NEPHROLOGY PRESENTATION 28/3/2011. HISTORY 62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure ...


Transcript of NEPHROLOGY PRESENTATION 28/3/2011. HISTORY 62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure ...

Page 1: NEPHROLOGY PRESENTATION 28/3/2011. HISTORY  62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure  1/12 ago: Constitutional complaints No clear focus.



Page 2: NEPHROLOGY PRESENTATION 28/3/2011. HISTORY  62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure  1/12 ago: Constitutional complaints No clear focus.


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62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure

1/12 ago: Constitutional complaints No clear focus of infection Raised CRP and lymphopenia Normal renal function

He was treated symptomatically and discharged

Page 4: NEPHROLOGY PRESENTATION 28/3/2011. HISTORY  62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure  1/12 ago: Constitutional complaints No clear focus.

On systemic enquiry - fleeting arthralgia of the large joints - myalgia of the arms and thighs with initiation of movement - he denied any ENT symptoms or skin rash - 35 pack year smoking history, diagnosed with emphysema, but never had any episodes of acute bronchospasm


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Occupation: administrative work, some occasional welding

No previous history of note, i.e. hypertension, DMNo nephrotoxic drugs

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Vitals: BP 105/70, pulse 80/minGen: pale with no edemaCVS: loud P2Resp: hyperinflated with good bilateral air entryAbdo: normalCNS: normalENT: reddish uvula, no ulcersSkin: no evidence of vasculitis / connective tissue disease

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Urine dipstix: 3+ hematuria, 2+ proteinuriaMicroscopy: active sedimentMCS: no evidence of infection24 hour collection: dU protein 0.5g


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FBC: Hb 8,4 / MCV 88 U+E: urea 11,6 creatinine 299CRP 69 ESR >90HIV (-)Hepatitis B and C (-)Protein electrophoresis normalComplement normal ANA (-)cANCA (proteinase 3) > 100, pANCA (MPO) - negativeAnti-GBM - pending


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Renal ultrasound showed normal sized kidneysCXR: hyperinflation, but clearShoulder x-ray: evidence of OA


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Segmental necrotizing vaculitisFew crescentsNo granuloma formationNo eosinophillic infiltratesNo immune complexes


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Vasculitis is a clinicopathological process characterized by inflammation of and damage to the blood vessels

Affected vessels vary in size, type and location

Can occur as result of a primary process or secondary to another underlying disease

Given the numerous and varied types of vessels in the kidneys, renal disease is caused by a variety of systemic vasculitides.

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Large sized vessels Small sized vessels-Takayasu’s - ANCA (+) -Giant cell arteritis - ANCA (-) Medium-sized vessels - Poly-arteritis nodosa - Kawasaki’s disease

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ANCA (+)

Wegener’s granulomatosis

Microscopic poliangiitisRenal limited vasculitis

/ ANCA GNChurg Strauss

syndromeDrug induced

ANCA (-)

Henloch Shönlein purpura

CryglobulinemicConnective tissue

disordersGoodpasture’s diseaseInfection inducedHypersensitivityParaneoplastic


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ANCA (+)

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5-10 / 1 000 000Granulomatous inflammation and necrotizing vasculitis

affecting the nasal passages, airways and kidneys.Common presentation include upper airway involvement –

epistaxis, nasal crusting, hemoptysis, ulceration and deafness secondary to serious otitis media.

Inflammation of the retro-orbital tissue van cause proptosis and optic nerve compression

Untreated nasal discharge leads to bone and cartilage destruction

Migratory pulmonary inflitrates and nodules on CXRMostly cANCA(proteinase 3)


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8 / 1 000 000

Necrotizing vasculitis affecting the capillaries, venules or arterioles

Typically presentation includes a rapidly progressive GN, often associated with alveolar haemorrhage

Cutaneous and GIT involvement

pANCA (+), but can be cANCA (+)

Considered as part of a clinical spectrum that includes Wegener’s and renal limited vasculitis


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Part of the spectrum including Wegener’s and microscopic poly-angiitis

No systemic involvement

Histology: necrotizing GN


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Renal limited vasculitis - vasculitis with necrotizing GN - no systemic symptoms

Microscopic polyangiitis - vasculitis with necrotizing GN - systemic symptoms and involvement

Wegener’s granulomatosis - vasculitis with necrotizing GN - granuloma formation - systemic symptoms and involvement


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Also known as allergic granulomatosis and angiitis1-3 / 1 000 000Histology similar to WG, but with eosinophillic infiltrates of

the vessel wallsProdromal period for years with allergic rhinitis, nasal

polyposis and late-onset asthmaTriad of skin lesions, asymmetric mononeuritis multiplex and

eosinophillia on a background of resistant asthmaNecrotizing GN Mesenteric vascultitiscANCA or pANCA


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ANCA (-)

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Characterized by deposition of IgA-containing immune complexes

Children and young adults

Purpura over the buttocks and lower legs, abdominal symptoms, arthritis following an URTI

GN can occur up to 4/52 after initial symptoms

Biopsy shows IgA deposition on IF

Generally good prognosis but adult presentation, hypertension, renal failure, significant proteinuria can progress to ESRF


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Page 29: NEPHROLOGY PRESENTATION 28/3/2011. HISTORY  62 year male from Bethlehem referred with renal failure  1/12 ago: Constitutional complaints No clear focus.

Characterized by the presence of cryoglobulins

Mix of complement and immunoglobulins, that precipitate in the cold

Type 2 (hep C) and 3 ass with vasculitis

Palpable purpura, athralgia, Raynaud’s phenomena, neuropathy

Immune complexes are deposited in the vessel walls


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Some authors use this term to include HSP, mixed cryoglobulinemia, allergic vasculitis and serum sickness

Most properly used to refer to vasculitis occurring as a reaction to a known or suspected substance such as a drug.

Major finding is palpable purpura / petechiae – leucocytoclastic vasculitis on biopsy


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SLE, RA, relapsing polychondritis, Bechet’s diseaseOrgan involvement is determined by the underlying disease


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Hepatitis B, CHIV, CMV, EBV, Parvo B19

Clinical presentation can be similar to polyarteritis nodosa or microscopic poylangiitis

Even it is immune complex mediated, it must be distinguished form non-viral associated vasculitides, since the treatment is an anti-viral and not an anti-inflammatory regimen


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The presence of a vasculitic disorder should be considered in any patient with an unexplained systemic illness

Patients often present with non-specific symptoms

However, there are a few clinical scenarios where a vascultic disorder should be looked for…

- palpable purpura - pulmonary infiltrates and microscopic hematuria - chronic inflammatory sinusitus - mononeuritis multiplex - unexplained ischaemic events - glomerulonephritis

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Primary - immunosuppressive therapy: steroids cyclophosphamide - Bactrim - plasma exchange in severe cases

Secondary - treat the underlying cause - antivirals - immunosuppression with connective tissue diseases - stop exposure to possible causative drugs


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Glomerulonephritis with renal failurecANCAAsymptomatic “ emphysema” diagnosis, myalgia and arthalgia

No ENT symptomsNo resistant asthmaNo eosinophilliaNo skin involvementNo drug exposure

Renal biopsy: necrotizing GN few crescents no granulomata or eosinophillic infiltrates


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Renal limited vascultitis / ANCA glomerulnephritisMicroscopic polyangiitis


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Started on prednisone 1mg/kg/day cyclophosphamide 2mg/kg/day bactrim ca, titralac, vit D

Follow-up in 10/7 for review


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