NESARA - Article

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    HomeBuilding Nova Earth / Toward a World That Works for EveryoneNESARA or the Abundance ProgramOn NESARAOn NESARA

    On NESARAOn NESARABy Steve BeckowBy Steve Beckow

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectationthat NESARA will happen soon. No one knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen soon. No one knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying .will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying .

    Vancouver, Canada: Sept. 2 0 0 9Vancouver, Canada: Sept. 2 0 0 9

    [Readers have the choice to read "On NESARA' as one file, here, or to read it[Readers have the choice to read "On NESARA' as one file, here, or to read it

    chapter by chapter, from the righthand list of "Pages."]chapter by chapter, from the righthand list of "Pages."]

    Table of ContentsChapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. The History of NESARA

    Chapter 3. Recent Times

    Chapter 4. Earth Allies

    Chapter 5. NESARAs Benefits

    Chapter 6. NESARAs Range

    Chapter 7. Economic Meltdown

    Chapter 8. Remaining Work

    Chapter 9. NESARAs Unveiling

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 1. IntroductionChapter 1. Introduction

    The web bots have forecast a cataclysmic financial crash for October 25, 2009. Before we

    let that frighten us, lets remember that Clif High, web-bot developer, is an apocalypticsurvivalist, like Dr. Pete Peterson.

    He holds that 2012 will lead to an ultimate catastrophe which the people will have to

    survive by whatever means they can.

    This may not be how people who look at 2012 as the beginning of a Golden Age regard

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    T he T s unami of Lo ve Building No va Earth T he Reval Into the Golden Ag e o f Gaia Spiritual Es says

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    the situation.

    Clif High is biased towards forecasting threats to survival. He probably wouldnt agree with

    those of us who say that an order based on scarcity, war, and disharmony is about to make

    way for an order dedicated to abundance, peace, and harmony.

    Heres what Clif says about his web-bot reading of Internet chatter:

    In running our MOM (model of modelspace) cleanup of the lexicon prior to tuning, it

    became apparent that an October 25 turn in emotions globally will be dominated by a [lock

    down/implosion] of the [planetary financial/banking system].

    The data suggests that such things as [currency trading] and [commodities trading] as well

    as many other [digital trading forms] will be [suspended]. Some will never resume, or if they

    do, they will be in entirely different forms.

    There may be a [banking lock up] in many countries emanating from the USofA outward.

    There may be [interbank lock downs] in which [central banks] and [wealth storage clearing

    houses] will not be able to function.

    There are data sets suggesting that the rapid shift into building tension language on the

    25th originates from and is propelled by the [financial system implosion] that then morphs

    over into [dollar rejected by all] a mere 10/ten days (more or less) later.

    There may be shut downs of all kinds of banking activity within the USofA and the rest of

    the anglosphere. (1) [Square brackets in the original.]

    How does web-bot technology work? Robert Bast, editor of 2012 News, explains it.

    The technology, originally designed to predict stock market movements, scours the web

    for chatter on topics, and, when the chatter increases, they take that as a sign that

    something is due to happen, a sort of global consensus of web topicality.

    Consequently, with all the talk about 2012 as the movie and actual year approach, the

    web-bots have determined that something terrible will occur in Dec 2012. And in doing so,

    sites like this are reporting the story, which increases the chatter, and feeds the web-bot.


    By identifying a trend, the web bots induce more people to focus on and talk about it,

    thereby producing fresh evidence for the trend itself. It can be a self-reinforcing


    That makes the web bots a poor source for me to base my assessments on.

    Be that as it may, survivalists and ascensionists live at different ends of the spectrum.

    Survivalists are dedicated to hoarding as much as possible, guarding it with whatever

    means they have at their disposal, while ascensionists are dedicated to serving the divine

    plan in love and light, sharing what they have with others.

    Survivalists hang on to 3D and ascensionists willingly let it go.

    For me, Highs latest forecast only moved the date forward by which I planned to review the

    NESARA literature.

    A word on sources before we g o. In general, my work has been among channeled

    messag es. Although I am aware of work underway by a variety of terrestrials such as David

    Wilcock, Steven Greer, Stephen Bassett, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and many, many others, I

    have chosen to concentrate on channelings, perhaps because of my experience previously

    in writing the book, New Maps of Heaven, which also drew on the same type of source.

    Among the channeled messages, many sources appear to restrict themselves to or

    specialize in certain topics. For instance, Marlene Swetlishoffs sources appear to

    concentrate on the energies hitting the Earth what they are; what their impact is; how weshould respond to them; etc. John Smallmans Saul appears to concentrate on Ascension

    what it will be like; what shifts in our attitudes would serve us; etc.

    Three sources form a primary group for the subject of NESARA. They are Susy Wards son,

    Matthew, Mike Quinseys SaLuSa group, and Sheldan Nidles Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic

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    Federation. By necessity, then, I have concentrated on these three.

    In response to Clif High, here is a possible baseline of NESARA knowledge to guide us

    through the turmoil and into the wisdom economy.

    You wont read these details in a web-bot account. This is definitely not literature to take to

    the bunker with you. This is literature that should induce you to throw open the bunkers

    doors and leave it behind.

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAwill be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 2 . NESARA`s HistoryChapter 2 . NESARA`s History

    As Sheldan Nidle notes, you are living through a time when most of your major societal

    institutions are undergoing great systemic collapse, which is in fact a precursor to a series

    of vast economic, political, and societal reforms. (1)

    These reforms include a radically-new approach to our social and economic life that we

    know by the name of NESARA, an acronym which stands for the National Economic

    Security and Reformation Act.

    Originally an act of the American Congress, NESARA is now a term being applied to the

    global program that promises to bring peace and abundance to Earth.

    NESARA has a history which dates back to the Early Middle Ages. Its origins lie in a series of

    arrangements apparently put in place by four ascended masters, arrangements that were

    due to mature at the end of the second millennium of the Christian era.

    The only account I am aware of that I would rely on comes from Sheldan Nidles Spiritual

    Hierarchy and Galactic Federation (SHGF) and dates back to 2003. I have no idea whether

    what Nidle says is correct or not, but, it being the only account we have, I quote it here.

    I suggest that this account in turn be tested against other sources we discover and

    overturned if found to be defective.

    Here then is the history of events leading up to NESARA, according to the SHGF:

    This time willbe heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due

    largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many

    centuries ag o, by the Ascended Masters Count St Germain, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey

    and Saint Paul the Venetian.

    These Holy Beings were able to bring to this realm a financial and monetary plan whose

    secret purpose is to enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate time.

    Although St Germain is ultimately responsible for its success, each of the Ascended Masters

    we have mentioned has played a significant role in its present-day preparation.

    Briefly,the Ottoman Turks, the Hapsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France and the

    Holy See conspired in the past to create a system of banking and trust that has lasted until

    this day. It is important, at this point, to be aware that these individuals were part of a vast,

    global council of Earthly minions whose ultimate overlords were the former Anunnaki,

    themselves under the influence of the galactic Forces o f Darkness.

