj within the time period of the message life timeLm; otherwise the matrix elementaij is zero. To eliminateself-loops, each diagonal element of the adjacency matrixis constrained to be zero.

Definition 2.3: (Laplacian Matrix [28]) The Laplacianmatrix (L) of a graphG is defined as:

L = D −A

where the degree matrixD is a diagonal matrix whoseith

diagonal element isdi. [Note: di is called the degree of thenodei that may be considered as the stateqi in the Markovsetting (see Definition 2.1).]

Definition 2.4: (Interaction Matrix [28]) The agent in-teraction matrix (which is a restricted version of the statetransition matrix in Definition 2.1) is defined as:

Π = I − βL

where the scalar parameterβ is chosen such thatΠ be-comes a stochastic matrix and its second largest eigenvalue





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satisfies the condition|λ2(Π)| < 1. In other words,Π is aprimitive (i.e., acyclic and irreducible) stochastic matrix.

In the context of proximity networks, the requirementof keeping Π as a stochastic matrix in Definition 2.4is achieved by settingβ = 1/(d + 1), where d is a(positive integer) parameter that is pre-determined off-line.The physical significance of the parameterd is explainedbelow.

In order to maintain the stochastic matrix properties ofΠ for on-line operation, an agent ignores communicationswith other agents that are beyond thed time steps withinthe message lifetimeLm. However, the expected degreedistribution of the network can be obtained off-line at thedesign stage (see [21] for details); therefore,d is chosen tobe large enough such that the probability that the degreedi > d for any nodei (i.e., stateqi in the Markov settingin Definition 2.1) is very low, i.e.,Pr(di > d) ≤ ε ∀i (forsimulation exercises reported in this paper,ε has been takento be 0.001). Note that, in this case, the stochastic matrixΠ is further restricted to be symmetric (i.e., also doublystochastic) due to the above construction procedure.

The generalized gossip strategy involves two systemvariables associated with each agent (i.e., each state in theMarkov setting), namely thestate characteristic vectorχand theagent measure vectorν, where each element ofthe these two vectors is restricted as:νi ∈ [0, 1] andχi ∈{0, 1}. The restrictionνi ∈ [0, 1] signifies the level ofawareness or belief of the agenti regarding the presenceof a target in the surveillance region. The restrictionχi ∈ {0, 1} signifies whether the agenti has detected atarget or not (i.e.,1 for detection,0 for no detection).

Based on current values ofχ andν of the agent popula-tion, the measures are updated for all agents synchronouslyafter the expiry of one message lifetimeLm. It is noted that,based on the discussion up to this point,Π, χ and ν arefunctions of the slow time-scaleτ . In the above setting, adecentralized strategy of updating the measureνi(θ)|τ inthe mobile-agent population at a (slow time scale) epochτ is introduced below in terms of a user-defined controlparameterθ ∈ (0, 1).

νi(θ)|τ+1 = (1−θ)∑


Πij |τ νj(θ)|τ +θχi|τ (3)

whereNbhd(i) denotes the set of agents in the neighbor-hood of agenti (or stateqi). that is, the agents (states) thatcommunicate with the agenti (stateqi) during the timespan betweenτ andτ +1. It is noted that while computingthe future (awareness or belief) measure of an agent, theparameterθ controls the trade-off between the effects ofcurrent self-observation and current measures of all agents.In the vector notation, the dynamics can be expressed as:

ν(θ)|τ+1 = (1− θ)Π|τν(θ)|τ + θχ|τ (4)

Thus, this policy is simply a gossip algorithm withvarying inputχ and varying network topology representedby Π|τ . The memory of a past input fades as a functionof the parameterθ. Due to this notion, the above policy

is called a generalized gossip algorithmwith θ as thegeneralizing parameter.

Remark 2.3:The agent measure function(νi) of theagent i (state qi) serves as the degree of awareness orbelief of an agent regarding a locally sensed target. Inthe following sections, the agent measure function is alsoreferred to as belief.


This section formulates the problem of path planning foran autonomous robot in the absence of global positioningfacilities to find routes to a locally detected target by adistributed sensor network.

Assumptions:For simplicity of exposition, certain sim-plifying assumptions are made to unambiguously presentthe efficacy of the proposed framework for reactive navi-gation in the absence of global positioning systems. Majorassumptions in the problem formulation are outlined below

1) An autonomous robot can locally estimate relativepositions of mobile sensors using state-of-art posi-tioning techniques in sensor networks [29].

2) Mobile sensors and the autonomous robot are locallyable to coordinate for collision avoidance.

3) Communication of the robot with other mobile sen-sors is considered in the time scaleT >> τ .

Assumption 1 enables the autonomous robot to locate itself(with bounded uncertainty) with respect to its proximalsensors (which is a small fraction of the population) thatare communicating their beliefs. Assumption 2 is used sothat the idea of the paper could be unambiguously presentedwithout focusing on the actual collision avoidance strategiesof moving sensors. Assumption 3 is used to ensure thatthe robot always communicates with its local network atinstants when every sensor in its local network has asteady belief about the target or has steady agent measure.Also, the robot doesn’t need to communicate while movingbetween way-points.

