Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

sf:sL lhNnf, cd{nf uf=lj=;=h}d'/] kmfF6df hdLg efl;Psf] ;DjlGw k|fljlws cWoog k|ltj]bg k|fljlws cWoog ;ldlt Kff]v/f, sf:sL @)&)

Transcript of Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Page 1: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

sf:sL lhNnf, cd{nf uf=lj=;=h}d'/] kmfF6df hdLg efl;Psf]

;DjlGw k|fljlws cWoog k|ltj]bg

k|fljlws cWoog ;ldlt

Kff]v/f, sf:sL


Page 2: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

i | P a g e

wGojfb 1fkg

o; cWoog sfo{df ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' x'g] ;a}nfO{ xflb{s wGojfb lbG5f} . laz]if u/L

;e]{ tyf gS;f tof/L ug{ ;xof]u ug'{ x'g] hn pTkGg k|sf]k lgoGq0f laefusf ;a

OlGhlgo/ >L ;Gtf]if cof{nnfO{ wGojfb lbG5f}+ . cd{nf k|sf]k lkl8t ;/f]sf/ ;ldlt tyf

:yflgoaf;Lx?n] cWoogsf] qmddf ug'{ ePsf] ;xof]u tyf ;'rgf pknAw u/fpg' ePsf]df

cfef/ AoSt ub{5f}+ . l;+rfO ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L lzj s'df/ zdf{, hn pTkGg k|sf]k

lgoGq0f ljefusf dxflgb]{zs >L k|bLk /fh kf08] tyf vfgL tyf e"–ue{ laefusf

dxflgb]{zs >L ;j{lht k|;fb dxtf] k|lt ;|f]t ;fwg pknAw u/fO{lbg' ePsf]df cfef/ AoQm

ub{5f}+ . lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt sf:sLsf sd{rf/Lx?af6 k|fKt ;xof]usf] nflu klg xfdL

wGojfb lbG5f}+ .

– cWoog ;ldlt

Page 3: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

ii | P a g e

ljifo ;'rL

efu ! M kl/ro !

!=! k[i7e"ld !

!=!=! ul7t ;ldlt !

!=!=@ sfof{b]z ! !=!=# sfof{jlw !

!=@ h}d'/] kmfF6sf] cjl:ytL / ;d:of klxrfg @

!=@=! kfgLsf] l/rfh{ cj:yf #

!=@=@ k|fs[lts jxfj /f]lsg'sf sf/0f $

efu @ M cWoog ljlWf &

@=! 5nkmn &

@=@ pknJw ;+Gbe{ ;fdu|Lx?sf] cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f &

@=# :ynut lgl/If0f &

@=$ cWoogsf] l;ldttf *

efu # M ljutsf cWoog (

efu $ M xfnsf] cj:yf !! $=! :yfgLo hgtfsf] ck]Iff / u'gf;f] !!

$=@ Ifltsf] ljj/0f !!

$=# :yfgLo :t/df ;d:ofsf] Go"gLs/0fsf nflu ePsf k|of;x? !@

efu % M EjfË kg{ 'sf sf/0fx/m !#

%=! ef}ule{s sf/0f !#

%=@ e""–/f;folgs sf/0f !%

%=# lhof]6]lSgsn sf/0f !%

efu ^ M /f]syfdsf pkfox? tyf nfutsf] cg'dfg !&

^=! lgisif{

^=@ tTsfn ul/g'kg]{ /f]syfdsf pkfox? / nfut cg'dfg !&

^=@=! tTsfn ul/g'kg]{ /f]syfdsf pkfox? !&

^=@=@ nfut cg'dfg !* ^=# eljiodf ul/g'kg]{ sfo{x? !(

Pg]S; !

Pg]S; @

Pg]S; #

Page 4: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

1 | P a g e

efu !


!=! k[i7e"ld

sf:sL lhNnf cd{nf uflj; j8f gDa/ ! l:yt h}d'/] kmfF6df ePsf] a:tL ;d]tdf hldg

efl;Psf] ;Gbe{df dGqLkl/ifb\sf ;DdfggLo cWoIf Ho"af6 lgb{]zg eP cg';f/ u[x

dGqfnosf ;lrj >L hgfb{g g]kfn Ho" / l;+rfO{ dGqfnosf ;lrj >L k|tfks'df/ kf7s Ho"

;d]tsf] pkl:yltdf ldlt @)&)÷*÷@$ ut] u[x dGqfnodf a;]sf] a}7sn] k|efljt If]qsf]

cWoog ul/ /f]syfd clNks/0f Pj+ Go"lgs/0fsf] ljifodf lzkmfl/; ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf]

sfof{b]z ;lxt Ps ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] 5 .

!=!=! ul7t ;ldlt

!= >L /d]z uf}td, cfof]hgf k|d'v, e"ldut hn l;+rfO{ cfof]hgf, l;+rfO{ ljefu ;+of]hs

@= 8f= /fh]Gb| e08f/L, l;lgo/ l8lehgn xfO8«f]lhof]nf]lhi6, l;+rfO{ ljefu ;b:o

#= >L nLnfgfy l/dfn, l;lgo/ l8lehgn lhof]nf]lhi6, vfgL tyf e"–ue{ ljefu ;b:o

$= >L s'zngGbg kf]v/]n, l;lgo/ l8lehgn lhof]nf]lhi6, vfgL tyf e"–ue{ ljefu ;b:o

%= >L >Lsdn låj]bL, , l;=l8= O= lh=, hnpTkGg k|sf]k lgoGq0f ljefu ;b:o

^= >L a;Gt /fHf kf}8]n, l;= l8= O=, l;+rfO ljefu ;b:o

&= >L O{Zj/ /fHf kf}8]n :yfgLo, ljsf; clwsf/L, lhNnf ljsf; ;ldltsf] sfof{no,

sf:sL, kf]v/f ;b:o–;lrj

pNn]lvt ;ldltsf] ;lrjfno If]qLo l;+rfO{ lgb{]zgfno, kfbL{ sf:sL, kf]v/fdf /xg]5 .

!=!=@ sfof{b]z

!= cd{nf uflj;sf] pQm k|efljt If]qsf] hf]lvd /f]syfd / Go"lgs/0fsf tfTsflns

pkfox? lzkmfl/; ug{],

@= hf]lvdsf If]q klxrfg ul/ ;f] If]qdf lgif]w ug{'kg{] sfo{x? lhNnf b}jL k|sf]k p4f/

;ldlt, sf:sL kf]v/fdf lzkmfl/; ug{],

#= k|fljlws cWoog ul/ tTsfn ug{'kg] { sfo{x?sf] nfut cg'dfg lzkmfl/; ug{],

$= lhNnf b}jL k|sf]k p4f/ ;ldlt;Fusf] ;dGjodf :yfgLo ;d'bfo;Fu cGtl/qmof ul/

hfgsf/L u/fpg],

%= hf]lvdsf If]qsf] b'|t kl/If0f ul/ lj:t[t ?kdf kl/If0f ug{sf nflu lzkmfl/; ug{] .

!=!=# sfof{jlw

;ldltsf] tf]s]sf] sfof{b]z k'/f ug{ sfof{ljlw sfof{/De u/]sf] ldltn] #) lbgsf] x'g]5 .

Page 5: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

2 | P a g e

!=@ h}d'/] kmfF6sf] cjl:ytL / ;d:of klxrfg

h}d'/] kmfF6 sf:sL lhNnfsf] s]Gb| kf]v/faf6 pQ/tkm{ ko{6sLo uGtJo dx]Gb|u'kmf b]vL

k"jf{]Q/ pQ/ blIf0f km}lnPsf] ;fgf] cd{nf pkTosfdf cjl:yt 5 . of] :yfg cd{nf uf=lj=;=

sf] j8f g+ ! df kb{5 h 'g kf]v/f pkdxfgu/kflnsf j8f g+= !^ ;Fu l;df hf]l8Psf] 5 .

cd{nfsf] 7"nLj];L kmfF6 leqsf] h}d'/] kmfF6 kf]v/fsf] s]Gb|af6 hDdf * ls=dL= sf] b'/Ldf kSsL

;8sn] hf]l8Psf] 5 -lrq !=!_ . h}d'/] kmfF6sf] ef}uf]nLs l:ylt x]bf{ ljr efudf cGo efusf]

t 'ngfdf cln ulx/f] 5, hxfF klxn] ;j}lt/sf]] kfgL] hDdf x'g] / k|fs[lts ?kd} b'x'gL vf]nf

eO{ sfnL vf]nfdf lgsf; x 'g] uYof]{ .

:yfgLoaf;Lsf] egfO{ cg';f/ @)&) sflQs @# ut]af6 sd]/] ;]tf]df6f] ;lxtsf] kfgL

d "n km'l6 sflnvf]nfdf ldl;g] qmd rln/xFbf d+l;/ # ut]af6 h}d'/] kmfF6sf] ;txdf j[Qfsf/

EjfË (Sinkhole) x? kg{ ;'? eO{ qmdzM EjfËx?sf] ;+Vof / cfsf/ a9\b} uof] . d+l;/ !)

ut]af6 d+l;/ @) ut] ;Ddsf] cjlwdf ;a}eGbf al9 ;+Vofdf EjfË k/] . of] k|ltj]bgsf] tof/L

ldlt;Dddf ;f] If]qdf em08} ;osf] ;+Vofdf EjfË k/]sf 5g\ . b'x'gL vf]nf cf;kf; /x]sf

EjfËx?sf] cfsf/ qmdzM 7'nf] x'Fb} EjfËx? Pscfk;df hf]l8g k'u]sf] cj:yf 5 .

:yfgLoafl;s} egfO{ cg';f/ b'x'gL vf]nfsf] lz/tkm{ xfn k/]sf] klxnf] EjfË eGbf pQ/k"j{

sl/a @ ;o ld6/sf] b'/Ldf @)@) / @)^# ;fnlt/ klg EjfËx? k/]sf lyP -lrq !=@_ .

lrq !=! M h}d'/] kmfF6, cd{nf uf =lj= ;=, sf:sLsf] Nff]s];g gS;f .

sf:sL lhNnf gS;f

Page 6: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

3 | P a g e

lrq !=@ M h}d'/] kmfF6df k/]sf EjfËx? / cGo hfgsf/L ;lxtsf] gSzf .