    For nearly 13 millennia, these dark, hybrid off-worlders controlled your realm. They

    relinquished that control nearly a decade ago [in the Peace of Anchara, 1995 - (2)].

    The origins of their created Fractional Banking System are revealed in the ancient

    treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China, and in the many empires of the New World. The

    Anunnaki kept a close watch over this financial operation.

    By Europes Middle Ages, control of this system had passed to the Pope and a series of

    allied Monarchs. This group was grievously threatened by the rise of the Ottomans in the

    Middle East, and by their capture of Constantinople. New arrangements were needed.

    St Paul the Venetian and Seraphis Bey were leaders in negotiating the new Secret T reaties,

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    but only to prepare the way for the final phase of their strategy. St. Germain carried this out

    beautifully, with help from the Master Hilarion. The outcome was a World Trust for this

    realms Light Workers.

    Funds were to be disbursed with the advent of Christendoms Second Millennium. As that

    time approached, however, it became increasingly clear that the Cabals who control your

    world wished to avoid this payout.

    Therefore, a number of former members who left these groups and secretly supported

    Count St Germains original intention, devised a way to defeat the secret manipulations of

    their former dark Cabals.

    This resulted in the rise of our Earthly Allies and an exceedingly co mplex strategy that took

    decades to bring to fruition. The process began as a way to ensure that the abundance

    promised by Count St Germain was actually made available to Earths Light Workers.

    At first, this amounted to a number of Trusts whose true purpose was kept secret. A few

    decades later, it concerned the bringing to light of a humanitarian project approved by the

    IMF. Over time, this led to the emergence of a number of governmental, economic and

    political coalitions, which were protected by the Ascended Masters.

    They also encouraged Divine intervention by the Galactic Federation of Light. This First

    Contact mission would be allied, eventually, with those who so courageously had

    encouraged the disclosure of Co unt St Germains World T rust. In 1998, this measure was

    officially carried into effect by a series of secret agreements promising that the UFO cover-

    up would cease when these funds were disbursed.

    The outcome of almost a decade of secret conflict waged between this global coalition

    and Earths many dark Cabals culminated in the latter part of 2000. The remaining Dark

    Cabal realized that it was imperative for them to seize the leadership of Earths last


    Thus, they developed a policy that resembled a scheme they had employed in Germany

    during the 1930s [i.e., 9/11, designed to imitate the consequences of the Reichstag Fire].

    They hoped that this policy would enable them to block the disbursement of funds. They

    also hungered to engage in a perpetual war that would allow them to complete thedismantling of this superpowers Bill of Rights.

    At first, their policy seemed to succeed. However, their spitefulness resulted in a violent

    reaction that increased o ur Earthly Allies ability to counterbalance the po wer amassed by

    these last Cabals. Now, this Coalition has used your Planets most recent, illegal war in Iraq

    as the intolerable, final act that will break this last Cabals hold on the reins of power. (3)

    As we see, the War in Iraq was not the cabals last stand. It may be that Iraq was as far as

    the cabal ever got in its quest for a foreign war that would justify more spending on military

    weapons research, testing, and procurement.

    The cabal appears to have harboured thoughts of annexing Canada and Mexico and

    declaring the Amero the new currency. This project too appears to have been thwarted.

    In an apparent continuing shrinkage of their sphere of influence, the cabal now appear to

    have confined themselves to the continental United States where they are threatening a

    showdown over swine-flu vaccinations.

    Swine flu is a combination of swine, avian and human flu that is not found in nature. The

    likelihood is that it was prepared in cabal-controlled laboratories.

    There are reports of military drills which raise the spectre in some peoples minds o f martial

    law being proclaimed and vaccine refusers being sent to FEMA camps. (4)

    Elsewhere I have cited Matthew Ward as saying that the ga lactics have neutralized the

    vaccine and deprogrammed the microchips contained in it. (5) Matthew has also said thatmartial law and FEMA-camp confinement will not be a llowed. (6)

    This then is the historical background of NESARA, down to the current standoff between the

    Light and the dark. We know that a financial crash is coming, but we also know that the

    Earth allies are waiting in the wings to usher in NESARA as soon as the dark cabals

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    Please Note

    Neither am I qualified to be , nor do I wish to be

    considered, a spiritual teacher. I'm a

    researcher and writer, here simply to share

    my views and listen to yours as spiritual

    adults and equals.

    Werner Erhard, Crea ting a World ThatWorks for Everyone

    We can choose to be audac ious enough to

    take res ponsibility for the entire human

    family. We can choose to make our love for

    the world be what our lives are really about.

    Each of us now has the opportunity, the

    privilege, to make a difference in creating a

    world that works for all of us . It will requirecourage, audacity, and heart. It is much more

    radical than a revolution it is the beginning

    of a trans formation in the qua lity of life on our

    planet. You have the power to fire the shot

    heard round the world. (Werner Erhard,

    Graduate Review, February 1980 .)

    First They Ignore Yo u

    "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you.

    And then they attack you and want to burn

    you. And then they build monuments to you."

    (General Executive Board Report and

    Proceedings [of The] Biennial Convention,

    Amalga mated Clothing Workers of America,

    1914. Sometimes attributed to Gandhi.)

    Schopenhauer on the Emerg ence of Truth

    "All truth passes through 3 stag es: First, it is

    ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.

    Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -

    Arthur Sc hopenhauer


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    financial empire is finally destroyed.

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 3. Recent TimesChapter 3. Recent Times

    Sheldan Nidle offered us an historical account of the arrangements which became known

    as NESARA, going back to the Early Middle Ages.

    Matthew Ward gives us a snapshot of todays state of the struggle between Light and dark,

    written the same year that Nidle provided his historical account. Matthew has on occasion

    asked his mother, Suzy Ward, to reprint this seminal message.

    Looking forward from 2003, Matthew thought it unlikely that NESARA would be declared

    any time soon. He predicted more karmic completion before its inauguration.

    When my mother first was asked for my viewpoint on NESARA, over a year and a half past

    in Earth counting, I confirmed its validity and the great benefits of its provisions and I said

    that their implementation was not imminent.

    There was limited action in the field of potential then and nothing reg istered there

    indicated that sufficient energy was being generated by the combined on- and off-planet

    light forces so that NESARA would be announced any time soon.

    A great deal of planetary and individual karmic balancing still had to be played out, and by

    Creators law, souls free will must be respected except in the case of nuclear detonations in

    space. That includes the free-will choices made by members of the dark forces to hold up

    and weakenpreferably doomNESARA. (1)

    According to Matthew, the dark forces remained in control of the top rungs of all human


    The [Illuminati's] tentacles reach the highest levels of governments; banking

    establishments; all media outlets; churches; multinational corporations; royal families;

    educational, medical and drug, law and justice systems NOTHING of influential nature on

    your planet is free of Illuminati control. (2)

    Matthew describes their stake in the matter:

    This powerful cabal has long recognized that to retain their control of Earths people, they

    must keep them in ignorance and fear and for millennia that has worked well for those

    currently in power and their dark predecessors. Now they are realizing that it cannot work

    for them much longer, and they are sparing no tactic to hold onto their fast-ebbing control.

