NETTLEHAM NEWS Advertising Feature: Hook’s …...• Help with paperwork and bills • Dog...

N E T T L E H A M N E W S 7 Advertising Feature: Hook’s Helping Hands Although experience gained in a previous job confirmed there was definitely a need, when Nettleham resident Vienna Hook and husband Danny decided to start their own business a few months ago, little did they know just how much demand there would be for the home help services they're now providing. Following a move to the area in 2013, Vienna worked for an organisation visiting carers of people suffering from life- limiting illnesses on behalf of a national cancer charity. Based in Lincoln but travelling across the county, her job involved working with carers to identify and assess social, day-to-day, and personal care needs. The assessments were then fed back to the appropriate agencies for support plans to be put in place. Vienna takes up the story - "I was spending my days visiting people in their homes, carrying out carer assessments, and it was clear that what most people really wanted was someone to help them with the cleaning or the ironing, to take them shopping, or just to provide a bit of companionship over a cup of tea. Although a few organisations in the county do provide this type of support, in many districts it's greatly oversubscribed and the waiting list is long. “Although enjoyable and rewarding, after a time the job became quite frustrating, trying to help clients get the support they needed just to find that there were limited resources available, and it was upsetting having to regularly disappoint people at an already difficult time in their life. It was clear that demand far outstripped supply in many parts of the county - particularly in the Lincoln, West Lindsey and North Kesteven districts - and I decided that I could make a more valuable and practical contribution to the lives of carers and those they care for by actually providing this type of service myself." With this aim firmly in mind, Vienna left her job in October 2015 and, following a short period of planning, Hook's Helping Hands was launched, offering a wide range of home-based assistance for elderly, infirm or disabled clients and their carers, including: Home cleaning Washing and ironing Cooking Food shopping/trips to shops Picking up medication Escorting to medical appointments Activities, walks, days out Companionship - cuppa and a chat Help with paperwork and bills Dog walking/sitting Gardening and DIY Before deciding to work in the care sector, Vienna - who is originally from North London - travelled extensively, including living and working in New Zealand for a year. Prior to New Zealand, she embarked on an ambitious adventure that saw her join 40 others in an overland trip lasting eight months, starting in London and ending up in Sydney, Australia. Vienna said "I joined the trip because I'd always wanted to visit India. My dad went there several times and I had grown up seeing photos and hearing stories about how much he loved it there; it just sounded so fascinating and different that I really wanted to experience it for myself. As a single female travelling alone I was obviously concerned about safety, and a friend recommended this expedition where a group of about 40 like-minded people travel together. “It was an amazing experience - as well as spending time in India, we travelled through 24 countries in eight months, visiting Europe, Iran, Nepal, Tibet, China and South East Asia, finally ending up in Australia." Early on in the journey, Vienna became friends with fellow traveller Danny - whose family is from Grimsby - and the two were pretty much inseparable for the whole eight month expedition. Returning to the UK they went their separate ways for a time - Vienna to London and Danny to Grimsby - but, realising how much they missed each other, decided to go travelling once again, this time to New Zealand on a working holiday. As Vienna says "this was a real test of our relationship, and whilst we were there we knew that we definitely had a future together." Back in the UK once again, having spent time in the tranquil countryside of New Zealand, Vienna was tiring of life in a major city and wanted to move to a quieter part of the country. Danny, on the other hand, was keen to spend time living in London, and they stayed with Vienna's father for twelve months whilst both working in the capital. Eventually, Danny, too, became disillusioned with London life, and - deciding to relocate - about three years ago they came to Lincoln for a day trip. Vienna immediately felt at home, and says "I just thought it was really nice - I could definitely live here! Lincoln reminded me of New Zealand in many ways, relaxed and much less hectic than London. We just drove around the local villages to find somewhere we liked and quickly came across Nettleham; we'll have been in our house, close to Watermill Lane, for three years in September. “We haven't looked back since leaving London, and really love living in the village. Danny and I were married in All Saints Church last year, and we've been made to feel very welcome in the community. We really hope that we can give something back through the new business." Although operating for less than six months, Hook's Helping Hands has quickly established an excellent reputation in the area for the quality and range of services provided. Vienna, who holds enhanced DBS [formerly CRB] clearance, providing a high level of client reassurance, looks after the domestic services and provides assistance with shopping, outings, etc., together with general companionship. continued on page x HHH_Advertorial_v2_corrections_Nettleham News - Autumn 2016 18/07/2016 21:20 Page 7

Transcript of NETTLEHAM NEWS Advertising Feature: Hook’s …...• Help with paperwork and bills • Dog...