!=@=! kfgLsf] l/rfh{ (Recharge) cj:yf

7"nLj];L kmfF6nfO{ tLglt/af6 cUnf kxf8n] 3]/]sf]n] hnfwf/ If]q kmfF6 If]qsf] t'ngfdf

cToflws a9L 5 . of] If]q g]kfns} clws jif{f x'g] :yfGf xf] -6]an !=!_ , h;sf]

sf/0f jif{ft\sf] kfgL h}d'/]kmfF6df l/rfh{ e}/x]sf] 5 .

b'x'gL vf]nf jif}{e/L kfgL x'g] / :s "n -ZfflGt pRr df= lj=_ glhsaf6 e"ldut eO{

h}d'/] kmfF6nfO{ ;w}+ l/rfh{ u5{ .

h}d'/] kmfF6 j/Lk/Lsf] kxf8sf] km]bLdf b]lvPsf kfgLsf d"nx?n] klg h}d'/] kmfF6nfO{

l/rfh{ ul//x]sf 5g\ .

h}d'/] kmfF6sf] pQ/k"j{ tkm{ unf{¨ vf]nf af6 klg l/rfh{ e}/x]sf] 5 .

h}d'/] kmfF6df wfg v]tL ug]{ ePsfn] uXfx?df kfgL hld/xg] x'Fbf ToxfFaf6 klg l/rfh{

x'G5 . lautdf ePsf v]tsf ;fgf ;fgf uXfx?nfO{ 7"nf] agfPsfn] ubf{ Topsoil

Psflt/ kftnf] x'g uO{ To; 7fpFaf6 a9L dfqfdf kfgL l/rf{h ePsf] kfOof] .

dfly pNn]lvt >f]t tyf :yfgaf6 h}d'/]sf] ulx/f] efudf kfgL hDdf eO{ b'x'gL vf]nfaf6

sflnvf]nfdf lgsf; x'g] uYof]{ . xfn Tof] k|fs[lts jxfj /f]lsPsf] 5 .

Page 7: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

4 | P a g e

6]an !=! M kf]v/f :6]zgdf ut # aif{sf] clk|n b]lv cS6f]a/;Dd dfkg ul/Psf] jif{ft\sf] clen]v .

jif{\dlxgf clk|n d] h'g h'nfO{ cui6 ;]K6]Da/ cS6f]a/ hDdf

@)!! %^=* @*#=$ $^@=$ !)@@=* %^) %*)=$ &(=@ #)$(=@

@)!@ !@*=* !*#=@ $^)=^ *^)=^ ^%(=$ *^)=^ @@&=^ ##*)=*

@)!# $) @&$ @$#=* *^$=^ %!(=@ ###=$ @!$ @$*(

->f]t M, :6]zg M kf]v/f ._

!=@=@ k|fs[lts jxfj /f]lsg'sf sf/0f

X\o'dkfO{k sNe{6 jgfpg] qmddf b'x'gL vf]nfsf] jxfa ;tx (bed level) dfly p7\g' .

v]tL tyf j;f]jf;sf nflu :yfgLo hgtfn] cltqmd0f ubf{ b'x'gL vf]nf k'l/g hfg' .

b'x'gL vf]nf k'l/+bf h}d'/] kmfF6df hDdf ePsf] kfgL ;'/lIft ?kn] ;txL tyf e"ldut

/mkdf lgsf; x'g gkfpg' .

o;/L xfn EjfË k/]sf] If]qdf kl5Nnf] bzsdf dfgj a:tL b|'t ultdf ljsf; x'Fb}

uPsf] b]lvG5 . kf]v/f gu/sf] vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{sf] kfgLsf] kfOk ;f]lx If]qaf6 nluPsf] 5 .

xfn ldlt @)&)÷(÷@@ ut] a]n'sL ;f] kfO{k klg km'6\g uPsf] 5 . ;fy;fy} ;f] If]q

zx/Ls/0f x'g] qmddf vfg]kfgL, lah'nL, kSsL ;8s nufotsf k"jf{wf/x? lgdf{0f ePsf] 5 .

EjfË k/]sf] sf/0f oL k "jf{wf/x?df c;/ kg{ uPsf] 5 . 3/a:tL glhs tyf v]ltof]Uo hdLg

EjfË kl/ hdLg efl;Psf] sf/0f :yfgLoaf;Ldf 8/qf;sf] cj:yf ;fy} ;du| kf]v/faf;Lsf] g}

sf}t'xntf / lrGtfsf] ljifo aGg uPsf] 5 .

ef}ule{s b[li6sf]0fn] cd{nf If]qsf] agf]6 ;txdf @) b]lv %) ;]lG6ld6/;Ddsf]

df]6fO{sf] dlnnf] df6f]sf] tx, To;eGbf tn @ b]lv $ ld6/;Ddsf] u]u|]g / To;eGbf klg d'lg

# b]lv !@ ld6/eGbf al9sf] r'go'Qm l;N6 -sd]/f] df6f]_ sf] tx /x]sf] 5 . u]u|]gsf] txaf6

kfgL ;lhn} l5g{ ;S5 / e"ldut hnk|jfx x'Gf] k|s[ltsf] 5 eg] tNnf] r'go'Qm sd]/] df6f]

kfgLdf 3'nglzn k|s[ltsf] 5 . b'x'gL vf]nfsf] kfgL ;txaf6 aUg gkfO{ dflyNnf] ;txaf6

l5b{} tNnf] sd]/] df6f] sf6\b} leqleq} kfgLsf kf]v/Lx? aGg] qmd ;'?d} e"ldut ?kdf ePsf]

lqmofk|ltlqmofsf sf/0f kfgL] e"ldut ?kdf ;]tf] sd]/f] df6f] ;lxt aUg hfFbf sfnLvf]nf xfn

;]tLgbL h:tf] x'g uPsf] xf] . ljutdf b'x'gL vf]nfsf] k|fs[lts jxfj If]q % b]lv @)

ld6/;Dd rf}8fO{ /x]sf] lyof] / tNnf] If]qdf ulxl/P/ aUg] ub{Yof] . xfn b'x'gL vf]nf

cltqmd0fsf sf/0f axfj If]qsf] rf}8fO{ If]q # ld6/eGbf sd / sltko If]qdf jxfj If]q g}

klxrfg ug{ g;lsg] cj:yfdf /x]sf] 5 . To;}ul/ vfg]kfgL laR5 \ofpg] tyf ;8s agfpg]

qmddf Uofljog jfn (Gabion wall) nufO{ b'x'gL vf]nfsf] k|fs[lts ;txaf6 sl/a % ld6/

dfly prfO{df Xo'd kfO{k sNe6{ (Hume pipe culvert) agfOPsf] 5 . h;sf sf/0f k|fs[lts

?kdf ;txaf6 lgsf; eO{ sfnLvf]nfdf ldl;g' kg{] kfgL e"ldut ?kdf k|jfx x'g uPsf]n]

e"ldut hn>f]tsf] ;tx (groundwater table) a9\g uof] .

Page 8: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

5 | P a g e

:yfgLaf;Lsf cg';f/ afF;v]t If]qdf klg Toxf “ /x]sf k|fs[lts v]fN;Lx?af6 sl/a !%

jif{cl3;Dd kfgL aUg] ub{y] . xfn tL k|fs[lts vf]N;Lx? k"0f{ ?kdf cltqmldt eO{ v]t

agfO{Psf 5g\ . o; If]qaf6 klg ;txL ?kdf aUg'kg{] kfgLsf] k|jfx cj?4 ePkl5 ;f] kfgL

e"ldut k|jfxdf ldl;g uO{ e"ldut kfgLsf] rfk (pore water pressure) a9\g uof] . b'x'gL

vf]nf / sfnLvf]nfsf] bf]efg If]qdf ljut @ jif{df @=!@ ld6/ ;tx ulxl/g uPsf] 5 .

;fy;fy} sfnLvf]nf klZrdlt/ s6fg ub{} sl/a !) jif{df $% ld6/ klZrdlt/ ;/]sf] 5 .

oL sf/0fn] ubf{ ;f] kmfF6df /x]sf] e"ldut hnsf] rfk a9\g uof] / lgsf; glhlsFb} hfFbf

;]tf] r'go'Qm sd]/] df6f] ;lxtsf] d "n km'6g uO{ kfgLsf] lgsf; x'g yfNof] -lrq !=#_ .

kfgLsf] lgsf; x'g yfn]kl5 e"–IfoLs/0f ;Fu;Fu} e"ldut ;'?ª aGb} r'go'Qm sd]/]

df6f]sf] n]bf] ;lxt e"ldut kfgLsf] rfk qmdzM sd xF'Fb} hfFbf hldg d'lg /x]sf 9fF8 eGbf

dflysf] hdLgsf] ef/jxg Ifdtf sd x'g uO{ ;txdf EjfË kg{ yfNof] .

Page 9: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

6 | P a g e

-lgnf] P/f]n] l/rfh{ x'g] If]œf, kx]nf] P/f]n] b'x'gL vf]nf / /ftf] P/f]n] d'n km'6]sf] :yfg b]vfPsf] 5 ._

lrq !=# M h}d'/] kmfF6, cd{nfsf] u 'un gSZff / ;]tf] Nf]bf] ;lxt d "n km '6]sf] :yfg .

Page 10: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

7 | P a g e

efu @

cWoog ljlWf @=! 5nkmn

cWoog 6f]nLsf ;b:ox?, :yfgLo / ;/f]sf/jfnfx?; “u 5nkmn u/L ljleGg hfgsf/L

xfl;n u/]sf] .

@=@ pknJw ;+Gbe{ ;fdu|Lx?sf] cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f

;Gbe{ ;fdu|Lx? h:t} M xjfO{ kmf]6f], :of6]nfO{6 Od]h, 6f]kf]u|flkmsn gS;fx?, ef}ule{s

gS;f tyf k|ltj]bg, aiff{t \ ;DalGw clen]v, u'unkmf]6f] cflb .

@=# :ynut lgl/If0f

:ynut lgl/If0f cWoogsf] ;dfojlw leq ljleGg r/0fdf k|efljt If]q / cf;kf;sf]

:ynut lgl/If0f u/L ljleGg k|sf/sf tYo tyf tYofÍx? ;+sng ul/of] . :ynut

lgl/If0faf6 lgDgfg';f/sf] tYofÍ ;+sng ul/Psf] lyof] .

!= ef}u{le{s tYox? ;+sng ul/Psf] .

@= cd{nf h}d'/] If]qsf] ;txL If]qaf6 kfgLsf] l/rfh{ x'g] :yfgsf] klxrfg ul/

gSzf+sg ul/Psf] .