    They rightly see NESARA as their total uprooting, because once the programs reforms are

    implemented, the control of the darkness will crumble tota lly. (3)

    Tha galactics not only deal with the dark meticulously, but with the people and with

    lightworkers as well.

    The need for impeccability ripples down to offering their assistance to the judges on the

    International Court of Justice at T he Hague without forcing themselves upon them. Until a

    divine deadline is reached, the g alactics can only respond where their help is requested.

    NESARA is legislation of the United States government that was designed by high light

    beings in conjunction with spiritual beings on the planet as the LEGAL means to usher in the

    era of peace, love and harmony on Earth.

    This legislations far-reaching provisions were meticulously crafted to encompass all of the

    complex steps required to usher in that era with the most o rderly changes, and this

    includes the exact legal steps that must be followed. Abiding by laws on Earth is mandatory

    because it is YOUR world that is affected!

    The International Court of Justice is responsible to serve all nations on Earth, which means

    that the judges must consider all nations submitted opinions regarding issues that affect

    The New You by Linda Dillon

    The New You book is now available.The New You book is now ava ilable.

    Galactic Transmissions

    Ready-Reference Guide: Theres No Need

    to Fear

    For anyone who fears World War III, a false-

    flag operation, economic collapse, etc., see

    "Ready-Reference Guide: Theres No Need to

    Fear" here.

    Towards the Golden Age
  • 7/27/2019 NESARA - Article


    them. Regarding NESARA, they have been doing this by considering the validity of all

    petitions submitted within proscribed timeframes as well as following a ll other pertinent

    legal requirements of the legislation.

    Obviously, no Earth governments legislation includes a provision to ask extraterrestrial

    light beings for assistance if needed! The Judges do know of this standing offer by

    spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations because light representatives have

    been in contact with them as well as with many people who are spearheading the NESARA


    What is at stake here is [that] this assistance that has been available all along must be

    requested it cannot be automatically given. If it were to simply arrive, that would be in

    effect extraterrestrials taking over YOUR prerog ative to manifest the provisions of NESARA,

    and however monumentally benevolent those are, its ag ainst the law of the universe for

    any civilization to provide assistance without being invited.

    Although what happens on Earth affects the universe, the free will law of the Creator is

    what governs above all, and it is YOUR free will that is at issue here. It is YOUR desires for

    your world that must be expressed, and the increase in the desires for NESARAs

    announcement have been bringing that event closer. (4)

    We can see that the galactics are not trying to foster an impression that they have

    somehow taken over. Matthew explains.

    The NESARA legislation is being processed within the laws of the God-inspired original US

    constitution. It is important that you understand [that] this is not a take-over by ETs to

    initiate the light in these programs, however desperately needed by Earth. In collaboration

    with wise, just and highly-spiritual Earth humans, ETs are helping in myriad ways to restore

    health to your planet. (5)

    NESARA will shift control from the Illuminati to the people.

    All of their control will crumble with the implementation of NESARA. Thus they are fighting

    with all the power they can muster to prevent your awareness of the truth of NESARA as

    well as to prevent its announcement, which must precede its implementation. (6)

    The dark forces can only delay NESARA; they cannot stop it. To delay it, Matthew reports,

    they have assassinated leaders and threatened lightworkers.

    The dark forces are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA,

    much less its implementation.

    They have been successful thus far in achieving delays by many means: assassinations of

    influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others actively

    working toward this end; death threats to the families of light workers and to the workers

    themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and terrorist assaults.

    The US internal terrorist act of September 11, 2001 [i.e., 9/11] was the most dramatic of

    these tactics. The laboratory-produced SARS disease was meant to be another global fearinstigator, but its effects were greatly reduced by efforts of light workers. (7)

    Lets move away from Matthews account now and turn again to Sheldan Nidles SHGF and

    Mike Quinseys group. These sources reassure us that, despite what looks like chaos

    happening around us, the galactics know what is occurring and have the situation well in


    In the remaining days before NESARA is announced and First Contact occurs, the SHGF says

    it does not anticipate a need for rapid deployment of their forces. They state that until the

    mass landing date, we will need to intercede only when necessary to prevent nuclear

    disaster or stop events from getting out of hand. By this we mean an event that swiftly

    escalates into something serious. (8)

    Diane of Sirius assures us that the galactics are well abreast of what is taking place, and

    have a total picture of the likely outcome of the impetus created by you. We are ready to

    seize control on your behalf as soon as it is practical to do so and prevent any madcap

    actions by the dark as they contemplate defeat. We know exactly how they think and will

    curtail any attempts to prevent the Light from manifesting on your world. (9)

    Jackson Katz, Gender Violence andSilence

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    I would think madcap actions would include imposing martial law and detaining vaccine

    refusers en masse.

    In his Oct. 8, 2009 update, SaLuSa intimates that, if the cabal asks troops to aim their

    weapons at Americans, it could very well happen that the troops lay them down instead.

    It is a critical time for the servants of darkness, as there is disarray amongst them with less

    enthusiasm for the tasks at hand. It is known that there could come an occasion, when they

    may have to point their weapons at their own kind and for many that is unacceptable. (10)

    This has been an up-to-the-minute report on the struggle between the Light and the dark

    with NESARA as our main focus.

    In the course of it, we have heard one group repeatedly mentioned whose work receives

    little direct attention because it is all done in secret. We heard Matthew say that they were

    wise, just and highly-spiritual Earth humans. (11)

    This group is known as the Earth allies. Who are they and what role do they play in


    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 4. Earth AlliesChapter 4. Earth Allies

    The team on the ground pushing against the cabal is known to SaLuSa and his group

    simply and cryptically as our allies and to Sheldan Nidles Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic

    Federation (SHGF) as our Earth allies.

    I believe that they are the same group described in other contexts as Faction 3and the

    white knights.

    A veil of secrecy surrounds them. Diane of Sirius says that we talk of the importance of

    our allies and you ask who are they, but we are not at liberty to g ive names. (1) Their

    operations are similarly secret. Says Diane: We cannot let out details, as the dark forces will

    seek ways of foiling the introduction of new policies. (2)

    Atmos of Sirius explains that secrecyis an important part of our strategy to keep ahead

    of the dark forces. It becomes vital that most of our plans and support from our allies are

    covert operations, as our progress may be deliberately delayed. (3)

    The danger is real, as SaLuSa explains: The dark Ones know we give our protection to

    those who are our allies, but they still try to kill off those who are brave enough to openly

    walk their truth. (4)

    We heard Matthew Ward confirm this risk in the last chapter:

    [The dark] have been successful thus far in achieving delays by many means:

    assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well

    as others actively working toward this end (5)

    The Earth allies are those who are actively working towards this end.

    Speaking particularly of NESARA, the SHGF informs us that the new monetary and financial

    system lies at the heart of the Earth allies mission. A broad-based, international alliance

    has formed, which is helping our Earth allies to edge forward against the last cabal. (6)

    They are guided in their struggle by the ascended masters and galactics. They block the

    Illuminati at every step. One of the actions the galactics will mention is that the Earth allies

    retrieve what the SHGF call the illegal swag [the dark] absconds with, which pays for

    Illuminati black operations. (7)

    Our liaisons are quick to reveal where the money went and how to grab it back again.

