Neka nova tradicija A New Tradition - Oris · 144 ˜˚˛˝˙˚ ˜ˆˇ˚ ˘ˆ˜ ˆ ˚ ˝ ˚ ˜˚...

proarh, Kamena kuća stone house, lukovo šugarje, croatia kamena kuća, lukovo šugarje, hrvatska 144 145 proarh, Stone House A New Tradition Neka nova tradicija Gradnja kuće za odmor na hrvatskoj obali već je desetljećima vrlo jednostavna disciplina. Skupi se rodbina i pozovu prijate- lji, donese materijal, izlije se ploča i jedan, dva (ponekad i tri) – prvi red do mora dobio je još jednog člana. Nekad se radi o dovršenim cjelinama koje natkriva krov obijeljen vapnom, a nekad samo stršeća armatura čeka bolja vremena kada će nužni minimum životnog prostora postati raskošniji, ali ono što im je svima zajedničko je stroga utilitarnost. Da, zalutat će tu pokoji kameni lav u dvorište, naći će se gdjegod i sitnih nepotrebnih detalja – za dušu, no vikendici se ne gradi soba koja se ne koristi. Pametno i promoćurno, ako ne uvijek oku ugodno, nastajala je naš obala. Među kućicama temeljenim na ovom principu u obalnom mjestašcu Lukovom Šugarju ugurala Building a summer house on the Croatian coast has been a simple discipline for decades now. Relatives arrive, friends are invited, material is brought, a floor slab is cast, and one, two (sometimes three as well) – another member emerges in the first row of houses right next to the sea. Sometimes, these are completed entities with the whitewashed roofs and occasionally with protruding steel reinforcements waiting for beer days, when the necessary minimum of living space will become more luxurious, but what they all share is strictly utili- tarian quality. Yes, a few stone lions will end up in courtyards and tiny unnecessary details will be seen here and there, for the soul – but not one room is built in a summer house that is not used. If not always pleasant to the eye, our coast has fotografije photography by Damir Fabijanić (df); Arhiva / Archive Proarh (p) portret portrait Darko Tomas Divna Antičević napisala wrien by Davor Mateković arhitekt architect been built cleverly and shrewdly. In the coastal selement of Lukovo Šugarje, one more lile house pushed itself between other houses based on the above described principle. It was constructed following similar, yet somewhat supplemented rules. This stone prism on an irregular plot is an expression of real needs, but also a harmonious response to the location that evokes and interprets the heritage of Dalmatian architecture, without deviating into excessive narration and pathetic senti- ments. The programme is carefully and rationally arranged along the vertical in order to use all the capacities of the modest plot and satisfy the demands of users. Two lower floors that have contact with the exterior space owing to the inclination of the terrain are designed to have more public (p)

Transcript of Neka nova tradicija A New Tradition - Oris · 144 ˜˚˛˝˙˚ ˜ˆˇ˚ ˘ˆ˜ ˆ ˚ ˝ ˚ ˜˚...

Page 1: Neka nova tradicija A New Tradition - Oris · 144 ˜˚˛˝˙˚ ˜ˆˇ˚ ˘ˆ˜ ˆ ˚ ˝ ˚ ˜˚ fittč(d đčffid, )fpč−č ffifftžćffd, rćčžttož ćčžćđ , Kamena kufla

proarh, Kamena kućastone house, lukovo šugarje, croatiakamena kuća, lukovo šugarje, hrvatska144 145proarh, Stone House

A New Tradition

Neka nova tradicija

¶ Gradnja kuće za odmor na hrvatskoj obali već je desetljećima vrlo jednostavna disciplina. Skupi se rodbina i pozovu prijate-lji, donese materijal, izlije se ploča i jedan, dva (ponekad i tri) – prvi red do mora dobio je još jednog člana. Nekad se radi o dovršenim cjelinama koje natkriva krov obijeljen vapnom, a nekad samo stršeća armatura čeka bolja vremena kada će nužni minimum životnog prostora postati raskošniji, ali ono što im je svima zajedničko je stroga utilitarnost. Da, zalutat će tu pokoji kameni lav u dvorište, naći će se gdjegod i sitnih nepotrebnih detalja – za dušu, no vikendici se ne gradi soba koja se ne koristi. Pametno i promoćurno, ako ne uvijek oku ugodno, nastajala je naš obala. ¶ Među kućicama temeljenim na ovom principu u obalnom mjestašcu Lukovom Šugarju ugurala

¶ Building a summer house on the Croatian coast has been a simple discipline for decades now. Relatives arrive, friends are invited, material is brought, a floor slab is cast, and one, two (sometimes three as well) – another member emerges in the first row of houses right next to the sea. Sometimes, these are completed entities with the whitewashed roofs and occasionally with protruding steel reinforcements waiting for better days, when the necessary minimum of living space will become more luxurious, but what they all share is strictly utili-tarian quality. Yes, a few stone lions will end up in courtyards and tiny unnecessary details will be seen here and there, for the soul – but not one room is built in a summer house that is not used. If not always pleasant to the eye, our coast has

fotografije photography by Damir Fabijanić (df); Arhiva / Archive Proarh (p)portret portrait Darko TomasDivna Antičević

napisala written by

Davor Mateković

arhitekt architect

been built cleverly and shrewdly. ¶ In the coastal settlement of Lukovo Šugarje, one more little house pushed itself between other houses based on the above described principle. It was constructed following similar, yet somewhat supplemented rules. This stone prism on an irregular plot is an expression of real needs, but also a harmonious response to the location that evokes and interprets the heritage of Dalmatian architecture, without deviating into excessive narration and pathetic senti-ments. ¶ The programme is carefully and rationally arranged along the vertical in order to use all the capacities of the modest plot and satisfy the demands of users. Two lower floors that have contact with the exterior space owing to the inclination of the terrain are designed to have more public