#= EjfËx? k/]sf] :yfgsf] lh=lk=P;= (GPS) nf]s];g ul/Psf] .

$= EjfËx?sf] k|s[ltsf] ljj/0f ;+sng ul/Psf] .

%= ;]l8d]G6 (sediment) x?sf] gd"gf ;+sng ul/Psf] .

^= h}d'/] kmfF6df l5g]{ kfgL (Input) sf] dfqfsf] dfkg ul/Psf] .

^= h}d'/] kmfF6af6 lgsf; x'g] kfgL (Output) sf] dfqfsf] dfkg ul/Psf] .

&= sfnLvf]nf / b'x'gLvf]nfsf] n]en ;e]{ (level survey) ul/Psf] .

*= sfnLvf]nfsf] Pn\ ;]Szgsf] (L-section) !))) dL= sf] Fly level ;e]{ ul/Psf] .

(= sfnL vf]nfdf b'x'gL vf]nf gldl;+b} Upstream %) dL= df, b'x'gL vf]nf

ldl;Pkl5 Downstream %) dL tn, b'x'gL vf]nfdf xfnsf] ;txdf ju]sf] kfgL

/ e"ldut d 'njf6 lg:sLPsf] sd]/f] ;lxtsf] kfgL ul/ $ -rf/_ 7f“psf] kfgLsf]

axfj dfkg ul/Psf] .

Page 11: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

8 | P a g e

!)= b'x'gLvf]nfsf] s|; ;]Szg (cross-section) tyf Pn\ ;]Szg ;j]{If0f ul/Psf] .

!!= h}d'/] kmfF6df k/]sf EjfË= -vfN8f_ x?sf] dfk lnOPsf]] .

!@= k|efljt 3/, ;8s tyf v]ltof]Uo hldgsf] cjnf]sg ul/Psf] .

cd{nf If]qdf EjfËx? kg{sf ;Defljt sf/0fx/m kQf nufpgsf] lgldQ ;+sng

ul/Psf ;Dk"0f{ tYofÍx?sf] cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f ul/of] . To;} u/L lgdf{0f k|of]hgsf nflu

b//]6 ljZn]if0f ;lxt cfjZos ;+/rgf l8hfOg ul/of] .

@=$ cWoogsf] l;ldttf (Limitation of Study)

of] cWoog b|'t kl/If0f, hf]lvd /f]syfd / Go"lgs/0fsf nflu tTsflns pkfox? kQf

nufO{ lj:t[t kl/If0f ug{ l;kmfl/; ug]{ p2]Zosf ;fy ePsf] xf] . t;y{ ;do, jh]6 / >f]t

;fwgsf] l;ldttf leq /lx k|ltj]bg tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . lj:t[t cWoogsf nflu cfjZos

l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] 5 .

Page 12: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

9 | P a g e

efu #

ljutsf cWoog

kf]v/f pkTosfsf] pTkQL / o;sf] ef}ule{s agf]6 ;DaGwdf l:j; e"ueljb :j=6f]lg

X\ofug-;g\ !(^(_sf cg';f/ of] pkTosf klxn] Pp6f tfnsf] ?kdf /xsf] / cGgk"0f{ If]qaf6

cfPsf] 8]la|; (debris) n] el/g uO{ xfnsf] cj:yf jGg uPsf] xf] / Tof] tfnsf] cjz]ifsf]

?kdf xfn;Dd kf]v/fdf /x]sf tfnx? Tolx 7"nf] tfnsf] s]lx efu xf] . e'uf]nljb 8f= xs{

u'?Ësf] -;g\ !(^%_egfO{df rfFxL To:tf] tfn ge} k[YjLdf xnrn x'g] qmddf of] pkTosf

aGof] / kl5 cGgk"0f{ If]qaf6 cfPsf] ;]l8d]G6n] el/P/ clxn]sf] cj:yf aGof] . oL dflysf

egfO{ kl5sf cWoogstf{x? h:t} xd{g -;g\ !(&$_ odfgfsf -;g\ !(*@_ / Pd kmf]6{ -;g\

!(*&_ n] kf]v/f pkTosfsf] lj:t[t cWoog u/L ljutdf 7"nf] tfn g/x]sf] t/ o;

pkTosfdf cGgk"0f{ If]qaf6 ;]tL gbLsf] af6f] eP/ ljleGg ;dodf 8]lj|; cfPsf] / o;/L

8]lj|; cfpFbf ;]tL gbLdf ldl;g cfpg] ;fgf vf]nfx? h:t} sfnL vf]nf, km';|] vf]nf, ljhok'/

vf]nf, xk{g, ofªbL tyf dlb{vf]nf / cGo zfvf vf]nfx?nfO{ y'g]sf] / ToxfF ;fgf tfnx? aGg

uPsf] elgPsf] 5 . oL ;fgf tfnx? ePsf] eGg] a'‰g xfn ;Dd klg ePsf] km]jftfn,

j]ugf;tfn, ?kftfn / cGo ;fgf tfnx? nfO{ lng ;lsG5 . sfnLvf]nf / cGo zfvf

vf]nfx?sf] lsgf/df b]lvg] v}/f] /+usf] dl;gf] / clt g/d df6f]sf] cWoogaf6 klg pQm df6f]

tnfpdf hd]sf] b]vfPsf] 5 . of] v}/f] df6f] ef}ule{s lx;fan] kl/If0f ubf{ Sn]O{ l;N6 (Clayey

silt) b]lvG5 eg] o:sf] /f;folgs agf]6 sfaf]{g]6 cyf{t r'go'Qm 5 . oL dfly elgPsf ;fgf

tfnx? sl/a %)) b]vL @),))) xhf/ jif{ klxnf ag]sf] xfn ;Ddsf] cWoogn] b]vfPsf] 5 .

kf]v/f pkTosfsf] s]lx :yfgx? h:t} x]Dhfj]zL, nfrf]s 3frf]s, lrKn]9'Ëf cf;kf;,

dx]Gb|u'kmf cf;kf; / 5f]/]kf6g If]qsf] hldgdf ljutdf s]lx :yfgdf EjfË kg]{ u/]sf] kfOPsf]

5 / ;fsf sf/0f :yflgo jfl;Gbfdf kf]v/fdf EjfË k5{ eGg] s'/f 1fg ePs} ljifo xf] .

ef}ule{s ;"rgfsf] k"jf{wf/ ljsf;df ;b'kof]u xf]; eGg] wf/0ffn] ;g !((* df hd{g ;/sf/

/ g]kfn ;/sf/, vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefusf] ;+o"Qm k|of;df kf]v/f pkTosfsf] ef}ule{s

cWoog ul/Psf] lyof] . :ynut cWoogaf6 ;+slnt tYofÍx? tyf k|of]uzfnfaf6 k|fKt

tYox?nfO{ ;dfj]z u/]/ kf]v/fsf] hf]lvdo 'Qm If]q (Hazard prone area) nfO{ gS;fsg u/L

!M%),))) dfgsf] Engineering and Environmental Geological Map of Pokhara Valley gfdsf]

/+lug gS;f k|sfzg u/L ;/f]sf/jfnfnfO{ ;xh} pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 -lrq #=!) . pQm

gS;fdf ;+efljt EjfË kg{ ;Sg] If]q, klx/f] hfg ;Sg] If]q tyf gbL lsgf/fdf afl9 tyf

klx/f] uO{ hf]lvd x'g ;Sg] If]qsf] ;d]t l;df+sg ul/Psf] 5 .

pQm gSzfdf xfn}dfq EjfË kg{ ;Sg] ;d:of b]lvPsf] cd{nf uf=lj=;=j8f g+= ! h}d'/]

If]q cf;kf; klg j:tL ljsf;sf] nflu pko'Qm 7fpF xf]Og egL olsg ul/Psf] lyof] . of] If]q

l;d;f/ h:tf] b]lvg] wflknf] / hldgsf] ef/ jxg Ifdtf klg cToGt Go"g ePsf] hfgsf/L

e"–OlGhlgol/ª gS;fdf k|:6 b]vfOPsf] 5 . o;/L pQm If]qdf j:tL ljsf;sf] qmd x]bf{ ;g\

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10 | P a g e

!(&(, !((! / !((^ df lvlrPsf xjfO{ kmf]6f]sf] cWoog af6 ;f] ;do ;Dd vf;} j:tL

ljsf; ePsf] b]lv+b}g . ;g\ !((* df e"–OlGhlgol/ª gS;f tof/ ubf{ klg vx/] vf]nf

5]p5fp hxfF xfn hldgdf crfgs EjfËx? ag] s'g} 3/x? ag]sf lyPgg\ .

lrq #=!M vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefun] ;g !((* df tof/ kf/]sf] kf]v/fsf] e"–OlGhlgol/ª

gSZffsf] s]lx c+z .


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11 | P a g e

efu $

xfnsf] cj:yf $=! :yfgLo hgtfsf] ck]Iff / u'gf;f]

cd{nf 7"nLj];L hf]uLd0fL -h}d/]_ kmfF6df :yfgLox?sf] b}lgs h:tf] j}7s j:g], 5nkmn ug]{,

:yfgLo k|zf;g ;“u ;dGjo / ;xsfo{df tTsfn ;+jf]wg ug'{kg]{ sfo{x?sf jf/]df ;Nnfx

lng] nufotsf sfo{ ePsf 5g\ . oBkL :yfgLo hgtfsf] dfux? u'gf;f]x? d"ntM b]xfo

jdf]lhdsf 5g\ .

-s_ vx/] -b'x'gL_ vf]nfsf] kfgLsf] :yfoL lgsf; sfo{ ug'{kg]{ .

-v_ sfnLvf]nfdf r]s 8\ofdsf] lgdf{0f ug'{kg]{ .

-u_ j}slNks ;8s tof/ ug'{kg]{ .

-3_ kf]v/f pkTosfdf nluPsf] vfg]kfgLsf] kfOknfO{g :yfgfGt/ jf ;'/Iff ug'{kg]{ .

-ª_ ljB't÷6]nLkmf]g kf]n÷tf/÷nfOg :yfgfGt/0f ug'{kg]{ .

-r_ kLr jf6f] agfpFbf lgdf{0f ePsf] Xo'd kfOk sNe6{sf] :yfgdf kSsL k'n

jgfpg' kg]{ .

-5_ hf]lvdk"0f{ hUuf ÷3/ kl/jf/nfO{ /fxt pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ .

-h_ cNksflng / bL3{sflng pkfox? ;lxtsf of]hgfx? sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg 'kg]{ .

-em_ dx]Gb|u'kmf–sfnfd'8f u|fld0f ;8s lkr ubf{ nfu]sf] vr{sf] e'QmfgL x'g jfFsL

/sdsf] Aoj:yf x'g' kg]{ .

$=@ Ifltsf] ljj/0f

cf+lzs 3/ Iflt eO{ lj:yflkt ePsf v]t 3/ Iflt x'g] ;Defjgf eO{ lj:yflkt ePsf / wfg

v]t Ejf+u kl/ hUufdf c;/ k/]sf hUufwgLsf] gfd -6]jn $=@++=! / $=@++=@_ df / pRr

hf]lvddf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs k"jf{wf/ -6]jn $=@=#_ df pNn]v eP adf]lhd 5 . h; cg';f/

xfn ;Dd wfg v]t EjfË kl/ hUufdf c;/ k/]sf hUufwgLx? #) hgf /x]sf 5g \ .

6]an $=@=! M cf+lzs 3/ IftL eO{ lj:yflkt ePsf 3/d'nL / kl/jf/ ;+Vof .

qm=;+= 3/d'nLsf] gfd ef8fdf j:g]sf]

gfd kl/jf/ ;+Vof s}lkmot


s'De l;+ -o;

axfb'/_ bdfO{ xfn


6]s axfb'/ eGg]

yf]s axfb'/ g]kfnL !# ;/]sf]

@ lxdnfn cfrfo{ cfkm}{ $

# led axfb'/ sfsL{ cfkm}{ % ;/]sf]

$ e'k]Gb| cfrfo{ cfkm}{ $ ;/]sf]

hDdf @^

Page 15: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

12 | P a g e

6]an $=@M@ M pRr hf]lvdsf sf/0f 3/ IftL x'g] ;Defjgf eO{ lj:tflkt ePsf 3/ kl/jf/ ;+Vof .

qm=;+= 3/d'nLsf] gfd ef8fdf j:g]sf] gfd kl/jf/ ;+Vof s}lkmot

! /fh' tdfË -xfn o'=s]=_ r'g axfb'/ tdfË * ;/]sf]

@ jn/fd cfrfo{ /lj tdfË $ ;/]sf]

# lty{ axfb'/ tdfË cfkm} & hfg]÷cfpg]

$ s'df/ 5Gt]n cfkm} $ ;/]sf]

% k"0f{ axfb'/ lj=s= cfkm} % hfg]÷cfpg]

^ 3gZofd cfrfo{ cfkm} % hfg]÷cfpg]

& /fwLsf kf}8]n ef8fdf a:g] !) ;/]sf]

* eO{ >L ;fsL{ cfkm} $ ;/]sf]

( plbd axfb'/ u'?Ë cfkm} & hfg]÷cfpg]

!) lty{ axfb'/ lj=s= cfkm} % hfg]÷cfpg]

!! ltn axfb'/ lj=s= cfkm} $ hfg]÷cfpg]



6]an $=@=# M ;fj{hlgs k"jf{wf/ pRr hf]lvddf /x]sf] ljj/0f .

qm=;+= k"jf{wf/sf] gfd ljj/0f s}lkmot

! dx]Gb|u'kmf sfnfd'8f u|f=;= pRr hf]lvddf #)) ld=

@ vfg]kfgL nfO{g -kf]v/f vfg]kfgL #)) ld=

# ljB't nfO{g #)) ld=

$ 6]lnkmf]g nfO{g #)) ld=

$=# :yfgLo :t/df ;d:ofsf] Go"gLs/0fsf nflu ePsf k|of;x?

k|efljt If]qsf] lgl/If0f .

:yfgLox?;+u 5nkmn .

k|efljt If]qsf] klxrfg / ;+s]t .

lhNnf ljkb Aoj:yfkg ;ldltsf] j}7s .

Ifltsf] ljj/0f nut tof/L .

:yfgLox?nfO{ ;"lrt ug]{ Pj+ ;fjwfgLsf pkfox?sf] hfgsf/L .

ljkbsf] d"n sf/0f klxrfg ug{ lj1x?af6 k|f/lDes cWoog sfo{ ;DkGg e} k|f/lDes

k|ltj]bg k|fKt .

;f]xL k|ltj]bgsf cfwf/df] b'x'gL vf]nfsf] jxfj If]q sfod x'g] u/L Excavation u/L

kfgLsf] lgsf; lbg] k|of; ul/Psf] .

Ifltsf] ljj/0f ;lxtsf] nut Pj+ :yfoL glb lgsf; sfod ug{ n=O{= -k|f/lDes_ tof/

u/L s]Gb|df l;kmfl/z ul/Psf] .

k|efljt If]qdf lgdf{0f sfo{ Pj+ hUuf lsgj]r /f]Ssf /fVg] lg0f{o ul/Psf] .

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13 | P a g e

efu %

EjfË kg{ 'sf sf/0fx/m

%=! ef}ule{s sf/0f -Geological and hydrogeological factors_

cd{nfsf] h}d'/]] Ps ;fgf] tnfpsf] ?kdf /x]sf] / tnfpdf qmdzM ;]tL glbaf6 cfPsf]

r'go'Qm l;N6 ;fOhsf] df6f] y'lk|Psf] / pQm l;N6 dfyL j/Lk/Lsf 8fF8faf6 em/]sf] klx/f] tyf

sfnLvf]nfaf6 cfPsf] r§fgsf 6'qmf (Gravel) / jfn'jf (sand) y'lk|Psf] b]lvG5 . oL b'j} tx

/fd|/L ghd]sf] cj:yf (unconsolidated stage) df 5g \ . dflyNnf] tx hf] sandy gravel xf], Tof]

l5b|bf/ (Permeable) 5 / o;af6 ;lhn} ;txsf] kfgL l5g{ ;Sb5 . tNnf] l;N6 (silt) sf] tx

h;df s]lx df6f] (Clay) sf] dfqf 5 . o;df ;fwf/0f cj:yfdf kfgL l5g{ lgs} ;do nfUb5,

t/ of] l;N6df ;fgf ;fgf lr/fx? (fractures) 5g\ ;fy} u|fe]n / o;sf] l;dfgfdf Undulating

Surface ePsf] cj:yf 5 . of] l;N6 r'go'Qm (calcareous) klg 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf of] tx

e"ldut kfgLaf6 lj:tf/} leHg] / r'go'Qm ePsf]n] kfgLdf ldl;g] klg x'G5 .

h}d'/]] If]qdf hldgsf] ;txd'gL ;a}eGbf dflyNnf] efudf sl/a @) b]lv %) ;]=dL=

hlt humus soil -v]tL of]Uo df6f]_ 5 . To; df6f]sf] tn sandy gravel 5 . of] Gravel sf]

df]6fO{ sl/a @ b]lv $ dL6/ hlt 5 . pQm u|fe]nsf] tx d'gL v/fgL tyf v}/f] /+usf] ghd]sf]

g/d Clayey Silt 5, h;nfO { :yflgox?n] sd]/f] df6f] eGb5g\ . o:sf] df]6fO{ # b]vL !@

dL6/ ;Dd /x]sf] vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefuaf6 ;g\ !((* df ul/Psf] cWoogn] b]vfPsf] 5 -

lrq %=!_ . of] l;N6sf] tx h}d'/] kmfF6sf] tNnf] efudf s8f r§fg dfyL km}lnPsf] cg'dfg

ul/Psf] 5 . of] l;N6df dl;gf lr/f / Undulating Sarface df u|fe]naf6 l5/]sf] kfgL lj:tf/}

;f]l;G5 / kfgLn] k"0f{ ?kdf leH5 . o;/L l;N6 leHb} hfFbf saturated cj:yf eO{ e"ldut

?kdf kfgLsf] rf “k ;[hgf x'G5 . rf“ksf sf/0f

hdLgsf] le/fnf] efu tkm{ u|fe]n / l;N6sf]

l;dfgfsf] glhssf] efu x'Fb} e"ldut kfgLn] lgsf;

vf]H5 . tNnf] efult/ e"ldut kfgLn] lgsf;

vf]Hbf cfˆgf] af6f]df /x]sf] sdhf]/ r'go'Qm

l;N6nfO{ ;d]t lj:tf/} 3'nfp“b} nfg] x'G5 . e"ldut

?kdf lj:tf/} rln/x]sf] kfgLn] l;N6nfO{ ;d]t

jufO{ sdhf]/ ef}ule{s agf]6 ePsf] :yfg tkm{

lgsf; vf]H5 . lgsf; x'g] qmddf cd{nfsf] h}d'/]df

sfnLvf]nftkm{ b'x'gL vf]nfsf] klxnfsf] k|fs[lts

lgsf; eGbf sl/a @% dL6/ tNf l;N6 ldl;Psf]

n]bf] kfgLsf] d'n km'6]sf] 5 . of] n]bf] kfgLsf] d"n

nuftf/ jlu/x]sf] 5 .

lrq %=! M h}d'/] If]qsf] hdLgsf] agfj6sf] lrq .

Page 17: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

14 | P a g e

dfly elgP em} e"ldut kfgL lgsf; x'g] qmddf l;N6 / u|fe]nsf] l;dfgfsf] cf;kf;

af6} ;fgf ltgf kfgLsf af6f]x?sf] (Solution Channel) ljsf; x'G5 . oL kfgLsf af6fx?df

/x]sf] r'go'Qm l;N6 lj:tf/} kfgL ; “u jUb} n]bf]sf] ?kdf aflx/ cfpFbf l;N6 /x]sf] 7fpF lj:tf/}

IfoLs/0f x'G5 / vfnL 7fpF aGg hfG5 . o;/L tNnf] efu kfgLn] lvofO{ vfnL eP kl5 To;

eGbf dfly /x]sf] sdhf]/ u|fe]nsf] ef/jxg Ifdtf sd x 'g hfG5 . h;sf sf/0f u|fe]nsf] tx

;d]t tn v:5 / ;txdf To:sf] c;/ kl/ hldg efl;G5 / EjfË sf] ?k lnG5 . o;/L ;'?df

;fgf] cfsf/df efl;Psf] :yfgsf] EjfË lj:tf/} tnsf] l;N6 ju] kl5 7"nf] EjfËsf] ?kdf

ljsf; eO{ h}d '/]df ;d:of b]lvPsf] xf] -lrq %=@_ .


lrq %=@ M h}d'/] If]qsf] hldgsf] agfj6 EjfËdf b]lvPsf] .

h}d'/] If]qsf] kfgLsf] ah]6 ;Gt 'ngsf] hfgsf/Lsf nflu ljleGg :yfgdf kfgLsf] axfj

(discharge) ldlt @)&) kf}if @ ut] dfkg ul/Psf] lyof] -6]an %=!_ .