Mobile Sensor Network:Under these assumptions, leta set of mobile sensorsQ = {q1, q2, . . . , qn} performsurveillance in a regionX, where the task is to detect targetsin the given region. For simplicity, the target (i.e., the goalfor the autonomous robot) is modeled as a local region ofinterest in the surveillance area such that only a few sensorsthat come within that region of interest have a non-zeroprobability of detecting it. For clarity, a simplistic modelfor target detection is followed which is described next.A region of interest, sayXG ⊂ X, is modeled as a mapfor probability of detection of a target. Let the probabilityof detection of a target be denoted byPD, which attainsthe maximum at the center of the target’s physical locationand decays to zero linearly with distance from the center ina radially symmetric manner. A region of interest is then,characterized by the following parameters:

• The maximum probability of detection of the target,PDmax

• The effective radius (rhs) of the circular region withinwhich PD > 0.5, i.e., agents further than a distance





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of rhs from the center of the hot-spot have less than0.5 probability of detecting the threat.

In general, sensor networks are designed for a constantfalse alarm rate (CFAR), where each sensor is capable ofdetecting a target within its own radiusrhs with probabilityPD. (Details are available in [30].) For CFAR detectionmodels, ak−detection strategy [31] is followed to achievethe desired level of search performance in the surveillanceregion [30]. In this paper, the sensor network is assumed tobe capable of handling false alarms so that a desired searchperformance is maintained in the surveillance region.

Autonomous Robot:Consider a single robot in an arbi-trary surveillance environment where the dynamics of therobot is governed by the following equations.

x = f(x,u, t) + η(x,u, t) (5a)

y = h(x) (5b)

where x is the state of the robot,u is the local controlinput, y is the output. The functionsf andh describe theknown mathematical abstraction of the system dynamics.The functionη indicates the physical uncertainties in thedynamics, including modeling errors, noises and potentialphysical failures. LetX andU denote the constraint setsfor the state and the input, respectively, i.e.,x(t) ∈ X andu(t) ∈ U must hold, whereX is the surveillance region,which means the robot is always constrained to stay in thesurveillance region. Further details of the input constraintsetU are provided in Section V. As described earlier, thedistributed decision propagation algorithm proposed in [21]is adopted here for dissemination of the knowledge ofsensed target throughout the mobile sensor network.

The primary contribution of the current work is de-velopment of a distributed navigation algorithm that usesthe disseminated information to help guide an autonomousrobot to the detected region of interest (i.e., goal for theautonomous robot). Hence, the autonomous robot onlyrelies on the collective intelligence of the mobile sensornetwork and does not use any global positioning system.Note that none of the sensing agents is actually aware ofany sensed location of the target and hence cannot directlyprovide such information to the robot. Furthermore, therobot has only a finite sensing and communication radius.Under this constraint, the robot can only be aware of thebeliefs of its neighboring mobile sensors. The problem ofreactive navigation to the global target is then reduced to therecursive estimation of a sequence of way-points which therobot can follow to finally reach the goal. More formally,reachability task is considered, where the robot has to reacha goal setXG ⊂ X by estimating the location ofXG usingthe belief of a mobile sensor network deployed inX.

The work, reported in this paper assumes no knowledgeof global positioning coordinates of the sensors and thetargets; in other words, the sensors (that detect the targets)have no knowledge of their own global positions as wellas those of the targets. Furthermore, not all the sensorsreceive signals from the targets; only a few sensors in thelocal neighborhood of the target can sense and hence detect

the target. Thus, target detection is a local event in contrastto other reported work where target detection is a globalevent (i.e., all sensors can sense the targets and a path isfound based on the gradient of the sensed signal). This localtarget detection problem requires creation of an artificialgradient towards the sensed target which can then be usedto calculate the sequence of waypoints to reach the regionof the detected target. This is more suitable and appropriatefor networks used in unstructured environments, where theassumption of a reliable sensing model is generally notapplicable.


In the current settings as explained in Section III, not allthe sensors detect the target. Hence, an artificialawarenessabout the presence of a target is created by using gossipamong the sensors. To ensure goal-directed behavior of theartificial awarenesstowards the sensed target, the gossipalgorithm presented in this section ensures a gradient inthe belief function of sensors towards the sensed target. Theproblem of target detection is GPS-denied in the sense thatthe sensing system is unaware of the global positions or thesensor(s) and the target. The idea is to use the sensors as dy-namic landmarks and identify a sequence of such landmarksso that a path is found to the sensor that detects the target.This is an event-triggered phenomenon and depends on theability of the network to detect a target. Subsequent sectionsshow that the proposed framework allows such intelligentbehavior under appropriate assumptions.