Page 2: Neka nova tradicija A New Tradition - Oris · 144 ˜˚˛˝˙˚ ˜ˆˇ˚ ˘ˆ˜ ˆ ˚ ˝ ˚ ˜˚ fittč(d đčffid, )fpč−č ffifftžćffd, rćčžttož ćčžćđ , Kamena kufla

oris, broj 94, godina 2015.146 147oris, number 94, year 2015 proarh, Kamena kuća proarh, Stone House


quality, and the top floor of this coastal tower is intended for sleeping. The middle floor became the entrance space with the kitchen and living room, while the lowest floor that abuts the waterfront is the centre of summer daily life with the kitchen and dining room. Large glass walls that open up towards the space of the austere courtyard, formed around a preserved



se još jedna, nastala prema sličnim, no i nešto nadopunjenim pravilima. Ova kamena prizma na nepravilnoj parceli izraz je stvarnih potreba, ali i skladan odgovor na lokaciju koji priziva i interpretira nasljeđe dalmatinske gradnje bez zastranjivanja u pretjeranu narativnost i patetiku. ¶ Program je pažljivo i raci-onalno složen po vertikali kako bi se iskoristili svi kapaciteti

pittosporum tree, cleverly erase the boundary between the interior and the exterior. And so, this private sunbathing spot becomes, when necessary, a Dalmatian dining room with fish, wine, the sound of waves, and all that goes with it. ¶ What also accompanies life on the seaside is salt and the bora. In order to resist their onrush, the house was given the facade made

−1 level plan

tlocrt nivoa −1

0 level plan

tlocrt nivoa 0

+1 level plan

tlocrt nivoa +1


(df) (df) (df)

Page 3: Neka nova tradicija A New Tradition - Oris · 144 ˜˚˛˝˙˚ ˜ˆˇ˚ ˘ˆ˜ ˆ ˚ ˝ ˚ ˜˚ fittč(d đčffid, )fpč−č ffifftžćffd, rćčžttož ćčžćđ , Kamena kufla

oris, broj 94, godina 2015.148 149oris, number 94, year 2015 proarh, Kamena kuća proarh, Stone House

of stone, constructed in the autochthonous and somewhat romantic manner, which has already proved its efficiency in such circumstances. The architect does not philosophise here either, but chooses the material that has been satisfactory for the needs of such buildings for centuries. The rhythm of the windows that extend along the entire height of the floor, protected with wooden shutters, enables sufficient light for visits during the winter, but also enough deep shade during hot summer afternoons. Closed in the direction of the neigh-bours and open toward the sea, this envelope focuses and stresses aspiration to have private, meditative summer recess. ¶ From the contents to the aesthetics, the architecture fol-lows rules here without allowing for surplus or shortage in any respect. Nevertheless, it does allow little excesses here and there, tiny decadences, its own lions, in form of oblique angles or an additional little living room that makes this house even livelier without jeopardizing its functionality and integrity of the idea. ¶ Introverted and modest in its reserved monolithic nature, this summer house does not devalue and criticise the surroundings where it has been built, but it takes over the best from it and shows, with a balance, that it can be the same, and yet different.

skromne parcele i ispunili zahtjevi korisnika. Dvije niže etaže, koje zahvaljujući nagibu terena imaju kontakt s vanjskim pro-storom, projektirane su kao javnije, dok je najviši kat ovog pri-morskog tornja namijenjen spavanju. Srednja etaža postala je ulazna, s kuhinjom i boravkom, dok je najniža, tik uz obalu, centar ljetnog dnevnog života s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom. Velike staklene stijene koje se rastvaraju prema prostoru dvo-rišta, asketski oblikovanom oko sačuvanog stabla pitospore, pametno brišu granicu između unutarnjeg i vanjskog. Tako ovo privatno sunčalište prema potrebi postaje dalmatinska trpezarija uz ribu, vino, šum valova i sve ostalo što već ide s tim. ¶ Ono što također ide uz život na obali mora jesu sol i bura. Kako bi odolijevala njihovim napadima kuća je dobila pročelje od kamena, autohtone i pomalo romantične građe koja je svoju učinkovitost na tom polju već dokazala. Ni ovdje arhitekt ne filozofira, već odabire onaj materijal koji stoljećima odgovara potrebama ovakvih objekata. Ritam prozora koji se protežu cijelom visinom etaže, zaštićeni drvenim škurama, omogućuje dovoljno svjetla za zimske izlete, ali i dovoljno sjenovita hlada u vrućim ljetnim poslijepodnevima. Zatvorena prema susje-dima i otvorena prema moru, ova ovojnica fokusira i naglašava težnje za privatnim, meditativnim odmorom. ¶ Od sadržaja do estetike, arhitektura ovdje igra po pravilima, ne dozvoljavajući ni višak niti manjak u bilo kojem pogledu. Ipak, na trenutke si dozvoljava male ekscese, sitne dekadencije, svoje lavove, u obliku nepravih kutova ili dodatnog malog boravka koji je čine životnijom, ne ugrožavajući njenu funkcionalnost i cjelovitost ideje. ¶ Introvertirana i skromna u svojoj suzdržanoj monolit-nosti ova kuća za odmor ne obezvređuje i ne kritizira okoliš u kojem je nastala, već preuzima najbolje od njega i staloženo pokazuje da može isto, a opet drugačije.

Kamena prizma na nepravilnoj parceli priziva i interpretira nasljeđe dalmatinske gradnje bez zastranjivanja u pretjeranu narativnost i patetiku

This stone prism on an irregular plot evokes and interprets the heritage of Dalmatian architecture, without deviating into excessive narration and pathetic sentiments




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