6]an %=! M h}d'/] If]qsf] ljleGg :yfgdf dfkg ul/Psf] kfgLsf] axfj .

qm=;+= kfgLsf]

Input/output :yfg

:yfgsf] prfO -lkm6_

Afxfj -ln=÷;]s]08_

! Input

unf{Ë vf]nf ##%@ !@=&^

@ zflGt pRr df=la= glhs b'x'gL vf]nf ##%^ )=(*

# unf{Ë vf]nf / sfnLvf]nfsf] bf]efg ##)& !=!@

$ Output

sd]/] ;]tf] n]bf] df6f] ;lxt xfn} km'6]sf]

d"n #!*# *=)

% b'x'gL vf]nfdf xfn} k"g{:yflkt ug{

xfn} vlgPsf] gfnfsf] tNnf] efu #!(% !@=($

h}d'/] If]qdf l5g]{ kfgL (input) sf] dfqf hDdf sl/a !$ ln6/ k |lt ;]s]G8 dfkg

ul/Psf] lyof] eg] ;f] If]qaf6 aflx/ lgsf; ePsf] kfgL (output) sf] dfqf hDdf sl/a @!

Page 18: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

15 | P a g e

ln6/ k |lt ;]s]G8 dfkg ul/Psf] lyof] . dfkg ug{ g;lsPsf] af “sL input sf] dfqf h}d'/] If]qsf]

klZrd / pŒf/tkm{ kxf8sf] km]bdf cjl:yt kfgL /;fPsf] / d "n km '6]sf] If]qaf6 x 'g] cg 'dfg

ul/Psf] 5 . t/, unf{Ë vf]nf af6 e"ldut eO{ uPsf]] kfgL h}d'/]tkm{ jf cGo tkm{ k|jfx ePsf]

osLg ug{ sl7g ePsf]n] cfjZos cWoogsf nflu lzkmfl/; ul/Psf] 5 .

%=@ e""–/f;folgs sf/0f (Geochemical factors)

h}d'/] kmfF6sf] pTktL x'Fbf Toxf “ hDdf ePsf] l;N6 df6f] ;]tL glbn] cGgk"0f{ If]qaf6

r'go'Qm n]bf]sf] ?kdf NofPsf] dflgPsf] 5 . o:tf] l;N6 g/d cj:yfdf /x]sf]n] Tof] ;lhn}

kfgLdf ldl;G5 / kfgL; “u} ;lhn} aU5 . ToxfFaf6 NofOPsf] r'go'Qm l;N6sf] gd "gf vfgL tyf

e "ue{ ljefusf] k|of]uzfnfdf /f;folgs k/LIf0f ubf{ r'g (CaO = #%% / MgO = @ %) /x]sf]

kfOPsf] 5 .

o; If]œfdf ;xtaf6 jUg] cToflws kfgL hj/h:tL hldg leq l5g]{ cj:yf ag]sf]n]

kfgLn] sd]/f] df6f]nfO{ :ofr'/]6 (saturate) u/L cem sdhf]/ jgfpg] / kfgLdf 3'Ng] cj:yf

jGof] . ;fy;fy} sfnLvf]nfaf6 lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lsf ?kdf 9'Ëf, lu§L / jfn'jf lgsfNg] qmddf

vf]nf ulxl/+b} hfFbf :ofr'/]6 e};s]sf] sd]/f] df6f]df rf“k j9\g uO{ 3'Ng ;'? eof] . ;txsf]

kfgL leq l5g]{ qmddf ;fw/0ftof sfj{g8fO{cS;fO{8 UofF; ;f]:g] u5{ / ;8]un]sf] emf/kft; “u /f;folgs k|ltlqmof x 'bf“ kfgL xNsf clDno (acidic) x'g] ub{5 . of] clDno kfgL r'go'Qm

sd]/f] df6f]sf] ;fgf] l5qaf6 tn hfFbf /f;folgs k|ltlqmof eO { lj:tf/} ;fgf kfO{k h:tf

jf6f]x? jGb5g\ / tL Ps cfk;df hf]l8bf hldg d'lg kfgL jUg] hfnf] jGb} hfG5 . hj

r'go'Qm sd]/f] df6f] 3'Nb} hfG5, cem} w]/} clDno kfgL jUg] u/L 7"nf] x'Fb} hfG5 . tNnf] efudf

o;/L vfnL x'Fb} hfFbf ;f]sf] kl/k"lt{ ug{ dflysf] sdhf]/ hldgn] wfGg g;sL v:g uO{ EjfË

kg{ uPsf] b]lvG5 . e"ldut kfgLsf] jxfjsf] ult k|fs[lts cj:yfdf cToGt Go"g x'g] ub{5 .

t/ ck|fs[lts ?kn] o;sf] ult j9 \g hfFbf of] k|sf]ksf] ;[hgf x'g uPsf] b]lvG5 .

%=# lhof]6]lSgsn sf/0f (Geotechnical factors)

h}d'/] If]qdf kfOg] clayey silt k|fs[lts ?kdf ghd]sf] g/d / sd ef/jfxg Ifdtf

ePsf] df6f] xf] . o;sf] ef/jxg Ifdtf sl/a ! d]ufkf:sn (Mpa) hlt 5 eGg] cg'dfg

ul/Psf] 5 . of] silt kfgLdf ;lhn} ldl;g] / efl;g ;Sg] vfnsf] 5 . To;}n] of] l;N6 ePsf]

hldgdf lgdf{0fsf sfo{x? ubf{ ljif]z ;fjwfgL ckgfpg' kg]{ jf lgdf{0fsf sfo{x? gu/L

hldg ;'xfFpbf] v]tL ug{ ;'emfj ;d]t lbOPsf] 5 . h}d'/] If]qdf d "n km '6L au]sf] n]bf] kfgLdf

/x]sf] ;]l8d]G6sf] (sediment) dfœff lrq %=# df lbOPsf] 5 .

ha d"n km'6L n]bf] kfgL sfnL vf]nfdf ldl;g yfNof] ;a}sf] Wofgfsif{0f eof] . t/,

hdLg leq l;N6sf] tx lvOg] k |s[of klxn] b]lv rln/x]sf] lyof] . e"ldut d "njf6 lg:sL

/x]sf] sd]/f] ;lxtsf] kfgLdf sl/j & k|ltzt -cfotg÷cfotg_ sd]/f] df6f] ldl;P/ uO/x]sf]

kfOof] . d"n km '6L au]sf] n]bf] kfgLdf /x]sf] ;]l8d]G6sf] (sediment) sieve analysis lrq %=# df

lbOPsf] 5 . h}d'/] If]qdf k/]sf EjfËx/msf] s'n cfotg nueu !),))) So"ljs ld6/

Page 19: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

16 | P a g e

b]lvPsf] 5 . EjfËsf] cfotg, d "n km'6L au]sf] n]bf] df6f]df ePsf] ;]l8d]G6sf] dfqf / ;dosf]

t'ngfTds cWoog ubf{ hdLg d'gL e"ldut kfgLsf sf/0f df6f] lvOg] / aUg] qmd w]/} klxn]

b]lv nuftf/ rln/x]sf] k |:6 x 'G5 .

(0.002-0.06 – silt; 0.06-.2 - fine sand; 0.2 - 0.6 - medium sand; 0.6 - 2 - coarse sand)

lrq %=# M h}d'/] If]qdf d "n km '6L au]sf] n]bf] kfgLdf /x]sf] ;]l8d]G6sf] sieve analysis .

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17 | P a g e

efu ^

lgisif{ tyf ; 'emfj

^=! lgisif{

sf:sL lhNnf cd{nf uf=lj=;= h}d'/] 7"nLj];L kmfF6 efl;g'sf] d'Vo sf/0fdf ;f] If]qdf /x]sf]

sdhf]/ / kfgLn] ;lhn} IfoLs/0f ug{ ;Sg] r'go'Qm l;N6 -:yfgLosf cg';f/ sd]/] df6f]_ sf]

tx x'g' xf] . b'x'gL vf]nf nufotsf cGo vf]N;Lx?sf] k|fs[lts jxfjnfO{ cj?2 ubf{ e"dLut

kfgLsf] n]en a9\g uO{ rfk a9\g uof] . ;fy} k|fs[lts / dfgjLo sf/0fn] sfnL vf]nf ulxl/g

uO{ e"dLut ;'?Ë tNnf] efudf d"n km'6L n]bf] kfgL sfnL vf]nfdf ldl;g hfFbf kfgLsf] rfk

sd eO{ e"dLut ;'?Ëx? tyf 9fF8x? dfyLsf] hdLg efl;g uof] / ;txdf EjfË k¥of] .

;f] If]qsf] e"–OlGhlgol/Ë gS;f ;g\ !((* df g} tof/ eO;sf]sf], t/ a:tL ljsf; tyf

k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ug]{ qmddf ;f] gS;fsf] pkof]u ul/Psf] b]lvPg . e" pkof]u sfo{df ef}ule{s

tYox?nfO{ j]jf:tf ug'{ / k|fs[lts cj:yf hyfefjL vnaNofpg' g} cd{nf If]qdf EjfË kg]{

k|sf]ksf] sf/0f xf] . kf]v/f nufot of] If]q cToflws jiff{ x'g] If]q ePsfn] jiff{ ofd cuf8L g}

/f]syfdsf pkfox? canDag ul/g' kb{5 / gul/Pdf eofjx l:ylt cfpg ;Sg] b]lvG5 .

^=@ tTsfn ul/g'kg]{ /f]syfdsf pkfox? / nfut cg'dfg

^=@=!= tTsfn ul/g'kg]{ /f]syfdsf pkfox? M

h}d'/]kmfF6 If]qsf] e"–ef}lts ;e]{ (Geophysical Investigation) kZrft dfq ;f] If]qsf]

e"ldut ef}ule{s ca:yfsf] af/]df oyfy{ hfgsf/L x'g] ePsfn] ;f] kZrft dfq lgdf{0f

;DaGwL lg0f{o ug{ plrt x'g] . To;sf/0f xfnnfO{ ;f] If]qdf lgdf{0f ;DaGwL ;Dk'0f{

sfo{x?df k|ltaGw nufpg' plrt x'g] .

b'x'gL tyf vx/] vf]nfsf] cltqmldt e"–efunfO{ gfkLaf6 /]vfÍg u/L vf]nfsf] :yfoL

l;dfgf sfod ug]{ . To;} u/L af+;v]t If]qaf6 lautdf aUg] vf]N;L tyf gfnfx?nfO{

k"g{:yfkgf ug'{kg]{ .