This section first presents an algorithm for decentral-ized belief map generation in a mobile sensor network topropagate anawarenessabout the locally sensed target inthe distributed sensor network. The algorithm is presentedunder the generalized gossip framework (briefly describedin Section II-B) which guarantees a unique maxima anda gradient towards the same in the network. The key ideahere is that if the autonomous robot moves in a way so thatits belief (based on the belief of its nearby mobile sensors) monotonically improves (or increases) with movement,then under the condition that the belief of the networkis maximized at the physical location of the goal, therobot will eventually reach the goal. Under the constraintsof limited communication and sensing horizon, the robothas access to beliefs of only its proximal mobile sensors.However, due to the presence of a gradient towards thegoal, the robot is able to estimate a way-point wherethe belief is greater than its current belief. To this end,the robot can learn an implicit correspondence between ageographical location and the belief in the network by usingan interpolation scheme (e.g., neural nets etc.). Note thatthe network at any time instant is sparse when comparedto the actual physical space. The interpolation algorithm istrained based on the set of beliefs corresponding to localmobile sensors (i.e., within the communication radius) ofthe robot. The maximum of the implicit surface is the way-point the robot moves to, over a certain time horizon till thenext communication with the network is established. This





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is achieved by following a feasible trajectory obtained bysampling from the local configuration space using rapidlyexploring random trees (RRTs). These steps are recursivelyfollowed till the robot reaches the sensed region of interesti.e., the goal. The idea is similar to the commonly studiedreceding horizon motion planning framework, where areactive plan is followed by the robot over a finite timehorizon as a reaction to real-time information. The goalis to design a hierarchical distributed data-driven motionplaning framework for navigation to unknown areas ofinterest, in a receding horizon fashion and the challenge isto relax the computational and communication requirementsby intelligently aggregating information of a mobile sensornetwork while ensuring correct behavior. Figure 1 showsthe flowchart of the framework. It is noted that the sensorsuse the generalized gossip framework earlier proposedin [21] for information propagation which is explained inthe next section.

A. Decentralized Belief Map Generation

Based on the generalized gossip framework, this sub-section presents an algorithm which creates a belief mapin the mobile sensor network with a bias towards thesensed region of interest, i.e., the goal for the autonomousrobot. The idea is based on optimal control control theoryof a Probabilistic Finite State Automata [23] [32]. Underthis umbrella, the belief of every sensor is maximized byaveraging only over the set of its neighbors that have beliefgreater than the sensor. In the original gossip strategy (seeequation 3), a sensing agent is influenced by all otheragents in its neighborhood (or adjacency) set. However,to maximize its measure, an agent can follow a strategywhere it is only influenced by agents that have a higherbelief than its own belief (i.e, a higher measure than itsown measure). Therefore, every agent ignores the influenceof the neighboring agents that have a lower belief aboutthe target, thereby maximizing its own belief about thetarget by averaging over the better informed neighbors.This strategy is succinctly presented in Algorithm 1. Thekey point is that the elements of the interaction matrixcorresponding to agents with a lower measure are madezero (i.e., they do not have any influence on an agent witha higher belief). However, to keep the interaction matrixstochastic, those elements are adjusted as a self-loop to theagent (see steps 5 through 11 in Algorithm 1). Based on theresults in [23] [32], this strategy ensures a maximum in thebelief network at the goal region for the autonomous agentand at the same time, it creates a gradient towards the same.This biased approach ensures that a mobile sensor whichis closer to the sensed region of interest will have a higherbelief as compared to those further away from it.

To analyze the belief map generation with movement ofthe sensors, a frozen network is assumed at every instantτof the slow time scale; then, the measure for every sensorvia Algorithm 1 is updated. All the sensors in the networkmove till the next time instant (measured in the slow timescale τ ), and the process of measure update is repeated

again. Figure 2 shows a frozen sensor network, where allthe sensors have a steady belief about the presence of thetarget after it has been detected. It shows a voronoi partitionof the surveillance regionX based on the sensor locations.It shows a gradient towards the locally detected target asobtained over the network by the biased gossip. This showsthe correctness of the gossip in the network to create a goaldirectedness. Detailed proofs of optimality and convergenceof distributed algorithm for language measure computationcould be found in [32] (see Proposition 2 through 5).However, for the completeness of the paper and clarity ofpresentation, The details are as follows.

Let Q = {q1, q2, . . . , qn} be the set of mobile sensors.Consider a frozen network of sensors at any instantτ . Letus consider the sensor which has detected the target to bedenoted asqTG. It is assumed that, at any instantτ , thereis only one sensor which has detected the target.

Proposition 4.1:There exists a sequence of hops fromany sensorqi ∈ Q to qTG if νqi

> 0.Proof: Consider the fact thatχqTG = 1 andχqj = 0, ∀

qj ∈ Q\qTG. Then, it is obvious that there exists a directedpath from sensorqi to the sensor which has detected thetarget i.e.,qTG (constituted by intermediate sensors) elseνqi

would be identically equal to0. Existence of paths fromevery sensor of the network to the one that detects the targetimplies a connected network. That is, ifνi > 0 ∀ qi ∈ Q,then the network is implied to beconnected.

Proposition 4.2:There exists a sequence of hopsqi →qj → ∙ ∙ ∙ → qTG, where every sensor in the sequence isa neighbor of the preceding member in the sequence suchthat νqi ≤ νqj ≤ ∙ ∙ ∙ ≤ νqTG iff νqi > 0.

