Networking training

Networking Briefing Sponsored by Date: November 20 th 2012 Speaker: Peter Cosgrove


Networking Briefing Cork 2012

Transcript of Networking training

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Networking Briefing Sponsored by

Date: November 20th 2012 Speaker: Peter Cosgrove

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Is Technology the answer?

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We need technology but…

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most

important.” Bill Gates

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Why Network...the old fashioned way.

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2. Sales is emotive...

In a recent survey 67% of clients move from one supplier to another because of...

The indifference of their current supplier.

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3. Threats to Recruitment Agencies

• Clients cut out the “middle man”.

• In-house Recruitment specialists.

• Technology platforms that do everything automatically.

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Why networking will help with these threats...

Focus on what is not easy to replicate:

• Advice.

• Perspective.

• Knowledge.

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How to network

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I hate networking!

Our biggest fears

ACTION: Shout out all the worst fears you have about networking

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Our biggest fears

I have nothing to say

I don’t know the subject matter

I don’t know how to go up to people

I feel a but stupid

I am not a natural conversationalist

I am shy

I get stuck with the loser every time

No one talks to me

I find it awkward/ false

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Have you ever done the following

Used a tradesmen based on a referral from a friend.

Know anyone who has been offered a job that was not advertised.

Gone to a restaurant because you know the owner or someone who works there.

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What is/ is not networking

NOT Selling – it’s a PLATFORM for future sales

What is it:

The ability to create and manage professional relationships

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Why network

To gather market information

To create prospects – a growth strategy

To Build Visibility

To Build Relationships

To reinforce relationships

Because the competition is doing it

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Where to network

Accept Invitations

Prioritise it – easy client meetings

“Crocodiles at the watering hole”

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The Biggest problems with networking

People do not work the room People are in the wrong room

With so many events the key is to: Go to the right events Do the right things at these events

Networking is hard – don’t make it harder by not knowing who you are looking for.

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Who are you there to meet?

Make a list of your ideal customers: Who pay you the most Who you’ve enjoyed working with Who you’ve had most success with What companies are suppliers to your industry Is there a relevant professional body

…things are much easier when you know who you are looking for.

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Reticular Activator

If you do not know what you are looking for, do not be surprised if you do not find it.

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First steps

Choose an objective – make it activity based

Plan your route (when to arrive, who to sit with etc)

Research the group and the dress code

Business cards

Read newspapers

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You need to have good manners

You need to be able to talk


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The fear…

Never compare your inside to someone else’s outside - because you will always lose.

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Entering the room…

Pause and survey the room

Targeting groups

Eye contact and smile

Maintain Distance

Ask Permission – Please may I join you?

“Hi I am FIRST NAME – make it easy

Use an open question – Where have you come from today

Badge – put on right lapel

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Ref: The Jelly Effect

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5 Steps

1. Getting into the conversation2. Talk about them3. Talk about you4. Chat 5. Get out of conversation

Questions to ask Where have you come from Who do you work for What do you do When did you get into this business Where are you based How long have you been doing it How any staff/ branches have you got

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Have something to say

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The Big Question

What professions are good contacts for you?

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Your 30 second introduction


Traditional “Afters based”I am an accountant I help people pay less taxI work in real estate I help people buy the property of their dreamsI’m a personal trainer I make my clients more attractive to their ideal partnerI’m a nutritionist I help people who are sick & tired of feeling sick & tired

What can you say as opposed to I’m a recruitment consultant or I’m in recruitment”

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Always Do…

The Business Card: Ask, Look, Comment, Ask Permission to make a contact call. Note time when you are going to call

Call when you say you will

Sell the meeting is the next stage

Now you SELL!!

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Be Respectful – Provide an exit

Moving on


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Quick Summary on Networking

• Accept invites to events.• Build a list of who you want to meet • Have an objective every time• Know what you are looking for. • Have something to say.• Help others.

...and you can look to charge higher prices.

Now lets revisit our fears….

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Revisit our Fears

I have nothing to say

I don’t know the subject matter

I don’t know how to go up to people

I feel a but stupid

I am not a natural conversationalist

I am shy

I get stuck with the loser every time

No one talks to me

I find it awkward/ false

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Thank You