EjfË (Sinkhole) x?nfO{ df6f] tyf u|fe]nn] k'/L To;nfO{ sDKofS;g (Compaction)

ug]{ .

vx/] tyf b'x'gL vf]nfdf hDdf ePsf] u|fe]n x6fO{ kfgLsf] lgsf; lgsfNbf b'x'gL

vf]nfsf] b'a} lsgf/ tyf tNnf] ;txdf IfoLs/0f (Erosion) x'g] x'Fbf ;f]sf] arfpsf

nflu k|:tflat l8hfOg (Design) cg';f/sf ;+/rgfx? lgdf{0f ug'{kg]{ .

xfn d"nkm'6L n]bf] kfgL au]sf] :yfgsf] klZrd xfn kSsL ;8s;Fu ;dfgfGt/ x'g] u/L

klZrd tkm{ sl/a #) dL= nDafO{ / !) ld6/ ulx/fO{ -n]bf] kfgL au]sf] ;'?Ësf]

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18 | P a g e

klxrfg u/L ;f] eGbf tn_ ePsf] 6«]Gr vgL ;f] df k|:tflat Design cg';f/sf]

lhof]6]S:f6fOn k|of]u u/L 6«]Grdf df6f] e/L sd]/f] df6f]sf] n]en;Dd sDKofS;g ug]{ .

sfnL vf]nfsf] e"IfoLs/0f / ulxl/g] qmdnfO{ lgoGq0fsf nflu b'x'gL vf]nf / sfnL

vf]nfsf] bf]efg b]vL tn dfyL % j6f a]8af/x? !)) dL= km/sdf agfpg], %)) dL=

l/e]6d]G6 agfpg] / afFsL /x]sf] efudf klg lgoGq0f ub}{ Aoal:yt ub}{ hfg] . k|efljt

If]qaf6 hfg] kSsL ;8sdf xfnnfO{ ;s];Dd ;jf/L ;fwg ;+rfng lg?T;flxt ug]{ /

olb ug}{ kg]{ ePdf xNsf ;jf/L ;fwgdfq} ;+rfng x'g lbg] . t;y{ xfnnfO{ h}d'/]

If]qsf] klZrdkl§sf] kfvfaf6 a}slNks ?kdf ;jf/L ;fwg ;+rfng ug{ lbg' pko'Qm

x'g] . k|efljt If]qdf a9L kfgL k|of]u ul/g'kg]{ v]tLx? ug{ lg?T;flxt ug]{ .

^=@=@ nfut cg'dfg

dfly pNn]lvt tTsfn ul/g' kg]{ /f]syfdsf pkfox? dWo] lgDg cg';f/ pNn]lvt

sfo{x?sf] nfut cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 .

EjfË (Sink hole) x? tTsfn} k'g{ .

b'x'gL vf]nfdf ;]ld k/ldojn ^%) ld6/sf] nfdf] kSsL gfnf lgdf{0f u/L b'a} tkm{

afof] OlGhlgol/Ë sfo{ ;d]t ug{ .

h}d'/] kmfF6sf] dflyNnf] efudf b]lvPsf d'nnfO{ ;+sng u/L ;'/lIft lgsf; ug{sf]

lgldt $$) dL= Sofr 8«]g lgdf{0f ug{ .

b'x'gL vf]nf sfnL vf]nfdf ldl;g] l9s tyf lsgf/f ;+/If0f ug]{ ug'{ kg]{ ;+/rgf

lgdf{0f ug{ .

xfn d"nkm'6L n]bf] kfgL au]sf] :yfgsf] klZrd xfn kSsL ;8s;Fu ;dfgfGt/ x'g]

u/L klZrd tkm{ sl/a #) dL= nDafO{ / !) ld6/ ulx/fO{ ePsf] 6«]Gr vgL ;f] df

k|:tflat Design cg';f/sf] lhof]6]S;6fOn k|of]u u/L 6«]Grdf df6f] e/L sd]/f]

df6f]sf] dflyNnf] n]en;Dd sDofS;g ug{ .

dfly pNn]lvt sfo{x?sf nflu ?= %,@!,@&))).– -kfFr s/f]8 PSsfO; nfv ;QfO{;

xhf/ sf] nfut cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . b//]6 laZn]if0f ;lxtsf] nfut cg'dfg, l8hfOg

tyf 8«OËx? Pg]S; @ / Pg]S; # df ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 .

EjfË kg]{ tyf hldg efl;g] IftL x'gaf6 arfpg] qmddf IftL x'g uPsf AolQmut ;DktL

tyf ;+/rgf cflbsf] IftLk'tL{sf] nflu lhNnf b}la k|sf]k p4f/ ;ldlt sf:sL dfkm{t x'g

l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] 5 .

^=@ eljiodf ul/g'kg]{ sfo{x?

h}d'/]kmfF6, cd{nf If]qsf] e"ldut ef}ule{s ca:yfsf] oyfy{ hfgsf/L k|fKt ug{sf

lgldQ e"–ef}lts ;e]{If0f (Electric Resistivity Tomography, Shallow Seismic

Refraction, Ground Penetrating Radar) sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ .

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19 | P a g e

h}d'/]kmfF6sf] klZrd / pQ/ tk{msf] kfvfaf6 km'6]sf d'nx? Aoal:yt u/L kfgLnfO{

b'x'gL vf]nf x'Fb} sfnL vf]nfdf lgsf; ug]{ Aoa:yf ldnfpg] .

zflGt pRr df=la= sf] pQ/tkm{af6 cfPsf] vx/] vf]nf -b'x'gL vf]nf_ sf] kfgL

h}d'/]kmfF6 leq k|jfx ePsf] b]lvPsfn] ;f] vx/]sf] kfgLnfO{ e"ldut k|jfxdf hfg' cufa}

lgoGq0f u/L ;'/lIft tl/sfn] ;txaf6 lgsf; ug]{ .

k|efljt If]qdf s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ug'{ k'j{ df6f]sf] OlGhlgol/Ë u'0fsf] kl/If0f

(Geotechnical Investigation) clgjfo{ u/L ef/jxg Ifdtfsf cfwf/df lgdf{0f sfo{

ug]{ Aoa:yf ldnfpg] .

sfnL vf]nfsf] ;xfos vf]nf -unf{Ë vf]nf_ af6 sl/a !# nL= k|lt ;]s]G8 kfgL

hldgdf e"ldut eO{ uPsf]n] ;f] kfgL h}d'/]tkm{ jf cGo tkm{ k|jfx ePsf] lgSof} {n u/L

h}d'/] kmfF6 tkm{ k|jfx ePsf] ca:yf b]lvPdf unf{Ë vf]nfaf6 h}d'/] kmfF6 tkm{ kfgL

l/rf{h x'g] sfo{ lgoGq0f ug{ cfjZos lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ .

h}d'/] If]qsf] e"agf]6df r'go'St sd]/f] df6f] ePsf sf/0f kfgLdf clDnokg a9\g ;Sg]

lqmofsnfk ePsf] v08df ;d:of emg a9\g ;Sg] ePsfn] kfgLsf] clDnokg ;DaGwL

cWoog ug'{ kg]{ .

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20 | P a g e

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1 | P a g e

A. Kali Khola

1. Salient Features of Kali Khola

VDC Armala-1, Kaski

Zone Gandaki Zone

Tributaries Ghurkuna Khola, Garlang Khola, Duhuni Khola, Grami Khola, Majkuna, Tupke Khola, Dhand Khola etc.

Nature of Khola Boulder stage, degradation nature, 1.31m bed is degrading per year (in comparison June, 2011).

Developed Area Paddy field in right and left bank of Khola but now newly settlement is rapidly developing.

Total Length of Kali Khola 11 Km.

Catchment Area 41 Sq. Km.

Maximum elevation of

Catchment area 1962 m (msl)

Minimum level 960 m (msl)

Average l-slope of Kali khola 1:20, 1:100. 1:200

Near DuhuniKhola confluence 1:40

Average width of Khola 65 m

Near Duhuni Khola confluence 50 m

Design scour depth 3.10 m

Length of protection 500 m revetments and five bed bars (around confluence point which is highly critical area)

Total estimate of protection works (See Annex 3).

Protection by GI create boxes, RCC Cut-off (bed bar), Geo-textile etc.

Kali khola originate in the north part of Pokhara valley from Mahabharat range at Kali Khola at an elevation of nearly 1962m. The length of Khola is 11 km up to Seti River at Bhalam Dobilla. It is one of the importtant tributary of the Seti River.

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2 | P a g e

2. Discharge calculation of Kali Khola


1. Dickens formula

Qp= Cd A 3/4


Qp = Maximum flood discharge in cumecs

A = Catchment Area

Cd = Dicken coefficient

Area = 41 Sq.Km

Cd =11.5

(11.5 for northern part of India)

Hence Qp =11.5 *41^ 0.75

=186 m3/sec

2.WECS Method

Q100=14.63(A) ^ 0.732

=14.63*41^ 0.732 =211 m3/sec Adopt 211 m3/sec

3. Scour depth calculation

Design parameters

Catchment area = 41 sq. Km

High flood discharge = 211 m3/sec

River, l-slope = 1:40, 1:100 (effected area)

Manning’s coefficient = 0.04

Silt average in bed = 5mm

Silt factor = 1.76 (Dm) ^.5

= 1.76*5^0.5


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3 | P a g e

Normal scour depth = 0.47(Q/F)^1/3

= 0.47*(211/3.91)^0.5

= 1.8 m.

Factor for right angle (K) = 2.25

= 2.25*1.8

= 4.1m

Average depth of water in high flood = 2.1 m

For launching apron =2.1*1.5

=3.10 m

Use 4.5m as mattress

Depth of bed bar =3.10 m

Use 1:2:4 RCC wall having top crest one meter with 1:8 U/S and D/S of wall protect by gabion crate box in launching apron and add (1x1x1) m. concrete blocks in D/S of wall.