    These gamesgive the dark time to keep its global tyranny going and to find a possible

    way out of its overwhelming dilemma: us! (8)

    The galactics give no thought to failure. While the Illuminati want to crush our Earth allies

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    and force us to abandon [our] missionthis objective is a pipe dream! The momentum of

    the divine plan in this realm forever negates any possibility of these dark dreams coming to

    fruition! (9)

    The SHGF calls the allies the special way-showers to a new reality (10) and the main

    agent[s] of change. (11) They are carrying out an all-encompassing, g lobal house-

    cleaning of the dark and its myriad cronies. They are the new brooms of the Light who

    will sweep out the cabal and disinfect the house. What is left is to arrest [the cabal] openly

    and distribute to the worthy the vast prosperity long promised to them by the Light. (12)

    To develop NESARA and all the arrangements that support and extend it, the Earth allies

    had to come up with radically-new formulations. Little or nothing from the past could be

    brought forward. Says Sheldan Nidle:

    They had to move well beyond the cutting-edge thinking that was being brought to bear

    on your now distressed legal, financial, and political systems.

    They knew they had to think well outside the conventional box in order to come up with

    something befitting the new context. They threw out the economic philosophies which

    created the crimes that left the majority of your global populace prey to the excesses of

    your rich and powerful.

    They needed to come up with systems that not only reformed your worlds institutions but

    that offered an entirely different way of moving your global society out of the social control

    mechanisms that cripple your lives. Many of their proposals have since become

    sequestered laws that now await unveiling. (13)

    Echoing Einstein, the SHGF explained that the thinking required for repairing this level of

    damage cannot stem from the discredited philosophies which got you into this mess in the

    first place; wholly novel approaches must not only mend the damage but also allow the

    emergence of a very different worldview.

    It is this that our Earth allies courageously champion.

    At present, all this is just below the radar, waiting to come into view. Those in charge

    swamp your world with corruption, deceit, and betrayal that is frightful to watch. This all

    needs to be expunged, followed by a new direction kick-started by Heavens abundance.


    The SHGF reminds us that NESARA itself contains only part of the allies ideas. T he total

    package of the allies goes far beyond the provisions of that most commendable

    document. (15)

    Who stands behind them? Who gives them their power?

    SaLuSa says that the allies are working d irectly with the Galactic Federation. (16) The

    galactics can and will overshadow our allies if necessary, to direct the outcome in a

    beneficial way to you all. This is vital where your military are concerned. Our presence is

    the controlling force that operates from a distance to keep you heading towardsAscension. (17)

    Undoubtedly the Earth allies could not have won the victory without the galactics help: It

    will take our presence to support those dear souls that will lead the way, as the opposition

    to change will be strong. (18) Total victory awaits the galactics arrival in First Contact:

    Once we arrive [the allies] will come to the forefront and amovement will be started

    that will gradually cover the whole world. (19)

    In April of 20 09, Diane of Sirius predicted that the chaos on Earth will continuefor many

    months.It may seem that all attempts to overcome the problems are doomed to fail,

    but that is because there is no real appreciation of what is to take its place. We have that

    within our hands and our allies will manoeuvre themselves into such positions that their

    influence is felt. (20)

    When the main events begin to occur, be assured that many lighted soulswait their

    opportunity to move out of the shadows and support those Dear Ones who have taken up

    the responsibility for world-shaking changes [i.e., the allies]. These lighted ones are

    rumored to include the wise sages who began all the worlds relig ions. Behind them are

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    our own personnel who will protect them in their time of [emergency]. (21)

    This is as much as we are told of the noble army of men and women who have risked their

    lives to stop the dark cabal. It is they who are fighting on our behalf, protected by the

    galactics and the ascended masters, championing the plan known as NESARA.

    To what end? What benefits will NESARA provide?

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 5. NESARA`s BenefitsChapter 5. NESARA`s Benefits

    Before we turn to the impact of NESARA, we need to note that no one up to this point has

    said exactly what NESARA mandates. No copy of the NESARA legislation that I am aware of

    is available to the general public.

    This whole discussion appears to stem from channeled messages (or intuition) and the

    messages do not discuss what the legislation specifically stipulates.

    There was once a rumour that a gag order existed around NESARA and that the Supreme

    Court would execute anyone who made NESARAs provisions known.

    Seeming extremely improbable to me, I asked Suzy Ward for verification of these

    statements and, in correspondence now lost to me through a computer crash, Matthew

    responded that any executions carried out were done by the Illuminati, not an American


    Matthew said that the Illuminati would execute someone who was promoting NESARA and

    then say that the Court had ordered it because the person broke the so-called gag rule.

    The to tal mission that the spiritual hierarchy and their galactic allies embarked on could not

    have been accomplished, Matthew says, by merely giving spiritual guidance. The needs of

    the population, many of them in Third-World countries living in slave conditions, needed to

    be seen to first and hence the need for NESARA.

    When people are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster

    impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education, monopoly of natural

    resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts, starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering

    soul food isnt enough.

    When people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual

    messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their


    That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping

    reforms for Earth that will begin as so on as the legislation is officially announced. When

    people become aware of the reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to

    their capabilities. (1)

    As soon as opposition from American leaders is overcome, these reforms will be

    announced. Says the SHGF:

    Then a range of transformative measures immediately go into effect worldwide. These

    include: the new pro-Basil III banking system, a new hard currency system, a number of new

    central banks, and global debt forgiveness. (2)

    This new abundance will be accompanied by the release of new technology which is largely

    beyond imagination. Says the SHGF:

    New miracle technologies will give each household the ability to provide its own food,

    clothing, and furniture. This eliminates the need for farms, factories, and other staples ofyour present economy.

    A slosh of wonderful new technologies is to transform how your society operates. Your

    cities and suburbs will be rebuilt. Vast greenbelts will replace your farms and factories,

    giving a miraculous face-lift to your environment! This will be the prelude to the

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    announcements that end the cover-up of our benevolent existence. (3)

    This new abundant realm [created by NESARA] is merely the baby-steps for the events

    that form the prelude to first contact. Among these are many disclosures of long-

    suppressed technologies. These can greatly reduce pollution; cast you into a new computer

    age; and end your reliance on fossil-fuel propulsion systems. (4)

    Of the process disclosure forms a part of, the SHGF say:

    The first step of this process addresses the UFO cover-up and introduces the public to the

    amazing technologies developed over the past six decades by your major governments.We shall request that these devices, long in use in many covert bases, be disclosed.

    These disclosures form a preamble to the formal broadcast about this first contact

    mission. Over the past few decades we have groomed a number of individuals and

    governments to proclaim our presence.

    Then, at the right time, the Galactic Federation and this mission in particular are to be

    made known to you. The disclosure that you are not alone and that a great deal of secret

    technology exists needs to be revealed in digestible bites. (5)

    According to David Wilcock, the Obama administration has already purchased two hours of

    air time to make disclosure before the end of 2009. (6)

    Disclosure and NESARA will usher in an era of world peace to a borderless planet. The 2012

    Ascension Team will introduce the new technology, revolutionize health care, terraform the

    Earth, remould the United Nations, and make many other universally-beneficial changes.