Proof: Algorithm 1 implies that ifνqi > 0, there existsat least oneqj ∈ Nbhd(qi) such thatΠij 6= 0 andνqj ≥ νqi .This follows from the fact thatΠij > 0 iff νqj ≥ νqi

(see Algorithm 1). The same argument is valid forqj . Andhence, ifνqi > 0 ∃ a sequence of hopsqi → qj → ∙ ∙ ∙ →qTG such thatνqi ≤ νqj ≤ ∙ ∙ ∙ ≤ νqTG. The converse isstraightforward as existence of a directed path fromqTG

suggestsνqi > 0.The above two propositions show that, for a connected

sensor network where only one of the sensors has detectedthe region of interest or the target, there exists a sequenceof sensors from every sensor to the one that has detectedthe target. The sequence could be found by finding themonotonic sequence of measure function for the sensorswhich is maximized at the sensor which detects the target.Thus, Algorithm 1 ensures a direction towards the regionof the interest through a decentralized gossip. Hence, aslong as there is a sensor in the network detecting thetarget of interest, algorithm 1 will ensure a gradient inthe measure function of the sensors towards the detectedtarget (or the sensor detecting the target). In the case ofmore than one sensor detecting a target, there would notbe a unique maxima in the belief map for the network;however, Propositions 4.1 and 4.2 still ensure paths to oneof the sensors detecting the target from every sensor in thenetwork. Figure 2 shows a frozen network where the targetis located at[400, 200] (shown as a red circle) along with





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the voronoi partition of the surveillance region based on thesensor locations. Also shown are a few sequences of cellsthat could be followed based on a simple rule of moving tothe best neighboring cell to reach the target-detecting sensorfrom different corners of the region. The best neighbor isthe one with the maximum value ofν. The asymptoticruntime complexity of Algorithm 1 is bounded byO(Nk2)whereN is the total number of sensors andk is the numberof nearest neighbors for a sensor (see Proposition6 in [32]).

B. Implicit Surface based Interpolation for Navigation

The robot uses the directed belief generated by themobile sensor network to recursively estimate way-points;the way-points finally converge to the goal region (i.e., theregion of interest sensed by the mobile sensor network).Under the assumption that the robot can localize mobilesensors in its neighborhood [29], beliefs of the mobilesensors in the robot’s neighborhood are used to learnan implicit correspondence between a physical locationrelative to the robot and belief. There could be severalways to do so. The most simplest way was shown inthe last subsection IV-A where the voronoi cells wereassigned a constant belief equal to the belief of the sensorin that cell (at any timeT). However, a smoother implicitsurface can also be created by first summing a collectionof Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) [33]. The weights for theRBFs are then learned by solving a set of linear equationsusing the set of observations as the boundary constraints.The functional value at any physical location can then beobtained using the functional form learned in the last step.The local estimates are made at time instantsTi, i ∈ N in amuch slower time scale (see Assumption 3 in Section III).At this point, we would like to clarify that the robotestimates the position of the local sensors relative to its ownposition, as opposed to estimating the absolute position.The set of way-points, estimated by using the proposedregression, considers the relative coordinate system, andthe same coordinate system is used by the motion planningmodule to find feasible trajectories for motion of the robot.

Let XR ∈ X be the location of the robot at some timeinstant Ti, i ∈ N and XG ∈ X be the location of thetarget detected by the mobile sensor network. LetNbhd(R)be the local neighborhood of the robot in which it canlocally estimate the relative positions of mobile sensorswithin its communication range. Denotingx as the relativecoordinate of a physical location measured with respect tothe robot in the regionNbhd(R), let xi, i = 1, 2, . . . ,Mbe the relative positions of the mobile sensors with respectto the robot. Figure 3 shows the example of a scenariofor a local neighborhood of the robot with relative sensorlocations at a time instant along with the correspondingestimated way-points.

It is assumed that the robot can estimatexi’s withbounded uncertainties in sensor network by using localiza-tion techniques. Then, the interpolation problem is formallystated as follows:

Given the approximate locations of the neighbors of therobot, {xi ∈ R2, i = 1, ∙ ∙ ∙ ,M} and their correspondingbeliefs{νi ∈ R}, a functionF : R2 → R is estimated, suchthat it satisfies the boundary constraintsF(xi) = νi. Then,F(x) has the following form

F(x) =M∑


wiφ(||x− xi||) (6)

where φ(•) is a radial basis function (RBF) andwi’sare the weights assigned to the individual RBF’s that arecentered at the respectivexi’s. By making use of Stone-Weierstrass theorem that states “any continuous functionwith a compact support can be approximated with arbitraryaccuracy by a polynomial,” Eq. (6) becomes valid if asufficiently large number of RBFs (i.e., sufficiently largepositive integerM ) is selected [33]. The functionF repre-sents an implicit correspondence between the local physicallocations and belief about the region of interest. An analogycan be drawn with value functions from the optimal controlliterature which is often used for state-based feedback inmotion planning. Based on this analogy, the interpolatedfunctional values can be treated as value functions whichthe robot can use for an intelligent navigation to reach thegoal. In this setting,

xW = arg maxx∈Nbhd(R)

F(x) and νW = maxx∈Nbhd(R)