Water way (P) = 4.75(Q)^0.5%

= 4.75(211)^0.5

=68 m. may be contrast by 80 %

B. Duhuni Khola

1. Salient Features of Duhuni Khola

VDC Armala-1, Kaski

Zone Gandaki Zone

Tributaries Khahare and Small Kholsi.

Nature of Khola Boulder stage on land slide materials aggradations nature.

Developed Area Entirely, paddy field in right and left bank and settlements rapidly developed.

Total Length of Kali Khola 650 m.

Catchment Area 0.16 Sq. Km.

Maximum elevation of

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4 | P a g e

Average l-slope of Kali Khola 1:20, 1:60, 1:80, 1:100

Near Duhuni Khola confluence 1:40

Average width of Khola 2.50 m

Near confluence 4 m

Design discharge 3.00 m3/sec

Maximum depth of sinkhole depth 8.5 m

Length of protection 650 m lining with cascade

Total estimate of protection works (See Annex 3).

Protection by GI create, RCC, RRM, Soling, Bioengineering, Geo-textile, Sinkhole filling, Sprig plugging. Box Culvert etc.

2. Discharge calculation


1. Dickens formula

Qp= Cd A 3/4


Qp= Maximum flood discharge in cumecs

A= Catchment Area(800x200)m =0.16 Km sq.

Cd= Dicken coefficient

Area = 0.16 Sq.Km.

Cd =11.5

(11.5 for northern part of India)

Hence, Qp =11.5 *0.16^ 0.75

=2.909 m3/sec

2. Rain fall Method

Assume, maximum 2500mm rain fall per day =2500/100*10^4/24*3600

=2.89 m3/sec Adopt =3.0 m3/sec

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5 | P a g e

3. In upper reach 1/3 of land is exist 0.053 Sq.Km

Qpu =11.5 *0.05^ 0.75

=1.25 m3/sec

Water way (P) = 4.75(Q)^0.5%

= 4.75(2.9)^0.5

=8.8 m.

For cross section limitation lining is proposed.

Design parameters

Catchment area = 0.16 Sq. Km

High flood discharge = 2.90 m3/sec

River, l-slope = 1:100, 1:80, 1:40 and Steep slope

Manning’s coefficient = 0.02

Silt average in bed = 5mm

Silt factor = 1.76 (Dm) ^.5

= 1.76*5^0.5


Normal scour depth = 0.47(Q/F)^ 1/3

= 0.47*(211/3.91)^0.5

= 1.8 m.

Factor for right angle (K) = 2.25

= 2.25*1.8= 4.1m

Average depth of water in high flood= 2.1 m

For launching apron =2.1*1.5

=3.15 m

Use 4.5m as mattress for kali khola

Design of channel section

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6 | P a g e

4. 0+000 to 0+250

Design parameters

L-section channel(S) = 1:100

Discharge(Q) = 1.25 m3/sec

Manning’s coefficient (N) =0.02

Area (A) =0.5 m2

Assume,For Upper Reach

Section is rectangle

Q =A*V

=A*1/N*S ^½*R ^2/3

=A*1/0.02*1/100^½*A/P ^2/3

=0.6*1/0.02*1/100^½*.0.6/2.1 ^2/3


=1.26 m3/sec

= Hence safe O.K.

Existing bed is 2.0 m

Assume, for Middle portionSection is Trapezoidal

5. 0+250 to 0+600

Design parameters

L-section channel(S) = 1:80

Design discharge (Q) = 3.00 m3/sec

Manning’s coefficient (N) =0.025

Area (A) =1.40 m2

Assume, for Upper Reach

Section is rectangle

Q =A*V

=A*1/N*S ^½*R ^2/3

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7 | P a g e


=1.4*40*1/80^½*0.44 ^2/3


=3.54 m3/sec

= Hence safe O.K.

Existing river bed is 2.5m

6. 0+600 to 0+650

Design parameters

L-section channel(S) = Steeps

Design discharge (Q) = 3.00 m3/sec

Manning’s coefficient (N) =0.025

Area (A) =1.40 m2

5m length and one m depth eight cascade up to Kali Khola bed.

Perforated pipe and geo-textile used for lateral drain to channel.

A box culvert proposed for vehicle crossing.

Bio-engineering is suitable for sustainable protection of Nala.

7. Discharge measurement (2070/9/2 and3) by surface floating and current meter methods.

Discharge measurement of surface water of Kali Khola (U/S 60m and D/S 50m), surface flow of Duhuni Khola and Spring water from new channel at confluence point.

1 60m U/S of Confluence point (Q)1 =374.0 lps

2 50 D/S of Confluence point (Q)2 =353.5 lps

3 Surface flow of Dhuhune Khola (Q)3 =11.5 lps

4 Remaining spring flow (Q1-Q2-Q3) =9.0 lps

7 % (silt and clay) noted in laboratory.

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Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski. F/YName of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski. 2070-71

S No Name of Structures Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks

1 E/w fillling in sinkholes in layer wise and with well compaction all complete all lead and lift and gabion protection in deep section No 1.00 3,674,129 3,674,129

2 Construction of Channel lining and bio-engineering (650)m in Duhune Khola ( 50m c/c joints). No 1.00 8,175,580 8,175,580

3 Construction of Catch Drain in hill sides of Khola to connected natural surfafe drain (U/S and D/S ) 400m (50m c/c joints) No 1.00 3,849,891 3,849,891

4 Construction of Revetment for protection of Kali Khola U/S 250 and D/S 250 of Duhune confluence point. Rm. 500.00 86,501 43,250,295

5 Construction of Bed bar in Kali khola to protect further degradin of Khola Total 5 Nos, U/S 2 and D/S 2 of confluence of Dhuhune Khola Rm. 5.00 2,358,204 11,791,018

Total 70,740,913 Say NRs. 52,127,000.00

Summary of Cost of Structures

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Name of Work : Earth work excavation in (new trench openning and pluging springhole). F.Y.2070-71

S No Details of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks

1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed soils including disposal for 10m deep all lead and lift m3 1012.50 134.34 136019.25

By excavator

2a Making well compacted field by filling with ordinary local soils in 15 cm thick layers and hand compaction withsprinkling water all complete

m3 9767.25 80.00 781380.00

80% use localmaterial

2b Making well compacted field by filling with ordinary local soils in 15 cm thick layers and hand compaction withsprinkling water all complete

m3 1085.25 775.00 841068.75

20% use from barrow pit

3 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen Embankment at proper place with all completed.

m2 330.00 162.50 53625.004 Making rectangular gabion box mesh size 150 x 150

mm. With two way double knot including cutting wire, netting etc. all complete. Mesh wire 8 S.W.G. box size =3x1.5x0.45 m m2 918 272.91 250531.38

5 Supply and filling of Boulder/stones in Gabion crate boxes and closing ,tightening the gabion boxes at proper place with all completed. m3 963.00 1621.50 1561504.50

6 Dewatering of works LS 1 Job 50000.00

Total NRs. 3,674,129

Abstract of Cost

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

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Name of Work : Earth work excavation in (new trench openning and pluging springhole).F/Y- 2070-71

S No Details of work No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed soils including disposal for 10m deep all lead and lift

Trench (West side of road) 1 30.00 3.75 9.00 1012.50 m3

2 Making well compacted field by filling with ordinary local soils in 15 cm thick layers and hand compaction withsprinkling water all complete

Trench 1 30.00 3.75 9.00 1012.5087 Nos sinlholes 9840.00

10852.50 m3

3 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen Embankment at proper place with all completed.

1 30.00 11.0 330.00 m2

4 Supply of commercial 8 S.W.G.Gabion wire Mesh wire 8 S.W.G.Box size 3m x 1.5m x 0.45 m = 13.05 m2 for protection of D/S steep slope 10 Box 26.29 kg per box

4 Making rectangular gabion box mesh size 150 x 150 mm. With two way double knot including cutting wire, netting etc. all complete. Mesh wire 8 S.W.G. box size =3x1.5x0.75 m=15.75m2 50 Box 31.00 kg per box

Total 918 m25 Supply and filling of Boulder/stones in Gabion crate

boxes and closing ,tightening the gabion boxes at proper place with all completed.

Launching 2 10.00 4.50 0.45 40.50Bank protection both sides 2 350.00 1.50 0.75 787.50

Base cascade 2 50.00 3.00 0.45 135.00963.00 m3

6 Dewatering L.S

Detailed Estimate

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

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Name of Work : Construction of Lining Channel 650mand Catchdrain 440 m F/Y2070-71

S No Details of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed

soils including disposal for all lead and lift m3 559.82 134.34 75,206.21 2 E/W in back filling with watering and compaction

layer by layer from all lead and lift all complete m3 704.38 80.00 56,350.40 3 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen

Embankment at proper place with all completed. m2 2962.12 164.50 487,268.74 4 Supply and fitting of 75mm dia HDPE pipe in

channel side 5m c/c, 30 cm above from bed level RM 86.27 137.48 11,861.01 5 Supply and stone solling m3 256.76 2251.13 472,737.30 6 RCC1:2:4 works in channel lining all complete m3 420.6 9522.00 3,504,096.00 7 Rinforcement steel bar all complete (Nominal

reinforcement in channel 40kg/ m3 ang for slab 1.5% kg/m3) Kg 9057.4 112.49 41,396.32

8 Supply and Wooden form works all complete m2 1459.8 568.74 209,296.32 9 1:4 RRM works all complete m3 63.6 8063.50 2,967,368.00 10 Dewatering of works durining construction of

works LS 1 100,000.00 11 Bioengineerg works (Bammboo 200 nos, Baish

1000 Nos and Vetever etc) all complete. LS 1 200,000.00 12 Site clearance all complete LS 1 50,000.00

Total NRs 8,175,580

Abstract of Cost

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 52: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Construction of Lining Channel 650mand Catchdrain 440 m F/Y- 2070-71

S No Details of work No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed soils including disposal for all lead and liftU/S Channel 1 4.00 0.30 0.60 0.72transition 1 1.80 3.00 0.30 1.62Channel 1 100.00 1.80 0.30 54.00Cutoff 2 4.25 0.50 0.60 2.55Desilting basin 1 2.30 2.30 0.60 3.17Brest wall 10 3.25 1.50 1.50 73.12Channel 1 550.00 2.30 0.30 379.50Culvert 1 1.80 5.00 1.50 13.50Cutoff 1 4.25 0.50 0.60 1.27Lauching appron 1 4.50 15.00 0.45 30.37

559.82 m3

Total 559.82 m3

2 E/W in back filling 1/5 of E / W 704.38 m3

3 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen Embankment at proper place with all completed.