    SaLuSa tells us that NESARA will bring sufficient for your needs [and] a happier and more

    contented society [will be] created.

    Jealousy and envy [will be] eliminated and even greed becomes unnecessary, and would

    certainly be discouraged. Your present times are the result of deliberate plans by the

    Illuminati, to create friction through lack and make you reliant on them for your existence.

    (7) Now both lack and dependence will end.

    Following the return of happiness to human life, says Ag-Agria of Sirius, the promise of anew world will become tangible and it will galvanise others into action. A coming together

    will gather momentum, and great strides will be made in all areas of global and personal

    endeavor. (8)

    We will be released from the tedium of unfulfilling work.

    Time will be yours to follow exactly what you desire and life is therefore much more

    fulfilling. Having to toil for a living will be behind you, as you will be able to use your power

    of creation to cater for all of your needs.

    Nevertheless, your needs are little as in your new lighter body you have the ability to live

    almost entirely from the energy of Light. You will come and go from your home planet as

    you require and use various modes of transport freely available. Life becomes a glorious

    adventure as you move around unfettered and free from restriction. (9)

    Poverty will end on the planet. Says SaLuSa:

    So many of you are experiencing d ifficulties in your lives that the Abundance Programs

    would help. I want to tell you that, in the near future, poverty will be eradicated from Earth,

    and the wealth mainly secreted away by the Illuminati will be reclaimed and redistributed

    for the good of all. Financial Institutions will be re-modelled to cater for a new society that

    has set greed and corruption aside. (10)

    Archangel Michael describes the way that the notion of money has been used to enslave


    You have come to see that you are not slaves to that system called money, but that you

    are always supported and your needs are always met when you assume your Mastery and

    trust in the Divine Light of Source to create and manifest what is needed to support your


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    It has been a powerful illusion that money is what creates security, and, Beloved Ones, you

    have worked hard to free yourselves from that illusion and to see that it is the Flow of

    Divine Love and Abundance that sustains your needs and that money is merely a symbol of

    exchange in this process.

    But that symbol of exchange was manipulated to become so powerful that it was able to

    imprison you in a belief that you were slaves of this method of exchange and that you

    needed to trade your lives to gain enough to survive.

    Now, as emerging Masters of Light, you are taking back your power to manifest whatever

    it is that you need in any way through your power to transmute Light into Matter through

    desire and passion from the Heart.

    You will, indeed, continue to co-create tog ether within the framework of an economy, but

    the New Earth economy [i.e., NESARA] will vibrate with passion, enthusiasm, ideas, and

    playful Masters manifesting their dreams and desires to be celebrated and shared with all.

    The slavery of the old system will fall away as individuals find their passion and their ability

    to ignite passion into abundant manifestation, which is your birthright on this beautiful

    Planet. (11)

    According to the SHGF, the transformation in consciousness that disclosure and NESARA will

    start will culminate in Ascension:

    A new paradigm is forming in many of your areas of study, like the natural and social

    sciences, which is to move you beyond your traditional understanding of economics,

    physics, and religion. These new brush-strokes are to paint a very different, more vibrant

    picture of how you see yourselves and your societies.

    As a result, a new definition of consciousness will begin to coalesce at around the time

    that first contact takes place. A magnificent new world is waiting to emerge and present

    you with very new, stimulating, and positive experiences.

    Before you is the completion of your journey through limited consciousness. Then the

    focus turns toward ascension and your return to full consciousness! (12)

    Thus our society is destined to pass from lack to sufficiency, from economic inequality to

    equality. With new technologies bringing abundance, the use of money will eventually

    subside and disappear. The planets population will live in comfort and happiness, once the

    new arrangements are unveiled. The people will have what they need to turn their attention

    to Ascension.

    Where will the new arrangements be unveiled? Only in the United States? Who else will

    share in NESARA and will NESARA be permanent?

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 6. NESARA`s RangeChapter 6. NESARA`s Range

    The 2012 Ascension Team look upon the United States as the worlds leading nation in

    many social and economic areas. Matthew Ward says:

    Because the United States determines to such a large extent what happens in your world,

    NESARA was devised in accordance with US laws rather than any other countrys. (1)

    Many readers outside the United States want to know if NESARA applies to them as well.

    Ker-on of Venus reassures us that everything that applies to the US applies globally insofar

    as the light initiating changes from bad to good in all conceivable ways.

    Once ag ain we see so much suffering in what you call your Third World, but in time there

    will be One World where equality and sharing will ensure that no one is treated as a lesser


    The divisions that have been deliberately placed between you will be removed, and

    eventually not even language will be a barrier. We have devices that can overcome such

    problems until a future time when telepathic communication will become commonplace.

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    Changes like justice and freedomwill travel worldwide and all of your civilization will

    eventually benefit, he says. (3)

    The celestial sources speaking through Patricia Diane Cota-Robles also remind us that

    NESARA meansg lobal freedom from manipulation and slavery.

    For aeons of time, our monetary system has been used to manipulate, control, dominate,

    and abuse the peoples of the world.

    [But] too many people have awakened, and as a result of this monumental shift of

    consciousness, the Light of God has reclaimed this Earth.

    Fortunately, there are also people in positions of power who are very aware of what is

    taking place. These enlightened souls are co-creating a new monetary system. This system

    will be based in integrity, generosity, fairness, compassion, and the highest good for all

    concerned. (4)

    Matthew Ward offers similarly reassures us that the changes include all people on Earth:

    Readers living outside the United States want to know how their own countries will fare.

    They decry their leaders actions that are against their countries constitutions; or despair at

    prevailing conditions of poverty, disease and starvation; or express grave concern aboutthe plight of the masses of refugees; or ask when their despotic rulers will be replaced. To

    these dear souls, I say [that] benevolent changes are coming throughout the world. (5)

    Matthew considered the American election to be of undeniable importance, but foment

    leading to benevolent changes in other countries governments is of paramount

    significance too.

    The myriad reforms underway span the globeWORLD transformation is what is

    occurringand in time, every leader in every nation will be a lighted soul. (6)

    He assures us that you will greet with elation your world when borders and citizenship pale

    by comparison with the peaceful and harmonious cooperation agreed upon by all peoples

    everywhere. (7 )

    Sheldan Nidles sources say that a majority of the global population now supports radical

    new measures because of the urgency of the economic meltdown.What is needed is to

    implement these on a massive, global scale.

    They are to start in North America only because this land is both the source and the

    solution for what presently ails your world. America was put into this position by the

    Dumbarton Oaks Treaties executed near the end of WW II and by Americas decades of

    gross negligence in caring for her own grand responsibilities. These facts make her the

    focal point for the extensive change envisioned by our Earth allies and us. (8)

    Until that system is in place, Matthew captures the frustration of having to watch the

    needless suffering of people around the globe. He reminds us that every moment of delay

    in accepting offers to implement NESARA perpetuates the intense suffering of Earths


    For us to see the desperation of billions of our beloved souls and to know that the divine

    help that can relieve that suffering is NOT being requested is heartbreaking. The masses

    whose way of life is endemic disease, starvation, slave labor and brutal rulers is NOT all

    perfect, it is NOT all in divine order!