F(x) (7)

Then, xW (Ti) is the estimated way-point to which therobot needs to move, over the next time horizon(Ti, Ti+1].Let {xW (T1), xW (T2), . . . , xW (Tn)} be the sequence ofway-points estimated by the robot in the slow time scaleat instantsT1, T2, . . . , Tn. Then, if the robot moves in away such that{νW (Ti), i = 1, . . . , n} is a monotonicallyincreasing set i.e.,νW (T1) ≤ νW (T2) ≤ . . . , νW (Tn),then the following result will holds:


||xW (Tn)−XG||2 < ε (8)

where‖ • ‖2 is the standard Euclidean norm. Equation (8)follows from the fact that the measure function of agents isbounded above and thus the monotonicity of the estimatedvalues ensure convergence. If the robot can communicatewith sensors having a strictly positive measure function,then Proposition 4.2 suggests that there exists a sequenceof sensors that finally leads to the region of interest.

There are several popular choices for RBFs such asGaussian, inverse multi-quadric and thin spline. In general,the degree of smoothness of the estimated implicit surfacecan be controlled by changing the shape of RBFs. In thiswork, three different RBFs are explored for implicit surfaceestimation. The functional form of the RBFs are listed inTable I (wherer = ||x− xi||2) .

In order to determine{wi, i = 1 to M}, a multipleregression algorithm is used. Details of the regressionalgorithm are being skipped for brevity. Interested read-ers are referred to [34]. Different steps for the implicitsurface interpolation-based way-point generation are suc-cinctly presented in Algorithm 2.





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Remark 4.1:The kernel-based regression algorithmtakes as input the position and belief of the individualmobile sensors and finds a statistical function using thekernel-function, where an objective function (e.g., an ex-pected error minimization) could be used to solve thesystem of equations. This function creates a mapping fromthe configuration space of the robot to the belief space;the functional value yields an estimate of the belief atany particular position in the configuration space of therobot, based on the observations of the neighboring sensors.In the presence of obstacles, the domain of the functionbecomes limited to the free configuration space of the robot,Xfree = X \ Xobs, whereXobs denotes the part of theconfiguration space of the robot occupied by obstacles,and the properties of RBF-based regression functions stillhold. The computational complexity of the algorithm forbelief map construction is similar to that for solving linearregression problems that involve matrix inversion. It is wellknown that the worst-case computational complexity formatrix inversion isO(n3) wheren is the order of the datamatrix [35].

C. Rapidly Exploring Random tree (RRT)-based Open-Loop Controller Synthesis

In the last step, the robot gets an estimate of the way-point it should move to. This is used as an input to a lowlevel continuous-time controller to find a feasible trajectoryfor the robot. A sampling-based algorithm is used to tacklethe dynamics of the robot. In particular, based on the currentlocation and the way-point found in the last step, a rapidlyexploring random tree (RRT) is built in an anytime fashionto find a feasible trajectory for the robot. Specifically, thenew estimate of the way-point is assigned as the new goalfor tree expansion; the initial point is the current locationof the robot. RRT is used to synthesize collision-free (withstatic obstacles) trajectories and the corresponding controlinputs for moving the robot from the initial point to thetarget set. Since the estimate of the new way-point isprovided relative to the robot, the RRT algorithm alsooperates in a relative coordinate system in a recedinghorizon fashion. When the robot receives a new estimatefor the way-point, a new tree is grown for reaching the goal.This process terminates when the robot reaches the targetset. The robot can, however, avoid other mobile sensors bylocally communicating with them, and hence, they aren’tconsidered while finding feasible trajectories to avoid extracomputation and complexity. For completeness of the paper,RRT has been succinctly explained in Algorithm 3; itis well known that the computation complexity of theRRT algorithm isO(m log(m)), wherem is the numberof sampled points. Thus, the overall complexity of theproposed algorithm is of the polynomial order. For moredetailed information, interested readers are referred to [18].

This module considers the dynamics of the robot andbased on the way-point estimated, it provides the sequenceof control inputs that can navigate the robot to the way-point. It is noted that the RRT in Algorithm 3 finds only

a feasible solution to the kinodynamic motion planning;finding optimality with RRT* [13] requires a solution tothe steering function that has not been considered in thecurrent work.

Remark 4.2:Correctness: The plan will always give therobot a path to the sensed goal. This is argued by makingsome observations. Due to the biased gossip algorithmbased on the optimal control of a weighted PFSA, it isensured that there is a gradient towards the goal region i.e.,there always exists a sequence of hops from any sensorwith a positive measure function to the sensor detectingthe target. If the robot can communicate with sensors withpositive measure function, then under the assumption ofbounded uncertainties, in the relative localization estimatesof the mobile sensors made by the robot within its com-munication radius, the robot can always locate a way-pointwhich has a higherbelief (as found by the interpolationfunction) than its current belief (corresponding to its currentphysical location). This follows from the fact that a non-zero measure function for a sensor implies that there existsat least one neighbor that has a higher measure than thesensor itself. The agent measure functionis maximizedfor the sensor which detects the target. Therefore, if therobot moves in such a way such that itsmeasure function(i.e., belief about the presence of a goal) monotonicallyincreases, it will end up at the goal. Thus, the algorithmspresented in Sections IV-A through IV-C can always searcha path for the robot, if there exists a sensor in the networkthat could detect the target of interest at any time underconsideration and the network is connected (i.e., the agentmeasure functionν is strictly positive for all sensors).