Channel side and bed 1 100.00 1.50 150.00Khahare 1 20.00 35.20 704.00Channel side and bed 1 550.00 3.70 2035.00Brest wall 15 3.25 1.50 73.12

2962.12 m2

4 Supply and fitting of 75mm dia HDPE pipe in channel side 5m c/c, 30 cm above from bed level 2 215.686 0.20 86.27 RM.

5 Stone sollingU/S Channel cutoff 2 4.00 0.30 0.15 0.36Kharare cutoof 1 4.25 0.30 0.15 0.19D/S at kali khola cutoff 1 4.00 0.30 0.15 0.18Culvert foundation 2 4.00 5.50 0.15 6.60Abutment 2 4.00 1.05 0.15 1.26Slab (transition) 2 4.00 1.00 0.15 1.20Parapet (one m extended) 4 1.00 0.30 0.15 0.18Channel bed 1 100.00 1.80 0.15 27.00Trench 1 2.30 2.30 0.15 0.79Bed of large channel 1 550.00 2.30 0.15 189.75Side wall 2 100.00 0.15 0.15 4.50

2 500.00 0.15 0.15 22.502 50.00 0.15 0.15 2.25

256.76 m3

6 RCC1:2:4 works in channel lining all completeU/S Channel cutoff 2 4.00 0.30 0.30 0.72Kharare cutoff 1 4.25 0.30 0.30 0.38D/S at kali khola cutoff 1 4.00 0.30 0.30 0.36Culvert foundation 2 4.00 1.80 0.60 8.64

Detailed Estimate

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 53: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Construction of Lining Channel 650mand Catchdrain 440 m F/Y- 2070-71

Detailed Estimate

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Slab 1 4.00 5.50 0.30 6.60Parapet (one m extended) 2 4.00 0.30 0.30 0.72

4 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.36Channel bed 1 100.00 1.80 0.15 27.00Trench 1 2.30 2.30 0.30 1.58Bed of large channel 1 550.00 2.30 0.15 189.75Side wall 2 100.00 0.15 0.75 22.50

2 500.00 0.15 1.00 150.002 50.00 0.15 0.80 12.00

420.61 m3

7 Rinforcement steel bar all complete (Nominal reinforcement in channel 40kg/ m3 ang for slab 1.5% kg/m3)Slab 777.15Channel 8280.20Total 9057.35 Kg

8 Wooden form worksU/S Channel cutoff 4 4.00 0.30 4.80Kharare cutoof 2 4.25 0.30 2.55D/S at kali khola cutoff 2 4.00 0.30 2.40Culvert foundation 2 11.60 0.60 13.92Slab 1 4.60 0.30 1.38Parapet (one m extended) 4 6.00 0.30 7.20

4 1.00 0.30 1.20Channel bed 2 100.00 0.15 30.00Trench 1 4.60 0.30 1.38Bed of large channel 2 550.00 0.15 165.00Side wall (inner side) 2 100.00 0.75 150.00Side wall (inner side) 2 500.00 1.00 1000.00Side wall (inner side) 2 50.00 0.80 80.00

9 1:4 RRM works all complete 1459.83 m2Abutment 2 1.05 4.00 3.00 25.20

Brest wall 15 0.53 3.25 1.50 38.3963.59 m3

10 Dewatering LS 1.00 Job11 Bio-engineerg works (Bammboo 200 nos,

Baish 1000 Nos and Vetever grass etc). LS 1.00 Job12 Site clearance all complete LS 1.00 Job

Page 54: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Checkdam (Bedbar) across the Khola (50m) F/Y2070-71

S No Details of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed

wet soils including disposal for all lead and lift m3 628.75 134.34 84466.272 E/W in back filling m3 209.58 80.00 16766.663 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen

Embankment at proper place with all completed. m2 1205.00 162.50 195812.504 1:2:4 PCC works all complete m3 80.32 9522.00 764807.045 Supply of Heavy 8 S.W.G.Gabion wire wiving all

complete m2 2390 272.91 652254.906 Supply and filling of Boulder/stones in Gabion crate

boxes and closing ,tightening the gabion boxes at proper place with all completed. m3 232.50 1621.50 376998.75

7 Supply and Wooden form works all complete m2 434 568.72 247097.468 Dewatering of works durining construction of

works LS 1 10,000.00 10000.009 Site clearance all complete LS 1 10,000.00 10000.00

Total NRs 2,358,204

Abstract of Cost Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 55: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Check Dam (Bed Bar) across the Khola (50m) F/Y- 2070-71

S No Details of work No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed soils including disposal for all lead and lift

Khola bed 1 50.00 2.75 3.10 426.25 m3

U/S launching 1 50.00 4.50 0.45 101.25D/S launching 1 50.00 4.50 0.45 101.25

Total 628.75 m3

2 E/W in back filling with compaction in layer wise 1/ 3 of E / W 209.58 m3

3 1:2:4 PCC works all completeCutoff wall on 1st one m below 1 50.00 10.57 0.15 79.27

R/S and L/S 2 3.00 0.70 0.15 0.63R/S and L/S 2 2.00 0.70 0.15 0.42

80.32 m33 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of

Earthen Embankment at proper place with all completed.U/S and D/s Launching 2 50.00 10.50 1050.00

1 50.00 3.10 155.001205.00 m2

4a Supply of commercial 8 & 10 S.W.G.Gabion wire Mesh wire 8 S.W.G.Box size 3m x 1.5m x 0.45 m

= 13.05 m2 100.00 Box 26.29 kg per box4b Making rectangular gabion box mesh size 150 x

150 mm. With two way double knot including cutting wire, netting etc. all complete. Mesh wire 10 S.W.G.Box size 3m x 1.5m x 0.75 m = 15.75

m268.89 Box 33.00

5 Supply and filling of Boulder/stones in Gabion crate boxes and closing ,tightening the gabion boxes at proper place with all completed.

2390 m2U/S Launching 1 50.00 4.50 0.45 101.25D/S Launching 1 50.00 4.50 0.45 101.25


Cutoff 1 50.00 1.50 3.10 232.50Sub Total 232.50 m3

6Supply and Wooden form works all complete

Cut-off 2 50 0.15 152 11 15.00 3152 3 17.00 1022 2 0.38 22 1 0.70 1

434 m27 Dewatering of works durining construction of

works LS 18 Site clearance all complete LS 1

Detailed Estimate

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 56: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Construction of Revetment for Kali Khola (Per m) F/Y2070-71

S No Details of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed

wet soils including disposal for all lead and lift m3 6.30 134.34 846.342 E/W in back filling m3 2.10 80.00 168.003 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen

Embankment at proper place with all completed. m2 14.50 162.50 2356.254 Supply of commercial 8 S.W.G.Gabion wire wiving all

complete m2 148.92 272.91 40641.155 Supply and filling of Boulder/stones in Gabion crate

boxes and closing ,tightening the gabion boxes at proper place with all completed. m3 24.97 1621.50 40488.85

6 Dewatering of works durining construction of works LS 1 1000.00 1000.00

7 Site clearance all complete LS 1 1000.00 1000.00Total NRs 86,500.59

Abstract of Cost Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 57: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Construction of Revetment for Kali Khola Both sides (Per m)F/Y- 2070-71

S No Details of work No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed soils including disposal for all lead and lift

Khola bed both sides 2 4.50 1.00 0.45 4.05 m3

Revetment wall layer 6 1.00 0.50 0.75 2.25Total 6.30 m3

2 E/W in back filling with compaction in layer wise 1/ 3 of E / W 2.10 m3

3 Supply and & using Geo-Textile in Slope of Earthen Embankment at proper place with all completed.U/S and D/s Launching 2 4.50 1.00 9.00

2 2.75 1.00 5.5014.50 m2

4a Supply of commercial 8 & 10 S.W.G.Gabion wire Mesh wire 8 S.W.G.Box size 3m x 1.5m x

0.45 m = 13.05 m2 9.00 Box 26.29 kg per bo 236.54236.54 Kg

4b Making rectangular gabion box mesh size 150 x 150 mm. With two way double knot including cutting wire, netting etc. all complete. Mesh wire 10 S.W.G.Box size

3m x 1.5m x 0.75 m = 15.75 m22.00 Box 33.00 66 box

5 Supply and filling of Boulder/stones in Gabion crate boxes and closing ,tightening the gabion boxes at proper place with all completed. 149 m2

Launching both sides 2 4.50 4.50 0.45 18.22

Wall both sides 6 1.00 1.50 0.75 6.75Sub Total 6.75 m3

6 Dewatering of works durining construction of works LS 1

7 Site clearance all complete LS 1

Detailed Estimate

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 58: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Construction of Catch Drain 400 m F/Y2070-71

S No Details of work Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel

mixed soils including disposal for all lead and lift m3 300.00 134.34 40,302.00

2 E/W in back filling with watering and compaction layer by layer from all lead and lift all complete m3 60.00 80.00 4,800.00

3 RCC1:2:4 works in channel lining all complete m3 90.0 9522.00 3,504,096.00 4 Rinforcement steel bar all complete (Nominal

reinforcement in channel 40kg/ m3 Kg 1800.0 112.49 41,396.32 5 Supply and Wooden form works all complete m2 840.0 568.74 209,296.32 6 Site clearance all complete LS 1 50,000.00

Total NRs 3,849,891

Abstract of Cost

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.

Page 59: Nepal pokhara armala sinkhole investigation final-report

Name of Work : Construction of Catch Drain 400 m F/Y- 2070-71

S No Details of work No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remarks

1 E/W in excavation for foundation in gravel mixed soils including disposal for all lead and liftCatch drain (average) 1 400.00 1.25 0.60 300.00

Total 300.00 m3

2 E/W in back filling 1/5 of E / W 60.00 m3

3 RCC1:2:4 works in channel lining all completeCatch drain (.4+.7+.4) 1 400.00 1.50 0.15 90.00

90.00 m3

4 Reinforcement steelbar 20kg/m3 1800.00 Kg5 Wooden form works

Catch drain 2 400.00 0.65 520.002 400.00 0.40 320.00

840.00 m26 Site clearance all complete LS 1.00 Job

Detailed Estimate

Name of works : Natural disaster Area, Armara-1, Jaimure Dhulibesiphant, Kaski.