    For most in these masses, karmic completion has been surpassed, and the divine order

    which is their RELEASE from those conditions! has been delayed by the free will of the

    Illuminati who retain control over these lives.

    The soul agreements of the most powerful Illuminati call for relinquishing their control and

    joining the ranks of the light beings to share the worlds resources, to end wars and

    violence, corruption and deceit and tyranny. But they have knowledgeably and willfully

    refused to honor their agreements and have refused the abundance of light constantly

    beamed to them. (9)

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    Is NESARA permanent? No, its not. Its planned to be a temporary measure. Says the SHGF,

    even these unprecedented reforms merely constitute a transitional phase that can

    facilitate the advent of first contact. (10) Ultimately, SaLuSa agrees, you [will] reach a

    stage where money has no place in a society that is founded upon sharing. (11)

    Matthew explains that eventually this abundance is to outgrow the need for money as a

    survival mechanism.All [these interim arrangements] will come under the rubric of a new

    multinational financial system which forms a much-needed stopg ap between the present

    financial morass and a new comprehensive system of abundance. (12)

    What is to start in the US is to span the globe. Borders will cease. Wars will end. Equality

    and abundance will be accorded to everyone in a new prosperity program that will prepare

    us for First Contact and Ascension.

    But what of the time between now and then? Can a broken-down system be repaired?

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 7. Economic MeltdownChapter 7. Economic Meltdown

    Some believe that the broken economy can be fixed. But Matthew Ward is not one of them.

    He says:

    The continuing lies and manipulation of all facets of money-changing are keeping afloat

    the illusion that what was broken is being fixed. No, what is broken is irremediable. To the

    Illuminati, this spells The End, and to all who are enlightened, it spells The Beginning. (1)

    The SHGF agree:

    Attempting to bolster the current mess is futile; your fatally-flawed g overnance has

    reached a point where it must return to its democratic principles and then expand upon


    The powerful deadwood and allied special interests that run your governments need to be

    removed. This is no time for more of same. This is why we have supported the vast and

    sweeping new system proposed by our Earth allies. Its implementation is going to rock the

    world! (2)

    Before the new economic system can be firmly established, Matthew warns, a stormy

    period must be weathered.

    It is necessary to sweep away the crumbled, corrupt foundation before a new basis for

    banking, commerce and fair allocation of the worlds natural wealth can be solidly built.

    Some of your most astute and courageous economists are saying the same, as well as

    what we mentioned some years agothe United States is bankrupt, and when its

    economic collapse comes, and it soon shall, the fallout will be felt around the world. (3)

    According to Ker-On of Venus as well, we have still to go through unsettled times. (4)

    Fear of job loss, of losing your property, or [of] poverty are real enough, but it is

    unavoidable if you are to self-determine your own future. The old paradigm has proved

    inadequate for your needs and has shown the extent to which you have been deceived.

    There is now a shaking out of the old and it will inevitably result in hardships to many


    The SHGF considers it a time for cleansing your world on multiple levels as she prepares

    for what is about to supersede your present reality. (6)

    SaLuSa tells us that you cannot go back to the old ways, as these are defunct and a totally

    new money system is required. The cleansing has got under way. (7)

    He invites us to see what is occurring as evidence of the coming of a new epoch.

    The suddenness of changes so far should convince you that you are really facing the

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    beginning of a new era, which is quite remarkable bearing in mind that just a few years ago

    the dark forces were in control.

    Clearly there is a lot of cleaning up to do, but first the hiding places of the dark need to be

    opened up to public scrutiny. It is important that you come to know the truth, as in the

    bigger picture there is a lesson for Humanity. (8)

    SaLuSa reassures us that the galactics understand the fear generated on Earth because of

    the situation you are go ing through.There is muddle and confusion all around as the old

    collapses. (9)

    He reveals that the turmoil must be borne because it is still a time when much Karma is

    being cleared, so it must be allowed in the interests of all concerned. (10)

    Atmos of Sirius reminds us that the g alactics normally cannot interfere in karmic matters:

    We must reiterate that we cannot justintervene in matters that have been karmically

    brought about by you. You are the creators of your experiences and it is not for another to

    take them away as lessons are clearly meant to be learnt. You would not evolve if you did

    not experience the results of your thoughts and actions.

    Karma notwithstanding, a special dispensation will be allowed those who turn to the Light.

    With the closing of the cycle, Atmos says, the Law of Grace comes into operation, and

    the Creator has decreed that those who are of the Light shall be released from their

    remaining karma.

    Many a life at this time has been planned as a final thrust to clear karma and that is why

    they have been full of challenges. However, as hard and trying that they may be, you would

    not be expected to take on more than you were capable of handling. (11)

    Ker-On reminds us that the calamities that befa ll you will quickly be cleared once we can

    start to openly reach out to you. Therefore take them into your stride knowing that they will

    be short lived, and you will be more than compensated for all of the troubles you have

    endured. (12)

    The spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation warn us that an economic collapse is

    inevitable, though it will be short-lived. It is necessary to clear the deadwood from

    positions of economic power and to complete much unfinished karma. Once having

    occurred, NESARA will be unveiled. Some o f its provisions already have been implemented.

    But how much remains to be done?

    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 8. Remaining WorkChapter 8. Remaining Work

    What remains to be done? Why has the process taken so long to get us to the starting


    Sheldan Nidles SHGF told us in February of this year that the reason it has taken so long to

    get you to the starting gate [is that] numerous legal, financial, and monetary programs had

    to be approved by influential segments of the world community.

    Now this is done. The next step is the implementation of what has been agreed to and

    slowly but surely these stag es are coming on line. What remains now is the trickier stuff.

    This trickier stuff, however, is ready to manifest. Our Earth allies and we are jointly doing

    what is necessary to get things done. (1)

    Very seldom do the galactics and celestials discuss specifics of their, or their Earth allies,

    operations. The SHGF offers a small amount of detail. One of the revelations is that most of

    the people at the top of the Illuminati power structure have been removed.

    Several sticking points keep frustrating [our Earth Allies]: These arise from the avarice,

    misplaced loyalties, and downright perversions that characterize many of those in the

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    upper echelons of your political and economic institutions.

    Most of these warped individuals have been removed, and an environment conducive to

    the many urgent reforms and other sweeping changes to your reality is currently being


    Our Earth allies know at firsthand what a challenge their quest has been. Given the

    magnitude of the changes required and the intractability of the planetary conditions, they

    were looking at a very protracted and circuitous undertaking.

    Early on, a series of unique maneuvers was ag reed upon. Within this equation was ofcourse us. This constituted a balancing-act for them, in which they had to reconcile and

    meld the information we provided for them with the present Earth worldview.

    Adapting to the nature of the dark cabal and its daily operating procedures was central to

    our allies success. On top of this came the need to accommodate the deep changes being

    made to each one of you.