Remark 4.3:While the individual sensors participate inthe generalized gossip for information propagation, therobot performs the kernel-based regression and motionplanning; the motion planning algorithm is dependent onthe regression algorithm. These two algorithms are per-formed at two different time-scales; the robot estimatesthe new way-point after it reaches the last way-pointpredicted by the estimator. The two-different algorithmshave different time-complexity for which the respectiveproblem size is different. The estimation-complexity growswith the number of near sensors robot can communicatewith, while estimating the local belief map; the complexityof the motion planning algorithm grows with the numberof points-sampled during trajectory planning.


This section presents results of numerical experimentsfor an example problem of surveillance and reconnais-sance which involves a mobile sensor network and anautonomous robot which needs to navigate to a targetdetected by the sensor network. A surveillance region ofarea A is monitored byN mobile sensors, where eachmobile sensor has a communication radiusRs. The robothas a communication radiusRr and a sensing radiusrhs.The individual mission of each sensing agent is to detectany target and communicate its belief to its neighbors. The





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global mission objective of the sensor network is to directa robot with greater capabilities to the target region forthe purpose of threat neutralization of or service delivery.For the simulation study, the parameters are chosen as:A = 5002, N = 150, Rs = 50, andRr = 150. Formodeling of target (see Section III), the value ofPD waschosen to be 0.9 andrhs was chosen to be 20. The robotmotion kinematics for the robot is given by the followingequations.

x = v cos(φ) (9a)

y = v sin(φ) (9b)

φ = ω (9c)

where,v ∈ [vmin, vmax] and ω ∈ [−ψ,ψ]. The velocity ofthe mobile sensors in the network was chosen to be5. Themobile sensors are moving in the region with a 2-D randomwalk fashion with the constant velocity. A slower velocityfor the mobile sensors might result in a slower informationpropagation but, it results in a more stable local dynamicsfor the robot. Target is located at[400, 200] while the robotis at [1, 1] to begin with. ε (see equation 8) for missiontermination is chosen to be equal torhs. The value ofθchosen for results shown in Figures 4 through 6 is0.02.

The robot starts moving towards the goal as soon as itslocal neighborhood becomes aware of the target detectionthrough gossip. Once the robot becomes aware of the de-tection, it makes use of the disseminated distributed beliefabout the target to find a path to the target. Figure 4 showsthe implicit surfaces learned by the robot by communicatingwith the mobile sensors in its communication range, atdifferent time instants in the slow time scaleT using theinverse multiquadric RBF. It gives the estimated corre-spondence between a physical location and the belief (orawareness) about the target based on the measure functionof the mobile sensors in the robot’s neighborhood. The nextway-point is then estimated by finding the maxima for theimplicit surface. The robot then moves to the estimatedway-point by following a trajectory found by sampling fromthe environment in an anytime fashion. Communication isre-established with neighboring mobile sensors after therobot reaches the estimated way-point. These plots togethershow the goal-directed navigation of the robot using thedistributed information in the slow time scaleT.

Figure 5(a) shows the monotonic increment in the beliefof the estimated way-points during the navigation to theunknown goal. It can be seen in Figure 5(a) that as soonas the robot becomes aware of a sensed target (belief>0), it is able to move in such a fashion that its awarenessabout the presence of the target monotonically increasesand finally converges to its maximum value as it reachesthe goal. The belief of the way-points could also be usedas a measure for degree of completion of the mission;convergence of the belief to its maximum value suggestsmission completion. Figure 5(b) shows the relative changein robot’s position w.r.t. the goal in the slow time scaleT.It shows a monotonic convergence of the robot’s positionto the goal under the proposed framework. Figure 5(b) also

shows the inherent goal-directedness in the robot’s motiononce it sniffs (i.e., belief> 0) the presence of a target inthe surveillance region.

Figure 6 shows the actual trajectory found by the robotusing RRT and the surface interpolation atT5 (see Figure 5)using the Gaussian RBF. The contour plot in Figure 6 showsthe level surfaces for the interpolation using the GaussianRBF. For brevity the graphic details of the remaining twoRBFs are skipped in this paper. Figure 7 shows planningin the presence of obstacles, where the domain of kernel-based regression (see Section IV-B) has been restricted tothe free configuration space,Xfree, of the robot, because therobot’s state at any instant is constrained to lie inXfree. Theobstacles are again considered while building the motiontree and a sampled point is added to the tree only if thecorresponding edge is collision free (see Algorithm 3).