Page 1: NETTLEHAM NEWS Advertising Feature: Hook’s …...• Help with paperwork and bills • Dog walking/sitting • Gardening and DIY Before deciding to work in the care sector, Vienna



Advertising Feature: Hook’s Helping HandsAlthough experience gained in aprevious job confirmed there wasdefinitely a need, when Nettlehamresident Vienna Hook and husbandDanny decided to start their ownbusiness a few months ago, little didthey know just how much demandthere would be for the home helpservices they're now providing.

Following a move to the area in 2013,Vienna worked for an organisation visitingcarers of people suffering from life-limiting illnesses on behalf of a nationalcancer charity. Based in Lincoln buttravelling across the county, her jobinvolved working with carers to identifyand assess social, day-to-day, andpersonal care needs. The assessmentswere then fed back to the appropriateagencies for support plans to be put inplace.

Vienna takes up the story - "I wasspending my days visiting people in theirhomes, carrying out carer assessments,and it was clear that what most peoplereally wanted was someone to help themwith the cleaning or the ironing, to takethem shopping, or just to provide a bit ofcompanionship over a cup of tea.Although a few organisations in thecounty do provide this type of support, inmany districts it's greatly oversubscribedand the waiting list is long.

“Although enjoyable and rewarding, aftera time the job became quite frustrating,trying to help clients get the support theyneeded just to find that there were limitedresources available, and it was upsettinghaving to regularly disappoint people atan already difficult time in their life. Itwas clear that demand far outstrippedsupply in many parts of the county -particularly in the Lincoln, West Lindseyand North Kesteven districts - and Idecided that I could make a more valuableand practical contribution to the lives ofcarers and those they care for by actuallyproviding this type of service myself."

With this aim firmly in mind, Vienna lefther job in October 2015 and, following ashort period of planning, Hook's HelpingHands was launched, offering a widerange of home-based assistance forelderly, infirm or disabled clients and theircarers, including:

Home cleaning•Washing and ironing•Cooking•Food shopping/trips to shops•Picking up medication•Escorting to medical appointments•Activities, walks, days out•Companionship - cuppa and a chat•Help with paperwork and bills•Dog walking/sitting•Gardening and DIY•

Before deciding to work in the care sector,Vienna - who is originally from NorthLondon - travelled extensively, includingliving and working in New Zealand for ayear. Prior to New Zealand, she embarkedon an ambitious adventure that saw herjoin 40 others in an overland trip lastingeight months, starting in London andending up in Sydney, Australia.

Vienna said "I joined the trip because I'dalways wanted to visit India. My dad wentthere several times and I had grown upseeing photos and hearing stories abouthow much he loved it there; it justsounded so fascinating and different that Ireally wanted to experience it for myself.As a single female travelling alone I wasobviously concerned about safety, and afriend recommended this expedition wherea group of about 40 like-minded peopletravel together.

“It was an amazing experience - as well asspending time in India, we travelledthrough 24 countries in eight months,visiting Europe, Iran, Nepal, Tibet, Chinaand South East Asia, finally ending up inAustralia."

Early on in the journey, Vienna becamefriends with fellow traveller Danny - whosefamily is from Grimsby - and the two werepretty much inseparable for the wholeeight month expedition. Returning to theUK they went their separate ways for atime - Vienna to London and Danny toGrimsby - but, realising how much theymissed each other, decided to go travellingonce again, this time to New Zealand on aworking holiday. As Vienna says "this wasa real test of our relationship, and whilstwe were there we knew that we definitelyhad a future together."

Back in the UK once again, having spenttime in the tranquil countryside of NewZealand, Vienna was tiring of life in amajor city and wanted to move to aquieter part of the country. Danny, on theother hand, was keen to spend time livingin London, and they stayed with Vienna'sfather for twelve months whilst bothworking in the capital.