    Heaven had a plan, and soon our Earth allies and we had one too. We have combined

    these two into a master plan. (2)

    And what are we to do during this clean-up that the galactics say is underway, short though

    it may be and ending in NESARA as it will?

    Atmos reassures us that it is possible to live your life in the midst of the turmoil and yet

    feel free from the effect of the lower energies that are all around you.

    Naturally if they directly affect you, it requires g reat concentration and dedication to the

    Light to stay out of reach of their impact upon your life. Your strength can come from

    knowing that whatever happens now or in the immediate future, it will be short lived. (3)

    SaLuSa advises remaining focused on our vision of what lies ahead.

    The Lightworkers, who have helped to project the vision of a new Earth and a new

    beginning for all life forms, are able to keep their heads above the waters that are

    sweeping the old away. They hold onto their vision knowing that it is already beginning to

    manifest upon Earth.

    Those who do not understand the reasons for what is happening are more prone to cling

    onto the old ways that in spite of the chaos have given them comfort. Some of course feel

    that they are safely out of harms way, and believe that no major changes will happen to


    These groups [will live] out this period with faith in their different beliefs, yet, as the

    changes become more apparent and are seen as beneficial to everyone, they will slowly be

    drawn together. (4)

    SaLuSa likens the Earth to a Phoenix emerging from the ashes. You will take your

    opportunity to introduce a completely new way of working. New ideas will abound, and

    with our direct help you will be well on the way to establishing a more acceptable and free

    society. (5)

    He advises us that we need to switch now from a society that puts self-interest first to one

    that puts compassionate service to others first:

    Love is the key to everything, and when you can all put the needs of others first, everyone

    will have more than enough. It is a simple maxim that Man finds so hard to implement at

    this time. (6)

    The spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation tell us that the period of the economic c lean-

    up will be short and advise us to remain outside the turmoil and focus instead on our vision

    of the approaching New Age.

    Having heard the complete story from them, do they give us any idea of when NESARA will


    Note: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on theNote: I discourage anyone from making financial decisions based on the

    expectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARAexpectation that NESARA will happen s oon. No o ne knows when NESARA

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    will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.will be declared or, if they do, they are not saying.

    Chapter 9. NESARA`s UnveilingChapter 9. NESARA`s Unveiling

    No matter how eager we are to know when NESARA will arrive, everyone among the 2012

    Ascension Team of spirit teachers, ascended masters, celestials, and galactics, has kept the

    exact date under wraps. They offer us hints, glimpses, and sugg estions but that is all.

    Some who cannot bear the endless waiting have renounced anticipation energy (1) and

    applied themselves to useful lines of social endeavour and self-development.

    There are many reasons for this secrecy on the 2012 Teams part. One is the difficulty the

    Light would create for itself if it signalled its p lans to the dark. The other is the risk it would

    bring to their Earth allies and other lightworkers. A third is the panic that it might put the

    financial community in if plans were known.

    Matthew addressed this third reason, but what he says here could equally be said about all

    other areas of dark control media, medicine, pharmaceuticals, education, resource

    industries, manufacturing, the military, etc.

    Conversion to a new economic foundation and operation is an enormous undertaking, and

    it cannot be publicly heralded that this is occurring as that would cause panic throughout

    the business world.

    The lighted souls who are leading the way know that panic would fuel the dark ones, who

    are clinging on for dear life; it is essential that [the] new leaders take judicious steps quietly

    to avoid creating a fear-filled populace. (2)

    We have seen that there have been fits and starts. Many people are tired of hearing

    messages that say soon, soon.

    The g alactics are aware of how stressed and tired we are. SaLuSa reassured us in February

    of 2009 that, despite the slow pace, the changes were definitely coming:

    Do notlose your belief that there are beneficial changes coming. Indeed, these are

    already emerging but it is clearly early days for you to yet see anything significant. You have

    set the energy of your vision of the new world into motion, and it will deliver the answersyou seek about your future. (3)

    Regarding matters of timing, SaLuSa said in April of this year that our vast knowledge of

    what is happening on Earth will ensure we know when it is best to make our moves. (4)

    A statement he made in June of this year was not well greeted when he said it, but it has

    proven true so far. He said that we expect you to see signs of the changes before the year

    is out.

    However, he added, the opportunities are like the tide moving in and o ut all of the time.


    SaLuSa told us in September of this year that we will know quickly when events arehappening: Matters as we see them are bound to produce signs of where you are going,

    and those who are aware of their meaning will make sure it comes to the notice of the

    general public. (6)

    One of the signs of where we have gone is contained in the enthusiasm with which the

    2012 team delivers its messages. I believe that we know we are getting close when their

    enthusiasm rises and I will try to show in the remainder of this article how their enthusiasm

    has indeed risen lately.

    That enthusiasm is particularly noticeable in the SHGFs messages since January of 2009. So

    I shall concentrate on them.

    In the last chapter, we heard the SHGF tell us the trickier stuff remained to beaccomplished. It was quite clear that we were not going to see NESARA in January of 200 9,

    when that message came out.

    But by the Fall of 2009, the SHGF report that the plans to move major global governments

    into their transitional phase have begun. Their tone sounds more upbeat than they have

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    sounded in earlier messages.

    In September of this year, they reported that the new financial system is poised to

    manifest; indeed, certain aspects of this system have been operating freely without a great

    deal of interference from the dark.

    Vast quantities of gold bullion have been moved secretly from place to place in

    preparation for the setting up of a new, global, gold and silver-based currency system. This

    new system is one of the topics to be revealed as part of the many startling public

    announcements. (7 )

    The SHGFs most current, October prediction is so optimistic that I am very much

    encouraged by reading it. It is the last message theyve published before posting these

    essays. If enthusiasm says anything about nearness, then we must be very close to

    NESARA. The SHGF say:

    The plans to move several major global governments into their transitional modes are

    currently being implemented. Of these, the American corporation, run by the dark cabal,

    constitutes the primary stumbling block to profound global change, but this impediment

    will quite shortly be unblocked. Then a range of transformative measures immediately g o

    into effect worldwide.

    These include: the new pro-Basil III banking system, a new hard currency system, a number

    of new central banks, and global debt forgiveness. All this will come under the rubric of a

    new multinational financial system which forms a much-needed stopgap between the

    present financial morass and a new comprehensive system of abundance.

    Eventually this abundance is to outgrow the need for money as a survival mechanism

    because new miracle technologies will give each household the ability to provide its own

    food, clothing, and furniture. This eliminates the need for farms, factories, and other staples

    of your present economy.

    You are now at a point where the aforementioned transition needs to be properly put in

    motion, and we are ready to intervene even more massively than at present in order to

    effect this.

    As we speak, our Earth allies are wrapping up a number of agreements placing you at a

    point where these changes become possible.

    You are on the verge of wonders you can hardly conceive of! (8)

    Having said that, the SHGF reminds us how much depends on our breaking away from

    current paradigms of knowledge.

    Your successful survival mandates you changing your fundamental [social] paradigms. Your

    society is predicated on constant economic growth and open-ended exploitation of Mother

    Earths resources.

