Net Neutrality

- Barack Obama Candidates@Google Web Series November 14, 2007



Transcript of Net Neutrality

  • 1.
    • Barack Obama

Candidates@Google Web Series
November 14, 2007
2. Net Neutrality
For a Free & Open Internet
Recheta Lieu
3. Table of Contents
1.1 What is Net Neutrality?
1.2 How The Internet Works
1.3 What ISPs Want
History of Net Neutrality in Canada
Why Should We Care?
3.1 Why Is Net Neutrality Important?
Summary & Conclusion
The End
4. What is Net Neutrality?
It is a principle that all websites, internet services and applications should be treated equally.
Big companies like Bell, Rogers, and Shaw want to treat them differently so they can charge you more depending on what you use.
These companies also have a vested interest in providing a faster gateway to their own content. This is called: digital discrimination.
5. How The Internet Works
6. 7. 8. What ISPs Want
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. $27.99
Includes 2 GB of free monthly usage, at 500 Kbps.
Find Your Friends
+ $0*
*Free for the first 3 months. $5/month thereafter.
Express Yourself
Be Worldly
14. American News
Online Videos
+ $10
Tune In
+ $10
Digital Playground
+ $5
15. History of Net Neutrality in Canada
July 2005: Telus blocks access to a pro-union site while its workers were striking.
Late 2007: Bell begins slowing down the internet connection of customers using peer-to-peer software such as BitTorrent and Skype.
16. History of Net Neutrality in Canada (contd)
April 2008: After a complaint to the CRTC, Bell defends its actions stating that throttling is necessary.
November 2008: The CRTC rules that Bell is allowed to continue throttling its customers.
17. History of Net Neutrality in Canada (contd)
Late 2008 Summer 2009: The CRTCs investigation did not actually consider whether internet throttling should be allowed in general. Thus, a public review of all ISPs is launched, with public hearings in July 2009.
18. History of Net Neutrality in Canada (contd)
October 2009: The CRTC rules that big telecommunications companies such as Bell and Rogers can interfere with internet traffic, only as a last resort. Instead, they should use "economic measures" such as new investment and usage limits to combat congestion on their networks.
19. Why Should We Care?
When we log onto the Internet, we take a lot for granted. We assume we'll be able to access any website we want, whenever we want, at the fastest speed, whether it's a corporate website or a personal blog. We assume that we can use any service we like anytime we choose.
20. Watching a video
21. Social Networking
22. E-mailing or Instant messaging
23. Why Is Net Neutrality Important?
Net neutrality means a free and open internet.
A free and open internet:
ensures competition
helps prevent unfair pricing practices
promotes innovation
drives businesses
protects freedom of speech
24. Summary & Conclusion
Proper regulation is better than no regulation.
The internet was always intended to be neutral.
A free and open internet ensures choices, competition, promotes innovation and protects free speech.
25. Do you want more of this
Includes 2 GB of free monthly usage, at 500 Kbps.
Find Your Friends
+ $0*
*Free for the first 3 months. $5/month thereafter.
Express Yourself
Be Worldly
26. Or more of this?
27. References
Neutrality. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
The Open Internet: A Case for Net Neutrality. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
Save the Internet. 25 Mar 2011. .
Nowak, Peter. "CRTC Issues Net Neutrality Rules." Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
"FAQ: Net Neutrality and Internet Traffic Management." Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
Nowak, Peter. "CRTC Allows Bell to Continue Internet Throttling." Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
Chung, Emily. "Net Neutrality Doesn't Exist, CRTC Told." Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
"CRTC Opens Net Neutrality Debate to Public." Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
"Telus Cuts Subscriber Access to Pro-union Website." Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .
28. Thank You.
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