Eventually, Danny, too, becamedisillusioned with London life, and -deciding to relocate - about three yearsago they came to Lincoln for a day trip.Vienna immediately felt at home, and says"I just thought it was really nice - I coulddefinitely live here! Lincoln reminded me ofNew Zealand in many ways, relaxed andmuch less hectic than London. We justdrove around the local villages to findsomewhere we liked and quickly cameacross Nettleham; we'll have been in ourhouse, close to Watermill Lane, for threeyears in September.

“We haven't looked back since leavingLondon, and really love living in the village.Danny and I were married in All SaintsChurch last year, and we've been made tofeel very welcome in the community. Wereally hope that we can give somethingback through the new business."

Although operating for less than sixmonths, Hook's Helping Hands hasquickly established an excellent reputationin the area for the quality and range ofservices provided.

Vienna, who holds enhanced DBS [formerlyCRB] clearance, providing a high level ofclient reassurance, looks after the domesticservices and provides assistance withshopping, outings, etc., together withgeneral companionship.

continued on page x

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Page 2: NETTLEHAM NEWS Advertising Feature: Hook’s …...• Help with paperwork and bills • Dog walking/sitting • Gardening and DIY Before deciding to work in the care sector, Vienna



Advertising Feature: Hook’s Helping Handscontinued from page x

Danny is becoming increasingly involved inthe business too, carrying out gardeningand DIY jobs for clients finding it difficultto manage some of the heavier tasks.Vienna says "The hope is that, once webecome more established, Danny will beable to leave his job and join me full-timein the business - he's already worked withsome of my clients who have been reallypleased with what he's done for them."Danny also has DBS clearance.

Hook's Helping Hands has clients referredto it by an increasing number of localorganisations including 'wellbeing teams'operated by district councils, hospitaldischarge units, and GPs, as well asenquiries directly from end users seekingassistance in and around the home.

In some cases, following assessment by thelocal council, clients with a high level ofneed can be awarded a 'personal budget'which is used to pay for specific home helpservices. This is not always easy to get, butan application may certainly be worthconsidering and Vienna is happy to adviseabout this.

Whilst many of Hook's Helping Hands'current clients are in their later life, Viennais keen to stress that her services areavailable to all ages that may find this typeof support useful - ranging from parentsneeding help with children, to individualswith physical and mental healthdifficulties, and older people of course.

An elderly parent that lives alone, or anolder couple, are often of particularconcern to their children living outside ofthe area, who are unable to visit as oftenas they would like; Vienna is able toremove some of the worry by arranging topop in and see mum or dad at a regularpre-arranged time each day or week,providing cheerful company and a helpinghand where necessary.

Nettleham News recently went to meetVienna at the home of clients Anne andNeil, who live in a small village nearWelton. Both Anne and Neil [picturedabove] have been affected by seriousillness and find it difficult to manage somehousehold tasks, and it's very clear fromhow they respond to Vienna that theyreally welcome her coming into their homeeach week, and how much happiness shebrings to Anne in particular. When Viennawas out of the room, Anne confided thatshe thought Vienna was "brilliant" and thatshe'd made "such a big difference” to herand Neil's lives. They'd also had Dannyover a couple of weeks before to work onthe garden, and were very happy withwhat he'd achieved.

Two of Vienna's other clients were keen tobe part of this article too - Brenda Brownof Lincoln said “Vienna comes highlyrecommended. She has helped me regain

my confidence by taking me out forshopping and appointments - optician,dentist, doctor, and hospital. She is sowilling, kind, helpful and patient, and hasguided me. Vienna is a good and carefuldriver and I hope many more will use herservices.”

Sheila Hewson, a care professional whorefers clients to Hook's Helping Handssaid "I have found Vienna's service to bevery beneficial to some of the carers thatI'm working to support. She offers a veryflexible, friendly service and will go out ofher way to provide what her client wants,not what fits into what other people thinkthe person wants. She has definitely foundan untapped niche in the market."

Hook's Helping Hands is currentlycharging very competitive rates, whichstart at just £10-13.00 per hour dependingon requirements. There's also a smalladditional mileage charge depending onthe client's location. Vienna and Dannycurrently have a limited number ofvacancies, and can be contacted on 01522420767 / 07505 367667 or [email protected].

For more information please see thewebsite at,and the advertisement on page xx of thisedition of Nettleham News.

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