    This untenable modus operandiis to shift to a celebration of a living Earth which ends the

    usage of Mother Earths natural resource. Instead, you are to expand your energy resource

    base and use your consequently revised technologies to replicate whatever your society

    may require.

    This means that you make a huge break away from your traditional theories of how your

    society sustains itself. You cease harvesting, mining, and cutting down Earths natural

    resources and plumb the knowledge contained in your expanding consciousness.

    You can then apply these discoveries to provide abundantly for yourselves and your

    societies, thus moving to first base on your path to your true galactic society.

    This process of transforming into a proto-galactic society is next on your agenda. The

    foundation for this is a wonderful prosperity, allowing you to become a society that revels

    in cooperation and to wash away conflict and needless hatred.

    This next step in your evolution as a conscious Being is most encouraging: You are ready

    to receive a great abundance, carry out a host of significant reforms, and learn that you are

    indeed not alone in this vast physical Creation. (9)

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    All of this describes the period after NESARA is gifted to us and before First Contact occurs.

    After NESARA, we bring this planet out of its warring, famine-stricken, inequitable condition.

    We are then joined by our galactic brothers and sisters.

    All this can so transform your psyche that a mass first contact is then possible. This natural

    process of reuniting with your extended family segues, equally naturally, into reunion with

    your Inner Earth brethren. All these steps on your path back to full consciousness then bring

    you to the grand adventure of re-colonizing the other water planets of your solar system!


    We appear to be mounting the steps leading up to our new home, where peace and

    abundance reign. Given all that lies before us, I personally am able to wait the few

    remaining days, weeks, or even months before NESARA is announced.

    Our original motivation was to examine what will happen in our near future given Clif Highs

    web-bot prediction of an irrecoverable economic collapse on October 25, 2009. Our

    intention was to find out what the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation have

    communicated about the coming times.

    This then is their picture of the future opening before us as we speak. If Nidles sources, the

    SHGF, are correct, the 2012 Ascension Team is at this moment implementing the first

    stages of NESARA. If there is a total economic collapse, it will be followed immediately (11)

    by the announcement of the transformative measures of NESARA.

    The NESARA operation has been complex and painstakingly slow. But, apparently, once it

    beg ins in earnest, it will move quickly. All the wait will prove worthwhile and terrestrial

    society will never again experience the crushing conditions of poverty or other forms of


    This knowledge that they have communicated to us, through channeled messages, through

    intuitives like David Wilcock, and through inspired scientific research paints a uniform picture

    of the unimaginably-wonderful times that, in my view, are almost immediately befo re us.


    Chapter 1. IntroductionChapter 1. Introduction

    (1) Webbots Red Alert!, Oct. 4, 2009, email from Suzy Star to her distribution list. Clif Highs

    website is

    (2) Robert Bast, 2012 News, at

    Chapter 2. The History of NESARAChapter 2. The History of NESARA

    (1) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, Update, Feb. 10 , 200 9, through Sheldan

    Nidle, at

    (2) On the Anunnaki and the Peace of Anchara, see

    (3) SHGF, April 15, 2003, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at

    (4) See for instance, US Army Engineer Roadblock Drills Underway For Forced Vaccination

    Or Quarantine, at

    (5) Matthew Ward: The technology of our family in other star nations has neutralized the

    vaccine that is intended to spread this disease, just as they did to prevent the spreading of

    SARS and avian flu. (Matthews Message, April 28, 2009, at

    And: Just as in the previous flu situations, the technolog y of our universal family has

    neutralized the swine flu virus-laden vaccines and will continue to do so as long as the

    makers persist in their scheme. And please have no worries about programmed microchips

    being implanted via inoculationsif that is attempted, the programming will be erased by

    that same technology. (Matthews Message, July 18, 2 00 9, ibid..) In Baseline on Swine Flu

    and Vaccinations, Part 2, Share 11 message, posted at

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    (6) While speaking about the Bush years, I believe Matthews assurance remains relevant:

    To ease minds about several issues that keep popping up in Internet articles or channeled

    messages:concentration-type camps will not be filled with the millions who oppose

    go vernment policies;and martial law will not be declared to postpone the US election

    and keep the Bush administration in powera dramatic event would be needed to achieve

    that, and technologically advanced souls off-planet and living among you would prevent

    that kind of attempt. (Matthews Message, Sept. 24, 2008, ibid.)

    Chapter 3. Recent TimesChapter 3. Recent Times

    (1) Matthews Message, Aug. 7, 2003, at

    (2) Matthews Message, Nov. 10, 2003, ibid.

    (3) Ibid.

    (4) Ibid.

    (5) Mathews Message, Aug. 7, 2003, ibid.

    (6) Matthews Message, Nov. 10, 2003, ibid.

    (7) Matthews Message, Aug. 7, 2003, ibid.

    (8) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, Aug. 12, 2008, through Sheldan Nidle, at

    (9) Diane of Sirius, Aug. 6, 2008, at

    (10) SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2009, at

    (11) Mathews Message, Aug. 7, 2003, ibid.

    Chapter 4. Earth AlliesChapter 4. Earth Allies

    (1) Diane of Sirius, Nov. 10, 2008, at

    (2) Diane, Apr. 10, 20 09, ibid. On this subject, see also Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic

    Federation (SHGF), Sept. 16, 2008, through Sheldan Nidle, at

    (3) Atmos of Sirius, Dec. 17, 2008, at

    (4) SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2009, at

    (5) Matthews Message, Aug. 7, 2003, at

    (6) SHGF, Aug. 19, 2008, ibid.

    (7) SHGF, Sept. 16, 200 8, ibid.

    (8) Ibid.

    (9) SHGF, Aug. 19, 2008, ibid.

    (10) SHGF, Dec. 16, 2008, ibid.

    (11) SHGF, Sept. 9, 2008, ibid.

    (12) SHGF, Dec. 23, 20 08 , ibid.

    (13) SHGF, Jan. 27, 2009, ibid.
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    (14) SHGF, Feb. 10, 2009, ibid.

    (15) SHGF, Jan. 27, 2009, ibid.

    (16) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2 00 9, ibid.

    (17) SaLuSa, March 20, 2009, ibid.

    (18) SaLuSa, Sept. 16, 2009, ibid.

    (19) SaLuSa, June 19, 2009, ibid.

    (20) Diane of Sirius, Apr. 10, 2009, ibid.

    (21) SaLuSa, Nov. 5, 2008 , ibid.

    Chapter 5. NESARAs BenefitsChapter 5. NESARAs Benefits

    (1) Matthews Message, Aug. 7, 2003, at

    (2) Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation (SHGF), Feb. 24, 2009, through Sheldan

    Nidle, at

    (3) Ibid.

    (4) SHGF, Nov. 4, 200 8, ibid.

    (5) SHGF, Feb. 24, 2009, ibid.

    (6) Prophetic Dreams and ET Disclosure, Coast-to-Coast AM Radio, at

    (7) SaLuSa, 3 August 20 09, at

    (8) Ag-agria, March 25, 2009 at

    (9) SaLuSa, March