Need Patent Information

What about PAIR? It will empower you with the status of patent applications! PAIR stands for Patent Application Information Retrieval, and it’s part of the USPTO (Patent Office). Within the system you’ll find the current status of patent applications (non-provisional), office actions, the name of the patent examiner in charge of your application, the fees you paid, the dates you submitted information to the office, etc..


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has a powerful search engine that enables you obtain important patent information from any file. It's called PAIR, and it will help you get up to speed on patent prosecution files.

Transcript of Need Patent Information

  • What about PAIR? It will empower you with the status of patent applications! PAIR stands for Patent Application Information Retrieval, and its part of the USPTO (Patent Office). Within the system youll find the current status of patent applications (non-provisional), office actions, the name of the patent examiner in charge of your application, the fees you paid, the dates you submitted information to the office, etc..

  • Need Info? Legal told me to include this: The intellectual property information that we provide does not constitute legal advice. We are not intellectual property lawyers nor are we a law firm, consequently we do not provide legal advice. No attorney-client or confidential relationship exists or will be formed between you and Youvention nor any of our company members. The accuracy, completeness, adequacy or currency of the content is not warranted or guaranteed. We recommend you consult a lawyer if you want legal advice.