Figure 8 shows a scenario of robot navigation withthree different generalized gossip parametersθ. The ideais to show the effect of the gossip parameterθ on therobot navigation. It was shown in [21] thatθ controls thelocalization of information in a mobile sensor network. Thenetwork reaches consensus withθ very close to0, i.e., allsensors have the sameagent measure functionν. On theother hand, a value ofθ closer to1 results in localization ofinformation around the target of interest. Under the biasedgossip setting presented here, the gradient in the network isstill controlled byθ. Forθ close to0 (seeθ=0.02), there willbe a uniform gradient across the network. For higher valuesof θ (0.2 and0.8), the information is more localized in thesense shown in Figure 8. Asθ is increased, there are morevariations in the belief of the sensors. As a result, the robotwill experience a steep gradient in the belief directed to theregion of interest in the local neighborhood as compared toareas further away from it (see the plots ofνW vs T fordifferentθ in Figure 8). It is seen that the steepest gradientis found for θ = 0.8 followed by θ = 0.2. But, at thesame time, information is more localized with increasingθ(notice the slow increase inνW for θ = 0.8 and0.2 beforethe sharp increase). The existence of a gradient is, however,independent of the values ofθ; it only controls nature ofthe gradient. The robot should be able to navigate to thegoal ∀θ ∈ (0, 1). It is noted that the results in Figure 8correspond to the Inverse Multiquadric RBF.

Figure 9 shows the effect of bounded uncertainty in thesensor location estimates on the robot navigation. In this ex-ample, the x- and y-coordinate of the sensor locations w.r.t.the robot are modeled as independent Gaussian randomvariables with the mean as the actual location and standarddeviation d. Hence, in other words, the robot is able tolocalize the sensors within a regiond2 (d = 10 for the ex-ample shown), with high confidence. With this uncertaintyin sensor location estimates, the Maximum Likely (ML)paths are obtained for the robot to study its convergencebehavior. To obtain the ML path estimate, a Monte-Carlosimulation is done where while estimating a way-pointfor the robot, the neighboring sensor locations,xi wherei = 1, 2, . . . , M are sampled from the assumed distribution.A way-point is then estimated using the sampled locations.





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This process is repeatedN times to obtain an approximatedistribution for the way-points and a ML estimate of theway-point is obtained from the distribution. Results for anexample (θ = 0.8, N = 1000) are shown in Figure 9,which show convergence of the ML paths, with steady-statedeviation from the paths obtained with perfect informationabout the sensor location estimates.


A framework for hierarchical planning for reactive nav-igation of autonomous robots is presented in this paper,where a mobile sensor network serves the dual-purpose of:(i) information exchange among the mobile sensors, and(ii) feedback control of robot motion to find feasible pathsto follow. Specifically, a robot makes use of the collectiveintelligence of the distributed mobile sensor network tolocalize the goal by sequentially estimating the way-pointsconverging to the goal point. Making use of a controlledgossip algorithm and sequential estimation of the way-points locally, it is shown that the robot is capable of findinga path to the goal point. However, efficacy of the proposedpath planning algorithm is contingent upon the accuracyof localization techniques that are executed over the sensornetwork.

The work reported in this paper is different from thosepresented in current literature [25] in the sense that not allsensors in the network are required to detect the target. Suchrequirements of long-range sensing may become unrealisticin real-life scenarios such as those in the undersea envi-ronment. In the present formulation, an awareness aboutthe presence of a local target is developed via the gossipalgorithm and this information is fed back to the robotcontroller to find a path. The collective intelligence of thesensor network is used to generate a sequence of way-points, which finally converges to the sensed location ofthe region of interest. A sampling-based algorithm is usedto tackle the dynamics of the robot at the control level.Under the prevalent conditions of limited sensing range andcommunication capabilities, the robot recursively estimatesthe way-points, based on the belief of its neighbors; and thisprocess is repeated until the robot reaches a close vicinityof the sensed region of interest.

This paper presents initial results on use of unstructureddata for source-seeking in large sensor networks, wherethe network is not strongly connected. While there arenumerous research directions for path planning with dis-tributed information, the following topics are recommendedfor future research.

1) Extension of the path planning algorithm in thepresence of multiple targets and for multiple regionsof interest as well as for large-scale high-dimensionalenvironments.

2) Quantization of error bounds on navigation of therobot due to imperfections of target localization bythe sensor network and relative localization of mobilesensors.

3) Identification of explicit relationships between net-work topology parameters and errors in robot motioncontrol.

4) Use of closed-loop control for motion planning of therobot as open-loop planning and then online trackingof trajectories might be expensive and inefficientespecially in GPS denied environments.

5) Experimental validation of the algorithm in labora-tory settings.

6) While the motion planning module considers pres-ence of obstacles during synthesis of trajectories,modeling the effects of obstacles in communicationand sensing would require more detailed analysiswith more accurate sensing and communication mod-els. Analysis of the algorithm under such environ-ments with more detailed models is a topic of futureresearch.


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Algorithm 1 : Belief updating strategy for mobile sen-sors

1: while true do2: for all sensors ‘i’ in the networkdo3: if Nbhd(i) 6= 0 then4: di = CARD(Nbhd(i))

{Begin Infinite Asynchronous loop}{Queryν(θ)j}

5: if νj(θ)|τ ≤ νi(θ)|τ then6: Πii|τ = Πii|τ + Πij |τ7: Πij |τ = 08: end if9: if νj(θ)|τ > νi(θ)|τ & Πij |τ = 0 then

10: Πij |τ = 1/di

11: Πii|τ = Πii|τ − 1/di

12: end if13: end if14: νi(θ)|τ = (1− θ)

∑j∈{i}∪Nbhd(i) Πij |τνj(θ)|τ

+θχi|τ15: end for16: end while





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Algorithm 2 : Navigation of the Robot

1: while ‖XR −XG‖2 >ε do2: SolveF(x) =

∑Mi=1 wiφ(||x− xi||)

using boundary constraints{xi, νi}, xi ∈ Nbhd(R)3: UseF(x) to estimatexW = arg maxx∈Nbhd(R) F(x)

andνW = maxx∈Nbhd(R) F(x)4: RRT(XR,K, Δt, xW )

{For the function RRT, see Algorithm 3}5: end while





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Algorithm 3 : Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT)1: Input :(xi,K, Δt, xf )2: Output : TreeG = (V,E) with a path P fromxinit to


3: V (0) = xinit

4: E(0) = ∅5: for k = 1 to K do6: xrand ← RandConf()

{Pick a point randomly in the configuration spaceof the robot}

7: xnear ← NearestVertex(xrand, G){Calculate the nearest vertex of the tree

to xrand}8: uk : SelectInput (xrand, xnear)

{select the input that takes the robot closest toxrand}

9: xnew ← NewState (xnear, uk, Δt)10: if CollisionFree(xnear, xnew) then11: V ← V ∪ xnew

12: E ← E ∪ (xnear, xnew)13: end if14: end for15: xfinal,near ← NearestVertex(xfinal, G)16: Retrace a path P fromxfinal,near to xinit over G.17: return P





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Fig. 1. Receding-horizon path planning on a distributed sensor network





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0 100 200 300 400 5000











X-coordinate of the Surveillance Region




e of







Fig. 2. Voronoi Partitioning of the network: A Frozen network in theslow time scaleτ showing the Voronoi partitioning according to themobile sensor location. In this particular setting, the individual cells ofthe partition are assigned the belief of the corresponding sensor and ina sense, is the simplest interpolation of the belief map. The figure alsoshows the sequence of cells that could be traversed, based on the gradientof the spatial belief, to reach the sensed target cell (shown as a red circle).





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X coordinate

Y c




180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340











RobotMobile Sensor



Fig. 3. Typical scenario for sensor localization: Relative locations ofsensors are used by the robot to estimate a local implicit correspondencebetween a physical location in its neighborhood and the measure functionν.





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Fig. 4. Sequential estimation of way-points: Four plates show the sequential way-points estimated based on the communication of the robot with theneighboring sensors using the Inverse Multiquadric RBF. The robot moves to the way-point following the path found by RRT and then estimates thenext way-point until it reaches theε-neighborhood of the target.





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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100








Slow Time Scale T

ν W(T


Gaussian Inverse MultiquadricThin Spline


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100










Slow Time Scale T


XG|| 2

GaussianInverse MultiquadricThin Spline


Fig. 5. Performance of way-point estimation on the slow time scale: Plate (a) shows the monotonic improvement in belief of the estimated way-pointsνW in the slow time scale (T). It is also considered as the degree of completion of the mission. Plate (b) shows the monotonic decrease in theEuclidean norm between the robot’s location and the goal, measured in the slow time scaleT.





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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500






X-coordinate of the Surveillance Region




e of



















Fig. 6. Path found between two consecutive way-points: Rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) (shown in black) and the dynamic modelin Eq. (9) have been used. The contour shows the surface interpolatedby using the Gaussian RBF. This is the actual trajectory followed by therobot between the time instantsT = 5 andT = 6 in Figure 5.





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X-Coordinate of the Surveillance Region




e of







20 40 60 80 100 120 140















Fig. 7. Path found between two consecutive way-points in the presenceof obstacles: Rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) (shown in black) andthe dynamic model in Eq. (9) have been used. The contour shows thesurface interpolated by using the Gaussian RBF. The big circles denotethe obstacles. The trajectory is shown in black.





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0 5 10 150







Slow Time Scale T

ν W(T


θ = 0.02θ = 0.2θ = 0.8

Robot becomesaware of the detected target

Fig. 8. Effect of parameterθ on performance of the distributed algorithm:Increasing the value ofθ localizes the information of target detection ina small neighborhood around the target location resulting in high beliefsaround the region of interest and comparatively smaller values away fromthe region.





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0 5 10 15 20 250











G|| 2

Slow Time Scale T

Gaussian RBF

No uncertaintyML Path


0 5 10 15 20 250










Slow Time Scale T


G|| 2

Inverse Multiquadric RBF

No UncertaintyML Path


0 5 10 15 20 250










Slow Time Scale T


G|| 2

Thin Spline RBF

No UncertaintyML Path


Fig. 9. Maximum likely (ML) paths followed by the robot under imperfect localization of the mobile sensors in its local neighborhood.





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Function Name Functional Form

Inverse Multiquadric 1√r2+σ2

Gaussian exp(− r2



Thin Plate Spline r2 ∙ log r





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